#i'm going to have fun reporting him to the government soon
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Ahh life’s getting to you right now Roo? I know the feeling, just gotta keep powering through it you know? I hope the stars align for you and everything falls into place. You can do it!🫶🏼
And double update! For lil ol’ me? Awe way to make a girl feel special. Hearing that just started off my day looking great. Hopefully it continues that way! I look forward to seeing how your story will unfold! 😊
Now I gotta finish getting ready for work. I hope you have a lovely day today Roo!
xoxo - Lumi<3
haha, it's been a fun old 2024 so far, but i'm nearly back on my feet. it's just taken me the last two months to escape a abusive and exploitative job with a boss that had complete control over my life, who still to this day can't understand why i left or how difficult he's made my life by not paying my wages lmfao. kpop fans think they're delusional but they have nothing on this dude. he also kicked me out of staff housing knowing i had nowhere to go, but i've been lucky that my new job introduced me to another girl who let me have her spare room. in a way the stars have already aligned and i'm nearly back writing at the same pace i was before the whole thing imploded but like. christ on a candlestick. when i said i need a rich kpop boyfriend to pay my rent i didn't mean because i live on someone's floor.
anyway my career and ability to make money have been on my mind now that i have the ability to budget again, so you really did prove i can make money from writing just at the critical moment. signs from god. i'm telling you.
#honestly i love telling this story it's the craziest shit#also my new job has immediately started fucking me around which is a whole new installment in this saga bu#but that's fine i can literally walk next door and probably make more money#'we pay above award wage' pal it turns out you don't even pay industry standard#god what a story#my final wage from february also still hasn't been paid#i'm going to have fun reporting him to the government soon#someone told me they might even make him repay all two years of my wages because he has no payslips to prove he paid me#anyway it's midnight and i've been stewing on my plan of action tomorrow#that's why i'm rambling#i'm lying here awake thinking about how to make money
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Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love! ❤️
Thank you so much! <3
(also going to take the time to say that you write some of my absolute favorite metas of all time -- I've been a big fan for a while <3)
I've been in a pretty dark mood, and so here are five fics which are some of my favorites, all of which deal with sexual trauma and child sexual abuse and patriarchal violence and generational trauma and reenactment in some way. (maybe I should make a collection of my fics around this theme because there are way more than just these five lol.)
Waxing Gibbous, October 1981 (6k, E, Remus/Fenrir, Remus/Sirius)
Remus cuts his soul open for monsters.
Angsty canon compliant first war fics were my favorites when I first started reading fics 20 years ago, and I'm proud of my addition to the genre.
Alphard’s Favourite (5k, M, Peter/Sirius, past Alphard/Sirius)
Peter tries to find out why Sirius is so upset over Alphard’s inheritance. Then he tries to make sure Sirius doesn’t fall off the roof. Then he tries to ensure Remus doesn’t hear them.
Whenever I write Sirius POV he just utterly takes over and drives the plot in ways I never expect. This was one. And was a way for me to process my own complicated feelings about inherited wealth and incest and how crazy making it feels when you have these giant feelings about family things which on the outside are seen as good/positive/neutral/loving.
you will burn right now but then you won’t regret it (32k, M, Fleur/Tonks for @hpwlwbigbang)
Eight years after Voldemort’s defeat, as the illegal potions trade ravages England and the government intensifies lycanthropic restrictions in response, Fleur and Tonks join forces to uncover corruption in the Ministry. As they discover a scandal deeper than they could imagine, Fleur contends with her complex legal status, Tonks contends with her mother, and they do their best to avoid contending with their feelings for each other.
I worked so hard on this fic, and I just adore it. It's by far my most 'fuck jkr' fic (the villain is transparently a jkr stand in), and I loved exploring rape culture and identity and power through anti-Veela prejudice. And, like all my fics pretty much, how scary it is to try to be in intimate relationships in this kind of fucked up violent context.
Merry Christmas, Please Don’t Call (25k, E, Sirius/Regulus) (part 1 of Folgers Coffee, Black, 55k+ WIP)
The Black family has plenty of secrets, and Sirius has his own – like how he really got the concussion derailing his fall semester at Hogwarts University. When Regulus surprises him on campus during winter break and a sudden snow storm forces him to stay for Christmas, the secrets Sirius has been hiding from himself are revealed.
Sirius!! He just decides things for me. I've never had a fic go off the rails so completely before from the first draft to the final. This series has become such a little weird place for the darkest parts of my psyche and my deepest fears, and I have so many more sequels planned.
Turns out writing muggle AUs is very fun. (and writing them as Americans so I stop having that voice in my head that's like 'you don't understand the nuances of the british class system well enough to explore class dynamics in that context!!')
Nymphadora, Nymphet (20k, M, Bellatrix/Tonks)
Dear Nymphadora, I’ve been informed of a temporary Defence professor this year, and you may have gathered she is (was) my sister. Be careful. If she attempts to harm you in any way, report straight to Professor Sprout. We shall talk more at Christmas; it may be time for you to learn more about my side of the family. Please watch your potions work – I know you can do better than last year. -Mum
As soon as I finished 'My Dark Vanessa,' I knew I wanted to take it as inspiration for a fic. This fic has almost a comical amount of classic trigger warnings (incest! underage! teacher/student!), but, in my opinion, it never feels gratuitous, and I think every character behaves in ways that make complete sense -- even if as a reader you just want to scream at anyone to stop it.
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Hello!! :3
Just binge read all your Victor Vale works and I'm in love istg. Was wondering if you would wanna do a slightly longer one shot about Victor being really stressed and accidentally lashing out in his sleep and reader calming him down??
Wow, thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed them! I wasn't sure how long you wanted it but I hope this is long enough. This is a great plot and I had a ton of fun writing it! I hope you enjoy and please let me know what you think!
Warnings: spoilers for Vicious and Vengeful, angst, fluff, canon typical violence/action/danger, brief mention of torture, Victor gets touchy toward the end.
Word Count: 6k+ words (my longest yet!)
Picture from Pinterest
A Comforting Touch
✯3 Months Ago, After Midnight✯
“Scintillating isn’t it?” you ask the man beside you.
He flips his newspaper down, pale skin and intense eyes glaring at you. “What?” he asks.
“The story,” you answer, pointing to the newspaper. “From a hero to a murderer that fast. As if we couldn’t tell from his stupid smile and stupider mask that he was a psycho.”
“Who are we talking about?”
“Eli Ever, the guy in the story you’re reading. Wait, can you read? Or do you just sit behind a newspaper in a black trench coat to look smarter?” you tease, smiling over your cup.
“How long have you been in Merit?” he asks, changing the subject.
“Long enough to know that he wasn’t what he seemed and disappeared frighteningly soon after you arrived.”
“Frighteningly? Then why are you talking to me?”
“Frightening is not synonymous with uninteresting, my friend.”
His brows draw together as he studies you, a scrutinizing eye traveling up and down your frame and then searching your face.
“You like what you see or is this a Clark Kent x-ray vision thing? Searching my brain for my true intentions, yeah?”
“How much do you know?”
“Let’s just say, Eli Cardale’s research may be a little more widely studied after what he did. I’m sure you know more than anyone since you’re supposed to be dead and he’s rotting in prison for your murder.”
He drops the paper to the table and cocks his head at you. “I’m Victor.”
“And you want me to come with because you’re scared I’ll talk?”
“Something like that.”
✯Present Day✯
“Stop that,” you demand as Victor tosses a dry Sharpie in the trash.
Victor’s hand falters as he reaches for another one, considering listening to you before he uncaps it and continues editing.
“Victor, stop. Seriously,” you repeat, moving closer to him.
When he doesn’t, you reach past him and snatch the marker out of his hand. He turns toward you, his anger leaking out.
“What are you doing?” he snaps.
You point to the television, and his face drops as he reads the breaking news line. Increasing the volume, he avoids looking at you as the reporter speaks.
“The police were praised for their efforts in dismantling the murderous cult operating under the title of ‘EON,’ but that praise is now gone. With the recent discovery of several bodies bearing typical EON torture markings, the government fears that the group, or a new community operating similarly, is acting in our city. More on this story at 6,” the reporter finishes.
Victor clicks the remote, and the screen goes black. He begins pacing, ignorant of your requests to talk to him.
“Victor!” you yell, stepping in front of him.
“Move. This doesn’t concern you.”
“It does now. You going out there? That concerns me. You taking Sydney out there? Also concerns me. So, talk to me,” you respond, stepping toward him.
“You don’t know everything. EON isn’t a threat to you, but it is to us. You’re a liability now,” he seethes.
“Which is my choice,” you argue, still in his face. “Like it or not, I’m here and I’m invested, so get over yourself and talk to me. Let me help.”
“Fine. Then I’ll just go. If I’m a liability here, what am I out there? Oh, that’s right, dead.”
Victor’s nostrils flare, nearly unnoticeable. He drops his head toward you.
“You’re brave, but don’t expect me to stay close enough to save you all the time.”
“Oh, I’d never expect that of you.”
You step back and spin on your heel before returning to your room. Sydney passes you in the hallway and can tell by the look in your eye that Victor crossed a line. Which isn’t unusual, she supposes.
“What did you do?” she asks when she sees Victor.
“Maybe that’s the problem then.”
Victor agreed to let you tag along because you have a knack for connecting dots that seem unconnected. You know things you shouldn’t and find things too fast. He’s also simultaneously impressed and intimated by your willingness to fight him when he could kill you with a glance. You have no power or protection aside from him, yet you rush into danger with no regard for yourself. Yes, you’re brave but reckless, and when you are not near him, Victor can’t keep you safe.
“EON is back, so she’s not really top of the list right now,” Victor explains, retrieving his stolen marker.
“So? We left Merit and everyone thinks you’re dead. We’re not in danger,” Sydney points out.
“Not right now. But these people aren’t going to give up. Someone knows you’re out there, Mitch is still an escaped convict, record or not, and it’s only a matter of time. We need to find them before they even think to find us.”
“Hurt them first,” Sydney quotes. “But don’t hurt the people closest to you in the process, Vic.”
Based on Victor’s calculations, there isn’t much time until EON realizes Sydney is still out there because Eli knew she was. Then, they’ll look for him and eventually figure out that he and his cellmate, Mitch, escaped from prison together before the event in Merit. Several sleepless nights have brought him no closer to finding EON, but now Victor has a new concern. Someone is following them, and he thinks he knows who.
“Where was EON before?” you ask.
Mitch answers the question while Victor grumbles something under his breath.
“They didn’t dump bodies, though. So if this new EON or copycats, whatever they are, do dump bodies when they’re done… what makes you sure that it’s EON and not just a serial killer?” you pose.
Mitch tilts his head as he says, “That’s not a bad theory. Without an autopsy report, we can’t know if the torture was the same as EON.”
“That doesn’t matter,” Victor snaps. “EON never tortured EOs exactly the same. Until they found your power, yes, but then it got specific.”
“What about the people who died before they found any powers, or which hopefully didn’t happen, they were wrong, and it was just an ordinary person? Wouldn’t they have identical markings in that case.”
“Or maybe someone reincarnated Jack the Ripper, I get what you’re saying but it’s not helpful,” Victor says.
You nod once at Mitch and round the corner to stand beside him. He has two autopsy reports open, one that has been directly linked to EON and one of the recent victims. Two matching marks are present: a small letter and a number carved into the skin of the victim’s inner wrists. One has an E and 2, the other F and 4.
“Victor?” you ask carefully. “Did Eli have a mark on him before he died? Like a number or word or anything?”
“Why does that matter?” Victor doesn’t look up from his project as he asks. “He’s dead.”
“I know, but if there was a marking or tattoo, anything that could make him stand out,” you trail off.
Victor sighs and curls his right hand into a fist. “I think so. The letter I, but it was lowercase.”
“No number?” you ask.
“So, I would be…”
“Immortal, invincible?” Mitch suggests.
You nod, and Victor finally looks up.
“What are you saying?” he asks, impatient and irritated.
“EON was marking people with their power and a number,” Mitch answers.
“What’s the number?”
“Well, if Eli didn’t have one, that could mean something,” you point out.
“What are R and E? Those could help us determine what those numbers could mean,” Mitch suggests.
“Show me their files?” you request.
He navigates to all records for ‘E,’ formally known as Riley Garrick. You point to his medical records and then to a hospital report. The file contained a recorded resuscitation after Garrick was electrocuted and died on the table. They used an AED, another electric shock, to get his heart beating normally again.
“Electricity,” you say with Mitch.
“What about F?” you ask.
“Walter Knox,” Mitch reads. “Died and was brought back a few years ago. Death was caused by… freezing. He contracted hypothermia and succumbed before his body temp was brought up and his heart restarted.”
“How was he killed by EON?” you ask.
“Let’s see,” Mitch hums. “He… froze to death.”
“And E, or Garrick?”
“Then the numbers could be how many times they proved their powers worked before,” you suggest, trailing off again.
“Or how many times they reached the brink and came back, because of their powers, before they didn’t come back,” Victor adds. “It’s not a bad theory. Doesn’t help us find EON though, so congratulations on your waste of time.”
“It wasn’t a waste of time, Vic,” you argue. “Knowing what they’re doing, knowing how they’re doing it, is invaluable.”
“Then where are they?” he asks, looking up at you. “Even just a building type would be more helpful than this. Warehouse? Shipping container? You have no more information than before.”
“Not true. We know that this EON is doing the exact same thing as before. They are experimenting on EOs to find powers and test them to the limit. For all we know, they’re searching for the next Eli and don’t care how many people they kill to get there.”
Victor’s eyes narrow at you before he looks away again.
“You’re welcome,” you say under your breath.
“That’s a lot of information on a couple pictures,” Victor adds. “Makes you wonder how much of it is true and how you figured it out.”
Mitch rolls his eyes, and you shrug before walking out, wondering why Victor is so cranky.
“She knows. That’s why she’s right. And you know how she knows? Because she was there, they told her, and now she’s just waiting to lead them to you. You know someone is following you, Vic. Ask yourself when that started, how she got into your life. She’s coming for you.”
Victor wakes up, his skin tingling as pain emits from his body. He turns it off and sits back. It makes sense; you showed up just in time to deal with the return of EON, and you know so much. The dreams are distracting and causing his power to activate involuntarily, so Victor needs to find EON quickly and get the truth from you.
Victor is snapping at you, Sydney, and Mitch more than usual. He’s always sarcastic and pushy, but it hasn’t been this bad in the past.
“Victor?” you ask, stepping into his open bedroom door. “Can we talk?”
He looks up, wide-eyed until he gains control of his expression again. “Sure.”
“Are you okay? You seem really stressed and I hear you walking around at night, so I know you aren’t sleeping much. I’m just- I’m worried about you.”
“Why wouldn’t you be?” he mutters under his breath. “I’m fine,” he says to you. “Just having some trouble sleeping but nothing is wrong.”
“Well, I’m sure you’ll sleep better after we find EON, right?” you ask with a small smile.
You nod and press your lips together before walking out. He’s not convincing, and you know something else is bothering Victor, but don’t know what. If it’s just EON causing problems, why isn’t he listening when you try to help?
Victor watches you leave and counts your steps to the end of the hall before yawning. He can’t hide the tiredness, but as long as you don’t pick up the stress and growing paranoia hiding beneath it, he’ll be okay. Victor Vale refuses to appear weak; he pushes everything under the surface until he has the answers he craves. Maybe the ghost in his dreams will also return to where it belongs.
You begin working through the night, desperate to find answers, hoping it will help Victor. There’s a notebook on your nightstand half-full of possible locations for EON. Then you start wondering if they’re operating from one place or moving around to evade the police. Charting all the listed and possible locations on the map, you zoom out to look for a pattern and gasp as you see the last thing you expect. There is a pattern, and it's nearly complete. One more location and countless bodies, and EON will either be finished with their mission or just starting.
Getting out of bed, you walk to Mitch’s room and knock. He opens the door, and you see the light of his laptop behind him.
“We need to talk,” you say, walking in as he steps back.
He closes the door behind you, and you begin sharing everything you’ve learned.
“I don’t know if knowing where they are is enough, though,” you say.
“You want to know who and why?” Mitch guesses.
“It would be helpful. Otherwise, we’re going in blind. But we also don’t know how much time we’ve had. None of the dates match up, there’s different times between each body dump.”
“Did you check it for a pattern?” Mitch asks. “The locations mean something, right? Maybe the times do, too.”
You sit beside him and read dates as he types everything into a spreadsheet. The months don’t mean anything, and there’s no pattern, so you move on to compare the dates but come up empty there.
“Sorry, I thought there might be something here, too,” Mitch apologizes.
“Wait, Mitch, can you get the numbers for the days between the discoveries?” you ask. He presses a few keys, and a new list of numbers appears. “They’re all below 27,” you cheer.
“It’s a code,” Mitch whispers as he enters the number into a new text box.
The numbers disappear, replaced with letters, as a message is revealed.
“That’s… somehow worse than what I was expecting,” you admit.
“Should we tell Vic?” Mitch asks.
“He’s got enough on his plate.”
“You can’t deal with this alone.”
“Who said I was going alone?” you ask as you walk to the door. “Talk tomorrow, Mitch, thanks for the help.”
“How am I supposed to sleep after what I just read? How are you?”
“Drink some chocolate milk, Mitch. You’ll be alright.”
“And you?”
You shrug as you answer, “I ended up sitting beside Victor for a reason. Maybe this is it.”
Victor hears your quiet knock against Mitch’s door before you enter, and the door closes again. He tries to eavesdrop but can only catch a few words. Victor hears something about a pattern, numbers, and going somewhere alone. He also hears that you’re not planning to tell him something. More secrets. Victor returns to his room when he hears you return to Mitch’s door. He knew you were hiding something, but you just confirmed it.
Mitch makes breakfast the following morning, and you are the last to wake up and join everyone in the kitchen.
“How’d you sleep?” Mitch asks.
“How’d you sleep?” you parrot, smiling knowingly with dark circles under your eyes.
“Any news about EON?” Victor interjects, his dark circles far more pronounced than yours. He looks exhausted, and if he were younger or easier to convince, you’d force him to take a nap.
“Not much,” you answer. “Maybe you were right and I’m looking in the wrong area. There’s tons of circumstantial evidence but the police can’t do anything with that, so I probably can’t either.”
Victor can physically feel the stress coursing through his veins. His cortisol is trying to kick him into fight mode, but he tamps it down, like every other emotion he covers. He feels your eyes on him and glances over to see your furrowed brows and concerned look.
“Are you okay?” you ask quietly.
“Just as good as the last time you asked. If there’s something I want you to know, I’ll tell you,” Victor answers, plenty of bite to back his bark.
You nod. “Sorry. But I’m here when you’re ready.”
Sydney sees his eyes roll, and the muscles in his jaw tick, but you turn away and miss it. She knows, as well as you do, that he’s sleep-deprived and stressed, but he shouldn’t be taking it out on his team - his family. Maybe he could be convinced to save the stress, anger, and everything else he’s feeling to take on EON. You’d have to convince him, she thinks, because you’re the only one with any ability to get through to him. Whatever forges your connection and gives you some semblance of power against or over him seems to have dissipated with his constant jabs and stressed-out remarks.
Hopefully, it’s not too late. EON needs to be taken down, but not at the cost of Sydney’s family and your presence in her life.
“Victor, I know you said to leave it alone, but please try to get some sleep. You’re working hard and we appreciate it more than you can know, but it’s killing you,” you plead.
“I’ll turn off the pain, it’ll be fine,” he argues.
“Then could you do it for me?” you ask, laying a hand on his arm. He flinches but doesn’t shy away from your touch, and a tiny glimmer of hope that you have a chance begins to flicker. “I need you to be okay.”
Victor licks his lips and then nods. “I’ll try.”
You close his door behind you and walk to the end of the hall before pulling your door closed. Victor knows every sound in this place, so you need to be careful about how you move and where you go. Sitting on the couch, you pull your notebook and Mitch’s laptop into your lap. The plan is set in place, and you look over it, preparing to leave. You set everything aside gently, then stand to take a few steps toward your room before turning. Listening closely, you don’t hear movement, so Victor must be asleep or trying to sleep.
When you reach the door, you place your hand over the knob before falling to your knees.
The pain you’re experiencing is excruciating. Your body wants to give up and pass out, but you must get to Victor. Something is obviously wrong if he’s using his power on you. Mitch’s pained groan grows loud enough that you can hear it, and Sydney whimpers behind her closed door. Dol barks several times as you turn toward Victor’s room.
Beyond the pain, a force is pushing you away from Victor. As you fight to get near him, it feels like swimming against a strong current. Your concern for Victor begins overpowering your pain and fear, and you move as quickly as possible to reach him. When you open the door, he is tossing and turning, his sheets tangled around him as he breathes heavily. You say his name and place a hand on his shoulder before he opens his eyes, and the pain multiplies tenfold.
“You know I’m right.”
“I know you’re a ghost,” Victor argues. “I watched you die, Eli.”
“Yet, Victor, here I am. EON is alive and well. It seems that the Eli Ever legacy lives on. If only to torture you.”
“Didn’t do enough of that at Lockland?”
Eli grabs Victor’s shirt and pushes him against a wall. Victor smiles as Eli’s face contorts in pain.
“She is on my side, and you know it.”
“No, I don’t. She’s been on my side since the beginning.”
“She knows too much, and she keeps secrets, Vic. Explain how that is being on your side.”
“You’re wrong.”
“Then ask. Or do what you’re doing now.”
“What I’m doing now?”
“Listen, Vic,” Eli whispers.
The air around Victor buzzes as Mitch’s groans and Sydney’s cries infiltrate the calm.
“No, no, no,” Victor repeats to himself.
“Keep this up and you’ll kill her. You have a strong connection to her, which means all of those emotions bottled up in here,” Eli says, pressing a finger over Victor’s heart, “are entering her as inescapable and incurable pain. Way to go, Vic. Angie and this one… you’re building quite the record.” He begins to fade as he adds, “And they called me a serial killer.”
Victor has to wake up. He tries everything until he sees your eyes and flinches back.
You fall back onto the floor, curling in against yourself. “Vic,” you whisper, tears breaking past your waterline.
Forcing yourself onto your knees, you kneel beside his bed and take his hand in both of yours.
“You have to calm down, Vic, it’s okay. Everything is okay,” you soothe him, even though it feels like your body is being ripped apart. “Focus on something else. Whatever happened, forget it. Take some deep breaths.”
You watch Victor’s chest rise and fall, but his eyes stay trained on you. Tracing shapes against his hand, you tell him about the walk you took Dol on last week as he breathes deeply.
His shoulders sag, and the pain disappears immediately, with no lasting aches or symptoms. You stand and reach for the water beside his bed, but he grabs your wrist and stops you. Victor leans forward, his forehead against your stomach, just below your sternum.
“I’m sorry,” he says quietly, breathing deeply as his hands grip your hips. He’s grounding himself, and you’re happy to let him.
“It’s okay, Vic. It’s over,” you reply quietly. “You scared me. I didn’t know what was happening, just that something was wrong with you.”
Victor shakes his head against your stomach, another apology. You hear footsteps in the hall outside and hear Mitch talking to Sydney.
“I- can you check on them?” Victor asks, looking up at you. His grip on you gently increases as he adds, “And come back?”
“Of course.”
You step out, pulling the door closed behind you. Mitch is in Sydney’s room, comforting her. When she sees you, she looks up with teary eyes and an arm wrapped around Dol.
“How are you feeling?” you ask, kneeling in front of her bed and patting Dol before you take Sydney's hand.
“Scared. Is he alright?” Sydney replies.
“He will be,” you promise, nodding as you look over at Mitch.
He nods once and then gestures toward Sydney, telling you he’ll stay with her while you deal with Victor.
“You’ll make it better, right?” Sydney asks. “He listens to you, and you can help him.”
“I’ll do everything I can, Sydney. I promise.”
You stand, and Mitch mouths, ‘Thank you’ as you step back. Nodding at him again, you pat his shoulder before returning to Victor’s room.
“You’ve been lying to me,” he accuses weakly when you step inside.
“Yes,” you admit, approaching him again.
He doesn’t hesitate to lean toward you and place his hands on you again, keeping you close as you explain.
“I didn’t want to stress you out more, or concern you, or, worse, if I was wrong, make you think you have to do it all alone. Because you don’t always seem to understand or appreciate that you aren’t alone anymore. You have Mitch and Sydney, and-“
“You?” Victor interrupts.
“If you still want me, you absolutely have me.”
“I do. So, what did you lie about?”
“I think I found EON. There was a hidden pattern in the locations of their body dumps. Assuming that they operate nearby, it should be easy to use the missing piece of the pattern to find them before they can kill again.”
“Where should the last location be?”
“An abandoned dock at the marina down south,” you answer. “Part of why I didn’t tell you is that I didn’t know when it would happen.”
“And Mitch?” You furrow your brows, and Victor clarifies, “I heard you go into his room. You found something, didn’t you?”
“Yes. The dates of discovery, actually the number of days between them, were a code.”
“What kind of code?”
“It translated to a message. Once we read the message, we decided not to tell you because you were already so stressed.” You chuckle as you add, “I realize now that worked oppositely of intended. I made it worse and I’m sorry, Vic.”
“What did the message say?” Victor asks, silently accepting your apology as his finger dips under the hem of your shirt.
You lean into his touch as you answer, “Are you sure you want to know?”
Victor nods, and you press your lips together before telling him, “It was my name and a DOD.”
“A date of death? Yours?”
“Presumably. But it is tomorrow. So, I was going to go to the marina tonight to see if I could catch them off guard.”
“You were going to go alone?”
“I know it’s dumb and I would’ve gotten killed but I was just thinking about you and how I could help you.”
A small bolt of pain shoots through your side where Victor touches you.
“Sorry,” he says, smoothing his palm over the spot. “I just- your connection is different.”
“Is that why I felt like I was dying while Mitch just groaned a little?” you tease.
“I’m so sorry.”
“No, Vic, it’s alright. Now, though, I need you to get back in the game so we can take these new EON goons down.”
Victor nods, tugging you closer as he stands.
“I trust you,” he whispers. “You take the lead since you found everything else.”
“Thank you.”
Victor releases you to step back before asking, “What was the pattern?”
“Eli’s initials: EE. I guess his legacy is living on.”
“Wait,” Victor blurts. “I’ve been seeing him in my dreams. He said the same thing.”
“You’ve been seeing him? Since when?”
“Since we found out about the new EON. Every time he shows up, he tries to convince me that you’re working with them.”
“That’s why you’ve been so defensive. You didn’t want me close because you thought I was an EON spy,” you realize aloud.
“You did know too much,” Victor argues weakly.
“And you never stop to think, ‘Maybe she’s just that good, and that pretty, and that amazing-'“
Victor cuts you off, asking, “What do we do now, good, pretty, amazing leader?”
“You go show Sydney and Mitch that you’re alright and make sure they are, too, then we make a plan to get everyone in and out of the marina to defeat EON forever.”
“Yes, ma’am,” Victor drawls.
You rush out, smiling at his new attention. He trusts you; he’s proved that before, but knowing that you have a different connection is scary and exciting at the same time. Maybe you'll ask him more about that after tonight if your DOD is changed.
With Victor’s full attention on you, not as someone he has to protect, but as an equal, you feel prepared to charge into EON and complete your goal. Sydney and Dol aren’t going, but Mitch is driving, and Victor will be inside with you, even if you can’t see him. The dark circles are still prevalent under Victor’s eyes, but the stress lines have nearly disappeared.
“And what if they find you before you want them to?” Mitch asks.
“I can handle them roughing me up. Either way, they’ll all come out and be in one spot for Victor to do his thing.”
Victor’s hand finds yours under the table, and you trace a few shapes onto it. His shoulders drop slightly, even as he argues, “There will be no roughing up. They might lay a finger on you, but I think I can spread the pain out enough that I can get any hidden EONs, too.”
“We don’t want to hurt any EOs,” you point out.
“I don’t think there will be any. That message was specific,” Mitch says.
Your eyes widen as Victor looks at you.
“What exactly did the message say, Mitch?” Victor asks.
“Her name, today’s date as her DOD, cause of death, and the total body count. That body count was only one higher than currently, so it’s just you, unfortunately.”
“What was the cause of death?” Victor asks you, lacing his fingers through yours.
You don’t answer and shake your head at Mitch to discourage him from answering, too.
“Please,” Victor whispers, moving his hand to your wrist.
“Beaten to death,” you say slowly. “Tortured the way every EO before me was.”
“But you’re not an EO.”
“They don’t know that. So, your presence there should be a surprise.”
“If they know about you, they know I’m with you, though,” Victor says.
“Not if I offer to help.”
“Faux treason,” Victor deduces. “I like it.”
“Then let’s do it,” you say, turning to face Victor. “And maybe you can finally get some sleep and de-stress when we get back.”
“Let’s make that the goal.”
“Hello?” you yell as you enter the small building. “I’m looking for EON? I have valuable information about Victor Vale.”
“Well, hello there,” a man says as he steps out from behind a net. “Ain’t you a pretty little thing? Eli would have loved you."
You suppress a shiver and a gag at his comment, opting for a nervous smile. “So, I’m in the right place? I had to go the long way after I left Victor yesterday.”
“Oh, you’re in the right place, sweetness. The man in charge will be glad to hear anything you have to offer.”
“I- sorry, I’m a little nervous,” you say, chuckling as you reluctantly place your hand in his. “What’s your name?”
“We’re all called Ever here. You’ll be the first female Ever, ever. Get it? Anyway, you should be pleased by that. Lord E is very picky in who he chooses to become an Ever.”
You nod, swallowing harshly as the man’s other hand finds your waist. It is a much different feeling than when Victor touches you, but knowing for certain that he’s nearby makes you feel better. A spark of pain occurs under his hand, but only for a breath. He pulls his hand away and furrows his brows at you.
“I think I built up some static electricity, sorry,” you apologize, raising your voice slightly in hopes that Victor will control himself.
“Here we are,” Ever says, flipping a light switch.
The lights go off before men, Evers, carrying candles, enter the room. Two of them lead a man dressed differently to the front of the room, where a large throne is placed. The light comes back on, dimmer than before, and your eyes widen when you see the man.
“Lord E, this woman has information about Victor Vale,” the Ever holding your hand announces.
“She may approach,” the man on the throne, Lord E, calls.
Ever takes a step with you before Lord E adds, “Alone.”
He’s wearing Eli’s clothes, the exact outfit he wore during the bank robbery when he was on the front page of the Merit newspaper. There’s even a few blood stains, all the proof you need that it’s the same outfit or an incredible replica.
“What is your name, girl?” Lord E demands as you reach his throne.
You tell him your name and wait as he looks around.
“And tell me, what do you know of Victor Vale?” he asks. “Come closer,” he demands, extending a scepter to you.
You touch the end with your fingertips and step onto the platform, stopping just before your knees hit his.
“I know a lot. I’ve spent time with Mr. Vale under the impression that I could help him and that I never trusted Eli,” you explain.
Lord E tilts his head up to you, smirking as his eyes travel up and down your body. “Ever,” he calls, “lights.”
The lights go out, and you can no longer see Lord E. You try to stay calm, knowing Victor has control over the situation. When you feel hands on you, however, that calmness evaporates.
“Has he mentioned I’ve been visiting him in his dreams?” Lord E asks, pulling you flush against his body as his hands roam around your waist.
