#i'm in a writing dilemma today lmao
thegamingcatmom · 2 months
Hullo! As always love your blog and the service you're doing for the un-holy trinity bc there's not enough content about them and that's sad. I'm pretty sure you will know who this is but oh well, i guess I'm just shy to actually ask without the anon-thingy option. Today i come seeking advice for writing, if you can provide it, if not that's perfectly fine. You see I write for myself, a coping mechanism of sorts and when i got back to the fandom after so many years and got struck with teh Denali obsession i used to write The sisters/OC, but as I became more obsessed with Irina I changed the relationship because I found it easier, we all have our versions of the characters in the end so of course MY version of the sisters will be different from anybody else (perhaps), in my story Tanya and Kate are more carefree, Tanya being the msot responable one since she's the leader while Kate is more on the playful side meanwhile Irina is the most cuddly, loving, affectionate and needy of them, even clingy, especially emotionally (Once you've reached her heart ofc bc is hard to get tehre XD), I think this version of her turned like this because as I mentioned writing is a coping mechanism so it is what I kind of needed to feel better at the time if that makes any sense and now I struggle to write the three of them with MC again because no matter how hard I try I always feel like MC gravitates towards Irina, like magnets yk and I feel bad for the other two bc I feel is not fair XD ANYWAY I would like to ask, any advice on how to balance that? The attention they recieve, the way they itneract without each other without feeling as if the others are left out? because i am frustrated that i want to write them all and it doesn't feel idk, natural? When I read your HCs, despite the tantrums thrown around their interactions with MC seem natural, effortless in a way that i am honestly jealous of because you make it look easy! (Totes adore your writing style btw <3) IDK if any of this made any sense? i struggle to put in words what I mean to say but I hope you can shine some light in my dilemma, thank you in advance and have a wonderful day/weekend <333
First of all: Thank you, as always, for your lovely words. ❤️
I totally agree that there isn´t NEARLY enough content about them out there, so we all gotta change that! 💪
Also, I think I do know who this is. 😉🫶
Which: Anon asks are absolutely fine, really. Whatever you feel most comfortable with. 🫶🫶
We all have our ways to cope with things, and I totally get writing being one of those. I write to unwind after a long day or just to provide some new stimuli for those grey cells of mine. It´s immensely helpful with reducing stress or anxiety as well. ^^
My point is: You write whatever makes you feel good, what feels right for you. It´s your story, you decide how it´s gonna play out. 🫵
Tanya and Kate are more carefree, Tanya being the msot responable one since she's the leader while Kate is more on the playful side meanwhile Irina is the most cuddly, loving, affectionate and needy of them, even clingy, especially emotionally (Once you've reached her heart ofc bc is hard to get tehre XD)
Yknow, that´s kinda my view on them too. xD
(Except Tanya´s much more hornier, LMAO.)
Look, we all got our favorites, and I´m pretty sure mine shines through in some of my writing too. It´s only natural to have your MC / OC gravitate more towards the person that you yourself would rather spend time with irl. There´s always gonna be bits and pieces of ourselves flowing into our writing I think. 😅
...I mean, in my case (The Sisters), Tanya gets little to no luving because I really love making em work for it. The clingiest one gets the least attention, that´s the principle I go by here because I love watching em suffer. 🤷‍♀️
As for giving advice:
First off: ALSKNFLSAFNLF, tysm for your words. 😭❤️
I feel absolutely honored that someone would come to me, asking for writing advice. 🥺❤️
Right so, you already know how you view them, that´s good. Let that flow into their interactions with each other and with MC. Think of a scenario you´d like to see them in. Think about the different ways the sisters would react to that scenario, depending on their characteristics. Everything else builds on that.
E.g.: Celebrating MC´s birthday
Tanya: carefree yet responsible
did most of the organizing (responsible)
which...she will let MC know
receives lots of praise for it because it does look amazing
much to the annoyance (and jealousy) of her sisters (🙄🙄)
the first to give MC a present because she´s the leader (🙄🙄)
the present is a lingerie set (🙄🙄)
(which is really more a present for herself)
entirely chill about it (carefree) whilst MC´s turned as red as a lobster
will take that as her cue to get reallll close and whisper into MC´s ear how good she´s gonna look in that
much to the annoyance (and jealousy) of her sisters (🙄🙄)
will perhaps even go so far and hold it up to get a first...impression (carefree)
Kate: carefree, playful
the only one to wear a party hat (playful)
much to the annoyance (and jealousy) of her sisters because, as it turns out, MC loves party hats
I mean it
Irina and Tanya can only watch in utter agony as she receives all those cheek-squishes and smooches for being the absolute cutest in the room
as soon as MC´s back is turned, she´s gonna turn to her sisters in utter smugness
her plan worked out
her present is a roboter (you decide which one)
MC fucking loves it
Kate fucking loves it
(whose present was it again?)
