#i'll ponder more on that another time hmm
hypewinter · 1 year
At first he'd been overjoyed that the cloning had worked. Then, as the weeks went by, he realized just how messed up of a thing he had done. Tim still remembered the faces of everyone after he told them. There were mixes of shock, horror and disappointment. He'd been unable to face both Bruce and Clark for a while after that.
Now Tim sat in a rocking chair within the newly decorated nursery. He looked down at the baby in his lap, who returned his gaze with a blank one of his own.
He sighed as he turned to peer out the window. It was a full moon tonight. "They're mad at me, I know," he finally spoke. "I can't really blame them either. It wasn't fair to Conner. To his memory."
Tim turned to look at the baby once more. He stared into the baby's eyes. Those painfully familiar eyes that were at the same time new and foreign.
"It wasn't fair to you either."
Tim reached down and brushed a bang out of the baby's eyes. "But I swear I'm going to make it up," he continued. "Starting by giving you your own proper name."
Until now, that baby had been referred to as just that. Baby. If not that it was the clone, the child or Conner's clone. But now that Tim had firmly decided he was raising the baby, the kid needed a proper name.
"Hmm," Tim pondered. "What about.... Kevin?"
He received yet another blank look.
"Okay... how about Alex, Wes, Kyle? Timothy Jr?"
Blank stare.
"You could be Douglas. Doug for short."
At that the baby seemed to almost quirk up his eyebrow. As if to say, "Are you serious?" Though that was probably Tim's mind playing tricks on him.
"Yeah," he said with a soft chuckle. "I wasn't really feeling that one either."
Tim closed his eyes and tilted his head to the side. "Mark, Luke, Ezekiel, Thomas, Elijah..." Great, now he was just listing off Bible names.
"Daniel..." he muttered absently.
Suddenly, Tim heard a giggle. He looked back down at the baby to see him cooing softly.
"Wait, you like that? Daniel?"
The baby giggled again. This time reaching up towards Tim. Hesitantly, he raised his hand towards the child. He couldn't help the soft gasp that escaped him as the child grabbed onto his pointer finger.
"Ok, Daniel it is."
Except for something still didn't feel right. Tim leaned back and stared at the ceiling as his tried to pinpoint the feeling of wrongness. Then it hit him. He hated whenever people used his full name. It always felt stuffy and formal. It reminded him too much of disappointed looks. Of hands gripping his shoulders or pulling at his ears, telling him to behave.
"Say," he murmured. "Mind if I give you a nickname buddy? How about Dan?"
Daniel scrunched up his eyebrows. "Ok ok, you don't like that one. I get it. Then how about Danny?"
Daniel seemed to appreciate that nickname a whole lot more as him went back to cooing contently. Tim couldn't help as a smile of his own crept onto his face. "It's settled then," he grinned, holding his child up in the air. "Welcome to the family Danny Drake-Wayne!"
He then pulled Danny close into an embrace, closing his eyes as he took in the scent of baby powder and formula. "I promise, you'll have a better childhood than either I or Kon did. I'll make sure of it."
Edit: original prompt for anyone interested
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beomboomboom · 8 months
Drunk with love
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genre: fluff, established relationship
pairing: Seungcheol x reader
summary: Seungcheol has experienced your drunk self more than once before. He's seen everything. He's seen you dramatically confess your love to him years ago, he's seen you yell love song lyrics for him at the top of your lungs. But this was the first time you forgot that you and Seungcheol were dating altogether.
warnings: alcohol/drinking, a little bit of swearing (like very little)
note: based on the results of this poll. I hope you enjoy the fic <33
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"Cheolliee~ can you pick me up?"
Seungcheol lets out a sigh at the sound of your tipsy voice. He knew it was a bad idea to let you go out drinking with your friends.
Not that your friends were bad influences or anything, but when you got drunk, you got drunk.
Meaning, you couldn't even walk three steps without either throwing up or passing out.
"Okay baby, I'm going to come get you. Just wait outside the bar okay?"
"Okiee~ the world is spinningg...," he hears your intoxicated voice say. Taking that as a sign, he grabs a few plastic bags and stuffs them in his pocket on the way out of the house, already preparing for what he knows is to come.
As Seungcheol gets into his car and sets off towards the direction of the bar where you're at, he hears your drunk self let out a whine, "Where aree you Cheolliee, I need to tell you somethingg."
Phone still pressed against his ear, Seungcheol lets out a little laugh, amused at the way you're acting.
Deciding to humor your drunk self, he replies softly, "hmm, okay. How about you tell me when I come get you, does that sound alright?"
He can already picture what you're looking like at this point. Your cheeks are probably littered in a pink hue, evidence of your drinking activities, your hair a pretty mess, and your lips in a pout. You're also probably going cling onto Seungcheol the moment he finally arrives to pick you up.
Seungcheol smiles softly at the thought.
Even though dealing with your drunk self is a pain in the ass, he still loves it nonetheless. The way you show your unfiltered love to him is something that always makes him laugh and his heart swoon.
"but cheol...what I'm going to tell you...I might regret..."
Seungcheol's heart stops at your words.
No longer humoring your intoxicated words, Seungcheol worriedly ponders what in the world you could possibly mean. Seungcheol knows that when you're drunk, your filter completely disappears, which makes him worried. What kind of secret were you keeping from him that would make you say "I might regret this"?
"What do you mean by that baby?"
"well....I'll tell you in person. It's better that way. OH! I see your car, I'm coming in."
Seungcheol watches your figure, holding your phone to your ear, as you shakily stand from the bench outside the bar and stumble closer and closer to his car.
Before crumpling to the ground unexpectedly.
"Oh shoot," Seungcheol mutters under his breath as he quickly jumps out of the car and helps you stand up.
"You okay baby? Let's get in the car hm?"
But rather than replying and letting Seungcheol lead you into the car, you simply lean against Seungcheol and begin to cry. Eyes widening, Seungcheol quickly takes your face in his hands and wipes your tears away with the pads of his fingers.
"Awww baby, do you want to tell me what's wrong?"
"I-I-I" you start to say, and let out a small hiccup before shouting," I LOVE YOU!"
"Well, I lov-" Seungcheol starts to reply, but is quickly interrupted by your drunken rambling.
"I know this might ruin our friendship or whatever, but I can't stop my feelings for you. I just love you too much. I love you so much that i'll break the promise we made in second grade to never have a crush on one another. I love you so much that i'll risk our friendship to tell you that I love you. And I love you so much that if you don't love me back, I'll accept it."
With each word being let out of your mouth Seungcheol can feel his endearing smile grow by the second.
"Baby, I think you don't understand. We're dating right now. We were best friends before, but then you confessed to me just like how you're doing now. "
"What no way. You're lying to me. Stop joking around with me Cheollie," you say, a furrow in your brow as you try to decipher the new information.
"I'm not," Seungcheol replies, with a little laugh under his breath at the situation. The way you can't believe you're dating him makes him want to giggle and kiss you senseless at the same time.
"Then show me," you challenge, deadly serious.
Wasting no time, Seungcheol gently grabs your face with his hands and places a chaste peck on your lips. "Let's go home now hm?"
Smiling contently, you let Seungcheol take hold of your hand, and lead you towards the car.
It's after you and Seungcheol take around three steps when your eyes widen and you mutter a quiet "uh oh" and shake Seungcheol's shoulder vigorously.
Already knowing what's about to happen, Seungcheol swiftly takes out a plastic bag from his pocket and hands it to you. As you get all of the alcohol out of your system and into the plastic bag, Seungcheol holds your hair away from your face and rubs comforting circles on your back. "How about we go home and get cleaned up. Does that sound okay with you?
You manage a small nod in response and lean on Seungcheol as he helps you get into the car and buckle your seatbelt. In only a few seconds Seungcheol buckles his own seatbelt too and you and Seungcheol make the short journey home.
As Seungcheol is driving home, he gazes at your passed out figure in the passenger seat. Shaking his head, he simply smilies and lets out an endearing laugh,"you better repay me with lots of kisses and cuddles tomorrow."
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dotster001 · 1 year
Gold Digger End
Summary: another for tuna CC end
A/N: as usual, you can vote for the next ending here. I combined this person, with a scenario that was requested... So.... 😁
Part One Part Two Part Three Choose Another ending
"Grim! What the actual fuck?"
You had stumbled upon Grim's notebook, which was titled, "How to Marry Y/N off to Idia".
"Y/N! That's my super secret diary! Put it back!"
"Like hell it's your diary!" You snapped.
"Listen, Y/N," he climbed up your body, and cupped your cheeks with his paws, face stern, "it's time to face the facts. We are poor."
"I know that, but-"
You were cut off by a loud crash as the railing fell off the stairs, which was quickly followed by the collapse of the stairs themselves.
The two of you stared at the fallen stairway. Silent. Pondering. You shifted Grim to your hip, and picked up his fallen notebook.
"Are you sure Idia is our best option?"
"Technically, Leona has more money, but he's on an allowance. If he steps out of line, we're toast."
"But he's willing to work with us?"
"Are you asking if he wants you?" Grim laughed. "Yeah. You'd be hard pressed to find someone who doesn't want you in this school. It's a little concerning."
You flipped past Idia's pages, finding some final notes on Leona.
"Let me talk to him."
"Are you sure?" Grim couldn't help but be frightened by your change of heart.
"Grim, look at our stairway, and ask if I'm sure again."
You both looked back at the stairs.
"I'll call him and set up an appointment," Grim muttered, leaping out of your arms, and pulling Leona's file, which was hidden under the couch.
Leona was watching the both of you, smugly, from across his desk.
"I have to say, I'm a little surprised to see you here, herbivore. I thought you would still be living in denial."
You scowled over the rim of your glasses, that matched Grim's.
"Mr. Kingscholar-"
"Mr. kingscholar? What happened to kitty cat?"
You hid your flustered face by pushing your glasses back up your nose. But you didn't miss Grim's confused glance your way.
"Kitty cat?"
"Mr Kingscholar!" You cut him off. "We are willing to choose you as my lover and future husband, but we need to know that you will not blow it."
He leaned back in his chair, giving you a long, slow once over.
He stood up, and walked to the window behind you, staring at the Savannaclaw courtyard.
"I can be a good little kitty cat. If it's for you."
You choked, and fiddled with your glasses again.
"How much do you need right now?"
He still wasn't looking at you, and it wasn't helping anything.
"200,000 thaumarks to renovate the stairwell, and restabilize Ramshackle," Grim spoke up for you.
Leona pulled out his wallet, and filled out a check, handing it to Grim.
"Are there any contracts the two of us need to sign, little mouse? Maybe one that makes you promise not to fall in love with me?" Leona smirked, as he tilted your chin up to meet his gaze.
"I-" your tongue felt like lead, and you swallowed, before starting over, "I don't think that's a concern."
Your voice was completely cracked, but at least you got the statement out.
"Hmm," he said again, devilish smirk not leaving his face. "But you do plan to at least pretend to be my perfect little partner, yes?"
"That's the idea," you choked out.
He had to stop saying hmm. You couldn't handle it.
"Well, in exchange for that 200 k, you'll join me at a charity ball tomorrow evening, and then let me hold you until we both fall asleep."
"Tomorrow?!? I don't have anything to-"
"I had a feeling Grim would have end up picking me, even if he didn't choose me first. I got you something to wear."
He walked over to his closet and pulled out a stunning outfit.
"Oh," you shifted in your seat. It would definitely look good on you. How long had he been planning this? And why were you getting so excited and flustered thinking about him, thinking about your future with him?
"Oh," he mocked, handing you the hanger. "Try that on so Ruggie can fit it if he has to. Bathroom is over there. Fuzzball, go get him." Leona pointed you towards the bathroom, and Grim towards the door.
Grim, needless to say, was very confused. But he fetched Ruggie anyway.
Just as they were about to reenter, Ruggie turned to Grim.
"Any chance you can get me a sugar mommy or daddy? I'm not picky, I'm into all of the above, you just have to find them for me."
Grim grinned, "Ten percent of your future allowance, and you got yourself a deal."
Tag list-@shytastemakerthing @stygianoir @leonia0 @lleoll @eccedentesiast-sapphic @supertmntgirl @cxsmicdustdreams @aethermostbeloved @krystalkiller25 @asmallbean3 @theneurodivergentdummy @candlewitch-cryptic @smilingfox22-blog @phantomgaming1920 @the-dumber-scaramouche @noidonothavetimeforthis @bontensbabygirl @xxoomiii @somany-fandoms-solittle-time @bre99 @stupidsimp @sus0daddy @a-small-tyrant @imlost-sendhelp @mizukiblogs @peskygirl13 @loser-jpg @magnayuki88 @dragontamer222 @nicholas-andrew99
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cuubism · 2 years
thinking about that meta about the endless not really transforming into different forms but rather being all forms simultaneously and just being perceived differently from different points of view. and yeah
"So, Death was telling me something interesting about you yesterday," Hob says, sipping on his coffee.
Dream pouts, though he would probably deny that that's what it is. "You are gossiping with my sister behind my back?"
"You know we talk."
"Gossip," Dream mutters again, steps taking on a pace adjacent to an irritable trudge. "What unseemly things does she say about me?"
"Why do you think she says mean things about you?"
"Every time we speak, she calls me an idiot," Dream says, and Hob lets out a startled laugh.
"That's what siblings do," Hob reminds him. "You know she loves you."
"Hmm." Dream plucks Hob's coffee from his hand, taking a ponderous sip. "What praises does she heap upon me, then?"
Hob shakes his head in fond exasperation. "She says that you -- Endless, that is -- can like... change your appearance for different people? Or creatures? Like. If you met a cat you would appear as a cat to them?"
"You do not quite have the right of it," Dream says. He hasn't returned Hob's coffee, despite having insisted that he 'did not require mortal sustenance' when Hob had offered to get him his own.
"What's the right of it, then?"
"It is not for human minds to comprehend."
Hob groans. "At least humor me and try to explain? Do you turn into a cat or not?"
"I do not turn into anything," Dream says, offended. "How base and common."
"Shapeshifting is base and common, I'll make sure to tell all the shapeshifters I know," Hob tells him seriously.
Dream lets out a sigh that Hob recognizes as meaning fine, I will answer your inane questioning about the nature of my existence. The funny thing is, now that they've gotten over the six hundred year barrier of what's your name and what do you do for work, Dream delights in talking about his creations. He will speak at length about his work given half a chance.
It's the personal -- whether that's something as mundane as how he takes his tea or as fundamental as what an Endless even is, exactly -- that's been hard to get at.
"I am a cat," Dream explains.
Hob stares at him, looking up and down at the very man-shaped figure walking beside him as if he needs to double-check. "You're definitely not a cat."
"Yes, I am," Dream says. He does not appear to be joking.
And apparently Hob is still thirteen years old all these centuries later, because he says, "Prove it."
"You cannot see it because you are not a cat," Dream sighs, as if this is truly a tragic occurrence.
"Maybe I am a cat," Hob suggests, tucking his hands in his pockets, all casual. "How would you know?"
