#i'm determined to be mostly better by the weekend >| so i can get back to replies
magnifiico · 10 months
(╥_╥) i truly am so lucky to have such incredibly talented and supportive followers – thank you both for being here and to those of you who reblogged my dinky lil promo yesterday! it means the entire world to me (◕︿◕✿)
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jessicaloons · 3 months
Chapter 46:
You play stupid Games, You win stupid Prizes
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"Did you read that?" Charles asked and I looked at his phone.
"He's still gambling? He should just take that Williams seat and this whole mess is over... but no, he and his father are still talking about my goddamn seat like it's vacant!" I rolled my eyes and Charles chuckled a little.
"I can't wait for you to step out in your race suit, Doetterer 2027 on your back, right in his face that your seat is taken for the next 3 years." he sat down on the edge of the bed, and I sat up.
"I honestly don't care about him or his father... I just want to have a good weekend, perform well here at home. I want to make Germany proud. It's been a long time since a German driver won the German GP..." I sighed a little.
"Was Seb the last winner?"
"No, that was Nico in 2014. 10 years ago. Seb wasn't that lucky with Ferrari at the German grand prixs..."
"Oh yeah, true... but this year a German driver from a German team will win." Charles sounded determined and I smiled at him "I have a feeling."
"Yeah? Then let's hope you're feeling is right." I kissed his cheek and got up "And now let's go. I'm hungry." I put on Charles hoodie and we went downstairs, a loud hustling and bustling already awaiting us. Mum, Pascale and Sissy made breakfast, while Dad, Arthur and Daniel, sat at the table talking away. Benji and Liam sat on the floor playing with Arlo.
"Good morning sleeping beauty 1 and sleeping beauty 2."
Daniel was the first noticing us, right as Arlo turned around, over excitedly wagging his tail.
"Morning." I bent down, ruffling Liam and Benji's hair before I scratched Arlos head
"Sit down, sit down, breakfast will be ready any minute." Mum said from the kitchen and I plopped down next to Arthur.
"I guess you've seen the latest chapter in the never-ending Sainz to Audi saga?" Dad asked and I sighed a little.
"This weekend it will be over. He can watch Lizzie walk out in her race suit, announcing her contract renewal, Audi will put out the statement and he has to say yes to Williams, if he doesn't want to be seatless next season." Charles said and Dad nodded.
"I honestly don't get what Carlos problem was with you, Lizzie? Like seriously? He was a funny bloke, one of the guys? Nice one. But you and him? That just didn't work out." Daniel said and I shrugged my shoulders.
"He didn't like that Lizzie was better than him." Charles stated simply but I shook my head
"No, I think it all started when I was speaking out against Ferrari, mostly Mattia's way of handling you guys. And that I openly said that you are the better driver and fight for the championship and your team should fully support you. I think that was what made him furious... and from then on... well we all saw what happened."
"Yeah but everything you said was true!" Arthur said and Daniel nodded slightly.
"He's playing a dangerous game though, publicly talking about the Audi seat, not even mentioning the interest of the other teams? Basically saying he only waits for the right offer from Audi? He'll end up with no seat for next year."
"Is it a dangerous game or just a stupid game?" Charles shrugged his shoulders.
"I guess we'll see..."
"Nervous?" Elijah asked and I hesitated for a moment.
"I honestly don't know. I mean, it's Hockenheim, I know this track better than any other track. I raced there so often, I tested for Audi there so many hours, that would fill 10 full races. I raced here in F3, F2. The WSeries. Not to mention all the times I tested various cars there... but this time I race here in Formula 1? My dream comes to life... so yeah, sure I'm kinda nervous because I want to win this race and put myself under a lot of pressure. But I'm also super excited, because it's my home race that I race in freaking Formula 1." I replied, watching Dad joke with Charles, Daniel and Lorenzo.
"And today you're kicking off the race week with a nice family barbecue?"
"Yeah kinda, it's been a long time that we've all been here together. And now we added Daniel to the family, which means it's getting even louder around here." I joked right when said driver joined us at the table.
"I heard my name from my little sister?" he wiggled his eyebrows, pinching my side and I rolled my eyes laughing.
"I just said the neighbours will complain now that we added you to the family and our little backyard hangouts will be way louder than before." I chuckled and he nodded.
"Big possibility, not gonna lie."
"They survived all of you screaming and shouting after the world cup final 2014... I guess they can handle Daniel." Mum laughed and put down a salad bowl.
"Oh come on! We just won the title! Of course we freaked out a little bit!" Dad said from the barbecue and I nodded.
"A little bit? You and Hervé had fireworks! Fireworks! In July! In Germany!" Mum said and I laughed, thinking back to that day.
"It was an amazing evening! Come on!" Charles threw in, as he sat down next to me.
"Two semi-drunk men handling firework, they probably purchased illegally, in a backyard full of people and flammable things?" Pascale looked at him pointedly.
"We were careful!" Dad stated.
"Oh yeah? You two lit up one of these stick things and then, while it was already burning you read on it that you're not supposed to hold it in your hands but stick it in the ground!"
"Well... that was unfortunate. But nothing happened! We just shot these sparkly fireballs at each other." Dad shrugged.
"Seems like you guys had some good times together in the past?" Elijah smiled and I nodded.
"The best! Dad and Hervé always came up with the craziest, most random things out of the blue." I laughed and squeezed Charles hand under the table.
"They said they were brothers from another mother." he said and Pascale nodded.
"Yeah. Both grown ups with the mind of two little boys sometimes."
"Not gonna argue with that." Dad mumbled and we laughed.
"Good old times." Lorenzo said and I nodded.
"Yeah. Good old times indeed."
The moment we arrived at the Hockenheimring my mind was blown. A sea of German flags were waved everywhere. For the first time ever there where more fans waiting for me than for Charles. I was overwhelmed with the amount of people chanting my name.
"Look how they love you." Charles said, opening the door and I got out of the car.
"This is crazy!" I mumbled.
"No, its not. It's what you deserve! You deserve to be here, now and forever. This is your home. These are your people.
And look at how much they love you." he took my hand and pulled me towards the fence "Come on. They're all waiting for you, cara mia!"
I didn't know where to start, who to look at first, the amount of people cheering me on was overwhelming. I took more selfies than at all races combined before as it felt, signed team kits, flags, poster, caps and what not. My wrists were full of new bracelets, hands full of gifts.
"Thank you so much!" I hugged the girl who handed me a scratch book, after explaining to me that’s it’s a book with fan letters from girls around the world, thanking me for being their role model and writing how me being in F1 changed their life’s "This means so much to me! What’s your insta name! I want to post it and tag you! I mean if that’s okay for you?"
"Yes! Of course! I made it together with my best friend, she can’t be here unfortunately." the girl replied, typing down her Instagram name in my phone "We both hope that you’re winning this weekend! And if not you, then Charles!"
"I will try my very best!" I chuckled and took back my phone, when Charles tapped my shoulder "Thanks again for the book!"
I waved one last time to the crowd and then followed Charles to the gates, the book pressed tightly to my chest.
"Cara mia." Charles nodded towards a little girl, covered in Audi merch, hiding behind her father's legs.
I handed Charles the book and several other gifts and slowly walked towards the father daughter duo.
"Hi." I smiled at her and she gripped her dad's leg tighter.
"Maddie, come on, say hi to Lizzie." he cooed and the little girl, Maddie, carefully stepped around his legs. I immediately kneeled down, smiling at her.
"Hi Maddie, my name is Lizzie." I said, stretching out my hand and she hesitantly shook it.
"I know who you are." she said quietly "I'm a huge fan."
"Thank you, that really means a lot." I smiled.
"Maddie started karting 2 years ago after she saw you debut in F1." her dad said, and I looked up at him "She said if you can make it into F1 with only men, she can start karting with the boys."
"And you are absolutely right! Just because you're the only girl doesn't mean that you shouldn't do it! When I started karting, I also was the only girl, for a really long time actually, but it never stopped me."
"And now you're in Formula 1." she said.
"And now I'm in Formula 1."
"I think you will win this weekend, or at least I hope so."
"I will try my very best." I smiled and Maddie poked her dad's leg.
"Oh yeah, umm- can I take a picture of you two?" he asked and I nodded
"Of course." I smiled waving the girl over.
"Can you sign my cap as well?" she asked as soon as her dad gave us the thumbs up.
"Sure." I took the sharpie from her dad's hand and signed the cap "Here, all done."
"Thank you! And good luck this weekend!" she smiled and I nodded.
"Can I get a good luck hug?" I asked and she nodded excitedly and hugged me "Thank you." I got up and waved her and her dad goodbye when Charles lead me away, towards the hospitalities.
"You're so loved here, I honestly wished it was like this everywhere..." he said and I nodded a little.
"Yeah, it's really a total new feeling."
"You deserve it." he kissed my cheek and we stopped in front of the Audi hospitality "See you later? I'll pick you up and we can go together to the press conference."
"Alright." I took my gifts from him and kissed him goodbye, then walked inside where Julie was waiting for me.
"The crowd loves you!" she smiled and I put down the gifts.
"They really do, I have a feeling that this weekend we'll shoot something special." Elijah said and I flinched a little.
"I completely forgot about you." I mumbled and he laughed.
"We stayed behind, just filmed you without you even knowing we were there."
"Can you do that the whole weekend like that?" I asked and Julie laughed.
"That’s our plan. You’ll not even know that we’re here." he said and I sighed a little.
"Well, yeah, let's hope so."
"Welcome to round 13 here at Hockenheim, home gp of two of our drivers and teams. Today we're having hometown hero's Lizzie Doetterer, Audi and Nico Hülkenberg, Haas, with us, as well as Charles Leclerc, Scuderia Ferrari, Max Verstappen, Red Bull Racing and Daniel Ricciardo, Racing Bulls. I start with you Lizzie. First time racing in F1 on home turf, how are you feeling?" Tom Clarkson started the press conference, and I took the microphone.
"I'm excited, nervous, overwhelmed, yeah too much to put into words. When I was younger I watched some of the best drivers race this track and dreamed that one day I would be one of them and here I am." I answered and Charles next to me smiled.
"How does it feel, seeing all those German flags being waved, all those people in Audi merch?"
"It's just amazing. I never felt this much support ever before and it makes me more than excited to finally race here."
"You always said that Hockenheim is the track you know the best, the track you race better than any other track. Do you think it gives you a little advantage, that you know this track so well, raced here more often then most other drivers on the grid?"
"It's no disadvantage, that's for sure, but honestly, on other tracks I only raced once before I had to do it in F1, on others I've never raced before. It's like this in F1 sometimes. And nowadays with the simulators you can race as often as you want on every track, so yeah."
"Alright, let's continue with you Nico, another hometown hero." Clarkson looked at Nico and began his interview with him, then continued with Max, Daniel and lastly Charles.
"Charles, you said that Lizzie will make a big step forwards this weekend and will be one of the main threats."
"I've seen her progress over the last races, she was always close to the win, collected podium after podium, and now we're here at Hockenheim, the track she can race blindly... which she did, by the way, and Audi brought a new set of updates? Yeah, she definitely will be one of the main threats this weekend."
"You raced here with a blindfold?" Max asked me and I laughed.
"No! It was only in the simulator, a couple of years ago!" I replied and he laughed.
"And? Did you make it?"
"She did, she was only 3 seconds slower than me." Charles answered and Max looked impressed.
"Not bad."
"Alright. Let's open this up to questions from the floor. As always, please state your name and publication first." Clarkson looked into the crowd of reporters and picked the first question.
Most of the first ones were for Nico and me, how we felt about finally racing back in Germany. If Hockenheim should be permanently on the race calendar. Then the questions switched to Max and Charles and their close battle for the championship.
"Question for Lizzie. You brought a whole set of updates, how do you think they will be working?"
"Well the weather got a bit in our way to fully say how they will work out with heavy rains on the forecast for the whole weekend. So we will have to wait what we can do under this rough conditions." I say honestly.
"But you're usually really good in the rain and love a rough track?" he countered and I laughed.
"Well, yeah, but I’m usually liking it not that rough." I answered.
"News to me." Charles mumbled, not directly into his microphone, but still loud enough to get caught and the silence was loud in the room.
I looked at him with wide eyes and he sat there, petrified. The shock what he just had said evident on his face.
"So a freak in the streets and a freak in the sheets. Lucky you, Charles" Daniel laughed and I blushed.
The whole room erupted in laughter and Charles just facepalmed and mouthed a 'sorry' to me. I silently prayed for Clarkson to end the press conference and when he did I was the first one to leave, taking a deep breath as soon as I was outside.
"I’m so, so sorry, cara mia! I swear I didn’t expect the microphone to catch that." Charles followed me and held me by the waist, looking at me "It was more a joke to myself and… god I’m so sorry."
"You‘re not… you‘re grinning!" I pushed him off and he chuckled.
"Because it was kinda funny! Freaking embarrassing, but funny!" Charles pouted a little and I rolled my eyes.
"Everyone laughed and had a blast, come on mate." Max laughed, appearing right behind Charles and I glared at him "Okay. Sorry. I’m scared of your girl…" he then whispered to Charles.
"Kids, kids! Come on. It was a joke, we all laughed. Nothing bad happened." Daniel said and Charles nudged my shoulder a little "Well, nothing bad happened yet… if I’d be you, Charlie boy, I’d be scared to walk back to the paddock, where Pops will wait…"
"What?" Charles stopped grinning in an instant and swallowed hard.
"What you said? About his perfect, little girl? His princess? I wouldn’t want to be in your skin." Daniel walked off with a satisfied smile on his lips and Charles looked at me.
"Pops will laugh about it, right? He knows it was a joke?"
"I don’t know… not so sure…" now I chuckled and grabbed his hand "Come on, let’s see."
"Lizzie!" he whined and I laughed even louder.
"Oh come on, it was just a joke, you said it yourself…" I pulled him with me and as soon as we spotted Dad sitting outside the Audi hospitality, playing with Arlo, Charles slowed down.
"Look who’s there!" Dad unbuckled the leash from Arlo’s harness and he bolted off, straight into us and I bent down, scratching his ears.
"Hello my good boy. Did you play with Pops a little?" I cooed and followed him back to where Dad was sitting, Charles staying a little behind.
"So, how is it being here?" Dad asked me and I sat down, shrugging my shoulders.
"It’s normal, I guess?" I said, watching Charles take a tentative step towards us, still looking at Dad.
"Pete is confident that the upgrades will work out."
"Yeah, they all are, I guess we have to wait and see, no?" I picked up Arlo, sitting him down in my lap, when Dad turned to Charles.
"And what about you?"
"Me?" Charles asked nervously.
"Yeah, your car was lacking straight line speed in Silverstone? Did you fix that problem?"
"Oh… umm yeah, yeah, the team is confident that they fixed this issue." he sounded slightly relieved, letting out a deep breath, sitting down next to me, still a little fidgety.
"You okay there, Charles? Rough night?" Dad asked and Charles eyes widened.
"It was a joke! A stupid joke! I’m so, so sorry!" he blurted out and Dad bursted out laughing.
"Boy, I never saw you sweating like that." he shook his head, still laughing.
"I’m really sorry." Charles mumbled and Dad got up, patting his shoulder.
"It’s alright, Charlie boy." he said and walked inside.
"Why do I feel like he’s secretly planning something?" Charles mumbled and I shrugged.
"Because he probably is…"
"Very comforting, thank you."
Another day, another sea of German flags, Audi shirts and caps and poster of me were greeting us when we stepped out of the car and I couldn't stop the big grin forming on my lips. I zipped my jacket close and put the hood on, trying to stay dry.
"Excited?" Charles asked and I nodded.
"I think I was never this excited for FP1 ever before.. " I laughed and he pulled me to his side, kissing my temple.
"Same, same." he chuckled, dropping me off at my hospitality "Have a good session."
"You too." I smiled, climbing up the stairs.
"Lizzie?" Julie held the door open for me and I walked inside, the whole team standing around a table and I followed her inside.
"What's going on?" I asked when Pete and Valtteri stepped aside, revealing a cake.
In big red letters DOETTERER 2027 carefully piped on.
"Congrats on your contract renewal!" Valtteri said and I hugged him.
"Thank you, Valtteri! But where are you going? I mean... with Nico coming?" I whispered.
"It's all good, little one. I talked to Felix the moment I got a new offer, that’s when he contacted Nico…" he said and I looked at him "I’m going back to Mercedes, for one year and then it’s time to retire."
"Wait… what?"
"Toto called me as soon as Lewis told him. With Kimi Antonelli Mercedes has a good driver for the future, but he needs more experience, 2025 is too early for him, so I’ll take over for one year."
"But why retire? You still have some good years ahead of you!"
"Because it’s time. One day, you just feel it." he nudged my shoulder a little and smiled "And now come on… let’s have a piece of cake and then go into the car!"
"Okay…" I nodded slowly and stepped closer to the table.
"Speech! Speech! Speech!" Matt and some of my mechanics began to chant and I chuckled, shaking my head.
"Okay, okay, okay! Honestly I don’t have much to say, just that I’m grateful for every single one of you! You are the best team I could’ve ever ended up in. You always believe in me and have my back, support me no matter what. Today we celebrate us, this team. Thank you guys!" I said, smiling at my team and Felix pulled me close to his side.
"Alright everyone! Let’s have some cake!" he said and then turned to me "And then get out there and have some fun."
I sat on the sofa, mindlessly scratching Arlo’s head in my lap, not listening to the conversations around me.
"Cara mia?" Charles squeezed my thigh and I looked up from my lap "Come on, eat something."
"I’m not hungry." I mumbled, looking back down.
"Hey, look at me." he scooted closer, gently grabbing my chin, turning my head "It wasn’t your fault… you couldn’t do anything. You were amazing in FP1, okay? We all saw how good you were! And what happened in FP2? It was out of your hands, until the crash you were the fastest on mediums! No one could match your pace, not even on softs!"
"Yeah but I crashed out, Charles!" I groaned and he sighed.
"No you didn’t! Logan crashed out and took you out as well an-…"
"I could’ve reacted quicker! Go around him, just do something to avoid the crash!" I interrupted him.
"No, no you could not, okay? Stop bashing yourself. It’s not your fault, end of the story." Charles looked at me pointedly and after a moment I sighed and nodded a little "Now, would you please eat something?"
"Yeah…" I sat Arlo down next to me and grabbed my fork.
"Thank you." Charles kissed my cheek and I took a bite of my salad.
"Tomorrow’s a new day, don’t beat yourself up too much." Dad said and I nodded again.
"I just wanted this to be the perfect weekend, you know? No mistakes. Good results. So that when the contract renewal is announced on Sunday no one doubts it…" I sighed.
"And you still can do it! Today was unfortunate, but it wasn’t your fault! Tomorrow you’ll come back stronger." Charles looked at me determined.
"I hope you’re right…"
"I am. You’ll see…"
Pole position. Freaking pole position. I cheered into the radio. Not understanding what Pete said for the first few seconds.
"You did it, little one! P fucking 1! Wooohooo! We’re all so proud of you!" his voice rang in my ears and I laughed.
"Let’s fucking go, guys! The car was on fire!"
"It really was!"
"Where’s Charles? Valtteri?" I asked, hoping to hear some good results.
"P2 and P4. Amazing job from you guys!"
