#i'm concerned for singapore though
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cobraonthecob · 2 months ago
i'm glad that f1 academy finally found someone that matches the country, if i saw a british driver as the f1 academy shanghai wildcard, i would've been pissed
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on-a-lucky-tide · 3 months ago
Teaching anon here ✨
I’d like to apologise for how weird my last ask sounded, words aren’t my friends today 🥲
I’d love to hear your rant on academisation because the schools I went to have now become academy’s and I’m only hearing the positive which is concerning in itself. (You seem to be a good source)
Your writing is 🤭🤭, keep it up!!
Mate, don't worry about it. I was more amused that I am ATAB - assigned teacher at birth. You're not the only one to have said it. ❤️
Academies were a way to introduce the business world into the education system. Everything needs to be measured, weighed, there's endless paperwork, and most Academies suffer from "initiative-itis" (introducing a new initiative every five minutes to show evidence of innovation and progress against targets) and "throw money at it that we definitely don't really have". Like paying for "consultants" to come in and give "guidance". Really it's just their mates looking for a few grand.
They're riddled with career climbers (people who want an office with their name on the door) and then you have fuckin' Trust CEOs. There's a CEO of a multi-academy trust in my county who earns £310,000 a year. Our Prime Minister earns £164,000. I know I'm basically now a Commie when it comes to the British political spectrum, but to earn twice as much as our prime minister in a glorified civil servant role... It's obscene. (I actually took over this man's Politics class eleven years ago when he was a Principal. He was a dog shit teacher and the kids knew nothing.) This is at a time when teachers wages were actually falling due to inflation.
It's a corrupt as fuck system. Schools don't need CEOs, they don't need businessmen, they don't need piles and piles of pointless paperwork and accountability measures. They need decent bloody teachers... but Academies have driven them all away. Devaluing and defunding education is part of the fascist playbook though.
(And thanks for the writing compliment - I love Nikprice Army very much.)
Edit: oh, and I forgot to mention, the plaza school experiment imported from Singapore wasted MILLIONS. New Academies built with the idea of teaching 60-90 kids in a classroom. Horrific.
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slutforpringles · 7 months ago
I see everyone cranky about the article about perez's sponsors and the constructor's bonus. But i feel like it's gonna work out ok. Or ok-ish at least. The chances that daniel gets in the car and immediately makes up the difference in the constructor's is low. Max is struggling with the car and he's been in it all year. So either way the constructor's is likely a write off. This way, the bonus is covered. And they can still put daniel in for next year, especially if perez bottles the rest of season. Sponsor's or not, if he fucks it up and doesn't meet his contract clauses at least they're seen to have tried to help him meet the targets. So not totally pissing sponsors off. Maybe daniel doesn't have the exact same money behind him, but he is a big sponsor draw. Obviously it's bullshit on daniel's side to keep getting the goal posts moved, but I'm trying to hold on to the hope that it'll actually work in his favour! What do you think?
Yep I definitely think there are upsides to Daniel not being in the Red Bull. As you said it is a tricky car to drive currently, and while I wholeheartedly believe that Daniel would be doing a better job than Payrez currently, I also don't know if he would be able to wring performance out of it to the same degree that Max has been able to. He would be under mountains of pressure to perform immediately, and I can easily see him being blamed en masse by fans if Red Bull were still to lose the constructors.
I won't lie, a small part of me still worries that if there's absolutely zero improvement post-summer break that Red Bull won't suddenly go 'oh shit we have to do something now' and put Daniel in the car after Singapore - which would make the pressure/situation even more challenging. Honestly though in that scenario my biggest concern would be his safety and security at COTA and in particular Mexico - some of the absolute fanatical lunacy I have seen online by Mexican journalists/commentators and the amount of hate it has stirred up is quite honestly bonkers, so I really hope for Daniel's sake he's not parachuted in post-Singapore.
Also to be honest I'm quite excited to see Daniel's continued progression at Vcarb. I've been really impressed by how he and his engineers have knuckled down and found solutions to issues he was having and they have really made some pretty huge steps since his early season struggles. I think he clearly gets on well with Pierre and they've found their groove, and it'd be nice to see Daniel get a full season with Vcarb to continue that trend and really prove to people he deserves that Red Bull seat. I also think the next big lot of Vcarb upgrades are likely to be quite impactful, especially since they seem to have understood why the last upgrades didn't work out.
So while I do find the Red Bull/Payrez situation infuriating, it's definitely not all doom and gloom. I think there's still a huge amount of positive momentum going Daniel's way, he just needs to continue to put in those solid performances we saw from him before the summer break!! ✨🫶🏻🙏🏻👏🏻
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"ivy" - Shuǐ/Jack's Playlist
I wasn't originally planning to do an analysis post on this song, but after I recommended it to one of my readers (hi mel <3), I thought it'd be fun! Even though the original narrative of the song has to do with infidelity, I still like it for Shuǐ and Jack. In the historical setting of the fic, their relationship could be considered adulterous, given Sao has betrothed Shuǐ to another. It's another interesting perspective to see their relationship through, and I think you've all realized by now that I'm crazy for stuff like that. It absolutely feels like some kind of sailor song that could be sung about them.
How's one to know? I'd meet you where the spirit meets the bones In a faith forgotten land
Shuǐ meets Jack in a temple--"where the spirit meets the bones"--in pirate haven Singapore--"a faith forgotten land."
In from the snow
A reference to them meeting in winter.
Your touch brought forth an incandescent glow Tarnished but so grand
Jack brings all of the traits that Sao has tried to stamp out of Shuǐ into the light, with no regard for what's appropriate or not.
And the old widow goes to the stone every day But I don't, I just sit here and wait Grieving for the living
If this was a sea shanty...perhaps a reference to their relationship post-mutiny? (nobody start screaming we're not even close to that drama yet lol)
Oh, goddamn My pain fits in the palm of your freezing hand Taking mine, but it's been promised to another
Shuǐ's hand has been "promised to another" by her father, but still Jack holds it.
Oh, I can't Stop you putting roots in my dreamland My house of stone, your ivy grows And now I'm covered in you
Kind of an answer to the discussion in It Will Come Back--Shuǐ didn't stop herself or Jack, and now they're too far in to back out.
