#i'm just practicing saying random sentences to myself rn and like
superfluouskeys · 8 months
just had a vivid image of that interview where j-hope says something like "my......favorite color................green" and then gives the biggest sigh of relief like wow that is me saying anything in korean so real so true
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do YOU hate Uther Pendragon?
do YOU wish Arthur had gone through with his attempted regicide in S2E8?
...then good news! i wrote a 700-smth word one-shot about Just That!
If you wanna hear me rant about the bonkers way this one-shot came to be, that's down here lol
(...Well, I guess it's not really that bonkers, but to me, it was just such a random little thing that spiraled into something really weirdly motivational, so I think I need to yell the story into the void to process lmao)
Ok so-- yesterday morning, I saw this post in the merlin subreddit (which I'd practically just joined):
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And there weren't any in the comments at the time that I saw it, so I responded with this:
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Which was quite insane of me for two (2) reasons.
Firstly, it's bc I write a lot privately, but I've never actually posted anything, and it's never been fanfic, but... idk man i just hate Uther. (What more does it take, really, to make someone leap into the unknown and submit themself to the mercy of the internet at large, than to just hate a fictional man So So Much?)
Anyway the second reason is that I tend to over-analyze/labor over every sentence I write, and edit it to death WHILE writing it, so I take so long to write literally anything. But, I wrote this shit:
First thing in the morning (and un-medicated, at that)
In 2-3 hours, a large chunk of which was spent transcribing the entire og fight scene (all dialogue and actions, every notable sword swing) from the moment Arthur first says "I know… what you did to my mother" and Uther orders the other knights to leave the room, to Arthur finally being talked down and gasping out an "Oh lord... I'm sorry" after collapsing to the floor-- all of which was just over a thousand words, even in the most bare-bones, script-ish language. (I only ended up using ~100 of those words as the lead-in to the fic lmao)
And then people liked it?!?!?!?!?
Don't get me wrong, it's not some magnum opus or anything, but like... Idk y'all it just absolutely made me day. I'd been pretty down on myself recently about my writing abilities (and other things lmao) but this made me feel SO much better, like-- damn, maybe this could work out as a career eventually if I ever finish my wips lol, rip. And it was so nice to just write something short without over-analyzing/-editing constantly that I'm DEFINITELY gonna continue doing/posting one-shots like that, which is also really good bc it gives me something more manageable to work on so I can get writing practice in more regularly. Idk y'all I'm just having a great time rn!!!
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