#i'll. try my best but. i got a job. this year. so. um!!! i might not draw as much
theboxfort · 3 months
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blue-babygirl · 8 months
Would you, possibly, be willing to do Emily comforting a lesbian BAU!reader who’s just been dumped by their gf? 👀 I just think she would be so sweet about it but also so real
A/N: Okay so I'm pretty sure I went off the rails from what the anon actually asked for and just fucked it up but um.... I'll just post it now.
Status Update
Pairing: Emily Prentiss x BAU!Fem!Reader
Type: Fluff/Sweet (I think?)
Description: Break ups can suck. But you have your best friend (and hopefully future girlfriend) to help you out and spend the evening with you.
Warnings: The reader doesn’t seem all that affected by the break up tbh? I don’t think there is anything I need to add here.
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You knew that you needed to figure out a way to apologize to your girlfriend. So that’s what you did on the jet back home. By the time the jet landed, you had a plan in motion. You made a reservation at a restaurant she was talking about and ordered her favorite flowers and some chocolates. The only hitch in your plan was that you couldn’t get ahold of your girlfriend.
Well, ex-girlfriend after the call you get.
“Hey Gar-”
“OMG Y/N! Why didn’t you say anything? When did this happen? You just have to say a word and I will be at your place with ice cream and alcohol and movies!”
“Woah woah woah! What’s this about?” Emily turned to you from the passenger seat as you gave her and your phone a strange look.
“Emily! Good thing you guys are together! And Y/N didn’t tell you? She and Clarise broke up!”
“What?!?” You and Emily exclaimed at the same time.
“What? She updated her relationship status on Facebook… OMG she did it without telling you…” You could quite literally hear the grimace on Penny’s face across the phone.
“No… I- I’ve been trying to get ahold of her since the case ended but it keeps going to voicemail…”
“Oh Y/N… I am so sorry. You know we are here for you, right?” Emily gave you a soft smile as you took a deep breath to try and think clearly.
“Yes! And um… not sure if you want to know but she blocked you… that’s why it kept going to voicemail…” Penelope spoke up, making you shake your head. “Thanks Penny. I’ll see you at the office.”
“Okay. I love you, be safe lovies.” You sat back with a sigh, not sure if it was disbelief, sadness or relief that you felt. You couldn’t believe that this was how Clarise was breaking up with you but at the same time, it was also how she and her friends let people know that they didn’t like them or were mad at them. You felt sad that this is how things were ending after being with her and there for her for the last almost two years. And however bad it might be, you also felt somewhat relieved after how much she had been trying to make you choose between your job and her even though you had made it clear what your job was like and how much you loved it before you even got together.
“You know we are here for you right?” You glanced at Emily, catching her eye. You sigh, contemplating if you should speak out your thoughts.
“I know… Honestly, I don’t really know how to feel. We were together for two years and instead of giving me the courtesy of telling me herself, she just blocked me and changed her status, which honestly hurts. But at the same time, she has been pretty insistent about me choosing her over my job over the past couple months, so this is somewhat of a relief too because I don’t want to choose.”
“I feel you. Most of us seem to have the same issue.” Emily chuckled, but you could feel the bitterness of it. You groan when you remember that you need to cancel your reservations and the orders, knowing that you won’t get your money back.
“I’m gonna have to cancel my reservations and stuff and I’m not even going to get my money back. This sucks.” You take out your phone just as Emily speaks up.
“Well… you can still go? I mean, by yourself or we can go as a group if you want?” “You know what?” You speak up after a moment of silence. “I don’t want to go alone, and the reservation is only for two people. How do you feel about going with me?”
“Like a date?” Emily exclaims and you can hear the surprise in her voice.
“Well… not exactly… but we can do that after I move on from everything with Clarise?” You bite your lip as you shoot your shot.
“Well… a-are you sure?”
You shoot Emily a soft smile as she glances at you, “A 100% sure.”
“I would love that…” You can see Emily blushing under the streetlight as she parks outside your apartment building.
“Perfect. I’ll pick you up in an hour?” You smile at her as she nods, grinning at the blush covering her cheeks. “Emily Prentiss blushing? Never thought I’d see the day.”
“Oh hush! If anybody ever hears about this…” Emily threatens. “No one is going to hear. Your secret’s safe with me Em. Now, I’m gonna go get ready and by the time I get to your place, you better be dressed up Agent Prentiss.” You grin as you tease her, getting your bags and leaving the car.
One hour later, you are standing outside Emily’s apartment building with flowers and a box of chocolate, waiting for Emily to get down. You grin when you see her coming out in a beautiful red dress that doesn’t even compare to the beauty wearing it.
Emily smiles at you as you exchange greetings, blushing when you give her the flowers and chocolate.
“These aren’t the ones you ordered on the jet.” Emily says as she gets into the car.
“No, they are in the trash. I was not about to give you the flowers I bought for Clarise, Em. You deserve a lot better.” You start the car, giving her one last smile before starting to drive.
The rest of the evening is a blur of conversation, laughter and memories being made. You both enjoy a selection of high-quality food followed by an ice cream stop before driving to drop her off at her apartment.
As the night comes to an end, you are sure of two things. One, the two of you won’t be dating until after at least 3 months because according to Emily ‘that is the required amount of time to get someone out of your system’. Two, you are willing to wait an eternity if it means that you can date Emily at the end.
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theonetruegnome · 2 months
The critters are all sitting together at lunch. SunnyShoat is telling a joke
'ok, and then?'
'Well then the barkeeper says, 'Is that damn nun here again?' Baahahahaha!'
'I… Don't get it.'
'Yeah, explain please Sunny?'
'Well *heh* You- you see *Hehheh* It's cause nuns can't drink. So...'
Nobody is laughing, but Conk is smiling very widely.
'Well it was funny when my uncle said it!'
'Oh, well that explains it.'
'Oh? what did I do wrong then?'
'You're our leader Sunny, not our uncle. Uncle jokes only land if you're an uncle.'
'I mean, if we're doing uncle jokes now, I think I have this down pat. *Ahem* Two guys walk into a bar. The third one ducks.'
'Good try, but we've all heard that one before Munchy! Okay, my turn! They say life speeds up as you get older, which is why my grandpa is always wearing a crash helmet.'
'Ha! Very good Callum, much better than me. I only have a Joke about unemployment, but it doesn't work at the moment.'
'He he he he!'
'Jesus Christ I need better material.'
'May I have a go please?'
'Leah, you don't need to walk on eggshells around us, we're friends! Just tell a joke if you want to.'
'Oh ok, sorry, force of habit. Ok, so um.. L-last time I was invited to a party, it said on the invite 'Look smart.' So I went dressed up as Mana!'
*Complete silence*
'Oh. okay, sorry. never mind, sorry I said anything...'
'It's not your fault Leah. It's just that nobody here is an uncle, so nobody here can make uncle jokes funny. Simple physics.'
Dandy raises her hand, 'I'm an Aunt'
'...How, you're eleven?'
'Last year my third-cousin Lydia had a baby, so I'm technically an aunt. Here, wait I have photos...'
'That still doesn't change the fact that the joke won't land. You need to be an Uncle, dandy.'
'Same difference. So, last time I was in Madrid, I got sick while staying at this little hotel. Luckily, they told me 'Oh we have our own doctor here', so I went to see him, and within the hour I felt better. I told him, 'I would never have thought a small hotel like this would have such a skilled doctor as you.' He shrugged and said 'Nobody expects the Spanish Inn physician!''
There's a small delay as the jokes is processed but soon everybody is laughing, with dandy at the centre, grinning from ear to ear. Man she's cool!
Callum, who just snorted milk out of his nose, looks up and his laughter dies down.
'Hey, where are you going Kitty?'
'Oop, Sorry guys, I just saw some old friends outside, need to catch up. I'll be back in in a second.'
'Wait, Callum-!'
'I'll just say hi, don't worry!'
'But your food-'
Ting-a-ling! The last glimpse of the cat is his long tail almost getting caught in the restaurant door.
'Huh. Didn't know callum had other friends'
'Probably from following his dad to work.'
'Oh yes, probably. A lot of noble house servants bring their children to work to keep an eye on them, so the kids usually become friends. It's sort of a tradition.'
'Really? I have no idea what It's like to be taken to your dad's job, tell me more!'
While the others laugh, Sunny and munch look across to each other. Something about this seems... off... But, they might just be jealous 'cause he has other friends. The thought passes, Callum sheepishly returns, and soon all eight are talking and amicable again.
Have a guess, what noble house do you think Callum's dad works for? Best answer becomes canon!
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afaramir · 4 months
3, 23, 24, 25, 27 and 30? 💕
hi hi ria!! blessings of rain be upon ye...
3. how you feel about your current wip
i am RATTLING the bars of the cage in my brain!!! by that i mean the faramir goes to rivendell au is possibly my favourite best thing ive ever written i am just stuck in the mudpit of the current conversation and i would like to. not be there. but i really do love working on it it feels like gradually assembling a structure around a framework and when i step back and really look at it its just. jrr tolkien and i are having A Conversation. you know? like yes!! i AM transforming the work!! i AM deciding whether he would fucking say that and i do think i am right at least 92% of the time!! ive had the concept of the au in my head for probably 3-4 years at least and i feel like. well i was never really going to feel Ready to write it. and yet i am grabbing it in my hands and doing it anyway and it IS making me a much better writer and i can Feel it. yeah i love it.
and umbar fic/situationship au is just me pushing the bounds of do it weird/do it horny/do it self-indulgent and it is. SO MUCH FUN. i think there has always been a little block in my head stopping me from doing that i mean like everything i write is kind of like. this is specifically created to cater to me. but the panopticon in my head is a crazy thing. but step by step we are defeating it. this is like the next step up from just so long as this thing's loaded which was kind of my first time pushing those bounds and. i mean there are a lot of things about that one that i think i could improve now (this is my REAL answer to that "would you rewrite anything" question from the other ask meme) but it definitely got me here. never underestimate the power of a rarepair to make you WEIRD. (<- abby rarepairnationcore sentences...)
23. pick three keywords that describe your writing
what is this a job application? LOL just kidding but i do suck at these. um. atmospheric. character-driven (yes this is two words but it is true). interrogative (i am IN THERE with. either the original text. or the minds of the characters. shakes u like a snow globe WHAT is going on in your head).
24. how do you recharge when you're not feeling creative?
im really bad at this. like actually spectacularly abysmal. i mostly sit around feeling sorry for myself for three to nine months. until i eventually buck up the motivation and executive function to actually (re)consume a piece of media and more often than not it will seize me by the throat and lead me out of the pit. yeah this does usually work best with things ive seen before that will awaken a dormant fixation.
25. besides writing, what are your other hobbies?
going to the grocery store. doing my dishes. LOL ok when i am Not Writing A Novel-Length Fic i knit. one day i will start doing it again i want to make. the extensive sweater vest collection of my dreams. but i already have this repetitive stress injury because i type for eight hours at work and then come home and type for four more and i think if i started knitting again on top of that i would immediately crumble to dust. and um. is that it? that can't be it. i do calligraphy sometimes. WAIT LOL I BIND BOOKS. -> @hexagonspress
27. your favourite part of the writing process
omg ok i'm not sure if this is like my Top Number One Favourite but ive recently started really enjoying drafting out ao3 tags and start/end notes it's really fun to work out what things i want people to notice that i might wanna talk about in the end notes and compressing everything down into tags (to varying extents) is also just a neat way to think about like. what was i trying to capture/convey with the fic. e.g. whether i wanna be really wordy with it and get it all out in there or just have the reader go in pretty much blind.
30. share a fic you're especially proud of
maybe i'll never shut up about TO THE VERY DEAR MEMORY OF [ ] but like...you guys. i love it so much. it's so so experimental because the place in my mind that is wrapped around yancy becket is so....complicated and full of grief and fundamentally altering to my brain chemistry and i can only capture it through the world's craziest extended metaphors but i kind of feel like i pulled it off. it is like truly the tip of the iceberg of a LOT of stuff that is really fundamental to honestly a lot of my? lotr work? i mean the way i think about water metaphors...the fundamental dead brother complex baked into my writer's brain...it's all pacific rim in there. this fic marinated in my head for THREE YEARS. that is the longest from inception to completion that any of my (published) work has existed (unpublished is a whole different story. there's a longfic that i created at the beginning of my freshman year of college and has stuck around into postgrad. i mean. girl). i wrote the poem that each first line of every section is extracted from in my parents' house during covid lockdown. and then it just had to sit and develop and develop until the yancy becket death anniversary this year yanked it forcibly out of my head and into a fully-formed format.
fic writer's asks
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casspurrjoybell-23 · 5 months
LOST and FOUND - Chapter 11 - Part 2
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*Warning Adult Content*
One Month Later
I was really enjoying living with Jona.
Nothing had changed in our relationship other than the fact that we were living together.
That meant that I slept in the same bed as him and we fooled around but we still hadn't actually fucked.
I didn't know what was stopping us.
He would rim me or finger me and we would give each other blow jobs but his cock hadn't gotten even close to my hole, yet.
I was watching T.V. when I got a phone call from Jona and I quickly picked it up.
"Hey. I was going to order dinner soon. When are you going to be home?"
He groaned.
"I'm really busy at work and I'm going to be here late. I need to ask you a favor."
"Um... okay."
"Will you pick up Ethan from his baseball game?"
He asked hesitantly. I didn't say anything at first.
I liked Ethan.
I saw him a few days a week when he spent the night at the house but I had never spent much time alone with him and picking him up from his game... that was so parental.
"Sure," I finally said.
"Thanks, baby," he sounded grateful.
"I'll let you know when I'm leaving work. Love you."
And then he hung up.
I slowly took the phone away from my face and stared at it.
Did he just say...?
I shook my head.
No... he didn't mean it.
It was just an automatic response to someone when you cared about them and were getting off the phone with them.
I mean that was a plot in a lot of shows and movies.
It happened all the time.
It didn't mean anything, I told myself again.
We hadn't said those words to each other yet and Jona knew it was a big deal.
It was just an accident.
I thought he might call me back and apologize for the way he ended the call but he must have never realized it because the phone was quiet.
I sighed, snapping myself out of this daze.
I needed to pick up Ethan, I couldn't worry about this right now.
I pushed those words to the back of my mind and got up from the couch.
Don't over think it, Beau.
As I waited in the parking lot at Ethan's school, I was hoping that Jona told him I was picking him up.
It would be weird if he didn't.
I cared a lot about Ethan... more than I expected to... but the age thing got weird a couple times.
No matter how serious I got with Jona, I didn't want to start acting like Ethan's parent.
It wasn't fair since he already had two and he especially didn't need to be parented by a twenty-five-year-old.
Suddenly, the car door opened and Ethan said...
"Hey, Bea."
I smiled at the nickname and waved while he slid into the car.
"How was the game?" I asked as I did my routine, checking all the mirror incessantly before putting the car in reverse.
"Seatbelt, please," I said and Ethan clipped his seatbelt in.
"It was good. We won, so that's always good, right?"
"Right. Congrats," I told him, smiling over at him and then focused on the road again.
We fell into a comfortable silence after that.
I never felt awkward around Ethan, at least after that first day so I wasn't sure why I was wary of picking him up.
"Can I ask you something?" he asked out of nowhere.
"Yeah, of course."
He paused and then just came out with it...
"How did you know you were gay?"
I was little shocked by the question but I responded quickly.
"I always kind of knew. I had my first crush on a boy when I was like five and it was pretty obvious to my parents from the beginning."
"Oh," he said, sounding disappointed.
I glanced over at him, worried.
He was looking down at his hands in his lap.
I chewed on my lip.
Was he trying to say that he was...?
"Why haven't you asked your dad about this?" I asked and he shook his head.
"I can't. I'd be too embarrassed. Dad was like... a fuckboy growing up. He wouldn't understand."
I giggled a little.
Ethan gave me an amused look.
I smiled over at him before focusing on the road again.
"Why don't you tell me what's been going on?"
He sighed.
"It's my friend. My best friend. I don't know... I just don't look at him as just a friend. I don't think about girls at all, I just think about him. I could never tell him. My heart will just end up broken."
My eyebrows drew together.
"Is there's no way your friend feels the same way?"
He gave me a devastated look.
"No, definitely not. He would hate me if he knew."
"I'm sure he wouldn't, Ethan. Not if he's your best friend."
He just shook his head.
Soon we were pulling up to the house.
"Why don't you invite him over sometime. I have pretty good gaydar," I told him and he gave me a suspicious look.
"Or are you too embarrassed to be seen with your dad and me?"
I parked in the driveway.
"Well, you guys are kind of embarrassing sometimes."
"Then I have accomplished something in life."
Ethan laughed.
That seemed to bring him out of his poor mood and I was glad I could take his mind off it.
His smile fell a little and then he said...
"Please, Bea. Don't tell my dad."
I touched his shoulder.
"I won't."
"Thanks," he said, looking grateful.
"You can always talk to me, Ethan," I told him.
"Thanks, Bea."
I smiled, lip quivering a tiny bit.
And then I reached over the console, bringing him into a tight hug.
He laughed, hugging me back.
"Just don't do this in front of my friend, okay?"
"No promises," I said as I squeezed him.
He grumbled but squeezed me back.
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The Hit
I don't know how to say this but...
There was a bounty on my head.
Well technically all of me.
It all started out as roughly a normal day. The flowers were blooming, Yoshi was still on the castle roof trying to avoid taxes. And I was in the gardens trying to perfect my wall jump technique.
Mario: Garth. you Don't slide on the wall. You might cut your hand on a brick or something.
Garth: But that's how it works in the games.
Mario: we went over this already. Not everything in the games reflects real life.
Garth: Keywords being "Not Everything" Mario Brothers 3 was a play in real life. Hotel Mario was based on a true story. And Clu Clu Land is one of the most accurate adventures on the KES.
Mario: We're all aware of the weird avant-garde play based on my life.
Garth: Based on the years of 1985
Mario: Just get down here so I can show you how to properly get it done.
I landed back on the ground. And not a moment too soon.
An arrow ended up hitting where my head would have been.
That would have made me loose like... a unit of health.
Then suddenly two more arrows followed.
That would have done me in.
Or least send me to the infirmary.
Mario: Mamma Mia. Who attacks someone like that.
Garth: I'm unsure. I'm just glad that they missed me.
We decided to head inside. Ending training for the day.
I decided to stay in the castle's throne room where Peach was having her weekly audience. It felt safer to be in a room with more than 10 people.
Unfortunately I had to leave after the audience ended.
I walked across the bridge to get to my home.
I felt a bit of Peace considering I probably could find sanctuary at my abode.
That wasn't till I saw frickin shirikens on my door.
I decided maybe it's best if I stick to crowds right now.
I would queue a montage. but I don't exactly have animation Studio on call
So I'll just bullet point the rest of the day.
Arrows at Astros
Shurikens at Burger Sync
Arrows at the comic shop
shurikens at warp org.
A tomahawk at Dreadpoint (that was unrelated)
Arrows at HEBuddy Grocery's
BOTH Arrows And Shurikens at my parents house.
I decided I would get to the bottom of this after having an arrow be shot in the Pollo of my Caldo and a shuriken cut the limes...
I met with them in a dark Agridulcian location
The Flamenco Bowl.
There i saw two people. A Starchild in a ninja get up. And a Niji dressed as Robin Hood.
Garth: so... Which one of you put the hit on me?
Ninji and Starchild: Neither.
Niji: That's not how it works.
Starchild: People will put a bounty on a person's head. And then bounty hunters will usually go and get that person.
Garth: wait are you assassins or bounty hunters?
Ninji: Bounty Hunter
Starchild: It depends on the job.
Garth: I want to know who put the hit on me.
Ninji: Fine. Let me get the laptop.
Both of them then set said laptop and put me on a video call with someone.
The caller ID said: Shiveria Max Security Penitentiary.
Pianta in prison suit: Is it done yet?
Garth: Um...no.
Pianta in prison suit:... Why is the target speaking to me.
Garth: "The Target" would like to have a word with you. For starters why did you want to send me to the afterward.
Pianta in prison suit: Do you seriously not know who I am.
Garth: No. Should I?
Pianta in prison suit: I am Pluto Ulpt. Son of S.K. Ulpt. Or should I say "the man whose dream you ruined"
Garth: wait. Like the creator of that giant teapot.
Pluto: It was called [a name I forgot].
Garth:It was gonna hurt people.
Pluto:...Screw it. Attack him.
Then they started attacking me with arrows and shurikens at me. And granted it was probably a bad idea to come to a meeting with two people hired to destroy you without any form of defense.
Thankfully my real plan came to action.
I got there a bit earlier and informed the owner to call for help.
It turns out you can actually call a bounty hunter on them they're Bounty Hunter.
After some tear gas and got dropped in.
I managed to avoid it by finding behind the pins.
That Bounty Hunter ended up taking the other two in for a hefty reward of 5,000 coins. Or at the very least hefty for modern day bounties considering these two.
Apparently Pluto might have an extended sentence due to hacking the computer lab computers at the penitentiary in addition to bring a hit on a future hero.
But he will probably get some new cell mates to keep him company.
That's pretty much all I have to say.
Garth signing off.
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button-mash · 2 years
What I've been playing this week
After my last post I decided to take a very well earned 9 year break before posting again, as I simply didn't want to bombard the reader with constant posts.
Now that enough time has passed for the reader's pallete to have gently refreshed, it's clearly the right time for my return. In all seriousness, I think I've often struggled with a mental back and forth with myself when it comes to writing that essentially just boils down to wanting to write about games but also a) having no idea what I'd actually want to write about them and ultimately b) being incredibly lazy
Over the last couple of years, I'd started tracking which games I'd completed over the course of that year - this initially started as part of a challenge I took part in on a gaming forum to try and finish 50 games in a year, but gradually over the next couple sort of just became a way to highlight what games I'd seen all the way through to the end. It also functioned as a sort of gaming journal and let me look back at the end of the year to see what I'd enjoyed the most.
At the end of this year however, it made me realise it also created a massive blind-spot for me where any game I didn't finish kinda just got forgotten about in the periphery of my mind... even though of course not every game I finish is good, and not every game I stop playing is bad. Additionally, I realised I don't always play games in a neat way where I finish one and move onto another - sometimes I'll drop one for a while and come back to it, sometimes I'll be playing multiple games alongside each other, sometimes I just wanna throw on a game and fuck around for a little bit and then get bored because I have zero attention span rather than actually make any real attempt to finish it.
