#i'm impressed i still have these icons
magentagalaxies · 10 months
on the note of kith season 6 (didn't want to derail the other post but have been thinking about this lately): one of the only things i disliked - or, rather, that felt off about the revival - was how crisp everything felt in terms of the aesthetic. like ik filmmaking technology has evolved since 1994 and they couldn't do the live studio audience even tho they wanted to bc of covid, but idk the original series despite clearly working with cbc and hbo always had this diy energy, vs the new season just very much felt like oh this is a corporate thing that was location scouted and filmed on a lot
but what's interesting about this fault is that you look into anything else the kids in the hall have made themselves in the past decades and it still has that exact diy aesthetic, sometimes unintentionally but that's the best part. like, i'm the most familiar with scott's works for obvious reasons, but you look at something like contemporary mouth congress music videos or any other video project scott's made just bc he wanted to make it and you can see obvious green screens, the fact that it was clearly filmed on an iPhone, using stuff around the house as props, etc. and if you look at bruce's youtube channel you get that sense as well, and it's so delightful to see bc yeah this comedy isn't a corporate entity, it's just something these guys have to make bc they are passionate about it
anyway i guess what i'm saying is if they ever decide to do another kith revival season they should have paul bellini direct it on his iphone 5 and film 99% of it at the toronto library's green screen room
idk maybe this post is too niche bc a lot of the stuff i'm citing (i.e. mouth congress music videos) hasn't actually been released yet and also i have literally been on these diy sets in the past year where someone just set up a pop-up greenscreen in their living room and my "job" is to make sure the pets don't wander into frame. but yeah idk i find it very funny that watching the revival my only complaint was the lack of that genuine diy spirit and then one year later i'm part of that type of production
#no idea if this is relatable i just had thoughts lmao#this is also inspired by the obvious greenscreen and using-his-real-cast-as-a-prop in scott's promotional video#like again it's probably bc i've been there when scott and paul are just casually filming something at paul's apartment#but i look at something like that and i can just feel all the conversations that went into putting it together#and it's funny bc i get that sense watching the original kith tv show but not as much the amazon show#(which is wild bc i have heard behind the scenes stories from the amazon show too??? spoiler alert people were very stressed)#and i also think the diy tendencies are why i even had a chance to connect with the kids in the hall#bc so many comedians just get accustomed to working exclusively on projects that a studio has set out for them#but the kids in the hall and ESPECIALLY paul bellini love smaller projects where they get to build something from the ground up#paul has made 5 different feature films that he wrote and directed and filmed entirely on an iphone 5#(not sure if they were all specifically that model of phone he may have upgraded at some point lmao)#(also he's planning to release them onto youtube soon!!)#but yeah the goal with these iphone films was never to win every award and make a bunch of money. it's the passion for making movies#and i think since i'm a very diy-oriented person who's like ''idc if someone gives me permission i'm gonna make a multimedia musical''#that's what made paul see potential in me which is why i even got the chance to do any of this stuff#anyway i guess what i'm saying is my advice for everyone is: just make the thing! even if you have no budget and no backing#bc even a scaled-down version of the thing is still impressive bc you made it!!#if scott thompson can film a ''crowd scene'' in scottland by drawing faces on a bunch of fingers and just filming people's hands#you can make your project something iconic
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gamebunny-advance · 19 days
First impressions from the responses so far has been that the top choice is DJSS, which also lines up with the last time I asked y'all about keychains, where he also came in first.
I guess the DJ is just the kinda guy that demands your money~
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illogicalvulcans · 11 months
oh. dash ui slightly updated i see
0 notes
usuallydyinginside · 4 months
TLDR: Francesca Bridgerton is Autistic. Fight me.
Okay so I did not go into Season 3 of Bridgerton expecting to have any feelings about Francesca Bridgerton. We have seen her only in glimpses in the show and I have not read the books, so I knew basically nothing about her before binging the first four episodes.
But guys. GUYS. I will die for this autistic queen.
Okay, so starting with first impressions. We know that on her big day, Francesca went out of her way to avoid her nosy, loud family by having a very early, quiet breakfast by herself and then calming down via playing the piano (clearly a special interest of hers).
In her first balls, we see Francesca light up any time she talks about music (clearly her current or forever special interest) but as soon as men try to take it to a flirting place she IMMEDIATELY shuts down. It's clear that even as she states very matter-of-factly that she plans to marry this season, she also is baffled and uncomfortable any time someone tries to actually, ya know, court her.
At one of her first shindigs, she got attention and then went up to her brother and (while making almost no eye contact) told him (rather than asked him) that she needed a sec.
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She then sat by herself in the side of the ballroom.
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Later on, she left a ball in search of quiet and solitude to fix her sensory overload, so she went outside this time. (A thing that we know from pervious seasons is a HUGE no-no, particularly unchaperoned. But she was very respectfully near the door so maybe that's fine?) The point is that she cares very much about staying respectable so she can get this marriage thing over with and get people to stop perceiving her, yet she risks some scandal by going outside just so she can be somewhere quiet alone.
Enter: this absolute (also autistic) Prince Charming.
He says hello (so she knows he's not like trying to sneak up on her in the dark like a creep) and then just stands there. 10/10, no notes, best way to flirt I have ever seen in my life.
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Seriously just look at this. I'm in love. Never before has there been a greater sign of love at first sight than in this "standing politely five feet apart in total silence in the middle of a ball and enjoying each other's company."
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I need to go watch these first four episodes about a hundred more times, but I THINK this might be the first sincere smile we see from Francesca??!? I at least got the impression immediately that this is the first time she's felt genuinely comfortable and happy while not entirely alone this season.
Like, these nerds did not even exchange names. They barely exchanged a word. Yet you can see them falling head over heels in love right there in that moment. I don't even LIKE love at first sight tropes and they have my whole heart. They are the only exception.
Then, of course, you have this second absolutely iconic Scene of Silence where the entire Bridgerton family stares in neurotypical confusion a these two amazing weirdos. The way these two do not know each other but they DO know each other. The way they are both so happy and so comfortable but also still playing the whole society game the way they were told they had to?? I just don't have words right now.
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Look how happy this tiny, silent moment is making her. How she understands immediately what he's doing and is absolutely delighted to participate too even knowing her entire family is hardcore judging them from not that far away.
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And then you get this smug little look from him and it's like you can see his autistic ass thinking, "Yes. I calculated correctly. This was the correct romance option. Gold star to me." (Okay, maybe that's just how my brain works but shhhhh)
Which, of course, brings us to this absolutely hilariously awkward ND attempt at flirting. We start off with some fairly normal "whoops, I'm flustered cause you make me nervous" sort of moments, but notice how little eye contact she makes. How she only looks in his eyes very briefly and it seems like she almost has to remind herself to do so when she's doing the "polite" answers (OR later when she's genuinely interested in a topic).
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So as soon as Francesca is like "oh shit, I ruined it. I forgot how to neurotypical. It's over" then she loses patience with the practiced social niceties.
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I spent like 30 minutes trying to find a GIF and I should already be asleep so I'm not going to go learn how to make one BUT I needed to look up exactly what happens next cause it's basically the most autistic thing I've ever seen.
WHICH IS that in response to the second awkward silence after Francesca shares all of this, John's response is, "That is helpful. If you'll excuse me."
Like it would be awkward anyway but now Francesca thinks she misread a social cue so she's feeling sad, and meanwhile this absolute king is over here on a romantic mission no one asked him to do because he is that set on showing her he's listening and cares.
The man shows up at the ball and as soon as he had a paper we were all screaming "he wrote her a song!!!"
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Again, notice the eye contact (or lack thereof). I think with period dramas and women, it's easy to just go "oh she's just shy" or "she's just being demure like she's supposed to" but like NO. This girl does not want to meet anyone's eyes.
Until she does. Because in moments where she's talking about music or enjoying quiet, it's worth it to purposefully meet his eyes and see how he's feeling too. To make sure he can see she's happy.
ANYWAY, it was so much better than him writing a song for her.
Because he didn't just give her any ol' music. He sought out the music they'd specifically heard in the street, and he took her exact specifications on what was "wrong" with the music, and he FIXED IT. He then put the whole thing on sheet music and handed her a copy with no further explanation than this.
Our autistic lass was so excited she basically sprinted out of that ball so she could find a piano. (Which, the fact that she does this rather than try to stay and flirt/dance with the man who just gave her this incredible gift ALSO says a lot, just saying. Daphne could never.)
So our girl finds a piano and GUYS. LOOK AT HOW HAPPY SHE IS.
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I'm pretty sure this woman would accept a proposal right this second. Maybe make one herself. She is so head over heels in love with this man that it's absurd. We have watched her mask in these first four episodes, but the last two where she's interacting with John are the first times she seems genuinely happy and like the real her is shining through.
Like, does she enjoy her family? Sure. But it's obvious (and she even tells us) that she finds them overwhelming and generally to be A Lot. But these scenes? This gesture?
You can just get how seen she feels. How weird and wild and amazing it is to her that this man can see who she actually is and wants to join her there instead of making her play some part of the perfect Bridgerton who likes to be the center of attention.
(And even here - the EYE CONTACT. She glances at people when she's talking to them, but the way she looks at the sheet music is so much more intense and intimate and personal than anytime she's looking at the average person in the show. She still even in places she's most comfortable, such as sitting at the piano, makes very little eye contact and only at very specific moments.)
Anyway I'm going to sleep now but I'm sure I'll add more thoughts as they come to me. Feel free to add your own case for why Francesca is autistic and/or otherwise neurodivergent. I want to hear allllllll the thoughts.
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hotvintagepoll · 4 months
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Eartha Kitt (Anna Lucasta, St. Louis Blues)—My friend and I have a saying: NOBODY is Eartha Kitt. A thousand have tried, and they've all come up empty and will continue to do so. Everyone knows her for something: from "Santa Baby" to Yzma in Emperor's New Groove to Catwoman to making Lady Bird Johnson cry for the Vietnam War. She was a master of comedy and sex, an extremely vocal activist, and she aged like fine wine... I honestly don't know what I can say about her that hasn't already been said, so I'll stick to linking all my propaganda. Like what else do you want from me. She was iconic at everything she ever did. Literally name another. How can anyone even think of her and not want to absolutely drown?
Hedy Lamarr (Samson and Delilah, Ziegfeld Girl)—Look. I'm sure someone has already submitted Hedy Lamarr because she was spectacularly beautiful, and a very strong lady too: she fled both an abusive marriage AND nazi persecution at a very young age and rebuilt a life for herself pursuing her love for acting all on her own!! Her career as an actress was stellar; while she began acting outside of Hollywood (her very first movie, Ecstasy, won a prize at the Venice Film Festival), she conquered American hearts very quickly with her first movie in the US, Algiers, and then just kept getting better and better. If all this isn't enough, she was also an inventor: her invention of the frequency-hopping spread spectrum radio transmission technique forms the base of bluetooth and has a lot of applications in all kinds of communication technologies. I think that deserves a prize, don't you?
This is the final poll of the Hot & Vintage Movie Women Tournament. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut.]
Eartha Kitt:
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"A hot vintage woman who was not just known for her voice, beauty, poise, and presence, but also her unapologetic ways of speaking about how she was mistreated in the show business as a girl who grew up on cotton fields in South Carolina in the 1930s through the 1940s coming to Broadway first and then Hollywood."
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"Have you watched her sing?? Have you seen her face?? Have you heard her talk?? How could you not fall instantly in love. She makes me incoherent with how hot she is."