I parked my car in the P1 spot and jumped out, running towards my team, celebrating our first pole in a while.
"Amazing job, little one!" Pete patted my back.
"What a lap!" Felix shouted.
"Thanks guys!" I high fived everyone when a pair of arms engulfed me from behind.
"What an amazing lap, cara mia!" Charles muffled voice behind me.
I turned around and opened my visor, his eyes already on mine. He pulled me towards the tables and I took my helmet off, followed by my balaclava, wiping my face.
"POLE SITTER!" Daniel yelled, storming our way, hugging me tight "Good job, Lizzie!"
"Thanks Danny." I smiled, seeing Pierre making his way to us.
"You so going to win tomorrow!" his first words as soon as he pulled me into a tight embrace.
"Don't jinx it!" I laughed and slapped his arm.
"I don't! It's just an honest opinion!" he chuckled and walked off.
"Lizzie?" an F1 official smiled at me and I nodded, taking the microphone from him.
"Lizzie! Congratulations on your pole! What an amazing qualifying session! Talk us through your pole lap." Nico Rosberg smiled his 10.000 mega watt smile at me and I took a deep breath, seeing all the Germany flags being waved behind him in the grandstand.
"Honestly, I just pushed, pushed, pushed. I knew that the rain would come any minute back and thought to myself that I just have to go full throttle. And it worked out perfectly."
"That it did. What do you think is possible in the race, can you win tomorrow, as the first German driver in a long time?"
"You mean as the first German driver after your last win here?" I chuckled and he nodded laughing "I think if we can maximise our race pace, have a good and clean start, a lot is possible."
"You're driving with a special livery this weekend, and I noticed a very interesting detail on your car and helmet..." Nico pointed at the hood of my car and I smiled, looking at the large 7.
"I wanted to pay tribute to not just this amazing track, because it's a shame that we don't have this track in the race calendar every season, but also go a little deeper. Germany and F1 belong together, and that's because of the amazing German F1 driver's of the past, but also the present. After waiting for this race for so long, I wanted to have every single German F1 driver with me, so yeah. I wanted to pay tribute to the guys who represented Germany so well in Formula 1, so yeah there's you, Seb, Timo, Nico but also some less known names, but still important. And of course, the Schumachers. Ralf and Michael, who was my hero growing up and I'm sure of so many others as well, he gave so much to this sport, he’s a legend, and also Mick, who should be driving on this track with me tomorrow, he didn’t get the chance he deserved back in Haas and I hope that changes in the future." I said proudly and Nico nodded.
"What a beautiful gesture. I think I speak for everyone who's on your car and helmet, when I say thank you so much, it means a lot." his voice was wavering a little and I squeezed his arm.
"I hope you like the photo of you that I chose." I laughed, to brighten the mood again and he smiled.
"I have to check it out, but honestly, every photo would be great, just because of the gesture. For now, I wish you all the best and good luck for tomorrow."
"Thanks, Nico." I handed my microphone to Charles who smiled brightly at me, then walked off to Julie, who was already waiting for me.
"Good job, Lizzie." she smiled and I followed her to the media pen "I need to take some pictures of you in your new race suit for tomorrow."
"Okay..." I sighed and she chuckled.
"Just a few quick shots, that's all I need."
"Okay.." I repeated and she playfully rolled her eyes.
"Thank you! And now smile, your on pole for your home race!"
"Yep, that I am." a big smile on my face again, when I read the text from Seb.
I woke up earlier than usually. Got up and took a quick shower, getting ready for the day. Then I waited for Charles to wake up. Breakfast went by in a blur and the drive to the track was even faster. All the fans around cheering for me, wishing me good luck, telling me that I would win, made me smile. I was getting more and more excited and when I walked inside my drivers room and looked at the race suit, the excitement bubbled up even more. The German flag in stripes down the arms and legs, my name on the back as well coloured in the German flag, paired with the 2027. All black. It looked dangerous. Our designer team really did an amazing job.
"Come on, fireproofs on and then let me braid your hair…" Mum smiled at me and I nodded, going on with my usual race day routine "We’re all so proud of you, Lizzie. So incredibly proud! Pole position, new contract, high chances of a win. And that all here at Hockenheim…"
"Oh Mum stop! Don’t cry!" I chuckled and she wiped away a tear, smoothing down my hair, combing through it "It’s a weekend like any other!"
"But it’s not! I’ve never seen so many people supporting you! Screaming your name! Finally you get the recognition you deserve." a soft smile on her lips "It just makes me so happy to see you happy."
"Oh Mum…" I turned around and hugged her.
"Okay, come on now. Silly me. Let’s get you ready and then present that beautiful race suit!" she wiped her tears away and braided my hair.
I checked as always that they weren’t too tight, moved my head around and gave her the thumbs up.
"Alright. I’ll wait outside for you." she kissed my cheek and left.
I turned around, grabbing the suit from the hanger and put it on, leaving the top unzipped pooling around my waist.
"Liz? You decent?" JK knocked at the door and I opened up "Ready for a little warm-up?"
He walked inside, a big grin on his lips, looking at my race suit.
"I'm so freaking excited to see Sainz' face." he laughed, and I chuckled a little.
"I just have to deliver as well... then it's a lethal punch in the guts." I shrugged my shoulders a little and he nodded.
"You'll do great, and now come on, let me get you ready." he clapped his hands, and got up "Okay, first your back and then some agility."
We started the warm-up routine and JK watched me carefully, every little hiss or frown was noted, and the exercise immediately adjusted. After 30 minutes I got up from the mat on the floor and took a big sip from my water bottle.
"I think I can win this today…" I said after a while and JK nodded.
"I think so too. You worked so hard the last weeks. You’ll start from pole. This is your win today." he smiled "And now let’s go, it’s time to show the world who‘s driving for Audi the next 3 seasons to come."
"Who‘s that? Oh right… ME!" I laughed and he chuckled.
"Come on now."
"Aye, aye captain." I saluted and he rolled his eyes, pushing me away gently.
I looked outside, the sky grey, light rain falling.
"Lizzie? It’s time." Pete looked at me and I took a deep breath.
"Alright, let's do this." I took one last sip of water and then turned to Julie, a big smile on her face.
"We'll let you walk out, stand with Nico in front of the entire grid, everyone will see the 2027 and right then I will post the official announcement." she said and I nodded, pulling my race suit up.
"How does it look?" I asked her and she gave me the thumbs up.
"Freaking amazing." Charles said behind me and I turned around "You look gorgeous."
"Oh stop. I'm just wearing a race suit..." I chuckled and he grabbed me by the waist pulling me into him.
"Yeah, I can see that, but it's your smile that's so captivating..." he kissed me, and I heard some of my mechanics hollering "Ready to kick some asses and let some jaws drop to the floor?"
"Hell yes!" I said and he smiled, taking my hand, leading me outside.
The first moments nothing much happened, but with every step I took further down the grid, a murmuring was going around. I saw the cameras filming us, Charles grinned, and some mechanics from other teams pointing at my back. And then I looked up at the big screen, showing my back, flashing the message out for everyone to see and the crowd cheered even louder.
"Seems like the crowd likes it..." Charles nudged me gently and I nodded, looking up at the screen again, where I looked in my face, a big smile on my lips.
"Urgh...stop filming my face." I chuckled and turned slightly, looking for the camera man.
"Stop whining, this is your moment!" Charles whispered and pushed me towards Nico, who already waited for me.
"Ready?" he asked and I nodded, walking in front of the rest of the grid to stand on the marked spot for us.
"It’s so weird… I’m used to stand somewhere behind… not in the middle with all eyes on me, or us…" I mumbled and he chuckled.
"It’s just for the anthem, you will survive." he said, then grinned "Oh, and congrats, team mate." he nudged my shoulder and I chuckled a little.
As soon as we both stood on our designated spots and Nico took off his cap the German national anthem started playing and we both sang along. For the first time today I felt the nervousness overcoming me, felt the tingling in my hands. This was it. This was it. The day I dreamed of for so many years. I would race in Formula 1 at Hockenheim. I saw the marching band preparing for the anthem and closed my eyes, for a moment, soaked it all in. With the beginning of the anthem I opened my eyes, starting to sing along. I never felt this pride in my life and the atmosphere was buzzing.
The next moments all happened in a blur. I walked back to my garage, did some last stretches, looked over the data once more, then it was time. Mum, Dad, Sissy, Liam, Marcus and Benji looked at me. All smiling. All looking proud.
"My sweet girl, we're all so, so proud of you!" Mum hugged me and I smiled
"We had that already today, Mum." I chuckled and she pulled awa, sniffling lightly.
"I know, I know. I'm sorry!" she whispered and managed to smile a little.
"Come here, my little owl." Dad pulled me in another bear hug "Kick their asses, Lizzie. Show them how good you really are." he whispered and I nodded.
"I'll try my best." I whispered back, then he pulled me away and next Sissy, then Marcus hugged me.
"We're proud of you."
"You'll win this."
"Only if my two little lads hug me!" I smiled at my nephews and both hugged me in an instant.
"Good luck, Lizzie!" Benji chirped.
"I know that you'll win!" Liam smiled brightly.
"Thank you guys so much!" I kissed their heads and then waved one last time.
Then I turned around, following JK out on the grid.
"Lizzie! Lizzie!" Martin Brundle caught up to us and I smiled at him "Woman of the hour. Pole setter, contract renewal, maybe race winner?"
"I will try my very best to achieve it." I replied and he smiled.
"3 more years with Audi, what a way to announce it, here, in front of your home crowd."
"They don't say for nothing there's no place like home, you know."
"Very well said. And I'm being honest with you, I'm rooting for you today. No better way to celebrate your contract renewal than with a home race win. Good luck out there!"
"Thanks, Martin!" he squeezed my shoulder and then hurried off, right when we arrived at my car.
"This is it. The moment you've been waiting for." JK smiled and I looked up at the sky for a moment. Watched the clouds brighten up a little.
"This is it. Indeed." I smiled and saw Charles coming over.
"Ready for it?" he smiled.
"Baby, let the race begin."
Charles chuckled and then hugged me one last time, kissing my temple.
"You can do it. We all believe in you. You'll win this race today!" he whispered and I nodded.
"I see you next to me then?"
"Oh hell yes." he nudged my chin gently and then walked back to his car, getting ready himself.
I turned around, taking my balaclava first and then my helmet from JK, putting both on. Then I climbed in the car, got buckled and strapped in, put my gloves on and waited lastly for my steering wheel. A sense of calmness was washing over me and I felt myself smiling. This was my home. This was my win.
"Ready?" Matt signaled me and I gave him the thumbs up.
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I never felt this at one with my car. It was almost like the car and my brain were connected and whatever I thought, the car reacted immediately. I was like in a tunnel, my whole surroundings faded away and it was only me, my car and the track. It felt like I heard Pete for the first time in hours when he told me that I should bring it home.
"Last lap?" I asked, almost flabbergasted.
"Last lap, Lizzie." he radioed back and I couldn't believe it.
"Already.. you were flying." he chuckled.
I breezed past Sachs, into turn 13 and 14, next into turn 15 and lastly into the Südkurve, watching the grandstand, a sea of black, red and yellow. I spotted the checkered flag and it was done. I won. Hockenheim.
"I won..." my voice barely a whisper.
"Yes you did! You won!"
"We're all so proud of you, little one! Amazing race!"
"Thank you guys so much! This is our win. All the hard work every single one poured into this made us win today!"
"It was you, who won today!" Felix radioed "You drove brilliantly, Lizzie."
"Thanks Felix, for everything."
"We're so proud of you, little one."
"Where's Valtteri?"
"P4. We earned a big chunk of points today. Well done!" I was overwhelmed. I won. Hockenheim. My mind went into autopilot. I parked the car in the middle spot. Unbuckled my seatbelt and headrest. Unclipped my steering wheel and climbed out. The crowd chanting. My name. Unbelievable. On shaky legs I jumped into my team. Celebrated our victory.
Watched my family celebrating my win.
"YOU DID IT! YOU DID IT! YOU WON!" Liam and Benji chirped and I hugged them both, jumping up and down.
"We're so proud of you. You were amazing!" Dad patted my helmet and I saw Mum wiping away some tears.
"Mum! Enough tears, come on!" I chuckled and she nodded.
"Go! Celebrate!" she smiled, looking behind me and without even turning around I knew who she was looking at.
I pulled my helmet off and turned around, Charles. Helmet already off. Wearing his biggest, most adorable smile. His eyes sparkling, looking at me. I pulled my balaclava off and sprinted towards him, not caring for a single moment what people would say, and jumped into his arms.
"You won, cara mia! I'm so proud of you!" he whispered, hugging me tight and the moment he pulled away slightly, I captured his lips in a searing kiss.
The world faded to nothing. Only Charles and I. And after what felt like ages my head started to feel dizzy from the lack of oxygen and I slowly pulled away.
"I love you." I breathed out and Charles smile made my heart go faster.
"In front of everyone? What's gotten into you?" he chuckled and I smiled sheepishly.
"I don't give a fuck anymore. I have a seat for the next 3 years in the best team. I won my home race. I have the best family and friends. And I have you. Why would I care about anyone else anymore?"
"I love you, my crazy girl." he whispered against my lips and kissed me again, right when someone cleared their throat, making us pull away.
"I really don't want to interrupt..."
"No, its fine..." I laughed, taking the microphone.
"Lizzie! Congrats on your win here today! What a race. At no time your win was in danger. How do you feel, after winning your home race?" Nico Rosberg asked and I took a deep breath, looking up at the crowd, the sea of German flags, the people chanting my name.
"I'm speechless. Seriously. I'm overwhelmed with it all... I was the whole race like in a tunnel. Just kept doing my thing. I think I never spoke this little with Pete during a race."
"You were genuinely surprised when your race engineer told you that it was the last lap?"
"Yeah, because I was so freaking focused. I swear I don't even know anymore when I pitted! It was all one big blur." I chuckled a little.
"You did amazing. Congratulations. You made all of Germany proud today, am I right?" Nico turned to the crowd and the chanting got even louder "Congratulations again, Lizzie, what an unbelievable race!"
"Thanks Nico." I smiled, handing Charles the microphone and followed the F1 official to the cool down room.
I put my helmet down, grabbed a bottle of water and sat down, closing my eyes. All the emotions almost bubbling over. I still couldn't believe it. I won Hockenheim.
"There she is, my race winner." Charles walked in and I smiled "How does it feel? Winning your home race?"
"Umm... freaking amazing? Overwhelming? Fucking awesome?" I laughed and he nodded "You kept Max behind you then?" I looked at him, when a replay of the race start was shown.
"Yeah, wasn't easy though." he shrugged, right when Max walked in.
"There she is. Home GP winner." he smiled and hugged me "What a race. I think I saw you at the start the only time the whole race."
"Our pace was out of this world today." I nodded when I watched another replay on the screen. Sainz going wide off track. I couldn't stop the grin from forming.
"Come on now, lets get your trophy!" Charles pulled me out of my chair, then he grabbed something out of his helmet and threw it around my shoulders, I looked down. A German flag.
"It's your home race! Let's go, don't let your crowd wait." he pushed me towards the door and I braced myself one last time, then stepped outside.
I climbed up the highest step, the sun breaking through the cloudy sky, the crowd chanting my name. I did it. I really did it. I watched Michael, one of our head strategists walk outside, hugging me again, taking his place on the right. Next came Charles, then Max. I took off my cap and looked up in the sky as the German anthem played. Charles smiled up at me proudly and I couldn’t contain the smile on my own face. The crowd singing along our anthem. Dad, Pete and Felix all together screaming it from the top of their lungs. Liam and Benji waving and clapping. I felt invincible. The moment the anthem stopped I prepared myself to lift up the most important trophy of my life so far. I held the German flag together, taking the trophy from Stefano Domenicali, who congratulated me and stepped aside. The moment I lifted the trophy over my head the crowd erupted. It was almost deafening. I sat my trophy down, waving at Liam and Benji when Les Toreadors started playing and I felt myself getting soaked in champagne from 3 sides. I managed to grab my bottle and spray a little champagne myself before we toasted our bottles together.
"Cheers to Lizzie!" Charles smiled at me and I took a swig of champagne, immediately scrunching up my nose.
We all huddled together to take the photos and I felt like I would never stop smiling. All the way down the podium, back to the garage where every single one of my team hugged me, to my family doing the same. The smile on my face only getting bigger and bigger. I even enjoyed the interviews and the press conference for once, even joked around.
"Go back to your team now, and later on, we’re going to celebrate!" Charles kissed me one last time and I cocked an eyebrow.
"Where are we going?"
"You’ll see. And now go!" he pushed me up the stairs of the Audi hospitality, laughing when I turned around and stocked out my tongue "GO!"
I shook my head and walked inside, the team already celebrating.
"I heard that Charles planned a party?" Felix looked at me and I shrugged my shoulders.
"I have no idea. Honestly."
"There is still one last race before the summer break next week…" I could see how he was fighting off a big smile and made my best puppy eyes.
"Only a ittle partying? Pretty please?" I pouted and Felix laughed.
"Just a little!" he said and I cheered.
"Let’s fucking gooo!"
It was like I was floating on cloud 9 the next days. After a big hangover for the half of Monday, the big smile on my face returned immediately back. I won Hockenheim. My home race. One more race and it was summer break. Life couldn’t be better. Only the weather didn’t pass the vibe check. Still heavy rains. Still grey skies. Spa would be another battle in the rain.
"Lizzie, how do you feel? After winning your home gp, seeing how good the updates worked?" Lawrence Barretto asked.
"Honestly, it still feels a little unreal. I mean it was an incredible, unbelievable feeling. The atmosphere was great, the fans were amazing. It was overall one of my best weekends in F1 so far for me." I replied with a big smile.
"Spa is, after Hockenheim of course, one of your favourite tracks, do you think the updates will work on this track as well?"
"I’m confident that the car will do great here as well, yes."
"There has been a lot of… different opinions about your contract renewal, what do you say to the people, thinking you don’t deserve a seat in F1?"
"I did the talking on track. I won a race, three in total in my third season in a midfield to slightly top team. While others in top teams won their first race in their sixth season. That’s all I have to say."
"Thank you Lizzie and good luck this weekend."
"Thanks." I smiled and walked off,
"Subtle." Julie chuckled and I shrugged.
"He could’ve just shut the f up and not comment on it. I just won my home race and instead of saying that he’s happy for me. Or just laugh and say good for her. No he had to say that it leaves him worried for Sainz, because he hoped that he would get my seat to make him stay in F1… he can fuck right off." I said, raising my voice at the end when I spotted the very person of my rage.
"Yeah, he should’ve just kept quiet. But you know him…" Julie sighed and we walked towards the exit.
"Yeah. Doesn’t make it better."
"I know. Let’s go. Ignore him." she lead me outside and for a brief moment Norris looked up, his eyes on mine, but I looked away and kept walking.
"I guess I have to do the talking on track again this weekend." I mumbled, and Julie nodded.
"That you do! And you show everyone that you deserve this seat more than Sainz does. Period."
"Oh 100 %."
"Hey Mr. Pole sitter." I smiled at Charles when he unlocked the car, ushering me inside "Not gonna lie. That lap was sexy."
"Oh come one, silly girl." he laughed, starting the engine.
