#i'm avoiding homework by writing fanfic again
writeshite · 2 years
The Rest Of Life Is Canceled
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You’ll make so many memories, they said. Yes, well, memories shouldn’t include the dead being, not dead, and great uncle Jordan crawling his ass out of his grave and coming for your ankles.
Daryl Dixon x Male Reader
Angst | Death - It's The Apocalypse |
Words: 1185
Author's Note:
I'm sorry that I put out the masterlist and then didn't update or upload a chapter this whole damn time 😭✋🏾
Series Masterlist
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Travel, they said.
It’ll be fun, they said.
You’ll make so many memories, they said.
Yes, well, memories shouldn’t include the dead being, not dead, and great uncle Jordan crawling his ass out of his grave and coming for your ankles. Said man’s brains currently being the lovely decoration on your pants, you tried not to think about that, though, scrubbing furiously at the garments - the house was empty, the others had adopted the everyone for themselves mentality rather quickly. You’d barricaded the door just after bashing great uncle Jordan’s head into a pulp, then the windows, and then raided the kitchen for whatever food was left behind. Great aunt Lydia was scratching at the back door, her face less decomposed after uncle Stevens had hacked her for the general store’s keys - though you doubted he’d find anything there - your phone service was weak, and the updates from Britain had stopped an hour ago. 
Sammy: There’s someone outside; hold on….
You: Don’t let them in.
You: Sammy?
You: Sammy?!
You: Sammy?! Samantha!!!!
Sammy’s been radio silent, but even if she responded, you doubt you’d get it now. The grime on your pants wasn’t coming off, and your scrubbing was growing more frustrated; you nearly screamed, tossing the pants back into the red-stained bathwater - great aunt Lydia had moved to beneath the bathroom window, you peeked out, and she lifted her hands. At least she was wearing her favorite sundress; you scoffed at your thought - as if putting her down would be made better by that. But that was tomorrow’s problem; right now, you needed some new pants. 
Dinner consisted of yesterday’s leftover spaghetti and meatballs, a silent affair; Martha’s CD collection kept you well entertained. You slept in your room; door barricaded, a gun nearby, and a bat in your arms. Great aunt Lydia went down easy; her old bones could never quite keep up in life; you buried her and uncle Jordan just round back - there was nothing more for you to do, so you packed whatever you could carry; necessities - clothes, food, medicine, water - sentimentalities - books, a family picture, card, things that you’d hoped wouldn’t weigh you down too much - and left.
You strolled through town on your way out; most of the cars were gone; those left were turned over, crashed into each other and the buildings around. The general store was wide open, shelves empty; you took what little they had to offer before continuing - skid marks led you out, where one or two cars lay on their sides. Your recognized one as uncle Stevens, his body lay at an unnatural angle, half hanging from the windshield. His car was a trove of resources - too much for you to carry in one go, so you settled for what you could and left as the pooling blood began to attract the undead. 
Day one was quiet. Being on the road was nice; the non-existent traffic was a nice change, you swung your bat leisurely, and the houses were in abundance; you camped out in them, racking up what resources you could - preferably before sunset - somewhere after the power lines died, you encountered your first swarm, they huddled together along the streets, you’d watched them from an upstairs window, terrified out of your mind as they passed. The larger crowd dispersed a few days later, leaving only a few behind; you stayed where you were for an extra day, though, anxiety bubbling at the surface at every noise. Day nine saw you leave that home; day ten, nothing new. Day eleven, you camped out in the woods and couldn’t sleep a wink. Day thirteen, no more hot showers in abandoned houses. Day seventeen, no significant changes.
Day twenty-three, you find a group - nice folk - you don’t stick around them for long, one of their own was bit, and they don’t look ready to accept she’s a goner.
“It’s like a scratch; it’ll heal.” Jemma, the leader, had said, confident in her words, she attempted to reassure you, but you shook your head. Medicine had been your major, but even an idiot could see the bite mark wasn’t healing; it looked closer to a festering, skin raised and a sickly shade; you’d briefly taken a look at it, before realizing it was dead skin. Necrosis was spreading, and you’d told them such. “Look, she’s not like those things; she’s safe. You’re safe.”
She being Jemma’s daughter, Mary, her arm was out of its sling, no longer appearing like a broken limb; she held it close to her; the swelling had gone down, but the antibiotics were on their last leg. Her upper arm looked detached, and you’d probably guess the muscle there was already deteriorating - her body was already doing the same, and by the bloodshot tear-stained eyes, she could feel every bit of it.
“I’m sorry,” you turned away, and Jemma grimaced. They didn’t need a medic; they needed someone to lie to them, hold Mary’s hand and tell her she’d be right as rain in a few days and that her wrists weren’t going to snap off when her skin started to rot. You couldn’t give them that, not even with the best intentions, you’d had the pleasure of never having watched a person succumb to the bite - you’d seen the after, documented the effects and behavior as you went from place to place. They were slow, enough that you could outpace them, but not in a swarm; the numbers would overwhelm you in seconds; drawn to light and sound, they could also distinguish the living alarmingly well.
Jemma’s remains find you on day fifty-nine, or rather, you find her, legs clean off; she crawls towards you, and you step away before she can reach. Mary is nowhere to be found, though you suspect she might have been the sunken head in the river a few miles back; the rest of their group is equally absent, but you don’t stick around to look for them. Autumn comes and goes; you celebrate Halloween when you think it is, and the little bag of candy brightens up your day a little. Winter passes by, and you miss the warmth of heaters. Come spring, you bump into a stranger; well, bump is a generous word; you’re both looking for food, and there isn’t much to go around.
He’s spruced up in uniform, a sheriff badge on display; you’re not drawing guns at each other yet, more eyeing the other for suspicious activity. You’re holding your bat, held out towards him as your other hand hovers over your gun; he does the same, hand on his holster, slowly treading away from his horse. 
“I’m not here to fight,” he says, and you eye him suspiciously.
“You sure? Cause you look ready to shoot.”
“Just want some food, is all,” he replies. You keep eyeing each other before coming to a silent agreement, reluctantly, you lowered your weapon, and you went about dividing the food. “Rick,” he mumbles his name.
You do the same, and he offers a hand, “Heading down to Atlanta, wouldn’t mind the company.”
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End Note:
Am I writing two different series at the same time? Yes. My brain does its best work under stressful circumstances it should not. Stay Hydrated.
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oreolemur · 5 months
Desperation- Choso Fanfic
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Receiving letters from Choso sent chills down your spine. He kept trying to confess his love for you after you helped him fight off his bullies. The man was obsessed with you, but you didn't want him. You sat in bed, reading the numerous letters he wrote to you. The letters detailed his feelings in great detail. The one from this morning mentioned how much he missed you and that he couldn't wait to see you after school. Another from a few days ago mentioned how he thought about you all the time and wanted to be with you forever. There were several more with similar sentiments from the past weeks. "Why does he keep writing to me?", you said to yourself. "Does he not get the message?”. You had told him several times that you didn't want to be with him, but he didn't seem to get it. You tried to be civil by still talking to him in school, but he took any small interaction as a sign that he still had a chance. You tossed all the letters in the trash and headed to bed, trying to forget about Choso and his weird obsession with you. You fell asleep quickly, hoping that tomorrow would go by without any drama from him. 