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"She can ACT she can SING she can speak FOUR LANGUAGES she is a GODDESS!!! Although she is (rightfully) remembered for her singing, TV appearances (Catwoman my beloved), and later film roles, her early appearances in film are no less impressive or noteworthy!! She’s an amazing actress with so much charisma in every role. She was also blacklisted from Hollywood for 10 years for criticizing the Johnson administration/Vietnam War, so. Iconic. Also Orson Welles apparently called her “the most exciting woman in the world.”
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"She had such a stunning, remarkable appearance, like she could tear you to shreds with just a glance- but the most undeniable part of her hotness was her voice, and it makes sense that it's what most people nowadays know her for. Nothing encapsulates the sheer magnetism of her singing better than this clip of her and Nat King Cole in St. Louis Blues, she pops in at 2:49. Also I know it's post-1970 but her song that was cut from Emperor's New Groove is likely to make you feel Feelings."
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"Even with as racist as Hollywood was in the 1950s and 60s, Eartha Kitt STILL managed to have a thriving career. She also once had a threesome with Paul Newman and James Dean, and called out LBJ over the Vietnam War so hard that it made First Lady Johnson cry. Eartha Kitt was talented, sexy, and a total badass activist."
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Hedy Lamarr:
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"The only person you can find both on the Hollywood Walk of Fame and in the Inventor's Hall of Fame--her radio-frequency-hopping technology forms the basis for cordless phones, wi-fi, and a dozen other aspects of modern life. She was also passionate in her efforts to aid the Allies in WWII (unsurprising for a Jewish-Austrian Emigree to America), and her name served as the backbone for one of the best running jokes in what is possibly Mel Brooks' best movie. Look, Louis B. Mayer apparently believed he could plausibly promote her as "The world's most beautiful woman". Is an entire website full of people going to be less audacious than one Louis B. Mayer? I didn't think so!"
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"Described as "Hedy has the most incredible personal sophistication. She knows the peculiarly European art of being womanly; she knows what men want in a beautiful woman, what attracts them, and she forces herself to be these things. She has magnetism with warmth, something that neither Dietrich nor Garbo has managed to achieve" by Howard Sharpe, she managed to escape her controlling husband (and Nazi Germany) by a) Disguising as her maid and fleeing to Paris or b) Convincing the husband to let her wear all of her jewelry to a dinner, only to disappear afterwards. Also she was particularly clever and helped develop Frequency-Hopping Spread Spectrum (I can't really explain it but anyway...)"
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"Her depiction of Delilah and Samson and Delilah just lives rent free in my head. The woman was gorgeous."
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"One of the most beautiful women ever in film, spoken by many critics and fans. Beautiful shapely figure, deeper seductive voice, and often played femme fatale roles. She was also brilliant and an inventor. Mainly self-taught, she invested her spare time, including on set between takes, in designing and drafting inventions, which included an improved traffic stoplight and a tablet that would dissolve in water to create a flavored carbonated drink, and much more."
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"Gorgeous and brilliant pioneer of modern technology and the middle part."
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5sospenguinqueen · 3 months
Play Pretend Pt 2 | Charles Leclerc x Law Student! Reader
Summary: Lightning McQueen realises he misses Elle Woods. Or, when Charles finds out your goals always had him in mind, he realises he should've done the same.
Warnings: Swearing. Redemption. Miscommunication
Female reader with various faceclaims. Pics found on Pinterest
2024 timeline and beyond
Not really impressed with this one so apologies in advance
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YourUserName just posted
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liked by logansargeant, oscarpiastri and others
YourUserName i declare my date for the weekend guilty of being too cute and snuggly
charles_leclerc i hope he is behaving
→ YourUserName he pissed in my slipper.
→ charles_leclerc how do you know it was him? whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty?
→ YourUserName he fell asleep at the scene of the crime
maxverstappen1 what a cute little terror
→ YourUserName he’s forcing me to watch the imola highlights so he can watch his favourite driver win again
→ maxverstappen1 🦁🦁
→ danielricciardo that is such a lie, you literally told me yesterday that i was his favourite driver
→ arthur_leclerc you are all forgetting that his uncle is his favourite driver
lilymhe sleepy boy
→ YourUserName he wore himself out running away with my highlighters
YourBestFriend okay, these pics are cute but i still don’t forgive him for eating my pizza
→ YourUserName don’t tell the internet i let him have pizza, you’ll get me into trouble with his father
→ arthur_leclerc don’t make me tell on you
→ YourUserName i thought you still liked me :(
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YourUserName just posted
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liked by charles_leclerc, lorenzotl and others
YourUserName it’s official, your honour 🎓
charles_leclerc leo and i are so proud of you, y/n/n. you worked so hard for this. enjoy every moment, you deserve it
→ YourUserName tell leo thank you for the cake. I’ll save him some for later ;)
→ User1 the wink? the wink! what does the wink mean?
User2 charles and y/n are the definition of exes who cannot stay away from each other. they don’t follow each other but they’re always lurking haha
schecoperez congratulations, y/n. look forward to seeing you soon
→ YourUserName thank you for the chocolates!
maxverstappen1 congratulations, y/n. can’t wait to see what you’ll do next
→ YourUserName kick your ass in karting
→ maxverstappen1 keep dreaming
→ YourUserName i think yesterday i proved i can achieve my dreams
User3 anyone else finding the red bull boys’ comments odd?
→ User4 no, they’re just being supportive like the rest of the grid?
danielricciardo fucking ace! well done, y/n. go forth and kick some ass
→ YourUserName who let you out of the old folk’s home
georgerussell63 how shitfaced did you get last night considering your graduation post is a day late
→ landonorris mate, she was worse than me
→ YourUserName don’t tell people that! i'm a lady
→ landonorris a lady who threw up on her kebab and then cried until pierre bought you a new one
logansargeant woohoo 🥳 it was lovely to be able to celebrate with you last night. thank you for inviting me
→ YourUserName thank you for coming! and teaching me some cool new moves
→ logansargeant yeah, let’s not talk about those. i think i put my hip out
→ danielricciardo and they call me old!
yukitsunoda0511 let’s go! well done, y/n!
lilymhe iconic elle woods behaviour
→ YourUserName what, like it’s hard
→ alex_albon getting you to drink water last night was hard
→ YourUserName 👎🏻👎🏻
redbullracing congratulations, y/n. we never doubted that you could do it
→ User5 ariana, what are you doing here
arthur_leclerc oh god, you are going to never shut up about this are you
→ YourUserName just say you’re proud of me and move on. i saw the giant bouquet of flowers, and don’t say they were from maman because i recognised your handwriting
→ arthur_leclerc damn.
YourUserName a big thank you to everyone who has supported me along this journey. to those who came to support me last night and put up with my awful drunken singing. and I suppose a thank you to the F1 grid for ensuring my home looks like a makeshift florist. i love the flowers but i will be chasing bees out of my home for at least a week
User6 they all got her flowers 🥹
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redbullracing just posted
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liked by maxverstappen1, danielricciardo and others
redbullracing no, it’s not hearsay. Y/N L/N truly has joined the Red Bull family as an intern for our legal term. we look forward to seeing what she can do, and hopefully welcoming her into the fold full-time tagged: YourUserName
maxverstappen1 um, excuse me, why the checo hat
→ YourUserName obviously because he is the #1 choice to support
→ maxverstappen1 my insta handle indicates that i’m #1
→ YourUserName that was so cheesy. i hope it gave kelly the ick
schecoperez that is a perfect hat
→ YourUserName i agree. if you sign it for me, i bet i can get it to sell for a fair bit on ebay
→ redbullracing don’t worry. we’ve got loads you can have
User7 babe broke up with THE charles leclerc and then went, and now i’m going to become besties with your rival
danielricciardo i think she should just be my personal legal aide
→ YourUserName sounds like that’ll involve an awful lot of work for somebody who has just started
→ danielricciardo i’m sorry, are you saying i’m a handful?
→ YourUserName i didn’t think you’d understand me if i spelt it
landonorris you know, if you joined mclaren, we could provide you with a papaya jacket
→ YourUserName i wasn’t aware you had any openings
→ landonorris you’d do a great job doing my washing
→ YourUserName 🖕🏻🖕🏻
User8 can somebody check on charles? make sure he’s still alive after this news
→ User9 did you see that he liked this and then unliked?
georgerussell63 this is mercedes amg erasure
→ maxverstappen1 you’ll get over it but you won’t get y/n
pierregasly congratulations, y/n/n. it’ll be nice to still see you around the paddock again
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charles_leclerc just posted
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liked by YourUserName, scuderiaferrari and others
charles_leclerc BEST DAY EVER ❤️ thank you for everything, i love you all
oscarpiastri congrats bro
→ User1 that’s no way to speak to your father
YourUserName leo and i are so incredibly proud of you charles. you deserve this, enjoy tonight x
→ charles_leclerc tell leo i can’t wait to celebrate with him tomorrow when i’m sober, and thank you for the gift x
→ User2 i love that they still don’t follow each other but are congratulating each other on their greatest achievements so far
→ User3 the kisses!!!!
User4 she should’ve been in the paddock
→ User5 she was! arthur posted a story celebrating, and you can catch a glimpse of her in the background
arthur_leclerc lets goooo ❤️
scuderiaferrari bravo charles!! so proud ❤️ here’s to many more
User7 the form on that dive 🍑
→ thisisnoty/n talk about buns of steel
→ User8 is this y/n’s secret account?
YourBestFriend congratulations, charles. we watched you cross the finish line and couldn't have been prouder
→ User9 we? who is we?
→ User10 we all know there’s no way y/n would miss his monaco win, even if they’re not together
YourMum félicitations, charlie. so proud to watch you grow from the teenager to this amazing man
→ charles_leclerc merci maman l/n. thank you for watching and supporting me <3
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YourUserName just posted
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liked by arthur_leclerc, carlossainz55 and others
YourUserName fit for the weekend
danielricciardo i can’t believe max didn’t burst into flames being that close to a ferrari jacket
→ YourUserName don’t be silly. he wanted to steal it
→ maxverstappen1 don’t tell lies. i kicked her out of the garage for her betrayal
redbullracing and why aren’t you in uniform
→ YourUserName i was given the weekend off?
→ scuderiaferrari forza ferrari
→ redbullracing then what were you doing in our garage
charles_leclerc leo said you need to come back from mclaren because you ran off with his rope toy
→ YourUserName oh, that’s what leo told you, was it?
User11 okay but is this confirmation that she was in the ferrari garage for charles?
oscarpiastri you left your 81 cap in hospitality
→ landonorris she did that on purpose because the 4 cap was much better
→ YourUserName @ oscarpiastri can you bring it to family dinner for me?
User12 everyone is a ferrari fan
User13 wait, wait, wait. family dinner?! who’s in attendance, yn!!
User14 charles has followed her again!!!
→ User15 i genuinely thought he would follow max before he followed y/n again
pierregasly not the best weekend for alpine but as a die hard chary/n shipper, it was a perfect weekend
(comment deleted)
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1 year later
charles_leclerc just posted
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liked by pierregasly, francisca.cgomes and others
charles_leclerc mon coeur, the day i met you, i was a silly teenage boy who spilt his drink over you at a karting event in a way to gain your attention. and now, many years later, i can proudly call myself your fiance. every moment spent with you feels like standing on top of that podium. thank you for allowing me to wake up next to you every morning for the rest of our lives
(to the general public, y/n says you have to be nice to me about my emotional caption. don’t forget, she’s a licenced lawyer now and can sue you all for defamation)
pierregasly and to this day, i stand by the fact that telling you to spill your drink on her was the perfect way to gain her attention.
