#i'm STILL trying to figure out what 'should you find yourself experiencing sympathy' means if the kaylon dont experience emotion
kaylonprimary ยท 9 days
i think the implication that primary has an emotional capability due to being built before isaac whereas isaac doesnt or has an extremely limited capacity for them. is a bit cwazy.
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luminary-sunflower ยท 8 months
Friday, January 19, 2024
Everyone is waiting for the light Be afraid, don't be afraid The sun is shining out of my eyes It will not set tonight
Prompts taken from 7Cups ๐Ÿต
๐ŸตHow do I practice self compassion when struggling with depression?
I acknowledge the little things. Every achievement, no matter how small, is something to be proud of. I remind myself despite my lack of motivation/energy, all of my skills and aspirations are still there. I will get back to them in time, when it's right for me.
Gratitude, too. All of the small things in life that give me comfort or make life easier can be cherished.
I am patient with myself and with life. Things may pile up, but I can get through them. I may fall behind what I expected, but I am still making progress.
Sometimes the best progress comes after a period of rest. I can feel guilty about pushing myself to burnout, but I can also use this time to identify stressors that I can manage more effectively in the future.
๐ŸตWhat are some positive things that can come from experiencing anxiety?
For me anxiety means I can slow down my thinking before taking action. Sometimes this means I have racing thoughts, but over time I'm learning how to carefully listen to what my fears are. They be irrational, but there may be a kernel of truth in them that is worth listening to. This has made me a more conscientious person and my loved ones say that I help them plan things thoroughly and consider options they otherwise wouldn't have.
๐ŸตWhat can I let go of today?
I've let go of a lot of items this month. I really appreciate having a less cluttered space. It's given me new appreciation for the things I have and use regularly. Mentally, though, I want to and *can* let go of the belief I need others to "get" me. Some people refuse to understand me. Some people just made the choice to never have empathy or sympathy or even try for me, and that doesn't reflect negatively on myself. I don't have to make myself smaller for everyone to accept who I am.
โœ๏ธ I've really liked Job this month. And that Star Trek quote "It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose, that is not a weakness, that is life" (or something like that - don't quote me).
When I was atheist, well more like agnostic, I felt like everything was so nihilistic. And then I realized that if nihilism can't be proven false, then I can just choose something else. What could someone tell me? No? Why would they think it would matter to tell me no if it doesn't matter? โ˜บ๏ธ
I accepted my resentments with no justification. We need something more complex than that to cope rationally, it's just the human condition. We do better when things have meaning. And we have enough of God's image in us to make that image clearer with guidance.
The problem of evil with my atheist worldview is that it just is. It is just evil. It is just cruel. Accepting God means accepting that it doesn't have to be evil. It doesn't have to be cruel. It can just be. You can accept the bad things, because you are grateful that you are human enough to perceive them as bad. That means you have wisdom, a soul. All of these things are going to happen - famine, disease, death. But if you blame the actors in this world or even yourself, you're not seeing the full picture. You could find the director of the act you play and see the world as a story with themes and lessons, not abject and irrational suffering. And the best part about adopting this belief is that it will come true the stronger you believe it. You can act better in line with your role now.
And I have better ways to spend my time than engaging in addictive drama (when I'm in line with my goals that is). Did God know Eve would eat it, like Jesus knew Judas would betray him? Is that why women aren't afraid of angels when they speak to them? That's more fun. But helping others still matters. That's why I want to be more active on 7Cups. ^__^
Anyway... My new Pinhead figure should be coming TODAY! But it has my old apartment number (same building). I'm worried about this but trying to work up the courage to ask for help maybe even knock on the door of that person if needed.. Sigh. I don't want to. I feel silly. But you know in the grand scheme of things it isn't a big deal. I've solved much worse.
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