#i'm going to make a whole new tagging system so you can block whatever you don't want to see <3
kentopedia · 13 hours
hehe okay thank you to all my beloved friends + anons that have listened to me rant about the moving blogs situation <3 after much consideration i think im gonna stay here and do a complete overhaul of kentopedia and see how that goes ><
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ok guess its time to make a
pinned post
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or whatever (below the cut)
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enjoy my poasts? show me on cshpp or vnmo (i am currently moving so it is appreciated)
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anyways this is the new home of the blogger formerly known as absolvedGravitas! i got nuked. now im back! i'm a native american genderfluid dyke (she/her) in my early 20's and i've been on tumblr on and off since like... 2014 or so. i'm deeply annoying and i'm not sorry. if you see me using we/us to refer to myself its not a system thing i just like using the royal we. reblog nsfw stuff (mostly artistic nudity) so consider yourself warned.
got my history BA (emphases on medieval Islamicate & colonial studies) in may of 2024 🎉
real name rights belong to mutuals only if you use it and we arent mutuals im blocking you <3
yes i have a nsfw sideblog but you need to ask me for it
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^literally me (my fursona is a wabzhashi/marten)
unless were mutuals i prolly wont answer your dms but my ask box is always open
i dont actively vet followers but know that if i catch you following me as a minor i WILL block you
i'm not gonna type up a whole DNI because they never work but just know that i block very liberally and i dont tolerate bigots. if you believe in transandrophobia/transmisandry or don't like the terms tma/tme we won't get along. i check the dni of my followers and block hypocrites so. make damn sure before you follow that im not in your dni.
if you have "[insert identity label] DNI" (for example, "bi lesbians dni") in your dni we wont get along. go away
also please go away if you're into incest ("fauxcest") i'd rather not associate with you.
my main tags are:
#spinning my web - original posts
#caught in the web - asks
#social spiders - mutuals moment!
#👽 - aliens and space stuff
character tags:
#has anyone seen my wife? - posts that remind me of eldfrithr, one of my D&D characters
#dirgeposting - posts that remind me of my BG3 character Dirge
the main takeaway from this post?
my house, my rules
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I dont owe you anything and if you act like I do you can go fuck yourself. This is my blog and I'll do what I want with it.
this post will get updated if and when i feel it needs to be
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drop-dead-dropout · 6 months
NEW USERNAME local-queer-disappointment -> drop-dead-dropout
unpinning my other post because i want to talk a little about me and this space that i've created! hi i'm alex and i dropped out of high school twice lol
i think a dni is stupid because people never listen anyways, which is why i haven't had one, but i still see the value in at least telling people who this little corner is for.
anyways opinion stuff under the cut. you don't have to read it, and you don't even have to listen if you do, but i might argue with you (<- serial arguer) so if you want to avoid the Discourse here ya go.
you are welcome here:
- ALL queers. trans men, trans women, nonbinary, intersex, poc queers, xenogender, "contradictory" labels like mspec gays/lesbians lesboys/turigirls/sapphileans (omg it's me!!), slur reclaims, detransitioners (who are not transphobic), mspec lesbians, aro/ace and all variations thereupon, unlabeled, questioning, etc. i love all of you. i love the community that we share. we are family, whether or not some of us want to be, and exclusionism is Not Funky Fresh!!
- pro Palestine!! i don't always rb posts as much as i used to (i am scared of spreading misinformation) but i think i'll start doing that again! (don't forget your daily click guys)
- jewish people. i am specifically adding this one to say that because of the shitty Everything, i've seen a lot of concerning antisemitic stuff recently so i'm just, yk, putting this out there.
- disabilities/cluster b disorders/systems/AAC users. i am not any of these things so if i say/do something out of line please tell me! but i love you guys and you're absolutely welcome here.
- proshippers (if this bothers you block and move on)
- furries. not personally one of y'all but i think you're neat and you make cool art :]
- literally, like, anyone, as long as you're not a dick
you are not welcome here:
- terfs, transphobes, exclusionists, anti-mspec, anti-lesboy, and people who think transandrophobia is "fake" or whatever. go away i don't like you (or at least be prepared to be blocked or yelled at)
- similarly to last, anyone who starts queer infighting or hates on less visible queers/strangers who don't "look" queer, the whole "bi girl's straight bf" nonsense (i don't care if you think someone is cishet. you have no way of knowing that. let's stop hating people for immutable characteristics and start having thoughtful criticisms of people's actions thanks)
- (but also antisemites because come on now let's notttt. judiasm ≠ zionism)
- ableists, fatphobia, racists/bigots, general dickheads
- antishippers (again, you can either leave now or expect to be argued with)
other general stuff:
- i accept anonymous asks! and also non anonymous ones. ask me shit idk
- i am autistic and VERY gullible. if i reblog a "bait" post, or something that's clearly fake or a joke with a genuine reaction, i'm probably not playing some 5d irony chess i'm probably just stupid. sorry y'all i'm trying :\
- i don't rb nsfw. not as, like, a rule, i just don't see the value in doing so lol. if i ever did i'd tag it and probably update this
UPDATE: thought i should clarify, i don't rb nsfw but i do rb nsfw humor, like dick jokes and stuff. hope there's no confusion
- i argue with people!! i enjoy arguing with people!! usually it's in replies and not reblogs but still. if you are allergic to stuff like that maybe don't follow me? i also rb "discourse" posts, mostly transmasc support stuff and callouts of transandrophobia, general solidarity stuff with the trans community or lgbt community as a whole, proship stuff, politics, current events, that kinda thing.
- this is, shockingly, supposed to be a fandom blog! (i got carried away; i always do.) current fandoms include: ace attorney (the one this blog was supposed to be about), doctor who (childhood hyperfixation come back to bite my ass), and splatoon (no excuse). also mha is basically my abusive boyfriend stockholm syndroming me to stay at this point but i'm trying to get better (not). you can find the records of my failing recovery at @alex-is-losing-sleep-over-krbk /hj (i also sometimes shamelessly rb this blog's posts over there lol)
and i guess since i'm mentioning fandoms, here are my fav ships: wrightworth, klapollo, franmaya, thoschei, pearlina, agent 24, & cuttletavio.
anyways, that's about it. love you all :]
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danmeiconfession · 1 year
The amount of hate YQY receives from the general SV fandom is hugely disproportionate to the things he did in canon and one doesn't need to look further than this blog itself. Because ever since this blog appeared, the Yue Qingyuan character tag has been overrun by hate posts.
And this hate is not a new phenomenon either, ever since the early days of SV fandom, he has been a very despised character. Worst of all: Most of the claims he gets hate for don't align with canon either! YQY's worst crime is to enable LBH's abuse but somehow a good chunk of the gen SV fandom will claim he's an oathbreaker, a cheater, an incel and a controling creep.
Which breaks my heart because in the novel he's loyal to a fault, he respects SQQ's boundaries, and the only times he initiates physical contact is when he checks the others health, which never go beyond checking his spiritual veins. Hell, he even lets go SQQ to leave with LBH, after the latter almost destroyed the world they knew! Just so SQQ can become happy.