→ YourUserName i still can’t believe charles took your advice on how to flirt with women
→ pierregasly it worked though, didn’t it? and i am the proud boyfriend of beautiful kiks so, i am clearly master
→ YourUserName ew, keep your bedroom stuff to yourself
→ pierregasly you just lost your wedding present
oscarpiastri congrats you guys 🧡 i am so happy for you, my dad and future step-mother
→ YourUserName and you just got yourself banned from family dinner. i'm too young to be called stepmother
scuderiaferrari i think the theme should be disney cars
liked by YourUserName
landonorris simp
→ charles_leclerc @ YourUserName i told you he’d be mean
→ YourUserName sorry bebe but i’m not suing lando. his fans are tougher than i am
User1 charles can you fight? ‘cause your gf is too hot for you
→ charles_leclerc *fiancee
georgerussell63 mate, the fact that you managed to convince her to forgive you AND agree to marry you a year later
→ alex_albon it’s the dimples. who can resist
→ lilymhe is there something you’re not telling me?
→ alex_albon i’m in love with charles marc hervé perceval leclerc
→ YourUserName same
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YourUserName just posted
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liked by lilymhe, oscarpiastri and others
YourUserName the evidence is conclusive. your papa and i cannot wait to meet you, only another 5 months to go
charles_leclerc je t’aime plus chaque jour. you are the light of my life, as well as the day you agreed to be mine forever, you have made me the happiest man
oscarpiastri i can’t believe i’m going to be a big brother
→ charles_leclerc the bestest big brother
→ User2 i love that this joke is still running two years later
scuderiaferrari all i’m hearing is that we have roughly 5 months to build a baby seat into charles’ car
pierregasly omg omg omg omg omg. stay calm, stay calm. it’s HAPPENING
→ francisca.cgomes why did you have to tell him? now i have to talk him out of buying elaborate gifts
→ charles_leclerc i love how you’re both acting like you weren’t told on the weekend
→ pierregasly i’m just so excited!
→ YourUserName @ francisca.cgomes has he stopped crying yet?
→ francisca.cgomes no
maxverstappen1 i am so happy for you y/n. baby leclerc will make such an adorable addition to the red bull garage. you will make an amazing mother after the way you have bossed checo and me around these past two years
→ YourUserName i think you mean, cared for and cherished, not bossed
User3 wait, but isn’t this the reason charles and y/n broke up two years ago
→ User4 they broke up because charles was talking about kids straight away and y/n wasn’t ready. they’ve now been married for a year so i’m guessing she’s ready now
liked by YourUserName
redbullracing brb working on building a baby play area in the office so you don’t have to worry about childcare. i’m a good babysitter and we can babyproof the garage. it'll be great!
→ User5 i think it’s safe to say everyone at red bull are excited for baby y/n
schecoperez felicidades y/n and charles. what lovely news. mucho amor to you both
danielricciardo i ate way too many cupcakes at the announcement party though. i swear the frosting changed something inside me
→ User6 you’re telling me that the grid were invited to the baby announcement 🥹 be still my beating heart
→ User7 and according to inside sources, a few of them cried
→ alex_albon whoever’s telling you that i cried, don’t listen to them!
→ lilymhe don't lie to the people
━━━━━━ ༻𖥸༺ ━━━━━━
charles_leclerc just posted
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liked by YourUserName, maxverstappen1 and others
charles_leclerc when your little man can’t decide if he wants to be like his maman or papa from one day to the next so he combines both for his 5th birthday
YourUserName not featured is baby lec running around with a mini gavel sentencing everyone to prison whilst wearing his race helmet
alex_albon i still think my sentence was a bit harsh
→ lilymhe you deserved those 10 minutes on the naughty step, you ate all the mini doughnuts!
→ alex_albon yes but he finished it by smashing me in the kneecaps with the gavel
→ YourUserName yeah, he gets that from charles, sorry
→ charles_leclerc 😱
redbullracing happy birthday to our favourite leclerc! we hope to see you back in the paddock soon
→ charles_leclerc stop trying to steal my son, you already have my wife!
→ YourUserName and i thought i was your favourite leclerc!
→ User8 admin going to have some angry parents to contend with on sunday
maxverstappen1 i still think uncle max wins best present
→ YourUserName i can’t believe you had it engineered to go that fast
→ pierregasly yes but uncle pierre will be helping papa charles to repaint it so it’s not covered in red bull logos
→ maxverstappen1 @ YourUserName if he does that, i’m going to unfollow him again
→ YourUserName ffs pierre, i just got them to publicly make up, kiks, tell him
→ franscisca.cgomes behave yourself
jensonbutton little man clearly knows his mum is way cooler
liked by charles_leclerc
danielricciardo please stop inviting me to events where there are cupcakes. i have no control and your mini monster just laughed as i sobbed whilst shoving another one in my mouth
→ landonorris i don’t think you should say these things online
charles_leclerc also not featured is y/n crying all morning about her baby boy growing up
→ YourUserName charl, don’t lie to the fans. they all know you’re the one crying
→ charles_leclerc but he was so little, and he used to come to work with us and now he’s telling us he wants to be just like his clever mummy and his fast daddy and - i just cannot 😭
→ maxverstappen1 @ YourUserName like i said on your wedding day, are you sure this is the one you want to marry?
→ YourUserName afraid so
→ charles_leclerc i would divorce you but you are a very good lawyer and i do not imagine i would come out of it so well
━━━━━━ ༻𖥸༺ ━━━━━━
Requests welcome. I will be doing more Part 1s for some of the other drivers.
Baby Fever Angst Series
Daniel's Version | Max's Version | Lando's Version
Lance's Version | Oscar's Version
Tag list
@callsignwidow @luvrrish @evans-dejong @sadsierra2 @justdreamersdream @spookystitchery @dark-night-sky-99 @majusialikesfastcars @luckyladycreator2 @mrosales16 @reguluscrystals @tvdtw4ever @alwaysclassyeagle @gigicisneros @thecubanator2 @goldenharrysworld @awritingtree @jxnellat @lav3nder-haze @hc-dutch @mxdi0 @buckybarnessweetheart @ironmaiden1313 @dreamercrowd @yourbane @glow-ish @g-l-o-b-e-w-h-o-r-e @weekendlusting @lemon-lav @minkyungseokie @bibissparkles @emryb @barcelonaloverf1life @willowpains @leah-also-known-as-creatoronwp @rlalliehayes @softtina @marvelfangirl04 @love-simon @peachiicherries @rosecentury
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xxxanteaterxxx · 3 months
Roommates AU
roommate!remuslupin x fem!reader
CW: swearing, thats about it really.
lemme know what you thinkkkkk part 2
this is totally inspired by @moonstruckme btw
"So, do you have anything specific that you're looking for mate?" James asked, staring down out his laptop. Remus sighed; he had been looking for an apartment for weeks, but nothing had turned up in the area he was interested in.
"Honestly, anywhere would work at this point." Remus was looking at his own laptop, scrolling through all of the postings he could find. Nothing was available through, and Remus was about to be homeless.
He couldn't afford to keep living in his current flat, not since his roommate had decided to move back home. Remus had been stressing over this for months now, ever since his roommate had told him the news.
"How do you feel about a roommate bud?" Sirius asked suddenly, sitting up from where he had been laying down and scrolling on his phone. He stretched his arm out towards Remus, waving his phone around.
Remus snatched it and took a look at the posting Sirius was looking at.
"Two bedroom and one bath apartment. Looking for a roommate ASAP. Rent is $500 a month (utilities included). Message me for more information. :)"
There were pictures underneath the post. Remus clicked on the first one. It looked nice enough to him. He forwarded the post to himself before he messaged about it.
"I'm gonna send a message, see if I can schedule a walk through." Remus sighed as he tossed the phone back to Sirius, who seemed highly impressed at his find. He picked up his own phone and found the post.
He clicked the message icon at the bottom of the post.
`Hey, I saw your post about looking for a roommate. Is the room still available? Could I maybe come by for a tour soon? `
He sent the message before setting his phone to the side and continuing the search. Not expecting to receive a response for a while.
Not even two minutes later his phone buzzed. He grabbed it and sat up when he saw the response.
`Would today work? Maybe around 12? `
Remus was quick to respond.
`Yes, 12 works great!`
Then he followed it up with another.
`Can I bring some friends?`
The reply came just as fast.
'Yes, I'll see you then!'
Remus stood up, a large smile growing on his face. To say he was relieved was the understatement of the year. He looked at his friends.
"I've got a tour scheduled at 12 today, you guys wanna come?" He questioned. He really hoped they would, what if you were a serial killer and the post was only a ploy to draw unsuspecting victims in.
"Course mate! Its 10 now, what if we head out and find some food around that area?" James asked, causing Sirius to jump up quickly.
"Let me grab my shoes!" He called as he raced down the hall to his room. Remus shook his head and gathered his belongings.
It was right around 12 when there was a knock at your apartment door. Abandoning the cookies you were making, you raced over to the door. You had almost made it too, but the fuzzy socks adorning your feet caused you to fall.
You groaned as you pushed yourself up and yanked the door open with a large smile on your face. It dropped slightly when you realized that it was men on the other side.
"Hi! I'm Remus, we're uh here for the apartment tour?" There were three guys standing outside. The tallest of them was the one who had spoken. You nodded and opened the door wider for them to enter.
"I'm Y/N! I'm sorry about the mess..." You gestured around the living room. "It's my day off and I've been bingeing some shows." You kept a smile on your face as one of the other boys chuckled.
"So, let's get on with the tour!" You clapped your hands together. "I'll show you around and then let you guys look around by yourselves, yeah?" Receiving nods, you turned around and began the speech you had practiced in the mirror when you and received the message.
"Obviously this is the living room..." You mumbled and then walked towards the kitchen. Before entering you turned around. "Warning, I'm making cookies right now, so the kitchen is a bit of a mess."
You entered and they filed in after you, looking around and nodding to themselves. "Cookies anyone?" You asked as you grabbed the plate of the ones that were ready. They each reached out and grabbed one.
"These are amazing." You heard someone moan.
Moving on you began to lead them upstairs. "Right there is the bathroom and right here is my room and right here is the other room!" You said walking quickly down the hall and pointing things out as you did so. You turned around to face the three. "Any questions?"
No one answered and so you nodded. "Smashing, have a look around. I'll be in the kitchen if you need me!" And with that, you were darting back downstairs just as the alarm for your second round of cookies beeped.
Sirius was staring after you like you were the love of his life. His mouth hung open and his eyes were wide. James cleared his throat while looking at his best friend and roommate in amusement. Sirius shook his head and turned to look at Remus.
"Well, if you don't want to live here, I sure fucking do." He said before he walked past Remus and into the room you had said was the available one.
It was a nice sized bedroom with a window and a very large closet. Remus was quite impressed with it actually and you seemed nice enough.
He could definitely see himself living here, even if it was with a total stranger. He walked back out into the hall, heading for the bathroom to have a look in there.
You seemed pretty neat; all of your stuff was kept on a shelf and in a couple of drawers. Remus noticed how big the bathtub was, and he sighed at the thought of a nice bath.
As he walked further down the hall, he realized that your door was open, and he had to fight the urge to take a look around. He turned to walk back to the room that would be his so that he could ask James what he thought but his two friends were gone.
He listened for a second as he heard talking coming from downstairs. He turned and made his way towards the stairs. As he made it down and saw that no one was in the living room, he headed for the kitchen next. There he saw James and Sirius sat at the table while you danced around the kitchen cleaning things up.
