#i'm also sick + this game has me in a chokehold
aquarius-cookie-jar · 3 months
I know CRTOA is pretty light on the lore side of things, but I am just curious.
Is Dark Choco still a prince, or was he just a regular cookie? There's no mention of a kingdom in his bio, though there are still some items in game that represent Cacao royalty. Idk.
Like I said, I know ToA isn't as lore-full-ish (idk the word) compared to OB or Kingdom, I'm just curious.
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magicalmysteries777 · 7 months
"You're clueless, you know that?" - Reader x Eddie Munson & Reader x Steve Harrington (fake)
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Summary: You agree to accompany Steve to Enzo's for Valentine's Day with only one shared goal in mind - to make Eddie so jealous he has no choice but to have the one conversation he's being avoiding.
Pairings: F!Reader x Steve Harrington & F!Reader x Eddie Munson.
Chapter: 1 of 1.
W/C: 2314.
A/N: Happy Valentines Day, besties! This trope paired with Steve and Eddie has had me in a chokehold for a while now and I'm so happy that the lil ADHD gremlin in my brain has finally let me write the damn thing. <3
This one-shot can also be found on AO3 here.
“You really think that’ll work? Pretending to go on a date with you?” you asked, leaning against the counter at Family Video.
“It better work. Personally, I’m sick of hearing you pine over him. He’s had a thing for you ever since you joined Hellfire but he’s completely clueless when it comes to all the hints you’ve dropped,” Robin chimed in without looking up from the ‘returns’ pile of videotapes she was sorting through.
Clueless didn’t even begin to cut it.
You’d known about Eddie’s crush on you for months now, ever since Dustin slipped up and spilled the beans at lunch one day. The poor kid made you swear on your own life that you wouldn’t tell Eddie you knew.
True to your word, you kept the secret and began dropping hints instead. Eddie couldn’t read the room to save his life.
Any time you caught him staring, he’d break eye contact before you could smile back at him. Any time your hands accidentally touched, he’d move his hand away and play it off if you didn’t keep your hand perfectly still.
“I think it’s perfect,” Steve smiled. “There’s nothing like a bit of jealously to make you realise what you want.”
“I dunno,” you mumbled, chewing your cheek while you weighed up your options.
“When he sees you all dolled up, thinking it’s for me, the dots will connect. Trust me.”
“Fine, I’ll find out when he’s working.”
Steve’s plan had been in the back of your mind the whole time you’d been sitting around the table with your fellow Hellfire members. It was a long game of highs and lows all night. Despite the distraction, you’d manage to come out of the battle victorious with a mere five health points left. The party, albeit a little bruised and battered, was one step closer to defeating Myrkul and Eddie was in a good mood.
It took the usual fifteen minutes to pack up Eddie’s maps, dice, tokens, and other various game pieces before you climbed into the passenger side of his van. “Sorry for the mess,” Eddie apologised.
“You say that every week and yet you never clean it.”
“I do, it just gets messy again,” he smirked.
You were halfway home when you glanced over at Eddie. His hair was frizzy, sticking up in places from all the near misses in battle where he’d had his hands running through it. The rings on his left hand were glowing gently from the reflection of his lit cigarette as he used it to control the steering wheel. His right hand was methodically fiddling with the busted cassette player that he’d been meaning to fix for months. As always when Eddie was concentrating, his tongue was sticking out and resting against his top lip.
“Got it!” he exclaimed as Rainbow in the Dark started blasting from the speaker, a huge grin spread across his face.
“When are you going to buy a new one?” you chuckled, prodding at the battered box.
“Stop touching it,” he slapped your hand away. “It’ll start crackling again. I’ve picked up some overtime next weekend, I’m hoping the gents will be tipping big to impress their dates.”
“No Valentine’s plan with anyone special then?”
“Nope, just work. Doubt there’s anyone out there who would want to spend their Valentine’s Day with the ‘Freak of Hawkins’ anyway.”
“You’d be surprised, some people like their men a little freaky.”
“What about you? Any plans?” he asked, the change in tone rather subtle.
For a moment, you weren’t sure if you were going to go through with the plan. Steve’s words echoed through your mind listed the pros and cons. ‘Trust me.’
“Yeah, I’ve got a date at Enzo's. At least I don’t have to worry about it going bad now if you’re working, you can come over and scare him off for me.”
“That’s great. Wow, a date. Um, yeah, I’ll fend him off for you if things go pear-shaped. Do I, uh, know the guy?” he stuttered.
“I don’t want to jinx it,” you answered, remembering Robin's claims that a little bit of mystery would be the key to the whole plan working.
“Of course,” Eddie agreed, a sarcastically dumb look plastered on his face. You couldn’t help but notice that this was exactly how he used to act when Dustin mentioned Steve. “Would you look at that? Here we are. Once again, dropped off in one piece, as requested.”
“You okay, Ed?” you ask, one eyebrow raised.
“Yep. Fine. Tired,” he mumbled through an unconvincing yawn. “Long game. I’m gonna go and, uh, get some sleep. Night.”
“And he said it exactly like that?” Steve asked.
