#i'm CRYING seiya is just NOT having it
crehador · 2 years
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seiya-starsniper · 2 months
Hi Seiya! If you are taking prompts for the angry confessions prompt game may I suggest 13. "It's not a secret that I love you. Don't act like it is." - perhaps for Corintheus, from Dream to the Corinthian (maybe at the convention?)
Hello friend, and Happy Sandmanniversary! 😄💖 I'm so happy I finally found inspiration for this angry confessions prompt because it's SO GOOD.
This prompt also fit perfectly for @mr-sadman's event: Day 1 - Secrets
Special thanks to @valiantstarlights for giving me a really cool suggestion for the fic, and to @kydrogendragon for the beta read 💖
Fic can be read in its entirety below, or over here on AO3:
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“Do you know why I do it?” The Corinthian snaps as Dream approaches him on the stage of the Cereal Convention. “Do you even care why I’ve defied you, over and over again, your perfect creation, your masterpiece?”
Dream stares at his once favorite creation, and tilts his head in curiosity. He had come here to unmake the Corinthian, had been mere moments from doing just that, but something in the nightmare’s tone stills his hand. 
“I did it, so I could taste what it felt like to be human,” the Corinthian continues, his voice cracking as his entire body shakes. “So that I could understand them. So I could be something that you—you—” he cuts himself off suddenly and growls, as if he still believed he could withhold himself from Dream. 
They stare at each other for a tense moment, circling each other like two apex predators, ready to strike. Dream quickly grows tired of the game though, and when the Corinthian refuses to speak further, Dream takes another step forward and decides to break the silence himself.
“Something I could what?” Dream demands. The Corinthian does not flinch at the authoritarian tone in his creator’s voice, but Dream can tell by the agitated hiss in the Corinthian’s eye-teeth that he has rattled the nightmare with his words. 
“Something you could love,” the Corinthian’s ocular mouths growl in unison, spitting out the word ‘love’ as if it were venom between their teeth. 
The admission hangs heavy in the room between them. Dream knows those words are the truth, even if the Corinthian could lie through his primary mouth, his ocular mouths were as much a window to the nightmare’s soul as any human’s eyes would be. The only difference was that these windows could speak. 
The Corinthian stares at his creator defiantly, refusing to elaborate further, and Dream has half a mind to use his still limited power to force nightmare to divulge the rest of his hidden truths.
But something in the Corinthian’s gaze stops him, stops Dream from reacting too quickly to the clear taunt the nightmare has given him. There is something fractured in the Corinthian’s scowl, something vulnerable hidden behind the snarl of teeth and tongue and blood in the nightmare’s ocular mouths.
Dream stares, and then finally, he sees. 
“My little dream—” he starts.
“Don’t!” the Corinthian snaps, his eye-teeth clattering angrily as Dream takes another step closer to him. The Corinthian moves to step back, but Dream, having already recovered his powers now that Rose Walker was awake and focused on her brother instead, forces the nightmare to stand still with a single flick of his wrist.  
“Did you truly believe I did not care?” Dream asks, taking another step forward as the Corinthian struggles underneath his invisible bonds. “That I did not notice every time you left my realm for the Waking? That it did not feel like some part of me had been cut out when you disappeared?”
“Shut up!” the Corinthian cries, blood-red tears spilling from the corners of his ocular mouths. Dream stares intently at them. He had forgotten he had given the nightmare the ability to cry. “You don’t give a fuck about any of it. You don’t give a fuck about me.”
“But I do, little nightmare,” Dream insists, his voice booming in the otherwise silent presentation room. “I care very deeply for all my creations, but especially you.”
“Liar!” the Corinthian screams, when Dream is but mere inches from his face. “You care for nothing but your rules and your function,” the nightmare growls, his breath hot and furious on Dream’s skin. Dream closes his eyes briefly and inhales the scent of the Corinthains’ breath, his very human breath, cultivated over a century of being allowed to roam free in the Waking World with no consequences.
It is exquisite, Dream thinks, how deep the mimicry of humanity went. How badly the nightmare wanted to become something he thought was worthy of Dream’s love. It was a shame the Corinthian had misunderstood his creator’s motivations so deeply. But that was why Dream was here now. To correct all of their past wrongs against one another.  
“But you are part of my function, Corinthian,” Dream says, finally opening his eyes and staring directly into the Corinthian’s open, gaping mouths. “You are my masterpiece, my greatest accomplishment,” he continues, reaching a hand to cup at the Corinthian’s cheek. The Corinthian flinches but otherwise does not move.
“You stand here,” Dream continues, dropping his gaze to take in the rest of the nightmare’s face. The Corinthian truly was the most beautiful thing Dream had ever made. “Having defied me, having corrupted not one, but hundreds of dreamers, more than any of my creations could have even hoped to achieve.” Dream gestures to the crowd, still trapped in their sweet dreams of murder and pain and death. “And you still believe I could not love you?”
“I—” the Corinthian stutters, but Dream shushes him with a single finger to the nightmare’s lips. 
“My little nightmare,” Dream whispers, leaning in close enough that the Corinthian’s ocular mouths could snap at Dream’s skin if he were not careful. “Were it any other dream, any other nightmare, that sought to defy me so,” he continues. “Any other creation of mine, I would have unmade them at the first offense.”
“But you,” Dream says, raising his eyes back up to the Corinthian’s. “Your transgressions I have let slide. Because I thought—no—I’d hoped—that you would see things as I see them. That the Waking World is full of nothing but suffering and agony, and that is why I am here, and why you are here as well. To give respite. To make them confront their unconscious thoughts and desires. I serve them, not because I love them, but because I am part of them, as you are. As we have always been.”
“So what,” the Corinthian snaps, clearly agitated at Dream’s lecturing of duty and responsibility. “You wanted to teach me a lesson? So that I could be a better cog in your machine?”
“I wanted you to understand,” Dream replies, sighing. “To know what I know. That there are none, here in the Dreaming, or in the Waking, who could be your peer, or equal. You have always been singular, Corinthian, and that is because I love you. It has never been a secret that I love you. Do not pretend that you have never known, even on that night you thought you could sneak away from me, and lure me to give chase.” 
Something splinters in the Corinthian’s facade. Dream watches as shock, then agony, and finally sorrow, dawns upon the nightmare’s features in a twisted array of realization. Dream had never denied his favorite nightmare a single thing, not now, and not then, when the Corinthian had first tried to run and forge a path for himself. Dream had let him go, hoping that one day, his love would come back to him.
Instead, the Corinthian had trapped Dream in a cage of glass and iron, and left his creator to rot.
“Y-you,” the Corinthian gasps, his falsely mortal body reaching for air it does not need. “All this time, you knew and you let me—”
Dream nods. “I did, my nightmare,” he confirms, then leans to place a kiss on the Corinthian’s left ocular mouth. The eye whines beneath his lips, and Dream shushes it gently. “It was out of love that I let you go. Only love that kept me hoping you would learn the lessons I wished for you to know. I had such high hopes for you.”
The Corinthian crumples to the floor, his body wracked with sorrow, guilt and regret. Dream follows his creation to the floor, wrapping his arms around him. The Corinthian clings tight to his creator, in a manner that he has not since Dream first breathed life into his body. It is a comfort that both of them have sorely missed. 
“Dream—my lord—I”
“Shhh,” Dream coos, placing a light kiss to the Corinthian’s other ocular mouth, before he finally moves his lips to brush against the Corinthian’s primary mouth. “I have you, my beloved. I’m here.”
“I—I’m not sorry,” the Corinthian says, still defiant as ever. Dream huffs, charmed and no longer angry with him. “But I—”
“I know,” Dream interrupts, placing a kiss to the top of the Corinthian’s head, before tucking the nightmare underneath his chin, like a parent comforting a child. “My beautiful nightmare, I know. You are a hungry thing, and I created you poorly. I will not be so careless with you next time.”
“Next—?” the Corinthian’s head shoots up suddenly and horror dawns across his features as he realizes what’s about to happen to him. “Dream—no! I—Mmph!”
