#i'm an artist not a marketing specialist
fyresnow · 2 years
very much dislike that my account/art is probably not ever going to be really noticed bc I’m not on tiktok or instagram (or even twitter much) /: This is a trend that I really hate in the art world. You see this for everything now- painters, writers, photographers, graphic design, anything. If you don’t cater to the algorithm you get shoved to the bottom of the barrel or whatever. bite. anger. rage.
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hotvintagepoll · 5 months
Do you have any opinions on modern (post-1970s) movies that you feel capture the essence (in a good way) of Old Movies?
No, unfortunately. That doesn't mean I don't like modern movies or that modern movies aren't good, but modern movies—and here I'm really using modern to mean post-2010, so contemporary movies—have different standards for pacing, characterization, budget, and production that make it harder (or impossible) to capture some of the magic of old movies. Even when modern movies clearly try to emulate that old-movie feeling—I'm thinking of La La Land, The Artist, The Shape of Water, In the Heights—they play the homage too broadly, or they ignore crucial components that make the original films work.
There's kind of too much to go into here without writing a full essay, but essentially, the Old Hollywood system—ugly, failed beast as she was—made some movies simply more accessible to make, due to the ongoing storage of props, sets, master craftsmen, crew, and onscreen talent that could move from one movie to the next without pause. If you needed a dancer, he was already on staff. If you needed a fancy bed, it was already in the warehouse. That kind of longterm storage is invaluable if you want to crank out movies quickly and cheaply because it saves so much time on individual negotiation and sourcing. Modern production companies have to work out individual contracts for every actor on every film; crew members have to negotiate rental contracts and source pieces from scratch; if you need someone with specialist skills, you have to contract them specially at a high rate, which a lot of small companies can't (or won't) budget to do. There's sand in the wheels where there needn't be any. It's wasteful, and costly, but that's the system modern movies are made with.
Which all means that even if the modern movie system wanted to make a classic movie musical just like the old ones, they couldn't, because the talent isn't already there—it hasn't been trained up enough, and there's not that breadth of knowledge you can only get from people who have been allowed to work in the same department in the same place for decades. Movies like La La Land fail, for me, because they present themselves as descendants of Fred Astaire or Busby Berkley movies, while missing the bit where Fred Astaire was a master of his craft. When you watch Fred Astaire dance—or Moira Shearer, or the Nicholas Brothers, or Ann Miller—you are watching a true artist at work, purposely showcased by the studios because they already have them on contract. Modern movies, on the other hand, tend to take people who already have star talent (as actors) and try to convert them into dancers/singers—or they pull dancers/singers off of Broadway, but then they don't have the star power built in. You end up with lackluster musicals where no one truly knows what they're doing, or they do but they're not built up enough by the studios to sell. And that's me discussing just on-screen talent for musicals—there is a huge loss behind the scenes, as well, for all kinds of movies, where roles that would have been filled by union crew who moved continuously from one job to the next have been swapped for freelance labor who live with immense turnover, financial insecurity, and knowledge loss. You could hand me the budget and I could try to make an old movie, but the industry itself has changed so much it's impossible to recapture that charm of steady, niche talent, the amazing possibilities of bonkers set design, and the ability to take a risk on a smaller movie because the other films being produced by the same studio can help balance the budget.
I've talked way, way too much about all of this! Sorry, I just have a lot of thoughts—and the one above is just one of them; the talent loss and storage issues are only facets of a much bigger problem that extends to how we watch movies today, how we market them, what we expect of them, and what's allowed in them. It's a crying shame because the talent is still there, but times change and so does the industry, for better or for worse. (And, just again to clarify, I don't think modern movies are bad—they're just missing a lot of the juice old movies got to play with, even if there's more talent available than ever before.)
