#i'm a very simple and easily amused creature i'm afraid
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smaller-comfort · 5 months ago
Wip wednesday except a) it's monday and the passage of time is a subjective social construct and b) instead of a piece of actual writing, you get stupid background facts and ideas that haven't made it past the brainstorm phase. Brain is full of bees. Bees are not great at narrative or dialogue. Alas!
I'd do some sort of ask meme, maybe- give me a character and I'll give you a random fact that hasn't shown up in a story yet.
Here's some modern AU and miscellaneous necrons (tired old men, and monster boyfriends) to start.
Modern AU Aephorul has a t-shirt that says "I'm here to eat ass and chew bubblegum. And I'm all outta gum." Resh'an gave it to him for Christmas one year instead of getting him a new pair of booty shorts with ominous quotes on them.
He's not allowed to wear it out of the house ("Why did you give it to me, then?" "Because it reminded me of you. And I will treasure the look on your face when you opened that box until the day I die." The look on Aephorul's face was pure, unguarded delight, and he laughed until he cried.) But he has absolutely shown up in the background of Resh'an's zoom calls with it on when they both work from home. He's reached cryptid status among Resh'an's advisees, which he finds hilarious. Resh'an will vehemently deny that he's trying to encourage this behavior, but secretly he also thinks it's funny. (There's a whiteboard in the physics lounge with a tally of Aephorul sightings for the semester.)
Anyway this is what I'm writing instead of petplay. *facepalm* It's fine. I'm also stuck in a state of minor crisis over the fact that I'm inevitably going to give Aephorul a goddamn fursona. This is both largely unrelated to the petplay and also extremely embarrassing for me. *double facepalm*
Somewhere between Oltyx leaving on his suicide mission and Denet summoning the monoliths, Erraph basically tackles Parreg in a corridor in a fit of 'holy shit we're not dead yet but we're absolutely going to die soon so this is my last chance'.
Existential crisis aside, one of them has blood streaked across his necrodermis and of course Erraph is just as cursed as the rest of them. "If I'm going to lose myself, it might as well be at your side. Better here than anywhere else."
Parreg is barely holding his shit together at this point; the destruction of his home planet, the inevitable decline of his dynasty, even his own descent into madness- fine. Okay. At least he was going to die with dignity, and not fail his king any further. But surviving? While his king goes off to die? (And this is the second time the survivors of Sedh have watched Oltyx leave on a suicide mission. Once was understandable, and he was only nomarch at the time- but twice is a pattern, and a concerning one at that.)
I'm not writing any of this! I'm not. I have no desire to write the tragic confessions of a pair of despairing bureaucrats who have spent their eternity engaged in useless, senseless grousing. (They had a place and a purpose in necrontyr society- grain master and magistrate- but as necrons? Without purpose, without respect, without hope for anything but stagnation and madness? *foaming at the mouth*)
Nate Crowley, come here, I just wanna talk. In lieu of that, I will continue to be unhinged and unwell about these bitter old men, and maybe someone else will write it for me.
Okay, so I know we're all here for Anrakyr/Thaszar but I would like everyone to also perhaps contemplate Yenekh being sexy while he runs into Thaszar attempting to capture the aeldari battle cruiser he and his legions just boarded.
Alliances with flayers are uncomfortable at best for most necrons- but Thaszar is already a bit of a pariah in necron space, so it's not like this would make it any worse. It's a mutually beneficial relationship- the flayers are after a different sort of bounty, after all. (Oltyx is still skeptical but he isn't going to spoil Yenekh's fun. He decides to extract assurances that the Sarnekh forces will leave his people unharmed directly from Thaszar and then has to deal with the fact that oh no he's hot.)
Alternatively, Lysikor is lurking somewhere in the Sarnekh fleet- Thaszar's betrayal and overthrow of his dynasty is legendary. He could learn a lot from someone like that.
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scourge-lover · 1 year ago
An Old Friend
Part of my next chapter. Still working on it but this part is done!
Sapphire reunites with a dear friend from her childhood.
Adalger frantically stumbled through the brambles and branches of the thick unnatural forest. Despite his desperation, He was not fast enough to evade Arthas. Violent magic yanked Adalger within reach of Arthas. He dragged the man into a very large clearing in Thros. Sapphire followed behind, panting from keeping up with her father's larger stride.