"What? Max had all purples and was this close setting a new lap record and then you chimed in with all purples beating his time, even closer to a new lap record and then just casually top your won times with again all purples and really set a new record?" I looked at him and he shook his head "That was sexy. So. Damn. Sexy."
"Okay, okay!" he chuckled and I smiled "It was a good quali, I’m just sorry for you."
"The rules are the rules. He set the time first, so he’s in front of me." I shrugged my shoulders a little and Charles sighed.
"I know, it still sucks. You’ll be in a Lando and Carlos sandwich at the start."
"Ewww, don’t you dare ever saying that again!" I punched his arm and he laughed.
"Sorry. But seriously. Be careful."
"I will be, don’t worry." I said, looking out the window, watching how the rain kept pouring down.
"Let’s just hope for better weather tomorrow. Spa and that rain? That’s a red flag fest." Charles said and I nodded.
"Yeah, let’s really hope for better weather."
But all hopes and prayers were for nothing. It was still raining cats and dogs and when we arrived at the track, we were soaked down to our bones.
"I’ll see you later, cara mia." Charles kissed me and left.
I walked inside, taking my rain coat off, watching a few team members sit huddled together in the corner.
"That’s just sad. Both cars? I mean, better than the whole Australia incident, giving the driver who crashed out the other one’s car… but still…" Matt said and shook his head.
"What happened?" I asked and they turned around, greeting me.
"Williams won’t start the race. With both cars. They had to withdraw. Chassis and PU problems. They didn’t get ready in time because the spare parts were missing." Matt said and I looked at him with big eyes "Yeah, it’s sad…"
"Fucking hell, both cars? Damn." I mumbled, taking my phone out to read the official F1 article.
I finished reading when Charles texted me, saying he overheard the biggest news. When I asked him what it was he replied to wait and enjoy. I groaned and JK looked at me questioningly.
"You good?"
"Charles said A but not B…"
"Sorry, what? Is that a weird sex code?"
"What the fuck? No! He hinted at something but then didn’t tell me what it was about and I want to know!" I looked at him with big eyes.
"Oh, okay. So you mean if you are at the ball, you must dance. The saying goes who says A must say B in German?" JK asked.
"Better than if you’re at the ball, you must dance? That’s weird? And so long!" I defended and he held his hands up.
"I forgot, German efficiency."
"Exactly. German efficiency."
"Will you tell me now what you heard?" I asked Charles when we got ready after the anthem and he chuckled, grabbing my hand "Charles!"
"Patience, cara mia, patience!" he pulled me with him, looking around, searching for something.
"What are you looking for?"
He shook his head and then spotted Sainz, pulling me towards him.
"Carlos. Hey. I overheard the big news earlier, congrats on your new team. Looks like they all can’t wait for you to come, in fact, they were this excited that they completely forgot to get their car’s ready for the race." Charles said and I looked at him with big eyes "Let’s go, cara mia."
"What the…" I began, looking at him.
"He signed with Williams. I heard him, his father and cousin and Sylvia talk about it. The way they want to announce it." he chuckled and then turned around, grinning at Sainz who looked our way.
"You’re evil." I whispered, following his look.
"I know… but you love it, no?"
"Not gonna lie, it’s hot. Scary, but hot." I chuckled and he laughed.
"What is scary but hot?" Andrea asked and JK just shook his head.
"Do we even want to know." he rolled his eyes and I laughed.
"We were just talking about our good friend Sainz."
"What about him?" Andrea asked and Charles wiggled his eyebrows.
"He has a new team… sadly that team has no car on the grid…"
"He sighed with Williams?" JK asked, his head snapping around, watching Sainz "On the weekend where both cars have a DNS?"
"Williams. One of the worst team on the grid…"
"You know, like a really famous poet once said: You play stupid games, You win stupid prizes." I shrugged and all 3 looked at me for a moment.
"Taylor Swift." they said in unison and I laughed.
"I’m proud of you, my fellow Swiftie."
"Let’s get you guys in the car." JK rolled his eyes playfully and I pushed him away.
"Good luck, cara mia. Be careful. They both are ruthless at the start! I want you on that podium with me." Charles pulled me close, then kissed me gently "Drive safe. These conditions allow zero mistakes. I love you."
"I love you too, go and win this race." I smiled and he nodded, pecking my lips again, before he walked off with Andrea.
"Alright. Let’s get you in the car, come on." JK said and I nodded, turning around and preparing for the race.
When I sat in the car, everything was checked and ready, I took a deep breath. Looking to my left, spotting Norris who looked my way. I had to fight off Tweedledee and Tweedledum right at the start. Great. One last radio check and the formation started, the spray from Max making my vision practically non existent. As soon as we were back in our grid boxes I focused on the lights and accelerated the moment they went out, gaining massive momentum, almost instantly overtaking Norris. I inwardly cheered a little, pushing the throttle full through, focusing on what was happening in front, while trying to stay ahead of Norris and Sainz.
"Red Flag. Red Flag." Pete radioed and I cursed.
"What happened?"
"Daniel, Pierre, Ocon, Stroll and Alonso had a little something."
"Everyone okay?"
"Yeah, looks like Ocon and Alonso won’t be able to continue."
"Safety car."
The track was clear surprisingly fast and we all left the pits again, following the safety car.
"Standing start, Lizzie, back in P4."
"Of course." I mumbled hoping for another good start like the one minutes ago and was pleasantly surprised when I breezed past Norris for the second time today.
The rain was slightly getting lighter, the sight was still bad though and the first laps I had to focus more on seeing something than on driving fast. But that soon changed and I saw Sainz coming closer and closer.
"What lap are we in? I can’t read it."
27 more to go. I could do it. I could stay ahead.
"Weather update." I radioed after another 3 laps.
"No change for the next 6-8 laps."
"And then?"
"Heavier rain."
"Okay." I sighed.
The track was slippery and I felt my car slide from left to right, right to left in every turn I took. Charles and Max in front were having the same issues, fighting each other hard. I slipped and hit a kerb hard, feeling how I was losing the rear, but managed to keep the car on track, giving Sainz the opportunity to come even closer.
"Check the floor."
"On it."
I waited anxiously for Pete’s reply, while trying my best to stay ahead of Sainz.
"No significant damage."
The next 4 laps Sainz caught up to me, trying to overtake me and I had to fight him off more than I liked. The rain was slightly getting heavier, my sight was getting worse. 20 more laps to go. And Sainz was now closer than ever.
"I don’t think I can fight him off much longer." I radioed.
"Lizzie, let him pass… you can catch up to him again. But with your tyres now, it’s too dangerous."
I didn’t answer. Giving up my position wasn’t what I wanted. Especially not to him. But destroying my tyres by fighting him off, having no grip in these conditions was indeed dangerous.
I clenched my jaw and drove to the left, making space for Sainz to overtake me, which he did immediately. I had a bad feeling when I saw him breeze past me and as if on cue his car was wavering, losing grip, his left rear tyre, touching my front tyre and I felt my car sliding to the left, trying my best to keep it on track but it was already too late. I lost all control, losing the rear entirely, spinning out, the wet track didn’t slow me down and by the time I reached the gravel my car was already spinning to fast and I prepared myself for the impact. The moment I hit the wall, pain erupted in my back and I screamed out. Panting heavily.
"Are you okay?" Pete radioed and I tried my best to calm down my breathing "Lizzie?"
"I- I ca-…" my voice broke, breathing staggered.
"Lizzie? Hey! LIZZIE! Can you hear me? Are you okay!" Pete shouted in my ear.
"I’m okay." I pressed out, hearing my blood rushing in my ears.
I was heaving. Hands shaking. A pain raging through my back like a wild fire. The pain in my neck and shoulders, mind numbing. I looked ahead, saw what was left of my car stuck in the wall, front tyres, hood, all gone.
"Stay put. The medical car and marshall’s are on their way."
"Yeah, little one?"
"I can’t feel my legs."
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Chapter 46 - winning a home GP is something special and making Lizzie win hers was one of my favourite things in this whole fic, as a German myself I miss having a German GP and most importantly a German driver in a big team who can actually fight for wins (sorry Nico 🙈) … what else happened? Oh, yeah… Belgium… 😬 I guess I’ll leave you hanging for a bit…
Please leave a comment/ like/ reblog/ message and tell me how you liked it! I'm dying to hear your thoughts!
If you want to be added to the taglist, drop a comment!
Last but not least, English is not my first language and although I tried my best: please excuse any mistakes I made!
@silkenthusiasts @eugene-emt-roe @sunny44 @itsjustkhaos @glitterquadricorn @aundercover @kakorrhaphiphobia @alittlebitofbooksandmagic @ru-kru @shimmermotorsport @janeh22 @kahhorri @18754389 @chiliwhore @hellowgoodbye @queensassybitchsworld @harrysdimple05 @skynel09 @fangirlforever2000
All the images I’m using are from Google, Pinterest and Instagram (or self made).
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theresattrpgforthat · 7 months
Do you know of any solo RPGs that allow you to simulate a group/faction/place and many different NPCs? I guess I'm looking for something like a Sims or Dwarf Fortress but in the form of a TTRPG. Let me create a town and its inhabitants and roll or draw cards to determine what happens to them, or something like that. Thanks!
THEME: Solo "Sims" Games
Hello friend, these are some games coming from a few different angles but all have the common theme of interacting with a community or a group. I couldn't find a lot that allows you to play a number of characters at once, but there are a number of games that still ask you to manage a lot of people as one person! I hope you find them useful!
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The Spiritpath Hotel, by 89 Lightwatch Avenue.
You are the owner of a fine establishment called The Spiritpath Hotel. Guests have come from all over to stay. The hotel mysteriously called them here, sensing that each of them are missing something important in their lives. They don't know what it is yet, so it's up to you to figure it out.
No one believes magic exists. Your guests think they are here to enjoy a vacation, but you know better. They came because your hotel promised them happiness they can't get anywhere else. You have a special power that lets you grant one thing to each person you meet and you use it to help your guests.
Discover who your guests are, figure out something important that they need, and provide it to them in a way only you can.
You’re not necessarily embodying all of the characters in this game, but you are continuously meeting and helping new NPCs as you play. This game uses a tarot deck or a random number generator to provide you with prompts, and you’ll learn more about your guests the longer they stay. I appreciate that the designer has included a reference sheet and worksheets to help you play - and the fact that you need them points to a management system that might feel similar to the Sims.
Dino Park, by Armanda.
So, you want to be part of DINO PARK. You’ve been chosen to work with us for a season! You must be thrilled! We’re the first park that through science brought Dinosaurs back to life. And you have a chance to work with us. 
We’re counting on your qualities as a human being and as a professional to make this park your home for these eight weeks. We will train you to be an outstanding member of our team. These weeks with us are going to be a life-changing experience. 
Dino Park gives you gear to help you take care of the dinosaurs in the form of a coin and a number of polyhedral dice, so I’m assuming that most resolution in this game revolves around using your gear to help you do certain things. You’ll also have personal skills and weaknesses that look like they’ll come into play depending on how you decide to solve problems. Your character will receive calls for help throughout the park, so it looks like you’ll be interact with dinosaurs and humans alike, and the game also advertises a catastrophe track - so if things truly go south, you’ll have to hightail it out of there in the style of Jurassic Park!
This game is probably good for folks who love nature games, dinosaurs, or fighting against a slowly building disaster.
Save The Community Radio!, by Wizard of Ox.
You and your group of friends used to run a radio station, giving up your weekends and nights to make sure your local community got a fresh dose of soundwaves. The problem is that, as time passed, most of your friends stopped doing so, except for you, who are still passionately trying to keep it up and running (and failing, mostly). 
Now the local government is threatening to cut funding and shut down your station unless you can prove that you can handle it, but to do so, you have to get your friends back together. Navigate the fallout of your previous relationships with each character and convince them to help you save the radio, or live to see it be shut down.
Save the Community Radio! is a solo journaling RPG focused on building relationships with multiple characters whom you have grown apart from in order to save something you collectively spent your youth trying to build. It heavily relies on these connections and how you interpret them, with prompts and actions chosen by dices and decks, but enough leeway for you to write your characters however you want.
This game uses a deck of playing cards and some 6-side dice to help you build the world where your community radio is about to fail. You work for the radio, and you’re trying to get your friends to care about it again. However, not all of your friends feel positive about you anymore, so you might have to mend those relationships first.
The deck of cards provides prompts for different problems that show up as you play, such as broken equipment or lack of guests for broadcast. You’ll likely need different kinds of people to call on to fix these problems - and hopefully you can fix your relationships with your friends before you lose all resources entirely! If you want a game about building connections, this is your game.
Note: This game comes as a RAR file, so you’ll need to make sure you have an application on your computer that can turn it into a PDF.
Crow Island: funeral//PROCESSION, by Tenbear.
funeral // PROCESSION is a solo TTRPG introducing you to the universe of Crow Island, a sci-fi fantasy world centering Indigenous people and People of Colour. Following the destruction of your village by a Corrupt Spirit you and Members of the Moon Clan will transport the body of your Chief through the wilderness of the Porcupine Nation to the City of Seven Nations for proper burial.
This is a survival game, where you play as a clan but it doesn’t seem necessary to name each clan’s members. You will have to survive against loss of equipment, predators, and depleting supplies. The game uses a deck of playing cards as sort of a prompt generator, providing you with either obstacles or resources as you make your way to the City of Seven Nations.
The reviews of this game compare it to a Choose Your Own Adventure kind of game, so if that sounds interesting, you might want to check this game out.
Nature/Town/Farm/Villagers, by Cardboard Hyperfix.
You are a farmer who just moved into town. You had family that lived here a while ago, but not anymore. The town has seen better days, and you are here to help.
This is meant to be both a farming simulator and a community simulator. Inspired by Harvest Moon, you are a farmer who just moved to town, and are responsible for both making your farm flourish and helping your neighbours solve their problems.
The game follows a calendar of four months, one month for each season. The majority of your play revolves around picking focuses and figuring out both what the problems of each focus is, and then work to wards solving them. Each day you roll 2d6 and use their results to help you solve problems.
If you want a game that you can choose to play over an extended period of time, or if you really enjoy Harvest Moon, you might want to check out this game.
Apawthecaria: A Poultice Pounder Adventure, by BlackwellWriter.
Apawthecaria is a blend of Apothecaria and Scurry! Go on a potion-making, road-tripping, friend-making adventure.
Apothecaria is a solo potion-making game about taking care of unfortunate villagers. Scurry is a game about tiny creatures adventuring through Scotland’s underbrush. Apawthecaria combines the two that brings your little poultice-maker through the same world as Scurry, helping little creatures with their injuries and ailments.
This game is absolutely adorable, and I like the fact that you can recruit a Familiar and a number of Companion bugs on your journeys. I’m assuming that along with meeting a number of patients on your travels, you’ll be using many of the potion-making and foraging rules of Apothecaria. There’s a lot of management involved - you’ll be tracking your reputation, upgrading equipment, and bartering for ingredients (aka reagents) as you travel.
If you like a game with enchanting art and plenty setting already established for you to explore, this might be a game for you.
Scavengers, by Gasini.
Scavengers is a solo hexcrawling adventure game set in a post-apocalyptic fantasy world. You play as a crew of foolhardy goblins struggling to pilot an ancient vehicle known as The Gas Horse. Your crew's goal is to scour the wastes for salvage to expand the goblin homestead. 
Your goblins have an eclectic set of skills that will change how each run goes. Be wary, for there is a hunter out in the wastes seeking to end your adventure!
I think this game might meet your requirements because you are playing a crew of goblins, rather than a single character, and because you have something to manage - namely, the Gas Horse. You’re also responsible for a Homestead, where there might even be more goblins waiting for you. The game comes with a Hexflower map for you to explore, and it all looks to fit on a single brochure, so I think this is better for a limited play session rather than extended play.
Nomads of the Isles, by Nik Mirza.
The fate of your clan rests on your shoulders. Will you be able to lead them to prosperity or will your journey end in defeat?
Your clan are on a quest to establish settlements in a new and unknown land. You must lead your people through various terrains such as mountains, deserts, and forests while managing facing unforeseen danger. Your goal is to establish a settlement or more by the end of your reign.
This is a brochure game guided by Firelights, a solo RPG that is great for metroidvania types of games. Roll on a d66 table to determine what kinds of regions you’ll travel through, and draw cards from the Story Deck to determine the difficulty of each action.
While the game is meant to track a journey from one land to another, the actual details of the story are up to you. The cards from the deck provide you with a value that you’ll have to beat, but the detail of each problem is pretty vague: you’ll recieve prompts such as “Reunion”, “Ceremony”, or “Betrayal”. You’ll have to decide what those words mean, and how much detail you want to include. If you want a game that makes it fairly easy to track progress towards a definable goal, this is your game.
DELVE, by BlackwellWriter.
DELVE: A Solo Map Drawing Game is a map drawing game that puts you in control of a dwarven hold as you discover the horrors that lurk below. This 44 page zine has everything you need to generate natural formations, forgotten ruins, enemies, wyrd magics, and ancient monstrosities. It has a simple turn-based combat system, rules for building your hold and optional challenges for a harder experience.
If you like Dwarf Fortress, this is the game for you! Recruit military units, devise traps and track combat. Use cards from a deck to track resources and explore the map, and a d4 or a coin to help you resolve certain problems. This is as much a resource management game as it is a dungeon delving game, with plenty of tables for Magic, Adventurers, Inventions and more. If you like filling out a map and tracking a lot of things at once, this might be the game for you.
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thissortofsorcery · 2 months
Hiii, Gabii 💕
For the soft fic prompt meme:
14. Phone calls
17. fixing the other persons clothes absentmindedly or like tucking their hair behind their ear U KNOW WHAT I MEAN THAT SOFT STUFF
Thank you 🫶
I'm sorry it took me so damn long to fill this prompt for you. I know you like it when they're soft! I hope you like this one.
Steve never feels more grown-up than when he and Billy cook together.
It started during senior year — as a dare, of all things. They weren’t even together then, Billy hiding behind a wall of toxic masculinity to protect himself from Neil. He still tracked Steve’s every movement with his eyes. Steve was completely oblivious to his feelings and why his gut twisted every time Billy gave girls that look of his.
“I doubt you can cook anything with the shit you got in your house, pretty boy,” Billy had said, lip curling derisively at the content of Steve’s fridge. “When’s the last time you bought groceries?” 
Steve proceeded to cook the best improvised scramble he’d ever done out of sheer determination to make Billy eat his words. He’d had no idea it would turn out good when he started. Usually, his cooking attempts had a 50/50 chance of turning out wonderful or having to be tossed based on the smell alone.
Two years later, and Steve’s a lot better at cooking. He can make all the basics and some fancy stuff, too, with Billy or on his own — but the favorite meals are the ones he and Billy cook together, arms brushing, hips bumping each other out of the way, spoons being offered to taste. 
Cooking together is mostly a weekend thing since their shifts end hours apart. Steve’s used to fixing something up quick when he gets home from work so it’s ready by the time Billy is done at the garage. Saturday and Sunday are the days they go all out.
So Steve is caught off guard when his phone rings fifteen minutes before his shift ends on a Wednesday, and it’s Billy calling.
“I wanna try making Ceviche,” is what Billy says, skipping the ‘hello’ and going straight to the point. “So, do you want fish or shrimp?” 
