#i'm gonna do a massive ask dump i love doing those
alittlebitgoofy · 2 years
i'm working tonight but it's gonna be hella quiet so, send me asks and i'll answer them at like 1/2am
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tgcg · 9 months
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ill break your shit adam
warning for adult lang
fuck you adam sandler
youre lucky karkat likes you
stupid fuck sees an amnesiac girl
and asks her can i marry you
that lady got issues mentally
you still down to do shit anally
deplorable zit on the ass of romanza
karkat told me to put that shit in this stanza
do raps even count as having stanzas
slam poetry tyke at preschool im no manza
youd probably jack it to a log with holes if they were wet ones
sitting on that stupid dock with her papa cracking cold ones
piece of shit id push you off that dock and watch you bubbling
kick your ass like her shitty bro failed when you were troubling
penguins dont quack like fucking ducks you dumbass
thats not part of the rap i just think that youre a dumbass
back to the rap sandler i bet you couldnt drop a single bar
too busy picking up stupid women at the stupid women bar
who even let you into hawaii
also did i say karkat liked you i was kidding he wants to kick your heinie
seriously watching that shit again made him start slamming his head into the cushions and screaming i had to pry them out his hands and he almost bit me
sorry i forgot i was rapping again
piece of shit forgot that you can like women while dating other men
still not over that chuck and larry shit adam
if you just said to the gov you were bi you coulda had em
firefighter of the year? well try putting out this heat
karkats gonna beat your ass like you do every night to your meat
gotta ask is this shit wish fulfilment for you
gotta say larry deserved better than you
i could treat him way better than you not in a gay way though
i just mean youre a massive sleaze basically the worlds shittiest bro
back to 50 first dates man sandler your shit is a bore
the stupid bits with schneider got my ass addicted to snore
if i was that stupid walrus id tear your ass to shreds
if i was that penguin i would also tear your ass to shreds
itd be harder but id still do it
bro fuck adam sandler im through it
TT: Wow. Bravo, Dave. You've outdone yourself.
TG: i wrote this one exceptionally fucking terrible to represent my inner darkness
TG: i can never unwatch those cinematic fossilized turds theyre like time capsules devoted to everything wrong with america
TG: you dont even understand how egregious that was
TT: I can sense the utter malaise and contempt in every word. It's beautiful.
TT: One particularly interesting point I'd like to make is the fact that you managed to refer to butts in a song about a male target, 10 times in the span of 37 lines. It's not an exorbitant amount, but it appears to be a running theme in your works. Very interesting, if you ask me --
TG: nooooo
TG: nope no
TG: not this shit again
TG: listen one of them is karkats fault
TT: No? Please, enlighten me Karkat.
TG: … yeah
TT: Okay, I'm willing to concede to that. On this subject matter, as an avid terrible movie enjoyer, you admittedly know better than myself.
TT: And you love them anyways.
TG: hes right
TG: you hear that shit hes right
TG: fuck death of the author im verifying that interpretation
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lemonisntreal · 10 months
heyo! Just found your blog and I was scrolling through your stuff and noticed your AU tone deaf. And I haven't found anything about what it is or what your idea is behind it. So I wanted to ask if you could give me an introduction to your AU!
Oh! And I absolutely love your artstyle and how you draw Buster! Anyway, hope you drink enough water and have a good day/night! ;)
Dear god this has been in my drafts for a while-
Hiya! Sorry for that lack of info lol, I'd been inactive for a long time, and the time that I actually WAS posting consistently was back when things were still being sorta fleshed out. But I've got a pretty good idea of how every single part moves at this point, so sure :D I'll give a not-so-brief summary lol [under a cut because I couldn't not dump multiple paragraphs teehee ~_~]
Tone Deaf is like a dystopian version of Sing, if I were to put it super duper simply. One where Buster's issues get more emotional focus, and we get actual bonds with the cast because the movie forgot to do that.
Buster is, also, a lot more unhinged, fair warning. This fic's gonna contain violence and tackle some darker subjects [adjacent to grief and denial more specifically] so if it feels like I jumped a lot of sharks, it's because I 100% did.
It kinda started with me noticing how, in the actual movies btw, smaller characters like Buster and Mike had more difficulty getting around places. This led me to ask myself about how species differences could lead to struggles for certain animals since the city just isn't built for everyone [this is NOT Zootopia]. Ash's quills, and Meena's towering size were things I noticed too that would be massive problems, realistically. So after a lot of pondering, now we're here.
The world of Tone Deaf in present day is in a post-war period that's lasted about 50 years now [Crawly is actually a veteran from this war- which was more like complete and total anarchy if I'm being real, since there weren't really any sides until near the end...]
Long story short, the wealthy capitalized off of the war and taking people prisoner- so they purposefully kept it going. A resistance ended up forming to stand against this [Miss Crawly being one of the generals, with that classic missing eye] and after their army stormed the unsuspecting stronghold, the war finally began to conclude. It still took around a year after that to release all of the prisoners of war, and by the end of it all, the damage that had been done to some races was permanent. Even extinction-level in some cases- some animals just straight up don't exist anymore because of it.
Back to Calatonia. Laws that are in place to protect animals from tearing eachother apart are still relatively new, and the criminal underbelly of Calatonia is kinda out of control. Animals get kidnapped/poached, smaller animals are at a huge disadvantage and have basically no power [politically or otherwise], endangered species are a very real thing, poverty is a huge issue for most of the population- and in the middle of all this is Buster Moon.
He's gonna be the main perspective. And the story will also serve as a slight character study on him, mixed with my own grittier and batshit insane changes/headcanons/alternate universe ideas on his backstory. He's a ray of sunshine with a lot of bottled-up feelings that will kinda really take control of the story.
Buster has been arrested multiple times. He's been put in unsuccessful therapy. He's still grieving his dad. He's committing crime and compulsively lying about those illegal actions too. He has emotional difficulties that he hasn't dared try touching on in years, and he has issues with letting go- which, is kinda how all of his new problems come to be.
The threat of his theater being repossessed if his show isn't a success gets a LOT more emphasis too.
But on top of that is the added threat of Buster getting sent out of the city if he can't get his business up and running. Remember how I mentioned endangered animals?? Well Koalas are one of them. One of the big ones, actually. He's the only Koala in a city of almost five hundred thousand, and it's been that way for almost half a decade now. It's been causing issues for the people in charge for half a decade now. Koalas have government-protected settlements far away from here due to their numbers being so few, so if Buster loses the theater? That's the next step for him.
But, to help this poor dude through all the stress of life is the found-family he develops with the cast he hired. He helps them for a lot of the first act, and then they give back his kindness in the second. They connect through their similar experiences, as well as their shared passion for music and performance. And by the end, maybe Buster's okay. Or maybe he's had a complete downward spiral [not gonna speak of act three 🥰]
Other characters have also had a shift in their dynamics. Things in the story have changed. Like for instance- Gunter already knew Buster and was a close friend of him and Eddie before the show, Judith is now the mayor and a main character, Pete has been put in place of the banker in charge of Buster's accounts, Buster unfortunately gets involved in politics, Mike actually gets to bond with the cast- actually the cast gets to bond with the cast point blank period [idc what you say, this just straight up doesn't happen in the canon movies], and to top it all of is a generous helping of angst with a few acts of violence sprinkled in 🤭
The actual Act I summary is this right now:
Buster had been in tight situations before-- suffocating situations, even. He’d been in every kind of trouble imaginable, he thought. With family, friends, local businesses, the law. But he'd always wormed his way out, either through loopholes or by charm. Or usually just by stacking another lie on top of his already crumbling facade. But this time it's gonna take more than a cover-up to fix this. ‏‏‎ Buster’s dishonesty takes him too far once again, a simple typo causing him to unintentionally land himself in a wager that could cost his very life. He has two months to fix this- to ACTUALLY fix this. And the worst part is that he hadn't even meant to lie this time. ‏‏‎ The First Act of Tone Deaf.
TLDR; Buster learns to love again after experiencing the horrors of animalkind firsthand and being healed by theater kids LMFAO
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sanityshorror · 7 months
Hii, how would you describe Cian's personality? (Since you dropped him he's been my favourite along with Kelly)
Also how would you say is his relationship with Devlin, do they live together, (or does the whole hellcrew live together in one big house?), who takes more care of the other?
And, one last question I've had for like a week already, if Cian had the chance to, would he have more kids?
Oooo yay long Cian ask and so much lore to dump!!! I'll put this below an undercut for the sake of everyone's dash lol. I'm gonna ask you to resend the other question beyond personality in other asks, as though no fault of your own, just his mere 101 personality turned into an essay xD if you don't want to send them again though/forget to, I'll answer them in separate posts lol.
If I were to summarize Cian’s personality in one word: obsessive.
Elaboration below cut:
Cian is Killian's son, and very much like Killian in many ways despite the fact he didn't meet Killian for the first time until he was 13 and Killian was 26. He had ran away from Ireland shortly after turning 13, to America, to go find Killian. He's been obsessed with Killian and the idea of having a close relationship with Killian all his life, he has formed the delusion that if Killian had raised him since day once, that his life would have been wonderful and Killian would have protected him from the trauma he experienced despite Killian being hardly 13 at the time of Cian's birth.
Which brings me to the one word I would use to summarize his personality: obsessive. Cian either does not give a singular shit or he is hyper obsessive with absolutely no in-between. Due to having BPD and NPD, this is only intensified tenfold. Additionally, his personality disorders play a huge role in what causes him to obsessive over that aren't possible, that are unrealistic, etc.
One of his biggest obsessions is Killian…and that's an entire can of worms on its own so I'm going to (for my own sanity's [badumpTST] sake, not get into that here).
I'm going to need to get into his personality disorders and the way they effect his personality given…well, personality disorders affect nearly every damn second of your life when you have one. They shape your personality, they aren't called personality disorders for no reason. [Source: my own lived experience with cluster b personality disorders though I'd rather not disclose anything about my own beyond that; +extensive research and one and one talks with those with these disorders. Do not demonize cluster b, you are not welcome here if you do.]
Cian's NPD tends to present covertly, at least outwardly. He hates himself, but still feels entitled to everyone's love and worship. Of course, rationally, that's very unrealistic and unattainable. He finds himself hideous, but still thinks of very, very, very few are more attractive than he is. He feels pathetic but also feels like everyone is weak compared to him. “You wouldn't last a minute in my shoes,” is a phrase he likes to use.