The Huntsman was shoved to the ground. Before he could react, Arthas took one of his simple swords and thrust it through the man's thigh. Adalger screamed in agony. To Sapphire's awe, she realized the femoral artery had been skillfully avoided.
"We had a deal!" Adalger snarled defiantly.
Arthas stood triumphantly over the pathetic man, a sadistic smile on his face.
"Perhaps you should have done a little research into my history. If you had, you would have known that betrayal is very typical of me."
Nonchalantly, Arthas brushed off some of the bile and sap from killing wicker creatures. He then tried to wipe some off Sapphire, but she pulled away from him. When he shrugged and turned his attention back to the man, Sapphire wiped off the stuff herself. It still felt too awkward for her whenever Arthas showed parental care.
Arthas demanded. "Where is Ethan?"
Sapphire opened her mouth, but Adalger interrupted with a pained laugh.
"I'm not going to tell you. You think I've so easily broken?"
Before Arthas could start a more thorough interrogation, Sapphire tugged at his cloak.
"We don't need to ask him. Bolfr taught me a spell for finding. I only need fresh blood."
Arthas looked impressed. "Well why didn't you say so earlier?"
He did not waste any time pulling out a knife and grabbing Adalger's arm. One quick slash produced the fresh blood needed, to the Huntsman's increased discomfort. Sapphire soaked her fingers in blood and scrawled out the simple spell in the ground. Bolfr had been an excellent teacher.
"Think of Ethan and press your hand to the spell circle," Sapphire spoke clearly and decisively.
Arthas gestured to Adalger.
"You'll be alright here?"
After she nodded confidently, Arthas did as he was directly. The spell glowed cobalt blue and black. It condensed into a bloody orb that floated up a few feet up. It soon zipped off to where Ethan was.
As Arthas left, Adalger seemed to figure out what was going on. And this time, his amusement laugh rang throughout the woods.
"He's leaving me to you? The little brat? What are you going to do, little Kalma? Bite my ankles? Tell me what a bully I am?"
Sapphire casually clasped her hands behind her back, standing up straighter.
Her lips twitched into a smile. "Oh, me? I won't do anything to you."
Thud. Thud.
Adalger did not notice at first. He still was high from his misguided arrogance.
"Aww, are you going to forgive me like you forgave your daddy? Here, I'll say sorry even. I'm so sorry for being so mean to you," He chuckled darkly.
Thud. Thud.
Now he looked confused as he heard and even felt it. Sapphire bounced up and down with anticipation.
Thud. Thud.
"You see, I had to ask the new Lich King for a favor. Took him a little convincing but I really have missed my friend. He needed to be unthawed though, and that's why it took him so long to get here. I was afraid he wouldn't fit in the portal to Thros you made!"
Thud. Thud.
Sapphire did not need to see her friend appear from the mists behind her. She only needed to see the look on Adalger's face. The light drained from his eyes as he looked upon an incomprehensible horror. His mouth gaped. His very skin became a sickly pale green.
"Tiny Saphi! Where you been? Missed you! Patchwerk want to play!"
Sapphire turned and looked up at her towering friend with a genuine smile. The loose intestines hanging out of the abominations guts, and the pus stained stitchwork never bothered her. She was never deterred from Patchwerk's appearance.
"I've missed you too, Patch! Why don't we play with this man?"
The abomination's mouth widened into a greasy smile.
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thereallucifer666 · 2 years ago
"Thank you!" Lucifer said with a bright smile and a childish air to his tone. He took no ill meaning from her words, since both of them seemed to view Malcolm with the same favor. That is to say, none at all. He really was a weaselly man, hardly fit for the dignity of his station.
More than that, Lucifer liked her laugh. He'd seen her all the way from genuine bright smiles to near tears in a matter of days, and most emotions in between. Her being cross with him one of the most recent. But there was something special about her laugh. He had a feeling she hadn't had the opportunity to laugh much in a very long time.
Her touch was unexpected, but not unwelcome. His eyes closed on instinct as her fingers drew close to his face, feeling them thread through his hair and fix that stray lock back into place. He felt the rasp of the bandages on his forehead, and the heat from her fingertips and it was remarkably pleasant.