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jessaerys · 1 year
i love thinking about death note rammys like the L backstory one-shot tells us he was a little feral demon that required constant enrichment to keep him from mayhem and destruction and violence and at age like seven he asked for a computer (asked for it, allegedly nobody planted the idea in him. we dont even have time to unpack that) and then fucking. cracked the stock market and thats why the wammy, uh, foundation, is so wealthy
and then when that gets boring he becomes a detective because solving crimes was better enrichment. like it's about that deep. and listen im not an L specialist i'm sure a lot more depth can be read into his character idk. i just got here. but regardless that's the reason he gives watari which poses the questions --
why, then, would he need a successor? who built the L legend, and what was the purpose? was it watari? did he want legacy? generational wealth? power? glory? why not stick with one weirdo golden ticket orphan and call it a day ?
why were they running this unbelievably unethical indoctrination program where they psychologically tortured orphans for years into believing being L's successor was the height of human achievement and the only meaning to their lives?
L looms so large and transcendental and godlike over mello's and near's entire existence (and we can extrapolate other children at wammys) to the point that it costs them both their life. mello's dead, near has been devoured by the role of L. and he was just some guy. literally some guy they heard a lot of stories about. they were basically raised to have intense chronic second child syndrome
anyway i know the reason is because death note was written basically by the seat of ohba's pants and none of this was considered (my favourite tidbit of information is that mello wouldnt have died if the artist had told him he was fun to draw) but i'm gonna steal it and run with it and elevate the text because that's some the secret history julien + the greek class shit. this is how religions get invented
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roo-bastmoon · 1 year
Fractured and Adrift
I was going to write a big huge post with lots of screen shots and chart data and analysis that I'd saved on my phone, but honestly I'm too sick right now to sit up and organize all that. If you go on twitter, you see in real time what is happening, anyway.
Bottom lines:
it's very clear to me that ads, payola, pay to play, vpn and other "networking" tactics that go against what BTS has always been about have pretty much come into play--for a catchy, but ultimately impersonal and generic, pop single that was given to only one member.
I'm not just disappointed, I'm gutted. I don't know where to go from here, as someone who used to take pride in being an ARMY and stanning artists who made it to the top the organic and hard way, by being genuine and talented and real with us.
As always, I look to my ult-bias, Jimin. His debut album was abandoned the moment he hit #1, yet he continues on with this company and to be a team player. He was with JK on private time during a couple's holiday. He's been filmed with and is likely working on some sort of project with JK right now. These are my cues. So without any further information about what is happening, I will continue to follow Jimin's lead.
I am a person who believes in the potential and the very best of others until I just can't any more. But I also cannot hide from the glaringly obvious. Jimin was mistreated, and Jungkook was prioritized in ways I personally find dishonorable.
I don't know how much, if any, input JK had in this. He's got a Masters in Communications, a decade of industry experience, and owns stock in his company; but I also know that talent are very rarely given complete insight or say over sales and marketing strategies--that's external, executive business decisions. I don't know what conversations, trade-offs, or internal pressure came into play here.
At this point, I would say I'm very adrift.
I'm a good soldier. I bought the CD, I bought each version of the song, I added it to my playlists. But I no longer feel needed as a fan for Seven; I feel replaced by Scooter's dollars. And I don't feel any personal connection to this particular song, as catchy as it is. I was excited when the styles JK helped choose seemed to be an homage to Jimin's Face, but... now a lot of the elements of this work seem rushed and disjointed. I just don't know.
I'm very worried about what this rollout means for our 7, especially how they are supposed to come together in a fair and equitable way after military service. I'm trying to read through their book when I can stay awake long enough. Trying to trust and hope and manifest the best.
I wish there was more transparency, more communications around what the game plan is, and if the members are all on board with everything.
All I can think to do is to keep loving Jimin and the people who are good to Jimin, keep working hard for what I want and not invest energy and time into what I don't. I do believe that Jungkook and Jimin love one another.
But I'm... fracturing... inside. It hurts.
I'm very ill. Maybe I'm just too emotional right now because I'm so sickly. Maybe I just need more time and more data to have a more rational perspective.
All I can think to do is hang in there and wait to be more anchored in facts before I can decide what all this means--for Jikook, for BTS.
I'm sorry if this post isn't very coherent. I'm on a bunch of steroids until I can get to a specialist and the brain fog is immense. I'm gonna go rest now. I think I might stop posting memes and thirsts and other things for a bit, while I just focus on getting well. But I'm sending you all so much love.