His BPD is heavily intertwined with how clingy Cian can be. Of course, he has massive trust issues. He's terrified of being abandoned. Devlin, his life partner, is very much his Ultimate Favorite Person™ and he tends to start panicking if Devlin so much as lets go of his hand. That's a very rare occasion though, and if he isn't with Devlin, he's either following around Killian like a lost puppy and/or pestering Julius to give attention.
Killian will light heartedly mock Cian for it but with no real bite behind it. Julius tends to (shockingly) take the ‘babying’ route with Cian. This is mainly due to them both being the first other person they met who have BPD and NPD. Julius and Cian have always held a very close friendship, even though Julius will not refuse to acknowledge the friendship. Neither will Cian, he only would if Julius did first, as to not come off weak. Cian tends to mimic Julius, which certainly has brought out many of the ASPD traits Cian has though unlike Julius, falls short of the full diagnosis.
Devlin loves how attached and obsessive Cian is though, and he's very much equally attached and obsessive. It’s not uncommon to find both of the couples together.
Cian has a lot of trauma and Issues™ but he absolutely refuses to tell anyone, and has taken to just bottling everything up. He will deny it even when it's brought up to him directly.
Additionally, he has PPD (paranoid personality disorder) and OCPD (obsessive compulsive personality disorder). He's an introvert and though he seems extremely domineering and controlling, he's not – at least not in his “hierarchy” – being the Hellcrew – as Cian is very much prone to hierarchical thinking, as is common among those with NPD.
If you want to know more about Cian or want me to further elaborate on any of this, please send me an ask!! Or many!! I love to talk about Cian!
**Disclaimer on Cian and Devlin's relationship: they did not meet until they were adults, when Dev was 20, and it was completely on their own WITHOUT Julius or Killian's influence. Julius and Devlin are like twins and see themselves that way. Cian and Devlin's relationship is not even close to “step bros in love,” it was much more of a huge “THE FUCK?!” when they finally found out everything, as Cian was unaware Julius was even related Dev, and Dev was unaware Julius was “alive” until a good four years of being with Cian. It's much more of (to the tune of Thunder rolls) an “AND THE CYCLE ROLLS…. THE CYCLE ROLLS!!” situation lol. If you aren't able to manage to comprehend that two adults who met as adults on their own aren't “step bros” in any manner…idk what to tell you lol
Devlin © @scarfaxia
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helyeahmangocheese · 3 months
Give me the bipolar2!percy headcanons, my good royalty of ambiguous gender.
I have Bpd!Percy as a massive headcanon for him ^__^
okok this is just gonna be an info dump of what comes to mind and mostly comes from my own experiences/how I read percy but since you so kindly asked:
its onset is probably closer to the first Great Prophecy — not that hypomania wasn't brewing for multiple reasons and not that he hadn't already experienced depression but I do imagine that further into his teens he becomes more and more sleepless abt his inevitable death and he starts feeling more ok with so called risky behaviors
lol on that note he'd mess with annabeth and snack on her melatonin gummies casually before bed. it wouldn't do anything to him and he's not trying for that either—the strawberry ones just kinda taste good tho
realtalk this is honestly really unhealthy but he's probably convinced all is fine when he goes hypomanic during dangerous quests (particularly during HoO). this is the only time he truly believes he can do the world-saving, legendary things that he /is/ capable of. it's not necessarily that he has an "overinflated" self image—he's just at the point where he's willing to take the risks per the quest and believe he can pull it off. which honestly is often required for those moments, and that's why the cycles are so hard.
same with his having "grandiose plans" or having all this energy despite getting no sleep—it's all just his body coping with excessive trauma and unrealistic expectations on these quests, that's how he pulls it all off. is it technically a hypomanic episode? will he eventually crash? yes and yes, but he's also the son of Poseidon so wyd. he needs to have a plan and he needs to believe he can pull it off. he needs to pull it off.
oh but I would love to see percy's rapid speech written out as dialogue. like, explaining a plan he has but it's too fast and he explains it backwards but he doesn't even realize that not everybody is on the same level as him in the moment. bc that's what it's like in both types of episodes—just constant confusion abt where you are and why others aren't there with you.
his depressive episodes are fucking awful after quests and it takes a similar hit to him when nobody else seems to feel as deeply as he does about it. he falls back into self deprecation and it's really confusing for people to witness and experience these "two types of Percy." he's really not a fan of people labeling it that.
sometimes he just won't talk after and the best thing at that point is to just be around him let him choose how to express himself—because he's honestly really creative. music and painting kind of let him sit with whatever emotions, whatever episode he's experiencing, process it, and share afterwards. he's very vivid when explaining his experiences, he just needs time, and he needs to feel in control while also not self-isolating.
annabeth does a really good job of making sure he's not ever alone in a risky way while also giving him space and also they parallel play a lot.
outside of episodes, he just feels things very deeply in general. he loves deeply, he mourns deeply. when he says he feels for you, he fucking means it.
he doesn't necessarily rapid-cycle, but he has both types of ADHD so he has to be very careful about the lines between hyperfixation and hypomania. and inattentiveness vs literally just being dissociated. bc holy shit he did NOT see that coming when he started New Rome University—my boy managed to panic-complete all of his assignments during the week, go out every weekend out of FOMO, and then crashed so hard during winter break back home that I'm honestly pretty sure this is when they diagnose him.
bc tbh all of the other symptoms popping up during SON/MOA era and particularly through/after going through Tartarus made a lot of sense. but he was hoping it'd be over after he stopped feeling the need to sacrifice sleep to protect Annabeth every night, etc. the fact that uni became one of his triggers after hs was a total sideswipe.
boy was hypomanic during hoh-boa and when apollo saw him in that whole "please god not this again" state in toa he was in the corresponding depression tbh. idk if that lines up w the timeline but it's probably true.
also one of his "risky behaviors" is getting into so many commitments with various friend groups that he can't juggle them all but can he really help it bc he's loyal? like is it his fault that he's for some reason managing multiple club sports teams because he likes the people and he picked up so many different sports/hobbies out of boredom the last time he wasn't sleeping more than 4 hours a night? oops!
it also probably works that annabeth doesn't mind taking care of finances bc he will impulse spend it on these hobbies when he has all that hypomanic energy. love u bby boy me too.
literally word vomit but I hope that made sense and Im happy to elaborate or discuss heh! also: thank u for being absolutely correct abt my gender
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rocketbirdie · 7 months
MASSIVE dump of thoughts about Rebirth. Obvious major spoiler warning for pretty much every story beat aside from side quests. That goes for the compilation as a whole.
Think of this as a collection of what would otherwise be literally hundreds of separate obnoxious text posts. Half-review, half liveblogging. Genuine praises and criticisms interspersed with unhinged nonsense. This post is so long it's making my computer lag, so make of that what you will.
To keep it organized and make it easier to find specific moments, this is split up chapter by chapter. I cover the Zack/Biggs stuff in a separate section just before the final chapter, and then follow up with some miscellaneous thoughts.
I'm not of hardcore OG FFVII faith. I love the original, and I view it as separate from Remake/Rebirth, so I embrace most of the major changes. This is generally a very positive review, aside from a few nuisances *cough cough WHISPERS cough* and only one genuinely upsetting letdown. Rebirth is more than I could ever have asked for, and I can't wait to spend the next 4+ years obsessively gushing about it. And now, without further ado...!
Chapter 1: Fall of a Hero (The Nibelheim Incident)
Love seeing Cloud's teenage squishiness scrambled together with the Zack mannerisms. Restless as a little puppy! Body language, facial expressions, etc. I wonder if they animated a lot of it with Zack's model first, and then replaced it with Cloud? Modders are gonna have a field day with this when the PC version drops.
Sephiroth really was just Some Guy, huh? It's very refreshing to see him acting fully human for once. Helps sell the catastrophic mental shitshow that ensues.
Horfin' down those sandwiches Strife style
"You went into my room?" "I did..." LMAOOO THE SHAME IN HIS VOICE. Cody Christian doing god's work voicing this sopping wet pathetic mess of a man
Zangan manhandling Cloud like that was NOT on my Rebirth bingo card.
The bridge collapse scene is beautifully expanded upon. Such a delicious moment if you know the real story. RIP Ramirez. o7
There is NO fucking way Sephiroth just... stood there unfazed by waist high rushing water. Y'all have any idea how dangerous just ankle-deep water is at those speeds? At least the generous use of artistic license in physics is established very early on.
Tifa demonstrating incredible self restraint by choosing not to strangle Zack to death at the mako spring. I would have walloped his cocky ass lol
"Such a puppy." We're establishing the homoerotic tension right away as well, thank god.
oooOOOouhh the way you can pinpoint the precise moment that Sephiroth starts to lose control at the reactor. The way he walks up those stairs.......
Mwahaha-ing over the visual parallels. Raising his hand to the candle flame... Jenova's face flickering over his own... wow. Every shot, every angle is carefully chosen. Cinematography at it's finest.
OG painted a picture of "no survivors," so it surprised me how many people seemed to have escaped from Nibelheim. Although, it's not certain what their ultimate fate was. I imagine they did it this way to show that the incident impacted far more people than just Cloud and Tifa. Makes sense, considering "sheer scale of suffering" is a recurring theme throughout the Re-trilogy so far.
Sephiroth's mass slaughter is bone chilling. The music, the tension, the iconic shot of the flames framing his figure. Goddamn. And then there's the poor trooper, reaching out for his mom.........
"Why didn't they just shoot him?? They had him surrounded!!" 1, Fear doesn't give a damn about rationality. 2, It's SEPHIROTH. They were almost certainly correct in assuming that their dinky little hunting rifles weren't gonna do jack shit.
Catch me giggling over the most mundane shit. LOVE the detail of the sword tip clanking on the metal floor as Tifa drags it. I'm obsessed with lovingly crafted, nearly unnoticeable sound design like that.
"Mother, they have come again." THANK FUCK they kept this line. I don't even know why, it just stuck with me so hard from OG.
Not sure why people are cranky that the flashback cuts off. It ends at the exact same point as in OG. That's the point, it's supposed to be frustrating.
Seeing an unfathomable number of dumbass comments going "huh??? why did cloud tell the story all wrong??? that's not what happened!!" Dear Lord Please Give Me The Strength
AERTI!!!!!!! hell yeah
Tifa being proactive instead of stewing in confusion!! Love that for her. But damn it didn't go down well, huh. "I was so happy to see you again, but maybe I shouldn't have been." BIG OOOOOF
OUCH. Cloud. At least take off the pauldron if you're gonna sleep on that side LOL
Chapter 2: A New Journey Begins (Kalm and The Grasslands)
Very interesting news broadcast ya got goin' on there, Shinra...