The next day as you were walking in the hallway, you saw Choso. "Oh no", you said. You tried to walk the other way, but he saw you before you could get the chance to avoid him. Choso spotted you immediately and started walking towards you. You tried to make a quick escape, but he had you cornered. He walked right up to you and said, "Hi." in a low tone. "H-hey", you said, trying not to sound weirded out by him. Choso's gaze was intense, making you feel uncomfortable. The way he stood so close to you was also unsettling. You tried to keep your tone friendly, even though your heart was beating fast. You hoped he couldn't hear how hard you were breathing. "So...I...ugh got your letters", you said. Choso nodded and said, "Yes, I wrote them for you." His voice was steady, but there was a hint of desperation in his tone. He continued, "I was just hoping that if I wrote enough letters, you might change your mind”.
You decided to confess to him again. "I appreciate you having feelings for me, but...I'm not interested in having a relationship". Choso's face fell as he heard your words. The sadness was clear on his face, but he tried not to show it too much. He nodded and said, "I understand. If you feel that way, I respect your decision." His voice had a slight crack, showing his disappointment. Despite the rejection, he kept his composure and said, "Is it okay if we still stay friends?". You nodded. "Of course. That's all I want". Choso gave a small smile at your response. Clearly, he had wanted a different outcome, but at least he could keep you in his life, even if only as a friend. He said, "Thank you for being honest with me. It means a lot." Despite the rejection, he was trying to stay positive and continue to talk to you. 
You were glad that Choso understood where you were coming from, but you couldn't shake this feeling that something bad was going to happen. There was something about Choso's reaction that made your gut instinct act up. You couldn't help but wonder if he truly accepted what you told him, or if he was just hiding his true feelings. Something inside you told you to be careful around him, but you couldn't exactly explain it. You decided to change the subject and hope your gut was wrong. After talking with him for a minute, you and Choso shared your goodbyes. "I'll see you around, ok", you said. Choso nodded and said, "Of course. See you around." Despite the awkward nature of the conversation, he appeared to be taking the rejection well and was being civil toward you. You couldn't help but feel relieved that it didn't end in a worse way. You were still a little uneasy around him, but you brushed it off and started walking away.
❤~Time Skip~❤
Later that night, Choso was in his dorm, doing his homework. His mind was still flooded with rejection and he didn't like it. The man took out his special book that was filled with photos of you. He had been taking pictures of you without your knowledge, and keeping them here. He stared at the pictures, the emotions from earlier flooding back to him. The rejection and how you didn't want to be with him hurt him, which only made him want you more. Choso continued to stare at the pictures, growing increasingly obsessed with you. His voice grew cold as he said, "She's mine and mine only." His obsession with you had grown stronger, and he wasn't going to let you slip away. He was determined to make you his, no matter the cost. 
Choso spent the rest of the night obsessing over you, planning ways to express to you how much you meant to him. He was no longer content to sit back and let you get away from him. He wanted to show you that he was serious about his feelings for you and wasn't going to let anything get in his way. "I have to have her", he said. "I have to make her love me". Choso continued to mutter to himself about how he needed to have you, how he needed to make you love him. You were all he could think about, and not having you would be unbearable for him. He was completely consumed by his obsession with you, and this thought made him grow even more determined to make you his. Choso decided that he needed to send one final letter to you, but this time it would be a warning rather than a confession of his feelings. This letter would make it clear to you how serious he is about you. 
Meanwhile, you spent the night in your dorm, getting ready for bed. "I'm glad he understands", you said to yourself. "Hopefully those creepy letters will stop now". You tried to put the whole situation out of your mind and hoped that he truly accepted your rejection. You were tired and just wanted to get some sleep, but something deep inside you told you to stay alert. "Why do I keep getting this strange feeling?". You tried to ignore the feeling, dismissing it as just your imagination running away with you. You crawled into bed, trying to get some rest, but the feeling continued to plague you. You tossed and turned, unable to relax or get comfortable. The feeling kept gnawing at you, making it hard to get comfortable or sleep. Just as you were about to head to bed, there was a loud knock at your door, which startled you. It was late in the night, and you weren't expecting anyone to visit you at this hour. You said, "Who is it?" but received no answer. You got off your bed, opening the door cautious as you wondered who could be there at this late hour. 
You cautiously opened the door and saw no one there. To your surprise, there was a letter on the ground that caught your attention. You saw that it had your name written on it and picked it up carefully, hoping it wasn't another love letter. You examined the outside of the envelope, then decided to open it. “I can't keep ignoring my feelings for you. I can't just accept the way things are and move on. I love you too much to just let you go. If you won't be with me willingly, then I'll have to make you mine. I know the best way to make you love me, and I'm going to use it. I'll see you soon ❤”. You were filled with fear as you read the letter. Choso's words sounded like a threat, and it caused your heart to drop. You realized that he wasn't going to accept rejection, and he was going to use some sort of method to make you his. The "best way" and "make you love me" part of the sentence was particularly eerie.
It almost sounded like he was going to use force or something sinister to get your affection. Your heart was beating fast, and you felt an icy chill go down your spine. You rip up the letter in a fit of frustration and sorrow. You couldn't believe that a simple rejection would cause someone to become so obsessed or even resort to threats. You didn't know what would motivate Choso to send a letter like that, but it didn't matter. All you could think about was his words, and how he planned to make you love him. You felt a surge of fear as you thought about what his "method" for making you love him might be.
You made sure to avoid Choso for the next few days, not wanting to interact with him. You didn't see him during your shared classes and decided that him not being there was a good thing. Your mind was still focused on that ominous letter, and you were anxious about what he might do if he saw you again. You tried to stay on your guard and told yourself to take precautions when going to your dorm or anywhere else where you might bump into him.  You went about your daily routine for the next two weeks and didn't see Choso once. Even though you were glad that he wasn't around, you couldn't help but feel that it was strange that you hadn't seen him at all. You had shared classes with him and would normally see him pretty often, so it felt odd that he was nowhere to be found. You kept wondering where he was, but you were also relieved that you didn't have to deal with his obsession for the time being. 
❤~That Night~❤
You were walking back to your dorm one night, hoping that the walk would be uneventful. You felt uneasy for some reason, and a sense that you were being followed suddenly crept over you. You stopped, looking behind you only to see no one there. No one was visible that you could see, but something in you told you otherwise. You got an uneasy feeling, like someone was watching you. "I'm probably just tired", you said, nervously. You tried to convince yourself that it was just your imagination playing tricks on you, but the feeling of being watched refused to subside. You felt tense and nervous, as if someone was hiding somewhere. You couldn't see anyone directly watching you, but you had a strong sense that someone or something was following you. The sense of paranoia grew stronger, and you found yourself looking over your shoulder and around you constantly. 
Just as you were about to open the door to your dorm, someone ran up behind you, putting a cloth over your mouth and nose. The sudden attack took you by surprise, and you struggled to breathe as you were forcefully pulled into a nearby alleyway. Your attacker was quick and stealthy, and you couldn't see who it was. All you could do was struggle and try to breath while the cloth was over your mouth. You continued to struggle and try to get away from your attacker as the cloth on your face made it harder and harder to breathe. You could feel your strength beginning to wane as the oxygen deprivation took its toll on you. After you start to pass out, your vision begins to get blurry and your body becomes weak as you struggle to remain conscious. Choso looks down at your unconscious body with a grin on his face. He looks completely unhinged and crazed, his mind consumed by his obsession with you. He drags your body back to his dorm, where he plans to carry out his plan. 