Dream silences the Corinthian’s mouth with his own, their lips crushed together as the nightmare struggles in his creator’s grasp. It is futile to struggle, the Corinthian knows. Still, the nightmare’s eye teeth snap and hiss and yowl as the Corinthian’s body slowly dissolves into sand. 
Dream holds onto the Corinthian for the entirety of his unmaking. Forces himself to intimately feel each and every fiber of the nightmare’s essence as he strips the Cornthian apart, piece by jagged piece. Until all that is left for him to kiss is a skull, with three small sets of teeth. 
“Next time,” Dream whispers, his lips ghosting over the top of the empty vessel that once held his greatest joy, “you will not be so flawed, and petty, little dream. And I will make sure you always know the depths of my love. You will never know an existence without it ever again.”
Dream tucks the Corinthian’s skull into his jacket, and allows himself a quiet moment to mourn. Then he faces the room full of serial killers, of humans who had deluded themselves in their self-importance, and he sees then, the Corinthian’s cries for love and validation in all their faces.
It is a cheap copy. 
They do not deserve to share in the Corinthian’s aspirations, his desires, his dreams.
So Dream takes them away. He lifts the shadow of the fantasies they have placed over their minds, forces them to confront the pain and suffering they have inflicted as a result of their monstrous desires, their unforgivable sins. He watches as their faces contort with horror, as they all flee simultaneously into the night, some to their deaths, and others desperately clawing to find a way to right the wrongs of their atrocities.
Dream does not normally indulge in the suffering of humanity. But tonight, his heart is broken, and so he lets their despair wash over him, and onwards into his younger sister’s realm. He lets himself feel the agony that is only a hollow imitation of the Corinthian’s own, for it is the only thing left of the nightmare that Dream can taste, can touch, can kiss, here in the Waking World. When their suffering is complete, he will return to the Dreaming, and he will address the issue of Rose Walker, once and for all. And then he will commit himself to the shores of the Dreaming, where he will work and work and work. Until the Corinthian is ready to be remade once more. 
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xcerizex · 7 months
Lovebrush Chronicles: Godheim Review
My very long, informal, and definitely biased review. This will contain minor spoilers for the Godheim arc only so take caution. This review is also only limited to the Godheim series so there will be no overall thoughts on the game itself. I followed Otome Kitten's format and I really hope it helps out any beginners to LBC.
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I found the art very pretty and was extremely glad to see that they did not skip out on giving us CGs either! The sprites all looked good, but I personally have some issues with Lars' outfit (the orange did not look good on you sweetie 💀).
Not all CGs are drawn by the same artist however, which may be off putting for some. The total count number of proper CG's for each route (not including common route) boils down to around 4-5, so that also may be a pet peeve for some.
On another note, there are also mini CG's which appear as small boxes, whether you consider it as an actual CG is up to you. Personally, I enjoyed the roles they played towards aiding the narrative.
Unrelated note, I'm banging on the floor crying and wondering who the hell did Ayn's CGs (the one where he was cleaning his sword was my absolute favorite 😍) and why didn't they come back.
If there's one aspect of the game that I shall praise to the ends of the earth, it's the music.
Colour me shocked when I listened to the intricate and deep soundtracks for the first time, they just took my breath away! There were many gorgeous orchestral scores that depicted the fantasy setting perfectly. Not to mention the battle ost's which had more effort put into them than necessary.
My personal favorite OST's would be the "River's End", and "Starry Sky", which plays the same tune as the OP song you hear when you log onto the game. It's honestly so iconic. 😭👌
Opening theme:
I was absolutely flummoxed by the stacked japanese voice cast, which all included extremely famous seiyuus from the otome industry:
1. Ayn Alwyn
[JP VA: KENN]: Shelby Snail (Cupid Parasite), Yukimaro (9R.I.P), Limbo (Bustfellows)
2. Alkaid McGrath
[JP VA: Tachibana Shinnosuke]: Seiya (9R.I.P), Henri (Piofiore), Rafayel (Love and Deepspace)
3. Lars Rorschach
[JP VA: Junichi Suwabe]: Artem (Tears of Themis), Van Helsing (Code: Realize), Sukuna (Jujutsu Kaisen)
4. Clarence Clayden
[JP VA: Kosuke Toriumi]: Rei Mukuni (CollarXMalice), Ichiya (Variable Barricade), Chojiro (Nightshade)
5. Cael Anselm
[JP VA: Daisuke Hirakawa]: Saint Germain (Code: Realize), Tower Overlord (Psychedelica of the Ashen Hawk), Lucas Proust (Virche Evermore)
To my delight, the pacing was done very well. Nothing was dragged out and the introduction to the overall plot of the game was well established minus a certain plot point which definitely could have benefited better by being introduced in the common route itself.
I didn't really expect it to turn out as dark as it did however. The common route + modern prologue took me around a total estimation of more than 4 hours but in reality the prologue itself shouldn't take that long at all.
Once you've completed the common route, you are given the option to start either Ayn's or Alkaid's route. After you've completed both, Lars' route is unlocked. And once you've finished all three routes, Clarence's route unlocks as the grand finale.
This was my personal playthrough and I wouldn't have changed it if given the chance. I believe it had the best flow of story progression. Though that was mainly because I wouldn't have enjoyed Alkaid's route as much if I'd played Ayn's first:
Alkaid = Ayn = Lars = Clarence
- Crown Prince of Godheim
- Tsundere
- Sweet tooth ❤️
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Ayn is Lars's cousin, but you soon find out that there is not a hint of familial love between them. He shows up as a mysterious figure during the common route and portrays a conflicting character, making the heroine unsure of his standing. While he appears blunt and crude, he is a determined young man who's sworn vengeance, and with an unexpected love for sweets.
Ayn's route in my opinion had the best consistent pacing as well as romance. I did find the romance somewhat abrupt early in the story, but the strong chemistry between him and the heroine more than made up for it! 🥰 It was just so enjoyable to watch them banter with one another and watching them just click.
I enjoyed the storyline for this route a lot and I think it had something to do with the fact that Ayn's route provided a different perspective in comparison to the others. In this route, we learn more about the the political situation surrounding Godheim and the royal family.
I also loved Ayn as a character, and not unexpectedly became my oshi ❤️.I do think a lot of people will enjoy him as a love interest. His route also has a wee bit of spice 👀, so for y'all thirsty gamers be sure to savor it slowly, as it's the only bit of spice we're getting here lmao. I did find some of his actions, mostly in the bad ends, to be OOC, but I easily brushed it off seeing as how much I liked him.
- Member of the Noventrate
- Good, sweet boi
- Tea
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Devoted and caring, Alkaid is the mage assigned to guard the heroine during her stay in Godheim. He's always expressing his concern for the heroine and will do anything to help her, even if it means betraying his mission.
Alkaid is the character who the heroine interacts the most during the common route. His romance with the heroine was sweet, even if it did feel way over the top in it's initial stages when I first played it. But once I got to learn more about him, I realized that he truly just wanted the best for the heroine, romantic feelings aside. 🥺
The route was fine. But I personally wasn't the biggest fan of the direction (?) it took on halfway. Some parts of it felt irrational to me and didn't really feel like it had any real relevance to its own story.
On another note, Alkaid is such a dreamy man. 😩 I adore just how respectful of a man he is in general (women respect juice, bottoms up!), and it was so sweet how attentive he was in making sure the heroine was always out of harm's way. I guess you could say he was someone akin to a hero in fairytales.
- Emperor of Godheim
- Good at combing hair 🥰
- That chest doe 👀
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Known as the "Tyrant Emperor" from the heroine's manga, he immediately sweeps her off her feet, claiming her as his bride the moment she first arrived at Godheim. While his initial impression was flirty and playful, he lives up to his name as a cold-blooded tyrant. For some aspects at least.
His route focused more on the Silver Knight, which was the main (and wrong) reason why I enjoyed his route so much! 😆 On that note, I think that the writers had a bone to pick with Lars. They just had to force him to share the spotlight with an intriguing side character lmfao. The route itself was paced and executed well for the majority, but the quality of the writing towards the end was slightly skewered.