both of them end up spending most of their time with that thing (carefree, playful), together ofc ❤️
Irina: cuddly/loving/affectionate/clingy
immediately wraps MC in a hug
nose rubs
whispers b-day wishes into MC´s ear
the sweetest b-day kiss
and one more
and one more
the coughing behind her reminds her that, ah yes-
presents MC her gift a lil sheepishly because she almost forgot about it since she was entirely focused on...other things
has the most hopeful/attentive look on her face when MC opens it
the present is a photo album containing all their adventures/special moments together, with date and all
MC tears up and throws herself at her
they stay like that for a while
and another while
and another-
That´s kinda how I would do it. Just get a feel for how they would react first. What makes them different from one another? What´s something that makes you go "ahh ye, that´s totally them"? Their interaction comes more naturally then because it will feel more natural.
Well, I hope that made sense? I´m not sure if that´s the advice you were looking for, or if it´s any helpful at all. But that´s pretty much how I do it. 😅
If you have any more questions, I´d be happy to answer them to the best of my ability! ^^
Wonderful day/week to you as well &
Thanks a lot for that lovely ask! 💋
I mentioned it in the comments, but I´m putting it here as well because I think that´s also very good advice:
There doesn´t always have to be a balance.
Sometimes, good storytelling thrives on imbalance. It spices things up and encourages you to approach/view certain situations from a different perspective. It can also inspire new thoughts and ideas. 💡
There is no "right" or "wrong" when it comes to writing. ☝️ ^^
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tenelkadjowrites · 2 years
Right, Addicting Kitten took me by surprise, got me addicted for sure. 😭 I liked how unconventional it was, not your typical clueless virgin girl and a delinquent bad boy, they had depth and multi-dimensional personalities.
I get you, nowadays you're probably more conscious with your writing since you've gained a dedicated following (deserved btw!) I always say people should write for themselves and not force anything out to please everyone, because it's not good for their mental health nor the quality of work, it often seems very dishonest and unnatural. But of course acknowledging the feedback (both positive and negative) is a crucial part of developing as an author.
It's funny that AK Y/N is similar to you, but I guess it makes sense, you're shy irl, but write smut online, miss Y/N looked and acted innocent, but let a stranger go down on her, lmao. That's why I adored her, the duality. 💓
I see you posted the final part of AITD, I'll probably read it later today/tonight and get back to you! 👀 But I don't wanna say goodbye to them, the dilemma, haha.
when i set out planning Addicting Kitten, i didn't want a reader that was so inexperienced that she came off utterly clueless to the point the person reading the fic is rolling their eyes. it was important to me that she was coming into her own the entire fic, learning what she liked sexually and how Hwa brought out aspects of her personality she didn't even know lurked under the surface, just like the reader brought a different side out of Hwa. i wanted to write a reader that was out of her depth but learned along the way and i think i did a good job with that.
every story i write is because i want to write it, and i do my very best to not think about an audience when i write. i only write ideas i am taken with and have been bouncing around in my head, and my general rule of thumb is to never force myself to write because i feel like i "have to" for this blog. i feel passionate about each story i post, no matter if it's just smut or if its plot heavy, and i hope that when i post it, someone will find enjoyment out of it. that's been my goal from the start and it's still the goal every time i post. that's one of the reasons i don't take requests because i want to write stuff that i truly want to write and is the reason why i am constantly writing Hwa vs other members - he's basically my muse at this point and to try to force myself to write for another member would result in the work suffering because of that...so i just don't.
i hope you enjoy the final part of AITD! i think i will probably write some shorter stuff after this series since it was a big undertaking and i didn't think it was going to end up as gigantic as it did. but i'm still glad i wrote it lol.
as always, thank you for such thoughtful messages. <3
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t-lostinworlds · 3 years
sometimes i see people post regularly and update a series regularly and is so so quick to completing it or even just end up actually completing it. and as much as i do admire these people like wow. you guys are amazing. i also find that i beat myself up bc of it sometimes and i tell myself i should be doing the same or i keep questioning what i’m doing wrong as to why i can’t do what they’re doing. and tell myself why am i such a slow writer bc i can’t finish a series blah blah blah.
but then i look at how long each part of their series are word count wise. and i see that it’s around 1-3k with quite possibly 10-15 parts in total. or 5k+ each part with 5 parts. so either or, the total series word count would be roughly 20-30k. and then i look at some of my completed one shots and see a total of 18-22k words which i quite possibly finished in a month (or few) or even just a week. or some unfinished one shots sitting at 30k+ so by that logic, i’m basically already writing a series just in...one shot form.
i guess what i’m getting at is, there’s literally no point in trying to compare yourself to other writers because all our progress and the way we write are all just, well different. and even sometimes, the end result is the same, you just had a different route of getting there. and it doesn’t mean one is more hardworking or more driven than the other if that makes sense? like just bc others get to write series so often and you can only do one-shots doesn’t mean you’re lesser than them and vice versa. and to also like, commend yourself for any progress that you’ve made. you got to write 1k in one sitting? good job! wrote 20k in a few weeks? pat yourself on the back! got to finish a 10-part series? kudos to you! you got to add a couple words on your WIP today? that’s awesome! you managed to plan out the scope of a series? amazing, keep it up!
at the end of the day, progress is progress. and you should give yourself credit for that no matter how small the progress might seem at first.