You slowly begin to regain consciousness. You're not sure how much time has passed, but you eventually begin to gain clarity. Your head is pounding and your vision is still blurry. Your body feels weak, and you're not sure where you are. You struggle to move and open your eyes, your breathing labored. As you come to your senses, the first thing you see is Choso standing in front of you. "Ch-Choso?", you said, weakly. Choso glances down at you as he hears your weak voice, a sinister grin spreading across his face. He looks down at you with cold eyes as he leans in closer, his face just inches from yours. "You're awake," he says in a calm but cold tone. Choso walks to his door and locks it, seemingly not caring that he just locked you in with him. The only sound in the room is you panting and his breathing. He steps closer to you, his body looming and threatening. "I'm going to make you mine," he says in a low voice, his eyes filled with obsession and insanity.
"What are you talking about?", you questioned. Choso continues to stand over you, his eyes fixed on yours. "I've decided that if you won't be my girlfriend willingly, I'm going to have to do this the hard way." He says calmly, not seeming angry or agitated in the slightest. He leans down even closer to you until your heads are mere inches apart. "I'm going to make you love me”. You looked at him confused. "You can't just force me to love you". Choso ignores your words and leans even closer to you until his face is just inches from yours. "Of course, I can't. But there are ways to make people feel things they otherwise wouldn't”. The way he said those last words made it sound like a threat. "It's simple, really. I just need to put you through an experience that will break you down and make you love me”. 
Choso's face remained calm and unExpressionate as he took off his clothes, revealing his muscular body. His body looked incredibly fit and toned, something he's probably been doing to impress you. Instead of making you feel attracted, the sight only made you feel even more scared. He ignored your words as he looked down at you with cold eyes. He continued to strip, stripping his pants and his top. As you desperately tried to scoot away, he grabbed your ankle and pulled you close to him. You found yourself unable to move and were helplessly trapped as he pulled you closer to him. He said nothing and just looked at you, a hint of madness in his gaze. He positioned himself, between your legs, reaching up your skirt. “Please, Choso”, you whined. 
He pulled and tugged on your panties, ripping them off. The cold air in his room hit your bare pussy. You tried to close your legs, but Choso stood firm between them. His lower half moved closer too, making his cock hit your cunt. He rubbed his dick against you, feeling how warm and wet you were. “Choso”, you whine again. “Please don’t do this. You don’t have to do this”. He pushed you further onto the bed, getting on top of you. “You know, y/n…”, he paused, shoving himself in you. You gasped at the sudden thrust, feeling your cervix breaking. Blood trickled down your thighs as Choso proceeded to fuck you. “I read your diary”. You tried to listen to him, but the pain kept distracting you. “I read all about how you fantasize about being raped and toyed around with”, he continued. “If that’s something you like…”, he grunted. “I can give that to you”. 
He threw your leg over his shoulder, fucking your tight cunt harder. Your body went limp as you laid underneath Choso. You felt disgusted. The pain you first felt started to turn into pleasure. “Why am I starting to like this?”, you asked yourself. “All that stuff I wrote was a lie. A mere thought I had when I was depressed”. Choso’s dick slid in and out of you at a slow but medium pace. His dick was huge, stretching your walls open with each hard thrust. His face was red and his breath was heavy. He enjoyed the power he had over you as he forced you to take him. “I know you like this”, he whispered. He leaned into you, grabbing your throat. He slightly choked you as he quickened his pace. “I love you so much, y/n”, he said in your ear. “I don’t care how much I hurt you, as long as you love me that’s all that matters”. He fucked you faster and harder, soon dropping his warm cum inside you. He kept himself in you for a hot minute, making sure that every drop spilled into your womb. “I hate you”, you said under your breath. Choso didn’t care. He knew that this was only the beginning. 
❤~One month later~❤
It had been a month since that dreadful night had happened. Choso’s attempt at making you love him didn’t work, but he still never gave up on you. He kept a watchful eye on you, meeting up with you every chance he got, which was every day. You couldn’t tell your friends about you and Choso’s forced relationship. You knew it wouldn’t end well. “I love you”, Choso said, laying on top of you. He just got done fucking you. You looked up at the ceiling with soulless eyes. He kissed your neck, marking your soft flesh. “Your skin is so soft”, he complimented. He looked into your eyes as he grabbed your chin, forcing you to look at him. “Till death do us part, my love”, he smiled. 
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littlegodzilla · 2 years
You can write a smut where Daryl is in love with Sebastian's girlfriend in season 11. Maybe, she's totally different from Sebastian (sweet and gentle kind) and Daryl is crazy about her. (With an age gap, pls). PS: I love your fanfics <3
Hi Anon!! Thank you so much, I'm glad you enjoyed yourself reading my stories 😊😊
I loved the idea, I could't watch the 11B yet, but I tried my best to write what you want. I don't know Sebastian either but I read somewhere he is a prick so...
I really enjoyed writing it. I hope you'll like it too!
Thanks for your request!
The Librarian.
Daryl Dixon x FemReader.
Anon Request.
Warning: Fluff. Protective Daryl. Relationship breakdown. Smut.
Summary: You don't like Sebatian, you don't want him. Daryl knows that.
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In that community you all have a role to play. You are all selected and placed in a specific place before entering the Commonwealth, Pamela needs to know that the new members of her community are useful. You are one of them, you arrived with your parents many years ago, almost when it all started, you were selected and it was up to you to take care of the library. You made sure to select, catalog and relocate all the books that soldiers and scouts brought with them on missions. Little by little some books were losing value, and others were even written about the evolution of the new world. The community had a small and rudimentary printing press that took care of that. The main idea of this was to educate the children with as much knowledge as possible, both old and new.
Usually your day to day life is quiet and sometimes even boring, but others....
The door opens then, through it a couple appears, a woman with long white hair and a kind smile and a grown man, scruffy, brown hair, and intense blue gaze. You smile as your eyes connect with his and feel your cheeks redden a little. You stop what they are doing and walk up to the main counter to greet them there.
"Good morning, Carol, Daryl." You smile at them both and they mimic your gesture.
"How can I help you?"
"M here to get some books for Judith and RJ." Daryl says and pulls a list out of his inside vest pocket. "They need them to start school."
"Of course. Here, I'll get them." You offer and he nods giving you the paper, you walk out from the counter looking at the list.
Carol gives her friend a little shove and looks at him raising her eyebrows meaningfully. Daryl swallows hard. He doesn't trust what might come out of his friend's mouth.
"Why don't you go help her? I'm going to walk around and see what I need." She says winking at him. Daryl grunts, but you stop looking at the soldier.
"You coming?" You look at him curiously, Daryl gives you a nervous look, but nods and follows a few steps behind you.
The community has expanded a bit more a few months ago, when people from Alexandria arrived there asking for help. Their intention is not to stay permanently, they want to rebuild their own community, make it safe again, but for that they still need help, and the safety behind the walls of the Commonwealth helps them to continue day by day, the children have started a routine as if they were back in their real homes. Studying, going to school, making new friends, homework. Many children in Alexandria know how to defend themselves, fight, understand the countryside and how to avoid the Walkers, but there the main mission of the youngsters is to learn and just be children.
You walk along the shelves until you find the schooling area and put the list aside as you begin to pick up books for Judith. The one thing you have never seen right in the Commonwealth is the class distinction, there are still rich and poor, some have the books and some depend on your library to be able to study. It seems absurd to you, but unfortunately you don't make the rules.