"These are delicious, by the way." James spoke after chewing what looked to be one of the cookies you had made. You turned from the sink to grin at him. When you saw Remus, you smiled and wiped your hands on the towel thrown over your shoulder.
"So, what did you think?" You smiled at him this time, your question had alerted the other two to his presence. Sirius answered before Remus himself could.
"Well, if he doesn't want it, I fucking do!" He spoke loudly causing James to look at him.
"And what about our fucking apartment?" James asked incredulously, looking at his friend as if he had just stabbed him. You paid them no mind as you looked at Remus for an answer.
"I'll take it. When's the soonest I can move in?" Your shoulders sagging in relief at his answer.
"Oh, thank fuck, no one else has responded and the last chap I had look around gave me the Heeby jeebies." You paused, blowing a strand of hair from your face as you thought about it. "How about as soon as bloody possible eh? That work for you?"
Remus nodded and a brilliant smile formed on your face.
"Great, let me fetch the lease agreement."
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cheriladycl01 · 4 months
And who are you? - Oscar Piastri x McLarenHeir! Reader
Plot: Granddaughter of Bruce McLaren comes to a race.
Warning: I think maybe some people have considered this a little misogynistic. Obviously women in motorsport has improved and gotten better, but there are still issues involving this and I just wanted to bring some of them to light. I never meant to cause offence so here’s a little warning for that if it not for you!
Again this is a work of fiction and doesn’t represent anyone accurately!
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You were the grand-daughter of one of the most iconic men in Formula One. Not only did he have his own team, but he drove for that team as well which resulted in McLaren sports cars all over the world.
When Zac offered you to come to a grand prix, everyone in the team was dreading it. From what they knew you were just another social media girlie obsessed with getting into an F1 race for the clout. However they were oh so wrong.
You'd been karting since a young age, and knew your way around all kind of cars. You were an encyclopedia of everything motorsport and cars. You'd gone to university and studied engineering so you knew more about it all so you were excited to speak to everyone.
You pulled up in your one of a kind McLaren X-FM, perks of sharing a last name with a car and having big stakes in the business.
"Zac!" you exclaimed as you saw him and run over to him. You pull him in for a tight hug and he hugs you back.
"How's my best girl doing?" he grins looking down at you and you nod furiously. You talk for a little longer before he leads you into the garage.
"Dude what are they all hovering around!" Lando asks looking at 9 or 10 of the drivers stood around something. Lando and Oscar walk over to see the most beautiful orange car in the parking lot. It wasn't rare to see beautiful cars at the grand prix because of all the drivers that were there but this was next level.
"Lando did you get a new car?" Carlos asks in awe, elbowing his friend.
"No, I wish this was my car!" Lando sighs running his hand along the edge.
"Oh my gosh, please please be careful if your touching my car!" you cry running over to all the drivers, you'd forgotten your bag of gifts for the team and drivers and came back to get them.
"T-this is your car?" Lewis asks in shock.
"Yes?" you say holding up the keys and opening the door, Charles looking at Lewis in shock.
"Can i sit in it?" Pierre asks looking at you with a grin.
All the drivers weren't only in awe of their car but the girl that had just come running up asking them to be careful of the car.
"Sure..." you say and let him open the door.
"Lando Oscar! It's great to finally meet you!" you smile, your bubbly friendly nature pulling them in for a joint hug. You watch behind them as drivers look inside the car and switch out whose sat in the drivers seat.
"And who are you?" Oscar asks crossing his arms over his chest, not looking to impressed at the current moment.
"Oh my names Y/N! I'm a guest of McLaren today!" you smile, and everyone there just fell in love with you even more.
"Wait... i know you. You're Y/N McLaren!" Max grins, and you look down with a blush.
"Wait ... you're Bruce McLaren's grand-daughter?" Carlos asks looking you up and down, and he was starting to realize Max was right. Your New Zealand accent being the biggest give away.
"Wait, so you like own the company?" Lando asks with a shocked look. You giggle a little before shaking your head.
"No, I have shares in it but I have to be 25 before the transaction occurs...!" you explain and he nods looking over you.
"I can't believe your here, that's kinda crazy! Why have you never come to a race before?" Logan asks kindly and you look down sadly.
"Bad memories for mum, wasn't allowed to go to one until I was 18 but by the time I was I was in university studying" you answer and they all nod, knowing how hard it must have been on your mum.
"What did you study?" Charles asks as his head pops up from hanging into the window on the other side.
"Engineering, your routes will always find a way back!" you grin.
"Oooo that reminds me!" you start to say as you open the passenger side door, it flicking up into the air as you pull the seat forward to get the bags out the back. They were neatly wrapped gift bags in the specific McLaren shade with little white bows.
"One for you!" you smile handing Lando the first bag.
"And one for you!" you grin handing another bag to Oscar!
"I erm need to get back to the garage I have so many questions for the engineers and the mechanics and I don't want to take up more of their time! So ..." you nod towards Carlos who was currently having a feel around in the car.
"Ah yes, I am very sorry!" he smiles getting out. You smile and lock the car before running back off towards the paddock entrance.
"She is nothing like I expected her to be when we first saw her!" Max smiles, liking your vibes.
"I don't like her!" Oscar declares and everyone's head snaps towards him.
"What do you mean you don't like her, she literally WHAT?" Lando almost laughs, looking at his friend and teammate.
"She's too nice... and like ickily perfect" Oscar frowns watching as she bumps into someone just inside the gates of the paddock apologizing profusely.
"Ickily perfect? Is ickily even a word?" Logan asks with a frown.
"No, but that is the only way i can describe it... there's something off!" Oscar declares.
"Mate come on, she gave us gifts and she let everyone look at her cool car ... just because you had one bad celebrity experience here doesn't mean they are all like that!" Lando sighs, before nodding for them all to leave and get to where they need to be in the garage.
"Guys I'm back!" you smile and all the mechanics and engineers look happy to see you.
"Here's my gift to the team!" you say starting to pull out all the baked goods you'd made for them earlier in the day. Brownies, cake ... you name it and it was there.
"Oh thanks Y/N!" one of them says jogging over, he takes a brownie and seconds later groans at the incredible taste that he's being welcomed with.
"So can i ask you a few questions about the suspension of the car?" you ask and he looks shocked for a second before nodding and wiping his mouth clean.
You chat with him for what seemed like ages, talking about the car and the improvements made since the last race and gradually more engineers had started to join in the conversation.
There was a group of people around you as you observed the car, close but not too close that you or McLaren would be fined, just observing the raw mechanics and engineering that went behind it. You pointed out certain things and sometimes it was just observation rather than questions.
"See!" Lando smirks towards Oscar after having watched you talk to the team for a few minutes.
"Okay so she's smart too and is actually interested in the cars ... but that doesn't change my opinion!" Oscar whispers to Lando. He was watching you animatedly talk to the engineers about the car, questioning where they felt the car was at this weekend.
“Dude … come on! What is it about her you don’t like? She’s basically our boss …” Lando explains before turning left and seeing the sweet treats you’d brought in.
“Look she even brought treats … that she baked these herself and wrote a little note for the team with a smiley face and heart … how … can you NOT like her” Lando cries a little too loudly making your head whip round.
You hadn’t heard what he said but he seemed a little distressed.
“Lando, are you okay?” You ask walking over to the duo making Oscar sigh.
“Y-yeah im fine sorry i didn’t mean to yell” he says sheepishly.
“It’s pretty loud in here anyway. I’m not surprised your having to raise your voice!” You laugh, raising your own a little as the sound of drilling and engines occur.
The weekend went by, and Lando stuck around. He was so polite and really kind. A little flirty but you didn’t mind because he was very respectful.
Oscar on the other hand you couldn’t read. He seemed to have this axe against you. This general dislike that you didn’t know where it had come from.
So you devised a plan, to pull him to one side. You stayed put in his drivers room waiting for him to come back from the race. He’d come P4 and Lando had a podium do it was a special weekend for McLaren.
“What are you doing in MY room!” His voice startles you from looking at your phone.
“Please don’t leave before I can talk!” You ask and he looks at you as if you’ve grown two heads.
“This is my room, your the one that needs to leave! I’m not going anywhere!” He cries with his hands up.
“Good, because I’m not leaving till you tell me why you hate me so much!” You ask and there’s an awkward silence of you both just staring at each other. You wait sitting politely on the small sofa.
“Argh I - I don’t … hate you” he sighs and you now look at him like he’s grown two heads.
“Oh come on! It’s so obvious!” You exclaim standing up.
“I don’t I just … don’t like when social media influencers come to the race” he sighs and you laugh out loud at the thought you’d been considered a social media influencer.
In some respect you were. You had a large platform and brands would take advantage of that. But it was purely your last name and legacy that got you that platform.
“I don’t know what your experience is like with celebrity’s who come here … but I’m not like them. Whoever has … swayed your opinion on well my kind of people” you mutter the last bit.
“Look I’m sorry for being so blunt and stand offish with you at the start. I didn’t mean too. Truce?” He offers and you mock a thoughtful look on your face before a grin comes onto your face that has him blushing.
“Truce Piastri! Now will you try a cookie for the love of god!” You grin showing him the plate you’d made just for him as he hasn’t eaten any of yours yet!
@littlesatanicassholebitch @hockey-racing-fubol @laura-naruto-fan1998 @22yuki @simxican @sinofwriting @lewisroscoelove @cmleitora @daemyratwst @lauralarsen @the-untamed-soul @thewulf @itsjustkhaos @purplephantomwolf @chasing-liberosis @summissss @gulphulp @starfusionsworld @jspitwall l @sierruhhhh @georgeparisole @youcannotcancelquidditch @tallbrownhairsarcastic @ourteenagetragedy @peachiicherries @formulas-bitch @cherry-piee @spilled-coffee-cup @mehrmonga @bigsimperika @blueberry64857959 @eiraethh @curseofhecate @alliwantisadonut @dark-night-sky-99 @i-wish-this-was-me @tallrock35 @butterfly-lover @barnestatic @landossainz @darleneslane @barcelonaloverf1life @r0nnsblog @ilove-tswizzle @laneyspaulding19 @malynn @viennakarma @landosgirlxoxo @marie0v @yourbane @teamnovalak @nikfigueiredo @fionaschicken @0picels0 @tinydeskwriter @ironmaiden1313 @splaterparty0-0 @formula1mount
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xxgoblin-dumplingxx · 3 months
Age gap!Bruce is so in love with his wife, I’m sure that he believes she can’t do nothing wrog. Like, he’s the type to brag about how amazing she’s to everybody.
I love your writing and this scenario in particular has me very interested bc I think is so original. Usually, I don’t like age gap bc writers tend to make reader a little childlike or with no personality, but age gap!reader is so unique that I love her so much.
I like to imagine one of Bruce’s exes, like Selina (I’m sorry, but I always remember how she left him at the altar. I love her but my heart breaks for Bruce) comes back to Gotham and everything is kinda awkward bc yes, they have this weird off and on relationship (they haven’t seen each other for more than a year), not string attached but serious at the same time. And suddenly, he’s married to a fucking pop-star and actress??
Even a one night stand seeing Bruce “the playboy” marrying reader.
I can see this with anyone who used to be in love or having feelings either for Bruce or reader. “That should be me” by Justin Bieber will be in their spotify wrapped
I think it was the hard launch of the YEAR. Everyone will be so shocked by it that it becomes an iconic and part of Gotham’s pop culture. They did an interview and suddenly, the next thing they knew?? They got married at a private ceremony where only close family and friends knew.
"This is a stunt even for you, Bruce," Lois scolded tapping her foot. "Honestly-"
Bruce held his hands up, "The only reason it's public now is because we got caught in public. She was perfectly happy to be a private thing."