Hang in there. Deep breaths. We will find our way. We will make our way, if necessary.
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nopanamaman · 2 years
If you couldn't be an artist/animator/creative of any kind, what would you like to do for a living?
It's not what I do for a living anyways, anon, I'm a marketing specialist lmao
But if I didn't have the option to earn any money from creative work, I'd most likely go into translation, since that's what I enjoy and have a degree in.
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ohnoitstbskyen · 2 years
The horrible emails in a YouTuber's inbox
I have a public contact email on my YouTube channels, which of course means it gets scraped by absolute hordes of spambots and mailing lists for crappy mobile games.
That's okay though, that's what filters are for, and I'm not much bothered by it.
Sometimes, though, you also get Legitimate Business Emails from real, actual companies who want to do real business with you. They market various services, multi-channel networks (no fucking thanks), SEO optimization and all the rest of the industries that perch on the side of influencer marketing and Content Creation™.
Most of these emails aren't worth talking about, they're just business. They're usually couched in excessively cheerful "Hello! My name is Content Influencer Specialist Assistant Manager, and we here at Influencer Service Provider absolutely love the content on your [[INSERT CHANNEL NAME HERE]] channel!"-language, pretending that they've watched even thirty seconds of anything you've made. It's annoying, but inoffensive, it's just how this kind of business is done.
Today, though. Today, my friends, I received a motherfucking EMAIL. A promotion for a service which seems to be motivated entirely by spite and contempt both for my work and for my audience as a whole.
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There are two things I want to especially call your attention to here. First is the absolute 24 karat solid gold INGOT of a throwaway line, "boost channel stats and income without wasting your time on new content creation."
If I spent a whole week workshopping ideas, I don't think I could write a sentence that more completely communicates contempt both for my work and the ethics of my job, but also a single-minded drive for money as the only metric of any real value.
The other thing I want to draw your attention to is EIGHT FUCKING STREAMS?? EIGHT??? Four plus four goddamn motherfucking CONCURRENT streams, running 24/7 on my channel, constantly regurgitating my videos for no other reason except to game YouTube's recommendation algorithm and make the line go up?
Further down the email, they helpfully link a helpful and informative article they've written, which contains further magnificent wisdom:
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I have stared into the Abyss too long, and this email is the Abyss staring back into me. This is an omen, a prophecy of the monster I could become.
If I ever become someone who runs eight continuous streams of re-runs, and who regularly shuts down and restarts these eight streams of continuous re-runs just to force them to show back up at the top of the YouTube recommendations, I beg of you, take me out behind the wood shed and put me out of my misery.
I summoned all of my powers of professionalism and politeness, and drafted a response:
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Presumably, this is just someone whose job is entirely metrics optimization doing a very, very poor job of writing an email to a person who actually gives a shit about their job from an artistic point of view. Presumably it's just bad marketing copy.
But it thoroughly derailed my mind from getting any real work done today, so I am taking revenge by writing a blog about it, and hopefully you have... well, "enjoyed" might be the wrong word; hopefully you have been mildly fascinated by this peek into the garbage that populates the inboxes of YouTubers.
I'm serious about that wood shed thing, by the way. Like, whack! Just a quick, decisive strike to the back of the head, make it clean.
