#i'm a master grudge holder
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lifeisabitch-butimcute · 11 hours ago
ohhh I’m here for the ask game!! 21 and 26!
hiyaaaa of course!
21. something you've kept since childhood?
i could give a mental illness answer but that's predictable....i have a stuffed pink and white dog that i've had since i was a child - took it to college with me and now it lives in my apartment <3 it's my only unnamed stuffed animal!
26. a scenario you've replayed multiple times?
oh boy. i'm a big "laying awake at night and replaying all my worst/greatest hits" so i don't really have a single one to reference 😅 i work in customer service so usually if there's an argument that riles me up that's what i'm thinking about - all the ways they were wrong and the many different ways i could've told them that if i didn't care about getting fired LOL
weirder asks
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actiongrrl · 9 months ago
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−−−¨༺ It felt more like she was back in the Bay Area than at home. Slowly, she was making her way to the tide pools, low-key splashing and shuffling forward as she did. Despite everything that had happened, despite some of the light animosity between them (Admittedly on Sam's part more than anything) it was nice to spend time with Josh. If she let herself, she could easily forget that shit had blown up between them and she could slip back into how things used to be. But, unfortunately, Sam was a master level grudge holder. And despite this being an understandable grudge to hold (In her mind, and logically to every one else.
−−− But she said it more absent-mindedly than anything because it did feel like old times. Minus the tension, of course. She also partially said it because there was no one else to confide in. Sam didn't tell these sorts of things to her father, not to her brother, and definitely not to the therapist she was being forced to talk to. "I can relate," she answered, agreeing with his sentiment as she bent over to pick up a seashell. She silently inspected it turning it over and over in her hand before placing it in her pocket. "I feel like I'm too different to actually be a part of society, sometimes. But if I said that, I'd be over-dramatic." The blonde opened her mouth to say something else but stopped in her tracks and turned to look at Josh with raised eyebrow. "Did you just quote the song from Sky High?"
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➠ @actiongrrl asked: “ when i’m in a crowd i just want to melt away and yet, when i’m alone it’s somehow worse. ”
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.·:*¨ ✘★✘ ¨*:·.  It was June and the La Jolla beach weather was giving good reason to the nickname of June Gloom. Gray clouds overhead blocked out much of the sun and the sea breeze chilled everything to the balmy low sixties. Not the coldest, but still not the thought that 'SoCal Summer' usually conjured up. In Josh's opinion it was perfect. Especially for the topic he and Sam had gotten themselves on. As they walked along the rocky shore towards the tide pools, Josh found solace in the peace that Sam always seemed to emanate.
He turned blue eyes on her, thinking on her words with care. It wasn't like Sam to be so vulnerable, but it meant more than he'd admit that she felt comfortable enough to confide in him. There was a time when they spoke this easily often, but that felt so long ago now. "I get it. Sometimes, I feel like this world isn't even real. Like... I'm out of place in it no matter where I am." Only then was he struck with familiar lyrics and decided to give in, hoping to see her smile. When he spoke, though, his voice was even, not giving away the melody at all, just to see if she'd notice. "But I hope you, I'd stop the world and melt with you."
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sebloswolfstar · 3 years ago
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I posted 327 times in 2021
97 posts created (30%)
230 posts reblogged (70%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 2.4 posts.
I added 328 tags in 2021
#seblos - 90 posts
#hsmtmts - 87 posts
#hsmtmts seblos - 36 posts
#seblos fic - 34 posts
#rodfini - 19 posts
#joe serafini - 17 posts
#frankie rodriguez - 15 posts
#carlos rodriguez - 10 posts
#hsmtmts season 2 - 10 posts
#redlyn - 10 posts
Longest Tag: 136 characters
#as soon as i became a fan i got to know he was bi and ya know what? as a pansexual i love to hear it because people do tend to talk shit
My Top Posts in 2021
The people of the Marauders Era as their Zodiac stereotypes (+giving zodiac signs to those that we don’t know the birthday to) ~Based on personal opinion
James Potter
Risk-taker (Pranks)
Stubborn (Stood his ground)
Impulsive (You know he was)
At times, arrogant (Lily: Arrogant toerag)
Young at heart (100%)
Optimistic (At least as a kid)
Impatient (5£ betting he had ADHD)
Generous friend (DO I EVEN NEED TO EXPLAIN?!)