Dream gives him a sidelong look. "You are not a cat. Though perhaps you would be more peaceful as one."
"Doubt it. But wait, so, if I was a cat I would be able to see your cat form?"
"In essence, yes. But. You speak as if I would be donning a coat. These are not forms. Merely fragments. Simultaneous angles on a whole."
"Fragments," Hob repeats. He works it through like a particularly hard math problem. "Hang on. So. You're also a cat now. If we met a cat they would see a cat."
Fuck, this is getting weird.
Dream looks proud of Hob for getting it. "Yes."
"Could have attempted to explain that instead of just saying I am a cat," Hob tells him. "I also still maintain that you are not actually a cat."
"I am as much a cat as I am a human," Dream says.
"So, not," Hob says.
"No," Dream agrees. "Because I am Dream."
"You're a nightmare, is what you are," Hob mutters, and Dream smirks.
"That, too."
They've been walking in silence for another few minutes when Hob asks, "What's your real form?"
Dream frowns. "All of my forms are real, Hob."
"Sure, you look like this or that to different people. What do you look like to yourself?"
"All of my forms are real," Dream insists.
"So what I'm seeing now isn't some kind of default? Are you just always different? Is this like that we don't know how other people see colors 'cuz everyone's eyes could be different thing? Or is there any internal consistency to you?"
"I don't know what thing you're referring to."
"What I'm trying to find out is did I invent this version of you in my head?" Hob asks, getting stressed about it now. Did his subconscious somehow decide this was what Dream should look like? Presumably Dream knows what he looks like to Hob. What if he doesn't like it? "Did I just decide yep that's what dreams should look like in 1389 and you've been stuck wearing black ever since?"
Dream chuckles. Probably amused Hob would ever think he had that much power. "No. There is what you call internal consistency in my appearance. Different creatures, cultures, and so on will see different aspects of me, but there is not a different aspect for each person. It is not infinite."
Oh, thank god. "So, you want to look this way."
"I suppose."
Never a straight answer with him.
"Well, just for the record," Hob says, "I fell in love with the entity but I happen to quite like the shape as well."
"The shape," Dream repeats, with a smile.
"Here's where you're going to tell me you're also a triangle or something."
Dream is silent.
Fucking hell.
"I'm not even going to ask," Hob decides, forcibly moving on. "I have another question."
"You have many," Dream observes.
"That's what you love about me," Hob says, and Dream tilts his head as if conceding the point.
"If there was a human culture that thought of dreams as represented by cats," Hob starts, "they might see you as a cat?"
Dream sips at Hob's coffee, considering. "I suppose."
"And was there ever one?"
Hob lets out a long breath. Dream is frustrating as hell to talk to sometimes, but Hob can't say he doesn't enjoy it anyway, doesn't enjoy the puzzle. "Was there ever any culture like that, though? That saw their dream representation as something other than a person?"
"There was one that thought dreams lived in bubbles, therefore I was the reflection of light along a bubble's curve," Dream says, expressionlessly. As if that isn't wild and fascinating. "However, that civilization has since disbanded and morphed into different forms."
"Which civilization was that?"
"You would not know it," Dream says.
Hob tips his head back and groans. "God, you're like an edgy teenager who knew that indie band before they were cool. Oh, which band? No, you wouldn't know them, they're too niche, too underground."
"Underwater," says Dream. "It was a civilization of dolphins."
Hob trips over a crack in the road and just manages to catch himself. Dream stops by his side, watching him with some concern, like he worries Hob might break himself in his clumsiness.
"The way the world looks to you must be insane," Hob says, staring at Dream.
Dream's lips tip up in the faintest smile. "Human perspective is narrow."
"Clearly. I wish I could see all your other forms. Must be amazing."
"You wish to see them?" Dream sounds surprised.
Hob scoffs. "Of course. But it's not sounding very possible."
Dream inclines his head in agreement.
Then a thought occurs. "Wait." And god, Hob has said a lot of stupid-sounding things in his life but this is about to be one of the worst. "If I pretend to be a cat, can I see your cat form?"
Dream can never answer a simple question directly, but apparently this absurd query is fine. "I suppose it is possible in theory for you to see it. But pretending is not enough. You would have to wholly assume the perspective of a cat. I do not know if it would be possible in practice."
Hob's never needed much more encouragement than that to try something. "Alright. Hold my coffee."
"I am already holding it," Dream points out.
"Hush. I'm being a cat."
How he's supposed to do that, Hob doesn't know. He paces back and forth before Dream, squinting in the sunlight. He looks at him from every angle. He tries to imagine what cats might dream of. Mice? Freedom? Sleeping in warm places? Their dreams must be feeling and instinct-driven, not intellectual.
Hob crouches down, looking up at Dream from as close to a cat's height as he can manage. Dream merely raises an eyebrow.
"Are you going to meow at me?" he asks mildly.
"Meow," Hob says, and Dream's mouth pops open in a round o of surprise that is one hundred percent worth the indignity of kneeling on a public street and meowing. "What do cats dream about, anyway?"
"World domination," Dream says solemnly.
"Haha," Hob says, but Dream doesn't take it back.
"Alright, I'm channeling megalomania," Hob tells him, shutting his eyes. "I'm channeling my inner despot."
"And an imposing one at that," Dream observes, looking down at him.
"Quiet, subject, can't you see I'm in the middle of ruling with an iron fist? Or paw?"
"I am quaking in my boots," Dream says. "Please, show mercy."
Hob squints back up at him. God, he's really trying, but it's hard. Cats live close to humans, but they are still so alien. Off in their own worlds, their own battles and hierarchies.
"Will it work if I lick you?" he asks. "Like how cats groom each other."
Dream blinks at him, once, twice, slowly, catlike, which he must be doing intentionally, because he's a bastard like that. "This is, as I believe you would say, getting odd."
Yeah, it is getting fucking odd.
"Perhaps you should try imagining my female form," Dream suggests, and if Hob weren't already on all fours on the sidewalk he'd have fallen over. "It is human, and may be easier."
"You have that?" Hob squeaks, scrambling back to his feet. "But I thought it was like, a species perspective thing? Do women just see you as a woman, then?" Then he shakes his head. "No, that's way too simplistic."
"Women can see me like this as well," Dream says. "Or however their culture dictates."
"So why would someone see you as one gender or another, then? Just a culture thing? Preference?"
"Why do some people see God as a woman?" Dream asks the air.
Hob groans. "You are impossible."
Dream smirks.
"Or maybe you just like being unknowable," Hob guesses.
"Perhaps. Yeah, perhaps. I'm sure." Hob cracks his knuckles. "Alright, my unknowable cosmic entity of a significant other, let's see if I can turn you into a woman."
Dream stares at him flatly, but Hob can see the slightest uptick at the corner of his mouth.
Hob still doesn't know what exact perspective he needs to see Dream as a woman. Maybe if he just believes really really hard he can make it happen. Force of will. It's how he'd always planned to make himself immortal, anyway, absent a fortunate encounter with one prickly dream entity.
He stops looking at Dream, and tries to look through Dream. Tries to imagine how it feels to see the true depths of his eyes, how the cosmos in them go straight to infinity. He tries to see around the way the light reflects off of and shapes Dream's form to the shape within, like a sculptor seeing the body in the marble before it's carved. Hob is no artist, but he tries.
And he knows Dream. He may not know all these angles on his form, but he knows Dream, the entity, the person. They have had a long friendship, Hob and the concept of dreaming.
And just like that, the perspective shifts. For a split second, Hob sees an infinity before him, the eternity of all existence condensed in all its brilliant, glowing facets--then his brain skids around it to avoid going mad, latches onto an angle, and slams back to earth.
Hob sways, rubs at his eyes, and then laughs hysterically. "Fuck!"
"Hob?" Dream sounds uncertain now. "Are you well?"
"I think I just glimpsed cosmic knowledge never meant for my mortal eyes, or whatever," Hob tells him, somewhat maniacally. His ears are kind of ringing, eyes swimming in the afterimages of a very bright light. "You're incredible, do you know that?"
"As you judge," Dream says.
Hob finally drops his hands from his eyes.
And immediately slaps them over his mouth, letting out a sound so high-pitched and manic he hadn't thought his vocal cords could manage it. "Holy shit."
Dream frowns. "Are you well?" he asks again. "Perhaps I should not have allowed--"
"I fucking did it," Hob whispers, mostly to himself. "Oh my God. You're a woman. I think? You look like one. I guess?"
Dream looks down at himself. Hob wonders what he sees--does he see what Hob sees? Or does he see the incomprehensible mass of everything that he truly is under the human trappings?
"Ah," he says, and presses a single fingertip to one of the breasts that he now has, prodding it curiously. "It appears that I am."
Okay, so he can see what Hob sees. Good to know.
"Yup," Hob says. He can't seem to steady himself whatsoever. "Yup, yup. You are."
"Impressive, Hob," Dream remarks, looking up at him again with a smirk. His jaw is narrower now, his lips plusher, but God, it's that same fucking smirk that drives Hob insane.
Hob wonders if Dream's female form is also bound by some limitations on appearance the way his usual form is. He hopes so, because it if turns out he managed to manifest Dream's tits to fit his own subconscious desires, he might just have to choose Death at last.
Hob still has his hands over his mouth. He makes himself drop them.
Dream frowns at his silence. "Are you not pleased?"
"I'm very shellshocked and reorienting my view of the universe," Hob tells him. "Also, you're very beautiful and it's just a lot all around."
That smirk again. Whatever minor amount of immunity Hob has developed over the centuries is obliterated by the new shape of him. "Ah."
"Ah," Hob echoes. "Can I kiss you?"
"You may."
Hob does so with his usual enthusiasm, perhaps more, as he does so love novelty. Dream tastes much the same, feels much the same to his hands, and yet not, like Hob's different perspective on him has altered the angle of his touch. Hob runs his hands indulgently over the softer curves of him, settling them on Dream's waist.
"Dear heart," he murmurs into Dream's mouth. "Most beautiful thing."
Dream makes a soft sound and rests his face against Hob's.
They stay there for a long moment, frozen in the middle of the sidewalk. Then Dream asks, "Would you have still kissed me if I was a cat?"
"On your little furry head, yes," Hob says, and pecks his cheek. "I thought you were a cat."
"I am," Dream says.
Hob groans. "Enough, I'm getting confused again. Let's stop with the metaphysics and go home and do something less headache-inducing."
"Like playing with the new toy you've found yourself?" Dream asks, raising an eyebrow, but obligingly lets Hob wrap an arm around his waist and tug him along down the sidewalk.
"Pretty much!" Hob agrees. "If you're amenable."
"I suppose I can bear it," Dream says solemnly, as though being kissed and coddled and worshiped is the greatest hardship of his eons-long existence.
Then he says, quietly, "You are singular, to perceive me thus."
"As..." Hob looks at him as they walk, looks at the elegant cut of Dream's cheekbone and the sweep of his eyelashes, the longer fall of his hair. "You mean, in more than one... facet?"
Dream nods. "You... see me. The truth of me. And still, you look upon me kindly."
"What other way is there to look at the one you've loved your whole life?" Hob asks, throat tight.
Dream leans into his side, and Hob presses a kiss to his temple, holding there for several steps. And he continues to hold him close as they go on, keeps his unfathomable boundless entity within the circle of his arms, where he can keep on fathoming him.
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wileys-russo · 1 year
blurb request for Alexia if you feel comfortable writing!!! maybe just something cute and a lil bit spicy with her distracting her gf with neck kisses when she’s trying to study or work but Alexia just wants her attention
distraction II a.putellas
"cariño? i'm home!” you hear your girlfriend call out for you as the door thudded shut and you heard her footsteps echo around the apartment, nala's claws skidding along the floorboards as she jumped out of your lap and made a beeline for alexia.
you heard the older girl scoop her up cooing at her affectionately in greeting as you called out you were in the office, fingers flying against your keyboard as your eyes stayed trained to the screen in front of you.
"hola hermosa." arms wrapped around your neck as blonde hair invaded your vision and you scooted back your chair. "hola." you stood with a happy smile as she briefly let you go, tugging you into a proper hug. "ale!" you laughed as she suddenly picked you up, hands tucked under your thighs as your legs wrapped around her waist.
"what are you doing?” you smiled with a shake of your head, one arm reaching out to grab at the door frame as she tried to carry you out of the office. "you've been studying since i left, time for a break bonita.” the blonde announced with a grin, pecking at your lips a few times.
"i already took my breaks while you were at training! i have to finish this assignment ale it's due tomorrow." you smiled in apology, tapping at her shoulders as she placed you back down to your feet with a whine.
"how long?" the footballer asked with a pout, pressing your body against the wall with her own.
"until it's finished." your lips curled into a smile as her eyebrows furrowed deeper, slender ring clad fingers flicking playfully at your forehead for the response.
"i'll try to get it done as quickly as i can. you could cook dinner and wash your clothes while you wait!" you suggested with an encouraging tone.
"hmm...no." your girlfriend pondered for a moment before firmly shaking her head, pecking your lips again and pushing off of you, walking out of the office.
"alexia!" you huffed after her, the blonde catalan smiling at you over her shoulder with a sarcastic wave before she collapsed into the lounge, grabbing the remote off the coffee table as nala settled on her chest.
"useless woman.” you muttered, sinking back into your chair and rolling back to the desk with a roll of your eyes.
"i heard that!"
you shook your head with a smile hearing your girlfriend sigh very loudly and very dramatically from the living room for what had to be the tenth time in about five minutes.
the two of you had eaten dinner together which alexia oh so graciously ordered after you'd again asked her to cook, though no sooner had you finished your meal did you return to the office, much to your girlfriends insistence you call it a night.
"what?" you finally gave in as alexia sighed even louder, spinning around in your chair to look at her in the other room with a raised eyebrow. "i am so lonely!" your girlfriend announced, laid down on the lounge with her arms crossed over her chest and a frown etched into her features.
"you have nala." you pointed out with a smile, the ball of fur still curled up on top of her asleep as alexia rolled her eyes. "it is not the same.” the blonde huffed, opening her arms and looking toward you expectantly.
"no." you replied simply with a shake of your head and a small smile, spinning back around to face your laptop as alexia groaned loudly in annoyance, arms falling dejectedly to her side with a huff.
to alexia's credit she patiently waited another hour, no more groans or sighs calling out for your attention, instead tangling a hand in nala's soft fur and trying to focus on the tv show she had been meaning to watch for weeks at mapi's recommendation.
but when the clock hit 9pm, she'd had enough.
evenings were always alexia's favorite time of day, the both of you always home and always curled up together.
if you weren't watching something you were wrapped up in one another's arms laughing and exchanging soft kisses as you caught up about your days, limbs tangled together and lips interlocked as all the time that ticked by belonged only to the two of you.
so when her routine was ruined by the fervent sound of your nails clicking against the keys of your laptop, and she had been starved of a single act of affection from you almost the entire afternoon, she was ravenous for your attention to once again be hers to command.