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
I really think that both solo projects, Jimin's album, JK's single and his album, are really one and the same project. With all individual characteristics, individual experiences and everything that Jimin makes Jimin and JK makes JK. I made a bet with someone a long time ago that Jikook would come out of the closet in two years. Perhaps not quite openly, but certainly enough that you would have to really stretch yourself to deny it. Not that you don't have to now, because you do, but that's a different matter. I just know I'm going to win this bet. Coming back. JK has never given us a reason not to believe in what he's going to do. He's consistent in his treatment of Jimin and the other way around is exactly the same. There is not the slightest reason to believe that even terrorized by labels, he would do anything against Jimin's feelings. What makes me think that this is one and the same project is the way it was carried out. Gross injustice to Jimin? Seriously, what label puts itself through such losses for no particular reason? It does not make sense. On the other hand? How can you assume that JK agreed to treat others like this and openly favor him if it wasn't discussed in some way and ALL came to a compromise? Jimin in his lyrics talks about his past, closes a chapter of his life. JK, on ​​the other hand, by going strongly to the western market, opens a chapter. They combined their projects. It's the same road they walk together. Is this to show that they will be a duo? I rather doubt. I think it has more symbolic meaning if I'm somewhat right. I wish I had. If I wrote in Polish, I could probably write a whole book about the theory I have about this era of BTS. But I'm writing in English, and it's obviously not working for me. xD
What I wanted to ask, because I already signed up. Why do we assume something went wrong? BTS is great, but it's not great just because they're talented. It is the sum of the work of many people. They know what they're doing. They are specialists. In reality, not everyone in BTS has a chance for a career in the Western. Jikook has and actually, with my huge bias towards Hoseok and Yoongi, just the two of them. It all looks like preparation. I'm even inclined to assume that Face wasn't even supposed to be a final project, just an introduction to what Jimin really wants to come out to people with, but to do it well and with a bang, he needs someone who will punch a hole in his ceiling and the company "founded" that it will be Jungkook. They weren't prepared for him to be able to do it alone. And no dynamic decisions? If that's not what Jimin really wanted to show, if he needed closure, I wouldn't want to be supported with something like that if I were him. I am an artist myself and if projects are supported that are not what I want, it's hard for me to enjoy even my own successes.
Anon u made alot of sense I'm afraid. I cannot speak on this topic much because I am not smart enough to tackle this topic but I am inclined to agree with u, actually.
I also heavily wanna advocate for patience. We need to exercise more chilling and waiting to find out shit. Wait for the seven MV. Wait to see if the song actually gets spins. Wait to see Jimin's reaction to the similar concepts... just, wait. Assumptions just drive people mad.
Anon I can't add anything to what u just said, but I like this ask 😘
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winxwiki · 10 months
someday I'm gonna collect all the PK comics fanmail of boys going "witch is for girls so it's LAME" stupid ass mail war and how I believe this has contributed to witch being unpopular among boys (in Italy) unlike Winx welcoming male fans without judgement (even on the website there's always been the "specialist" gender option lmao). mind you PK was also edited by disney. it's the goddamn duck avenger
I wonder if Rainbow's team saw any of that and was like No. we're not doing this. double the audience means more money
I've read anectodes of boys buying Winx dolls as kids back in 2004-2009 to play with their sisters. or sometimes just by themselves. I've unfortunately not seen this for Witch. which is ironic because Winx is so much more sparkly and unapologetic in its girlyness and yet it got more male fans by just not being judgemental to its audience in its marketing
disney's self sabotage of witch as a franchise should be studied. they shunned away boys reading it. they aimed it at boys in north america knowing damn well this was gonna flop in italy big time. they made it drab and grey in the cartoon. they censored the comics. they mistreated their artists and creators so much they left and sued and kept bleeding talent. they sued Winx and lost. they made that reboot thing that's Not Very Good
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colormepurplex2 · 2 years
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ABSOLUTELY NO MINORS. This is strictly an 18+ environment. None of my work is suitable for anyone under the age of 18. Let’s respect each other and not make it difficult. Thank you.
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Master List | Latest Work | WIPs List
REQUESTS: I won't promise to fulfill a request, but if you have something in mind, I'd love to hear about it and go from there :)
DISCLAIMER: I do not claim to own any part of BTS. All members of BTS are faces and name claims for these stories. Every post is entirely a work of fiction and by no means is meant to be a projection, judgement, or representation of real-life people. Any scenarios or representations of the people and places mentioned in my works are not representative of real-life scenarios.
ART/BANNERS/EDITS: I make all of my own banners, graphics, and artwork for my fics, for various hosted events for networks I'm in, as well as for friends. I am also open to doing these types of things for others. Feel free to send me a msg or ask and let's chat about it.