But to be honest, I quite enjoyed Lars a lot as a character, rather than a love interest. It was interesting to see the conditions surrounding his birth as a tyrant and his motivations for his questionable actions.
That's not to say that the romance wasn't enjoyable. I actually quite liked the relationship between him and the heroine. I found some moments they shared together really sweet. I also adored the development of Lars' feelings, and you can see just how important the heroine's existence was to him at the end of the route.
Though I guess I would have found the romance more believable if the heroine articulated her feelings for Lars more. I found it difficult to see the romance from her side. In short, the romance wasn't it's strongest point.
Clarence Clayden:
- Godheim's Archmage
- Get the tissues
- I've never been the same since...
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Clarence has somewhat poised himself as an antagonist, only giving leeway in Lars' route. Distant and cold, he is stubborn in wanting to use the heroine for his goal and is willing to sacrifice anything to achieve it.
This route was an emotional rollercoaster. It broke me down, dumped my heart 6ft underground, trampled on its grave, and then some. It left me broken for a whole week for real goodness gracious...😭
This route can probably considered the "True Route", seeing as how it tackles the problem straight on unlike in other routes. The pacing slows down a little bit for a few chapters, but once it picked itself back up, it picked up HARD.
Now let's get to the romance. Out of all routes, some may say it had the least sugary romance, and a part of me agrees. But do igaf? No! ❤️Clarence turned out to be such a longingly sweet character and despite all the harm and pain he's done, I have no qualms in forgiving him and wanting to love him with all my heart🥺, as does the heroine.
I honestly don't want to say too much as it may ruin the experience. I went into this route completely blind and boy was I glad. All I can say that this route was the most popular out of all the routes for good reason. Got me playing up to 2 am with no regrets.😆😭
- The Silver Knight
- The bias wrecker
- The sus
- He ruined me...
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He is known in Godheim as the Silver Knight as well as the leader of the Rebellion. Decisive and apathetic, the heroine is unable to affect him emotionally in any form.🤡
Cael does not have an actual route, but a personal story, labeled as Expedition from his POV which may serve as an epilogue to the Godheim series. In his story, any unanswered questions are explained here, as well as the many actions he took that did not make it on screen.
If this wasn't a review I'd spend one whole section brainrotting about him so be grateful I'm trying to keep this short. 😅 Cael is a surprisingly interesting character by nature and it was very liberating to finally get a glimpse of his true feelings and thoughts throughout the heroine's journey in Godheim.
I'm scared to say more in case it may ruin any surprises. In my opinion, I enjoyed his story a LOT! It definitely made me feel depressed and empty in its own way and it hurts my heart to see that he never got a route of his own for reasons I won't get into right now. Absolutely amazing and one of my favorite parts of the Godheim series!
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Once you've finished all routes, the game will give you the option to choose one "True Ending", wherein you choose one of the boys to have a happily ever after with and by your own accord.
"One can only paint a world in which they believe in." 🥰
Please note that you can only choose one boy at a time. Your choice will then give you a Pictura based on which boy you choose.
To change your "True Ending", buy the Diadem from the shop to change your choice. You will not receive a different Pictura however.
I think the best thing about these endings were the music.😆 Each soundtrack was unique to each character and drop dead gorgeous to listen to. 😩
- Cheeky
- Anonymous manga author
- Needs a therapist (rly tho)
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Despite China's strange attempts at creating self-insert heroines by leaving them nameless, the Little Painter was far from a blank slate! She's extremely relatable when it comes to her reactions and actions. Often times I would react a certain way to something an LI said or did, only for her to do the same thing! 🤣 I guess that could also count as a self-insert personality.
But if there's one thing I admire her greatly for, it would be her drive and determination to save Godheim. Her journey was far from easy and I doubt I could ever stay sane the way she did. Tbh, I didn't like the fact that her sufferings were never truly addressed properly, or rather, professionally ig?
I also found her quick adaptation and flexibility to her new environment extremely impressive. That goes the same to the way she wielded her powers for the first time. And how she grew stronger to go head to toe with even Clarence in his own route! You👏 Go👏Get👏 Em👏 Girl!
That said, she's not perfect. Some people found her to pushy and annoying though I personally found it okay. I was really glad how she didn't force herself to tolerate any crap and got that anger out rightfully.😆 (Asmoran deserved it...)
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Final Thoughts:
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I have enjoyed my journey immensely! The whole premise and setting drew me in, and I was surprised with the impressive narration which absolutely pummeled me to the ground (mostly on Clarence's route and no I'm not shutting up abt that).
The localization was also really superb? Yes it had a few typos + mistakes here and there, but they really pulled out all the stops when it came to making the dialogue natural and relatable. Not to mention a few large words that even I don't understand. 😂
It's not without it's imperfections of course. There are definitely some issues with the writing. And if you're looking for heavy romance or even fluff, Godheim is not the place to go to. 😅
Playing the Godheim arc took me about a week-ish, considering I had to level up and such. It may be a tedious process for some, but for me, it was an iron gate which I violently shook every day, screaming for the next chapter.
All in all, it's definitely worth playing! You don't lose much anyway considering it's free, so just give it a try. You can always drop it if you don't like it. My rating for this game is also very much biased and should not be taken seriously:
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straykidsnerd255 · 1 month
Hello ! I don't know if your requests are closed or not because in the site, it's seem so but i see people asking so i'm doing it too ! (Sorry if it bother )When i found out you got Saint Seiya works, i nearly screamed . I was the happy to find that somebody was loving this univers too ! I had read all your things about Saint Seiya because i was too shy to do a request. But, Can you do a one shot of Phoenix Ikki, (from the original serie), with a reader who is a saint and friend with Seiya , but look exactly like Esmeralda ! Thanks you very much and i hope you will get your creativity back soon ! I'm currently writing and book so i sent you some inspiration ! Have a great day/night ! (And let me give you the peace, love, and inspiration Kitty , a emoji Kitty to make you feel better !)
Here you go!! Hope you enjoy and thank you for the Kitty!!! Made me feel so much better! I hope you enjoy this little drabble/one-shot!!<3
Ikki couldn’t pinpoint why he stuck close to you until you removed the mask you had always worn. When it finally hit him, it made his stomach churn and his heart break. You looked just like the girl he fell in love with. Your smile. Your eyes. The way you squinted when you laughed. It all reminded him of her. He turned away from you when you came running towards him, hoping you would leave him alone but you didn’t. Your sweet voice filled the air and he tensed. 
“Ikki? What’s wrong?” You asked, confused about why he would suddenly turn away from you and refuse to look at you. You moved around to face him but he backed away as if you had hurt him. He looked at you with panic in his eyes before he turned and took off running. You felt a pang in your heart and grabbed the clothing that sat over your heart as you watched him leave. Something didn’t feel right and you wanted to get to the bottom of it. 
Finding Athena in her study, you gently knocked on the door to announce your arrival. “Y/n, what brings you here?” Athena asked, placing the book she had been flipping through down. You took a deep breath before telling her what had happened between you and Ikki just moments before. Athena realized what happened and motioned for you to come over closer to her. You walked towards her before she gently pushed you to the chair. You sat down before she sent a saint to fetch Ikki. 
When Ikki arrived, he noticed you sitting in the chair and immediately turned around to walk out. “Ikki, do not move.” Athena’s voice commanded and Ikki froze in his steps. His heart was beating so fast in his chest that he thought he was going to die. He turned around and found Athena motioning him over. He took tentative steps towards the table and sat down, but not near you, making your heart crack. 
“Ikki. Why have you been avoiding Y/n? She is practically heartbroken. Care to explain?” Athena asked, raising an eyebrow. Ikki looked over at you and was stunned to find tears sliding down your face as you refused to look at him. He looked down at the table before closing his eyes and taking a deep breath. “I never meant to hurt her Athena. I just…She reminds me too much of Esmeralda. She was killed by her own father and I….” Ikki couldn’t even finish his sentence when Athena raised her hand to stop him.
You sank into your seat after hearing those words. “My…” You covered your mouth as tears spilled down your face. Athena looked at you and felt her heart ache for you. Ikki looked up to see you crying harder. “Y/n? What’s wrong?” He asked, standing from his chair and walking over to her. You hiccuped before burying your face in his chest when he got closer and knelt in front of you. Your tears soaked through his shirt and he immediately wrapped his arms around you. 