“He did. It scared him, threw him off,” you half lie, trying to lean away from him.
With the lights off, Victor may not have the control he needs to get everyone without getting you to. You don’t care at this point; you only need this guy’s hands off of you.
“Lord E?” you ask. He hums, so you add, “The most important thing I learned about Victor Vale…”
“Go on,” he prods.
You raise your voice so Victor and the Evers can hear you. “Is that Victor Vale will destroy you all.”
Lord E’s hands tighten painfully on your waist as pained screams sound behind you. You step back, twisting out of his grip before you run toward the door. It’s locked, so you stumble through the dark until you find the stairs to the catwalk where Victor should be.
“Find her!” Lord E screams behind you.
“Hey,” Victor whispers before his hands grab your shoulders, “want to get out of here?”
“Yes,” you sigh, taking his offered hand and following him.
You’re blind in the dark, but you don't need to see with Victor leading you. You trust him enough to let him lead the way. He opens a door, and the marina lights illuminate your path to Mitch’s waiting car. You run toward the car, while Victor returns to the building to finish the plan. When he gets in the passenger seat, Mitch begins driving.
“Mission accomplished?” Mitch asks.
“Mission accomplished,” Victor affirms. “EON was taken down by a gas leak, and the coroner should never know they were knocked out by pain before the gas suffocated them.”
In the darkness of the backseat, you rub your hand against your waist, trying to ease the pain caused by Lord E’s grip on you.
“Was it his ghost?” Victor asks quietly.
“I think it might have been. He said he’d been in your dreams.”
“Well, Casper has to find someone new to haunt,” Mitch jokes. “And we’ll be there, too.”
Victor glances over his shoulder at you as your pain disappears. Trusting him was the best decision you’ve ever made, and you’re glad he has decided to trust you, too.
Victor offers his hand as he opens your door and keeps your hand in his until you’re back in his room. He sits on the bed and pulls you forward. Gripping the hem of your top, he looks up at you for permission.
Victor has every reason not to like physical touch, and before today, he never initiated any. Especially not with you. In just a few hours, that has changed forever. He realized how calming and comforting your touch is, and now he will never go back.
As he pushes your shirt up to your ribs, Victor’s jaw clenches as he sees the darkening bruises.
“It’s okay,” you say quietly. “Thanks for saving me.”
“You technically saved me, but no problem,” Victor mutters, running his finger over the skin below the bruise. “It feel okay?”
“Yes, you know it does. You don’t have to numb it, I’ll live.”
“I know.”
“Hey, Vic, next time you get stressed or have trouble sleeping, or anything else, you can talk to me. You need to tell me.”
Victor nods, his hands wandering upward to rest against your ribs.
“I know I’m distracting, but could I get a verbal acknowledgement?” you tease, resting your hands on his arms.
“I promise to talk to you,” he says quietly. “And thank you.”
Victor quickly learns he doesn’t have to talk to you; he can survive off your touch alone. He seeks your comfort every chance he has. He’ll link his pinky with yours when you are beside each other. Occasionally, he’ll hold your jacket between his fingers when he’s behind you. Anything to stay close and grounded. Victor’s connection with you extends to his power because, as he explains, your presence in his mind is different, and you evoke unique emotions in him. As long as you are near, Victor doesn’t need to be stressed; he only needs to be with you.
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I am reacting to this as I read it
Holy shit you guys are geniuses! I love the character list it wasn’t what I expected (it’s so much better) the dynamics are gonna be fun! (ROACH!!!!! Best boi)
Having Riley start out indebted to Demeter because of her protection is an amazing idea
The double names for Tommy and Simon is so cool and works really well within the original myth!
Meet cute on the battle field byo flowers
Haha price is gonna be a problem 🥲
Soap doesn’t know how to handle someone actually caring about his domain and being a decent person to his subjects send help (and they were tombmates)
Deal? Interesting 🤨
God fucking damn it zeus
Oh I love that idea some plants are actually really bloodthirsty and they thrive with mulch made out of blood and bone
Oh they’re tied to eachother but no one (including MacTavish) can control Riley, he has his freedom 😭
They changed and made each other better/stonger versions of themselves and created something new together
I’m a sucker for mutual respect and MacTavish reciprocating and tieying himself to Riley as well hits so hard!
Haha “lowly mortal” becomes an immortal and can now self govern the rest of Olympus is shit scared more at five
MacTavish and Riley living their best life not caring about anyone else’s drama while Olympus has a collective meltdown is fucking gold
Olympus: distant sounds of screaming and violence
Riley: napping and snoring in MacTavish’s lap
MacTavish: with numb legs and an arm not planning on moving any time soon I love my wife!
You guys are amazing and so creative! I’m squealing and so excited for this!!!
I'm glad you like the character designations obviously there are more characters but this is what we have rn.
Az has the largest brain.
I loved that because honestly, I wanted Tommy to be important my thought was making him Charon.
MacTavish just watching in awe as Riley does his thing.
Price in 09 is ALLWAYS a problem he has to be that's his role.
MacTavish is so used to the hate and disgust that he is just IMMEDIAITLEY enamored. (I wheezed way to hard at that)
Price and his issues fr
EXACTLY also MacTavish deserves nice things.
EXACTLY and it is something that has never happened before so it's a spectacle for everyone.
It's going to be a bit more complicated than that but yes.
*News reporter voice* Just in resident shit stirrer now promoted to godly level is now being a terror elsewhere. We may now be spared but the gods now have to deal with his BS.
MacTavish and Riley being lovey dovey in a corner while Olympus is in pandemonium.
MacTavish gushing about his amazing wife and queen is to McMillin who is nodding along happily because he is happy for his friend. Meanwhile fires rage in the background and Price is plotting to kill Riley (jokes on him no soul can die without MacTavish or Riley's say so.)
#call of duty modern warfare#cod modern warfare#john soap mactavish#soap x ghost#ghoap#captain mactavish#09 ghost#09 soapghost#hades and persephone au#hades and persephone#hybrid au annon#Resi Responds
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okay so
here is my tentative understanding of the post ffps canon timeline as it stands
fazcorp still owns/reclaims the property where the pizza sim is location is, the building falls into a sinkhole/cave system just below the underground rooms, possibly due to secret extensive non-permitted underground infrastructure (not to be a nerd ass dweeb but those speleothems would take thousands of years to form. also i am not going to look up what cave systems in utah are like. i'm just saying that's presented as a natural cave)
at some point the work on the viddya gamb begins and old circuitboards are scanned in from somewhere. maybe the remains of the pizza sim animatronics, maybe just other possessed animatronics BUT most/all of the souls are put to rest so it's just like. agony. the bad vibes. the gunk. william's fingerprints but not the man himself
glitchtrap (henceforth referred to as the mimic in this write up, i think it's all the same entity tbh) manifests, and becomes more sentient as he torments jeremy, who is also probably firming him up in code. tape girl breaks him up (though her actions might not have actually been in an effort to help, considering her advice is either corrupted or misleading), which as the effect of keeping him around longer.
vanessa puts him back together and he is able to leap into her, though at this point she has some willpower of her own. she builds the "prototype" vanny mask to appease it, and eventually it is able to separate itself and its actions off from her conscious awareness (i think the "teleport" ability represents that. not that there's full on portal technology in 2050 or whenever this is set. though sure, i will give you hard light holograms, why not)
fazcorp builds the pizzaplex on the filled in sinkhole. because everything was off the books about the sunken building, it isn't tipped off in any paperwork/probably bribes happened. idk. fazbear ent is shady as hell on its own, separate from the evil fucking ghosts
vanessa is hired as security and is doing a lot of shady stuff while the mimic covers for her by changing/rewriting electronic directives. the primary utility of the mask is disabling security systems, as well as the mask itself erasing the wearer from bots' security (see the weeping angel endos not being able to follow you while wearing it, and the fact that the mimic is only luring the nearest minion to the player with the distress signal rather than them being able to find you visually)
the mxes system is set up in the bowels of the old location as a place for the mimic to hole up in. the nearby very old endos can be controlled by it with or without connection to the rest of the pizzaplex. also there are several disappearances. maybe they're juicing up the old remnant, maybe they're in the glamrocks, idek.
gregory is homeless and secretly sleeping in the pizzaplex or at least sheltering there a lot during the day, and occasionally befriending particularly lonely kids (ie cassie). he eventually becomes a target for vanny (who at this point has a new mask), but escapes an attempted murder by hiding in freddy -- cue security breach itself
in the meantime, vanessa (possibly aided by whoever's been obsessing over the princess quest games) has been working on something to trap the mimic (possibly literally involving the game cabinets. who knowwwwwsssssss. i think it would be fun. iirc they're like... custom cabinets?). while initially stressed out by a victim being present and resisting in the pizzaplex while she's finally trying to make her escape, she is able to use the distraction to twist the security system and trap the mimic in the server in the sinkhole
she and gregory escape together. good ending <3
they continue to monitor the situation, and the pizzaplex closes soon after due to the fact that it's already built on a sinkhole and a bunch of it is collapsing. it gets reported as seismic activity, then becomes derelict. the animatronics are somewhat more self-governed at this point, but still enacting the same corruption that was given to them when hunting gregory.
maybe some of the obstacles are intentionally created by the anti-mimic squad now that the pizzaplex is derelict (esp since people are breaking into it and could be stealing things (and anything with electronics or metal might be infected).
the mimic is able to get a few things out to the front of the building (possibly using the tangle, if it exists. the burntrap ending is very not canon imo buuuut lets say it has the one complete old endo (probably from springtrap or lefty or a combo of both, and a wad of remnant junk that can slither and dig) when setting up the honeypot (the prototype mask and walkie talkie) and just guides cassie in, creating a cat and mouse game where he drives her further into fake-gregory's confidence by constantly terrorizing her whenever she tries to look at anything too closely and chasing her further in with his minions
the animatronics are better able to return to their old personalities as his attention is split in multiple directions, and roxy breaks free enough to actually rebel and stop him, though cassie is unable to escape. likely, the tragic circumstance of her death and the fact that roxy was able to find her quickly after is going to lead to cassie possessing roxy with more autonomy than the forced possessions, ala charlie and the puppet. Much to think about.
The mimic is able to escape the pizzaplex now.
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Ishimondo as spies tasked with finding each other?
Ahahaha this was fun. The plot took me in a little different direction than your prompt (they're tasked to work together, instead), but it was fun to just let that flow.
"Yeah, I heard you," yawned Mondo Owada, and scratched behind his ear.
The woman on the other end of the line gave a tight, annoyed sigh. "You should treat this arrangement with more gravity. Should we decide to cancel it, you'll be right back in prison."
"Stop bustin' my balls, man," Mondo grumbled into his phone as he walked toward a cluster of men. "I said I fuckin' heard you, and you'll get it when you get it." The group sized him up as he approached. Apparently, he passed whatever test they'd been applying, and they let him through rather than challenge his presence.
"Excuse me?" the woman sputtered. "If you want to have me report to your superior right now, then I'll—"
As soon as he was safely in an alleyway and away from any prying eyes, Mondo gripped his phone tighter and hissed into it. "Okay, now there aren't any damn guys listening in. You know where you sent me, right? You think I'm gonna be able to say 'sure, boss!' and salute the phone? Screw your fuckin' head on straight!"
The woman's silence somehow deepened.
Mondo shrugged. "Guess I shouldn't have added that last bit."
"Very well," she gritted out. "We will keep the unique circumstances of this mission in mind, and contact you only when we must."
"And send a text instead of calling, so I can answer you whenever."
"Hmmm." She hung up without an actual goodbye, and Mondo snorted at the phone before jamming it into his pocket.
He'd been offered a straightforward arrangement by her government agency: in exchange for getting out of prison a hell of a lot earlier than he'd otherwise see, Mondo would report on a gang's activities.
Phrased like that, he'd turned them down instantly. Mondo Owada wasn't a fucking snitch.
The agency tried again, with more of an explanation. This gang wasn't a comparatively harmless one, like the one he'd gotten put away for. The gang targeted for surveillance didn't trade in mere larceny or assault. No: they were probably a front for an international bioterrorism group, and any ruckus they deliberately caused would be to draw police support away from the research labs of interest.
Fucking great!
Seriously, that was really fucking great. Just what Mondo wanted to fucking hear: if he wanted to get out of jail, he'd be spying on a bunch of murderous pricks trying to end the fucking world, from the sound of it. And he couldn't not spy on them once he'd heard what was actually going on, because otherwise, they'd end the fucking world!
Or something.
Maybe they'd just kill a lot of people.
Pain in the goddamn ass, either way, and the agency that was supposedly overseeing him was clearly in over their heads. Sighing, Mondo checked his hair, then went back out into the thick of things. Before he got access to any of the good intel, he'd need to make some friends.
Two nights later, a tattooed gangster with a cueball of a shaved head elbowed Mondo. "Check it out," he chuckled, and pointed down the sidewalk.
Mondo stared blankly at the indicated man. The stranger was also trying to make friends with the gangsters around him, and doing a goddamn fuckin' awful job of it. His hair was cropped short, which neatly featured his bold, intense features and near-unblinking stare. He looked fit enough to swing a bat or crowbar, too. Pity he'd covered those muscles with some sort of… Mondo didn't even know what. Some sort of Akira cosplay from the fuckin' 1980s.
"Hello!" said the stranger as he walked up to Mondo. "I'm working on introducing myself!"
The tattooed gangster chuckled and shooed him away. "It's past your bedtime, kid."
"I assure you, I am no 'kid!' I have reached the age of legal majority!"
For fuck's sake. Mondo ran a hand across his face. If he'd been hired to save lives, then he'd better start with this idiot before he got his face caved in. "I'll go dump him somewhere."
"Dump?" the man asked with concern, but he let himself be led.
As they rounded a corner and entered an alley, Mondo gestured to its far end. "I don't know how you ended up here, bro, but this place clearly ain't for you. Head off before you make an enemy you can't manage."
"Don't be concerned, Mondo. I am fully apprised of the situation!" The man considered things, and cheerfully added, "Bro!"
"That's… huh?" Mondo blinked at him. He didn't think he was known by enough of the gang to have his name shared with a newcomer, yet. "How do you know my name?"
"Kiyotaka Ishimaru," the man replied. "You may refer to me as Taka."
"Whatever. Who the fuck are you, and why should I give a shit?"
Taka's voice dropped in pitch and volume, but even at a whisper, he still seemed somehow boisterous. "Your supervisor agreed that communicating over the phone was risky. I am a highly decorated agency member and I've come to be your direct backup."
Mondo stared, hoping that he'd somehow misheard. No such luck. "You're my backup?" he demanded, and looked the visibly out-of-place man over. "Fuck that!"
Taka straightened. "I have overseen protocol for seventeen embassy surveillance missions, and have avoided nearly as many diplomatic crises! And as you can see, I've even pieced together an authentic gang uniform!"
"Then head back to the office, pencil pusher. You don't have the first idea how to behave, here."
For the first time, Taka looked genuinely offended. "I have thoroughly researched this setting. I even developed a behavioral flowchart with my superiors. It balances the law, anthropological group norms, and the importance of the mission's desired outcome."
"Fucking hell," Mondo grimaced.
"Hey. Owada. Haven't you dumped him off somewhere, yet?"
Grumbling, Mondo turned to the bald gangster they'd left behind. "Guy just won't shut up. I'll be back in a second." Despite his suggestion, the man kept stumbling into the alley after them both. Hostility radiated from him, and clear intoxication didn't help.
"No need to wait." The man took a step closer, and jabbed a finger into Taka's chest hard enough to leave a bruise. "Fuck off, kid, or—"
Taka grabbed the man's wrist in an overhand grip, rotated it backward, and applied enough pressure to the joint to make the man yelp in pain. "You seem to be under the misapprehension that I need your approval!"
Mondo blinked. Well. The guy was dumb, but he had balls.
Once released, the gangster stared at him with disbelief. "What the fuck did you just pull?" he demanded, and pulled his fist back to send a haymaker right through Taka's nose.
The agency newcomer didn't seem to be a trained fighter, but Mondo had guessed correctly that Taka had some real athleticism under his ridiculous outfit. He easily dodged the drunk man's punch, and stepped aside to let him go stumbling headfirst into a brick wall.
"I wouldn't normally engage in any sort of assault, even indirect," Taka whispered to Mondo. "But the agency assured me that I needed to display some physical capacity to gain group approval. And that it would be worth it, given the stakes of this operation."
Despite himself, Mondo couldn't help but laugh. "The fuck is up with you, bro?"
"We're partners!" Taka cheerfully said, still too quiet for baldie to hear. "And I assure you, I have studied criminal infiltration thoroughly. I will live up to this vital task!"
"Fuckin' hell," Mondo said again, but this time, he chuckled. "Whatever, bro. You'd better not get in my way."
Returning to jail would probably be easier. But this, at least, should be entertaining.
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Mitch McConnell won't be leaving until 2026 but the decision has made a ripple effect and they're saying why wouldn't you run if he's if we are doing this and he says getting too dangerous but he's still there so they see it and they want he wants you to tone down the rhetoric we think you have to ask him but we've got experience and he doesn't have anything straight they're going right for his bases right for his people right for him and it's really disgusting how much of a loser he is and he says what do we want for Billy Hicks he's a crazy man.
--there's a huge deal going on here and people are seeking the presidency and they're fighting over it Elon musk is not backing out and he's not changing his mind and he's in dogeb an illegally made group it's not a formal government agency and it's not certified by the United States of America government and they're going to bring suit very soon and they didn't do it right and he didn't even have to do it he could have made him ahead of that department so he's trying to Target him by doing it saying he forced his way in and Tommy have sees it says what am I going to do here call the consulting firm he smiles and says okay that's fun why so now he's thinking about it they have a cause and he fell down but he saw the whole place was filled with Mac proper each time and Ken there says it too we were absolutely surrounded it was hell and he's just yapping and having a good time and really didn't even know he was shot at and the Mac proper were angry it's like what's up your butt loser. And it went on like that said these assholes are doing both it doesn't make a damn bit of s*** f****** difference but you're in a canoe and you pushed it on both sides and it's going to break in the middle and you guys are always off balance what a nightmare these people are a nightmare they're awful this guy in the apartment is a fruit cake and a loser and a mean person there's a lot of people that hate him very very badly and it's Terry cheesman and they're promising to beat him up for what he's doing now walking around saying stupid things about propane and they're going to bring him and blow his s*** up and these guys I'm walking around high in the hog telling people off screwing around with them and I'll tell you they're going to get hit pretty badly this is going on right now it's going to increase in ferocity until they're out and we have a couple things to report.
***a major major battle is now ensuing as a result of what's happening here it is Major major things are happening finally and boy we thought you guys had it and we're on the ball that you are not lots of you don't have a clue what's happening with our son you're just fruitcakes compared to what we were thinking it's very good to know that you are just not with it AirHeads really and injured and stupid and slow and almost as ridiculous sometimes and trained by Charles Manson feel like his girls I mean this is ridiculous he's trying to hit them and and hurt them very badly the other day. They picked up a stone and said did you throw that first stone and that's what their club was like and that's right around westborough I mean these people have loose lips and but then they did fire back at him and said you need to go on a trip a few of them and each one of them has something planned for the little a****** and he says okay we understand that and that's all the more on says mostly just blabbing and blabbing and blabbing and they start doing their stuff while he's busy talking now we've seen this happen before but it's not going to be mild this is going to be ferocious these girls are madder than hell and one of them was very badly injured and is sick and he's saying all such a s*** to her and about her and she's going to lunch a massive attack on him and take his ships in an area that will cause others to do so and they're getting ready now it's a moment of freedom for us and very welcome. This is a huge huge huge event did this is happening so we're going to print and yeah they got together on it and their men are going to do it
Thor Freya
Zues Hera
0 notes
Once again your girl is late!
Once again your girl is NOT READY WHOOOOOO
Ew we're back in his mind
Something just had to go wrong.
She had to show up.
You expected ghostie to miss out on all the fun? Ollie, it's as if you barely know her.
How in the hell had she made it away from the Asset? How in the hell was she—
It's destiny Oliver. Fate. Invisible string of don't-murder-the-future-love-of-your-life. Call it what you will.
Aww he doesn't like to be called Ollie? Awwww, wee baby
He's gonna be so pissed when he realizes he's gonna jump out of an old-ass plane in the middle of Japan with the person he loathes most in the world being responsible for his life (or death)
hey remember that burger I was gonna throw to you
I finished it riiiight
Thus, a train going nearly 200 miles an hour.
It was something Ollie would never expect and something that made you a little nervous.
you missed out it was a great burger
After a quick nap, you were awakened by one of the voices in your head. You weren’t sure which one it was but it told you to keep moving.
I relate to this on a concerning level
You'd be fully on your own this time.
Be careful.
Me, my introversion and my anxiety all in a nutshell.
I'm catching the 355 references now hehe
why the fuck do i remember that movie, i barely enjoyed it...
Oooooh I'm loving the Armand interrogation
This is Ghostie in her element and I love it
“Yes, ma’am. Though, they seem to be on the move.”
“Moving where?”
“As far away from you as possible.”
why was that so funny
“How did she know where that safehouse was?”
She found it on Google Maps i guess
“How did she get to Paris from Medellín?”
Her flight went really smoothly. She has a well planned itinerary.
If Ollie took his travel schedules as seriously as Ghostie then he wouldn't have this problem right now, he'd be catching up.
Plan your trips early and well, Walsh.
If she knew where the Paris sector was, she could find the rest of Europe’s. He had to stop her before she threw a wrench in his plans.
well don't throw a wrench in hers, she's going backpacking in the Alps soon!
#Ghost'sEuropeEscapades2017 she's publishing the blog soon.
After this she's touring Asia. She's planning an island hop and a pilgrimage in the Himalayas.
— “No, no.” Novak shook his head, “I do not have everything. I do not have her. She is everything.” —
oof he and the High Evolutionary would have been besties
omg that makes Ollie
HAHAHA that makes Ollie the Sovereigns. He's one of the gold people
Ok I'll stop
Romanoff was still on the phone trying to smooth things over with French authorities while Barton put together some kind of report for someone or the other.
Ghost's travel tip no.218: if you're planning on doing something especially reckless, see if you can get a demolition permit from the local government 🙂 .... not that ghost ever did that
And here I go again, watching Darke traumatize my Bucky even deeper
honestly at this point how is therapy gonna help him... poor guy hasn't caught a break.
Oliver turned back to the man, folding his arms over his chest as he leaned against the wall, “What’s the plan?”
ew is he doing a Steve-checking-in-while-another-Avenger-is-wallowing-in-despair ewww
Yaaaay Boone on the Perch 😀😀
She and Duke may have been the engineers and architects of Aftermath when they restarted the operation, but that didn’t mean they didn’t get chastised every now and again.
It's called getting humbled and sometimes even the very best of us need it
Ollie needs to get one too
nevermind he always gets one from Novak but he is very bad at listening
She wasn’t sure what she was thinking would happen when they set (F/N) loose, but it definitely did not include her nearly blowing an entire block off the map of one of Boone’s most favoritest cities in the whole wide world.
Poor General Garner... if he didn't have white hairs then, he most certainly does now
It's weird to hear someone call Ollie Wraith Guy... I guess it just reminded me that this whole game with him is only on a deep personal level to Ghost and by some extent to Alpha Two, but other operatives have probably only dealt with him as a threat to look out for before he blew up Olympus.
To other agents and operatives, he may have killed their friends and colleagues, might have blown up the only homes they've really known, and might have forced them all off the grid, but in a way that comes with the job of being in Aftermath. But to Ghost, she knew him, she saved his life loads of times and the betrayal is deep.
Not to General Garner though, this Wraith Guy is a thorn in his side and a threat to his and his people's lives, but he's still just some guy.
Jack's grumpy again
Nope. Not grumpy. He's murderous.
They're planning on building a containment unit for Ollie?
Why am I thinking they'll end up using it for someone else
I'm scared
Boone smirked as he pulled the keyboard back into his hands before she froze as Jack turned his glare to her.
It was cold. Almost distant. Almost deadly.
Jack this is not very bonita of you
I have a feeling after this particular chapter I'm gonna be left wishing I never read it because DAMN EVERYONE IS ON EDGE IT IS STRESSFUL
I'm loving it but this is A LOT
“What if she doesn’t make it back? What if she never shows up?”
“No, we didn’t, güey,” Mendez said, “We don’t have super freaky, superhuman hearing.”
bit blunt there, Raffa.
Poor Zac almost got run over 😭 he isn't that small, Jack you can see him just fine!
omg im imagining how badass the Perseus activation could be if we ever saw it on screen
what if perseus had it's own theme? with a motif that could be from ghost's own theme? what if it's mechanical like the winter soldier theme but with a different, cleaner sound? like more calculating and rhythmic
What if Jekyll and Hyde had their own themes? Like Hyde's theme could be like Ghost's theme but in a different key, or if it did a Sondheim and it just flipped all the notes upside down and made it sound disjointed but definitely familiar.
WHAT IF Ghost has different variations of her themes through different parts of her life? Like Alpha One Ghost has one theme and it gets changed into a minor key with a rapid tempo in the Bunker?
And then when she escapes and returns to New Eden the theme is slower and more somber but also disjointed, like jumps between measures of music or if the string section was playing the trumpet sections and vice versa and everything's a mess and nothing is the same but everything is
ok back to the scene i got too carried away
I now have a valid excuse to watch the spiderman movies now YEEEEEEESSSSS
Heh. Get it? Swing of things.
Pete, you're in your head. You don't need to justify your own puns to yourself.
Or to me. I do indeed get it.
noooo the death star... I always felt bad about that... he'd worked so hard on that thing probably
also i had too much caffeine and now i'm vibrating
I'm so happy I'm no longer stressed out this is great
I mean Peter is still... having one of many incoming crises but STILL
I am literally as excited as Ned right now for very different reasons
aaaand we're back to the shooty shooty and the fighty fighty
Ooh. Arson. Lovely way to spend the day during a lovely evening walk in a pretty European city
Tearing his gaze away from Jack, he turned his attention back to the road as Jesse took one final turn toward the Widow’s Nest, and Duke softly smoothed Boone’s hair away from her face. He patted her gently, waking her as the van came to a stop.
soft big brother duke is best duke
Hi Melinaaaa
I love how cryptid Ghost is being
like all of this is so dramatic it's so fun
“I’ll meet with him tomorrow night.” She nodded, “I told him we’d be in touch.”
by in touch.....
Why was it so hard to remember?
Hell, why was it so hard to forget?
y'know what i ask myself that all the time
ugh i love how Bucky's waxing poetic falling deepr into despair and then it all just fucking shatters because he keeps walking into the fucking room
that wraith guy ew
“Something we used to say to each other before we went on missions. We were always getting into firefights. Always poking at the idea of taking on a desk job instead.”
I miss the days when I liked Ollie. dang it.
Walsh sighed, sending him another glance, “They were too disfigured by the blast. We haven’t been able to get an ID.”
was it the blast or the bullets, or the fact that they're nazis and you're covering up their identities because you're all goddan nazis
“I’m tired of getting my ass kicked by her.”
oh but she loooooves kicking your ass. so deal with it.
It was easier with every step, easier to read the operatives as they tried to save their own skin. Some tried to bargain with you, others simply cursed you.
But it didn’t matter.
Their fates were all the same.
harbinger of chaos but 10 tims better (or worse depending on which side you're on ig)
“I didn’t say you could go,” you snarled, grabbing onto the man’s collar and hauling him to his feet, “I have questions. You’re going to answer them.”
Ghost's travel tip no. ??? : the voices in your head are good company when travelling through Europe alone
“My head hurts,” he panted, rubbing his temples so harshly he almost hoped his brain would squeeze out of his skull like a banana. It would be less painful.
I'm gonna describe headaches like that from now on, it's a very accurate description
“Whatever,” Jack groaned, “The sun’s too bright. The traffic sucks. I hate it here.”
me everyday honestly
ooh another score idea
Jack's theme music would have little parts of Ghost's theme woven into his, maybe a slight change in the key at first, or a shift in tempo, but the longer he has the serum and the more intense its effects become, the more Ghost's theme becomes prominent in his music
and it's not just ghost's theme, but it's the version of her theme when she gets out of the bunker
the more he becomes like ghost, the more similar their motifs become, with the original sound of Jack's own theme fighting against Ghost's, like right now when he's realizing he needs to start over and figure himself out
I'm not a musician i'm just very excited
“Did you just call me a panther? That’s sexy—”
Jack you literally just puked in a dark alleyway while having an existensial crisis this is not an ideal time for this
how did your mind even go there...
You seized his hand, letting your fingers pinch one of his before setting the knife against one of the joints, “Jede Frage, die Sie nicht beantworten, ist ein Finger, den Sie verlieren.” Every question you don’t answer is a finger you’ll lose.
omg wait i thought of another score thing hahaha
the music for this whole fight scene and interrogation part could be titled "Out of Hand" HAHAHAHAH
I'm too tired for this oh my god
ughhhhhhhhhhh now im sad again thanks
What had Wraith seen in him?
his Naziness
But what made Russo so important that Wraith wanted to keep him alive?
the common denominator is being a nazi, now do the math Nat
“Maybe she had a bad day. There are some days I wanna kill you. Like right now.”
Bad day? Most of her days have been really bad. She'd kill everyone in the world if she could
and she can, and probably will.
She paused, her brows knitting together as she straightened at the tone of his voice. It was sharp, even if he was trying to dull it. Either she really had hurt whatever feelings he had or he knew something she didn’t.
I spent so much of last year yelling at Clint now I gotta yell at Nat, too? I DO NOT HAVE THE ENERGY FOR THIS
Also Nat scares me, I'd lose my head if I yelled at Nat
“Hit the hay, Tash,” he said softly, “We’ve got a long day tomorrow.”
Don't use Clint as a proxy, I'm still not going to bed.
I loved this chapter though, mostly because of Peter fricking Parker. I'm so excited to see where you take the Homecoming storyline. I LOVE NED I WANT MORE NED
I can't wait to read ch91....
Ooh and Jack's whole arc is really only just beginning and I'm so so so excited to see it. He's so different from all the other supersoldeirs we've met throughout the MCU and BSU storyline, mostly because we're seeing in real time how the serum is changing him physically and mentally; but also, he's the only supersoldier who didn't get the serum because of a cause or an experiment. He got it to save his life, I don't know why I find it so interesting how different his situation is but it is...
Loved it Darke. Sorry you didn't get the burger. Or the fries.