So that's why I've decided to resurrect this blog from it's almost decade long hiatus. I've basically spent a decade umming and ahhring over whether I wanted to write reviews, or opinion pieces, or something a little more in-depth and insightul, and trying to second guess what people might want to read, and how they'd want me to write it.
I've finally realised now that the real anwer is much more simple than that - I really just want write dumb stream of consciousness hot takes about what I'm doing in the moment, but on a blog nobody reads so I don't actually have to give a shit and I can just endlessly ramble into the void for my own benefit. Essentially just the blog equivalent of just shouting my opinions directly into a freshly flushed toilet in terms of audience reach and required effort.
So here we go - in true style I'm gonna post what I played last week even though I've said 'this week', because I know if I wait another week it'll actually be another decade. The stakes have truly never been lower
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Superliminal [PC] First up with a game I actually finished. This is a first person puzzle game based around optical illusions, forced perspective puzzles, non-euclidean geometry and so forth, with extremely mixed results.
It actually has a lot of cool ideas, and the overall concept is very fun, but it ultimately doesn't lean enough into it's core to stick it's landing.
I think one of it's main issues is what it feels like it's trying to be the entire time, where it's very clearly trying it's level best to fall somewhere between Portal and The Stanley Parable - and whilst it did a good enough job to certainly constantly remind me of those games, it was unfortunately usually only to remind me how much better those games are in just about every facet.
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From a more gameplay focused uh...perspective, it's main issues are just that it's core mechanics are just too finnicky, and inconsistent puzzle design and odd difficulty spikes just made it quite a frustrating experience - all too often in this game I would figure out a solution fairly early on, and then spend ages trying to get the game to do what I actually wanted - or worse still assumed I was wrong and spent ages trying something else... a cardinal sin in any puzzle game. It has moments where it feels very cool and it's hitting the beats of it's premise in a way that feels very unique and clever, but it's mostly hamstring by it's own jank and clumsiness, and comes away feeling like a fan-mad mod than it does it's own game. It's also really buggy which often meant restarting puzzles or reloading entire sections, which was a pretty tough ask in a game I felt like I was borderline about to quit almost the entire time I was playing it Another issue is that it wants to encourage you to come up with your own outside the box solutions to puzzles at times, but that just meant the puzzles can come off as feeling like they're not fully realised, and it's often not satisfying to actually solve them - either because you feel like you've just kinda skipped the puzzle entirely, or kinda just stumbled your way through it and you just come away thinking 'was that how they wanted me to solve it?'. Ironically, for a game that seemingly wants you to try and pick at it's seams and break it in your own way, the game was always at its best when it funneled you into more myopic solutions in it's more linear sections.
Finally, it tries to have some sort of meta-story that seems to be genuine attempt at emotional resonance, or some profound meaning behind it's lightheated tone, but it just falls incredibly flat - the script is terrible and the voice acting is not great. This functioned pretty well as a GamePass special - something that I'd probably have never played without it being on a subscription service, but just about interesting enough to be noteworthy. I don't think I'd recommend it overall though. I actually forced myself to finish this, I don't actually know why I persisted with it - I think I just hit a point where I found I wasn't too far from the end and figured I'd just power through because of sunk-cost fallacy.
I was surprised to see this game actually reviewed relatively well. I am usually a big beliver in the notion that there aren't really any 'bad' games, just interesting and unintersting ones - in this case I think this is an interesting game that is bad...
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High on Life [PC]
Aw jeez, Rick, it's like a Rick & Morty game ya know? exept we didn't get the license to do it but thats okay, cos aw, jeez like Justin Roiland just does the Morty voice for everything anyway! haha, right? and...and that stammering stream of consciousness affectation...so really its just the same thing anyway, right? a..and meta humour, don't forget that! did you forget that? aw, jeez I actually quite like Rick & Morty in the times that I've watched it - I think it mostly suffers from that 'popular thing that is actually kinda good but it's fans are fucking exhausting so you instinctively think you hate it even though you don't' phenomenon (aka Anchorman Syndrome)
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Honestly, I've just found almost everything about this game just so instantly tiresome. It's strange because I have played both Accounting (which I quite enjoyed and found genuinely very funny for the most part) and Trover Saves the Universe (which I enjoyed a lot less, but didn't really actively dislike), which were both extremely heavy on the whole 'Roiland doing his one trick act', but I feel like this game just started doing my head in almost instantly.
I think part of it is maybe Roiland's shtick is probably a little well worn by this point, but I think a lot of it is that the game tries SO incredibly hard and just does not shut the fuck up at any point ever. It eschews trying to patiently land a well formed gag with just bombarding you with constant commentary hoping that something lands, and it just means that even when it did (because some bits are still genuinely very funny), I was just so weary of the whole thing that it completely undercut any genuine humor that was there. Undercutting is basically the entire theme for this game from what I experienced - the humour can be funny but mostly spends an insane amount of effort trying to appear effortless, so it diminishes anything that does actually land. The game constantly makes you feel like it's provoking you to go off script a-la Stanley Parable, but often doesn't actually know what do to the second you don't play along with whatever it was trying to set-up. The combat and movement have promise but every encounter is essentially a hollow wave shooter, etc, etc, etc. I will say the music is actually great, but even that feels like it belongs in a completely different game, as cool as it is. It also does that irritating thing where it'll do some meta-gag about a certain gameplay trope or level design thing being boring, completely overlooking the fact that simply pointing out something being boring doesnt suddenly make it some subversive twist and stop it being boring. I remember the Deadpool videogame did that a lot and that game was absolute runny shit, so poor company to keep really.
It's a shame really, because there is a framework there that actually has promise - the world is relatively world conceived from a visual standpoint, there are some occasionally genuinely funny gags, and there are moments that show genuine craft and care - it's biggest issue is that it has zero restraint and cannot climb out of it's own way from wanting to constantly show you how clever it things it is. I don't think there is a clearer indication of that than how you cannot skip the dialogue in this game, god forbid you rob it of a chance to show you how cool it is. Actually the clearer indication is probably all the Justin Roiland text messages that have come out the past day or so, showing that he really is just an excruciating piece of shit, so in that regard, this game is a perfect reflection. Aw, Jeez!
TMNT: Shredder's Re-Revenge [Mega Drive]
This is a comprehensive romhack that someone has made where they have put TMNT cast and characters into the levels of Streets of Rage 2, and refined the animations, combat and AI where the gameplay and movement is sort of a mix between the two. There is actually a similar Romhack that came out a while back called TMNT of Rage, but this one focuses on trying to recreate the visual look and moveset of Shredders Revenge - and for the most part it succeeds. What struck me was just how well these games actually meld together - obviously shouldn't really be that much of a surprise considering SoR2 and Turtles in Time came out around the same time and were both brawlers, but it never really occured to me how well their visual styles, settings and music fit together - like the opening stage of Turtles in time is a still under contruction bridge just like the 2nd stage of SoR2, and there are a few other levels that have a decent amounf of visual overlap.  
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What was a bit different about this hack is mostly with romhacks, even if they change up gameplay stuff or difficulty, they ultimately always just feel like reskins, so you always feel like you're playing the game it's based on. With this it genuinely felt like a meld between the two - the combat is close enough to the Turtles game to feel like you're playing with Shredders Revenge movement and combat, but it's still following SoR2's rule on their stages - for the most part it actually felt like a genuine standalone game, with the only real hacky feeling holdover being that you couldn't pick up weapons but presumably they couldn't find a way to remove them, meaning you'd just pick them up and instantly discard them. They also did a great job of matching up the enemies from turtles to be a solid equivalent to enemies in the game, both visually and how they attacked. With that said, there was probably less enemy variety overall which got a little tedious, but they did a really good job of feeling like they'd tried to recreate SoR2 using Turtles assets and AI, rather than just plonking it over the top. I think also I would have liked if they'd mixed in some Turtles music, as as far as I noticed it was all SoR2. - no argument as it's a goat videogame soundtrack (and again it actually fits the turtles really well anyway), but I think that would have been the extra step to make it feel like a true mesh. Only other thing was that the game felt way way easier than the original SoR2 did, I think maybe as a consequence of the deeper moveset and improved mobility, it was just much easier to avoid damage and juggle enemies, especially the bosses. Still, well worth checking out if you're a fan of either game really
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Red Dead Redemption 2 [PC]
I punctuated various points throughout last week with further attempts in what appears to be a neverending quest in not accepting to myself that I don't think I actually like RDR 2 very much despite really wanting to. My wife started watching Yellowstone the other week, and watching a bunch of cowboy achetypes act like they were in a videogame at all times was enough to relight the fire, but like always it never actually takes long with that game to realise to myself I am not actually having that much fun. I think my main issue is the same with most Rockstar games in that the worlds are always just 1000 miles wide and 2 inches deep - for all the incredible detail the world contains, it just feels like you can never really interact or become a part of it in any real meaningful way. The trouble with RDR2 is that the setting just means it's so much more limited in creating fun moments, since even getting around is entirely more cumbersome. GTA always suffered with the same issues with depth for me, but the difference was in GTA it feels like the game is it's most fun in those moments between missions - here those are the absolute dullest moments of the game, and there are only so many beautful country vistas and random encounters you can have until it all just starts to feel a little rote.
Additionally, that game really does not get enough shit for how clumsy it is in general - the way it controls, its awful radial menus, it's UI... almost everything about it mechanically just feels like a game constantly trying to get out of it's own way. Maybe I am just the world's worst RDR2 player, but the ratio of me pressing a button and then Arthur valiantly doing something completely different to what I wanted or expected just seems to be astromically higher than just about any game I can think of. So time is a flat circle and here I am a few days later, already bored of it again but wishing things were different. Can't wait for another 9 months to pass, at which point something else will inspire me to play it again and like always I'll try and convince myself it'll be different this time. Just like updating this blog
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1 note · View note
rendevousz · 3 years
avengers x teen!fem!reader
summary: you get captured during a mission and the team saves you.
warnings: language, violence, brief misogyny, torture, **NO sexual assault (because as i was proofreading, i only implied most of the torture scenes because i didn't want to write it in graphic detail and i realised the vague wordings might be misinterpreted as sexual assault which IT IS NOT, just clearing it up), and also again, my inability to write good endings
word count: 4589
notes: i just rewatched iron man 2 so that explains justin hammer LMAO also ooc justin hammer because even tho mans evil, he gets extremely um.. cruel here but anyways i hope you enjoy this!!
you were 13 when you first met the avengers and 16 when you officially joined. you grew up as one of HYDRA's experimented children and the team had found you when they raided the base that you were in.
a small, sickly-looking kid you were, sat against your cell wall, hugging your knees. 13 but you could probably pass off as a 10 year old due to how malnourished and miserable you were. burying your head in between your knees, you covered your ears as the loud gunshot noises filled the whole place. the metal door of your cell slamming open against the wall had you whimpering, hands above your head in fear.
every time the door slammed open, guards would come drag you out for more experiments so it was an instinct for you to cower in fear at the sound.
"last room in the west hall, i found a little girl."
you heard nothing because you were covering your ears, preparing yourself to be forcefully dragged by the guards to the experiment room. but it never came.
"hey," a soft voice called. you were violently shaking at this point, breathing heavily as you tried to calm down. "hey, it's okay." the voice called out again and you felt them touch your shoulders.
your head immediately jolted up, flinching away from the stranger's touch. your eyes met a blue pair as you backed away into the corner in fear. "i'm sorry! i'm sorry, i didn't mean to." the man apologised. you slowly looked up at him, observing him. he had on a full black outfit, a quiver of arrows slinging on his shoulder and he was holding onto a bow.
"don't be scared. i'm here to help," he states with his hands out, as if to calm you down. "that's what they all say." you hissed through gritted teeth and a tear-stained face, glaring at him even though that could've been a very wrong move had it been with an actual HYDRA guard.
despite the strange feeling of being safe around this man, you didn't let your guard down. that's exactly what those scientists said seven years ago. trusting kind-looking men got you into this hell you never thought you would ever escape from and you weren't going to make the same mistake again.
"clint," a red-headed female, also in all black, entered through the open door of your cell with her pistol up. at the sight of the weapon, you broke your glare towards the man. your breathing quickened and you went back to your original position before the archer came; body pressed up against your knees and covering your ears with your palms.
"i'm sorry! i'm sorry! i'll come! please don't use that on me again," you whimpered, voice muffled as your face was hidden against your knees. the woman freezes mid-walk, looking at her friend with a bewildered expression.
"nat! put that away!" clint whispered harshly, eyes glaring at the pistol in nat's hands. nat's jaw dropped in realisation, a small gasp leaving her lips as she immediately put away her weapon.
she slowly makes her way to you and clint puts his arm out before she could get closer. he looks at her with a worried expression as he shook his head, as if telling her that she can't get too close to you. nat nods understandingly, crouching down a distance from you.
"hey," she spoke softly. "i promise you that we're not here to hurt you." you kept your face hidden from her, still hugging your legs tightly. nat sighs before sitting down.
"here, let's introduce ourselves. i'm nat and this right here is clint." you hear her speak and when you slowly lifted up your head, you saw the both of them sitting down in front of you, seeming to have made themselves at home in your pathetic cell. "what's your name?"
name? you had never been able to use your name before. you always kept your own name deep in your heart despite no one ever using it, afraid you would forget it if you stopped thinking of it. the only name they ever called you here was 'number five'.
"y/n," you whispered, still doubtful about these people's intentions. you almost burst out crying when you said your name out loud. that was the first time you introduced yourself with your actual name and not the number you were given ever since you were captured.
nat must have noticed this because she immediately spoke up, trying to distract you from your consuming thoughts. "y/n...that's a pretty name for a pretty girl like you. how old are you, y/n?" she asks again.
you contemplated once more but decided it was fine. you knew you were probably going to regret trusting these two strangers but what could be worse than what HYDRA has been doing to you for years?
"13," you muttered, looking down at your lap. you were now timidly seated cross-legged, playing with the tattered hem of your shorts. you heard a small gasp from one of them and looked up to see clint with his jaw dropped.
the two adults were both thinking of the same thing. how could you be 13? you were so small and sickly-looking, they didn't even think you were older than ten, let alone an early teen.
"i know you're scared and you have all the reasons in the world to be, but i promise you, we're here to help. we'll get you out of here, only if you trust us. will you trust us?" nat says. your mind was conflicted. you were either going to finally get out of this hellhole or you were going to be taken somewhere even worse than here. but could anywhere really be worse than here?
you decided to take a leap of faith and trust these two strangers. that decision had to have been the best decision you've ever made in your life.
you were now 18, an official avenger and you had the most amazing family you could've ever asked for. they were a bit on the crazier side but could you really have a normal family when said family consisted of superheroes? but you weren't complaining. you loved these people.
they were the ones who took care of you when you thought you had no one. having been a HYDRA experiment, you had abilities the normal human didn't. said ability being shapeshifting and healing. that's why you became an avenger. your shapeshifting ability was essential during missions where you had to sneak in and you being able to heal others was crucial when medic wasn't able to be there on time.
you pretty much came along to every mission despite the adults saying you don't have to. you knew they were only doing that to protect you from dangers of all those missions but how could you not when you had such abilities? they'd be much better with you helping.
that was why you were here, in bulgaria, fighting alongside the team. well, just steve, nat, clint, bucky and tony.
justin hammer had managed to get his hands on a type of out-of-this-planet weapon that tony was also trying to retrieve, and he had big plans with it. hence why the avengers had to come where hammer had wrecked havoc in; sofia, bulgaria. he had upgraded his robots with the tech used for the stolen weapon.
with evil robots attacking the whole city, it felt like you were living the story that wanda told you of what happened in sokovia before you met the avengers.
an hour passed before all of the robots had finally been taken down and you all knew you had to get to hammer before he activates more robots to distract you guys and uses the weapon for bad things.
"tony, have you located hammer?" steve's voice sounded in your ear through the comms. you had just finished healing the nasty gash on clint's side, nat's cut on her forehead and the bruises all over bucky. you were feeling significantly weaker now, from the amount of healing you did. you stumbled slightly when you walked and bucky immediately held onto your arm. "doll, are you okay?"
"i'm fine, buck. nothing i haven't dealt with before," you told him, gently removing his grip on your arm, walking back to the quinjet.
"no, absolutely not. we are not sending y/n right into a death trap. she's not even strong enough right now, she just finished healing us."
you were all back at the compound now and planning a second attack on justin hammer.
"it's not a death trap, buck. and i know you're worried but she's the only choice we got. y/n, all you gotta do is sneak in as one of his henchmen and provide entrance for us. once we get in, we'll take all his guards down and get that weapon from hammer and we won't have to worry about his world domination plans anymore. it'll be over as soon as it starts and she'll be back safe with us. sound good, y/n/n?"
"yeah, sure." you agreed, already having a person in mind that you were going to change yourself to.
the plan had gone just as steve wanted and they managed to raid justin hammer's building, tony stealing the very item that could've aided in the massacre of millions. justin and his henchmen managed to escape the building before the avengers could catch them.
"well, that was anticlimactic," tony scoffs, already making his way to the quinjet. "but good job, y/n. you saved the day once again."
he expected to hear a laugh from you, like you usually did, being the only one who ever responds to him after missions. but instead he was met with silence. "kid?" still no answer.
"y/n, where are you?" steve panicked, finally realising that you were the only one who hasn't responded in a hot minute. "y/n/n, this isn't funny." he breathed out.
"she's...she's gone."
"well, well, well," a voice spoke right as you woke up from your slumber. you squinted, noticing that you were in some sort of dark room with only one light bulb right above you. "what do we have here?"
a figure walks right in the light and you could barely make out justin hammer's ugly face with how dizzy you felt. "if it isn't the little freak." he states condescendingly, smirking down at your helpless position, both wrists and ankles cuffed onto the metal chair you were sat on. you struggled against the restraints, trying to get free but to no avail.
your breathing quickened, your current vulnerable state reminding you of your later years in HYDRA. they had started off experimenting on you on a metal gurney but as you grew older, you realised that what they were doing to you was bad so you started fighting back. that ended you up on a metal restraint chair instead of the gurney, strapped to the chair with cuffs on your wrists and ankles.
this felt like deja vu. the same panic you felt, the same breathing difficulties, the same amount of effort put into trying to get out of the restraints. "you should know, princess, that that doesn't work." hammer chuckled, a fake pout on his lips as he crouched in front of you, a rough hand on your cheek. you instinctively jerked away from his touch, to which he paid no mind to because he had expected that. he then grabbed your chin harshly, turning your head up towards him. you glared at him.
"you think i didn't know what you did? snuck in as one of my men using your freaky powers? not to mention useless. imagine having powers but not being able to use them to even escape from mere humans," he laughs in your face, harshly letting go of your chin, throwing your head backwards. "you tell me where stark planned to bring the weapon and i'll let you pretty little thing go."
before you could even comprehend, his fist came flying at your face and your head dropped to the side at the impact. your left cheekbone was throbbing and you could already tell you were gonna have a black eye. despite the pain, it wasn't something you weren't used to. you were an avenger, after all. getting decked in the face was practically in the contract.
he grabbed your chin once again, pulling your head upwards to face him. "you're gonna tell me where it is or i'm gonna make you regret it."
you looked up at him with a bored look. he punched you again. and again. and again. until you could taste the blood on your tongue. "think you wanna tell me now, sweetheart?"
"never. not to someone like you."
the man seemed to get a kick out of beating you up because he punched you again in the face. your whole face was pretty much numb now and the metallic taste in your mouth intensified. you smirked at the man before you, chuckling darkly.
"sure, beat up the helpless girl. that's the only way you can beat me, right? when i'm all tied up? what a man,"
his hand was around your throat within a second and he forced you to look him in the eyes again. "sweetheart, you're a girl. tied or not, you're still weak. not even with that useless power of yours."
taking advantage of how close his face was to yours, you gathered as much bloody saliva in your mouth before spitting it in his face.
it was very much the wrong thing to do because after he wiped off his face, he left the room and two men came in, various tools in hand for their fun with you.
"stark! my buddy! how's it going?" justin hammer's face appeared on the screen in the conference room, where the avengers were having a meeting about your possible whereabouts.
"where is she?!" wanda growled, standing up abruptly.
"what ever do you mean?" hammer smirked, feigning innocence. "you know what we mean. where is she?" steve spoke authoritatively, trying to control his anger at the sight of the man's face.
"i'll tell you where your thing is if you tell me where my thing is." he smiled wickedly. this caused wanda to get angrier. "y/n is not a thing! and the weapon was never yours in the first place!" vision held onto her to calm her down and it worked because she sat back down, though still glaring at the screen.
"oh she's not a thing? seems like it to me, though." he smirked and the team frowned, not understanding what he meant until they heard screams and justin's smirk widening at the sound. what a sick bastard. "what are you doing to her?!" bucky screamed, knocking his chair back as he stood up.
"i don't know, you tell me." he chuckles, and the screen changes to the live footage of you in the restraint chair with the two men in the room.
you were no longer fighting back now, just sat limply with your head dropped to the side. the first hour with them, you had been fighting back like you did with justin, despite the restraints, but now entering the second hour, you were too exhausted for anything.
your left eye had been swollen shut, you could barely breathe through your nose, your cheeks were throbbing like hell and your bottom lip was busted. your head was the only thing that moved freely when hit so the men seemed to find satisfaction the most when they punched you in the face. though that didn't stop them from inflicting pain on other parts of you.
"let her go, she's just a kid!" sam exclaimed, his grip on the edge of the table tightening to control his anger. peter and wanda were crying looking at the awful state you were in, clint, tony and bruce were silent in shock, steve and bucky were getting increasingly angry as the abuse continued.
"are you going to tell us where stark is keeping the weapon or have you not gotten enough?" one of the two men was heard asking, pulling your hair back to make you look up at him. you look at with your half-opened right eye, breathing heavily. "my answer's never gonna change no matter how many times you ask."
he scoffs, stepping back before the other man swings a bat right at your stomach. the air was immediately knocked out of your lung. the men laughed as you coughed up blood profusely. this caused wanda to get more hysterical.
"well, looks like she wants more. i'll call back when she's had enough. toodles," he waves his fingers at the camera with a sinister smirk before abruptly ending the call.
the room went silent after the call, save for bucky and sam breathing heavily from the anger they felt. bucky then turned to steve, pain could be seen on his face. "you said she would be safe."
"i–i'm sorry, buck. i didn't know he was gonna take her with him." steve was still frozen in shock, the image of you on the chair now permanently ingrained in his brain. in everyone's brains actually.
