#i'm guessing the reason why i was having a bit more trouble with leo is because i didn't have a concrete plan
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mimjandoodlesstuff · 11 months ago
Now for seemingly the fan-favorite of @indieyuugure's human designs, Leo!
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I wasn't really sure what I was doing through most of this, but I guess he ended up fine.
I'll try to get to Mikey and Raph later today or tomorrow.
Part 1, Donnie Part 3, Raph and Mikey
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thorntopieces · 6 months ago
I am harnessing self control to avoid reading the entire series instead of doing school but I read the first two and jason isn't even a character I've ever been that attached to but this is going to be living in my head rent free I can already tell
you should probably be doing school you're right!
i am ... just going to put this under a read more because it got long and rambly. i'm entirely uncertain how much sense this actually makes, but hey maybe my passion shows through! /lh
content: ramble about jason grace as a character (majority pre-toa), jason grace with a complex dissociative disorder (did) and indications for him developing it, a few side notes about thalia
word count: 1403
i have not really read the trials of apollo, i know the main story beats and i will read it eventually
see here's the thing, jason's my favourite character (except nico and will because duh, we literally changed our legal name because of one of them). i do not understand why people don't like him or don't care about him, i really don't. he wasn't fleshed out as well and that's such a pity because it really does feel like he was created as a foil to percy's character (the unrestrained sea vs the order of the roman olympic court) and that was kind of it. he got a girlfriend because People Have Significant Others Right? and that was kind of his arc. i know it slightly develops in trials of apollo but we don't get the same kind of treatment with jason that percy had. i suppose that's reasonable because percy was The Protagonist for five whole books and jason kind of has to share the limelight with the rest of the seven as the inner main cast (adding onto that hedge, reyna and nico as part of the outer main cast in heroes of olympus)
but even with the rest of the seven it feels like we get more than we do from jason. hazel's backstory is fleshed out, we get to see frank's internal conflicts - the weight of his family history and lifeline, his insecurity and his trouble with the two aspects of his father constantly intruding on his mental space. for leo, i will admit it could have been better. but we see his guilt and insecurities and trauma - the class clown persona and flightiness. piper is treated ... okay, i think. obviously annabeth and percy were fleshed out well in the first five books and heroes of olympus does great at expanding even more on their characters and histories
jason is a character that really had so much potential and i feel like riordan really blew it. character has amnesia, saves part of the world, gets his memories back (or does he?) (and they're never really elaborated upon!) and uh. witnesses the eros/cupid thing and oh guess he's near-sighted. and he's the pontifex now good on him. and then [spoilers for the burning maze]. we don't really see more of him than that. his childhood was massively traumatic! i'm glad that the fandom at least has managed to acknowledge that and written about it a fair bit
i really don't think it's all too uncommon to be, as you said, "not all that attached to him as a character". with the way he was written you really have to put a bit of effort into really liking him and seeing him beyond how he's presented as the "perfect attractive level-headed all-american boy"
going vaguely back onto what brought us here in the first place: jason and why i believe he's got a trauma disorder beyond demigod standard (c)ptsd. specifically, did. i'll admit that i didn't even consider the thought before reading @/happyk44's did!jason series
looking at jason's (and thalia's) childhood, there's persistent child neglect (and in thalia's case - abuse) from infancy, leading thalia to mostly raise jason. it was beryl's neglect that led to jason accidentally eat a stapler as a kid. i think jason eating a stapler is something the fandom tends to see as he "haha look what a toddler did", adopting the tone thalia took when talking about it (i believe in the lost hero, shortly after their reunion?). i think it's a very upsetting and scary thought that jason was able to get his hands on a stapler and biting into it, ending up with a very painful injury. to be clear, this was not thalia's fault. it was not thalia's responsibility to prevent injury to her toddler brother
then obviously he was abandoned at the wolf house - abandonment is massively traumatic, especially for young children. while i don't believe jason had any form of secure attachment to his mother, he would have been massively unsettled and upset at losing thalia, considering she most likely did her best to raise him and to shield him from beryl's instability and alcholism/drug abuse. on thalia's side this was also highly traumatic
as a side note, i believe thalia developed bpd as a result of her childhood. this has partial canon basis, looking at her unstable mood and impulsivity (fitting criteria 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 9 with canon basis, highly likely also fitting 3 and 7, unsure about 5)
the two or so years spent at the wolf house must have also been difficult. first of all, that's a toddler around a bunch of wolves. scary! /lh. any sign of weakness would lead to you getting killed, and while i do think being under juno's protection prevented lupa from actually killing jason if he was 'too weak', i think his time spent there was massively difficult. taking into consideration that most camp jupiter legion members spent at most a few weeks at the wolf house before being deemed worthy or unworthy and jason being there for two years ... i don't find it an impossibility at all that jason would develop more dissociated identity states to cope with the stress of his previous childhood situation and his life at the wolf house
second side note: i don't believe lupa to be some malicious entity out to hurt and torture children. she's a wolf and her purpose is to test if children were fit to join the roman legion at camp jupiter. weakness among wolves is not really an option and she would likely not take into consideration if the child is two or twelve years old
that's not even getting into the stress jason was exposed to at camp jupiter. first thing: joining the literal army at four years old. hello. a four-year old.
for comparison, some common developmental milestones for four-year-olds: speaking in complete sentences; ability to hold back-and-forth conversations; follow instructions with 3+ steps; developing the ability to distinguish between real and imaginary; getting dressed/undressed mostly independently; ability to run and climb; ability to start behaving appropriately in different locations (such as indoor voice for the library, but outdoor voice for the playground)
now imagine this in the army, which you just know will not take into consideration that he is itty bitty beyond making armour fitting him and possibly helping him cut his food in the mess hall. this would most definitely exacerbate dissociative tendencies, compartmentalising his trauma away in trauma/memory holders, protecting his psyche through protectors and possibly (actually, probably definitely) persecutors, and a stable, apparently perfect son of jupiter in the form of a host alter
it's an au i have barely developed but i've been doing some thinking. obviously jason would already have did by the time heroes of olympus occurred, caused by the neglect and time at the wolf house and solidified and worsened by the time in the army and the stress of being The Son of Jupiter. in my au, instead of having his memories stolen by juno, she tries to steal his memories but the stress of this ends up forcefully causing jason to split and forcefully suppressing all memories and other alters deep in his subconscious. this would be in line with him knowing nothing about himself except his name at the start of the lost hero and running entirely on muscle memory (such as flipping the coin, knowing how to fight, relying on his instincts for harnessing his powers). certain triggers would attempt to bring back other alters and memories, causing pain and disorientation making no sense to anyone - such as discovering his surname being grace in the zeus cabin with annabeth there. doing it this way would also help us explore a situation that arises in our system very very frequently: what do you do when multiple alters have the same name? because i think in this au, there would be the pre-hoo jason (host part) who has the body's name and the hoo jason (new host part) who both feel at least vaguely attached to their name. and they're so similar but different (and they end up being co-hosts)
that uh. yeah i think that's it. please feel free to ask clarifying questions! i'll tag it just a little bit, you never know, someone might like our half-incoherent ramblings /lh
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daedelweiss · 1 year ago
Theory time baby
So you have already shown in the trailer and some post that Leo finds Raph fighting for big mama and Mikey who has been getting trained by Draxum. Leo finds Mikey and Raph first and when they finally get to Donnie alerts go off which could cause big mama to come down find all 4 turtles and capture all of them, Mikey and Raph know this so they grab Leo and run which leaves Donnie behind.
In guessing they eventually have another chance to get Donnie in there side and we get some amazing warm hearted twin/brother moments but I’m also going to guess that after all 4 brothers are finally together Leo will either sacrifice himself or get taken into another dimension or place, this is based off screenshots you posted from the show were we see Donnie, Raph and Mikey all standing in front of a portal. I’m theorising that we will have a saving swap come in and since Leo has brought all of the brothers together it will be that now the brothers have to band together to save Leo.