Kalm is so so so so pretty. Feels like an actual full sized city now! Wish we could have seen more of it at night, like in the OG.
Broden!! I like him. I want the best for him. I know he's fucked. But really, it's cool to see more SOLDIER characters. We get to see Cloud's uh-oh brain static moments from the outside perspective, and boy howdy, it ain't pretty.
Broden says he's "...on your side. Got a contact at HQ." Meanwhile, my delusional ass: CONTACT? KUNSEL? IS IT KUNSEL? DO YOU KNOW SOMEONE NAMED KUNSEL?
Mentioned it in a different post— I suspected they changed the arrangement of Midgar's sectors. Sure enough, it's confirmed by looking at Rebirth's world map. Is this a meta fate-has-been-altered thing, or is it just a curious retcon? Maybe a bit of both?
Oh my god, her name is CHLOE????????? "Chole" was a typo this whole fucking time???? I can't handle this
My sweet son Chadley has returned from the time void.
Ok serious talk. Wtf is up with the audio mixing. Someone gave the thumbs up for this production?! The default music volume is WAY too loud and overpowers voice lines. Doesn't help that Remake's npc dialogue deluge in crowded areas hasn't been addressed at all. C'mon people, you had years to fix this shit. It's a shame too, because I would love to hear all of the beautiful music and talented voice acting, just... separately, please.
The Soggy Strife Agenda is off to a great start!
I know Midgar Zolom was a blind idiot translation, but I dunno man. Midgardsormr just doesn't do it for me. Zolom sweetie come home :(
FUCKING. FUCK. WHERE'S THE LINE. FUCK!!! Apparently Sephiroth Did Not Do This. Goddammit. Fucking blasphemy. Genuinely gutted that they didn't include that line. Imagine if they had pulled that shit with Me Gongaga. Unacceptable.
Chapter 3: Deeper into Darkness (Mythril Mines)
"Enough for her Standard Course twice, right?" keep it up Aerith you're doing amazing :)
Ah, the opening area of the mines has been converted into a museum. No wonder people are allowed to just waltz right on in.
ELENA!! Oooooh I love her voice!! She's got that young overconfident sass. Fits her perfectly. She's got me sweating bullets seeing her kick a grenade around like a soccer ball though YIKES
Those Boulders Are Not Made Of Solid Rock
Not much else to say about the mines. Love when the original version of the music kicked in. Barret and Red's dynamic is so good!
Chapter 4: Dawn of a New Era (Junon)
We just, uh, waiting for the bus there, folks? OH SHIT sorry about the bird of prey thing man, that sucks. Hope you feel better soon
Contrary to maybe popular opinion, but I actually love it when you know exactly what a character is going to say or do next. It means the writers have done a great job at getting that character across. Predictable does not always equal bad; tropes exist for a reason after all.
Under Junon. mwah <3
Priscilla!! Omg she's so cute and annoying. Just how I remember.
Soggy Strife Episode 2. This time featuring an off-putting amount of romantic tension between Cloud And That Dolphin
Lowkey disappointed that they cut the uncomfortably long CPR minigame. Gamers nowadays have no idea how good they have it. Back in my day, we had to give mouth-to-mouth for 5 minutes straight in deafening silence.
YUFFIE!!!!!! Oh my god the leakers weren't exaggerating about the naruto run
Yeah ok just. gonna do some good night crunches. Very. Uh. Normal of you, Cloud Strife. God I love this weirdo
ROCHEEEEE My Boyfriend Has Returned
Aerith and Priscilla doing the arm bump thing............ yeah...........
Yeah you work those tanker controls gay boy. I was really expecting a jumpscare as the tanker lifted up. Would have actually shrieked if Sephiroth was just like "sup lol"
WOW the sister ray!!! Honestly the first moment that made me go "DAMN this is Final Fantasy alright!" What a view.
Glad they kept Junon's silly amount of elevators.
Oh hi Glenn
So Aerith wants to know if there are any good restaurants in Junon. Well, maybe if this guy hadn't been busy barfing in an alleyway....
Gee Tifa and Aerith, it's a good thing you guys practiced your highly choreographed military drill, just in case you ever had to pretend to be a trooper during an inaugural parade. Gotta be prepared for even the most unlikely scenarios! (As a writer, I know how it is with suspension of disbelief. But it's still kinda doofy lol)
That being said, I'd let the commander have her way with me
Tee hee omg it's so cute to see Cloud in his element! Look at that boy go. He's so into it. I like hearing all of the Seventh Infantry's interactions, too. Really hammers it in that they're all just normal people with their own worries and hopes.
Oopsie daisy. I am not immune to Shinra Propaganda. Huh. Well done, writers.
Awww look at all the 1/35 soldiers! Man. This whole chapter is just one huge love letter to the OG. So much nostalgia, plus so much new exciting stuff. God I could go on and on
This Just In, Entire Junon Nursing Home Full Of Elderly People Dies Of A Heart Attack After Rufus Shinra Decides To Fire The Fucking Cannon
Roche please sign my forehead
Uh oh. Yuffie
Yeah Ok don't mind me, just a SOLDIER 1st Class, protecting these little infantrymen with my life. No parallels to be found here, folks
Oh good no hard feelings. Well. Actually. Uh
Chapter 5: Blood in the Water (Shinra-8/Ship to Costa)
Oh to be a girl hiding away in a cargo hold with another girl.......
Little bit of Traces of Two Pasts! So Aerith told Tifa about Faz, the weird guy that was a little bit too nice to Ifalna. Apparently Aerith is still shaken up by that. Don't blame her.
Ok. I've been avoiding the topic of Queen's Blood, because frankly, my opinion on it is completely unfounded and irrational. I fucking hate card games in video games that are not supposed to be solely about card games. I can't help it. I'm here for the pretty people rpg and the gut-wrenching t4t heartbreak, not for the Magic the Gathering subplot. Any time this game so much as breathes the name Queen's Blood in my direction, I feel something visceral welling up inside of me. So as you can imagine, The Chapter Where You Play Queen's Blood is not my personal favorite.
But I get it! It's not like there was much to do here in the OG. I like that they went out of their way to flesh the ship out and give it more to remember. And for people who like Queen's Blood, I'm happy for them!!
Silly boy humming the victory fanfare I love himmmm
Gotta get me one of them bigass cardboard cutout palm trees to put on display inside of my grungy metal hallway. Wow what a vibe
THE MOONWALK SJHSYAFDFKKFFJF oh mny fuckijngh god the terrified kid crying his eyes out LMAOOOOO
Dang It! I wanted to see what Cloud looks like swaddled up in that hammock. Why do you deny me that which I desire. Screw your fade to black.
Good to know Hojo is just as disgusting and disturbing as he should be! Yayyyyy :(
YEEEHAAWWWW time for another absolute fucking banger of a Jenova remix!!!! I cannot praise the soundtrack enough.
Chapter 6: Fool's Paradise (Costa del Sol)
Obligatory beach episode
Johnny!!!!! My favorite dramatic idiot with a heart of gold! It's ok babygirl I love your seasmell hotel. I'll stay there anytime.
Cloud acting like that lei is strangling him. Sameeee dude same but no really. This place sucks. Too many people trying to force this poor guy to have fun against his will.
If I have to hear "hang loose" one more time, there will be bloodshed.
I do not trust that man to ride safely and sanely on that wheelie. He can't even walk on his own two feet without endangering every physics object in the vicinity.
Empty materia moment actually made me gasp out loud
Cloud's Tits Out: An unusual sight. I feel like he should be smooth under there like Link BOTW. He looks a little too robust for someone who's got Big Oil And Brain Worms In There and hasn't slept in weeks. I appreciate the commitment to making him pale as paper and flat as a board. No top surgery scars lose points big time. I'm neutral about the toes. 4/10
Cloud's Business Casual: Immaculate. Tastefully hideous. That blue is NOT your color, girl. Chocobo imagery is always a plus. Absolutely mystified by the untied capris + 3/4 sleeve scoop neck combo. Pretty sure he's not wearing any socks with those tennis shoes. Sneakers in the sand is a helluva sensory experience for an autistic guy like him, I deeply respect it. 9/10.
Tifa's Frilly Miniskirt: Cute and confident. Split between it being utterly out of character for her, or 1000% perfect for her. The white and purple is a great color combo. Slightly concerned about the structural integrity of the neck strap. Uncooperative hairstyle is understandable but kills the vibe a bit. Jealous of the sandals. 8/10
Tifa's Tie Front: DAMN. Stripes with the collar, black jean shorts, hell yeah. The giant belt buckle is just asking for a nasty burn mark, though. Whatever. She's rockin' it. I dunno man, I'm at a loss for words, you just gotta see it to believe it. 10/10.
Aerith's Keepin' It Simple: Tried and true. Pink always works in her favor. Love the little matching flowers in her hair. The wrap around wallet chain is a welcome sprinkle of weirdness. Otherwise masterfully boring; it suits her city-slickin' down-to-earth attitude. 9/10
Aerith's Floral Cover Up: Classy. Got that Final Fantasy princess look with the ruffled sleeves and the push-up cut. The long skirt is nothing short of perfection. Lovestruck by the splash of lime green with the leaf pattern. Can't imagine how annoying those shin-high sandal straps might be though, that's gonna leave a mark. 9/10
Barret's Bear Wearing A Marshmallow: Pillsbury Dough Man at his finest. Faithful to the original, exquisite in 4K HD. Hoist hook arm adds that extra sailor flair, sealing the look. He's having fun with it, and that's what matters most. 10/10!
Ok back to reality
uh oh.
Yup, somehow they managed to make Hojo even more nauseating than ever before. Good. The more we hate him, the worse it'll sting when he keeps dodging his comeuppance. Hohohohoho.... That's Good Writing, Babie! Twist that knife. Keep us ravenously thirsty for revenge!!
Seen a lot of complaints about the women that accompany Hojo to the beach and shower him with compliments and oohs and aahs. Not sure why. Pretty sure it's heavily implied that they're being paid SHIT LOADS of gil to act that way. It's stated outright that they're working for Mayor Kapono, and it's well established by that point that the mayor is wrapped tight around Shinra's pinky finger.