“Yes, Steve, how many times do I have to go through it? He basically kicked me out of the van,” you answered.
“It’s definitely working.”
“Are you sure?”
“One hundred percent. Wait until he finds out it’s me, he’s gonna freak.”
“He might not react at all. Believe it or not, he is professional at work.”
“Bet on it?”
“Shut up.”
Eddie had been an asshole all week.
Jeff and Gareth got the worst of it. You, however, had been getting the silent treatment. It was Thursday lunchtime when Eddie finally acknowledged you again.
“So, what are your plans this weekend?” Dustin asked Mike.
“Movies with El then dinner, you?”
“Arcade with Will. What about you, Eddie?”
“Work and band, why?”
“It’s called small talk,” Dustin answered. “What is with you this week?”
“Nothing, I’m fine,” he snapped.
“Tell your face that, man,” added Jeff.
“Lay off it. Why don’t you ask her what she’s doing this weekend instead and leave me alone?” Eddie prompted, gesturing in your direction. He did not stick around to hear the answer, walking away dramatically.
“Well, what are you doing?” asked Dustin.
“I’ve got a date,” you answered quickly and quietly, sinking into your seat as a sense of guilt began to creep up on you.
“You what?!” asked Gareth.
“I said I’ve got a date.”
“Yeah, I heard you. The fuck do you mean you’ve got a date? With who?”
“Does it matter?” you ask asked.
“Evidently it does. I’ve been taking the brunt of his crap all week and you’re telling me it’s because you’re going on a date?”
“How was I supposed to know he’d react like this?” you quickly try to defend yourself.
“Are you blind?” Jeff asks.
“No, but he is. I’ve dropped hints. Lots of them. If he doesn’t want to acknowledge it then that’s on him.”
“Wow,” smiled Steve, looking you up and down. He took your hand, albeit rather dramatically, and began leading you to the car.
“Save it for the restaurant, you dingus. Does this look okay then?” you ask.
“The dress alone might kill him, never mind the heels and hair.”
Ten minutes later, Steve parked up outside Enzo's.
“When we get in there, sit with your back to the bar. You’re about to get the full Harrington charm, okay?” he asked.
“Got it.”
“Hi there, table for two under Harrington,” Steve told the hostess.
“Follow me.”
“Here we are,” the hostess said as she gestured to a small table. “Here are your menus, the waiter will be over to take your order shortly.”
“Thank you,” you replied, taking the seat that Steve had pulled out for you.
“So,” you began.
“So,” Steve replied with a grin.
“I’m not going to lie, Steve, I feel really awkward.”
“I can tell,” he responded. “Relax. We’re just two friends, dressed up, and having a nice meal. Loosen up a little and have fun, or this isn’t going to work.”
You tried to relax, really, you did. But you couldn’t help shake the feeling that Eddie was burning holes into the back of your head with his staring.
“Welcome to Enzo's, my name is Ruben and I’ll be your server this evening. Any drinks to start?”
“Sparkling water for me, and…” Steve prompted.
“Lemonade, please.”
“Awesome, I’ll get that put in at the bar for you. Any starters today?”
“Do you-” Steve began, turning his attention back to you.
“More of a dessert person,” you answer.
“Me too,” smiled Ruben. “What mains would you like?”
“Lasagne for me, please,” answered Steve.
“Chicken Alfredo, please.”
“Awesome. I’ll get all that put in for you, enjoy your evening.”
“Thank you, ‘preciate that,” Steve told him before he left the table.
After a couple of minutes of the usual “how was work?” and “how was school?” small talk, Steve’s gaze quickly shot behind you as he sat up a little bit straighter.
“Here’s your lemonade,” Eddie announced, placing the glass down in front of you.
“Thanks, Eddie. How’s your shift?” you asked with a smile.
“So-so. Started going downhill about twenty minutes ago,” he answered.
“Nothing worse than a shitty Friday shift,” Steve chimed in.
“Evening rush,” Eddie responded, unwilling to meet Steve’s gaze. “Everything okay over here?”
“Great, thank you,” you respond.
“Harrington,” Eddie muttered, placing Steve’s water in front of him with a little bit more force than he did the lemonade, before heading back to the bar.
“He won’t even look at me, this is working even better than I thought,” Steve chuckled.
One hour and one chicken alfredo later, Ruben returned.
“Well you two are looking cosy over here,” he told you. Steve had been giving you cues on how to sit and when to laugh all evening. “How about that dessert? I highly recommend the ‘brownie and ice cream for two.’ Chef special tonight.”
“Sounds perfect,” answered Steve.
“Alrighty, that’ll be about ten to fifteen minutes. Any more drinks?”
“The same again, please,” you answer.
A couple of minutes later, Steve gave another instruction.
“Rest your left arm on the table.”
Steve let out a sudden laugh and adjusted himself in his seat. He placed his arm on the table, his fingertips slightly brushing against your own.
A loud crashing noise from behind you had heads rolling to see what was going on. Every pair of eyes in the restaurant landed on Eddie.
“Sorry folks,” he announced. Eddie quickly began picking up the larger shards of glass whilst another bartender brought over cloths and a broom.