Yet he receives such an inappropiate amount of hate, that extends so far, the SV fandom as a whole feels very hostile to YQY.
This isn't something I'm making up either, having talked to many other YQY enjoyers, everyone had the same sentiment of being alienated by the fandom and just tired of the constant hate he receives. And if it'd just stop at hate, then it might be manageable, but there seems to be a constant need to humiliate and make fun of him. The times I've seen either SQQ parade with his new boyfriend and how much superior he is to YQY is too many to count. And more often than not he is relegated to a past/current abuser or whatever antagonist the story needs at the moment, despite characters like QJL and HHPM existing. There also have been several times where I engaged with a SV fan to talk about the novel, just to receive unprompted YQY hate out of nowhere.
Of course I don't mean to say he hasn't dont anything wrong; his biggest crime (we know of) is enabling LBH's abuse (and in extension many other disciples) and you're free to dislike any character.
But to act like other characters acted better than him, especially in treatment towards SJ, is ridiculous. (eg. LBH tortured him, LQG went with a group of ppl to harass him at the brothels, QJL)
And for all the proud claims the SV fandom likes to spout of being """#drama free""", it's blatantly untrue and I wish they'd acknowledge this.
So, to the blog runner(s): I suggest tagging character hate with "anti [character acronym]", as most people search using the characters written out name's tag to look for fanworks. To specify who you can also add the novels name (written out or not), since some acronyms might repeat. [eg. "anti SV YQY" or "anti Scum Villain YQY"] This might be the best compromise you can do while allowing anti [smth] confessions.
On that note I also suggest tagging "anti [shi.pname]" for anti ship confessions, because I've seen quite a number of those post just having the hated ship tagged directly. The "." is to avoid the posts appearing on the ships native tags on tumblr.
And To the people who'll claim to "simply block the blog / filter the tag": I'm aware such systems exist, but it's not reasonable to need to block a tag or several blogs to just not be overrun by hateposts immediately. Also it's deeply unpleasant to see the wall of hate the first time already, before you had any chances to block or filter. Especially when in this case the hate is overwhelming the tag to a ridiculous degree.
Even then, the chances of meeting any random (unwarned/untagged) YQY hate is staggering high, to the point most of us just distance ourselves from the fandom or straight up leave. So I ask you to behave yourself and make the fandom a slightly better space for us to stay.
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leonstamatis · 1 year
10, 14, 29 for the fic asks?
10. Is there a fic that got a different response than you were expecting?
god yeah i continue to be blown away by the response to symbiosis, a follow-up to the dnd movie from this year that is about two girls who, frankly, were underutilized in the movie itself. if you look in the tag for that movie it'll be a lot of fic about the main m/m ship (unsurprising) and i fully thought, like, okay, i'm going to post my little "angry woman mentors small child" thing and it's going to get some attention from a very specific viewership of this film, and that'll be all, and that's fine. but no! so many people have been so kind on this one, and it's resonated in a way i didn't think it would. it's nice.
14. If you could see one of your fics adapted into a visual medium, such as comic or film, which fan fic would you pick?
yeah, sure. i think stellar drift should be a big-budget dramatic film. it's cinema, to me. i think it deserves an oscar. (alternately, roots should be an indie movie. not because i see it as one. but because it is long enough.)
29. Share a bit from a fic you’ll never post OR from a scene that was cut from an already posted fic. (If you don’t have either, just share a random fic idea you have that you don’t plan on getting to.)
ohhh lemme poke around. i'm sure i have something. PFFT OH I FORGOT ABOUT THIS. stara i'm gonna give you a whole 12x100 i hope that's cool.
(this is a sebderrick fic that's an au of the stephanie me//yers book the host. it's from a good like two and a half years ago and, while shared in a friendly server, was not ever posted i think.)
Nothing had prepared them for the slow, creeping infiltration. This, Derrick thinks, is what every science fiction movie got wrong, what every book missed. It wasn’t a fleet of spaceships blocking out the sun one day; it was a few people at a time, almost but not quite normal, eyes flashing silver when the light hit just right.
They’re imitations, like off-brand cereal from the local dollar store. Almost enough to be the real thing, so long as no one got too close. By the time anyone realized the danger they posed, they far outnumbered anyone who might stop them.
There are a lot of empty houses now. Derrick doesn’t know where everyone went. Much like with everything else, it seemed like something that started slow and coalesced all at once. Everyone packed their bags and went into hiding, and no one bothered to tell him.
He finds his own way, breaking windows and picking locks to find whatever food was left behind. Stopping for gas is a risk, so he doesn’t; Derrick drives until a car stops going, and then he steals a new one.
He doesn’t know where he’s going; that’s a problem for when he gets there.
He meets Tiana somewhere around Idaho. She’s hiding in a library, living off vending machines, surrounded with books and movies. When they’re found out, she agrees to leave; Derrick can tell she doesn’t want to.
Bennett ducks into the backseat of the car while Tiana and Derrick are raiding a house for supplies, somewhere near Ohio. Tiana says they can stay before Derrick can argue.
Shaq shows up in North Carolina. Derrick opens a pantry and ends up pinned to the floor by a flash of bright florals, and it takes twenty minutes of fighting to realize they’re both human.
The four of them have a system, trading off driving and navigation and recon. Some days are easier than others, but even when it ends with lighting something on fire to make a distraction, they find a way to get by. It feels like something they can make last.
Derrick doesn’t remember who it is that first mentions the hubs, the idea that there are underground cities out there somewhere that they could find. But they’ve all heard of them, and once it’s out, it’s all they think about.
In their excitement, they get sloppy. And then Derrick gets caught.
The room is so white it’s almost blinding. All the clothes hanging in the closet are the same way, not that Derrick has tried any of them on. If he takes off his hoodie, he suspects he won’t ever see it again.
Parker stares him down with a smile that’s probably supposed to be friendly, ends up somewhere closer to predatory. This is the fifth Parker that has come in, not that Derrick is supposed to know that.
“Where are your friends?” they ask.
“Rot in hell.”
Derrick resists the urge to throw things at their head when they leave.
A man with three eyes brings his dinners. They don’t talk to each other, but he sits at the table and waits for Derrick to finish his food before taking away the dishes. As if Derrick could do anything with them; no meal ever requires a knife.
“Where are you from?” the man asks one day, eyes flashing silver in the sunlight through the window.
“Here. Where are you from?”
“The Gamma quadrant,” he says. “But I like it better here.”
“Sure,” Derrick snaps.
They both know the part he leaves unsaid. That’s why you took it from us, right?
His name is Sebastian. Before this, he lived across half a dozen planets; he’s been a lot of things, something like an elephant, a dolphin, a telephone signal. That last one, Derrick learns, is where he’s from originally. If he stands too close to the television, it will flicker to life. Radios tune into his signal, too, although Derrick doesn’t have one around to test it.
“What’s so great about being human?” Derrick asks. “Why couldn’t you all leave us alone, if there are so many other places to be?”
Sebastian shrugs. “Other things don’t feel the way you do.”
