#i'm just. HNGH they're SO AWFUL and i love them
angorwhosebabyisthis 2 years
not to be Edgy but nive with canon!nine 馃檹
#lorien legacies#LL number nine#LL number five#nive#LL nive#had shuffle going and this hit me in the face like a frying pan#I am the Most Normal Anyone Has Ever Been or Ever Will Be About Them#i'm just. HNGH they're SO AWFUL and i love them#i will be that bitch about them and no one can stop me. five's playlist unironically has 'you're gonna go far kid' on it as god intended#playlists#whosebaby makes playlists#whosebaby makes things#LL tag#shipping#dyn: lost boys#also this is like. almost entirely from nine's point of view after the end of FoF lmao#like i noticed that from that point forward five doesn't /like/ him At All; but he also doesn't want to /fight/ him#every single time there's violence after that; or violence implied that he expresses wanting to happen; or that other people assume will#is initiated solely by nine. every time five fights back it's because he is defending himself; he actively saves nine's life multiple times#before and after nine initiates violence at him#the last time nine hits him in canon it's punching him in the face without warning after five saved him and then /gently/ set him down#and other people's perception of this is 'they mutually want to kill or otherwise Do a Violence at Each Other'#'and therefore the proposed solution to work out their differences is to lock them in a room together after the battle'#'to beat the living fuck out of or kill each other just like nine has wanted all along; and five Doesn't' 馃檭#anyway yeah this song is very much nive from canon!nine's pov and also reflects how he thinks of other people in general lmao
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loosesodamarble 1 year
1, 2, 8, and 26 with Nacht for the ask game?
Heya there, Anon~! Ah yes, obligatory Nacht questions for me, the resident Faust simp. Thank you for the questions. Hopefully the answers satisfy.
1) My first impression of them
First... (plugs Nacht's ears) My man doesn't need to hear this. But...
I wasn't always a raging simp for Nacht. 馃槶 I know it's awful! I was a fool and needed time to fall for him!
The "holier than thou" attitude he pulled with the Bulls was less than compelling to me. I didn't hate him. I just wasn't totally interested. I did like his magic though. I'm a sucker for light/darkness dynamics and Shadow Magic fit in. Also I made jokes about him being a misanthrope. So that was fun.
2) When I think I truly started to like them (or dislike them, if you've sent me a character I don't like)
Chapter 286 and 287.
Those chapters sealed my fate for loving Nacht with no end!
The truth behind his hatred for the Bulls is him projecting! His struggle to show care towards his sweet brother! The complicated relationship he has with forgiveness and redemption! THE SEXY DELINQUENT NACHT LOOK! AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!
Older mutuals of mine can attest to the WHIPLASH I had with my attitude towards Nacht. They had their fun poking teasing me for how quickly I fell for Nacht and encouraging it. I love them for that.
8) Your favorite outfit of them
The og look grew on me. And then there's the delinquent outfit. And hngh he also served in the Spade invasion uniform! AND THE DEVIL FORMS THE DEVIL FORMS MAKE ME FERAL (well, Equus and Canis x Equus not really cause they're so heavy).
All of them. I'm a weak simp and cannot choose one definitive favorite.
26) When do you think they were being "themselves" the most?
Ah, hmmm...
Probably when he was casting Kids' Playground with Yami. Nacht was beside his best friend once again and raising hell with him as they used to do. Nacht was letting loose after years of suppressing his more reckless side. But Nacht also voiced that he hated what he was doing, in the sense that he'd always been running from his past and now alongside Yami, he was reverting to his younger, no-good self.
It's the internal conflict Nacht has that makes the Kids' Playground moment feel like when he is being the most like himself. He was simultaneously a hell-raising delinquent and a righteous Magic Knight when he cast the spell.
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11 and 22 for the book thing :]
11. What was your favorite book that has been out for a while, but you just now read? Not sure how long "has been out for a while" is, so I'm guessing anything pre-2000 is okay? In that case, my favorite of the pre-200- books I read for the first time this year is No Place for Heroes by Laura Restrepo. I'm a sucker for effective usage of two timeline storytelling, and I found both of the storylines compelling. storyline 1: a young woman working against the dictatorship in Argentina and the rise and fall of her relationship with a man she meets at the same time. storyline 2: that woman, now a single mother, goes back to Argentina with her son to find his father. I love a mystery story that isn't really a mystery in the sense of "who murdered" but rather "what happened to this relationship? what have these people done to each other?" and also the way the mother son relationship is depicted is sooooooo i mean it is sOOOOOOOOOO I still think about one particular facet of it all the stupid time. hngh
Also, Laura Restrepo is my author of 2022 because I read three books of hers this year, the Dark Bride, No Place for Heroes, and A Leopard In the Sun, and they were all in her style, but at the same time, they were all vastly different in subject matter and in setting and I'm just in awe that one woman can have that much range.
22. What鈥檚 the longest book you read? If I finish my War and Peace reread, that's definitely gonna be it. But if I can't finish it before end of 2022, or if rereads don't count, readinglength.com says the longest one was Eligible by Curtis Sittenfeld. I don't really know if I trust readinglength.com, but I am too lazy to try and find another way to do wordcount. Anyways! Eligible! A modern-day Ohio-based Pride and Prejudice retelling which I found completely delightful except for the fact it's the first and only published book I've ever read with an aroace character in it and they did it so horribly that I literally would rather have no aroace characters in literature if they're all gonna do them this badly. Truly horrendous. Dropping it from five to four stars for how viscerally angry it made me. But still a good book.
questions from: ask game about what you read this year
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