*All of my work is cross-posted to Ao3 and Wattpad
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✧ I’m Leah, she/her, 34. ✧ From Germany, grew up in the US, and currently live in Japan. ✧ I only post BTS pieces for now (I do stan other groups & I’ve been following kpop since 2010, SHINee’s my gateway group). ✧ Yoongi is my ult bias, wrecked by JiKook. OT7 💜 through & through, though. ✧ I’m a mom, and that takes up a good portion of my existence, but when I have free time, I love to write, read, play video games, watch anime, and explore art of any kind. I’ve been a marketing and media specialist/artist for over a decade, mostly based in print work and brand marketing.
I’m pretty much an open book. So, if you want to know more, feel free to ask!
You can also find me on Twitter!
*My amazing profile picture is by the wonderfully talented @dagda-the-doodler !
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Bangtan Writers HQ Mic Drop Entertainment BTS After Dark Network BTS Creatures Coven Bangtan Famiglia Net
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play-now-my-lord · 2 years
i saw ur post on ip law, piracy, copyright etc. w regards to indie creatives and i want to ask something. i saw a post recently going around with a lot of notes that emphasised this idea that ‘you are not entitled to the labour of an artist’ and if u can’t afford their work u should save up or skip it etc. it seemed convincing because it was phrased in a liberal ‘protect small artists!’ manner. so how would you dispel this idea? is it a half truth or something? it seems wrong but i’m not sure exactly why
the kernel of it is true - artists should be compensated for what they do. I'm a pretty strong believer in not trying to beg art off of my friends or cajole people into lowering prices; if anything my friends who do art set their rates rather low for the amount of work that goes into translating someone's ideas into pleasing artwork. this is, of course, a bit apples and oranges between visual art and writing - because being a writer who doesn't do specialist erotica, I don't actually write on commission. I could, I guess, if someone was truly interested, but it'd be a mite weird, and certainly isn't the main thing I do.
the place I land is that in commissions-facing forms of art, the many forms of labor involved account for the price. an artist working on comms has to communicate frequently, translate from one medium (instructions, often vague ones) to another, and manage people's individual sense of ownership - does this piece go in a portfolio? can it be shown publicly? is it of special sentimental importance to the commissioner, such that they'd prefer it be completely private? These are areas where "emotional labor" or in even some cases stuff that is tantamount to sex work absolutely comes into play.
Another thing to consider: Visual artists will cheerfully perform their actual metier - that is, making visual art - for themselves, for their own satisfaction, to make friends laugh or smile, and in a sense commissioning diverts time that could be spent on the Work towards someone else's design. This isn't to say it's useless to work off of commissions, counterproductive, a waste of time, etc - but outside of a very few people, most artists will not lie in their deathbeds kicking themselves that they didn't spontaneously draw (say) a giant Falco from Starfox fucking a train more often, and money is a fair exchange for this diversion of a human being's limited time on earth, like it is for any other form of labor. (The ideal artist is petit-bourgeois in character - that is, owning all the capital necessary to sell their labor at whatever rates the market will bear - but this isn't really a judgment call, nor is it one-size-fits-all. Prosperous artists tend to be secure and have petit-bourgeois class interests; less prosperous artists tend to rely on other things for income and have different class positions altogether, generally either working-class or lumpen.)
I think the moral obligation of the commissioner is "don't be a jerk", mostly, and to the extent small-time working artists have any, it's towards class consciousness - don't work dogshit cheap for no reason, value your time as you'd see it valued, value the time of other artists as you'd see your own valued.
(ALL THAT SAID, there are plenty of people who do free comms and there's nothing immoral about taking them up on it - sometimes artists do want to stretch their legs outside of their comfort zone and draw new things, and between that and the free publicity, free comms can be a reasonable way to accomplish both. But don't expect miracles, obviously!)
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morinassociates678 · 3 days
Builders In Edinburgh
Perhaps the initial charter of Edinburgh included one of these locations and names. We were able to launch our business with their assistance Edinburgh Bathroom Renovations Our love for you knows no bounds, and we will keep you in our prayers and thoughts as we face this difficult time. May you be blessed with abundant success and joy. Right now, I'm attempting to digest that concept. 
Construction workers in Edinburgh Eventually, you will reach your destination if you stay on a straight and consistent course. When people in Edinburgh, Scotland require a construction company, Glasgow Builders is usually the first name that comes to mind. In times of difficulty, a true friend would remain by your side.