I wish to know The fatal flaw that makes you long to be Magnificently cursed
This goes hand in hand with Shuǐ wondering why Jack took a chance on bringing her aboard, past any physical attraction to her.
He's in the room Your opal eyes are all I wish to see
A nod to the events of Nobody's Daughter--even though she sent him away, there was certainly a part of Shuǐ that was relieved when Jack came running back.
He wants what's only yours
Double-meanings!! The "he" could be Sao, literally wanting Shuǐ to go back to Singapore, or it could be Shuǐ's betrothed, wanting her love and respect. In both cases, these things are Jack's because Shuǐ chooses to be his.
Clover blooms in the fields Spring breaks loose, the time is near What would he do if he found us out?
See, Sao doesn't know that Shuǐ and Jack are actually in love with each other. What would he do? It's a question that can both be giggled between kisses or whispered with a soft amount of concern.
Crescent moon, coast is clear Spring breaks loose, but so does fear He's gonna burn this house to the ground
And if the answer is "nothing good," they might as well keep it up.
How's one to know? I'd live and die for moments that we stole On begged and borrowed time
The "begged and borrowed time" being during Sao's pursuit.
So tell me to run Or dare to sit and watch what we'll become
A nod to the promise Shuǐ asked Jack to make at the end of Nobody's Daughter, which would've been an out for him from the whole mess, but he didn't take it.
And drink my husband's wine
Another jab towards Shuǐ's betrothed.
So yeah, it's a fire It's a goddamn blaze in the dark And you started it
A sort of teasing remark I could see Shuǐ making to Jack about the nature of their relationship.
So yeah, it's a war It's the goddamn fight of my life And you started it
Similar to the above, except this time, in the context of their new conflict with Sao.
Oh, I can't Stop you putting roots in my dreamland My house of stone, your ivy grows And now I'm covered In you
And ending on a sweeter note when you consider they are sort of "covered" in each other--Jack's sparrow tattoo, and the other tattoos that Shuǐ was inspired to give herself from their adventures together so far.
And now, the taglist!
@dance-in-the-morning-glow, @burymeinmelodies
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grapejuicegay · 2 years ago
A... rather personal defense of Pran
I've seen a lot of people being confused about Pran's behaviour and rather upset by him. But like @waitmyturtles said in their review, "I see Pran dealing with something really complicated." Which, yes. That's what this post is about. I just don't think it's about Singapore.
It's about Pran's OCD. I think there was a consensus last week with the way Pran talked about it that it was a recent diagnosis. And I think this episode just confirmed that for me.
This is where the personal part begins - I was diagnosed with OCD in 2020, in the very first few months of covid. When I told people about it I got about the same response that we had to Pran - it's not surprising but it's good that it's an official diagnosis now.
Such a diagnosis is almost a relief when you get it because suddenly a lot of things start making sense. But it also comes with a very fun challenge - learning to deal with it. Because while you understand why you get so much more anxious and overthink more than most people, you're also suddenly more aware of your thought patterns. You have to be, to find a way to work through them, to not give into the intrusive thoughts. But looking at the intrusive thoughts is one of the best ways to let them take over. You do have to look at them though, because you have to learn to recognise them. Because you cannot deal with them until you do. It's a rough cycle.
I was a few years older than Pran when I was diagnosed, and in a very different place in my life. The pandemic that we didn't know a lot about at that time looming over our heads did not help my anxiety, but the lockdown gave me something really special - time and space to work through it all. I wasn't in college so I didn't have the constant looming threat of deadlines and figuring out my future in that very moment. I also didn't have the very unique set of stressors Pran lives with - friends and family from whom you're hiding a relationship that if revealed could potentially lead to very severe consequences, consequences that in the past have been the worst of his anxieties come to life. Nor a relationship to maintain while being overtly aware at all times that this is not the kind of relationship your partner would really want, that they're only in this because of you.
And there is the sacrifice of it all. There is the thing that keeps coming up again and again - that Pat does so much for him. That Pat helps him all the time, that Pat's sacrificed so much for him, that Pran isn't sure he's good enough or ever will be.
Add to that the regular reminders from Pat that he overthinks. They're meant in a very good way and they do help in the moment, I'm not denying that at all. But it's also a fact that Pran struggles with. It adds to his concern that he's a burden on Pat with the way he thinks, that Pat has to do so much work because of Pran's brain, something Pat had no say over (something Pran had no say over but it's harder to see it like that in the moment).
I've had my diagnosis for the past 3 years now. And it hasn't been until the past year that I've finally started feeling confident in myself and my ability to regulate my anxiety, to finally start feeling like I have control over my brain. Because as much as knowing the diagnosis helps, the work you have to do afterwards is no joke.
So yes, Pran is going through something very heavy, but it's not the prospect of going to Singapore (I don't believe that exists just yet, but it's coming soon). Pran is in the process of figuring out how to make his brain work in his favour instead of actively against him. He's learning to rely on people when he needs to while fighting off constant reminders that he's a burden.
And we've seen Pran make a lot of progress. Any points at which he talks about being anxious are progress. Any time he lets himself be upset is progress. Any time time he says any of his worries out loud (even if he can't say them directly to Pat yet), he has fought his way through who knows how many intrusive thoughts to get to that point. And in the same regard - he probably feels guilty about having Pat say "I can't live without you" first. Because he's likely just as aware that Pat has done so much for him that this is just another thing he's adding on top of that.
But - and I think this is very big - he knows that he needs Pat to say it first, to give him permission to feel this, that this isn't too much for him to ask for. This is him asking for help to express himself when he feels like too much. It helps them both in the long run. And I do think it's a very important step to get what we saw in ep 12 - a Pran that demands love, that demands to be babied. This is him giving himself permission through the hardest part of learning his diagnosis.
I love that we get this between ep 11 and 12 because with this ep 12 also becomes a hug, a way of telling us things may be rough for him but he gets through it. He'll get where he needs to be, wants to be. Just give him some time. Because just like with the parents, sometimes time is just what you need.
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femmmie · 1 year ago
The Edge
I've written this phanfic for @dapg-otmebytheballs as part of the @phandomgiftexchange. I was so excited when I saw I got to write for you. You're one of my favorite phan blogs!! I really tried to make it more angsty, but Dan and Phil are radiating so much love and general joy that I just couldn't.. I hope you still like it though!!