"How are the kids? do they like school?" you try to make conversation with the man.
"Not much." He laughs softly and you catch it. "They've never been to school, not like this, we teach them ourselves, they have the basic knowledge, but... they like self-defense more." He jokes, but you nod. It's practical, it's necessary. The world is dangerous and hostile, learning to defend yourself as a child is a good way to survive.
"I get it, a lot of these kids were born here, they don't know what's out there." You say picking up one more book leaving it on the cart next to the others.
"Yeah... What about ya?" he asks watching you from a safe distance.
"Me? Well, I wouldn't know how to shoot a crossbow either, or a gun in general." You laugh but get a little embarrassed. "Before we came to the Commonwealth we lived in another shelter, but Pamela found us, she was friends with my parents and we fit in here quickly." You look at him fiddling with another book in your hands and smile a little sheepishly.
"I see... So that's why ya and Sebastian?" Daryl regrets his question a little, he knows it's personal, that you don't have to answer, he's messed up, but he finds it amazing that you're dating a person like him.
"That was... Sebastian 'chose' me." You make quotation marks with your hands. "Out of all the girls who wanted to be with him, he chose me who wanted nothing to do with him, my parents were overjoyed, and Pamela took a load off from having to watch her son." You sigh turning your focus back to the books.
"But he..."
"He's a dick, I know, I've tried talking to Pamela about it, but she won't listen to me, or won't accept it." You shrug.
"And ya dun mind that he's with other girls at the same time he's with ya?" There's surprise and doubt in his voice and you deny turning to look at him.
"Oh no, he and I don't...we never...well you know, I don't..." You stammer feeling your cheeks redden violently. "I've never let him touch me..." You whisper that last and turn your focus back to the books looking for a math notebook for RJ.
Daryl watches you curiously, he was sure your relationship had an explanation, Sebastian was spoiled and mean, he didn't deserve to be with you. The archer bites his lip and moves a little closer to you. His hand touches your waist and the book you are trying to reach slips from your fingers. The object falls hitting you both in the head.
"Ouch." You protest.
"Shit..." You hear Daryl mutter behind you.
"S-sorry, I didn't know that..." You try to apologize by leaning over to pick up the book, Daryl does the same at the same time and your foreheads collide.
"Fuck!" you two exclaim at the same time as both fall backwards remaining seated in the middle of the library aisle.
You look at him feeling your cheeks redden violently and a laugh scratches your throat as you snort and cover your face with both hands letting the laughter wash over you, washing away some of the embarrassment you feel at this very moment. Daryl smiles letting out a small chuckle as well, looking sideways at you. He didn't intend for the situation to end up like this, but he has to admit he likes hearing you laugh. He gets up from the floor picking up the book as he goes, luckily it's not a very thick book, so the blow hasn't killed too many brain cells, it's just knocked your dignity a little. Daryl holds out his hand helping you up. You smile and take the book leaving it with the others.
"Thank you, Daryl, that's very kind of you." You tell him and he looks sideways at you smiling.
"Yes, Daryl, you're quite the gentleman, thank you for helping my girl" Sebastian's voice tenses you both up, the man stands there folding his arms with his crooked smile plastered on his face. "What are you doing here soldier?"
"Leave him Sebastian, he came to get some books for his nephews."
"Good old Daryl, everyone's certainly raving about you." There's an acid tone in his voice, you notice it and want to stop him, but Daryl doesn't flinch, or so it seems.
"I was just helping me with a book, either..."
"You shouldn't try so hard, Dixon, it's her job, that's all she's good for, if that's what she needs help with too..."
"She ain't yer girl." That's all he says and you feel your heart racing.
"Oh no?"
"She ain't an object." He says matter-of-factly and you feel a little disappointed.
"It's okay, Daryl, don't worry, if you have work to do, I'll finish this and then a partner will take it home for you." You tell him trying to calm the mood, you don't want to get in a fight there.
"You heard her, soldier, get back to your duties." He smiles victoriously and now yes, Daryl visibly tenses his jaw, but says nothing, he walks away from there with his fists clenched.
He doesn't even wait for Carol, he slams the door hard to leave and get lost in the streets of the community until he gets home. Carol however runs after him.
"Daryl wait!" She calls out to him and receives a grunt in response.
"Not now, Carol." That's all he's able to say, but it's not enough for the white-haired woman.
"I said not now!" He yells looking at his best friend with a scowl on his face and his breath hitching, Carol stops and Daryl walks away again.
Of course Daryl's anger doesn't last forever and now he finds himself in his room, locked up like a little boy, not daring to come out, confront his friend and apologize, because he knows his retort has been too much. He shouldn't have taken his frustration out on her, it's unfair. But he is unable to understand why you put up with the way Sebastian treats you. You've told him yourself that you have no interest in him, neither sentimentally nor physically, so why are you still his girl? Daryl grunts at the memory, he feels the words get stuck just thinking about it. The real answer he would have liked to tell her was that you were his, but he's not stupid, Daryl knows he has no business, that you wouldn't notice someone like him. Anger and frustration got the better of him and he had taken it out on the one who least deserved it.
He sighs deeply as he leaves his room feeling like a little boy, as he walks down the stairs to the kitchen he hears the pleasant and pleasant conversation of the rest of the inhabitants of that house. He closes his eyes for a second and peeks out the door. His companions then fall silent and their gazes are fixed on him. There is silence and concern, but no hostility or anger and Daryl can't tell if that relieves him or not.
"Are you better?" Rick asks his friend raising an eyebrow.
"Are you okay?" the sheriff wants to emphasize and his friend grunts a little.
"No, but I'll survive..."
"Are you hungry?" Carol asks him then getting up to go get her silverware.
"Yes..." He whispers sitting down in his seat, Judith and RJ smile but continue to eat oblivious to the atmosphere, Carl looks at his father and Michonne before looking at the archer again. Carol returns to her seat with a plate of food and Daryl's stomach roars, "Thank you..."
"What happened this morning?"
"Nothing..." He shrugs, it's the truth, really, he hasn't even been able to talk to you like he'd like to. He tells them that Sebastian showed up and the conversation you two were having was interrupted by his stupidity and absurd comments. "I hate the way he talks to her and treats her..."
"That can only be solved by you Daryl, it's obvious she has no feelings for him, and Sebastian is only bothering her because he knows he can. She needs someone to stop him."
"And what am I gonna do? I can't just tell him to leave her alone just like that. Besides I doubt she's interested in me. I'm older than her and..."
"Come on, it's not about age, not anymore." Michonne insists and the rest of the table nods in agreement. "She needs a real man. I'm not saying she needs constant protection, but someone who really values her. I've never seen you hurt anyone on purpose, Daryl."
"You didn't know me in my best years..." He mutters.
"That doesn't matter, you're not that person anymore...besides you're attractive, I don't know why you're always less preening yourself." Rick's gaze falls on his wife raising his eyebrows curiously. "What? Even Ezekiel felt threatened when he started his relationship with Carol."
Daryl lowers his head sheepishly, he's never thought about it, true there has always been some tension between them, but Daryl never considered himself a threat, he was happy for his friend. He doesn't eat too much dinner, he's not hungry, the words of his friends still haunting his mind.