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The people of Edinburgh and the surrounding areas are deeply grateful. It may be necessary to repair, renovate, or even rebuild insured properties. Included in the package are these two types of fixes. While our expertise extends to many other domains, house repair is among them. Thanks to our vast experience and outstanding credentials, no one else has the knowledge and insight that we have. Almost every big insurance company and loss adjuster in the world has hired us for restoration services. Both the local and global markets are monitored by this department. Our team has scored a major victory. Thanks to this green light, we were able to expand our company and achieve our objectives. As a sign of our gratitude for the confidence you have placed in us, we will be closely monitoring the progress of the job. Our restoration services have several potential uses, such as home and company renovations, insurance claims, and historical site preservation. We offer all of these things to our consumers because we are a one-stop shop. It would be quite foolish to replace these services before fully appreciating their significance. Our word is our bond, and we will never let you down. All of central Scotland, including Edinburgh, can now take use of our dependable services. The supply of such services is one of our main objectives. Thanks to these solutions, our esteemed organization has seen an increase in clients. Our primary focus is on fulfilling their needs. Whether it's for your home or your business, we can assist you. Organizations are simply one of many entities that can be characterized in this way. We will meet every single one of those businesses' service needs. 
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These systems require a wide variety of skilled workers for installation, repair, maintenance, and replacement. Jobs such as tile installers, painters, plasterers, plumbers, and HVAC specialists are all part of this broad category. Neither of them is special or interesting. Even though they are both laborers and painters, they are called artists and workers simultaneously. Members of the group, or even those who simply say "worker," are more likely to be original thinkers. From fresh recruits to the chief executive officer, everyone here is green with envy. Having exceptional artistic talent on top of all those other wonderful qualities is just icing on the cake. Nobody on this team has any imagination whatsoever. To label non-creative people as "painters" and disregard their work in the entertainment industry is unfair. Those that are employed also fall under this group. Members of the "workforce" who consider themselves creative or artistic fall into this category. 
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Our company offers a wide variety of services, some of which are listed below: When you need assistance with any of our many services, our team is here for you around the clock. Damage to homes and other structures can result from a wide variety of natural catastrophes. Things like lightning, smoke, floods, and subsidence fall within this group. We are also quite good at building maintenance and repair. 
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ear-worthy · 10 months
POD-Alization: Best Podcasts By Kids: Be A Better Podcaster; African Podcasting
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EarBuds weekly recommendations: Podcasts hosted by Kids Every week, Arielle Nissenblatt releases EarBuds Podcast Recommendations from her website EarBuds Podcast Collective. The five recommendations are on a specific topic and curated by anyone from a fan, listener, or podcaster. This week, it's podcasts hosted by kids, curated by Seraphina Malina-Derben.
Malina-Derben says: "There are many family-friendly and kid podcasts, but most are hosted by grown-ups. It's time to showcase the pioneering kid podcasters behind the mic. There aren't many, and some of them have moved on from podcasting. That doesn't mean to say their content isn't worthy of recognition." "I'm choosing podcasts that show the guts it takes to become a young podcaster," Malina-Derben continues. "These shows are so varied. The common theme is they all give hope for a better future."
Check out these five podcasts hosted by kids. 
Be A Better Podcaster: Great Resource For New, Growing & Aspirational Podcasters
 Danny Brown has been podcasting (unofficially with one episode) since 2009, and officially since 2017. He's the host of One Minute Podcast Tips, as well as several other podcasts, including one that he co-hosts with his wife, Jaclyn. He's the Head of Podcaster Support & Experience at Captivate.fm, the world's only growth-oriented podcast hosting, distribution, analytics, and monetization platform.
He has also published four books, including Influence Marketing, described as “…the book that will change the way you do business” and recognized as one of the Top 100 Business Books by Nielsen.
Mr. Brown's Substack Be A Better Podcaster is an insanely good resource for podcasters that are new, aspirational or in a growth mindset on their evolving podcast journey.
Check out his tips and sign up for his Substack here.
