#i'll make it up to you someday sweetie
skyward-floored · 26 days
also what happens to Malon after she's arrested????? (does she, perhaps, find smth out about her deceased husband 👀)
- hero-of-the-wolf
Malon was tossed into a holding cell without a word, and without so much as the hope of a trial or lawyer or anything of the sort.
She heard a distant laugh as the door was slammed behind her, and exhaled wearily as she sat up, brushing some dried blood from her cheek as she moved. The trip here hadn’t been long, but it had been one unpleasant moment after another, harsh shoves and sneers and glee at her arrest, and even a shock she’d gotten when a guard’s hand had wandered and she’d punched him.
Add that to the bruises she’d gotten from the fight earlier with Warriors, and most of her body ached.
Malon closed her eyes, thinking of her husband’s brother. Warriors had stayed beside her as long as he could after she’d been arrested, a hand on her arm until he'd been called away and had to leave. Despite the fact that they’d had to feign indifference and hatred towards one another the whole time, Malon had found his presence comforting. She’d missed him, and he reminded her of Time, and better days.
She only wished she could have spoken to him more. It didn’t take superpowers for her to see that he was barely holding it together.
Malon stilled, and raised her head, looking around the tiny cell.
It was essentially a stone box, small with no windows, a toilet in the corner, and two somewhat-cushioned benches by the walls that Malon supposed were meant to be beds. A girl who must have just been asleep was sitting up on one of them, holding her arm tight to her chest as she looked warily at Malon.
The girl couldn’t have been older than Legend, though her face was worn in a similar way that made Malon’s heart pang. Her blonde hair was messy and was trying to hang in her face, but her indigo eyes were sharp in the artificial light, and watched Malon with a calculating look.
“Are you a super?” she asked bluntly, and Malon blinked, then smiled, easing up to her feet.
“Hello to you too. Yes I am, but with nothing that’ll get us out of here I’m afraid,” she answered, wincing as she walked over and sat on the opposite bench. “Is this room temporary? Or am I going to be here a while?”
“I don’t know. I’ve only been here for about a day,” the girl replied, holding her arm tighter to her chest. “And don’t worry about your powers being useful or not. They’re blocked in here.“
Malon hummed. “That’ll be hard to test, seeing as they’re animal related. But thank you for the warning.”
The girl nodded and messed with her hair, letting silence fall between them. Malon studied her again, trying to figure out if she really was the same age as Legend, and her heart ached at the reminder of her son. She hoped desperately that he and the boys had gotten away— by now they must be close to Sky’s, even if they were being cautious.
All of them except for Twilight.
A deeper pang of worry shot through her as she thought of her other son, and she bit her lip.
Oh Twi, please be okay...
Malon sucked in a slow breath, and gave the girl a gentle smile. “My name is Malon,” she said, in an effort to keep herself distracted from her worries. Being anxious about her family wouldn't make them any safer. “How about you?”
“...Zelda,” the girl said quietly, then shrugged. “Or Zel. Or Zellie. Or Fable.”
Her mouth quirked up. “I know another Zelda, we did nicknames to make it easier. Somehow that was just what got picked. It’s what I tend to go by, honestly.”
Malon smiled. “I know how that goes. I have two sons named Link, and more Links beside that rarely go by their names. Long story,” she added at Fable’s confused look.
Fable sighed and leaned against the wall. “Well, I’ve got time.”
“I was hoping to use mine to somehow get out of here,” Malon said with a glance around, and Fable closed her eyes.
“You’re welcome to try, but I’ve had no luck. I’ve gotten food once while I’ve been here, and they threatened to shock me if I tried anything with the door open. Not that I could with this,” she huffed, gesturing to the arm she had cradled to her chest.
Malon looked closer, and realized that the arm was swollen and bruised, the skin an unpleasant mix of purples and bluish-greens.
“Are you okay?” Malon asked worriedly, and Fable shrugged one shoulder.
“It’s just a broken arm. It got hurt in the fight before they arrested me, and nobody’s done anything for it,” she said in a pointed voice at the doorway.
The door stayed silent.
Malon frowned, and carefully stood and approached Fable, sitting down beside her. “...May I?”
Fable hesitated, then slowly held out her arm, the limb shaking a bit. Malon took it with a gentle hand, and studied it, feeling cautiously along the skin. Fable winced, but Malon made sure to be careful, and after a couple minutes, was fairly sure that the break was near the middle of her forearm.
“It doesn’t seem like it’s too bad,” Malon said, gently releasing her arm. “It’s swollen, so maybe that’s why, but I couldn’t feel the actual break. It’ll set easily if it is one, but we should probably figure out a way to get a sling for you.”
Fable wrinkled her eyebrows at Malon like she couldn’t quite figure her out, but she nodded. And she didn’t try to stop Malon when she pulled off the apron she still had on (she wondered briefly what had ever happened to the bacon she’d been cooking), and worked on tying it around into a suitable sling.
“So... what happened to you?” Fable asked after a minute of Malon fiddling with fabric. “If you don't mind me asking. You said you're a super, but you're not even in uniform. What did you do to get thrown in here?”
“Me? Oh me and my family have been doing a lot under ol’ Dark’s nose for a while now, and everything finally caught up to us,” Malon sighed, figuring a true explanation would take too long. Wind and Four alone would probably make Fable think she was crazy. “They came after us at home after we tried to help somebody. My family that was at the house made it away, but my one son was on duty... I don’t know where he is.”
Malon breathed out a sigh she told herself wasn’t shaky, and cleared her throat.
“How about you? What did a nice girl like you do to get arrested?”
Fable blinked, and looked down at Malon's attempts to secure the sling, not speaking for a moment.
“I fought back,” she said after a long minute of silence. “I just— I just hit my limit. I couldn’t take it anymore, what they’re doing, how they treat us...”
Fable’s voice wobbled.
“My... father died. And I know it wasn’t by natural causes, I found proof, but I couldn’t do anything with it. It was an official who’d had him killed, and I knew I had to keep acting like everything was fine like I didn’t know and I just... I snapped. It didn’t end well. Obviously.”
She swallowed thickly, and Malon, finished with the sling, gave her a gentle look.
“I’m sorry hon, that must’ve been awful,” Malon said softly, and Fable pulled her legs up to her chest.
“I've definitely had better days. At least I got to toss a few people into the harbor,” she murmured, then swallowed and looked away. “Do you... think your family is okay?”
“I hope so,” Malon replied softly. “Twi... Twilight— he’s my oldest— he’s tough, and his powers enhance his senses, so he should be okay. My youngest can turn invisible, and he has somewhere safe to go, and friends with him. I’m worried about them all, but... I trust their skills. I think they’ll be okay.” They'd better be okay.
I don't think I can lose anybody else.
Malon took a deep breath, and looked over at Fable, giving her a smile.
“And I’m not planning on sitting around here and waiting for them to rescue me,” she said firmly, and squeezed Fable’s shoulder. "Or see what sort of sentence or punishment either of us is going to get. I'm gonna to do my best to escape. You wanna work together and bust out of here?"
Fable looked at her in surprise, and hesitated, eyes scanning across her face.
Then her eyes hardened with determination.
“Yes. I don't want to stick around and see what they're going to do to us either. I'm in," she said with a deep breath, and Malon took her uninjured hand in hers, and shook it.
"In that case, we'd better get to work," she smiled, and Fable returned it. "What can you do, hon?"
And as Fable explained her powers, already looking less pale and defeated then she had when Malon had first been tossed in, Malon felt the hope that had started to dim in her heart flicker back to life.