Genre: angst, fluff
Words: 1.508
AO3 link
Excerpt: "Dan gasped as a tall, ruffled haired and bespectacled angel of a man appeared. With his goofy smile. With his mismatched socks, his anime shirt and his horrifically printed pajama pants. His eyes reflected the last rays of sunlight with a sparkling sea of blue and green. How Dan loved this man."
The early sunset bestowed a pink hue upon the white walls. They were the walls of an incredibly expensive London house. A long shadow moved up and down the large living room. Dan was pacing, mumbling loudly.
"I know it's what I want but what I want is not necessarily the right thing, maybe, maybe it is, but they said that I should carve out my own path but I just want to be with Phil and make videos with Phil and be with Phil more hours of the day, I need it to be 24 or I might go insane tALKING TO MYSELF AGAIN…"
His ramblings continued as he paced faster and faster. "The solo tour was fun, but it was also terrible. I don't want to be away from Phil, I need -" Dan called out: Phil? PHIL??
Muffled footsteps came down the stairs. Dan gasped as a tall, ruffled haired and bespectacled angel of a man appeared. With his goofy smile. With his mismatched socks, his anime shirt and his horrifically printed pajama pants. His eyes reflected the last rays of sunlight with a sparkling sea of blue and green. How Dan loved this man.
"Is it time to make dinner already?"
"You know what, that's a good idea, Phil."
"I could make us noodles," Phil replied as he opened (but didn't close) some of the kitchen's cabinets.
"Singapore noodles!" Dan said excitedly as the lights automatically turned on. They were a friendly orange and Dan smiled, content with the layout and the atmosphere of the room. It was exactly what he had hoped it would be, all those years ago when they were designing their forever home.
"Wanna make it together?"
"I'll chop the vegetables, I am concerned for both our safeties if you have a knife in your hands."
"Hey!" Phil chuckled and pushed Dan lovingly.
As they were cooking, Dan blurted it out.
"Phil, the whole solo career isn't working."
"What do you mean?" Phil looked at Dan, his ginger eyebrows raised in concern.
"I mean, it was a nice idea, having my own shows, tour and stuff. But…" Dan sat down at the kitchen table.
"Phil," he said, voice strained. "I am still not living my truth! What use is it to be independent, if I can only show half of myself? I did a whole bloody series on my own. Do you know which episode i like the most? The one with you! Actually, it's the only episode i like to be honest. I was so sure, Phil, of wanting to be independent… but now, I'm quite certain in the opposite direction."
Phil sat down beside him. He looked at Dan and laid his hand on his shoulder. "I just want you to be happy, Dan," he said. And it was the truth. How hard had he tried all these years to make Dan happy… He loved this curly haired, doe-eyed man so dearly, but he couldn't fight all his battles for him. The solo tour had probably been good for Dan. Or so Phil had thought. Apparently, it was still not what Dan wanted.
"Okay, we'll figure it out," Phil said, rubbing Dan's arm. The touch of Phil's hand was so important. So reassuring. It walked Dan back from the edge in his mind, to a more centered, peaceful place.
Suddenly, a sharp odor filled their nostrils.
"The noodles!" They screamed in unison as they jumped up and ran towards the stove.
"Well, those are ruined," Dan said, as Phil cleaned out the burnt pieces from the pan.
"So, now what?"
Dan and Phil looked at each other and said at the same time: "pizza!"
Dan got out his phone and ordered their favorite kind. "Half and half, large, original crust, Texas barbeque and the Sizzler. … What do you mean you don't have the Sizzler anymore? What?! Oh. Okay, well then, never mind." Dan hung up. "What the fuck! They don't have the Sizzler pizza anymore?"
"Dan, don't you remember? I made a big deal out of this, like, months ago."
"Oh, oh my god, you're right… How could I forget such an important piece of Phil-lore! Sometimes it's like I don't remember recent events, you know? Like, how is it 2023? It should be at MOST 2014. When I am in my head, right, I'm always on the edge of totally spiraling about these things."
"Yes, Dan, I know. You'll be on the ground again, moaning and groaning. OWW MY HEAAAD!"
"Shut up." Dan scowled fondly at Phil, who was laughing that ridiculous tongue-laugh that drove Dan wild.
Phil got out his phone and ordered Indian food instead. When it arrived, he got up to answer the door. Dan had retreated into a mood. Whenever that happened, it was best to just leave him alone and let it pass. They silently ate their food at the kitchen table.
As the weeks went on, Phil sensed that Dan was thinking about something. He would indeed lay on the ground, but it was more meditative than agony. Phil never wanted to influence Dan's free will, of course, but he did hope that Dan would soon make a decision.
It was late, and London was shrouded in a deep fog. Dan however, felt absolutely clear-headed.
Phil was absent-mindedly browsing on his phone on the living room couch. Dan suddenly pranced into the room and said:
"Phil, I want our gaming channel back. Wow, it feels really nice to have finally admitted that."
Something moved under the surface of Phil's eyes. He got up and looked at his beautiful cat boy.
"Are you sure, Dan?"
"Yeah." Dan sat down next to Phil and traced his arm from his shoulder to his hand, and took it in his.
"No, but are you really sure? I thought you had moved away from that particular branding."
"Fuck branding, Phil! It's our channel, it's our thing. Can't we do with it what we want? By the way, I was thinking about my last tour today, and when I saw our fans again, I realized something. They are unhinged, oh God. But I feel like we have built something special with them. They know this. We know this. We know they know. We can make Dan and Phil Games whatever we want it to be. Think about it, it would be like the Super Amazing Project but with a higher quality and one hundred percent us."
Dan looked into the deep pools of Phil's soul, that were his eyes. He saw excitement there. They both laughed.
"Phil… it's been so healing to see our actual audience. Yes, they are rabid, but they are also people who watched us for all these years, you know? Doing videos with you is kind of the foundation of our relationship anyway, and yeah, there have always been followers and subscribers, way too invested in our lives. But at the same time, they've been there with us all this time. They are the emo kids who looked at your zany video's and thought "yes, this is good shit." Well, so did I! And I still do. So, I was thinking… And I feel like we are at a point now, where we could just stop giving a fuck. We could just be our true selves. And not care! Phil, I can feel it. We're on the edge of something special, a new chapter in our lives. One that we write, ourselves."