The moment that beach fight started, I knew right away... GRAB THAT UMBRELLA, DO YOUR LEGACY PROUD
Aerith showing her vengeful side, just a tiny bit. So much pent up hatred and grief. Love how it mirrors Cloud's character. She's so forgiving, she doesn't know how to turn anger into action. He's so caught up in his anger, that he forgets what forgiveness could do for him. Man. :'(
Yuffie joins the team!!! Cloud's just like. >:/ lol
Chapter 7: Those Left Behind (Corel)
Fun time is over folks
Huh. Forgive me if I'm mistaken, but that's not even close to being a Weapon. Major retcon, or legendary fakeout?
Sighh... Aerith looking up at the sky like that... The longing sure is long isn't it
WELL! Ain't that the dolly zoom of a lifetime! It's absolutely wild to watch Cloud's mental state worsen gradually in real time. Seeing him almost walk off a cliff was freaky. Good stuff
Poor Barret...... damn dude. The people of Corel were nasty to him in the OG, but they cranked that up to eleven in Rebirth. Wow.
"She your new wife? Well good for you..." istg i'll reach through that screen and choke you out with my bare hands bitchass
"NO." Well that settles that! Gee I wonder why Cloud's not interested in helping out the doctor with his test...... hmm......
Yuffie honey... read the room.........
Chapter 8: All That Glitters (Gold Saucer First Visit)
And now for a jarring tonal shift! Yeahh... this game suffers from awkward pacing. A lot. Though I do suppose that's the point— hellish suffering juxtaposed with distasteful extravagance, just how Shinra prefers it.
Dio should snap him in half like a twig. I think it would be good enrichment for Cloud.
Ok. I'm pretty sure this is like. the fourth time Cloud's pupils have gotten all blown out upon seeing Sephiroth. There may be a clinical explanation for this, but there sure as hell ain't a straight one. The submissive little gasps are NOT helping.
I'm fucking pissed on behalf of anyone who has to stay the night at this dumbass hotel. Oh my god. How could anyone fall asleep in this obnoxious hellscape.
At least the receptionist looks good tied up and struggling ;)
Cait Sith meowing his own theme song is doing something unfathomable to the part of me that almost became a furry back in middle school. Oh god no he's so adorable. I'm screwed
I'm going to dismantle that tonberry robot bolt by bolt.
Aerith and Cloud commentating the races omg kicking my feet like a little schoolgirl i love them so muchhhh
The bike minigame is just not the same without Roche's "encouragement"
Jessie 😭
Ok I'm glad that it's made clear from the get-go that Barret isn't responsible for the shooting, and he also doesn't try to take the fall for Dyne. That left a bad taste in my mouth in the OG, so this is a welcome change.
Cait Sith is a little bit too enthused about the muggin' maimin' and murderin' lmao
OH MY GOD CLOUD. Baseball bat to the back of the head was genuinely shocking. As if he didn't have enough brain damage to begin with D:
Oh yuck. Gus is insufferable and nasty. I've known this guy for all of five seconds, and I already hate his guts. Fantastic characterization right outta the gate. The music is hilarious.
Billy???? How the hell did you end up here????? Kid you GOTTA get tf out of this place
LMAOOO Elena is my favorite turk confirmed. "NO VANILLA."
Oh man. Dyne time. This entire part is so damn good. Barret wants so badly for Dyne to be the beloved friend he used to be, but he's just way too far gone. So much resentment and grief.
Second half of the Dyne battle is a little bit weird, but I can tentatively accept it.
Was definitely wondering how they would handle Dyne's suicide given the teen rating. They circumvented the issue by having Shinra troopers gun him down in a crazed last stand. Different from the OG, but still believable and well written, considering their limitations.
Now that I think about it, this game is REALLY pushin' it with the teen rating. I'm willing to bet the rating boards were like, "yeah uh we can make an exception. it's FFVII we're talkin' about." Still... wonder why they couldn't go as far with Remake.
"You carry that guilt... That weight..." Wow. That line.
Annnnd jarring tonal shift! Robot frog fight versus the comedy relief villain. To be fair, I can't think of any other decent place to put this boss, either. On the bright side, Anuran Suppressor is awesome. Favorite fight in the game so far!
I need this soundtrack in my possession right fucking now.
Oh hi Glenn
Chapter 9: The Planet Stirs (Gongaga)
dune buggy :)
Oh Yuffie... just keep a barf bucket on hand or somethin will ya?
"I just... I feel like I've been here before." Well wouldja look at that... no jenova static...
Going over the hill and seeing the reactor... damn.
CISSNEI!!!! Ouuugh girl you know EXACTLY who tf he is, don't lie.
Noooo give Cait his little mushroom back you meanie :(
Ah. The deranged picnic music.
Gongaga has a much different vibe than it did in the OG. The intense feeling of mourning and hardship is missing. No hazy purple hues or Anxiety playing. Seems like they went in more of a CC direction, with the bright blue sky and uplifting soundtrack. Can't lie, I'm a tiny bit disappointed; I was really hoping for something more heavy and melancholic.
The existence of ordinary chickens in the FFVII universe has some frightening implications for the true nature of chocobos. If you have ever kept backyard chickens, you'll know what I mean.
Ohhhhhhh.... Zack's home............. :((((((
No. No. Don't play Sky Blue Eyes. Don't fucking do this to me. I'm gonna fucking cry. Oh my god no.
"They do say no news is good news, right?" I'm gonna do it.
You know shit's bad when even Cloud "I'm Fine" Strife admits he needs to have a lie down. Yikes.
Man, I really wish we knew more about Tifa and Aerith's chats. Dramatic irony's a bitch.
They sure went all out with the mushroom thing, huh. I know they were trying to differentiate Gongaga in terms of gameplay and worldbuilding, but I feel like they went a little overboard. Gongaga was its own unique thing in OG, not sure why they felt the need to quote unquote improve upon it. Just kinda weird.
Now the reactor is a different story. They did an incredible job here. The scale of the reactor, the unprecedented destruction—
Oh God Damn It The Whispers Are Back
Seriously trying so hard to justify in my own mind why the whispers are here. I don't despise them as a concept, but their implementation is awkward and overdone. In the Gongaga reactor, they fulfill the same narrative purpose as the black robes would: to facilitate the Reunion by mentally dragging Cloud along. Sigh... I get it's because they want to familiarize the player with the whispers in anticipation of future scenes, but it still pisses me off.
That being said, the whispers' theme goes HARD and I'm elated to hear it again. It also fits super well in the Gongaga reactor. So I guess I'm not that pissed.
Touch Me renamed to Amphidex. Can't have shit in Gongaga :/
ooOOOOO!!! The mako fumes getting to Cloud's head! Poor guy's about to pass out. Nice touch.
Sephiroth/Jenova taking advantage of Cloud's mako poisoning... Oh man... the instant change in demeanor is nuts. So fucking good. Here we get to see the first time that Sephiroth has total control over Cloud, and it does not disappoint. Ruthless.
Tifa honey how and why tf are you keeping it together right now. Girl, you do NOT have to fix him. You do not have to show him your boobs a second time. You do not have to take a single thing he says seriously. You can just get up and leave I promise he's doomed by the narrative until further notice 😭😭😭
Telluric Orca Vore Moment was also not on my rebirth bingo card but Okay
Teasing the lifestream. Sure, I can get down with it. Just... y'all got a bit of a whisper problem down here. Want me to call pest control?
"No! Don't take him too!" Damn...
I would not feel safe alone in a room with a man who just tried to kill me, let alone even remotely consider intimacy, but maybe that's just me. It is refreshing to see Tifa and Cloud actually talk things out for a change.
Cloud knows there's something wrong with him and he's so scared... man :'(
What does Aerith say to her???????????? ARRRGHHH
So we're all just perfectly fine with Cloud continuing to be in charge? Nobody's got any objections to that? Alrighty Then
SURPRISE Cid Highwind!! Leaks were right, he's cleaned up. No cigs, less swears, very friendly guy. Not as off-putting as I worried it might be. I'm convinced it's just because he's got a business to run— we'll see good ol' cranky Cid in part 3.
Chapter 10: Watcher of the Vale (Cosmo Canyon)
Red's real voice reveal! Red's real name reveal!! Though I really would have preferred to see his name change to Nanaki in the menu and subtitles...
Cosmo Canyon is coming off as a hippie stoner tourist trap. Yeah all of these people are correct about the planet and the lifestream, but dang if it doesn't feel like someone's about to heckle me into buying healing crystals and dreamcatchers.
The nostalgia is A++. Beautiful remaster of the music, too.
BUGENHAGEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOOOOO!!!!!!! SO jealous of him zoomin around on that sick af crystal ball. Screw the Costa wheelies, I want one of these bad boys.
...A legendary fakeout in the making, I think!
The observatory is stunning. Can't even put it into words. The planetarium brought me to tears, it's such a flood of nostalgia and a deeply emotional scene. I love the nice detail of the planet being different from Earth— mako tinted oceans instead of deep blue. Watching the model planet rot and crumble broke my heart.
Sobbing the whole way through Aerith's speech. My god. Poor girl. Knowing what her fate is in the OG makes it hurt even worse.
Gi Nattak. Would
Expanding upon the Gi. Unexpected but super cool. Their story reminds me of FFIX, with the parasitic planet Terra lurking deep within Gaia. The Gi and the Cetra seem to have something similar going on. Who was here first? It almost sounds like the Cetra and their lifestream are invaders.
I could easily relate to the Gi's opinion, that the endless cycle of the lifestream and the persistence of the spirit is tantamount to torture. Never being able to truly rest in peace sucks. Don't worry friends, I'll bring you the black materia! :) (THIS USER CANNOT BE TRUSTED WITH THE BLACK MATERIA)
Aerith sticking her hand into the mako..............
Chapter 11: The Long Shadow of Shinra (Nibelheim)
The intense gaslighting about Nibelheim was one of my favorite things about the OG. It also helped seed even more doubt into Cloud's existence as a real person, setting up his descent into madness over the black materia and vulnerability as Sephiroth's puppet. So the changes they've made to Nibelheim in Rebirth are... unnecessary, to put it lightly.
The villagers do not argue with Tifa or Cloud about their memories of the town. They greet them and tell them all about the town's development into a mako poisoning treatment center. Sigh... Part of what made OG's Nibel revisit so dreadful was the unshakeable feeling that you are not welcome there, and that you're being watched like a hawk. I feel a little bit too comfy here in Rebirth Nibelheim, with how friendly and open everyone's being.
Love the chat with Tifa in her old room. We get so much insight into her thoughts and feelings about Nibelheim, Avalanche, and about Cloud and herself.