I’m going to take a guess with personalities and say that it appears that Raph and Donnie were in some way both raised by big mama, however it also seems that they do not know about each other and so I’m assuming that Donnie was kept isolated and is big mamas little secret and creates tech for the nexus. Raph is obviously warrior material and once big mama finds out about his rage issues when being alone, she probably uses it to her advantage to get a stronger warrior. I’m also guessing that this is something Leo will have to fight against before getting Raph on his side and convincing him.
I’m not 100% sure about this one but I’m guessing that Mikey probably knew about his brothers since Draxum raised him. It seems like although Draxum has trained and pushes Mikey he also cares about him in a way that isn’t purely conditional love. I feel as though Mikey is going to see the bad that is being done to humans and leave Draxum and join Leo. Although he will probably be worried that Draxum will hurt April (cause human) I also think that this will only be initial and then go to Draxum having a bit of a becoming a good person/ father arc and him and Mikey will be able to be close in some way.
I also believe that Donnie Mikey and Raph will be able to activate there ninpo when trying to save Leo from what ever trouble he is going to end up in.
Leo seems to know about how to be a good ninja but also seems to know more about mystics already and possibly implies that he is already familiar with the hidden city or at least the existence of Yokai and the mystic library. Although I’m not to sure how he meets Mikey it seems like it could be at a point where Mikey is at an emotional low and has maybe failed a mission. Leo could have heard about Mikey from around the hidden city and also this could be how he ends up hearing about Raph as well and how he finds him.
Honestly I don’t really know. I love the hints you have dropped and I may be looking into things in a more literally way when you could very well only be implicitly saying something with the images you have presented, the whole thing looks amazing though and I just thought it would be fun to get involved 💜💫
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*you... i like you >:3
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i genuinely love long, thought out theories like this because i love knowing what my readers think is happening and how giddy i feel when people are dangerously right or amusingly wrong. so thank you very much for this uwu
i will just let most of this sit as a "maybe, maybe not" so you all have something to ponder, wonder, and think about u3u i won't say which parts are accurate or not but i will say this about the story.
no one has ever guessed the reason why leo is in prison dimension right? have some people come close? yes. but i'm pretty sure no one will know. if someone was right, i won't ever let you guys know until we cross that bridge uwu
thank you for the theories tho >:3 i am eating them up. i love learning you guys' thoughts on LM :D
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chayscribbles · 1 year ago
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chayscribbles’ monthly writing update ☆ february 2024
yes, i know, february has an extra day this year, but i'm posting this today bc i won't have time tomorrow lol
projects worked on: The Gemini Heist
proudest accomplishment: i... wrote?... i guess??? *can't remember a single thing i did this month for some reason*
books read: Witch King by Martha Wells. i'm ngl, i was lost like 80% of the time, but that might just be a skill issue on my part (it's the kind of book that throws you into the thick of it without holding your hand and listening to the audiobook with the attention span that i have was... probably not the wisest idea lol)
(alhough funnily enough, it's while having this audiobook on in the background that i came up with a lot of my plot thoughts for gemini heist LMAO. either that or while playing zelda.)
although i did get writing done this month, this update's gonna be short. i don't really have much to say lol
more specific wip-related comments + featured excerpt below.
it's very weird to not be using word count to track my progress anymore. freeing, but weird. i have no concept of how much i've actually done for this wip this month.
i do know i've figured out a bit more stuff about the heist and the lore. i had a big plot brainstorming session and untangled a few scenes. while i know what direction i want the story to head, i still don't know how any of this gets resolved, tho.
and i wrote out a few important scenes. that's progress, right?
i've been writing so chaotically out of order based on whatever scene i feel most inspired for in the moment that i,,, honestly can't remember what i've written this month vs what i had already written before 🥲 here's a scene that i THINK i wrote in february. Leo and Illiana might be my new favourite dynamic. (for context, Illiana is posing as her identical twin at a party, and Leo is posing as a guest. they came in separately.)
With the bodyguards tailing her the entire way, Illiana slowly made her way towards [Leo]. She tolerated a few brief exchanges with other guests she crossed paths with to appear natural, then, once she was close enough, she slipped the extra comm out of the pocket concealed in her skirt. She made a show of bending down to pick up something, then strode towards Leo. “Excuse me,” she said as she approached. “I believe you dropped your earring.” Leo turned to her, smile strained underneath her veil. “Oh, thank you,” she said, holding out her hand. Illiana placed the comm into her palm, taking care to hide it from the guards. As Leo angled her head away to slip it into her ear, she added, “I must say, your Holiness, this is quite a lovely party.” “Why, thank you, Miss…” She faltered, realizing she didn’t know Leo’s alias. “I’m sorry, I don’t believe I’m familiar with you.” “I’m a business leader from Tharekkan,” Leo said, pressing her palms together and giving Illiana a slight bow with her head. “It’s an honour to be here.” Illiana was surprised that Leo, with all her meticulous planning, didn’t have a fake name ready, and now she was curious. “How may I address you?” Leo’s already tense smile tightened even more. “‘Miss’ is fine,” she replied, practically through clenched teeth.  “No, I meant, your na—” “I’ve been told much about how lovely Fiolsby is, right before the winter,” Leo cut off, an unnatural segue back to the script they had practiced. “But I haven’t had the time to properly see the city.” Now Illiana just had to pry Leo's fake name out of her. “Really? That’s a shame. You know, the gardens offer a wonderful view of the city. Would you like to see, Miss…?” She let her sentence trail off, watching Leo expectantly. “If it’s not too much trouble, I would love that,” Leo replied, to Illiana’s annoyance.
☆ TAGLISTS. let me know if you want to be added/removed to any of them.
general taglist:
@dgwriteblr @the-orangeauthor @onomatopiya @quilloftheclouds @ashen-crest @writeblrfantasy @celestepens @stardustspiral @pepperdee @extra-magichours @avi-why @lefttigerobservation @chazzawrites @bardolatrycore @innocentlymacabre @subtlefires
gemini heist taglist:
@florraisons @akindofmagictoo @cream-and-tea @memento-morri-writes @antique-symbolism @rose-bookblood @afoolandathief @pepperdee @avi-why @zonnemaagd @chazzawrites @analogued @enchanted-lightning-aes @innocentlymacabre @kahvilahuhut @celestepens @cilly-the-writer @extra-magichours @onomatopiya @outpost51 @planets-and-prose
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ducknotinarow · 2 years ago
2012 Raphael - All Symbol Headcanons please uwu
| Send me a symbol and I will write a headcanon about… 
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12 Raphie turn uwu I'm constantly sadden by people making him out to be abusive well openly ignoring how he contradicts his words all the damn time. Claims his brothers are annoying and he would be better on his own. First thing he dose when any of them are in trouble? run to their rescue. extends to others even like rushing to save April or how often he covers and protects Casey. You can't go off what he says gotta watch what he dose Raph is emotionally stunted and illiterate. He loves his family and friends he's just not able to communicate it ;3; Honestly I love his character arch in the show it's very much in the background seeing him going from Cocky and closed off to humbling himself a bit and opening up more. I just wish not most of his episodes centered around his fear of bugs (totalt of 3 times we get this plot) considering some of the stuff he dealt with u-u
𝓕 : My muse’s handwriting. (Is it good, bad, difficult to decipher, do they prefer writing by hand or with the help of some form of machine, e.t.c.) 
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"I know how to write jeez." Two examples since the show dose give us this little peek of Raph's work on the party wagon. Raph writes in cursive and he kind of hates it. Raph just has the artist eye and because hes so used to writing tools from drawing he has a nice flow when he writes. Has one of the far more easier handwriting to understand. it is a nice little peek into who he is because its clear to read you can see that Raph is pretty confident the rounded look to his letters also shows he is creative with artistic ability but seeing as we have his art in view we already know this. He writes fast though because he is kind of impatience unless it for like the party wagon painting her than he'll take his time. It's often the only time you'll see Raph hold patience.
✈ : My muse and  traveling. (If they do it frequently and why, if they never left their home town, e.t.c.)
"hmmm been a lot of places? See we went to space cause of the tricetrons. UH been to Japan twice one for time travel and I think Don said we went to some other world Japn that other time too? Uh saw Egypt and Transylvania as well? Soo I dunno whats more distance?"