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hyunsuks-beanie · 3 years
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Heeseung x reader; unprotected sex; breeding kink; creampie
Word Count: 1.9k words
Mellow speaks: So I'm taking a break from the alphabet series to write this Heeseung scenario, as requested by the lovely anon! Thank you for the amazing idea anonie, because Heeseung + birthday sex + breeding kink = a dead me lmao. I hope you enjoy reading this. And happy birthday to my adorable bias sksksks!
"Come home soon, I've got a surprise for you," is all you say as Heeseung picks up your call at the practice room, trying to keep the excitement out of your voice and making it as sultry as you can. Hanging up, your boyfriend can't help the tiny smirk that makes its way onto his face, the word "surprise" already sending his mind into overdrive.
It was his birthday, and and while you had already gifted him the latest version of his favorite video game, he knew that the best was yet to come. With his mind on you, he finds it really hard to focus on practice, something the boys are quick to notice. Had it been any other day, they would not have spared any chance to tease him for his mismatched steps, but they figure that today, the least they can do for him (apart from the way they had taken him out to the club last night to ring in his birthday, resulting in a very drunk version of him coming home and flirting with you), was to let him be with his fantasies.
But they're wrong, because barely 15 minutes later, Heeseung is standing before them, begging for them to wrap the practice up soon. "Y/N must be waiting for me at home!, he says for the fifth time in two minutes, pleading to the boys with his eyes and his hands. They know he's never been one to shirk work, so sighing, they decide to give him an out for once. And that's the reason five minutes later, he finds himself on his way home, his excitement nearly getting the best of him as he steps inside your apartment, expecting you to be waiting for him.
But you're not, and he can't help but feel his smile falter slightly, his lips perking up a little when he notices the cute cake on the dining table. "You had been baking," he thought to himself as he searched around the house, trying to find you. It doesn't take him long either, his jaw dropping open as soon as he takes a step into your bedroom. There you are on the bed, looking beautiful as ever in a new set of lingerie, one that he's never seen before but one he immediately knows he loves. The blue fabric of the cloth is barely there, the cuts in the design revealing more than they cover.
He has to tear his eyes off from your body, the urge to rip the undergarments off you and devour you alive growing stronger as he looks up at your face, the soft, almost nervous grin making you look like an innocent deer, a sharp contrast to your bold attire. "We're in for a long night," Heeseung thinks to himself, realizing that no words are coming out of his mouth as he opens and closes it. Seeing his dilemma, you can't help but giggle, biting your lip as you slide of the bed, making your way over to him.
Standing in front of your boyfriend, you look up, the grin gracing your lips once again. As his mind registers what is happening, Heeseung finally manages to choke out a "My surprise is so pretty," his fingers drumming against the bare skin near your neck as his confidence slowly comes alive again. Smiling, you lean up to smash your lips onto his, pulling him closer as you deepen the kiss. He kisses you back fervently, running his tongue along your bottom lip as you back him up against the wall. Parting your lips, you allow him to enter, letting out a moan as he explores your mouth. His hands make their way to your butt, squeezing it through the barely-there fabric, as your own tug on his locks, eliciting a soft groan from him.
After what feels like hours, you finally pull away, whispering against his lips, "That's not the only surprise," a giggle leaving your lips at the thought. Heeseung can't help but let out a whine at your cryptic comment, feeling himself getting hard just by looking at you. After a minute of just staring at each other's eyes, you say, "Did you see the cake?," making him nod in reply. "We should cut it, but I just don't want to keep ny hands off you," you continue, and that's all it takes for him to catch your lips in another kiss, his hands making their way to your arms as he leads you towards the bed, pushing you down on it softly. The kiss goes on for quite a while, his fingers running down your skin, leaving goosebumps in their wake.
By the time you pull away for real, your lips are swollen as you feel something hard pressing against your thigh. Smirking, you gently push your boyfriend off you, climbing on top of him as he lies on the bed. "Today's for you," you smile, beginning to grind your hips against his clothed member. You continue to rub yourself against him, as he places his hands on your arms and pulls you down for another kiss, soft groans leaving his mouth as his track pants get tighter. Biting his lip, you pull at it with your teeth, making him arch his back slightly as you pull away. Sliding off him, you make quick work of his pants, pulling them down with his boxers as his rock-hard length springs out in full glory.