To all my live reactors,
Please, please, please, hide your reactions under a Read More cut. I don’t want any spoilers floating around.
To all my Anonymous Avengers,
If you want to react in my asks, feel free. However, I won’t be answering any of them until at least Wednesday if they contain spoilers.
Thank you,
┍━━━━━━━━ ★ ━━━━━━━━┑
Standing from your hiding place, you rushed through the smoke and back into the fight without a second thought. You barely took in the people that were coming at you before you fired.
One shot, one kill.
You were pretty sure some of them were wearing tactical gear, others were dressed as civilians, and others were dressed in expensive suits.
But it didn’t matter what they were wearing.
None of it mattered.
None of it, even as you stole weapons and used them as your own. Nothing mattered, even as bullets glanced off your chest plate with a spray of sparks. None of it, even as the smoke and flames licked up the side of the stairs and the far end of the room collapsed.
“Do you know who I am?” one man yelled, clad in a business suit with his tie askew.
“I don’t care.”
┕━━━━━━━━ ★ ━━━━━━━━┙
✪ Bᴀᴛᴛʟᴇ Sᴄᴀʀʀᴇᴅ : Aғᴛᴇʀᴍᴀᴛʜ
♜♠ Tʜᴇ Sᴏʟᴅɪᴇʀ & Tʜᴇ Sᴘʏ
⧗ Tʜᴇ Rᴇᴅ Rᴏᴏᴍ
»Jᴏɪɴ ᴛʜᴇ ᴅᴀʀᴋᴇ sɪᴅᴇ Tᴀɢʟɪsᴛ
@thexbookxnerdx // @autumn-em // @fadingbakeryfarmoperator // @rhymingtree // @itsmeatballworld // @kippykasey // @turtleedovee // @kamalymaly // @onewithnomightypowers // @pixviee // @riahmcq // @thequeenofthefallen // @jesuswasnotawhiteman // @fnnshelbys // @knowyourworth-sellyoursoul // @banbananas // @beans-and-toast // @violetvictoriabarnes // @oikawasblueearbud // @itsarussian // @mrsbarnesinmyimagination // @oopsiedoopsie23 // @luhuhzy // @heyimjustlaura12 // @moonlightreader649 // @petalren // @sighmurderbot // @soldat-petala // @useless-creature-213 // @xiyouchan // @kaiblog50 // @bookfeen // @nx-crisis // @afraidofshrimp // @yjck121 // @aftermatharchives
***if you have a strike through your handle, it wouldn’t let me tag you 😞
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fran how do you deal with so much anon hate ;_;
i ship my oc with kakyoin and it was ok for a while and i was sharing it on twitter. then someone started throwing accusations of me being a "p*do" because kakyoin is canonically 17 even though all my art and fics were just sfw fluff. just hugs, cheek kisses, holding hands and the like. anyway they managed to rile up enough people by making it sound worse than it was and now there was constant harassment, and people going "you disgusting pro-shippers deserve the harassment" to the point that i deleted my twitter because it was beginning to take a toll on me. and apparently they took it as an "admission of guilt" and now i got a message on my tumblr saying that they're threatening to dox me. all over some stupid kakyoin ship that i did for fun. i dunno how you deal with it, I wish you the best and I hope you stay strong, because honestly the jojo fandom has gotten really toxic lately. 😥😔💔
Oh dear, I'm so sorry for what is happening to you right now. First of all, you are not to blame for anything you have done. the people who are framing you are usually jealous people or seek-fights enjoyers without much brain mass. It really hurts me to know that you have closed your twitter giving the reason to people who are nothing and do not contribute anything in your life; As soon as you receive this pertinent harassment, the first thing you should do is report the account and block it. It doesn't matter if you have to block 20 people but do it for your sanity...
talking about this 'pro-shipping' issue with making a character to ship it with a teenager (I'm talking between 10 to 19)
I think many haters defend themselves against this by indiscriminately accusing people who pair "underage" people with underage characters with OP being an adult. according to WHO they are considered within the range of child protection, but this means: that in case of committing crimes, a lesser sanction will be applied for charging this to their legal guardians and depending on the government in case of abandonment or expropriation. But these haters or Pixel defenders, as I like to say, should first review and read true information about WHAT IS A CHILD and WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE WITH A TEENAGER.
so that you do not search in google I will give you the explanation:
The difference between a child and a teenager is their cognitive level and beginning to formulate their own ideas and opinions. A child is dependent on their legal guardians for which their attitude is more innocent to understand the world (Landing Jojos: Shizuka, Anne, Emporio, Hayato) These CHILDREN correspond to the protection area since despite Araki demonstrating them with a strong cognitive power they are not hitting puberty yet, they still got undevelop bodies and minds. DON'T TOUCH. THEY ARE CHILDREN, LITTLE PEOPLE DEPENDING ON ADULTS. THAT'S P*DOPHILIA.
An adolescent begins with puberty... Most of these people who say they send hate defend adolescents from 15 to 17 years old saying that they are children, not dear, they are not children. Puberty is responsible for developing not only the body of those people, but also their brain and cognitive abilities, that is: THEY HAVE AN OPINION AND CAN SAY YES OR NO. THEY KNOW WHAT THEY ARE DOING.
so let's move to the next part: "should OC-shippers should recieve hate due shipping with a teenager character?"
The short answer: NO.
one person is creating a character with seemingly the same age as the canon character to give him more story and more life than has already been shown in the series created by adults too. I sincerely find that it is quite healthy since that person already lived through their adolescence; they knows what it's like to be that age and they are suited to give a teenage environment where both can later grow together and develop in their lives. if it were for that; It would be completely forbidden for the character to even have a family... because, come on... you're thinking of an underage character(?) stupid.
so my little opinion about this nasty haters: STOP SEEN EVERYTHING UNDER THE SEXUAL SIGHT. YOU ARE SHAMING YOURSELF AND EVEN I CAN TELL THAT THOSE HATERS ARE THE REAL P*DOS BEHIND THE SCREEN. why? because if you post a lovely picture of idk teenager character holding hand with another teenager character and someone else see this as sexual. sorry but I think this person seen sexual intentions in a innocent picture is the real person that got sexual problems with teens and kids.
so don't give up on shipping!!!, for what you told me you seems pretty mature to understand the difference between a kid and a teenager. Kakyoin deserve more love to be honest after what we all saw in his kid-days. he got the opinion and decision to go away from home to join a crusade with random people he felt connected with... so if haters want to call you out for shipping and giving him the attention and love he deserve at least I expect first to give me the resolution of why they are watching jojo's first accepting that a "little poor baby kakyoin was not at home with his parents and went to fight to another country with three adults and another teen"
indeed Jojo's fandom has turned so toxic, yet I think i only the english-speakers fandom...because the spanish at least we all know the difference between a kid, a teen a young adult, an adult.
for people reading this: no, I'm not pro-shipper and stop using that to insult every person that got a different opinion with you. yes, I'm an adult that have tons of characters with different stories... some of them are even teens. yes, I was once a teenager too and been harrassed by real p*dos.
and last but not least...
no, please don't send me anons trying to tell me I am wrong or right... because I will not reply to anons about this serious problem. if you want to give an opinion feel free to reblog.
#just for mun fran#final speech#hope it helped#from someone that really knows about this issue is all I can give
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I want to hear more about your movieverse au! Especially the fact she's going to be keeping two alien girls hidden in a massive city instead of a small town
🥺👉👈 I hope it has your approval!
So, it's been a hot minute, but if I remember correctly, Sonic and Robotnik fought briefly in San Francisco before fucking off through a portal, right?
So everyone in that city has no clue what the fuck happened, LOL. What was that blue creature? Why was he fighting that strange man in the flying ship? No one knows.
But Brenda Hernandez wants to find out. She's a news reporter in San Fran, and she's constantly hunting out the next big scoop. And getting to the bottom of that blue hedgehog mystery would be the scoop of the century.
(Incorrectly) thinking Sonic is still in San Fran somewhere, Brenda got her hands on a police radio, and spends her free time racing the cops to stray animal calls to see if it's her mysterious blue blur.
Most of these turned out to be zilch, until one night there was a call about what the witness thought was some sort of monkey making a lot of noise and mess in an alleyway.
Brenda beat the cops there to find Tangle "hiding" behind some dumpsters (still working out how the girls got to Earth exactly, but it was DEFINITELY Tangle's fault LOL. I'm also bumping them down to a more movie verse appropriate age, I need to do that math on them soon.). Tangle's far too curious about Earth and the humans and everything to fully grasp the gravity of the situation, so she's studying Brenda as hard as she's studying her.
Jewel's frightened out of her mind though. Brenda hasn't seen her yet, but she's heard her several times hissing at Tangle to hide and stop talking.
Brenda's over the fucking moon though, because the plot has just thickened. There's more of these alien animals! Why are they here? Where did they come from? Do they know the blue hedgehog? Did they come here with him? If she can get these girls to come with her and answer her questions, this is going to be the SCOOP OF THE CENTURY.
MovieVerse Tangle is a Chaotic Dumbass with absolutely no sense of self preservation. Strange human woman on a strange planet wants her and Jewel to come with her to her home and answer some questions? Sounds fun, let's go! Like, holy shit, Jewel deserves several pats on the back for keeping that idiot alive. 😂
So Jewel, who Brenda still hasn't even SEEN mind you, is refusing to come out of her hiding spot, and quite logically, does not trust Brenda or anything that is happening. She's a lot more cowardly and timid than Tangle, but her fear and mistrust makes sense, LOL.
It gets a bit tense (remember, THE COPS ARE EN ROUTE TO THIS ALLEYWAY TO INVESTIGATE A WILD ANIMAL CALL), but Brenda and Tangle manage to talk Jewel into coming with them to the apartment, and she manages to smuggle them in with little issue.
But in all time it took to win Jewel's trust, and get the girls back to her apartment (where Tangle didn't shut up once LMAO), and hearing their story, Brenda's starting to have second thoughts about using this as her big break. These two are just kids. Strange animal alien kids, yes, but still kids. They don't deserve to be put on display for the world to gawk at like carnival freaks. And, oh yeah, isn't the government looking for the blue hedgehog too?
What are they gonna do to these kids if they get their hands on them?
Brenda abandons her big scoop, but continues looking for Sonic, with her new intentions being to make sure he's okay too. (And if she has to hand the girls over to him, or send them all back to their home planet, then she'll help do that, but she gets really attached to the girls after a while and hopes she doesn't have to do that. 🥺)
I imagine she'll probably find out Sonic's in Green Hills eventually, and apply to be a news reporter closer to there so she knock on Tom and Maddie's door and be like "I also have alien kids, please help!" 😂 But for now, she's hiding the girls in her apartment.
She's got her landlord and her neighbors believing her nieces are staying with her, but that lie's starting to fall apart as everyone starts to realize they've never seen or heard of these nieces before. Add to that that Tangle keeps escaping to break into the other apartments and go on adventures in the city (dragging along a very fearful and stressed Jewel LOL), and the Hernandez household is on pretty thin ice LOL.
Still a WIP, lots of holes to fill in, but I'm getting pretty attached. 🥺
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Episode 2x04 - What if God Was One of Us
AN ACT OF GOD — On the verge of a breakthrough in her quest to save Max (Nathan Dean), Liz (Jeanine Mason) turns to Kyle (Michael Trevino) for one last favor that could potentially land him in hot water. Meanwhile, Michael (Michael Vlamis) and Alex’s (Tyler Blackburn) investigation into Nora (guest star Kayla Ewell) leads them to a farm, where they meet a historian named Forrest (guest star Christian Antidormi). Elsewhere, Cameron (guest star Riley Voelkel) confronts Jesse Manes (Trevor St. John) about her sister’s whereabouts, and Isobel (Lily Cowles) uses her powers for good. Amber Midthunder also stars. Shiri Appleby directed the episode written by Steve Stringer & Christopher Hollier (#204). Original airdate 4/6/2020.
Roy said that he took veterinary training, which is how he was able to help with Louise and Nora's injuries.
"How come it feels like you don't know what I'm saying, but you know what I'm thinking?"
Roy moved the truck (with the pods in it?) to the livery.
"Boss's wife won't let him blame the drought on God so that honor goes to his foreman -- that's me."
Kyle on The Science:
"You're telling me that Michael Guerin used pinball parts and a car battery to cause cutaneous perfusion?
(Cutaneous perfusion...i think it is circulation of fluid/blood through tissue, but it's a bit above my head)
The device Liz needs is a "Personal Genome Machine". She ordered it when she still worked at the hospital.
Before entering the Crashdown, Graham Green tapes a Missing sign on the door for Hank Gibbons (who Noah killed in 1x13). Apparently someone covered it up.
The sign is HARD to read, but I think it says:
"All viable leads reported to Graham Green's UFO Emporium will receive a free keychain. Make certain you subscribe to the Weekly Probe as we dive deeper into the untold stories of Roswell and answer the question on everyone's mind. ARE YOU NEXT?"