“Hook, line, and sinker,” Steve whispered, loud enough for only you to hear.
You really were getting the full Harrington charm, as promised. Steve had been feeding you brownie on and off for ten minutes, his glancing over to Eddie quickly now and again.
“It’s almost time,” Steve whispered.
“Time for what?”
“The grand finale.”
Steve leaned in slightly and wiped the side of your mouth gently with his thumb. “Ice cream,” he smirked.
“Is that really necessary?”
“One hundred percent. On my cue, you’re going to excuse yourself to go to the bathroom,” he began.
“If this whole fake date has gone to plan, which by the way has been lovely, then I do believe Munson won’t let you make it that far. Go now.”
As instructed, you excused yourself from the table and made your way towards the bathroom. Just as you got to the door you felt a hand close softly around your wrist.
“Hey, can we talk?” Eddie asked.
“Everything okay?”
“No, actually, it’s not,” he answered. Eddie glanced around before pulling you through a door labelled ‘staff only’.
“Eddie, wha-”
“You can’t date Steve.”
“I can date whoever I like Eddie,” you respond.
“Why him?” he asked, his hand still wrapped lightly around your wrist.
“Why not?”
“Because,” he began, pausing in thought. “Because he’s… he’s got a reputation. Surely you’ve heard all the rumours?”
“And we both know him well enough to know he’s not that person anymore,” you answer, your gaze locking with Eddie’s who, surprisingly, held it.
“You just can’t, please,” he pleaded.
“Give me a good enough reason as to why I shouldn’t go back out there and I won’t.”
Eddie stayed silent for a few moments, his big, brown eyes locked on yours. The small staff room became stuffy all of a sudden, the air so thick it felt like you could barely breathe. You held your ground, waiting for him to speak, but he didn’t. You stared back at Eddie, your eyes pleading with him to just say something. Anything.
You broke your gaze from Eddie’s and turned towards the door, ready to give up and go home. Eddie’s grip on your wrist tightened and he pulled you back towards him, using his free hand to cup your face as his lips met yours.
You weren’t sure how long you’d been there, Eddie kissing you, but it felt like forever. The tension in the air vanished, leaving you with a cozy feeling deep in your stomach, where the butterflies used to live. 
“You can do better than him. You deserve better than him. You deserve someone who knows that you take extra sugar in your coffee when you’re studying. Someone who knows that you’re a completely evil genius in the best way possible when it comes to D&D. Someone who knows you’d rather be in bed with a book at-” he glanced at his watch, “nine o’clock at night. Someone who apparently isn’t very good at making the first move.”
“You’re clueless, you know that?”
“I am?”
“Yeah,” you replied, leaning in to kiss him again.
If it wasn’t for Ruben who knows how long you would have stood there, entwined together, lost in the moment.
“Hey man, you heading home?” Eddie asked casually, placing a little distance between the two of you.
“I was, but turns out I’m staying late. Guy with the hair on table twelve tipped me a hundred bucks to finish your bar shift and fetch a fresh brownie out. Said you ‘owe him one’ and you can ‘square it up later’. Brownie will be out in five. Enjoy.”
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catchingbigfish · 2 months
writeblr re-introduction | catchingbigfish
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hi! call me elle (she/they). i'm in my 30s, work adjacent to the legal field in my day job, and i'm studying for my MA in english! i post more about my life over at my main, @prettytothink-so, which is also the account i follow from!
i'm a david lynch obsessive, hence the url/pfp, but i love death bed: the bed that eats as much as i do blue velvet. my primary literary influences are shirley jackson, carmen maria machado, janet fitch, confessional poets, and more recently, a healthy dose of knausgaard.
i write prose & poetry with a heavy emphasis on the body, the darker sides of life, and relationships. my fiction is character-centric, driven by ensemble casts of weird and fucked up people, and characters tend to go through exquisite and grotesque things like body horror, warped and broken time, hauntings, posessions, and sex. my work is definitely 18+ and i try not to engage with minors.
i'd love to get to know other writers, esp if you write/read any of the following:
dysfunctional relationships (particularly with ensemble casts and found or of-origin families)
horror and gothic literature
body horror, nightmares, and dream logic
romance, including sex, and relationships, esp. in horror themes
i like to say i'm always open to ask + tag games, but i'm most likely to respond to an ask game than a tag! if you wanna know more about my wips, see below the cut:
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click the titles for the wip intros!
status: w/ beta readers short synopsis: Rosalyn arrives to the U for her MFA in fashion-making and falls into a group of sick women artists bonded by a disputed diagnosis. She starts faking it to fit in, finds the friendships she'd always wanted, and ends up with a choice between the unthinkable and her new ride-or-die crew.
dark academia/litfic/cult novel. this project has had me in a chokehold for 18+ months and it's the most fun i've ever had writing something. stay tuned for my query journey, coming to you probably near the end of this year!
might've been, never was
status: drafting (~10%) short synopsis: Lily and her friends thought their thirties would be different. They find a way to adopt new bodies, but one of them takes it too far, and the rest have to decide whether to stop her or join in.