Phil squeezed Dan's hand. "So, you're finally ready, aren't you?" He gave Dan a smoldering look. This took Dan aback , even though it shouldn't, as they had lived together for all of these years. But every time Phil pulled something like this, Dan would blush and be overcome with want and desire.
"Phil… I am so ready."
"Then let's do it. I am so happy you've come around to the idea! I mean, finally, I've been pitching this exact thing for years, but okay!" He laughed his dorky laugh again and caressed Dan's cheek. "I love you, you know that, right?"
"I do," Dan said while looking up at Phil. Dan did this often: even though he was the tallest of the two, he would slouch so as to be able to look up, and be the 'shorter' one, just like when they had first met. Phil could never resist him like this. Dan's eyes were warm, dark and inviting. It was exhilarating.
"You know what we should do, to celebrate this decision?"
Dan still looked up to him, caramel eyes conveying anticipation.
"We should go to Japan. Have ourselves a holiday. We can think about setting up all the business stuff of it after. It's an extra job, after all. Dan, let's escape and enjoy each other, enjoy Japan, then take this plunge back into the thick of it."
Dan jumped onto his lap and kissed him. "Yes, Phil, that would be so lovely. Let's book a flight, but first…" And he kissed him again. "First, I have to appreciate you."
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After thorough testing and experimentation with various foods and drinks, we have come to the conclusion that I have become lactose intolerant. Originally, we were concerned about fat intake, and that it might be a gallbladder issue, because that is something that does run in the family alongside lactose intolerance. But I don't eat fatty things very often because I can't tolerate the feel of them on my skin, and anytime I do eat something fatty, I don't have the issues as when I eat something with dairy in it.
Mac n' Cheese? I get sick. Boxed/Homemade with Butter and Milk? Sick. Box with ONLY Squeezable Velveeta 'cheese'? I don't get sick. Velveeta isn't cheese.
Cereal and Milk? I get sick.
Singapore Meifun? I don't get sick.
Pizza? I don't get sick.
Baked Chicken? I don't get sick.
Pork Tenderloin? I don't get sick.
Yogurt? I get sick.
Ice Cream? I get sick.
Sausage Gravy & Biscuits? I get sick.
Pancakes made w/Milk? I get sick. Pancakes made w/Water? I don't get sick.
Chili? I don't get sick.
Taco Meat? I don't get sick.
Ice Pops/Italian Ice? I don't get sick.
Milkshakes? I get sick.
Slushies(Coke, Cherry, Blue Raspberry)? I don't get sick.
Soda? I don't get sick.
Fish? I don't get sick.
Baked Chicken made w/Buttermilk? I get sick.
Rice Pudding? I get sick.
The big problem here is that I do not like any of the milk alternatives as they are disgusting. They are all even more expensive than how expensive regular milk itself is. I do like Skim Milk but that shit costs an arm and a leg.
I now have to take digestive supplements for dairy if I eat something with dairy in it...
I have RAD(Reactive Airway Disease), cuz doctors aren't sure if the symptoms count as Asthma yet or not, and mistook a lot of my issues for that because if I eat or drink anything cold or get hit in the face with sudden gusts of anything, it's like I'm thrown into an Asthma Attack. A long time ago, I just accepted that if I wanna have anything cold, or be outside in the cold or windy weather, that's just gonna be something that happens, and I'm probably going to cough my lungs out. It took a while for me to realize that RAD doesn't give you stomach cramps and diarrhea and horrible, sharp pains inside.
The weird thing is, like, I was at the doctor, and you know how they put the thing on your back, and they tell you to breathe deeply so they can listen to how your lungs are(I got a full 100% when I got my thing back). There was even a note about how good my breathing was at first. But right after doing that, I had been forced to wait for a bit as they entered info into the computer, and I went and got myself a little bit of cold water from the tap and proceeded to hack up a lung right afterward which drew immediate concern.
btw a drink being cold will NOT stop be from having it no matter how much my lungs protest afterward. Food having dairy in it MIGHT stop me though so, RIP.
So, yeah. That's what's going on rn.
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librarycomic · 4 months ago
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I took a long trip last fall to Singapore and Nepal. Here's some of what I read (and reread), plus a few fails, too.
The Penderwicks on Gardam Street (2nd in the series) and The Penderwicks in Spring (4th in the series) by Jeanne Birdsall.
This series has become a go-to comfort read. My daughter and I originally read this when they were a kid, and I had to dive back into it when I was missing them and my wife. I forgot how brutal The Penderwicks in Spring is, with Batty (the youngest Penderwick sister) overhearing one of her older siblings say something terrible (it involves their mother, who died just after Batty was born) and then failing to communicate with anyone about it for a while. (I reread the third book in the series earlier this year, which is why I skipped it during my trip.)
No Room at the Morgue by Jean-Patrick Manchette
Most of Machette's short crime novels (translated from French) are excellent, and there are a few graphic novel adaptations by cartoonist Jacques Tardi available in English, too. This isn't my favorite of Manchette's novels, but I enjoyed it quite a bit; it involves a down-on-his-luck detective (he's a former policeman) and a beautiful woman. It felt much more like a classic Raymond Chandler story than Manchette's other books.
Mother. Wife. Sister. Human. Warrior. Falcon. Yardstick. Turban. Cabbage. by Rob Delaney
The darkest parts of Delaney's autobiographical essays deal with his alcoholism and its consequences, but they still make me laugh out loud. I think I've read this book three or four times now. (This means I'm soon going to have to rewatch his TV series Catastrophe again in its entirety.)
Use of Weapons by Iain M. Banks.
After discovering Banks's Culture series in Kathmandu in 1999 -- it's my favorite science fiction series -- I was nostalgic for it during my recent trip to Nepal. I picked up a dusty copy in a used bookstore there, a throwback to the good old days when I had to dig though piles of paperbacks I had never heard of to find something interesting. (Now most books in the stores there are new, in plastic bags, well-organized, and almost as expensive as they'd be here.)