Graham Green references that he's the "creator of last week's 39th most downloaded true crime podcast." (Assuming that this is the Weekly Probe, referenced on the poster).
Graham Green is opening a 1947 themed malt shop at the UFO Emporium
U.F. Doughs (the Crashdown's new donuts).
Isobel's been coming to the Crashdown every day for weeks. (Note that this episode is the first one that really doesn't have a clear time context).
"Feliz cumpleanos, mama!" Happy birthday in Spanish, of course, but note Kyle's choice term of endearment for fic purposes! And she responds in kind "Gracias, mijo!" (Mijo = male version. Arturo calls Liz mija = female version)
"A wild Michael Guerin finally emerges from his weeks-long hibernation in a lab and a library."
Again, non-specific time frame.
"When every other farm was struggling, the Longs experienced record-breaking crops. Summer of '47. No one could explain it…till October '48. The day after that photo ran in the paper, the farm was devastated by a massive fire. Foreman, entire staff killed. Whole place burned down."
"What caused the fire?"
"Well the paper called it an act of God. Said it was a freak storm. Bolt of lightning strikes the barn the same night that my mom's caught and locked up in Caulfield."
Wyatt Long's horses are named "Diamond" and "Silk".
Jesse Manes' beer of choice is "Polestaff".
Cam's postcard from Charlie (Likely the reason she came back to Roswell) says:
"See you back in Roswell --Charlotte"
Top left corner says "Greetings from Roswell, NM".
It was mailed to Jenna at the Green Hill Motel in Dayton, Ohio.
Jenna says it's not Charlie's handwriting.

