#i'll probably make minor edits to this still like the horn and such but i'm impatient and want to post now
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regionalsnake · 2 months ago
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first luna of the year
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cinderflower · 3 months ago
👄 Your OTP are having their first kiss. What song do you imagine is playing?
MalMiq clearly are kissing to the beautiful sounds of the envoy horns of course lol
This question did stump me because I think pretty much all of my ships are non-modern and I struggle to imagine them in situations with modern music. So I'll just pick one of my go-to songs I listen to for setting the vibes when I write soft scenes of confessions, with lyrics that I think represent the ships well.
Princes: Skin - Marika Hackman (there's literally So Many I have for princes but this is the one I listened to most when writing Stay)
MalMiq: Unconditionally - Roniit (there's also so many for MalMiq but this is the first song on my FoR playlist for a reason)
🤔What are some words or phrases you find yourself overusing?
Oh there's so many, I think right now my biggest nemesis is the word "as" purely because of how I write in past tense. I've been trying to use it less to make my sentences more dynamic and interesting but ough it's hard.
Not necessarily a specific word or phrase but if I write for the same ship enough I will reuse the same gestures of intimacy between them repeatedly and even certain phrases they say to each other unconsciously. This is what kills me in the editing process is I'll be reading a scene and realize 'oh this sounds exactly like the scene from X fic'. It happened with Princes, it's currently happening with MalMiq (how many times will there be a focus on Malenia's thighs? So many and with no plans to stop), and I'm just trying to tell myself it's fine, people who read multiple of my fics probably don't mind it and people who only read one will be reading it for the first time. I always try and make it unique though as best I can by either the situation or emotional crux driving it so even if the actions are the same the underlying motives and meanings are different.
🦗Do you write in sequence or jump around?
I very rarely write out of sequence, it's partially why I don't feel too uncomfortable posting long fics chapter by chapter, but it does mean I don't get the opportunity to go back and make minor adjustments to prior chapters to better foreshadow certain things. For example in RM because I posted it all after I finished writing I went back and added small references to Knight General Godwyn in the first few chapters so his appearance was else jarring when I did introduce him. I'd do the same thing for FoR if I wasn't posting it chapter by chapter, like including a mention of Siluria's lessons instead of introducing her presence so late, but usually it's minor things like that.
Otherwise I either have a very strong vision of what I intend to write in terms of major plot beats (even if my outlines and notes are uh frighteningly sparse and vague) and/or I trust myself to be cohesive as I write. Usually this means going back and re-reading previous chapters while writing the next one, which is why updates take longer and longer the deeper I get into a long fic.
☕Coffee or tea while you write?
Coffee for sure, I'm not a tea person at all. I also basically only drink water, coffee, and energy drinks though I'm trying to cut energy drinks back out. I'm a terrible host because all I ever have for guests is water or coffee lol.
⏳If you could go back in time and tell your younger writer self something, what would it be?
Oh I'd absolutely tell my younger self not to take a 10 year break from writing and that as busy as I am, it's worth it to continue doing something I love and not to let work/life trample on my hobbies. It's still one of my biggest regrets honestly, and I think of how much I could have accomplished in those years, but it's fine now I'm just glad I'm back to doing a hobby I love. 😊
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tiktokitssinoclock · 2 years ago
Weight- Marc Spector
... ʰᵉʸ ᵉᵛᵉʳʸᵒⁿᵉ.
No I'm not dead, and no I really wasn't that busy until the semester started up. I fell off the writing wagon a few months ago and still kind of feel that way. Just recently I've been working on some stuff again so I hope I'll get back into the flow of things soon, but I don't want to risk burn out. I won't be posting as often as I used to, but I'll still post sporadically here and there. Hopefully that changes as inspiration comes back to me! :)
SFW// Minors and ageless blogs, DNI // You will be blocked
You have a really important day tomorrow, but can't get to sleep for the life of you. Fortunately, Marc has the perfect suggestion.
Word Count:
One of the things you loved about the boys' place was the sounds of the traffic around the building. The soft 'whoosh' of cars as they passed by, the muted squeaks of tires cruising along on wet pavement when it rained, the surprisingly welcome harmony of whiny breaks and car horns when a light turned red. Steven had his complaints about it, and while you could sympathize with him, you yourself never truly minded. It worked almost like a noise machine in the flat, the London hubbub providing a constant hum in the background.
Tonight, however, as you found yourself laying quite awake, you were starting to better understand what he meant. Every time you closed your eyes, trying in vain to get some sleep, the smallest noises from the street were trying their damnedest to get you to open them again.
The hardly audible road rage between two people might as well have been an argument just outside in the hallway. The chirp of a parked car getting locked seemed to echo throughout the room. Hell, even the slamming of a car door was almost enough to make your ears pop.
You let out a quiet sigh as you continued to catch bits and pieces of the ongoing squabble, pinching your eyes shut before opening them once more in defeat. Of all the nights for the sounds of distant traffic to fail you...
Sweat was beading on your brow but you opted to ignore it, the usually inviting cotton sheets feeling much too warm. You tossed over onto your side, your nails digging into the pillow in your grasp as you tried to focus on the sound of Marc's slow, even breaths.
There wasn't much else to distract your gaze from straying, which wasn't helping, either. Like a moth to a flame, you find yourself stealing glances at the laptop perched on Steven's crammed desk. Again and again, however, you forced yourself to stare at the wall beside you. You were playing a game of cat and mouse, it felt like, and the universe was doing everything in its power to work against you.