"baby? are you done yet?” she lent her body in the doorframe with a sigh, sick to death of staring at the back of your head. "almost ale." you replied quietly, not even sparing her a look back as alexia closed her eyes and took a deep breath.
"its getting late bebita.” you felt her hands settle on your shoulders, gently massaging the tight muscles as you paused momentarily with a relieved sigh at her touch. "it's only nine." you craned your head back, smiling up at the older girl who didn't return the gesture.
"i have been home since five." alexia stated matter of factly, raising an eyebrow making your smile grow further at her obvious neediness, always feeling privileged that around you she lowered her walls, not afraid to be soft or vulnerable.
"one more hour." you promised softly, squeezing her hands which were still on your shoulders, focus returning to your laptop as the infuriating sound of your nails clicking against the keyboard once more invaded alexia's senses.
you tensed as her hands slowly slid down from your shoulders to your stomach, her face tucking into your neck as you felt her lips start to pepper feather light kisses against the warm skin. "ale." you warned quietly, hands stilling momentarily as she hummed.
"i can't." you breathed out, trying to zone back in on your assignment, typing again though a lot slower as your mind struggled to remain focused on anything beside your girlfriends touch.
"you can mi amor." alexia breathed out into your ear before her teeth gently tugged on the lobe as her hands grabbed your top, pulling the material up and out of the way as her fingers traced teasingly along the tanned skin of your stomach.
"ale please i have to finish this." you almost begged, eyes fluttering closed at the sensation of her lips ravishing the taunt skin along the column of your throat, intertwining your fingers with hers and attempting to pull her hands away.
"you are so cute when you beg." the older girl chuckled, the vibrations echoing into your neck as your breath hitched and she nipped gently at your skin.
"a half hour more?" you tried to bargain, still fighting to try and remove her hands from your skin with your own, though to no avail as your much stronger girlfriend only pinned them to the arms of the chair and continued her assault on your neck.
"no." alexia replied simply and you held back a moan as her teeth sunk into a particularly sensitive spot she knew all too well, your hips bucking slightly of their own accord which didn't go unnoticed by the catalan.
"ten more minutes?" you whispered this time, voice cracking at the overwhelming pleasure wracking your body as your girlfriend gently kissed over the fast forming love bite. "si." your body physically sagged as every trace of her touch suddenly disappeared, the blonde retreating to the lounge again with a satisfied smile.
shaking your head and more than aware your time strict girlfriend would be back shortly you hurried to try and pull your mind from the clouds it forever drifted to at alexia's touch, blinking rapidly as your fingers flew against the keyboard.
soon enough right on ten minutes later and you heard footsteps, a tanned arm reaching out over your shoulder and swiftly closing your laptop, the other swiping your notebook off the desk and tossing to the floor. "ale!" you frowned with a huff, pushing your chair back and hurrying to retrieve it.
though when you turned back around you saw your seat was now occupied, your girlfriend sat with her legs spread wide open and a cocky smile on her face. "hola!" she sung out happily, opening her arms expectantly as you shook your head.
smacking her lightly on the forehead with your notebook you placed it carefully down in its previous place on the desk, the midfielder only smiled in response, her hand quickly swiping it off the desk once again as you stiffened.
"lo siento, it fell." alexia pouted mockingly, amused at your obvious annoyance. "you are so irritating sometimes.” you muttered as you bent down to pick it up again, well aware of your girlfriends gaze on your ass as you did so.
"stop throwing my things." you warned as you put your noteback back, though this time out of her reach as alexias hands grabbed at you. "why? you will not let me touch mine." the girl smiled as your cheeks flushed at the insinuation you were hers, as they always did.
"no!" alexia noticed you reach out to try and open your laptop again over her shoulder, quickly standing and effortlessly hauling you over her shoulder.
"alexia!" you laughed as the blonde marched you out of the office and toward your shared bedroom, tossing you down on the bed before gently ushering nala outside and closing the door, rounding back on you with a smug smile.
collapsing on top of you her lips hovered just above yours as her hazel eyes shone with lust and shamelessly roamed your body as she held herself up, toned biceps either side of your head.
"now, where we we bebita?"
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mechaknight-98 · 6 months
Instinctive Insight II (NSFW) FT Chaehyun
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Authors note: back to our regularly scheduled programs. Enjoy more shenanigans between Dino and his favorite marshmallow
Part I
After my lunch with Marshmallow, I returned home. However, after about 40 minutes, a peculiar feeling of animosity towards her began to bubble up within me. What made it particularly unsettling was that alongside these negative emotions, I still felt the same positive, affectionate, and possessive feelings I experienced during our date. The longing for her presence gnawed at me, and every moment she wasn't beside me only fueled my frustration and anger, leaving me utterly perplexed.
In an attempt to distract myself from these conflicting emotions, I decided to call Pops (Old McDonald).
“What's on your mind, Dino? You rarely call after your shift,” Mr. McDonald inquired, sounding puzzled.
“It's about Marshmallow... I mean, Chaehyun,” I stumbled over my words.
Before I could elaborate, McDonald interjected, “Yeah, she's pretty cool, right? Did you know she also raised a female Magnamalo?”
“That never came up,” I replied curtly.
I found myself overwhelmed by disgust and frustration as I continued, “She was wearing this skimpy crop top that showed her midriff and one of the shortest skirts I've ever seen, flaunting her thighs. And then she wouldn't stop complaining about her university troubles at the steakhouse we went to. It was relentless.”
As I ranted, I couldn't help but notice how the very qualities I found attractive about her just hours ago now seemed unbearable.
“Well then, I suppose I'll let Zahir know he's free to pursue her since you clearly can't stand her,” McDonald suggested.
“No, she's mine!” I growled instinctively, the possessiveness surprising even myself.
“Hmm, that was possessive. Are you sure she feels the same?” McDonald questioned.
“I don't care. Marshmallow belongs to me,” I declared fiercely, my mind swimming with a whirlwind of conflicting emotions. It took me a moment to regain my composure, but even then, I found myself grappling with a multitude of unsettling feelings.
“Pops, what's wrong with me? Why do I feel so strange around her?” I finally confessed, seeking solace in his guidance.
“Well, I'm no expert on human psychology or biology, but based on everything I've heard, I'd say you're in love with Chaehyun, if that cute little nickname Marshmallow is referring to her,” McDonald stated, his words eliciting a mix of disgust and elation within me.
“Then why am I so angry with her?” I questioned.
“Well, I'd hate to say it, Dino, but you might be going through a transformation similar to Tony as well,” McDonald suggested.
“Wait, what makes you say that?” I asked concerned
“As you know, I'm a man of science. Over the last year, you've grown three inches in height, despite your growth plates being fused. You've also become noticeably stronger, lifting 1.5 times what you could three months ago, and your aggression levels have spiked recently. Not necessarily for bad reasons, but your responses to stimuli have shifted in the last three months.”
“So, you're saying I'm a Magnamalo hybrid?” I questioned, puzzled.
“No, I'm saying you're still mirroring Tony. Remember when you and Tony both fell exceptionally sick at that school in the middle of nowhere and recovered almost simultaneously? Same principle. Your body and biology are mirroring what you've surrounded yourself with” McDonald reminded me.
I pondered McDonald’s words before responding, “Yeah, I remember. But that can't explain something as significant as this, right?”
Old McDonald paused for a moment before replying, “Well, what happened between the two of you when you broke the touch barrier? Or did you just fight the entire time?”
Despite my discomfort, I admitted, “We kissed.”
“Then you and her are mirroring your bonded megafauna. I'm curious to see how that will play out, considering both of you are already bonded to another megafauna. It'll be interesting to see how it affects the two of you going forward,” Old McDonald said with a chuckle.
“Okay,” I groaned. “Oh, wait, before you go. Why did you sell the zoo to Chaehyun?”
“Well, partially because I thought the two of you would run it together. You know the ins and outs, the infrastructure, the people, while she has a worldwide network. Together, you could easily take what her father and I have built to the next level,” McDonald explained hopefully.
“What about your actual son?” I inquired.
“Marshall is too preoccupied with his novels to give the zoo the care it needs. He told me, ‘If you give me the zoo, I'm giving it to Dino. He earned it.’ So, I figured I should be more calculated in my approach,” McDonald replied, prompting a nod from me before our call was interrupted by Marshmallow.
“Guess who's calling now?” I muttered.
“Wish her well from me,” McDonald chuckled before hanging up.
“What do you want, Marshmallow?” I responded, annoyance evident in my tone.
“God, was I interrupting your precious alone time, Daddy? I don't even know why I called you,” Marshmallow retorted in a similar tone.
“Please, get to the point,” I demanded.
“The Malzeno is acting weird,” Marshmallow announced.
“How so?” My misattributed anger surged.
“He's turning silver and shedding his purple plumage and wing membrane.”
“What did you do to my son?” I snapped coldly.
“Oh, that got your attention. He's shedding, but something's wrong…” Marshmallow started, but I hung up and raced to my car.
“Hey, DJ, what's going on?” my mom asked as I hastily explained the situation.
“One of the zookeepers brought a Quirio, and it's causing Alucard to go primordial,” I explained as I rushed to the zoo. Upon arrival, I found Alucard in distress, clawing at his skin. Spotting the Quirio, I swiftly disposed of it and tended to Alucard, feeling his intense malice amplify.
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“Dad, it hurts. What did they do to me?” Alucard's eyes pleaded for answers.
“It's okay, son, just growing pains. You'll be okay,” I reassured him, feeling his sadness pierce through me.
After calming Alucard down, I stepped out of the enclosure, only to be approached by the girl who had been with Marshmallow.
“Are you Mr. Dino?” she asked nervously.
I nodded hesitantly, and she apologized profusely. I refrained from scolding her and instead offered a gentle pat on her head, and reassurance that she'll learn it's part of the job.
As I finished up I heard screams and knew that things were about to be bad. I was right and like a cascading snowball, all of my other sons began transforming across the zoo. After I tended to the other megafauna going through transformations, exhaustion began to set in. By the time things settled down, I had fallen asleep on a very content Tony. I dreamed that Marshmallow and I were on a lovely brunch date. She had syrup on her mouth that I wiped off when I was jolted awake by my phone. When I finally woke up after drifting off on Tony, Marshmallow was waiting for me, her expression sour.
“You know we could have handled it?” she said, annoyance palpable in the air, igniting a storm of emotions between us.
“I guess a thank you would be too much to ask?” I groaned
“Please anybody can say nice things and calm down a megafauna.” Marshmallow retorted. I felt my body heat up familiarly as we moved closer to each other.
I scowled before we were inches away from each other. Our eyes were intense but displayed our true emotions. Marshmallow smirked before tying her hair up into a ponytail and getting on her knees. My head swam as she pulled down my sweats. My body reacted viscerally as my cock shot out to greet her.
“Oh did Daddy’s cock miss me?” She said in a teasing tone before kissing it. I was in agony as she teased me by giving these light pecks and kisses to my cock. I resisted the urge to face fuck her and let her take her time with this as she was a pro at working my body. It was as if we were almost made for each other.
“Did you know that when Magnamalos mate they pair up for life? Isn’t there something beautiful and innocent about that?” Marshmallow said as she took me in her mouth. Her first trip down my rod was slow as she got a feel for my size in her mouth. As she retreats and my cock is exposed to the cooled midnight air she looks up at me with eyes full of want, “I want that. I want one love, can you be that for me? My one love.” She begged. her eyes pierce into me and all I could feel for this amazing, talented, smart, and sexy gal was love and affection. I want her close by and never want her to leave. So I respond
“Yes, forever I’ll be yours but promise me you’ll be mine,” I say as Marshmallow’s hand warps around my length.
“Yes, I’ll be yours.” Marshmallow mirrored. I caress her face. She smiles as she goes in for another slow tortuous and euphoric stroke
“I love this cock. It’s perfect for me. The right length the right, girth, all attached to the right man.” Marshmallow said as she engorged herself on my length. She smiled and put her hands in mine before resting them on the side of her face. A silent encouragement to fuck her face follows. I start slowly thrusting in and out of her mouth. I hit her throat a few times but I try to take it easy on her until she tilts her head up during one of my thrusts causing it to go deep into her throat. She gags and involuntarily bites down a little. I give her time to catch her breath before I take a puff. The warm wet cavern is only matched by her pussy. I fall deeper in love with her and her body as I thrust into her faster and faster her eyes roll back as she takes me in and out like she is nothing more than a fleshlight. I feel her throat vibrate as she moans all over my cock.
“Ruin me Daddy” Marshmallow gags/ moans, and I sink my cock deep into her throat. Pushed by the sounds of her gags I just thrust relentlessly in and out of her mouth chasing my release. I watch as she gags and moans all over my cock as she takes it like it’s her favorite candy. I caress her pillowy cheeks as I ruin her until my cock throbs
“Gonna cum Marshmallow get ready,” I say before I paint her throat and mouth white with my cum. I groan as she continues sucking me long after my orgasm has ended. She continues sucking past the point of overstimulation and sensitivity to where I’m starting to get hard again, but before we can continue I lift her and smile at her. She smiles back. Overcome by the emotion of today I devour her as we fall into another kiss.
“You drive me crazy,” I say
“I can’t stop thinking about you, and every time we part I feel this anger of not being with you. It makes me angry and sick how needy I am for you but I don’t care” Marshmallow says
“I feel the same way,” I say gasping between kisses and breaths.
“Is this what love at first sight feels like?” Marshmallow asks.
“I don’t know but let’s find out,” I respond as we break our kiss. I catch my breath as she drags me to her car. We drive to where she’s staying at. A small two-bedroom apartment. After she opens the door she grabs me and leads me to her room we strip in front of each other for the first time and her body makes me feral.
She drags me to her bed as my hands run all over her nude form
I start by caressing her round face. I bring her in for another kiss in between kisses I compliment her, “I love how expressive your eyes and face are. Every time you look at me whether it be with disgust or desire, my heart races in my chest.” I say before diving back in. I squish her soft cheeks which elicits a cute giggle from her as she smiles at me, “my favorite smile from my favorite lady” I say proudly. Marshmallow smiles at me with such soft warmth that my heart melts. How could I ever have hated her? I wonder to myself. I kiss her again and again until I gasp. She gives me a sly look as I look down to see her stroking my cock.
I move my hands lower as I caress her bare chest for the first time. I salivate as I break another kiss. “Oh my god your tits are like the rest of you: Soft and warm. God I love it.” I paint before diving in and taking her left breast into my mouth. Marshmallow moans as I suck to my heart’s content before alternating between both breasts.
I lower myself to her pussy Marshmallow looks at me with overwhelming lust. I give an exploratory lick and she reacts violently. She spreads her legs and shoves my face into her warm cunt. I lap her labia trying my best to pleasure her despite my inexperience. Thankfully Marshmallow was extremely vocal about what she desired.
"Whoa, there cowboy slow down. Okay, a little to the left. a little higher. Right there." She instructed as I navigated her folds, my tongue darting in and out of her tart love box. her taste was pungent but also sweet like a cheesecake. I feel myself harden under he as she smiles at me with her seductive eyes. "Keep going Daddy right there." she moaned as I modified and alternated paces to keep her on her toes. it drove her wild her body writhed and screamed as she came over my face. I lapped up her juice with the widest smile. she looks at me with a look of frightening frenzy.