His latest Substack entry --  What Podcast Editing Software is Best for Beginners? -- is chock-full of useful information on the equipment needed. *******************************************************************
 Tony Doe on what's happening in the African podcast scene Tony Doe is a Radio and Podcast Consultant, out of Lagos, Nigeria. He is the Country Rep of the Association of Podcast And Voice-Over Artists [APVA]. His Substack newsletter is Podcast Related: This Week In The Podverse. Tony is a talented podcast specialist with international experience and extensive media knowledge.
Here is an excerpt from Tony's latest newsletter.You can subscribe here.
 By Tony Doe
This week’s episode of "Into the Podverse," appraises Africa's growing presence in podcasting.
New Podcast Series 'Campus Chatterbox' Set to Spotlight Nigerian University Life"Campus Chatterbox" is a new podcast series by Informed Communications focusing on Nigerian university campuses. Lead Producer Mr Ibrahim James Kofa aims to create a community platform where students can share experiences and stories. The podcast covers diverse topics like academics, student life, and career exploration through interviews with students, professors, and experts. Segments like "Student Spotlight" and "Campus Confessions" promise engaging content.
Aproko Doctor Opens Up About Childhood Memories, Love, and Faith on PodcastIn this episode of Tea with Tay, host Taymesan chats with Aproko Dr, delving into the latter’s upbringing in Surulere and the hurdles faced. From childhood tales to finding love, the episode touches on personal stories and faith, diving into discussions about Jesus.
Rita Chindah's 'IPSERIES' Claims Top Spot in Trade Secret Podcast RankingsNigerian podcaster Rita Chindah's "IPSERIES" recently claimed the top spot in Feedspot's "Ten Best Trade Secret Podcasts" after three years of hard work. Rita credits her achievement to the support of her #IPFRIENDS and guests. This highlights the significance of community backing for podcast success.
Caster Semenya Talks Gender in Sports on The Carol Ofori PodcastDiane Macpherson, a radio and podcasting expert, shares news of Caster Semenya's compelling interview on The Carol Ofori Podcast at East Coast Radio's Umhlanga headquarters. The two-time Olympic gold medalist delved into the significance of her ongoing battle regarding gender in sports, shedding light on its broader importance beyond her journey.
Adrian Daniels Explores Ghana's Appeal and Empowerment with Ivy Prosper on 'The Sound of Accra' PodcastGrowth & Community Leader Adrian Daniels, in his latest podcast episode of 'The Sound of Accra,' engages in a dynamic conversation with Ivy Prosper, a multifaceted YouTuber, Presenter, and Founder of Prosper Creative Group. The episode delves into various topics, including tips for content creators, advice for those relocating to Ghana, reflections on the Year of Return marking enslaved Africans' arrival in the U.S., and Ghana's appeal to the diaspora. They also discussed the importance of digital platforms for storytelling and empowerment, highlighting women's challenges in Africa. The episode offers a rich exploration of culture, empowerment, and creative industries.
 You can subscribe to Tony's newsletter here. Learn about how podcasting is growing is other parts of the world.
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mariahmilasblog · 2 years
Mariah Milan Photographers of Hawaii Wins Best Beach
At your Maui wedding, an expert photographic artist is basic for safeguarding the Maui Senior Portraits wonder of one of the most important days of your life Luckily, Maui has a couple of the business' most specialists, so you can have confidence that they will actually want to address any of your interests. You'll believe somebody should catch the scene and energy of the event assuming you're flying the whole way to Hawaii to celebrate and esteem your wedding on a tropical heaven island.
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Among the top photographic artists of Hawaii, is the Mariah Milan Picture takers. Mariah Milan Photographic artists, the best ocean side wedding picture taker in Maui, Hawaii, has been catching beachside elopements for more than twenty years.
Mariah's film-enlivened photography mirrors her energy for the island, variety, tone, and light, coming about in gorgeous, energetic, and immortal photographs. Mariah is major areas of strength for an of rewarding the local area and gives to a nearby foundation with each wedding.2022, In the Assembled Realm Worldwide Wedding Grants, Mariah Milan Picture takers was named the Best Ocean Side Wedding Photographic artist.