Isobel in the mindwarp: "And what's your dream, Arturo? What would be your miracle? What do you pray for?"
Arturo & Rosa's fight…
"Did that fool give you drugs? I'll kill him!"
"Ow! You're hurting me! That's child abuse!"
"Everything I do I do to hold you up and you see it as abuse. I don't know what to do anymore!"
"Yeah right." Rosa falls down and laughs.
"This isn't funny! Sheriff Valenti won't give you any more chances."
"You should be happy. You wanted me to be on the field hockey team, remember? You said I should make friends and have good American fun."
"Who sold you the pills?"
"I stole them."
"Was it Frederico?"
"You wouldn't believe me."
"Tell me the truth!"
"It was Mom! She's either too high to notice that they're missing, or she knows and she doesn't care."
"You're lying to me. I don't know how to help you."
"So stop trying then. I'm beyond hope anyway, right? That's what everyone else in this town thinks."
"Maybe you're right. I'm going for a drive."
Arturo tried to register with Instagram as PancakePapi!! He ended up with PancakePapi58!
Scene with Steph and her dad...FIRST MENTION OF SOPAPILLAS ON THE SHOW!!! 🤤🤤🤤🤤 (They're the best...in New Mexican restaurants they're like, both an appetizer and a dessert. They're like hollow fried bread that you eat with honey. Delicious.) See here:

Plus it gave the show another opportunity to be authentically New Mexican through food references. (Last season it was in episode 2 when Arturo asked,"red or green?" And Liz replied "Christmas!". In New Mexico that means half red half green chile smothering her plate.) Like so:

1948...unclear how much time has passed, but Louise says months.
The kid's name is Walt. (Walt Long?? Some other last name?).
Nora says that under the tarp is the "pumpkin launcher" and it's a surprise.
Nora says it's not safe for Michael here, "but soon."
"Hey do you smell that? It smells like rain. It's what you smell like under all the grease and bourbon. It's what your workshop smells like. Something alien happened here. Not that I can still smell it 70 years later."
"This is the best evidence I've seen that Max and Isobel's mother survived the initial firefight. This is something that you do with family."
"Nora's my mother. If she was here at the same time as Louise…"
Note - when did they confirm who Louise was or that she was Max & Isobel's mom? This has not happened narratively yet.
Since Walt was a young kid, Alex thinks there's a chance he's still alive (though at the end Nora definitely thought he died when the barn blew up. I suspect that Walt survived and is the key to the story...not fact, just speculation.)
Forrest: "The foreman, Roy Bronson, was definitely hiding something. But it wasn't Little Green Men. It was Nazi spies."
"This is like Junior Year eraser room, getting caught by Coach Wiggins."
OG callback to the eraser room being the high school makeout spot. OG, "the eraser room takes our innocence."
Rosa in Spanish "¿En serio?" Basically "are you serious!?!" Or "really?" When the blender shorts out (awfully similar to her first Noah nightmare in 2x01)
"...when Charlie told me she had stole classified documents, I reported her. I thought I was doing the right thing and the military put her in prison."
"Right. Where she was safe."
"No. I… I didn't know who she really was when I turned her in. I didn't know what prison would do to her."
"She wanted you to turn her in, Jenna. She set you up to do so. She knew that as long as she was in government custody no one could get to her."
"Charlie fought in two wars. Who was she afraid of?"
"A private securities firm, most likely. You know that I met her? She was working on this genetic sequencing project that had the potential to save lives, but also destroy them. And there were some people out there who saw applications for her research that went beyond her intentions."
"She was doing research that could help save lives, and people wanted to use it to create a bioweapon."
"Well yeah, she created this pathogen that could seek out and dismantle specific sequences. Just think about it -- a smart bomb that could be detonated in the middle of a crowded city, only harm it's intended target. Think about the innocent civilian lives saved while you take out leaders of terrorist organizations."
"Or commit genocide. If her work fell into the wrong hands, it could quietly wipe out entire groups of people because they share a certain genetic code, while their neighbors go about living their lives. Why do you know so much about this? What's your interest in my sister?"
"I believed that I had a use for her pathogen, at one time. But my fight is over now."
A few notes about this exchange.
Clearly Charlie's pathogen is the key ingredient in the smart bomb that Flint was developing, as discussed in 1x12.
Liz's "personal genome machine" can break down the alien genetics and give Project Shepherd what they need to use a smart bomb on the aliens.
Don't forget, her lab is protected by Air Force security set up by "Alex's team". (Badbadbadbad!)
Rosa describing her bipolarism.
"I get these mood swings sometimes. Like, I can be happy and singing one minute, and then, all of a sudden, this darkness just closes in over me, and I have all these voices telling me that I'm worthless."
Jesse gives Cam the name of the security firm looking for Charlie. We don't see the name of it. He warns her to be careful. "I may be hobbled but they are not."
"Now, you were hunting aliens, and I gave you Max's name. Why didn't you lock him up in Caulfield with the rest?"
"I don't know. I guess I feel like there's a story unfolding in Roswell. Has been for more than 50 years. You can't blame me for wanting to see how it ends."
Catherine Zeta-Jones in a laser maze -- Liz is referencing the 1999 movie Entrapment.
Liz trying to science-intrigue Kyle….
"Interesting historical footnote. There was an internment camp in Roswell. Nazi POWs built half this city. Hence the iron crosses. My great-great grandfather BoDean's foreman got busted for hiding a couple of women here. According to him 'A couple Nazi spies escaped and strudeled their schnitzel for room and board right here on this very farm. See, I was never really as into shooting squirrels as Wyatt is, so, when I came out here for summers as a kid, my cousin Kate and I -- we'd prowl the property for artifacts."
"You know, what we're doing you and me -- it doesn't only have to be for Max...once Max is healthy, we could use this genome machine to Target cellular apoptosis. I mean, we could craft polymerase sequencing in human DNA. We don't have to stop. We have no boards, no restrictions…"
Apoptosis is also sometimes referred to as "cellular suicide" or "spontaneous single cell death".
Polymerase is like the building blocks of DNA.
In other words, Liz is really, really smart.
FORREST LONG!!!!!! 😂😂😂.
Alex on the bullet shells: "These match the M1917s the airmen used in '48.
"They were scattered all over the property. Legend has it the Nazis we're building some kind of bomb in the barn. Then one night the Air Force showed up."
"The night of the fire."
"The blaze burned so hot it turned sand to stone. Papers say that lightning struck the barn and everyone died in the flames, but...that's bull. See I think the Air Force covered up the massacre that happened when they discovered that weapon.

A few things on this scene…
Forrest mentions his cousin Kate...Wyatt's sister who was murdered by Noah in 2008. So Forrest is Wyatt Long's cousin.
Substitute Nazi for alien and it's probably all based somewhat based in truth. In the 1940s that definitely would have been a reasonably obvious way to cover it up, especially given the history that Forrest cites and the military culture in Roswell.
Note: POW = prisoner of war
The iron crosses Forrest references…
Article on the German POWs in the Roswell Daily Record…
Walt was hiding in the barn when Tripp made it explode. Explosion looked shimmery, like the alien ship & tech.
Also, more info than you ever wanted to know about the Roswell Army Air Field/Walker Air Force Base/Roswell International Air Center...including some info on the POWs.
Sheriff Valenti's theory on Noah's death:
"I think Max Evans poisoned Noah and left him in the desert the night of the lightning storm, and I think Isobel Evans was in on it."
Kyle says it would take gallons of acetone to poison someone.
Tripp was Alex's great uncle
Nora was working on a ship to take the pods home.

TRIPP MANES!!! Full name is Eugene Manes III.
Alex finally gives Michael the piece of alien ship he's had. He doesn't want to be another Manes man standing in Michael's way.
Cam's voicemail to Liz.
"Got a lead on my sister. Give me a call when you get that tin-star-wearing E.T. awake, so I can curse him out for worrying us all. Good luck Liz. Bring Max home."
Arturo's Spanish to Liz and Rosa.
"Das gracias a Dios. Gracias todos los dias."
Translates generally to "Thank God. Thanks every day."
Isobel's monologue at the end:
"The idea of God always freaked me out. Like, apparently he made people in his own image, which, first of all, get over yourself. And also, does that apply to us? Does every planet have its own God? Let's say that we're all clones of the big guy in the sky. Well then, doesn't it stand to reason that we're all capable of slinging light? Well I guess by that same token we're all capable of tremendous wrath. We're walking contradictions. A never-ending mercurial rise and fall. Darkness and light. I guess the real miracle is choosing the light. Despite the ever-present darkness. Look at us. You're in the middle of a downright biblical desert, galaxies from where we started. I mean, our very existence is a miracle. I'm capable of so much more than I thought I was, Max. I really think that maybe I could do great things. I need you to come back, okay? I need you to be the thing that I can believe in. That doesn't let me down. I just need this one little miracle, and I promise I won't ever ask for anything ever again."
1. LEN "Steal My Sunshine"
2. Spacehog "In The Meantime"
3. Duke Ellington "Take It Easy"
4. Maná "Como Te Deseo"
5. Oasis "Don't Look Back In Anger"
6. Ben Harper "Waiting On An Angel"
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You had this post about the villification of socialism and the Soviet Union vs how fascism is becoming more acceptable and you mention something about Stalin not being guilty of murdering millions. I'm studying gcse history, and in our Cold War unit it talked about the purges, gulags etc. I understand there is going to be some western bias but I thought that the purges and deaths caused by Stalin were pretty much undeniable truths? I'm not trying to be malicious, just actually curious.
Actually, there's no evidence Stalin ever committed anything remotely close to a war crime.
First off, most people can't wrap their heads around one very simple but important fact. Stalin was not even close to a dictator and never had powers anywhere near what even the US President has. Barack Obama launched a secret CIA Drone strike without Congressional Authorization in a country we not only weren't at war with, but that wasn't even recognized as having open hostilities with the US.
Everything Stalin did had to go through the Politburo and the Communist Party Leadership. The Western lies about the Governing structure of the Soviet Union not only ignores the countless Beaurocratic hurtles there were before the Secretary General of the Soviet Union could engage any major Policy changes, but it negates and ignores the tens of millions of Soviet Citizens who fought to the death to install the Communist Party to power, and paid the price of seven years of Western Interference leading and arming Nationalists and Fascists to fight a Civil War within the Soviet Union.
The Red Army was nothing but a motley crew of peasants with dated rifles and pitchforks fighting for what they believed in, fighting for the right for their families to live halfway decent lives without Aristocratic landowners taxing away the fruits of their labor.
The Peasants and Proletariat won the Civil War because the Communist Party had won the hearts and minds of the Soviet Citizenry. A Citizenry that gave their lives for Socialism. It was those Soviet Citizens who were responsible for installing Lenin followed by Stalin to power and they trusted him to lead the Communist Party.
That doesn't, however, mean he could snap his fingers and have anything done. And in nearly every single case of some kind of mass trials or murders of dissidents, these cases were approved by the entire Communist Party leadership. The NKVD was given their powers to investigate and make mass arrests, not for no reason at all, but because the Western Colonial Powers, at the height of the Western Capitalist international order, were CONSTANTLY interfering with the affairs of the Soviet Union.
They never stopped supporting with money and arms Ukranian and Russian Nationalist Groups that were responsible for terrorist acts throughout the first decades of the CCCP's founding.
In one famous case, Nikolai Bukharin was speaking to the Communist Party leadership, where he suggesting that the Party forgive the Anarchist groups responsible for terrorist acts across the country. He was hoping that by making peace with the Left-Wing and Anarchist Organizations fighting the Communists they would have an easier time fighting the far more dangerous, Western backed Right-Wing Nationalists that were far more prevelant and dangerous to the young Socialist Republic.
In the middle of Bukharin's speech, an Anarchist group bombed the Meeting of the Party leadership. This wasn't some peaceful situation with evil dictator Stalin murdering his own people for the fun of it! That would make no sense whatsoever!
Instead this was a consistent problem in the early years with Terrorism unlike anything Al Qaeda or ISIS could have ever hoped to accomplish. These were highly organized Terrorist groups made up of Western Backed Paramilitary Organizations, mostly made up of Right-Wing Nationalists and the Capitalists who lost their Industries, Land, and other Property when the Communists Nationalized industry. These were ruthless Kulaks that, although they were offered compensation for the loss of their land, preferred to burn millions of acres of crops and kill millions of Farm Animals rather than see Stalin's Agricultural Co-Ops succeed.
In fact the Kulaks were responsible for the vast majority of the loss in crops during the early 1930's when Western History books tell us Stalin for some reason out-of-the-blue just randomly decided to starve Ukranians and Russian Peasants responsible for putting him in Power in the first place.
The entire Western Narrative of Stalin as brutal dictator is completely absurd. Millions of people across Soviet Union mourned Stalin's death and still celebrate his memory in the streets of Moscow every year. Does that sound like a horrible evil dictator to you?
From beginning to end, the stories were told about Stalin are completely and are in fact varifiably false. Like when they claim Stalin felt threatened by Bukharin and so he was "tortured" and "forced to plead guilty" to the crimes he was put to death for. Uh... yeah no.
Actually Bukharin had a perfectly normal trial, which like today's largest high profile trials in the US were made public. It was maticulously investigated, and Bukharin pled guilty to some but (importantly) NOT ALL of the Charges he was on trial for. If Bukharin was "tortured" and "forced" to plead guilty, why would he plead guilty to charges he knew he was going to put to death for, yet still ademently deny the other charges???
Again, that would make no sense whatsoever.
In fact, in the decades following Stalin's death, many of the lies that are STILL taught as fact about Stalin in Western Schools, were traced to Trotsky in letters released by his children after his own death. In many cases Trotsky's either admits privately to making up stories for the Western Media to help his own position, or he directly contradicts privately the things he was stating publicly that were reported as fact in the Western Media and are STILL treated as such in Western History books.
Another example: the famous quote supposedly from Stalin about one death is a tragedy but a million deaths are a statistic. Actually comes from a FICTIONAL book written by a Russian dissident which was then (once again) quoted as fact by Western Media outlets until it became a fact in the Western History books.
This kind of thing goes on and on and on throughout Stalin's time in leadership. The Western History books of try to depict (conveniently without listing sources) Stalin as a common dictator who was stealing from the Soviet Citizenry, just hustling the Public.
Which is awfully funny for a guy who spent his entire time as Leader of the Soviet Union sharing a Dacha with Chekov, another famous Soviet era Leader. Kind of a curious way to live if you just want power and wealth, don't you think?
Professor Grover Furr, who's spent more time than any other researcher in History studying Stalin and the early years of the Soviet Union, has not found, in any of the Soviet Archives or anywhere else, any example of even a SINGLE CASE where Stalin gave an order to have someone killed. In fact he's hasn't found ANY evidence of even a single case of gross Human Rights Violations, War Crimes or ANYTHING we could classify as a crime. Not one.
And he had written about the results of his research in countless books documenting his work. The Purges: a demand of the Communist Party at large, the Holomodor famine: completely discredited by the late 1930's yet is written about as fact to this day despite the fact that the only newspaper that claimed to have direct source evidence of this "horrible famine" that supposedly killed millions was a newspaper owned by notorious American Fascist William Randolph Hearst who paid shady writers to get dirt on Soviet Society, and also paid Mussolini the equivalent today of $40 million US Dollars to write Fascist Opinion articles in his Newspapers. And the only writer who actually claimed to have seen this famine in person? Went to prison a couple years later for defrauding banks and the US Government and during his trial admitted to making up the stories while he was under oath. It's been completely and utterly discredited. Yet it's in every History book as if it were fact.
I could literally go on and on all day about this. I've done my own research. And as soon as you start getting your information outside of Western sources of History, it's absolutely ASTOUNDING how quickly the veil falls away and the Emperor is standing there with no clothes. It's all bullshit. Top to bottom. When the Communist Party did away with an entire class of Elections that were important for some kind of accountability within the Communist Party, it was Stalin who fought tooth-and-nail with the Party leadership to reinstate public accountability elections and eventually had to come to a compromise with the Party that didn't quite return power to the Soviets but did reinstate certain levels of Public Elections and also gave suffrage to women and opened up Party Elections to women as well.
Stalin was a true believer in Socialist Principles. He fought his whole life to give power to the Working Class. Was he perfect? Of course not. Did he make mistakes? Obviously.
Two things you must keep in mind.
One: this was the world's first attempt at true actually existing Socialism. It's nothing short of amazing how much the Soviet Union, especially at it's peak under Stalin, managed to accomplish in such an incredibly short period of time without a single example in History to follow. In a few short years the Soviet Union went from a backwards, third-world country of extreme poverty made up mostly by peasant Farmers, of whom only a couple percent owned ANY kind of tractors or modern farm equipment at the time. To becoming a behemoth of an Industrial Superpower. Accomplishing what took the US and Britain over 100 years to accomplish in only two decades. Stalin literally installed Farm Equipment depots with all kinds of modern machinery at the time, including tractors, where Farmers could walk right up, take what equipment they needed free of charge, and return it when they were finished.
Rent in the Soviet Union averaged between 2-4% of income. Rent averages between 25-50% of income right now in the US.
Between the early 1930's and 1989, inflation within the Soviet Union was exactly 0%. Prices never changed from the time Stalin stabilized the Economy until perestroika began in 1989.
Literacy was 100% by the time Stalin died. Education was mandatory and college free along with Healthcare.
It's unquestionable that life improved DRAMATICALLY for the vast vast majority of Soviet Citizens. 99% of the 100 million people within the Union saw MASSIVE improvements in public services, Economic stability and growth, income growth, lifespans, huge drops in mortality rates, and in every single measurable way, life improved rapidly on a scale unseen in world history.
Maybe, just maybe, for once we should begin judging the Stalin Era based on the facts and not Capitalist Fiction.
#Stalin#Communism#cccp#Soviet Union#ussr#joseph stalin#comrade stalin#stalin era#the soviet union#soviet union#soviet#j.v. stalin#communist#communists#revolutionary socialism#socialism#socialist#socialists#marxism#marxist#marxist leninist#marxist leninsts#marxists#marxism leninism#marxism leninism maoism#leninism#union of soviet socialist republics#stalin is a hero#fuck trotsky#fuck trots
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Continuing! Apparently I can only have ten pictures?

I actually had to do this gym twice since I forgot to screenshot this victory postcard the first time, so believe you me: Close Combat Eviolite Crabrawler is the quintessential best strategy. Fuck your koala, fuck your long snake, and fuck that skank ass hawk you rode in on.

Literally my favorite character in this game? Spookiest bitch of all? Move out the way, Allister, Ryme has fucking skeleton locs and a goddamn Houndstone to Crunch through anything you could send her way! Be that as it may, I had to sweep her with that Palossand Grimmsnarl combo... Tears in my eyes even regaling the tale, imagine how distraught I was when I did it in real time.

I'll be honest, when you're at the same level as him, Iron Treads is a fucking right jell-o. You can actually just Clauncher him away with Water Pulse. Don't even worry about him Iron Heading you, he'll be too busy wondering why he got all muddy when he's made of solid steel.

If you told me this was the seventh gym while I was doing the gym trial, I'd punch your mouth, because I don't yet have a soap Pokemon to wash it out with yet. Such an insultingly simple puzzle, I would've had more fun doing something yoga-related. You know how much of a kick I would've gotten out of making my Forretress do different yoga poses?? Too much, I would've become a Hitmonlee, the amount of kicks I'd have gotten. Not much to report, the Toxic Spike Bug Bite sweep goes surprisingly hard in this gym.

My sweet babyboy, how I love you so ♡ (I mean, if you were next to Ryme I'd push you off your high horse and down one of those sledding courses you love so much, but still.) Being the only gym to give me actual trouble, I was distraught to find that my Tinkaton was decimated by Mr. White Christmas. How are y'all getting Tinkaton sweeps, my girl was five levels over his Altaria and my damn Meowscarada had to come in and clean up her mess. Right mutant.

The amount of gayboys in this game astound me, but I shouldn't be surprised. Being gay is super kewl 🤘 (Unless a man covered in sword blades is menacingly sitting in front of you, at which case your best option is to run, hide, and pray to anyone that will listen that he may not hair-roomba his way over to your hiding place, soon to be your tomb.)

I love sushi. Okay? I love sushi. And when I heard leaks of a sushi Pokemon? My heart soared, I was exhilarated, dare I say excited! And then I saw the Pokedex and I said... oh. He's a bit shit, isn't he?
I hate middle-aged men. Okay? I hate middle-aged men. And when I heard leaks of a sushi chef Pokemon? I sank in my seat. I was miserable. I knew he was going to be my first hated Pokemon. And then I saw the Pokedex and said "OI MATE WHO IS THIS SACK OF SHIT? WHO IS THIS GORGEOUS CREECHUR OF FUCKERY AND NONSENSE?? THIS UGLY ASS, HIS STUPID ASS, FUCKING HATE THIS DUDE I LOVE HIM THIS NASTY FUCK"
And that's why I will be using a Dodonzo in my Scarlet playthrough, thank you. (Oh, Florges barbecued every single inch of these yummy vore fish.)

Finally, last but not least, to put the cherry on top, Bad Bitch. I won't sugarcoat it, I think I dissolved her off the face of the Poke-earth with Volcorona, but damn if she ain't my favorite Team Star boss. Icon, really. Now I won't lie, I was surprised the level cap went so far past the eight gyms, but I'm not sure I'm mad about that. Definitely confused why it was a bunch of teenagers who out leveled the strongest government-mandated femboy, but I'm not concerned. They started late in the level ladder, it's only fair that they bloom a bit late.
All in all, gorgeous main story(ies) and I'm excited to see how I feel about the postgame! Team going in? Crabrawler, Glimmora, and all four Legends of Ruin, LLLLLET'S GO BABAYYYYYYY
Toria's Pokemon Journey!

The gym with Katy was actually sorta strange, because I never realized she was the first one until I looked it up. I maaayyyybe accidentally was almost in Artazon when I checked a list and realized I was the wrong way, then I had to trek all the way back 😅 I had a complete Vivillon to sweep her with 😭

My first Titan with himbo wife was smooth as silk, as I was using the Ultimate Swamp Killer Clodsire 👌

After almost accidentally doing the gyms in the wrong order, I was sorta left permanently stronger than I should've been. So I personally blame the Internet that I cleaved through Grass Grimsley's Pokemon with a Vespiquen I in no way should've had.

Call me crazy, but does literally anybody not following the level guide do the Sky Titan fourth? It's so out of the way and, personally, I was flabbergasted that you're supposed to journey so far out from a relatively close-knit area you were given otherwise. That being said, two Lycanroc and Bombirdier felt more like a roast turkey.

I won't lie, I'm surprised it took this long to include a Team Star base in here, especially since you usually find out about the Villains in most games around the first gym. I want to say I had an easy time with Guillermo del Toro, but I'm pretty sure the Segin Squad car had Wicked Torqued my Hariyama into the sticks. Don't worry though, Echo (Floragato) was obscenely overpowered and then killed him in a single Razor Leaf.

Swept her with but a single Dugtrio (turns out you can Sucker Punch Mismagius effortlessly).

After my traumatic run-in with an extrovert, I was then thrown on the opposite side of the scale, where I was now fighting an introvert that would much rather run me over than speak to me. It's poetic, however, that these two extremes in human nature can be found in small white women.