"Every time we made eye contact, you'd look away. And when I tried to talk to you, you'd ignore me." ouch, don't gotta poke him in the autism like that
Ohoho. The hotel's digging up some memories. I've said my piece.
LORD have mercy. This boy's noodle is scrambled like you wouldn't believe. Good news, he remembers Zack, sort of. Bad news, he thinks he fucking drowned?!???? It's intimidating to see the lengths Jenova/Sephiroth will go to to obscure the truth from Cloud. Damn.
Ok Yuffie is actually starting to get a bit obnoxious. Please stop interrupting emotionally charged moments. We get it, you're excited about materia. Cut it out.
If I were Tifa I would be shitting my pants terrified right about now. Girl I do NOT know how you're holding it together.
And now for the most distasteful tonal shift and momentum killer of all time. It's silly kitty cat hijinks time!! ...What the actual fuck. I like Cait Sith, but this is unacceptable. The basement is supposed to be a sickening place of fear and tragedy. Turning it into a cutesy little box chucking playground is downright disrespectful to the original FFVII. I can't even believe I'm writing this, it's so absurd as a concept. This is the only major change that I'm legitimately seriously upset about.
And by god does it drag on. Every time you think, surely this is the final section!... nope. It just keeps on fucking going. Fuck my life, my blood is boiling. Unreal. Remake's slow ass hand-crane highway thing is nothing compared to this. I'll take a Queen's Blood tournament and a hurricane of whispers any day over this unrivaled masterclass in unnecessary bullshit. Fuck.
At least to some people, the reward for getting through the Cait Sith Crate Slog is worthwhile— a few cutscenes starring Vincent Valentine, and a battle against Galian Beast. But if you're like me, and you're not utterly obsessed with Vincent Valentine or Matt Mercer, then by this point, you're just feeling drained and disappointed.
Overall... least favorite chapter. Mellow start, juicy build up with great potential, completely shafted by baffling nonsense.
RIP Roche. Heartbreaking. It's been a good run. Side note, Roche's conversion into a black robe was... quite bizarre. That's just, uh, how that works, I suppose? Okie dokie then
Oh hi Glenn
Chapter 12: A Golden Key (Gold Saucer Revisit)
Always felt weird about the Gold Saucer revisit in the OG. Unusual pacing. Well, at least Rebirth's being consistent in that regard.
What's the point of the theater if you're just going to do a VR performance instead? I know it's a silly little nitpick, but I wanna hear some soles squeaking on a hardwood stage!
Ah, that's the point of the VR. So Shinra can use a dead woman's likeness to keep selling tickets to their overhyped shows. Surprised none of the characters say anything about that, given Avalanche's well-established anticapitalist message.
This is what Genesis Rhapsodos decided to hyperfixate on? No wonder the guy's hair started turning grey and falling out in chunks. [SARCASM]
Barret sobbing uncontrollably, right next to Nanaki looking like a rejected Crash Bandicoot reboot clapping his paws together. Sums up this entire game so far.
The "audience participation" in the play is altered significantly from the OG. It's, uh, very neat and tidy. I strongly prefer OG's hysterical secondhand embarrassment and awkward ad-lib.
I NEED to know what happens if you fail all of the QTEs. Please tell me it goes off the rails and Cloud gets booed off stage PLEASE.
Pretty song. But my god if that is Not What She Would Sound Like.
The gondola rides!! Overall fantastic. So difficult to pick a favorite. Tifa's is obviously phenomenal, but I think I still have a soft spot for Aerith's. I like that Barret's is taken more seriously; it's such a heartfelt moment. Yuffie reminiscing about Zack was adorable, as well as Cloud relating to her being bad with feelings. The Cait Sith/Cid/Vincent one had me laughing out loud, it was so stiff and awkward lmaoo
THE SCOTCH AND KOTCH DISS TRACK IS SENDING ME???????? SKSJKHAGAAAFDSDSDHHBFD I'm so happy to see these freaks doing their thing again.
Yeah, no Cait Sith, you ain't garnering any pity from me. Not happening after the crate incident.
Chapter 13: Where Angels Fear to Tread (Temple of the Ancients)
So the temple is to the north now. Understandable, since that's where the Forgotten Capital is, too. Still took me by surprise. Also means we won't be going back to Gongaga... aww :(
HOLY FUCK the way the temple assembles itself... now THIS is what I'm talkin' about!
Teasing us with that fractal square symbol since all the way back in Remake...!
Roche....... "my... friend..." :(((((((
These troopers are NOT getting paid enough for this shit lmao
Oh howdy there Rathalos from Monster Hunter, you look a bit different than I remember
Thank goodness the Cetra had the foresight to incorporate some aesthetically appropriate rest benches into their temple's design!
Aerith's seance + the camera angle of the whole team watching... beautiful nod to FFX...? <3
That better not have been Kunsel.
Reno jumpscare
Elena's pretty pink pistol with the charms and stickers is so goofy. I love her. Hopefully Cloud won't try to chop her head off within the next sixty seconds or anything like tha— uh, nevermind.
oooOOURGHH Cloud is SO fucking terrifying throughout the whole temple. Cody hitting it out of the ballpark BIG TIME with the voice acting. DAMN.
Everybody but Cloud has memories to retread... broke my heart. Sad and scary. By the way Hey uhh Temple? Why the fuck would you do this to us? :(
ugly sobbing
Followed up by the Gayest Thing I Think I've Ever Seen In Video Game History
Oh god no you're going to make me fight Demon Gate aren't you
Wait. Cloud. Hey. Can we talk about it for a sec. Come back please
"There's no point fighting over a fake." WHOA I actually straight up forgot about that twist! Hell yeah! What a wham line!
"I wish I hadnae skipped leg day." pFFFFT LMAOOOOO
"Yeah... I'm good." The Fuck You Ain't
The temple's transformation is breathtaking. And that music score, too, holy fuck.
Honestly I'm not even mad about the whispers being there, they're just a setpiece at this point. Adds to the frantic atmosphere. I'm choosing to ignore their narrative relevance until absolutely necessary.
THAT BOY on his hands and knees SCRAMBLING for that black materia. Gayass
LISTEN. Listen I cannot formulate coherent thoughts about this. Go see it for yourself. Just go.
tee hee hee he's so proud of himself handing it over :3
It Begins.
Interlude. The Zack Moments so far:
Yeahhhh not a huge fan of Zack just dropping Cloud off at the nearest recognizable npc. Not after he almost gave his goddamn life to protect him.
MAN! Finally get to see what it's like to enter/exit Midgar. No fade to black, just on your feet and out the gate. Feels good; kinda surreal honestly. Never realized how bad I wanted this.
Regardless of what you think about the Zack thing, you gotta admit, the atmosphere during his sections is ethereal. So beautiful and calming in such a tragic way.
Love how he fights different than Cloud. Throwing punches, brutal kicks, shoulder checks, much like in Crisis Core.
HOLY FUCK don't mind me just gonna uhhh rip this five hundred pound metal post out of the ground and chuck it like a toy hammer. Suddenly the Buster Sword doesn't seem all that unwieldy.
......RIP Barret, Nanaki, and Tifa. Oof. What a way to go out.
Damn bitch you live like this??? To be fair, that's probably the most luxurious resting spot he's had in literal YEARS. Like wow there's a mattress!! And a roof!!!!!
Good to know that Cloud's goofy ass flinging himself out of bed straight into a combat stance thing from Remake is actually a Zack mannerism lol
Ohhh... my heart... seeing things from Cloud's perspective... I like the how this expands upon what the OG established, about "dreams" of this type. Sort of like the sleeping forest scene. Also makes Aerith's resolution scene in Remake all the more curious.
Aww... walking out onto the balcony and seeing the whole garden dead...
Obsessed with the music that plays during Zack's sections. Wow.
Awwww Marlene and Zack are such a silly duo :')
Biggs wtf did you do????????
Ziggs crashing hard onto my list of OTPs. Oops.
Divine intervention preventing a headshot? I'm sure some CS:GO players can relate.
Biggs' and Zack's conflicting memories of Cloud, plus the "broken internal clocks" is intriguing.
"Zack-of-all-trades" tickles me :D
All of their dialogue together is so self-aware... two characters who have had their narrative purposes torn out from under them, desperate to find a new one. The fact that there is no reason for them to be here is the whole point.
"We're all headed for the same place. You'll see your daddy and Tifa again." Oh ok yeah sure go ahead and rip my heart right out of my chest Elmyra
"Hello in there..." 🥺
So Remake Aerith bestowed memories of her future death upon Marlene. Is childhood innocence a prerequisite for this ability to work? Seeing as she did something similar with Nanaki. Otherwise, you'd think she would try to entrust her own fate with someone more influential, like Tifa or Barret.
I cannot fucking believe that Zaclerith endgame is real. Am I dreaming
Aww Zack has Aerith's ribbon tied around his hand...
Chapter 14: End of the World (Forgotten Capital/Final Chapter)
Ok Tsengru shippers. I finally see it. You are 100% correct about them.
Now we're getting WILD with it. The timeline shenanigans are in full swing. Speculation aplenty ahead.
"...or 'homeward bound' maybe?" Still trying to make sense of what exactly these sky-rift worlds are. Aerith's line here seems to imply that this is some kind of purgatory...? Where timelines go to wallow in their death throes? That's my understanding, so far. Especially with all of the mournful npc dialogue.
Aww... Aerith's date with Cloud mirroring the one she had with Zack in Crisis Core :')
I tell you what, the Stamp figurine made me GASP. So that's three timelines now. Beagle, Terrier, Spitz.
So Terrier Zack goes to Hojo in hopes of finding a cure for Cloud. Not his finest idea... but oh well. Jealous of his motorcycle. ;)
Sephiroth is combing timelines for one version of Aerith in particular...? Am I on the right track here? Is this the same Aerith from her resolution scene in Remake?
THE PUG made me spit my fucking drink out. Hot damn, there's four! We saw this timeline's conception in the form of the bright flash of light when Terrier Zack chose to go to Hojo.
So Pug Zack instead goes to Biggs at reactor 6. I really, really love this scene. The pump is dry, the planet's life is flashing before its eyes. A heartfelt moment shared between two characters who have had their narrative purposes torn out from under them. Zack gets a delicious bit of character progression, wanting to take back control of his life. Price of Freedom playing in the background has got me wailing like an air horn.
"I'm sick of taking its shit!" WHOA Zack swearing caught me way off guard. He flees from battle for once, instead of facing Shinra head on in this timeline. Wonder how that'll change things.