This book (the third in the series) is as good as I remember. It's concerned with war and soldiering and those with a natural talent for both. Rereading it I started to have the sense that I'd hated the ending when I first read it. And I was right, those last few pages suck, but I loved it right up until then. I tell you this only so you can stop reading it if you have that feeling, too.
Maigret and the Tramp by Georges Simenon.
I've tried to read several Maigret books, but despite my love for short mysteries I haven't really enjoyed any of them. I forced myself to finish this one. I'm still not sure why they're so popular. (If you know which one of these I should start with, please tell me which that is. I have one more on my shelf, but I'll probably give it away.)
The Dog of the South by Charles Portis.
True Grit is such a great book I thought I'd read Portis's other four novels on my trip. I brought along the Library of America collection that contains them all. But reading this was like reading a well-composed joke that didn't make me laugh; I could see why it would be funny to someone, but I didn't care. I set the book aside for later.
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password-door-lock · 2 years ago
I NEED to see more interactions with saeran and his fans, they were so funny
[Okay! I'm always down to write more about idol Unknown. Enjoy!]
Unknown sends you the same text that he always sends when he’s about to initiate a livestream for his fans: going live now. It goes without saying that you leap at the chance to see him, though you have no clue why he feels the need to notify you every time he goes live. This is part of his job, just like the performances he's been giving several nights a week since the beginning of his tour and the ad campaign he did for C&R's teacup subsidiary last month. He’s in a hotel room somewhere in the USA, and a little bit of quick mental math on your part tells you that in the local timezone, it’s either very late or very early, depending on whether he's slept or not. You assume that the oversized T-shirt he’s wearing is part of his pajamas, but per usual, you have no explanation for the leather choker or the studded bracelets. Maybe he considers them an integral part of his brand. He’s eating something out of a takeout container and glaring at the camera: classic Unknown. 
You watch as comments flood the box below the video feed. Hi from Brazil! flashes by, along with similar comments from fans who hail from Germany, Canada, South Africa, Singapore, and of course South Korea— and those are just the ones that you're able to catch before they're replaced by new messages from other commenters. You lose track before you can read them all, but you're certain that Unknown has viewers on every continent. Several of his Australian fans are sending him love, also, though a few of them also seem concerned about what time it is for him and why he's apparently going live in the middle of the night. Soon, Unknown is being bombarded with questions about his nocturnal streaming habits from every corner of the globe. “Wow, you’re all happy to see me,” he observes. “You must not have very much going on right now.” 
You snort. Be nice, you text him. You watch him smirk as he glances down at his phone, though he offers no verbal or written response. The comment section is dominated by people telling him not to get down on himself, assuring him that these livestreams are the highlight of his fans’ days. “I’m very happy to be here,” Unknown announces, though he doesn’t sound like it. 
What city are you in now? someone asks. “Hmmm. What city am I in?” Unknown seems to consider this. He walks to the window and pulls back the curtains, though with how his camera is angled, you can’t see anything but the night sky outside. He closes the window and then sits back down. “No clue.” 
His chat fills with people informing him that he just performed the first of three consecutive shows in Detroit— many of these commenters also take the liberty of letting him know how well he did.  “You people say I’m in Detroit,” he reports. “That must be right. You all know so much better than I do.” He sounds patronizing, like he’s mocking his fans for knowing his tour schedule— which would be weird coming from any other celebrity, but you’re beginning to think that Unknown’s fans would be confused and alarmed if he didn’t talk down to them. Like the ever-present leather jewelry, the condescension is practically a part of his brand.  
Get some rest, please, someone says, you look so tired. “I can’t get any rest,” Unknown explains, picking at his meal with a plastic fork. “I'm busy eating. But I’m getting bored, so you should ask me more questions, hm?” A big part of his role as an idol is fostering connections with fans. If that weren't the case, Unknown probably wouldn't be inviting strangers to pry for information of any kind.
Do you love us? someone has the audacity to ask, though Unknown ignores that comment. Several of his fans tell him how happy they are that he’s getting good meals on tour, and you can’t help but agree— you often worry that Unknown might not be getting enough to eat, whether he’s holed up at home or holed up in a hotel room on another continent. What are you eating? This particular commenter seems to have a better understanding of the types of inquiries that Unknown is willing to entertain. He waves his hand, dismissing the question altogether. “I don’t know. Fries with gravy on it.” 
Poutine? several commenters suggest. “Mmhm, maybe.” Despite yourself, you think it’s cute that Unknown somehow managed to acquire an entire takeout container of the dish without knowing what it was. It’s junk food, so there’s no way Rika bought it for him; he must have just gone into a random shop and chosen off the menu, or asked someone from his team to bring it to him. Since he doesn’t have to worry about his permanent address getting leaked by delivery drivers, maybe he feels comfortable ordering takeout to his hotel rooms on tour. 
He then returns to scanning his comment section. “What… do you do with all your smashed guitars?” Unknown reads in a low voice. He’s going to be the death of you, and apparently, his fans feel the same, because the chat floods with hearts and heart-eyes emojis. “What’s all the hearts for?” He demands. “I didn’t do anything.” His fans continue sending hearts. “Stop it,” Unknown orders. “I’ll let you know when I want you to send hearts.” The barrage of emojis ends abruptly. The grip that this man has over his chat gives you whiplash. 
“Anyway,” Unknown says, “After I smash my guitars, I just leave them at the venue.” 
It takes about fifteen seconds for the fans in the chat to start plotting to go try to scrape every venue Unknown has ever played at for leftover smashed-up guitars. You should give them to your fans, someone in the chat suggests. “Why?” Unknown seems genuinely confused, though still patronizing, as always. “What do you want my garbage for?” 
The fans seem to be trying their best to explain that they consider every instrument Unknown has destroyed to be an artifact of rock and roll history; he just rocks in his chair and rolls his eyes while he waits for them to finish. “You people are so weird,” he decides. “But if you find one of my old guitars, you should sell it online. Someone will buy it for a lot of money, and you can use that to get a guitar that actually works.” He pauses, apparently to scan the comments again, before returning his attention to his poutine. “Anyway, I’m leaving now,” he announces, apparently bored of the conversation. “I'm too busy for this.” 