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sweet-as-an-angel · 2 years
König w/ a Mommy Kink
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Warnings: 18+, mommy kink, breeding kink, kinda submissive König, mention of plugs, smut, Completely Inaccurate use of German, pet names, AFAB Reader, etc.
This is in my brain. I’m now making it your problem.
There’s nothing in this man’s history to suggest parental issues, but I can definitely see him having a mommy kink.
When he’s in a subby mood, he’ll beg you to ride him
something about seeing you on top makes him weak
The first time you discovered König mommy kink was completely accidental: you'd managed to hit his sweet spot and, reduced to a moaning mess, König yelled, clear as day, something obscene.
You didn't realise what it was at the time, assuming it was something in German, but you'd never heard this before, regardless of context.
You stopped bouncing on him, your hands on his chest, and leaned down to him.
"What was that, baby?"
König didn't reply, his face flushed with either exasperation or embarrasment - it was impossible to tell.
When you came to realise he wasn't going to talk, you slid a hand up his throat and gripped his jaw, forcing him to look at you.
"I said, what was that?"
König eyes couldn't meet yours, eyes settling somewhere on your chest instead.
"Mutter," he said, voice low, quiet. He swallowed, feeling you weren't going to let up.
"It means 'Mother' in German."
Your heart jumped in your chest, like you'd discovered an island no one else had.
König couldn't say a thing, worried he'd frightened you off with his...particular interests.
Instead, you smiled, releasing his jaw and returning to his chest.
"Alright," you said softly, half-lidded gaze making König weak with anticipation.
"I'll take care of you, baby. You gonna let me do that?"
König couldn't get the words out quick enough, a stream of hasty 'yes's falling from him.
After that initial discovery, you teased König for his mommy kink.
Any chance you got - you were relentless.
"König, sweetie, can you come and help mommy out in the kitchen?"
"Sure thi- wait...what did you say?"
And his face would break out in a contained blush each time.
You knew when to stop, though; you weren't a monster.
Whenever you were topping, you'd call him "baby boy,"; "baby,"; "sweetie," - things like that.
And he'd whine and moan every time.
"You gonna cum for me, baby?"
"Y-yes, mutter..."
One night, you asked him if he wanted you to breastfeed you.
You had no milk in you, obviously, but that didn't stop König.
While he sucked on you, you stroked his hair, calling him a "good boy," - telling him how you'd "have to let you put a baby in me someday,"
His eyes lit up at that.
And then you unearthed his breeding kink.
He loves you, wants to possess you in ways nobody else can, and to have something he literally put inside you was, in his eyes, the best way to do it.
Calls you mutter when he's trying to breed you, though for a different reason.
"You'll be such a good mother to our children, my love," he'd say, panting as he slammed into you.
He wouldn't leave until he knew you were satisfied and full.
And my god, this man won't stop until you're passed out beneath him, unable to take any more of him, his cum leaking out of you.
Is the type to plug you, either with his cock or an actual plug.
Won't let you take it out. It's staying.
Can get a bit dominant when you disobey him.
"Did I say you could do that, baby?"
Transitions into a daddy kink.
This man's transitioning through the kink spectrum fr.
When he's topping, he'll make you call him daddy.
Gives him a feeling of power.
If you want some more dominant König, read this.
Overall, you just make him feel so safe, so loved - he could scarcely think of any other name to call you except mutter (though, of course, not exactly appropriate in an every day context).
He loves you more than absolutely anything, and there are no limits as to what he would do for you.
Reblog for more content like this! It helps creators like myself tremendously and it is greatly appreciated :-)
Masterlist Masterlist [Continued] Masterpost Modern Warfare AI Masterlist
AO3 Wattpad
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a-tiny-thing · 8 months
break in pt.2 // m.l
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burglar!mark x rich!reader
pt.1, pt.2, pt.3, pt.4
he's never coming back...
you already told yourself that multiple times, but you were still standing on front of your dining room's window, looking around for any signs about mark's arrival.
"honey, what are you looking for?" your mom sweetly called out your name, making you halt your actions.
"oh, nothing, just nothing" you shook your head, but it's not convincing enough for your mom to believe you.
'clearly, there's something going on' your mom thought. but she just doesn't want to bother you more.
her and his husband's jewelries went missing a few nights ago, but it didn't bother them that much since those were actually old and boring to wear now.
they also planned on going on a trip to a another jewelry shop someday to buy more.
"well, just sit down for a while and eat 'cause dinner's ready"
you walked over to a chair with a slumped back, sat down with a defeated sigh, and ate.
he's never coming back...
he already got what he wanted...
you told yourself again, just to make you let go of him already.
meanwhile, mark is back on the streets.
stealing phones and wallets as usual, with his best buddy haechan.
"yo dude, you should get that guy" haechan held onto his left shoulder, came close to his ear and pointed at a middle-aged man in a luxurious white suit, busy typing on his phone as he stands in the middle of a sidewalk.
"why can't you?" mark looked at him and asked.
"'cause i'll be handling that poor old lady right there" haechan pointed at the lonely granny on the other side of the street, waiting for the green light turn into red so she could walk, using their walkers.
"and if i helped them cross the street, she would give me lots of money!" haechan smiled at the thought.
"and if she doesn't?"
"i'll steal their purse" haechan said, as mark shakes his head.
"whatever, i'm on that guy.." mark said before walking towards that middle-aged man.
he ignored haechan's "good luck" behind him as he thinks of a way to rob that guy without being caught.
mark then, stands too close to him, but seems to be unnoticed. he looks around the area, pretending to admire it to avoid suspicions from other bystanders.
his hands slowly reach up to the man's left pocket, the fat wallet with credit cards and cash are coming into his view.
holy shit...
mark cautiously dipped his hand into the man's pocket, his fingers finally coming in contact with the leather texture.
'i got it! i got i--' mark slowly lifts up the wallet until
"huh?" he muttered as he turned his head around quickly to spot a familiar girl running up to him fastly.
"hey wait! no!" he said, but you already hugged him.
it was you.
you thought that maybe going around the city with your parents can take your mind off him.
and oh boy, it didn't.
you stilk think about the kiss with him, every now and then.
it's driving you insane.
"do you like to buy something, sweetie?" your mom asked, sat beside your father on the driver's seat, looking at you through the rear-view mirror inside the car as she applies her lipstick on.
"yeah i guess so, i'm planning to get new shoes, my classmates already saw my old ones multiple times" you told them, thinking about the time your other rich classmates made fun of you for wearing the same shoes in school thrice.
"okay! me and your father will just be hanging out at the jewelry shop right there" your mom said, pointing at a jewelry shop you didn't even bother to look at.
they dropped you off to the side, as the car you were just in drives away to another direction.
you strolled around the city, finding some nice shops to shop in, and thinking of mark as well...
hmm, i wonder what he's doing right now
you thought to yourself, until you spotted that oh so familiar black beanie.
you couldn't believe it!
"MARK!" you screamed before running up to him. the people passing by suddenly stopped to look at you until continuing to walk again.
the middle-aged man was nudged a little, so he decided to move away from what's happening.
mark frowned at him leaving, and then looked down at you, still hugging him.
"oh my god, i thought i'll never see you again" you said to him, basking in his warmth.
his hands mindlessly went to hold onto your waist and push you gently, hoping you'll get the signal from him to let you go.
"don't you know i've waited for you for so long to come back?!" you looked up at him with some cute puppy eyes. you hope.