a satire in the same vein as conversion. currently vying with the next two WIPs for main focus while betas work through conversion. project playlist is 2 songs: teen idle and celebrity skin. the closest i'll ever come to autofiction because the idea to write "a love letter to being mentally ill in your 30s" came up when i was a teensy bit manic.
seed of the woman
status: drafting (~40%) short synopsis: A woman goes on a Christian yoga retreat hoping to return to some sense of her self. Instead, she's bitten by a snake and goes on a tour through the choices that led her here.
body horror/religious horror novella. probably actually my primary focus. nightmare/dream-logic story that's my latest attempt to write something explaining how rational and reasonable a choice it would be for a woman to choose satan over god.
the awakening re-telling
status: outlining short synopsis: The Awakening by Kate Chopin, but set it in the modern Quiverfull movement/fundamentalist Christianity circles.
i've called this the awakening x duggars but it's not really about them; i'm just obsessed with the religious theme lately
so it goes
status: hiatus, midway through second draft short synopsis: A multigenerational saga about women who see Death.
my trunk novel/magnum opus. will probably never finish. about sex, death, what we fill the void with when we let go of religion, the violence of inherited trauma, and the bridge between two states of being
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supernovaa-remnant · 6 months
Tag Game!! :D ty @raiweljace for the tag :3
LAST SONG - Hung Empty by Los Campesinos! what can I say? the album sick scenes is a banger, and I keep listening to it lol
SWEET/SPICY/SAVORY - Savory 100% Spicy is also okay, and sweet is fine, but savory will always be my go to.
FAVORITE COLOR - I'm so bad at choosing favorites 😭 In general I'd say I prefer cool tones like blues and purples. but I do also like pinks.
...and I've just described the bi flag lmao
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CURRENT OBSESSION - the dsmp it's always going to be the dsmp it has a chokehold on me I can't escape.
...other than that, though, I've been really into the x-files recently. also my current wip.
LAST THING YOU GOOGLED - ...I don't even remember but I think it was something to do with my university so I will not be sharing lmao #don't_dox_yourself_kids #internet_safety
Tags (no pressure ofc <3): @prisonpodcast @coyotecrash @pineware @sioster @milktearosethorn @drixel @dreamony @koryandrr @broke-on-books @atrenchcoatofteaandspite
(also an open tag to anyone who wants to do it. I limited myself to the arbitrary number of tagging 10 people just for my own peace of mind, but it's open to anyone)
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seasonalflowerr · 1 year
oh my god lim life college au 👀
(I got your ask!! I am deliberating on the opportunity)
(oh good i'm glad you got it skfjdsf so happy you are now aware that i was NOT ignoring you and simply just being bad at answering asks.) but yESSS LIMITED LIFE COLLEGE AU BROUGHT TO YOU BY ME AND THEO (@hitheeprithee) who essentially listened to me ramble about the concept one day like. a few weeks ago or something and we have been working on it together and now it is.... hoooooh boy, it is an AU i'll tell you that much.
we don't have a cool name for it yet. so it's just,, it's just The College AU right now. someday. someday we will come up with something.
i won't say much because it's still sorta bein' worked out (and TODAY'S FINALE EPISODES DID NOT HELP OUR COLLECTIVE BRAIN ROT) BUT! it is very cool. and exciting, and it has had me in a chokehold since we started talking about it. >:) it's kinda like.. essentially turning the Limited Life run into a like a modernnn universityyyy group/sports game tournament thingy, minus the actual death? if that makes sense? but there are LOTS of twists and stakes that make it very interesting and- MAN. <333 theo has such good ideas, you guys, he has REALLY made this AU what it is and i fucking stand by that.
i definitely foresee myself talking about this much more when it's a little more fleshed out! might even also possibly be fic with it eventually too, so!! :D it's gonna be sick!
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cherienymphe · 2 years
Girl the absolute fucking chokehold TLIKTB has me in 😭😭😭 you're such an incredible writer!!! What fascinates me about JJ is his lack of awareness so far, of just how much he's sinking into the dark side (his conscience is starting to look like a losing battle). Like I understand where the Rafe girls are coming from, also because Rafe is far more self-aware? Like he knows he doesn't deserve reader, says so himself. JJ still hasn't even had the thought, and scarily, I don't think he will, or even care if he does. It's like JJ's inner thoughts and his dick have been playing an excruciating game of hide and seek for a while now and it's catching up. Once the cables and the WiFi router finally connect, there's no coming back, I feel. He literally thinks he'd rather die than watch reader and Rafe get married, I mean, shit. Bro's in a quantum state of darkness. Denial is a river in Egypt? It's about to flood like a motherfucker. And as sick and twisted and depraved as that may be, that's why I'm team JJ. For scientific reasons 💀 like regardless of the ending, this is already the greatest dark!JJ fic out there imo simply from the psychological drama of it all. I have no words, it's so fucking good.