"I'm telling you for the last time, Sebastian, leave me alone." You warn him for the thousandth time, moving between the library shelves.
"I just can't believe you actually like that guy." He snorts, his voice laden with malice, you tense at the sound turning to look at him. "You think I haven't noticed? Every time you see him you make that stupid face like he's the whole world." He grimaces and you feel yourself blush. "What's so special about him? He's an old man!"
"He's not that old..." That's all you're able to say. "Besides, he's not just that, he's a man, no offense, Sebastian, but we're both the same age, but you still look like a kid." She charges him and he raises his eyebrows in surprise.
"He could be your father! Is that what turns you on? Come on! I'm sure he's frigid. I on the other hand am young, energetic, I could make you very happy."
"Sure you could... but it's not just sex, you know? In life, in a relationship there's more to it." You try to defend your position again.
"Oh yeah? Like what?"
"Well... trust... Daryl..." You mute for a moment as you're aware that you've given yourself away, but Sebastian's smile widens verifying his doubts. "He's good, he's kind to people, he cares about his friends and God takes care of some kids who aren't even his blood family, but he loves them like they really are. He's brutish and grumpy, but..."
"He's old." Sebastian insists and grimaces. "And he's full of scars and wounds, have you seen the scar on his face? And his back?" You deny and shrug. You don't care.
"No, I haven't seen it, but it's logical, don't you think? They've lived out there, they've outlived the dead. They're real survivors."
"Oh my God, you talk about him like you're really in love." He says with derision and shuts up when you don't retort. "You can't be serious..."
"Stop it, Sebastian, I'm serious, I don't want to be your babysitter anymore, keep having fun with your friends, but I have the right to be happy too. So stop it."
"Look..." he advances several steps towards you in a threatening manner.
"Is anyone there?" you hear a voice in your same hallway and you freeze in place, yet you feel relief that you are no longer alone.
"Speak of the Devil." Sebastian growls but you ignore him by walking out to greet the archer.
"Hello, Daryl." You greet him with a small smile. "Something wrong?"
"uhm no, I..." He starts to speak, but falls silent when he sees Sebastian as well.
"Sebastian, please, we've talked things over, go away."
"I really can't believe you're humiliating me like this for..."
"She told you to leave." Daryl interjects and you feel the hair on the back of your neck go goose bumps.
"You don't get a vote here, soldier, you're at my command so..."
"Actually, here I am at her commands." He says looking at you. "She's the head of the library and I obey whatever she needs me to. So if she says she wants ya to leave and ya ain't, I'll take care of kicking ya out myself if she asks me to." He shushes him and advances toward Sebastian a few more steps, his fists clenched tightly.
Sebastian faces off against the soldier, tensing his jaw tightly staring him down. The two men have a staring contest for a few seconds, but finally Pamela's son gives up. He knows he can't fight Daryl, the man is more skilled in hand-to-hand combat, not to mention he's quite a bit bigger and taller than he is. He hisses angrily, but leaves the room with quick steps, closing the library door violently. You stand quietly letting the tension of the moment slowly fade away.
"Sorry for the show." You dare to speak at last. "Sebastian has never been told no and sometimes it's hard for him to understand."
"Has something happened?"
"Nothing important, I just told him what I should have told him long ago. I've grown tired of being his puppet." You sigh and see Daryl stare at you, but then nod. "Anyway, do you need anything else for Judith and RJ, Carl?"
"Uhm no, it's just... I was going through the books they left me at home and..." He pulls a book out of the back of his pants and holds it out to you. "I think...uhm it's not for RJ's course."
"Oh, gee, sorry." You take it and head towards the school area like you did this morning, Daryl following close behind you staying at your back as you reach the section.
"Never mind, RJ still doesn't want to go to school." He tries to joke and you laugh quietly. "Are ya okay?"
"Yeah, yeah, I feel calmer now." You admit and then look at the book and frown. Yes it is the one that corresponds with the child's grade, you have not been confused.
You bite your lip and turn to look at Daryl and explain, but fall silent when his intense gaze bores into you. You shudder. His eyes shine brightly and there's a smile on his face that tells you he knows more than you think. Your breath hitches for a moment, does he even know what you were talking about with Sebastian? God you just hope not.
"Daryl..." You start to say when you realize he's a lot closer than you first thought. "You've said before... here you obey my orders..." You whisper feeling your cheeks redden when he comes a little closer.
"Yeah..." His forehead sticks to yours, the book trembles in your hands for a second. You close your eyes.
"Kiss me..."
You sigh nervously as Daryl's nose brushes your cheek before you feel his lips on yours. Just a gentle brush, he pulls away, but doesn't pull away completely. You open your eyes to find that he hasn't looked away from you at any time. You know you will regret it tomorrow, but you drop the book to the floor and wrap your arms around his shoulders, standing on tiptoe to kiss him, and this time for real. Your lips catch his, you gasp as his hand rests on your waist and on the back of your neck tangling your hair in his fingers. Your back crashes against the bookshelf just behind you, your fingers dig into Daryl's clothes and his mouth becomes dominant against yours, his tongue making its way into your mouth. You kiss with desire, you bite his lip hearing him growl, the hand on your waist goes down to your ass squeezing his form lifting your leg up to his waist. You moan low as you feel his mouth on your neck, just below the line of your ear, giving you goosebumps.
"Da... Daryl..." You call out, Daryl pulls away from you slightly to look at you, biting his lip to control himself. "Did you... Did you hear what I was talking to Sebastian...?"
"Yeah, I came in for the book and I heard ya two talkin'... I stayed close in case Sebastian got stupid, I-I didn't mean to..." He looks away sheepishly, a little red, you laugh quietly and shake your head.
"Never mind, you're always around when I need you." You smile again and he looks at you with intensity again. "I-I meant what I said, when I said what I said, or well what Sebastian has said and... and I don't think you're old and... and I know you have a past, like everyone else, I don't care, but I'm aware that..."
"Stap." He shakes his head at you and holds your cheeks. "I dun think ya understood; I came with a book without being wrong, I just wanted to talk to ya, I would have beat that asshole out of here if ya had asked me to, Ain't ya think we're both on the same page?" There's a small smile forming on his face that rubs off on you and you laugh quietly again.
"D-do you want to come home? The night shift is going to start now..."
"Sure." He agrees with a nod of his head.
Your heart is pounding hard inside your chest, you feel your breathing is also racing, but you try to calm yourself, that he doesn't see you trembling walking beside you. Neither of you has said anything since you left the library. The streets of the community are calm, the soldiers who are watching over the peace of the inhabitants of the Commonwealth resting in their homes oblivious to the outside world. Some of his companions greet Daryl as he passes by, the hunter shakes his head in greeting, but doesn't raise his voice. You glance sideways at him as his shoulder brushes yours, his fingers caress your hand and you dare to hold his hand, his fingers tighten against yours making you smile.
You two arrive at your apartment and let him pass behind you. You leave your shoes at the entrance, Daryl mimics your movements by following you into your living room. Now you don't know what to say or what to do. You've invited Daryl into your home, but now you don't know how to follow.
"Yer shakin'." You hear Daryl say and you mentally curse yourself. "Maybe I should go home, I dun wanna ya to feel awkward"
"No, it's not that, Daryl, it's just..." You look at him biting your lip, clenching your hands, unsure. "I want you to be here, I want you to stay, but I don't want you to think this is all I want..."