"I..." mark clearly doesn't know what to say as he looked to the side and spotted haechan watching them, sporting a beige purse on his arm with a smirk on his face.
"help me" mark mouthed at haechan, but he just laughed at him.
mark looked down on you.
"uhh, okay, it's nice to see you again too, but i have to go" mark said to you, finally making you let go of him.
"huh? where are you going--" you asked as mark quickly leaves the area. you couldn't find him anymore.
he left you confused and dumbfounded.
"so you're telling me, you kissed this girl so you won't get snitched out, and now she's in love with you and stalking you around the city?" haechan says to him, his ass sitting on the poor and abused sofa with his feet propped up against a wooden table as he pulls out the contents of the old lady's purse one-by-one.
they're currently at their secret hideout, haechan's basement.
"yeah, I clearly didn't know what to do next, it was so stupid of me. fuck!" mark says back, pacing back and forth on front of haechan, his hands on his hair.
"well, that's good because you will now be able to get closer to her and her family. they will let you in their mansion, and if you got in, you can steal everything you want and just leave immediately like you were never there" haechan reasons, suddenly pulling out an inhaler from the purse, then throwing it aside.
"what? no way, i would never do that!" mark replies to him, stopping to look at haechan's face in a disgusted way.
"geez, it's just an idea" haechan said, putting his hands up to tell mark to calm down and let it go.
"well, whatever, she's your problem anyway and not mine..." haechan chuckled as he pulled out a bundled cash from the purse counting it immediately, ignoring mark.
mark sighed and plopped down beside haechan, watching him count the money.
"yo, you have to give me a share of tha-" mark says as he feels up his now empty pocket.
wait, huh?
mark quickly checked his pockets to make sure he's not crazy, but he's really not and his wallet totally gone!
it only has $16 in it, plus his old school ID and his family picture that he cherishes.
where could he even dropped or misplaced that.
better yet, who even stole it?
"yo dude, did you take my wallet?" mark nudged haechan's shoulder to ask him.
"i would never steal your empty and ugly-ass looking wallet" haechan stated to him, still looking at the huge money he's holding in his hands, counting it over and over again.
"i'm serious dude!"
"i really didn't!"
if it's not haechan, then...
oh no.
after mark left you alone again in the city, you were not really disappointed with it.
you were on your bed, kicking your feet up in the air as you look at mark's old school ID and family photo.
oh he looks so damn cute.
you really didn't think mark wouldn't feel you taking his wallet while hugging him.
you laughed at the thought, guess he wasn't the only one with robber skills after all.
'i hope he tries to get his wallet back from me'
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 3 months
Charlie: "Dad. Did you post this."
Lucifer: "Oh my 'selfie' with your dear lovely Maggie?? Why yes I DID! Do you like it!?"
Charlie: "Dad."
Lucifer: "Since she's your loving girlfriend, who you love, I thought gosh! I should really have on my social media page! Make a change from all the ducks, ha ha!"
Charlie: "Dad did you write the- the caption on it?"
Lucifer: "The c- oh yes! Well I wanted everyone to know how much I ADORE my daughter's girlfriend!!"
Charlie: "You wrote-"
Lucifer: "See, the 'bad' here means 'good'! I checked! Bad and bitch are bad on their own, but when you put them together it's like a, er, a double negative making a positive, haha! Maggie's a bad bitch- she's AWESOME- which ahaha I'm sure YOU know since you're dating her-and now all of Hell knows I think so too!!!! ISN'T THAT SWELL!"
Charlie: "But the actual whole caption says-"
Lucifer: "Aww and the picture turned out so great! Look!"
Lucifer: ".... you don't look super thrilled about it, Char-char."
Charlie: "Pulled, dad... Do you know what 'pulled' can mean exactly, specifically, in THIS context..?"
Lucifer: "... pulled.... into a... hug? Like in the selfie...?"
Charlie: "Dad."
Charlie: (deep breath) "I can't believe I'm saying this..."
Charlie: "You made it sound like you SLEPT WITH my girlfriend."
Lucifer: "......."
Lucifer: "Oh. HA! That's..."
Lucifer: (deflating balloon noises as he literally shrivels up into a crumpled pile of clothes mostly hidden by his hat)
Charlie: "We're not angry!"
Lucifer: ".... i m s o r r y..."
Charlie: "It's okay!!! IT'S FINE. A little mentally scarring and socially mortifying not to mention something our friends won't EVER let us live down, but- well- Just... Just-"
Charlie: "No more social media meme posting without running them past me or Vaggie first, alright!?"
Lucifer: "If I delete the post maybe no one else will see it...."
Charlie: "Everyone in Hell has already seen it, dad."
Lucifer: "..i could delete myself instead"
Charlie: "And HOW would that help?"
Lucifer: "...it would make me feel better..."
Vaggie: "Honestly sir, the most embarrassing part is how you look young enough to be my teenage son."
Charlie: "Thanks, Vaggie."
Vaggie: "Check out my stress wrinkles and scars next his baby smooth face. It's like I picked him up from a cradle somewhere."
Charlie: "Please don't joke about cradle robbing my actual father."
Vaggie: "Sorry babe."
Charlie: "I mean I'll NEVER be able to look at ANY of my parents' family portraits the same way ever AGAIN, but thank you for being SO understanding about the rumor you're dating my DAD!"
Vaggie: "Sir, what kinda skin routine are you even doing?"
Lucifer: "room full of rubber ducks and despair"
Vaggie: "Sweetie, I'm ruffling his hair in the pic. It's hilarious."
Vaggie: "Feels like I'm about to call the king of hell 'kiddo' or something."
Lucifer: (a puddle on the floor) "i thought it was funny too"
Charlie: "Okay.... okay."
Charlie: "You two NEED to find a bonding activity that doesn't TRAUMATIZE me."
Vaggie: "Hmm."
Lucifer: "OH WE COULD-"
Charlie: "Or each other!"
Lucifer: "Oh well then I have nothing!"
Vaggie: "We'll always have that time you fake dated me online, sir someday dad-in-law."
Lucifer: "Our beautifully shared new horrifying past..."
Charlie: "Ha ha HA! Keep this up and either the dad part or the someday in-law part is gonna stop being accurate REAL quick!"
Vaggie: "It will?"
Charlie: "No but I'm trying to threaten you two right now so SHUSH."
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heismygod · 3 months
Actually writing something here. Ive never wrote before so bare with me. Its short and I might delete it if it doesn't get much attention.
Military reader x Character
Reader- *dials number*
Character- "Hey sweetie, how are you? I thought you couldn't call?"
Reader- "Hey *name*, ive been better. How are you?"
Character- "Ive been good, Ive missed you. Im making your favorite for when you come home"
Reader- " Thanks *name*. What are you doing now?"
Character - "Just reading, what are you doing sweetie?"
Reader- "Laying down for a moment. Im still on a job but I wanted to call you"
Character- "I thought you weren't supposed to call when on the job"
Reader- "Im not but I think they will make an exception"
Charachter- "Oh, okay sweetheart"
Reader- "*name* im so sorry"
Character - "why are you sorry?"
Reader- *laughs* "I dont think ill be home in time to eat it"
Character- "Whys that?"
Reader- "Im having some trouble right now and wanted to call before I go"
Character- "Aww, if you have to go, call back tomorrow okay?"
Reader- "I- I'll try"
Character- "I cant wait to see you again"
Reader- *softly* "Someday"
Character- "what did you say sweetie?"