“You want to make what?” Steve frowns, barely recognizing the name. He flails toward his work computer to open Google, but he doesn’t know how to spell it out. “Wait, where are you?” 
“At the grocery store, Harrington. Keep up,” Billy snarks affectionately. “It’s, like, cooking fish with lemon juice. It’s great.” 
“What are you doing at the grocery store?” 
“I got off work early. Fish or shrimp, Steve, come on.” 
“You know how to make this thing?” Steve says. He’s known Billy long enough that he doesn’t doubt Billy’s cooking skills, but he’s never heard of this dish before or that Billy had and liked it. 
“Yeah, pretty boy, it’s called YouTube. It has cherry tomatoes in it; you like those.” 
Steve grins. “I do,” he says. “Go with fish, I guess.” 
“Great,” Billy says and hangs up immediately. Steve smiles at his phone for no reason.
He’s home half an hour later, and he finds Billy at the kitchen counter already, dicing up the fish fillets into little cubes. Billy’s freshly showered, his work clothes traded for soft sweatpants and a tank top. Steve stops to admire the curve of his strong shoulders and the swell of his biceps, his eyes following the familiar expanse of golden skin that still makes his heart flutter years later.
“Hey,” Steve says, announcing himself as he enters the kitchen, so Billy has time to put the knife down before Steve hugs him from behind. Steve buries his nose in Billy’s shoulder, breathing deeply. Billy leans back against him, humming contentedly as Steve strokes Billy’s sides. 
“Hi,” Billy says. “I’d hug you back, but my hands are gross.” 
Steve kisses Billy’s shoulder and snorts. “It’s fine. How can I help?” 
“Can you get started on the garlic?” Billy directs. Steve follows, and they fall into a familiar dance in their tiny kitchen, sharing counter space and anecdotes about their days.
Cooking together is peaceful, the way few things in their lives have been, and Steve lets the feeling of home and family wash over him. His shoulders relax, and the headache that’s been threatening to bloom in his right temple fades away, insignificant in the face of Billy’s laughter at Steve’s impressions of his coworkers. 
A light touch to Steve’s forehead makes him blink. He looks away from the lemons he’s squeezing to find Billy brushing away a lock of hair that had started poking Steve in the eye the second he got lemon juice all over his hands. Billy’s hand is light, his fingertips soft as he tucks Steve’s hair behind his ear, and a pleasant shiver goes down Steve’s spine. 
“Thanks,” Steve says, a dumb smile on his face. Billy’s eyes are soft, watching Steve with familiar warmth. 
“Anytime, pretty boy.” 
The quiet, gentle gesture spreads warmth in Steve’s chest, down his spine, down his arms, all the way to his sticky fingertips. There have been thousands of them over the years they’ve been together, but they never fail to make Steve blush and duck his head like a preteen. They’re affectionate with each other really often, but there’s something about finding the space to have these little moments in the middle of doing mundane, everyday things that strikes a deep chord in Steve. 
“I love you.” The words escape Steve’s lips, the reflection of a feeling so natural to him that they’re behind every other sentence he says. 
The corner of Billy’s mouth ticks up, expression morphing into what used to be a smug smirk when he was younger, and now is a soft, fond expression that’s only ever aimed at a very select group of people.
“Sap,” is what Billy says, but the warmth in his tone is clear. 
“I know you like it,” Steve teases, smiling.
“What I’d like is for you to be done with those lemons,” Billy snarks, his elbow brushing Steve’s.
“Alright, alright,” Steve laughs. “I’m done.” 
When they’re finished, and the glass tray is in the fridge, Billy pulls Steve to the couch so they can make out for the hour it takes for the lemon juice to cook the fish. And it comes out pretty damn good — though Steve’s pretty sure he’s biased, only because he and Billy made it together.
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msmargaretmurry · 8 months
Further ratnovel questions (I hope you don't feel pressure to respond to all these, but if you're still enjoying talking about it, I'm very much enjoying hearing about it!) - what is going through Leon's head at the ASG? Before/during/after the hookup? And does he ever learn what happened with Matthew after he kicked him out of the room? Poor both of them! Talk about rock bottom
oooh this is a fun question! i got some comments being mad at leon for that part, which is fair! but imo he deserved a chance to act out a little after everything he'd been through 😂
eta: i just realized i didn't answer the second part of your question! added a bit about that at the end of the post ❤
obviously he has been avoiding matthew so much for the whole all star weekend. he's still heartbroken, he's still sad and mad about it, but he'd had time to steel himself for it and he's determined to still have a good weekend. in his mind, it's over. him and matthew are over. matthew made his choice, and leon knows he can't handle being with matthew if he keeps that wall up, so it's over and they both just have to deal with it.
so he is DEEPLY unhappy when he winds up in an elevator with matthew, but he's like, okay it's just for like thirty second, it'll be fine. but then matthew tries to talk to him. says he misses him. and leon's pissed about it, but he still cares about matthew, and matthew sounds so genuinely hurt and confused, so leon's like — fuck it. it's too hard to say no when matthew's right in front of him.
the thing is, he really is thinking in the moment that maybe hooking up again will fix it. matthew lets leon kiss him, he clutches at leon like he really did miss him; maybe they can do this and go back to — not how things were, but maybe they can go back to being together, understanding what they want a little better, and it'll all be good enough. but he's still so sad and mad about how matthew treated him before, and he just can't shake that feeling. when he gets back up after sucking matthew off and they're kissing again, he just abruptly can't stand the thought of letting matthew make him vulnerable again, and he doesn't want matthew to touch him, and both of those feelings grip him so suddenly that he feels almost panicked about it, and that's when he pulls away and kicks matthew out.
he knows he's being a dick. he tells himself, while he's doing it, that he doesn't care that he's being a dick. it has to happen. he's allowed to choose himself. matthew always chooses himself. so matthew leaves. and leon feels so shitty about it, so guilty about it, because he knows matthew probably isn't going to handle it well, and he doesn't even feel any better having done it, but he just keeps telling himself that it had to happen. matthew wants leon to fuck him, but he doesn't want leon, so it had to happen. he's allowed to choose himself.
re: does he ever learn what happened with matthew after he kicked him out of the room — yes, mostly! matthew never like, gives him a play-by-play, but they do talk about matthew coming out to brady afterward, and matthew definitely mentions that he was really fucked up about it. i don't have an exact timeline for this conversation but it probably comes out a little bit in their phone conversations through the rest of the season, and then is also something they talk about on their vacation that summer.
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twoidiotwriters1 · 11 months
Daughter of Olympus (Leo Valdez xFem!Oc)
A/N: You get Nico, as a treat-Danny Words: 2,013 Series' Masterlist Previous Chapter / Next Chapter Listen to: 'Out Of My League' -by Fitz and The Tantrums
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XXXIX: Fates' First Mistake Was Giving Me a Body, the Second? A Will
"Ara!" Lily shouts, running after her friend.
Ara's never compared to her in speed, no matter how good she is at other stuff, so Lily reaches Nico way sooner.
"Don't listen to her!"
The boy looks at the girls with confusion. "What happened?"
"She made a fool of herself," Ara pants and supports both hands on her knees, trying to catch her breath. "Oh, gods, how can you run uphill like that? You're a cyborg or something?"
"You must be thirsty, Neeks, let's go get you something!" Lily tries to take him away.
"Wait," Nico smirks. "Is this boy-related?"
Lily glares at Nico with determination. "Yesterday Leo used his shirt to clean his face and Ara was staring so hard she walked straight into a wall!"
"Connor heard Leo calling me sunshine," Ara acts like she didn't hear anything. "And he was making fun of us, so he called Lily 'My sweetheart' as a way to mock Leo, but Lily was drinking coffee—"
"He caught me off guard!"
"She spat it all over Connor!" Ara cackles. "Her face was redder than a strawberry!"
Nico never really laughs, but he enjoys hearing their funny stories, especially if they have to do with how they embarrass themselves in front of the guys they like. Ara and Lily rarely fail at stuff, so he thinks it's fair they suck at this.
"I hate you," Lily tries to seize Ara.
Ara sneaks away giggling, she uses Nico as a shield and he stays out of it. Nico moves forward while the girls chase each other around him until they reach the Big House.
"So you two are in your boy-crazy era?" He asks, sitting on the porch steps.
Ara wrinkles her nose. "Is that what this is?"
Lily blushes. "I'm not boy crazy! My brain works just fine, don't compare me to the Aphrodite!"
"You can judge me all you want, but I have a boyfriend and you can't even take a compliment without gagging."
"Lily's just playing the long game, aren't you?" Nico teases her. "I'm sure she'll tell Connor right before they die, so they can spend eternity together."
Ara snorts and Lily raises one fist as if to punch the boy, but he lifts one finger to stop her.
"Attenta, Saggio," he grins. "Don't wanna anger your patron, right?"
"Let me anger him for you, babe," Ara gets up to punch Nico, but Lily trips her.
"Stay away from each other," Lily warns them. "Now's not only my patron I've got to worry about, Nico. Did you know Leo can summon fire?"
"Leo won't fight my battles," Ara states calmly. "Especially when it comes to Nico. Kicking his ass is the highlight of my weekends."
"Likewise, hobbit."
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We have no problem finding the palace, but Lily keeps glancing back at Cerberus longingly.
"It'll take a while for him to get in," I say, unable to utter Mike's name out loud. "We still have time."
Nico's sulking on the front steps of the palace, and as soon as he sees us he runs up to us. "How—"
I roughly seize him by the jacket. He's taller than me, but I'm too angry to care. "You backstabbing piece of—"
"Let go of me!" He snarls.
"Ara," Lily urges me, looking at the skeletons rushing forward to get us.
I toss Nico to the ground. "Call your father," I point at the dead guards. "And tell them to back off."
Hades agrees to see us, mostly because he's super insulted by my audacity. 
"I can't expect you to give up the fight, Lily Saggio," he says. "But I thought you knew better than to bring a Jackson to my palace."
Lily keeps her head down. "She's not here to offend you, my lord."
"No, of course not," he says with a hint of mockery. "An Aphrodite is no challenge for a god, and even if she's Perseus Jackson's sister, I'd like to think she's not as stupid."
"Lord Hades," I get on one knee in front of him. "If you let me, I'll explain why I'm here."
"And why would I care about that?" He asks.
"I know you won't fight if you're not promised respect, recognition worthy of your sacrifice," I glance at Nico without lifting my gaze, "and a place for your children amongst the rest of us."
"A charmspeaker, aren't you?" He points out sharply.
I go straight to my point. "I think can help, my lord."
"You think?" He presses.
I'm not sounding like I want to. Michael believed in me the most, and I'm not an expert at looking confident. Without him, I have no one to speak for me, so if I only have myself, I can't guess, I have to get things done.
"I'll give you what you want," I look up at the god. "If you accept my offer."
He laughs, but he doesn't throw me out of the palace, so I can still convince him. "What can you offer to a God that he can't get himself?"
"A daughter of Olympus."
His eyes flash greedily, but he isn't convinced. "Children of Olympus can't favor a god above others, Jackson."
"If the god favors them beforehand," I reply. "They can."
"You're asking for my blessing?"
"Something of heavier meaning. Show faith in me, obliging to my request."
He takes a heavy breath. "And what would that request be?"
"Fight with us," I look at Nico. "I'll make sure your son has a place in our camp, and you'll get to be one of the gods that didn't turn his back on us, you could be the first patron of the first daughter of Olympus."
He ponders this, looking me up and down. "Do you even know how to use a sword?"
I pull Almighty out of my pocket and show her off, now I have his full attention. "I've been trained, yes."
"Pantodýnamos," Hades's grip on the throne tightens, he leans forward, staring at my sword in awe. "How..?"
"The fates chose me," I continue confidently. "Will you?"
He fixes his posture and glances back at Lily and Nico. "I've heard enough."
"Thank you," I smiled politely, bowing to him. "I'll know you accepted if you show up to fight."
He mutters some stuff as we walk out of the palace. 
"That's what you were trying to do?" The boy inquires as soon as his father is out of sight. "I thought—"
"That I was going after Achilles's curse," I glance at him with annoyance. "That should teach you— When I ask you to do something, just do what I tell you."
He scowls at me. "I did what I thought you wanted—"
"You did what you thought would make you look better," I stop to face him. "You don't fool me, Nico Di Angelo. I know you're not a bad person, but you're very stupid if you think I'll ever forget this. I don't trust you, and Percy never will."
He reaches for his sword, but Lily yanks me onwards. "Let's go back now, or they'll realize we're missing," she says. "And I wanna sleep before our next fight."
I know we have a few hours left before we could be at risk of getting caught. Annabeth is injured and Percy's probably still sleeping—the only person who would've noticed our absence fast enough would've been Mike, but he's gone, and that's given us a type of freedom we never asked for.
"You want to be a hero?" I press, still glaring at Nico. "Convince your father, then maybe Percy will reconsider."
I'm being an ass for manipulating Nico like this, but I never said I'm not like the other charmers in my family. Also, I'm a matchmaker, and that works in more ways than just romantically. 
Hades is a good match for my ambitions, and Nico's a good match for the cause. I'm merely working with what the fates laid down for me. I can only hope... 
No. I believe this is enough.
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Ara's studying a map in the rec room when Leo finally finds her. She feels him before she sees him, he wraps an arm around her shoulders and kisses her cheek. "I've got something for you."
Ara glances up at him a little distracted. "What is it?"
"Two things," he pulls something out of his tool belt. "Here's a snack so you stay motivated for the rest of the month!"
Ara looks down and laughs. Leo is holding a stack of photographs of him in various places of camp. He made an effort to look ridiculous in every single one of them.
"What is this?" She asks, looking through them.
"I can't Iris message you every hour of the day, so these will have to do."
"How thoughtful of you!" Ara replies, half-amused and half-bashful. "Who took this?"
"The Stolls. Piper helped with the costumes, though."
"They're great," she puts them in her pocket. "I'll put them up on my ceiling back in New York, so you're the first thing I see when I wake up."
"Damn, you love me too much," He jokes, squeezing her shoulders.
"What's the other thing you wanted to show me?"
"Right! Look at this!" 
He steps away to pull a larger item from his belt: It looks like an ancient scroll, but when he rolls it open a projection starts playing on it. Ara gasps and picks it up.
"What!" She watches as a tiny projection of Leo walks around the bunker giving the viewer a tour. "How did you make this?"
"I'm very smart," he grins. "You like it?"
"This is so cool!"
Leo starts glowing, he's comfortable with her praising nowadays, though it still makes him slightly dizzy. 
"Last weekend you couldn't come cause you had a pile of homework, so I thought I could send you this with a weekly report. Everyone can record a short message for you, so you know everything that's going on around here while you're away."
Ara beams at the idea. "That's awesome. Thank you."
"Don't mention it," he pinches her chin as a brief affectionate gesture. "It's the least I can do to help my stunning girlfriend."
"True," Ara nods solemnly. "That, and sharing your full name with me." 
He snorts. "Nice try."
"Pretty close. It's Leobard."
He laughs. "Are you sure?"
"Why are you torturing me with this?" She scowls.
"You don't need to know my full name, sunshine," Leo brushes it off. "Cause the only way you're allowed to address me is either by a cute nickname like 'Baby' or 'Honey', and plain Leo when you're in General mode. See? Easy."
"I'm not calling you any sweet names unless you tell me your full name!"
"I can live with that," he taunts her. "Can you live with the doubt?"
Ara groans. "C'mon! It can't be ugly."
"It's not that I hate it," Leo grins. "I just like to give out different names when people ask me, and if you go around shouting my name then the joke dies."
"I promise not to call you that in front of the others," Ara pouts. "Pleeeease?"
Leo frowns. "Hey! Not fair, don't look at me like that!"
Ara gives him the most pitiful look she can, placing her arms around his neck and leaning closer. "If you tell me your name," she continues quietly. "I promise to call you ridiculously long fake names in front of everyone else."
The boy sighs, shaking his head a little. "You know the way to my heart..."
"Being real for a moment," Ara says, smoothing out the front of his shirt. "Why can't I know?"
Leo's eyes brighten with amusement, he holds her face and kisses her briefly. "Well, I already dropped the L bomb and took you on a picnic date on the beach, I'm running out of options to keep you interested, and my name is the only thing I've got left!"
Ara laughs, pulling him closer. "You know... next month is Valentine's Day, we can convince Chiron to let you visit the city that weekend?"
Leo hums, half-listening. His brain gets all fuzzy when Ara stands this close to him. "Could be fun..."
"We can go to the movies and you can meet my parents!"
"Movies and parents," His eyes regain focus and they grow worried. "Parents?"
Ara kisses him again. "And if everything goes as planned, then maybe you won't need to keep me on my toes, and I'll know your full name."
"Are you sure you want me to meet your parents?" He asks anxiously.
She nods, eyes bright with affection. "You'll love them."
He makes a face. "That's not the part I'm worried about."
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Next Chapter ->
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yoonia · 3 months
What's your writing schedule like? Especially how you balance writing multiple fics,
And you do like have advice for trying to balance out writing multiple fics.
My writing schedule hasn't really changed for a long time, and I've adjusted it in a way that it won't be getting in the way of my main daily schedules.
For example, I usually work on the weekends, and to compensate this, I'll either get Monday and Thursday completely free or I'm often scheduled to work from home. That's why you'll see me either posting a fic or at least focusing on finishing something during those days. I work from 10 AM to 3-4 PM (this is the official working hours from my office, but I often work until late at night when I'm working on a project) so I often have to steal chances during the free time I have left to write. I usually write super early in the morning for an hour when I can before work, and then go back to writing at night (I don't set how many hours to spare to write at night but use a word count goal to set the time). If I don't have to work on the weekends, I'll be using those days to write all day with the goal of having my Monday posting schedule filled.
I mostly write at night because that's when I can have better focus. Just don't do what I often do, which is losing sleep to write. You'll write better with a fresh mind, which is the reason why I often write early morning before work lately, when my mind has gotten enough rest and hasn't been corrupted by all the stress from the rest of the day heheh
How I balance writing multiple fics at a time: I usually set myself a daily writing goal to help stay focus.
My daily word count goal is 500 words/day. Whether it means I'll have to reach 500 words in total for a day or 500 words per fic in a day depends on when I'm planning to post the fic(s) I'm focusing on. 500 words might sound a lot, if you have a long, busy day and less time to write, but it has worked for me really well so far. 500 words can turn to be a full dialogue scene/back to back between characters, a prologue, sometimes even a short scene. Either way, it gives me a definite progress each day to make sure I can finish something at the end of the week. If I want to finish something faster, I'd switch my writing goal to one scene/day. This works mostly when I need to finish a long fic while working on my ongoing series.
A couple of advice that I can give you for trying to balance out writing multiple fics:
— filter the fics you need to work on and try not to do too much at once Let's say you have 27 WIPs (I have more lol..), try to limit yourself to a small number to focus on at a time. For me, 3 WIPs at a time/on one sitting is my limit. You can decide your own limit based on your capability. Just try not to do too much at once because it gets overwhelming. Try to categorize your WIPs and determine which fics take first priority when you're writing and which ones you can consider as your side projects. This will help you decide which ones to focus on as your main project and which ones you can work on together/at the same time every time you need to sit down and write. I often take some time on the beginning of each month to list out the fics that I want to work on that month, splitting them between the ones that take first priority (eg. ongoing series, collab fics, commission/request) and which ones I consider as 'side projects' (eg. epilogues, one-shots, drabbles). Focusing on different fics that hold the same importance at once can be draining, so doing this will help ease your weight a little bit more. You can do the same each week by limiting your WIPs further. Say you have one fic as your main focus for a whole week while working on one or two smaller ones on the side as you go.