I guess comes down to what you think is the furthest distance? In America it's up to the Farm House. On the planet? Thanks to Ranet him and his brothers have gone to Parts of Europe, Japan and even Egypt. He has been to Space and not just space different planets well there. Not to mention the few times he's go to full different dimensions. Which I dunno in a way is nice seeing how there was a good chance they would never even seen the surface of New York.
✿ : My muse and nature. (If they are an ‘outdoorsy type’, like the sound of bird’s singing, if they have never set foot in a forest, e.t.c.) 
"Eh I 'ike the city too much who needs the outdoors." Lies, during the farm house arch Raphael was fucking thriving in the woods. This boy was out there every day training and even taking care of things around the place like chopping wood for fires and what not. I think he came to really love being out in the woods since they had so much freedom even with the doom hanging over his head. Once Leo was awake from his coma you can see Raph being able to fully enjoy it. The few times they go camping or travel in more nature settings he never has any issue with it, its a nice change of pace from sewer tunnels and brick city buildings.
He was having the time of his life even when him and brothers tried to figure out how to simply start a fire he was pretty damn excited for a fire even if the rain took it out soon after. Heck first solo patrol he goes on hes wearing his vision quest outfit for no reason at all. Raph just really got in tuned with nature didn't take much for him to do so on his quest either able to connect with fire pretty easy. Also one of the times Raph's anger issue were really centered because he was anger all that fresh air seemed to be good for him.
Closest he gets to nature in the city is when he sneaks away to the docks. He loved the woods of course but he loves the beach even more. He likes the feeling of walking on the soft sand, loves the sound of the waves washing over it. When the moon is is wide and full it's near sliver light seems to just reflect over the water and give the sand an unmatched look. It's the pretties thing he has ever seen and only recreated once by a certain pretty boy of his.
☼ : My muse’s first memory. (Where it was, who was with them, how this memory makes them feel, e.t.c.) 
"First? well I guess watching Splinter fightin' ? I kind of remember getting rolled over by that shopping cart too?"
I love Lone Rat and Cubs it's such a good episode makes me sad it was all the way in season 5!! But man It's just cute watching Splinter take on his role as the turtles Dad. And just watching him slowly watch his turtles personalities start to come in to fulrition. Raphael watched Splinter run to check on him when he got hurt and honestly? Raph as a baby turtle could have easily died at that time falling flat on the ground, having been ran over even and only his plastron chipped? To then watch Splinter's own anger flare and send him into a murderous rage on the kraang? Yeaaah I feel this was a core memory for old Raphie boy here uwu
Raph seems to really make strength and fighting out to be important. Often refereed to have a fiery warrior spirit even. Watching his father lash out when someone he cared for got hurt and won? Familiar isn't that?
☙ : My muse’s favourite food. (Bonus: A memory, be it good or bad, associated with said food.)
"I'll eat anything that aint fuckin' algae"
The turtles went a good while eating a very limited source of food for clear obvious reasons, but having pizza was like a mind blow experience so much so they wanted Mr.Murakami to make them pizza as well getting their pizza dumplings a dish they pretty much only seem to eat there. So safe to say Raph loves Pizza. He's pretty simple and more goes for just pepperoni often grossed out by Mikey's experimental toppings.
I'd also say that Raph also is a fan of lasagna because it was what Casey's dad made when he went to first meet them. Sure the whole meeting was awkward as fuck. But Arnold was hardly phased by A giant turtle in his house. He called him by name, he looked at Raph when he spoke. he didn't talk to him through Casey, and yeah maybe asking how long has he been a turtle been enough to make Casey face plat on to the table. Raph knew there wasn't any malice in Arnaldo's voice.
He did something Raph didn't know he wanted he saw Raph as he was he was scared or put off and even acknowledged it as just something normal he never diverts from the fact Raph is in fact a fucking mutant turtle. It's just who Raph is. And Raph can never explain it but he will always apperacite how Casey's Dad was with him and continued to be. So yes he loves lasagna but only caseys dad's I think it be cute if he learned how to make it since he takes on role of cook for his own family ;3;
♬ : My muse and music. (What type of music they like listening to and in what context, what music they would never listen to, e.t.c.)
"Pft come on i'm all for metal music, punk or just good classic rock. Though Taylor Swift is my girl."
Of course Raph loves anything with good drum beats in it so he can learn the parts of those songs himself on his own drum set. He loves metal and music more in that vine. Loves the vibrations from those kinds of songs and groups. They are loud and it's kind of why he likes them so much it makes it easier to pick up on the sound from and its often how he learns to play those parts from listening so intently.
Of course hes got a soft spot for some pop music but nothing tops his love for Taylor Swift music from here start to her current sound even. Shake it off happens to be his all time favorite song and often what he listens to when hes just having a bad day. Lets to have little spa days listing to it on repeat uwu. It why he never would judge Casey on some of his taste in music cause Raphs a swifty u-u a proud one yes but still can he really mock anyone when he's over there in his room singing to bad blood? Nope besides he likes to think his and Casey's song is Wonderland.
Didn't they tell us don't rush into things? Didn't you flash your green eyes at me? Didn't you calm my fears with a Cheshire cat smile?
↺ : My muse and the past. (Do they live in the past and struggle to let go of past grievances, or move on more easily, is there anything in their past they want to forget, e.t.c.) 
"Gotta be like a stone in river."
HAHAHAHHA not never this boy has never been able to just move on and let things go he just claims he dose. Donnie puts it best when telling raph to get new material. Raph never is full able to work though things though so it's hard for him to just let it go. He just brushes it off but that means it's never really resolved.
Hell his issues with Splinter is the biggest clue to this fact. Raphael never gets to fully get into how he feels because he struggles with expressing his emotions and feelings. From people not really letting him have the stage so he can talk, jumping in to fill in the gaps or put words in his mouth that isn't what he is trying to say at all. Which of course frustrates him because no one is listening! or giving him that simple need to be heard. Raph isn't looking for solutions he just wants his emotions to be heard. That is why his anger issue are so bad his temper is trying to express how he is feeling but it just comes out in a burst of furry and rage.
Raph never able to turly work over things that get to him it's why he seems to have issue with Leo its not aimed at Leo he just became the target. Raph ties so fucking hard he just wants Splinter's affection and praise. Splinter states he once wanted to be an artist and its why he named his sons after artist of his favorite period in time of art. And Raphs pretty good at art and takes it serious even knowing enough to name characters after works of art or artis themself it what he did with Chompy. He loves to fight and train and genuinely enjoys sparring and practicing. He often is the one who wins the sparring matches and when he dose? He seeks Splinters praise! He wants his Dad's approval so damn much. That Raph assumed he would be leader but when leo is made leader with out a second thought? Sure explains why Raph at the start is so critical of Leo's leadership. Questions his orders and heck he often gets Mikey and Donnie to agree with his side over Leo's turning the team against Leo more than once. But it was never even about Leo.Raph only ever seems to start expressing this resentment later when he finally calls out Splinter.
Raph just wants Leo to slip up knock him down a peg or two even show Splinter he isn't perfect and shouldn't be the so called favorite. Its kind of awful of Raph to see Splinter giving leo that weight of responsibility purely out of favoritism. It's pretty clear Raph admires Splinter he always shows him respect. He controls his temper around him listens to Splinter over any one even. This boy just feels he can never measure up to Leo in his fathers eyes.
Splinters death hurts them all of course but it hurts Raph worse because he never got to repair their relationship. Raph tried to follow his Dad's advice but it just never worked for him. To let things they get to him roll off his back like water, soon Raph found himself drowning in all that water. He was never water it was like his flames were being extinguished. It's what he needed most for people to see his fiery nature not as something bad because fire isn't always dangerous either.
☾ : My muse and sleep. (How much they sleep, how much they wish to sleep, if there is something that never fails to put them to sleep, e.t.c.) 
"Eh I dunno I sleep when I sleep and get what I need I guess."
Raph is a night owl he likes to stay up but he also dose struggle with sleeping a bit. So he is often just up watching tv till his eyes grow tried. Sometimes Raph sleeps just a bit more than he normally dose because sometimes getting up is just to hard and he rather be in bed.