Yes it's like when Kie pointed out she didn't know what was worse. Him acting this way with some kind of self awareness or absolutely none. And to tell you the truth, he won't ever be on Rafe's level of self awareness because you'll see that some part of JJ feels like he's not just deserving of the reader but completely entitled to her. It's easy to be team Rafe I think bc god know he's far from perfect but he knows it and is trying at least? Genuinely trying and not putting on a front like JJ
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self introduction!!
what's good!! my name's mayhem, i use they/them pronouns and i'm an 18 year old college student majoring in japanese (playing ensemble stars actually does help me learn a little bit lol). i've been playing ensemble stars for a month or two so i'm only rank 43 right now :/ but holy hell i am obsessed with this game. i love rhythm games (even though i'm not very good at them) and the characters in this game are fantastic, i've been hyperfixated on it for like a month and my friends are sick of me lmao
as my bio says, i'm a shuP/valkyrieP; yes i love mika as well, but there's just something about shu that makes me adore him more than any other character in the game. maybe it's because he's weird and strange but also sweet at times? maybe it's the fact that he's a (technically successful) cringefail? i don't know. but ever since i saw ex-valkyrie's 2-episode arc in the anime he's had me in a chokehold!! his character development!!! the artistry!!!!! UNMATCHED!!!!!!!
anyway... other characters i love and why!!
-wataru: he's silly :3 and i love his voice. fills me with serotonin every time i hear him go SuBarAsHii~ in the middle of a live. he is... the only member of fine i don't hate. eichi is a complex character but i personally do NOT like him (also i'm a shuP of course i hate him). tori is a brat. and yuzuru is barely worth mentioning. but i love how chaotic and goofy wataru is. truly the only good member of fine
-mayoi: if you couldn't tell, i love men that are weird and strange!!! love them dearly. also i kind of relate to him, at least with him having intrusive thoughts (that shit fucked me over in middle school lol). i love his hair and i love his sharp teeth and i love how he actually cares so much that it's the only thing that can override his anxiety. lastly, if i had vents and could go from place to place without being noticed you bet your ass i would every time.
-rinne: now i haven't finished chapter 5 of part 1 so i'm not sure how his story ends. however, i can say i've thoroughly enjoyed seeing him cause problems on purpose. i love when i'm in a live and he goes KYAHAHA and i'm like oh right rinne is here. his character development in the first half of chapter 5 alone has been amazing so i'm excited to see where his story goes.
-rei: as someone who very much identifies with the whole goth/emo/alt aesthetic, you KNOW undead is among my favorite units. rei is an amazing character in the anime (i mean, he helps so much, trickstar literally wouldn't have been able to do any of the shit they did without him) AND he made eichi faint by whispering some hard truths in his ear. based.
-leo: sadly i haven't seen that much of him, both in-game and in-anime, but i adore his energy. i'm also a songwriter, so i get the artistic struggle and whatever bullshit. honestly i think he's really cute and i'm excited to keep watching the anime because i'm on episode 13 and they showed him in episode 12 so surely that means he'll be in the show soon right guys? right?
anyway!! now i'm gonna move on to my favorite songs (and you'll probably be able to tell what my favorite units are based on them lol)
2wink: play tag, welcome to 2wink acrobatics
AKATSUKI: akatsuki iroha song, festival night picture scroll, strike -blade of resolve-, wild blooming flowers, pale red promise, perfectly-imperfect
ALKALOID: believe 4 leaves, kiss of life, hysteric humanoid, living on the edge, artistic partisan
Crazy:B: ariadne at the fingertips, crazy roulette, honeycomb summer, risky venus, helter-spider (idc that it's for halloween it bangs)
Double Face: =EYE=, stippling (these are the only double face songs i know)
Eden: the genesis, dance in the apocalypse, majestic magic, sunlit smile (eve), the beast of the end (adam)
Fine: never-ending symphony, neo sanctuary, holy angel's carol, crossing heart, the tempest night (wataru ily. 「愛」!!)
Knights: grateful allegiance, little romance, mystic fragrance, voice of sword
Ra*bits: joyful box, fallin' love=it's wonderland (best ra*bits song by far), love ra*bits party, milky starry charm
Ryuseitai: comet halation, unrivaled meteor ranger, ryusei hanabi
Switch: majestic magic, fragments of imagination, emerald planet
Trickstar: only your stars, rebellion star, crossing heart
UNDEAD: gate of the abyss, immoral world, melody in the dark, nightless world, valentine's eve nightmare, destruction road
Valkyrie: acanthe, kohaku to ruri no rondo, gaisenka, cloth waltz (UNDERRATED ASF), memoire antique, raisanka, enthralling theatre, tonight on the moonlit castle, sei shounen yuugi, sajou no roukaku, eternal weaving
also. bukubu new stars. koga ball <3
i think that's pretty much it? i guess i could confirm i'd consider my "favorite" units to be valkyrie (duh), undead, crazy:b, akatsuki, and alkaloid. i'm also aware that valkyrie just released a new album like a couple weeks ago so i surely will be checking that out and giving it a good listen over the next few days. i'm excited to meet more ensemble stars fans :3 if you wanna be mutuals just lmk i'm starved for people to ramble autistically to!!!!!!