Feeling your mouth water at the side, you quickly wrap your hands around him, pumping him a couple times before spitting on his tip, taking it in as you lap up the precum. It doesn't take you long to have him a writhing mess under you, hollowing out your cheeks as you run your tongue around his length. "Fuck Y/N, just like that," he moans out, propping himself up on his elbows so that he can see your pretty mouth working its wonders on him. Using your hands, you push him further into your mouth, deepthroating his cock as your hands wrap themselves around his balls, massaging them. You continue to swirl your tongue around his girth, raking your teeth down his length every so often, something that sends him into a frenzy. The heavenly feeling of you lips around him, coupled with the ethereal scene unfolding in front of his eyes, is enough to send him reeling, and soon enough, you feel him twitch inside your mouth, indicating that he is close. Smirking, you graze your teeth along his member one last time, making him come undone as he releases into your mouth. Not wanting to waste a single drop, you lap his juices up, a thick strand of saliva keeping you connected to his length as you pull away.
Seeing the saliva and cum glistening on your lips, your hair disheveled from bobbing your head up and down, has Heeseung pulling you in for another kiss, moaning into your mouth as he tastes himself on your lips. He pulls you on top of himself again, falling back onto the bed as you hover over him. Still keeping your lips connected, he lets his hands make their way towards your breasts, grabbing them through the fabric as he massages them. Now it's your turn to moan, as he pulls the cups down, playing with your boobs and pulling on your nipples. You feel the wetness between your legs growing, as your desperation to have him inside you making your brain go fuzzy.
And so, you pull away, shimmying out of your panties and letting them fall down your ankles as Heeseung stares at you, his mouth watering. Your hands move to unclasp your bra, when you hear him call out, "Leave it on," his eyes clouded over with lust as he bites his lips. Climbing back on top of him, you begin to lower yourself onto his length when you feel his hands on your thighs, signalling for you to stop moving. You look at him, his eyes holding confusion in them as he tilts his head. It's hard not to coo at his cuteness, but you do your best to keep it in as he opens his mouth to speak. "I'm n-not wearing a c-condom," he says, his voice shaking slightly as he considers the possibility. You simply let out a smile, leaning down to place a hand on his cheek as you licks your lips. "And that's your surprise," you whisper, making his eyes go wide as he opens his mouth to say something. But all that comes out is a moan, as you finally lower yourself onto him, beginning to move your hips and throwing your head back in pleasure.
Heeseung's hands make their way back to your boobs, playing with your nipples as you lean down to catch his lips in a kiss. You continue to grind your hips against his, moan after moan escaping your lips as his length fills you up. All of a sudden, the moan is replaced by a sharp yelp, because Heeseing flips you over, climbing on top of you while taking care not to hurt your pussy. "I want to feel you baby," is all he says, smirking as he starts thrusting in and out of you, your nails raking his back. Picking up the pace, he wraps his hands around your thighs, throwing them around his torso to get a better angle. His mouth dips down to your neck, leaving a trail of open mouthed kisses in its wake as you tilt your head to give him a better access, his name escaping your lips like a chant as he continues to hit the spots inside you that he knows drive you insane.
The room fills with the sound of skin slapping against skin, coupled with your moans as the both of you inch closer to your high. You know he's nearing his orgasm as you feel his moves becoming sloppier, and the mere thought of feeling his seed inside you sending your mind into overdrive. Little do you know, the very same thought is pushing Heeseung towards his undoing, as he rushes to smash his lips onto your yet again. Pulling away but keeping his lips close to yours, he whispers, "I've wanted this for so long baby," smiling as one final thrust pushes him over the edge, his body convulsing slightly as he releases inside you, his warm seed filling you up to the brim. And thats enough to make you reach your own high, your lips attaching to his as you ride out your orgasm. Heeseung collapses on top of you once you come back to your senses, a small smile gracing his lips. "Thank you so much for trusting me with this Y/N," he says, placing a chaste kiss on your temple. "Did you like the surprise?," you ask weakly, already knowing the answer. "I loved it, and I love you," he says pulling out of you and admiring the way his and your juices spill out of you.
Pushing your body off the bed, you smile at your boyfriend, saying, "Ready for the cake?," expecting him to be hungry. To your surprise though, he just shakes his head, saying devilish smirk making its way to his lips. "Cake can wait, let's get ourselves cleaned up first," he replies, his voice dropping to a whisper as he says the next part, "And this time, I'll treat you."
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moriiartist · 3 years
Hi! I'm not sure if you write yandere stuff, but if you do, could you possibly do, like a Yan!Grian x reader where the reader was like "kidnapped" by a different hermit as a joke but like, he does NOT take that as a joke lmao- Thank you and sorry for bothering you! Have a great day!