✧ : My muse and art. (If they have an artistic side or not and why, favourite artist if they have one, e.t.c.) 
"..I like art"
Raph and his art skills I wish got more love just cause it's so an underrated part of his character. I truly feel he got into it because of Splinter. But he soon took a real interest in it on his own learning about different artis and paintings even to points he uses it to nickname Mona and name Chompy after who I am going to claim to be his favorite artist Picasso.
Raph loves to draw a lot but it's something he more keeps to himself but his brothers I feel know raph can draw, he has draw fan art of Captain Ryan for Leo and used to draw with Mikey when they tots. He sort of got into the habit of Drawing special stuff just for Casey it was a subtle way at first for him to express he had a crush on them. Casey also being able to draw soon landed them to start making street art together and it was kind of his favorite thing to do nearly beating going out and getting into fights together even. I like to think he has drawn on Casey a few times with washable markers of course. Sometimes just the little grim reaper he draws Casey Vigilante look.
For a short time after Splinter dies though Raph can't pick up a pencil again and refuses to do anything art related. It just hurts too much. Chompy getting into drawing though sort of helps bring Raph's love for it back. In a way it's him getting something he never had with Splinter. He wanted to connect with Splinter so bad but just couldn't but his own kids? It sort of helps heal something in him that was always hurting he wasn't aware of.
❃ : My muse and social media. (If the muse is/would be on social media and why/why not, their general opinion on it, e.t.c.) 
"Eh not really for it much if im honest, people online are annoying."
He has some social media but he isn't active persay. Raphael isn't much for sites that would require more interaction on his part he more for stuff like Vine or youtube cause watching others videos is a bit more fun. of course he kind of likes the skater trick videos or mimicky jackass stuff that was pretty popular back then. He has a tumblr and sometimes he'll post his art there a few of his street art/ tagging as well. But never went and like connected with people online Raph kind of sees no value to it he rather it be in person even if he wont admit to it.
✉  : My muse and others. (If they social and outgoing or more introverted, and why. If they prefer communicating with others face to face or in written form, e.t.c.). 
"Hmm I like maybe ten people at best."
Raphs just a grumpy turtle lets be honest. I would call him introverted though. He isn't very pleasant on a first meeting and he kind of doesn't give a shit to win people over either when meeting someone. But he dose tend to prefer others company at times, heck hell actively look around to see if any of his brothers are available to hang out with. Annoyed if they more occupied with other things. At other times he rather be alone and needs to be alone even.
But some people seem to be exceptions Raph dose seem to like hanging out with his brothers training with Leo, watching tv with Don or sitting in Mikey's room. But of course his favorite person to be alone together with is lCasey his best friend and boy friend uwu. Sometimes he can just exist in Casey's presence without saying a word. Though often when alone? They are a bit busy making out and such soooo talking isn't always needed uwu. But other times they are just happily cuddled together just soaking in each other.
▶ : My muse and level of education. (If the muse has some form of education, what education they perhaps wish they had, e.t.c.). 
"Smarter than bone head so clearly ya don't need it."
Raph's decently smart actually sure he isn't on Don's level or even Mikey's surprise genius but he is clever. A more creative thicker than a logical one for sure. Fights tends show this best since he can often adjust what he is doing on the fly. Like in his and Casey's fight he has to switch up what he is doing a lot. Taking advantage of what he can to get one up on Casey. He goes from brute strength to more tactical movements as Casey's way of fighting dose throw him since they can go both offense and defense easily. And Raph has a far more defense style of fighting.
He doesn't always understand what Don is saying and has to ask them to re-explain. But at the same time sometimes he'll make suggestion that sound stupid like shooting sonic blasts into the air only for Donnie to back it up and state he's not wrong just not in the litteral way he may take it.
But was able to learn how to make use of hitting pressure points just from watching Splinter do it.
I would more say he has Spatial intelligence, he is a visual person its easier to understand something when he can see it and works well with his ability to draw.
◐ : My muse and animals. (If they like animals and treat them well, do not care for them at all, e.t.c.). 
"I may like them a lot."
Raph is just making himself out to be a Disney Princess here, he loved and took such great care of Spike. He knows how to talk to pigeons and clearly loves them from how he petted one. He spoiled both Savage and Chompy as turtles. Knew exactly what they needed from their diet to their tank. Raph often watches animal documentaries as well and can get a bit too tied up in them. Easily grows attached to the ones more focused in the videos and will get visibly upset if anything happens to them. Like if a cub is killed he will be upset for days and often it's covered up because well he's Raph hes a walking bad mood. If asked? he knows he'll get laughed at but he really was upset okay u-u
❒ : My muse and gifts. (If they are good/bad at finding gifts, good/bad at receiving gifts, good/bad at wrapping gifts, e.t.c.) 
"uh? I don't really do 'em I guess?"
I feel its not really something the turtles do but I like to think for special occasions Raph will go out of his way to do something nice either find something his brothers mentioned liking or needing. He tends to go further for Casey but that's his boy friend uwu the more physical thing he gave Casey of course was their collar at first he was just messing around when finding one in some old shop. It was a joke a first wanting to make them pout cause hes cute when pouting, but then Raph kind of saw it as something Casey could keep from him something that was a more tangible visual of him and Casey dating. Of course, it played into a few kinks that Raph didn't know he had either. Outside that I feel Casey has gotten a few drawings from Raph not a lot just a few here and there. He rather Casey only have like finished work if he gives him anything like that.
☘ : My muse’s relation with their family. (If they speak with each other and how much, if they are close or estranged, e.t.c.). 
"uh..ya know it's fine."
Raph loves his brothers theres no way around that he may fight with them find them annoying even and hell sometimes wish he was alone. But Raph would kill anyone who hurts them. He often puts them before himself "I don't care if I get hurt but my brothers?" Raph is very protective of his brothers and he would gladly die protecting them but his job is to protect them. He's a tough guy but he has a soft sport for all three of them.
Mikey of course that's his baby brother anything happens to him puts him in the worst panics and brings out the worst of his aggression. Raph also will help pick Mikey back up when he's been beaten emotionally down.
Donatello despite how he may drag them at times it's clear Raph is looking out for Donnie in his own way wanting to protect them from more emotional pains. Which is funny because in the show at least Don even with the fact he will call Raph a baby and often remark on bringing up old stuff all the time, also is the most in tune with Raphael. Often the only one who feels bad if he was the cause of Raph being upset. Raphael also tends to mess with Donnie the most in sparing matches its far more like playtime for him if not a lot of bullying. Think you can blame this on the fact that Donnie would fight back against Raph when they were tots. Don's like the only brother Raph will out right admit almost beats him in fights as well, Leo's his rival can't and wont do that. Mikey is baby brother he hate if they ever one up him after all. Donnie though? He even states how Donnie impresses him at times. I think Don showing concern for Raph's emotional state often helps with why they are the way they are sure they bicker. Raph and Don seem to often take eachs other sides pretty easily if they aren't fighting between themself of course. Don often agreeing with Raph against Leo. And Raph encouraging Don's own rebellious nature when going against Leo's orders. I'd say Raph and Don have a bit or rockyness between them still sadly and has kind of made Raph get distant from his twin in this verse when he was told Don had a crush on Casey he got visibly upset the reason for it was because he felt like him and Don always had a good relationship he could just always count on one fact. Donnie was there for him but he couldn't tell him about this? Even if Don is right and maybe Raph would have stepped back he just wished they would have trusted him. When it turned out Don was sick Raph of course worried about his brother and moved past this but as stated he never really got to properly air things out with Donnie and has sort of let that distance grow which he felt more when he and Casey were in a difference universe sort of using that worlds Donnie as a stand in made he see that well he really just misses his twin brother.