I’m shocked by her strength when she pushes me off her eyes narrow seductively as she whispers, “I’m going to drain you, and you’re going to beg me to keep going.” My dick hardens at her words even more.
We fucked all night and stopped at 2 am only because I had to go to the doctor for a check-up. When I woke up at 10 am with Marshmallow she smiled at me. “Can you help me with logistics later today?” Marshmallow asked. “I’m trying to move Amaterasu here.”
“Okay. I’ll see what I can do.” I reply
“You know when you left yesterday after our lunch I felt this sadness that I couldn’t deal with. All it did was turn to anger. Like all I felt was this need for you did you feel something similar.”
“Yeah, my infatuation with you is fermented and spoiled. I didn’t like it.” I answer. Chaehyun smiles at me before caressing my face. I smile at her she smiles back
“Well, should we move in together then?” Marshmallow said. I consider her proposal. it would make the negative feelings go away, but it would drastically change who I was in the process I could feel myself changing while being with her and I was unsure whether it was good or bad, but I couldn't be without her my body had made that abundantly clear. So I took a chance.
"Screw it Sure, but can you drive me back to the Zoo I need to get my car and go to my doctor's appointment," I say to Marshmallow who is all smiles. She nods
"Sure anything for my Darling Daddy."
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y-umiko · 2 years
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CHARACTER(S): Hanma . Kokonoi . Kisaki . Inui . Mikey
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Shuji Hanma
Hanma stares at you. squinting his eyes at you to analyze your reaction, thinking if this was another one of your 'couple test questions' that don't seem to have a correct answer. nonetheless, he answered you.
"enough to help you hide a body" he answered nonchalantly like it was the most normal thing to do. casually lighting a cigarette as he huffs a puff of smoke, a smirk creeping on his lips. "If you ever need a body disposed of, you can trust me"
should you even be flattered?
you sweatdrop at his answer, but you'll probably be more surprised if he answered something cheesy, after all, you're talking to Shuji Hanma. the man who seems to have no romanic bone exist within him.
"well, that's…reassuring?…I guess"
you blandly answered earning a heartful chuckle from Hanma as he gently pulled you down on his lap, the smell of smoke engulfing your scent of smell.
"I love you enough that I'll make sure you never have to experience something bad like that, you can give me all the bad stuff"
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Hajime Kokonoi
Kokonoi momentarily stops in his tracks, pondering on your abrupt question. lately, your ridiculous questions know no place and time. when he's in the bathroom, during the meeting, and even when dining. but despite that, he gives you an answer every time.
"I love you as much as the balance on my credit card" he nonchalantly replied, not even bothering to look up from his paperwork.
"so your love for me can be measured by monetary value?" your statement sounded like a question, an unknowing disappointed tone laced with it.
Kokonoi finally lifted his eyes to look at you pouting on the couch, he swears sometimes he wonders how much patience he had when it comes to you.
"Darling" he called, gaining your attention only to meet his amused eyes, "My card has no limit"
rich smooth bastard
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Tetta Kisaki
Much like Kokonoi Kisaki didn't even bother to take his eyes away from paperwork, maybe asking you to wait for him while he finishes work was a bad idea. but despite the distraction you give, he gives you a logical and concrete answer to every question.
"not enough to do whatever it is you want me to do" he casually answered, continuing to scribble whatever it is he was doing on his paperwork.
you huffed in disappointment, expecting him to give you something romantic or cheesy answer. nonetheless, you can't help but chuckle at his serious answer. "what would you have done if I wanted you to marry me?"
"Then I'll say yes" he answered in a heartbeat, immediately dropping his pen to peek at your reddening face. that you got taken aback.
"Was that what you were going to ask me?" he asked with all seriousness, a glint in his eyes as he pushed up his glasses with his finger.
you gulp nervously, "No…I was going to ask you to stop working and spend more time with me"
he smirks, "that can be arranged"
"and then maybe we can talk about that marriage, you were talking about"
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Seishu Inui
Inui was confused, a look of confusion directed at you and your abrupt question. "I don't understand you're question, are you asking me if I love you? If you do then Yes, I love you more than anything"
you huff out a laugh, "And I love you too, what I was asking is what's the extent of what you will do for me out of love?"
Inui pause in ponder, "hmm…I'll do anything for you"
a hope flickers for you, as you quickly followed up with your question, "Enough that you'll wear Chifuyu's personally designed t-shirt?"
"I'm willing to do any reasonable thing for you" he replied without hesitation to correct his previous statement.
"I love you, but I'll never wear something as lame as that"
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Manjiro 'Mikey' Sano
"A lot"
Mikey didn't even need a second to answer your question, of course, he loves you a lot, no doubt. the question was too easy for him to answer, good thing you came prepared.
"let me rephrase my question" you huff as Mikey clings to you, hugging you tightly in his arms as if to tell you that you're the most important person to him. "do you love me more than Toman?"
"I can dissolve Toman if it meant being with you" his answer was instant because Mikey was confident that he loves you more than anything in this world.
"Do you love me more than Draken?" you innocently asked to which Mikey confidently answered like it was the most obvious answer. a resounding, "of course"
you smirk, "More than your snacks?"
he blinks a few times, processing your words "…yes"
"you hesitated!"
"Maybe we can compromise?"
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kurogane2512 · 7 months
nsfw fic with possessive garofano x f reader
Ugh another one of my favorite women
Game: Path to Nowhere
Characters: Garofano x fem!reader (Chief)
Type: Smut and fluff
Garofano was busy sewing the mountain of clothes in her cell. Every Sinner in the Bureau loved having their clothes or accessories tailormade by her, and she too loved tending to everyone's needs like a sweet mother. However, recently she had become too busy with all the orders and was cooped up her cell for most part of the day. Among the mountain of orders, she had promised to sew you a new pair of shirts and pants too.
In the evening, she was in the cafeteria having a cup of tea and taking a break when she spotted Adjutant Nightingale escorting a familiar person to your office. It was the Bureau's Supply Officer carrying some.... shirts? A brand-new pair of shirts for you? Garofano became suspicious and discreetly followed them to your office and peeked in.
"Chief, the uniform sets you wanted are here." Nightingale informed you and handed over the packets, "Please try them on to see if they fit. Your body changed ever since you took up the post so we made size adjustments accordingly."
"Thank you. I'll try them when I'm free then inform you."
Nightingale and the officer bowed then went out, Garofano hid behind the corner and pondered. "Didn't.... didn't I say I'll make new sets for her? Was I too late....? I have been busy with the other orders but I was going to make hers soon...."
Garofano's heart throbbed in discontent, envy and disappointment engulfing her mind. She slowly made her way to your office and gently knocked, "Chief, it's me. May I come in?"
You were in the middle of trying the shirt when Garofano knocked, you quickly buttoned up then allowed her in.
"Apologies for disturbing you."
"It's okay, come in."
Garofano gently smiled then walked towards you and eyed the shirt you were wearing.
"Oh, did the Supply Office send that?"
"Ah, yes they did. They insisted that I should have another set...."
"I see. Let me help you then."
You tried to refuse her but she had already walked close to you and buttoned up the rest then adjusted your collar. She seemed unusual to you, you had promised her that you would wear the set she'd make for you.
"This fabric..... it's not bad but could be better. And the buttons aren't that well stitched but they'll work. I imagine this would be good in the summers but you'll have to wear more layers in winters....." Garofano mumbled while holding your collar and you felt bad, you could sense she was upset inside especially since the shackles conveyed her uneasy state of mind.
"Hmm, and the sleeves are a bit too long. I recommend you to get some alterations, Chief."
".....Will you do them?"
Garofano was caught by surprise and bit her lower lip, "Do you want me to....?"
"I... I trust you the most with clothes."
Garofano looked away with a frown, "You should have thought about that earlier, Chief."
Your eyes widened as you realized Garofano was really upset. She let go of your collar then turned around to walk out.
"Sorry, I won't be able to help with that. I suggest you send it back to the Supply Office."
You quickly grabbed her wrist before she could leave and pulled her close, immediately embracing her.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you."
Garofano was shocked, "I.... I'm not upset, Chief. Why would I be upset?"
"I know you are.... I promised that I would wear your clothes next time. I couldn't deny the Supply Office when they insisted so much, I planned to just keep these as emergency sets and was going to wear yours regularly. Trust me, Garofano."
Garofano's lips parted in a soft gasp before she smiled and embraced you back, clenching your shirt tightly as if she wanted to rip it.
"It's poorly made, I can't see you wearing this."
You smirked, "Take it off then~"
Garofano chuckled, "You always surprise me, Chief. I felt envious earlier, I thought I disappointed you and you didn't want my clothes anymore...."
You gently cupped her face, "I could never. You are the best seamstress in DisCity, and I'm so honored to have you make my clothes. I know you were busy with other orders; honestly, I tried to tell everyone to not burden you so much but everyone is smitten with your work."
Garofano smiled more then leaned in to passionately kiss you, her hands possessively clenched your collar as she kept pulling you deeper into the kiss, her tongue dancing with yours.
"Haah.... it's hideous.... take it off...." Garofano whispered in between the kiss as she unbuttoned the shirt and almost ripped it apart, though she was careful not to actually rip it. She then pulled off the shirt from your body and pinned you to the wall then dived in to kiss your neck, her lips planting wet and open-mouthed kisses on your skin leaving hickeys.
"They don't know your body like I do, each and every measurement..." she whispered as she kissed down your chest to your belly before you pulled her up and kissed her lips.
"Mhm.... C-Chief.... aaahn.... more.... more~"
Garofano moaned and you immediately picked her up to carry her to the desk and lay her on top of it, your lips connected the entire time. She gasped as you pushed her body down and removed her dress to free her breasts and cup them, fondling the flesh while kissing her neck. Her fingers lightly grasped your hair as she arched up when you licked her nipple and flicked the other, her body trembled feeling you pinch and suck her perky soft nipples and kneading her breasts.
"Mmmm~ Chief.... give me that.... you have it, right?~"
You knew what she was referring to, you were a little surprised she was so quick to ask for that considering she always liked foreplay a lot. But you concluded she was feeling needy and wanted you in her. You removed her dress completely along with her underwear and touched her slit, feeling it already dripping and inviting you. You teased her clit and vulva with your fingers to stretch and lubricate her more, making her impatient in return.
"Ngh... do you like teasing me this way, darling?~"
You smirked, "I'm just preparing you. Who knows, I may be rougher today?~"
You removed your pants then opened the lowermost drawer in your table and took out a strap on, then quickly fastened it and rubbed the tip over Garofano's slit. Her wet cunt coated it in to time and you slowly pushed inside, a strained moan leaving her mouth that turned into a gasp as you shoved in the entire length at once.
"Aaah!~ That's it! Mhm~ Yes.... yes.... give me more, darling!~"
You gripped her hips and began thrusting into her at a steady pace, initially going slow and deep then practically pounding into her hard and fast. Her legs wrapped around your waist and pulled you closer making you hilt to the base and ram into her with all force, her walls clenching the toy and you fucked her with reckless abandon. Garofano whimpered feeling you so deep and prod her sensitive spots, spreading her arms to hug you.
You smiled then leaned forward embraced her completely, her arms wrapping around you as she tightly clenched your hair and clawed your back, her nails forming scratches at your skin. She moaned into your ear as you fucked her harder now, the table creaking and all documents scattered unceremoniously. She pulled up your face and deeply kissed you, tongues interlocking in an open-mouthed kiss followed by her whimpers and hot breaths.
"Cumming... Chief... darling... faster.... Aaaah~ I love you so much!~"
Garofano's eyes rolled to the back of her head and body arched up as she released the moment you buried the strap deep inside her, her voice crying out in ecstasy. She then panted in your embrace and lovingly held you before kissing your cheek.
"I have a gift for you in my cell. Will you meet me after dinner tonight, darling?~"
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beanghostprincess · 7 months
Silly vampire buggy being so very normal about it while the rest are absolutely FERAL is so funny.
Buggy, before Roger passed, still on the Oro: hmm, I'm kinda thirsty-
Shanks, ripping his already open shirt further off: Oh Dear, Oh My Look At ALL THIS So Very BITEABLE SKIN, Sure Hope There's No VAMPIRES Thirsting Near Me, Wink Wink!!!!
Buggy: I bet Gabban still has some juice boxes. I hope he has that guava one. I'll be right back!
Shanks, half naked and drooping: 🥺😟😥😫
Mihawk: I read this interesting novel yesterday which gave me much to ponder.
Buggy: oh? Awesome! Which was it?
Mihawk, side-eying Buggy pointedly: it was a supernatural romance between a human and vampire. It was rather explicit and had many scenes which piqued my interest.
Buggy, absolutely Not Getting It: oh man. I usually hate those. It's a toss up between bad writing or the vampire is always a top. Like? Give me gay bottom vampires too, we deserve to be recognized!! Oh, Hawky, can you hand me my sunscreen?
Mihawk: ........... here.
Buggy: thanks, love!
Crocodile: hey you drink blood.
Buggy, sipping A+ out of a care bear cup: yeah?
Croc: does it work on Logia users? Or would your fangs need Haki to pierce us?
Buggy: hm. Good question? I dunno, actually!
Crocodile: seems this could be a learning experience. Would be a shame to not experiment. I know how much you like your science.
Buggy: I do like science. Yeah. Yeah. You're right! I SHOULD experiment on that!!
Croc, unbuttoning his shirt, tugging down his cravat: uh huh, well, I suppose we ought to get to it- where are you going
Buggy: to my workshop! Science waits for no man!!! Nor clown, in my case. Man clown? Vampire? Who knows. Wait. Am I a man...? Hm, what is the gender today... wait, have I eaten at all? I don't remember. Anyway, I need to grab my suit, I'm low on sunscreen again. Oh, remind me to add that to the next shipment request. Oh, I should also grab a bloody mary!! That sounds great! Okay. Bye bye!!
Croc, halfway undressed, watching Buggy run outside, start swearing bc he didn't pull up his hood and is cursing the light, before tripping flat onto his face: ............. shit.
Buggy rarely pushes the limits of his abilities BECAUSE of the vampirism. If he uses his DF more than usual, it makes him hungrier. And once he hits a certain point, he begins to lose his already loosey-goosey sense of humanity. It scares him to be so cold and uninterested, especially since he always feels things turned up to eleven. When his hits that point, EVERYTHING turns off. At best, he'll be mildly annoyed, angry, amused - but it's like being in a glass bowl, watching things happen from the outside. It terrifies him.
His partners...? Well. It does things to them too, but terror isn't exactly the dominating feeling... 👀
((Also, the romanticism of blood. Of life energy. Of an exchange of that out of love. Of giving parts of yourself to sustain and satiate another. Carrying pieces of someone else in your body to propagate your own life. Of giving and taking consensually the liquid which carries your time. The inherent provocative nature of taking someone else's essence into yourself with full permission and full understanding because they receive so much from you in turn that it is simple, easy, logical to consent to this.))