Reader- *silence* *dies cutely I guess*
Character- "sweetie? Guess I'll see you tomorrow"
*Character hangs up*
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mcflymemes · 3 months
PROMPTS FROM BEYONCÉ'S COWBOY CARTER *  assorted lines from the album, some slightly adapted, adjust as necessary
nothing really ends.
for things to stay the same, they have to change again.
hello, my old friend.
you changed your name, but not the ways you play pretend.
do you hear me?
let me make myself clear.
can you hear me, or do you fear me?
can we stand for something?
now is the time to face the wind.
can you stand me?
this isn't the time to pretend.
they used to say i spoke "too country."
they don't know how hard i had to fight for this.
goodbye to what has been.
you were only waiting for this moment to arise.
i had to leave my home at an early age.
i'm not in my bed.
i gotta choose myself.
i might cook, clean, but still won't fold.
i'm still working on my life, you know.
only god knows.
i got art to make.
i got love to create.
they won't dim my light.
i had to sacrifice and leave my fears behind.
you'll remember me, 'cause we got something to prove.
i will lead you down that road if you lose your way.
i'm born to be a protector.
even though i know someday, you're gonna shine on your own.
i gave water to the soil, and now it feeds me.
there you are, shaded underneath it all.
i feel proud of who i am.
i first saw your face in your father's gaze.
how many times have you let yourself get down?
be fond of your flaws.
i just hope you love yourself like that.
i really hope the best for you.
you're my love, my sweetie pie.
don't let go.
lay your cards down.
i'll be damned if i can't slow dance with you.
don't be a bitch.
there's a heatwave coming at us.
i give you kisses in the backseat.
you make me cry, you make me happy.
just toss it.
they couldn't have me and they never will.
sometimes i hold you closer just to know you're real.
sometimes i take a day off just to turn you on.
i could be your bodyguard.
you should let me ride shotgun.
you know how people like to start shit.
someone better hold me back.
i'm warning you, don't come for my man.
don't take the chance just because you think you can.
the games you play are nothing new.
you don't want no heat with me.
i know my man better than he knows himself.
shoot your shot with someone else.
i'm warning you, woman, find your own man.
i have to have this talk with you.
i really tried to stay cool, but your arrogance disturbed my solitude.
look what you made me do.
if you cross me, i'm just like my father.
you say move a mountain and i'll throw on my boots.
how does it feel to be adored?
think about leaving? hell no.
time moves quickly, and so do i.
i don't need anything.
here's to hoping i'll fall fast asleep tonight.
i need to get through this.
i came here for a reason, but i don't know the purpose.
time heals everything.
i'll be your backseat baby.
been a while since i haven't tried to pull away.
come here, you sexy little thing.
baby, you play too much.
i'm looking super hot.
i'm a fucking animal.
every time you know just what to do.
no one ever got me going quite like you.
girl, i wanna take you home.
they won't be around.
i hope that you know that once i loved you.
history can't be erased.
got you up all night and now you don't wanna leave.
how can a true love go so wrong?
put on a show and make it nasty.
let me sink into your arms.
i died and someone brought me back to life.
i plan to steal your heart again.
who am i to judge?
i will carry on.
baby, i've been waiting my whole life for you.
wherever you wanna go, that's fine with me.
all i see is the best of you.
i'm gonna give you the best years of your life.
you owe me a debt.
i hated you once.
tap me on the shoulder when you reload the gun.
i know they're looking for me.
i fall to pieces each time i see you there.
it don't matter what nobody says.
we can take back roads.
just say what you need from the store.
i'm coming home.
take that shit on the chin.
have mercy on me.
this house was built with blood and bones.
i need to make you proud.
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chick-with-wifi · 1 year
Meta: Root's message for Shaw
In 4x05, Root says, "if the worst comes to pass, if you could give Shaw a message?" when she believes she will die in the fight against Martine. Although we don't hear the exact wording of this message, the context and Finch's reply of "I think she already knows", tell us it is a declaration of love.
Then in 5x13 when the Machine is fading, She tells Shaw, "There's something I think Root had wanted to say to you. You always thought there was something wrong with you because you don't feel things the way other people do. But she always felt that was what made you beautiful. She wanted you to know that if you were a shape, you were a straight line. An arrow." 
During their time together, Root's flirting consists of exaggerated innuendo to push Shaw's buttons ("I'll do yours if you do mine" in 3x23, "I love it when you play doctor" in 3x17), and in return Shaw pushes Root's buttons by aggressively pretending she doesn't care about Root ("I missed you like I'd miss an intestinal parasite" in 3x20, "I wouldn't want anything to happen…to the dog" in 4x10). Root never disrupts the delicate balance of this dance, never asks Shaw for more than she's willing to give or demands any confirmation of her feelings, beyond light teasing such as "and is that why you came to see me?" in 4x07.
But in the event of her death, she wants Shaw to know the true extent of her feelings. Given that she always intended it to be this way, this means the message isn't for her benefit - it's for Shaw's. She wants Shaw to know beyond a shadow of doubt that Root loved and understood her for exactly who she is, and has no expectations for what her grieving process should look like. She doesn't want Shaw to ever feel like she isn't enough.
A variation of this also appears in 4x11. In one of the Machine's simulations, Root calls Shaw while knowing she doesn't have long left and it is the only time we see her push for any sort of confirmation about their relationship. She says, "Why are you so afraid to talk about your feelings? [...] We're perfect for each other. You're gonna figure that out someday." and is elated with Shaw's reply that "maybe someday [...] we can talk about it."
Since the Machine is able to accurately predict Her assets and knows Root's final request well enough to carry it out in 5x13, She knows this is the one situation where Root would push the issue enough to make it clear that she loves Shaw and that she would be thrilled with any degree of confirmation Shaw chooses to give.
Their conversation in the real timeline begins in exactly the same way, with Root in a dire situation calling Shaw to say, "Hey, sweetie. You busy?". Shaw replies, "A little. Skip the verbal foreplay, Root. Why are you calling?" and Root says, "Can't a couple of gals take a little break from work to catch up?". However, at this point Shaw arrives in the stock exchange and the team's chance of survival increases considerably.
The rest of their conversation plays out similarly, but is toned down. Root says, "We're so good at this together. You're gonna realize that someday." Where the simulation began with Root asking a direct question about Shaw's feelings, this is an open statement that doesn't put any pressure on Shaw to respond.
Shaw replies, "Root, no offense. You're hot, you're good with a gun. Those are two qualities I greatly admire. But you and me together would be like a four-alarm fire in an oil refinery." Just like how Root in the simulation was happy with Shaw's response, she cheerily replies, "Sounds cozy." Since at this moment her life is no longer in immediate danger, she doesn't feel the need to say anything further.
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ravenwriter16 · 1 month
Star's Don't Shine They Burn, Info!
I wanted to post about each of the MAIN characters in my fic! SOOOOOOOOOOO, HERE WE GO!
YOU are THE main character of my fic. I won't get too deep into your past (Spoilers) but what you should know is that you are a Mage, you had a crappy childhood before being found by the three Automatrons, and a MAJOR incident caused you to finally run away from your Royal Life with Sun, Moon, and Eclipse.
You ran away, caught a one-way boat out of the capital, and hitchhiked a wagon. There you meet a 'Straight-to-the-point' Ogre, who lets you stay with him for a price.
There you learn all kinds of new skills, skills that don't require magic. For eight years you live a peaceful life, taking over the land while the Ogre-Ivan-went off to travel the world.