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xo-alie-xo · 3 years
You can only choose one poison.🍷
Listen up my Wildcats.🐱
We all ship each character with happiness. No matter how much you love to hate them, a majority of us simply adores the characters and want the best for them. Then comes relationships and it's okay to ship our favorites.⛴
I'm a diehard Rina shipper and I know in my heart that they are series endgame. The set up, the natural chemistry, their mutual understanding, the surprises and angst literally put me on chokehold. So I'm 100% a Rina shipper till the end. I'm here for the slowburn and their development rather than one shots. They are worth the pain. 😭❤
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Let me start with Ricky Bowen now.
Ricky shouldn't to be with Gina because he's hurting her mentality. He's not insensitive on purpose. Like when he tried to stop Big Red from telling her his message to Nina because he KNOWS it'll hurt her.
If you think, that Ricky didn't understand clearly when Gina confessed, think again. He shushed her. Kept their thing a secret from everyone. He knows he feels some type of way and she feels something too. But this boy is so used to safeguarding his childhood norms and has very little adaptability. Hence, he pretended to ignore everything between them because his home stability was falling apart and he clinged on to Nina, his constant childhood love.
He's a traumatised 16-17 year old boy that needs to heal and grow. This episode was heartbreaking because he had to accept that he had to let Nina go because their once upon a time fairytale had become toxic.
People change. I'm not the same person I was when I was 16 lmao. Being together as childhood lovers means growing together and accepting each other's growth. Which Ricky couldn't. He clutched to the idea of Nini. Even his love confession. It was sooo sweet but all he did was focus on their history.
This boy needs time to heal and maybe seek professional therapy. It would be so DAMN HISTORIC if Disney decides to take psychological issues seriously and show how he's dealing with his anxiety, pills and psychotherapy. He needs to breathe before he can be with any girl for that matter. He's hurting and isn't trying to hurt anyone on purpose. Including Gina.
Him asking her for advice on Nini was a dumb, insensitive move. But he's trying to find a way to build some supportive friendship that they shared in early season one.
As for now, this boy needs to get his own grip on life and heal.
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As for our Queen Gina
In Gina's confession, she focuses on their future. She basically said, "I wouldn't quit on a possible future of us being together despite obstacles. Because I never quit. But moving away isn't in my control." Ricky deep down knows this, encouraged her to say it, teary eyed, despite right after getting back together with Nini. Gina is his future. She went to his new house. And I also have this feeling that when she was given a chance to stay, she stayed partly because of Ricky. She left a chance to be with her mom because she prioritised their relationship. Because she never quits. 💪🏼
But she came back and found out Ricky has gotten back together with Nini.😭 What she doesn't know is Ricky got together with Nina before her confession, and after Gina kept dodging his messages. She's hurt and questions why she returned because she isn't particularly close to anyone. Hence, she was so silent at the after party. She thinks it'll be fine, "she'll live", and finds other reasons to find permanence. Her arc this season has been settling down in East High, despite the pain of losing and being 'betrayed' by Ricky, she finds other reasons to stay. 🏡
This kind of contrasts her with Nina. Nina left her dream school and came to Salt Lake because she missed her established home, and not just because of Ricky. Nina returned and was loved and embraced by Ricky Bowen.💕 Gina came back to a semi new place called Salt Lake because of her promise of a future to Ricky. But she got stabbed and she bled. 💔🗡
Think about her situation. She feels confused, alone, heartbroken, out of place and seperated from her mom. She's broken and hurting too. And she doesn't need more from Ricky's accidental or intentional 'sick burns'. That's the one line where he was such a jerk and I can't defend him here. 😠
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Here comes the Caswells.
Her second family. A place of healthy stability. A home that accepted her. Ashlyn, her roomie and her confidante. EJ, the misunderstood boy who saw her value and bought her plane ticket.
Let's get to EJ.
At first, I wasn't too keen on seeing Portwell's development. But then that video chat where they talk about the possibility of her staying and him convincing her. Had me sold for a solid brother-sister relationship. Few episodes later, when Gina's pain seemed to be oblivious to everyone, he was the only one who asked her how she was, and saw her glow. The comfort she must've felt.
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Not that she needs a man's validation, but she must be feeling like a second choice and feeling a little insecure because of Ricky. But EJ lifts her up and I genuinely saw her smile. This boy has her back whenever. The man she can lean on and truly sees how special she is. She no longer feels alone now that she has his entire fam and other friends. She genuinely feels a place of belonging and happiness when she's the apple of his eye. Notice how happy she is? How happy this boy is? She's going through her own issues and she has found ground with EJ.
I was very doubtful when they started hinting at a romantic direction. Because EJ would be used as plot device again for a girl to get to Ricky.😤 This man doesn't deserve to be second best to anyone, just like Gina.😑 That's why I'm still hesitant on shipping them at least temporarily. EJ needs to be something even more special to Gina. They need to show each other how special and treasured they are to each other despite feeling like rejects. They are each other's source of comfort.
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I'm sure they can keep EJ at East High for the next season. Whether it's the drama club, or the AV club or going to a local college. So he will be there for Gina. I don't know how they can work out a relationship with much distance as Rini's fell out when she moved away. So, if EJ leaves again, it'll again shake up Gina. Her being worried whether he'll date college girls, second thoughts, etc. I don't want them to go through that. And if they do move on to romantic Portwell, make sure it's not plot device for Rina. So you can either have Portwell endgame or Rina Endgame.