Your usual white noise was practically blaring. You'd long since kicked the sheets off your body, the material bunched awkwardly at your feet. The sliver of moonlight peeking through the blinds glinted off the laptop's reflective case, only drawing your attention towards it even more.
You found yourself staring at it again before you could help yourself, eyes squinting in annoyance as you chewed the inside of your cheek.
A few more minutes wouldn't hurt.
As you slowly began to sit up, knuckling the sleep out of your eyes, your mind was already racing with things to do.
I haven't got the numbers from quarter two completely memorized yet, and it wouldn't look good if I have to keep referencing that slide during the meeting. And honestly, I don't know what I was thinking adding all those slide transitions. I'll have to edit them out. Maybe I'll pack a quick lunch for myself, too, that way I can just eat at my desk instead of having to pop over to the cafeteria. Yeah, that'll give me more time to finalize everything.
Your legs swung over the side of the bed as you lazily rolled your shoulders, a few satisfying 'pop's greeting you.
I could probably iron out my outfit, as well. I'll never hear the end of it from Jen if there's a wrinkle in my top when I'm presenting. God forbid clothing does what clothes are known to do-
Before you had the opportunity to stand up, however, you felt the weight of the mattress suddenly shift. A pair of arms wrapped around your waist, lips warm with sleep meeting the back of your neck.
"Where're you going?" Marc mumbled against your skin, his voice sleep logged.
You refrained from leaning back into his touch, fingers lightly circling around Marc's wrists.
"Bathroom," you offered, shooting him a reassuring smile over your shoulder.
When he was barely awake, Marc seemed much... softer than usual. His hair was lightly tussled, bits and piecing sticking out in various directions. The usual bags under his eyes didn't seem so pronounced, the gleam in his gaze ever present. You could stare at him for hours, it felt like. The only things tarnishing the view, however, were how his eyebrows began pulling together and the way his lips were pressed in a thin line. Despite just waking up, he was onto what you were up to in an instance.
"I'll only be up a few minutes."
"No you won't."
You could only look at him for a moment before finally speaking again.
"Don't be silly," you said, gently pulling yourself out of his grasp.
"Honestly Marc, I'll be back. You need the sleep and- hey!"
Marc ignored your protests, pulling you in until your back was pressed against his chest and he could lazily throw his leg over both of yours. His cheek pressed itself against the back of your shoulder, each of his soft exhales fanning across your neck. You ignored the goosebumps his breath left in its wake, the frown on your face deepening.
"Please let me go."
"So you can agonize over your keyboard until the sun comes up? Why would I do that?"
"Because I'm stressing out- and rightfully so. There are so many ways I could be productive right now and instead I'm just... I'm laying here."
You sucked in a deep breath.
"I'm not getting to sleep at this rate. I might as well make something of my time."
"That's a horrible idea," Marc replied bluntly, his voice still tired.
"How so?"
Marc interrupted himself with a groan as he gave a stretch, nonchalantly readjusting his position.
"You're gonna tell yourself 'Oh, I'll just review this and I'll be done', right? Then that'll turn into 'I'll rearrange some things real quick' or 'I should make a better version of this table' or whatever else you think up."
You couldn't see his face, but you could practically feel one of his eyebrows arch.
"Am I wrong?"
Too stubborn to confirm or deny his train of thought, even though he was very much correct, you only locked your jaw and sat in continued silence. This hardly phased Marc, however, so he continued.
"You'll just keep changing and adding, changing and adding, until you've got an entirely new presentation you're unfamiliar with. Then by the time you have to present it, you'll get overwhelmed and trip up because its nothing like what you practiced with. You'll be tired, too, which doesn't help. That's what happened last time, from my understanding."
You leaned further into Marc's chest, appreciating the feel of his skin against your own, and let out a heavy sigh.
"Things have to go perfectly to make up for that. I want to prove to them that I can do better."
Another kiss pressed itself against your skin.
"And you will, if you get some rest."
"I... I just can't. I'm all wired up right now and I don't know if I'll be able to get any sleep."
Marc was silent for a beat, only giving you a low 'hmm' in response. Several minutes had passed and you almost thought he had drifted off before he was speaking again.
"What if I laid on you?"
You rolled your eyes with a scoff, earning a chuckle from the man.
"No, not like that. What if I literally laid on you?"
You frowned, turning in your boyfriend's grasp to better face him. his tired eyes and a small smile greeted you.
"I don't see how that would help."
"It would be kind of like using my body as a weighted blanket. I think you mentioned having one in your apartment, right?"
You considered it for a moment, silently appreciating the way his thumb drew small circles on your hip. It was true- you did have a weighted blanket you often made use of back in your flat. And you would be lying to yourself if you said you didn't regret bringing it with you...
"You can say no if you want. It's just a suggestion."
"I know."
You toyed with your bottom lip, pondering the idea. What did you have to loose in trying?
"Let's give it a go, then."
"Fine by me."
Marc briefly released his hold on you only so he could roll himself on top of you, resting his head in the crook of your neck before he let his arms lazily circle you once again. You hummed contently at the shift in pressure Marc's weight provided, an instantaneous calm buzzing through your limbs. After several quiet moments of laying together like that, both your rapid heartbeat and breathing finally slowing, he groggily spoke.
"Mmm hmm."
Just a few minutes later and the two of you had peacefully drifted off, the noise from the busy streets below falling on blissfully deaf ears.
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