 ۫  ּ   ִֶָ  ࣪✦ PAIRING \ C!Grian x GN!Reader
 ۫  ּ   ִֶָ  ࣪✦ SYNOPSIS \ It was your fault, for being so blind to the red flags, for allowing Grian’s unhealthy obsession for you to grow unchecked. And now? Now, you have to face the consequences.
 ۫  ּ   ִֶָ  ࣪✦ WARNINGS \ Obsessive/possessive behavior, blood, implied/referenced murder
 ۫  ּ   ִֶָ  ࣪✦ A/N \ Yes, anon, I indeed write yandere content! And, yandere Grian? Oh ho ho~ I'm feeding the simps today, boys!
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Have you ever heard of a game called ‘chicken’?
There’s been a lot of different variations on it throughout the years, but in essence, they’re all pretty similar- two players are sent hurtling towards each other, and the first one to swerve away from imminent pain and destruction is deemed the loser. A ‘chicken’, if you will.
What do you think would happen if neither person had the good sense to turn away? What if they just collided with one another, bones snapping like matchsticks as their limbs tangled together and their bodies crumpled under the kinetic force? 
Do you think that they would care about their own demise? Or do you, perhaps, think that they would revel in the pain? In the pride of winning their own sick prize?
You had never thought much about the dilemma of the entire situation if you were gonna be honest. I mean- it is a children’s game, a dumb party trick designed to strike the fear of death into a youth that has never had to face their own mortality. 
Ironic, considering that the last few years of your life have been spent running headlong into your own worst nightmare.
Despite his best efforts, it was well-known that Grian was far from subtle when it came to his feelings. He was, quite honestly, a terrible liar, stumbling over his words as his voice jumped an entire octave from nervousness alone. He was chaotic and a magnet for trouble, and persistent as all get-out, but he was your best friend.
Maybe that was why you were blind to the red flags, the dark, possessive gleam in his eyes when he looked at you. The way he would try to get you to cancel out on plans with your other friends to go hang out with him instead, or the way that you were accustomed to waking up to find him making breakfast for you in your base, the perfect picture of domesticity if it weren’t for the fact that you were only friends.
The word tasted bitter on your tongue now.
It was only meant to be a prank, originally, when Impulse had convinced you to skip out on Grian for one of his daily check-ins. Your fellow Hermit had told his plan to you with a hushed tone, mischief dancing in his eyes as he explained what he wanted you to do. 
Naturally, you were immediately onboard- You did hang around Grian all the time, it would be absurd if you hadn’t picked up on at least a little bit of his chaos-causing ways. Besides, you didn’t see the harm in going along with it. Consider making him sweat for an hour or two penance for whenever he had strong-armed you into dipping on your other friends countless times before.
You wished you had thought your decision through a little bit more. Maybe you could’ve prevented this whole mess. Maybe less blood- no blood at all was too much to ask for, you know that now- would’ve been spilled.
This is your fault.
This is all your fault.
The tears staining your cheeks have long since dried, the leftover saline sticking to your skin uncomfortably as you sit, tucked away deep in the annals of Impulse’s industrial base. You had always been a little jealous of the eye that the builder had for architecture, but now you were only thankful for the multitude of hiding spots it allowed you as Grian tore through the build like a man possessed.
Maybe he was. The avian wasn’t acting like the same person, the same best friend that you had known for so long.
“Come out, come out, wherever you are.”
Grian’s soft call send tremors wracking through your body, blood chilling as you raised one shaky hand to press against your mouth. You whimpered softly, trying to contain your terror as you tracked the subtle sounds of his movement throughout the base.
You had holed up behind a thin patch of wall that Impulse had yet to fortify fully (not that he was ever going to get the chance to), replacing the material behind you as carefully as you could in your rush to hide.
The sound of Grian’s sword plunging through the brunette builder’s stomach kept replaying in your head over and over again without end, Impulse’s choked off gasp before his body crashed to the floor filling your view whenever you closed your eyes.
“Aren’t you tired? C’mon, mobs’ll be spawning soon,” you heard Grian say once more, his tone deceptively light and conversational as it drew nearer with every step of his bloodstained boots. It would’ve fooled you if you hadn’t seen the manic light in his face as he cut one of his fellow Hermits down, satisfaction drawing the corners of his lips up in a grin at the loss of life.
You flinched as something scraped across the wall directly in front of your face, a sound like a hard point being dragged across the material filling the small space you were curled up in. Choking back a gasp, your eyes blindly darted towards where the noise originated, desperately trying to track the blonde’s movements through hearing alone.
“I’m sorry if I scared you,” he murmured, voice dipping into something softer as though he actually felt upset. “I wasn’t planning on you being there when I had to take care of him, honestly. He was just- just getting too close, is all! I’m sure you understand?”