You also have a stutter that only comes out when you're very scared or uncertain of something.
Sir Sun is your (ex) Dad. He's one of the three emperors that rule over the land.
He can wield Mana, just like his two husbands can. He mostly uses it as during combat, either as a defense or an offense.
Sun is the leader of the Celestial Guard, an order of Knights he founded when he was crowned emperor.
He LOVES to do arts & crafts with you. As well as teach you how to use a sword, how to size up an opponent, and how to use your wits during a battle. He also encouraged you to be adventurous and would often get you both in trouble
He was the one who lead out scouting missions himself to find you when you ran away. He's also the one who finally tracked you down after meeting with an informant
Some things he would say: "Out a bit more elbow grease into your swing, Bunny! There you go! Look at you! A born natural!" "You're doing great! Just DON"T LOOK DOWN!...AND DON"T TELL YOUR PAPA OR FATHER!!" "It'll all be okay in the end, sweetie...Someday you'll see..."
Mage Moon is your (ex) Papa. He's also one of the three emperors.
His mana is more potent than Sun's and his knowledge of the Mystical is second to none.
Moon is the Head Mage of the Academy of Mana, where he also leads an elite group of mages called the Order of Lunara. All mages that serve in the order are trained by him personally.
He was the one who found you in the first place, sensing an unknown and unheard-of power in you (Which I will explain in later chapters). After a few more trips to your run down home, he decided to take you to the palace, were you met Eclipse and Sun.
Moon was also the one who taught you to read and write, as well as how to control your Mana and cast simple spells, such as creating a small flame, or making something levitate.
When you ran away, he locked himself in his study, trying all kinds of spells and runes to see if he could find you or any trace of your Mana from any complicated spells you might have used.
Some things he would say: "The pen is mightier than the sword...But a Mana infused Stone Golem trumps any pen you use." "Shh, it was only a nightmare, Starlight. I'm here and I'll never let any nightmare touch you again. I swear." "The pain is only temporary...Know that this hurts me more than it hurts you...It'll be okay...just a few more minutes..."
Alright...This Automatron...is basically the one in charge of the WHOLE empire. He's the main emperor because he does ALL the Royal stuff. He doesn't have an order he teaches or guards he trains.
He just does all the paperwork and goes to meetings and such and such.
His Mana is WAY more potent than his husbands. And his knowledge on the dark arts is astounding. In his free time, he even does small experiments, jotting down results in one of his many journals.
He instantly fell in love with you when your first met. After that he immediately called you his heir and gave you everything and anything you could need and desire.
You would mostly spend your days with him, since Sun and Moon were busy with other people and Eclipse was bored with paperwork.
You both would have tea together, go shopping in the city market, settle down in the library and practice your reading. You would learn everything there is to know about being a princess and he even taught you how to dance and play instruments.
When you ran away, he went...well MAD. He searched for you high and low, paranoid that someone would know where you went, or was keeping you prisoner. He would imprison and torture anyone who he thought was keeping you from him.
Multiple times Sun and Moon had to calm him down when he took thing sway too far. Like attacking a visiting royal for no reason.
He was fuming by the fact that he couldn't go out there and search for you himself, but his husbands convinced him to stay and run the Empire.
Some things he would say: "One, two, three. One, two, three. Excellent work Starfire! At this rate you'll be the best dancer in the entire Empire! HaHa!" "I know, I know. I'm sorry I can't play with you right now, love. But I have to look over these reports...hm...Why don't you sit down at the piano over there and play me one of your songs?" "I. Regret. NOTHING! Everything I have done; I have done for YOU!" That's enough of my info dumping! Hope you've enjoyed!
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Replaced or not ?
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Part-1 Part-2 Part-3 Part-4 Part-5 Part-6
For summary and details check out part-1
Pairing: Obey me Characters x reader
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"Than you so much Lucien you don't know how much you're helping me right now"
"Well it's nothing you get a place I get to satisfy my curiosity about you and you know ...the offer was not a joke from my side it still stand" Lucien said smirking at you
"umm....you know I don't feel that towards you"
"hahaha I know hon I'm just kidding"
"uh okay" you said a bit uneasy.
"hahahaa, oh my god I can't believe you fooled those lords" run hai spoke to me through phone
"I know right I wasn't that hard " I replied to her " But it was all because of you ..if you weren't there to alert me then and there I may would've been in the grasp of those demons"
"it's not a problem y/n if a human won't help you then who will" run hai spoke
"these are the two are the human exchange students" diavolo spoke as you and run hai stood there
There was 7 other demons standing in front of you both you . Run hai was there confused she's still taking time understanding what's happening here meanwhile you were standing there with a 'fuck it' expression.
The demon brothers were looking at you and only at you .
"Did you saw that" run hai spoke after we settled in our separate room.
"Saw what?"
"The way they were looking at you!!"
"umm well I thought I was being dramatic but i guess not"
" look I've read too many books about how this end up"
"Mee too....wanna help me out?"
"well i just gotta move outta this house you know"
"How are exactly planning on that?"
" Well.....how much do You like them"
"Well you wanted their attention and i didn't so it worked out in the end i guess" you said.
"Well yeah , i mean everything is just like you said , you're soo smart!!" Run hai spoke giggling throught the phone .
'Oh my god i could imagin her twirling her hair , stupid girl i just hope she don't open her mouth if the brothers became too obsessed with her' you thought as you rolled your eyes.
"Well yeah thanks for your help, i hang up now" you said not wanting to talk to her anymore.
"Aww thought we coulda talk more but anyways bieee ... Wait asmo what are you doing!"
"Huh?? What was that should i call her again.......no nevermind" you said . You laid on your bed provided Lucien thinking about how your plans of getting away from them and moving out from the HOL all worked out in the end . 'Well i didn't do anything bad i just didn't wanted for them to get obsessed with me'. You thought as you closed your eyes
"You better explain this sweetie"
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[A/N]: well sorry for the delay i was thinking about making run hai a good person but I can't since the real life one is actually a bitch😭 gomen gomen. And maybe I'll tell y'all her real name someday it's really similar to this once *wink wink*
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Tag list: {closed}
@obeymediasimp @c4xcocoa @gatorcatally @trisharay13 @candydreamer122 @hasty-desert @your-next-daydream @morphit @enheduannasposts @misscaller06 @buggaboorenegade @ellie3467 @hoeinthehouse @dreamieeesposts @viemags @arnixx @shycreatorsandwich @i-dont-know-what-to-name @gamerhumayra @gale-vendavel @darlink-xoxo @lunar-sangtsu @teal-clouds-sword @amandarosebts @sleepy-lune
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joeys-babe · 11 months
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Someday We’ll Be Together
Chapter 14: October 1st
(y/n's pov)
Joe stayed at the house long enough to eat breakfast with my parents and me before he had to leave to set up for our date.
there were so many kisses shared that morning, it seemed neither of us could get enough of the other. my parents didn't seem to mind at all either, in fact, they thought the opposite. they could tell Joe made me so happy and that's all they wanted, to see me happy.
my parents, plus pretty much everyone around us could tell that Joe and I's connection went deeper than "best friends", that being said.. when they found out that Joe confessed and that we were more than friends they were so happy that it finally happened. it felt like a game to them, waiting to see who'd confess first since it seemed inevitable.
even though we had confessed to being "in love" with each other, "I love you" hadn't been said yet. That was going to be a separate occasion.
Joe and I had decided to not reveal our non-official relationship to his parents yet. We'd be doing that tomorrow night in a funny, quirky, very Joe Burrow-style way.