"guys, gear up, he's in colorado."
all heads turned towards natasha and she looked back at them with a 'what?' expression. "you were tracking him down the whole time?"
"um, duh? now come on, gotta save our girl."
you awoke to a stinging sensation on your inner forearm. after your bloody coughing fit, they proceeded to beat you up again and you were knocked out then. now you were slowly regaining consciousness but you were starting to prefer being passed out. your whole body was in pain and the fact that you couldn't even move made it even worse.
"oh, lookie here. sleeping beauty is up." you were met once again with justin hammer's ugly face. he was sitting on a chair perpendicular to your left side. you couldn't wait to get out of here so you didn't have to keep seeing his face every time you woke up. your inner forearm was stinging even more now so you looked down at it. you gasped at the sight.
"how'd you like my artwork?" he chuckled at your reaction. there on your arm, obviously carved out with the bloody knife that the asshole was so proudly holding on to, was 'FREAK'. carved out big and bold. on your skin. "pretty fitting, eh? freak? because, you know, that's what you are."
the blood was seeping out through the cuts and it stung even more now that it had been exposed to the air. the asshole moved his chair to your other side. "what should i write on this arm?" he feigns a thinking expression, looking up thoughtfully with his thumb and pointer finger on his chin.
"please, i–i don't know where tony put it. i really don't." you cried, tears now flowing freely down your face without a shame.
he looks at you with amusement. "what is this? are you...are you giving up already? can't take anymore?" he smirks and you sigh, closing your eyes. you just awoke but you were exhausted. so, so exhausted.
he takes out his phone, the smirk now permanent on his ugly face. "stark! kid's finally had enough. wanna tell me where the weapon is now or do you want to find her body at the bottom of the ocean?"
you couldn't even be bothered to react to his statement. the pain all finally registered and you were tired. tired and in excruciating pain.
"kinda busy right now, can you call back later?" you could hear tony's voice sound from justin's phone and the man beside you laughed. "i see you don't care for the girl. what could possibly be more important than saving her?"
"i don't know, you tell me." a voice said from behind you two and before you knew it, hammer was knocked off the chair he was on. you weakly turned your head just in time to see a metal arm force hammer up onto his feet before wrapping around his neck. "don't you fucking touch her again."
"y/n!" you heard wanda's voice as she entered the room with peter. more tears flowed down your face at the sight of them, stinging when they rolled past the cuts on your face but that didn't matter. your family was finally here to save you.
you saw the red mist of wanda's powers surround your cuffs before they clicked open. "oh, bubs, i'm so sorry." she cried, both hands hovering around your face, hesitating to touch you in fear of hurting you. her eyes fell onto the words carved out onto your skin and her mouth fell open before covering it with her hand. "i'm so sorry we couldn't get to you sooner." peter's voice cracked and you could tell he was emotional.
"it's okay," you told them, giving them a small smile, the biggest one you could give in your current state.
tony, sam and steve entered the room to see bucky relentlessly beating up your captor and wanda and peter standing by you as you cried.
"cupcake, we're here now. don't cry, you're safe now." tony came closer and despite knowing that you were because your family was finally here, you couldn't help but let out all the pent up emotions you've kept throughout your time of captivity.
sam had a go at justin once bucky was done and steve had to physically pry them both off of the sick bastard so that nat could cuff him and bring him back to the jet.
"y/n/n, i'm so sorry. if i hadn't–"
"it's okay, stevie." you cut him off. truthfully, you only did so because you knew he was going to giving a long-winded explanation justifying his actions and your headache couldn't bear to hear lengthy sentences. but you also didn't think it was in any way his fault so he didn't deserve to be beating himself up for this. shit happens, anyway.
"let's get you out of here, doll." bucky says, cringing when he sees the blood on the floor of your chair, as well as on your clothes. he quickly reaches to lift you off the chair but stops when you let out an ear-piercing scream of pain. "doll, i'm so sorry! did i hurt you?!" bucky questions in panic.
"y–you didn't, they did. it...it hurts everywhere," you cried, feeling hopeless that you couldn't even bear being carried by someone, let alone get up by yourself. their hearts broke when you said that. you never really cried much in front of them and you were known to withstand pain well because of how much shit HYDRA put you in as well as your powers being healing, meaning you had a higher pain tolerance than most people.
"it's okay, bubs. i got you. let's get you home, alright?" wanda's calming voice broke you out of your breakdown and red mist surrounded your whole body, wanda moving you with her powers. you were thankful of that because it didn't cause any more pain to your body.
maybe hammer was right. maybe you are just a freak with useless powers. wanda floated you into the jet and she set you down on the bed. "y/n, oh my god!" clint cried out once he sees you. you looked much worse than you did on hammer's camera footage during the call an hour ago. "kid, i'm so sorry."
"clint, take the wheel. bruce doesn't have all the resources needed. she needs to be treated ASAP." nat tells her best friend and he nods, taking the wheel and immediately taking off once everyone had boarded.
you were laid on the bed, right eye slightly open as bruce examined you. exhaustion hit you like a truck and before you knew it, you blacked out.
"how is she, doc?"
"pretty banged up but y/n, as i already knew, is a strong girl. lots of internal bleeding, broken bones, bruises and scars but she'll be fine. you can check her file later if you want," doctor cho tells tony outside of your room. "it's fine, can we see her?" he asks on behalf of the whole team standing behind him.
"yeah, of course! she woke up five minutes ago. i'll be off now, call me or my team if you need anything." she bids goodbye and left the group of superheroes.
steve slowly opens the door and there you were in bed, staring up at the ceiling. "hey, y/n/n," he greets sheepishly, feeling as though he had interrupted your alone time of blankly staring at the ceiling. the team trailed in behind him and soon your bed was surrounded by the avengers.
"hi, cupcake."
you looked away from the ceiling and turned your head towards tony. "oh, hey tones." you smile as sam helps you sit up while the rest sat on chairs all around you. "how you feeling, bub?" nat asks, eyes flickering down to the bold scarring of letters on your forearm.
"as okay as i can be." you answered truthfully, pressing your inner forearm closer to your body so the team doesn't see the letters carved onto your skin. you already know what you are, you didn't need the rest thinking so too.
"you're not a freak, bubs."
you look up at wanda. "i'm sorry, i didn't mean to read your mind. but they were awfully loud. you're not a freak, y/n. and you're not useless too. that bastard may have carved out that word onto your skin but the scar will fade. it's not permanent. you know why? because that's not what you are." she tells you, taking off her jacket to wrap it around you because you felt self conscious of the scars all over your arms where the team could see.
"yeah, doll. you're an amazing person and your powers help us so much. i mean, you saved millions just helping us get the weapon back from justin hammer. if you hadn't, well, who knows what could've been happening right now?" he places a gentle hand at the side of your head, stroking your hair.
"yeah and who heals us when we get really hurt during missions, huh? i mean, if you hadn't healed that stab wound i got during that mission in new mexico, i probably wouldn't even be here at this moment." clint tells you and you roll your eyes at him. "you're exaggerating."
"i am not!" he laughed and you playfully rolled your eyes once again.
"y/n/n, i'm really sorry for—"
"i don't wanna hear it, stevie."
"no. it's not your fault. shit happens." you brush him off. "lang–"
"you say language to me, i'll blame this shit on you even when it's not your fault. try me, rogers." you glare at the blond super soldier. he raises his arms in surrender, leaning back on his chair as the team laughs.
the team continue to entertain you and you couldn't help but smile at the sight in front of you. these were the people who would drop anything for you and were willing to dropkick any asshole in the face for hurting you. justin hammer never had a chance against your family to begin with.
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@amourtentiaa @rqmanoff @abitofeverythinggg
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latte-fairytaekwoon · 3 years
Morning Routine (Jung Wooyoung) Rated
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Part Two
Pairing: Jung Wooyoung × Reader (Female)
Genre: Smut, Fluff.
Summary: Seeing an advertisement online in need of a camera handler, Wooyoung jumps at the opportunity, not knowing his employer is a renowned camgirl.
Word Count: 4.3+K
Warnings: Exhibitionism, voyeurism, nude taping, masturbating in shower, breast play, a rather tamed smut
Taglist: @seacottons @multidreams-and-desires @galaxteez @deja-vux @yunhofingers @little-precious-baby @brie02 @couchpotatoaniki @daniblogs164 @a-soft-hornytiny @yunsangoveryonder @minhyukmyluv @nanamarkie @mingismoon @ateezbabysitters
"Wanted: Experienced photographer/Camera Operator for personal/private filming. If interested, please contact number below for more information or details. Students majoring in said field are welcomed to apply. 19+ only."
Seeing the advertisement, Wooyoung's eyes popped up. Usually most jobs wouldn't even allow people without a degree or years of experience. And it would be perfect practice that didn't include boring or basic projects his professor would often assign, not to mention a little extra money would come in handy.
Not thinking twice about it, he quickly dialed the phone number listed and waited patiently as it rang. It took a while, but eventually someone on the other side picked up.
"Hello?" He discerned that it was a young female's tone.
"Hi! I was calling about the advertisement for a camera man?" He inquired.
"Are you 19 or over?" She immediately asked for his age, which slightly confused him. But thinking about it, he kinda understood why she might want someone older. After all, teenagers weren't exactly reliable or responsible when it came to taking on a job. She probably wanted to avoid them dipping out on her randomly.
"I'm 21 and very serious in my work." He assured her, already making it clear his intentions to be committed to the job she was offering.
"Hmm...I take it you probably haven't had a lot of experience outside of college right?"
Wooyoung slightly gulped as she discerned correctly. But she did say students were welcomed to apply and he was fairly confident in his skills.
"N-no but I can assure you that I'll work hard and meet your expectations."
There was a deep and defeaning silence that had Wooyoung worrying. He could already feel her hesitation to hire him or give him a chance. He was so worked up on being rejected once more that the slight giggle that ensued after that pause momentarily confused him.
"I like your attitude and drive already. What did you say your name was?" She asked.
"Jung Wooyoung." He answered right away.
"Well Wooyoung, how soon can you start?"
His mood lightened up quite significantly at hearing her say those words.
"If you'd like, I can come over to the location you wish after I get done with my classes tomorrow." He offered.
"All right, just one thing....... do you think you'd be able to stay over at my place for a few nights?"
Although he thought it was a rather unusual request, he didn't put too much thought, especially since someone was offering him a chance to actually have some work.
"Um.. of course."
Unbeknownst to him, the woman on the other side had her lips curling up into a smirk.
"Wonderful. I look forward to seeing you real soon Wooyoung."
Checking the direction that was sent to him, Wooyoung looked at the corresponding number on the front door to make sure it was indeed where he needed to be. Adjusting the bag that was hanging by his shoulders, he slowly walked up to the vintage style house and rang the doorbell. Hearing the soft patter of footsteps coming from inside, Wooyoung mentally prepared himself to see a middle aged lady carrying a Siamese cat as soon as the door opened. But he was not prepared by the sight awaiting him. Indeed there was a cat in the arms of the figure in front of him, although it was a Persian cat and not a Siamese, but that wasn't the most surprising factor. What shocked him was to see a very young woman near his age be the one holding the cat in her arms, her face illuminated by the warm smile she was donning.
"You must be Wooyoung. I'm Y/N." She extended her hand out towards him, prompting the feline in her grasp to shuffle around and climb part of its body on her shoulder. Judging by the slight crinkle of her nose, Wooyoung guessed the cat probably clung its claws into their master's skin.
"Yes I am. It's a pleasure to meet you. I promise you won't regret hiring me." Taking hold of her hand, he gave it a firm shake while his face radiated the most reassuring smile he could make.
"Oh trust me, I don't think I'm going to." Her lips formed a rather curious smirk that slightly baffled him.
She gestured for him to step inside, which he immediately did as he tried to ignore the slight hissing the Persian cat gave him when his shoulder barely made contact against its swaying tail.
"Baby stop. He's going to be around for a while so be on your best behavior." She chastised her cat as she closed the door.
Y/N let out a soft 'hmph' when the cat suddenly jumped out of her arms and ran over to where Wooyoung was standing. He got stiff and held his breath when the cat pressed her nose on his leg and began sniffing him. Pulling back, she licked her lips and then scurried off somewhere in the other part of the house.
"Well we know for sure she doesn't dislike you." Y/N chuckled slightly.
"But I take it she doesn't like me?" Wooyoung raised an eyebrow.
"She's a cat, it'll take time for her to get used to you, that's all."
Shrugging softly, Y/N walked over to the kitchen and started taking out a few cups and saucers from the cupboard.
"I was brewing tea before you got here, would you like to share a cup with me?" Removing it from the stove top, she held up the elegant teapot to him after she finished her question.
"Oh, thank you." He gladly accepted her gesture.
Noticing him standing there awkwardly, Y/N pointed to one of the chairs surrounding the kitchen island.
"Wooyoung don't be too tense and just make yourself comfortable. After all, you're going to be staying with me for a few days."
Her words reminded him about that particular part of the job, that still felt odd to him and he was very curious to find out why she needed him to stay over with her.
"So.... can I ask what exactly is this project you're hiring me for that requires me to stay here?" He asked as he pulled a chair forward so he could sit on it.
"Oh yes, I thought you'd probably ask me about that since it is rather unusual."
She paused briefly so she could properly pour the tea into the cups, the rich aroma filling the atmosphere with its notes of chamomile and lemon. After sliding a cup over to him, she turned behind her to grab a tray that contained sugar cubes, honey, steamed milk and a few lemon wedges, all in different saucers or dishes that matched the tea set that they were currently drinking in. The cute floral design amused Wooyoung slightly. He could tell Y/N seemed to have a thing for classy and vintage style aesthetic, her house and the things inside was a major clue to it.
Pouring a tiny teaspoon of honey and some milk in her tea, Y/N carefully stirred them in the cup before finally answering the question Wooyoung had been pondering over.
"Well to make a long story short, I wish to film an everyday vlog for my....channel." Lifting the cup to her face, she gently blew on it before taking small sips out of it.
"Channel? Like for YouTube or like that?" Wooyoung himself started drinking his own cup of tea, preferring not to add anything to it since he liked straight tea as it was.
"Yeah something like that. But basically, I wanted to show my viewers how I live and what not. Show them what I do inside my home that they hadn't seen before. For example, I wanted you to stay over because I wanted to film my morning routine. I want to capture every move I make from the moment I wake up to when I get ready to start my day. Am I making sense?" She worried she was probably confusing Wooyoung even further, but he was actually not. It had become a popular trend this day to document a person's morning routine for people to see.
"Yes you are, no worries. Now I understand why you needed me to stay over." The smile he had was half covered by the cup that was brought back over to his lips.
"I mean if you're uncomfortable by it or would rather not, I completely understand."
Wooyoung quickly dismissed her worries, shaking his head as he cleared his throat.
"Trust me, I'm not uncomfortable and I'd love to help you in your project. It'll help me out as well, you know, gain experience and have someone to put as a reference if I ever want to get another job."
Y/N giggled softly at that and nodded.
"Ahh yes. I guess if you look at it from that angle, of course you would accept."
They spent a few minutes in a serene and tranquil silence, the only noises heard was the sipping of their lips against the rim of their cups. Wooyoung tried not to notice the way Y/N would occasionally stare intently to him, a slightly curious grin on her face at times. It wasn't that it made him uncomfortable, but it certainly made him self conscious, especially since he put a lot of effort into looking as presentable as possible. Did she perhaps thought it was too much? Or not enough? Or was it because she thought he looked funny? Whatever it was he got no chance to ask about it since he only opened his mouth to let out a sharp yell when he felt a certain feline's claws tangled themselves on his thigh, the sharpness of her claws even sinking into his skin.
"Baby!" Y/N got up from her seat and quickly removed the paws of her cat off her guest. She looked extremely embarrased as she apologized profusely before shooing the cat off to another room.
"I'm sorry. She tends to get a bit aggressive when trying to play. She didn't hurt you too much right?"
Dropping down on her knees in front of him, Y/N gently examined the damage done: a slight tear in his jeans but no visible signs of a deep scratch or anything.
"N-no it's fine, I'm fine." Wooyoung uttered.
He tried so hard not to blush at the position she was currently in. On her knees, between his legs as one of her hands caressed the attacked spot in an effort to soothe the pain. Wooyoung wanted to smack himself right then and there for the dirty picture his brain had imagined about the semi stranger in front of him, and his cheeks started to produce a pink hue when his body involuntarily started making a visible effect of his reaction to her stance by him in between his legs. He gulped as he realized she would be able to see the bulge that was starting to show.
"If you want, I could mend your pants for you-"
"No that's fine don't worry!" Wooyoung stood up from his seat and inconspicuously hid his tiny problem by pulling his sweatshirt further down as he moved away from Y/N.
"I mean, these pants were old. I was going to throw them out anyway." He tried as much as he could to seem as normal as possible, but judging from the look on her face he was probably not doing a good job. Luckily she seemed to not question his behavior and instead decided to start cleaning up the dishes that they used.
"Here let me help you with that." Wooyoung offered, trying to take some of the china off her hands but Y/N pulled her hands back so he wouldn't touch them.
"It's ok, don't worry about it. You're my guest and I'm very particular about the way to clean my silverware and dining sets. Nothing against you, I'm just.... slightly obsessive compulsive." She remarked in the most cheerful tone one could have while giving him a shy smile.
"Umm ok..." Wooyoung scratched the back of his head.
"If you want, why don't you bring the rest of your stuff so I can show you where you're staying?" Y/N suggested.
"Yeah. Sure."
Wasting no time and thinking keeping his mind occupied could help cool him down, Wooyoung picked up his keys and nearly sprinted out the door. Y/N hummed a soft tune to herself as she ran the cups under the lukewarm water. Her eyes were staring out her window, watching as her guest was head deep in the back of his car's trunk. She giggled softly as she remembered the flustered look on his face just a few minutes ago, tongue poking out at the image of his crotch outlined in those tight jeans of his. She looked down when she felt a soft face nuzzling itself against her ankle, soft purring coming out of her cat's throat before letting out a meowing noise. Bending down, Y/N gently scratched under Baby's chin as she liked.
"Yes I think he is absolutely adorable as well Baby.."
Picking her up, Y/N kissed the top of her head and smirked.
"And I'm going to have lots of fun with him."
"Ok you ready?"
Looking over at the girl still in her bed, Wooyoung got a thumbs up to let him know she was indeed ready. Turning on his camera, he held up his hand and started putting one finger down at a time to count down the starting time. Hearing the slight beep of the camera go off, Y/N immediately plastered on a commercial worthy smile.
"Hello my darlings. As I promised you guys, I'm going to take you guys through my morning routine step by step. I hope you all enjoy it." She finished off her words with a wink before tearing off the blanket off her body.
Wooyoung had to give it to her, she definitely didn't seem to be camera shy nor awkward in front of the lens. He liked that she had confidence. Then he remembered that she had a channel of some sorts and that was probably the reason why. He stepped back a few steps to fully capture her as she neatly tucked her covers under her mattress, impressively folding the corners of her bed like they did in 5 star hotels. Smoothing out the top before patting it down, she looked at the camera once more.
"As you already know, I like to make sure everything looks absolutely pretty for you guys." Her voice dropped slightly in tone as she said those words.
Getting up from the floor, she pointed over to her still sleeping cat that was perched on its bed by her window. Wooyoung made sure to angle the camera towards her, zooming in slightly.
"She won't wake up for another hour or so....perfect amount of time to get all clean and dolled up."
Beckoning him over, Wooyoung carefully followed her inside her adjoined bathroom, keeping a steady hand as he made sure to capture everything inside. From the long vanity with its mirror to the walk in shower with its clear glass lining, all of it looking spotless and shiny. Clapping her hands together, Y/N beamed with enthusiasm.
"And of course, the first thing I do each morning is wash up."
When he heard that, Wooyoung thought she meant like her skincare routine as he had noticed her cleansers and toners perfectly lined up next to the faucet sink. But he was not prepared to suddenly be hit with the image of her bare chest in front of him when she suddenly pulled her black satin tank top off and let it drop to the floor, his own jaw going slightly agape. As if he couldn't get anymore flustered, he nearly wheezed when she turned around and bent over to slide her matching pajama shorts down her smooth legs, her ass staring him right in the face. It took everything in Wooyoung's strength not to drop the camera when Y/N stood back up and turned around so that her completely nude body would be in the frame. She giggled as she took notice of Wooyoung's beet red face, further teasing him as she kicked her discarded lace panties by his feet, the poor boy swallowing hard as one of his hands shook nervously.
"Eyes up here baby." He immediately looked up from the ground when he heard her sweet and sultry voice.
Walking over to him, Y/N snaked one of her hands to grab at one of his belt loops so he could follow her. Opening the large glass door to the shower, Y/N released his belt loop and made a sign for him to stay there and keep the camera towards her. Stepping inside the enclosed space, she twisted the knob on the tile wall enough so that the shower head above her would start pouring out the refreshing and cool water onto her body. She released a soft moan when she felt it splash onto her, hands gliding down her torso and thighs as her eyes closed and reveled in the tingling and cooling feeling of the water dripping down on her.
Wooyoung stood there completely speechless and flabbergasted, his eyes unable to blink the longer he stared at the scene before him. It felt completely wrong to be there, to watch and film as this girl he just met the day before stand naked in front of him and continue her shower routine as if he wasn't even there. He just couldn't believe it, couldn't believe what he had gotten himself in to when he called and accepted to work for her. But he still accepted and he had a job to complete so he tried his best to look as composed as possible as he kept the camera pointed at her.
And yet more often than not he found himself biting down on his lip hard, trying to suppress the groans threatening to spill out as he continued to watch her as she did the most normal things a person often did while they took a shower. The camera captured every minute starting from when she lathered her head with her shampoo, its scent of coconut and hibiscus filling the entire room with fragrance that further made the tight feeling in Wooyoung's pants ache even more. His eyes were exclusively locked on her body, watching as the water cascaded down her soft skin, focusing especially on her breasts. He licked his lips as he took in the way her nipples peaked out due to the temperature of the water, wanting nothing more than to take one of them in his mouth and suck on it. The fact that Y/N would purposefully bring her hands up at times to cup or rub against her fleshy mounds wasn't helping his case, it only made him more sad that it wasn't his own hands touching and caressing her breasts. He was willing to bet they were probably the most soft and squishy pillow like tits to exist.