"Yer thinkin' too much again." He stops you once more. His hands clasp yours and he brushes your knuckles with his lips. "I wouldn't have come all this way if I didn't wanna to be here, but I ain't gonna pressure ya into anythin', we can take as much time as ya need."
"Believe me I've already taken all the time I needed." You joke and Daryl snorts in amusement. He releases your hands placing them on his own waist, touching your cheeks and leans in to kiss you.
Your fingers tighten on his vest putting you on your tiptoes again, kissing him eagerly, sighing as you feel a thrust of his mouth against yours, encompassing your lips completely, your tongues tangle, Daryl growls and you groan as his hands tighten on your ass. You pull apart to get some air, your cheeks are red, you're still clutching at his vest, your fingers brush the edges of his shirt wanting to pull it up, caressing his skin. Your gazes connect, pupils dilated, lips reddened, desire flowing from your pores. You take his hand wordlessly leading him to your room. Daryl grunts and takes a deep breath, he himself closes the door behind his back and glues his back to your chest.
"I wanna ya see somethin'..." He whispers in your ear and you nod.
You feel him pull away and hear the leather fabric of the vest brush against each other before falling to the floor, you turn to look at him, swallow hard as you see him take off his black shirt, which ends up on the floor next to the vest. Then you understand what he wants to show you. His chest is full of wounds, more recent red marks, scars that have a long history because of how old they look, but you don't need to see them, you don't care about them. You walk towards him, place your hands on his bare chest caressing the skin under your fingers. His skin is not smooth, too many wounds on it, plus the fine fuzz of black hair that decorates it. It's something else that matters nothing to you. You both are in a broken world, body hair isn't an inconvenience to you.
"I don't care, Daryl, I understand."
"No, ya ain't, a lot of these scars were when I was a kid, I...I was...I'm just a simple grumpy, moody redneck. I ain't good at a lot of things. I've never been in a relationship..."
"Me neither." You shrug and redden. "I've met guys, but never... and when all this started... men weren't my priority." You joke and Daryl snorts with a nod. "But... we can try it together, see how far it takes us..." You mutter, lowering your gaze.
"I'd like that too, yeah." Daryl doesn't raise his voice too much either, both of you too shy.
You hesitate for a few seconds, but finally you get rid of your blouse too, letting it fall to the floor as well. It's been a long time since you've been with a man in this situation, Daryl's gaze is intense and he stares at you, not missing any of your movements. You unclasp your bra, after all he is bare chested, so you want to be on equal footing, but as you fasten your suspenders, Daryl stops you once again.
"Let me." He asks you, voice in a growl.
You nod, his hands caress your shoulders, he moves closer, his lips touching the skin of your neck, your shoulders, collarbone. The tip of his tongue brushes against your nipple which immediately reacts hardening against his touch. A moan escapes your mouth and that's all Daryl needs. His mouth closes over your nipple, he licks and sucks your little button, his hands don't stop leaving you completely naked, you allow yourself to watch his body, you bite your lower lip, Daryl hisses as you hold his penis which starts to get hard, you rub it up and down without taking your eyes off him, watching him gasp, watching him hold back. You kneel in front of him, your hand closes over the base of his cock and your tongue licks his glans.
"Oh fuck, woman..." He grunts lowering his gaze, not wanting to miss anything you're doing. Your tongue runs up and down his entire length like ice cream, you close your lips around his glans and suck.
Your lips run up and down his entire length, Daryl moves his hips slowly against your mouth, never taking his eyes off you. You begin to follow his stomach tightening and his balls a tug as a warning. He holds your hair to get your attention, you look at him sideways, your cheeks hollow again as you suck his cock, you try to take in your mouth as much as you can and Daryl pulls harder on your hair.
"Stap..." He says in a husky voice. "Yer bed. Now." They're vague commands but you feel yourself grow wet at the sound.
Before you get up, you allow yourself to lick his cock one more time, you stand up feeling your knees tremble and obey Daryl by laying down your bed. You bite your lip as he approaches you in turn, your fingers caress your clit feeling it needy and aching, but Daryl holds your wrist.
"Ain't touch yerself. That pussy is mine. I'm gonn make it quiver." He assures you and you roll your eyes at his words.
You spread your legs further apart leaving him room between them, your feet resting above his shoulders as he settles in, holding you by the inside of your thighs, his thumb stroking your folds, wet, shiny, wanting someone's attention. Daryl's tongue grazes your clit and your whole body shudders. He starts slowly, tempting you, his tongue runs up and down your slit, but when he's near your clit, he pulls away again, you moan in frustration and can almost feel him laughing against your skin.
"What? Tell me what ya want, woman." The smile is wider now and you almost feel like you hate him.
"Ya want me to eat this pussy of yers?" Again his voice sounds husky and his hot breath falls right on your needy clit.
"Yes, please, make me shudder..." You whisper embarrassed by your own words, but they have the effect you were looking for in Daryl.
His mouth focuses on your clit instantly, licks, sucks, presses your nub with the tip of his tongue making little circles that make you gasp and moan. Your fingers tangle in his hair as he kisses your pussy with his mouth open, trapping your folds between his lips. He sits up a little to look at you as he licks two of his fingers before slowly inserting them into your pussy. He moves them slowly, in and out, little by little the resistance is lessened by how wet you are, he opens and closes his fingers inside you, stretching your tight walls, his mouth drops back down on your clit. Pleasure surges through you and his legs begin to tremble, you feel the knot of pleasure quickly forming in your stomach and your breathing quickens.
"D-Daryl...!" Is all you can say before arching your back and cumming. His fingers keep moving fast inside you, his mouth doesn't leave your clit at any moment, prolonging your climax, getting your whole body to shake violently.
His tongue runs along your folds a little more before he sits up to look at you. You gasp loudly, your heart pounding and your cheeks red with excitement. Daryl crawls over you, his body leaning against yours, you kiss each other again with need, your arms wrap around his shoulders and your hands caress his back, you can feel him tense as you brush against some of his scars, but you don't pull away from his mouth.
With a small movement you guide him to lie down next to you and you get on top of him. You kiss again as you move your hips rubbing your pussy against his cock, making you both gasp in the kiss. Daryl holds your waist to intensify the friction and growls biting your lip. You straddle him and lift your hips, Daryl holds his cock and helps you sit on it. You close your eyes as you feel it working its way inside you, its size and length tugging at your walls that are still sensitive from your previous orgasm. You sit up fully and open your eyes again looking at Daryl, he is biting his lip, his gaze is glistening and he is doing control not to move under you until you let him, you feel his cock throbbing inside you. You start to move your hips slowly, resting your hands on his chest, looking for the right rhythm. Slowly you move faster, Daryl starts to thrust from below at the same time, his fingers tighten on your skin and the rhythm starts to get fast and deep, every time Daryl moves his hips up you feel him thrust deeper inside you, hitting that exact spot that gets you to throw your head back and moan loudly. Daryl gasps under your body enjoying you, watching you move over his body, your tits bouncing in a hypnotic rhythm that gets the man even more aroused. He jumps up abruptly grabbing your ass and starts to move faster, you wrap your arms around his neck and reach for his mouth kissing him eagerly.
"Daryl... I'm going to..." You moan against her ear.
"Gimme it, girl, let me feel ya cum again." He says in a husky voice and you continue to move on his cock rapidly.