Vampires 🥰
THE FIRST ONE IS SO REAL EFJKBWEJKBWJEKBF Shanks does that constantly he's DYING for Buggy to bite him and the clown won't even notice he's trying so much. It's ridiculous. Shanks and his failguy moment simping for a vampire that doesn't want his blood.
Mihawk and Crocodile trying to flirt and failing miserably because Buggy is always oblivious to what they do is amazing and no matter the AU it's always like this. I adore. They just want their vampire boyfriend to bite them :(( Failguys.
The last thing you said is so real. Vampires can be something so romantic and I think usually books/TV shows/Media in general don't focus on the important stuff. I want to see teen!Shuggy with Buggy and Shanks traveling together right after the crew disbands (before Roger's death) and Buggy not having access to other types of blood. So Shanks offers him his blood and they have like-- This moment of realization of how intimate it is. And Buggy will forever remember what it felt like to feel Shanks' embrace while sucking his blood without any complaints. And!! Both Mihawk and Crocodile wanting to do the same but it's definitely just for the horny, they don't expect it to be so passionate and intimate, and romantic.
Also, I agree with Buggy, the vampire should be the bottom. Really necessary for this situation.
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punchingballs · 5 months
I like your writing style so much
Can you write about a silent reader that's free therapy for pjsk characters shsushsufhaudhbrsbz Hhaahshdjahfbsa
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"What are you doing?" Akito suddenly asked gruffly, staring down at you while you sat in loneliness at an abandoned shady alleyway.
"..." No response, Akito expected that, he sighed heavily before walking down the stairs and sitting beside you.
"Are you in a bad mood?" Once more, Akito asked another question, this time he expected you to reply.
"No." Your voice was monotonous, particularly unexpressive. However, soon, that stoic and unexpressive facial expression you had, cracked slowly into a warm smile.
Akito's eyes widened slightly, his lips parted a bit.
"I'm glad that you were looking for me..."
Akito got flashed. That smile, paired with your ocean-like eyes, the gruff boy couldn't muster a reply as he could only stare in wonder, despite the blinding light you radiated.
"Tch..." Akito clicked his tongue and looked away, not because of the rampant emotions inside his heart, rather... you're too bright for him.
A moth drawn to a flame he was.
"This is one of your spots right? I just guessed that you were going to go here."
"Your intuition's sharp." Akito commented.
"Akito... is much more clingy than he thinks he is."
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"Do your fingers hurt?" You asked Toya, he tilted his head, confused... and yet a sense of warmth washed over him when you noticed that fact.
"N-... Yes." Toya pondered about lying, but ultimately, he couldn't lie under your deep gaze.
Unexpressive, yet warm, distant yet so close... Toya couldn't describe the aura you emanated. He wants to understand it, to understand how exactly do you do this to him?
"I see." You gently grabbed his hands, placing your soft and delicate fingers on his and started rubbing Toya's fingers, massaging them with slow movements.
Toya didn't respond. "You don't have to-"
"No, this isn't entirely selfless... You seem so bothered sometimes, I wanted to understand you." You replied back, halting what Toya would say and he made a heavy sigh.
"Bothered...?" Toya wanted you to clarify, and so you did.
"You... seem so bothered, as if something's burdening you."
Toya's eyes widened when he saw your unexpressive face crack into a small smile. "Oh..."
"You don't have to say what it is to me, but... I want to understand you... Open up more to me will you? I don't want you to betray yourself anymore."
... Toya's blood froze and he could only stare in shock, those words. Were... He couldn't describe it, but he felt happy, he felt euphoric even.
Toya couldn't croak out a reply, just a small hmm... And looking away with a red hue on his cheeks.
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(marry me pls)
"This isn't it, none of this is it..." Kanade softly said while glaring at her monitor with a determined yet fragile expression.
It earned a frown from you.
"... I can't save others with thi-" Kanade suddenly felt a tug on her hand, her left arm was raised up involuntary as from the shadows of her room, you sprang out and had a frown on your face.
"What are you doing?"
A few seconds of silence, gazing at the ground, Kanade finally calmed down. "I..."
"Music that can save people, isn't composed by having frustration in the heart." You added on, and Kanade continued to stare at the ground with pursed lips.
Your grip on her left arm loosened up causing the smaller girl to place her arms on her lap.
You sighed before patting her head, warmth infiltrated Kanade's body, her heartbeat hastened, her hand crept up to hold her chest, trying to calm down her rampaging heart.
"Come on, let's try again, this time I'll help you." You sat beside her, and stared at the monitor.
Perhaps composing a love song... isn't bad for now? Especially when right now, there's a light so bright beside her, she can see where the path is now...
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Silence, silence... Perhaps some crow noises would fit between the two of them.
"So what are your interests? What do you want to do?" Wearing a fake smile, Mafuyu gazed towards you, who was silently gazing at the mall, a bit overwhelmed.
"..." No response from you.
Mafuyu scratched her cheek a bit awkwardly. "You're overwhelmed?... You don't go outside often?"
You suddenly frowned. "You're bad at lying."
"Huh?" Surprised, Mafuyu tilted her head, she started sweating a bit. "Wh-what?"
"You're bad at lying."
"... I... What do you mean..?"
"You're bad at lying."
"I heard you the third time."
"Yes, literally what I mean, what are you hiding? I'd rather have someone say their true feelings, rather than mask a fake smile... and talk to me with fake positivity."
"... I found you."
Mafuyu's eyes widened and she suddenly felt tears welling up on her eyes. You found her? Found... her?
"At least now, your game of hide and seek is over, Mafuyu."
Mafuyu didn't know, how relieving it was for someone to notice, for someone to find her, despite her continuous descend to madness.
"..." That smile, that smile you have right now, Mafuyu could only stare in shock and silence. Fuzzy, she feels so... happy right now.
"You can tell me everything... But if you can't then..." You finally reached for her head and started patting her. "I'll always wait."
... Mafuyu slammed her head on to your chest, and let her tears stain your clothes, causing you to sigh but still have that warm smile.
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emma23 · 3 months
Just a simple tutoring:
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Tw: aged gasp.
"Oh, hello." Jonathan stood outside his front door, a recently lit cigarette in hand. "You're here early."
"Sorry, my shift finished early."
Jonathan smiled and took a drag of his cigarette. "I'm not complaining. It's a nice surprise." He stepped a little closer to you.
"So this is Mr. Levy's house," you said, chuckling nervously. "Sorry, I don't know why I said that."
Jonathan laughed. "It's alright. Come on, follow me." He led you into the fairly spacious apartment, holding the door open for you.
"Wow, nice house."
"Thank you," he said, closing the door behind him. "Can I get you anything? Water, wine, coffee...?"
"A tea?"
"Sure," he replied, making his way to the kitchen. "Take a seat, I'll be right back."
You took out a notebook and a pen while Jonathan returned from the kitchen with two cups of tea, setting them on the living room table. "What are you writing?"
"Just some notes for our tutoring session. Thanks again for helping me."
Jonathan sat next to you, his hand brushing yours as he took his cup of tea. "Of course, don't mention it. It's my pleasure."
You took a sip. "Hmm, that's good, thanks."
Jonathan smiled. "No problem." He took a sip of his tea, leaning back on the couch.
"Soo," Jonathan echoed, mocking you playfully before laughing softly. "You seem a little nervous."
You blushed. "Sorry, I don't know why I am."
Jonathan smiled warmly. "It's alright, relax. There's nothing to be nervous about." He took another sip of tea.
"I really care about this class."
"I can tell. And that's admirable," Jonathan said genuinely. "But seriously, you seem like a nervous wreck."
"Yeah, long shift."
"I see. You work a lot, huh?" Jonathan said, looking you up and down.
"I need it to pay for school."
"Right, I forgot you were a student," Jonathan said, looking slightly embarrassed. "Well, don't overdo it, okay? Take care of yourself."
"I try when I have time. Which is rare."
"I get that, but remember: your health is a priority," he said, giving you a serious look.
"My future is."
"Your future won't come if you overwork yourself," Jonathan said, his voice somewhat stern but with a hint of concern.
"What a poet you are."
"I try my best," Jonathan said with a smirk, leaning back on the sofa. "But seriously, don't push yourself too hard."
"Alright, I will try, Professor Levy."
Jonathan snickered when you called him "Professor" and rolled his eyes. "Please don't call me that when we're not at the university."
"Oh, just Levy?"
"Yeah, or just Jonathan," he said, a smile pulling at the corners of his mouth. "Only my students call me 'Professor Levy.'"
"Alright... Jonathan."
Jonathan seemed to like the sound of his name on your lips and grinned. "See? It's not so hard, is it?"
"A little weird," you chuckled, sipping your tea.
"Hey, don't try and make fun of me now," Jonathan teased, lightly tapping your shoulder.
"It's okay."
Jonathan leaned back on the couch, his eyes never leaving your face. "You're a strange one, you know that?"
"Oh really?"
"Yes, really," Jonathan said, looking amused. "Most people feel more comfortable when they come to see me, but you... you're all tense and nervous."
"I'm like that with everybody."
Jonathan laughed softly. "Seriously? All this time, I thought you were so nervous because of my charming personality."
"Well, your charm might work on other teachers but not on me... little me... just a little student... really... too young..." You blushed as you realized you were babbling.
Jonathan couldn't help but let out a bark of laughter at your rambling, finding your little mess-up quite endearing. "Yeah? Too young, huh? Am I too old for your taste?"
"I'm 21."
Jonathan raised an eyebrow. "21, huh? Just when I thought you couldn't get any younger."
"What age did you think I was?"
Jonathan pretended to ponder, putting a hand to his chin. "I don't know... maybe 25?"
"Well, I was born in October, so you know, end of the year."
Jonathan nodded slowly, as if only just realizing the implications of the information you just provided. "Ah, right... so you're really only 21."
"I will turn 22."
"But right now you're still 21," Jonathan said with a smirk.
"Only four months, it's the same thing."
"Sure it is," Jonathan said with a chuckle. "I'm just pulling your leg, relax."
"And you, Jonathan... how old are you?"
Jonathan pretended to look surprised. "Are you interested?" he teased, before grinning. "I'm 45."
"Okay, well it suits you."
"Is that a compliment? You're just full of surprises today," he said, clearly enjoying the back-and-forth banter.
"It's your tea, I think."
Jonathan raised an eyebrow, feigning offense, and put a hand to his heart. "You're giving all the credit to the tea—not me?"
"Alright, alright," you chuckled. "We should start the tutoring session."
Jonathan laughed and grabbed the folder on the table in front of him. "You're right, we should get started."
Jonathan went over your notes, occasionally offering suggestions and guidance. His brow furrowed with concentration as he spoke, and every so often he glanced up at you, his intense gaze studying your face for any sign of understanding.
Jonathan leaned back in his seat, crossing his arms. "Honestly, I think you're doing quite well. You've got a good grasp of the material."
"Yeah, but it's not perfect."
Jonathan smiled slightly. "No, it's not perfect. But nothing is, especially not when it comes to philosophy. It's all about learning and growing, and you're doing just that."
"Yeah, but..." You sighed. "That's why I prefer math. If you write the correct answer, you know if it's right or not."
Jonathan chuckled. "Ah, a math lover, huh? I see your point, but there's a beauty in the ambiguity of philosophy. Sometimes there isn't a right or wrong answer, only different perspectives."
"It's always maybe."
Jonathan grinned. "That's right. Maybe this, maybe that. The uncertainty adds to the charm, don't you think?"
"Maybe," you smiled.
Jonathan let out a hearty laugh. "See, you're getting the hang of it already!"
"I learn from the best," you chuckled.
Jonathan smirked. "Oh, you flatter me. Flattery will get you everywhere, young lady."
You locked eyes, the moment stretching out with a charged tension. Jonathan didn't break eye contact, his gaze locked on yours, studying every detail of your face.
You glanced at your watch. "Shit, it's already 8 PM. I have another shift."
Jonathan seemed slightly taken aback by the sudden break in the moment, but he quickly recovered his composure. "Already? Time flies when you're having fun."
"Yeah," you chuckled, quickly putting your things back in your bag. "Thanks for today, Professor Levy... I mean Jonathan," you blushed.
Jonathan grinned at your slip-up, clearly enjoying the effect he had on you. "You're welcome. See you next time, little student."
At the door, your eyes met again, and time seemed to stop.
Jonathan's gaze held yours captive, an electric current of charged energy passing between you. The air thickened with potential, and for a moment, neither of you moved.
"B-bye Jonathan," you stammered, starting to hurry away.
Jonathan watched you go, a mixture of satisfaction and something else—curiosity, frustration?—on his face. The door shut behind you, leaving him alone in the silence of his apartment. He let out a sigh, running a hand through his hair as thoughts of you crossed his mind once more.
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fenfyre · 5 months
The Beast In His Bones - Part V
Part I
The words, brimming with promises of danger and helpless struggle, sent another hot shudder down Chilchuck's spine.
"Yes", he breathed, mind flipping excitedly through ideas. "Want to be all alone with you, try to run and struggle and scream ... out in the woods, maybe. You could chase me a bit, hunt me down and then ravage me..."
Laios' eyes flashed at that, fingertips digging deeper into Chilchuck's skin, breath deepening.
"You want that?", he asked, voice low and deep as he shifted minutely. "Get away, maybe think you've made it just in time ... only for me to find you again and take what I want after all?"
"Mhh, you could even punish me ... for trying to get away from you...", Chilchuck added, coming up with all new ideas, now that they were spinning this tale together. Laios' eyes widened and he licked his lips.
"P-punish you how?"
Oh, so he liked that idea, judging by the breathless wonder in his voice. Chilchuck grinned, leaning in to ghost his lips against Laios' ear.
"Spank me, maybe. Or choke me. Or maybe ... maybe make me come."
"What?" The word was low and incredulous, Laios' cock twitching against his own as Chilchuck rolled his hips again.
"Ah, can't you imagine? I'm struggling and screaming so much, trying to get away from you ... so you hold me down and make me come just to prove how much a hypocrite I am, how badly I want it..."
"Gods, Chil..."
"Would leave me so sensitive as well, for anything else you want to do to me. I'd be a helpless, whimpering mess before you know it..."
A large hand came up to cup the back of Chilchuck's head, pulling him close as Laios shivered violently.
"Oh Chil, you want me to do that to you, yes?", he whispered, heated and needy, as his hips rolled up against Chilchuck's with more force. "Make you come so hard you're screaming and taunt you for it? Call you a greedy, little thing and tell you I'll give you what you need?"
Then there was a long, deep breath and a shuddering exhale as Laios stilled underneath him, then allowed Chilchuck more room to move again.
"Alright", he mumbled, "I think I can do that but, uhm ... I need to know some more things."
"Oh yeah?", Chilchuck asked, amused, as he leaned back to look at Laios. "Like what?"
"Like ... uhm, what's the story, I suppose? Am I myself? Do we know each other? What's ... going on?"