Basically I want Gina to be treated so right that she understands she doesn't need Ricky. And when he does ask her out, and he makes her feel like a second choice or a rebound, she says NO. Because EJ has helped regain her self assurance. Eventually I want Gina to confide in EJ about her and Ricky. EJ is jealous but also angry about how Ricky has been hurting her. And becomes damn protective of his 'babe'. Ricky gets jealous of their relationship, restarting Ricky and EJ's old rivalry. But this time, it's not because Gina is his girlfriend, but because she's EJ's best friend who he has a crush on and wants what's best for her.
If it's meant to be Rina endgame
EJ- RICKY, YOU IDIOT! You have no clue how to treat her right. You don't put her first. You mislead her. Get the hell away from her! She's too powerful and beautiful, she doesn't deserve your scraps. I know how she feels for you. I wish I were you. I would treat her like a queen. I don't mind even waiting years till she's ready. She deserves that. You're so lucky you have even a small chance that I may never have. So get your act together, prove you're worth it to win her over. All I want is for her to be happy. Even if it's with someone else. And maybe then I'll stop threatening you to stay away from her.😠
Ricky- .....I don't know what I'm more scared of. Change, or losing the girl I fell for or YOU. Okay, losing her but you're a close second.😬
If it's Portwell endgame.
Ricky- I messed up. Make sure you don't mess up with her. You'll regret it forever.
EJ- I'd rather get hit by thousand basketballs than ever hurt her. I'll be her plus one and her best friend until she's ready to be with me. I know she's ready now too. But I want her to know I'm willing to wait till she graduates before we make it official. I'm in it for the long game.
As for their age gap. I'm 100% sure Portwell won't kiss this season. If they do, it'll be next when Sofia turns 18. They are professional actors who are cast because they are the perfect fit for the role and are expected to carry out the storyline. But I suppose fearing some outbursts, they might delay Sofia kissing anyone till next season. It's so weird because Olivia was maybe 17 when Matt was 21-22 when they kissed in season one. But no one had a problem with that. But for this, they do. Remember, they are professional actors. They are acting! Sometimes, actors are over 10 years apart (but above 18) and act as romantic partners.
As for their characters, they are only two years apart. That's hardly any difference once you're over the age of 18. Age of consent is 16. But adults above 18 are only allowed to have sex with adults above 18. So, age isn't a problem here because EJ is a gentleman and is genuinely interested in her and isn't trying to get in her pants. So age isn't the issue when it comes to dating. It's the maturity. Gina is very mature and gives very sound advice. But I can see EJ being patient enough till she turns 18 just to kiss her because he loves her. 😚
As for the Ashlyn remark, "You look like a kid to me rn". He was JOKING.😂 Don't take things out of context. I tell my cousin sister that all the time. But she's three years younger than me and a grown adult. I don't see her as a kid but it's just a cousin teasing her younger cousin that's she's a little immature. I'm Matt's age and I'm very mature for my age and since I was a teenager, I always matched up with boys a little older than me. Now that I'm in my early 20s, I've dated boys even close to 30. So age is just a number.
EJ dating Gina and giving her quick kisses is fine. But to have a strong sexual element in their relationship (including making out), he'll have to wait till she's 18+. And I'm sure for that he'll wait till she's ready even past her early 20s. Age is really just a number and we can't help who we fall in love with. Trust me, I've been there.😂 So I can see EJ feeling conflicted about his feelings that are clear at this point.
They might not be a perfect fit, but they make each other sooo happy. They deserve a lot more than a short lived fling.😟 They are either endgame or Rina is. You can't have both as a Rina unless you're an EJ hater who wants him to exist as plot device. Nope! He's sooo much more precious than that.
But Jack on the other hand....I'm okay if he's the one to make Ricky or EJ jealous. Because he's just been introduced and it's okay if a character is used, but only once, for someone else to realize their feelings. 💁🏽‍♀️
In short.
Ricky needs help and needs to be on his own. No girlfriends allowed.🙅🏽‍♀️🚫
Needs to give both Gina and Nina space for them to grow on their own too.🌳
Ricky needs to understand the core of his problems and become more adaptable via therapy. Maybe the psychologist will point out his unresolved feelings for Gina, or he will conclude it himself. And in comes Ricky-pining-for-Gina season three.
Ricky needs to fully get over Nina before he moves on to anyone. Same for Gina if Portwell were to happen. No one deserves to be second choice.
Gina isn't Ricky's cushion. She's a living person with strong feelings for him and shouldn't be subjected to share his pain. She already struggles with her own issues.
Ricky needs to stay single till he wins back Gina and prove he's worth it. He needs to show even if another girl wants him, he'll never quit on Gina ever again. Even if he has to watch her be with someone else. *cough parallels*.
It's either romantic Rina then Portwell endgame OR Portwell flirty besties but Rina endgame. You and I can choose only one because my boy EJ shouldn't be used as plot device for a girl to leave for Ricky ever again.