— set up a goal for yourself to help you focus You can set a daily goal, weekly, or monthly. Choose what works for you the best. Writers who are experienced in joining events like NanoWriMo are used to setting a word count goal for themselves (eg. for NaNo in November, the goal's usually set at 50k words), so you can try and do the same but with less word counts to reach each month. For me, I set my monthly goal to write 30k to 40k words regardless of which fic(s) I'm working on or how many I have to focus on, but that's only because I can't always set a goal of finishing one long fic a month and I'm currently prioritising my ongoing series which has different lengths each chapter. If big numbers seem too intimidating, go small. Smaller goals, like setting up to 500 words/day or one scene/day can help give you constant progress with your writing, and it might not seem too overwhelming if you look at it in a smaller form. If it's possible for you to set a regular posting schedule each week, you can use that specific posting day as your weekly goal to always be able to finish something within a week.
— you can also set a time as your goal. For example, you can try to write non-stop for an hour a day, during your free time. If you're familiar with writing sprints, you can use this setup to help you focus on your writing for a time. If you're not familiar with it, this is some sort of a program with time simulation which can help you remain focus for a set time to write. Look at it as a marathon, but with writing instead of running. A few writing networks that run through discord chats often have this program set up in the chat which members can use to write together. For me personally, I use ohwrite app to do my writing sprints. The app set up an automatic countdown for 25 minutes to write with 5 minutes break in between. Using this app allows you to either write on your own, or set up a room to write together with friends, or join a global room to write with others (idk if this is still available, I just use my own room lol) Setting a time goal helps for someone like me who has a daily schedule set for work and other activities to make sure that I always spare that timeframe I've scheduled specifically to write something (or a few things). And watching my word count rising and building up as the time is counting down to a stop can be really motivating me to continue writing.
— take breaks in between Setting up a goal doesn't mean it has to be your final limit. It's not uncommon to go over and keep on going once you've reached your goal and you're still motivated to continue writing. But always remember to take breaks. Once you have a writing goal set, you can even use that goal to remind you when to take a break. For example, you're aiming to write 500 words today, and you have, but you want to keep going. Take a moment to rest first, then write again until you reach 500 words, and take another break. Writing multiple fics can also mean you are writing multiple themes, different characters each fic, and even different narrative voices. Sometimes when we're working on multiple stuff at once, we're jumping between fics and going back and forth, switching focus and changing POVs, etc. Doing this continuously can be one of the reasons a writer fall into a burnout. Try to take short breaks in between each fic instead of jumping simultaneously. For example, let's say you're working on fic A as your top priority this week, and you've chosen B and C as your side projects. Say you're done working on A or find yourself stuck on it, you want to jump to B and work a little from it for a while before going back. Try not to jump right away, but take a moment to rest. Go read, watch one video from YouTube, etc. Make sure you have a fresh mind when you jump into a new fic and do the same when you want to jump back. This might take a bit longer for the writing process to finish, but it often wastes less energy because you're allowing your mind to take it easy while working on multiple stuff at once. If you're using the writing sprint mentioned above while working on several WIPs, you can use the time simulation to help you jump between fics. Say you want to use 25 minutes to finish one fic, take a 5 minutes break as suggested by the app, then open a different WIP to focus on for the next 25 minutes, and so on.
I'm sorry this got so long. I'm not sure how much of this helps, but I hope this answers at least a small part of your question and you can try out if any of this works for you. Feel free to come back and ask me more if you still have any questions!
Good luck!
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dandelion-wings · 2 years
While Bennett's Vision acquisition doesn't go as differently from canon as Kaeya's in the Adventurer Kaeya AU, I was kicking the framing circumstances around first while barnsitting this weekend and then with @theabysscomeshome this afternoon, and sketched out something that... kind of matches what I wrote here! I'm being deliberately vague and squishy with ages, but for some clarity, Kaeya is an older teenager and just well behind Diluc and Jean here because he did not have Crepus' tutoring resources for the non-combat parts of the knight trials, while Bennett... was supposed to be a little younger than his voice here ended up sounding. I am bad at writing children. ;; But we don't have actual canon on the age gap anyway, right?
(Also I half-assed a lot of this because I was mostly writing it for the last scene anyway. >> That is the freedom of banging these out as Tumblr one-offs instead of trying to write a longer coherent fic!)
ETA: now available on AO3.
"Oof!" Bennett hits the ground harder than he thinks Kaeya had expected, twisting his ankle as he ducks away from Kaeya's unexpected back-strike and overbalancing.
Kaeya drops his sword and rushes over to help Bennett up, kneeling down and letting Bennett lean on his shoulder as he prods at the injured ankle. "Whoops. I didn't mean to knock you all the way over."
"It's okay," Bennett assures him, testing the ankle and wincing when he puts his weight on it. "Um, mostly. But I can walk on it!"
He lets go of Kaeya and takes a step to demonstrate, wincing again but refusing to falter. Picking up his sword, he limps over to the side of the Guild's practice ring, where a couple of their dads are watching. He's going to have to be done for today.
"Sorry," Kaeya says, grabbing his own sword and following after. "Not a bad move, though, was it?"
"It was great! I didn't see it coming at all."
"You've been practicing that one on your own, haven't you?" one of their dads asks, looking thoughtfully at Kaeya. "You didn't get it from any of us."
"No. It's… something I remembered seeing my father do once or twice." Kaeya's voice goes quiet, the way it always does when he mentions his old dad, the one who dumped him. Not that he likes to admit that--it's one of the only things he'll get angry at Bennett about, if Bennett slips up and calls it dumping--but their dads have all said so at some point or another. "I thought it might be a useful trick to pull out next week at the knight trials."
"Well, you should try it on someone full-sized, and not a little shrimp like Benny," another of their dads says, clapping Kaeya on the shoulder with a grin. "Come on, let's go a couple rounds."
"Okay," Kaeya says, and follows their dad back out into the ring.
"Hey, Benny, you want a better view?" Without waiting for an answer, his nearest dad scoops Bennett up and sets him on the wall around the ring, then hops up to sit beside him, one hand on Bennett's back to make sure he won't fall backward.
Normally Bennett would enjoy the high-up view, but the moment Kaeya had mentioned the knight trials his good mood at seeing his big brother pull off such a cool move had plummeted. This is going to be the third time Kaeya goes for them, because he's determined to be a knight. Not an adventurer like their dads, even though that's so much better. And Bennett knows there's no way he'd ever make the knight trials even if he wanted to be a knight, which he doesn't. He doesn't understand why Kaeya wants it so badly.
"If he fails the trials this time, do you think he'll give up?" he asks quietly, leaning into his dad's side. He doesn't mean for that to come out hopeful, but he can't hide that he's kind of wishing for it.
"Maybe, maybe not," his dad says, looking down at him. "That's up to Kaeya. You know how badly he wants to succeed."
"Yeah," Bennett says despondently.
"You know he won't be any less your big brother if he becomes a knight, right? He loves you just as much as we do. Having a different job won't change that."
"I know that. But…." Bennett isn't sure how to explain the tangle of feelings in his chest every time he thinks about Kaeya in the Knights. Being away from home even more than he is as an apprentice knight, going off on missions, busy all the time--too busy for Bennett. "What's wrong with being an adventurer like you guys? That's what I'm going to be!"
"There's nothing wrong with it. And you're going to be a great adventurer someday." His dad ruffles his hair. "But there's nothing wrong with being a knight, either. And hey, maybe by the time you're old enough to join the Guild, Kaeya will have gotten bored with the Knights and all their rules and regulations and will want to sign up with your adventuring team instead."
"Maybe," Bennett says, brightening. It's true that if Kaeya stays in the Knights for a while, then he won't have a chance to start his own team, and Bennett can beat him to it. He'd have to join Bennett's then.
"There's that bright Benny smile." His dad ruffles his hair, chuckling. "Make sure you bring that next week when we go to cheer him on, okay?"
"Okay," Bennett says. His dad is already looking away, down at the fight in the ring, so he doesn't try to plaster the smile on as it slowly fades at the thought, once again, of the trials. The notion his dad had spun is only a thin comfort. If Kaeya does pass the trials, why would he give up on his dream after so much work? Bennett wouldn't. And watching Kaeya land a touch on their dad in the ring below, Bennett is glumly sure that this time, he is going to pass. And Bennett is going to have to cheer for him when he does.
He really, really doesn't want to.
By the day of the trials a week later, Bennett has all his justifications lined up and solid, the way Kaeya has taught him to prepare excuses before he even runs the risk of getting caught. He's bad luck, and everyone knows that. Their dads have taken him to cheer Kaeya on through the last two trials, and Kaeya has failed both of them. Maybe it was Bennett's luck rubbing off that made him fail. And if it was, maybe Bennett's absence will help him win, finally.
The logic of that is a little too solid, and Bennett spends a few miserable hours contemplating whether he's the reason his big brother is still an apprentice knight instead of a full one after he thinks of it. But that does make him even more determined not to be at the trials. It could be that he really will help Kaeya win with his absence. Either way, he doesn't want to have to watch Kaeya try.
None of their dads would buy it, though, and Bennett knows all of them will go searching when they realize he's not ready that morning. There's enough of them to scour the whole city. To avoid the knight trials, Bennett has to be outside of it. Which means he gets to finally do something he's been anticipating a lot more than he has the knight trials. He's going to go on an adventure, a real adventure, all on his own.
Maybe not a real adventure by the Guild's standards. He knows Katheryne won't give him a commission, so it won't be Guild business, and he won't get paid for it. That's fine. One of his dads had come back from a commission to Old Mondstadt last month with a story of a ruin that had been full of puzzles and treasure, one he'd only gotten to explore halfway before the scholar who'd hired him declared herself done studying the mechanisms and dragged him home. It's full of monsters, too, but Bennett has the sword his dads bought him for his last birthday. It's time to test it out.
His journey to Old Mondstadt starts before dawn, but it's nearly noon by the time he gets there. A rockfall in the canyon, a hilichurl ambush he'd had to run from rather than fight because he couldn't get up the cliffs to the archers, getting frozen by some Cryo slimes by the lake… he's used to those kinds of delays, though, and he's not willing to be phased. None of the arrows hit him anywhere he couldn't patch up, and the sun is warm and bright enough that he's finally getting dry by the time he descends into Old Mondstadt.
The knight trials start at noon, so his dads have probably given up on finding him by now in favor of heading to the trials. They won't be finished until well in the evening. Bennett just has to get back before midnight so that nobody panics. He'll be in a lot of trouble, but if Kaeya passes, probably everyone will be too happy about that to care. Especially once he explains that he was just taking his bad luck to where it couldn't get in Kaeya's way.
With that glum thought in mind, he plunges into the ruins his dad had mentioned, not far from the entrance to Old Mondstadt. The puzzles are hard, and he wishes Kaeya was here, but his dad had done half of them already, and he'd explained the principles behind them while he was telling his story. They're not impossible for Bennett to figure out. All the treasure chests have been opened already, even the ones behind undone puzzles, but… probably those just reset after his dad left. There's going to be really good treasure at the end of this, Bennett is sure of it.
Down one level, then another, and the really good treasure still doesn't show. On the third level down, though, he finds a promising puzzle, way bigger and more elaborate than the other ones. It takes him over an hour to figure out all the way--he keeps accidentally resetting the switches, which doesn't help--but finally it finishes, and a door opens. Bennett rushes forward, grinning, and then finds himself thrown backwards with a yelp as a horde of hilichurls comes rushing out.
It's a rough fight. A very rough fight, and that's by Bennett's standards. He knocks back one hilichurl after another, darts in to slash through samachurls, ducks the heavy shields and axes of mitachurls and even manages to pop up under their guard the way Kaeya has taught them, but there are so many, and they just keep coming. He wishes his dads were here. He wishes Kaeya was here, the way he should be, adventuring with Bennett--but he isn't, and Bennett is going to have to do this alone. And he will. Bennett drives forward with renewed vigor even as hilichurl clubs batter him and bolts burn and freeze him and a whirling axe carves a deep line in his side. He knows it's bad to be losing this much blood. But he got this far, and he can't stop now. Giving up will just get him killed for sure.
At last, he manages to get behind the last mitachurl, copying Kaeya's move the best he can, and as his sword strikes deep the creature vanishes in a puff of smoke. Then the last samachurl, diving through its thorny vines to slash across its front, and the last two hilichurls with one wide strike, and suddenly he's alone in the middle of the puzzle chamber, staring at the still-open door. Beyond, he can see a hefty chest, white paint flaking from ancient metal, gold covered with grime.
Dizzy but triumphant, free hand clasped over his bleeding side, Bennett sheathes his sword and staggers towards the chest. Whatever's in here, he'll bring home, and then their dads will be proud of both of them, Bennett coming back rich from his first adventure the same day that Kaeya finally becomes a knight. He grins broadly as he wedges his fingers under the lid and flips it open.
There's nothing within. Only a few old scraps of cloth that dissolve quickly to dust when the air hits them, and some rusty buckles underneath. Bennett stares down, the grin sliding from his face. Nothing. All that, and there's nothing here? He knows his luck is bad, but….
He shouldn't be surprised. All of his dads have talked about running across this now and then. It isn't just his bad luck. This is part of being an adventurer, his dads have always said--sometimes you get a big score in the course of exploration or a commission, but sometimes you come home empty-handed. The important part is the adventure itself, either way. And he's definitely had an adventure today. Bennett looks down at the wound in his side, his shirt sodden with blood and his hand streaked with red, and forces another grin.
This is still his first adventure. An empty chest doesn't rob him of that. As he folds gracelessly down to the floor, barking his chin on the chest as he goes, the world going blurry and grey all around him, he thinks, with some wonder at the truth of it: he doesn't mind.
When he wakes, his wounds are sealed with blisters and charring, and there's something hot and pulsing like his own heart in his hand. Bleary with pain, he's not even quite sure what he's holding, only that it's something he should hold on to, something precious, something he keeps clutched to his chest as he staggers out of the ruins and into the encroaching chill of night.
Somehow he makes it back up onto the bridge leading into Old Mondstadt and down the long road to the winery region south of Wolvendom. The path through the canyon back to the city seems impossibly daunting, especially in the dark, but Bennett staggers on, still holding the hot throbbing thing in his hand. He seems to stumble over every rock and bush on either side of the path as he weaves from side to side, but through the blur of his teary eyes, he does spot the movement ahead. Stepping back, he puts a shaky hand to the hilt of his sword.
"Bennett!" Kaeya's voice rings out before he can draw it, high and urgent, nearly cracking as he rushes forward to yank Bennett into his arms.
"Kaeya? What are you doing here?" It's hard to talk, his tongue heavy in his mouth, but Bennett forces the words out. "You should be celebrating… winning the trials…."
"You really thought I was going to take the trials while you were missing?" Kaeya twists around before Bennett can process that, still holding him close as he shouts over his shoulder. "Over here! I found him. He's hurt- oh, what is this?"
Bennett feels Kaeya's fingers prying his own apart and doesn't resist, letting him take the precious jewel he's been clutching. It's important, he knows that even through the haze of pain, but he can trust Kaeya with it. He can trust Kaeya with anything.
Including his weight, as he feels unconsciousness encroaching once again. He slumps into Kaeya's chest, pressing his face against his shoulder, and lets his big brother hold him up. There's more shouting and ruckus around him, the familiar voices of some of his dads, with Kaeya's softer, cooler tones winding through them. Kaeya hefts him up over his shoulder, assuring their dads that he's got him, and that's the last that Bennett is aware of for some time.
Bennett is confined to a bed in the cathedral for five days. He doesn't remember most of it except as vague blurs; his wounds had been cauterized by what his dads proudly tell him is a Vision, but the sisters tell him that burns are easy to infect, and he'd taken a fever on the way home. He sleeps uneasily, plagued by uncomfortable dreams. Every time he wakes, at least one of his dads is there.
Sometimes Kaeya is there too, his hand cool on Bennett's forehead. He's there when the fever breaks at last and Bennett awakes with his head finally clear. Two of their dads are there, too, a little semi-circle of chairs around the bed. His dads are awake, one of them knitting, the other reading a book, but Kaeya is asleep, slumped onto one dad's shoulder, clinging to his arm like he's way too old to do awake. His eyepatch is off, and there's an ugly bruise around the eye, gone yellow and purple with age.
He wakes as soon as Bennett stirs, patting their dad's jacket down for his eyepatch and pulling it on again with a familiar muttered complaint about how it's fine to sleep in, really, before turning to smile down at Bennett with a superior air that doesn't hide his relief. "How are you feeling?"
"I'm okay," Bennett says, pushing himself up into a sitting position against the pillow. "What happened to your eye?"
One of their dads sighs.
"You weren't supposed to see that." Kaeya shoots a glare at the dad who had taken off his eyepatch, then turns back to Bennett and shrugs. "But it's no big deal. Captain Ragnvindr got me while my guard was down."
"He what?" Bennett stares aghast, his hands clenching into fists in his lap. "He got in trouble for it, right? A captain of the knights shouldn't go around hitting people. Unless- was he who you had your match against in the trials?"
"I told you, I didn't take the trials. And no, he didn't get in trouble. He told the Grand Master he only hit me because I punched Captain Gunnhildr first."
"What?" Now Bennett is just confused. "Why would you punch Captain Gunnhildr? I thought you said she was nice."
Their other dad snorts behind his hand.
"I only thought so because she gave me some tips for the trials. But the last time I came to visit you, I found Barbara crying in the store room because she refused Barbara's invitation to do something for her birthday. So I told her what I thought of her as a big sister, and I didn't like her response." Kaeya shrugs again.
"Aw, crud." Bennett would probably have punched her too--okay, he wouldn't have, she's a knight captain and a Gunnhildr and she has been nice to him the two times he's come by the Ordo to see Kaeya and run across her there, but he can understand why Kaeya would. Kaeya takes being his big brother seriously. He wouldn't be impressed by someone else making their little sister cry. "You're not in too much trouble, are you?"
"Well." Kaeya leans back in his chair, smirking at Bennett. "Turns out the Grand Master didn't think that was a good reason to punch one of his precious Gunnhildrs, especially after I failed the last two trials and skipped this one. But you don't need to worry about me. Our dads are helping me fill out my application to the Guild."
Bennett knows he should feel bad for Kaeya. He really, really should. But all he can feel is a warm glow of delight, echoed by his Vision, tucked under his thigh amid the covers, blazing bright. "That's great! I mean, that's great you have a back-up. I know you wanted to be in the Knights."
"If Gunnhildr and Ragnvindr are the sort of knight they make captains, it's probably for the best," Kaeya says easily, waving a dismissive hand. "I'll be better off in the Adventurer's Guild. Plus I've been talking to Barbara's dad about helping out part-time in the Church. I won't progress through the Guild as quickly, but it seems like a good idea to know some of the basics of medicine before I join your adventuring team."
"Won't it be the other way around? It's gonna be another two years before I can join the Guild. You'll be senior enough to start your own team first."