Chilchuck took a moment to ponder, playing with the different options until something felt right.
"You're definitely not yourself. You wouldn't do something like that to me, not even in a fantasy. And I ... don't think I want to know you. I think it'd be more intense if you were a stranger. But maybe ... you know me a little? Maybe you watched me? Waiting for your chance..."
Laios nodded quickly, breaths consciously slow and deep.
"Yes, that works ... I've been watching you ... and now I find you all alone in the woods ... or maybe I stalked you, followed you there..."
"Hmm, guess I'll never know", Chilchuck grinned, running the fingers of one hand through the buzzed, blond hair at the back of Laios' head. "Anything else you need to know?"
Another pause as Laios breathed slow and deep, eyes never leaving Chilchuck's.
"Yes", he finally said, somewhat more steady. "If we really want to do this ... and we don't have to but ... but I'd really like to ... uhm, I need to know how to keep you safe." He paused when Chilchuck just frowned up at him at that, then hurried to add: "I mean ... I don't want to accidentally do something you don't like so we need to talk about what you don't want to happen. And you need a way to stop me. A signal or something. If ... if it becomes too much."
Chilchuck hummed and nodded, leaning back a bit more, hands coming to rest on Laios' shoulders.
"Yes, you're right. I need some time to think about it, if that's alright? I mean there's some obvious stuff but ... I don't want to forget anything."
"Of course, yeah."
"And as for the signal ... well, I can't just tell you to stop, that's true..." Chilchuck was still thinking about a good kind of code when Laios piped up with an idea.
"Back when ... I played guards and bandits ... I would just call for a timeout when I needed a break?"
Chilchuck noticed the small hiccup to the words and quietly grinned to himself. Laios really was trying his best here.
"That should work. And if for some reason I can't talk ... I can give you a signal holding my hand up like this?", he suggested, holding up one hand with the thumb and pinky tucked into the palm so only the three fingers in the middle were still stretched out. I was a simple enough gesture he would be able to make even if his coordination was not the best anymore.
"You just need to make sure I can always either speak or use my arm. What do you think?"
Laios nodded, slow and thoughtful.
"Yes ... yes, I think that works for me."
"Anything else you want to know?"
Another pause, this time longer as Laios seemed to ponder their conversation.
"Right now ... just one more thing", he finally hummed, voice dipping lower as he took up the smooth roll of his hips again. "Do you still want me to take off my breeches?"
They ended up late to the meet-up with the others but Chilchuck did not mind. Not when he could still hear Laios' heated whisper:
"I will make you beg for mercy, Chil, and never show you any."
to be continued...
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warmerstranger · 1 year
ft. yandere popular senior x gn junior reader
Inspired from the song, 'The secret about that girl' by E ve! But it's the gender-bend version of it (人*'∀`)。*゚+ would this be a songfic?
°°``Marked as and not excluding: Yandere (manipulative, boy trynna make you all jelly and shit, abuse of power, obsessive tendencies, blame pinning -not on reader-, stairs, broken bones and blood -not reader-), reader is referred as you, no beta read we die like daiki's sanity, also reader's kinda awkward and in denial of crushing </3 but that's not really the focus.
°°``2k+ words.
Recommended to read for those 16+, please proceed with caution.
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Standing near the school gate with the senior whom you always admire—Daiki Junichiro—was like a dream come true. The sun begun to set though its bright glare towards you was as strong; marking the night time that stalled for you who borrowed him just a bit. Because when you heaved out an 'I love you!', you were reminded of how this scene was similar to how those romance stories goes—too good to be true. But your pounding heart served as the living proof that this moment was indeed real.
Some school security guard commented without looking up from his newspaper. “A youthful love, huh. Good luck on that.”
Refraining from rolling your eyes, you pursed your lips instead. Hurriedly at the same time a pause was rooted in place, you sorted out a proper explanation from the disorganized words piling up inside your mind.
“Um wait, so please don't misunderstand first, I just want to understand my feelings by doing this on your.. poor self haha... It's confus—I mean I'm confused whether, I truly have a crush on you which is unconfirmed obviously.” you winked reassuringly. “or I just thought that you're amazing and I really actually think so..? Ah, whatever. In short, I just want to get to know you better, sorry in advance!” you bowed.
A chill breeze washed over the stretching silence, which felt more torturous as it went on before a hearty chuckle reverberated right from the dream boy himself. “Hah—haha.. I'm sorry. It's... very much out of nowhere, I was expecting for another mindless confession to occur. But it's a wrecked train that hit me instead, spilling your feelings on me so suddenly like that. Did that help you at least?”
You blinked, unbelieving of his smile that seemed so radiant when it blurred with the dusk hue. “..hmm, I don't know yet actually.. I'm, distracted by the fact that.. this is really.... Oh, wait, let me try another.” Breathing in, you exhaled on top of other sentences. “I'm really amazed by your.. charm which is because you always... work hard being the top student and still so humble, oh and also.. uh, I forgot what I want to say. I.. you get the gist of it, surely? This is like.. a test! Yeah, just a social experiment!”
He nodded, still keeping that same smile. “Thank you for the compliment. I'm sure I could hear it for hours because it feels the most genuine. ...I hope I can be of help to you, then? I'm sure, you're greater in ways even I, an upperclassman, can't presume. People tend to know more the strength of others than themself, so... It's possible if you just haven't learn it and hone the skill tha fits you the best. If you're still here living up to this point, there will come the time for you to know.” The senior patted your shoulder before raising his hand up beside his lips as a pondering gesture. Behind his studying eyes, you could feel your soul being read through.
It was a momentary vulnerability however when he spoke up again. “How about we have a study session together? I'll be glad to help any problems you might have. The advantages will return to both of us, I could have the experience and you could get the knowledge.”
“Great idea! More better than having me keep looking up to you, it's so boring...”
You tried to scan his face that still kept a friendly smile plastered on it, then continued your talking “I.. want to be hit, I mean, by the truth!... that you're also a human like me and you have some weak points. Anyway, yeah, I want to learn more of yourself as.. a human being rather than an example or idol, I guess.” Shrugging, you sighed with an exasperated smile.
He brought a hand to conceal his grin. “Ahaha, I appreciate the honesty. You have a good start from here on out, I believe in you that you can even become more better than me.”
“Hm, okay. Well...” you ambled outside the gate with him. “Thanks for the time you spent for me, senior. See you.. tomorrow?”
“Just call me Daiki, junior. Okay? Drop the honorifics from now on, we're friends. Meet you again tomorrow! Careful on your way home.” He waved which you replied with another.
Things picked up at a rather good point that you felt hopeful for another step forward.
The school bell rang, signaling that it was time for lunch. Almost everyone scurried outside the class leaving only you, your best friend, and few others. Gathering your things, you stuffed them into your bag so the table were clear. When you lifted your head, there was Junichiro already standing in front of your desk. “Hey, (name), do you mind if we spend the lunch time together?”
You turned to her from your side who was accompanied by a stony face like usual. Seeing a new face, the senior reckoned. “Ah, you must be their friend? I'm Junichiro from Class 3-7, glad to meet you! If you want, you can join too, I wouldn't dare to separate you guys!” he chuckled.
She nodded. “Harune Risumi.” Before addressing you. “Lunch, your choice.”
Since you were used to having Harune around, you accepted the offer without hesitation.
“Alright.” He grinned gleefully in return.
No matter how much the conversation randomly turned out, he ended up talking the most. You and him realized when Harune made an effort to chat more—guiding the topic back on him—that Junichiro had been asking so many things about you. It prompted him to apologize because he was just really excited to know you. Only then did he begun to expand the topic related to him, while still connecting with how or what would your opinion be. But you somehow could feel the distaste about some other students he mentioned... or was it your imagination?
ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ... ♫♬♪
After school ended, you set foot into a restful cafe; abiding his advice as it would be good to study in an enjoyable environment.
Now that the ordering business was out of the way, you took out and laid the needed materials on the table. The most difficult problems were written on your notebook. A topic had then arisen in your mind when you missed his frown as if dissatisfied.
“Wh-” “He-”
You blinked, slowly registering that you cut him off. “Sorry, you can go first, senior.”
“What about we cool off our mind a bit here before starting?” he smiled softly.
“Oh, sure. I'll do it while I gather my thoughts and prepare some questions.” you nodded before sipping your drink.
Concentrating intently on your topic ideas from earlier, you were unaware of how his eyes examined every slightest miniscule of change in your expression, assuming he was just looking down at the strewn notebooks on the table like you.
▶ • ılıılıılılılı ɪ ᴊᴜsᴛ ʀᴇᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀᴇᴅ, ᴊᴜsᴛ ʀᴇᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀᴇᴅ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ᴏғ ᴄᴏᴜʀsᴇ ɪ’ᴍ ʙᴀʀᴇʟʏ ʜᴇʀᴇ, ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ, ᴏʀ ᴀɴʏᴡʜᴇʀᴇ ᴀᴛ ᴀʟʟ
Questions were soon traded back and forth. The utmost knowledge spilled by him; some things becoming more clear and ended up making sense. Various complains also slipped out from the two of you about the most annoying thing from some subjects. You both even laughed on silly pet peeves or habit certain teachers had.
Discreetly, he took note of that where his memory would be tested to repeat the exact words you said into the locked diary on his phone.
“It'd be good if we could still be friends even after you graduate, huh, senior?”
Daiki nodded. He will be sure to make that happen, it was an oath swore within his heart full of warmth about you to the brim.
▶ • ılıılıılılılı ɪ ᴡᴀɴɴᴀ ᴛᴏ ᴛᴀʟᴋ ᴛᴏ ʏᴏᴜ, ᴛᴀʟᴋ ᴛᴏ ʏᴏᴜ sᴏ ʟᴏɴɢ. ᴛᴇʟʟ ʏᴏᴜ ᴛʜᴇ ᴅᴜᴍʙ ᴛʜɪɴɢs ᴛʜᴀᴛ ɪ ᴛʜɪɴᴋ ᴜɴᴛɪʟ ᴅᴀᴡɴ.
Passing by weeks full of study sessions which were slowly changing to be only a bonding time, you started to get cozy indulging in the same tradition over and over.
All the times learned about Daiki; weaknesses, mistakes, and others while he found out yours was making your rose-tinted view of this 'perfect' upperclassman recreated to a realistic one.
That was the good thing.
The bad thing was you developed a blooming post-crush towards him that left you this urge to take the next step in a relationship with him, pushing you to refuse his next study session invitation with an explanation to end the tradition. You don't think you were ready to have things even more at risk and crumble if you were to confess. On top of that, his feelings for you does seem to regard you as his junior only...
“We don't need to have the studying session ordeal anymore. I think we already learn enough from it. We can still be good friends at least, um... To hang out once in a while?” you uttered out the words hesitantly, tone faltering near the end.
Stunned, he then frowned before suddenly smiling close-eyed. “Really? I'm glad if that's the case then! Of course we can, my offer to help are always open though!”
▶ • ılıılıılılılı ᴀɴᴅ ʏᴏᴜ’ʀᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ᴏɴʟʏ ᴛʜɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ɪ ɴᴇᴇᴅ ɴᴏᴡ ᴀɴᴅ ᴀʟᴡᴀʏs, ɪ ᴅᴏɴ’ᴛ ɴᴇᴇᴅ ᴀ ɢʀɪᴘ ᴏɴ ʀᴇᴀʟɪᴛʏ.
“No. I mean, nah, don't need to.. All those lessons.. helped me a lot! So, I want you to.. just focus catching up.. the things in your life I guess? You would graduate soon anyway! I would be happy if I can help you too, in case you need any. Thanks for everything, senior! Goodbye!”
You didn't see the early signs—a displeased frown and pair of eyes that were boring into your back...
Not long after, slowly but surely he chose to avoid you in public for unknown reasons. Keeping his distance, shortening most talks to a brief greeting.
“Damn, screwed up big time...” you plopped yourself over the table, as Harune's look swept over you in a raised brow.
“Your feeling?”
Your head turned to the side where Harune stared back, resting her head sideway on her table.
“Well... I feel like it's not fair, just because I often spend my time with him and liking him, then if I go out telling him that I have feelings for him... Things might change. He might feel really.. uncomfortable? Awful? etcetera. Man... and you see how he acts with me now, maybe he caught on to me.”
▶ • ılıılıılılılı ɪ’ᴍ sᴇᴇɪɴɢ sɪᴅᴇs ᴏғ ʏᴏᴜ ɪ ɴᴇᴠᴇʀ ᴋɴᴇᴡ ʙᴜᴛ sᴛɪʟʟ ᴛʜɪɴᴋ
Listening your explanation, she hummed. “About him?”
“Well I'm not him—”
Harune sat up. “Discuss. Investigate. You can try.” She scowled, her eyes held resolution. “Things are going in a wrong turn.” she muttered.
Together, you advanced on searching the person in question with a newfound determination, supported by your friend. But, he wasn't at all in his class. A girl near the class door then spoke to you. “You should know by now if you're his friend, he likes to be invited by someone who wants to confess so they're probably behind the gym building again or somethin'.”
So you then reached the said place only to discover he wasn't there. Harune speaks up. “Ask around, let's.”
Splitting off from her, you explored for possible hidden places. On your way back inside the school building, some whisper of your last name catched your ears making you stop right around the corner.
“It's real, the rumors ab...t ... and Junichiro, they were ..ing it in the student council room beca... ... meeting ... ” The voice were getting distant so you hurried over to a room on third floor.
Now, you stood outside the farthest room at the corner of hall which had a 'Student Council' tag hovering above its door.
Weighing up the choices, a sound of lock from inside decided it for you as the door was opened by the person himself.
Junichiro's bewildered widening look met your eyes, his gaze switching off faintly to a torn expression as he murmurs out a “..missed you.” you barely heard.
..Um.. uh, can we talk?” you asked.
“Sorry, I'm in a hurry, maybe later?” he mustered up a wry smile.
“Oh, y-yeah that's—”
He brushed off past you so suddenly you didn't get the chance to stop him. Turning away from him, you saw someone else sitting inside the room; a student from another class stared at nothing in particular with their mouth hung open a bit. “Whywhy...”
Your curiousity brought you closer to them but they suddenly screamed. “Go AWAY! Wh—” The moment they looked up to you, a realization sparked in them that they glared. “You.. you ruined my life! Can't you be gone from my liFE! Because of you—” They harshly pushed away your side and ran away.
You then took your steps out soon, again continuing to seek him out by entering directions he might had gone to and finally spotted him from far when the first hour bell already rang off.
▶ • ılıılıılılılı ᴡɪᴛʜᴏᴜᴛ ʏᴏᴜ, ɪ-ɪ-ɪ ᴄᴏᴜʟᴅɴ’ᴛ ᴋᴇᴇᴘ ᴍʏ ʜᴇᴀᴅ sᴛʀᴀɪɢʜᴛ
Those multiplying rumors about him dating with people here and there who were either your look-alikes, had your features or name similarity didn't help your judgment either. People were also avoiding you, even portraying you in all sort of colorful words they gossiped about.