To hang out in the worldwide wedding market, it needs a really one of a kind association or person. While all areas require a guarantee to greatness, the extravagance occasions industry looks for hands down the best, and unquestionably the best can make long haul progress. Thus, LUXlife made the Worldwide Wedding Grants to perceive people who have stayed committed and unfaltering in their quest for flawlessness.
According to mariah, "I'm incredibly lowered to get this acknowledgment and thank our astonishing couples for picking us to report these valuable minutes for them."
The group of Mariah Milan Picture takers gives entertaining, imaginative photos as well as incredible client support. They've shot numerous weddings on Maui and expertise to catch the best second. Clear computerized photos and a custom tailored site to impart to friends and family are remembered for the choices presented by them. They are very proficient and have a lively disposition.
You should find a Maui wedding picture taker who is enthusiastic about the specialty of photography. Mariah catches the appeal of all shapes and sizes minutes, starting from the walk the passageway to the dance floor, and in the middle between. You'll feel the enthusiasm of Mariah Milan Picture takers in the event that you have a visual involvement in them in Hawaii.
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skepticalarrie · 3 years
this is so embarrassing but what's the difference between a management and a label😃. like how were modest and syco different from each other?
It's not embarrassing anon, don't worry! This was one of the first things I googled when I became a larrie, I guarantee you lol I'm not a specialist and I don't work with this, this is simply what I learned over the years (and with goolge lol), it can be quite complex though so I just tried to make it very very simple without adding too many layers, okay? If anyone feels the need to correct me or add something I missed, please be comfortable to just go ahead and add to my original post.
Record labels basically “own” the artists, so if you’re an artist who got offered a contract with a big record label, like Sony, they will basically make the most out of you in order for you to be more successful and profitable. If you’re a new artist, they’ll see the potential in you and they will develop you as an artist. They will set up plans and goals for you, like how many albums/singles are you going to release, in what particular time frame, what kind of music they want you to record, and stuff like that. And then they will basically loan you a shitload of money and make everything happen. From the conception and recording of the songs to promotion, campaigns, distribution, licensing, everything. And you will, of course, pay them back plus a percentage of your record sales. Roughly, around half of all the money you make goes for the record label. Most labels are considered controlling because they put their artists in a very vulnerable position with their contracts, they have too much “power” to make them make it or break it, and since their job is to make you succeed they definitely make it in a way where is most convenient to them. New artists are the ones who suffer the most, they don’t really have much bargain power or anything to lose when they first sign with big labels, Syco is one of the most well-known abusive and controlling labels in the industry because a lot of their artists came from talent shows like the xfactor. If you’re interested you can check here the kind of stuff Simon used to put on his contracts. Syco was a label that belonged to Sony, Simon Cowell had a 50/50 partnership with them. Last year Simon walked away from Syco, now everything that belonged to Syco is now 100% Sony’s.
1D = signed to Syco in the UK and Columbia Records (also owned by Sony) in the US.
Louis = signed to Syco for his entire solo career up until last year, now he is an independent artist with a partnership with BMG (it’s unclear the extent of this partnership though). He was signed Arista in the US but I imagine he also parted ways with them?!
Harry = Columbia Records
Management Companies are responsible for the more practical part of the business, they will represent the artist, set up more specific and day to day goals, they will coordinate the marketing and strategies and also negotiate with producers and label executives. They’re the ones who will follow you everywhere taking care of the logistics, planning and booking of everything. Managers are also responsible for a great part of a marketing plan, promotion and branding, they can *highly advise* you on what you should be doing in order to help you to achieve the goals set by the label. Management operates under the contracts of the record label, so they can control you and your image, a lot of managements are extremely abusive with their clients. What happened with One Direction was that since (again) they came from the xfactor, they basically had no independence to decide anything, Modest would decide everything for them.
1D = Modest management. Basically all artists from Syco were also signed with Modest. One Direction is officially on a hiatus, therefore there is no management at the moment.
Louis = Three Six Zero (Matt Vines)
Harry = Full Stop Management (Jeff Azoff)
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