"I don't know about that. Even if I get accepted this month, I haven't been on my first adventure yet." Kaeya smiles conspiratorially at Bennett. "It only seems fair that I follow a more experienced adventurer's lead, doesn't it?"
Even knowing Kaeya is only saying it to make him feel good, Bennett can't help but grin back. "We're going to be the best adventuring team ever! I can't wait."
"We are," Kaeya agrees. "It's too bad I won't get to be Sir Kaeya, but really, I think Kaeya of Benny's Adventure Team has a much better ring to it."
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wcrpbubble · 6 months
i'll meet you there. i promise. - jean-luc to bev
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"you've made me a lot of promises lately." beverly teases him gently over breakfast, their usual croissants and tea. she doesn't have much of an appetite, given what she knows is about to happen for the day. she'd insisted on breakfast, anything to give a sense of normalcy before they threw themselves into a veritable storm that could potentially go very, very badly. the plan has been ironed out - mostly - and frankly things are about as good as they're going to get. they've tracked the queen's ship to a nearby nebula. things are falling into place. after breakfast, beverly is going to medbay to have borg technology strapped to her to assist in the masquerade of her distinctly human signature.
she carefully adds black currant jam across a croissant she's cut in half, determined to force it down. she needs energy; adrenaline can only fuel her so much. her mind needs to be on the task ahead, when every other part of her longs to pretend this is any normal day.
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"i know." she adds, softer. "you've never once broken a promise to me, so i don't anticipate your track record being harmed. we'll meet together on the other side of this and be all the better for it." jean-luc is the one she trusts most in the universe, and if there is anyone that she trusts to bring her back to safety, it's him. she wouldn't be attempting the foolish mission otherwise. she picks apart her pastry into smaller bites, dusting crumbs from her fingers onto a napkin after nibbling at a few pieces. she's uneasy, her stomach tied up into knots tighter than any sailor could fathom.
"i've been wondering," she inquires in the same delicate tone. "what your grand plans are once we've removed the threat. whatever will jean-luc picard do with all his new found free time?" another tease - because there is little room for free time. there are errant cubes to be tracked down, to be destroyed before the borg are completely wiped out. but they'll be disjointed, unable to really fight back. fish in a barrel. any case, beverly expects a lot of jean-luc's worries will be able to shift to other concerns, that the portion of his mind constantly thinking about the borg can be used on another topic.
"as your doctor, i'm recommending a bit of r & r. you'll need to decompress after everything. as your friend, i'm recommending a long weekend to la barre or somewhere peaceful."
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totori9 · 1 year
Electronics Intermittent Fasting
Y'all know what intermittent fasting is. You set a time block for when you eat, when you're not in that time block you fast.
Try the same thing with electronics!!!
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What to do?
The technique:
Allot an 8 hour time slot during which you're allowed to use electronics.
1) Work is not excluded. If you work 8 hours a day on a screen, you'll either have to set your time block for those eight hours or use the screen less.
2) Electronics like a kettle, the oven, lamps,... are obviously always allowed.
3) Adapt to your needs. You'll likely still want to use messenger apps or music (in the background, e.g. while reading a book -> what matters is spending time on the screen directly).
That was all you need to know! For whatever reason, you can skip the example and jump straight to the conclusion.
We use ipads in school, i. e. I need to use electronics by default. I can't use paper instead because that's very impractical!
So my time slot is from 8 am to 4 pm. Technically, school starts at 7:40 but for simplicity's sake I use 8. Most days, I'm not even home by 4 pm. Which means that I have zero phone/gaming time left!
I don't want that!! So what'd I do? First, let's look at my experience after roughly 3 weeks:
Checked on my phone games in school. Because I don't have much time and would rather socialize than spend time on my phone, I very quickly do what I need to do and then stop.
Stopped opening apps for no reason.
Downloaded interesting videos/articles to watch during commute.
Soooo bored!!!
Soooo much time!!!
Because of the above, I started picking up hobbies. When you're bored, you just have to do something. I read, drew, meditated, cleaned, baked, gardened, walked, jogged, worked out, thought, studied, ...
When I did get to spend time on my phone, which was like once a weekday and on the weekend, I somehow didn't want to. Even though I could've binged 8 hours straight, I spend majority of that time productively. Learned something, watched a documentary, or, when playing games, played with more awareness - no doing things just for the instant gratification, I actually thought about what I wanted to do and did just that. I didn't waste my time, I used it. Stopping also became easier.
One thing I allowed myself was one (1) YouTube video a day after having completed all tasks. BUT with a catch! I could only choose from my Watch Later (which is mostly really educational vids) and I had one minute to choose. Didn't even do this every day!
I want to say at this point: It was HARD. But I pulled through. I am so so so proud of myself!!!!! Before, I was on my phone literally the entire day, not kidding, every waking moment. Had to give my phone and laptop to my parents and hid the TV remote.
I was just super determined. I know exactly what I want in life, and I'm gonna get it, even through all my tears and fears and anxiety and problems. The thought of having had the chance of living my dream life and having thrown it away because of a stupid fucking fear scares me more than anything. I've been addicted before, I know that it's hard, and it's okay to fail. You just have to get back up and keep improving ever so slightly, always keeping in mind that you can and will get better.
Sheesh, 'twas heavy!
What would've definitely helped would've been a routine and set hobbies. BUT I'm still working on implementing those, so yeah, too bad I guess!
(Probable) Pros
More time
More mindful
More productive
More disciplined
Probably also happier
Less flexible in your usage (Not less flexible with emails/text messages)
Bored (Not really a con)
Thank you so much for reading!!! Bless you!!! Hope this helped, please try it out - what are your thoughts?
0 notes
peachyproserpina · 3 years
now it’s time for YOU to tell us about YOUR personal AU 🥺🥺
Okay I'm sobbing over this. Thank you for letting me go over this and have our lil crossover world. I seriously cannot thank you enough for letting me indulge in this. I apologize for how choppy it is, but you've inspired me to maybe write more and post more about this.
TW for under the cut: Daddy kink, Oral f!Receiving, Pregnancy talk, Kylo Ren is not nice, Modern AU, OOC, Drinking, Therapy Mention.
I meet Kylo at a bar in NYC while I’m there for a girls' weekend, he’s there for business (from Snoke, his boss). I am beyond plastered and in that flirty lil Dionysus infused whore mood. He clocked me when I walked in, so out of place and the bar isn’t that big to begin with and the big band tunes that are playing you can hear my cackles from the various patrons I’ve been dancing with. It’s so cliche but he can’t take his eyes off of me, and I’m so far gone I don't even notice.
He finishes his business then finds me at the bar not too long after, someone I didn’t come with is chatting me up and I’m *uncomfortable* but too nervous to say no. “Plus I’m fat so I never get hit on anyway. I might as well enjoy the attention.” It’s half whispered half yelled to my friend sitting on the other side of me and they roll their eyes and leave me to my devices, Kylo bristles like a Ghibli character and slides in where my friend just left. Shoots the guy with an evil stare and he scampers off. He buys me a drink determined to get me to put out. Which I easily and gleefully do, we go back to his place after I tell him I'm staying in a sketchy AirBNB with my friend for the weekend. He typically doesn’t do that but I don’t even live here so the chances of us seeing each other again is low. The sex is amazing, or maybe we’re both just a little drunk, and I let the honorific “Daddy” slip out and his spine tingles, fucking me that much harder, not even realizing it. I wake up in his bed alone. No note from him, no idea when he left, thankfully my phone is plugged into his charger (not sure if it was mine or his doing). I find some stationary after using his bathroom and ogling his *very* expensive bath products and just as expensive apartment overall. I write down my name and number and head back home to New Jersey.
I don’t ever hear back from him and all my friends get sick of hearing about me lament over the perfect guy for about 6 months before I stop whining about him publicly and assume it was just a dream and the other guy probably took me home instead and the lay was so bad I just dreamed it was mysterious tall n scary instead. About a year after the incident he’s strolling the streets of Paterson and he clocks me, exhausted, helping my friend close her bakery. I’ve got my stupid little business clothes on and they’re mostly covered in flour from helping make the stuff that needs to rise overnight and I’m so wrapped up I don’t even notice him staring, Kylo’s jostled by one of his knights and he’s back on the move. Taking a note to find out where I live and visit me later.
AKA we’re both disasters and he doesn’t treat me right but I love being a doormat. :)
Some highlights include later on in the relationship
Ghosting me for 6 months (turns out he had int’l business but didn’t tell me)
Breaking into my room in my apartment all the time and waking me up with his thick tongue buried in my cunt (consensually)
We have a pregnancy scare and he legit just leaves for a whole fucking year on me
He has a whole boatload of trauma and I make him attend therapy once he shows his sorry ass back up.
But we do love each other despite how rough it is he does get better
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bedbellyandbeyond · 3 years
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(Story Post)
Reid woke up when the twins started to cry. He got up quickly, hoping to handle it so their parents could save on sleep. Lucky for him, the wee beasties just wanted some attention, and he took them out to hold on the couch. He sat and played with them quite a while, but eventually they got hungry. Reid checked the fridge for milk bottles, but he couldn't find them in and among all the cuts of meat and baskets of berries. When they started to get particularly fussy, he gave up and decided to ask Nathan. When he didn't find Nathan or Dax in the loft, he was quite surprised. He did not expect Nathan to just leave the twins in someone else’s care without letting them know firsthand, so he had to be around somewhere, but it wasn't the biggest cottage and there weren't a lot of places to hide. After doing a round, checking the porch and deck and all, Reid could only hope Kent knew where they were. Hopefully, he hadn't disappeared either.
He knocked on the bear man’s bedroom door. “Hello?” He heard a low grunt and just took it as admittance. At the very least, he was glad Kent was there. Opening the door slowly, Reid peeked in. “Kent? Are you—” The sight he saw made him freeze in place. All three of them were there, Kent, Nathan, and Dax, all curled up in Kent's bed, fully in the nude. Dax actually appeared to be quite the blanket hog with most of it wrapped around him like a burrito. Kent’s body hair likely kept him warm enough on a summer night, and Nathan looked toasty snuggled under Kent's big arms. Reid had to hold in a cry of glee. He just backed out and closed the door. Another look in the fridge and he found some bottles in the vegetable crisper. Containing his joy as he sat feeding the twins felt like the hardest task of his life. Regardless, he was quite happy to keep the beasties occupied for a couple hours before their parents woke up. Slowly, closer to noon, the sleepy three rolled out of bed. Kent trudged out first and he made a beeline to the coffee maker. He didn't even acknowledge Reid's presence until after he had some caffeine in his system, then he came around and scooped up Gabriel so he could help feed him. “Sleep well?” Reid hazarded a question as Kent sat down in his armchair. “Mm…” was all Kent bothered to say. “Random question: what size bed do you have in there?” Reid asked. “…Queen, I think.” “Ah, okay… Not horrible. Could still be a bit cramped, maybe…” Kent looked at the doctor then stood again. He came over close to Reid, before scooping up Grace as well right from his lap and walking away. Reid blinked and turned to see him head to the door. “Where are you taking them, in case Nathan asks?” “Just out back.” Kent then disappeared out the door. Reid chuckled a bit to himself and just checked his phone notifications in case anyone was trying to contact him. It was Nathan's turn to sneak out. He must've gotten cold without his Kent blanket, Reid thought to himself. Nathan had pulled on his shirt and shorts again before leaving the room. When their eyes met, he just put his hand on his hip. “Shut up.” “I didn't say anything,” Reid said innocently. Nathan huffed. “‘I told you so' is written all over your face.” “Well…” Reid shrugged. “Did you enjoy yourself?” Nathan blushed and changed the subject. “Where are my kids?” “Kent took them out back,” Reid said. “So, how big is it?” “Reid, I swear to god…” “I'm thinking girthy, yeah?” “It is too early in the morning for the word ‘girthy'.” “And Dax? Quite the first time you got going on.” Nathan got some coffee from the pot Kent made. “I'm not going to share the details of my intimate life with you.” Dax’s head finally peeked out the bedroom door and he looked to Nathan desperately. Reid could see he'd dragged along the blanket to cover himself. “Nathan, I need some help…” “Can't untangle yourself from the blanket?” Nathan asked. “No, I can't find my underwear…” “Good morning, Dax!” Reid said beaming from the couch. Dax was startled and dropped the blanket a bit, scrambling to keep himself covered. “Reid! You're up! Uh, good morning!” “Absolutely the best morning. Did you sleep well?” “Uh, comme ci, comme ça…” Dax mumbled. Nathan exhaled. “He knows. Reid always knows things…” “Knowing things is part of what I do,” Reid stated. “Oh, uh,” Dax flushed red. “I mean, we didn't, you know… I mean, we did…” Nathan went over and handed Dax his coffee. “Relax, he's cool with it. Like, too much.” “I feel like I should buy you ice cream something,” Reid offered gleefully. “Can we celebrate in some way?” “I did want to see another museum…” Dax said. “There's an idea!” Reid supported. “On the way, you can tell me how we got here.” “Plane,” Nathan said. “Train,” Dax continued. “Aye, and automobiles, aye,” Reid said. “But you know what I mean.” Nathan shrugged. “It just happened.” He popped into the bedroom, pulled Dax's boxers out from under the bed and handed them to him. “I'd like it on the record that it was Nathan's idea,” Dax said, before closing the door to change. “Of course. He is the parriarch of this group,” Reid said. “So, what's the plan?” “There is no plan,” Nathan stated. “It was just a one off…” “Sure, sure,” Reid brushed off. “Did Kent enjoy himself?” “He wasn't comfortable doing everything so we kept it mostly topical…” Nathan shared. “But I think he's loosened up, for lack of a better word...” He gave Dax’s cheek a kiss when the other finally came out again, boxers on. “So, no penetration, I’m assuming?” Reid asked. “Another word it is way too early for…” Nathan groaned. “Shame…” Reid lounged across the couch towards them and propped his head up on his hand. “Can I ask, what were the dynamics?” “Dynamics?” Dax asked as he pulled on the rest of his clothes. “I'm a bottom for example,” Reid said, waving a hand. “Actually, let me guess…. Dax is true verse, Nathan's a bottom, and Kent's strict top. For now.” “Pretty much,” Nathan said. “That is eerily accurate,” Dax said. “I'm…gonna take a shower, then we can go out or whatever.” Before he could go to the bathroom though, they could all hear someone's phone started to vibrate. “Not mine,” Reid said holding up his phone. Nathan and Dax both started patting their person for their mobiles. Nathan then climbed up to the loft and grabbed the phone he found threatening to buzz itself off the top floor. “Dax,” Nathan said, handing over the device. Dax was surprised because he didn't recognise the number, but he answered. “Allô? …Yes, this is he…” He paused for a few moments. “…Yes, I did.” He waited a bit more, paling a bit. “Okay. I will try to come in today if I can, I'm way out of town…Alright, thank you. Salut.” Nathan put a hand on his shoulder. “Who was it?” “Syd. They want me to come in to have more blood drawn,” Dax said. Nathan frowned. “Today?” Reid crossed his arms over the arm of the couch. “Sounds like it's urgent.” “Yes, um… They believe they know what caused my behaviour last weekend,” Dax said. “I need more testing to determine the result. I don't really know what that means, but I think I should try to go today.” Nathan took his hand. “Okay, I'll go with you then.” “No, I can't ask you to do that,” Dax said. “Kent still has time with the kids and you should stay with them. I wasn't supposed to be here anyway.” Nathan frowned. “But you’re scared, I can tell. I want to support you.” Dax shook his head. “It's alright. I’ll go and I'll call you as soon as I know what’s going on. Part of me is a little excited actually, just getting some answers.” Nathan pursed his lips. “If you're sure, then…” “I’ll go with you,” Reid said getting up from the couch. “I'll get us a flight down courtesy of APID so you don't have to sit on a train all day.” Dax rubbed his neck. “You don't have to do that, but I would appreciate it.” Reid went around and patted Dax's arm. “Don't even worry about it. I'll make some calls.” “Thank you, Reid. Honestly.” Dax then turned back to Nathan. “Are you alright with that? It'll just be yourself and Kent left.” “I'm fine, but are you okay with that?” Nathan asked, wrapping his arms around Dax's waist. “Yes, of course,” Dax said. “I think we're in a good place. We can be comfortable.” Nathan nodded and kissed Dax's cheek. “Okay. Well, you should probably take your shower before you go with Reid. I'll get Kent to bring the kids in to say goodbye.” “Alright,” Dax smiled and gave Nathan a quick kiss back. “I love you.” Nathan smirked. “I love you too. You'll be alright.” “Thank you.”
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mimisempai · 3 years
When you feel weak, let me be your strength
Sam, slightly injured during a mission, is going through a moment of doubt. But Bucky is there to take care of him.
🌈 Happy Pride month ! 🌈
To celebrate, 1 day, 1 story.
Be ready for smiles, laugh, fluff, tooth rotthing fluff, positive vibes and a lot of love!
1427 words - Rating G
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Bucky felt Sam roll over next to him several times.
Until finally, Sam sat down on the edge of the bed with a heavy sigh.
"Sam? You can't sleep?"
"It's mostly that I can't find the right position." He sighed and reluctantly continued, "because of the pain."
This simple admission showed Bucky how much Sam trusted him. Sam never complained.
At the beginning of their relationship, getting Sam to open up about his pain was like pulling teeth. His lover was so used to relying only on himself, being strong for others, taking care of others, that he took it all on himself and forgot about his own self. But Bucky was there now.
"May I see?" asked Bucky softly.
He knew that during his last mission, Sam had been hit by a rock that had come off a cliff and hit him in mid-air, and even though his armor was reinforced with vibranium-a requirement of Bucky’s who had literally begged Shuri-it didn't stop him from feeling the shock.
"What? What do you want to see? That I'm not a super soldier like you? That I can't take a beating without getting hurt?" Sam questioned him bitterly.
But Bucky didn't let Sam's defiant tone deter him, he kept his composure, put everything he felt into his eyes and said softly, as if he was talking to a scared animal, "Show me Sam, please."
They stayed like that for a few moments. Bucky was unimpressed by the dark looks Sam was giving him and continued to stare at him in the same way until with a sigh of defeat, Sam gave in.
Although reluctant, he lifted his shirt and Bucky held his breath at the extent of the bruise. No wonder Sam was having trouble sleeping. It stretched from the top of his shoulder to his ribs and back again.
Bucky decided that if his lover wouldn't take care of himself, then he was going to do it for him.
He stood up, kissed Sam lightly on the forehead and said, still in the same gentle tone, "Stay like that, I'll be right back."
He went into the bathroom and Sam heard him rummaging through the drawers until he came back with a tube of cream that Sam recognized as a pain remedy. Bucky studied the bruise for a second, trying to figure out what to do so that Sam would suffer as little as possible and then said, "Lie down on your stomach, I'll apply some cream."
Sam huffed and said, "Bucky, there's no need, it will go away. You don't need to worry."
"Sorry, but I can't. I'm your husband, it's my duty to worry about you. It's the direct consequence of my love, deal with it."
Bucky put a finger on his lip and continued, as gently as ever, "Hush Doll now, let me take care of you. I know it's not easy, I know you don't like to feel weak, but I told you before, here with me there is no Captain America, no expectations of the outside world. Just Sam Wilson and his husband Bucky Barnes who takes care of him after a difficult mission. So try to let go, I'll take care of everything ok?"