"Bruce," she scoffed giving him a look, "I know she's an adult but still. You're old enough to be her dad-"
"Not unless I was 16 when she was born," Bruce snorted, "she's the same age Dick is. Damian is 9-"
Lois rolled her eyes and took a seat, "So what did your kids say?"
"Over all, they were fine with it. If not happy about it. But Jason had to make a scene about me dating his childhood crush and betraying him all over again for dramatic effect. And Damian had to lecture me about the security risk."
"Naturally," Lois said smiling. "Jon said Damian had a lot to say about it. That's how we heard about it."
This time it was Bruce's turn to roll his eyes. "Be nice to her-"
"Are you kidding?" Lois asked, slightly incredulous.
"Why would I not be? She's Iconic, honestly."
"And better at managing her image than I am," Bruce chuckled.
"Sad, really," Lois observed dryly. "But also impressive."
"No one knows who she dates, where she donates, no one knows her net worth for sure... honestly if she didn't volunteer the information I'm not even sure I'd know her favorite color."
"I'm not surprised," Lois mused, "After watching her get ripped apart a few years ago."
"I don't-"
"You wouldn't," Loid allowed, "You didn't have editors that wanted you to write think pieces about it. And you didn't work in an office that had a betting pool to her inevitable suicide or addiction spiral."
Bruce winced. He didn't remember it. Not directly, but you'd talked about it. It was part of why he agreed to letting you keep things private. You liked keeping things quiet. A separation between your public face and your private one. It fucked you up. And no one protected you. You'd had to handle it alone- Sure, you had your team but that wasn't the same as having PEOPLE to fall back on.
"I'll be nice," Lois assured him, "Just don't be a creep or I'll sic Clark on you later."
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mrsnancywheeler · 9 months
midnight rain // finnick odair x f. reader
summary: finnick had pulled the plug on your relationship long ago, when he could no longer keep from you what he'd been forced into. but after you've returned victorious from your games, he knows you need him as the nightmares come for you each time you close your eyes.
chapter two
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warnings: descriptions of gore, violence, character death, hurt/comfort, allusions to trafficking, secrets, inaccurate timeline, finnick might be ooc idk I'm not good at telling lmao, part one ??, unedited, ANGST, fluff, no use of y/n, pet names like angel and my love, the title will make more sense when I get all my ideas out in the possible next part, so long, I'm so sorry
2.9k words
Waking up in his arms is what saved you, every night when you were thrown back into that arena shivering in the cold, the warmth of him wrapped around you would guide you back to safety.
Did you even have that? Comments made in passing by former victors and my Finnick’s attitude made your stomach turn. What truly lay ahead for you post the games? You couldn't focus on that yet though, right now you'd just have the muster up the courage to finish up the grand Victory Tour. Your reward for losing your humanity, for the blood staining your hands.
Finnick grumbled into your shoulder as he began waking from his own so-called rest, which you could only imagine became more torturous as time went on. Or not, maybe you'd become more numb to it as the present forced itself onto you rather than the ghosts of the past. Sunlight streamed down on his bronze skin, he nearly shimmered. It was as if the gods knew he deserved to be blessed with something for all the tribulations he faced.
“I'm supposed to be the one watching you sleep." His saccharine voice filled your senses like honey, the sound of sleep adding a rasp, in the mornings he was like honey and toast.
“Sorry I couldn't resist your charms and I didn't want to disturb your rest, golden boy." You smiled as he raised his eyebrows at you.
“Your rest is much more important, it's your Victory Tour. You've got people to face and impress, be the Capitol’s Princess." He said it with a smile you could melt for, but behind his tone you could sense bitterness. Unsaid words he wasn't ready to reveal to you, something that had broken you apart one, and then led him back to you, into his warmth.
“Finnick-" It was a hidden tone that terrified you. What had he been keeping locked behind those honey-dripping, sweet-talking lips for so long? When would he hand you the golden encrusted key to his secrets?
“Come on you need to get dressed, angel. You have impressions to make.” He didn't want to talk about it, he knew when you were trying to pry and wasn't ready to reveal what he kept hidden. You did need to get ready though, today was District 7, the allies you'd had to betray. Just the thought of it made you want to retreat further into the warmth of the bed, the blankets, of his arms but he was unwrapping himself from you without another word.
Maybe if he couldn't tell you were trying to make him reveal things he would be slower and gentler about preparing you for what lay ahead, but he didn't want to stare into your pleading eyes and spill his secrets. Which is why he'd torn himself from your love in the first place.
"Stay on the script, you did what you had to do to survive. Charm, but it's not the families you're doing it for, it's them.” Them, the Capitol, eagerly awaiting your filmed performance. You nodded as Finnick wrapped his robe around himself. He made no eye contact as he left the train car and you felt yourself running cold. You were alone again, with your thoughts, soon your Capitol assigned team of designers would be here to dress you up like a paper doll.
You were frail and delicate, but lethal when it came down to it. Your tears were iconic for fragile femininity, but manipulation to win against those with stronger senses. An image you still needed to abide by, even if you'd rather lay down and fall into your head for eternity, punishing yourself for it all.
There he stood, face firm as he readied the hatchet to slice straight through your brain.
“Birch, you don't really want me dead. We don't have to turn on each other, we can talk about it." You reasoned, tears brimming your eyelids.
“Why? Like how you were planning to talk to him about it too?" Birch nodded to the lifeless body nearby.
“He attacked me!" You defended, that would be the argument. The sweet tribute who had such a big heart, but did what she needed to survive.
“Because he knew you were trying to use him, sorry we couldn't all fall for your charms. All of us have homes, families to go back to. Of course I don't want you dead, but they need me.” He was pleading too and if you looked hard enough you could swear he was about to cry. Before you could say another word the hatchet flew from his hand and you dodged it just in time. Birch began sprinting towards you. If he got his arms around you there was no doubt he could snap your neck in a split second. His strength was one of the reasons he was such a good pick to ally with.
You were unsteady on your feet as you ran away, fumbling for something to throw, to block his advances. The hatchet had lodged itself into the ground not far from you, he knew you were going for it and the adrenaline was speeding him up. You grabbed it, stumbling forward as soons as it was within your grasp, turning forward. He was so close and paused a second. You'd be more dangerous close by then at a distance now, he'd helped you practice throwing different weapons in training which you were decent at. Decent enough to be a threat, decent enough that he regretted it, decent enough that you regretted it too, using his kindness to win against him.
But this was all too slow, he needed to either win or lose. So he gave up on the reason and barreled forward. You barely had enough time to think as you pounded forward as well, slicing into him, not deep enough to kill, but enough to injure, for him to stumble back a second. You didn't have time to take a second and thrusted the hatchet straight into his chest, definitely deep enough to kill. The sight of the blood trickling down his bottom lip as he fell backward blurred your vision. She was still left, you didn't have time to feel guilty yet you did.
“Mom, Laurel-” He choked out before he went completely stiff and the cannon rang out. Flashes of his mom and his little, 10 year old sister, shivering and shaking by her mother and his image stared with cold eyes at you. Giving your grand speech about his bravery and next thing you knew you were screaming.
“Hey, hey it's okay. You're not there, you're right here. I've got you." Warm hands shook your shoulders as you woke with sobs wracking through your body.
That's the problem you thought your mind was racing awake, he had people to take care of you had selfishly picked your family over his, over all of there's.
“I know, I know, I've got you." Finnick enveloped you within his arms as you let your tears streak down his shoulder.
“How am I supposed to look at them, Finnick? How am I supposed to congratulate them for their child’s bravery when I took their babies away from them?” Your voice was creaky and louder than you'd expected.
He pulled you off his shoulder, facing you, his sea green eyes pouring into yours. “With a smile, this isn't about them, or for them. This is for Snow, you're still playing the game. I can't tell you it gets better, but you have to remember he's watching and you need to follow his rules." You nodded robotically, the old Finnick would have comforted you more. But, this Finnick was still recovering too and he was doing his job as a mentor. Keeping you safe from the vultures and their outrage if you didn't play the Capitol’s Princess good enough.
“Can you stay?" You whispered, even though he always did.
“Of course, angel." He pressed his warm lips to your forehead, engulfing you within his arms. You lay with him knowing if you fell back asleep with images of her family would echo within your soul, haunting your dreams. Finnick would ground you back, his comfort would stop you from screaming in the real world, keep your protected, but not the flashes of what you'd done. “You need to sleep, you have to do it all again tomorrow."
“I know." You wiped down a stray tear streaking down your face. He looked serene in the moonlight glow even if his eyes spoke a different tale. One of worry, one wondering how much longer until the waterfall poured himself out to you. “Finnick, I know things aren't the same between us, they haven't been, and I don't know if you even want them to be. But please, please don't ever leave me. I need you, to keep me from just floating completely away. To remind me why I won."
Your choppy voice broke his heart even more, he didn't know how much longer he could do this to you. He wanted to be as he had been for you, but the chains bore too heavy right now. There was too much on your plate to add more brutality to it.
“I would never even consider it, angel. I felt selfish for it, but you keep me grounded too. I'm sorry I'm doing this to you." His voice was softer than usual, wasn't as teasing, it was so pure, so lost.
“You're not selfish, Finnick. I know you've always just wanted to keep me safe, even if I don't know from what and you can tell me in your own time. I'll wait for you to come back to me."
He closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. You were so sweet, so in need of his protection. He couldn't let them do to you as they did to him, but there was nothing he could do to protect you except keep it away as long as possible.
“You need to try and rest, sweet girl." You hummed in response, knowing that wouldn't happen.
“Just you and me then." Her voice was always so rich, accented and friendly but strong. It was like dark chocolate, with a hint of caramel and raspberries. But now, it was exhausted. You'd trusted her more then anyone else, related to her even if your tactics were different. Even when the men had tried to split up as if it was District against District. Really they'd just been trying to get the two “weaker" girls out of the way so they could fight it out amongst themselves. Marlowe had been much too smart for that though. She'd fled from Birch the moment she sensed his demeanor change.
You'd both silently hoped the other would be dead, so that it wouldn't come to this. You and Marlowe fighting for your lives, your families, all as a silly little dance, a pageant for the rich.
“Just you and me." You repeated back, voice so soft it could be caught in the wind and drift away, feathery.
“I'd say we should just split up and wait to see who dies out first, but we both know you're much more popular than I am." She smirked with sadness twinging her features.
“They like you, Marlowe. You're fierce."
She laughed harshly, “So are you, but you've balanced it out. Anyways I'm sure if we did do that they'd send something out for us. It's all for the show, isn't it?" Marlowe wouldn't cry but you could feel the exasperation, the anger, the tears that would never spill in her wavering voice. “Isn't it?" She shouted into the sky. You could tell she was giving up in a sense, not scared of angering the Capitol. But that didn't mean she wasn't still a threat, if anything her wrath made her more of a danger in the moment. So as she started into the sky you made a run for it, grabbing the spear left by Conway. Oh, Conway.
There was no time to dwell on Conway or Birch. Right now you need to focus on your plan, gaining the upper hand. You needed to be in the water. Which wouldn't be hard, this was a marshland after all. Spear in hand you ran as fast as you could, enough distance would give you enough time to think of a more solid plan. Marlowe shouted your name, but you ran until your legs tumbled into the warm water, sweat ran down your face as the mugginess clung to your skin. You whipped around to where her footsteps headed towards you, gripping for dear life onto that spear.