"You don't look like you're on a date... More like 'at a funeral.'" Mhm. duly noted
Give it up for timeline number five! Corgi Zack is sitting on the stairs at the church.
"Cloud, Biggs, or Aerith... How the hell am I supposed to choose?" You don't have to, darling. It's called a polycule.
Sephiroth slashes a hole in reality, and the black whispers drag Corgi Zack through it. Starting to think I shoulda done my Lifestream Black/Lifestream White homework.
So far, Aerith+Cloud's date "dream" has taken place entirely in the Spitz timeline. It's not clear if this is also true of the scene inside of the church, especially since Sephiroth comes waltzing in after we just saw him outside in the Corgi timeline. I'm getting the impression that time and space are a very hand-wavey thing in this layer of reality.
And now for one of the most exhilirating things I think I've ever seen in MY LIFE.
"Behold... The true nature of reality. When the boundaries of fate are breached, new worlds are born. The planet encompasses a multitude of worlds, ever unfolding. [...] In the planet's embrace, all life is as one." Sephiroth's entire dialogue here... I got goosebumps. That's all.
"Very poor form." LMAO
I notice now on my second watch through, that as early as the sleeping forest scenes, we're cutting back and forth between two different timelines, I believe. Whenever the black or white whispers rush past, we shift perspective from one timeline to another. Pay close attention. Two worlds, simultaneous, but different.
Cloud delivers the white materia from one Aerith to another. Is this the same white materia we see from the beginning of Rebirth? I don't think she swaps the materia out, just transfers its power into her own empty materia, then hands Cloud the newly empty one.
Interesting! Looks like the timeline had already split, all the way back when Cloud handed over the black materia. Previously we saw Cloud and Aerith fall, but now— the white whispers rush past— and we see him rescue her and pull themselves up before they fall. Interesting!
Some youtube theorycrafter will piece together the symbolic significance of literally every tiny detail in this prerendered cutscene and make perfect sense of it. Looking forward to it too, because this is WAY above my paygrade.
Hello, whiper pest control services? Hi, yes, I would like to know why the white whispers are suddenly getting in the way? I thought they were my friends :(
Aerith's prayer :(((((((((
OHHGH MY GOD fucking legendary use of the haptic/adaptive triggers. Holy shit.
👁️ 👁️
Meanwhile, Zack Fair
me, banging my fists on the table: KISS! KISS!!! KISS! KISS!!!! JUST KISS ALREADY!!!!!! KISS!!!
Lmao Zack is so indifferent to this interdimensional insanity. After being the protagonist of Crisis Core, he's just like "lol whatever this is fine"
"Look at you takin' charge! I like it!" 😏
Zack+Cloud synergy attack!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!
"What in the hell is going on!?" SAME ZACK, SAME
the hand hold 💔
i'm incoherent. i'll figure out my thoughts about this some other time
Oh hi Glenn— OH SHIT??!?
Man... the in-game skybox does NOT do that rift in the sky justice. Absolutely staggering in the final prerendered cutscene.
Next time I have a migraine aura, I'll be at ease knowing that it's just the timelines rippling and merging. No big deal
Two separate worlds, one where she lives, one where she dies. Realities overlapping and intertwined. Cloud's fragile mind fluctuating between both… wow. Can't wait to see where this leads in part 3.
Misc. thoughts, not chapter specific:
Love the accentuated mako in SOLDIER eyes. It irked me that the iconic mako color was so muted in Remake, so seeing it so vibrant in Rebirth is sexy as hell.
Um. No comment on Glenn, really. I'm not heavily invested in his story; maybe I'd be more interested if SE had actually done anything substantial with First Soldier and Ever Crisis. I don't mind that he's here, and the Jenova/Sephiroth twist was pleasantly surprising. Matt and Lucia name drop was also a nice touch. It's pretty obvious that the only reason Glenn is here is to help set up a confict against Wutai for part 3. Fair enough.
7 notes · View notes
maddsmallow · 9 days
10, 17, 20 for the dbh ask!
10. Least favorite trope?
i dont know if i would say it's my least favorite, but it's the first one that popped into my head as a brainrotted hankcon shipper lmao—when connor is portrayed as a lil helpless baby uwu bean who suddenly becomes essentially hank's maid post-revolution, and when hank is suddenly completely cured of his alcohol dependence once connor moves in/they get together. i want that man to WORK FOR IT, "it" being a healthier life and actual coping skills with his grief. and i'm a big believer in connor being a badass "adult man" who really doesnt need anyone's help but just likes hank with him because of what they went thru together, and they grow from there into something more.
granted, i do understand that we're all just. having fun with fictional characters and slapping these barbies together in whatever ways makes us happiest. so i could sit here and go off on how incorrect it feels to their characters, but i dunno. it doesnt really matter how "canon" it is, it's all just for funsies, so. kind of a weird thing to toe the line between 😅
17. Favorite moments of each playable character?
ooo this is a good one. again, im a brainrotted hankcon shipper, so it's gonna be hard to choose just one with hank and connor haha. probably my favorite with connor is when he's dragging hank to the bathroom to "sober him up" just because they're both such ASSHOLES to each other LMAO, just completely fed up with the other's shit. hank is just a grumpy bitch who wants to wallow in self pity, so even when drunk off his ass he's still putting up a fight with connor by grabbing the doorway to stop connor from taking him further into the bathroom and then straight up trying to walk away from the bathtub. connor is so done with hank holding him back from doing his goddamn all important mission, so when he finally gets the (probably freezing) water going, he deadass just stands there and watches hank flail around for an extra second. JUST to be an ass to hank for being an ass to him. it's SO funny how the two of them are constantly butting heads and then end up basically trauma bonded anyways by the end of the game lmao
if it counts, my favorite kara moment would probably be her realizing she's merchandise in that one short video back in like,, what was it, 2012? 2014? that was sort of the first rendition of an idea for the dbh universe. just, her realizing she's a product and not a person and then begging for her life was REALLY moving, valorie curry's acting there was fuckin top notch. but that's not really part of the game itself, so. hmm. i really love when they're at the amusement park and finally find a place to stay to ride out the storm, but the door is covered in wooden planks that have been nailed in, and (ignoring the fact that there's no reason to assume kara wouldnt have standard android strength and find this action quite easy) kara's this tiny little android trying to rip off the planks, and then big ass luther is just like. allow me. im literally made for this shit. and yoinks em off like they're nothin LMAO. that was the very specific moment i fell in love with luther and wanted him and kara and alice to stay together FOREVER
and for markus, i mean, i GOTTA go with the scene where he goes through the passageway of hands and other android parts in the junkyard. or really just the first scene in it where you take off your bad leg and find another compatible one and the realization sets in that you're in a massive landfill of body parts, and markus has been dumped into a situation where he has to dig through dead and dying people of his own species and take their parts to save himself. the first time i watched it, i literally gasped and covered my mouth with my hand and teared up. it's HORRIFIC, the idea of being in a giant pile of half alive creatures to be forgotten about as you have to take bits of those half alive creatures to attach to your own self to survive. you're now made up of multiple other dead people. it's fucking nightmarish, and the first half of that level is such a punch in the gut. fantastic story telling there
20. What were the hardest decisions/actions in each character's story for you?
oh man so TECHNICALLY i have never actually played the game myself LMAO. i'm just not a gamer, i'm in this for the characters and the shit they have to endure in the story. but i imagine the answer is the same for all of them with being mean to the companions in each story haha. getting hank to the point where he finally uses his gun on himself, making kara leave alice at the "recycling" camp, and i guess markus doing peaceful protests even tho that means soooo many more androids die from his inaction.
thanks for the ask!!
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rp-partnerfinder · 4 months
↜ ♫ come and get your love... ♫ ↝
maybe it's the summer or whatever but HECK do I have the hankering for reviving my Gamora and Nebula (of Marvel's MCU / Guardians of the Galaxy) muses. I know this is a niche ask but you can't fault a guy for trying, soooo;
✦ sup, I'm a 30+ trans dude and yee local homosexual from Europe, looking to write one on one with peeps on discord. I like creating a private server for me and my partner where we can write and store all the good stuff like music, refs, art, memes, all of that in multiple channels. it's not required to befriend me to write with me, but I do gladly befriend my writing partners! I write in third person, past tense, and usually reply at least once a day, sometimes quicker, sometimes slower. you know how it is; life, in the way, etc. I strive to be communicative and let you know should I get busy. I typically write 2+ paragraphs and can go up to the dozens if given the opportunity, sometimes I simply Cannot Shut Up, but it is never required that you write a whole ass novel just because I insist on doing so. I do require proper grammar, though, although I'm obviously gonna forgive the occasional error, because who doesn't make those? I'm not a native English speaker either!
suuuuuuper open and hype for multiple threads, crossovers, AUs, even multifandom + tupperbot and dice maiden. I love slow burn as much as love at first sight, angst and fluff, hurt and comfort and occasional smut, mostly just everything in a nice balance. I'm not interested in toxic ships; I like my ships to suffer, sure, but not because they're actively terrible for each other for idk steamy reasons I guess. I like them to struggle but come out the other side together and stronger, beat their obstacles and have love conquer all.
I've got almost 20 years of writing experience on this Earth and come equipped with writing samples. pls be at least 21+ if you contact this local trans peepaw 👴🏻 ✦
so what am I looking for?
for this specific hankering - romance, M x F, CC x CC and post-GOTG3 primarily. ships in particular include such as;
your ★ Adam Warlock, Peter Quill, Thor or Loki against my ✦ Gamora.
your ★ Adam Warlock, James Rhodes or Kraglin Obfonteri against my ✦ Nebula;
and... others, honestly. Wolverine, T'Challa, Shang-Chi, Clint? I'm open to it. I'm a huge fan of rareships and gladly draw my own fanart to sustain them, so, y'know - if you got a fella you wanna with My Gals, feel free to come at me! trust and believe I have so many ideas for tossing both Gam and Nebs at people!
still interested after this massive info dump??? great! drop a like and I'll come find you!!! 🖤
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canonrpfinder · 4 months
↜ ♫ come and get your love... ♫ ↝
maybe it's the summer or whatever but HECK do I have the hankering for reviving my Gamora and Nebula (of Marvel's MCU / Guardians of the Galaxy) muses. I know this is a niche ask but you can't fault a guy for trying, soooo;
✦ sup, I'm a 30+ trans dude and yee local homosexual from Europe, looking to write one on one with peeps on discord. I like creating a private server for me and my partner where we can write and store all the good stuff like music, refs, art, memes, all of that in multiple channels. it's not required to befriend me to write with me, but I do gladly befriend my writing partners! I write in third person, past tense, and usually reply at least once a day, sometimes quicker, sometimes slower. you know how it is; life, in the way, etc. I strive to be communicative and let you know should I get busy. I typically write 2+ paragraphs and can go up to the dozens if given the opportunity, sometimes I simply Cannot Shut Up, but it is never required that you write a whole ass novel just because I insist on doing so. I do require proper grammar, though, although I'm obviously gonna forgive the occasional error, because who doesn't make those? I'm not a native English speaker either!
suuuuuuper open and hype for multiple threads, crossovers, AUs, even multifandom + tupperbot and dice maiden. I love slow burn as much as love at first sight, angst and fluff, hurt and comfort and occasional smut, mostly just everything in a nice balance. I'm not interested in toxic ships; I like my ships to suffer, sure, but not because they're actively terrible for each other for idk steamy reasons I guess. I like them to struggle but come out the other side together and stronger, beat their obstacles and have love conquer all.