"Okay." Sam did as Bucky asked. He was never able to resist him anyway, Bucky having shown him time and time again that he was more than capable of taking care of himself. Sam's bravado was just his last defense to keep himself from letting go and they both knew it.
Once Sam was on his stomach, Bucky straddled his thighs. He opened the tube of cream, took a dab and warmed it in his hands before starting to apply it to Sam's skin.
Sam flinched slightly.
Bucky stopped immediately and asked him, "Am I hurting you?"
"No, on the contrary." To emphasize his point, Sam put his hands along his body, his shoulders completely relaxed
Bucky, reassured, continued to apply the cream and then massage the rest of Sam's back, loosening all the cramped muscles. Keeping the touch light though so as not to increase the pain.
"Bucky... actually it wasn't just the pain that was keeping me awake." said Sam softly in a slightly broken voice  after a few moments.
"Hm? What else?"
Bucky knew this was coming, it wasn't the first time, so he just listened.
"I'm trained, I'm not afraid to get into the fight when I have to, but sometimes I... "
He paused, as if he didn't dare continue his sentence or had trouble putting into words what he was feeling.
Bucky continued his massage and simply asked, "But sometimes you what Sam?"
"Sometimes I'm afraid of being too confident, of getting carried away by the power of this shield. And when I got hit by that stone, the pain I felt on the impact, I realized that without the shield and the armor, I was just mortal.  And I was scared for the first time in a long time, I felt the same shock as when Riley had been hit in mid-air by the rocket. I wondered if I had not let myself be carried away by the feeling of omnipotence that the armor and the shield gave me. I wondered if I was able to keep going. "
Bucky lay down next to Sam, turning him so that he could wrap his arms around him while being careful not to put pressure on his bruise.
Then he began to whisper against his hair, "Just because you ask that kind of question, I can tell you that yes Sam you are still capable of doing it. Did you get carried away? So what? It happens to everyone. It took a rock to make you realize that but I know you Sam, you're an extremely lucid person, - well not always about your own needs-, so you would have seen it sooner or later. But to get so carried away that you forget your responsibilities? No Sam, I'm sure of that.The proof is in your reluctance to take the shield 10 years ago, you didn't jump on it, you didn't believe that the shield was everything.  You chose to take on the Captain America costume fully aware of the weight of that responsibility and you still wear it today in the same way. You are human Sam, you are allowed to stumble.  You're allowed to have doubts."
"But I'm supposed to..." Bucky cut him off gently.
"Hey Sam, having a moment of doubt or weakness is not being weak. It's what you do with it that determines that. And I already know you're going to turn this into a stepping stone to move forward. You're not supposed to be anything. And never forget that you're not the only one with these responsibilities, even if you're the one in the spotlight. There's Sarah and the kids, Joaquin, Rhodey, Peter -don't roll your eyes, I know you love him- me-"
"Haha and yes there is also the most supportive of all, Alpine."
Sam smiled, as Alpine jumped on the bed and lay against his belly, feeling he needed comfort.
After kissing Sam on the neck, Bucky whispered softly," So now you'll get some sleep, we'll enjoy this weekend of rest and I promise you that with hindsight, you'll see things differently."
"What if I don't?" asked Sam, the doubt still lingering in him a little.
Bucky placed his hands on Sam's head and began to make hypnotic circles with his fingertips.
"Then you'll consider other options, we'll consider other options together and if that means hanging up the Cap's outfit for a while, then that's what you'll do and I'll support you whatever your decision is. Anything is possible, Sam. Anything is possible for you. But we're not there yet, so try to get some sleep sweetheart."
"Hm Bucky, I don't know what I would do without you."
"That darling, we don't need to know, I have no intention of leaving.
As Bucky massaged his head, Sam gradually felt the fears, the questions disappear, letting a restful sleep take over.
It was only when he felt Sam's breathing take on a regular, deep rhythm that Bucky surrendered and fell asleep as well.
Tomorrow everything would be better.
Tomorrow there would be no mission, no fight, just the two of them, preparing for another tomorrow.
After tomorrow, this time, it might be Bucky who would need Sam.
After tomorrow and forever, only one truth would remain unchanged: Each of them was the other's safe place.
Not beta'd I hope you enjoyed it 🥰
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giuliafc · 3 years
Chinese horoscopes and Miraculous
Hi there!
I actually wrote this article for a Facebook group during the summer, but i had completely forgotten about it until I read the very in-depth analysis of Kagami's role in the series written by @geekgirles . There, she mentioned the bit in Ikari Gozen that had got me started on this research, so I thought why not? let's 'delight' you with this indepth analysis of the four characters of Marinette, Adrien, Luka and Kagami based on what we know of their zodiac signs in the Chinese horoscope. There are a couple of things that may surprise you.
First of all, let's put a lovely wee "keep reading" tag, so it doesn't clog your board, because it's a little long (ah, the understatement!)
Now. Here we are and if you clicked on carry on reading it means that you may be interested so... welcome welcome.
Apologies for the length
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Let's first of all talk about how the Chinese horoscope can give us a clue as of the characters age and date of birth.
In Ikari Gozen we find out that Marinette is a Snake in the Chinese horoscope. This narrows the search for her date of birth to two very precise years. 2013 or 2001. Now... counting that if she was born in 2013 she would be 7 now, it's most likely that she's born in 2001. In the French edition she is revealed instead to be a Leo. Which places her birthday in late July/beginning of August 2001. Kagami instead is revealed to be a Dragon, and a Scorpio, which places her birthday around November 2000. In an official Marinette’s Instagram post her birthday has been revealed as the 20th of November, IIRC.
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Now... not only this is a great deal of trivia information for us fans, which also helps us place the timeline of the story, which hasn't yet reached a full year in Canon from the start (in the Felix episode it's revealed that it's the first anniversary of Emilie’s disappearance. Hence in 3 series the story has advanced only by less than one year). It also helps up place the birthdays of some other characters.
Adrien for example. His birthday was series 1 episode 1, quite far from Marinette's birthday in Befana. So it's likely that he's a dragon like Kagami (which would also make sense thinking that Kagami is a character that mirrors Adrien's life and situation. But this isn't the place to discuss such thing, i refer to the very well developed article written by @geekgirles if you want to know more). A lot of people have theorised that he may be a Libra and be born maybe at the beginning of October, but of this I have no proof.
However, coming back to the Dragon sign it gets even more interesting, guys. If one of you have got more in-depth information and this comes up to be wrong I do apologise. I performed quite of an extensive research on the subject but of course I'm no astrologist so I can be wrong. That said... Not only the Dragon is considered the sign of the Emperor in the Chinese horoscope, and a lucky sign (ha). But 2000 is also the year of the Golden Dragon (metal). What better description than a golden dragon for our handsome sunshine?
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It gets even better when you get to the Dragon man's personality. Loves to be the centre of the attention. Natural flirts (ha! Touché Chat Noir!). Hot headed. Stubborn. Competitive. Naturally attracts money and women. Full of energy. Do I need any more proof that Adrien is a Dragon?
Let's see what the horoscope says about the Snake, and let's compare it to Marinette/Ladybug, so you understand why I'm pretty sure that the production looked this up quite in detail and that Chinese astrology can be at the base of our beloved characters.
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So the Snake woman is intuitive, intelligent, reserved and mysterious, has deep thinking, a mind that goes a mile per minute. Because they are smart and come quickly to solutions, they are great in crisis situations. They're able to step back and consider workable solutions. They are determined, sensual and smart and have innate wisdom. Doesn't this speak Marinette AND Ladybug from a mile?
Now... Luka. Until last week we weren’t really that sure of how old Luka was, Astruc had said that he was a couple of years older than Marinette, but Zag’s website had highlighted that Luka was Juleka’s twin brother which, counting that Juleka was in Marinette’s class, didn’t make any sense. But last weekend Astruc has actually confirmed that Juleka has repeated a year and that yes, Luka is her twin brother.
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Already before knowing this I had a look at the personality of the previous signs in the horoscope, and I had strong feelings that Luka may be a Rabbit, which would make him born in 1999 and one year older than Adrien. And this has been confirmed, so now we know. He is indeed a rabbit. Do you want proof? Rabbit men are calm, extraordinarily polite, and will do everything to avoid conflict. They have control over themselves and are sometimes conservatives. They can be considered a "yes-man", but have a line that they will never cross. They like organising, decorating, helping the wife/gf. They are great friends but don't like getting too close to someone. They are shy, introverted, honest, cuddle-lovers and attention givers. They are associated with the western sign of cancer, which is associated with the moon and the arts. Tell me if this doesn't speak Luka by a mile?
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Now a little bit of trivia that will make you laugh is... in the Chinese horoscope the cat doesn't exist. The legend says that Buddha invited the animals to a dinner, and the mouse tricked the cat and didn't wake him up, making him miss out on being chosen for the horoscope. However in TAIWAN things are different and the Cat takes the place of the RABBIT in the horoscope. The confusion seems to come from the old Chinese word for Rabbit, Mao, which sounds like the Taiwanese word for Cat Mau. So the sign of the Rabbit is also the sign of the Cat. Oh the irony!!
Snakes are yin energy. Rabbits are also yin energy. Dragons are yang energy.
But it gets better! Let's look at love compatibility, shall we? *rubs hands* hehe...
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Dragon man x Dragon woman (Adrien and Kagami) can be steamy and can work only if both have their own realm to shine on, because both are too competitive and can get into competition with each other. They love to be the centre of their world. They're great leaders but want the spotlight and don't settle for less. They're both independent and stubborn and their personality will clash, making it difficult to maintain the relationship going. They require a lot of love and admiration. They will never give in and apparently two dragons have a good physical relationship, mostly.
They CAN work together, but only if each has their own way to shine.
Sorry, Adrigami shippers.
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Dragon man x snake woman (Adrien and Marinette): they can be an excellent couple. They find each other physically attractive. The dragon is bold and full of energy, the snake is appealing in a more subtle way. Excellent romantic relationship, they both have strong personalities that attract each other. They share a degree of savoir-faire that prevents serious concerns. The male dragon will be tempted to stray, but he will know better than doing that, because he knows very well that his companion has hidden poisonous fangs (lol) and is VERY jealous... so he will look but not touch (the wise one will at least). Snake women love success and attention, but they're not as flashy as dragon men so they will be more subtle. Snake women are self-possessive, devoted and can give a good boost of confidence to a dragon man. She will be better at handling finances than him (that wouldn't surprise me in adrienette!). They both like fine things but Snake will teach Dragon to not overspend. Little trivia: the dragon was the sign of the emperor and the snake was the advisor. So they work very well in tandem. Their union will be full of passion and personal satisfaction.
Adrienette is in the stars, guys.
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Now last but not least... Snake woman x Rabbit/cat man (Luka and Marinette, but in a way even Chat Noir and Ladybug): very good couple too, they enjoy great conversation and have great time together. They make great friends. Snake loves the attention Rabbit gives and Rabbit is drawn by her sensuousness. They start as friends and have enticing conversations, which draws them together. When they start dating they realise they have similar tastes. They love cuddling in a hidden corner and will feel safe in their cosy nest to explore each other's sensuality. They can make a strong couple, unless their personalities start clashing. Rabbit can get annoyed at Snake's love for novelty and her extravagance, which may cause friction. If their temper clashes, they can't overcome differences.
So... Lukanette can work too, sorry guys. But as highlighted, it also works very well as a friendship. And sadly it's the same for Ladynoir...
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What I find funny in all of this is that, if this is true, Luka has the Snake miraculous, Marinette is a Snake sign, Luka is a cat sign, Adrien is a cat miraculous, Adrien and Kagami are a dragon sign, Kagami is a dragon miraculous... Jesus what a circle! Add to the mix Marinette as the RAT miraculous and we have a real laugh… (if any of you has ever watched Fruit Basket, the Japanese anime about the Chinese horoscope, you know perfectly well what I’m talking about!) and Snake/Rabbit as friends and potential couple works for both Lukanette AND Ladynoir, counting that rabbit = cat. And then you think about how Chat Noir bounces on his baton and you think "yes that's a rabbit, indeed"!
Any thoughts?
(apologies if this reflection doesn’t make sense to you!)
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hollyhomburg · 4 years
can u show what happens after the snipts and i'm curious about the tae x reader, pretty please my heart is broken from that angst but the way you wrote is beautiful
here is the next part!
TAGS: angst, unplanned pregnancy, depression, loneliness, BETA! taehyung x reader
W/c: 3.5k
A/n: here you go! here are the beta Taehyung parts, as well as what happens immediately after she leaves the alphas and Jimin. The next part will be about what happens to them in the wake of her leaving, and I will say this; the next part has some heavy tags so be sure to watch out for those. ALSO- TAE IS THE VILLAN OF THIS STORY, but the beginning with him isn’t bad. he will eventually betray the reader so be prepared! 
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- You cry yourself to sleep every night the first week in your new apartment. 
- It’s a nice place really, too nice- but your company had told you it was more than within your means when they booked it for you. and you can barely believe the first paycheck you get.  it has an extra bedroom and a kitchen with a retro-style but new appliances and molding on the ceiling in the old district, full of restaurants and coffee shops that you live off for the first few weeks. 
- You don’t have a bed frame yet, so your bed just sits on the carpeted floor.  Your boxes scattered around you, the one that holds some of your books acts as a nightstand.  Your new job isn’t that terrible- in fact they make every point to tell you how good it is to have someone capable fill the position, and how good you are at your job. 
- After so long it’s nice to feel appreciated. 
- You even make friends with two of the other women that work there, an omega female named Yeri, and an alpha female named Irene, who would have made you nervous if not for the mating mark clearly evident on her collar bone. 
- Despite the fact that they were slightly under you in the company, they both treated you, the new girl, with kindness. They even invited you to have lunch with them and get to know them on your second day and showed you around the company. 
- It wasn’t safe for an unmated omega in a new city they said, you ended up crying in the bathroom for a few hours after that- it used to be your dream to be marked by Namjoon, Yoongi, and Hoseok, and for them to bear your and Jimin's mark. But now that dream could never come to fruition. 
- But they are kind- so kind. They don’t ask you where you came from or even if you have any family- keeping your conversations mostly on company gossip and pop culture. You end up going to see a movie with them in the second week. And by the end of the third, the three of you are the best of friends. 
- You’d never really had any friends that where girls- after all you’d always had Jimin, you’d never needed anyone else other than him until now. 
- You get a dresser and put your old phone (still turned off) in the top drawer once you get a company cellphone. You adjust well, your apartment overlooks a park and a small pond in the very middle of the bustling city. Your place of work is only 5 blocks away, and you find yourself enjoying your walk to work every morning. 
- But you’re miserable, you can't breathe in the smell of coffee without thinking of Yoongi and feeling sick to your stomach, every time you hear music you think of all the times both Jimin and Hoseok used to drag you to your feet to dance.  
- You cant even watch TV without your and Namjoon’s favorite documentary show coming on- or that drama you and Hoseok used to curl up and watch. - What’s more, is that it seems like you’re actually getting sick, your fever is raised and every time you go for lunch you end up vomiting it all back up a few minutes later. Even your favorite foods don’t stay down. you try to chalk it up to the stress of moving and being separated from your alphas (which has been known to happen in some omegas after they part with a pack, their instincts regecting their minds desire to stay away), but it seems like that's less the case the more time goes on. 
- It happens one day at work while you sit and eat your lunch with Yeri (Irene had a meeting during your usual lunch hour- but she told you not to wait for her). and you narrowly avoid vomiting on your new white blouse before you lean over and throw up your sandwich in the waste paper basket, a sudden wave of vomiting hits you so harshly that Yeri looks more than a little concerned. 
- After you assure her that yes- you’re going to the doctor soon about it, and yes you’ve been able to keep water down she gives you a final withering look before she offhandedly says, “fine just don’t go getting pregnant on me like Irene’s wife did- I swear now all the two of them ever want to do is watch baby TV and talk about their child’s poops.” 
- Throughout the rest of the day her words stick with you, and you end up going home at the end of the day only to pacing your apartment for a few hours,  before you head back out to the store to pick up a pregnancy test and some ice cream (because why not). 
- You pace around your small unfurnished living room as you wait for the stick to give you your results.You never expected to do this alone- in your mind someone was always here with you, you even expected to have all of them there. You wanted Jimin's hand on yours more than anything, you wanted to grow massive with him, and maybe raise your children together if you could. 
- You openly sob the stick comes back as positive, you pace around your apartment crying and thinking on your situation for the entirety of the night before you realize that you being pregnant does nothing to change your situation. this is the only time you strongly consider turning on your old phone. you didn’t know if there would even be messages waiting from you- probably from Jimin, but not from any of the others you’re sure. 
- Out of all of them- it has to be namjoon’s, you think back to the time in the kitchen, how your front was pressed to the granite, how it felt impersonal, how you’d sent the email for your job immediately after. that was probably the day you got pregnant. 
- the more you think about it, the more you're sure. you put your phone away and don’t turn it on. Why would they want you now? if anything this would only make them hate you more. they where good people, and they wouldn’t have let you do this alone, especially Jimin.  but They would resent being tied to a pregnant omega that they weren’t mated too or even in love with- that you were sure of. 
- you imagine it briefly, sure- you’d have them in your life, but only so far as your child would have a parent in Namjoon, and uncles in the rest. you imagine the awkward doctors visits, the offers to pay, needing to share your child between here and Seoul. whatever children they’d have one day with Jimin, would be cousins to yours, and whatever children he’d have with Namjoon. well- they’d have the love of all the alphas, not just Namjoon. and you don’t want your child to feel any less loved because of your mistakes. 
- So You’d have to raise your child alone, in a city that you barely knew. Without any support system. Sure your new friend were great but they were so new. So to distract yourself from your situation, the fact that you’re going to do all of this alone, and the fact that you left your baby’s father- You drown yourself in work, staying later than anyone else consistently, falling into your bed exhausted. 
- You go to your prenatal appointments alone, and when you start getting cravings, there’s no one to lean over to in the middle of the night and ask for chocolate sauce and watermelon, or barbecue mayonnaise and mac and cheese fries, you get up and do it yourself. 
- By week 5 of your pregnancy, your hormones have started to change enough that one day you walk into work and Yeri almost screams in happiness, congratulating you and jumping in your arms when she notices how your scent has changed. It’s only when she pulls back and sees your withdrawn sad expression that she says, “oh honey…” and Irene slaps her on the arm lightly as she tries to broach the topic of the father. They both know you live alone by now.
- you notify your boss, and you almost pass out when they offer you nearly 4 months of maternity leave. they seem determined to treat you well. it helps that your ceo is also an omega. 
- By about 12 weeks- you’re starting to show significantly enough that people on the train start to give you the priority seat when you were tight clothes. You show Enough that you begin to fiddle with your old phone again. You get close several times to turning it on-But in the end you never do. Preferring to leave it in the drawer of the nightstand next to your bed right next to the picture of them. 
- “You can do this, there are plenty of single omega parents, it’s not like it used to be” the doctor and the clinic that you go too for your prenatal appointments assures you when the other omega finally asks if they’ res a father or another mother in the picture. 
- And you’re not over what happened by any means but things slowly start to get better. 
- You don’t cry randomly as much, you start coming home earlier and going on walks- the doctor said it was good for the baby. On the weekends you go to this fresh fruit market, sometimes with Irene and her wife and child, making a day out of it. 