Laying his head down on the pillow he still held in his arms, head turned towards her, he smiled at her innocence. "That's the idealized outcome, sure. But usually it exists only in fairytales, I'm afraid. Out there, people marry for money or status and to one day birth children and begin the cycle all over again. But rarely for love."
Lucifer's smile joined hers when she shifted the conversation, amusing, "Yes, we men are simple creatures. It takes a lot more effort to leave a woman satisfied. A skill so few men actually have. Which, I suppose, is one of the reason so many women come to me."
He decided then he liked talking to her like this. It was...easy. He didn't feel he needed to put on a mask around her. Sure, she might not believe he is the Devil, but she somehow seemed to see more of him than people who did know who he really was. Conversation flowed easily, and he felt at peace talking with her.
Chloe's laughter arose a rush of endorphins to his brain, the light, happy sound making his neurons buzz with energy. He'd heard people laugh before, but never had it made him feel this. She was sublime when she laugh, her eyes lighting up like the sky and the apples of her cheeks tinging red from it all. He found he wanted to make her laugh more, just to hear the sound of it again and watch her face light up like that.
"Oh, dreadful! Can only imagine how his laundry smelled," Lucifer said, continuing their slander of her former employer. "That man looked like he was growing twelve different kind of fungi between his toes. I bet on the off-chance he wiped his own arse, it was a saving grace for whomever had to scrub his drawers."
Growing more comfortable with simply chatting with her, Lucifer loosened his posture considerably, making himself right at home on her bed. He kicked off his boots before moving to lay on his stomach, a pillow he'd plucked from the head of the bed held in his arms, semi-squashed under his chest. Not the picture of a posh gentleman at all.
At the question, Lucifer gave a snort and shook his head. "Heavens, no! I barely even got her first name. It's just part of the game, really. How I do things. You'd be surprised how many of the favors people want granted of me involve sex. Everyone is so repressed here in the city. I merely assist in letting off some steam once in a while."
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hetalia-reacts · 4 years ago
I'm kind of experimenting with Yandere, so I'm going to send you at least 2 Yandere asks. This is the first one. May I have Yandere 2p Allies and Axis that's Vampires and they're falling falling in love with reader. But the problem is, the Reader is a Werewolf..... a very powerful one ( One that can rival them, and it's very possible if the darling can dominant them ). But other than that, the Reader is like this Huge energetic innocent puppy that likes to tackle hug them.
God he’s in love with your personality
He wants you all to himself for the rest of time
But of course there’s an issue
1) you’re a werewolf and he’s a vampire, you’d never willingly go with him even if you do love him
And then there’s problem number 2) you’re incredibly strong for a werewolf and Al’s a little afraid you might be able to take him down if he tries anything funny
And though Allen doesn’t have to worry about you not loving him or leaving him, he can’t have you the way he really wants you since you’d definitely could send him into a late grave
Allen would definitely concede to the best of his abilities and not completely take you and lock you away from everyone
He’d definitely try some mind games on you though, and try to occupy your time as much as vampirically possible
And after some time he’d probably consider changing you or attempting to change you so you could be with him forever, even if it makes you hate him
He just can’t bare the thought of living without you
As yandere as he is Oliver has never truly considered locking you away
He’s not much of a fighter and every tactic he could use to get you and keep you would make him very unhappy to use
All of those plans include heavy drugs and poisons since you’re a werewolf and much stronger than he actually is
And he doesn’t much care for the idea of keeping you drugged and high since it might mean he’d never see you happily frolic or smile at him again
That is simply a sight Oliver cannot live without anymore
So he would never attempt to physically cage you, but he’d try to emotionally cage you
Always has an excuse to why he needs you home and why you can’t go out with your pack anymore or go hunting with them
