#i'm a coward
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probablyday · 2 years ago
millennial nerd woosterposting part 2 act 1 act 1
previous woosterposting: millennial nerd bertie wooster for some reason
i took 8d6 damage writing this and now i deal 8d6 psychic damage to you
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Selections from J33V3S 1S TH1S YOU, which does not and should not exist oh god it hurts just to type it
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chiefcroissantdeanbanana · 3 months ago
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Alright, time for my mandatory parkour check, sighs let’s get this over with. door opens You’re late, you know the deal, you can do the one block jump for the raw chicken, or you can attempt the one block vertical jump for the beef. Here in Parkour Civilization, no one chooses to jump for the beef. It’s better to be safe and do the one block jump for the chicken rather than risk your entire life for just half a hunger bar more. Tomorrow, you better not be late, or you’ll be doing 2-block jumps as punishment. Yes Sir, sorry, I won’t be late next time. Down here, us Parkour Noobs only get fed once a day. One piece of raw chicken is just enough to get you to the next day. But, that’s the life of Parkour Civilization. If you want to survive, you have to parkour. Every Parkour Noob has the same goal, and that’s to make it to the top layer where all the Parkour Pros live, except most Parkour Pros are born on the top layer. If you’re a Parkour Noob, there’s only one way up, and that is through the Temple of Parkour. The Temple of Parkour is the only structure in the world that combines the bottom layer to the top layer. To make it up, you have to do an impossibly hard parkour course that no parkour noob has ever completed, and thats assuming you even get the chance to complete the course. The inside of the temple is protected by a barrier, and the only way a Parkour Noob gets past the barrier is if they’ve earned a ticket. I’ve never even tried getting a ticket before, but if I’m going to rank up to a Parkour Pro one day, I’m going to have to. In my neighborhood, pretty much everyone has fallen into the Void and died, except for the guy who lives right next to me. He’s been my neighbour for five years! neighbour attempts the vertical jump for the beef and falls into the void vine boom NO! WHY DID HE TRY GOING FOR THE BEEF!?!?!? Well, I guess I have to change my statement; I now live in this neighbourhood alone. In Parkour Civilization, only Parkour Pros are allowed to break or place blocks. For Parkour Noobs, it’s strictly prohibited, and unfortunately, I found that out the hard way. A while ago, I was searching around and I somehow stumbled upon an oak log. No one has seen an oak log in years since trees don’t exist in Parkour Civilization, so I had to try to take it. “Stop right now!” Oh no, I’m done for. You really thought you could break that without me noticing? What, were you going to try to cheat parkour? No, Sir, I didn’t try to cheat. I just thought it would be super rare and I wanted to collect it. Stop talking, give me two jumps now. Two jumps in a row!? Okay, sorry Sir, I’ll do it right now. You know what? You seem a little too happy about two; let’s make it three. O-okay, I’ll do three. You know what? Now let’s make it four jumps in a row. Ah, four in a row?? Come on. does his punishment while talking In Parkour Civilization, it should be no surprise that all punishments were just more forms of parkour, and that was the last time I ever tried breaking a block. You’re lucky you got a light punishment. Don’t forget, you’re at the bottom, so follow the rules. It’s safe to say that if you’re at the bottom level of Parkour Civilization, it’s not exactly the best.
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transparent version! I like using this when I feel dead inside. also. I headcanon that when evbo does feel like shit his eyes turn black and he's just. a quiet staring creepy person until he regains his positivity back again, because relatable
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sheespi · 3 months ago
I stopped reading ahb just when the heist was about to start bc I know what will happen and mental health matters guys
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tameable50 · 5 months ago
Me: I love all things spooky! Also me when I see a party clown: AAAAAAHHHHHHGGGGGG!!!!!
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biosillystims · 1 year ago
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Stimboard of They Might Be Giants, requested by @dingleberry940, enjoy! (Sorry for the wait)
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i didnt really know what to put in this stimboard since it wasnt clarified so i just tried to capture how i envision the colors and music
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sensoryserenity · 2 years ago
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"I'm a Coward" | They Might Be Giants on YouTube
[Part 4/4]
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bluespacestarssssss · 2 months ago
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every time...
