#i'm making breakfast for dinner
akai-anna · 5 months
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A very happy birthday to an absolute menace, my beloved gremlin child, a truly special baby boy! May the 4th be with you!
A special thank you to @detshin, who is a true inspiration and partner in crime, who allowed me to draw this companion piece to her beautiful work of art (that you should totally check out if you haven't yet), bless you dearest💕
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strqyr · 5 months
if tai is guarding the crown of choice i'm not even expecting him to fight cinder or anything, quite the opposite; this is the same man who said that instead of tackling an obstacle by going through it, why not find a way around it:
"but if you just take a second look, then maybe you see... ("perhaps there was something that you just weren't seeing?" - maria) there's a way around as well. come on—one more before dinner."
like at this point he might as well go "are you hungry? i'm already making dinner so would you want to eat something?" he keeps cooking for multiple people even tho no one else is at home bc he's so used to it and now he's just like please somebody eat this food. like he knows who cinder is but by gods will he play dumb just so he has some company other than zwei for dinner.
(and cinder gets to eat a home-cooked meal for probably the first time in her life. i need this to happen okay, hunger is her thing, let her eat!!)
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trans-xianxian · 10 months
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poem I wrote awhile ago, posted today for my 7 year almostdeathiversary
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Due to Events this is the first night without Responsibilities or Commitments that I've had in quite a while, what should I do?
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doubledyke · 9 months
Do you think writters' intention was making of Eddy a woobie character?
i had to google that cuz i had no idea what a woobie was lmao. nah i don't think so... maybe a little at the end? i agree with what @mysticbeaver said here about him bordering on villainous, particularly later in the show.
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it doesn't seem like they go out of their way to make us feel sorry for eddy often. most of the time i'm pointing and laughing, or rolling my eyes at him. and what @fish-bowl-2 said here is also relevant.
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watching kids struggle through such a weird time in life is bound to instill some level of pity in us, especially as adults. eddy just happens to be the main character and is having a particularly rough go of it... but i do find it's mostly played for laughs.
there are certainly exceptions, like the episodes i mentioned previously, where it gets a little harder to laugh. and again, it's a bit different in hindsight after seeing bps; knowing more about his backstory casts a tragic light on much of the stuff he does and says. it doesn't take a genius to see that he's got issues, but still. seeing him face outright cruelty is made infinitely sadder when you know what he's already been through.
if we took the show alone and pretended that bps didn't exist, who knows what we'd think of eddy. don't get me wrong, plenty of people would like eddy the way he's presented at face value. relatability isn't limited to benevolent characters. i'm just saying, without the redemption arc of seeing him grovel at his brother's feet, getting his ass kicked, and then apologizing for his actions, eddy would probably be viewed very differently overall.
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scarletfasinera · 2 months
I am so sorry to anyone who has sent me messages about campaigns that I just can't see because of tumblr's shadowbanning & general weirdness. My inbox says I have 45 messages in it, but I only see maybe 10, and only half of those are about campaigns.
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chicago-geniza · 5 months
Rice noodles in kimchi broth with cucumbers, mushrooms, sautéed spinach, and chopped chili peppers, like if u agree
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sastielsfandom · 2 months
People really don't get why I don't want to be perceived as a parent to my siblings when the siblings in question are 2 and 4 years younger than me. Just because they're disabled and need my help doesn't mean I view them as my children and it's weird that others do. Like I argue with them as I do with my other siblings and give them the same understanding as them. It's fucking weird to keep insisting I'm a parental figure replacement especially because I am stepping up where our actual parent is lacking. This is why I miss our mom.
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zhongrin · 24 days
wish i had actual potatoes so i can make baked potatoes instead but eh 🤷🏻‍♀️ anyway GO EAT YOUR BREAKFAST/LUNCH/DINNER/SNACK! don't forget to hydrate and stretch too!! you are precious and i hope you take care of yourself ᰔᩚ
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pigeonstab · 1 month
Why does my body want food all the time. like girl chill.
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pinkcupofcherrytea · 2 months
the last couple of days i've been solely cooking food following the recipes of a cookbook i bought a couple of months ago and i've been having such a fun time trying new recipes. so far, the best recipe has been the french toast with mascarpone and blackberries, followed by the pasta with "every vegetable that is good" (aka mushroom, tomatoes, zucchini, aubergine, pumpkin, onion, garlic) that i think i will make again in the future.
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mirillel · 11 months
You guys i am so unwell.
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cosmic-ships · 4 months
Tells the woman I can be ready to leave at the end of the month.
She wakes up early (as she often does)
Throws away all of my food
👌 fucking n i c e /s
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good morning!! <33
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misteria247 · 1 year
Perks of me being your wife.
I can cook bacon and eggs! Or rather food in general!
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slippery-minghus · 6 months
oh no. i feel like if i do not consume an entire load of bread in the very near future i will simply cease to exist.
#very uh. very worried about my finances right now#like. i'm fine. i have some savings. but i also just got to put something into my savings for the first time in a VERY long time and now#now i immediately have to take it out#and i'm getting stressed out about buying groceries#because if i dip into my savings here what about there? where is the line?#and i owe so much to taxes but i can't exactly afford getting less of my pay......#my last paycheck was $0.66 more than my rent#my insurance is refusing to reimburse the last of my electrolysis visits from last year and like#i'm SO over the fight but that's $120. that i really actually kinda need?#and i'm starting to get that funny in the head feeling about wondering how i'm going to feed myself#i still feel so much shame about that funeral i went to years ago and my only thought during the reception after was about#how there was just so much food and i could actually eat my fill#i have leftovers for dinner tonight and it's fine but.... making a lovely vegan dish wasn't the best choice tbh#i feel like if i don't have a large helping of bread and meat i'm going to go insane#and it really REALLY doesn't help that i've apparently lost the ability to eat in the mornings#so i'm at quite a significant fuel deficit and it's stacking#but no matter how hungry i am in the morning the concept of processing solid food is just repulsive and daunting#eating a clif bar at 9am would take literally all of my spoons for the day#i was looking at protein shakes since i can handles *drinking* breakfast#but the cheapest one that meets my dietary requirements is $35 for a 12pack#and i'm uh. i'm worrying over spending $10 on produce this week#personal#and nevermind that i don't have the spoons to even GO shopping (:#(on an aside i switched back to my regular melatonin gummies last night and i Actually Slept. so hopefully that will continue and help some)#i just want to curl up in a ball on the floor and have someone gently place a roll of bread and hunk of cheese next to me in my enclosure#also it's photophobia season and i still feel like i haven't recovered from saturday#got too much sunlight and was nauseaus for half the day#my body feels so bad
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