“Was this your plan all along? That's what Birch always said, you'd play the part of a darling, of a ready to cry her heart out sweetheart just to stab us all in the back, especially with that training score.” She shook her head, dismayed. " But I get it, I really do. This is what they do, pin us against each other. If you wanted me to die you would have thrown that at me, but you haven't. But I can still win this thing.” The tears were burbling up again and before you could throw the spear into her she'd tackled you from the side.
Your lungs filled with the muddy water and you gasped for air that wasn't there. How ironic it would be, you ran for the water to have the upper hand and it would be the end of you. Your grasp had loosened on the spear and you desperately tried to find it in the water. Your arms failed, you kicked forward, but Marlowe was just as strong as Birch would have been. For a second you were able to lift your face out of the water and take a gasp of air before her hands plunger you back into uncomfortably warm water.
You saw images of Finnick, how disappointed he would be in you. How heart wrenchingly broken he would be to know he pushed you away to ‘protect you’ and there you were dead in the dirty marsh water. You wanted him back desperately, for him to trust you again, let you back within the walls of his mind. Suddenly your hands finally wrapped around the spear you'd been desperately searching for. With all the energy you had left in you, eyes searching through the murky water you aimed as much as you could.
Suddenly her rough fingers holding you down loosened and you forced yourself up, gasping for air. Hands still on the handle of the spear and you felt the warmth of a thicker liquid falling down on you. Straight from her neck, you'd gone straight through her throat. The cannon rang out, a voice proclaimed you the victor of the annual Hunger Games, but all you could do was bawl. Mumbled apologies, she didn't deserve this, nobody did.
Pictures of her mother and father glaring into you for taking away their only baby as you announced your loyalty to the righteousness of Panem. You weren't screaming yourself awake.
Finnick hasn't fallen back to sleep, but your sniffles and the feeling of your hot tears on his arms made him glad he hadn't. That he could be here for you when you woke up once again, needing to know there would be no more death. Other things like ahead, but there would be no more arena.
“Angel, it's okay. Let it out, I'm here for you." He spoke with so much confidence that your drowsy self simply nodded as you cried and tucked yourself into his arms even more.
“Finnick?" You mumbled out through your groggy mind and tear filled throat.
“Yes, my love?" Even when your vision was blurred he looked ethereal, a god send in your time of need.
“Can you just tell me something happy, just whisk me away, please?" Finnick kissed the top of your head.
“Of course." The begging way you said it, pumped his veins with guilt. He's been too harsh, too much of a realist. Which wasn't how your relationship operates, he couldn't just talk to you like a mentor when you'd always meant so much more than that.
“Angel, after we get through this we're going to live in a beautiful house overlooking the beach. I'll annoy you but dragging you out to fish-” He began before you interrupted him.
“You could never annoy me, Finnick." You said softly and he pressed his finger to your lips.
“Shhhh, just listen and rest. I'll annoy you and boss you around it, as you like to say. I'll collect sea glass to make you beautiful things, we'll dance in the sand, and every second I'll think about your hands in mind, your soft hair wrapped in my fingers, your lips on mine. We’ll be so drunk on our own pleasure all of this will be a figment of your imagination, I'll cook for you, and we'll get dressed up to go nowhere before we just end up swimming the night away." Maybe he was lying maybe if Snow had his way it would break you like it had broken him, but maybe with your kindhearted way you'd simply build him back up and your bond would be stronger than ever.
Sorry this is so long, but I left out so much I was thinking about. Especially about the games so maybe there'll be a part two if y'all want. Thanks for reading, likes, reblogs, and comments are much appreciated.
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Can you do a smut where R is teasing Natasha, like sending her sexy pics and whimper while Natasha is on a mission and when she got home she F r senselessly?
Double take
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Warnings: Spanking, oral (r receiving), Strap on sex (r receiving), Dirty talk, Sending nudes, masturbating, marking, and I think that's it
Parings: Natasha Romanoff x fem reader
Word count: 3k
The desolate and poorly illuminated room persisted in its frigid state. The absence of your beloved girlfriend was palpable, leaving you in solitude once more.
As you shifted onto your side, a sudden gasp escaped your lips, echoing in the empty room. The sheets beside you were void of Natasha's presence, serving as a harsh reminder of her absence for the next five days. Though it may seem like a short duration to some, the void left by her departure was palpable, as your reliance on her was immense.
As you lay in bed, restlessly shifting from side to side, the once perfectly tucked-in sheets have now become a mess, crumpled and scattered all over. The temperature in the room seemed to rise as your mind was fixated on the thoughts of Natasha.
As you reminisce about the past, you can't help but recall the sweet words she whispered in your ear. Her assurances that you were the epitome of perfection and that she could never imagine being with anyone else send a small but genuine smile to your lips.
You longed for her presence, yearning to feel her warmth beside you once more.
As you reach out to the nightstand to grab your phone, the dimly lit room offers a sense of comfort. Your fingers feel the cool surface of your phone as your eyes struggle to adjust to the sudden flash of your lock screen. You notice a few notifications, mostly from Wanda and Carol. However, the one message you were hoping for, from Natasha, is nowhere to be seen.
As you glance at your phone, you realize that it's already 4:36 in the morning. You put it back on the nightstand and attempt to fall back asleep. However, you find yourself tossing and turning and unable to drift into slumber. With nothing else to do, you unlock your phone and peruse through your contacts. You stop at Natasha's name, contemplating whether or not to message her. You hesitate, whispering to yourself, "Should I really text her?" while gazing at her contact, unsure if you should initiate a conversation.
Your mind is filled with uncertain thoughts. However, you crave her presence so deeply, yearning for the warmth of her embrace, the comfort of her cuddles, the kisses she would give you, and the touch of her fingers...
A sudden idea strikes your mind, causing you to sit up on the bed. A small but meaningful smirk adorns your face as you ponder over the thought. You proceed to pull your shirt over your head, lost in deep contemplation. Leaving you in only a bra and panties.
Still looking over her contact, you press the screen gently. Allowing you to see the previous texts from a few days ago. Pressing the camera icon, you angle the phone so it can capture your body. Your chin was left in the fame. The camera mostly focuses on your white lace bra and white lace thong. The camera captured you sitting on your knees. One of your hands rested on your thigh while the other hand pressed the button to get the photo. After carefully examining the photo, you come to the conclusion that it could make Natasha think of you in a way that she would need you. You decide to add a heartfelt caption that reads, "Miss you so much baby <3" trying to throw her mind off guard from the photo on top of the message and confidently press the send button.
It's impressive how quickly Natasha responded to the message in just five minutes. Right now, all you can see is the three dots, which means she's working on her reply. You feel a little nervous, of course, you've shared photos like this before. Just, not while Natasha was on a mission. You honestly didn't know how she was going to react to it.
'"I'm warning you, Y/n, don't start," Natasha quickly replies to you.
Not listening to Natasha, you quickly remove your bra and take another photo to send to her. What could be se bad about it? She would probably forget what you did as soon as she came back from her mission.
You sat in the same position as in the last photo, this time you brought your hand up to one of your boobs. Groping it slightly for the photo. Looking over the photo once more, making sure that it looked good. Clicked the send button and waited for Natasha to respond again.
"Jesus, y/n. It's 5 in the morning," Natasha replied promptly to your message.
"Is there something wrong with the photo?" you texted Natasha, trying to be oblivious to the fact you were sending her pictures of you halfway naked.
"Y/n, you know that's not what I meant. I'm in a hotel room with Maria and Thor. Getting me worked up right now isn't going to make things easy for you when I get back home my sweet girl."
"Alright, I'm sorry Nat. I won't send anything else..." You texted her that response, knowing that you were still going to send her something else. I mean, you just miss her so much. Who could blame you?
Clicking the camera button once more you decide to make this one a video.
Once the red button gets smaller you start your movements. The hand that's not holding the phone travels down your body. stopping when it gets to your panties. Slowly pulling them down to your mid-thigh. Letting out a low moan when the cold air hit your cunt. Stopping for a few seconds, you turn your body over to the nightstand to turn on the lamp that stood above the piece of furniture.
Once the room was illuminated by the light, you got back to the actions. Laying down on your back and angling the camera so it could capture your pussy, leaking with your juices.
Your hand slowly circles your clit, and another moan erupts from your mouth, pretending the hand was Natasha's. "Need you so bad Nat." You moan out into the air, your hips bucking up slightly from your movements on your clit.
Your hand suddenly stops its movements. The feeling of more pleasure coursing through your body. Your middle finger runs its way down your wet folds, teasing your hole, you thrust the tip of your finger in and out of your pussy. Hisses and sighs leave your mouth. The smallest amount of pleasure felt so good in your desperate state.
You finally pushed your whole finger into your cunt. Moaning at the way it filled you up. Yet, it still wasn't enough for you. Even with the thought of Natasha fucking you roughly with her fingers. You still needed more.
Moan after moan leaves your mouth, and another finger enters your pussy, trying hard to get yourself off. Natasha had you hooked. Ever since she fucked you for the first time you haven't been able to get off on your own, always needing her help.
The two fingers move at a faster pace, trying everything that they could to make you reach the high that you needed. Your legs start to shake. An indication that you might get that release that you've been waiting on. "Fuck, Nat." You moan out. Your eyes shut tightly as the hand that once circled your clit moved up to your boob, circling your nipple.
It only took a few more minutes before your high. Your legs close around your hand and lower arm. A loud moan leaves your mouth, you almost forget about the camera that was recording you.
Once the video had come to an end, you quickly sent it over to Natasha before placing your phone down on the nearby nightstand. Your heart was pounding in your chest as you tried to catch your breath, the pleasure still coursing through your veins. Even though you knew that this was a risky decision to send the video, you couldn't help but feel elated by the attention that you had received from Natasha. Of course, you were aware that you probably be punished by Natasha. but the thrill of it all made it seem worth it. Now, all you can do is wait and see how Natasha reacts to the video.
You turned off the lamp that your phone lay under and tried to get some sleep.
Today was the day that Natasha was supposed to come home. The past five days have been nothing but torture for you. Natasha had left your last video on read, leaving multiple worries through your mind.
As you settled onto the expansive couch, the warmth of the cushions enveloped you and you felt your body relax from the stress flowing through your mind. Your favorite movie played on the screen before you, the familiar scenes bringing a slight sense of comfort. You shifted a little, glancing towards the door as you anticipated Natasha's arrival.
As you sat on the couch, lost in your thoughts, the silence was suddenly broken by the sound of keys jingling outside the front door. Your heart skipped a beat as you realized that it was Natasha, who was finally back from her mission. You watched with bated breath as the door swung open, revealing Natasha standing in the doorway with a smirk on her face.
"You have anything you want to say to me y/n" Natasha asks you while she sets her keys down on an accent table you two had bought. She waited for your response while slipping off her shoes.
"'M sorry N-."
"No, I don't care. I want you on the bed Naked right now." Natasha interrupts your pleading and swiftly makes her way to the kitchen to grab a beer from the fridge.
Upon hearing her request, you carefully make your way upstairs, taking fast steps to ensure that you do not exacerbate the situation. Once you arrive in the bedroom, you reach for the lamp and switch it on, casting a warm glow throughout the room. You hurry to take off all your clothes and lay down on the bed. Waiting for Natasha to come into the room.
A few minutes later, Natasha enters the bedroom to see your sprawled out on the bed. Even though she only said a few words it made such an impact with how you reacted and Natasha loved it.
"So obedient, why couldn't you listen to me just like this when I texted you to stop baby?"
A tiny whine left your mouth after hearing her speak to you. "Don't know." You spoke out to her which she laughed at slightly and made her way over to you, looking down at your frame with hazy eyes.