He is literally the stereotypical Aries
Sirius Black Lupin
Secretive and private (Probably took some time for him to share about his family life
Loyal (He is a dog)
Distrustful (He doesn’t trust absolutely everyone, and for good reason)
Passionate (He could’ve had the middle name passion. It wouldn’t surprise me)
Mysterious (It’s the “bad boy” attitude. In reality he is Remus’ good boy and we all know it)
Lily Evans Potter
Rational (Prefect and head girl)
Clever (She was said to be quite smart)
Independent (L e a d e r)
A loyal friend (Without a doubt)
Remus Lupin
Make great partners (FIGHT ME)
Caring (He cared so much for his friends and for Harry)
Really creative (THE P R A N K S)
Selfless (Are you? Are you gonna tell me that? Remus Lupin? Is not selfless?)
Hopeless romantics (I don’t know, I can just imagine him reading romance novels a lot... but that doesn’t mean he thinks he’ll find love or that anyone will ever love him)
Introspective (He is very thoughtful about his own feelings and thoughts. Don’t deny it, you know it’s true)
Peter Pettigrew
Hate confrontations
Don’t like emotions
Huge grudge holders
Conflict makes them nervous
Regulus Black
Very clean
Marlene McKinnon
Generous and giving
Dorcas Meadows
Motivated by success
Mary Macdonald
Strong sense of community
Motivated by feeling
45 notes • Posted 2021-03-20 18:35:07 GMT
I can't wait for the time when I'm like a "proper" adult with a degree and a proper job and a house and all that stuff, but then we get the news of like Joe and Frankie getting married or something that makes me happy cry and I'm gonna sit there like
"I've got a bachelor/masters degree, and I'm sobbing over a couple that met on a Mickey Mouse show, what kind of life have I've been living?"
47 notes • Posted 2021-07-29 15:53:12 GMT
Carlos talking about Seb: Sir, this my emotional support angel and soulmate
49 notes • Posted 2021-06-23 00:01:40 GMT
I just think
Ashlyn and Nini teaming up for Seblos' wedding and making a whole video of pictures and clips of them over the years
50 notes • Posted 2021-08-09 19:42:03 GMT
Had James and Lily not died
Baby Harry: *playing with daddy James and uncle Sirius in the garden whilst mummy Lily and uncle Remus are cooking in the kitchen*
Baby Harry: *getting tired after some time, but he doesn't want to leave, so daddy James and uncle Sirius takes him into the living room*
Uncle Sirius: *turns into Padfoot*
Daddy James: *puts baby Harry down*
Baby Harry: *crawls on top of Padfoot and falls asleep, cuddled into the fur*
*After some time, dinner is ready*
Daddy James: *wakes up baby Harry*
Baby Harry: *looks up at his dad* Dada *smiles the Potter smile*
Daddy James: *beams with pride and gets baby Harry to his mummy for food*
52 notes • Posted 2021-03-18 10:38:09 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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lalka-laski · 3 years ago
Do you put effort into getting tan during the summer? No, but I put considerable effort into not getting burned...
Have any summer homework? I've been out of school for years
Are you a fairly self-motivated person? Absolutely not. I need to be pushed and prodded to get most things done.
What’s your favorite book series? I was never much into series and always preferred standalone books. As a kid I liked the Dear America and Little House on the Prairie collections though.
What’s your favorite thing to do if you’re out on a lake? Laying out with a book and a beverage, then going for a dip. Rinse and repeat all day and night.
Do you take offense when people use the words “gay” or “retarded”? Yeah, but I don't know many people who speak that way anyways
What type of food do you know how to cook? I'm best at cozy, comfort food!
Do you make your passwords so tricky to remember that you forget them? No way. I have only a few combinations of words and numbers that I recycle for almost everything
Cautious or reckless driver? I don't drive but if I did, I'm sure I'd be extra cautious
What’s a subject you’re sick of people debating about? I don't like debates, period
Are you one to take naps? Too often
What’s something you wish they’d build in your neighborhood? I'd love a bar within closer walking distance
What’s your favorite website, excluding social networking sites? Reddit
What hair product do you use the most? Just shampoo & conditioner
Do you usually keep ponytail holders around your wrist? Nope, I can't stand the look and feel of them
Sunny D or orange juice? Orange juice... for mimosas...