Athena placed her hands on both his head and your head. “Ikki, Y/n and Esmeralda are twins. Y/n was sent her because her father couldn’t care for her and Esmeralda. He sent Y/n to me to become a saint. I trained her.” Athena explained, watching Ikki’s facial expressions. His face went from shock to instant pain. “How could he do something like that to his kids?” He asked, looking at Athena for an answer that he knew she couldn’t even give him. Athena closed her eyes and sadly shook her head. “For the reason he sent Y/n to use, it's unknown.” She whispered, letting her hands drop to her side. 
Ikki didn’t know how to feel anymore. He had avoided you when you had showed your face for the first time, and then learned that you were his first love’s twin. He ran his fingers through his hair as he sat on the bed. You were sleeping soundly on the bed, after passing out from crying so much. He dropped his hands and turned to face your sleeping form. He let his eyes wander to your face and saw the red splotches that dotted your face. 
Turning his head when the sound of running could be heard, Ikki was face to face with Seiya. Seiya has been your best friend since the first day you had been here. He was always by your side and refused to let you be alone. He never cared that you were trained by the Goddess herself and viewed you as someone special to him. The other saints, besides the four that were friends with Seiya, only wanted to get close to you so they could get close to Athena.
“What happened?” He asked, his eyes turning angry as he glared at Ikki. Ok, he deserved that anger. He made you sad. “I avoided her because she reminded me of my dead crush. I had no idea that she was my crush’s twin sister.” Ikki said, looking down. Seiya pinched the bridge of his nose before sighing. “Stay with her til she wakes up. Then I want you to fix the mess you created. She’s always had a crush on you but now, I don’t know if she will want to even like you anymore.” Seiya said, turning and walking back down the stairs and away from the house. 
When you woke, you looked around realizing you were not in the library with Athena anymore. You turned your head to the side and saw Ikki, his arms crossed, head down, and soft snores left his slightly open mouth. Looking closer, it looked like he had been crying too. You slowly sat up and crawled over to Ikki. You sat on the edge of the bed and gently pocked his cheek. “Ikki?” You called out. His eyes shot open and he lifted his head so fast it scared you a bit. “Y/n?” He asked, looking at you with wide but nervous eyes. 
You slowly nodded your head and turned to face the door of the house. You didn’t want to look at him until you understood everything. Ikki sighed, knowing exactly what you wanted him to do. So he did. He told you everything that had happened. You listened to everything, your chest tight with pain and tears welling up in your eyes again. He suddenly took your hand in his making you snap your head to the side to look at him. “I made a mistake. I shouldn’t have avoided you. I should have talked to you.” He said. 
“I forgive you.”
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summer-nights19 · 1 year
I'm not her part 3
Someone requested part 3 so I decided to pick this up again lmao
f! Haruka Tenoh and f! Ko Seiya x gn! reader (angst)
For the past few weeks, you'd just been moping around at Rei's place. You'd found yourself a job working at her shrine a few days after you arrived there, and, though you meant to find yourself some proper accommodation, the thought of living alone seemed almost impossible. You knew that, without Rei there to encourage you and give you strength, you'd fall apart all over again, and the pain of having lost her would grow sharper and sharper until it was impossible to ignore. When you weren't working, you spent the majority of your time in the guest bedroom you were staying in, lying on the bed and idly scrolling through social media while you tried not to cry. Nothing seemed enjoyable or worth doing anymore- you'd tried many times to picture what life had been like before Haruka, and what kinds of things you'd done, but all you saw was blank emptiness.
Late one Saturday morning, as you were staring at the ceiling while remembering your life with her, Rei burst into the room. She looked serious.
"I know that breakups are hard, Y/N, but you can't just decide to completely bring your life to a stop because of her. Don't give her that much power over you,"
You looked at Rei, trying as hard as you could to mask your annoyance. While you appreciated her greatly, she simply didn't get it.
"Rei, I'm not choosing to feel this way. And I've just lost my entire world. How do you want me to react ? Do you expect me to shrug my shoulders and move on ? God, I swear you just don't-"
"I never said that, Y/N. Moving on, however, is a choice. It starts with your actions and your attitude. That's why you're coming out with the rest of the girls and I today,"
You opened your mouth to protest
"I don't want to hear it. I'm not giving you a choice. Now get up and put your clothes on,"
Grumbling, you got up and went to the bathroom to get ready. You knew there was no arguing with Rei when she got like this. Maybe she was right, and seeing your friends would lift your spirits. You sighed as you threw on a hoodie and baggy tracksuit bottoms. You really didn't have the energy for this.
"Y/N, are you ready ?" Rei called from outside
"Yeah, I'm coming,"
As the afternoon passed, it became increasingly clear that maybe Rei had been right- despite your initial reluctance, it had been the best day in a while. There were even moments, when you roamed the shops and chatted with Mako, Mina and Usagi, that made you feel like nothing had changed. They were fleeting, but precious nonetheless.
"So Y/N... I bought tickets for all of us to see three lights tonight. I know that maybe with the whole Haruka thing you don't feel like coming tonight, but they're only in Japan for this week," Mina looked at you with pleading eyes.
"Remind me... which group is three lights again ?" You asked. You doubted you'd be interested.
With stars in her eyes, Mina took a journal out of her bag and shoved it in front of your face. You took it, rolling your eyes slightly. It was full of cut outs from magazine articles and photographs. You let your gaze rest on the woman in the middle. She had long, dark hair and was very toned. What really struck you were her eyes- there was something haunting about them, something that demanded your attention.
You could feel yourself getting a little hot.
"Ok, fine. Let's go see three lights," you said before you'd even thought about it," Mina and Mako cheered and hugged you
"I take it seeing how hot Seyia is changed your mind. I can't blame you, and she's probably even more attractive in the flesh !" Mako exclaimed, grinning at you.
"No, I just want to listen to some music," you said, feeling your face grow hot
"Uhuh yea sure thing," Mina said, giggling. "Anyway, we should catch the next bus to the stadium to make sure we get there on time,"
You got there and found your seats, all with around 30 minutes to spare.
"Why are we so absurdly early ? We could have caught the next bus," you said as you took your seat next to Ami. Waiting around like this was making you anxious in a way you couldn't explain.
"Well, we needed to make sure. Also, maybe three lights will notice us if we get here early... they might even ask us out on dates," Mina replied, her eyes going dreamy.
"Yeah whatever. I'll get you some concert snacks," you said, standing up and heading out before the others even had a chance to reply.
You wondered around the circumference of the stadium, confused. The sign said you could get snacks around here, but you couldn't seem to find a stall. You saw some guys in suits crowding around a door not too far away from you.
"That must be backstage," you thought to yourself "Which means that this one is the snack stall,". You opened the door a few paces away from the first door and went in.
The sent of musky perfume hit you as soon as you stepped in. You looked around and realised you'd made a terrible mistake. This was backstage, as evidenced by all the clothes and makeup and mirrors scattered around.
That, and the fact that Ko Seiya was standing with the back to you, tying the back of her top in front of a mirror. She turned around, the suspicion on her face quickly replaced by amusement when she met your gaze.
"Well well, what are you doing here all alone ?" She asked, the hint of a smile on her lips.
"This is really embarrassing, but I entered the wrong door. Really sorry, I'll get goi-"
"No. I didn't tell you to leave," you turned back around immediately. Seiya continued.
"Keep me company instead. You look like you could be fun to play with,". She ran her hand from your cheek down to your chest and rested it there. You swallowed. You knew this was forbidden, that you could never truly be with her, that you didn't even know her, that your heart still belonged to Haruka... yet, none of that seemed to matter as she slipped her hands under your shirt and took it off. You wrapped your arms around her, kissing her passionately as you unhooked the back of her top. Gradually, her lips started to move down your neck, leaving a trail of small bites and hickeys as her fingers toyed with your nipples. You let out a loud moan.