Wooyoung was really aching when she poured some of the pomegranate scented body wash into her sponge and began to distribute it around her body, starting from her arms and working them down her legs and between her thighs. He didn't mean to but he couldn't help himself as he fantasized about being him the one who was lathering her body, imagining all the things he'd do if he could. Like perhaps teasing her by grazing his fingers across her wet folds or even pressing his thumb down on her sensitive clit. Either way, he knew he wouldn't be able to keep his hands off her if he got the chance, but he doubted that would ever happen. So he decided to take what he could of the moment and perhaps use it for fap material when he was alone.
As if knowing exactly what he was thinking about, Y/N turned her body to fully face him and smirked. Sliding her hands up her torso, she took hold of her breasts and gave them a tight squeeze before releasing them. Wooyoung could not help the audible whine that spilled out from his tongue as he saw her repeat the same action a couple more times. Pressing her boobs together, her thumbs played with the hardened nipples, tweaking at them and even giving them slight pinches every now and then. Wooyoung knew she was doing it on purpose, trying to arouse him even further....and it was working perfectly.
With one hand kept on one of her breasts, the other one snaked its way in between her luscious thighs. Dipping one finger inside her entrance, her lips parted and began spilling out breathy moans as she started to slide her finger in and out of her body.
"Oh fuck..." Wooyoung muttered, not caring about if his words got recorded or not. He became too invested in watching as Y/N continued fingering herself in front of him. She looked absolutely exquisite, body drenched in the rippling water as she continued to stuff her pussy with another one of her fingers. Her eyes shut tightly and her head tilted back as she let out even louder whimpers when she began scissoring inside her fleshy core. Her hand that was on her breasts pulled away to twist the showerhead knob so the pressure of the water could be at its lowest setting. Without the intense sound of the splashing water, her strangled noises became more audible as well as the slopping and squealching sounds her dripping pussy was making due to the intensity of her rapid finger movements. Wooyoung could clearly see and hear that the sounds were definition not due to the shower she was taking. Y/N was definitely horny and the slick her heat collected was clear evidence of it.
Having someone as hot as Wooyoung not only watching but helping her film something that thousands of other people would see, and more likely than not jerk off to, made her weak. She loved having people watch her do naughty things as she was doing now, it thrilled her and riled her up even more. And she loved seeing the effects it had on others, like the obvious bulge in between Wooyoung's thick thighs. She could practically make out just how big he was given how painfully hard his erection seemed, and that image served to help push her over the edge. With high pitched whines and cries, she shuddered as she felt herself cum all over her hand, her fingers slowing their movements down to help prolong her orgasm without making her become overly sensitive. She panted heavily as she took out her fingers and brought them up to her lips so she could lick off the secretion left from her climax.
Wooyoung's tongue poked out as he witnessed the pornographic image of Y/N drinking up her juices as if it was a delicious and sweet dessert.
"It probably is and it only makes me crave to have her smother my face with her pussy even more." He mused inwardly to himself.
He was so lost in his fantasy that he didn't notice Y/N had completely turned off the water and finished until her breasts were displayed right in front of the camera lens. He let out a soft stutter when her hand came up and pressed the pause button, being careful not to drop any water onto the camera.
"I'm going to finish drying myself off in my room so you can have some .....alone time." She snorted softly as she passed by him, her hand brushing against his crotch which made Wooyoung hiss softly.
Grabbing the towel that was hanging on the wall, Y/N wrapped it around her body, tucking it in so it wouldn't fall down. Stooping over, she picked up her lace panties and looked back at Wooyoung.
"Here, in case you need a little help." She flung it over to him, which he catches in his free hand.
Wooyoung stared at the underwear and then at Y/N with a dumbfounded expression.
"So I take it this is why you specifically wanted 19 plus people?" He quirked an eyebrow up, one corner of his lips pulling up into a knowing smile.
"Yes. I might as well mention now that I'm a camgirl with a porn channel." She explained.
"Yeah, I kinda figured that out when you flashed your boobs at me."
They both bursted out laughing at his little joke.
"Ok but seriously, are you sure you're comfortable with all this?" Y/N asked.
Wooyoung looked down at her before looking back down at the panties in his hand.
"I'm definitely going to be hard most of the time, but I think I'll be fine." He assured her with a mischievous smile as he set down his camera on the vanity dresser. With a sly smirk, he began unzipping his pants, not missing any of the facial reactions she was making as he began to pull his cock out of its confinement.
"I mean, I got up close fap material with an actual pornstar. What guy wouldn't want my job?" Cocking his head to the side, he rubbed the tip of his dick with his thumb, spreading some of the precum down the shaft. Although she had said she would give him alone time, Y/N couldn't move her feet out the door as she stared intently at the way Wooyoung hugged his length.
"Wanna watch me jerk off with your panties to your image?"
Stepping forward, Wooyoung reached up and pulled the towel off Y/N's body, causing her to inhale sharply at his bold move. Sucking in a breath, Wooyoung shamelessly looked down at her body as he placed the hand that had Y/N's panties around the base of his cock.
"Just stay there and don't move beautiful...."
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brattyfics · 3 years
Like That
Pairing: Rio x Black!Reader
Summary: You and Rio get to know each other better. Loosely based on ‘Like That’ by Doja Cat. 
Warnings: Smut.
Word Count: 3.5K
Installments: Say So | Like That | Talk Dirty
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And baby, I want it, and I'll just be honest 'Cause I just can't front when I look at you
About six weeks have passed since Rio declared himself your man, and you quickly learned he took the title very seriously.
He was busier than usual with ‘flipping his game,’ and you were busy preparing to transition your shop, but you saw each other often despite time constraints. You agreed date nights at least once a week were a must, but when you couldn’t see each other, Rio made sure to end nights with a phone call. Virtually falling asleep next to him gave you butterflies, reminding you just how exciting new relationships could be. It took prodding, but he told you made-up bedtime stories and the boring details of his day. In return, you shared things about yourself— childhood memories, the crazy things your mom did to embarrass you. He was sweet and attentive, and you found it refreshing to be with someone who was just as infatuated with you.
On your second date, he took you to his favorite restaurant, a fancy sushi place with expensive rolls. He taught you to hold chopsticks the wrong way the way he did and even fed you across the small table, a couple of unfortunate rolls falling apart due to his prodding. You tried your best to hide your amusement at the pensive look on his face. For whatever reason, Rio thought of himself as a sushi connoisseur, but it was clear to you that he was still learning.
“You’re no better than me!” He admonished when he noticed the way you held your chopsticks. Like his technique, it was incorrect, but it worked for you— sort of. “I never said I was.” You couldn’t keep the amusement off your face any longer. “You’re the one who comes here weekly. I thought you were a professional, and we’re in the same boat.” He folded his arms on top of the table as he insisted you were wrong, but secretly he found your teasing endearing. Later that night, he called and gave you a cheesy line about loving to see you smile.
The following week, you had lunch at a mom-and-pop soul food restaurant that served the best cornbread and peach cobbler in the city. The owners, an adorable older couple, Donna and Gene, and servers alike stopped by your table to meet Rio. Donna gushed over Rio, showering him with compliments and extra cornbread. “Girl, he is cute!” She told you, failing miserably at whispering. He smirked as you rolled your eyes, but he handled the attention well, being friendly and personable even when Gene kept going on and on about changes to the menu, one chef to another.
A few days later, he called you up randomly and asked you to get ready and ride with him somewhere. “What should I wear?” You asked, hoping for a hint. You could hear him smile as he said, “It doesn’t even matter, ma. You always look good.” The occasion had turned out to be ‘Foodtruck Friday.’ Barbecue, kebab, taco, ice cream, and other miscellaneous food trucks were parked in a spacious lot in Downtown Detroit. You settled at a picnic table and shared several plates of food as you discussed the possibility of your own mobile ‘Mad Batter’ shop somewhere down the line. It got you thinking about the future.
“Where do you see yourself in five years?” You asked the dreaded question in between bites of a colorful Korean fusion taco. He stiffened as he considered the answer. “What is this, a job interview?” Sometimes you saw peeks of bossman Rio rather than the Christopher Castillo you were getting to know. It happened seemingly out of nowhere when you asked questions he felt were invasive.
You looked up from the panko-fried shrimp, red cabbage, shredded carrots, and tasty orange sauce wrapped up in a flour tortilla with a frown. You had two choices: respond in the way he had or make light of the situation. So, you said, “Kinda. You’re auditioning for a spot on my roster, so...”
He stopped chewing the half-eaten dumpling and swallowed hard. “That’s not funny.”
“You better start taking the interviewing part of the audition more seriously then.” You wiped your fingers on a napkin, and he gathered your hand in his own, wearing a look you couldn’t decipher. “You got it, ma.”
You played a game of mini-golf at the local arcade. Rio stood tall behind you, holding you by your hips as he corrected your stance. You purposefully arched your back, brushing against him just slightly. “Like this?” You looked over your shoulder with the most innocent look you could muster, but his eyes were glued to your ass. “Yeah, just like that.” He answered in a low tone without looking up. You giggled as you took your swing, adding a wiggle for his benefit. You pretended to care about the ball as it glided across the bright green tarp towards the hole. “How was that?” You chirped, looking down the lane.
“I can’t even lie. I don’t care about the game right now. I just wanna watch you.” Your aim was terrible, and the ball never went in the hole without several attempts, but he insisted you finish playing the course. You teased him about it for days after despite his claim that he actually enjoyed the game because it was one of Marcus’ favorites.
“Stop lying! You just wanted an excuse to openly watch my ass.”
“Why you always gotta call me out?”
You shopped a cozy health and wellness store with hundreds of cool little trinkets for sale. Neither of you had been there before, so you took your time exploring, stealing unexpected kisses from the other. Rio took full advantage of the size of the store, pulling you by the hand and holding you close to his side.
He frowned at the large collection of shiny crystals. “A rock, really? What does anybody need with a rock?”
“It’s not a rock!” You hissed, head whipping around as you hoped the owner didn’t hear him.
“What is it then? It looks like a rock to me.” He picked one up, turning it over in his hands.
“It’s a crystal!”
“What’s the difference?”
“It has healing properties...” Rio snorted but strung his arm across your shoulder and listened intently as you read the info cards to him. When it was all said and done, he bought an aventurine stone to apologize to the owner for prosperity, well-being, and good luck.
The next day, he disappeared with no warning. You had been worried sick until Mick let you know he was busy handling something. It would have only taken a minute to tell you that, so you were (understandably) pissed. He showed up at the shop several days later like nothing had ever happened. “What’s up, mama?” The greeting that usually melted you grated on your nerves. All of your feelings about the situation bubbled up to the surface. It was hard to find the right words— you were still getting to know each other, so how mad could you be? At the same time, how little did he think of you to not say anything? Finally, you settled on, “I can’t do the disappearing act.”
Rio wasn’t used to answering to anyone, not even his child’s mother, about his whereabouts, but he put his palms up in surrender when he saw the serious expression you wore.
“You’re right, mama. That’s my bad. It won’t happen again.”
And it hadn’t.
But knowing ahead of time only made it a tiny bit easier, especially when he didn’t have a set return date. You were going on day seven (the longest you had gone without seeing him since you started dating) when he called to say he made it home and wanted to see you. Your heavy heart swelled with relief. You missed him way more than you probably should have, so you insisted on a night in at your place, wanting him to feel relaxed and at home instead of on guard somewhere public.
It had been a long six weeks without sex while he romanced you with delicious food and beautiful words. It wasn’t an easy task, but you knew as soon as sex was thrown in the mix, you would be done for, either destined to be his or ruined by him. It was a scary thought, but distance had indeed made the heart grow fonder, and you cared about him enough to take a chance.
He was set to arrive within the hour, but you were still unsure of what to wear, frantically rummaging through the dresser for something cute and comfortable. You let out a frustrated groan when your phone started to ring, thinking Rio might have come early, but when you look down at your phone, you see your best friend’s name and face. You swipe quickly, accepting the FaceTime call. “Hey, girl!”
“Hey, stranger!” You pick up the phone, so you can look at her. “Really?”
“Yes, really.” She replies with just as much sass. “I haven’t talked to you in what— two weeks?”
“We talk—“
“Okay, fine. Text. We text every day. What are you talking about?”
“That’s not the same.” She insists even as you remind her of the ridiculous amount of time you spend trading memes and food pictures with her.
“Anyway, what are you doing?”
“I’m trying to decide what I’m going to wear between this, this, or this.” You move the camera around, showing her the different options. A black-and-white tank and short set with ‘Being cute is not a crime’ in a cute font. A fuzzy grey sweatsuit set with hearts, or a simple cream hoodie with matching shorts.
“Um, what’s the occasion?” You giggle at the look on her face, knowing she thinks none of the above are appropriate for wearing outside of the house.
“Movie night in.”
“You need help picking an outfit for movie night with yourself?” Her face scrunches up in confusion. “Wait, is it movie night with yourself?” You try to be casual about it, shrugging your shoulders in response. As usual, she sees through your bullshit and goes straight into an interrogation. “Oh, bitch. You been holding out on me!” She asks you five questions in a row without stopping to breathe before settling on one. “Who?”
You gnaw on your bottom lip. “...Rio.”
“Rio?” She frowns. “Like the guy we work for, Rio? With the eyebrows and the neck tattoo, Rio?”
“Yes, that Rio.”
“Wow.” You wince but decide it’s best to get it over with. “What? I know you, so I know there’s more where that came from.”
“I don’t know what to say! From what I can tell, he’s a decent dude, I guess, but you know what he does. You definitely know what we do for him! You don’t think that could be a problem?”
“It’s messy, for sure, and I can admit that, but I’ve been thinking about getting out anyway...” She nods. “Then, I guess there’s nothing else for me to say about that. You’re both grown, and you know what you’re doing.” She was your best friend, which meant she’d always give her honest opinion, but wouldn’t berate you about your choices. Just like that, you return to your regular discussion topics, everything from warehouse gossip (yes, even in the business of crime, there’s a rumor mill) to new music releases. Before you knew it, forty minutes had passed, and Rio was calling your phone. You promised to call her more often before hanging up.
You sing your ‘hello’ into the phone, hoping Rio can’t detect the shakiness in your voice as you clumsily pull on your bottoms.
“Hey, mama. You about ready? I know you’re sensitive about your space and all that.” He was referring to the fact that he had never been past the doorway of your home. Your home was your sacred place, so you were extra careful about who came in and what energy they brought. It was always nerve-wracking to let somebody into the space that you cherished so much.
“Yeah.” He picks up on the hesitancy in your voice. “Are you sure?” You nod your head as if he can see you before telling him yes with a giggle. “Alright, well, I’m outside. Can I come in?” You bite your lip, butterflies fluttering in your tummy. “Yeah, I’ll come unlock the door.” He whispers his thanks, and you take a moment to force yourself to relax. When you meet him at the door, you do so with an open mind and heart, taking in his appearance with a goofy grin on your face. As usual, he’s dressed in all black, wearing a well-fitted t-shirt and sweatpants. He’s casual but still so high quality and attractive.
“Hi.” You breathe out like a dork when you realize you’re staring. It helps that he seems just as mesmerized, stepping forward to envelop you in a tight, warm hug. He sways you from side to side before pulling back, his hands resting heavily on the top of your ass. He settles for a quick peck on the lips because he has something to say. “You’re as pretty as ever, darlin’.” He says earnestly, shaking his head as he steps back to look you over once more.
“Kiss me again.” His hands cup your ass as you devour each other in the open doorway. You forget your surroundings. “Damn, ma. Can I at least get inside before you jump my bones? I don’t mind giving your neighbors a show if that’s your thing, but…” You turn to hide your embarrassment, leaving him to close the door behind you as you gesture around the room as if you’re in an episode of MTV Cribs. “... here’s the living room. The kitchen’s through the arch. The bathroom’s over there...” He follows you with his red as you point.
“And the bedroom?”
You snort. “The tour stops here for now. Sit down.” Your tone leaves no room for argument. He settles into the soft couch while you grab the snack tray from the kitchen. Homemade popcorn, chocolate-covered pretzels, and dried fruit gummies are on the menu.
“All this for me?” His arms snake around your waist so that you can curl up into his side. “What we watching?” You grab the remote. “I saw a trailer this week that caught my attention. I’ll play it for you.” He didn’t care what you watched as long as he got to be close to you, so it didn’t take long for you to get the movie started. He stole glances at you when his knuckles brushed against your bare knees under the blanket. You’re embarrassed at how wet the small action makes you, so you stretch out across the couch and place your bare feet in his lap, silently planning your revenge. The movie may as well not be playing because you couldn’t be less interested in the plot as you lightly stroke him through his sweatpants with the balls of your feet.
“Ma...” He warns, watching you in the low lighting. He’s come to learn you like to tease, but he doesn’t think he can take it, not tonight. “Hmm?” You hum innocently, loving the strained look on your face. He doesn’t move even as you sit up on your haunches and kiss him. It’s slow and long in the best way. He pulls you to sit in his lap. His hands roam your body as you grind down onto him, relishing in the feeling of the soft skin on your tummy. He sighs into your mouth as one hand finds your bare breasts.
He pulls away to talk shit. “No bra? You just knew I was gonna put out, huh?” He pushes the cotton material up so he can see you properly. “Perfect.” He murmurs into your skin. You let him kiss and lick and suck on your nipples until the pressure you feel below is too much to handle. You’re a quivering mess when he finally helps you pull the cotton material up and over your head. It lands on top of the television behind you, but neither of you notice.
You nudge him until he removes his own shirt, and then he lifts his hips to help you when you begin tugging on his sweats. They puddle at his feet while you spread your legs wide, desperate to get your hands on him. “I could cry right now.” You admit honestly when you finally see him, biting your lip. He arches a brow. “Is that a good thing or a bad thing, darlin’?” His hips jerk when you take him into your hands, the cold temperature surprising him.
“It’s definitely a good thing.” You whisper excitedly, staring with wonder as he hardens in your hands. He barks out a laugh, stunned by your ability to make him laugh, even with his dick in your hands. “That’s really nice, ma. I feel real special.” Your eyes meet, and silent promises of all the filthy things you’re going to do to each other are exchanged. “You should. I’m about to change your life.” He throbs in your hands, loving that you find small ways to challenge him.
“Come on. Let’s go to bed.” He wraps his arms around you in preparation to get up, but you stop him with a shake of your head. “I don’t wanna.”
“No? What you wanna do then?”
You answer him by slipping to your knees. You spit on his dick, stroking him up and down slowly. He watches you closely as you lower your mouth, wrapping your lips around the tip. It takes a lot of restraint, but he lets you do your thing, slowly working him deeper into your throat. He closes his eyes as he concentrates on lasting, but he can’t turn his ears off, the obscene smacks painting a vivid picture for him. When you swipe your tongue across his balls, he moves to stop you, grabbing your shoulders. Fire dances in your eyes as you realize you got him where you want him. “I don’t wanna.” You repeat.
“You are a brat.”
You release him with a pop. “The biggest.” You admit, swallowing him once more. He groans, thinking he can’t believe you’re the same sweet girl who bakes in a frilly pink apron and begs him to tell her bedtime stories.
“I want you to fuck me now.” He stops you before you can bend over the couch. “Slow down. I want you on your back, darlin.”
You throw his earlier words back at him. “That’s nice. I feel really special.”
“You should.” He mocks you, instructing you to hold your legs wide. He wastes no time licking and sucking you as enthusiastically as you had done him. “You’re so pretty. I could eat this pretty pussy forever.” He compliments as you squirm in his hold. “You’d let me, huh?” You shake your head frantically. “No! You’d drive..me crazy!” Payback is a mother, especially when Rio’s the one dishing it out. “Wait, wait—“You whimper, clawing at his shoulders.
“What?” He cajoles. He almost wants to laugh at the distressed look on your face. “I want you.” You pout, trying to sweet-talk him.
“You have me.”
“Not like this. Inside.”
“Yeah? You sure?”
“Mhm.” You swallow, watching as he fumbles around with his pants searching for a condom. He opens the golden foil packet with expert fingers, positioning himself in between your spread legs. “You don’t have any pointers for me now?” He drags his tip up and down your slit, slowly pushing his way further. Teasing. You shake your head. “No. Just fuck me.”
“That ain’t polite. You gotta say please, mama.” You scowled, but he didn’t budge. “Please.” You pleaded with the sweetest tone you could muster, sighing as he gave in. You cursed at the stretch, him at the way you squeezed him. “You feel…” He couldn’t find the words, so he buried his face in your neck, trying to gain some composure. You caressed the back of his neck sweetly. “You feel good too, baby.”
His hips stuttered forward, and you gasped as he worked himself deeper. You grasp his shoulders tightly, your nails embedding themselves into the soft skin.
“Yes!” You squeal.
“Like that?” He grits out, struggling to keep his rhythm.
“Yes, just like that!” You cry, moaning as he pounds up into you. His lips find yours again, and it’s bliss. Then before you can stop yourself, you’re calling him Daddy like it’s his given name. He groans into your sweaty neck like he’s in pain.
“You’re so nasty.” Overwhelmed and breathless, you whine your protest, “You’re nasty. Look at what you’re doing to me.” His eyes shift to where you’re connected. You’re creaming all over him and leaking down onto the couch, but you can’t bring yourself to care about anything other than coming. You do just that, mewling as you make an even bigger mess between your legs. He whispers filthy things into your ear as he finishes, grunting at the way you seem to be sucking him in even deeper.
“That was—“
Neither of you can bring yourself to move. Your sweat-covered skin sticks together. You swipe your hand against your forehead while he pants.
“I wanted to ride you at least once tonight, but after that, I’ll be lucky to make it to bed.”
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the fact is • jeon jeongguk
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plot – you're a waitress that gets stuck serving jeon jeongguk, who can't make his mind up on what to eat.
words – 6.4K
"Indecisive snot, aren't you?"
The words are out before you could stop them. Your natural instinct is to take it back and apologize, but this idiot has pushed you over the edge. He has changed his order six times and that was after adding sides and removing this or that. The customer - the arrogant brat of a chaebol, you thought to yourself - looking at his menu snapped his gaze to you, eyes widening in surprise, disbelief and was that intrigue? Nope. Probably just a trick of the light.
"Excuse me?" He says, eyebrows still raised to high heaven.
You weigh your options silently for a few moments. You could try and kiss his ass and loose your job. Or you could finish what you started and loose your job. Because there was no question, you were loosing your job. Speaking to a customer like that, in a restaurant as high end as this? The ultimate no-no.
The choice was a no brainer.
You give him a flat look, "Are you deaf?"
A surprised scoff leaves him and for a moment he stares at you, and then a smirk pulls at the corners of his mouth. "Do you not know who I am?"