Portwell's age difference can be practically solved and isn't much of an issue unless they get hot and heavy before Gina turns 18 which is impossible considering this is Disney. 🤣🤣
Jack and Gina will be plot device material and purely so sentimental to us OG Andi Mack fans. More than any ship, this is what I'm looking for. Sort of an Andi Mack crack ship for season 3a. It's gonna be soooo funny. 😍😂
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I respect everyone's ship. I see what you're seeing. And I'm not going to invalidate your ship. But unless it's done right, I won't jump from the Rina ship. I liked Rini. I like Portwell. I like AU Juffy crackship haha.😂 But as for me, I'm still holding on to Rina slowburn.
Preparing myself for the pain. 😭🔥
(But if I had to pair two characters without Disney getting in the way, it would be Gini. The power duo. Undeniable chemistry. They can be written so well because of their layered relationship and contrasting personalities.🤩 The classic rivals to friends to lovers. But that's a talk for another day lmao.)
Thanks for reading my opinion, Wildcat!🐱❤
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jinkicake · 2 years
You are absolutely right!!! I didn’t even think about how Barbados can rewind time👀👀 he pulls a giorno and rewinds your orgasm to have you do it over and over. It’s been like 4 hours and you’re close to blacking out he’s like 🥰🥰🥰⏮⏮and suddenly you’re ready to go again. The potential this man holds🌊🌊like honestly? It’s been shown he can use the time thing to bring different timelines together to he just has a threesome with you and another version of himself😩😩 also I completely forgot diavolo’s power is to manipulate the very fabric of reality ( bc that mf never uses it😡😡 want to see dia go apeshit and beat someone up!! Aren’t you sick of being nice??) So it will probably feel like an acid trip, like who’s dick is where?? Who knows but your getting your back blown out so you’re def not complaining. Both of them together would actually be deadly. Like no bc dia is a soft dom who had that cute facade that’s like “🥰 you look so good on your knees for me” and Barbados is a firm dom where he won’t tolerate any type of bratty behavior. Rip to him bc I’m a brat until I die, but he’s always ready to spank you at a moments notice and will always put you back in your place 😫😫 this game gon have me in a coma
(im sorry i went ghost mode TT)
YOUUUUU DID NOTTT JUST CONNECT BARBATOS TO GIORNO. YOURE LITERALLY THE SMARTEST PERSON IVE EVER MET IN MY LIFE, I'm speechless right now like your mind is so beautiful truly!!! DAMN, that's good... thats so GOOD T T why has no one written a barbatos smut like that? GENIUS LITERAL GENIUS IDEA I TELL YOU!!!! I need a shot.
I didn't even remember that Diavolo has powers i was always like 'yup he's strong as hell that's it!!!'.... we need a lesson where diavolo LOSES IT.
also, a threesome with diavolo and barbatos sounds like im already on my knees!!! that combination of soft dom and mean dom is such a perfect match.... it's a need!!!
I don't think I could name a better brat tamer than barbatos actually.... he has that title in a chokehold, wow.... wow literal chills we need more barbatos smut (whyamisayingthatlikeicantjustwriteitmyselflmfao)
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get-shiggy-with-it · 3 years
I want you to know it is your fault I started listening to the funky eldritch forest podcast and now I'm emotionally attached to the walker sisters and the witch queen and it's literally all because I just wanted to read some good quality shigaraki fanfiction. Thank you kindly, but also fuck you for sparking another hyperfixation at the start of exam seasons but also thank you.
listen that podcast has had me in a chokehold for over a year and it’s my duty to pass on the curse of amazing story narrations.
also there is talk of a potential old gods role playing game coming out from the creators and I’m gonna lose my shit when that comes out 👀👀👀
also also, if you’re interested my beloved @simultaneously-sick-and-calm has a man from the railroad!compress fic out that i will never emotion recover from
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railroad-migraine · 3 years
Yo Poet! Can I ask what your favorite video game is? Or if you don't have a favorite game then what type of show genres do you like
I always look forward towards your non writing posts, i just love then energy you give 😁
;^; I get so excited about non-writing-related asks, so the feeling is mutual 💜
Excuse me, lil rant incoming, so:
I love video games! I've grown up with rpgs, and I remember the first one I ever played was a Lord of the Rings one called The Third Age. Loved it when I was younger, and recently I tried to replay it for nostalgia but omg I got so impatient XD Good game for the time, but it can't compete with what's coming out these days.
Some games/game series that I've played and love are: Mass Effect, Dragon Age, Skyrim, Dishonored, Fable, Assassin's Creed, The Wolf Among Us, Portal 💙
I've watched playthroughs of games (without commentary cuz I don't like people talking over what's happening, I treat it like a movie), like Detroit Become Human and Resident Evil and stuff too. I can't wait to play Baldur's Gate 3 - Astarion has my heart in a chokehold heheh.
~ Poet
And my taste in shows varies! I'm mostly into fantasy tho. The Witcher is one of my faves, but The Mandalorian is easily at the top of my list too. I liked Vikings for a while, I'm watching Arcane and I'll be checking out Game of Thrones soon too (I know I'm late to it lol). I am also the type of person to binge The Office until I get sick of it, wait about a month, then get sucked in again lol 💚
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