"That's right, babe. Don't hold back, let the entire world know that you're my little sex toy," your breath hitched as she started to take off your trousers, running her fingers along the waistline of your underwear and snapping it against your hips. A loud buzzer sounded, breaking you out of your trance. Seyia pulled away from you and smirked.
"I'm on now, but would you be good for me and wait here until the concert finishes ? I'm not done with you yet, sweetheart,"
You nodded, your eyes wide as Seiya left, giving your ass one last smack before walking away.
You knew it would all go to shit. You knew that it was just for one night, that tomorrow reality would come crushing down on you again.
And yet, you couldn't help but hope.
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boxbusiness · 1 year
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So I have been recommended Magi from some irl homies before but I've been dragging my ass to watch. >w>" I might need to buckle down and actually give it a go~
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I'm more curious of Saint Seiya, but I tend stray away from long series cuz man I aint got time anymore +w+
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Funny story~ I recommended Violet Evergarden to an Auntie and she got 'mad' at me cuz it made her cry lol
I also know Rosario + Vampire but I just gotta say Fuck that Anime. Sorry to be that Weeb but the manga was better. I'm so sorry not sorry but the anime genuinely pissed me off with how much it actually strayed away form the source material. >3>"
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collectorcookie · 1 year
QUICK what are you current thoughts about Trickstar and their relationship dynamics? :0
ASVDJWKDVSJDHF you cannot ask me something like this and not expect me to write an essay about it. I will go through this one by one. Quite the long post btw.
Subaru and makoto: my silly beloveds <3 the reason i started producing trickstar actually. I saw them making puns with each other and my brain was like "i will sell you my soul". Funny lil comedy duo. Except later i would find out about their pasts and now thinking about how they were funny dudes in high school despite all the tragedies that happened to them makes me wanna cry. Subaru who had no friends due to being isolated because everyone thought his dad was a murderer (not true) and makoto who was always alone because child modelling crushed his sense of self (also potential sexual abuse was hinted at? Thats messed up). And then they find each other and they're friends and they make jokes and for the first time they BELONG SOMEWHERE.
Subaru and mao: very insecure mao who feels like subaru is a genius shining star and that he doesn't deserve to be by his side. Lonely subaru who admires mao for how dependable he is and how everyone relies on him, giving mao the nickname of sari/sally based on a magician (also why maos solo is called magicians trick). The mutual pining. The admiration. Mao's "you outshine me so i don't deserve to be with you" and subaru's "I love you and want you to be here regardless". my heart hurts
Subaru and hokuto: god. They hate each other, they love each other, they fight all the time, they would never try to actually hurt each other on purpose, they are in constant competition against the other, but they also rely on the other all the time. Hokuto being one the first people that actually reached out to subaru, who understood from a very young age from his super idol father seiya how corrupted this industry is, who understood subaru before he ever reached out to him and wanted to fulfill his dreams and for subaru to never be alone again. Subaru who first thought that hokuto was a prince and a figment of his imagination when hokuto reached out to him because of how lonely he was and then just sticking to hokuto like glue after that. Oh my god this ship has literally everything.
Hokuto and mao: the ones with braincells that constantly have to deal with trickstar's bullshit <3 until hokuto gets angry, then mao has the last remaining braincell and has to stop him from murdering someone. Also mao's guilt for being on the student council and hokuto reassuring him that it's fine and then later on hokuto's guilt for almost betraying trickstar during ddd and now mao's the one reassuring him it's fine. Oof.
Mao and makoto: typical insecure nerd x confident jock, except the jock is also insecure. All jokes aside, every now and then i think about their first meeting, and how makoto was a junior in the gaming club and mao was a junior in the student council and they both feel like shit. Makoto's typical "i feel like shit so i will escape into videogames" and mao's "i feel like shit because i'm the student council's errand boy with no importance". But then the game club gets into some trouble and obviously it's mao whose burdened with that so he meets makoto for the first time and...is a huge ass to poor makoto. But then makoto offers to help mao in his errands together (even though he doesn't have to) and then mao apologizes for being an ass. And makoto forgives him. And on their way home they just...feel better together. They still feel like shit but the world is a little bit warmer in each others presence.
Makoto and hokuto: HOW DOES NO ONE SEE HOW CANON THIS IS. Hokuto is so so worried for makoto and just wants to see him doing better and is constantly looking out for him. The starmine quote where hokuto is just "i wanted the world to see your smile as well. That beautiful smile you only ever show us". And then shangri la where hokuto is straight up saying "i love you" to makoto. And 1st ss tour where subaru is like "Hokke! Ukki says he doesn't like you!" And hokuto replies with "is that so? Well, i still love you regardless" LIKE COME ON . I also think it's funny how in !-era makoto is the jokester guy and hokke is the serious one but in !!-era somehow hokke became unintentionally a lot funnier and makoto is like "when did we switch roles"
I will be back for part two because i haven't even began rambling about anzu (trickstar is five!!!) but i have places to be at right now. Until then✨️
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rosaren2498 · 9 months
Last Tag Game
Rules: in a new post, show the last line you wrote (or drew) and tag as many people as there are words (or however many you like).
Normally I don't participate in these because it's rare that my motivation has worked with me enough that I actually have something, but this time I do!!
I was tagged by @doctorhouse5343
I'm tagging... I have no idea who's done this so I apologize if you have and feel free to ignore if you don't want to do it again... or at all. @avelera @arialerendeair @softest-punk @omgcinnamoncakes @seiya-starsniper
I'm sorry that this isn't Dreamling. I still haven't written the next part in my Dreamling series.
This is from the next chapter of Forgotten and Discarded.
Warning: Smut under the cut:
“My sweet, precious Nightmare. Tell me what you need.”
Nightmare takes in a ragged breath, though it sounds more like another whine. “Please, my King. Please, fuck me. Harder, faster, let me feel you.”
Morpheus growls and uses his grip on Nightmare’s wrists as leverage, fucking hard into Nightmare and delighting in the warbling, encouraging cry he lets out. Morpheus tries to keep a grip on his control but it’s rapidly slipping through his fingers like sand. Soon, he’s using quick thrusts to fuck deep and hard into Nightmare; he adjusts his angle just enough that on the next thrust, Nightmare practically screams.
“There! Please, my King!”
Morpheus purrs and fucks into Nightmare’s prostate with perfect accuracy on every thrust even as tears begin cascading down his beautiful face. Morpheus presses a soft kiss to Nightmare’s shoulder, whispering filthy praise against his skin that has Nightmare shaking, hole tightening around Morpheus’ cock.
“Are you close?”
Nightmare’s answering whine is high, thready.
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kosmicpowers · 1 year
Hi, Hey there!
I've had this blog up for a few weeks so I figured I'd introduce myself. Not gonna reveal my actual name for security reasons but just call me Kosmic.
I currently live in the USA (Unfortunately). I'm genderfluid and really don't care what pronouns I am referred to with as long as they're not it/it's. I'm also an aspiring writer but for now I mostly just write fanfiction. Mostly Saint Seiya related obviously though I've been working on other stuff.
You can find my AO3 account here:
I've also been working on art but I'm still a beginner.
I try to be a nice person. (Though I'm not sure if I'm good at it because I can't stop swearing.) I don't accept racism, ableism, bullying, kin exclusionists or gatekeeping, misogyny, homophobia or anything anti-lgbt...
Yeah, Just don't be a dick. It's not hard.
Also don't be a sicko, no pedophila or zoophilia.
Some other stuff about me in case you care:
I'm a minor, don't be a creep.
I have ADHD, tend to hyperfixate on weird stuff. Then again a lot of people on this website do. Just saying I'm not one to judge people when I think about my interests.
I'm agnostic but I'm not going to crap on anyone for having a religion, as long as you're not a Jehovah's Witness. Screw those abusive idiots.