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probablyin-bed · 2 years ago
waaahhhh I rlly wanna try writing but I don't want to embarrass myself especially when the writers who I follow on here are so ridiculously talented like why would I even try ?????
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daydreamsia · 10 months ago
I share so many of my ideas and plans for my Winx rewrite, meanwhile i've been awfully quiet when it comes to my Twilight rewrite altho that thing has been planned out for the past six months.
Every other day i think about starting to write those damn 2 stories, but i'm a little to afraid to write in english. Up until now i only wrote fanfics in german or translated others.
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sophieswundergarten · 2 years ago
Uhhh respectfully with regards to your post complaining about how Susan is said to be bad at school, please be aware that you basically saying that Susan being bad at school = they say Susan is stupid. There are LOTS of reasons why very intelligent people are bad at school. Including but not limited to learning disabilities like dyslexia, neurodivergencies like ADHD, PTSD, etc. It's ableist to equate "bad at school" to "stupid" so please just be aware of that for the future! Thanks so much! I really loved everything in that post of yours except that one thing that made me kind of uncomfortable and I thought you probably didn't know so thought I should let you know.
Thank you for your concern, Anon! I really appreciate how politely you worded this instead of outright yelling at me.
The irony of this situation is that my sibling and I actually have struggled with school over the years due to various neurodivergences/disabilities like dyslexia, dyscalculia, and OCD tendencies. And I am incredibly insecure about this!! Because I am very new to actually being a part of a community where I can talk about this stuff, and I have worked really hard to hide all of those things my whole life.
I almost went in another direction with the post, and suggested different things Susan may have struggled with, because I wholeheartedly believe she was NOT stupid. But my own anxiety took command there.
My initial idea was that the teachers and adults who were observing her from the outside wouldn't have recognized the reasons she was "no good at school". Either because they didn't have the context of what happened in Narnia, because she worked hard at hiding it because she felt the pressure to be a "good girl", or just because in that timeframe people didn't know about as much about learning disabilities!
Because the idea behind that post was about how the people in England/"our world" misunderstood Susan, and how she had to decide between playing the part people expected of her (Which may have included being pretty over smart) and choosing to be herself.
But, as I said, I chickened out and kind of skimmed over the topic. I didn't mean to imply anything, and I'm sorry for how that may have come off.
Thank you for pointing that out to me, because I hadn't realized how my own nervousness about speaking to something I deal with can come off as ableist or insensitive. The line between being honest and objective and sounding like I'm complaining or begging for attention is something I am incredibly wary of, and I don't have a lot of experience with conducting myself correctly around this topic.
Once again, I really appreciate how kindly you mentioned this and explained it to me. I will work to be aware of this and be more careful in the future.
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i-drop-level-one-loot · 1 year ago
That was a big one I am so sorry omg. Also I'm sorry for being a coward and only using anonymous :')
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Actual image of me browsing incognito:
Lmao, as a nervous wreck I completely understand ❤️ there's a reason why I don't have my real name attached to this blog, and I don't have my Likes visible ❤️
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doodle17 · 2 years ago
"Wait wait wait, Garten of banban 2 scared you? What are you some kind of baby-"
Yes. I am the biggest coward you will EVER meet. I am so easily scared it ain't even funny. Like, I find baldis basics and granny scary just leave me alone
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idliketobeatree · 1 year ago
i have something to say about crowley's and aziraphale's respective choices in ice cream during the body swap but i run this blog under my own name and. i simply shan't
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sensoryserenity · 2 years ago
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"I'm a Coward" | They Might Be Giants on YouTube
[Part 3/4]
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aerithstrelitzia · 1 year ago
do I plan on making a TC oc that may or may not be kinda self-insert-y to ship with Derek? yes absolutely
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spring-souls · 1 year ago
people of the Amazing Digital Circus fandom
I have a question
I want to watch this show but don't do well around horror and/or heavy psychological distress
should I avoid watching this supposedly fantastic piece of media
that is all
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