I had just told Joe bye when I walked away from the front door and towards the stairs, my mom was in the kitchen with a smirk on her face as she looked at me.
"He makes you happy, huh?" - your mom
"Extremely happy. My cheeks hurt since I've been smiling for the past 10 hours straight." - you
"That's the best type of pain, honey." - your mom
"I'm starting to understand that." - you
"Do you have any clue what the date entails? Or even where it is?" - your mom
"Uhm.. nope! I'm sure Joe has something nice planned though." - you
"Okay.. you better start getting ready, did Joe tell you what to wear?" - your mom
"You're starting to make me realize that I know nothing about this date." - you
"Then text him!" - your mom laughed
I felt like a teenage girl as I ran up the stairs giggling, and simultaneously pulling my phone out of my pocket.
Instead of texting Joe, I thought it would be easier if I called him so I quickly found his contact. Since last night it has been changed to "Joey💕". Crazy how the day before yesterday I had him blocked, and now there's a heart by his name.
Joe answered in less than two rings, his deep beautiful voice ringing through the phone causing a blush on my cheeks.
"Miss me already, baby?" - Joe
His cheerful tone of voice made it easy to picture the expression that was probably on his face right now. A war-ending grin on those perfect lips that I loved.
"That too. But, I was calling because I need to know some details about our date." - you
"Ask away." - Joe
"What do I need to wear? Where is it? What time-" - you
"y/n, sweetheart chill out. You can wear whatever, I'm wearing sweats. I'm picking you up so don't worry about a place and I'll prob be over at your house at 6." - Joe
"Okay sounds good. I can't wait." - you
"Me neither. I've been thinking about this night for probably a decade." - Joe
"Me too, I'll see you in a couple of hours?" - you
"Yup, I'll see you then. Bye, beautiful." - Joe
"See ya later, Joey." - you giggled
When the tone sounded through my phone speaker letting me know that Joe had hung up, I fell back onto my bed. Butterflies swarmed through my stomach as my cheeks heated up; feeling more loved than ever before.
*time skip*
"do I look okay??" - you
It was currently 5:55, just five minutes before Joe would be picking me up for our date and I was standing by the front door as my mom helped with any finishing touches.
For my outfit, I opted for a pair of baggy jeans and an oversized graphic sweatshirt. It was comfy but cute and chic at the same time.
"You look great sweetie. You need to stop worrying though, it's just Joe." - your mom
"Sure it might just be Joe. But I still want to impress him! I've waited so long for this night, Mom. I want everything to be perfect." - you
"Everything will be perfect if you stop stressing!" - your mom
I went to open my mouth to utter a rebuttal but the ringing of the doorbell beat me to it.
My mom gave me an encouraging smile as I reached for the doorbell but hesitated to open it.
"You got this." - your mom
I nodded and quickly opened the door, Joe's gaze lifted from his shoes to my face. As he did so, the large smile that I adored made its way onto his face.
Joe was wearing sweatpants and a sweatshirt; a simple combo that made him look so complexly handsome.
We just stood staring at each other for a few seconds, we didn't know what to do.
"Oh! Yeah these are for you!" - Joe
Joe moved his hand from behind his back revealing a bouquet of white roses. He handed them off to me as a blush of crimson flushed his cheeks.
"Aww. Joe, I love them. They're so pretty!" - you
"I'm glad you like them. Wanna get going?" - Joe
I nodded and my mom took the flowers from my hand.
"I'll put these in a vase then put them in your room. You two have fun!" - your mom
My mom practically shoved me out of the house before shutting the door behind me, Joe took my hand and led me to his car.
Before I could even reach for the handle, Joe opened my door and once he knew I was comfortably sitting he shut it back.
When Joe started driving a comfortable silence fell over us, our hands intertwined on the center console while music played through the speakers.
"So... where are you taking me??" - you
"It's a surprise. We've been here together before though." - Joe
"Oh really?" - you
"Yup, as kids. Don't look in the backseat by the way it'll give away everything that I have planned." - Joe
I nodded but when we were at a red light I couldn't help but peak. Joe immediately noticed and let go of my hand, he grabbed my chin gently and moved my gaze to him.
"No peaking!" - Joe
I laughed at Joe's pouty expression and before I knew it he was pulling me by my chin to connect our lips.
It was such a sweet kiss, Joe's lips were soft on mine with a hint of possessiveness. A silent promise that I was his.
The only thing that made us pull away from each other was the light turning green.
"I don't think I could ever get tired of kissing you." - Joe
"Good, because I could never get tired of kissing you either." - you
Ten minutes later Joe was pulling onto a dirt road that felt familiar but not significant.
"Backroads? Are gonna kill me?" - you laughed
"No ma'am. Not after I just got you all to myself. Maybe in a couple of months." - Joe joked
"Oh shut up!" - you
"I'm just playing, baby." - Joe
"I know you are Joey." - you
When Joe parked up in the grass and helped me out of the car, the sight my eyes landed on took my breath away.
"I hope you like it..." - Joe
There was a red checkered blanket laid out on this grassy hill that had a beautiful field view. A white sheet was hung between two trees and a mini projector was on this upside-down wicker basket. On the blanket was another folded blanket, two pillows, with candles scattered around the perimeter.
"It isn't the most romantic first date ever but I did try to make it something you wouldn't forget." - Joe
I felt tears well up in my eyes, happy tears of course. This was the sweetest thing a guy, or anyone really, had ever done for me.
When I turned to face Joe I watched panic fall over his face when he saw my teary eyes.
"Joe. It's perfect. I love it." - you
"Really?" - Joe smiled
"Yes, it's so sweet and so romantic." - you
Joe laced his fingers with mine and led me over to the blanket, my heart filled with so much love as we got closer to it.
"You can go ahead and get comfortable, I'm gonna grab the food from my car." - Joe
"Okay!" - you plopped down on the blanket
Joe had to chuckle, you looked so cute and he was oh so in love with you and everything about you. Being in your presence alone had him melting.
He returned shortly with the picnic basket of snacks, the pizza, and the cooler of drinks.
Joe spread everything out before sitting down beside me.
"Okay, so I tried to think about all your favorite things. Everything I thought of, I bought. We can eat the picnic snacks first then eat pizza." - Joe
"Sounds perfect!" - you
Joe grabbed the picnic and started getting things out. When he pulled out red grapes I decided to play a little prank on him.
"Uh Joe, I like green grapes." - you
His neck snapped so fast in my direction as a worried look appeared on his face.
"What? Since when? I was sure it was the red ones you liked-" - Joe
"I'm kidding Joey!" - you placed a hand on his shoulder as you laughed
"Oh. I was worried I messed something up already." - Joe
"I assure you that you won't mess anything up, we've been here five minutes and I've already cried." - you laughed
"Those were happy tears right?" - Joe
"Major happy tears." - you
Joe smiled as I leaned forward and pecked his perfect lips. When we pulled away he kissed my cheek and continued sitting everything out on the blanket.
"Hey, what's the projector for?" - you
"I planned to watch the sunset, but I was worried that the sunset might be underwhelming. So if it is, we've got a movie to watch instead." - Joe
"Woah, Joe you've thought about everything haven't you?" - you
"I've run every possible situation through my head and adapted. There is no way this is getting messed up." - Joe
"That's sweet of you." - you grinned
"I try." - joe smiled
"C'mere, lay with me. You should start the movie and we can eat our snacks." - you
Joe scooted over on the blanket carefully to not bunch it up and laid down next to me.