And two scene you witnessed settled it. Two times you saw him kissing two different people which you recorded and kept in your phone as precaution measures.
You racked your mind thoroughly, thinking what could possibly the reason and cause that pushed things to go this way. Poor thing you are, unaware of how his mind raced with scenarios of doing all kind of things to you if you were to replace their place. But he wouldn't do that, no, he was your perfect senior after all and things were best that way instead for him, for you. Or perhaps, he was simply feeling spiteful.
One evening at school similar to that time you first time 'confessed' to him, you confronted Junichiro in a locked room and having Harune guard it. That way, you would finally make him fess up no matter what.
Taking a deep breath, he calmly explained. “Around that time after you left, someone... dragged me off to somewhere. I think that person eavesdropped on us, and she thought... she could do whatever she wanted! By restricting my freedom to interact with you along with ways of trying to make you jealous. Or she'll...” He gripped your shoulders. “-Risumi will share negative rumors that could ruin your reputation. There's already some leaked, though, I'm sorry,” his eyes were down, wavered in a thin veil of sadness.
Keeping your mouth shut as you thought deeply, you answered. “That's unbelievable.. I...”
“I know, it must be really.. shocking for you especially since...” He shook his head slowly. “This is part of why I don't... I'm afraid to tell you.”
Unease were eating at you, so you played along with him for a bit until you went with Harune to some hidden place and telling all you knew. She proved with certainty; her alibi. She was your best friend for years even before going to the same high school together.
The truth was already obvious by that point.
Deciding to keep this between you and her, you both were going to report everything to the teacher along with prove and complete alibi.
The signs were there, but you didn't pay them much attention. That flawless image of him that he always kept up...
When you descended the stairs down with her, she fell down. Pushed.
You knew it instantly as you feel the realization dawning on you. What just transpired...
Blood leaked from her head, peeking from strands of hair, pooling under and—
“Maybe I overdid it a, huh. But I just had to. I figured she might the problem...” a voice cut in. The voice you knew very well and had grown to like. It was revealed when the voice's source walked down to approach it.
He stared at you deeply, his face blank in the dim stairwell. “Is this thing still your dear friend? Looks a bit wretched to me.”
The accident soon spread like wildfire. But with his serious expression and unshaken voice again, Junichiro cleared up everything; that it was only an accident in purpose of self-defense as she tried to harm him. His words were supported by another big lie accusing that your best friend was the villain all along because her 'motive' made sense. Smooth but powerful—the effect he held. He ended it with a confession, causing you and him to be known as a couple.
Even your school swept that incident under the rug and sealed it shut by money. Everyone was done with it. Only you knew the truth, keeping it as a treasure saved for Harune.
Like today, too, you clutched her pale hand as she lied on her white hospital bed. Your loving boyfriend put his hand over yours, but you ignored the sweet nothings he whispered that could only cut through your already wilting heart.
A demon in angel's shape you want nothing to do with anymore.
ɪғ ᴛʜɪs ɪs ᴡʜᴀᴛ ᴛʜᴇʏ ᴄᴀʟʟ
ʟᴏᴠᴇ, ᴛʜᴇɴ ɪ ᴡᴏᴜʟᴅ’ᴠᴇ
ʟɪᴋᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ᴋɴᴏᴡ ᴛʜᴀᴛ sᴏᴏɴᴇʀ...
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womanofwords · 11 months
The Taste Of Halloween Candy
For @shyticklemonster in the name of spooky month.
Elliot and Keith were used to arriving to Irving Manor to meet up with Sebastian, and they had gotten used to all of his moods.
He has started off sullen, surly, and stubborn, later becoming shy and awkward and then blossoming into a confident, happy ghost that enjoyed teasing them and asking questions about the modern world. His newest question was about Halloween.
"What are all of these decorations for?" Sebastian asked, looking at the other houses from the window.
"Those are Halloween decorations. It's a holiday where we celebrate spooky, scary things," Elliot said.
"And the pumpkins?" Sebastian pressed.
"The pumpkins are called jack-o-lanterns," Keith explained. "It's a tradition to hollow them out and carve faces into them. Then candles are put inside the pumpkin to turn them into lanterns and use them as decorations."
"Ah." Sebastian seemed thoughtful for a while as he pondered what else to ask. "Are there special foods for Halloween?" he asked.
"Yeah!" Keith's face lit up. "We dress in costumes and go from door-to-door getting candy from people! So many different kinds of candy, and all totally awesome!"
"Candy? You get candy?" Sebastian's eyes opened wide. "Cool! Modern candy must taste great!"
"It does," Keith assured.
"What's it like?" Sebastian asked.
Keith and Elliot stiffened. Sebastian looked so happy, but he couldn't have normal food, because he was dead. Ghosts couldn't eat, after all. "Well?"
"Chocolate is a lot easier to get now," Elliot said.
Sebastian gasped with glee. "Incredible! Maybe, you could bring me some Halloween food!"
Keith raised a single eyebrow. "Uh . . . that's good and all, but . . . how do you intend on eating it?"
"I'll just possess one of your bodies, of course!" Sebastian giggled. "Easy-peasy, pudding and pie!"
As Sebastian floated around the room, giggling with glee, Elliot and Keith looked at each other and nodded.
They were going to make this a Halloween for Sebastian to remember.
It took them two days to gather up enough candy, eventually filling up a drawstring bag full of goodies. "That should be enough," Elliot said.
"And I brought baked Halloween snacks for him," Keith said. "And a candy apple."
"Great! Sebastian's going to love this!" Elliot celebrated. He and Keith went through into Irving Manor, searching for Sebastian. "Sebastian?" Elliot called. "Sebastian?"
"Seb? Sebbie?" Keith teased. The smile was wiped off his face when a chill went through his stomach. "Whoa."
"You don't need to yell, you know," Sebastian said. He'd floated through the beanie-wearing boy's stomach, causing the nausea. "Keith? Are you all right?"
"You floated through him." Elliot gestured to his friend.
"Ah." Sebastian had the decency to feel embarrassed. "Sorry."
"We, uh . . . wanted to get you your first ever pieces of Halloween candy," Elliot said. "I give you permission to possess my body so you can taste and eat them."
Sebastian gasped with joy. "Really? Really and truly?"
"Mm-hmm." Elliot opened the bag, letting the tragically young ghost see the candy he'd brought. "See for yourself."
"We got king-size for you," Keith said, recovering.
Sebastian giggled and did mid-air backflips with joy. "Thank you, thank you, thank you! I don't even remember what it's like to eat! I miss chewing so much!"
"Well, now you get to become familiar with it again! So possess me and experience it for yourself!" Elliot opened his arms, and Sebastian took it.
Elliot's body became limp for a second for stiffening up again. Sebastian grinned with Elliot's face as he jumped up and down. "I can feel the ground again!" he giggled.
"And now it's time for your first king-sized Mars bar," Keith said, unwrapping it for him. Sebastian took a tentative bite and chewed, pondering the flavour. "What do you think?"
"I . . . I love it!" Sebastian giggled, flapping his hands. "Hand me another thing, immediately! I want to see more!"
"Eat the rest, and then you can have a different one." Keith handed over the rest of the candy bar, and Sebastian devoured it like a hungry wolf. "OK, try a Snickers bar. It has peanuts, by the way."
Sebastian took a bite out of it and made a face. "I don't like it too much," he said, after he swallowed the mouthful. "What else is there?"
After an hour, Sebastian had to exit Elliot's body, and he gasped with relief and pain. "Dang, how much did you eat?" Elliot whimpered, holding his stomach.
"So much!" Sebastian chirped. Keith held up a chocolate-covered cookie shaped like a bat.
"You can take over my body this time," Keith said. Sebastian giggled and possessed the boy.
"This is the last thing I have. The rest is for you two to share," Sebastian promised.
"Not exactly in the mood to eat any more candy, buddy," Elliot rubbed his stomach and breathed deeply.
Sebastian looked away as he ate the cookie. "Sorry."
"Don't be. I'm not angry. It makes sense. You don't remember what it's like to be painfully full."
Sebastian left Keith's body and floated next to Elliot. "Are you sure? Neither of you are upset with me?"
"Of course not." Elliot and Keith had positioned themselves on either side of the resident ghost, something the undead young man had only just noticed.
"What is going on? Friends, what are you doing?" Sebastian asked.
"There's one last thing we forgot to mention about Halloween," Keith said, as Elliot experimentally poked at Sebastian's sides. "People will often go to a fake haunted house filled with scare actors for the thrill of it."
"But we won't be doing that. We have a real ghost we can visit," Elliot said, the pokes being more ticklish every time. "And our ghost makes much better sounds."
Sebastian looked between Keith and Elliot, whimpering as he watched the hands get closer. "Friends . . . dear friends. This is unnecessary, I promise you."
"We beg to differ," the living boys chorused, their smiles widening as their fingers stretched, curled, and flexed.
Shrieks of hysterical laughter could be heard from Irving Manor for a long, long time.
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kingaegond · 1 year
Death! Aemond x Reader (A timeless kiss)
Warnings: Modern AU, death tw, suicide tw, blood, religious themes, angst, fluff, +18 (please do not read if you find any of these themes uncomfortable)
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She layed on the ground as she felt the weight of her body to be extremely crushing. She wanted to pick up her limbs but her body weighted so much, she tried her best and she was able to stand up.
She looked around as she saw her body laying on the floor, blood pouring out of her nose and a gash on her head. She placed her fingers under her nose and there was no blood, then she placed her fingers on her head, where her gash should be, but there was no blood, no pain.
Around her, a chaotic sight, her car had turned around and was squashed, paramedics running around trying to bring her back. As she tried to asess what was happening, she heard the sound of thunder although, there was no rain.
Suddenly, a man appear before her, he was completely beautiful and completely out of place. He wore a cloak and underneath a leather coat, with green embelishments, his hair was silver white and hung around his shoulders, his face beautiful and angular adorned by a blue saphire as one of his eyes, as the other shone a beautiful blue color that looked like the sea at midnight.
Before she could form any thoughts, he walked slowly but surely towards her.
-Hmm... - He said as he looked around.
-You must follow me, my lady- He spoke with a low, but gentle voice.
The expression of her eyes reminded him of that of his sister: Helaena and her hair was as dark as Alys's.
-Why? what happened? What did I... do?- She was doubtful.
-I think you know...- He said as he looked down at her body.
She heard another thunder and twitched.
-Do not fear, my lady. It's just Vhagar- He said.
She looked up and saw the dragon overflying the city.
-Am I going to hell?
-No, my lady. I'll explain on the way. Please. - He said as he offered her his hand, she took it and felt a sudden warm.
He led her through a forest and explained that they would walk together for 3 nights and 3 days as the Gods decided what to do with her. Vhagar would follow them on the sky.
As the first day passed, he told her his story. He was prince Aemond Targaryen of a land called Westeros. As his family went into war, he stuck to his duty and fought for his brother's throne, but soon the rage inside him called for Fire and Blood, and he and Vhagar killed more souls that he could count. He told her about Alicent, Aegon and Helaena, his beloved sister, whom he couldn't protect. He regretted the whole affair, now.
As they continued the walk on twilight, she kept inquiring about him and he felt he should end his story.
On his last day, he had parted with his lover: Alys Rivers. She had seen his future in the fire. He would die that day, slayed by his own uncle: Daemon Targaryen would plunge a sword through his eye and kill him, but he would die too.
As he heard her, he wished to be able to deny her, but he knew she was right, as she had been so many times before. Alys pleaded for him to stay, but they both knew what would happen if he didn't leave. Aemond touched her belly, kissed her and said farewell to his son.
All this time at war, he had lost himself. But that day, he wouldn't be Aemond the kinslayer, but the Aemond that stuck to his duty, he would die for his son, as he couldn't lay his life for Helaena's children. He felt that as much damage as he had caused, he could part this world with love in his heart and duty on his soul.
As he yelled soves at Vhagar and flew trough the skies one last time, Alys's visions came to past and he died, his body in the bottom of the sea, his blue saphire shining in the water.
He confessed to her that, as he had walked to his dead willingly and knowingly, the gods had comdemn him to this existence. He would acompany the souls of those who have passed as the gods ponder on what to do with them ultimately.
As such, he hadn't been able to see his sister, his brother, his mother or his nephews, nor his Alys, nor his son. He was unable to reunite with them for eternity. He explained that was the fate of those who seek their own death willingly and knowingly. But he explained, there were exceptions, his sister Helaena had been granted mercy by the Gods as her state of mind grew darker and darker after the death of her children and she was an innocent soul that had harmed no living creature, so Helaena was able to reunite with her children and her brother-husband and her mother.
He was told this by them, and he wished to believe them. Even if he couldn't say goodbye to his family or see them again. He wished to believe they were happy, at peace, far from war.
As they layed in the grass with the moon shinning above them, she heard his story with absolute attention.
-Why did you do it, my lady? - He asked.
-I didn't... I...
But she knew she couldn't lie to him. What use was in lying now?
-I don't know why, I saw the car coming, I could have hit the brakes or tried something, but i just wanted something to take me away... so I just let go of the car's wheel... - As she said this words, tears started to poor out of her eyes. She was sad, for him and for her. He would never see his family again and he would wander alone for the rest of times, would it be the same for her?
Aemond closed his arms around her and caressed her hair as her tears fell onto his leather coat. Now it was time for her to tell him her story, he listened.
They felt sleep in a peaceful embrace and before they realized, the dawn of the third day had come.
They walked the road ahead and as they reached the destination, Aemond explained that she would be as he was, that she musn't fear.
At that moment, she wished for the notion of time to dissappear altogether, she wished to stay with him as she had never felt so loved or understood while alive.
But he took her hand in his, and kissed her lips softly. The moment was sweet and tender and she wished to stay here with him forever, she pleaded with all her soul and all her heart. But she felt as the warmth of his hand dissappeared and the pulse of his lips on her was gone.
She opened her eyes and a tear came out. She blinked and saw a place she had never been to before. She focussed and saw her: Helaena, her silver blonder hair and blue eyes, just as beautiful as Aemond had described. A pool of blood at her feet.
She shook her head and walked to Helaena, she didn't allow Helaena to look down. She just told her that they would walked together for three days and then she would see her children again. Helaena smiled so warmly that she couldn't help to smile back. She told her that she would be reunited with her family, she would see Aegon and Alicent too. Helaena giggled and walker with her.
She would see Aemond again, she would make sure of it. She didn't know how yet but she would find out, she would see him again, she promised herself, as she told Helaena that her brother send his love.
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dwobbitfromtheshire · 7 months
Stuck Between a Jock and a Metalhead
Summary: Nancy, on a whim, decides to visit Steve at Scoops Ahoy, which leads to her overhearing confessions from Steve that leads her to think about the decisions she's made. A few days later, she decides to come back. She finds him being hit on by the town freak. What's a girl to do? Oh, get stuck in a freezer with the both of them.