Maybe sometimes gives small doses of drugs in food or drink so that your more complacent and easy to convince
Would regretfully drug you the day he decides to attempt to change you into a vampire/werewolf-vampire mix
He cant have you fighting back or saying no, that is the only day Oliver might get violent and super controlling towards you
He just needs you to stay with him forever so badly he wouldn’t mind shedding a bit of your blood
Oliver just gets so paranoid and scared one day you’ll never come back from seeing your pack so he has to do something, anything, that will keep you with him
As I’ve stated before Matt is a more lax and chill yandere
So he’d be more apt to just tell you he wants you home a lot and that he wants to spend forever with you
And with the fact that your incredibly strong even for a werewolf and could most definitely match him in a fight makes him a bit nervous to be sneaky with you
Tho he is confident he could take you, especially is Kuma(?) was around to help lock you up
Matt does psychologically mess with you
Just to make you more dependent on him and more likely to agree with him
He does this until he’s positive you’d agree immediately once asked if you want to become a vampire like him
He wants it to be as consensual as possible since he does love you and your innocent puppy personality and doesn’t want to corrupt it too much by having to physically force you while he changes you
Matt wants to keep you as authentic as he possibly can while keeping you all to himself
Absolutely hates this predicament
Out of everyone he could’ve easily loved it had to be an energetic, powerful werewolf that he couldn’t manipulate or overpower easily
Francois curses his bad luck in choosing a partner, but loves you never the less
Francois would end up coming up with an elaborate plan to lock you up after completely gaining your trust
Though he knows you love him, he knows you’re wary of him being a vampire even now
And he thinks your smart for being wary, but it honestly amuses him that him being a vampire should really be the least of your worries
He’d have you chained in only a few weeks after planning it out, keeping your shifting/breaking out at bay with drugs and strong silver bounds as well as keeping you far away from the moon and it’s light
Francois wouldn’t change you immediately
He honestly likes you being a werewolf and not soulless and hell-bound like him
But he might change his mind if you start getting more aggressive or show signs of breaking out
Francois can’t lose you, you make him feel happy even if you scream obscenities at him for locking you up
Honestly he gets kind of pissy when he thinks about this perdicament
He’s a vampire ffs and yet he hesitates to take you, a literal ball of sunshine and energy, all for himself because you’re scarily powerful and dangerous
It really rubs him the wrong way to think about it
Viktor is no coward, however, so he’s going to make a very calculated plan to get you all for himself
Once he gets you, he confines you as well as he can somewhere far away from your pack, possibly even gets rid of them if he has the time
Viktor is not likely to drug you, he’s not very fond of that unlike some of the others
He will torture you in anyway he sees fit, even if he loses his precious ball of sunshine in the process, to him it’s just an unfortunate but needed loss in his plan
He changes you very quickly
Him changing you breaks your ties to the pack, if they’re still alive, and makes you weaker and easier to deal with and keep
Viktor does love you, and that’s why he has to keep you like this for the rest of your lives
Zao is a simple man with a simple plan
He just gets relatively comfortable with you and then boom, druggy time
He doesn’t care if you don’t act like yourself anymore
To him it’s all the same and as long as he doesn’t have to deal with you in your super strong werewolf form he figures your personality is an acceptable loss
Zao really did love your sunshine personality tho so sometimes it does bum him out that he’ll never see you like that again
Probably didn’t consider changing you until wayyy after kidnapping you
I’m talking like a year or more before he realizes that’s a thing he could do
When he changes you nothing much changes
He notices you’re a bit weaker and more lethargic after the bite, but your about the same as before after a few weeks so he figures you’re perfectly fine and frozen in time like he is
So angry and vocal about the situation
Like why did you have to be the most perfect creature he’s ever seen? Why did you have to be so strong and clever?