My hobbies are reading, writing, drawing, playing retro games, creating OCs, watching documentaries, and staying up at three AM regretting all of my life's choices
My favorite shows are: Saint Seiya (1986), Saint Seiya: The Lost Canvas, Ronin Warriors, Ranma 1/2, My Little Pony Friendship is Magic, Astro Boy, Jetter Mars, Sonic Prime, Sonic X, Beastars, Thundercats (both 1986 and 2011), Futurama, Kimba the White Lion, Cowboy Bebop, To Kai Watch, Captain Scarlet, Black Jack, Samurai Jack, Ampanman, The Amazing World of Gumball, Don't Hug Me I'm Scared, Danger Mouse, Kamen Rider, Super Sentai (AKA Power Rangers)
My favorite movies: the Guardians of the Galaxy trilogy, AKIRA, the Barbie movie (don't judge), Godzilla, Plague Dogs, Spirited Away, My Neighbor Totoro, Saint Seiya: Legend of the Crimson Youth, Chirin's Bell, The amazing Spider-Man, Toy Story 3, The Iron Giant, Into the Spiderverse, also as of now gotta add the FNAF movie
Favorite video games: Sonic the Hedgehog series, Phantasy Star 4, Columns, Panel De Pon, Mega Man, PulseMan, Mario Kart 8, Pokemon: Legends Arceus, Animal Crossing, Earthbound, Poyo Poyo/Mean Bean Machine, Sin and Punishment, Harvest Moon, Star Fox
Favorite Bands/Musical Artists: Jack Stauber, Daft Punk, Lemon Demon, Caravan Palace, Tally Hall, Miura Ayme, Rammstein, The Living Tombstone, Rare Americans, Nirvana, Rammstein, Witchfinder General, Gorillaz
Favorite books: The Golden Compass, The Most Dangerous Game, Magnus Chase, Heros of Olympus (or basically anything by Rick Riordan), Death Note, Beastars (manga), Inuyasha, The Lovely Bones (I fucking cried so hard), MAUS (Made me cry harder), City of Ember, Journey to the West, Most classic creepypastas mainly "Abandoned by Disney" (YES. I know they're not books), Cells at Work, AKIRA (Manga)
So... Um... Yeah.
I like to talk with people about my interests so don't be afraid to give me a message. (As long as it doesn't promise "hot singles" in my area, I'm not that stupid.)
I have a discord under the name robotic carnival and a side blog Tezuka Brainrot.
I am fictokin of: Cobalt from Astro Boy mainly.
Mars from Jetter Mars.
Jibanyan from Yo Kai Watch
Rika from Phantasy Star.
Akane Tendo and Ryoga Hibbikki from Ranma 1/2
Cygnus Hyoga, Pegasus Seiya, and Aquarius Camus from Saint Seiya.
And the flag on my profile picture is ADHD flag.
Cringe and proud. ♥️
My husbandos are Doctor Yamanoue and Doctor Kawashimo from Jetter Mars, Phoenix Ikki from Saint Seiya, James/Kojiro from Pokemon, and Rune from Phantasy Star.
I can't beat Zio PLZ someone tell me how.
I am pro Palestine and I will accept no support of genocide.
I am neutral on the Joe Hawley situation as he has done terrible things yet does not deserve to be hacked or harassed.
Also ship discourse and fanfiction censorship discourse is dumb I don't care anymore. And regret my past actions. Don't harass over stuff you don't like but also tag your shit. You can't complain about people judging you if you are irresponsible about keeping it where it belongs.
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usamamoweek · 1 year
Meet the Creators - Moon-Daisuki
What username(s) and platform(s) can folx find you on? (Please include links!)
Hi I am @moon-daisuki. You can find me fanfiction.com since 2004 and on on AO3 since 2019
(Fun Fact) What is your favorite kind of potato?
That's complicated, both mashed and baked.
How long have you been creating works in fandom spaces? How long have you been active in the SM fandom?
Since Dec. 2004, I left for a bit around 2009. And finished a story in 2014. And then I've been back since 2018.
What type(s) of creative works do you usually make? (fanfics, digital art, cosplay)
Fanfics - I have no art skills per se.
What do you enjoy about creating for the SM fandom?
I just hope to touch at least one other person. Once in a review, a reader said I made them cry. That's why I write.
Also in 2005 I won 2nd place for Wishing You Were Mine in the annual Sailor Moon Readers Choice Fanfiction Awards.
Are you strictly UsaMamo or do you create for other pairings as well?
I create mostly UsaMamo, but I did kill off Mamo as a hero so Usa could have Seiya. Makenai is one of my favorite stories, close to my heart, because Seiya loved her too.
What inspires you to create works for Usagi and Mamoru?
Sailor Moon changed my whole life in all the best ways. I didn't meet anime until 2001. I saw Sailor Moon on Cartoon Network first. Then on 12.8k dialup = Low speed. It took three days for the first 350 megabyte fansub episode to roll in in one and two kilobytes at a time. It was instalove! Sailor Moon is my comfort go to. I love both the old and the new. Chef's Kiss. I love many anime thanks to Sailor Moon, my GOAT!
Usa & Mamo just have such a complicated vibe. It's a real joy to sink into and see how they come together.
Do you tend to work on multiple projects (WIPs) simultaneously or try to finish one at a time?
I only write one at a time. My focus is there 100%.
Do you prefer large projects (chaptered fics, webtoons/zines, highly detailed art) or small projects (one-shots or simple art)?
All of it! I love the art, the zines and all the fics.
Are there any common themes, situations, tropes, or mediums in your work?
Yes...I try for a mix of like romcom Motoki's Grand Adventure. But if you look back, I've stretched into other genres, like paranormal with Grave Danger. I wrote a fairy tale, Curse Of The Frog. I wrote the hardest story Holding Out For A Hero. It deals with Child Abuse. It's also close to my heart. I wrote a kind of Phantom Of The Opera inspired Story - Fantastic Journey. Mind Games covers domestic violence. I just go where my muse leads.
Is there anything you haven’t explored artistically and would like to try?
Not yet, but Goddess only knows where my muse will drag me next. I've got a lemony Haruka/Usagi project I'm tinkering with.... 😍🥰😘
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hyenahunt · 9 months
Saga: Rivals - 31
Writer: Akira
Season: Winter
Characters: Jun, Seiya, Hokuto, Jin, Hiyori
Proofreading: 310mc (JP) & hyenahunt (ENG)
Translation: kotofucius
Hiyori: Ahaha, you were such a lovely little boy, Jun-kun! Well, but the current you also has your cute sides ♪
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[Read on my blog for the best viewing experience with Oi~ssu ♪]
Location: Reverse Live Stage
Jun: Now that I’ve been freed ever so slightly from my parents’ curse, I'm gonna walk forward with my own life. And by taking down Sagami Jin today, I'll gain even more momentum.
I’m all pumped up and raring to go~ Winning this'll be a cinch ♪
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Seiya: Fufu. I do beg your pardon, but I’m afraid that will be difficult.
Jun: …Sorry?
Seiya: If I were to summarize that video, or well, how it seemed to our audience due to the convenient editing, perhaps it'd be along the lines of how...
Sagami Jin-kun, the Super Idol who once had the world wrapped around his little finger, had a rival. And now, here is the son of that very rival — Sazanami Jun-kun, of Lilith.
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Hokuto: That’s… well, that’s just a fact, isn’t it?
Seiya: It is indeed. The video included some cuts from back then too; and perhaps because this Project-Saga concert is all about reviving retired idols…
It was met with an incredibly good reception from the audience.
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Jin: Watching old videos of myself was awfully humiliating for me, though?
Ugh, my lines were so grating they set my teeth on edge… I was internally screaming at my past self the whole time. What kinda living hell did I get myself into?
Seiya: Fufu. Oh, you’ll survive. It made for some fantastic promotion for Rain-bows, didn't it?
The video showed your brilliant figure as you performed so many great feats — A given, of course, as the shows from that time were produced for that purpose in the first place.
Even those who have forgotten must’ve been reminded of just how amazing the very Jin-kun that stands before them was.
As a result, you’ll naturally gain an increased amount of votes.
And at the same time, Jun-kun must’ve looked like… a boy raised with the greatest admiration for Jin-kun, his father’s rival, one aspiring to follow in his footsteps.
After all, we added some childhood shots of Jun-kun singing to Jin-kun's poster while he gazed intently at it all the while.
To any outsider, he’s practically all over Jin-kun.