The escape plan, surprisingly enough, isn’t Derrick’s idea. Sebastian steals him a pair of decent running shoes one night and tells him to listen for the static of a dropped call, and Derrick isn’t even entirely sure what it means until the lock on his door snaps open with a dull buzz. He scrambles to his feet and opens it to find Sebastian on the other side, eyes glowing as he takes Derrick’s hand.
“Follow me,” he whispers, and Derrick doesn’t have time to ask questions before he’s being tugged to the emergency exit at the end of the hall.
Things feel emptier than they did even before Derrick was captured, streets devoid of other cars and store parking lots deserted. The endless open space of abandoned farmlands makes Derrick nervous, sets him twitching.
“Do you know what happens?” he asks, if only so he can stop turning the question over in his mind. “To the people you replaced?”
Sebastian hums, and it reverberates around the metal of the car in a way that sets Derrick’s teeth on edge. “They don’t ever tell us about it.”
That’s more than enough. Derrick feels a spark of gratitude, or fear; maybe both.
There’s no way for them to know where they’re going. Derrick wears sunglasses constantly, a thin veil of protection while Sebastian does most of the talking. It’s easier to get supplies this way; Sebastian can walk into stores without questions, second glances.
Derrick eats a strawberry for the first time in years. It’s the greatest thing he’s ever eaten, and he says as much, sitting on the hood of their car.
Next time Sebastian goes shopping, he comes back with a whole crate of them, too many to possibly eat before they go bad. Derrick laughs until his stomach hurts.
Finding the others is easier than Derrick thought. They go back to where he remembers being, the night he was taken, to some shitty art gallery where they’d spent all night smashing sculptures to take the edge off. It was stupid, a silly think to risk their lives over.
He’d thought they would move on by now. It’s the sensible thing, the safest. But he and Sebastian spend the night asleep under the medieval tapestries, and in the morning, Tiana and Bennett and Shaq are looking down on them with wide eyes
“Welcome back,” Tiana says slowly. “Who’s your friend?”
Sebastian says it’s different to feel human. The way the sun darkens his skin, the taste of strawberries, the sight of ocean waves crashing against the shore. There’s a while where Derrick wonders if maybe it’s more than that, if there are other feelings that Sebastian is talking about; he doesn’t bother to ask about it, right up until the day that he does.
“What did you mean,” he starts, words half-caught in his throat, “when you said other things don’t feel the way we do?”
Sebastian smiles when they kiss, and it sets Derrick’s lips tingling until they’re numb.
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aangarchy · 1 year
Tbh it's just Tumblr tag culture to tag all sorts of spoilers? Because we can't just assume everyone had the previlege and luxury to have had access to the internet and to consume fiction media as it came out..... Like my case may be extreme but my family was literally too busy squatting and living as ~illegals~ so we could never have an internet or cable connection for like 8 years. So I've got A LOT of catching up to do on pop culture etc and maybe one of my followers was in the same or a similar situation? Anyway that's how Tumblr works, we just tag spoilers because it doesn't cost anything and it doesn't ruin the experience of people who were too living too unstably, people who lived in rehabilitation centers, people who weren't allowed to consume certain media because of their parents, people who've put off watching a show because of a particular trauma or squick but who still want to watch it eventually etc
Okay now you're just being fucking annoying. Why are you tying your personal sobstory/trauma to something as stupid as TAGGING A POST. It's not even a tw tag either (bc if it was then i would understand) it's literally just my POV on when spoiler tags should and shouldn't be used.
Let me simplify this One more time. Tagging for spoilers on tumblr only works if everyone collectively does it. That way people can block said spoiler tag for a set amount of time, so everything tagged with #(content) spoilers will not show up on their TL. Example: new season of sex education dropped. People are tagging their posts about S4 with #sex education s4 spoilers, or just #sex education s4 because most people who don't want to get spoiled will have those tags blocked. That's how the tag system works. Everyone needs to do it, otherwise spoilers will still show up. People especially did this when avengers infinity war and endgame dropped respectively, bc those fandoms are very serious abt spoilers.
For atla there is NO USE in tagging spoilers because NOBODY DOES IT ANYMORE. This show is older than a lot of you on this fucking app. If you decide to go through the atla tag on tumblr, or follow atla blogs, you WILL get spoiled even if you have the spoiler tag blocked because i can't think of a single atla blog i follow that tags their fucking spoilers nowadays.
I'm not saying you're not allowed to tag spoilers. In fact i have never once said the words "don't tag atla spoilers". What i am saying, is that it's redundant to do so and it kind of makes you look stupid because, again, fucking DUH!
Once again you people are pretending like the internet needs to follow YOUR rules. "Oh people might not watch now bc of a trauma and might still want to enjoy the show later" ok and? Don't go following or reblogging atla blogs before you've even watched then, bc you WILL GET SPOILED. You're responsible for creating your own internet experience. I haven't watched sex ed s4 yet so i blocked the spoiler tags and for good measure i'm not scrolling the main tag either, because i don't rely on other internet users to do the work for me (even though i don't rlly care that much abt spoilers for that show). When heartstopper s2 came out i couldn't watch for two days bc of work, so i avoided everything to do with that show until i watched. That way i didn't accidentally get spoiled by someone who forgot to tag or just doesn't tag.
(Like i said this is different for tw tags, like tw flashing or tw gore or tw sexual assault. Those are things everyone absolutely must tag for the safety of everyone online. I would not want to be responsible for someone having a seizure bc i didn't tag a gifset with tw flashing)
This is my opinion on spoiler tags. It leans into my opinion on spoiler culture as a whole tbh but i digress. Once again: you can tag whatever you want. I just personally find it redundant and i'm allowed to make fun of it. I'm not making fun of YOU, i'm making fun of the concept of tagging spoilers for something that's nearly 20 yrs old. Hence the star wars spoiler joke i made, or when someone in the tags said someone got mad for spoiling fucking titanic (which is hilarious bc that's a historical event lmao).
This is the last i'll say about it bc honestly you're just pissing me off now. I'm allowed to enjoy posting about my show without having to pay mind to people who haven't watched yet but might in the future.