So salty about it
Luciano would try to not lock you up, but the second someone looks at you the wrong way it’s to the basement with you and the death of whoever dared trying something with his darling
He’s not above drugging you but would prefer not to if you just behaved so he didn’t have to
Doesn’t consider changing you for a long time
Luciano is almost in love with the fact that you’re so fragile that the passage of time would make you weak
He’d eventually change you before you got really old because at the end of the day he realized he couldn’t live without you
Lutz is so in love with you but so frustrated with what you are
He’s strong, but lazy
He could match you, maybe even overpower you if he really tried, but it’s so frustrating that the one thing he wants doesn’t come with ease
If you’d’ve been any other creature, or god even better human, he would have no trouble stealing you away
But of course you were a werewolf who everyone loved and watched out for
Lutz would get so frustrated with himself and think himself into exhaustion many nights thinking of a no hassle way to get you home with him forever
Of course he finally does it while you’re sleeping thanks to some super strong sedatives he slipped you
He would consider changing you before you woke up or before the sedatives wore off just so everything would be so much easier on him and you’d be too high and out of it to ever really question him
So Lutz would naturally go with that plan, he bites you after settling you down in your forever prison
He does it out of possession more than needing you forever, Lutz just wants your pack and every other vampire and werewolf out there to know that your his forever
Kuro loves the idea of you more than he actually loves you
He loves the power and status he’d get from changing and keeping
Of course he still is madly in love with you, but he’s more so in love with his power fantasy
Kuro would love to just waltz in and take you, but even he can admit that he would barely match you in a fight and he certainly can’t take on you and the rest of your pack at the same time
So he lures you to his home as sweetly as he possibly can
There he quickly knocks you out and chains you away
He’s likely to play with you for a week or maybe even as long as a couple of months before he decides it’s no longer fun and just wants you to be his forever
Having some decency Kuro would attempt to ask you if you consented to being changed
If you said no or put up a fight he simply knock you out and do what needs to be done
If you agree you’re playing right into his sick little fantasy as he sees this as a sign that he’s completely tamed you now, both mentally and physically
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itsallabigmess · 4 years ago
The One With a Crimson Exchange
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Seasonal Series: Halloween
Jackson Wang X Female Reader
1.590 words
Warnings: It is perfectly fine to let yourself fall into temptation from time to time.
You watch him from the dark, amused at how your presence passed unnoticed for so long. Maybe walking on this earth for centuries could make a Vampire’s reflex slow. Or maybe it was the protection amulet you always carried around your neck.
He folded the sleeves of his black shirt up and opened a bottle of wine. “As much as I like to have a woman in my bed,” he said, pouring the dark liquid in one glass over the desk on the corner of the room, “I have no recollection of inviting someone over tonight.”
Ok. You were not as smooth as you thought you were.
No point in continuing in the shadows. With a simple hand wave, the room was lit up. “You should consider updating your security system,” you grinned, crossing your legs.
“People usually don’t try to enter my home without invitation. Especially your kind.”
It was not surprising that he knew who you were. Creatures are good at identifying one another. “My kind knows better than to associate with the ones like you.”
“And yet, here you are,” he moved towards you, a glass of wine in each hand. “What can I do for you, miss…”
“My name is not important,” you got up the bed when he got too close, walking in the opposite direction. As much as you trusted your amulet, you didn’t want to be near him more than necessary.
“You entered my house, unexpected and undesired.” he raised a brow, but there was a little twitch on the corner of his mouth. “And by being here, you know my name. I don’t like being at disadvantage.”
“Something I'm sure doesn’t happen often,” you turned on your heels, holding your wrists behind your back. He raised a glass in your direction and drank the liquid in one sip. You smiled, amused. “Mr. Wang, I’m here because -”
“Jackson, please,” he smiled, drinking from the other glass and sitting on his bed.
Ignoring his request, you turned your back on him, moving closer to the bookshelves that filled the wall. “Mr. Wang, I'm here because I need something only you can provide me.” You turned on your heels again, leaning against the shelves. “I need your blood.”
Jackson’s eyes narrowed but, surprisingly, he remained quiet.
“In exchange for that, I can offer you a small dose of my own blood. I know vampires are always trying to get a hold of witch blood.”
“It does have the most singular taste,” Jackson nodded. “But witch blood can be poisonous for us if it’s not given willingly.”
Over the years, vampires learned that the best way to a slow, painful death was through the taste of blood forcibly taken from a witch. Even if said witch offered it under a vampire's charm.
“I will give you mine in good faith, only in exchange for yours. No tricks. You have my word.”
He kept quiet for a minute, walking across the room with his head down, thinking. “I don’t want your blood,” he finally said, a few steps away from you. “But I will give you mine in exchange for something else.”
You frowned, puzzled. Her own blood is a witch’s most valuable possession. It was desired by all sorts of creatures, as it was believed once you consumed it, you could acquire the witch’s power for a limited time. Not that many had survived after tasting it confirm the veracity of old tales. “What do you want, then?” you asked. “A spell? A relic?”
“A kiss.”
“A kiss?”
“Just a kiss,” Jackson smiled, but there was no malice that you could sense in his words. At least not that kind of malice you would expect from someone who wants to cause you harm. He gave a step in your direction, and then another. “It’s my price, witch. A taste of your lips for my blood.”