No, no you didn’t. His rambling speech felt foreign, the words jumbling up in your mind like alphabet soup. You wished that this had been some horrible nightmare instead of what you knew it was, was the ache in your legs from holding your position for so long proved- this was reality.
You shifted in position and hissed involuntarily as your muscles screamed in protest. Realizing what you had done, you froze, jaw snapping shut with an audible click as you raised your eyes to where all sound had silenced outside.
You barely had time to release a gasp as light poured into your little hidey-hole and you were yanked out into the open air. For a brief moment, you were free of constriction, floating, before two arms were wrapping around you and cradling you to a toned chest, broad from hours of back-breaking work.
“There you are,” Grian breathed, an uncontrollable grin splitting his face. You desperately tried to pull away, only for his grip on you to tighten, enough so that you knew you would have bruises come the next day. “Oh, enough of that, now. Let’s get you home.”
As the coppery stench of his red sweater flooded your senses, a wave of helplessness washed over you.
You were never getting out of this, were you?
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stitchthesewords · 2 years
Have I already screamed at you on discord? Yes, yes I have. Will that stop me from screaming here, too? No, no it shall not. Anyway. AAAAAAAAAAA??? YOU UPDATED TWO CHAPTERS WHILE I WAS AT WORK AND NOW I GOT TO READ THEM <3
Grian's guilt about killing someone. Haha moral dilemma <3
Grian looking at the sun, rookie mistake honey. It's okay, tho, we all do it once <3 ALSO SHOPPING TRIP SHOPPING TRIP YESSSS "you look terrible in Mumbo's clothes" FAMOUS LAST WORDS OF A FOOL. A FOOL. Also just. Grian running into Scar multiple times. Why do I get the feeling it's a good thing Mumbo wasn't there LMAO
The skirt. <3 That is all.
Scar making the way to his personal spaces the most difficult to reach place as possible, hjfglksdghjkfdkl magic and wings will come in handy lmao-
Mumbo popping in just to find Grian asleep LMAO he doesn't trust the birb </3 yet. Hmm hmmmm-
May I just reiterate that I LOVE that you gave Scar a tree house. A literal tree house. I love it <3 Season 9 references my beloved <3 AND THE VAULT. MUMBO IS BUILDING THE VAULT. HE'S GONNA MOVE INTO THE VAULT AND THEY'RE BOTH GONNA FEEL BETTER BECAUSE HE'LL BE SAFE AND STILL HAVE ACCESS TO SCAR"S TREE I'M-
Ren my beloved. That is all. <3
Hmhmm "hasn't done anything because it hasn't hurt him yet" I wonder if that's foRESHADOWING HUH. Also I didn't mention this before but I love the reference to the king's claims LMAO-
HJFDLKKJFSDJKFSJK the feeding scene, I still LOVE the imagery of that anjflkdsfghjds boYS YOU'RE IN LOVE "too intimate and enticing" Mumbo you are literally two fangs away from kissing Scar's palm you are knEELING in front of him hOLDING HIS HAND and I'm so, they're so hhh <3 and the fact they've done this SO MANY TIMES I'M SO I'm so normal about this I am just. So normal <3 Mildly wrecked but so normal <3
LMAO Mumbo is so worried I love them- I s2g I'm just so hjfjkdjkdf and I FORGOT TO MENTION HOW Scar just changed his desk into a chair for Mumbo and Mumbo didn't even BLINK I am. Hhhh OOOO SCAR rejuvenating his magic I see I see 👀👀
Anyway of course amazing way to end my night thank you so much for writing <3 AND GOOD LUCK ON THE FRIENDS' GIFTSSSS
ASDFGHJK Discord is discord and the tumblr Askbox is in another dimENSION-
I WROTE 5K TODAY I AM - Hnngh its a good thing im taking a break EVEN IF i wanna keep writing
Cant wait to get Grian alone with his thoughts and feelings when he isnt exhausted TBFH that man is going THROUGH IT you dont even KNOW
I want you to know the E N T I R E time I was writing that I kept thinking about Grian getting ditracted by fairy lights in midnight like 'well what is the sun if not a giant, eye damaging fairy light' AND SHOPPING TRIP YES I mightve. maybe. made myself fall in love w my shopping district im. WHERE IS MY HAND TAILORED CLOTHING. Also like. Scar you FOOL! YOU NUMSKULL!!! I AM GOING TO MAKE YOU RUE THE DAY YOU LITTLE ELVEN MAN its fine im fine we're fine asdfghj Also YES bc what is bumping into someone if not an excuse to try to pickpocket them if you're. ya know. a paranoid weirdo like Mumbo.