"What movie you wanna watch?" - Joe
"It's October so how about a Halloween movie? Not a horror movie of course since you are scared of them." - you
"I'm not scared of them, y/n! I just don't like them!" - Joe
"Sure, Joe." - you laughed
"I didn't come here to get made fun of." - Joe
I laughed as I laid my head on his shoulder and threw an arm over him.
"Sorry, babe." - you
"You know, I love when you call me that and baby." - Joe
"Well, I love calling you them." - you
Joe leaned down and pressed a kiss onto my lips before sitting up to open a box.
"Chocolate-covered strawberry?" - Joe
"Ooh! Yes, please!" - you
He leaned down on his elbow to where he was hovering over me and led the strawberry to my mouth. My hand found its way onto his chest, just wanting to remain in contact with him.
"Good?" - Joe
"Mhm, they're really good. Hand me one, it's your turn." - you
Joe handed me a chocolate-covered strawberry and I leaned up a little bit to guide it towards his perfect lips.
"Mmm, those are good!" - Joe
"What else do you have? I'm feeling something savory." - you
"We can have the pizza." - Joe suggested
"Oh yeah!" - you
Joe grabbed the two plates he brought and handed me one, along with a few napkins.
He was hesitantly reaching for the pizza box and for a second I wondered why he was seemingly nervous all of a sudden, he seemed fine up till now.
I watched Joe place the box between us before he slowly opened it. When he did his eyes immediately traced off to mine, and that's when I realized why he was nervous.
Written in pepperoni said, "Be My GF?" 
Joe was silently freaking out, scared he asked too soon, worried about what you're answer would be, or if it was a lame way to ask such a big thing.
You on the other hand felt like you were on cloud nine. This was such a Joe way of asking you to be his girlfriend and you found it sweet and so endearing. It was perfect and quirky, just like Joe.
While you were swooning over the proposal, answering the question seemed to have slipped your mind. When you're eyes finally met Joe’s and he seemed frantic you realized you hadn't answered his question yet.
"Of course, I'll be your girlfriend!" - you
Joe’s once-nervous expression turned lit up with excitement as he leaned forward to crash his lips onto mine.
My hand cupped Joe’s cheek as I held him as close as I could get him, his lips rough on mine.
When Joe and I pulled away from each other huge smiles were plastered on our faces.
“So, I'm your boyfriend…” - Joe
“I’m your girlfriend…” - you
We looked at each other for a second before erupting into nervous giggles. It was almost as if our teenage selves came back for a second.
A few minutes later we had calmed down and got comfortable on the blanket. Joe got Hocus Pocus playing and we were cuddled up eating our pizza, stealing kisses after bites, and feeding each other snacks now and then.
The sunset didn't disappoint and neither did the view of it.
It seemed as if life couldn't get any better than it was at that moment. I was watching one of my favorite Halloween movies, and eating my favorite snacks, all while cuddling up to my boyfriend.
“Joey?” - you
Still lying on his shoulder, I rubbed his chest to get his attention.
“Yup?” - Joe
“Thank you for all of this. This was the best first date ever and I've loved every second of it. I'm so happy to finally call myself yours.” - you
“You’re so welcome, baby. I'm glad you've enjoyed it because I have as well.” - Joe
Sadly once the sun had set and the movie ended shortly after, it was time for us to leave.
Joe told me to head back to the car while he gathered everything up saying he didn't want me to get cold without the blankets.
Even while I was alone and Joe was putting stuff in the backseat, I couldn't stop smiling.
Today had been so perfect; waking up next to Joe, having breakfast with him, and then having the best date possible to end the night.
I wasn't without Joe for very long and when he got in the car he slipped his hand onto my leg as he turned onto the main road.
“My girl.” - Joe squeezed your leg
You had smiled at the gesture just thinking he was reminding you of his presence but in all honesty he just wanted to say it out loud to see if it would feel any more real to him. He couldn't believe it, the girl he'd had a crush on since high school was his girlfriend. She felt the same way about him that he felt about her and it was so surreal to him.
It was silent in the car, not an awkward silence but a little too quiet for Joe’s liking so he went to shuffle his usual playlist.
“Aye! We listened to your music the last time we were in the car. It's my turn.” - you
“Whatever you want, babe.” - Joe laughed
I connected my phone and shuffled my everyday playlist, a content smile on my face when “we fell in love in october” was the first song that played.
It hit me that it was October 1st. This song felt a little personal now that Joe and I started dating in October.
“This is kinda our song now…” - you
“Well. We started dating in October, I don't remember what month it was when I fell in love with you a few years ago.” - Joe smiled
Authors note: this chapter has me feeling REALLLLLLLL single.
Hope you enjoyed! ❤️
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Greetings and grats on 300+!!!
May I request:
• Hound (special appearance Grizz?)
• romantic
• gn!reader
• sfw
• 300
• prompt: 9 - "Help me."
• optional: said by reader; maybe desperate could be inspiration; blue neon lights?
tysm, feel free to ignore if not vibing with it <3 grats again
Kiss Me
Hound x GN!Reader
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Pairing: Hound x GN!Reader
Tags & Warnings: fluff, stalker-ish, light angst
Word Count: 300
Author's Note: Moon, sweetie, thank you so much for sending in a request for my event 🥺 I love Hound and was so excited when I saw that you asked for him! I really wanted to go a little further with this one, but that darn 300 word limit stopped me 😒Who knows though, maybe I'll make it into a full-length fic someday! As always, please enjoy 💚
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Your pace quickens as you walk down the neon lit street. You take a few random turns, periodically peeking over your shoulder at the man walking your same path. Your unease begins to turn into anxiety as you believe he must be following you. You’ve been trying to lose him, but you're running out of ideas and places to go.
You steal another look behind you and make a sharp turn down the next street. However, your escape is interrupted when you crash into something hard. You gasp and fall backwards onto your butt. When you open your eyes, you’re greeted by a massif sniffing your feet. You startle, but let your eyes follow its leash up to the Coruscant Guardsman holding it.
“Are you alright?” Hound asks, stretching his hand out to help you up. “That was quite a hard hit.” 
You stare at the ARF trooper blankly before getting an idea. "Pretend to be my boyfriend," you say.
"I'm sorry?" Hound questions, wondering if he heard you wrong.
"Kiss me," you insist as you step closer to him.
"What?" Hound takes a nervous step back.
You take a step forward. "Please," you whisper. "Help me. He’s been following me since I left the bar."
Hound can hear the desperation in your voice, and looks behind you to see a man coming around the corner. Without further thought, Hound places his hand on the small of your back and pulls you against him. He lifts up his bucket and presses his lips against yours. After a moment, he breaks the kiss, plants another on your forehead, and watches as the man turns.
“He’s leaving,” Hound says as he lets you go.
“Thank you,” you sigh in relief, before looking at him and smiling. “Can I buy you a caf?”
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Secret in your Heart
These translations are not intended as a replacement for the game. Please support Cybird by buying their stories. Expect grammatical errors. Not 100% accurate.
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The faint sunlight fell on my eyelids, letting me know that morning has come to greet me.
Liam: "Are you awake? Good morning, Katie."
Kate: "Morning, Liam."
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Liam: "I'm happy that I'm the first person you saw this morning."
Liam held me close and rubbed the tip of his nose against me like a cat.
Seeing so many of his carefree gestures like this since he became my lover really made me happy.
Kate: "Fufu, that tickles."
(I'm really happy.)