Leo of course they have their rivalry but it's clear that was never targeted at Leo. Raph loves Leo and he and Leo are very close referring to themself as the A team even. They often can work well enough with out talk needed between them. And can goof around easily. When Raph was in such a fit of rage Leo hugging him snapped him out of it. Often Leo can get through to Raph the best And Raph soon learned to understand what Leo's dealing with and ties to be his right hand more than another follower. Raph is honestly? very close to Leo despite everything Leo meet him head on sure they fight but Leo will try and at least give raph that space he needs to talk but he will also let Raph well be a little brother at times when he rests against them or just needs to seek out a sense of saftey he always turns to Leo. As sad as it is he can go to Leo over Splinter because he knows Leo dosen't think bad of him how he feels Splinter dose. He would rather die then admit any of that but Leo's nearly a parental figure for Raph. Losing Leo scares him more than losing Splinter ever did.
When Raph's and Casey's turtles mutate of course it's like them forming their own family. Raph honestly just wants his sons to know they don't need to earn thier love he will always love them and be proud of them if they make mistakes he isn't going to scold them he rather understand why they needed to think a bit more through thier choices. Wants them to know they can always tell how they feel no matter what. Help them with thier own anger issues maybe even as well. Raphael just dosen't want Savage ad Chompy to ever feel like he did growing up he might still mess up but he wants his sons to at least know he loves them more than anything and would burn the world if anything happened to them uwu
Raph of course has his in-laws as well which I feel is a special relationship for Raph. he met Angel first and she can get him to do anything I feel. He let her paint his face up and though he hates it? Hell always let her do it. He sees her as his own sister and when she did slip and get mixed up with the Purple Dragons landing Casey in trouble not once did he yell at her over it. Casey mom he only met once when she had pasted and needed to figure out how to help Casey. Se was nice and kind to him and seemed to trust Casey in his care which to Raph was like having a blessing. If Casey mom felt Raph was good for Casey then he must be and honestly? it help his jealousy and fears. Casey father I went into I like to see it as Raph kind of getting the parent relationship he might have more needed growing up. He may never get to that level of comfort that Casey has with his Dad but he dose grow to feel he can turn to Casey dad when needed.
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yanderes-galore · 2 years ago
hi im back with new requests !!
basic request, since i dont know what to do for a spooky month one.
prompt 22 + 24 with rottmnt leo ? if its to much, delete or tell me ^^
Welcome Back ^^ It's nice to see you again! Aged up as usual!
Yandere! ROTTMNT! Leonardo Prompts 22 + 24
Pairing: Romantic
"They never loved you. Only I love you."
"Don't you believe in fate? Fate wants us to be together...!"
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Manipulation, Stalking, Threats, Desperation, Forced affection, Forced relationship, Unhealthy behaviors because Yandere, Leo really just casually threatens people.
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Leonardo was never one for personal space. At least, that's when it came to you. No matter what you did Leo would wrap himself around you in glee upon seeing you.
You asked his brothers about it and got an answer equivalent to "That's just Leo."
It felt more than that, however. The looks Leo gave you when holding onto you were too intense to be just friendly. He was always one for attention...
Although he takes it a bit too far at times.
Whenever you're around others he'll find a way to take your attention away from them. Talking with his brothers? Looks like Leo planned an entire day centered around you and him.
Being around your other friends? Leo gives you a call saying he needs some help at the lair. Help meaning attention.
Leonardo was someone who needed constant attention. You'd think he'd just ask his brothers to hang out or something. Yet he always picks you even if the time isn't right.
"They're always busy!"
"I doubt that... you think I'm NOT busy?"
"Well, maybe I just don't want to hang out with THEM right now-"
There were times you could barely pry the turtle off from you when you left the lair.
"No no no no! Stay a little longer, okay? I PROMISE I have things for us to do!"
He was always obsessed about you. The final straw was when you heard from your friends someone was watching them. How some of them even got death threats.
All signed with an L, nothing more.
To you, it was obvious who was doing this. It made your blood boil at the idea. Was he really this petty?
Leo flinches when hearing your tone, his brothers looking at him in confusion.
"Oh hey! What's up?"
"I need to talk with you, you're in so much trouble...!"
Leonardo gets up and follows you to a private area. Based on your expression... he could guess why you were mad.
"Why did you think it was a good idea to send death threats to my friends!?"
"Hey, I had my reasons-"
"WHAT reasons!?"
"They were taking all of your attention... you know how much I hate that!"
"That's taking things too far, Leo!"
"But they don't deserve you!"
Leonardo was getting fired up too. He does all this for you and him, yet you call it unreasonable!
"They don't love you like I do!"
Leo clings to you, bringing on the water works.
"They never loved you. Only I love you."
"Leo, get off me!"
"No! I'm tired of sharing... only we get to be this close! No one else!"
"You don't OWN me, Leo! Cut it out!"
You push him off you, only making Leonardo more desperate.
"Don't you believe in fate? Fate wants us to be together...!"
"Back off! This is over! I refuse to deal with you any longer!"
"You only need ME, (Y/N)! Everyone else isn't as dedicated to you like me!"
Leo's gaze was both hurt yet aggressive. You knew he was manipulating you. You couldn't let him get to you.
You turn away from him, only for him to portal in front of you. His eyes never left you. They burned with such a desperate intensity....
"We're not done here, (Y/N)...."
"Yes we are! I don't want to be friends with you, let alone romantic part-"
You stop talking when there's a sword to your throat. He was done being manipulative, now it was time for him to be threatening.
"Enough. All of this is necessary, alright? Now, let's try this again. Only I love you..."
He makes you back up to a wall, eyes swapping from intense to strangely affectionate.
"Nothing and no one will change that, not even you."
You say nothing, silently praying the sword will be brought away from your throat.
"Now. I do believe I have something prepared for us to do!"
He pulls away, turning before looking over his shoulder. A knowing grin is on his face. A silent threat for you to comply with whatever he wants.
"You'll come and hang out like usual, won't you? All because I love you?"
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sunberry-rhi · 3 years ago
Threads: Written for Leopika Week 2022
January 25: Fashion/Childhood
Small threads, lost, then weaved together once again.
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Note: This is set in an ambiguous alternate universe with no nen. I didn’t want to go with the specifics of it  since I just wanted to write a short fic without stressing too much. I’ve also only proofread it once so it might be prone to grammatical errors. I was about to post this in AO3 but I still don’t have an invite, so I chose to put this on Tumblr first. Hope you enjoy! :)
Words: 1k+
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Back in third grade, Leorio remembers seeing someone from the other class, a transferee. He had thought the student had the prettiest get-ups every other day. 
Long skirts adorned with big embroidered patterns, or intricate ones, paired with cardigans of the same design. Sometimes there's a simple shirt and pants, but the pants would have a touch of artistry, with patterns around the side of the leg and the ends of the shirt. 
Sometimes, the blond hair was adorned in a ribbon or two, usually in gold, tied around the upper strands to keep the bangs from the face. It was cute. 
And with the bright grey eyes, energetic smile, and tendency to get into trouble at times, it all just piqued Leorio's curiosity. 
Whoever that was, Leorio wanted to bring up a conversation and talk. But he couldn't, for a variety of reasons, such as other kids interpreting he has a crush and teasing him for it. Especially Pietro. It's a good thing his friend hadn't said anything about it. Until now. 
"You're staring. Didn't your mama say it's rude to stare the other day?" Pietro asked Leorio, interrupting his thoughts. 
"I just stared off into space, that's it!" Leorio reasoned, and walked faster to the classroom.  
"Uhuuuuh," Pietro teases, but he didn't say anything else. There's more time for teasing later. 
During lunchtime, Leorio sat under the tree in the school garden, waiting for Pietro to get whatever he needed from the classroom. They both finished lunch, which were a few snacks they were able to bring, and agreed to pass the time in the garden.
Leorio sat in the quiet. Most students were still either in the cafeteria in this time, or in their classroom eating lunch. 
Except for the one behind him, maybe. 
Leorio turns around to see who it is, and sees blond hair. He bites his lip to avoid saying anything embarrassing. 
"This tree is very hard to climb," the student with the pretty clothes and ribbons told Leorio, pointing at the tree. 
"Why were you even climbing it?" Leorio asked, it being the first thing on his mind. It wasn't the best reply, but what was he supposed to say? 
"Because it's fun, I guess...Anyways, my name's Kurapika, what's yours?" The student- Kurapika asked, offering a hand. 
Leorio looked at the hand, noticing a hint of red on one of the fingers. 