"Of course I know who you are, Jeon Jeongguk, I don't live under a rock." You roll your eyes at him.
"Huh." He frowns at you.
You frown back, "What?"
"I've never met someone so . . . outspoken before. Normally people are all compliments and well wishes." Jeongguk doesn't say how delightfully refreshing it is. Like a spring breeze, spreading through his veins and breathing colour into his monotonous life. This is the most excitement he's had since he went parachuting eight months ago. That is a sad thought, but unfortunately a true one.
"Yeah, well," You shrug, tapping your pen against your notebook. "Kissing ass and lying are two things that didn't make it onto my list of qualities."
"Speaking your mind, obviously did." He notes, still smirking.
"Excellent observational skills there, Sherlock." You deadpan.
Jeongguk laughs and you don't like the way it makes warmth simmer in your belly. He looks up at you with dark eyes and you privately think for all that the media gets wrong, they have one thing right. Jeon Jeongguk is ridiculously attractive. "What's your name?"
"Are you blind or illiterate?" You raise a brow down at him. He looks caught off guard for a moment.
"Um...neither?" It comes out unsure, hesitant.
"Then what exactly is stopping you from reading my name badge?" You ask, tapping the badge on your chest with your pen. You were already losing your job, so you might as well make the best of it.
He looks embarrassed for a second, eyes dropping to the table, cheeks dusting the faintest shade of pink.
You raise a brow, "So, are you going to order or are you going to complain to my manager and get me fired?"
"Fired for what?" He asks.
You want to snap at him, but the genuine confusion in his eyes made you hold your tongue. For once. In a 'duh' tone, you tell him. "Speaking my mind."
"Ah. Right." Realisation lights up in his eyes. "I could have you fired for speaking to me like that." He says, like the thought never occurred to him.
"I'll go get my manager then." You say and turn on your heel, not at all surprised.
Jeongguk's mind goes into an epic panic as you turn your back on him and he blurts a quick, "Wait."
"What?" You ask, turning back to him with an uninterested look.
"I said that I could. Not that I would." He tells you and it makes your speechless for about five seconds.
Then you squint at him with a slight glare, "What do you want?"
"Excuse me?"
"You obviously want something in exchange for keeping quiet. What is it?" You speak matter-of-factly. After a moment you add, "Just know, if it's something sexual or in that direction, I'd rather loose my job."
Jeongguk gapes at you, looking stunned. "I don't know whether to be insulted by the insinuation that I need to blackmail someone into sleeping with me or that you'd rather loose your job than sleeping with me."
"So sorry for offending your delicate sensibilities." You drawled sarcastically. "You still haven't told me what you want."
"Well, I like coming here often and when I do and you're my server, I'd like you to always speak your mind around me." He said, with the smallest of shrugs, looking down at the silverware on the table instead of at you.
Confusion sweeps through you, his request catching you off guard. "Really? That's it?"
"Yes." He nods stiffly.
"I don't understand." You admit.
"You don't have to. You asked me what I want, this is it." He looks at you again, eyes still dark and piercing and you can't understand what he's thinking.
"Fine, okay, yeah, I can do that." You nods eventually, noticing how his shoulders untense just a bit. You look at him, curious and full of questions, but cautious enough to not actually ask. "Are you gonna order now?"
"Why don't you surprise me? I can't decide what I want to eat." He says, handing you the menu.
"I'm shocked." You deadpan with a faux smile, before looking at him seriously. "Are you allergic to anything?"
"No." He shakes his head, lacing his fingers together and resting his hands on the table.
Your mind races for a few moments before settling on a dish. You nod at Jeongguk. "Okay, I'll be back with your food in a while then."
Three weeks later, you haven't served Jeongguk again. It's not that he hasn't been in, oh no, he has. You've seen him, caught him staring and then looking away quickly. He just hasn't sat at one of your tables again. Each week, the tables get rotated and there is four rotations, so you'll only be on Jeongguk's usual table next week.
You walked into the kitchen, just coming off your lunch break when Lee stops you and says, "Table 12 for you."
You look at Jae, who was on table 12 this week and got a hostile glare. You ignore her and look at Lee with confusion, "But I'm not on table 12 today."
"You were requested and customers here get what they want." Lee shrugs, giving you a 'it is what it is' look.
"By who?" You ask, having some idea of the answer. There is only one customer you know that would request you. You are always polite to the other customers but with an air of detachment, that keeps them from prying and you from getting into trouble. Until three weeks ago, that is.
"Jeon Jeongguk." Lee says, confirming your suspicions.
"Motherfucker." You swear.
Jae looks down her nose from you, "Don't he used to it. It won't last. He'll get bored of you soon enough."
"I hope so." You huff, as Jae walks away with a less than pleased expression.
"What?" Lee asks, her shock obvious.
"You heard me."
Lee tilts her head at you in disbelief and curiousity, "So, you're not trying to get into his pants?"
"Uh, no." You frown at her. Sure, he's hot but you know your place. You also need money than you need to get laid. "Why?"
"Most girls try when they work here, but everytime they try something, Mr. Jeon complains and they get fired." Lee explains.
Something suddenly made sense to you, "Is that what Jae's trying to do?"
"No one will say it to her face, but yeah, it is." Lee nods, shrugging a little. "She's jealous that he requested you, when you've worked here just over a month, served him once, and she's worked here for almost two years and he hasn't blinked in her direction."
"Huh," You frown, lost in your thoughts. "I wonder why he didn't get me fired then."
"Why? What did you say to him?" Lee eyes you curiously.
"Called him an indecisive snot." You smirk gleefully, happy that you got away with talking to him like you want and not getting fired because of it.
"Right." Lee says in a tone that made it clear she doesn't believe you.
"I did." You insist.
Lee waves you off, and you exit the kitchen, walking into the dining room, heading over to Jeongguk's regular table.
You look at him as he comes into your line of direct sight. His one leg was shaking, eyes shifting around the room, fingers tapping the table restlessly. When he spots you walking over to him, he stills completely. A smile - a cute one, you admit to yourself and no one else - spreads on his lips as he breathes your name, "Y/N."
You give him a look, "Did you miss me or something?"
"What? No." Jeongguk scoffs quickly. "I was bored. And you cure my boredom."
You raise your eyebrows at him, head going forward a little, "I cure your boredom?" You repeat, slowly. Maybe he's kidding.
But Jeongguk just nods at you as if it makes all the sense in the world, "Yeah. It's like live entertainment while I eat."
You scowl at him, "I'm not a circus clown."
"That's not what I meant!" He exclaims, voice a little too loud, causing heads to swivel in your direction. He takes a breath and speaks again, softer this time. "I just meant that it's nice. Or it was nice, the one time I actually got to talk to you."
"So, you did miss me." You tease good naturedly. Jeongguk doesn't answer, just stares resolutely down at the table. You sigh, feeling fond instead of annoyed. You hide a smile as you ask, "What will it be today?"
Jeongguk looks at you again, hesitantly at first, then fully when he sees your expectant gaze, "Surprise me."
Now you were surprised, "Again?"
"I liked what you ordered last time." He does that small shrug again. Actually, it's less of a shrug, and more a slight lift of the shoulders. You notice that he has broad shoulders, and the suit he's wearing only makes them look better. You push those thoughts away, focusing on the conversation.
"And if you don't like it this time?" You challenge.
"I did say surprise me, and surprises can be positive or negative." Jeongguk decides not to tell her that this is his favorite restaurant and he knows the menu by heart. He knows and likes every dish, so there was no way he wouldn't like something she serves him. And he's curious as to what she'll decide this time.
You snort, laughing lightly, "You know, you're not as bad as I thought you were."
Jeongguk looks mildly offended, "I'll have you know, I'm a catch."
"I'm sure." You nod, hiding a grin.
"I am." He insists and you had to admit, he is attractive.
"Yes, right up until the moment you open your mouth." You say honestly, writing down one of the dishes on the menu.
"Rude." He pouts a little and you suppress the urge to giggle, of all things.
"Maybe," You concede. "But it's the truth." You picked up his menu, turning on your heel to go to the kitchen.
"So, how do I . . . improve?" Jeongguk asks when you come back with his food, continuing with the conversation where you left off.
"Do I look like a life coach to you?" You set down the food. "Enjoy."
"Thanks." Jeongguk grins at her. "And, no, but if I went to one they'd tell me what they think I want to hear, not what I need to hear."
You stare at him for a few seconds and he looks back unflinchingly. "Well," You press your lips together. "I guess you should start with why you want to change."
That makes Jeongguk falter. He can't very well say, 'so I can impress you, since my money doesn't seem too' and he thinks for a bit. "I have come to realise that maybe I treat people unfairly based on how much money they have. I would like to change that."
Your eyebrows goes up, "That's surprisingly deep, coming from you."
"I'm not swallow." He defends himself.
You nod complacently, "Right, well, the answer is easy but actually doing it, will all depend on you."
"What do I do?"
"Just, think before you say something. Ask yourself, can my words hurt this person?"
"And if they deserve it?" Jeongguk wonders.
"The right answer would be to still be considerate, because two wrongs don't make a right, but I hate being a hypocrite, so go for it, if they deserve it. I mean, it's not like I held back when you annoyed me." You gave a shrug. "I should go. We're not allowed to loiter at the tables."
Jeongguk wants to ask her to sit with him and keep him company some more, but he knows he would be setting himself up for rejection. Instead, he just looks at her with a half smile. "Just when I think I have you all figured out, you do or say something that proves me wrong."
"My mom always used to say, you can spend a lifetime with someone and still learn something new about them every day. People evolve everyday and you'll never be who you are right now, tomorrow again."
"She sounds like a wise woman." Jeongguk remarks.
You smile, nostalgia making your heart warm, "Yeah, she was."
"I'm sorry." Jeongguk says, catching onto the past tense. A lump forms in your throat out of nowhere.
"Thank you." You swallowed thickly, clearing your throat. You gave him a shaky smile, hoping he wouldn't notice. "See, you're doing better already."
Jeongguk did notice but decided not to call her out on it. He just smiled up at her softly, watching after her figure when she walks away.
"You know, if I didn't know that you come here everyday, I'd say you that you are stalking me." You teased Jeongguk when you go to take his order for the fifth time in a row. You've had a day off, inbetween, but when you showed up for your next shift, Jeongguk was there and everytime he's requested you. By now, whoever was on rotation for his table, just lets you know whenever he shows up.
"And how do you know that?" Jeongguk raises a curious eyebrow at you.
"I complained to Lee about you and she told me." You explain to him, mentally running over the menu in your head. Jeongguk told you on the third day to just order for him everytime. So, when you walk to his table under the guise of taking his order, the two of you just talk.
"Lee?" He inquires.
"She's my friend and another server here."
"Ah." Jeongguk nods in realisation. "Can I ask you a personal question?"
"You can ask, but that doesn't guarantee I'll answer." You say, giving him a cheeky smile.
She has a beautiful smile, Jeongguk thinks to himself. He shakes himself out of his thoughts and looks her in the eyes, "Do you have a boyfriend?"
You frown down at him, finding the question odd. He's never asked anything too personal. Just normal things, what you're studying, what you do when you're not working. Sometimes you'll tell him a story of something dumb you did as a kid, but he'll never outright ask. "No."
A thought suddenly occurs to Jeongguk and he doesn't really want to ask because that'll destroy every hope he has but he needs to know. He quirks a brow at her, "Girlfriend?"
You snort at the question, "No, I'm straight. My cousin swings both ways though. Nearly gave his mom a stroke when he came out at our annual Christmas family dinner two years ago."
"Oh." Jeongguk wants to sag in relief, wants to let out a thankful cheer, but settles for just a small smile and letting out a breath of relief.
"Why are you asking?"
He does that little shrug that isn't really a shrug thing. "I was just wondering. You never really talk about one, or even someone you're interested in."
"Okay, if there was someone, why would I tell you?" You are teasing, but he doesn't know as you look at him blankly.
"I was just curious." Jeongguk huffs defensively.
"Yeah, yeah, settle down." You snicker. After a moment you say, "I guess I don't talk about it because there hasn't been anyone to talk about."
"Really?" Jeongguk beams up at you hopefully, eyes glittering.
"Really." You roll your eyes, but there was a slight warmth in your cheeks that wasn't there before.
Seven months and many short conversations later – in which you learnt many things about Jeongguk and vica versa – you walk up to his table with a smile, genuinely excited to see your sort of friend. The smile fades from your face when you lay eyes on him – his whole body was tense, you could tell even from a distance, he was glaring out the window, clenched fists laying on the table. Something wasn't right. You quicken your pace, concern swirling in your belly. You stop at his table, feeling your heartbeat quicken. "What's wrong?"
"None of your fucking business." He snaps at you, words so venomous it makes you take a step back in shock, but mostly hurt.
Jeongguk regrets the words the moment they're out because he didn't mean them. He doesn't want to fight or argue. He came to see her to feel better. Now he snapped at her. He waits, for whatever tongue lashing she is about to give him. He'd deserve it and he'll take it. But she says nothing. Somehow her silence was much worse than any insult she can hurl at him. Her face closes off, he watches it happen as her fingers tighten around the pen and notepad she uses to take orders, and panic sparks beneath his skin, overriding all the anger he feels.
No. His mind rebels against the thought immediately.
"What can I get for you today, Sir?" Her voice is perfectly polite as she asks the question, like it was the first time he met her. Until he made her snap after changing his order for a sixth time.
No, no, no, no, no! Not this. Anything but this. His heartbeat quickens.
Jeongguk was quickly turning frantic, "Y/N, please, I-"
"We have a lovely special today." She goes on as if he didn't speak, eyes void of the usual fire when she'd argue with him or the gentle warmth when she sometimes smiled at him and called him an idiot. It was the only times he ever liked being called an idiot.
He listens to her droning on about he specials, explaining them. Jeongguk's heart drops all the way down to his feet. It feels like someone pulled a rug from beneath his feet, and he is thrown off balance from the how utterly wrong it feels, how much it bothers him, hurts him, that she is talking to him like he is just another random customer. Like she hasn't told him how she got stuck in a tree, climbing after the neighbors cat. Playing with their cat because her parents never allowed pets.
A cold feeling of dread washes over him because Jeongguk has no idea to fix whatever he just fucked up.
You very almost cry when Jeongguk snaps at you, feeling irrationally hurt by his words. You shove it all down as you pull up your walls and shut him out to protect yourself. You serve him as quickly as possible, walking away without a friendly word.
"Trouble in paradise?" Jae smirks at you when you come back from serving Jeongguk.
You glare at her, not in the mood for dealing with her jealousy today. "No, just looking at your face is enough to put anyone in a bad mood."
Jae's eyes widened, fury spreading on her face. "You bitch!" She yells, raising a hand to slap you.
You smirk, catching her wrist easily. "Careful, just now you break a nail."
You let her go, walking away. You wait until you're in the bathroom, safely away from prying eyes in a locked stall, before letting you face crumple, only letting one tear escape before getting yourself under control.
You finish your shift, completely exhausted by the end of it – emotionally and physically. The last thing you have the energy for, is Jeongguk, so of course he's waiting for you at the personnel entrance and exit when you step outside. Intent on ignoring him, you pretend that you don't see him and you start walking in the direction of the train station.
Jeongguk follows you, apparently not easily deterred. "Will you just talk to me please?"
"What would you like me to say, Sir?" You ask in your most professional voice, looking ahead and not glancing at him.
"I'd like you to talk to me and stop treating me like I'm a customer." He says, sounding frustrated and desperate.
"You are a customer, Sir." You answer, still not looking at him.
"For fuck sakes, will you stop with the 'sir' already and talk to me like you used to?" Jeongguk all but explodes, stepping infront of you, and looking down at you for a change. It's startling, for a moment. You always look down at him when he sits at the table and it never occured to you that he's taller than you. He sets his hands on your shoulders (they're big and warm and you feel surprisingly safe, even when he squeezes slightly), frantic and desperate eyes looking into yours. "You don't even have to talk, you can yell or scream or shout for all I care, just please stop."
"You want me to talk? Fine." You glare up at him, shrugging out of his hold and taking a step back. He's way to close for comfort. "Look, I get I'm not exactly from the same side of town as you are, but that doesn't mean I'm incapable of empathy. I'd bet that I have more empathy than most people you know. So, when someone I see as a kind of friend, snaps at me when I ask them what's wrong out of concern, when they could have said they don't want to talk about it, it hurts." You rant, a little out of breath. "Do you understand that? You hurt me."
"I'm sorry. Fuck, I am so sorry, you have no idea. I shouldn't have snapped at you and I regretted it the moment I did it. I was angry, and I know it isn't an excuse but it's the truth."
"Sorry isn't going to fix it," You say, voice edging on being too sharp. Your heart twists when his face falls. You soften a bit. "But it is a step in the right direction."
Jeongguk perks up, "What's another?"
"For starters, next time you don't want to talk about me, tell me instead of snapping at me." You give him a pointed glare, crossing your arms over your chest.
Jeongguk gives you an apologetic look, "Again, I'm sorry. I honestly didn't mean to snap at you. I came to talk to you, hoping I'd calm down a bit. I had an ugly fight some dumbass that tried to sell low quality material to us and I took it out of you."
You are reminded of the fact that he is the heir to his father's multi-billion won international conglomerate and for some reason, it makes you sad. You smile at him, ignoring the sadness. "Well, you're forgiven but I'm not forgotting."
"I wouldn't dream of it." He grins cheekily. He paused for a moment, then smirks at you. "So, we're friends now?"
You groan, "I should have known that would come back to bit me I'm the ass."
A large bouquet of pink tulips is delivered to you the next morning. Inside is a card that reads:
Thank you for never giving up on me. -JJK
Lee whistles loudly when she sees them and your cheek burn. "Someone must really like you."
"It's from a friend." You say, ignoring the fluttering in your belly.
"My point still stands. Those are out of season, you know." She remarks.
You nod, "I know. They're my favourite."
You finish your shift with a smile on your face. Until your boss calls you into his office.
"Yes, Sir?" You ask, still smiling and the bouquet of flowers in your one hand, backpack up on your shoulders and ready to go home.
"Y/N. I'll get right to the point. There's been a complaint that you've been too friendly with one of our customers." He says bluntly.
You almost drop your flowers in shock, "What?"
"I'm sorry to do this, Y/N, but it is a direct violation of the contract you signed when you started here. Professionalism is our top priority. I have no choice but to fire you." He says, and he does look sorry as he holds out an envelope to you. "This is the week's wages. Again, I'm sorry. You are a good worker."
"You're firing me because of something someone accused me off?" You ask, indignant and a little angry. "You're not even going to ask me if I did it? And if I did it, why I didn't stop?"
"The accusation came from a very trustworthy customer that was concerned that our reputation might be damaged." Your manager says. "If it gets to the owner and he finds out I did nothing, I could loose my job."
You scoff, taking the envelope. If you didn't need the money, you'd have thrown it back in his face. "So, it's okay for me to loose mine?"
"I'm sorry."
"So am I." You say before turning around and leaving.
The first day she's not there, Jeongguk brushes it off, thinking she has the day off and forgot to tell him. The second day, he starts to worry, just a little. The third day, he almost thinks himself into a mental breakdown. The fourth day, he demands to see the manager.
"Mr. Jeon." The manager greets with a smile that was clearly fake. Jeongguk thought back to Y/N, who never smiled much but when she did, it was honest and pure and breathtaking. He misses it and would do whatever it takes to get it back.
"Where is Y/N?" He demands, voice and gaze equally cold and intimidating. It's a side of him that she broke through within minutes, digging up the real Jeongguk and pulling him to the surface. The past months, he's been able to breathe again, live instead of just existing, waiting for the next person that wants his money. But that cold and calculating side of him is still there.
The manager pales and Jeongguk's worry increases. Did something happen to her? The manager shifts on his feet but still doesn't answer. "If you don't answer me within the next five seconds, I will call the owner and ask him to answer me."
"S-she was fired." The man stutters out.
Jeongguk feels his stomach drop. She never outright said it but he knows she depends heavily on the income from this job. It worries him, because he has this urge to take care of her. He wants to give her as much money as she needs, for her to live comfortably, but he knows she wouldn't take it. He glares at the manager, "Why?"
"Someone filed a complaint against her. She was getting to friendly with y-you." The manager says, looking a little terrified.
Jeongguk clenches his jaw, "And instead of asking me if I have a problem with it, you fired her?"
"Her contract says-"
Jeongguk stands up, towering over the man in height and size. "I don't give a shit what her contract says. How many times have I filed a complaint when the servers made me inappropriate offers and crude suggestions? I never once complained about her."
Jeongguk doesn't give the manager anymore time to do anything other than letting out a squeak before turning around and leaving the restaurant.
Five days after you were fired, you started too feel it. The absence of Jeongguk's presence. At first, you didn't notice it. To wrapped up in finding another job, worried about money and going to classes to think about it. But today is Sunday and the diner you found a temporary job at two days ago, is closed on Sundays. It's crappy pay and not alot of hours either but it was something and it'll help until you could get something else.
You lay on your bed, listening to your mom vacuuming the living room. University housing was expensive and you'd rather live at home and save the money than having even more debt. You laze the day away, knowing that none of the projects you have, is due that Monday. Your thoughts drift back to Jeongguk, like it always does. You honestly didn't think you'd end up missing him this much.
You like him, so fucking much. You figured it out a long time ago. You also know that you come from two different worlds. You are fine with that, you accepted it and you were content to be his friend.
Now he's completely gone from your life. Ripped out of it without warning.
You go to your classes the next day. In your last one, you doodle absentmindedly on the corner of your notebook, only half listening to the Professor. When the class is over, you look at what you drew and then groan out loud. Jeongguk's initials. Of fucking course. You scoff to yourself, leaving the class and then the building. You want to go home and sulk in privacy.
Outside, the sun was shining and you stood still for a moment, soaking in the warmth.
"Y/N!" A voice yelled your name and your head whips in the direction because you know that voice. You look, eyes searching desperately because you are so sure it was his voice. You're not hallucinating and- and there he is, running over to you.
"Jeongguk? What are you doing here?" You ask when he stops infront of you, completely bewildered.
He looks panicked and frantic. Like that day he snapped at you. He grips your shoulders, the hold almost painful. "You weren't there. I went to the restaurant and you weren't there and the manager told me you were fired and-"
"Jeongguk, stop. Breathe." You say, reaching up to hold onto his wrists, lightly rubbing your thumbs over the inside of his wrists. You wait until his grip loosens, until he was holding instead of gripping. "How did you find me?"