What’s your favorite food to get at a carnival? Cheese fries and a big ol' lemonade! Do you actually use e-mail? For work. And I have a personal email that's mostly just used for spam & coupons
Can you snap out of a bad mood fast? I wish
Holding any grudges? Nope, I don't think?
What do you order to drink when you go out to eat? It depends entirely on where I am/what time of day it is.
How can a person tell if you’re mad or annoyed? I'm pretty easy to read so it's not hard
What’s your favorite energy drink? I'll stick with coffee, thank you
Have you ever ingested caffeine in the name of getting homework done? Of course
Are you good at coming up with gift ideas for others? YES! I'm a master gift-giver, if I do say so myself (and many people in my life agree, so...)
Do you have a pair of jeans with holes in them? Yeah
Where’s your favorite purse from? Plato's Closet
What about your sunglasses? Uh.. I have dozens of pairs
How is your ego? Normal, I'd say?
Do you keep lint rollers around the house? Nope
What’s something you enjoy that’s outside your age level? Most of the shows and movies I watch are a little below my age group. Ok, maybe a lot below...
Is your curfew flexible, if you have one? I'm 29
Do you have a weak stomach? Kinda
Where do you like sitting best on a roller coaster? I don't like rollercoasters anymore
Are you usually the person comforting, or the person being comforted? Honestly, an even mix of both.
Do you actually use the camera on your phone? Of course
Tennis shoes or flats? Barefoot, if I can help it
Are you a good planner or do you settle for spontaneity? I prefer to plan things. I like being prepared.
What do you do to pass the time when you’re a passenger on a long car journey? Read, listen to music, chat, play road trip games etc etc...
When your friends come and hang out at your house, what do you get up to? Usually just drink & chat
Does it annoy you when surveys ask questions about controversial topics, or do you like arguing your point? Sometimes just because I don't like getting into heavy topics. I prefer casual questions.
How often would you say you updated your Facebook status? I don't do that anymore
Do you think there’s a specific age when it’s no longer acceptable to be living with your parents? Not really
Girls - if you got pregnant now, would you keep it? Guys - what would your reaction be if your girlfriend fell pregnant? Yes, we would.
Do you think it’s ignorant for people to have unprotected sex when they’re not ready for a child? Yeah
Are there any specific piercings you would never, ever get done? Any and all piercings
What’s your favourite non-animated Disney film? Lizzie McGuire Movie!
It’s pouring with rain and you don’t have anywhere you need to be - how do you spend your day? Reading and cozying up under blankets!
How often do your family go out for meals? Glenn & I grab casual, fast food usually once a week. We don't go out for a proper dinner as often as I'd like though.
Assuming you had sufficient funds, would you be capable of living alone, paying bills and looking after yourself properly? I have done that
What were your favourite things to do as a child? Reading, writing & illustrating stories, riding my bike
Are you happy to spend time being single, or are you one of those people who jumps from relationship to relationship? I spent a lot more time single than in relationships
If you were shopping with your best friend, and they picked an outfit that was completely unflattering, would you tell them? Yeah, although I'd word it gently
Do you find it easy to open up to people about your past? Somewhat
If you’re out in the middle of nowhere and need the toilet, do you try and hold it in or just go behind a bush somewhere? I'll go behind a bush, I don't care
Do you prefer using air-con or having the windows down when you’re driving on a hot day? AC, just because the wind messes up my hair
Can you ever manage to finish three courses when you go out to eat at restaurants? Usually not, especially if alcohol is involved
What would you say your favourite farm animal is? GOATS!
How do you react when someone you’re friends with has a bad attitude? Uh, it really depends on the situation and if their attitude is justified
Are you comfortable going shopping or to the movies with your parents? Yeah
Do you have a favourite movie soundtrack? The Little Mermaid or The Lion King
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luxnovalibra · 8 years ago
I'm not a believer in Aries compatibility with Libra, for myself anyways. Do you have any pairings for Libra you think are overlooked/different than Aries?