Your body reacts again your climax engulfs you, you moan loudly hugging Daryl's body as your own body doesn't stop trembling, you clench and tremble around his cock, Daryl moans in your ear and moves you so you are lying on the bed and he is on top, he holds your legs and starts moving faster again looking for his own release. You sigh and close your eyes as you feel him stop inside you as his seed fills you, he thrusts a couple more times, but finally lies on top of you trying to catch his breath. Your fingers stroke his hair and back, you feel him tense again, but he says nothing.
Slowly he sits up and lies down next to you, you settle next to him using his chest as a pillow, Daryl wraps his arm around your shoulders and caresses your skin lovingly.
"So... Ya ain't Sebastian's girlfriend anymore?" he asks after a few minutes of silence and you shake your head.
"No, not anymore."
"Yer my girl now?" His question makes you smile and you even feel your cheeks redden a little.
"I'm your girl." You concede and lift your head to look at him, he smiles, his eyes sparkle with intensity, he holds the back of your neck and you share a tender kiss.
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sakis-sweets · 2 years
Fanfic request:
Something scary (horror, I mean) about Shoku?
OH???? i think this is the first time i've ever been asked to write a non-romantic fanfiction. i really didn't expect this. BUT, this should be fun!! i'm just gonna go ahead and saw cw: implied animal death. seriously, this is gonna be a bit fucked up. not like anything else i've written. you've been warned. let's do this
Shoku was having a bad day. As in, the worst day.
Discovering that the girl he'd loved for at least a year had her heart set on someone else had been devastating enough, but then that awful girl had made things even worse. She'd done his homework and then offered to help him win Amai's heart, only to completely and utterly fail at guessing the right things to say and do. The club leader had wrinkled her nose, as if looking at rotten food, and briskly walked away. Shoku could do nothing but bow his head and trudge to his classroom. After that, he'd witnessed Amai give a bento to the boy in his class she'd fallen for, failed a test out of sheer distraction, and then he spilled a bucket full of dirty water during cleaning duty. And, of course, he had to deal with Amai avoiding him during her first club meeting after her temporary absence. Things couldn't have gotten worse, and yet somehow...
Shoku stayed behind after everyone else had left. He needed to relieve the stress of the day, and the best way to cheer him up was some private time with the stove. Experimenting with flavor and texture, perfecting his techniques, and crafting the dish's presentation placed him right into the kitchen of a 5-star restaurant. His headscarf became a toque blanche and his uniform felt like a classic double-breasted jacket. In these few moments, no matter what happened, Shoku was in bliss.
After attempting to perfectly blend savory and sweet in one dish, Shoku looked up at the clock; it was almost six. Teachers would soon peruse the school to make the students leave. Shoku decided to taste-test his creation in the tranquility of the Japanese garden.
He left the school from the back-left door, carrying his food on the most elegant platter he could find. He studied what he'd made as he walked with pride. "I'm glad I managed to salvage the day," Shoku whispered with a smile. "Maybe tomorrow won't be so bad. Especially if this ends up working, since I'd be able to show it to people. I could name it after Odayaka-san as an apology..."
Suddenly, a grey blur darted across the path from the bushes, right where Shoku was about to step. He cried out in alarm, stumbling over himself not to crash into whatever had simply dashed out without warning. He failed to regain his footing, and watched with wide eyes as the platter fell from his hands and shattered against the tiled path. The food was ruined, and he'd probably have to reimburse the school for the broken cutlery. His only hope at comfort had been utterly dashed. He would have to spend his remaining minutes cleaning it up; there was no time to cook anything else. He reached out to pick up a piece of the platter, his shaking fingers immediately getting cut on the sharp edges. "Ow! FUCK!" He quickly drew his hand back. He'd cut the index finger of his dominant hand. It would bother him tomorrow when he tried to cook again. He would see Amai flirting with that other boy tomorrow, and she might still avoid him. His misery wouldn't end.
Glaring fiercely, Shoku searched for whatever had caused this tragedy and saw a kitten simply staring at him from the grass. "Are you kidding me?!" he screamed. "Do you have any idea how hard I worked on that? I needed that today, especially today!" The kitten simply stared, as if mocking him. Shoku's eyes narrowed. "I've heard stories about black cats crossing your path symbolizing bad luck. Is that how fucked my life is? A striped grey cat is enough to do the job?!" The cat didn't move.
Shoku wanted his masterpiece back. But more importantly, he wanted revenge. If today was any proof, he was probably already damned. "Hey, kitty," he muttered, "did you know that cat meat is a Vietnamese delicacy? It's supposed to be really healthy..."
The cat stood to attention, arcing its back and hissing. It was fast, but Shoku was faster. The platter remained abandoned on the pathway, and when Shoku returned to his clubroom, he locked the door and drew the curtains.
From her office, Genka briefly imagined hearing a cat's strangled cry.
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regretthatsme · 3 years
A Morning I Wish To Forget
That's right! I wrote a part 2. I'm like a professional fanfic writer or something. Warnings: kinda angsty but fluffy ending, miscommunication, all and all very cute. Enjoy ♡
You can find Part 1 here!
The morning sun filled the room through the curtains. Y/N's eyes fluttered open. Her head rested against a rather fluffy pillow. She knew she was in the Room of Requirements, for these beds were much more comfortable than her dorm's beds. The sheets were made of a lovely silk, a cozy and warm blanket covered her, and the mattress was much sturdier so it actually supported her back.
Her mind wandered back to the dream she had last night. She didn't know why she dreamt of Harry. She's only talked to him a few times. But, she can't say that she didn't like the dream. Y/N had admired him from afar for a while. My, what his fingers could do, she reminisced. Her fantasies continued until she rolled over, expecting more bed. Instead, she was met with a muscly chest.
Her eyes slowly dragged up the body next to her. The tanned skin, the toned arms, the bruised neck, the handsome face, the iconic scar. Harry.
She gasped dramatically as she jumped out of the bed, unintentionally dragging the sheet with her. The commotion woke up Harry. His eyes shot open at the sudden coldness that overtook his body. His vision had not yet adjusted to the light, not to mention he didn't have his glasses on, so he was quite disoriented. His attempted to reach for his glasses, but it took a few tries.
"What on Earth are you doing in my bed?" Asked Y/N.
"What?" He questioned back. "Y/N it's me. Harry." He seemed to be confused by her question, like she was crazy for asking what he was doing in her bed. "Nice body, by the way." He smirked at the nude girl.
She looked down to see her body fully naked. She quickly grabbed the sheet to cover herself with. Why would I be naked? She racked her brain, trying to come up with a reasonable explanation. Did we sleep together? No. Can't be.
Unless that dream wasn't a dream.
And everything I though I dreamt actually happened.
"Harry? Did..... did we have sex last night?"
His eyes widened at this question. "I-I mean, yeah." His gaze avoided her own. His fingers awkwardly drummed on his thigh. He has beautiful legs. "We did." He sounded a bit choked up while he said it. "You said you wouldn't forget."
She could hear the pain in his voice as he said it. "Harry, that's not what I mean-
"No, I understand." He said. "It's fine. It's probably for the best, anyway. No feelings, right?" He finally looked at her eyes. Not into them, at them. Y/N stayed silent, not knowing what to say.
He got out of bed and grabbed his clothes. "It was fun while it lasted."
"I'll... see you around, I guess."
Harry was heartbroken to say the least. He really thought they had something, yet she didn't even remember what happened the night before. He was not ashamed to admit he cried a small bit.