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restlesssleepers · 3 months
more syscourse cause im mad feel free to skip
im not gonna tag this or mention anyone specifically because i dont want to be fucking attacked but our largely inflated sense of justice is going GRGRGRGGR so i need to make my point a bit here so im sure weve all seen the pluralpunk system punk argument currently going on, at this point i was about to go yay !! new tag so people will stop bitching and leave each other alone !!! but noooooo someone went and made a flag going grgr i hate anti endos heres a flag with a dead animal in the mouth of its predator. which, weird in the first place to make that, why are you so pressed its a tag on tumblr pls go touch grass, but depicting a prey animal DEAD on a flag 'reclaiming a term from the evil stupid antis' is?? did you not connect the dots??? that people would interpret it this way???? like if its reallyyy about the field of psychiatry as a whole sure whatever, but don't get mad at people for missing your symbolism when the thing youre symbolising had nothing to do with the conversation.
and THEN theres the people attacking the person who pointed this out are?? are they ok??? like, idk abotu yall but they probably just opened the syspunk tag, saw that bullshit, blocked, then went 'hey guys thats really weird' on their own account, they most likely !!! did not go snooping on that persons account first to see if that person has a cdd or not before blocking because !!! thats kinda weird !!! same thread for the people who are going 'I HAVE A FUCKKING CDD BITCH YOU FCUCKING BITCH WE HATE YOU ANTI ENDOS ARE EVIL YOURE VICTIMISING YOURSELF BECAUSE ME AND THIS OTHER RANDOM GUY AND THE CREATOR OF THE FLAG HAVE CDDS' compared to the people i have personally seen saying 'chains + predator + its dead prey + creator aggressively hating a group of people = people in that group thinking it was targeted' girl.... nobody cares if you have a cdd or not you're just mean, youre just yelling at abused kids, idc if you were also or are also an abused kid, having a shit life does not make you unable to make someone elses life shittier also even the creators response if awful,, like 'idc if you feel unsafe by the possible insinuation that people are going to hurt you' ??? weird which brings me to YET ANOTHER POINT because no im not done i could talk about how stupid some people are forever the extremely negative generalisations (which are on both side, but i'm specifically referencing the response from the flag maker, specifically specifically "tbh If it made anti endos feel unsafe..I kinda don’t care lol anti endos never made anyone feel safe" do you now see how cynical that is?? why do i feel like i have to beg people to treat each other with like a smidge of humanity, like are you reading this?? you dont care if you make other human beings feel unsafe like thats not even really my point but i have to keep coming back to that bit there but like actually my point is, stop talking to each other, i'm being so fr, youre like evil siblings that need their own corner but get jealous then ruin it then argue then need their own corner and the cycle just repeats, use the tag filters, use tags properly, if you dont like a post, block the user, i thought this was basic internet knowledge and btw !! this is coming from someone who is technically anti endo, but you know what !! i interact with endos and other system types on discord servers and stuff because it is (and let me say it real loud for the people who have their head in the ground) A PUBLIC SPACE. if you dont want to interact with an individual so bad, it is your job to facilitate that, but guess what !! theres always going to be overlap because not everyone can control everything, so everyones best bet is to just shut your mouth, please i am begging shut your mouth, if you happen to come across one another accidentally and it comes up, just say smth like "i know we wont agree on this topic, so lets not talk about it" because lets be so fr, there are bigger issues, which i know sounds very hypercritical of someone who has spent the last however long typing this out but whatever, because its the internet nobody will care by tomorrow, just treat each other like people
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eoieopda · 2 years
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blog info
⇢ how tf do i pronounce your username?
oy-OPE-da. it’s the romanized version of 어이없다, which is one of my favorite korean words. listen to hoshi scream it here.
⇢ why do you have a problem with minors and ageless blogs?
i discussed this here. as of summer 2023, i am no longer blocking ageless blogs and am instead ignoring their interactions unless and until i have some reason to believe they're an adult. see here for some ways that i (and other creators) approach this.
⇢ can i request to be tagged for new stories or new parts?
i don't do fic-specific tags (with the exception of force quit) because it's a massive hassle. instead, i have permanent taglists which include fics/chapters + drabbles:
multi (for all of the groups listed below)
stray kids
⇢ can i tag you in xyz?
i track #eoieopda archive (and also #eoieopdaarchive because some people use that instead). i don't like to be tagged outright in fics if:
i didn't sign up for a taglist or otherwise consent to be tagged
i didn't beta it or have anything to do with its creation, and/or
we don't know/talk to each other (because i can't vouch for whatever it is you've tagged me in — or you, personally — and don't want to be explicitly linked to it).
⇢ when is xyz being posted/updated?
when i have the brain juice and time and i want to 😌
⇢ why is xyz on hiatus/discontinued?
likely because i, icarus, have flown too close to the sun. sometimes, the idea part of my brain moves faster than the follow-through part; and i need to take a silly little break before i’m able to pick up a story. sometimes, i lose interest entirely and will then remove something from my masterlist + make it very clear that a series is discontinued.
⇢ your real name was leaked — can i call you that?
it doesn't bother me if people use my govt. name when they talk to/about me! my whole tagging system uses my nickname (jade) because my actual name wasn't supposed to get out, so that's (primarily) how i'm going to refer to myself on here.
⇢ you said you were adopted —can you tell me xyz about this entire process, what you know of your birth parents, what you remember about korea, etc.?
no thanks! i know very little about the whole thing because i was literally 18 months old. i've also had experiences on here where users' entire communication with me has been to ask/talk about these things, which is icky at best and fetishistic at worst (whether or not it's intentional).
⇢ i’m not korean — can i call you unnie/noona/hyung?
i don’t have a problem with this, and i actually find it pretty cute. keep in mind that my opinion here isn’t universal amongst koreans; and i did not grow up in my own culture, so koreans that did are entitled to feel differently.
⇢ can i come into your inbox and ask very invasive questions about your personal life and/or spew racist garbage and/or erase your identity and/or tokenize you?
thanks for checking — absolutely not! playing stupid games will win you stupid prizes (aka being blocked and/or reported).
⇢ i’m confused by your pronouns — which should i use?
my gender identity is essentially the ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ emoticon at this point, so i use both she/her and they/them. and by that, i mean: pls don’t stick to one or the other (exclusively she, exclusively they) because i am not exclusively either.
i’m comfy with almost all “gendered” terms (sis, bro, dude, girlie, sir, ma’am, gworl, etc.) because i think gender is fake, lol. i do not vibe with “queen”, though, and i don’t know why. #kingjade
⇢ is it cool if i pop into your ask box with random thoughts, memes, tiktoks, non-k-pop stuff, etc.?
hell yeah, brother! let’s be friends.
⇢ you talk so much and it’s clogging up my dash — what do?
check my tag index here and filter shit to your heart's content!
requests (read the rules here before submitting)
⇢ who will you write for?
bts, seventeen, stray kids, and ateez.
i don't write for han jisung, kim seungmin, yang jeongin, or choi jongho as a personal preference. i adore them, but i don't see them in a romantic and/or sexual light.
⇢ are there any requests you won’t take?
i’m open to trying most kinks, dynamics, and AUs, depending on what's being requested of me (and the weather, what i ate for breakfast, the lunar phase, etc.) i'm down with poly!member x reader; and member x reader x member (etc.) dynamics, but i don't currently write strictly member x member.
hard passes:
anything involving minors
harry potter AUs
⇢ did you get my request? are you done yet?
pleeeeaaaaaaaaseeeee don’t. i did get your request. i’m a full-time attorney with fibromyalgia & ADHD and therefore cannot make any promises that my brain and/or body and/or schedule will allow me to finish things quickly.
i don’t complete every request i receive! sometimes, the requests are too similar to what i’ve done already, they don’t spark anything for me, etc. i reserve the right to pick and choose what i spend my time on.
rev. 12/9/23
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ryukyuin · 4 months
2.) Anti-Proship
Loving reminder that proship means that you don’t harass people over fiction. It’s only a stance on harassment and censorship, and it doesn’t mean you have to like what I do or that I personally approve and enjoy what everyone else does! Quote from fanlore:
"The pro in pro-shipper means for, to contrast with the anti in anti-shipper (anti meaning against). However, possibly due to Fannish Osmosis, in some parts of fandom, the pro in pro-shipper has come to be understood as short for problematic instead.[5][6][7][8] Due to this new definition, many fans (mainly on Twitter) started to insert proshippers in their DNI lists because they do not want any type of contact with problematic ships These fans may also use the term "proship" as a noun to refer to the problematic ship that the proshipper allegedly supports. Others have incorrectly osmosed the word proshipper to be synonymous with pedophile."