When he ends the livestream, his fans are still losing their minds about the fact that he actually said something close to goodbye this time. From your understanding, Unknown’s custom is to log off abruptly with no warning, usually offering a sentence or two of cryptic nonsense before doing so. You waste no time in whipping out your phone to text him. 
MC: You’re so weird lol 
He wastes no time in responding. 
Unknown: Maybe, prince(ss) 
Unknown: But you love me. 
You can practically hear the smug smile in his words— and yet, you don’t have the guts to tell him just how right he is.
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agent-flyingfox · 2 years ago
Omar/Emara Aziz - Agent Flying Fox Dossier
Note from Shawn: Sorry. Forgot to do this. Flying Fox has not taken their headshot yet, I thought I should wait until then. But he stole my donuts and is holding them hostage. I'll just get it over with now. I'll add his headshot later...
this is an RP blog for my IEYTD OC! the askblog community is a multiverse thing, but this blog itself is set alongside the events of cog in the machine/~1968 ish?? starting right around missions 1 and 2. there may be spoilers about it!
some rp boundaries:
- no nsfw
- no bigotry
- please tread lightly with religious/spiritual topics, especially regarding Islam. references to religion are fine of course, it's a huge part of culture/societies. just...nothing too heavy (it's a sensitive spot for me)
^i know that might be confusing considering how omar will say a religious term every now and then. for context he's a cultural muslim atheist. he still participates in culture, festivities, and language involved with his upbringing as a malay muslim. like how some atheists in western countries will celebrate christmas and say jeez and stuff!
- no terminal illness/cancer
- flirting is fine but omar is monogamous and taken, so he won't reciprocate!
- please ask before bringing any controversial topics into an rp
- anything else should be just fine though :>
mun is over 18 (23yo). please note that i am also australian, meaning i'll be asleep during most american hours. please don't hesitate to let me know if i'm overstepping or being disrespectful in any way, i want this to be fun for everyone.
note to anyone else joining the IEYTD askblog community: we've agreed to tag our introductory posts with the main tags #ieytd and #i expect you to die. but as there's a lot of us popping up now (hell yeah) we've agreed to use the side tags #ieytask and #ieytd askblog as not to flood the main tag for fans outside our sub-community. hope thats cool with everyone, and let us know if anything needs changing.
i think thats all. have fun! - @taaaaaaawnyfrogmouth))
Name: Omar/Emara Aziz
Codename: Agent Flying Fox
Place of Birth: Changi Village, Singapore
Nationality: Singaporean
Date of Birth: March 5th, 1932
Height: 5'3
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
Blood Type: A
Dom. Hand: Left
Status: Alive
Flavour Profile: Sweet and Spicy
Fav. Colour: Navy Blue
Zodiac: Pisces
MB type: ISFP-A
Weapon of Choice: Advanced Lockpicks
Catch Phrase: "This isn't about me, the Doctor, or the Agency. Think what you will of me. I'll be here for him, always."
A former Zoraxis operative, a high thief and burglar-for-hire who rose up the ranks over the years. Agent Nightjar worked undercover with Omar, on the long and ambitious Operation [REDACTED]. The two had grown close over time, Omar claimied that they may have even fallen in love. They state that they had suspicions, but turned a blind eye to it until his cover was blown. Zoraxis had caught Nightjar collecting intel, and brutally injured him in a near death incident. Omar managed to save the Agent, and with his direction, brought him to the Agency Emergency Room. While grateful for the rescue of one of their agents, the Agency still had their doubts about a Zoraxis Operative changing sides so suddenly. Omar was detained for some weeks after this event – with no clear idea of what the Agency should do to him.
After some pleading and much compromise, Omar’s affiliation with Zoraxis was deemed useful. After pulling some strings, the Agency has Agent Flying Fox working for them in order to pay off his years of crime. Under strict conditions, of course. Their Agency house is dotted with cameras, microphones, and sensors. They are forced to wear a watch that tracks his every word and move. Concerns regarding Agent privacy are continually dismissed by higher supervisors, as “A single blind spot could leave us wide open.” They have been denied a TK implant.
Agent Nightjar is currently in recovery for his injuries. Agency Research & Development is working on new assistive tech for him in the meantime. This has played a part in Flying Fox’s hire, as the Agency still needs to complete Nightjar’s mission until he is able to return to work.
Agent Flying Fox’s motives are uncertain. The team tracking him continue to preach that he is “Just madly in love” and “Constantly gushing about Agent Nightjar, and would do anything for him”. Such claims are met with scepticism from higher officers. What truly motivates this individual to the Agency’s side will forever be a mystery...
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rd0265667 · 2 years ago
Here's a summary of My IVE concert so yall don't get spammed with posts after posts
Yujin is starting to edge Gaeul out as my bias, seeing her in person was like a dream come true, and her english is just *chef's kiss* (@silantryoo I understand you now)
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Leeseo is adorable, she was bouncing on the stage and even helped a staff member
Liz is a natural comedian, idek what to say
Wonyoung is so damn sassy
Rei vibing with Yujin was adorable
And Gaeul's dancing was just impeccable
This literally pushed me to make an IVE series, though I'm not 100% sure about doing it since it's gonna be pretty time concerning and I have national exams in 3 months. So I'd probably start it, but with pretty infrequent updates. I was thinking of making it Choose Your Own Adventure? Basically a fantasy of what happened in Singapore, after their concert, for a lucky reader, and who you end up with depends on your choices. I do have a question though?
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garageofshumii · 9 days ago
this has been in the works for quite a while so i'm glad i finally managed to get this out! welcome to this guide to bearnelli, collated by me and my good friend @lewispitlane. thank you, del <3
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any questions, concerns, thoughts, or advice can be shared through my ask box or through tumblr dms!
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━ introduction
bearnelli is the pairing between formula 1 drivers oliver "ollie" bearman and andrea kimi antonelli (he's referred to as "kimi" by pretty much everyone). this archive aims to document everything bearnelli related.
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━ content
if you own any of the content shared in this archive and would like it to be removed, please let me know. likewise, if you'd like credit, please let me know! i strive to give credit when possible and mistakes might be made (human error). if you'd like your bearnelli related content to be featured in this archive, contact me and we'll sort something out!
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tags nav.