"You have a wound," Leorio said, holding Kurapika's wrist and gestured back to the building, "I'll take you to the nurse. The name's Leorio."
"If you insist, but I think it's okay even without a bandage," Kurapika reasoned, but followed along anyway. 
"It's not, what if it speaks?"
"Wounds don't speak!" Kurapika exclaimed, before laughing. It was kind of funny to think a wound 
"I'm just saying-" Leorio replied and looked away, a bit flustered. He had a dream once that a wound had talked to him, and insisted every wound he saw- the ones his siblings or friend had get treated. 
"Alright, alright, Leolio."
Leorio huffed, before replying, "It's Le-o-ri-o."
"Leo- Le-o-li-ack," Kurapika shook his head, "Can I call you Leo?"
"If it stops you from butchering my name. We're here."
Leorio opened the door to the school clinic and lead Kurapika inside. The nurse looked at them and asked what they needed. 
"Kurapika over here has a small wound," Leorio explained and showed Kurapika's hand. 
"I told him it'll be alright but he says they might speak-"
The nurse chuckled and started to clean the wound, "Well, there's still the thread of it getting infected."
Leorio crossed his arms and huffed, "Right."
A few moments later, after Kurapika's finger had been patched up, the two walked back to their respective classrooms. 
Before Kurapika went in, he took hold of Leorio's hand before saying, "Leo, wait. Thank you."
Leorio blinked. He felt his face heating up, but decided not to think too much about it.
"It-its nothing," He replied, looking away. 
"Hope we can talk again tomorrow," Kurapika said before entering the classroom. 
Leorio nodded. He wanted to talk to Kurapika again. 
But the next day, Kurapika didn't show up. Or the day after that. And the days after that. 
It was as if some sort of invisible string got cut. 
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Years later, in the middle of his dreary life, Leorio goes back on that particular memory of meeting Kurapika. Having lost Pietro, he usually avoided going back to that part of his life for he usually ends up crying whenever he does. 
He might have lost contact with Kurapika, he hoped that the world hasn't. But sometimes wondered if Kurapika was even real at all. He didn't have any concrete evidence that Kurapika had existed. No pictures, gifts, nothing. 
That was until he bumps into a big roll of blue velvet fabric one sunny afternoon on the sidewalk. 
"...Sorry-" A person peeked from behind the fabric, "I'm was in a bit of a hurry."
"It's- Just be careful next time," Leorio fixed his sunglasses. 
"Yes, and please don't be lost in your thoughts too."
"You-" Leorio started, annoyed, but stopped when he saw the person with the street far away from him already, walking in the opposite direction as him. 
He caught a glimpse of blonde hair, and a blue vest, decorated with...familiar shapes and swirls. 
Leorio shrugged. He might just be dreaming.
He continued walking. He still had to pick up his cousin, Gon.  
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"Are you sure this is the right place?" Gon asked, looking up at Leorio. 
"I'm pretty sure," Leorio stopped, and looked around. Just where did this designer set up shop? 
"Over there!" Gon pointed to a small shop with clear walls decorated with designs and ran. 
"Slow down, will you-" Leorio said, following after him. 
"I think we came a little early, my classmates aren't here yet," Gon observed after opening the door and peeking inside. 
"I see that."
"Hello, welcome to Scarlet threads, how can I help you?" The designer greeted gesturing for them to come in. Leorio and Gon looked around the shop, in awe of the creations displayed. 
There were a few designs that looked different, to which Leorio was sure he saw before a few times, when he was a kid. He then noticed the big roll of blue fabric that he remembered bumping into earlier.
Leorio turns his head to get a good look at the designer. He was right. The designer looked like the prick from the street.
"You're the-"
"Hello! I'm Gon, from Class 5-A, who'll be one of the performers. We're here for the measurements!" Gon greeted. 
"I'm Kurapika. I'm looking forward to be working with you and your class," Kurapika answered and gave Gon a smile, then looked back up to Leorio, "What about you? What's yours?"
Hearing this, it was as if Leorio was taken back to that time, in the school garden, as he was asked the same question.
"Leorio," He replied, not knowing what to say next, even if he had a lot of to say. 
Kurapika looked at him silently, and met his eyes.
"Yeah, it's me," Leorio nodded, smiling, "It's nice to see you again."
Little do they know, the threads were at work again, building up something unknown to them.
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shingia · 4 years ago
i was wondering if you were still doing the matchups, if not feel free to ignore this!!
i'm 5'3, i do have an hourglass figure but more on the chubby side i guess, shoulder length, black, curly hair with bangs and brown eyes. i'm an infp and surprisingly an aries with taurus moon and scorpio rising. i'm in my first year of college and i study political sciences and human rights. i absolutely adore cats, loooove sleeping in general and sweets. my music taste is all over the place but one thing that i take pride in, is that i have everything organized in playlists cuz why not? i love astronomy, astrology and i love reading in general. i tend to get lost in my thoughts pretty easily and i try to be as positive as i can most of the times. my love languages are touch and quality time.
i hope this wasn't a bother and i hope you have a nice day!!<33
🖤 a/n : hii ! it wasn’t a bother at all, hope your day was good too ! <333 (aries gang strikes again yaaay 😼)
i ship you with…
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and for good reasons !
let’s not beat around the bush here : he would be so relieved that you’re shorter than him !
i have trouble realizing that it’s technically not canon but he just gives off super clever and cultured vibes so he would probably be v interested by your studies
also, let’s be honest here, yaku with cats is probably a heavenly sight. like he would be so gentle and affectionate with them <3 completely different from his usual behavior but that’s what makes it so enjoyable
i feel like he would value your sleep A LOT and he’d probably be willing to fight and/or scold anyone that would even try to disrupt it
and lev would be sooo mad that you’re allowed to sleep whenever and wherever you want to
if yaku ever notices that you start to get lost in your thoughts, he would certainly not bother you or interrupt you - actually, he might even stare for a bit because he thinks it’s a beautiful sight to see <3
ngl he might get mad if you start blaming his behavior on his birth chart or stuff like that, but i have to say that this sounds really fun to do
“wow that’s such a leo moon thing to say” plz be would be so mad 😭
i’m not sure he’d be the kind of guy to really care about his playlists overall but show him yours once and it’s a radical change of mind
one of his biggest flex is that, thanks to your playlists, the team always asks him to be in charge of the aux
we know he’s really straightforward so i think he would totally be capable to show up at your house one night and be like « let’s go stargazing right now »
because he loves to hear you talk about astronomy. to hear you talk in general, actually
which also includes reading to him because nothing soothes him more than your voice
so yeah you would definitely get a lot of quality time with this boy. you’re basically his haven of rest and we all know he needs a lot of rest and a lot of your positivity to calm his nerves
i think he’d be down for physical touch too. and tbh nobody on the team would ever dare to tease him about pda so you’re all good
he would LOVE for you to sit on his lap because he can’t do that with many ppl because of his height
overall he’s a huge fan of every gesture of affection that can only be done if he’s taller than you (good luck trying to make him be the little spoon)
(timeskip yaku makes me awooga v hard)
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thelostandforgottenangel · 5 years ago
Bad Day
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It was easy to tell when you walked into the lair that something wasn't right for instance the normally relaxed atmosphere was suddenly chaotic and the yelling coming from the dojo was more then less surprising or at least it was until you heard the angry voice of the genius turtle yelling right back
Donatello never yelled rarely did he raise his voice unless something was really wrong or Mikey had once again broken something in his lab
Before you could call out to let the turtles know you were there something - or someone hit the floor and Donnie was storming through the living area growling and muttering under his breath as he headed for the lab, caution told you not to follow if he was in that bad a mood to actually be raising his voice would he even want your company
That thought left your mind as you realized your feet were moving anyways the door was still open so stepping inside you saw the normally chaotic and messy room was completely clean and organized nothing out of place nothing sitting on the desk his collection of coffee mugs gone and every surface wiped clean, and right there in the center of it was Donatello pacing furiously looking angrier than you had ever seen him in all the time you had known the four Mutant Turtles
You now could see the problem and why he was so pissed off to begin with
After months of hearing Leonardo's threat to straighten up the lab due to his impulsive need for cleanliness your best guess was while Donnie was either sleeping or out checking the security system the leader of the group had recruited the other two brothers and possibly their friends and had cleaned the entire lab spotless. Everything was organized to Leo's liking and you had to admit the room looked good but you knew Donnie; you also knew everything even out of place was organized to him it didn't matter what it was the genius knew exactly where to find it when he needed it and from just glancing you could see he had been searching for something that he can now no longer find