So like. Yeah! Dances around. I don't fw most "problematic ships" but I just need pookies to know the actual definition of the term they are using before they start rallying hate mobs.
Fiction DOES affect reality, and you should be aware enough of that to cultivate your own online experience and use the function of blocking/filtering tags, blocking people, and your own common sense to make sure that you stay safe and everyone has fun!!
(Also if ppl block me bc they misunderstood I will scream and wail and sob /lh, DM/toss an ask if you have any questions!!)
3.) If you can't follow the Three Laws of Fandom/think Dark Media/Dead Dove: Do not Eat/Whump/Yandere enjoyers are normalizing what they are writing about, also shoo. Not the place for you.
I feel like this explains itself, esp since I kinda talked about it above. Please cultivate and foster the online experience you want, follow proper online social etiquette, and realize that just because I find Shaiapouf attractive doesn't mean I want him to gut and eat me in real life. (Most likely. Probably. Maybe. If he asks REALLY nicely and bats his little boytwink lashes and gayass wings /sillyj)
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4.) Do NOT compare me with other writers.
They are them and I am me and we both deserve our own little gold sticker stuck to our forehead! I think it's important everyone gets the recognition they deserve and I've been inspired by SOSO many writers on here, so make sure to go send support where deserved!
JJK, KNY, MHA, GI/HSR, HxH!! Mostly Phantom Troupe + Harbingers + Sampo + Satoru and Suguru + Shouta and Hizashi but like. Throw some crumbs through the tray slot, if I'm interested I will respond.
Yandere/Dark Fiction, reader-inserts, minor character death, non-con/dub-con slash hesitant? (doubtful of my writing skills to bring that justice), body horror/gore, dr**ging, etc...... idk I wanna flap my gay little wings and see whatever horrific shit I come up with /lh
Detailed pregnancy. I just can't man I don't want kids get those little HEATHENS OUTTA THERE!! I'll consider asks about it/drabbles but don't expect like an entire oneshot about it unless a hybrid AU takes me into a fucking chokehold. Then I might be doomed!
OCs, detailed requests, character/character requests (I can't say character/character as a whole I can feel Satosugu + the other homosexuals beaming lasers into the back of my head), oooomegaverse? Hybrids are neat-o to me but. I think I have Omegaverse PTSD I'll be real, come back when there's a more stable system/lore and less breeding.
SELF-HARM/SUICIDE IS A NO-GO!! Idk not only is it not fun for the reader/mc to just fucking. Croak. Self-harm is just not the way for me I don't think!! I MIIIGHHHT consider it but really don't get any hopes up.
PLEASE LET ME KNOW TO TAG SOMETHING IF IT IS TRIGGERING!! I WILL NOT BE MAD I AM JUST VERY FORGETFUL!! Idm if you ask tbh it honestly helps me find my own stuff once I go back, so win for everyone.
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foreverapocalypse · 5 months
Hello! Welcome to this account... Uh, I don't really have a big need to make an intro for this? Unless it gets super popular, which I will then be making a whole new account just for the AU instead of just a new blog, and then an intro will go there or whatever.
Only necessary information is that I am a part of a system so therefore I may disappear for long amounts of times, I go by any pronouns but Eye/Eyeself would be preferred for this specific account. For the sake of no confusion I'm going by an entirely different name on this account, which will be Calypso! I say for the sake of no confusion as I am a WTNV Fictive, and that will help me separate myself from this AU as well.
Onto what this account is!
This is a small blog I'm making to keep hold of random information dumps, fanfic updates, and whatever about a WTNV AU I've made! I will post links to new Fics I make relevant to the AU, quick posts saying when those Fics have update, and small infodumps about things in the AU I dont really want to just throw into a google doc.
I have a bit of hope for this to get popular, but since I'm not an artist of any kind and very slow with updating things, I worry it may not. But regardless! I just want to have a place to show it off, so this is the place now!
I will have NO DNI LIST HERE!!! I believe they are stupid and useless, and that you should not expect others to be curating your online experiences. If you come to my account and I find problems with you or the way you act towards me or others, then I will block you myself with no further warnings or questions. This won't be me condemning you against reading about my AU or creating things for it, but rather just a declaration that I don't wish to further interact with you directly.
Sorry for being chatty, but yeah! Hopefully you guys enjoy what I end up showing off here! OH! And feel free to send me asks, especially if you have any questions about the AU, or even just about this post in specific for now.
Though, to leave you off.. here are some warnings below for stuff this AU may contain, outside of the basic gore and NSFW you may expect from an apocalypse AU, because I want people to be safe while viewing this AU and to not accidentally trigger themselves. This is also a boundary I am setting, in a way.
Some Fics I create about this AU may have a possibility of containing more genuinely dark themes, such as rape, abuse, or things people can find more triggering than their counterparts such as animal gore and child death. I will ALWAYS properly tag and warn for these things, and I want this to be a warning for you to ALWAYS check the warnings I put out on some posts or fanfics.
Not every dark theme I incorporate into my Fics will be explicitly shamed or otherwise displayed as bad, depending on the POV you will be reading from. This is not an excuse to come on to my accounts and view these as glorifying anyones actions. I expect my readers to have their own moral ideals already fixed up, and therefore not need me to explicitly state when or why something is wrong.
Do not come onto my account to accuse me of harming others, do not come on here to accuse me of supporting harm to others. I will block you without question, and I will not engage in arguments over these things.
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tinyboxxtink · 3 years
"Black Magic" *Part 12*
Ayyyyy I fixed it!
For those who missed it, I wrote this chapter also on my phone because apparently I'm addicted to this story I can't focus on my real life even when I'm out.
Also sorry this is short but it was written in a Target parking lot on my phone. And also-- I just wanna put off "THE" part. 😂😬😘
Part 11
Part 13
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Tag list
Rafael shook his head, still reeling from your encounter. You had no idea what the hell you were talking about, he loved Olivia. He was sure of it. But the last thing you said nagged at him. Even if you had been some kind of crazy mind reading witch, that didn’t stop him from telling Liv about his father.
He had never told her, and if he was really honest with himself, he had no intention of telling her any time soon, maybe ever.
Why didn’t he want to tell her?
Rafael decided to show you, he went straight to Liv's bridal room and knocked on the door.
"Liv it's me."
"Rafa we can't see each other before the ceremony! It's bad luck!" She called through the door.