I've got almost 20 years of writing experience on this Earth and come equipped with writing samples. pls be at least 21+ if you contact this local trans peepaw 👴🏻 ✦
so what am I looking for?
for this specific hankering - romance, M x F, CC x CC and post-GOTG3 primarily. ships in particular include such as;
your ★ Adam Warlock, Peter Quill, Thor or Loki against my ✦ Gamora.
your ★ Adam Warlock, James Rhodes or Kraglin Obfonteri against my ✦ Nebula;
and... others, honestly. Wolverine, T'Challa, Shang-Chi, Clint? I'm open to it. I'm a huge fan of rareships and gladly draw my own fanart to sustain them, so, y'know - if you got a fella you wanna with My Gals, feel free to come at me! trust and believe I have so many ideas for tossing both Gam and Nebs at people!
still interested after this massive info dump??? great! drop a like and I'll come find you!!! 🖤
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findroleplay · 4 months
↜ ♫ come and get your love... ♫ ↝
maybe it's the summer or whatever but HECK do I have the hankering for reviving my Gamora and Nebula (of Marvel's MCU / Guardians of the Galaxy) muses. I know this is a niche ask but you can't fault a guy for trying, soooo;
✦ sup, I'm a 30+ trans dude and yee local homosexual from Europe, looking to write one on one with peeps on discord. I like creating a private server for me and my partner where we can write and store all the good stuff like music, refs, art, memes, all of that in multiple channels. it's not required to befriend me to write with me, but I do gladly befriend my writing partners! I write in third person, past tense, and usually reply at least once a day, sometimes quicker, sometimes slower. you know how it is; life, in the way, etc. I strive to be communicative and let you know should I get busy. I typically write 2+ paragraphs and can go up to the dozens if given the opportunity, sometimes I simply Cannot Shut Up, but it is never required that you write a whole ass novel just because I insist on doing so. I do require proper grammar, though, although I'm obviously gonna forgive the occasional error, because who doesn't make those? I'm not a native English speaker either!
suuuuuuper open and hype for multiple threads, crossovers, AUs, even multifandom + tupperbot and dice maiden. I love slow burn as much as love at first sight, angst and fluff, hurt and comfort and occasional smut, mostly just everything in a nice balance. I'm not interested in toxic ships; I like my ships to suffer, sure, but not because they're actively terrible for each other for idk steamy reasons I guess. I like them to struggle but come out the other side together and stronger, beat their obstacles and have love conquer all.
I've got almost 20 years of writing experience on this Earth and come equipped with writing samples. pls be at least 21+ if you contact this local trans peepaw 👴🏻 ✦
so what am I looking for?
for this specific hankering - romance, M x F, CC x CC and post-GOTG3 primarily. ships in particular include such as;
your ★ Adam Warlock, Peter Quill, Thor or Loki against my ✦ Gamora.
your ★ Adam Warlock, James Rhodes or Kraglin Obfonteri against my ✦ Nebula;
and... others, honestly. Wolverine, T'Challa, Shang-Chi, Clint? I'm open to it. I'm a huge fan of rareships and gladly draw my own fanart to sustain them, so, y'know - if you got a fella you wanna with My Gals, feel free to come at me! trust and believe I have so many ideas for tossing both Gam and Nebs at people!
still interested after this massive info dump??? great! drop a like and I'll come find you!!! 🖤
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yo-aroleplayfinder · 5 months
★ spread my ashes to the stars... ★
maybe it's the summer or whatever but holy Hell do I have the hankering for reviving my Gamora and Nebula (of Marvel's MCU / Guardians of the Galaxy) muses. I know this is a niche ask and has never really gotten traction before but you can't fault a guy for trying, soooo;
✦ sup, I'm yee regular, 30+ trans dude and homosexual from Europe, looking to write one on one with peeps on discord. I like creating lil' servers for me and my partners where we can write and store all the good stuff like music, refs, art, memes, all of that in multiple channels. it's not required to befriend me to write with me, but I do gladly befriend my writing partners! I write in third person, past tense, and usually reply at least once a day, sometimes quicker, sometimes slower. you know how it is; life, in the way, etc. I strive to be communicative and let you know should I get busy. I typically write 2+ paragraphs and can go up to the dozens if given the opportunity, sometimes I simply Cannot Shut Up, but it is not required that you write a whole ass novel just because I do. I do require proper grammar, though, although I'm obviously gonna forgive the occasional error, because who doesn't make those? I'm not a native English speaker either!
suuuuuuper open and hype for multiple threads, crossovers, AUs, even multifandom + tupperbot and dice maiden. I love slow burn as much as love at first sight, angst and fluff, hurt and comfort and occasional smut, mostly just everything in a nice balance. I'm not interested in toxic ships; I like my ships to suffer, sure, but not because they're actively terrible for each other for idk steamy reasons I guess. I like them to struggle but come out the other side together and stronger, beat their obstacles and have love conquer all.
I've got almost 20 years of writing experience on this Earth and come equipped with writing samples, pls be at least 21+ if you contact this local trans peepaw 👴🏻 ✦
so what am I looking for?
M x F and CC x CC primarily, for such rareships as;
your ★ Adam Warlock against my ✦ Gamora; it seems bizarre, I know, but I'd love to explore these two in a post-GOTG3 world. two people who don't really feel like they belong, like they were made against their will, and are now finding their way, their place and their home in the world, possibly together. definite potential for strictly platonic stuff, even if I'm primarily lookin' for romance.
your ★ Kraglin Obfonteri against my ✦ Nebula; this ship lives in my head rent free. I have many thoughts for this, among the many a setting where Kraglin gets injured and Nebs has to come face to face with her emotions... but I'll leave the rest for DMs. >:3c
and... others, honestly. I'm a huge fan of rareships and gladly draw my own fanart to sustain them, so, y'know - if you got a fella you think would work with My Gals, feel free to come at me!
still interested after this massive info dump??? great! drop a like and I'll come find you!!! 🖤
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roleplayfinder · 5 months
★ spread my ashes to the stars... ★
maybe it's the summer or whatever but holy Hell do I have the hankering for reviving my Gamora and Nebula (of Marvel's MCU / Guardians of the Galaxy) muses. I know this is a niche ask and has never really gotten traction before but you can't fault a guy for trying, soooo;
✦ sup, I'm yee regular, 30+ trans dude and homosexual from Europe, looking to write one on one with peeps on discord. I like creating lil' servers for me and my partners where we can write and store all the good stuff like music, refs, art, memes, all of that in multiple channels. it's not required to befriend me to write with me, but I do gladly befriend my writing partners! I write in third person, past tense, and usually reply at least once a day, sometimes quicker, sometimes slower. you know how it is; life, in the way, etc. I strive to be communicative and let you know should I get busy. I typically write 2+ paragraphs and can go up to the dozens if given the opportunity, sometimes I simply Cannot Shut Up, but it is not required that you write a whole ass novel just because I do. I do require proper grammar, though, although I'm obviously gonna forgive the occasional error, because who doesn't make those? I'm not a native English speaker either!
suuuuuuper open and hype for multiple threads, crossovers, AUs, even multifandom + tupperbot and dice maiden. I love slow burn as much as love at first sight, angst and fluff, hurt and comfort and occasional smut, mostly just everything in a nice balance. I'm not interested in toxic ships; I like my ships to suffer, sure, but not because they're actively terrible for each other for idk steamy reasons I guess. I like them to struggle but come out the other side together and stronger, beat their obstacles and have love conquer all.
I've got almost 20 years of writing experience on this Earth and come equipped with writing samples, pls be at least 21+ if you contact this local trans peepaw 👴🏻 ✦
so what am I looking for?
M x F and CC x CC primarily, for such rareships as;
your ★ Adam Warlock against my ✦ Gamora; it seems bizarre, I know, but I'd love to explore these two in a post-GOTG3 world. two people who don't really feel like they belong, like they were made against their will, and are now finding their way, their place and their home in the world, possibly together. definite potential for strictly platonic stuff, even if I'm primarily lookin' for romance.
your ★ Kraglin Obfonteri against my ✦ Nebula; this ship lives in my head rent free. I have many thoughts for this, among the many a setting where Kraglin gets injured and Nebs has to come face to face with her emotions... but I'll leave the rest for DMs. >:3c
and... others, honestly. I'm a huge fan of rareships and gladly draw my own fanart to sustain them, so, y'know - if you got a fella you think would work with My Gals, feel free to come at me!
still interested after this massive info dump??? great! drop a like and I'll come find you!!! 🖤
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anotherrpfinder · 4 months
↜ ♫ come and get your love... ♫ ↝
maybe it's the summer or whatever but HECK do I have the hankering for reviving my Gamora and Nebula (of Marvel's MCU / Guardians of the Galaxy) muses. I know this is a niche ask but you can't fault a guy for trying, soooo;
✦ sup, I'm a 30+ trans dude and yee local homosexual from Europe, looking to write one on one with peeps on discord. I like creating a private server for me and my partner where we can write and store all the good stuff like music, refs, art, memes, all of that in multiple channels. it's not required to befriend me to write with me, but I do gladly befriend my writing partners! I write in third person, past tense, and usually reply at least once a day, sometimes quicker, sometimes slower. you know how it is; life, in the way, etc. I strive to be communicative and let you know should I get busy. I typically write 2+ paragraphs and can go up to the dozens if given the opportunity, sometimes I simply Cannot Shut Up, but it is never required that you write a whole ass novel just because I insist on doing so. I do require proper grammar, though, although I'm obviously gonna forgive the occasional error, because who doesn't make those? I'm not a native English speaker either!
suuuuuuper open and hype for multiple threads, crossovers, AUs, even multifandom + tupperbot and dice maiden. I love slow burn as much as love at first sight, angst and fluff, hurt and comfort and occasional smut, mostly just everything in a nice balance. I'm not interested in toxic ships; I like my ships to suffer, sure, but not because they're actively terrible for each other for idk steamy reasons I guess. I like them to struggle but come out the other side together and stronger, beat their obstacles and have love conquer all.