"You told me where you go to school one day." He answers off handedly, eyes scanning over your face, almost as if memorising the little details. Guilt flashes on his face, "I'm sorry you were fired."
You laugh at his words, removing his hands from your shoulders because it was getting a little too intimate, your heartbeat speeding up. "You know, half the time I see you, you end up apologizing to me."
"Hey, it's weird for me too." Jeongguk pouts and you have this urge to rise on your tiptoes and kiss it. "I'm not used to apologizing."
"Don't worry about it, I'm not angry." You wave him off.
"Can we talk?" He pleads and you agree immediately because you missed him so much.
"Yeah, there's a park nearby."
"Scared to be seen with me?" He teases with a smirk, and for a moment it's like nothing has changed.
You snort, "Don't you know? The walls has ears and Twitter accounts."
Jeongguk laughs, loud and unrestrained, throwing his head back. You couldn't help but smile. "This way."
You guide him to the park. It wasn't very big, and not a lot of people came here either, so it was perfect to talk. You each sit down on a swing.
"What are you gonna do now?" Jeongguk asks.
You shrug, "No clue, but I'll figure something out."
A guilty look spreads on his face again, "I'm really sorry. I shouldn't have-"
You cut him off, "Shouldn't have what? Let a server talk back to you? Yeah, probably not but we both enjoyed it, so it's on you as much it is on you. More on me though, because it was my responsibility as an employee to treat you with respect."
"You did," Jeongguk says immediately, sincerely. "Even when you were at your most brutally honest moments."
You give him a slight smile. "Well, fun as it was, it seems our path has come to an end."
"Why?" Jeongguk frowns heavily at you.
Jeongguk looks you in the eye, gaze piercing. "Why does it have to end?"
You snorted, thinking he was messing with you but his eyes were completely serious. You answer in a matter-of-fact tone, "Because you're you and I'm me. Besides, most of the time we argued."
"Y/N." He says your name like it is his greatest wish. He stands up from his swing, making his way infront of you and pulled you to your feet. He looks at you, eyes impossibly fond, "That wasn't arguing. It was banter. If you think that's arguing, you probably think my parents goes to war every now and again." He smiles, a little nervous. "And foe the record, I would rather argue with you for the rest of my life than ever kiss another girl again."
Your mouth drops open in shock, and you really don't know what the fuck to make of that. "I-"
He cuts you off, "And I don't want this to be over."
Silence falls between you two. You stare at him, he stares back. Until, finally, you blurt, "I don't know what to say."
Jeongguk is a little bit disappointed, but not surprised in the slightest. At least it isn't an outright rejection. "You don't have to say anything. Just answer one question."
"Would you want to date me?" You choke on thin air from shock. That means that he feels the same way as you do, right? Happiness makes your blood sing. Then it sinks in and reality comes back to you. Your happiness evaporates and you swallow thickly. You open your mouth to tell him 'no', but once again Jeongguk cuts you off before you could say something. "Forget about our social status, forget about what people would say and think about me and you. Together. Really think about it. I have, and I think we could work, if you gave it a chance."
"And if it doesn't work?" You ask softly, vulnerable in a way you've never been before. Distantly you wonder how he knew what you were thinking.
"Then at least we can say we tried." He shrugs.
You look down at the ground, wanting to think without looking at him, into those mesmerizing eyes of his. He could ask you to commit murder, and chances are that you'll do it if he looks at you long enough. When did you become so completely gone for him? You think about it, but there was never a moment where you realised, this is the person I like. Maybe . . . maybe it's because you've always liked him. Right from the start, even when he was infuriating. The thought is startling, but you aren't scared by it. It's more like another piece of the puzzle between you and Jeongguk has fallen into place. But there is the problem of your different social statuses. Yeah, Jeongguk said forget about it, but for how long? If you try and this does work out, then eventually you'll have to face the reality of everything that comes with being together. Somehow that scares you more than if it doesn't work.
You look back up at him, and you know – despite all your worries and doubts – it was never really a choice because you choose Jeongguk the moment you chose to accept his offer of being honest all those months ago. "Okay."
Jeongguk looks like he's ready to argue, "I-" You watch as your answer sinks in. The stunned expression almost makes you laugh, "What?"
"Did you want me to say no?" You give him an amused look, smile curling the corners of your lips upwards.
His eyes widens and he shakes his head frantically, "No, no, no, I just wasn't expecting you to say yes to quickly."
"That makes two of us." You admit. Jeongguk is right though, better to try and either fail or succeed, or never try and forever wonder what if. You smile up at him, heart soaring happily. "You make a good case. You should have become a lawyer."
Jeongguk's eyes light up, "Just wait until you hear the case I have to make on why we should kiss."
"Tell you what, if you kiss me within the next three seconds, you don't have to make a case at all." You bargained with a grin.
Jeongguk didn't need to be told twice. He leaned close and kissed you, slow and deep, one hand slipping into your hair and the other curling around your waist, pulling you close to him. He breaks the kiss, licking his lips and your eyes are drawn to the action. You lick your own lips, liking the taste of him. His voice is deep and rough, his cheeks flushed, when he asks, "Want to go get something to drink?"
"Yeah," You nod with a goofy smile, your own cheeks also flushed, feeling like you might float away at any second. "I could go for a smoothie."
"I love smoothies." Jeongguk grins back at you, taking your hand, lacing your fingers. His other hand was still wrapped around your waist and hold you close.
An old question flashes across your mind as you run your hands up his chest, liking the strong, study feel of it, until you can lock your arms around his neck. "You know, I've been meaning to ask."
"Mmm?" Jeongguk hummed in acknowledgement, showing that he was listening.
"Why didn't you get me fired that first day?" You ask, aware that you are suppose to be getting smoothies but it could wait for a bit.
Jeongguk had been expecting this question for a while, and had come up with an answer a long time ago. He looks down at her with all he feels for her, a content smile on his lips.
"Because you were the first honest person I have met in years. Because you put me in my place without thinking twice. Because when you glared down at me after I changed my order for the sixth time, there was a fire in your eyes that woke something inside of me that I couldn't control. Not then and not now." He leaned down, rubbing his nose against hers, the gesture shy and intimate. "Because the fact is, you had me at 'indecisive snot'."
the end.
A/N: Tumblr and it's 250 box limit will be the death of me, I swear. I get it, I do. But come on! This very almost didn't fit, I had to edit and mush several chapters into one. Eventually it fit, but NEVER AGAIN! It was exhausting and time consuming. I'll rather split it again, like I did with two of my other fics. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed. This took me a while with all the editing. Purple hearts for all of you!! -Kayla.
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angelsanarchy · 2 years
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Alone Together - Eddie/OC One-Shot Series PRT 12
Prt 1 - Prt 2 - Prt 3 - Prt 4 - Prt 5 - Prt 6 - Prt 7 - Prt 8 - Prt 9 - Prt 10 - Prt 11
Apparently when you black out at school, the entire student body freaks out. Going back on a Friday was probably the worst choice I could have made but I figured it was better to rip the band aid off. Eddie was practically escorting me to class, making sure I felt okay and no one was trying to approach me with whatever rumor had been going around. One of my favorite rumors was that Eddie had put a spell on me and whisked me away in his van to do some sort of satanic ritual.
"Dani! I'm so glad to see you're feeling better. I was really worried." Dustin greeted me at lunch sitting down across from me. I was surprised that his friends had joined him and gradually the rest of the Hellfire club with them.
"Yeah thanks for helping me out. Eddie told me how you were the one who found me so I guess thanks for saving me too." I smiled at him. He had a sweet grin on his face that showed just how young he was. Eddie appeared a few moments later sitting down next to me and casually sliding a bag of pretzels in front of me.
"I've got a test on Monday so I'm going to need my study buddy this weekend if you're free." He asked opening a bottle of water. I gave him a nod and continued to share my pretzels with him.
This all felt normal, it felt like I was actually apart of something and Eddie treated me like I'd been apart of it for longer than either of us even knew eachother. I learned that band practice was held at Gareth's house, which I was invited to and assured his brother was back at school so I wouldn't have to worry about a conflict. Hellfire meetings were usually Friday's unless postponed which apparently was frowned upon. Jeff has a part time job at Radio Shack which I thought was cool. It was Carl's job that actually surprised me. He apparently works with his parents at their bakery in town. The entire table was pretty hyped about the baked goods he provided at both meetings. I was promised a fresh batch of chocolate chip cookies as a get well gift next week.
I learned Dustin's friends Mike and Lucas were also in Hellfire but Lucas has been caught up with joining the basketball team so he hasn't been joining them for lunch as of late. I actually knew Mike's sister, Nancy. She works for the school paper. I remember sending her a sympathy card when her friend died last year. We weren't friends but I'd be devastated to lose my best friend so young.
After school, I walked to my car to head home when I saw Eddie running from the side door, waving his hands in the air to stop me. I tossed my bag in the car and shut the door.
"Hey, I thought I might have missed you." Eddie tried to catch his breath.
"I already told you, D&D just isn't my thing." I reminded him and he narrowed his eyes.
"I know, I'm not inviting you to the party. You aren't that cool." Eddie teased before setting his lunchbox on my roof and pulling something out of it.
"I made this for you in shop. It's nothing fancy but it actually got me an A-." Eddie pulled out this copper colored rose and held it out in the palm of his hand.
"Wh-" Before I could even ask, he cleared his throat.
"I um...I was going to get you flowers for the hospital but I wasn't sure that was a good idea because you already have breathing problems. The nurse said real flowers could make breathing worse so this was the best I could come up with." Eddie crossed his arms over his chest and bounced on the balls of his feet nervously.
"Eddie, this is beautiful and very...you." I smiled at him. No one had ever given me flowers before and this just seemed so much more than that.
"I hope that's a good thing?" He wasn't sure what I meant and I pulled my eyes away from the metal rose in my hand and gave him a kiss on the cheek.
"It's very metal and very sweet. Thank you. I love it." Eddie grinned reopening my car door for me.
"Get home safe okay? I'll see you tomorrow." I got in my car and Eddie shut the door behind me. I gave him a nod and watched him tuck his hands into his jeans, looking over his shoulder at me with a smile before heading back inside. I couldn't stop smiling the whole way home and I tried to find the perfect place to display the metal rose.
I picked up my sketchbook and rested the rose on my nightstand next to my bed. I liked the way the light made it shine. I flipped open the sketchbook and started towards the back where I kept drawings I had made of different things of Eddie that I liked.
His grin, his ringed fingers, the tattoo on the side of his arm. Eddie never asked me to make him a character page like the rest of the Hellfire club but I had made one anyway. I just wasn't sure what to do with it or any of the other drawings I had made of him. I was starting to feel like maybe it was creepy so I kept them in the back of my sketchbook.
"Hey kid, how you feeling?" Dad popped his head in my room, preparing for another late night shift. I felt terrible for how exhausted he looked. He needed a vacation.
"I'm feeling good. I plan to get comfortable and take it easy with my book tonight so no need to stress." I reassured him as he checked my tanks levels.
"I can call in if you want some company? Or maybe you can call Christine over? I just hate the idea of you being here alone while you're recovering." I knew he had been traumatized by the school calling him. The first time that happened, I ended up being hospitalized for over a year.
"Dad, I promise you I'll be just fine. I'm not planning on doing anything crazy. You don't have to worry." My dad kissed the top of my head and gave me another look before letting out a heavy sigh.
"Wow, that's pretty cool. Where did you get that?" Dad noticed the rose on my nightstand and I smiled.
"Eddie made it for me. Sort of a get well gift that won't send me into a coughing fit." I reached over and grabbed it so he could have a closer look.
"This Eddie guy, the one that rushed you to the hospital...he's pretty sweet on you huh?" Dad nudged me.
"Dad!" I took the rose back and put it on my nightstand not even bothering to answer him.
"A dad knows these things sweet pea. Don't go breaking too many hearts before you graduate. This guys seems like a good one so go easy on him." I rolled my eyes at my dad before he said his goodbyes and I listened to his truck to pull out of the driveway before settling back into my book. I couldn't help but blush thinking about the idea of Eddie actually being sweet on me. The friendship we had developed was growing every day but it definitely felt unique.
We hadn't talked about it yet but we had made plans to once I felt better. I was nervous to have that conversation. I didn't want to read too much into whatever it was we had but thinking about Eddie always brought a smile to my face.
I was startled by the home phone ringing and looked at the clock. Sometimes Dad would call me to let me know he was at work but he had just left so I knew it wouldn't be him.
"Murillo residence." I spoke into the receiver and heard a chuckle on the other end.
"Hey." I could hear the smile through the phone.
"Hey! How did you get my number?" I asked surprised. Now I knew Eddie was smiling because he laughed.
"I have my ways...one of them being that I own a phonebook." Eddie explained.
"Sorry I mean- I guess I just wasn't expecting you to call. It's Friday night after all." I tried to think of all the things Eddie might do on a Friday night but calling me wasn't one of those things.
"I can forget your number if you're busy?" Eddie started to back pedal.
"No no, it's fine. I don't mind you calling, Eddie. It's a good surprise." I smiled hoping he knew I wasn't upset that he called.
"Okay good. How is your evening going?" Eddie asked making me laugh.
"Oh you know me, typical Friday night. Drugs, sex and rock n' roll. About to crush a six pack before chain smoking a pack." I teased.
"Wow...badass." Eddie joked back.
"How about you? Bubble baths and warm milk?" I poked fun hearing Eddie take a pull off of something.
"Actually that sounds nice...minus the warm milk. That's disgusting. I'm actually sitting on the couch, drinking a six pack and watching movies" I could hear another pop top crack open.
"I'm so glad that the first thing your boredom told you to do was stalk the phone book and call me." I smiled.
"Actually I wanted to call you sooner but I didn't want to interrupt any plans you might have." Eddie sounded sincere.
"Eddie, you're actively one of three of my friends. I'm laying in bed, reading on Friday nights. A hosptial trip is the most exciting my life gets here in Hawkins." I explained to him knowing how lame I sounded.
"Then maybe we should change that. We'll start hanging out on Friday's. Even if it's just to sit around. I just...I like to be in your company, Dani." Eddie said sweetly. I couldn't help but think back to what my Dad said.
"I'd like that." I agreed.
"So...what's your book about?" Eddie asked sounding like he had gotten comfortable. I laid back against the headboard and snuggled back into my pillows. Eddie and I talked on the phone for almost three hours that night. I'd never met anyone who I could just exist with. Whatever Eddie and I had, it was special.
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rafesgfs · 4 years
best friend’s daddy - part three
Warnings: dark!andy barber, language, mentions of age difference, mentions of sex, underage drinking, pregnancy
Word count: 4.8k
Summary: A series of snapshots with your past and current life with Andy Barber.
[highly requested—and i mean highly]
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Newton, MA - 2017 Homecoming Game
He saw you immediately, shamelessly staring at the bright, yet fake smile slapped on your face as you posed for the picture. Andy's eyes drifted to the football players arms around your waist, too far down for the assistant district attorney's liking, not that he could do anything about it. He was unable to contain the eye roll when one of the players pressed a quick kiss on your cheek while you looked at the camera.
Andy knew he had no right feeling that way. He knew you thought he hated you. The glares, the tone he used, the disapproval glances he gave Jacob whenever you were with him. It was enough evidence for you to think he didn't want you around. He didn't. But not for the same reasons as you think.
Jacob ran past him, pulling you into a hug as the players around you ran back to their pre-game huddle, hyping themselves up. He heard your laugh, his previous annoyance washing away as he listened, wishing he didn't have to keep up his act. Instead, he watched from afar, noticing the fake smile replaced by a genuine one as you hugged your best friend, your cheer skirt rising before dropping back to it's already short length as soon as Jacob let you go.
Like the years before, Laurie didn't come to the homecoming game, claiming she was far too busy with work but Andy wasn't dumb. He could see it in her face everyday, helplessly watching his wife distance herself from him. But he couldn't blame her; he was doing the same. After all, not everything is supposed to last forever.
He secretly admired you, silently praising your will to pursue the career you wanted despite the very many attempts, and lectures from your parents about becoming a lawyer. Andy had gotten calls from them, more than happy to show you around the building with your parents hope of you magically being interested in what they had planned. But you were stubborn, and you hadn't backed down. He was impressed.
You glanced at Andy, surprised he wasn't glaring at you but rather staring at you with an expression you couldn't quite place, and you quickly diverted your eyes back to Jacob. "I'm so glad you came! Thank you for not being a total nerd tonight."
"My dad practically dragged me out of the house, grumbling about how I had to support my best friend when she's on the cheerleading team." Jacob explained, motioning to his father, the older Barber climbing the stairs as he claimed a spot on the bleachers next to your father. "I think it was just an excuse to watch a game that didn't feature the Patriots."
Once again, you were surprised. As said before, you thought he didn't care for your presence; to hear he wanted his son to support you was surprisingly shocking no matter how small it was. "Oh. Looks like he and Dad are gossiping again. Your mom didn't come?"
"No, she had work. What about yours?" asked Jacob.
"Business trip." you answered, sarcasm dripping from your voice. You saw the Instagram posts her friends posted, the so-called business trip had turned into a vacation with the girls. You heard your name being yelled, your cheer squad waving you over. Turning back to Jacob, you smiled. "They're calling me over so I gotta go. I'll find you after halftime, okay? We can ditch."
Jacob arched a brow, the corner of his lips twitching up. "But you're head cheerleader. Aren't you supposed to stay for the whole game?"
"Nah, Leila can take over after halftime. I'll just make up an excuse and say I went off with a guy or something." you said, tightening your ponytail. "Oh, and don't use the last stall in the boy's bathroom. Pretty sure someone had sex in that."
"Pretty sure that someone was you." he replied, grinning as you flipped him off. He laughed when you nearly ran into toddler, apologizing to the little person before running to the squad.
Jacob joined Andy and your father, answering questions from your dad, and listening to the two fathers talk about the mundane life as the game started. Andy's vision kept drifting off to you, cheering on the sidelines as the game, accidentally missing parts of the game. Not that he minded to much, he had a nice view, and he knew the score. It wasn't that much of an inconvenience for him.
Before halftime, you snuck away, going into the school to grab another hair tie from your locker. Thankfully, the field was close to the west side of the school, the locker bay only a short walk from the entrance. Coincidentally, just as you walked towards the bathroom with the hair tie, Andy bumped into you, the phone in his hand dropping to the floor.
"Oh, shit." you cursed, quickly bending down, grabbing the phone and handing it back to your best friend's dad. "Sorry, Mr. Barber, I wasn't looking."
Andy sighed, studying his phone instead of giving into the urge to comfort your tense state. For the millionth time, he wished he didn't have to act like a dick to you. "It's fine. Just watch where your going or you might head into the mens' room."
Not knowing whether he was serious or not, you gave an awkward nod, walking pass him. You hadn't seen the lingering glance he gave you before walking back to the game. Pushing on the bathroom door, you let yourself drown in your jitters, hyping yourself up before coming back and performing.
You had forgotten about Andy by the time you returned.
Newton, MA - May 14, 2018
Andy heard the knock, getting out of his seat to unlock the door. A presence befall him, a feeling he only got when you were nearby. With that thought, he immediately opened the door, greeted by the sight of you soaking from the rainfall, shivering, eyes slightly swollen, and downright miserable.
He called out your name in surprise, shocked to see you in such a messy state, let alone see you in his office. "What happened? Come in, come in. Are you okay?"
"Sorry, I—" you shivered, biting your lip to keep from spilling every problem you had faced on him. "It was raining so hard that I had to stop so I wouldn't crash or anything. And this was the closest building I parked to. I ran inside but I guess it didn't make any difference seeing how soaked I am."
Andy wrapped his jacket around your shoulders, unable to find a stray blanket or anything warm to give you. He led you to the leather couch, softly pushing you down to sit on it. "Come here, sit down. Did school end early?"
"No, um, I skipped." you sniffed, sinking down on the leather, letting Andy's coat fall over your shoulders. "I had a fight with my mom. A big one. So, I didn't exactly feel that great to come to school and I've been driving around since eight."
"Sweetheart, you're soaked. You're going to get sick." Andy murmured, wiping his warm hand over your forehead, the little droplets of water wetting his hand. "I have some clean clothes in my gym bag. Tell me what you were fighting about, it might make you feel better."
You watched him grab his duffel bag from under his desk, opening your mouth to protest but the cold, wet clothes made you close it. "I made some backhand comment about having a job in fashion, then she just blew up. She wants me to be a lawyer, go to the best schools, and be successful even if I'm not happy. I told her to fuck off, yelling that I'll do what I want. She didn't like that answer, so I grabbed my keys and drove around."
Andy gave you his Patriots shirt, and a clean pair of sweats, taking his wet jacket from you. You whispered a thank you, before taking off your dripping shirt, not caring Andy was watching. He cleared his throat, diverting his eyes away from your half-naked body. "Well, what did you want to be? What do you want to do after school?"
"I don't really know, except for the fact that I don't want to be a lawyer, that's for sure." you replied, putting on the sweatpants Andy gave you, relishing in the warmth. "I'm sorry for getting your couch wet, I—"
"It's okay, don't worry about it, sweetheart. Are you okay, now? Do you want me to do something about it?" Andy asked, unsure to hug you so he settled for an awkward pat on your shoulder, moving closer to you.
You scoffed, fidgeting with the hem of the large Patriots t-shirt, rolling your eyes at the question. "Trust me, there's nothing you could do about it. They're both so persistent on me being this successful lawyer that it doesn't matter if I want to be one. Tell me, Mr. Barber, what's so fucking great about being one?"
He bit back a smile, shifting on the couch until he was touching you, the serotonin you gave him encouraged Andy to brush back your dripping hair behind your ear, tilting your chin up to meet his gaze. With wide eyes, and a slight frown, you meet his eyes. "Well, firstly, you're able to help people. In layman's terms, you either can defend a client, or prosecute a criminal. Putting the bad guys away. Um, you can meet new people, have some experiences that's unlikely for others. But, you're right. You shouldn't have to do what you're parents have planned for you."
"Try telling them that." you sniffled, goosebumps appearing on your arms, subconsciously leaning your cheek on Andy's hand. He heard the angelic sigh escape from your lips, his smile appearing. "Thank you for the clothes and everything Mr. Barber."
"Don't mention it." he replied, bravely wrapping his arms around your slightly shivering body. Andy felt you tense for a few moments before slowly relaxing, shifting so he could rest his chin on your head, his thumb rubbing soft circles on your back. After a few minutes of silence, Andy reluctantly broke the silence. "Would you like me to call Jacob?"