"Well it's more bad luck if we start this marriage with secrets." He replied.
Olivia's eyes widened: was he...was he going to tell her his middle name? All on his own? She KNEW you were full of shit
"O-okay just tell me through the door." Her eyes lit up with hope.
"No, I need to be looking at you or I might lose my nerve"
That was good enough for her! She swung the door open.
Rafael stared at her in awe, she had never looked so beautiful in all the years he knew her. He knew you were full of shit, he loved her completely.
"Liv I haven't been honest with you. My middle name isn't Antonio."
"It's not…?" Her eyes began to well up. It was happening. It was really happening.
"No, it's…." He paused and gazed at her. She was beautiful, she was perfect.... But there was no...safety.
"It's Ronaldo," he lied. "I just wanted you to have the right name on the marriage license"
"God damn it Rafael are you fucking kidding me? She yelled.
"What are you talking about?" Rafael was taken aback.
"Why can't you just tell me your real middle name? Why is that so hard for you?!" She yelled again..
"I'm sorry, you know that I'm lying? You know my real middle name?"
"What.. ? Yes...maybe, I don't know," she stammered.
"How do you know my middle name?" He asked.
" I, um...did...did you finish the flask I gave you?" She asked softly.
"....Excuse me?" Rafael asked suspiciously. He turned and walked back to his room. Olivia followed behind him quickly.
"You mean this flask that you supposedly gave me for our wedding day?" He asked, holding up a silver flask with his initials on it.
"You mean this nice loving gift, a token of your love on the most important day of our lives? You're asking me if I 'finished this'?"
"I.. well…" she stuttered.
"And what exactly is this Olivia?" He turned and headed to the bathroom of the groom suite.
"No Rafael, don't!!!" Olivia chase after him frantically.
Rafael opened the flask and poured its contests into the sink. To his horror and disbelief, a dark purple liquid poured out of it; as if it was purple and blue mixed together.
"Holy shit…" Rafael muttered.
"Oh my God!" he just stared in shock as the liquid dissipated down the drain. Olivia could only stand frozen in shock and couldn't speak.
"Oh my God, that girl was right wasn't she?" He stared at her.
"What girl? Was there a girl here?" Olivia quickly turned defensive. "Rafa you shouldn't listen to random ass people--"
"Oh no, fuck that Liv!" He screamed. Throwing the flask across the bathroom.
"What the hell was that?!" He gestured to the sink, now empty of the contents of the flask. "What the hell did you do to me?!
"Nothing!" She stuck to her denial. "It's just the color of the special liquor that I bought you. It's some kind of wine," She tried to think of a lie on the spot, but she wasn't great at it.
"Oh that is a load of shit!" Rafael scoffed while throwing up his hands. "I can't believe this...I can't believe some random ass girl knew more about me than you. She's right isn't she?"
"Rafa come on--" She started to speak, but Rafael wasn't hearing it.
"Oh no fuck that, fuck 'Rafa'. We're past Rafa, don't call me that!" Rafael screamed. "That girl was right, wasn't she? You made me forget her. I'm actually in love with her, aren't I?"
"No! You were never in love with her! That shit was fake. It was as fake as this!" She slapped her hand over her face after saying the last part inadvertently.
"Oh my God...This whole thing is fake. You manipulated my mind. You made me think that I was in love with you!" Rafael felt sick to his stomach.
"You are in love with me!" Olivia screamed. "You just needed to realize it," she added softly.
"And you wanted me to drink more so what? You could make me forget this ever happened so that I would marry you willingly? Like your little robot?" Rafael paced the room angrily.
"No I love you Rafael! That's why I did this! I did this for us!" She was crying now.
"That's BULLSHIT!" Rafael yelled.
"You didn't do this for me, you did this for you. You don't love me at all! If you really loved me, then you would want me to be happy no matter who that was with! I'm not your fucking Ken doll Liv! I'm not some guy you can just manipulate and tote around like some lap dog, doing whatever you say. That's not what love is!"
"Rafael come on, just look--- just, just drink this," she pulled out another vial from her bra. "Just drink it and you'll forget about this, and then we can be happy!"
"Are you not hearing me at all Olivia? Rafael asked her in actual disgust.
"You're still just trying to stick to your delusion? Don't come near me with that. In fact don't come near me at all. I can't. I can't even look at you right now," He started to storm out of the room but Olivia chased after him.
"Where are you going!?!"
"To get back what you stole from me!" Rafael yelled back, running out of the church.
You stood there in front of the penguins with Maria and Chloe just staring at them. It had gotten dark now. The tank was lit up, brightening the cave with its neon blue water. They looked so happy, just swimming and carefree, not a care in the world.
"Look at you guys," You sighed. "So happy, so innocent. You wouldn't lie to each other, you wouldn't manipulate each other, you just love each other unconditionally," You started to tear up.
"Oh honey…" Chloe came and put an arm around you.
"He's not coming, is he?" You looked at her with tears now dripping down your face.
She looked down at her watch; it had been about an hour since you had shown up there. That was about 20 minutes from the church. So it had been a while for Rafael to change his mind.
"I mean... I don't want to be Debbie Downer or anything but--" She have you a pity look.
"30 more minutes?" You pleaded with puppy dog eyes.
"Alright…." She looked at Maria who just shrugged sadly. Then she linked an arm in yours, laying her head on shoulder. "As long as you need."
Rafael was in an Uber, heading towards Central Park. He couldn't decide how he felt at the moment. He was enraged with Olivia for fucking with his emotions, his brain, his heart. How long has it gone on for?
Now that it had been a while since his last "dose", he was starting to realize he couldn't remember yesterday, or any of the past week, and it scared the shit out of him.
How could she do this? How could she just take memories from him like taking cookies out of a cookie jar? And with absolutely NO remorse? She was STILL trying to control him even when he was confronting her! Did she ever really love him? Were they ever really friends? It was like losing a lover and his best friend in one fell swoop.
And then there was you. Maybe you really had been Liv-- his lover and best friend. But she had taken that too, he had no memory of you whatsoever.
Even now he struggled to even remember your name. He was pretty sure you had said it in his dressing room, but all the shit he had in his system still left him all foggy. He did remember you knew his middle name, his Broadway dream.
You knew about Eduardo, how could he have told you about Eduardo? How important were you to him? How could he just forget that? He wanted that back, that safe feeling you were going on about. You were absolutely on the money about him never feeling safe once his Abuela had moved in with him and his mother. His mother's house never felt safe, even after Eduardo left.
His Mami was wonderful, but he never felt like he could ever fully be himself with her, because she wouldn't accept him. Which is why he never felt comfortable sharing himself completely, ever.
He wanted that safe feeling so badly….he wanted his feelings back so badly. Even if they were someone he supposedly didn't know.
"Uh….hey man are you ok? The Uber driver's question made him realize he was crying. The driver was awkwardly glancing back at him.
"Ahem...yeah no I'm fine. Can we uh...can we go any faster?"
"Hey man I can't control New York traffic," he gestured towards the stand still grid of cars.