"Such a fucking slut. Sending me videos of you fingering yourself even though I said not to? How needy could you be?" Natasha spoke to you before sitting down on the bed and manhandling you to a position where you lay down on her legs.
"'M sorry Natasha, didn't mean to."
"I know, you said that Detka." She spat out to you before one of her hands made contact with your ass. A red handprint showing on the skin she slapped. A gasp left your mouth with the sudden impact. "How many do you think you deserve?" "5-?"
"Only 5? You think you only deserve 5?"
"Yes..." You whisper, out to her. You were surprised she was able to hear what came out of your mouth. A slight redness coming over your face.
"How about 10, that seems so much better. Huh?"
You didn't respond back to her, only nodding your head and placing it down on the sheets. Even if you tried to go against it, you wouldn't be able to. She had full control over you.
Natasha rubbed the skin for a few seconds before slapping your ass hard once more. A moan left your mouth as your hand grasped the sheets beneath you tightly.
Natasha's free hand was rubbing up and down your back as her other hand made multiple collisions on your now red skin.
Once Natasha was done with the assault on your backside she sat you up on her lap examining your tear-stained face. A small smile appeared on her face knowing she made you this way. She could feel the wetness pooling on her thigh, her finger trailing down to your clit, giving it a small rub. Your hips jolt at the movement and a low moan leaves your mouth. "So wet already? Did me spanking you turn you on that much?" She asked you this knowing that you wouldn't be responding back to her.
Natasha laid you down on your back as she got on her knees and removed her shirt. Your eyes stare at her frame after she takes off the piece of clothing. Her abs were on display, her plaid boxers showing a bit. She had a spider tattoo right where her v-line started. You were in a trance, not being able to look up. That was until Natasha got down on her stomach and started to kiss the inside of your thighs.
She made her way to your cunt, licking a stripe of arousal. "Taste so good baby." she said to you before going back and licking your cunt messily, her sweet praises almost made you think she wasn't mad at you anymore.
Moans drag out of your mouth one by one. A hand coming down and gripping her red hair, shoving her closer to your cunt. Your hips bucking up to her face and she immediately places her strong hand over one of your hips to keep you down. You hate to admit it but you were so close to coming in such a short time. "s-so close Nat, please" you beg out to her. Your head thrown back on the bed as Natasha switched from sucking your clit to sloppily licking your folds and fucking you with her tounge.
She quickly pulled away from your pussy after she heard you were about to cum. Her mouth and lower chin were dripping from your juices. You let a loud whine and started up at Natasha with glossy eyes, hoping it would convince her to let you cum.
"Not gonna work y/n. Should've thought about what would happen before sending me that video." She said before taking off her sweatpants. She walks away to your closet, leaving you a bit confused on why she was going in there.
Your legs close over each other, trying to get some type of pleasure while waiting on Natasha.
Natasha comes back out in the same outfit. Plaid boxers and a sports bra, yet, you noticed something different. She was packing under her boxers.
She walks back over to you and gets on top of you. Her head lowering and slowly kissing your neck, leaving marks all over that will definitely bruise up.
"N-Nat" You moan out to her.
"Shh, just let me use this pretty body baby, okay?" She tells you before sliding her boxers down. The strap popping up and hitting her stomach.
"Please need you so bad Nat." You whimper out to her, waiting for her to do something.
She quickly lines the tip of her strap up against your hole, rubbing it up and down before pushing it in. A strangled moan left your mouth as she bottomed out inside of you. "My cock feel good inside of your pretty pussy?" She asked, to which you nodded. Wrapping your legs against her waist
Natasha thrusted into you at a fast pace, her hands grasping your hips while she fucks into you. "Mm-fuck Natasha feels so good." "Like the way I fuck you? 'Wonder if your friends know that you can be such a slut for my cock." Groans left her mouth as she says your tits jumped up and down the more, she thrusted into you.
Her strap hits your g-spot with every thrust. Her eyes close as she feels the toy press on her clit, giving her a good amount of pleasure. She took one of her hands and circled your erect clit, giving you more pleasure by the moment.
"Please Natahsa, l-let me cum. Please." You moan out to her, hands grasping at her back, leaving crescent shaped scratches on her back. "F-fuck cum with me." She says to you, placing her head in the crook of your neck. Her thrust start to become inconsistent the closer she gets to her high.
A loud moan leaves your mouth as you finally release on her strap. Your eyes rolling to the back of your head. Your mouth is wide open as you try to ride it out.
With a few more thrusts Natasha cums, a groan leaving her lips as her head is down in the pillow. Her free arm wrapping around you tightly.
"You did so good baby," Natasha tells you before climbing off your body. Her face is now red with some hair sticking to her face.
"Just so you know, I loved the video. You just can't send me that stuff when i'm on a mission, okay?' She tells you before grabbing you a shirt and underwear.
"Yeah, I know, 'just needed you so bad." You say before sitting up to look at her. You see her walking away to the bathroom with a towel, coming back a few minutes later, she helps clean you off.
Once she's done cleaning you off, she helps you into one of her Radiohead shirts. "Thank you, Nat," "You're welcome my love, no go gets some sleep." She tells you while taking off the strap and cleaning it before she slips on another pair of boxers and a sports bra.
As you drift into a peaceful slumber, you feel the comforting embrace of Natasha's arms around your body. One of her arms reaches over to switch off the lamp on the nightstand, creating a soothing ambiance in the room.
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signedkoko · 8 months
Could you write some romantic headcanons for Valentino with a fem reader who's an overlord, and is either equally as powerful as him or more? I would love to see the dynamic, because we know how he treats his employees, but I'm interested in how he would act with someone who's "higher class" (would he see her as equal, treat her with more respect ect.).
Btw, I love your works. Your writing style is amazing.
Have a nice day/night <3
Valentino X Reader [Romantic]
In which you are one of the strongest overlords, and you far outpower all the V's combined. Reader is female.
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When you first met, it was a very back-and-forth relationship
Always nitpicking each other, bickering a ton, and making jokes at the others expense
This was mostly at meetings or at public events, but for the most part, Valentino never bothered to know more about you
Vox was a good friend of yours, though, so he always saw you in a positive light on social media or television
Slowly, Valentino had to come to terms with the fact that you were extremely well known, as you'd taken down many overlords who crossed you without so much as a scratch
In all honesty, he's quite the coward, so he tries to avoid you as much as Vox and Velvette invite you into their lives
The fact that anyone, let alone a woman, is more powerful than him? Its infruiating
Mostly because it hurts his masculinity, what little is left of it
While normally your strength would be worth exploiting, Velvette and Vox being so attached meant he was forced to respect you
Forced is the key word because he never respects anyone besides himself, which makes it way harder to be around you, though his awkwardness is what really reels you in
You two have a lot in common: you get what you want when you want it; the only difference is that you are independent and do everything on your own
Valentino preferred to have others do the dirty work for him, so you always laughed at how prissy he was
He probably smokes a lot more after being around you because it stresses him out
He's not worried about you, no, mostly himself; you are certainly a handful, and wherever you go, you take over the whole room
Valentino is influenced by your presence, which is noticeable to everyone around him
He is less hot-headed, less likely to lash out, and less likely to manipulate anyone into doing his bidding
It is almost as if he is trying to impress you further by being independent himself, as hard as it is for him
You know this; it's very blatant, but honestly, it's so cute seeing him try to act so big and bad when he's like a mutt next to you
Valentino idolizes you in your relationship; you are an icon that he must protect
He will go to extreme lengths for you
This stupid overlord will still bicker with you, but he will leave any prods towards you out of it and will only get huffy if you start insulting him too much
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Author's Note - Honestly surprised I got requested Valentino but also excited! He is such a dynamic character, defo one of my hardest to write. I also can't wait to do Velvette! Thank you for requenting 🖤
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shepscapades · 2 months
... that lean makes me think of the lean Bdubs did in the syncing comic....which if course begs the question: Did Etho pick up this habit of leaning to indicate processing/suspicion from Bdubs or did Bdubs pick it up from Etho? (or is it just a good way to show that emotion in comic form XD) Also.... the hair clip... My impression is that the flashback is from pretty early on. Is the hair clip a precursor to the well known headband? In universe, why a headband? Since they both do wear headbands... Was the headband originally Bdub's? Is... I know Etho is scared during the whole Last Life thing... is he thinking that Bdubs is planning specifically on targeting one of the androids? Or is that his fear talking?
... And after all that speculating... Ouch, Poor Tango!! ( i know this is an important event for Tango, but we don't see any of his reaction or feelings about any of this yet)
Wonderful comic, as always, Shep!
WEEE These are such good questions omg :DDDD alright i couldn't shut up so i'm putting it under a read more =w=
this is basically a mini comic breakdown! just rambling about some of the dbhc plot and mecahnics >:D
The lean is such a fun detail, i didn't even realize the similarities-- but it's actually a really nice (totally intentional) callback! I think Etho absolutely picked up those mannerisms from Bdubs, the same way Doc did from Ren, and so on so forth-- the androids, especially throughout season 8 and last life, are using their partnered hermits (and the other hermits in general) to learn what it means to be and act human-- vocal mannerisms, physical mannerisms, learning emotions for the first time and what it means to feel them, everything! I kind of see Season 8 as their "young" period-- their first season, the season they learn who they are and develop some of their most iconic traits. Etho is still himself, shyness and stoicism and all, but he learns his whimsy and silliness and teasing nature from being with bdubs for so long :)
THE HAIR CLIP <333 Yeah Etho's "Replaying Memory" moment is when Doc was checking out his "wounds" / the damage he sustained (from the initial creeper blast that caused his deviation) for the first time! At the time of the memory, It had probably been a little while since the actual initial incident where Bdubs had covered him up a little bit to hide the damage, but i'm sure doc or someone else noticed before long LDFKGJDF so this is their first like... "checkup"! So Etho is pretty young here (Doc too, but he already has his robot arm at this point, so...), maybe within the first month or two of season 8. So he definitely normally wears a bandana at this point (the same band bdubs made him wear initially to cover up the forehead cracks a little), but he's clipped his bangs back here so Doc can get a better look at the damage :)
I have a LOT of feelings about Etho's mental dialogue throughout last life, and it's very complicated and i won't be able to shut up about it so that's for another post. I will say, I don't think Etho ever truly thought Bdubs would Boogey kill him (though, doubt is a very powerful thing, so it turns out). I think Etho is still puzzling Bdubs out (though he's definitely learned quite a lot about him), especially when it comes to more serious situations like this, so the unknowns are definitely the biggest sources of fear for him. He can only do so much with the data he currently has, and the idea that a weapon so sharp could permanently damage any of the androids... it's an unsettling thought, regardless of whoever the mostly likely victim ends up being. (I don't think Etho expects it to be Tango, either-- not until he sees that look in Bdubs' eyes 10 seconds before it happens. I think Doc's little speech about their models is just helpful information for the reader and a sense of foreshadowing (as well as a reminder for Etho of how Not-So-Indestructible he is/the other androids are), not so much that etho thinks it's going to be tango after recalling the memory. Same for Bdubs. I dont think bdubs decided to target Tango until he was staring the back of his neck down and realized he could take the opportunity before he lost it). Anyway i've already rambled too much /silly
And lastly, Yes. This is, besides his deviation, probably Tango's most formative moment. The second time he truly experiences rage. I don't know if I could do a comic or an illustration that truly does his rage moment justice after he wakes up post-respawn and has a meltdown trying to kill bdubs, but knowing that Skizz wasn't built until s9 and is therefore missing from Last Life (AKA, Tango has no one other than Etho and Bdubs), just... makes this betrayal so, so much more painful. This betrayal is very much about Tango's rage, but it's also about his sense of trust and safety and his understanding of the way the world works. Hermitcraft is safety and jokes and support, and sure there's a bit of death here and there, but this is unlike anything he's ever known-- it's adrenaline and fear and threats and betrayal and. Anyway what a normal meltdown to have! And Etho can do nothing to calm him down except hold him back from killing bdubs (there's something to be said there too, about Tango knowing for certain now that Bdubs obviously chooses Etho over himself (Because come on, Bdubs wouldn't have killed Etho. Let's be honest here), but knowing too that Etho is choosing bdubs by not letting Tango get the revenge he so rightfully deserves...) Anyway. I think i'll explode if i think about this more
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liketheinferno2 · 4 months
These aren't full ref sheets but I was trying to take some clear pictures of Hephaistos for later art reasons and then got side tracked doing all of the Pandaemonium bosses so here they are in order. Also for anyone following who doesn't play FFXIV and knows it as the catgirl game, enjoy this instead? VISUAL SPOILERS obviously.