I've got almost 20 years of writing experience on this Earth and come equipped with writing samples. pls be at least 21+ if you contact this local trans peepaw 👴🏻 ✦
so what am I looking for?
for this specific hankering - romance, M x F, CC x CC and post-GOTG3 primarily. ships in particular include such as;
your ★ Adam Warlock, Peter Quill, Thor or Loki against my ✦ Gamora.
your ★ Adam Warlock, James Rhodes or Kraglin Obfonteri against my ✦ Nebula;
and... others, honestly. Wolverine, T'Challa, Shang-Chi, Clint? I'm open to it. I'm a huge fan of rareships and gladly draw my own fanart to sustain them, so, y'know - if you got a fella you wanna with My Gals, feel free to come at me! trust and believe I have so many ideas for tossing both Gam and Nebs at people!
still interested after this massive info dump??? great! drop a like and I'll come find you!!! 🖤
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roleplay-today · 5 months
★ spread my ashes to the stars... ★
maybe it's the summer or whatever but holy Hell do I have the hankering for reviving my Gamora and Nebula (of Marvel's MCU / Guardians of the Galaxy) muses. I know this is a niche ask and has never really gotten traction before but you can't fault a guy for trying, soooo;
✦ sup, I'm yee regular, 30+ trans dude and homosexual from Europe, looking to write one on one with peeps on discord. I like creating lil' servers for me and my partners where we can write and store all the good stuff like music, refs, art, memes, all of that in multiple channels. it's not required to befriend me to write with me, but I do gladly befriend my writing partners! I write in third person, past tense, and usually reply at least once a day, sometimes quicker, sometimes slower. you know how it is; life, in the way, etc. I strive to be communicative and let you know should I get busy. I typically write 2+ paragraphs and can go up to the dozens if given the opportunity, sometimes I simply Cannot Shut Up, but it is not required that you write a whole ass novel just because I do. I do require proper grammar, though, although I'm obviously gonna forgive the occasional error, because who doesn't make those? I'm not a native English speaker either!
suuuuuuper open and hype for multiple threads, crossovers, AUs, even multifandom + tupperbot and dice maiden. I love slow burn as much as love at first sight, angst and fluff, hurt and comfort and occasional smut, mostly just everything in a nice balance. I'm not interested in toxic ships; I like my ships to suffer, sure, but not because they're actively terrible for each other for idk steamy reasons I guess. I like them to struggle but come out the other side together and stronger, beat their obstacles and have love conquer all.
I've got almost 20 years of writing experience on this Earth and come equipped with writing samples, pls be at least 21+ if you contact this local trans peepaw 👴🏻 ✦
so what am I looking for?
M x F and CC x CC primarily, for such rareships as;
your ★ Adam Warlock against my ✦ Gamora; it seems bizarre, I know, but I'd love to explore these two in a post-GOTG3 world. two people who don't really feel like they belong, like they were made against their will, and are now finding their way, their place and their home in the world, possibly together. definite potential for strictly platonic stuff, even if I'm primarily lookin' for romance.
your ★ Kraglin Obfonteri against my ✦ Nebula; this ship lives in my head rent free. I have many thoughts for this, among the many a setting where Kraglin gets injured and Nebs has to come face to face with her emotions... but I'll leave the rest for DMs. >:3c
and... others, honestly. I'm a huge fan of rareships and gladly draw my own fanart to sustain them, so, y'know - if you got a fella you think would work with My Gals, feel free to come at me!
still interested after this massive info dump??? great! drop a like and I'll come find you!!! 🖤
0 notes
suga-kookiemonster · 3 years
i’ve been thinking a lot abt the comment you made abt how yoongi had a helluva lot of people cheering for him at the concert (like, pleasantly surprised at the jungkook level kinda cheering) and forgive me if you already talked about this or if someone else did or if this seems irrelevant, but yoongi was a huge reason as to why i got into BTS. it was during his first agust d mixtape and hearing “the last” and straight up naming the struggles he went through but then in the end saying “i’m okay, don’t worry” and i just— the rawness of it all. and then following him through the years and hearing him share genuine wisdom and understanding of the human experience. his radio show helped me so much during the pandemic, just hearing him talk and share his own thoughts on life. this man has helped me so much during my own mental health journey and owning my own identity that, with a large group of humans who’ve gone through hella shit, hearing not only transparency from him, but that there is hope that can be found and created, idk, like. that’s my assumption as to why there are a massive amount of yoongi stans who may not be as vocal on the internet, but make sure to really let him know when in-person, each cheer and scream being, “thank you for seeing us, yoongi, we promise we see you too”
but maybe i’m overthinking it and it’s only because he’s physically stunning, but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
(i literally made myself cry writing this damn thing LMAO but i think i’m especially grateful to yoongi bc he’s also the one who led me to the rest of the boys)
anyways thanks for having your inbox open so that i can dump these feelings anonymously somewhere :’)
honestly, i'm sure there are some newer fans who like him because he's cute or sexy (bc lbrh, he is). but i'm totally with you! what drew me to yoongi was his talent first, and then the more i got a sense of who he was as a person, i really clicked with how real he was. he's quiet, but that doesn't mean he's meek--he's very observant and introspective, and if you ask him a question, he's gonna fucking answer it, whether you like that answer or not. like, he's very blunt like i am, and he's not afraid to acknowledge the darker sides of life that society often likes to sweep under the rug. i completely understand how people relate to and comfort in him and his struggles with mental health, because when things are in media, they are normalized and destigmatized. i just love him so much, and was so fucking happy when it was proven during those concerts that so many other fans do too. yoongi seems like such a beautiful human being and i'm glad he's actually being appreciated by the fandom 🤧
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fandomfluffandfuck · 3 years
more Thots™ i'm feeling emo bc i just wrote some letters to my pen pals. not a request, just a thot dump
i like to think that stucky would handwrite letters to each other when they're out of town for long periods of time. they seem like the type to send snail mail. mostly it's when steve's gone for diplomacy reasons, bc bucky is Retired™
steve because he staunchly supports USPS and wants that specific government institution to thrive, and
bucky because he's sentimental and enjoys having cute little envelopes and cards and stationery around the house and his room with steve's handwriting on it 🥺🥺
i can also see them going to a local bookstore n shopping for cute stationery, pens, etc. bucky 100% has a messy desk and needs to clean it off to write one. he has a million pens to choose from. he likes fountain pens n wax seals.
steve is still heavily regimented and used to the Rules the allies drilled into him so his desk is neat, he has one normal ballpoint pen. boring. bland. lame. but bucky still loves him anyway and cherishes every single letter he gets.
also i'm 100% using your hiatus as an excuse to out myself. hi! sorry i disappeared for a bit. i'm gonna miss those massive paragraphs while ur in school but i have a feeling peach & i are gonna be filling your dashboard with lots of Thots™ anyway 😈😈
- formerly 🎁
I've been seeing you in my notifications and it's nice to pair your asks with your blog! Pen pals are super fun lol Also- apologies for not answering this prior, it got lost in my asks unfortunately! Forgive me <3
Yes! I agree. They totally love actually writing physical letters. Not just emails that they pretend are like letters.
(I can see both Bucky and Steve getting into the art of letter writing, thick, pulpy paper, fountain pens, pressed flowers, scents sprayed inside the envelope, wax seals on the outside. All of it. Bucky I can see because a) he's a romantic at heart and b) he will do as a damn well pleases now that he's retired. Including acting like a grandpa. And Steve because he's an artist at heart.)
Oh my g o d I didn't read your reasoning before I wrote that ^
Your reasons too. AH! Yes. Yes. Yes.
Steve trying to single handedly uphold the postal service haha and-
Bucky's sentimental, romantic self coming out. Induldgently buying himself all the pretty, expensive paper and pens and cards and envelopes he wants. Smiling everytime he goes past a little peice of Steve; his heart scrawled out from his chest to his fingertips on paper for him and only him. Bucky's heart fluttering when he sees one of the first letters Steve wrote him after the ice and after his own freedom, when they were together again. It's a full three pages - front and back of each page - of I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I lov- written in his best, prettiest script. Because its true and also because now he can write it and it's not only LEGAL but also not something that will be redacted (had he dared write it down before), lost to time and ugly, thick, black lines over otherwise perfectly good paper, marking the eyes of someone else peeping in. Knowing their voices, their handwriting, their secrets.
Y e s
They totally go on little excursions/dates to local book shops!
I can see Bucky’s messy desk in my head and I can also hear how he would cross his arms, roll his eyes, and huff while admitting, okay, yes, he does tease Steve all the time for having so many goddamn colored pencils of the same color, so many fucking pencils that're all the same, and enough sketchbooks to cover the entire floor of their apartment but c'mon... he just needs some more pens. Like, c'moooon, Steve, don't you want a handwritten letter in pretty, sparkly pink gel pen? Mmm yes, I see the wax seal and the fountain pens!
Yeah, I see that. During a sketching or drawing session, especially if its a vent one, is when Steve's desk can get messy. Pencils and pencil shavings all over the place. Paint flecks over his fingers and hands and forearms, smeared over his cheek too probably. But he always cleans after he's done, so when he's writing, he's neat and orderly. Okay though- you said one ballpoint pen and I just. I have this one ballpoint pen myself, black ink, that I'm now imagining Steve would LOVE. I cannot explain how smooth the ink is and how satisfying the weight of the pen is. Like. I literally, when I got it, made up sentences to write down for no goddamn reason because it's such a good pen. Doesn't cramp your fingers or anything. I see Steve with a pen like that. One that he adores too much to part with, y’know? It's a good mass, a good rolling tip, and encourages him to be comfortably lulled into writing a lot.
Hi yeah!! As aforementioned, sorry I didn't get to this earlier! But I 1000% look forward to seeing you and peach (@theelectricpeach) on my dash! I love both you guys so much <3 <3 <3
Thank you for dropping your Thoughts™️
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