This is based on the signs as I’ve known them personally:
Aries taught me about being passionate. Aries let me vent and rant and get angry. They never told me to bottle up my emotions, they created a space where I could feel comfortable expressing the feelings I hid from everyone else. We could be bitter and grudge holders and mad at the world. Taurus reminds me I can be comfortable, that I can dress in sweatpants hair up and not give any craps about what anyone thinks. Taurus lets me know it’s ok to be tired, to be up late, and to sleep in. Taurus is grounding energy that calms me down when I get too stressed out. Taurus wants to provide. Taurus always insists on paying for food, gas, movie tickets, etc. Taurus can be very accommodating and wants you to feel at ease with them. Gemini is that manic pixie dream girl. Gemini is giggles and random thoughts and quirks. Gemini lets me be silly and lighthearted. Gemini smiles first in the hopes that you’ll smile back. Cancer is the happiness you didn’t realize was right in front of you. Cancer is the sort of banter, familiar connection, and humor I’d never shared with anyone else before. Cancer reminds me not to be too naive and to appreciate the moment we are living in. Leo teaches me how to be bold. Leo encourages dressing well, and taking pride in oneself. Leo reminds us to laugh, stay up late, and get into trouble. Virgo guides me into the right decision. They let me know when I’ve done well and when I haven’t. Virgo feeds me information and wants me to stand my ground. Libra reminds me that there is so much beauty around us, more than we will ever realize. Libra is grace, making friends, and being adaptable. Scorpio encourages me to take charge, to look inward for validation, and to embrace the mysterious. Sagittarius is chasing dreams, wanting me to be more impulsive. Sags search for fulfillment, for grand things. Capricorn encourages me to work hard, that if I want something then I should go get it and not wait around wishing all day. Aquarius is late night conversations, the idea master, the free thinker, the person you can dare to say anything to and not be pushed away. Pisces is seeking beauty in simpler things like pretty fall leaves or cute puppies. Pisces seeks to comfort, to share, and to relate. Pisces reminds me to be thoughtful and considerate.
I believe any sign can be compatible. As far as Libra x Aries goes, I think personally I would want a very developed Aries, with maybe earth or air influence to balance them out. I fear an underdeveloped Aries would walk all over Libra.
Wow I got carried away with that response!! lol for a more casual answer I enjoy Libra x Gemini, Libra x Scorpio, Libra x Sag, and Libra x Aqua
Each of those I feel has enough similarities to Libra to avoid massive disharmony but enough differences that the relationship is dynamic.
Hope that helps!!! :)
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black-queen-rising · 9 months ago
Rhaenyra listened as Rohanne spoke, the explanation was as polite as it was expected, and everything about her demeanor spoke of the same noble birth as her surname. The Princess-Hand had done what she could to at least gather information about the women with whom Lord Dalton shared children. The willing status of the Lord Paramount of the Iron Island's few Essosi paramours, salt wives, were easy to verify through Daemon's contacts on the continent. But finding evidence of similarly consenting agreements meant sifting through long held grudges and longer held shame in their own Kigndom, not to mention the simple tendency for poor record keeping amongst the small folk and gossip turning into fact amongst all. Children, however, were complicated, children were something to get back, and equally a reason to stay.
What Rhaenyra learned of the five women who shared the Lord Greyjoy's children encouraged her further, as did all she gathered on the six Pykes themselves, and after spending nearly forty years learning every intricacy of running a court to its most minute level she knew the signs of a woman who's lived under the thumb of a violent man for twenty years. Rohanne would have had to be the greatest actress to ever live for half of the rumors about Dalton to hold water. She can't help but gain a small smile at Toron's interruption, he was Jace's age, with the same puppy dog brown eyes, and though he'd clearly lived a rougher, wilder life than her princes, the earnestness of his confession was theirs too.
"Well, then I'm happy to inform you you've beat three of my own boys in that regard. In fairness, Lady Baela hit the older two first, and the youngest is only eight." She laughed softly before adding, "Your Lord Father is right, though, best not to interrupt when a Lady is speaking."