He saw the flash of hurt in your eyes before you composed your expression, nodding slowly as you pulled away. "Yeah, I'll call him. He has free period so he won't be missing anything, I promise. Sorry for keeping you from work, Mr. Barber."
Andy shook his head, helping you up from the couch. "No, no, no. I just had some papers to go through, you didn't keep me from anything. The rain is slowing but you can stay in here until Jake comes. If you want."
You nodded, giving him a weak smile. "Thank you."
The Barber House - June 1, 2018
Giggling uncontrollably, you leaned against Jacob, a bottle of beer in your hand. Jacob laughed over the cartoon character with you, throwing his head back at the ridiculous scene on screen. Scooby had just stared at the screen, ending the episode, the screen turning black before another episode started. The noise Scooby made just had you and Jacob in another fit of uncontrollable laughter.
The sleepover had been spontaneous, yet long way overdue. In less than a week, you'd have graduated, and moved out of Boston, living in New York City as you went to the same college. That was one of the upside of finally leaving Newton, but even with the continuous nagging from your parents, you were still going to miss them.
You had been extra quiet, knowing full well Andy was stressed for something Laurie had done, the wife walking out of the house just as you had pulled up on the driveway. She had given you a friendly greeting, asking questions about graduation, before hugging you and driving away in her car. You knew it was bad as soon as you entered the house, seeing Andy glaring at the kitchen counter as you waited for Jacob to come save you. Thankfully, you didn't have to make small talk with the lawyer.
But the his tense expression was enough to keep you quiet in Jacob's room. Well, until he turned up with beers he had gotten from a mutual friend of yours, Cory Gilbert, the bartender at the bar and grill you and Jacob frequented at. He was over 21, legally able to buy the beer, giving it to Jacob as a present for graduation. Cory had given you a nice bottle of brandy, but you had decided to save it for graduation night instead.
Getting drunk hadn't been hard, for Jacob anyways; it took more than a few pleads from your already drunk friend to convince you to drink with him. Once you did, you felt the liquid slightly burn down your throat and you greeted the giddy feeling it left you. Soon, you were found leaning against Jacob's bed, sitting on the floor as the both of you cackled at the animations playing on the screen.
Andy still hadn't came up to hush the both of you; and to be honest, you weren't sure to be relieved or disappointed. You settled for relieved once as you saw Scooby and Shaggy running away from a "monster."
It was half past ten when you finally got up from your spot on the floor, leaving Jacob to drunkenly slur at his phone while the tv played in the background. Getting up, you headed to the bathroom, careful not to make anymore sounds than you already had. You were too drunk to notice Andy standing outside his door, arms crossed as he amusingly stared at your little tip-toe walk to the bathroom.
You finished your business, washing your hands, and heading back to Jacob's room when you lost your footing and stumbled into Andy's arms. You yelped in alarm, glad for the muscular arms that caught you. Looking up, you saw what your drunk brain could only describe as Adonis. You smiled, patting his pec as you slurred. "Thank you, Mr. Barber."
"How drunk are you, sweetheart?" Andy asked, not letting you go. He felt you swaying slightly in his arms, bringing you closer to his chest until your face was only a couple of inches away from his. His eyes flickered to your lips, his tongue licking his own. "You look flushed."
Giggling, you couldn't help but grin at the human contact. You had been so sure he hated you, but from your current position, your assumption seemed silly. "You're making me blush. Me and Jacob haven't been drank—drinking that much, pinky swear."
He snickered at the tiny slip up with your grammar, the slowness and laziness in your voice evidence enough if it hadn't been for the burst of confidence, and shouts from Jacob's room. "You shouldn't be lying, especially to a lawyer. Let's get you sobered up, wouldn't want you waking up with a bitch of a hangover tomorrow, now would we?"
Andy places a hand on your back, his hand intertwining with yours as he tried to lead you downstairs safely but you halted in the middle of the hallway, laughing as you sneaked behind him. You tapped his shoulder, trying to push him down. "Gimme a piggy back ride, Mr. Barber. Like the ones you gave me when I was four!"
The lawyer burst out laughing, finding your drunk confidence adorable. He couldn't help but agree, squatting down enough for you to climb onto his back, your legs wrapping around his waist, your arms locking around his neck. Andy held your legs in place with his hands, shifting you upwards so you rested comfortably on his back. Turning his head, he raised an eyebrow. "You ready, princess?"
You nodded in response, your hair ticking his neck as you snuggled closer to his neck, nuzzling your cheek. All the alcohol had rushed to your head. Andy walked down the stairs, careful to keep his grip on you as he did so. He heard all the tiny giggles and gasps you made, his bad mood dissolving with each sound. He couldn't remember a time Laurie had made him that happy.
Reaching the kitchen, Andy sat you down on the kitchen island, reluctantly letting you go as he went to grab a glass of water. He gave you the glass, but you rejected it, too busy looking at the game on the tv, seeing past the arch and into the living room.
He set the glass on the counter, leaning against it as he crossed his arms, staring at the mesmerized—and drunk—girl in admiration. You turned your attention back on him as soon as the commercials rolled, catching him ogling you. Blushing, you giggled once again, waving him over.
Curious, Andy stepped towards you, surprised when you gripped the collar of his shirt, dragging him closer to you until he was only a couple of inches away. Leaning in, you whispered in his ear. "I have a secret."
"What is it?" Andy asked, one word away from kissing his son's best friend. The tension radiating from interaction had him weak, helpless from the very tempting chance to take you right there and then.
Cupping your hand around your lips, you felt him snake between your legs, bringing you even closer. With your lips near his ear, you whispered, "I have the biggest crush on you. Sometimes I wish you were single so I could ride you until I physically can't."
Andy growled, his hands digging into your waist as his lips hovered over yours, his blue eyes piercing yours. He murmured your name, so close to losing all of his control.
"Every time I come over, I hope you'd push me against a wall, rip my shirt off and fuck a baby in me." you confessed, loving his body warmth. His grip had tighten on you to the point it was borderline painful, but you relished in it, the alcohol numbing the rational thoughts in your head as they screamed at you to shut up.
The lawyer was so close to doing what you wanted, nearly taking you right there. But much to his dismay, his morals had held him back; surely all it would take would be another sentence murmured from your lips but he considered himself strong. "Sweetheart..."
Just as Andy's lips brushed over yours, loud, heavy footsteps made him pull away, spotting his son drunkenly enter the kitchen. You smiled brightly at Jacob as if you hadn't been about to kiss his father. Andy raised an eyebrow at his son, irritated for interrupting. "Jacob, what're you doing?"
"I—" the boy frowned, forgetting momentarily on what he was doing. Jacob pointed at you, returning a random wave. "I was looking for her, because I got worried she fell in the toilet or something."
"She's fine, I was just sobering her up." Andy answered before you could, reluctantly helping you off the table, wishing he had a few more minutes alone with you. "Don't let your mom see all those bottles when she gets home. She won't be lenient as I am."
Jacob saluted in response, watching his dad help his best friend off the table. He was too drunk to notice the longing looks you had exchanged with Andy. "Okay, dad. Night."
Andy stood in the kitchen, alone, watching his girl giggle at something his son whispered. With more confidence than ever, he pulled out the manila envelope from the kitchen drawer, placing it on the table. Laurie would find it when she comes back.
Newton, MA - July 4, 2021
"You're so fat." Jacob commented, eyes widening when he felt the baby kick. Without much thought, he invaded your personal space, placing his cheek against your stomach. You sighed, rolling your eyes at your best friend. Jacob chuckled. "This little guy is gonna be a soccer superstar. Like Cristiano Ronaldo."
Andy chuckled from the driver's seat, pulling into the driveway, pulling Jacob off your stomach and back to his seat. "Don't antagonize her, Jake. She might rip your head off for breathing the same air without her permission."
Childishly, you stuck your tongue, making your baby daddy burst out laughing before as he turned off the car and opened the door. But you could hardly say his comment was an exaggeration, grimacing at the memory of nearly snapping Andy's arm off when he had forgotten the almond milk from the weekly visits to the grocery store. It had been both a blessing and curse to have Jacob in the outs of the pregnancy when that incident occurred. You hadn't wanted him to see the growing bump.
With the help of both Barbers, you got out of the car, carefully and slowly for the sake for both you and the babies. The two were chatting as they unloaded the baggage from trunk while you made your way to the house, reminiscing in the days when Jacob's glances weren't filled with betrayal, as if you had ripped his heart from his chest.
It wasn't everyday he looked at you with that raw emotion in his eyes—the betrayed looks had started to decrease the more time you spent together—yet you still felt guilty. With a hand over your growing belly, you opened the door, bombarded with memories from childhood, once again reminding you who you were having a baby with.
Once Jacob had sprinted out of the room, in anger and denial after seeing his father tangled in bed with his best friend, you had pushed Andy off you, wanting to go after him. When Andy argued it was better off for Jacob to be alone, you had blamed him for everything, for ruining the lifelong friendship with Jacob and weeks of stress caused by sleeping with him the first time. The lawyer hadn't denied the guilt or blame like you thought he would—like you wished he would—instead drowning in the insults you threw his way.
You didn't start to forgive him until Jacob came back, but then loathed him after the your best friend announced he needed some time and space to think it out, uncertain which conclusion he would come to. Thankfully, he couldn't live without you in his life, no matter how hard he tried, so he came running back, wishing for an apology when all you wanted to do was cry and wish you didn't have to spend two months without him.
Andy, like the charming bastard he is, had slowly broke down the wall of bricks made from your anger and hatred, and unwillingly, you let him in. Jacob had explained, quite awkwardly, he should be in no way a problem to yours and Andy's relationship, only to be slapped by the pregnancy news. Surprisingly, he kept it light and took it well.
Unsurprisingly to Andy, the fetus (he had been very upset when you occasionally called the baby that) had been conceived on Thanksgiving, proving the plan B useless. You had given up any pretenses at that point, and gave in to Andy's precautions no matter how ridiculous they had been; safety for the fetus.
Your parents had been content with the excuses you've made, only a little suspicious on not wanting to see them during the months of carrying the baby. The baby boy to be precise. But the lack of visiting since college was consistent enough for them to not rise suspicions.
You settled down on the couch, exhausted by the road trip despite how short it was. Newton was hardly small, but with Andy's former title, it wouldn't be long before rumors spread, and with rumors came exaggerated stories along with middle-aged women judging your life decisions because they had nothing to do all day other than sit in their lazy asses.
Andy and Jacob set the bags down by the doorway, Jacob letting out a huge sigh while his dad walked over to you, kissing your forehead. You couldn't help but smile at the gesture. He sat beside you, leaving no room to breathe.
"Hello, gorgeous."
"Ugh." Jacob groaned, turning his eyes away from the PDA. "Okay, I'm gonna go before any more of this happens. I'll see you guys for dinner."
Before you could ask, Jacob closed the door, practically sprinting to his car. Seeing his father in bed with his best friend had scarred him. You turned your attention back to Andy, head tilting in confusion. "Where's he going?"
"He's giving me some alone time with you. Had to pay him a few bucks after he complained about stealing you, but he'll manage for the next couple of hours." Andy explained, his hands absentmindedly stroking your belly, his smile beaming.
"What's happening in the next couple of hours that he can't be here for?" you asked, curious. The blast of hormones had been a gift Andy knew he didn't deserve, with you crawling over his body in the earlier months of the pregnancy, waking him up with lips wrapped around his cock. With his precautions for the baby, he'd been a tease for the past few weeks with the due date just barely two months away.
He rolled his eyes, shaking his head in amusement. "It's not that, sweetheart." Andy chuckled at your pout, disappointed by the outcome. "I just wanted to spend some time with you."
You knew there was something more, but you let it go, one thing at the front of your mind. Your fingers clawed at his shirt, biting your lip. "Then let's spend some time together." Leaning closer, you softly nipped at his earlobe, whispering in his ear. "Daddy."
Andy murmured your name, stern and sure but the bulge in his pants deemed a different story. That was enough for you to stop seducing him. "You're going to be the death of me."
Laughing, you turned the tv on, cuddling next to the soft man. Well, as close to cuddling as you could with the belly in the way. Your feet had been sore despite the not having to walk much all day, but the road trip had taken a lot of your already drained energy. Andy understood, gently taking off your shoes and massaging your feet until they no longer felt sore.
Two hours were wasted watching true crimes documentaries, Andy passionately commenting on the evidence they clearly had missed, and voicing his opinions of who was clearly guilty. You muffled a giggle, amused by the former lawyer. It still surprised you to see Andy so ... light? The forehead creases only coming together when something had displeased you, no matter how tiny. Retiring must've done something to relieve the stress he carried.
It wasn't until the third Buzzfeed Unsolved episode came on that you got tired. Andy, sending the change, muted the screen, pressing a soft kiss on your close eyelids. He positioned you so you were leaning against him, your back to him as you laid on the couch, a hand over your growing stomach. Anxiety seeped through his veins.
Andy cleared his throat. Playing with your hair, he said, "Marry me."
Your eyes snapped open, growing wide as you pondered if you had heard him right. "What?"
He shrugged. "Marry me."
Andy had said if so casually, it wasn't a question, but a statement. Or more accurately, a demand. You turned around, putting space between you two. Your eyes were hurting from the lack of blinking. "What?"
He reached in his pocket, the small, velvet box that had rested uncomfortably in his pocket took your breath away. Andy opened the box, revealing a diamond, far too beautiful to look at. His smile widened, taking in your shocked expression. "Please marry me."
A minute of silence passed.
"You're fucking insane." you whispered, staring intently at his blue eyes who were sparkling in excitement. He knew the outcome.
Andy's smile hadn't wavered. "Is that a yes?"
"No!" you shouted, getting up from the cough. He stood up, his arms ready to catch your unbalanced body. You glared at him. "I'm not going to marry you because I'm pregnant! No! No, no, no. I forbid you to ask me that question until this baby is out of me."
He laughed, wrapping an arm around your waist. "So, when I ask in two months ... ?"
"You'll just have to see." you murmured. A smug smirk fell on his face, but this one was warmer, more heartfelt.
"You'll say yes."
You shrugged, but couldn't help the smile appearing. "Probably."
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theduosetter · 3 years
━ 𝐖𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐓𝐰𝐨 𝐎𝐥𝐝 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 𝐌𝐞𝐞𝐭 ║𝐊𝐮𝐫𝐨𝐨 𝐓𝐞𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐨
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☆ Pairing: Au!Kuroo Tetsuro x f!reader
☆ Summary: Two broken hearts never truly heal no matter how many years pass. Maybe because the only person who can heal it is the one who caused the tear.
☆ Warning(s): angst, fluff,
☆ A|N: any feedback is appreciated! If you can please give it a heart or reblog it would really help my writing. Thank you!
Kuroo sighed for what seemed the millionth time today. His mind kept wandering off somewhere else, today felt different. There was something within him saying that today wasn't going to be the same again.
His phone vibrated once more alerting him of another incoming message. The screen lit up with the name Nanami. His lips moved as he saw the words spread out on the white background. Closing his eyes he leaned back against his office chair.
"What's with your face?" a voice spoke.
Kuroo rolled his eyes, "Nothing is wrong with my face, Kenma."
"Liar." he placed the folder down on his desk, "Is it Nanami?"
"No..." he half smiled "She's great actually... things are good between us right now."
"For someone who says that it sure doesn't look like it." Kenma said "Could have fooled me."
He sat up and looked at his friend, "Is there something that still needs to be done?"
Kenma shook his head "No everything important got taken care of."
Standing up he grabbed his blazer and put it on. "If anyone else calls can you take care of it?"
"Ok." before Kuroo could make it out the door, Kenma then asked him "Are you going to be alright?"
"I'll be alright. See you tomorrow..." he slightly smiled then took off.
Your feet grew tired as you kept walking the busy streets. The sun was just about to set down on the ocean. Even though it was warm, the air was nothing but fresh, the perk of living near coast.
A small smile formed on your lips as you saw kids running around the nearby playground, playing with their friends. It was the purest sound in the world; you thought.
There was never a doubt in your mind that being a mom was a gift. You hoped one day you too would have the chance at raising a mini you or a little boy that looked like your partner.
Your phone then rang. You quickly took it out of your bag and accepted the call.
"Hey love." you said "I'm on my way back home."
"I can't wait to see you." he said, making your chest tighten "I might be preparing something delicious for tonight."
"Really?" you asked "What's the occasion?"
He smiled, leaning back against the sink. "What, I can't just do something special for the love of my life?"
Your smile faltered as you remembered those words. Those were the ones that hurt you the most, even after almost 10 years.
"Of course you can." you replied "Can I have a hint on what it may be?"
"You would figure it out right away like last time. I'm not making that mistake again." he chuckled.
"It was one time, h/n." you smiled small, "Do you need me to bring something home from the store? I'm close to it."
"Pick out any drink you want to have and dessert if you'd like."
"Okay now I'm really curious about what you have up your sleeve, boy." you chuckled.
He bit his lip, smiling as he heard your laughter. "Don't take too long, alright?"
"I'll do my best love since it is rush hour. Wait for me?"
"Like you have to ask." he leaned over checking the food "I can't wait to see you. Text me when you get to the station."
"I will, love." you bid him goodbye and hung up.
It's sad how he has tried his best to make you happy and yet there's never a moment where something doesn't remind you of him. All these years you still wonder about how he's doing with his new partner. If he could accomplish the goals he had set out for himself. Even the thought if he maybe... still thought about you like you did.
Sighing, you shook your head "Stop it... you can't keep doing this to him. You're with h/n now not with him, he chose you agreed. No more second guessing." You mumbled.
You were about to turn left at the end of the playground when a stranger collided into you. Your feet slipped from underneath you. The bar that was put up around the playground was too far away for you to hold on to. Folding your elbows back, you opened your hands wide so you could stop your head from hitting the pavement.
Lucky enough, the tall stranger reacted in time and pulled you into him to avoid you injuring yourself. "I'm so sorry, are you alright?"
"Y-yeah... I'm fine..." you replied "That was close- wow I almost fell-" you tilted your head up and your breathing stopped.
The stranger kept their arm around your back, holding you against his chest. His eyes roamed the details on your face, from your eyes to shape of your lips. His heart was pounding against his chest, not believing you were in front of him.
"K-Kuroo..." you muttered.
"Y/n... I never thought I'd see you here." his brain couldn't wrap around the idea that you were here.
Realizing your chest was too close to his, you gently stepped back. Your cheeks flushed "I- um... I-I work around here."
"Right..." he mumbled "I thought you had stayed in Tokyo, is all."
"I got a job offer awhile back." You said "I've been living here ever since. What about you?..."
He rubbed the back of his neck, feeling shy suddenly. "I'm working with a company on a project along with Kenma."
"Wow... I knew Kenma was in town but didn't think you'd be here as well."
His head shot up "You spoke to Kenma?"
"Yeah..." you answered "He reached out to me and asked if we could meet up. I've been busy so I haven't had the chance..."
"Why didn't Kenma say anything to me?..." there was hurt in his eyes from the sudden news. "I thought Kenma of all people-"
You cut him off "I told Kenma that I didn't want you knowing. Don't blame him..."
"I see..."
The cars passed by, not knowing or caring about the two ex lovers on the sidewalk. Every person was moving on with their lives, focusing on getting home to their families.
You tried your best to calm your emotions. It was difficult to keep the facade up. Your body was itching to be again in his arms. "I should get going... goodbye Kuroo." you walked passed him hoping to forget you ever saw him.
However, Kuroo didn't want to let you go again this time. "Y/n, wait!" he yelled as he ran after you.
"He's not calling my name..." you repeated under your breath "He's not calling my name." Ignoring the loud sounds coming from the cars, you crossed the street.
"Y/n!" Kuroo yelled louder as he reached for you and held your wrist gently in his hand.
Looking over your shoulder, you made eye contact. "What are you doing, Kuroo?..."
"We need to talk." he gently spoke "It's been too many years."
"There's nothing to say about anything." you looked into his eyes "We both have our different lives, let's focus on that okay?"
"I don't want to walk away from you and regret it for the rest of my life again." Kuroo begged, "Please, give me a few minutes to talk with you...please."
Looking down at your watch, you saw you had some minutes to spare. "Okay..."
He let go of you, "Come on, I know where we should go." you followed him to the nearby bridge that was above an intersection along with shops down the street. You walked up the stairs and sat down on a bench that was in the middle of the two stairways.
It was awkward. As the seconds passed by, all you could think of were the things you wanted to say but felt afraid of saying it out loud. You were timid when it came to expressing how you felt since you were in high school. Yet when you met Kuroo that barrier was destroyed only for it to be rebuilt again a few years later.
"What did you need to tell me?" you asked, playing with your fingers.
"I'm sorry for how we ended things." your movement stopped "I thought back then that it was for the best. I didn't want to continue fighting every time with you. The amount of times we ended up apart became more frequent than the times we had ever spent together." His gazed was fixed on ground feeling too vulnerable to look at you "I didn't want to keep hurting you."
"I can't believe- why now?" you asked "Was that the reason you chose? You didn't want to stay and fixed things so you let me go?"
"We couldn't make things better and you know that y/n." he answered "Every time we tried it put distance between us more and more."
You closed your eyes trying to not let the tears fall "It's the fact that you lost hope in us that hurt Kuroo, not the breakup."
"It hurt me too..." he explained "But it hurt me more knowing you were suffering and not giving you the happiness that you deserved."
"I didn't care..." you sniffled "All I wanted was to be with you and solved it together. I kept on trying to find an answer as to what I did that was so wrong that made you leave me."
"What are you talking about-"
"You seriously don't remember?" you looked at him "The things you said to me that day... when I asked you why and all you said was because I didn't love you anymore, I don't want to stay by you. It's for the best Y/n go find your own life and forget about me."
He looked away, closing his eyes tightly. "I didn't mean to sound harsh..."
"But you did." you wiped away your tears "What hurt was the fact that you acted happy the last few days with me then suddenly... you ripped it off like a bandaid Kuroo..."
"I know..." he said "I know I fucked up- I kept thinking back every day after what happened."
You got up from the bench "Why did you pretend you were happy with me?"
"I wasn't pretending!" he exclaimed, getting up as well. "I was happy being with you."
"Could have fooled me... because knowing this now and you not remembering what you told me makes it harder to believe anything you say!"
"I need you. Trust me when I say that I still love you y/n." he stated.
"I-I can't..." you muttered, covering your face.