Warder of the Condemned: Erichthonios
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Mythic Creation: The Hippokampos
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Mythic Creation: The Phoinix
(+ familiars)
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Hemitheos: Hesperos
(+ sexy fanfic redesign by Nemjiji)
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To be brutally honest I never really liked either of these designs compared to every other Hemitheos we get, I think the really brutal black and red of the Phoinix is weakened by gold accents, but I still am always down for gay vampire surf rock. The Savage version kind of looks like Ultimalius as well if you've played XVI.
Mythic Creation: Proto-Carbuncle
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Hemitheos: Hegemone
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^ My favourite detail on this is you can see the parasite's outlines in her robes and in her legs, then right through the eye holes on the mask to wrap around the torso. I'm convinced this version of Hegemone is functionally an ant being piloted by a cordyceps infection.
Hemitheos: Agdistis
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She's very big
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Perfect Imperfection: Hephaistos
I'm probably biased by Abyssos being the first raid I was there for day of release but these really are all fantastic. It's also when the story abandons all pretense of not being (at least partly) about family abuse and is loudly using the body horror and shackle motifs to talk about that. It's great. Hephaistos specifically is constantly bulging and twisting in and out of different forms like a highly unstable chimera and the more I look at these the more I notice parts that just should not be there. He's giving everything.
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As for the Savage design It's a hard thing to rate as such but my favourite part is the veins that grow down from the eyeholes in his mask like bloody tears.
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Thanks Abyssos I love you
Mythic Creation: Kokytos
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Dæmoniac Dungeon: Pandæmonium
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It's really hard to communicate how huge this nasty tumor crab I zoomed out as far as physically possible in the game engine and subsequently ended up at a goofy angle staring up his nose.
Ephemeral Justice: Themis
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Best boy. The double ended lance and second pair of arms are fantastic for this character.
Theos: Athena
In.. almost every final fantasy adventure you're fighting the real villain not at the very end but a little beforehand, the big iconic end boss is often more a metaphorical figure representing everything wrong with that first person's ideals. Athena cut out the middle man and became her own JENOVA.
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I do like the moth angel, especially the hollow body full of dubious orbs, but with her eyes closed all the time it gives off the impression of this not even being the true body but some kind of anglerfish lure in the shape of a fairy... which might be true because this exists:
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I really really love her twitchy anemone feelers and how the moth body ends up grafted to the rest of it waist down.
Anyway there's the gang I did not specifically intend for this to be design reviews I just wanted to have clear photos because when you actually see them in game there's other things to focus on. In hindsight I can appreciate more the theming of each tier and then the series as a whole, but my only (extremely obvious) observation for now is that every character Athena had a personal hold over is decorated in chains somehow and so I should have seen the Hegemone thing coming lmao. Heph and Aggy are still my favourites I don't think that's changing any time soon. I'm also noticing that Anabaseios is now just old enough for random DF parties to fuck up severely and I find that fun so I'm going to go fight the crab mansion now.
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mustainegf · 4 months
Backstage sex with current Papa Het pleaseeee
Your writing is so good!!!!
I’ve been having SOOOO much fun writing these older James fics… I’m slobbering
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As I stood backstage, clutching the pass that granted me access to a world I had only dreamed of, the excitement in my chest was almost unbearable.
The echoes of Metallica's legendary performance still rang in my ears, and the energy of the concert pulsed through my veins.
Yeah I’d seen them plenty of times, but I’d never been lucky enough to get VIP.
I made my way through the dimly lit corridors, each step bringing me closer to something I could have never dreamed up.
I paused in front of the door labeled "James Hetfield." My heart pounded with a mix of nerves and exhilaration. The man behind that door was an icon, a living legend. I knocked softly, but there was no response.
After a moment's hesitation, I decided to gently push the door open a crack, curiosity getting the better of me.
What I saw made my breath catch in my throat. James Hetfield sat on a beat up leather couch, his ruggedly handsome face twisted in concentration.
His graying hair was messy, falling around his strong, chiseled features. His muscular arms, covered in intricate tattoos, flexed as his hand moved rhythmically along his impressive length.
His chest, broad and powerful, was heaving with deep breaths. He was completely lost in the moment, his eyes closed and his head resting against the back of the couch.
I gasped softly, unable to tear my eyes away. The sound made him open his eyes, and our gazes locked. I tried to stammer an apology, "Oh my God, I'm so sorry," but before I could retreat, he smirked, his blue eyes locking onto me. He didn't stop his movements; instead, he beckoned me closer with a flick of his finger.
"Come in," he said, his voice a low, seductive growl.
My body moved on its own, propelled by an odd jumble of embarrassment, arousal, and complete disbelief. I stepped into the room, closing the door behind me.
The room was filled with the scent of leather, cigar smoke and his musky cologne, making my head swim. James watched me with an evil gleam in his eyes, his smirk never fading.
"You like what you see?" he asked, his voice seemed dripping with authority.
I nodded, unable to find my voice. The sight of him, so raw and primal, was intoxicating. His hand continued to stroke his cock, slow and deliberate, the motion hypnotic.
"Come here," he ordered, his tone leaving no room for hesitation. I walked over to him, my legs feeling like they might give out at any moment. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me down onto the couch beside him, his grip firm and possessive. "Touch it," he commanded.
I reached out tentatively, wrapping my hand around his thick shaft. He was hot and hard in my hand, the veins bulging along its length.
I could feel his pulse throbbing beneath my fingers, each beat resonating through my entire body. He let out a low groan, his eyes never leaving mine.
"Good girl," he murmured, his voice rough and filled with desire. "Now, take off your clothes."
The command sent a thrill through me, and I quickly complied, stripping off my clothes with trembling hands. His gaze ate up my body, setting my skin on fire. He grabbed my hips and pulled me onto his lap, his cock pressing insistently against my entrance.
"Ride me," he growled, his hands gripping my hips with bruising force. "Show me how much you want this."
I positioned myself over him and slowly sank down onto his length, gasping as he stretched me. He filled me completely, the sensation unlike any sex I'd had before.
He didn't give me time to adjust, thrusting up into me with a pump that tore my remaining breath away.
"Fuck, you're tight sweetheart," he grunted, his fingers digging into my hips. "Ride me harder, I know you can do it."
I did as he commanded, bouncing up and down on his cock, my hands gripping his broad shoulders for support. His thrusts were rough and relentless, each one sending shocks of arousal through my body.
I could feel the tightness building inside me, my orgasm approaching quickly.
James reached between us, his calloused fingers finding my clit and rubbing it in time with his thrusts. The added stimulation was too much, and I came almost instantly, my body twitching around him. He continued to pound into me, prolonging my pleasure, his own groans growing louder as he chased his release.
He kissed his way down my neck, his teeth grazing my skin and on purpose. When he reached my breasts, he took one nipple into his mouth, sucking and biting gently until I was writhing on top of him.
"James, please, its too much," I moaned, my body aching for him.
He looked up at me with a wicked smile. "Patience," he said, his voice a seductive growl.
I gasped, my hands clutching the couch cushions as he brought me to the brink of madness with his skilled cock.
"James, hurry," I begged, my voice trembling.
"Fuck, you feel amazing," he growled, his hands gripping my hips as he began to move.
This time, his thrusts were slow and deep, each one hitting a spot that made me see stars. He leaned up, capturing my lips in a reddening kiss as he set a hard pace. I wrapped my legs around his waist, pulling him even closer as he drove me higher and higher.
The room was filled with the sounds of our pleasure, moans, gasps, the slap of skin against skin. He fucked me with a passion I'd never felt before, his eyes locked on mine the entire time.
"Fuck, I'm gonna cum," he growled, his thrusts becoming erratic. "Take it..."
His words sent me over the edge again, and I screamed his name as I came, my nails digging into his inked shoulders. He followed seconds later, stilling himself deep inside me as he filled me with his seed.
Finally, he pulled out of me let me collapse onto his chest.
"That was… incredible," I said, still dazed from the raw fuck.
James chuckled, his eyes twinkling. "You're not bad yourself," he said, reaching over to brush a strand of hair from my face. "Maybe we can do this again sometime."
I had come to see Metallica, but I had gotten so much more than I had ever imagined.
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felassan · 3 months
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Neve's outfit just has such a great design!! the silhouette it has - iconic, delightfully Tevene. Neve's piece really reminds me of the feel and vibe of her DA: The Missing cover. In the background are the towers and streets of Minrathous, the city that is her home - including the iconic floating castle. with its white/pale blue light, shimmer and the impression of ice crystals the magic she is casting has, it looks like she's using one of her ice mage abilities. It's cool, even the chair she is sitting on has that diamond, rhombus (not sure if I'm describing this right, but hopefully you know what I mean ^^) kinda design Tevinter things tend to have. you can see it in like their doorways and windows and stuff. I love the unique design of her staff/wand, and in this painting it reminds me of a cane. as in like, you know, didn't Sherlock Holmes sometimes carry a stick or cane? like Hercule Poirot? that kind of vibe. fitting for a detective and private investigator. :) in one of the past trailers they talked about "hard-boiled detective stories", which on reflection now I feel can surely only be in reference to Neve! a lil touch of film noir.
In the background, spotlighted (as if by one of the spotlights from the floating castle) against the wall and looming over her, is the ominous shadow of another person, or entity. the staff they carry implies they are a mage. A random Venatori? A Venatori leader? she has had dealings with them in the past, they don't like her and in the gameplay reveal we can see that they basically want to kill her and her allies; as someone affiliated with the Shadow Dragons, she's opposed to them. this could represent that opposition (Venatori/Neve) and the threat that they pose.
there's something off-looking about the shadow though - Tevinter magisters and Venatori etc wearing robes and getups that give them startling outlines is nothing new, but still. their arms are too long (unsettling), and the one without the staff, though it could just be the fancy trailing sleeves and embellishments on the person's robe itself, is drawn in such a way as to resemble a claw or talon. something demonic-y. their arms are all spiky, the waist over-narrow and waspish. A corrupt[ed] magister? An ancient magister? A demon? some combination thereof? ^^ There is something about it which reminds me of the designs of figures like the Architect and Cory, and they were not the only members of their group. the demonic vibe and recent Venatori plot stuff in general also makes me think of the trapped demon sealed in the Catacombs beneath the city of Minrathous, as detailed in The Streets of Minrathous in Tevinter Nights, in which Neve appears. in that short, she prevents the Venatori from releasing the demon, but it's not dead or defeated. Also, the way in which it was described in that short was 😀 extremely worrying. whatever it is, it feels like Neve's art piece is giving a glimpse at what her storyline in the game might involve.
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