# ━━ bearnelli.archive main archive tag # ━━ bearnelli.timelines their story in timelines # ━━ bearnelli.lore specific pieces of lore # ━━ bearnelli.media videos, photos, quotes, links, etc. # ━━ bearnelli.r&r fic recommendations and reviews # ━━ bearnelli.misc miscellaneous bits and bobs
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━ 2025 formula 1 season timeline [ 1 ]
documents the 2025 formula 1 season and all the bearnelli moments from jan 1st, 2025 - dec 31, 2025.
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━ 2024 formula 2 season timeline
documents the 2024 formula 2 season and all the bearnelli moments from jan 1st, 2024
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━ pre formula 2 timeline
documents all bearnelli moments from before formula 2
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━ the interview
published on october 30th, 2024 and titled "pranks, ninjas, learning from each other: getting to know the prema racing teammates", this interview is regarded as the bearnelli interview, where ollie and kimi answered questions about their relationship.
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━ social media lore
ollie has a habit of always trying his hardest to put kimi in his social media posts (even on his @teamob account managed by a separate team of admins). this explains their social media interactions along with more information.
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━ prema lore
prema is an italian motorsports team in formula 2 and formula 3 (as well as other junior categories). ollie started racing for prema in 2023, and in 2024, he was then joined by kimi. during their time as prema teammates, ollie and kimi shared some very special moments as explained in more detail. prema teammates forever in my heart!
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━ 2024 singapore gp lore
even though the 2024 formula 2 season did not include a race in singapore, both ollie and kimi went to the city during the 2024 formula 1 singapore grand prix. there, they shared some very wholesome encounters that will be forever remembered. lanyard toss? "kiss me"?
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naming system | mediaformat.date&location.event.details
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recommendations and reviews.
fic recommendations and reviews | click here!
other recommendations and reviews | click here!
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bearnelli.lyrics bearnelli coded lyrics
bearnelli.edits bearnelli web weaves, edits, etc.
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creds. @lewispitlane (this couldn't have been made without you!! a million thank yous and more for encouraging and supporting me every step of the way) | @cafekitsune (for the dividers)
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umichenginabroad · 2 months ago
Week 1+2: Settling down to life in the jungle - Housing and Campus Food
What comes into your mind when you think about Singapore? Modern? Crowded with built-up urban areas? These are my impressions/assumptions before I arrived here, and I have to say it's both right and wrong.
As I've gradually settled down to campus life and got around Singapore for a little bit, I'd like to first share with y'all about my school. Nanyang Technological University (NTU) is located in the west region of Singapore, which means FAR away from the city center. Opposite to the city view in other regions, NTU is rich in nature beauty - trees, plants, flowers, and unknown creatures!
(Fun fact: Local people call NTU "Malaysia of Singapore" because it looks more like a part of Malaysia, showing how isolated and different the school is from the east region of Singapore!)
I felt genuinely concerned that I was gonna live in the streets because NTU said housing IS NOT GUARANTEED for exchange students and the result came out around 3 weeks before classes started, which is pretty late :( The housing price in Singapore can be 3 times as expensive as on-campus housing, so after submitting my application, waiting, and PRAYING, I finally got assigned to Hall 9 with a lovely Taiwanese roommate (also an exchange student)!
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(Hall 9 from the outside)
Two weeks in and I already felt like I'M LIVING IN THE JUNGLE. Most of the halls here including Hall 9 consist of small houses instead of apartment buildings. Combining with the overall natural environment at NTU, we are surrounded by trees and lawns so that we get to enjoy the scenic view of nature whenever we walk outside. At the same time, we try to get along with monkeys, spiders, geckos, lizards, ants, frogs and mice... (in fairness, we are living in their natural habitats)
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(A peek into my room! It includes a bed frame, mattress, desk, chair, cabinet, closet, fan and air-con)
Instead of going to dining halls for food, students go to canteens - where a bunch of food stands with a variety of options are located. I am fortunate enough to live right above Canteen 9, but I still get food at other canteens before and after class to try out different options (Canteen 9 is not my favorite :0), or hang out with friends so that we can chat and share our opinions on the food!
The food choices are in fact, overloaded in a good way: there are almost every type of Asian food with some Western food options such as burgers, fried chicken and pasta. In the morning, you can order Kaya toast + boiled eggs + coffee/tea - a traditional set of Singaporean breakfast with $2.3 SGD; later on, you can get Chinese hot pot for lunch, and Japenese curry rice/Korean tofu stew/Taiwanese braised pork rice for dinner (whatever you like)! Each meal cost around $5-12 SGD. Even though generally prices in Singapore are relatively expensive among Asian countries, food is cheaper on campus - and A LOT cheaper than the US!
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(Chinese hot pot ingredients >:)
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(Japenese curry rice/noodles (FIRE!!!))
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(Taiwanese braised pork rice)
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(Hanging out with Zi Ling at Koufu Canteen!)
So far I definitely enjoy my campus life! Though I'm not a fan of animals and insects (there was one time I had to get up at 4am because of a gigantic spider), I am still learning (?) to admire the aesthetic of this natural setting.
Next week will be Chinese New Year and I can't wait to see what local celebrations look like! Keep trying out new things, embrace the nature and stay tuned for more to come :)
Cheers to life in the jungle,
Angela Chang
Biomedical Engineering
IPE Nanyang Technological University in Singapore
0 notes
spearzreloaded · 5 months ago
NXT ... but it's ECW
(Parker d. Vice / NXT - 6th/Nov. 2k24)
I dont know what I stumbled on to for this weeks wrestling haul, but NXT was firing on all cylinders.
Apparently, NXT decided to take it from ORL to Philly for a tribute to ECW. All that was missing was Paul Heyman as far as I'm concerned.
The hardcore match had all the bells and whistles, complete with ECW legend Dawn Marie reffing the match.
How can anyone be in Lola Vice's corner after she delivered "The Three Amigos" so sloppily it looked like she was throwing shade at Shaul Guerrerro?
Thankfully Jaida Parker smashed a brick over her face. The way that brick shattered ... and Vice's face after? And somehow Vice was still able to kick out !
Which is surprising since the highlights made Parker look like a whole whipping post.