THE SKIRT MY BELOVED i want that skirt. Academia vibes
Scar accidentally forgetting that hes fucking disabled and just being like "HA WOOOO give me a sec i think im dying *wheezes at the top of the stairs* im so cool and intimidating are you intimidated grian" and Grian is half bent over with just like a thumbs up lmaooooooo
Scar: Okay fine you can show up and check in if it'll make you feel better Mumbo: i will and it can. I didn't need your permission anyway
ASDFGHJK I AM SO EXCITED FOR THE VAULT I NEED TO WATCH MUMBOS VIDEOS SO I CAN FIGURE OUT WTF HE'S ACTUALLY DOING WITH IT AND MORPH IT TO MY NEEDS AND WHIMS And also yeeees the tree is my beloved leave it to scar to build a mega base for a starter and then run off to build disneyland of COURSE i had to sneak it in
Ren <3
HM. HM HM HM. HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM Also yes I was trying to figure out "how do i put ren's head on this building bc he cant just detach it for funsies rn"
I am so very normal about how Mumbo feeds. I love how Mumbo is like both a Cartoon vampire [cant see his feet because it blends into shadow, he melts away into the night] and like a sexy vampire [literally staring into the eyes of the man he loves while he drinks his blood in a way that's like one step off from me having to mark the story as fucking explicit lmao] and Scar is also just sitting there like "I am Totally Normal About This and have No Feelings Whatsoever" WERE ARE AND WILL BE GAY!!!!! PLEASE!!!! I KNOW I DID THIS TO MYSELF BUT JUST KISS HIM and pull his hair a lil
IMAGINE IF YOU WILL FOR A MOMENT YOU ARE MUMBO! Yesterday you found a strange man inside your completely sealed off vault of important records and documents which, i should mention, includes BOTH of your and scar's equivalent to BIRTH CERTIFICATES AND SOCIAL SECURITY CARDS [we'll get there] and Scar is just like "Seems legit, love a good mystery, im keeping him." And you just have to sit there because hes your BOSS and he BAAAAAAAAAARELY has any power over you but theres JUST THAT SMIDGEN. JUST THE SMIDGEN RIGHT THERE - ALSO YES!!!!!!!!!! SCAR JUST!!!! MOVING HIS HOUSE AROUND! REDECORATING so your vampire can sit down I am already deeply in love w scar's magic and i havent even really DONE anything with it I am so-
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hyunsuks-beanie · 3 years
I Love You Too, Love
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Bang Chan x reader; just some good ol' tooth-rotting fluff
A/N: My first attempt at writing a real scenario lmao. Do lmk how it was❤Also, it's funny how I'm an anti-romantic to the core, but it all goes out the window when it's Chan
Coming back home at night after a long day at uni/work, you wanted nothing more than to cuddle and watch a nice movie with Chan. Your best friend had been on tour with his group, Stray Kids, for the past three months, and the daily messages and FaceTime calls were not nearly enough to stop you from missing him like crazy. The teeny tiny (or so you insisted) crush that you had on him, didn't help either. You missed his voice, his tight hugs, the way he would always listen to rant about your day, the way he would always know what to say, the way his smile would light up your day, everything. While he did try to fill the gap by still listening to your rants on a daily basis on FaceTime, it just wasn't the same without him being there in person.
Sighing, you unlock your door, expecting to be met with pitch darkness. Instead, what you saw made you drop your bag to the floor, as tears welled up in your eyes. There, standing in the middle of your living room, was Chan, your best friend, who was supposed to be away for yet another month. Not able to believe your eyes, you pinch yourself, only to realize that he is indeed there, in the flesh, smiling at you as if you mean the world to him (unbeknownst to you, you most certainly do).
"Missed me?," he asks, and you suddenly find yourself running towards him at full speed, crashing into his chest and wrapping your arms around him in the tightest hug ever. This causes Chan to slightly lose his balance, and makes him laugh heartily before placing a gentle kiss atop your head. "I missed you too, love. So so so much."
After staying like that for a solid two minutes, you finally break free, glaring up at him playfully. "Why didn't you tell me you were coming home?," You ask, trying your best to suppress your smile and appear angry. This causes him to chuckle before cheekily saying, "If I had told you, I wouldn't have been able to seen your true happiness at seeing me. If you already knew, you would probably have acted as if you're disgusted that I'm back, and we didn't want that now, did we?"
You shove his chest slightly, before finally turning your head towards the dining table, only to be met with the sight and aroma of all your favourite dishes, that Chan had apparently spent all evening trying to make. "You must be hungry. Freshen up and let's dig in, I'm starving," He says, pushing you lightly towards the bathroom. While getting changed, you finally register the fact that your heart is hammering in your chest, reminding you that the man standing in your living room means so much more to you than just your best friend.
Being away from Chan for months has made you realize that what you feel for him is much more than just a crush. You may very well be in love with him, but you're too scared to admit it because neither do you want to face rejection, nor can you bring yourself to put his career at risk. With these thoughts in mind, you finally exit the bathroom, sighing deeply to yourself.