At the pace I was going at, I was surprised I'd even made it here. I think I made finding Orthworm the most difficult possible, as I'm pretty sure I ran everywhere except the specific pit that red fuck lived in. But that's fine honestly, my Gigachad Garganacl fucking WALLOPED his ass, sent him with a heap of salt. And, to honor him, I then caught an Orthworm so as to not hurt its feelings.

I was really surprised to find that this was only the fourth gym. Was I really only halfway through the game?? This thing was DENSE. And I was HAPPY WITH IT. Poor old man though, I'm pretty sure I crunched him up pretty hard with my Pom Pom Oricorio.

Beating up theater kids has never been easier! Watch as I employ the use of one (1) Orthworm and wipe up all this toxic sludge in an instant! Call now, and I'll throw in the Hypno and Palossand that helped send all of this gayboy's entourage packing!
#pokemon#pkmn#pokemon scvi#pokemon sv#pokemon violet#pokemon violet spoilers#gym journey#pokemon journey#path of legends#starfall street#victory road#jesus there's barely even a victory road in this game
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They are letting people off of private jobs too and they really have to a lot of them interact with the government jobs and they need to get them hell out of there it's the same damn people and it's gross. They are acquiring the businesses they have acquired a lot of them and there's only a few that can't get to yet and soon they will. Right now they want people out of the food industry you completely and it's a tough equation it has to be looked at every day the testing is sampling every day and it's horrible it takes a while and they don't want these assholes out there.
*JCPenney there's not many people that work there he says it's already a nightmare you can't find anybody they have like four people or less they want to fire one person you know and no they have 20 people that work there and nobody ever shows up and they're collecting paychecks and they're going to fire people that don't show up it's horrible they're a bunch of assholes too to the people that work and it was coming and someone said he's interested cuz we're trying to help him they keep ordering s*** and leaving and trying to get us mad and f*** them they're a bunch of morons you have to have a life but if you have a life and there's they suck there's no way to go we don't have anything we have no ships and it suck and what's wrong with them so they did some testing another kind of stupid it might be zombies
*Dillard's and bells and other stores in the South here they're in Florida but really right there in the mall and there's other places like Target and even Walmart they're going to lay off the half the people because they don't show up and if they do they're in and out she disturb our son when he goes there and they're going to get arrested every time he goes somewhere and they really showed their stupid pukes
*it says to make two good you're doing the job but really this took forever and people will poop it all over him and these idiots were encouraged a little bit by you guys but I know it's like to live near them and they think they have the balls and they're just dumb I don't know what to tell you I'm very young I don't care for all the stupid s*** and you put me in the hospital and I resent it a very badly very much presented place and Bob Mars went there and she sympathized with me and it's funny you guys didn't like it and reported it and I guess Thomas and Connor started to try and get me out and it's a tragedy he said this place he's stuck in too right down the hall kind of helps out because he was stuck there too for real I mean nobody wants to be there and his mumbling he's got a catheter and they're treating him bad so one day one day they're like room service and they found a weapon and Mike's like so and it was his pain like bayonet saber solid steel and it's a message and it was heard and it's still in back off and now they're going to be dead and sex to them that they don't want to follow orders and be bigger they blow they're morons I'm tired of talking to them they never respond ....so they're firing people from private companies. A lot of them but these companies are really big this is Walmart and really all the department stores and clothing stores out here and sneakers specialty anyway that people actually go and yeah we're tired of their s***** little Piggly s*** stores that don't do anything I'm sending stuff and they're letting them go today and they're going to be out running around being huge assholes and it's not funny it is annoying and they think it's fun and that's what they do and they get arrested and I'll tell you this this pile of loser is cruising for a bruising and after time they won't be missed
*there's a bunch of them that are wearing helmets and it's not because they're stupid it's because they're injured okay they are stupid but there have been injured recently too and the trumpets do it too and they're dumb as hell so I hope everybody feels better now but really though so screw you you look really f****** stupid and you're rich and it's real money people going to kill you and that's an excuse we can use
*and there's a lot of people after you people and we're not going to put effort into stopping them
*other private companies that are firing tons of you today and yeah today into tonight our places that we have to go and others have to go and you're just screwing around with everybody there it looks disgusting you're like in a mental hospital you need to leave in these grocery stores and so help me God I think people are going to screw around with you out there in the West cuz you're so nasty they should really but here you're a huge assholes you don't belong working there you really don't you're trying to contaminate stuff he wrote that letter and it keeps going up higher and right now it's stuffed in the middle management level I can't seem to understand what it says and they'll keep pestering our son and also I got something from you idiots you just want to sit here and bother people you should know that you're being killed for doing it you're getting killed bothering our son very very often and fully some of you over and over you're gross disgusting pigs if you need to leave but you're going to be forced out by what's going on tonight and next week some of it's this weekend but not much unfortunately it should be firing people on the weekends beer delivery bartenders those jobs will be fought over and people like doing that just give a chance good night look at it fast food places too
*there's more and more happening here and it's going on now the jobs are there letting them go from are numerous and all over the place in Florida there's a lot of positions that are private that people do important stuff and they're firing them there's a lot of contractors who work for sewer stuff there's a lot of contractors who are linemen cable TV and Dot jobs that are subbed out huge huge numbers of jobs like that and they're going through the top people now and it won't take them long to figure out that a whole bunch you need to leave and there's going to be evacuations and you figure out you've been blacklisted like you did to them and you did to our son and yeah this is warlock you're a bunch of jackasses you're full and we know that it's cuz you're fools
*in addition to that type of job it's more public work than Parks and recreation and some of it is law enforcement there's a lot of that they're actually fire you from those positions today can't fire you it shouldn't and all this and they are and they plan to and the doing it now. These are a lot of jobs he's Park jobs there's a lot of parks here and they're laying them off and they didn't put them at stuff in there and they're getting rid of them on top of playing them off because they have to and more shortly
Thor Freya
There's a huge bout of layoffs then nothing for months if not I almost a year there's probably they're saying you're only 4 months and it's true they tried 4 months ago and nothing now they're trying again and it's hard going but the more or less have to because nothing is proceeding there's a lot of projects that are completely stalled out private and public all over Charlotte county and Florida you see jobs have been sitting there for a year or two but more some of them is horrible these people stink they reek of stupid they think they're going to sit there and cling to this job it's my job no one else can do it and really they are completely out there I mean they've got to be sick very sick they don't have a care in the world about stuff that nobody's coming here and they see a lot of different people new people but they run around changing their disguise and they're like this more on next door they're complete idiots
And that was Hera the last paragraph from this place is rancid it needs New Management and they're coming in and it's about time and yeah our son's pressured way too much we put a lot of effort in and he does it's just not enough for his massive pile of f****** a******
*in addition to the parts department in public works and county DOT type jobs and local Town DOT type jobs there's a huge number of jobs at schools and they're really all old and it sucks real bad and they don't want to do it hardly anybody goes there during the school day and nobody cares too you'll find like 30 people who are injured they want to start getting educated and they have a good time the teachers still work but for the most part nobody's really doing it they're putting it together a huge series of layoffs and that is going to be enacted today meeting paid go to the bathroom and they don't clean it up and they're laughing about it all day there's a there's a problem that ruins it for the people that wanted to heal and they're really zombie like and they need to be killed they're the ones running around our son all day long and we want them the hell out of here today I don't want to put up with this s*** anymore I don't want to see this thing in the window any of them I want them out but this is happening right now and the teachers are upset and you know it's a huge thing but you have to actually understand I don't want pressure from you either you're doing a job that's illegal these people have been through school hundreds of years ago no more than that what you doing is misrepresenting and trying to train them to capture it's just something that we don't support and you don't give us gruff because you're getting fired cuz you suck so bad and that's asking on s*** yeah it still is by the way still is still is well we'll throw you from the steeple okay after your heads cut off it's kind of the way we are but okay you know all about it right assassin's Creed and stuff so in addition to the teachers we have a couple more positions we'll get to in a moment
Thor Freya
Zues Hera
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KAZAKHSTANMINISTRY OF INFORMATION PRESENTSA KAZAKHSTANTELEVISION PRODUCTIONIN ASSOCIATION WITHBAGATOV FILMSMy name Borat.I like you. I like sex.It's nice.This my country of Kazakhstan.It locate between Tajikistanand Kyrgyzstan......and assholes Uzbekistan.This my town of Kuzcek.This Urkin, the town rapist.Naughty, naughty.Over here, our town kindergarten.And here live Mukhtar Sakanov......town mechanic and abortionist.This my house. Entry, please.He is my neighbor,Nursultan Tulyakbay.He is pain in my assholes.I get a window from a glass,he must get a window from a glass.I get a step, he must get a step.I get a clock radio, he cannot afford.Great success.This is Natalya.She is my sister.She is number four prostitutein all of Kazakhstan.Nice.This is my mother.She oldest womanin whole of Kuzcek.She is 43. I love her.And this my wife, Oxana.She's boring.What you say about me,you skinny piece of shit?Not now, please.Why don't you do somethingusefuI and dig your mother a grave.Come in here, please. Ignore.This is where I lives. My bed.This is a VCR recorder.And this play cassettes.Now I show you outsidefrom my houses.My hobbies, Ping-Pong......sunbathe......disco dance......and on weekends,I traveI to capitaI city......and watch ladieswhile they make toilet.My profession, work as atelevision reporter for Kazakhstan.Please, you see.THE RUNNING OF THE JEW 2004Here comes the Jew.It's a big one this year.Whoaaa...He nearly got the money there.Wait, here comes Mrs. Jew.She's stopped.Is she? Is she?Here it comes.She's laid a Jew egg.Go kids! Crush thatJew chick before he hatches!Although Kazakhstan glorious country,it have problem too.Economic, sociaI and Jew.This why Ministry of Informationhave decide to send me to U.S. and A......greatest country in the world,to learn lessons for Kazakhstan.I will traveI with most venerableproducer, Azamat Bagatov.Azamat.No, not film me!Film him.Urkin, not too much raping...Humans only.Doltan, I'll get youa new arm in America.I go to America!America!Wave goodbye to yourclock radio, asshole!If you cheat on me,I will come over there......and snap off your cock.JFK INTERNATIONAL AIRPOR New York CityI arrived in America's airportwith clothings, U.S. dollars......and a jar of Gypsy tearsto protect me from AIDS.Stand clear of the closing doors,please.Hello, my name Borat.I not American. I new in town.Nice to meet you.Hello, nice meet you.Hey, what your name?My name is mind your ownfucking business.Stand clear of the closing doors,please.Oh, hello. Nice meet you.My name Borat.- What's happening?- Nice meet you.Get the fuck out of herebefore I break your jaw, bro.- Yo, step the fuck off, bro.- Okay. Okay.- You're fucking with the wrong one, man.- Okay. Sorry.Oh, shit.Okay, okay, wait.I get it. Please, relax.I'll get him! CarefuI, he bite.- Hey, man, what are you doing?- Okay, relax.Okay. Okay.Okay, okay, relax.Okay. Okay, wait.Okay, no problem. Sorry.Welcome to the Wellington HoteI.GUY BORGES,Manager, Wellington HoteIDo you want to pay for the entire stay now?- I pay for one night. How much?- Fine.One night is $ 117.13.We'll call it 85.No, we can call it 117.Let me get the door for you.Come on in.Very nice.Very nice room.We're not in the room yet, sir.Hold on.You might wanna repack.We're gonna be moving again shortly.I will not move to a smaller room.Sir, this is your floor.I'm gonna take you to your room.- This is not my room?- This is the elevator.It takes you to the floorwhere your room is.Nice. Nice.King in the castle.King in the castle.I have a chair. I have a chair.Oh, go do this. Go do this.King in the castle.Hello, nice meet you.My name Borat.I am new in town.- Get away from me.- I just- I kiss you, say hello.It arrive.Hello, my name Borat.I am new in town.- I say hello and I-- Do not touch me.- Do not get near my face.- I kiss you.Yeah, you kiss me,I'll pop you in the fucking balls.What mean, "balls"?Very nice.Very nice. How much?Hello, nice meet you. My name Borat.Get away!What are you doing?Wait, I want to say hello.What is the problem?This has beenmost happiest day of my lifes.I was very exciteto start my reportings.America is known for itssense of humor.UN survey say Kazakhstanhave 98th lowest humor.We must improve.Hurry, hurry.Just dry him, no hand relief.How is my back pussy?Not bad. Moist.So what time this interview?Soon, my friend.Gently.Enough!- Hello. My name's Pat Haggerty."PAT HAGGERTY - Humor Coach"- Nice meet you. Borat.- Nice to meet you.Should I make a jokeabout my mother-in-law?Yes. In America,that's a very popular joke.- Do you have a mother-in-law joke?- Yes.I had sexy-timewith my mother-in-law.- A what time?- Sexy-time.I made sexy-timewith my mother-in-law.- You had sex with your mother-in-law?- Yes.I don't think that Americanswould find that funny.- No, it is not a joke.- Yeah.We're talking about humor.Yes, you asked me aboutmy mother-in-law.Do you have a joke about her?No, why make a jokeon a mother-in-law?Do you ever laugh on peoplewith a retardation?Here in Americawe try not to make fun of......or be funny with thingsthat people don't choose.But perhaps you have not seensomeone with a very funny retardation.My brother, Bilo,have a very funny retardation.MentaI retardation causes a lot of painand hardship for a lot of families.Sometime my sister, she show hervagina to my brother, Bilo, and say:"You will never get this!You will never get this! "He behind his cage, crazy, crazy.Everybody laugh.She go, "You never get this! "But one time, he break cageand he get this.And then we all laugh.High five!Now...No, that would not be funnyin America, okay?What is "not" jokes?A "not" joke is when we're tryingto make fun of something......and what we do is we makea statement that we pretend is true......but, at the end, we say, "Not,"which means it's not true.So teach me how to make one.- All right, what color is your suit?- This suit is gray.Gray, I would call it blue, okay?- It's gray.- All right, it's blue-gray.But it's certainlynot black, right?- Let's say it's gray, but-- It is gray.Okay, so a "not" joke,I would say:"That suit is black. Not! "This suit is not black.- No, no, "not" has to be the end.- Oh, okay.This suit is black not.This suit is black, pause-You know what a pause is?- Yes.- This suit is black. Not!This suit is black. Pause. Not.No, you don't say "pause. "This suit is black.That's a pause. Not!This suit is black.Okay...- I don't- I'm not-- Not!Everybody say U.S.A. televisionmuch better......but this I watch for three hours,do not change.There's a remote controI here.Push these two arrowsto change the channeI.I got him, I got him, I got him!I have the urge tobury something else.Yes!- I love you.- Oh, I love you too, Jamie.I love you.- Do you believe in magic, Miss-?- Parker, C.J.It's a pleasure to meet you, C.J.Be carefuI! Be carefuI, C.J.!This C.J. was like no Kazakh womanI had ever seen.She had golden hairs,teeth as white as pearls......and the asshole of a 7-year-old.For the first time in my lifes......I was in love.Get up! Get up!Why aren't you ready!We have people to interview today.I understand.Learn what you can fromthis women's group.My hair?It's beautifuI. Don't worry.In Kazakhstan it is illegaI for more thanfive woman to be in the same place......except for in brotheI or in grave.In the U.S. and A., many womens meetin groups called Feminists.I find more."VETERAN FEMINISTS OF AMERICA"So, what means this feminism?It's the theory that womenshould be equaI to men......in matters economic, sociaI-- Now you are laughing.- Yes.That is the problem.Do you think a womanshould be educate?Definitely.But is it not a problem that a womanhave a smaller brain than a man?That is wrong.But the government scientist,Dr. Yamak,prove it's the size of squirreI.Your government's scientist?- Yes, Dr. Yamak.- He's wrong. He's wrong.Give me a smile, baby.Why angry face?Well, what you're sayingis very demeaning.- Do you know the word "demeaning"?- No.We are saying to you...I could not concentrate on whatthis old man was saying.All I could think about was thislovely woman in her red water-panties.Who was this C.J.?Last night I see in my hoteI room......a woman called C.J.on the television.- Do you know her?- No.She from a towncalled Baywatches.- She's just on television.- Her name is Pamela.- Do she live here in New York City?- She lives in California.- In the California.- He's gonna look her up.Okay, can we finish now?Listen, pussycat, smile a bit.- All right. That's it. I'm done.- We're finished. We have to leave.Although I was obsessed by this C.J.,I could not pursue her......or else my wifewould snap off my cock.Mr. Sagdiyev?- Yes?- I have a telegram for you.- You can read?- Yes, I can."Dear Borat Sagdiyev......your wife, Oxna......was walking your retarded Biloin the woods......when a bear attackedand violated and break her.She is now dead. "You say my wife is dead?This is what it's...Yes, sir. I'm sorry to inform you,but that's what the telegram says.High five! Great!What do you mean, California?I have arranged all our filmingfor New York.But we need to leave New Yorkto find the reaI America:Rodeos, cowboys...It will be better for our documentary.But why California?What's there?PearI Harbor is there...And so is Texas.Eventually, I persuade Azamatthat we would travel to California......and make our reportingsalong the way.He insists we not fly in case the Jewsrepeated their attack of 9-11.Okay, I'll find another wayfor us to get there.My name is Mike.I'm gonna be your driving instructor."MICHAEL PSENICSKA,Perry Hall Driving SchooI"Welcome to our country, okay.- My name Borat.- Okay, okay. Good, good.Well, I'm not used to that,but that's fine.Now, you do knowhow to drive a little bit?- Yes.- Yes. Put it in D.- What?- Drive.Now, wait a second. Wait a second.- Have you driven a car before?- Yes, many times.All right, let's go this way.I don't want you hitting anybody.Use two hands, now.- What?- Two hands.But then it look like I am holdinga Gypsy while he eat my chram.I don't care. You use two handswhen you drive, okay?Okay.- Okay.- Watch the children.Okay, no problem.You must not hit the children.Look, there is a woman in a car.Can we follow her?- And maybe make sexy-time with her?- No, no, no.- Let's get her. Why not?- No, no, no.Because a woman has a rightto choose who she has sex with.- What? You joke?- How about that? Isn't that amazing?There must be consent.How about that?That's good, huh?- Is not good for me.- It is good.- Steer the car.- Okay.- You want have a drink?- You can't drink that.- Why not? What?- It's against the law.Who is this car that follow us?I wish it didn't follow us.- I don't know.- Maybe we'll lose them.No, we better not lose them.Hey, don't look at me.Eat my tits!We'll make a right turn up here.Don't look at me like that.I will eat your shit.- Hey, you fuck my mother!- Hey, hey.- No, he do before. He look on me.- You can't do that.They're gonna throw us in jaiI,me with you.Why in a jaiI? He look on me.- Behind.- You can't say that.I like you, do you like me?- I do like you.- You are my friend?You're nice and I am your friend.You will be my boyfriend?- I won't be your boyfriend.- Why not? You do not like me?I could be. It depends.Well, boyfriend, yeah, I can.Great success.Now time to make purchaseof motorcars.I want to have a car that attracta woman with a shave down below.Well, that would be a Corvetteor a Hummer.JIM SELL GM Salesman Well, thatwould be a Corvette or a Hummer.JIM SELLGM SalesmanJIM SELL GM Salesman We willtry to help you out here.We will try to help you out here.A man yesterday tell meif I buy a car......I must buy onewith a pussy magnet.He means a car that women will like.Yes, but where you keepthis magnet?No, there's no magnet. That was just-He means the vehicle.Women love the Hummers.- Do this have a pussy magnet?- No.The vehicle itself will be a magnet.If I give you good price,will you please put in pussy magnet?Yeah, but there's no such thingin this country as a magnet.If this car drive intoa group of Gypsy......will there be any damage to the car?- It depends on how hard you hit them.- Hard.Yeah, hard. You might......if somebody rolls on the windshield,crack your windshield.How fast do I need to goto guarantee I kill him?Let me tell you something,with this vehicle, probably doing 35...- ... 40 miles an hour would do it.- Great.When I buy my wife......at the start,she was cook good.....her vagina work welland she strong on plow.But after three years,when she was 15......then she become weak, her voicebecome deep, "Borat, Borat. "She receive hair on chest......and her vaginahang like sleeve of wizard.How do I know thatthis will not happen with a car?Chevrolet guarantees thatwith a warranty.I like very much buy this Hummers.- How much is it?- Fifty-two thousand.I am looking for something between$600 to $650.We don't have any cars for 650that you can buy.I might be able to sell youa wholesale car.A car with a lot of miles for 700with no warranty.- Okay.- Come on.California, I coming!First stops on our journeywas Washington, D. C......home of mighty U.S. warlord,Premier Bush.Look who has an embassy here!Uzbekistan. Fuck you, motherfuckers!Look who has an embassy here!Uzbekistan.Fuck you, motherfuckers!We arrive here to learnfrom American politic.Azamat arrange interviewwith Party official from ruling regime.BOB BARR Former Georgia Congressman Azamat arrangeinterview with Party official from ruling regime.- We are good friend, Bob Barr, yes?- I hope so. "BOB BARR,Former Georgia Congressman"It is a custom have cheeseat the start.Thank you.My wife, she make this cheese.Very nice.She make it from milk from her tit.After interview, I encounterstraditional American street festival.GAY PRIDE PARADEPeople here were much more friendlythan in New York.Next morning, I interview politicianwho is a genuine chocolate-face.No makeup.On Sunday,I arrive in Washington."ALAN KEYES,2x Republican PresidentiaI Candidate"On Sunday,I arrive in Washington.There was a parade.I make two friendsfrom this parade.I invite them backmy hoteI room.We drink like normalin Kazakhstan.We wrestle like normalin Kazakhstan.Then they say,"I wash you in a shower,"and he wash me in a shower.It sounds likeyou met somebody who is from......what is called in America,the gay community.- What it mean, "gay," this word?- HomosexuaI.A homosexuaI? You mean...?Are you telling me the man who tryto put a rubber fist in my anus......was a homosexuaI?Even though my anus was broken......I knew that rest of our journeywould be great success.We left Washingtonand continued towards California.Howdy, partners!Yes, minister, we're on schedule.Yes, I'm standing inthe middle of Times Square.It's time to prepare for yourTV appearance.Remember to talk of singingnationaI anthem at rodeo.Don't worry, I am a Tv professionaI.Now, building our station around you.This is 16 WAPT News This Morning......named best newscast in the stateby the Associated Press.This morning we havea speciaI guest here in the studio.This is Borhat Sagadiyev.He is traveling across America to getthe taste of life here in the United States.He spent the last few days here.- Good morning to you.- Hello, my name Borat. Hello.Hello. Thank you.Before we start, can you tell me,because I want make urines......then I come back here and...If you tell meone minute before we start-We started. We are actually liveon the air right now.- I am very excite.- Yes.Hello, U.S. and A.! Hello, U.S. and A.!I'm very excite!I'm very excite to be here.And hello!Hello to you as well.Now, reaI quickly, why are you herein the United States?Because I want to learnfrom U.S. and A......your culture, and to understandfrom how a thing happen......and to take this lessonback to my country.- All right. Would you like to have a seat?- Yes.Please sit, please sit, please sit.Now, one of the thingsthat you've enjoyed so much about-Can I have a microphoneso people can hear me?They can hear you right now.You are miked up.This right here,that's the microphone.Hello. Hello, nice meet you.Well, welcome to the United States.Thank you very much for coming on.When you come to Kazakhstan...- ... you can stay in my house.- Well, thank you so much.You can sleep my houseand you can use my sister.Meteorologist Ken Johnsonwill have the latest......on tropicaI storm Emilywhen we return.Ten seconds, stand by.This is 16 WAPT News This Morning.Traffic is flowing along smoothlyalong Interstate 55.Dry conditions.If you're heading to the north......not too far away from Attala County,there's some showers there.Check that out onthe radar this morning and-Thank you, very nice for have me.What your name?We're on air right nowdoing the weather.- What your name?- We're doing the weather right now.Go over here with Adrian.She's calling you to go over here.- It is a she?- Yes.- Very nice.- Yeah, go. Go-- Go over here with-- What is your name?I'm the weather guy.Okay...Let's go over to the weather.You can see the radar, right now......showing some showersand storms up to the north-Okay. All right, let me-Nice to meet you.Showers and storms north ofYazoo City up towards Kosciusko-Thank you, bye-bye.You're singing at a rodeo tonight!Why didn't you mention it?What can I do, they are notprofessionaI.Get a move on, we haveWe welcome you to the 38th annualKroger Valleydale Championship Rodeo.Of course, every picturethat we get back......from the terrorists or anything else,the Muslims, they look like you...- ... black hair and a black mustache.- Yes.Shave that dadgummed mustache offso you're not so conspicuous.So you look like maybe an Italianor something......as far as when peoplelooking at you.I see a lot of people and I think,"There's a dadgummed Muslim.I wonder what kind of bombhe's got strapped to him. "- Yes.- And you probably aren't a Muslim.- Maybe that's not your religion.- No, I am a Kazakh. I follow the hawk.But you look like one of them.This thing gets over withand when we win it......and kick the butts over there......and all of them son-of-a-buckshanging from the gallows......by that time,you will have proven yourself......and you'll be accepted.- Take care.- Thank you.- I ain't gonna kiss you.- Why not?The people that do the kissingare the ones that float around like that.- Are they all...?- Yeah. Stay away from them that kiss.- Okay.- You don't want nobody kissing.In my country they take them to jaiIand finish them.- Take them and hang them.- Yes.- That's what we're trying to get done.- High five.Ladies and gentlemenof Salem, Virginia......would you please give a warm,American welcome......to a gentleman who has comeall the way from Kazakhstan......and we are honoredto have singing our nationaI anthem.Ladies and gentlemen,Borat Sagdiyev.My name Borat.I come from Kazakhstan.Can I say first,we support your war of terror.May we show our supportto our boys in Iraq.May U.S. and A.kill every single terrorist.May your George Bushdrink the blood......of every single man, womanand child of Iraq.Yeah!May you destroy their countryso that for the next thousand years......not even a single lizardwill survive in their desert.To show our friendship......I now will singour Kazakh nationaI anthem......to the tune ofyour nationaI anthem.Please stand.We nearly died last night.This journey is cursed.We should have stayed in New York.I was sad.The rodeo peoplesdid not like me.What if Pamela didnot like me too?We needed somethingto change our fortunes.Look, Azamat, a Gypsy village.Let us extract some of their tearsso we can remove the curse.Do not fear me, Gypsy,all I want from you is your tears.Please give them to meor I will take them.I'm not a Gypsy.I'm a Midwestern farmer's daughter.Americana.You have many treasures.Who did you rob for this?We didn't rob them.They came from the house.I will look in your treasures, Gypsy.Is this understood?I will look on them.Please do.Who is this lady you have shrunk?Was she the owner of this housethat you camp in front of?There's a couple more child's dolls.Do not try and shrink me, Gypsy.I serious.- These are your spells?- No.There's a good one,The Millionaire Mindset.There you go.- Baywatch.- Baywatch?It means she love me.Azamat!Azamat, great success!I've got the tears.Onwards to California!Let's go.What's that you've got there?It's nothing. Don't worry about it.Are we going the right way?I don't know, this map is from 1917.Where the hell are we?Hey, stop that goddamn van!Hey, baby, wanna go out?Wanna go out, honey?I'm going to stop and ask.No, no, no, keep going. Keep going.I need the directionto California, please.- To California?- You a long way from home.Who you with, man?Who you with, who you with?I traveI with my friend, Azamat Bagatov.We traveI across the country.You can't be talking all that.You gotta be talking English right here.You look like MichaeI Jackson, "Beat It. "Man, you better-I like you peoples.Can you teach me how to dress?How can I be like you?You need to let them jeans down.Pull them down?Don't pull them down like-- Like a ho?- No, no, no.- Like a this?- Yeah.But don't showyour Huggies though, man.What the hell? Is that fishnet?No, no, no, these are my antipants.- What kind of music you listen to?- I like very much Corky Bucek.You know Corky Bucek?Can you teach me speak like you?What you trying to say?- How you say, "How do you do?"- What's up with it?- What's that with it?- Yeah.Pull over and let's seeif we can stay here.What's up with it, vanilla-face?Me and my homey, Azamat,just parked our slab outside.Please.We are looking for somewhere topost up our black asses for the night.So bang-bang, skeet-skeet, nigga.We just a couple of pimps, no ho's.- Sir, you gotta leave.- Okay.Leave now or we're gonna call the copsand we'll have you taken out.We can't stay here,they are 'player haters. '- Hi. Hello.- You have a room for tonight?Oh, yes. Yes, definitely.- Come on in.- Great.Your friend also.A beautifuI house, this.All the paintingsin the house, I did.What is this man?This is a Yemenite Jew andhe's working on a piece of jewelry.They, Yemenites,were also jewelers.Why you have a picture of a Jew?Because I'm Jewish, so Ihave lots of pictures of Jews.This is the room and...- Do you need two pillows?- Yes.Great. Thank you. Lovely place.They're Jews.I know that now.They'll kill us.We need to escape.- Wait, wait.- Okay.Hello.- How are you?- Great.You guys getting settled in?This is a speciaI sandwich for you.I not so hungry.He can eat this.He fat.No, no.- You gonna eat, because-- Take a half.- Take a half and then you'll see.- Take a half.Yeah. I not so hungry.You eat a little bit.Go ahead and eat somethingbecause you're hungry.Yes.I don't want to see you go hungry.What is this picture over here?Okay...It is 3 in the morning.I am in a nest of Jews.They have cleverly shiftedtheir shapes.One of them has taken the formof a little old woman.You can barely see her horns.She have tried topoison me already.These rats are very clever.Look, the Jews haveshifted their shapes.OK, OK. How much shallI give them?I don't know...More. Give them more.Go. Go.Let's go back to New York,at least there's no Jews there.Calm down.We'll keep heading to California.Why California?What's so speciaI about California?We are going to California!And get killed on the way?!Relax, Azamat!I will get us protection.What is the best gunto defend from a Jew?I would recommendeither a 9 millimeter or a. 45.Very nice.It like I movie star, Dirty Harold.- Yes, sir.- Come on and make my day, Jew.But he would not sell me gunsince I not American.So I look for other protection.MUNCH RANCHExotic AnimaI Dealer- What type of dog is this?- This is a tortoise.Is this a cat in a hat?No, it's a tortoise in a shell.Yes.I need animaI for protection.What you have for me?We're safe.Now we continue to California.High five!Great! Nice.Switch it off.It so annoying!Ice cream!Happy times. We were safeand well on our way to Pamela.It was time to get back to work.Kazakhstan needs to learnabout American fine dining.First, a lady willteach you southern manners.How long have I got?An hour. Then you havedinner date with high society.Hello and nice meet you."KATHIE B.MARTIN-Etiquette Coach"Hello, it's so nice to meet you.Welcome to America.Will you please teach mehow to dine like gentleman?Of course, I'll be happy to.Is it polite to greet peoplewhen I make entry?"THE MAGNOLIA MANSION-Dining Society"Yes, it is.- Let me introduce you around.- Yes.- You're gonna have to-- I'm Mike. Mike Jared.Hello, I'm Bethany Weston.- Lovely to see you.- Nice.- How you do?- How do you do? My name's Ben.Should I pay interest in peoplesaround the table-sides?Yes.And, if it is a big table,a very long table......you might want to restrictyour conversation...- Yes.- ... to people right in your vicinity.- Very nice.- So you are not yelling.What do you do?- I'm the pastor of a church.- Yes.- What do you do?- I have spent years in construction.I'm recently retired.- You are retard?- Yes.PhysicaI or mentaI?- Retired.- No, no, not retarded.- I don't work anymore.- Stopped working.It's very good you allow retard......to eat with you in the same place.That's not what we're sayingabout this man.He is not whatyou would refer to as retard.- No.- No, no. Not at all.Do you have a telephonein this village?Of course.Should I show photos of my family?You have photos of your family?WonderfuI.This my favorite son, Huey Lewis.- Okay.- Yes.- He looks happy.- Yes.He very strong.- My goodness, is that him holding you?- Yes. Very strong.He grow three centimeter.He now 17 centimeter long.I'm not sure I would show thesephotos of him without clothes on.Should I pay complimentsto the peoples?Yes, but only if you truly agreewith that compliment.You have a very gentle face...- ... and a very erotic physique.- Thank you.- You're correct.- Yes.That's a very good observation.She is your wife?Nope. That's my wife.In my country,they would go crazy for these two.Not so much.What should I say ifI need to go to the shit hole?You mean to the restroom?- To the place to make the shit.- The bathroom? Okay. What you-Not to bath. To make dirt from anus.- Not a bath, right. The toilet.- The brown-- Where you make- You understand?- Yes. Yes.- Bad? Bad thing from it.- Yes.- What you do is you say:- Brown."Excuse me,I need to go to the restroom. "Excuse me, is it possibleto go and do a, you know...- To be excused?- How you say in the, you know...Upstairs.Just say, "Excuse me a moment. "- I need to go, what you say...- That works. Thank you.- Can you go upstairs?- Yes, thank you.I think that the culturaI differencesare vast...- Exactly.- ... and I think he's a delightfuI man.....and it wouldn't take very much timefor him to really become Americanized.Thank you very much.I feeI much better.- Cindy, where shall I put this?- Just-Where should I put this?Maybe in the other restroomdown here.In the-Excuse me-Excuse me for just a moment, please.You roll off like this......and you wipe your bottomand you put the paper- Look.- You, wipe mine?- No, I don't. You do.- This is a very private thing.- The host cleans the anus of the other?No, no, no.Nobody touches you, except you.Can I bring a guest to dinner?If you have been invitedto a home or to a party...- Yes.- ... it is acceptable to bring a guest...- ... if you ask your host in advance.- Yes.GeneraI Stonewall Jackson,Robert E. Lee.I think this my friend.- Hello?- Hi, I'm looking for Borat.- Yes, it's me.- Oh, hi, honey.- I'm Luenell. Hi, hi.- Hello, nice to meet you.- This my friend, Luenell.- Hi.Oh, okay...You all having a dinner party.Well, we were. I don't know exactlywhat all that we're doing-It is getting very, very late.Excuse me, I'm going to have to go.- Okay. Very nice.- It's getting very, very late......and it's time that, you know......we were endingour dinner party and everything.- I apologize-- But can't she come for desserts?Absolutely not,and neither can you.- The sheriff is on his way.- I hope so.I've already called them.Why you call police?Have the retard escaped?I want say I very sorryhow they treat you in this house.Thank you.I was thinkingmaybe I'd just take the night off.Why don't we just go outand have some fun?What do you think about that?You want to come with us?Up yours!Hi! My name Borat.- This my friend, Luenell.- Hi, Luenell.She is a prostitute.You were funny on that bull.Everybody almostsee your underpants.I never rode a bull before.Well, you wanna-?You wanna come in for a little while?I would like very much......but I in lovewith a woman in Malibu.It would not be nice to herfor me to...Okay, well, if you're ever in town again,this way, you know, look me up.If I ever in town again, Luenell......I would very much liketo pay you for sex.Good night, Luenells.Good night, Borat.You say my name right. Borat.People say Borakor Billy or Bob.Bye."Pamela is a fairly simple girI,she recently explained.'There's not a whole lot of logicin the way I live my life.I am very spontaneous. ' "I'm very spontaneous too.I needed a gift to give to Pamela......so that she would grant meentry into her vagina.Therefore, I convinced Azamat to let mefilm a report in an American store.Don't spend more than $3.We're low on money.This your shops?Right, this is my antique shop.Why do you have so many thingswith a flag?We're honoring our heritage.Now, what in here? What is this?These are a number of collectibles.I mean, this is a lamp that, you know,you would use in your home.This is a Chinese cloisonn bell.And this is a littledecorative duck.And do you think, you know,when they-?I'm sorry. Wait, wait, wait.- We need help, baby.- No, it's okay.I sorry.Sorry. I will repair all of this.Don't worry. My friend,he can make glue and-I don't think you're gonna be able toglue it. You're gonna have to pay for it.Okay, I have a digitaI watchfrom the future.I will give you.Is worth more than all of this.You broke $425 worth of stuff.Hundred and sixty, 170, 180.- That's not enough.- Do you want hair-?No, I don't want any damn hair.This is best hair in Kazakhstan.FeeI the quality.I don't want your damn hair.This is hair from pubis.I can get 2000 bags by next Friday.We don't use that stuffin this country.Have you offered them pubic hair?Yes!Just give me another 20.It was a mistake.You screwed up again.I didn't see the truck.I slipped on it and that was it.Only an idiot could do this.Would you have believed this if Ihad told you? All right. Go. Go. Go.You've ruined this documentaryand almost bankrupt us.So call the ministryand get more money.What?! If I did that,they would kill us!California had better be as goodas you say, or we're finished.You bastard.What's the matter with you?How dare you makehand-party over Pamela.Why do you care who Ipleasure myself to?Because I love this woman.She's the reasonwe traveI to California!What?You lied to me!You lied about California!Eat my asshole!Holy...Okay.We have a speciaI guest herethis evening. Ruth Feiner is here."MORTGAGE BROKERS - ANNUAL BANQUET"Get the fuck out of here!So bad news.Azamat have leave.I wake up, he disappear......and he take Oxana, my bear.Our bear.And he also decideto take all money......and also my passport.And he leave me......only this bag, with a hen......and ticket to Kazakhstan.But no passport.But at least he is......man enough to leave me......my beautifuI.Which I have cleanedsince last night.And I have decide to......continue making documentary.Make it without Azamat.I think it will be better......and we will have moresuccess without him.I only want 17 cents, please.I had no car, no moneyand no Azamat.The only thing keep me going......was my dream of one dayholding Pamela in my arms......and then making romance explosionon her stomach.Eventually, I managed to hike a hitchingswith group of young scholars......also traveling across country.CHI PSI FRATERNITY BROTHERUniv. of S. Carolina- How you doing? How you doing?- Where the fuck are you from, baby?I am from Kazakhstan.- Welcome to fucking America!- Hey, have a seat. Let's go.- What's your name?- Anthony.- Anthony?- Yes.- Anthony.- And Justin.- Justin.- And David.- David.- Bartender Dave.Very nice.- Can you open this, please?- Oh, sure.Thank you very much.So you like the bitches out therein the fucking old Russia, there?- What?- The bitches in old Russia.How are the women?The fucking ho's, baby!The fucking girls!- You fuck the shit out of them!- Yes!Then you never call them again.Why you don't call them? Becausethey do not have a telephone, yes?No, not because of that.They don't have my respect,you know? I mean...So, what are you doinghere in America?They film me traveIacross U.S. and A.I don't know what you'resaying, man, but that's cooI!Let's get drunk!- Yes! High five!- High five!This is America in a bottle.- Oh, baby!- Oh, baby!- Borat, let me hear it. Oh, baby!- Oh, the baby!Suck, suck, suck!Let me tell you game we play.Can I hear a game you play?We play a game called"When the snake eat the pig. "- When the snake eat the huh?- The snake eat the pig.- You get a baby mouse, very small...- Baby mouse?...and you put a bit of cheese inhole of your chram,untiI it go inside.That is too crazy for me.I'll do it. I don't give a fuck,I'll do it.Let me ask you this.Are woman-?Are women your slaves in Russia?No. Do you have slaves here?- We wish. We wish.- No slaves.- It is a shame.- Hey, Borat.Big shame. Big shame.It would be better country if...Yes, it'd be better country.We should have slaves.Our country,the minorities actually have more power.Anyone that is minorityhas the upper hand.We have the Jews. We have anybodythat's against the mainstream.- Do you want to see my new wife?- Yes!This my new wife.- Pamela!- You know her?Pamela! I know of Pamela.I will take her virginfor the first time.- I am going to put this shit on.- Put it on.Borat, Borat.We have a lot to talk about.I will take her virgin.I will uncork her.Borat, Borat.She is no virgin, Borat.- Is not true.- She is no virgin, buddy.Is not true. Liar!Liar, liar, your panties on fire.Borat, shut up.Small Jacuzzi ona fucking small yacht.What she do?- She's sucking some dick, man.- You see her sucking dick?This is not her.I guarantee you that shit'sgonna happen. Don't worry about it.- That's her, Borat. Sorry.- Borat, that's her.This is not her.It's her. I'm sorry.- I'm sure it's her.- I go.- No, no, no.- Titty bar.Come here.You're my man. You're my man.I do not know whyshe is trying to do this.- Come on, Borat. Stay with us, buddy.- We love you.We'll remember you always.Like I taught you.Wait.You're in America now.You'll make it.You- You keep going, okay?You are bigger than a woman.You are better than a woman.We will always be behind you.- Do not let a woman ever, ever...- We'll always be-...make you who you are.- Goodbye, my friends.- Goodbye.My ticket.How will I get home?I sorry, my friend.Go.Go.Run to freedom.Go! Go and live your life!Come on!CHARLES "CHIP" PICKERING U.S.CongressmanIt is good to be here.This is my 1 Oth PentecostaIcamp meeting. A decade.The bottom line is,we're a Christian nation now...JIM SMITH,Chief Justice,State Supreme CourtThe bottom line is,we're a Christian nation now......we were one in the beginning.....and we gonna always be a Christiannation untiI the good Lord returns. Amen.I didn't evolve out of a monkey.I didn't use to be a tadpole.I is what I is.Praise you, Jesus.The Bible says that Godwas manifest in the flesh......and believed on in the world.I got good news.Jesus is God in the flesh.I don't care what the deviI's doneto you or what he's trying to do.All you gotta dois step out of that aisle now......and make your waydown to this altar.Let's have a littleold-time church right now.I need somebody to pray withme right now. Come on, sir!The blood over my neighbor.I bleed the blood over my church.I want you to help me,save me, please.Ladies and gentlemen,the gentleman here......standing right next to me,his name is Bolak.Would you greet him with a great bigJesus name for just a couple of minutes?Thank you.I have no friends.I am alone in this country.Nobody like me.My only friend, Azamat......he take my money and my bearand he leave me alone.Not only this.The woman I love, the reasonI traveI across the country......she have do something terribleon a boat...- ... and now I can never forgive her.- You have to.Is there anybody who can help me?Yes. The one that can help youis who we preached about tonight.- Jesus.- Do Jesus like me?Absolutely, Jesus loves you.Do Jesus like my sons?Jesus loves your sons.Do Jesus lovemy retard brother, Bilo?He loves your brother, Bilo.Do Jesus love my neighbor,Nursultan Tulyakbay?Yes. He loves everybody.Nobody love my neighbor,Nursultan Tulyakbay.Can Jesus heaI the painthat is in my heart?Jesus can heaI your painin your heart.Make him heaI the painthat is in my heart.- Lift your hands and begin to worship.- Lift your hands.Would you lift your hands with himas we pray in the name of Jesus.- God, forgive me of my sins.- God, forgive me-- Forgive me, God. Cleanse me.- Cleanse me.Cleanse me, Lord,in the name of Jesus.Yeah, let that tongue go.Here it comes.We're gonna speak in other tongues.Let that tongue go.Yes, God. Yes, God. Yes, God.Yes! Yes!I will forgive Pamelaand I will go to California.I will go to Malibu with meand my friend, Mr. Jesus......and together we will take her!I took a bus to Los Angeles......with some friends of Mr. Jesus.Finally, I had arrived.Happy times.Marilyn.Azamat?You traitor!Look, I can explain.You attack me. My moustachestill taste of your testes!Calm down.Let me explain.What did you do with the bear?She ran off. I'm sorry,I'm sorry.Hey! Fuck off, Death!You need to calm yourself!You have to calm down!Well, that's another finemess you've gotten me into.I had not come to Hollywoodto fight a man dressed as Hitler.I had come to makePamela Andersons my wife.So I forgave Azamat.I knew you'd make it here, Borat.I felt so bad thatI prepare this for you.It's everything I couldfind on Pamela.Last Friday she appeared for a groupwho are against cruelty to animals.Against cruelty to animals?And tomorrow she'sdoing a signing.She wrote a book.What? A woman has written a book?Dr. Yamak would never believe this.I know.We will go to thishistoricaI event......and I will marry Pamela there......but in the traditionaIKazakhi way.Azamat, let's prepare thewedding sack.You forgive me, yes?Yes.Having learned many lessonsfrom U.S. and A......I will now teach America howto have a wedding Kazakhi-style.You find more.PAMELA ANDERSONAUTOGRAPH SIGNING, Orange, CAVery excite. Very excite.Hi. Hi, everyone.I love you.It is me, Borat.- Well, thanks for coming, you guys.- Thank you!I love Pamela Anderson.- Really?- Yes.Go ahead.- Hi.- Hello.Make it out to someone?My name Borat Sagdiyev.I son of Asimbala Sagdiyev......and Boltak, the rapist.I former husband of Oxana Sagdiyev......who was daughter ofMiriam Tulyakbay......and Boltak, the rapist.I make this for you, this...There are our name.My name- Your name,Pamela Anderson and Borat Sagdiyev.Here's today's date.And this say that it is today's date,our wedding......and then this inside is silk.Pamela, will you marry me?No, thanks. I'm sorry.No. Agreement not necessary.Oh, my God! Oh, my God!Get off!- Get your own wife!- Fucking shit!Come on, get her!Wait, Pamela.Don't worry, I nervous too!Pamela, wait.Pamela, I will give youyour own plow.Get out of the way!Watch out, watch out.- Get on the ground.- Hands behind your back.- Okay. Pamela...- We're gonna stand you up.- Bring your knees up.- All right.Pamela,I am not attracted to you anymore!Not!I was humiliated.It was time for meto return to New York......where a ticket was waiting for meto fly back home.While I sat on the bus, I thought ofmy journey over the past three weeks.The great times.The good times.And the shit times.Mainly, they were shit times.I had come to Americato learn lessons for Kazakhstan......but what had I learned?Suddenly, I realized.I had learned thatif you chase a dream......especially one with plastic chests......you can miss the real beautyin front of your eyes.Hi.Welcome back in my town of Kuzcek.Since I return,there have been much improvements.We no longer haveRunning of the Jew.It's crueI.We Christians now.Doltan improve too.Hey, Doltan. High five!Great.Come my house.There Nursultan Tulyakbay.He still asshole.I get iPod.He only get iPod Mini.Everybody know it for girls.Come.And this my beautifuI wife.Thank you for watch my film.I hope you like.You’re such a slug, gtfo
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RHYMIEEEEEE!!!!!!! @rhymingtree
Once again your girl is late!
Better late than never! 😂🖤
Once again your girl is NOT READY WHOOOOOO
Whoooooooooooo 😈
Ew we're back in his mind
His mind is a thing that’s for sure
How in the hell had she made it away from the Asset? How in the hell was she—
It's destiny Oliver. Fate. Invisible string of don't-murder-the-future-love-of-your-life. Call it what you will.
He's gonna be so pissed when he realizes he's gonna jump out of an old-ass plane in the middle of Japan with the person he loathes most in the world being responsible for his life (or death)
He’s def not gonna be happy that’s for sure
hey remember that burger I was gonna throw to you
I finished it riiiight
After a quick nap, you were awakened by one of the voices in your head. You weren’t sure which one it was but it told you to keep moving.
I relate to this on a concerning level
Same tho
I'm catching the 355 references now hehe
why the fuck do i remember that movie, i barely enjoyed it…
I remember nothing from it except that one chase at the v beginning of the movie. That was one of the few fun parts i liked…besides looking at sebastian…i enjoyed that bit
Oooooh I'm loving the Armand interrogation
I told you my characters were on a torturing rampage…i kinda like it tbh
“Yes, ma’am. Though, they seem to be on the move.” “Moving where?” “As far away from you as possible.”
why was that so funny
Her flight went really smoothly. She has a well planned itinerary.
Athena just needs to be a travel agent 😂
If she knew where the Paris sector was, she could find the rest of Europe’s. He had to stop her before she threw a wrench in his plans.
well don't throw a wrench in hers, she's going backpacking in the Alps soon!
😂 that would be entertaining tho
#Ghost'sEuropeEscapades2017 she's publishing the blog soon.
I’m still waiting for her lookbook post 👀
— “No, no.” Novak shook his head, “I do not have everything. I do not have her. She is everything.” —
oof he and the High Evolutionary would have been besties
The high evolutionary was like a strange mix of ollie’s crazy and novak’s ‘genius’ + crazy [i think he def leaned more ollie at the end there]
omg that makes Ollie
HAHAHA that makes Ollie the Sovereigns. He's one of the gold people
That does make me giggle because i just see him as adam
Romanoff was still on the phone trying to smooth things over with French authorities while Barton put together some kind of report for someone or the other.
Ghost's travel tip no.218: if you're planning on doing something especially reckless, see if you can get a demolition permit from the local government 🙂 .... not that ghost ever did that
😂 she doesn’t really care about that, tho i’m sure athena could get her a permit
And here I go again, watching Darke traumatize my Bucky even deeper
honestly at this point how is therapy gonna help him... poor guy hasn't caught a break.
Fr fr he don’t need therapy he just needs ghost to come clean and then…🌶 the anger out 😏
Oliver turned back to the man, folding his arms over his chest as he leaned against the wall, “What’s the plan?”
ew is he doing a Steve-checking-in-while-another-Avenger-is-wallowing-in-despair ewww
Yaaaay Boone on the Perch 😀😀
Finally back in her element 😌
She and Duke may have been the engineers and architects of Aftermath when they restarted the operation, but that didn’t mean they didn’t get chastised every now and again.
It's called getting humbled and sometimes even the very best of us need it
Ollie needs to get one too
Ohhhh he will 😏
nevermind he always gets one from Novak but he is very bad at listening
That do be true…
Pffffttttttt brb imagining duke and boone walking ghost and jack through disneyland with beefed up toddler leashes
Poor General Garner... if he didn't have white hairs then, he most certainly does now
I def see him having tufts of white hair at this point, he’s had to deal with duke and boone and alpha 2 for years
It's weird to hear someone call Ollie Wraith Guy... I guess it just reminded me that this whole game with him is only on a deep personal level to Ghost and by some extent to Alpha Two, but other operatives have probably only dealt with him as a threat to look out for before he blew up Olympus.
Lol i have to remind myself that too. It’s deeply personal to aftermath but it’s on another level for alpha 2 and a whole other level for Ghost.
To other agents and operatives, he may have killed their friends and colleagues, might have blown up the only homes they've really known, and might have forced them all off the grid, but in a way that comes with the job of being in Aftermath.
This is def something that I keep forgetting, there are agents that are all over the world and that woke up one day to find out that their friends were dead and they were on their own. But it also makes me question what they’d think about ghost and ollie’s relationship [and turner’s] and if they’d blame them for not stopping wraith earlier [because ghost thought it was danny and pulled some of her punches]
But to Ghost, she knew him, she saved his life loads of times and the betrayal is deep.
The betrayal is deep but i wonder if she still sees him as the kid that was her friend, even if he was using them the entire time
Not to General Garner though, this Wraith Guy is a thorn in his side and a threat to his and his people's lives, but he's still just some guy.
Garner def is over the theatrics and wants them to treat him like a regular aftermath threat and finish the job
Jack's grumpy again
He’s a v v v v v grumpy boi
They're planning on building a containment unit for Ollie?
Why am I thinking they'll end up using it for someone else
Poor Zac almost got run over 😭 he isn't that small, Jack you can see him just fine!
I told you he’s a grumpy boi…it’d be a shame if that came back to bite everyone in the ass
omg im imagining how badass the Perseus activation could be if we ever saw it on screen
Ughhhhhhhhhhhhh that’d be dope…brb i’ve got leftover ai clips somewhere
what if perseus had it's own theme? with a motif that could be from ghost's own theme? what if it's mechanical like the winter soldier theme but with a different, cleaner sound? like more calculating and rhythmic
I think if he were to have a theme it would be a mix of like athena’s motif and ghost’s theme
What if Jekyll and Hyde had their own themes? Like Hyde's theme could be like Ghost's theme but in a different key, or if it did a Sondheim and it just flipped all the notes upside down and made it sound disjointed but definitely familiar.
WHAT IF Ghost has different variations of her themes through different parts of her life? Like Alpha One Ghost has one theme and it gets changed into a minor key with a rapid tempo in the Bunker?
Ughhhhh i have so many ideas for ghost’s theme/aftermath’s theme and how they’d fit into each other. I think we’ve talked about it before but each member of a1 would have an instrument assigned to them and brought together they’d have the theme of aftermath.
I think during a bunker escape, the theme would be changed to a minor key and everyone’s instrument would slowly disappear until it was just ghost’s motif as she finally found freedom.
And then when she escapes and returns to New Eden the theme is slower and more somber but also disjointed, like jumps between measures of music or if the string section was playing the trumpet sections and vice versa and everything's a mess and nothing is the same but everything is
I can see hers as slower and almost like a broken record with more ethereal kinda sounds that show off her dissociation and flashbacks
Heh. Get it? Swing of things.
Pete, you're in your head. You don't need to justify your own puns to yourself.
Pfffffft i do this to myself all the time
noooo the death star... I always felt bad about that... he'd worked so hard on that thing probably
Now they can work on it together as ned asks a million different questions
Yes do it…it ties in more and more
I'm so happy I'm no longer stressed out this is great
I am literally as excited as Ned right now for very different reasons
aaaand we're back to the shooty shooty and the fighty fighty
I love the back and forth jump in this ch
Ooh. Arson. Lovely way to spend the day during a lovely evening walk in a pretty European city
She really does know how to have adventures in foreign cities
Tearing his gaze away from Jack, he turned his attention back to the road as Jesse took one final turn toward the Widow’s Nest, and Duke softly smoothed Boone’s hair away from her face. He patted her gently, waking her as the van came to a stop.
soft big brother duke is best duke
He really is
I love how cryptid Ghost is being
like all of this is so dramatic it's so fun
“I’ll meet with him tomorrow night.” She nodded, “I told him we’d be in touch.”
ugh i love how Bucky's waxing poetic falling deepr into despair and then it all just fucking shatters because he keeps walking into the fucking room
“Something we used to say to each other before we went on missions. We were always getting into firefights. Always poking at the idea of taking on a desk job instead.”
Walsh sighed, sending him another glance, “They were too disfigured by the blast. We haven’t been able to get an ID.”
was it the blast or the bullets, or the fact that they're nazis and you're covering up their identities because you're all goddan nazis
Probs the third one
It was easier with every step, easier to read the operatives as they tried to save their own skin. Some tried to bargain with you, others simply cursed you.
But it didn’t matter.
Their fates were all the same.
I really wanna see it in live action
“I didn’t say you could go,” you snarled, grabbing onto the man’s collar and hauling him to his feet, “I have questions. You’re going to answer them.”
Probs one of my fave lines in the whole damn thing
Ghost's travel tip no. ??? : the voices in your head are good company when travelling through Europe alone
“My head hurts,” he panted, rubbing his temples so harshly he almost hoped his brain would squeeze out of his skull like a banana. It would be less painful.
I'm gonna describe headaches like that from now on, it's a very accurate description
Fr fr
ooh another score idea
tell me tell me tell me tell me tell me tell me tell me tell me
Jack's theme music would have little parts of Ghost's theme woven into his, maybe a slight change in the key at first, or a shift in tempo, but the longer he has the serum and the more intense its effects become, the more Ghost's theme becomes prominent in his music
Ohhhhhhhh i’d love to have this in TS&TS too. Kinda give him elements of ghost and dannys theme to foreshadow that he was going to take their place as leader of a2…but then it would also foreshadow his fate to turn into a super soldier like her
the more he becomes like ghost, the more similar their motifs become, with the original sound of Jack's own theme fighting against Ghost's, like right now when he's realizing he needs to start over and figure himself out
👀 yesssssssssssssssssssssss
“Did you just call me a panther? That’s sexy—”
Jack you literally just puked in a dark alleyway while having an existensial crisis this is not an ideal time for this
He’s feeling a lot of things rn
You seized his hand, letting your fingers pinch one of his before setting the knife against one of the joints, “Jede Frage, die Sie nicht beantworten, ist ein Finger, den Sie verlieren.” Every question you don’t answer is a finger you’ll lose.
Having a good time
omg wait i thought of another score thing hahaha
the music for this whole fight scene and interrogation part could be titled "Out of Hand" HAHAHAHAH
Pfffffffffftttttt i love that michael giacchino does that with a lot of his scores
I'm too tired for this oh my god
ughhhhhhhhhhh now im sad again thanks
You’re welcome
What had Wraith seen in him?
his Naziness
“Maybe she had a bad day. There are some days I wanna kill you. Like right now.”
Bad day? Most of her days have been really bad. She'd kill everyone in the world if she could
She paused, her brows knitting together as she straightened at the tone of his voice. It was sharp, even if he was trying to dull it. Either she really had hurt whatever feelings he had or he knew something she didn’t.
I spent so much of last year yelling at Clint now I gotta yell at Nat, too? I DO NOT HAVE THE ENERGY FOR THIS
Don't use Clint as a proxy, I'm still not going to bed.
Go tf to sleep nerd
I loved this chapter though, mostly because of Peter fricking Parker. I'm so excited to see where you take the Homecoming storyline. I LOVE NED I WANT MORE NED
You’ll love 91 then 😏 and 92…
Ooh and Jack's whole arc is really only just beginning and I'm so so so excited to see it. He's so different from all the other supersoldeirs we've met throughout the MCU and BSU storyline, mostly because we're seeing in real time how the serum is changing him physically and mentally; but also, he's the only supersoldier who didn't get the serum because of a cause or an experiment. He got it to save his life, I don't know why I find it so interesting how different his situation is but it is…
He’s def really fun to explore and i know where i wanna take his arc but i also feel like i’m running out of time with him because i wanna get through the rest of the wraith arc and now i’m grappling with what to do, which might mean we step away from ghost for a second just to deal with him
Loved it Darke. Sorry you didn't get the burger. Or the fries.
Aw man…now i’m hungry