He was still 5 blocks away. He wasn't entirely sure just how in love with him you were, though you were pretty damn hysterical at the church.
Would you wait all night? Have you already left?
"You know what, I think I can walk faster than this," Rafael told the driver as he got out on the curb and began running towards the park.
"....Don't forget to rate me five stars!!!" The driver called after him.
You glanced down at your phone, it had been 45 minutes since you had asked Chloe for 30. Maria was asleep on a bench, Chloe was falling asleep on your shoulder.
He wasn't coming. Olivia had won. You had to accept it.
You put your phone down and walked up to the glass of the penguin tank. They were all sleeping, except for one. They all were wearing these adorable harnesses that had their name on them, hers read "Penny".
Penny was sitting on a rock above the water, just staring at the "shore" of their enclosure.
You wondered if there was any explanation for that-- you googled "PENNY PENGUIN CENTRAL PARK ZOO". An article immediately came up. You scanned it, reading a particular sentence.
"....Penny's mate was killed in an accident at the zoo six months ago. Penguins are notoriously monogamous, so it's likely she won't ever take another mate. She just spends her night and days looking towards the place the Zookeeper's took Leonard from the enclosure."
Your heart broke, tears came to your eyes for the millionth time that day as you pressed a hand to the glass.
"I'm right there with you Penny, I know how you feel babe…" You sniffled as if the penguin could understand you. But she still continued to stare, waiting for her love to come back.
You wiped tears away and walked away from the tank over to Chloe and Maria, shaking her awake.
"Let's go," you sniffled.
"You sure honey?" She asked you as Maria stirred awake.
"Yeah…. it's over," you sniffled again, all out of water in your body.
She let you lean on her as you walked back up the stairs to the park.
You were so downtrodden, you didn't notice you had left your phone sitting in the enclosure.
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unending-happiness · 7 years
I'm fairly new to this fandom. There has been so much drama going on, and it kind of worries me that a fandom is so divided. In the past, has the drama ever gotten so bad that certain blogs have been targeted? I've been a part of some fandoms where that has happened.
Hi Nonnie! Welcome! I’m guessing when you say “fandom” that you mean Shadowhunters in general and not just Malec fans, but I’m not sure. Full disclosure, I like to be honest and use lots of words, so lotsa words coming at ya. The truth is that there is no easy answer to this question. I’ll tell you what I know about fandom and drama from my own experience. I’ve been here about a year. I’ll answer this in three parts. (right?! I’m ridiculous)
First: Drama
*sighs* There is ALWAYS drama. Drama Here. Drama In other fandoms. (Which it sounds like you know well) Drama in real life. I know it varies and I have heard some say that SH is way drama heavy while others have said that other fandoms were equal to or worse. Drama happens. People tend to be opinionated. A lot of the time they put stuff out there without thinking of what others will feel about it. People often lack empathy, especially online. My advice on drama both on Tumblr and in life and what I tell my children is this:
You do NOT have to participate in drama. You don’t have to take the bait of someone talking about your favorite character, ship or actor. You don’t have to answer that vile anon. You don’t have to even see any of it. You can unfollow, block, blacklist, whatever it is that you need to do to avoid drama if you so desire. You do not have to give weight and power to negativity. You don’t have to give it oxygen or space. 
That being said, drama and discourse are two different things. I find that I enjoy respectable, well thought out discourse, and so I follow some blogs who are opinionated and I like reading their opinions on how the show could have done some things better, or their character metas. It’s no surprise that a lot of these blogs are writers. Writers, by-in-large, are people who think critically and are careful and measured with their words, because they know the weight and power words can have. Some people don’t like discourse at all, which is fine, so I try to tag mine so it can be avoided if people don’t want to see it. I find that even if I’m not participating in the latest heated argument, I am generally curious and at least want to know why people are carrying on. So I will look things up and see what they are saying. 
For example - yesterday I could see a few people on my dash talking Dom and his Malec comments (intelligently and calmly), but I didn’t know what it was really about, so I wanted read Dom’s interview quotes again. So, (as usually is the case) I knew something was going on, but I saw no real hate or drama on my dash. I searched Dom’s tag looking for his original interview to see what his actual words were. And……I got exactly 4 disgusting posts in before I hit the close button, retreated back to my turtle shell and just messaged a sweet friend asking if she had the interview. So I do SEE it. I know it’s there, but as far as drama on my dash there is pretty much zero. Discourse, about 10%, because I enjoy a good discussion. And what I see I go looking for. Sometimes my curiousity makes my life difficult. But that was my CHOICE to go looking. It’s largely about choices. I choose to follow amazing, kind, sweet, artistic, talented, joyful, loving people. Many of those have followed me back. And my fandom experience is wonderful because of it.
Second: Targeting
I know much less about this than I do about fandom drama. The very definition of targeting is 
a person, object, or place selected as the aim of an attack.
I suppose, based on that definition that, yes, I guess I have in fact seen people targeted in this fandom. Humans can be absolutely terrible and so full of hate. And the SH isn’t in a protective bubble. So, while I have never felt targeted myself, but I have seen my mutuals experience this. Others have indeed selected them to be on the receiving end of their hateful words. Now, what I have seen wasn’t a whole bunch of people attacking one person. It was just one or two attacking one or two. But even that has been very uncommon in my experience. And I don’t know if that is just because of the people I follow or if that is the case with the fandom as a whole. I tend to believe it’s the latter, only because I follow such a wide range of SH blogs with many different personalities, and still don’t see it.
In general the correlation I notice is that the more opinionated you are as a blog and the more discourse you put out, the more opinions you get back. These opinions are frequently in the form of anon asks. The larger blogs also get more nastiness sent their way, because they have a larger audience. I feel like all of this is to be expected.
I’ve had friends delete hateful asks without answering and I’ve had some answer them eloquently and with much more tact and respect than the person doing the attacking deserved. I’ve even known a few who have had turned anon asks off because off temporarily because people were saying terrible things. It all varies based on what the person running the blog can and chooses to do. I’ve followed blogs who get hate spewed their way because they love and defend a certain character, so “fans” of the other character will say nasty things. But, in all of these cases, the hate of a few is largely overpowered by the love of many. All of these people have wonderful friends and people who defend them, support them, and help them. And it is largely diffused because of how they choose to respond. 
Have I seen people attack others? Yes. There are some who will attack others simply because they can. They don’t even need a reason. And is there ever a valid reason for hate anyway? No. Definitely not. And people love the “my thing is better than your thing” drama. Or “your thing is problematic” drama. Do I have strong opinions about my ship? Sure. But I don’t need to hurl them at every person who believes differently. It isn’t necessary or productive. I know nobody could change my mind about my ship, so why would I try to change the opinion of others? Why would I want to?