You don't, however, notice that Chan too, is in a dilemma of his own. Before going on tour, he too, knew that he liked you. But being away from you made him realize that you are his home, and that he would much rather be with you than with anyone else. He has been planning to confess today, and has been trying to gauge your feelings ever since you came back home. Your sigh doesn't escape him, and, full of concern, he asks, "What's wrong, love? Got something on your mind? You know you can always tell me." Truth be told, he's worried and scared that you already know about his feelings, and don't reciprocate them. He fails to see your knees going week and a blush creeping up your cheeks at the nickname, and instead, all he notices is you giving him a small smile and saying, "Not at all Channie, I'm completely fine. Now let's eat up before the food goes cold."
Once you guys get a couple bites in, the awkward atmosphere starts easing once again. Chan tells you all about the tour and all the places he saw. "London was the best, but I wish you were there. You would have enjoyed the London Eye." "Well then, you'll have to take me there one day." You tell him about how life has been back in Seoul, ranting about your annoying professor/boss, and he tells you about all the small trinkets that he saw at souvenir shops that reminded him of you. "That charm bracelet was so you, I just had to buy it." "You didn't have to Chan. I don't need any gifts, having you back home is enough."
After dessert, you ask him if he'd stay the night, and he says that since he has the week off, the boys don't expect him to back at dorms until the following morning. "So.....you're staying?," You ask with a small smile tugging at your lips. He smiles back at you lovingly, and ruffles your hair before saying, "Yes love, I'm staying. Now let's watch a movie."
After picking the movie, you come back to sit on the couch next to Chan, throwing your legs across his lap. Now it's his turn to blush, but unlike him, you're not oblivious to his reddening cheeks. "Awww, is Channie blushing? Why? This isn't the first time I've thrown my legs over your lap," You chuckle, causing him to hide his face in his hands. "Yeah but, I've really missed this being away from you all this while," He smiles warmly.
The first half of the movie goes by with the both of you making random comments about it. At one particular scene where the characters are having nachos, Chan suddenly exclaims, "Salsa reminds me, the boys and I learnt a little Salsa during our time in Italy, and I really wanted to teach you some of the moves." "Me?," You ask, bewildered, causing Chan to become shy and start stuttering. "I-I m-mean if you w-want to. It's o-okay if y-you don't."
You're having a hard time trying not to melt into a puddle at his cuteness, as you force your mouth to open, and say, "No Chan, I'd love to." "Really?," He returns to his giggly self, as he gets up off the couch and extends his hand out for your to take. You smile and take his hand, and he brings you to the center of the room. "Just one sec," He says, pausing to pick the music on his phone. Once he's done, he places his phone on the table, and starts guiding you through the dance, one step at a time, with the movie being nothing more than a long-forgotten background noise. "Left foot forward, right foot backward. That's right, now dip, and come back. Now place your leg on my waist....," You both freeze at this, realizing what he just said. It's only then that you notice just how close you are to him, and the familiar feeling of your heart racing comes back. You both stare at each other, hypnotized, before your eyes flick to his lips and back up to his eyes. When he does the same, you timidly ask, "Can I kiss you?"
That's all it takes to break Chan out of his trance, as he crashes his lips onto yours, kissing you as if his life depends on it. You don't even notice that he is backing you up, until you feel your back hit the wall. His lips taste sweet and a little spicy, which you attribute to the food you had earlier. The kiss is soft but full of emotions, and even though it does seem a bit cliche, you can feel fireworks fly. The butterflies in your stomach every time you see Chan seem to have been replaced by a whole zoo, and you can't help but smile into the kiss. This causes Chan to break into a smile as well, before he gently lets go.
"I really want to keep kissing you because God have I been waiting to do that for years, but I feel like I need to get this off my chest first," He says, shy once again. "I like you, a hell lot. Actually no, screw that, I think I'm already in love with you. I've known this for a long time, but I was just scared to admit it. Being away from you during the tour made me realize that I want to be more than just 'best friends' with you. I want to call you 'mine,' and I want to be yours." "Oh Channie, you don't know how much I have wanted to hear you say that you love me too, this distance has been a wake-up call for me too, but I was just so scared of jeopardizing either our friendship, or your career. And I can't have either of those two." "Don't worry about my career, we'll find a way out love. Just say the word, say that you love me." To this, you gawk at him, before saying, "I gave you a speech on that just now, didn't I? Of course I love you." "Yeah but you didn't explicitly say that you love me, idiot. But now that you've said the right words, I legit feel like the happiest man on earth." You shove him slightly before wrapping your arms around his torso. "So, now that we've got our feelings sorted, what does that mean for us?" "Well, for starters, I think it means that my nickname for you just took on a literal meaning," Chan smirks. You pout at this, but then say, "I love you Channie." He places his chin in your head, and says, "I love you too, love."
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