To all my live reactors,
Please, please, please, hide your reactions under a Read More cut. I don’t want any spoilers floating around.
To all my Anonymous Avengers,
If you want to react in my asks, feel free. However, I won’t be answering any of them until at least Wednesday if they contain spoilers.
Thank you,
┍━━━━━━━━ ★ ━━━━━━━━┑
Standing from your hiding place, you rushed through the smoke and back into the fight without a second thought. You barely took in the people that were coming at you before you fired.
One shot, one kill.
You were pretty sure some of them were wearing tactical gear, others were dressed as civilians, and others were dressed in expensive suits.
But it didn’t matter what they were wearing.
None of it mattered.
None of it, even as you stole weapons and used them as your own. Nothing mattered, even as bullets glanced off your chest plate with a spray of sparks. None of it, even as the smoke and flames licked up the side of the stairs and the far end of the room collapsed.
“Do you know who I am?” one man yelled, clad in a business suit with his tie askew.
“I don’t care.”
┕━━━━━━━━ ★ ━━━━━━━━┙
✪ Bᴀᴛᴛʟᴇ Sᴄᴀʀʀᴇᴅ : Aғᴛᴇʀᴍᴀᴛʜ
♜♠ Tʜᴇ Sᴏʟᴅɪᴇʀ & Tʜᴇ Sᴘʏ
⧗ Tʜᴇ Rᴇᴅ Rᴏᴏᴍ
»Jᴏɪɴ ᴛʜᴇ ᴅᴀʀᴋᴇ sɪᴅᴇ Tᴀɢʟɪsᴛ
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***if you have a strike through your handle, it wouldn’t let me tag you 😞
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