Although you couldn't hear words it was very clear his anger was being expelled in harsh words and filthy names against his brothers small angry clicks and chirps in his secret language we're being vocalized, he wasn't making any sense yet you ignored all thoughts and reasoning that bothering him right then was a bad idea stepping towards him calling out his name in a sweet tone, barely the heat of your hand near his skin as you reached out then instantly you were against him in a tight grasp his breathing coming out as hisses has he muttered and cursed louder before you were in his arms pressed firmly against his chest as he kissed you hard and in a way you had yet to experience from him, his body shaking from the anger as he suddenly lifted your body placing you on the closest desk roughly his hands cupping both sides of your face and a good portion of your neck from the size difference so lost in the kiss it didn't even matter if you were in trouble or not
You two had been friends for the longest time ever since you had met the turtles and quite recently both of you had just started to explore the fact that even with denying it you had feelings for one another this wasn't something that had become a planned subject you would only kissed once but In the heat of the moment there was no way to say no or order him to stop not when you wanted it bad
Your clothes regrettably didn't stand a chance
His lips didn't leave yours as he shredded them from your body which he instantly started to touch and squeeze groaning softly at the feeling of soft skin under his palms roughly swiping one hand sending the organized pens and pencils in small containers, papers stacked neatly, folders and anything on the desk went flying to the floor with no care as he pushed the smaller body back undoing his pants with one hand as your tiny hands kept him in place pushing the suspenders off his shoulders his glasses were already off his face probably laying somewhere on the ground as you started to respond to his sudden actions
The biggest pet peeve you had and something that had made him fall for you was him keeping his mask on constantly even around bedtime but one finger hooked through the cloth and the mask was around his neck your hands coiling into it pulling him down on top of you, a growl like nothing you had ever heard before rumbled his chest as he entered you fast and with no warning every solid inch of his impressingly massive length not only filled but stretched you wide in one thrust both of you letting out a chorus of pleasured sounds
Your body was ready for him just from the rough beginning but there was still a gasped cry and the arching of your hips as he started to hammer into the wet heat that enveloped him groaning and grunting wildly as he took every bit of frustration out on the smaller form beneath him your lips were bruising from the intensity of his passion, your hips would likewise probably be discolored as well but this was new and so interesting you didn't have the clear thinking consciousness to tell him to stop nor did you give a flying fuck
The genius never lost his cool never showed frustration even when he was about to lose his mind, he never did anything like this but damn you were loving it!
His hands slipped down your body as his teeth bit into your lower lip feeling his touch over your chest pulling a needy groan from his throat as he squeezed both breasts wantonly then slipping down your belly until both legs were over his arms leaving you wide open and defenseless just as his hips started to gain more ferocity in thrusting his growling almost feral as he marked your skin repeatedly dark red developed under his mouth before he moved again to latch onto another spot of soft silken pale skin, a helpless cry ripped from your lungs echoing through the room and possibly outside due to the door was still standing wide open before his name was being chanted loudly almost like a plea for more
It was as if your voice almost snapped him out of his anger for a moment his hips faltered as you reached down finding his pants undone but still hanging on his hips grinning as your fingers found the straps of his suspenders winding them around your wrist and hand the moment he seem to almost stop but a firm tug shoved him in completely trembling wildly as he was forced inside until you were positive you could feel him all the way up to your stomach if it was even remotely possible screaming out happily the turtle's hips started to move once more going deeper than before as you guided him in what you desired
For a moment the thought of him flipping the desk with his wild movements entered your mind until his body was leaned over you one hand at your neck lightly squeezing growling out you were his as he throbbed inside that tight coil while the other found purchase on the top part of his desk holding it in place as he thrusted and pounded into the now soaked center of his mate leaving nowhere for her to go but take the full brunt of his needs
The burning knot that pulled in your stomach told not only you your body was reaching its limit but the tight coil that was pulsing around Donatello's still moving cock told him to let you have it, there was no movement from him that you saw but instantly your body was yanked further down the desk bottom half hanging off the edge as he shoved your legs higher onto his shoulders moaning wildly his hips pounded him deep keeping him seated in your womb grinning has your hands pulled him closer by tugging on his suspenders, the throb growing more painful by the second as both grew closer to the finish
He knew his body well and the moment he felt the heat boiling at his base he knew he wouldn't last much longer wanting to get every bit of pleasure he could he forced your legs open wide meeting your eyes as he growled out your name softly then raised as his hips started to move sloppy his thrusts uneven yet stronger than ever having never felt anything so good he was growing closer by the second
"C-Cumming... Fuck I'm cumming! Oh fuck- I gotta-" his hands quickly landed on the desk trying to pull himself up to pull out of the woman under him once he felt his cock throb and pulse just before he orgasmed almost pulling completely out; what he hadn't been expecting was the second he stood up straight your hands we're still tangled in his suspenders, the feeling of him pulling out of you just as your orgasm washed over your senses made you pull him forward again not knowing just how close he was having not believed his words
He underestimated your strength and before he could do anything the strong pull from you shoved him completely back in all the way up to the hilt as your legs hooked behind his shell, that one move sent him over into one of the most powerful orgasms he had ever felt his hands snapped to your hips shoving you down fully as he roared out his finish
The heat of his hot cum suddenly filled your insides before you were screaming out at the top of your lungs one hand moving to his chest plate trying to keep him from going too deep but it was too late he rode out his climax roughly spilling every ounce of his seed into your waiting womb your eyes rolling back as his grip tightened keeping your hips elevated as he made you his churring as if he was in heat
It felt like it took forever but finally the genius turtle's grasp on your hips eased leaving him panting and groaning before he fell back landing in his chair pulling you with him both of you breathing hard. Still in the cusp of your second orgasm that had crashed through you like a tsunami wave your eyes watering and your tongue hung out between your lips, shuttering and twitching against his chest completely flushed and still filled to the brink with his hot load and his hard length keeping it all in place
A soft relaxed chuckle left Donatello's lips as he clutched his chairs arms leaned back ever-so-slightly keeping your limp body safely against his as he finally looked down at you "Hey there love - what brings you down here"
Even with as tired as you were and how completely wiped your mind was in that very moment you still manage to smile shaking your head unsure why you had came down to visit anymore hoping that after a small breather and hopefully with his help maybe you could remember that and maybe your own name
@bloody-dark-shells03 @fyreball66 @lonelyheart-clubband got off work early and this has been bouncing around in my head for the last 2 weeks so couldn't help it I do apologize and I hope you all enjoy... 🤣😂💕
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httphoneyb · 6 years ago
Fatal | Mobster!Tom x OC!
Summary: Violet Thorne and Tom Holland are both on opposing sides in the midst of a mob war. What happens when fatal collides with dangerous?
t w o
"Dad, I don't know what you want me to do here!" Violet sighed loudly throwing her hands in the air. Her father watching her pace back and forth infront of his desk.
"My love, I don't understand why you insist on me giving my seat to your brother. You are my first born thus, it's yours," he explained in a hushed tone.
"I want out of this dad! I've been trying to get out of this! And I can't do that i-if you keep dragging me back in!" Violet didn't understand how her father couldn't comprehend what she's been trying to say for the past hour.
The skin on her arm felt raw. Her nails dragged across it continuously since the topic was brought up.
"Then explain to me why, Violeta!" He stood slamming his hands on the dark oak desk.
Violet knew he had a rule about speaking to his children calmly, reserving his assertive voice for their enemies and prisoners.
He was always a gentle man around her and her brothers, some would say you wouldn't be able to tell he ran a mob while he was around his children. This circumstance was a rarity in her family.
So she stood and let the silence envelope the room.
"Exactly my point. You have no reason for wanting to be out of the business. Not a valid one anyway."