The hip toss into the trash can spot, the singapore cane spot, the headplant into the chair spot - Parker couldn't catch a break and at one point looked like she was going to pass out on top of one of the ladders. Perhaps, the realization that the ladder was there was the only thing that kept her standing. Not a great resting spot. Hardcore indeed!
Though I know this wasn't a TLC match, I found it ridiculous that Parker finished the match setting up a ladder just to do an around the world to wind up a shoulder tackle for the win.
At least the meat and potatoes of the match was up to snuff, but that finish was as funky as Dawn Marie in that ref outfit.
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C.V.R. The Bard
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mrs-allsunday · 1 year ago
It's been a week
Hello! I'm back with another episode of stuff happened at Hermanto's residence in the past week lol
This week had been a usual at work - me getting by. Me finishing my targets. Me talking to my workmates on my career plans. Only a new thing though, I shared some of my career concerns with my workmate. (Hope this time I can finally move on from this personal issue i have.)
I e-meet my life/career coach last Monday too and we brushed on the simple actions I can take regarding my career so I went in that direction this week.
I found a course to take, and hopefully start doing it by next week.
A cherry top this week is me finally able to hit the gym! (Thanks to my work friend for the photo!) Glad to have workmates who are indeed giving me positive influence.
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Going to the gym on Friday is like a curtain closing of my work day. It has really energised me in welcoming the weekend!
Family life though, it's one of the unusual weeks. Adi was on MC for 2 days and we all slept at the living room.
Although it's not entirely bad because at least adi's sickness is not contagious and we were able to watch good and chill movies!
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I really hope though that adi and I can have 4-day work week. Plus one day WFH!! I think that would really be ideal.
Not sure whether that is possible in today's context and especially as employees. And if we became the business owners, it'll really be hard work at the start. 24/7 kind of work.
We see how. Afterall, this is Dunia. So moving on for this weekend - Adi and Yanah are currently asleep now.
I swear I was feeling sleepy awhile ago but after Yanah slept, I'm suddenly so awake.
We had a full day out yesterday as we visited Singapore Zoo and River Wonders with HII Family!
It's really good to hangout with fellow parents.
I try not to post my own photos because I'm limiting my soc med use 🥹
Ugh yeah that one I should really be mindful of my social media usage and my intent as my career coach highlighted.
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This coming week will be a busy one! Mom and nash are coming over and it's Yanah's bday week.
Oh I also forgot to mention that we're making progress on the Pastil King business.
In Shaa Allah all will be well. Nash will be busy with his own business, I'll have extra funds for travel.
Hopefully we can continue traveling ❤️
0 notes
i find it amusing that i seem to come here when the year starts/ends.
2023 has been a ride. i can't believe 12 months flew by just like that. i suppose i stopped the habit of journaling, simply because i was writing so much academically - processing my thoughts on words felt like a chore. i do think that it is note worthy to pen down what happened in 2023 - so here goes. in 2023, i....
- wrote a thesis (!!!!) - extended my internship at club rainbow singapore - competed for nationals, ended up being first - carried on for Singapore Opens, ended up being second (thats lke 3 months of training non-stop) - 60% OF THE TEAM CAME TO CHURCH. (12 pax!!!!!!) - 14 day grad trip to bali - mission trip to sri lanka - surfed for the first time, loved it so much i went back again in oct - 28 day trip: beijing -> korea -> singapore -> bali. biggest flex was the $800 flight tickets - graduated!!!!!! - family trip to korea - went for ONE job interview and got it. - started dating (!!) got a boyfriend (!!!!!!!) it's funny because i would never imagine myself dating someone like Gerard. he was a catholic, he did not know the Lord, he is non-chinese, and he is the only child. it totally goes against most of what i believe in. but yet, he loves so willingly, serves quickly. he is quick to listen, and slow to speak. he reflects with humility, and is always quick to apologise first. he treats me well and right, and accepts me for who i am. he cares to improve himself all the time, never challenges my argument but only humbly apologises and aims to improve. he makes me laugh, trusts me as his being. he has a teachable spirit, and has a gift of teaching. he connects with the 'weird' and different, yet finds no problem with it at all.
he is everything i never expected myself to date, but yet... everything i realise i could need. i'm not sure yet, to where this is going.
i remember when i went out with Dawson, and though - a charming white man taking me out, treating me 'right', potentially able to fufill me sexually, it still did not sit right with me. one might say its because he does not love the Lord and while that might be true - i find myself thinking about Gerard for loving me as i am.
Gerard knows my love for the Lord. i dont have to hide it. i can be honest with him, and myself, and he embraces it all. he does not think its weird (i think haha) and even tries to meet me at my level. he might not know the bible in depth like a scholar does, but his heart speaks differently. Gerard is willing to take me as i am. i dont have to change anything, act differently, or become another person. i came as i am, and he liked that.
thats why, i concluded someone like Dawson does not seem appealing. To love one as they are, seems like a gift almost. But i remember telling the Lord, i want to hold onto this loosely because i am unsure where this is going. i appreciate the company, enjoy the plays, the highs and the lows - maybe even the lust a bit too much, but yet i am unsure if i want to stay committed to this.
i am concerned because what if im tying myself down? what if i'm actually not as interested?
but recently, i catch myself staring at him thinking, 'how can someone like this, like me as i am?' i am uncertain where this is going. but i know i would still want to try, regardless. he brings me a certain company i cannot find anywhere else, and i am thankful for that. i told him i'd give this 6 months. i gagged at him when he asked me to be his girlfriend. to which - all of it, he was still okay. he's willing to try. he wants to make it work.
i am not sure if i do too. but yet, i am confused where my hesitations lie.
'this is a good one. dont let it go. if it was so easy to find god-loving men, everyone would have been attached now.'
someone said this to me the other day, and i was asking myself if i have been lying to myself if i couldnt admit this. he truly loves me, and i know that. i was also told to have a few dealbreakers to access how this relationship is going.
How is his walk with God? is it growing? does he love the Lord?
family involvement. how has acceptance into his family been?
of course, no.1 truimphs it all. i am not sure if i would get a response, even in 6 months time. but i know that i am willing to sit through the tough part as he is moulding and refining his walk with God. and i know, i have to be patient on this. So help me God, for i am unsure how and what to proceed. help me to be faithful, to be obedient, to be discerning, to be patient and to be kind. amen.
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