Chapter One - Chapter Two - Chapter Three - Chapter Four - Chapter Five - Chapter Six - Chapter Seven - Chapter Eight - Chapter Nine - Chapter Ten - Chapter Eleven - Chapter Twelve - Chapter Thirteen - Chapter Fourteen - Chapter Fifteen - Chapter Sixteen - Chapter Seventeen - Chapter Eighteen - Chapter Nineteen - Chapter Twenty - Chapter Twenty-One - Chapter Twenty-Two - Chapter Twenty-Three - Chapter Twenty-Four - Chapter Twenty-Five - Chapter Twenty-Six - Chapter Twenty-Seven - Chapter Twenty-Eight - Chapter Twenty-Nine - Chapter Thirty
Tw: miscarriage, loss of a child (I needed to appeal to Kas.)
Chapter Thirty-One
Eddie's POV
He could still feel them, biting into his flesh. . . The sound of Dustin screaming his name was just as piercing. He heard Nancy crying and then Steve. There had been a lot of pain, searing, but now he felt nothing. He was floating, up and up. . .until he was surrounded by blackness. There was water beneath his feet, and the sound of footsteps drew closer to him. Suddenly, his sister stood before him. Her head was shaven.
"Eddie," she gasped and pressed a hand to her mouth.
"Did I die?" Eddie asked.
"Yes," she sobbed and drew her hand away from her mouth.
"Did you die?" Eddie asked, and she shook her head. "Well, that's something, at least."
"You have to fight, Eddie," El said.
"How can I fight if I'm dead?" He asked.
"You can still fight," El said and paused. "I felt you die."
"Oh, sweetheart. . .I'm sorry," Eddie said softly.
"I am sorry," she said.
"You've got nothing to be sorry for," he said and drew her into a hug.
"You have to fight him," El said. "Promise me."
"I promise."
"Open the door."
Suddenly, El was yanked away from him, and everything turned into red smoke. A voice came from out of the darkness.
"You belong to me now, Eddie."
Open the door? What the hell did El mean by that? Before Eddie could ponder that further, the red smoke entered his body. Another voice, different from the other, spoke inside his head.
"Hmm, I like it in here. It's been such a long time since I had a body. Yes, this is perfect. What's this name inside your head, boy? Hm. Kas the Bloody Handed? Kas the Betrayer? It has a certain ring to it. I think I'll take it as my own," the voice purred.
"Get the fuck out!" Eddie shrieked.
"It's going to take a lot more than that, boy," Kas said. "It helps that you already started to turn. I'll just speed up the process."
The ground was shaking when Eddie woke up. He was in. . .the Wheelers dining room? Where was everyone? Eddie could still see through his eyes, but when he stood up, he realized that he wasn't in control of his own body anymore. He could feel Kas smirking with his own lips as he walked into the hallway. Everyone was outside. He could see Nancy and Steve. He wanted to call out to them, but Kas wouldn't let him. Kas started moving towards the backdoor and pulled it open. Eddie felt something on his head, as did Kas. He pulled it off Eddie's head and held it out. It was a flower crown. Steve. He knew that Steve had done this. He screamed as Kas crushed the flower in his hand and dropped the remains on the ground.
"ASSHOLE!" Eddie screamed as he threw himself against the barrier that Kas held him in.
Eddie could only watch as Kas walked his body off into the woods. He wasn't sure where he was going, but he could feel a voice calling to Kas in the back of his mind. Suddenly, there was a rustle amongst the trees as something darted among the branches.
"The creatures won't bother us," Kas said. "What do you call them? Demogorgons. . . and demobats."
Just as Kas said that, a black blur flew out of the darkness and attacked Kas. It was clawing at him and biting his neck. Kas screamed and grabbed the black furrball, throwing it. Mayhem stood before them, her eyes red now as furry wings sprouted from her back. Instead of one tail, she had three of them.
"I don't think she likes me using your body," Kas smirked.
Mayhem hissed, flapped her wings, and flew at him. Kas growled. Eddie could feel something ripping out of his back. . .were they wings? Something was sprouting at the top of his jeans. . .three tails like Mayhem. Eddie could feel his nails elongating. Kas flew at her and swiped, flinging her against a tree. Eddie screamed. Mayhem got up and pounced, slamming Kas to the ground. Mayhem scratched at Kas, almost as if she were trying to get to Eddie. Kas grabbed Mayhem, flew up, and slammed her to the ground. She hissed as she stood up shakily. Mayhem rammed into Kas again, the force slamming Kas's head against the tree. It caused him to be disoriented, and then he lost consciousness for a bit, allowing the barrier to slip. Eddie managed to take control of his own body for a minute. Eddie blinked, gasping for breath, and reached behind him to feel the wings sprouting from his back. They didn't feel so bad. . .they were kind of soft, actually.
"Weird," Eddie muttered.
Mayhem meowed and brushed against his leg. Eddie gasped and smiled before picking her up into his arms. Mayhem was still his sweet girl and just as protective. He scratched behind her ears and pressed kisses to the top of her head. Mayhem purred, much louder and deeper than usual, before tucking her head into the crook of his shoulder. She was just as relieved to see him. And just like that, Kas woke up and yanked Eddie into his mind. He was surrounded by red smoke again. It started to form a humanoid shape. It was still nothing but smoke, but it held the definite shape of a human.
"I told you this body is mine now," Kas growled.
"No, it's mine!" Eddie screamed. "It's always been mine."
Suddenly, the darkness around them grew lighter, and Eddie could hear someone else's heartbeat. It was a memory, the earliest memory that he had ever recalled. He never remembered before, couldn't remember.
"I can't do this," a woman's voice wept.
The last time he had heard his mother's voice was when he had been six years old, and she had been on her deathbed. That was her voice, though. Elizabeth Franklin Munson.
"Yes, you can, sweetheart," Al's voice talked to her softly.
Eddie frowned. With the way Al was in and out of his life, he always assumed that he hadn't been present at his birth.
"What if I mess things up? What if I'm a terrible mother?" She sobbed.
"Oh, baby. You only ever made things better," Al said. "You've made my life better. Wayne and I wouldn't have the relationship we have now if it weren't for you. You make me want to be a better man."
"Oh, you do that all on your own," Elizabeth said as a contraction hit her. "You're going to be a great father."
"You're the only person in the world who believes that," Al said.
"If you start believing it, then I won't be the only one," Elizabeth said.
The scene changed, and suddenly, Eddie was young. About two, he guessed. He was toddling up to Elizabeth, her belly round. Eddie frowned. He didn't recall his mother ever being pregnant.
"Mama's belly big," little Eddie said.
"That's because your brother is in there," Elizabeth said.
"Mama ate him," little Eddie gasped.
"No," she laughed. "Mama's home for little brother until he's ready to come out."
"Not ready?" Little Eddie asked. "Scared?"
"A little. He needs time to grow," she said.
"It's okay," little Eddie whispered to her belly.
The front door opened, and Al slipped off his boots before coming inside. Eddie shrieked and ran over to him.
"Hey, buddy," Al greeted before scooping him up and hugging him tightly. "I sure could have used that today."
"What happened?" Elizabeth asked.
"Well, they fired me," Al sighed as he sat down beside her.
"Over that little mistake? They didn't fire Paul when he messed up, and his was worse," she scowled.
"Yeah, well, they were looking for any reason to fire me," Al said. "But I'm not worried. One door closes, and another one opens. I talked to Lonnie - "
"Oh. What did he have to say?" She asked coldly.
"He might have another job for me, and if it's as good as he says it is, we won't have to worry about money for a while," Al said.
"Yeah, because Lonnie Byers's word is so dependable," Elizabeth said.
"You don't even know him, Lizzie," Al said.
"I heard plenty about him," she replied.
"You always hated when people talked shit about me," Al said.
"From other people, yes. Wayne knows what he's talking about," she said.
"Right, Wayne," Al muttered.
"I just don't want you to fall back into your old ways," Elizabeth said.
"I won't, I promise," Al swore and kissed her deeply.
The scene changed, and Eddie watched himself walk behind his mother being held up by his Uncle Wayne.
"He should have been here," Wayne muttered.
"He's providing for us, Wayne," Elizabeth sniffled.
"Not in the way he should," Wayne said.
Wayne helped Elizabeth onto the couch. Eddie's heart clenched. She was no longer pregnant. There was still a bump, but not as big as it was before.
"Where's brother?" Eddie asked.
"I'm sorry, honey, no brother," Elizabeth said and burst into tears.
Eddie crawled into her lap and hugged her tightly.
"It's okay, mama," Eddie whispered.
Little Eddie was much older, and he definitely remembered this. . . Dancing around the kitchen with his mother. She was so happy.
"You're very happy, mom," Eddie said. "Is dad finally coming home?"
"No, darling, I made sure of that," she sighed.
"He messed up again?" Eddie asked. "He hurt your feelings?"
"Yeah, honey," Elizabeth said.
"I'm here though," Eddie said. "I won't hurt you, mama."
"You're going to be a good big brother," Elizabeth said.
"Really? You're having a baby?" Eddie asked. "Does dad know? Is that why he hurt your feelings? He doesn't want the baby? He doesn't want us?"
"Oh, darling, your dad didn't give me the baby," Elizabeth said, patting his cheek.
"Who?" Little Eddie asked.
The memory changed of Eddie curling up his mother's arms in her bed. She was very sickly looking.
"Mama. . .I don't want you to go," Eddie sobbed.
"I'm sorry, darling. I did my best. It wasn't an easy choice, but I had to try everything to bring your brother into this world," Elizabeth said. "I didn't think I'd get so sick. I thought for sure I could give you a brother. I thought I could fight this."
"Maybe you still can," Eddie said. "With magic."
Wayne chuckled from next to Elizabeth's bedside.
"Your mama is very magical. If anyone can make it possible, it's her," Wayne said and held Elizabeth's hand.
"I'll send you someone special," Elizabeth said. "Maybe more than one. I'll send you someone special, too, Wayne."
Eddie looked at Wayne and tilted his head to the side. His eyes widened. Holy shit! Wayne and his mom?! His mom and Wayne?! His uncle and his mother?! His shock was quickly turned into sadness when his mother's prone body lay on the bed, and Wayne was holding little Eddie in his arms.
"I'll always be here for you," Wayne whispered.
"That's what dad always said," little Eddie muttered, tears dripping onto Wayne's shirt.
"I'll prove it to you every single day, I'm going to do my best to show up for you, son, because you deserve it," Wayne said, his own tears falling.
He remembered this, but what he didn't catch was the fact that Wayne had been in love with his mother. The scene faded, and it all turned black. Eddie was standing next to him.
"That's what I'm fighting for," Eddie said. "And it's what going to keep me fighting."
Several more images swam through the blackness. Eddie, growing up with his dad in and out of his life with Wayne doing everything he can to be there for him. Eddie was meeting Ronnie, then the rest of Hellfire and Corroded Coffin. Eddie was being picked up by Nancy, then with them almost dying in the freezer. Moments spent with Steve and Nancy in the apartment. . . Their first date. . .saying I love you to each other. . .moments with Mayhem and the kids. . . Moments with Dustin. . . Reading with El. . . Eddie was playing guitar for the first time. . . reading Lord of the Rings. . .dancing with his mom. . . Christmas with the Wheelers. . . Letting Holly put makeup on him and do his hair. . .they all swirled around them and picked up speed.
"STOP!" Kas screamed. "You don't think I had a life once before I was sent to hell. . .long before Henry came along, but it's no use, I can not get it back. Neither can you."
"And wouldn't you do anything to get it back?" Eddie said softly.
"I had a mother once and a sister," Kas said softly, and then he groaned. "Goddamnit! Fine! Where am I supposed to go?"
Suddenly, there came a loud meow. Eddie grinned.
"I think Mayhem is offering a temporary solution, Kas," Eddie grinned.
"You are going to need my help," Kas replied with a sigh. "Fine."
The smoke disappeared, and Eddie woke up with a gasp. He was in full control of his body again. He looked down at Mayhem, and he knew that it wasn't Mayhem looking back at him but at Kas.
"I'm going to get my cat back and my town. You better have a plan," Eddie said.
Two days later. . .
Eddie watched from Mount Weathertop as people fought down below. Nancy and Steve were fighting down below with the others. Vecna was standing beside him.
"It's cute how they think they can win," Vecna said.
"Yeah," Eddie said with a smirk. "You were right, Henry, it is better that I'm by your side. I think I can still convince Nancy. You can't be seen, though."
"Hmm, I will be watching," Vecna said and disappeared into the trees.
Eddie continued watching from Mount Weathertop when Nancy and the others moved closer. They were down at the bottom of the hill when Steve and Nancy spotted him. Without alerting the others, Steve and Nancy ran up the hill. Breathing heavily, Steve and Nancy made it to the top.
"Eddie, this isn't you. You don't have to do this," Nancy pleaded.
"Oh, isn't it, though? I mean, it's what everyone believes about me. Eddie Munson. . .the rotten apple of Hawkins, Indiana," Eddie grinned. "Might as well make the people's dreams come true."
"Don't listen to them. You're better than them," Steve said.
"Well, Nancy still has a chance to stand behind us. Not you, Steve, I think Henry has this thing about threes," Eddie said. "Join us, Nancy."
"No," Nancy said firmly.
"I think you might need a little convincing," Eddie said.
He flew at Steve and pinned him down by his throat. Steve’s weapon dropped to the ground as Eddie squeezed, cutting off his air. Nancy screamed.
"No! Eddie! Please!" Nancy sobbed.
"What's it going to be, Nancy?" Eddie asked.
"Never," she said with conviction.
Eddie laughed as he snapped Steve’s neck. Nancy let out a yell and threw herself at Eddie. He quickly extended his claws and slammed them into her stomach. Nancy fell to the ground.
"NO!" Henry roared as he came out of the trees.
Eddie laughed, his claws dripping with Nancy's blood.
"I'm sorry, Henry. Was this not your plan?" He asked.
"I WILL KILL YOU," Vecna yelled.
"That's kind of hard to do when you're not the one in control," Eddie said.
"What?!" He snapped.
"It's not so fun, is it, when your little game is turned on you," he spat. "It's time to wake up now, though, Henry. I want you to see it happen. To witness it. This is going to fucking hurt."
Eddie continued to stand on Weathertop, but Vecna was down below, standing in his own trance. Eddie watched him wake out of his trance for a split moment, and then Nancy swung the axe with all of her might. Vecna's head toppled from his shoulders and onto the ground. Nancy swung the axe again, slamming it into his skull. She did it again and again until she collapsed on the ground. Eddie was startled by Kas's red smoke, appearing next to him.
"You did great. You didn't even need me," Kas said. "You never did. Smart using the dream."
"A door can be opened both ways," Eddie grinned. "What are you going to do now?"
"Go home, as should you. I will bring the creatures with me. I haven't belonged here in a long time, but you still do. You and Mayhem both," Kas said.
The ground shook as the cracks started to close as best they could. Kas flew away, signaling the creatures with a loud whistle. Eddie watched as the creatures followed Kas and he smiled.
"Come on, Mayhem, time to go home," Eddie whispered, and Mayhem meowed in agreement.
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