When in fact she did.
Her whole life Violet watched her brothers grow up like soldiers. As soon as they could walk, a gun was placed into their hands and the boys were taught how to shoot.
She didn't want a family like that. She's terrified to have a family like that.
"This could all be yours, my love. This...this empire was built on first borns, you are to continue it on. I'm growing old, Violeta. I need you to take my place. Especially when we're in the midst of a war."
"A war?"
"The Hollands have been crossing multiple mob boundaries in the past months. They're making alliances with the Diaz mob and broke their truce with the Rizzos. They're expanding. I can't do this on my own, Violeta."
"Pappa but you're not on your own..theres five other boys in the house waiting to take your spot. Leo has a knack for this, Dad. Use him!"
He chuckled lowly, "We both know you'd give Leonardo a run for his money."
"That's not my point. What I am saying is tha-" Violet was cut off by Luca, the youngest of the six, as he swung the wooden doors open doors open.
"We found the mole," was all he said before turning around and leaving.
"Mole? What mole?" Violet walked with her father out of his office, confusion written all over her face.
"Some of our info was leaked and other mobs got ahold of our shipments, drug and weapon outlets, even some safe houses." She could feel her father getting angrier as she reached the basement of their mansion.
Angelo, the third oldest joined them, "We found a usb full of our shipment dates and outposts. It was a cook, says the Hollands sent him."
Of course it was
She watched her father take out knives and guns as he headed for the lowest floor. The mere smell of that place made her stomach churn.
"You coming?" Angelo stopped midstep and turned to her.
"Yeah I'm just gonna save myself the trouble and head out for the day," Violet backed away from the flight of stairs.
"Hey Vi..just so you know, you're gonna have to suck it up one day, this job has no place for personal morals," Angelo turned around and decended the stairs, leaving Violet chewing at her lip.
What if he was right?
What if she really just needed to suck it up?
What if this was meant for her?
What if
What if
What if
"Earth to Violet!" Leo waved a hand infront of her face.
The raven haired girl was dragged out of her own throughts.
"Tom wants to talk to you." Leo whispered, afraid that their father someone would hear.
Violet's eyebrows furrowed in confusion, "Tom? Tom Holland?"
"Yes Tom Holland! Who else!" Her brother sighed in annoyance, "He sent a letter this morning, good thing I got to it before Dad."
A light blue envelope was placed in her hand.
"A letter? Guy doesn't own a phone?" she scoffed, eyes skimming through the writing, the letters were smooth and neat, contrasting the many wrinkles on the paper.
"He's traditional I guess. Whatever. It just says he wants to meet with you to discuss some things blah blah blah...some thing about weapons yadda yadda.." Leo talked animatedly. His hands always waving around as he spoke.
"Why not Dad? I'm not in charge."
"Dad has it out for him, he's paranoid these days. Thinks everyone's out to get him."
"And what if it's a trap?"
"I'll have men tail you for protection, but other than that I think this is you know...good."
"Good? Good how?"
"Look, I don't wanna see this war that Pappa's been talking about happen. People will die. If theres a way to stop it, I think only you can pull it off."
"As much as I'm flattered, there's no point in me talking to him. I'm not taking Dad's place."
Leo rolled his eyes at his stubborn sister.
"No one said anything about that! Just go talk to him and see what he wants!"
"Oh no."
"You have to handle that southwest gang of criminals scamming our casinos."
"Have they replied?" Tom asked as Harrison walked into the room.
"She's on her way now, actually. Eager girl," Harrison chuckled. "What do you want with her anyway?"
"Nothing harmful. Just trying to see if she could hold her own." Tom smirked as the burn of scotch travelled down his throat.
Violet rolled up to the front of the Holland mansion, a bit bigger than the Thorne's but then again, who's keeping track these days? Right?
Sam Holland walked to the car and opened the door for Violet. "Miss Thorne."
Violet took his hand and bent to look back at her driver in the car.
"When should I pick you up ma'am?"
"I'll call for you, Artie. Thank you." she smiled gratefully and followed the twin into the house.
"Bring a weapon with you, Thorne?" Harrison called from the top of the foyer.
"You think I'm gonna go into enemy territory without one?" she retorted. "Whoa! Kid! What're you doing!"
"Can't take any chances." Sam began to pat her down staring from her waist.
"Think we're gonna roll and show our bellies just cos you're a woman?" Harrison chuckled.
"I was counting on it.." she pouted as Sam seized her gun.
"Now there's no need for that ,Sammy." All of a sudden Tom appeared next to Harrison and started decending the stairs. "Don't you know how to treat a lady?" He grinned at her, "Let her keep the gun."
"Let her keep the gun." Venom dripped from Tom's voice as he spoke slowly, "After all, this is just a casual talk right?" His eyes moved to hers, an ominous meaning behind his words unsettled her but stayed holding his gaze.
"Sure is." she took her gun back and slipped it on the band on her jeans as Tom looked behind her and whispered, "Then tell your men to turn around and go home."
Violet's heart dropped to her stomach and turned, the men Leo had sent with her we're parked outside the gates of the mansion, headlights turned off and obvious guns in hand. She sighed and called her brother.
"Tell them to go home." she said simply into the phone as Tom smirked at her.
"Vi, you can't be serious."
"Just do it."
She hung up the phone and threw a taunting smile at the boys before her.
"Follow me." Tom led Violet up the stairs and into what she assumed was his office. Much like her father's, the office was very manly and dark.
Taking a seat infront of his desk she asked, "Why am I here, Holland?"
"I want a cut of your drug profits." Tom said simply.
"And what do I get in return?" Violet leans forward to place her forearms on the desk.
"Safe travels. I know that for years your family has been funneling your weapons through my side of the city to get to them across the Atlantic. And for years my guys have been giving you trouble," Violet nods, pouring herself her own cup of scotch, "All I'm asking for is say..20% of your drug profits and I let your guys through with no hassle."
Violet finally breaks eye contact with Tom and doubles over in laughter, catching the mob boss off guard.
"20%?! Ha! You're delusional." She scoffs at him.
He stared at her with a look of both amusement and annoyance.
"Mr. Holland," Violet recollected herself as she sat with poise, sharp eyes looking at the man before her, "did you know that my family runs America's biggest underground drug cartel? We have 8 different bases across the country, and 2 abroad. Bringing in approximately twenty-million dollars a year each. You're asking me to cut 20% of my 200 million a year to..what," she did the math quickly in her head as Tom gaped at her in disbelief, "$160,000,000 for safe travels, as you put it, for one of our outposts?You've gone insane. Your men aren't anything mine can't handle. Now if you'll excuse me."
Tom ran his calloused hands up and down his face in exhaustion. Man she was a hassle.
Violet sat back down and looked at him in boredom.
Tom cussed outloud and leaned back in his chair. "8% and I'll tell you what the Rizzo's down south are planning."
"Why would I care about some shithole mob?" Violet scoffed at his poor attempt to negotiate.
"They're trying to kill you."
Tom saw that what he said piqued the stubborn girls interest.
"Fine. 16 million a year. Now, tell me more."
Tom inwardly smirked at this, "They think that killing you would kill your empire. They know Robert would never give his seat to anyone else. And they also know you're refusing to take it. If you're gone..all they have to do is wait for your dad to die and your mob along with it."
The room was filled with silence as a million thoughts ran through Violet's mind.
"Huh," she chuckled.
She's laughing? Why would she be laughing at the fact someone's trying to kill her? Tom thought to himself.
"Guess that's just another thing on my list," she got up and slid her coat on, "enjoy your sixteen million, Holland."
"Pleasure doing business with you, Violet." The pair shook hands before Violet said, "Buy your share under a different name, my dad would never sell to a Holland."
"Will do," Tom walked her to the front door, "And for the record..I wouldn't mind you being the business, Violet. You'd be a worthy opponent." Tom complimented her genuinely.
Violet only looked back at him, winking she said, "You bet your sweet ass I'd be."
Tom chuckled as the click of her heels faded and Harrison was at his side.
"Ferocious that one.. smart too." Tom had a sly smile decorating his face.
"But I've got her right where I want her."
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