- And you enjoy the little child as he reaches up for your stomach, patting on it gently and slurring the words “baby out now!” that causes all of you to giggle and Irene’s wife apologizes- saying that their little Eun just loves babies more than anything. 
- Your life is nice, calm. There is a tense atmosphere in your apartment, though you do buy a few plants, and a few poster pictures to put on the white walls. slowly the space starts to feel like yours.  You paint the spare room the lightest shade of robins egg blue and add puffy white clouds to the walls with Yeri, giggling and laughing harder than you have in months as she accidentally splashes paint onto her face. 
- Your relationship with a kind and soft beta named Taehyung starts simply and in the most cliché way possible.
- You accidentally ran into him while coming home from the grocery store, your belly barely showing through a baggy sweatshirt. Two paper bags in either arm. One of the bags rips when he bumps into you. his other coming up to stop you from falling backward, his arm like iron, his hands digging into you to steady you. all of a sudden your whole body flush with warmth. 
- Tae is an absolute gentleman, picking up your weird assortment of food in his hands and walking the few blocks to your tiny apartment. you feel surprisingly safe with the stranger, your instincts have been in overdrive since your body started to adjust to your pregnancy, and they’re something about Tae’s scent that immediately settles your stomach. 
It goes surprisingly well, there is something so gentlemanly about his deep voice and his quiet smile that makes you feel so relaxed. His beta scent- the smell of clean laundry (beta’s always smelled clean) definitely has something to do with it. not his pretty jaw or his delicate style. 
- You invite him in for some iced tea and you spend a few minutes chatting, now that the bags not in front of your stomach, Tae can see why you seemed so unsteady on your feet. You expect it to scare him away- but he doesn’t mention you're obvious condition until he’s about to leave. Handing you a small slip of paper with his number on it. 
- He touches your shoulder softly. “I live in the area so If you ever need any help- please don’t hesitate to call me.” by now he has scented the room, know by the lack of a competing scent as well as the lack of a bite on your shoulder that you’re alone. that you don't have anyone. 
- You pin the number to the old fashion fridge and try to forget about it. After all, tae was more than a little flirty and you’re in no position to even want to date anyone right now. But when you finally call it’s more about needing help than wanting to see him. Though seeing him was an added bonus. 
- He helps you move your refrigerator after an important document falls behind it, the literal social security card that you can't reach or get at. And he’s sweaty sipping more of your ice tea when he says, “I hoped that when you finally called me it would be for a date and not to rescue your medical stuff behind your dusty fridge.”
- “You don’t want to date me tae,” you say, your hand hovering over your stomach. He looks at your tummy too, sicking in his lower lip. 
- “No I’m sure that I do” he says, taking your hand in his before he says softly, his warm brown eyes piercing into you as he looks through his black bangs “I don’t know what you’re dealing with, I don’t know who or what you’re running from, but trust me when I saw that I really, really want to take you out on a date- at least once.” 
- You relent and agree to go visit a night market with him- one of the hallmarks of this city that you hadn’t yet indulged in.He buys you ice cream and fried mac and cheese and doesn’t criticize you when you dunk your French fries in your chocolate Sunday. In fact, he joins in- letting you dunk one in his Oreo mango ice cream. 
- You listen to Tae talk about his job; you find out that he owns a pair of café’s the first one that he inherited from his grandmother, the second one that he opened last year after the first one did so well. Business is booming so much that he’s contemplating opening a third. the cafe is just between your apartment and your job, it’s no wonder that you never ran into him sooner. 
- You promise to come to try his berry macaroons that are apparently the best in town. He starts to talk about coffee but then a glance down to your stomach reminds him that you can’t have that- and he switches to boba tea
- You sit in the warm summer air listening to a live band before you go to walk along the river, the lights reflecting off the water like one of van Goh's paintings. You’re laughing at some joke Tae tells you when he leans over surprisingly and kisses you, you recoiled a little, more surprised than displeased. 
- “I’m sorry- you just looked so…. i’m sorry- I rushed you didn’t I, shit- y/n I’m so-” 
- “I don’t know what you want from me Tae,” you say gesturing to your stomach, he starts to look abashed and ashamed, but then relents at your soft expression “but if we’re going to see each other like that, then you have to know that I miss them.” You say softly while looking out at the water, your hand hovering over your swollen stomach.  
- “them?” he asks, looking surprised, you nod, “them.”  
- “And I’m not going to stop missing them, probably for a long while. I think I always will. And if you’re ok with that- if you don’t mind-” Tae reaches up, running a hand across your face and you find yourself leaning into his touch, its been so long since anyone’s touched you with any affection. Your body is so hungry, so needy for it.
- “I don’t care who else is in your heart, I only want a place in It.” Tae says after a moment. Leaning his forehead against yours.
- You and tae start casually seeing each other, you stop by his coffee shop most days before work, it’s a street off from your company’s main building, and Tae always has a bag of coffee cake or a plate full of raspberry tarts for you, he pushes away your money with a lopsided grin the makes your heart beat rapidly.  He even steps away during the busiest times to sit with you and just talk. 
- Sometimes he plops your feet up on his lap and massages your swollen ankles, his smiles sweeter than the pastries, not taking no for an answer until you’ve tried every kind the café offers at least twice because he wants to know which are your favorite. 
- One-night Taehyung finds your photo of all of them and your old cellphone in your dresser. And you're just trying to crack an egg into a pan when he comes out holding it. you almost drop the carton when he asks you who they are. 
- He sits you down and you start breathing heavily and tells you that you don’t need to tell him- he sends a concerned look at your stomach, and that it doesn't matter if it's going to make you upset. you don't mean to have a panic attack but really, turning around and seeing your...your boyfriend holding the picture of your baby daddy just suprised you. 
- tae looks like he honestly wants to know, So you launch into the story of your best friend who you’ve loved and will love until the day you die. Cradle to grave and all that. 
- Fuck you miss jimin so much. You miss them all, Hoseok, yoongi and Namjoon. He laughs like Namjoon did when you tell him childhood stories of you and jimin and listens eagerly as you tell him about your college experience and trying to stay away. 
- He’s a little quieter when he learns about the alpha’s that you love while you point at their faces in the picture and smile. He smiles a little though when you start listing off the things about them that you love. And he gets a little sadder when he realizes it will always be love- And not loved. 
- your love for them hasn’t faded. not in all these months apart. 
- He wishes you would move on from them. Wishes he was the only one who had ever made a home out of your heart. But he understands why you can’t- you’re carrying his child after all. The one with the gray hair in the photo, you tell him as much. 
- he touches the photograph softly, “I understand why you miss them so much- it must have been so nice having so many people to love you and to love them back.”
- “it really was.” 
- “I wish I was worth that” Taehyung says softly, his face downturned. You kiss away his worries, “you are tae- never think you’re not worth it- because you are.” he pulls you to him and kisses your forehead as his mind turns your words over in his head. 
- maybe your words have a double meaning, maybe maybe, runs through his head. And he shakes off thoughts of other omega’s and directs his attention to you. 
- “so are we going to eat dinner together or what? Should I call for takeout”
- But no matter where you go home too at night, no matter how good things are with Tae, you can’t help but think about Namjoon’s arms encircling your waist, about Yoongi’s quiet roll of his knuckles against your side in a silent hello.  
- About Hoseok’s sweet kisses and how he would take your hand in his and drag you up from wherever you were sitting to slow dance with you around your kitchen when you were sad, and how it would eventually devolve into giggles and awkward butt wiggles.
- Nothing like how it was when you left when Hoseok would barely look at you- and if he did even look at you, it would only be with disdain and anger so severe that it would make you shake.
- But most of all you miss Jimin, the way he would hang on Namjoon’s thighs while gripping yours, how when he would laugh he would throw himself onto your shoulder to hide his closed-eyed smile in your skin. the way you’d smell so much like each other you could hardly distinguish your scents anymore. 
- The first night you sleepover at Taehyung’s house you end up waking up in the middle of the night and reaching out for another set of arms. 
- Taehyung wakes up too you wearing his silk robe and crying on his balcony, where you went to hide your sobs, he runs his hands up and down your arms while talking to you quietly, saying that you should come inside. 
- That the cold is bad for the baby, and he’s right, you’re shaking like a leaf and your belly has grown so much in the past month. You’re nearly 5 months along- you’ve only known tae for a few months, but he already wants to tell you he loves you. He already loves you and the baby- it doesn’t matter that he’s not the father. 
- But what you don’t know is that at that moment, Jimin is doing the same thing, crying on a balcony, feeling unable to go back inside as he looks out over the view that the two of you used to love. He remembers how you would drag the alphas out onto the balcony to eat dinner or play a game or just sitting, talking as you looked at the city. 
- Because the apartment inside doesn’t feel like it used to- try as he might it doesn’t feel like home anymore, because you’re not there and everything is slowly falling apart- has been for months, and by now Jimin feels like he’s falling apart too. 
- It feels like he’s been watching a train wreck in slow motion since you left.
(once again! this series will never be finished! just fyi!) 
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nothing-but-dreamy · 3 years
Words: 2.140
Warnings: fluff
A/N: @slowkib - here you go :) I hope you like it. Thanks for this request
A/N II: This is a loosely sequel to MESSAGES. So, if you wanna know how these two have met, you can catch up on it but it's not necessary :)
Synopsis: Yn got hit by a virus what means he and Nyx have to be quarantined. But Nyx finds a way to 'sweeten' the time for YN to recover quickly.
Nyx and YN were dating for a few months and so, YN’s sister was determined to meet the man who had stolen her brother’s heart like a thief with the promise to never give it back. She stayed over the weekend. Two whole days, all three had a lot of fun together. YN was happy to see how good Nyx and his sister got along and all too fast, the time was over again and YN’s sister had to go back home.
While Nyx cleaned up a few plates and glasses, he looked at YN who had a content smile on his lips even if he seemed to be a bit pale, “Your sister is nice. I like her.”
“I'm happy to hear that because she already loves you. She threatened me to treat you right or else she would ... Well… trust me, I wouldn't have a good life anymore.”, YN said and coughed softly.
Nyx blinked several times, staring at YN, disbelieving that his boyfriend, a skilled fighter and great soldier of the royal Kingsglaive, would be intimidated by his sister who was two heads shorter than he was, "You... She can threaten you? I mean, for real?", Nyx asked amused.
"Always had, always will. She might be younger and smaller than me but she can be a beast if she wants.", YN answered with a grin, remembering what kind of troublemaker she had been in their childhood.
"Good to know.", Nyx said grinning.
"Don't you dare to-", but YN stopped as a coughing attack prevented him from speaking further.
Concerned, Nyx laid his hand on YN’s shoulder, checking on him as he became even paler, "Are you alright?"
YN just waved with his hand, "Yeah, yeah", he said hoarsely, slapping against his chest, "I just choked on something.", he whispered.
But the next day, YN laid in bed, coughing violently and fighting with the full aftermath of the virus that held Insomnia in its iron grip for a few months. Obviously, without knowing it, YN's sister had been infected and now, he was the one with all the symptoms: fever, fatigue, muscle aches, headache, sore throat and nausea saying, the whole package.
While caring as best as he could for a suffering YN, Nyx did what the citizens were encouraged to do: he called a doctor, YN got tested and the result was clear: positive.
Nyx was tested negative but still, because they lived together, they had to be both quarantined for two weeks. As the next step, Nyx had to inform their Captain. Drautos wasn't pleased about the information that two of his men were out of service because of some ‘common cold’. As the Captain asked why they had to be both in quarantine, Nyx saw himself forced to tell the truth and revealed the relationship he had with YN. But, somehow, Nyx got the impression that the relationship itself wasn't the biggest problem rather the fact that the Captain had been completely unaware about it during the last months.
But because the Captain still wanted to have the upper hand like always, he sent Nyx and YN a big pile of documents and paperwork that got postponed because of the last battles. Nyx wasn't pleased about the boring 'office' work but as long as he and YN were quarantined, there was no way Nyx could say anything against it … or run away from it to fight a small, cozy fight against some demons which he would prefer more in this moment.
Luckily, YN recovered quickly and so, after one week, he was almost the old one. Almost. He was still a bit tired, was coughing and needed to rest but at least, he was fit enough to help Nyx a little bit with the paperwork. Especially, YN did it to prevent a raging war inside their apartment. While YN had been forced to stay in bed, he already had heard Nyx cursing while working.
First YN thought Nyx was just annoyed about the work itself but then, one afternoon as they sat together to work through the piles of documents, YN realized that Nyx wasn't just 'annoyed' rather, he was frustrated and even kinda aggressive.
"This stupid thing!", Nyx called out while pressing keys randomly on his PC.
YN raised his glance questioningly from his own PC and papers to look at the hero, who obviously got defeated by a bunch of wires and circuit pressed into a plastic case, "Everything's good over there?" he asked, grinning as Nyx slammed his whole hand on all keys he could find at the same time.
"Sure! Fuc- it works pretty wonderful!", he hissed through gritted teeth. Once again, Nyx pressed a bunch of keys he had no idea of their functions. As the PC finally just gave up and shutted down, Nyx leant back in his chair, pinching the bridge of his nose with closed eyes while sighing deeply, completely defeated.
YN tried his hardest to keep the grin out of his face but it wasn't working. Nyx heard the muffled sound of suppressed laughter and the moment he looked slowly up, his beloved boyfriend burst out with laughter. Even tears of joy were running down his cheeks.
Nyx gritted his teeth, "Good to see that you’re feeling better again. At least one of us has fun here.", he said annoyedly, standing up from the chair to look out of the window to become calmer again. It was cold, raining and all in all not the worst weather to be forced to stay inside.
YN felt guilty for laughing. He hurried over to Nyx and from behind, he snaked his arms around Nyx' waist, pressing a soft kiss on the outer rim of Nyx' ear, one of his weak spots, "Come on. Don't be like that. I didn't mean to laugh at you. It was just ... you fight against demons and whatsoever and then, you get defeated by a PC? Seriously?", YN chuckled.
Nyx scoffed, "I tell you, this thing has a will on its own. And it's mocking me. Besides, we're Glaives. We fight. We don't do 'paperwork'.", he said, quoting the Captain's words in a silly voice.
"So, what? You wanna disobey and ignore the Captain's order? Again?", YN asked amused, knowing how rebellious Nyx could be from time to time.
Nyx grinned, turning around in YN's arms and lying his own around his neck, glad that YN already had some color back in his face, "What shall he do? We're in quarantine. We're not allowed to leave this place or to invite someone in ... at all.", he said with a low voice.
YN raised an eyebrow, knowing this kind of mischievous glance already from the hero, "You have something in mind then?"
"Oh, yes. Indeed, I have.", Nyx nodded with a grin.
Ten minutes later, Nyx had collected everything he needed while YN just had watched him, sitting in an armchair. Nyx had prohibited him to do anything else than just waiting because even if YN felt better he was still stricken. On the other hand, Nyx wanted to have his idea as a small surprise. So, he collected all the pillows and blankets he could find and threw them into the living room which was quickly turned upside down. Nyx took some chairs, arranged them with the couch and had built something that represented a cozy fort. The couch was the fort's backrest. Chairs left and right were holding up the blankets while the carpet was covered with pillows and bed covers to make it even more comfy. As Nyx was done, he stepped next to YN, lying an arm around his shoulders, "What do you say?"
"That looks pretty perfect. You have done that before, don't you?", YN asked and looked up. There was already a melancholic smile on Nyx' lips.
"Yeah, I did this often with Selena. Mostly, when she was feeling sad or when she was sick. Then, I built one of these, stole some ice cream and cookies from the kitchen and then, we hid there the whole day. We were talking or watching TV until we fell asleep.", Nyx remembered, pulling YN closer to his side before he pressed a soft kiss on his boyfriend's crown while inhaling his scent to feed the painful memories with sweet new fuel to make them comfortable again.
YN enjoyed the affection with closed eyes, "So, you stole ice cream, huh?", he asked softly to light Nyx' mood up again. He was happy that it worked as he heard him chuckling.
"Well, stealing would mean no one knew about it. I'm sure our mother knew it. I mean, back then, as a kid, I felt pretty smart but now, I know that someone had to buy the things, so I'm sure she knew when we would build our little cave and prepared the sweets for us."
YN frowned. Everything was perfect except the fact that they had no sweets in the kitchen, "Shall we order-", but he got stopped as someone knocked at the door.
"Not necessary. I already took care of that, too.", Nyx said with a grin and went to the front door, opened it and came back with a paper bag full of stuff Crowe had brought after Nyx had texted her.
"What's that?", YN asked curiously, closing up on Nyx.
"Everything we need to get you back on track.", Nyx said grinning.
"But I'm already feeling better.", YN argued half-heartedly as he saw the colorful labels of the bag's contents.
"Yes, but 'better' is still not completely recovered. So, here, the ice cream will help you with your sore throat. Cookies are great in warm milk with honey to fight against the temperature of your fever. And the chocolate will just make you happy.", Nyx listed while pointing at the different items.
"And the gummi bears? Are they for my running nose?", YN asked chuckling, pulling out the bag of sweets.
Nyx snatched it out of YN's hand, "Oh, these are for me. At last, I need something to throw at you when you say stupid things again. Gummi bears for a running nose... never heard such a silly thing.", Nyx mumbled while rolling with his eyes and bringing the bag in the kitchen.
YN laughed, took his laptop and crawled into the pillow fort to get comfortable already while waiting for Nyx to come back.
Ten minutes later, Nyx appeared with a tablet which was laden with bowls full of ice cream, sweets and two mugs with warm milk. YN received the tablet, placing it in the middle. Nyx crawled next to YN's side before he closed the door made out of a blanket to enclose them with coziness. Pressing on a switch, a chain of light went on which was installed around the chair and illuminated the fort in a soft warm, romantically light. Nyx leant against the couch with his back, raised his arm to give YN the space to cuddle against him, using Nyx' upper body as a pillow.
YN was just about to start the movie he had picked out on Netflix as Nyx got a call on the headset he had still in his ear out of habit. Cursing under his breath, he answered the call, "Yeah? Hey, Captain. Yes, we're still in quarantine. One more week, that’s correct, Sir. Yes, he's feeling better but he's still not recovered completely. He still has to rest.", Nyx answered the Captain's questions. To underline Nyx' statement, YN coughed slightly.
Nyx had difficulties to keep the amusement out of his voice and nudged YN's side in revenge because the coughing was so badly acted, "What did you say, Sir? Oh, yeah, the paperwork. We're working on it. Yes, at this very moment, we're sitting in the living room and looking at the screen. Yes, Sir. Alright. Good da- huh, he hung up already.", Nyx said with a smirk, taking the headset out of his ear to lay it aside where he wouldn't notice it at all for the rest of the day.
"You lied to the Captain.", YN stated with a smirk.
Nyx looked him in the eyes while shaking his head, "No, I said the truth. We're in the living room, looking at some screen. The paperwork can wait. First, I want to make sure that you're fit again.", he breathed before he kissed YN softly, "And now, we should hurry with the ice cream or we will have just soup left."
"You could put some gummi bears into it to keep the consistency- hey!", YN called out as a gummi bear hit his hand.
"I warned you.", Nyx said grinning before YN cuddled back against Nyx' side, the best place in the world to recover from whatever virus there might ever be.
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