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Hiyori: Ahaha, you were such a lovely little boy, Jun-kun! Well, but the current you also has your cute sides ♪
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Jun: Guh… I feel like I just experienced a living hell, too~ To think that videos from that time not only exist but got showcased in front of so many people... This has gotta be the most embarrassing moment of my life.
Seiya: But weren't they just so heartwarming?
Hocchan, my wife has many similar moments of you preserved as videos, so should you ever want them played during a concert just like tonight, let me know anytime.
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Hokuto: Don’t you worry, because that will never happen. Actually, just get rid of them. I hate that there's even a possibility that you might use them like this someday.
Seiya: Oh, we aren’t getting rid of anything. They’re precious memories, you see.
But in any case, how it looks to the audience is that Jun-kun so ardently admired Jin-kun that he decided to be an idol.
Your parents may have apologized many times in the video, but to anyone besides us, who already know of the circumstances, the editing made it so that no viewers would understand just what it was about...
It only seemed as if your father was apologizing to you for being a lesser idol than Jin-kun.
Your parents started crying at some point, too, but it only seemed as if they were so very proud of their son who grew beyond their own achievements… and those tears were, therefore, ones of joy.
You understand now, yes? What I just did was make a charming little tale out of the harrowing life you’ve led up until now.
Rather than your grudges, nor your parents' forceful coercion, it was your supposed admiration for Jin-kun that I turned into your reason for becoming an idol.
Jun: Turned, huh… Is it really gonna be okay when the actual truth’s completely different~?
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Jun: …Well, no one’s gonna be happy if we ever laid the whole truth bare.
I’m not asking for pity from the world or anything, though. All I wanna do is overcome the wall that stands in front of me.
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Jin: Hey now, don’t glare at me while saying that… C'mon, you admire me, right~? It'd make my day if your eyes could sparkle a lil' more when ya look at me.
Jun: Goddamn. …Ugh, in any case, what exactly is all this for?
I'm real thankful that you didn’t make a nasty villain out of anyone, including my old man, but there’s gotta be some kinda vital reason you went to all these lengths, right?
Seiya: Correct. How about I give you a hint, then? There's no time for me to explain in length, so please think it through on your own.
Ultimately, this is all for the sake of balance. And just as I said at the start, I've wanted to make Jun-kun into the very embodiment of the name Lilith.
Can you predict the rest?
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Hokuto: No, I can’t. Just what are you doing, Father?
Seiya: I've already answered that, too. In this kingless era, there is no meaning in winning by a landslide.
All that will achieve is reverse things back to a former era, and I wouldn’t like that to happen, either.
At the same time, I can’t have the situation so spectacularly reversed on me, either. I cannot allow there to be an overwhelming victory that would completely cripple the defeated.
After all, I want to continue surviving on, so that I may become a supporting role for the future you’ll all bring about.
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Now, the “reverse” in Reverse Live will refer to neither the reversal of time nor the situation. [1]
I will wash it clean from any sense of those meanings so that it may very well have been chosen purely for the sound of it.
And if I could sing until the end and welcome a happily-ever-after with a smile… Then there will be nothing else I would wish for. My job will be done.
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Hokuto: …?
[ ☆ ]
"Reverse" (リバース) in Japanese is pronounced the same as "rebirth", so throughout the chapters there is some ambiguity on which meaning the name has. Incidentally, the official English name according to ! appears to be Rebirth Live....
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princesandromeda · 11 months
I love this comic so much! It took me a whole hour to read it orz but it was worth it because it was so funny.
Summary/translation under the cut, disclaimer that I'm not a professional translator so some things might be wrong!
First two pages are them playing with spins while yelling their attacks (Aurora Thunder/Nebula Chain) and Shun hits Hyoga in the face by accident (RIP Hyoga)
Third page Hyoga was telling Shun that Natasha was scared bc people were performing the Lion Dance (the one that like 5 people get under a huge lion suit) outside their condominium, which makes Shun go "oh, that reminds me I also had something mildy scary happen to me the other day", and it was Shaka (with his eyes open!!!) outside his door.
[Fourth page] Shaka brought a gift for New Years: Shaka Shaka Curry! (Very delicious!). Shaka peer-pressured Shun into eating it bc smth or the other rite of passage for virgo saint.
[Fifth page] Hyoga inspects the Shaka Shaka curry and then starts shaking Shun "Did you eat it?!" "Eh? Yeah" "And you don't feel any different?!" "Well, now that you mention it I have the weird urge to say that I am the best thing from heaven to hell; or float while meditating in lotus position; or to strip people from their five senses..." "Hold on, Shun!" (Natasha's so confused her parents are so weird)
Sixth page is Seiya and Shun. Shun wonders what he should give Hyoga for his birthday, Seiya says flowers, Shun says "nah, I already gave him flowers" (and something about the bar patrons taking the flowers?) so he says he will instead give him a big cake with Camus coming out of it (??????)
[Seventh page] Seiya: Why don't you just give up (on that idea)? Shun: Don't worry, this wouldn't be the first time Camus (does something like this?) Seiya: what do you mean?????
Eight page starts with Shun: "Ah, I'm so busy tomorrow, I'll have to [list of chores that I'm too lazy to translate]. I should write it down so I don't forget." Hyoga: Are you busy rn? Shun: no. Hyoga: I wanted you to taste-test a recipe I was trying for White Day.
[Ninth page] Shun: Valentine's is all about receiving but people are rarely serious about it. Hyoga: Yakimeshi? Shun: It's too late to eat that (but the thing you just made is delicious). Hyoga: And what would you do if I got serious? Shun: Hmm, I see. Then it could become scary. Hyoga: Scary? Shun: It would be no fun if I explained it to you. Hyoga? What's wrong? Hyoga--? [Hyoga discovered Shun's To-Do list which includes a reservation of sorts for Hyoga?]
In the tenth page Natasha comes crying because his papa yelled at her (!). She was just waking up when she heard her papa saying "10..."
[Eleventh page] Natasha: Ten? Ten what papa? Hyoga [asleep]: TEN TAKOYAKI! [falls back to sleep] Natasha: And I don't get why he yelled at me! ;A; Shun: Ah, I see, I'll try asking him later, ok?
[twelfth page] Shun's had plenty experience with Hyoga talking in his sleep. Natasha: I want to sleep with mama tonight!
In the tirtheenth page Shun woke up earlier. Shun: Eh? I was sure I was alone when I went to sleep. Then why...?
[Fourteenth page] Shun: He always has that bad habit of sleeping in the wrong room... Hyoga [waking up]: Hm? No, I didn't sleep in the wrong room. Shun: What do you mean. Hyoga: This is my room.
[Fifteenth page] When Hyoga went to sleep at 3am... Hyoga: Hey, Shun [shake] [forehead kiss]. He's not waking up, if I wake him up, then he might get annoyed at me...
Pages 16 to 19 don't need translation🫣
[Page 20] Shun: Eh? Why? This is so weird... Hyoga: What's wrong? Shun: I've been trying to enter some numbers for quite a while, but the computer's keyboard's not entering anything. Hyoga: Shun, I think it's best if you took a little break... you're really tired. Shun: eh? Hyoga: because that thing you were tapping so desperately earlier... was the calculator.
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Tysm for the tag @starlady66!
Are you named after anyone: a saint born in my town.
when was the last time you cried? This morning, because my dad is sick.
do you have kids? Thank God no.
do you use sarcasm a lot: when I am angry, yes.
what's the first thing you notice about people? height, probably.
what's your eye colour: Brown.
scary movies or happy endings: happy endings forever!
any special talents: none whatsoever. 
where were you born? Italy.
what are your hobbies?: reading, writing, eating.
have any pets?: a cat named Loki.
what sports do you play/have played?: I have a green belt in kickboxing.
how tall are you?: 1,78m
favourite subject in school?: Literature, english
dream job?: I just wanna get paid.
first ship: Seiya x Shaina (Saint Seiya)
three ships: Bagginshield, Aragorn/Arwen, Polivia.
last (current) song: Halloween - Faun.
last movie: Pan’s Labyrinth (not new)
currently reading: I need to start The Once and the Future King.
currently watching: Miss Scarlet and the Duke.
currently consuming: An apple.
currently craving: sleep in my bed, cry, eat junk food
I'm tagging whoever wants to do it! 