You were a sobbing mess, and it broke his heart that he was hurting you again when he vowed never to. Kuroo stepped forward slowly, trying to approach you.
"Please don't cry..." he said.
"I'm just tired of this... feeling this vulnerable and thinking about you," you admitted, "when I should focus on my future and not on the past..."
Kuroo stood in front of you, "Do you still love me?..." you didn't answer. He carefully took your hands into his own as he uncovered your face. "Do you still love me?..." he repeated himself.
His touch was arm, your head was dizzy. It's been so long since you were this close to him again. 'Did I still love him?' you thought, trying to figure out the answer on your own.
He gently wiped away your tears, "Because I haven't stopped Y/n... no matter where I'm going or who I'm with my mind goes back to you."
"Where was this 7 years ago?" you questioned "This love and worry you have about me? How you don't want to see me walk away from you again. Why did you show it too late to me? I wasted so much time wondering over someone who never once batted an eye to me when I saw you on campus those two years after our break up. I almost failed because my emotions were all over the place. If it hadn't been for the friends I had I wouldn't have moved on. Now you suddenly see me again one day and you confess you still love me? When you had chance after chance to tell me but chose not to." you clenched your jaw "You don't get to comeback and tell me you love me... it's not fair."
"I lived with the ache in my chest whenever I saw someone or something that reminded me of you. Out of all the y/n's in the world and each time someone said your name I turned around it hopes it was you but came empty every time it was a stranger." he breathed out trying to not break down in front of you but it became impossible. His voice cracked "I-I... still wish everyday that it had been you... y-you by my side a-and not someone else..."
"I wished we had met when we were older and wiser..." you whispered "Maybe then... this pain wouldn't exist within us."
He held your hand to his chest holding it tightly as he closed his eyes, trying to memorize your warmth. "We didn't know what to do... we were young and naive thinking love was such an easy thing to feel." he sniffled "It would be so easy... so damn e-easy... to say I'm sorry and start all over again. To go back to the days where were in l-love... without any problems..."
In all your years you had known Kuroo it was such a rare sight for him to cry and breakdown in front of you. After years, you were surprised to see he didn't feel shy or embarrassed of showing it to you again. It's like he had grown.
Gently you cupped his right cheek and he leaned into your touch. "I still do love you Kuroo..." you confessed "It scares me that I haven't been able to move on without you."
"I'm so sorry..." the pool of tears he held in his eyes were finally escaping "Maybe things would have worked o-out... if we had- no I had expressed my feelings earlier and told you how I felt from the beginning. If I had opened up myself up to you more and not runaway from the only person that had ever made me feel a whole. But I can't... I-I can't turn back time that was then and t-this is now..."
It was late. Yet hearing those words that you had dreamed for years to happen finally did. Life was definitely funny sometimes. One day you can keep convincing yourself you don't need that person that you're fine without them, then have it change with one interaction.
Smiling weakly you wiped away his tears. He smiled small feeling your thumb gently move against his cheek. "I can't believe I'm saying this but..." a chuckle escaped your lips "After all we've been through and still you make my heart beat like a teenager all over again."
"I would do anything to see you smile, Y/n." his eyes shined brightly as the sun's light reflected off his hazel orbs.
Your faces began to grow closer to one another. The space that was in between you two got shorter the longer you stared into each other's eyes.
"There's not anything else in this world that makes me happy as you do, y/n." he said.
Your foreheads gently rested against one another. His hands held your own tightly and brought them up to his lips. It made your stomach grow butterflies again.
Closing your eyes you focused on his touch not on the sounds of traffic. "I’d have my heart broken all over again if it meant that I could have those first six months with you."
He added "Those were the best months of my life."
Your phone then vibrated with messages coming in all at once. Kuroo freed one of your hands, you unlocked your device to see they were from h/n.
"Shoot..." you bit your lip.
"Is everything alright?" he asked.
"My...um boyfriend... is asking where I am..." you answered feeling conflicted as to what would be the best thing to do.
"You call him and reassure him you're okay." he said "If I was in his place I'd be worried too."
You were surprised by how mature he was, nodding you dialed his number. After a few seconds h/n picked up. Kuroo stood by your side and waited for you to finish.
"Y/n! Where are you I've been worried sick!" he exclaimed.
"I'm sorry... I saw a friend and they needed to talk to me. I didn't mean to make you worry." you explained.
He breathed out in relief knowing you were okay. "It's okay, I'm glad you're okay. Are you on your way back home or are you still with them?"
"I'm still with them I didn't realize it would take long. But I'll be going to the station soon to grab the last train home." you answered.
"Alright, are you sure you don't want me to go pick you up?" he asked "I don't want anything bad to happen to you."
"No don't worry I'll be home soon. I'll make sure to keep you posted okay?"
"Okay, please be careful. I love you." he said.
"I will, see you soon." you hung up then looked at him. "I should get going, Kuroo."
"I understand." he kissed your forehead softly "You don't owe me an explanation okay? Let's take it one step at a time. And if you still want to see me then I'll be here waiting for you. Like I should have done in the beginning."
Your heart swelled with joy that you wrapped your arms around his neck and hugged him tightly. He smiled softly hugging you back tightly, "I missed you so much." you spoke burying your face in his neck.
"I missed you too, Y/n." he rested his chin on top of your head "Can I take you home?"
"I'd like that."
It didn't matter how long it took, he wasn't going to mess this second chance he had with you. He would wait a year if he needed to to be alongside you again. You were his world.
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anenbylittlepotato · 3 years
I hope i'm not bothering you with this request, you're free to ignore if you want!
If that's okay could i request the brothers or the side characters comforting a teen MC who's scared about their future? As in they don't feel ready to become an adult despite them being almost 18 and that overwhelms them a lot. (I see all of my classmates already knowing and being ready to adulting and i feel like shit cause i'm literally sitting here worrying about how being an adult is scary and that i'll never find a job that makes me happy or that i'll never be happy with my life as an adult...)
This is all platonic ofc!!!
Oh no, it's alright, you're not bothering me at all 😁 I've actually been hoping for some more requests, so I'd be more than happy to do yours. I am also very close to graduating high school and becoming a full adult, so I know how you feel there.
The Bros Comforting a Teen MC who's Scared for Their Future
You're scared for your future?
Well, he supposes that makes sense. After all, it will make for a very large change in your life and you're going to be dropped into the real world with all these responsibilities with no sense of direction. You're bound to be a little afraid.
He'll sit down and listen quietly as you tell him your fears, rubbing your back soothingly.
He might offer to help you figure these things out by sitting with you as you do it and helping you get your foot up. I mean, hell (pun intended), he's been doing this stuff for him and his brothers for thousands of years. Adulting is kind of his forte.
He'll also offer advice to you, giving you tips and tricks he's learned over the centuries of doing it himself.
Seriously, this man will give you a full lecture on how to be an adult if you let him
Huh what?
Haha, what makes you think he's any more prepared to be an adult?
This man didn't even know you had to pay rent to live in an apartment lmao
If he were tossed out on the streets right now, he'd be homeless. Especially with all his debt he has to pay.
So don't expect much advice from him there.
But he'll try his best to comfort you. Even if he sucks at it.
He'll smile that smile that could light up the dark side of the moon and pat your head, telling you not to worry about it.
I mean, he hasn't gotten it all figured out yet either, and look how great he is! After all, he's the GREAT Mammon!
So just take it easy! Not everyone has to work things out right away!
Bro same.
He's terrified of his future. He doesn't even know if his plan to be a pro gamer will even work.
But fuck if he's not gonna try.
And, hey, he may know what he wants to do, but he's had thousands of years to think about it. Don't rush yourself! I mean, some of his favorite idols didn't know what they wanted to do until after they'd finished college!
I mean, not everyone's gonna figure things out right away. He didn't know what he wanted to do for the longest time!
Honestly, though, he feels bad for humans. They all have such little time to figure things out.
He'll offer to sit and talk to you about it, or if you don't really want to talk about it, he'll offer to play video games or watch anime with him.
What's that? You're scared for your future?
Well, that's understandable. Humans are quite fragile, so it's not surprising that there's a lot of things that would scare you. And to make matters worse, you're plopped into all sorts of responsibilities straight out of high school. I mean, that would be pretty scary. Especially if you have no idea what you want to do.
He'll offer to lend you some books, to do some research and help further prepare yourself for what's to come.
He might even sit with you and help you work things out. He's read so many books about and from the human world that he knows plenty about how things work up there.
If you're still nervous, even after all the studying and reading, he'll recommend some books to you that he, personally, likes, to distract you for a while.
Aw, you poor thing! You're afraid? Don't worry, come here, Asmo will make you feel better~!
He'll pull you into his bed and immediately start giving you a makeover.
Spa day! And the entire time, he'll be chatting your ear off, telling you all about tons of partners he's had in the past who also had no clue what they were doing with their lives.
He'll give you all the juicy details! Well... Maybe not all of them... Hehe~
He'll tell you all about their own fears, of which are quite similar to your own, and he'll tell you all their struggles and how they got past them.
All the while, he's painting your nails, and doing you hair, and applying your makeup.
Oh no... Don't be afraid!
Um... He doesn't really know what to do here. He's never really thought much about what he'd do in his future. Do you want some food?
He'll sit down with you and offer you some food. He'll try to give comforting words, but he doesn't really have much experience with this sort of thing.
He'll mostly listen as you tell him about your fears, offering small words of comfort.
He's not very good at this and he doesn't know much about all of it, but he'll try his best to help you feel better.
I mean, he hasn't really thought out his future either. The most he's gotten is that he wants to do something involving food.
Lmao why tf are you coming to him for comfort about your future?
He doesn't know wtf he's doing either. And he doesn't really care all that much either. He'd rather sleep.
Why you just sleep? It would be nicer than thinking about all that.
Oh, you can't sleep? Fine. He'll use his power to ease you to sleep then. Now you won't bother him while he's trying to sleep.
He might consider helping you better later. When he's not trying to sleep, that is.
But even then, he can't promise he'll be any good. Being nice and comforting people aren't exactly his forte.
But, if you're still nervous by then, then he supposes he'll help you
I couldn't do the side dateables, sorry, but I might do them another time.
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farfromsugafanfic · 4 years
Sutures - Chapter Two: Conjugate
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Genre: Soulmates AU, Idiots to Lovers, slight Enemies to Lovers
Pairing: Yoongi/Named Reader
Warnings (chapter specific): invasions of privacy
Synopsis: “A person often meets his destiny on the road he took to avoid it.” –Jean de la Fontaine
There was only one thing you and Min Yoongi had in common that night. You were both brokenhearted. You only intended to be together for one night, but when you both end up in the hospital the next day you discover that you are soulmates. It could kill you to be apart. As you and Yoongi attempt to sever the bond between you, will another be formed?
Notes: This was originally written and completed on Wattpad between 2018 and the beginning of 2020. I’ll be slowly posting the chapters here. I may make a tag list depending on if enough people want to follow along with updates. Leave me some feedback if you would like added to a tag list.
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You sighed as the nurse pulled the IV out of your arm. The muscles in your body relaxing for the first time in hours.
"There we are," the nurse said. "Looks like you'll be out of here in a few hours. Just make sure not to get too far from that man of yours."
You smiled up at her, not wanting to explain that he wasn't your man and that you'd only just learned his name from a news broadcast a few hours ago. When Eunji had texted you that he was an idol, you'd thought she was joking. She was drunk after all and probably would've called any guy flirting with you an idol.
"This is crazy," Eunji said. "What're you going to do?"
"I don't know," you said. "I guess I'll have to contact him somehow."
"Did you get his number?"
"No, we never intended to see each other again."
"Well, he's looking for you."
"Jang Sumi?" a man asked, knocking politely as he entered.
He bowed politely as he entered.
"I'm Bang Sihyuk, CEO of BigHit Entertainment," he said.
Your eyes grew wide and you immediately bowed, feeling slightly embarrassed you hadn't recognized him and done so before.
"We would like to discuss a proposal with you. If you'd please sit down," he said, pointing to the newly made hospital bed.
You sat down and the man sat down in the chair Eunji sat when you first awoke. "We have reason to believe you are Min Yoongi's soulmate. I'm sure the doctors have already explained that this means the two of you must remain near each other."
You nodded.
"In order to protect his career, we would like you to move into the BTS dorm. We will pay you and compensate you for any trouble."
"What about my career?" you asked.
The man nodded, his shoulders relaxing as if he'd expected you to question him.
"We've done our research and you're an English tutor? You can continue online sessions and do occasional in-person sessions away from the dorm. We don't want to take away your livelihood by any means. We want to protect both of you."
Your mind overflowed with thoughts. You'd be living with seven guys. Seven idols. Would girls get jealous? Would their fans even know? You had too many questions for the man to possibly answer.
You could certainly use the extra money and without having to pay rent, it would allow you to begin saving money. Something you'd wanted since you'd moved out.
You'd have to work less though, but you were sure the compensation that BigHit offered would be more than enough to make up for the fewer hours.
"All right," you said. "As long as I can keep my job, I agree."
"Boys, this is Jang Sumi," Bang PD said.
You bowed to the seven boys in front of you, secretly wishing the much more charming Eunji hadn't gone home. Even though it was obvious they had rushed to the hospital based on the various array of sweatpants and messy hair, they all still looked gorgeous.
The boys bowed back and their gazes wandered down to your neck, their eyes wide. You hadn't noticed the bruises there from the night before. You shyly broke eye contact and looked over to Yoongi who sat with his feet dangling off the hospital bed.
You met his dark eyes. Instead of the mysterious and hungry look they'd held the night before, they now looked exhausted and slightly annoyed. His gaze left yours momentarily as his eyes looked down at the bruises on your neck. His face remained expressionless except for a small flick of his tongue between his lips.
"The doctors need to run a few more tests and talk with Yoongi and Sumi," Bang PD said. "We should leave them alone"
The six other boys filed out of the room and you took a seat on the bed next to Yoongi, leaving a large space between you, so that it would be nearly impossible to accidentally brush against one another.
"Hi," you said. "So, it's been an interesting day, huh?"
The boy didn't respond and before you could make more futile attempts to fill the silence two doctors walked into the room.
"Min Yoongi and Jang Sumi?"
You both nodded and bowed.
"All right, I know this is all a bit overwhelming right now, but once we all discuss and decide on the various options, I'm sure you'll feel better." The doctor flipped a few pages on his clipboard before looking back up at you. "So, as you both know, this is still a fairly rare condition. Finding one's soulmate and having it cause heart attack like symptoms is not well understood. Due to this, we request at least monthly check-ups for at least the first year for both of you to ensure your heart is okay and to check your overall health. The rest depends on how the two of you choose to proceed. Are you two currently in a relationship?"
"No," you both answered.
The doctor nodded.
"The easiest and best way to proceed is to attempt a relationship. While it might be awkward at first, for your overall general health, it will be the best way to adjust and will allow the withdrawals to be less frequent and violent in the future. If--"
"No," Yoongi said. "We can't do a relationship."
"What do you mean?" you asked, your head whipping around to face him. The last thing you wanted was to be in a relationship with a man you barely knew, especially the day after you'd officially ended it with your ex. But if the doctors said it was the best way to deal with the situation, you were inclined to listen.
"It's for both of our own good," he said. "You have no idea what a relationship with an idol would be like."
"Well, there are other options," the doctor said, glancing between the two of you. "If you truly don't want to be together, we can work on trying to weaken or even sever the connection between you. It is rare and difficult to do, but it has been achieved. You will have to stay in the same building as the other person most of the time. There do seem to be some exceptions such as work or situations where the other absolutely can't be present. However, at first, these withdrawals will be powerful and you may not be able to leave the building without the other person at all. For the first week, we suggest not doing so.
"In order to attempt to sever the connection, we will have to monitor your mental health and work to keep the relationship on track. While you don't have to remain distant from each other, it is important to not have feelings for each other, or else it will not work. You will have monthly or bi-weekly appointments with a psychiatrist who is trained to work with cases like this.
"You will also experience something we like to call urges. These are instances of extreme attraction to one another. It will be extremely difficult to be apart from each other during these times. It is important that you be together in these times, but if you are choosing not to pursue a relationship, you must do your best to resist the attraction."
After the doctor was done explaining everything and had recorded your decision to attempt and sever the connection, they drew blood from both of you and allowed you to leave.
You'd spent the rest of the day packing. Your things were going to be confined mostly to one room, meaning you had to downsize and choose what was most important to you.
You heard a knock on the door and before you could answer it, it was already open and Eunji and the entirety of BTS came through your door.
"Sorry if I scared you," Eunji said. "I let them in."
"Sumi," the tallest one said. He was the leader, Kim Namjoon, according to Google. You figured you should at least try to learn your new roommates. He introduced himself and the rest of the boys, other than Yoongi. "We decided to help you pack up before the movers get here. I'm sure it's quite overwhelming to have to move all of a sudden."
"Yes," you said. "This is very sweet. I guess, um, you could help clean up a bit? I haven't had a chance to clean the kitchen since I got home. And, maybe someone else wouldn't mind getting dinner?"
"No problem," Namjoon said, motioning to the members.
"I'll be in my bedroom if you have any questions or need me for anything."
Eunji was already bonding with the younger members of the band and showed them where all of the cleaning supplies were kept. You smiled at her ability to make friends quickly and headed back to your bedroom.
Your suitcase laid open on your bed as you sorted through your clothes, trying to decide what to keep. You'd already packed the essentials, the rest of your closet spread out around the suitcase.
You felt something soft beneath your foot. You bent down and picked up the fabric, recognizing it as the dress you'd worn out the night before. You hated to leave it behind it, but you weren't sure you would need such a nice dress again. And if you did, you could just borrow one of Eunji's. You folded the dress and were attempting to make a decision when a knock sounded on your door.
"Come in."
The door opened and Yoongi walked in. He wore a beanie, a sweatshirt, and a pair of jeans. You almost liked the more casual look on him more than the slightly more dressed up look he'd worn when you first met. You weren't sure if you truly liked it better or if it was just the connection between you talking.
"Sorry to intrude," he said. "I was just wondering if you needed any more help? The rest of the boys pretty much have it handled out there."
You tried to put aside the resentment you felt for the boy from earlier in the day when he so bluntly decided not to follow the best option and try the relationship.
"You can pack up my knitting stuff," you said pointing over to your desk in the corner where you kept yarn, knitting needles, and the various guides. "Just be careful not to tangle the different yarns together."
He nodded and grabbed an empty box and carefully placing each skein in the box. You turned back to the dress in your hands. You fingered the soft fabric and sighed as you went to set aside. Before you could set the dress with the rest of your discarded clothes, you felt a hand take it from you. You looked up at Yoongi, who held the dress and placed it into the suitcase.
"It looks good on you."
"You like to knit?" Yoongi asked, a few minutes later.
"Yeah," you said. "It calms me down when I'm stressed."
He nodded as he placed the rest of the items from the desk into the box.
"Sumi!" someone called from the hallway.
"What do you want us to do with this?" one of the boys asked, you believed his name was Jimin, followed by a blond-haired boy, Taehyung. Jimin dangled your stuffed cat in the air, a smirk across his face.
"Hey!" you said. "Don't hold Kitty that way!"
The boy laughed as you snatched the stuffed animal from him. One of Kitty's button eyes was loose and dangled slightly, causing her eyes to look uneven.
"You named it Kitty?" Jimin asked laughing.
Eunji came into the room. She seemed slightly annoyed with the two boys who had run off from their duties.
"I was four!" you said, looking down at the stuffed cat. "Besides, it's an English name!"
"All right, all right," Jimin said, relenting his taunts. "Do you want to take Kitty or not?"
You made eye contact with Eunji who's eyes were wide. She knew what Kitty meant to you, but Kitty was also falling apart. Her eye was the least of her trouble, you'd sewed the majority of her seams back together multiple times. You didn't want to risk Kitty getting lost or falling apart altogether. You knew it was time to let her go.
"She is pretty old and I'm getting too old for toys anyway. Um, I guess put her in with the donation pile." You handed the stuffed animal back to Jimin who took it and hesitantly walked from the room.
You felt tears pricking at your eyes, but you held them back and went back to sorting through your clothes. The task felt harder all of a sudden, but eventually, you finished, zipping up the suitcase.
It was late by the time you arrived at the dorm. It was huge, the biggest apartment you'd ever seen. It was surprisingly clean for being inhabited by seven boys, but you figured they were just too busy to cause much of a mess.
The extra bedroom they'd been using as storage was already clear for you. You made your bed and then opened your suitcase and began emptying it into the dresser.
"Need some help?" Namjoon asked, standing in the doorway.
You smiled at the boy as he began sorting your clothes, making it easier for you to put away.
"Thank you," you said. "I'm exhausted and I'm honestly dreading the rest of the boxes getting here tomorrow."
He nodded.
"We've moved a lot," he said. "Sometimes I feel more tired after moving than dance practice."
You both laughed lightly.
"They told me you're an English tutor?"
"Yeah," you said.
"It'll be nice having someone else who can speak English."
"None of the other boys can?"
He shook his head.
"No, they all understand a little. But none of them are fluent."
"We'll have to change that then," you said, laughing.
"How'd you learn it?"
"My mom grew up in the US. Her parents were from here but moved to the US when my mom was a baby. She met my dad when she was here visiting family and she ended up moving when they got married. So, I grew up speaking both Korean and English. My parents recently moved to the US actually, to be closer to my grandparents."
"Wow," he said. "That's a better story than mine. I just watched Friends."
You laughed.
"That's more impressive though. You taught yourself. I kind of just learned it the same time I learned Korean."
You felt some of the nerves you'd felt coming into the dorm beginning to leave you. While you were sure it would talk longer for you to adjust, the boys had all tried to be as helpful and welcoming as possible. Even Yoongi. Despite the fact he'd barely talked to you, he still helped pack up your apartment.
"Sumi," you heard another voice say. You turned around and saw Yoongi standing in the doorway, his eyes focused on his phone. "We have a problem."
"What?" you asked, your eyebrows knitting together.
"Someone found your shoes."
"My shoes? You mean, the ones I left at the bar last night?"
Yoongi nodded.
"Someone is selling them online. They're using the connection to me to get attention. The bidding ends tomorrow."
You grabbed onto the dresser and tried to steady yourself. You'd expected something like this to happen eventually, but just twenty four hours after you'd even met Min Yoongi?
You heard Namjoon say something to Yoongi, but you didn't catch what it was. You felt a hand on your shoulder and saw the leader looking straight at you.
"We're going to get this figured out."
All you could do was nod.
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