Once the conversation continued, and Dalton in short order made his request, a plan began to coalesce in Rhaenyra's mind in a matter of seconds. She could not say she trusted Dalton's words nor his motives, but her opinion of him had been improving since he'd arrived, and had improved just in the span of this meeting. More importantly, much more importantly, Dalton wanted something from her and she had agendas the Lord was blissfully unaware he was perfectly primed to further. The most immediate of these was the position of Master of Ships, the current holder of the position, Ser Tyland, was loyal neither to herself, nor the Queen, and certainly not her King-Father—at times she suspected he wasn't even loyal to his own House—but only to himself. She would've given the seat to Lord Corlys, but he made it clear he wanted to be named Master of Coin, and Dalton served is exactly the kind of man she needed to mend the misalignment. A much broader, more sweeping, and important agenda Rhaenyra held, however, was easing The Faith's stranglehold on The Crown, her family, and the Kingdom, and making true efforts to rebuff their nonsensical insistence to dominate the lives every person on the continent. She may enact laws and collect taxes but at least The Crown wasn't trying to dictate its citizens own thoughts.
The Princess-Hand was silent for an appropriate amount of time to appear as though she was weighing true considerations, then nodded, folding her hands in front of her. "Declaring Toron here legitimate is well within your rights, my Lord. You are already forty, correct? House Greyjoy needs an heir, he is your eldest, raised under your own roof, and a man grown," She smiles once more in Toron's direction, "And seems to have grown into a fine one at that.
"As for your younger children, it would be unusual, but not unheard of, to grant them the same. So, I believe we are in a position where we might provide each other some mutual assistance. I shall name all six of your children legitimate, as a show of good faith you will give a gift of the same number of ships from the Greyjoy fleet to the Royal Navy, and in return, on my ascension I shall name you Master of Ships on my new Small Council. Further, with your position as apart of The Court, when you are here, your children who are still underage will accompany you, that would be your two youngest girls, if I'm not mistaken? Your older children are welcome to accompany you as well whenever they wish, to be sure. The young ladies may join in companionship with my own children, and the rest of their peers at court, to remain under your household and their mother's care, of course, you may ask anyone in this Keep I am leery of wardship on my best day. We must foster bonds for the future, Lord Dalton, isolationism cannot be the only way to preserve our cultures."
Rhaenyra's gaze focused on only him then, its sincerity conveying something her tone could not while remaining steady. "I can assure you, my Lord, you are not the only one who holds deep concern for preserving precious, if at times unpopular traditions. So, let us combine my legal powers with your naval expertise and foster new bonds in our generation and for the next."
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King's Landing, 129 AC
With: @black-queen-rising
Dalton loved the ocean, he could stay in his "Raven" for weeks with no land in sight and enjoy every second of it. When the news of the King's funeral arrived at Pyke, he smiled at the opportunity to take a voyage and leave the land once again.
In the weeks of the journey he felt really productive: he managed a marriage, an alliance and a visit to his in-laws at Lys. Illiria was delighted to see her parents and siblings and Dalton let some time pass so the Dornish would arrive at King's Landing before them.
But his fleet was too experienced and way faster than he expected, so they arrived at the same time, barely separated from the Dornish.
« If it's a genuine coincidence, then it shouldn't be suspicious, right? »
From his twenty two wives, Dalton arrived with twenty of them. Bella Mormont was chilling in Bear Island and Shireen Connington stayed at Pyke with his sisters.
He knew better than to show up with all twenty of them. He wasn't ashamed of his marriages, but the people of King's Landing would probably faint if they saw his wives at the same time.
So he decided to greet the Crown Princess in the company of his third wife and mother of his heir: Rohanne Lannister. Their son Toron was also forced to come with them.
They arrived at the Hand's tower. All of them dress formally, Johanne insisted they look properly. Dalton dressed his usual black leathers and Kraken themed jewellery, Toron followed his style but less dramatically than him and Johanne dressed in a golden dress, accompanied by sapphires.
— A pleasure to see you, Princess. — The three of them bowed and Dalton internally celebrated that his son made it properly. Dalton hadn't seen the Princess since the ceremony where she was named heir, but he could see the « Realm's Delight » was still as charming as he remembered.
Dalton looked at the princess with pride in his eyes. He wished for the power the Targaryens had and would obtain it one way or another.
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