Week after week went by. He laid in his bed all weekend and barely did any work the first week. On the second week, he stepped it up a bit and started eating full meals. He did homework and took up quidditch again on the third and fourth.
He knew he wouldn't get over her for a while, which sucked, but love hurts.
Y/N wished she could talk to him. Whenever she would try to get near him, he ran away. Well, not ran away. He wasn't booking it down the hallway, but he was intentionally trying to keep his distance.
She tried to get his attention. She tried to explain everything. She really did. He just kept slipping through her fingers. Until she had enough.
Library. Restricted section. 11:30 Please be there. ♡
She quickly scrawled on a piece of paper and placed in Harry satchel. Please don't run away from me again.
Harry was quite reluctant to go. He didn't know who wrote to him. The cursive handwriting was very pretty, but he doesn't recognize it. He knows it's not Ron; his handwriting is atrocious. He knows it's not Hermione; she writes in print. It's not Malfoy, Fred, George, Dean, Seamus, Luna, anyone! For this reason, he was very nervous to see who it was. Maybe Collin wrote a letter to him because he wanted more pictures.
He eventually made it to the library. He scanned the shelves as he made his way to the Restricted Section. There he was met with... Y/N.
He couldn't say her was happy, but he was somewhat... relieved? Like a weight had been lifted from his shoulders. It's incredible yet extremity annoying how she had that effect on him.
"Harry, please. Let me explain." She got up from her seated position and walk towards him. Harry took a step away. She face somehow fell even more. She knew she hurt him but not that much.
"Please make it quick." Harry wanted this to be over and done with. He wanted to move on.
"What we did that night," she took a small pause to collect her thoughts. "I thought it was a dream." Harry looked at her. He was clearly puzzled by that statement. "I thought that it was a dream because it seemed so ridiculously far-fetched that you would want to sleep with me."
"Why?" Harry asked.
"I'm sorry?"
"Why is it so hard to believe I would fuck you?"
"Harry, be realistic-"
"I am being realistic. You're kind, intelligent, beautiful, stunning and - pardon my bluntness - a really hot woman. If anything, I'm not good enough for you." Harry expressed to her.
"What on Earth do you mean? You're the chosen one! Not to mention that you fine as hell and a fantastic quidditch player." Y/N said.
"So are you."
"I wasn't the youngest seeker in a century."
".... touché." Harry laughed as he glanced down at his shoes for a moment before her looked into her eyes. Not at them. Into them.
"So, would you like to go out on a date?" Said Harry as he rubbed the back of his neck. His shoes suddenly became very interesting again. He heard the soft shuffle of footsteps. Soon enough, his feet were joined with another pair. Fingertips met his chin and dragged it upwards. A soft flush painted his face as his lips were encased with a different pair.
"I would love to, Harry."
They embraced in a warm hug. He lifted her up and spun her around in his arms. A startled noise escape her lips. He gently places her back down.
"We did this in the wrong order, didn't we?"
"Perhaps, but when was Harry Potter the one to do things the correct way?"
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prismatales · 4 years
How would Iida and Bakugo be around a partner with ADHD?
I'm going to make this a bit differently from my usual method of writing, by starting with some headcanons I think fit the two of them equally. As mentioned before with similar requests, should anything seem inaccurate make sure to send some feedback! 💕
Generally speaking, Iida and Bakugo are similar in a concept: Both of them are pretty organized individuals. One more than the other of course, but it's rare to see their stuff in a mess nonetheless.
One thing ADHD can cause is lack of motivation when it comes to do certain stuff, like chores, homework, etc.
If these two walk into their partner's room to see it's dirty, the reactions will vary accordingly to how messy the place is.
Something like an unkempt bed, a bunch of clothes thrown carelessly into a chair, a messy desk, etc.? They won't help cleaning, but they'll make sure of reminding their S/O to clean.
But if the room is in such a mess you can't even remember what the floor used to look like and even the monster under the bed is afraid to come out? They're gonna have a heart attack, before giving them a scolding and finally helping them out with the cleaning.
Another important thing is the fact ADHD can make you more sensitive. So if anyone says something to their partner in a way to make them feel ashamed or rejected for their condition...or worst case scenario, if someone goes as far as to harass them because of it...NEITHER of these two are gonna have it.
Now to Individual Headcanons!
Iida Tenya:
Exercise can help people with ADHD improve focus and attention, Iida is definitely the type of guy who enjoys jogging in the morning, and he'll often invite his S/O to join him in hope the activity can help them out.
Have you seen the way his bedroom is so organized? You can bet he'll give his S/O suggestions to keep their stuff in order to make things a bit easier for them.
If his partner has trouble when it comes to time managing and focusing on tasks, he'll probably help them by putting reminders on their phone. He'll also texts them every now and then during stuff like homework and exams.
"Don't forget to study for the upcoming Hero history exam!"
You can be certain that if his S/O has a hard time saying "no" to people, and someone tries to take advantage of this by pushing their workload into them, Iida's going to be giving this person an earful about it.
combine it with his usual hand gestures and the person's going to be extremely intimidated.
"If you have plenty of time to try and pressure them do your work, then you have plenty of time to do it yourself, or don't you know is unethical to make others do everything for you?"
Bakugo Katsuki:
Bakugo will take the exercise option a different route, and will probably take them along to the gym. Yes, jogging is good, but sometimes work out routines are the best option, specially if you're one of those persons who feel lighter after a work out.
This guy is pretty much a mom, and will keep telling his S/O to put their stuff back in place once they're done with it, as a way to avoid having everything disorganized again.
While he's not one to have a planner he'll also send his partner texts messages when it comes to important stuff, though with his usual Bakugo twist.
"My tutoring better not go to waste Dumbass, you better ace tomorrow's exam."
We all know how loud Bakugo can be, but he makes an effort in toning down his voice when he's talking with his S/O, he may have a few slips off every now and then, but he'll make sure to reassure them everything's fine if he catches the slightest of changes in their mood after this.
If Bakugo notices his partner has a hard time reaching out to others, or is afraid of speaking, being interrupted, etc. He'll make sure to include them in the conversation, in his own way of course.
"All you damn extras shut up, I can't even hear what (Nickname)'s saying over your goddamn blabbering!"
@t-amajiki @undead0relived @shoobirino @bnha-ra @godtieruwu @mysticalite @fanfic-hamilton-posts
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writeshite · 1 year
Good Natured
The laceleaf you'd been gushing over some days ago is light and, admittedly, pretty - not that John cares, not at all. He'd gotten it so you wouldn't try and turn him into a tree again; he doesn't think being a plant would be fun. You're less likely to do that now, but John would rather not take the risk - that's 100% why he spent half an hour staring at the plants Ashley had gotten on his behalf to ensure he gets the healthiest, most vibrant one.
He catches you as your heading to your suite; your eyes widen when he shoves the plant into your arms. "What—”
“Peace offering,” John interjects, he’s not sure if that makes sense, but he’s going with the excuse. The species of laceleaf crossed over into expensive territory, a crossbreed between two other species, with very few grown and sold each year. “Don’t know why you were complaining so much; it wasn’t that hard to get…” he rambles as your eyes dart from him to the plant and back; you smile, shifting the plant to one arm, you step forward, leaning into his space, you peck his cheek.
“Thank you, John,” you say, leaving him wide-eyed as you enter your suite.
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