He was not asking questions or making threats. Which only increased your suspicion. But you came to his place for a reason, and with the protection necessary hanging on your neck, he would not be able to hurt you, no matter how hard he tried. You were not leaving without his blood.
“You can take my blood first,” he gave another step closer, stretching his arms towards you.
You held his pulse and puled him to his desk, making him sit on the leather chair. Jackson watched you curiously as you lifted the fabric of your dress over your thigh, giving view to a dagger strapped against your skin.
“What would you have done if I refused to this?” he asked. “Would you put a spell on me? Threaten to rip my heart out of my chest? I know you are capable of such.”
You shook your head, taking a small glass jar from on of your pockets. “Your blood is also useless to me unless it is offered.” You glanced up, meeting his round eyes for an instant. “I’m sure I would be able to charm you in some way.”
“Yes. I believe you would.”
“Right arm, please,” you asked, ignoring the sultriness in his voice. You could easily see the blue veins in his pulse. You just need to cut a straight line and let the blood flow until the jar is full. Then why your heart started to get so agitated?
“You have to keep the blade inside the cut,” Jackson said, “Otherwise it will close fast. Here,” he touched your hand, taking the dagger from you. “Hold the jar, I will do it.”
Jackson’s eyes were on you the whole time as the blood poured out of him. The room started to smell like old metal, and you became slightly dizzy. You wondered if that’s how he felt like when drinking blood.
When the jar was full, he lowered the dagger and in a blink, the cut was nothing more than a thin line on his pale skin. Jackson left you alone in the room for a minute, taking the dagger with him and bringing it back clean. He sat back on his chair and watched as you wrapped the jar in a velvety cloth, and making it disappear in a pockets of your dress.
“So, I suppose it’s your turn.”
“Indeed,” Jackson said but instead of getting up, he pulled you by the wrist, making you fall over his lap. His fingers slid up your arm, leaving a trail of snowflakes over your skin. His eyes stopped over your neckless before traveling over the lines of your face. “I’m not going to hurt you,” his husky voice pulsated against your neck, and you shivered with the feeling of his mouth gliding up towards your lips.
It was supposed to be one kiss. One single kiss. But his lips moved so gently and surprisingly warm against you, that you could not suppress the hunger rising inside your chest.
That was the danger of vampires. How they could seduce anyone before taking their lives, and if you really let yourself go, not even your amulet would be enough to protect you.
But Jackson tasted so, so good.
He held you by the waist and got up the chair, making you sit over the desk. He might not want your blood, but he sure desired your body, his fingers squeezing your thighs enough to leave a mark.
You got what you came for, you told yourself. You paid the price. You must leave.
Jackson stopped kissing you when he felt the dagger's blade being pressed against his neck. He smirked at your swollen lips and closed his hand around yours, dragging the dagger lower. “If you are going to hurt me,” he said, eyes black and dangerous. “Point it here.” He placed the tip of the dagger over his heart. “I will be dead in a second.”
You could not lie; you felt the temptation of pushing the dagger against him. Many like him have done enough harm to your kind. But even now, when you were certain he could savage you if he wanted to, you had no interest in harming him. So, you pulled the dagger back, placing it again on the strap on your thigh.
Jackson gave two steps back, hands brushing back his hair, his expression changing, and if he also had just noticed what you both were doing, but fixing his posture immediately, hands going inside the pockets of his pants.
“I can arrange for someone to take you back home safely,” he suggested.
“That won’t be necessary,” you slid out of the desk, checking if the jar was still safely inside your pocket.
“Left your boom somewhere close, I see,” he smirked, but when you didn’t react, he said, “It’s a very noble reason to risk your life. Unfortunately, I’m afraid it was in vain.”
You only understood what he meant after he gestured to his lips, and copied the movement, a single drop of blood, your blood, coming from your lower lip. He got a taste of your blood after all. And if your guard down, he knew why you needed his: how the healing powers on his DNA could save someone you cared about.
You turned your back on him and walked out of his bedroom. It was going to work. It had to. His blood was his last hope.
“Good night, Y/N.” Jackson said, from the door, and you stepped down the dark corridor. “If you need more, know that you are always welcomed here.”
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