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straykidsnerd255 · 1 year
Hello! Came Here For A Quick Saint Seiya Request! Curious How Would Sphinx Pharaoh Be As. Boyfriend/ Partner (Can Be Headcanon Or Scenario!) I'm Curious Because He Has Probably Become My Favourite Specter At The Moment- 🙈💗
Here you are! I hope you enjoy this little HC list and thanks for requesting<3
Sphinx Pharaoh as your boyfriend/partner:
He definitely is a cat person. He’s got a pretty maine coon cat and you can’t tell me otherwise.
He is very protective of both you and his cat so people, beware. 
He takes you out on little dates like to the movies, a fair, maybe just a little picnic in the park. 
Sphinx Pharaoh will definitely ask you what your favorite things are and then instantly turn around the buy all those things. 
He hates it when you are sad and does everything he can to get you to smile, or even laugh for just a moment. 
His home screen on his phone is a picture of you and his cat. You have your nose touching the cat's nose as the cat's paw is resting on your hands from where they grip the counter.
Sphinx Pharaoh will brag to all of his friends about you and how you make him sweet the night before so he can eat them the next day.
His personality will take a 180 if you come home from work in tears. He hates to see you cry and will 100 percent beat a bitch.
Sphinx Pharaoh has thought it over and he knows that you are the person he wants to marry someday. 
“You will love me even if I ugly cry?” You asked, wiping the tears from your face. 
“I will love you to the moon and back. I don’t care if you cry in front of me. Just gives me the excuse to cuddle you close and kiss your face as much as I want.” He replied, a smug but gentle smile on his face.
His favorite thing in the world is cuddling up with you, covered by a big blanket, and falling asleep on the couch together.
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bazzybelle · 1 year
Music Tag Game
Thanks for the tag @aroace-genderfluid-sheep! You know I love anything music-related, and these are always so much fun to do. :)
Rules: Put your playlist on shuffle. For each of the 10 interview questions, select a lyric from the random song that comes up. (Skip if there aren’t any lyrics and make sure to drop the name of the song in your interview answer!) <3
Ok, so I have to do some work for my job at the moment (deadline day... I hate it all), so I've got my Grey's Anatomy Playlist going. This will be interesting, to say the least. xD
1. First off, how would you describe yourself in one sentence?
Hey child, things are looking down; That's ok, you don't need to win anyways; Don't be afraid, just eat up all the grey; And it will fade all away; Don't let yourself fall down. -- Patrick Watson - The Great Escape.
2. What kind of [Leo] are you?
Girl you got me thinking about diving; And get down on one knee, maybe two; People may stop and stare, but; I don't even care, no; Just as long as I'm with you. -- Jesus Jackson - Running on Sunshine.
3. You’re visiting your favourite spot. What are you thinking about?
Take every moment, you know that you own them; It's all you can do, use what's been given to you. -- Lenka - Live Like You're Dying
4. If your life was a movie, what do you think the first review would say about it?
I'm happy because I'm stupid; Scared of spiders, scared of flying; If I wasn't so happy; I wouldn't be so scared of dying. -- The Boy Least Likely To - Be Gentle With Me
5. Say you get a book deal. What are you titling the memoir?
I make a move and spill my drink. -- Andrew Belle - Static Waves
6. What would you say about your best friends?
I go nowhere high; Go nowhere warm; Until you're by my side; Your hand in mine; And I've always known; You're like a feather; You go where wind and fire melt together. -- Kate Havnevik - Nowhere Warm
7. Think back to when you had everything all figured out in highschool. What was your life motto as a teenager?
This is the starting of a brand new day; I never liked this town much anyway; I need this city like I need the rain; I know that somewhere there's a north bound train. -- Andrew Belle - Make It Without You
8. Describe your aesthetic now
Only the moon and the stars in the sky did know; To cry for me; As I sailed on. -- Landon Pigg - Sailed On
9. What’s a lyric that they’ll quote in your eulogy?
'Cause you can't jump the track, we're like cars on a cable; And life's like an hourglass glued to the table. -- Anna Nalick - Breathe (2AM) {Any lyric from this song honestly}.
10. And for our final question, say you believe in soulmates. What do you think their first impression of meeting you would be?
And in the sickness, you have faith; And in the thickness, you'll find me. -- Zola Jesus - Skin
Tagging @carryonsimoncarryonbaz, @f-ing-ruthless-baz, @amywaterwings, @yellobb, @namistrella, @spockandthings, @messofthejess, @mentallyinvernation, @seiya-starsniper, and @windsweptinred
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kyriemrmister · 2 years
i've finally finished reading the crossover monkees RPF fanfiction (aka Time Prison Fic) that i liked that davy design from and um
how can a fanfiction be so unapologetically LGBT-friendly and anti-TERF and also hate women and sapphics so much?
it's also painfully obvious how much of a self-insert the fic's version of mike is (and tbh it also stinks of naruto harem fic except it's mike nesmith from the monkees instead of naruto and he's transmasc and there's more then women in the harem)
the earlier parts before mike came in were more tolerable (elaine kido is both a girlboss AND a girlfail. what a queen. i love her) but wow the monkees popping up and taking over the story ruined it.
mike literally has none of the babygirl and pathetic meow meow qualities he actually had (according to the monkees fandom on here) and is literally every poorly written alpha male OP self-insert harem smut fic lead on ffnet except he's trans, and surprise! he doesn't just like women! (props to that bit! but it's just an excuse for male and nb characters that half of the writing duo has the hots for to also get into mike's pants and be his cheerleader and do nothing otherwise like the women also do in this fic and almost any other harem fanfiction from ffnet)
there's also other Questionable Things, socks and his flanderization from genuinely good and interesting lead to 'heehoo funny meme guy', for one (i could write an entire dissertion on what the story lovingly calls the 'TFSP' oh man)
and whatever tf they did with micky dolenz (once she comes out as a woman in the fic she just becomes another cheerleader and porking object for mike and they disregard previous characterization for that. did i mention how much that half of the writing duo hates women and sapphics? because wow he sure does)
and tbh this fic also does davy dirty (he's just there for fetishization of fat people because the half of the duo who writes him has a weight gain and feederism kink and it's painfully obvious but he doesn't want to push it on mike because he doesn't want him being 'weak and helpless' or something)
peter is also done pretty dirty too tbh (literally he's just boiled down to 'hippie pacifist plantboy who puts up protective barriers and heals people', which is not a bad concept in itself, but it's executed so SO badly. like you gotta make socialist and bisexual autistic icon and avid woman respecter peter tork into a soft 'don't hurt me or i'll cry' boy to further elevate mike?)
and when a new character appears or an old character from earlier in the fic, 9/10 they're just there to be mike's cheerleader/pork mike/for mike to beat up
there's some genuinely good humor in this fic (the puns and wordplay are top notch in this fic, and they know the right time and place to slip in a meme or reference)
but wow. WOW. does the male half of the writer duo ever hate women and sapphics.
i'm currently reading the reboot of the story and tbh it also stinks of some of the same problems (mike somehow has the ability to turn straight men gay for him, which is funny, but also the ability also makes sapphics fall in love with him, a man, who isn't even close to being butch, fall in love with him too, which is kinda gross lol)
the only fun parts of the reboot of the story so far is the reimagining of the seiya and ikki rivalry as more of a bugs bunny and daffy duck situation (a very galaxy-brained but clearly not canon-compliant take on their rivalry. doesn't stop from making me love it though), women having more agency (when mike's not around lol), and the use of pizza tower as a new addition because peppino's pretty bang on characterization-wise so far and he's been frequently enjoyable as a character for the Most Part, as there's the One Misstep for the Crossover Mother of his OC Child because the whole 'don't age up children and ship them' discourse which taints the fic's version of peppino Slightly.
it's obvious the writers care a lot about representation but hm. there's a lot of woman and sapphic hate permanating this fic saga and its reboot (the reboot significantly less so but it still Stinks of it Slightly) and i think that's what ruins it.
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