I personally, have not seen any extreme cases of targeting. Anytime I’ve seen someone get hate, I’ve also seen many come to their defense, and it’s made me proud to be in this fandom. I have heard about extreme targeting happening with blogs who ship a certain less popular ship,  but, I also follow blogs who ship this ship and they seem to have lovely friends and a great support system and I haven’t seen them be attacked. I don’t have much personal experience with this, so it’s hard to answer, but it is my experience that you tend to get back what you put out. If you are confrontational and attack others, then yes, you will get attacked. If you like discourse, you will get discourse. If you wanna just sit on a fluffy marshmallow all day and die of fluff and feels, then you will die of sugary sweetness. I prefer Death by Daddario and Mauled by Malec and I get it daily. It’s fantastic!
THIRD: Tips for a positive fandom experience
This is what I do to make my fandom experience positive. I like kind people. They are my jam. I want nice asks, Tumblr hugs, endless beautiful photos of Matt in my inbox, art and fics from sweet and talented people, all the yelling about Malec greatness, people who support each other, intelligent discussion, empathetic humans.
Full disclosure: I get emotional. I have opinions. I am a serious Malec shipper. I’m on the board of the Alec/Matt Protection Squad. I speak fluent sarcasm. And because of this I’ve gotten the occasionally salty anon. Salt returned. Fair enough. I do make mistakes and I am sure I’ve upset someone before. I also apply this same standard to my friends. I know they aren’t going to be perfect.I know they will have bad days and have a raw emotional response occasionally. They are human and I expect this. Fandom has been a learning curve. But, I try really really hard to be positive and kind. Some hopefully helpful tips.
-Don’t follow just anyone. If I think I might want to follow them, I’ll scroll pretty far down on their blog to see what they post/reblog. If I see hate or negativity, then I’m out of there. I give it 2 posts. If I see even 2 in 50, then I don’t want to be there.
-It’s ok to unfollow anyone. If I do follow someone and I see them posting things hating on other people,  ships, actors, whatever it may be. (not discussions, just words meant to hurt people) then I usually give it about 3 times, and I unfollow. No big deal. I don’t want to see it so I don’t see it. I don’t care if it’s a large blog or a small one or who the person is. It isn’t personal. And NO it is not my responsibility to try and correct the bad behavior of every person who ships the same couple I do. I don’t like when people say that you have a responsibilty to do that. You don’t. I’ll do my part by spreading positivity and light.
-Block anyone who makes you feel unsafe. If I see a person attacking someone on a post or their blog, whatever it may be, I immediately block them as a preventative measure.
-Blacklist anyone/anything. There are times within the fandom that discourse gets to even me,especially if it’s one of the characters I love, So for instance, if a character I love is being heavily criticized after an episode, I will just blacklist either the people saying the things or the relevant tag for a bit. Tumblr savior is your friend. Use it. 
-Keep scrolling. My first reaction to anything that pisses me off or upsets me is to keep scrolling. I don’t need to chime in. I don’t need to start an argument. That person can put whatever they want on their blog and so I Alec level eye roll that shit and move on with my day.
-Talk to trusted friends. If a post just eats at me and I need to discuss it, then i’ll send it to a friend I love and trust. We will discuss it, go back and forth on it, she will talk me down from the “but I really want to set this person straight ledge” and we move on with our days. (my poor bestie is an angel). Amazing friends are so helpful in fandom.
-Think. Before I reblog ANYTHING, I try to think of how it will make my followers feel. If they ship a certain ship or like a certain character, and I post this how will they feel about it. If I think it’ll make someone feel upset or alienated, I scroll on by. If I like and appreciate the humor, sarcasm, sentiment, but I’m a little torn about reblogging it and not sure how people will take it, then I’ll just like it and not reblog.
-Extra think. Same but extra gets applied to posting something of my own. I think about every way that anyone can take it or be hurt by it. And I also think of how I’ll respond if someone reacts badly. I think about my wording, people of other ships, etc. This is original content you are putting out into the world that will get reblogged. You can never get rid of it once it’s out there. Every. Single. Time. that I have said “this will probably get me a salty anon” it has. Every time. I know before I even put something out there what it will most likely bring back. In those cases I have felt that me expressing my opinion on that matter was worth the salty anons. And I’ve never regretted one. I tend to be very sarcastic and opinionated in my tags, because most likely the only people seeing those are my followers and if people follow me they know how I am and they also know where the unfollow button is, so that’s more of a safe space. But, I have gotten anons who specifically referenced my salty tags. 
-Respond carefully. Speaking of salty anons.(I’ve never gotten hate, thankfully) Yeah, you could think of it as this person is coming to your door and being confrontational about what you put on your own damn blog and they are hiding behind anonymity to boot, so really I should be able to say whatever I want back. Right?! No. I push that feeling down and  I respond very carefully. I consider their opinion and their pov. I always tell them I have done as much. I stand by my original opinion, which is easy because I’ve thought it through before I posted, and I am understanding, and tell them that it’s ok if they disagree with me. I do this especially if I think they are trying to bait me. Thanks but no thanks. I’m not about that. I am so extra about this that I have my beta bestie read through a lot of my responses to anons before I post them. Just to be sure I’m not missing anything and I’m giving off the sentiment I want to give off. This formula is pretty good because I’ve never gotten a “level-up” on angry from an anon yet. (knock on wood) I think most often they really just want you to know they were irritated and that you upset them. It’s cool. Message received.
-Tag spoilers and discourse. Maybe not always, but I try really hard. This helps so much. People may follow you but not be able to stand discourse.
-Flood negative with positive. If someone is being mean to someone I follow I block the meanie, and then I yell nice things at the person being attacked. I also send them a sweet ask. I often will also send them a message with support. Light drives out dark. Period. I don’t address the hateful person directly. I do this with the cast and their s/o as well when they get hate. I just send them nice things. It’s easy. Don’t feed the trolls. It only makes them bigger and more angry.
-Spread love. If you love someone’s fic–tell them. If you love someone’s art–tell them.  Reblog the shit out of that with nice tags. If someone’s tags make you happy–tell them. If you think someone is sweet–tell them. Anything nice that goes through your brain. SAY IT LOUD. I cannot stress this enough. If you are shy, just do it on anon. People appreciate that. Love wins, always. 
-Surround yourself with good people. This is the most important thing for a good fandom experience. I have some of the very best friends I’ve ever had in my life because of this fandom. They are amazing people. Some of us are very different and I don’t always agree with them, but I do agree with their methods, their kindness and generosity, with their love and support.
SO, anon. I’m sure you are probably like, wtf is this?! I never asked for a damn novel, crazy!!! And so I’m sorry for this stupid long response. But, this isn’t an easy answer. And I can’t tell you about darkness without telling you how to drive it away. This is all stuff that people around me helped me do when I first started my blog and it’s been such a help. 
I hope this helps and please feel free to send me any more questions you have. Also, I would be more than happy to rec you some positive and kind blogs, if you wish. I follow a lot of Malec, and I’m not sure if you are a Malec fan or not, so I’m not doing that now. But if you tell me what kind of blogs might interest you, I would be happy to rec some! Thanks for asking. I hope you have a beautiful day. I hope your experience in this fandom is fun and wonderful and you don’t get dragged down by the bad side. The good side is so so so so great. Totally worth navigating the shit storms imo. Welcome. I LOVE THIS FANDOM.
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