Liam, not a very good sleeper, stayed next to me while I slept like this.
I hope he could sleep peacefully someday, but for now, I'm just happy we can cuddle like this.
Kate: "Liam. Did you go somewhere while I was sleeping?"
Liam: "Eh? Why?"
Kate: "Because you have a leaf in your hair. Look."
Liam: "Um, maybe it got stuck on me last night?"
Kate: "Last night?"
Liam: "Thanks for taking it off! All right, let's have some breakfast. I'll cook."
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(Liam's being dodgy back then.)
The unnatural look on his face, so unlike him, stuck with me all day long.
I was wondering if I should see him and ask him about it when I suddenly missed my footing on the stairs.
Liam: "Katie! That was close. Thank God, I made it in time."
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Kate: "Liam."
Kate: "Sorry, I was just thinking about something."
Liam: ".........."
Liam: “I shouldn’t have kept secrets from you if I was going to make you look like this.”
Liam: “I’ll tell you about what I’ve been doing while you were asleep.”
He lifted me and ran through the roof like the wind.
Liam: “We’re here. Let me put you down, Katie.”
He gently lowered me to the ground, and I turned around.
Liam: “I heard that this street is the only one lit up at night.”
Liam: “Not only that. Just across the street, a new candy store is going to open.”
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Liam: “And, over there by the river, there’s a little something you might like.”
Something very similar to the leaf I saw before in Liam’s hair fell at my feet.
(Could it be?)
I looked at him, and he smiled shyly.
Liam: “I always find myself asking what I could do to make you even more happy every time I gaze at you when I can’t sleep.”
Kate: “That’s why you went out on the town and looked for all kinds of things?”
Liam: “Uh-huh. I kept it a secret from you and slipped out quietly.”
Liam: "Ah, geez. I was planning to surprise you by finding something to give you as a present, but I screwed up big time."
Liam: "I really can't do anything, can I?"
Kate: "That's not true."
Kate: "I'm really happy. Thank you so much, Liam."
Liam: "Katie."
Kate: "Besides, what makes me most happy is always right in front of me."
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Liam: "Right in front of you?"
Kate: "It's you, Liam."
Kate: "Having you by my side like this is what makes me smile."
Liam: "........."
Liam: "Ah, geez."
Liam: "I really can't hold a candle to you."
Liam hugged me tightly and rested his chin on my head.
The gesture, laced with happiness and a hint of embarrassment, was so endearing that it made me smile.
Kate: "Don't leave me this time, okay? When I wake up, we'll search for it together."
Liam: "Is it okay if I take that as an order to stay with you when you're sleeping?"
Kate: "Okay."
Liam: "Cute."
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Liam: "Okay. I'll do everything I can to fulfill your wish."
Liam: "But I may not be able to keep that promise just for tonight."
Kate: "Huh?"
Liam: "I'm not planning on letting you sleep anymore, sweetie."
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➟ Collection Event Masterlist
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cornertheculprit · 2 years
one thing i rarely ever see mentioned is maya's disillusionment with the fey clan over the course of trials and tribulations as well as her own struggles with the idea of becoming the master. it's first mentioned near the middle of the stolen turnabout, where phoenix mentions maya hasn't been back to kurain village in a "long time" (which is the same way he refers to the last time he saw mia, implying that maya hasn't been back to the village since before 2-4):
Phoenix: (Now that I think about it... Maya hasn't been back to Kurain Village in a long time...)
and then, at the end of the stolen turnabout, mia says this:
Mia: I'm just joking, Phoenix. Don't take everything so seriously. But on the other hand, Maya... She seems kind of lost these days.
Phoenix: You mean about becoming the Master of the Kurain Channeling School?
Mia: Becoming the Master... means saying goodbye to our mother.
and it becomes even more apparent in bits and pieces throughout recipe for turnabout, though it isn't obvious at first because it's the type of dialogue you only get when you present profiles and other things:
Maya: Well, I'm kind of taking a break... I'm having a bit of trouble right now, you know?
Phoenix: (Last year's incident must still be on her mind... I haven't seen Maya train at all since that time. I think Mia said it's because Maya's at a loss these days...)
Armstrong: You 'ave la perfect face for a waitress, you know.
Maya: Um, thanks. I guess if things don't work out someday, then maybe I'll be back.
Phoenix: (What things? Is she talking about her being a spirit medium...?)
and then it culminates near the end of bridge to the turnabout, where she outright states that she wants nothing more to do with they fey clan:
Godot: ...Witness, please tell us your name and profession.
Maya: Maya Fey. My profession is... Umm... I'm the assistant manager at Wright & Co. Law Offices.
Phoenix: (Maya...)
Judge: According to the magazine I have here... ...you're a spirit medium of the Kurain Channeling Technique...
Maya: ... I... I'm frightened. The Fey clan... I don't want any more to do with it.
Phoenix: (Oh, Maya... The pain the Fey bloodline causes must be unbearable...)
and it's something that makes me question her decision to keep training to be the master, because the end of bridge to the turnabout outright states that the reason maya is staying so chipper and happy is because she's trying to be strong for pearl. which is understandable! and at the end, all phoenix and maya are trying to do is cheer pearl up, which ultimately leads to this:
Phoenix: This is a day to remember. A day when a lot of things were finally put to rest. I think we should celebrate what we've overcome today.
Pearl: B-But... I-I still can't...
Bikini: ...Oh, go on, sweetie. You can come back for training anytime.
Pearl: Um... OK!
Maya: Alright! I'm going to make a brand new start, too! Sister Bikini! I'll be back for more training! I promise!
Bikini: I know, and I won't go easy on you just because you're the future Master. I'll make sure to prepare reservations for three for when you come back! Wa ha ha ho ho ho hee hee hee!
Maya: Alright! We're going to have a great feast today, Pearly. You know why? Because training is a battle of endurance!
Pearl: OK, Mystic Maya! I... I'll eat lots and lots of food tonight!
maya puts on a determined face and says that she's going to make a "brand new start" and then proceeds to say that she's going back into training and that pearl should too—she's still in the process of actively attempting to coax pearl out of her sad shell and help put a smile back on her face after everything that's happened. more than that, the entire endgame of morgan's plan was to put pearl in the master's seat instead of maya even if it would lead to pearl being miserable, and god knows all maya wants is for pearl to be happy. so it makes me think that maya, being the self-sacrificing person she is, really only wants to become the master so that pearl won't have to. there are other factors of course (the burden of misty and mia's legacies, for one) but i think pearl is her main motivation. she wants her little cousin to smile again and if that means smiling herself and taking on the burden of the master then so be it. even if she wants nothing more to do with the fey clan anymore. someone's gotta do it and it might as well be her.
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carl-grimes-fav-wife · 7 months
You and me Always, Forever Part 1 Carl Grimes x Female reader
THESE AREN'T MY CHARACTERS THEY ARE FROM THE WALKING DEAD SHOW Warnings: Blood, Mention of death, Cursing, Reader calling Daryl daddy (non sexual way he's her father you fool). N/n stands for nickname TEXT MEANING Purple: Y/n speaking Blue: Carl speaking Green: Other characters speaking Red: Sexual content/Topic Pink + Italics: Thoughts TIME PERIOD: END OF SEASON 3- START OF SEASON 4 Requested: No
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He stood there. The boy that had been my best friend since the beginning of this whole shit show. Maggie was holding his newborn baby sister covered in blood. Rick was crying and screaming. But the only thing I was focused on was Carl. The poor boy had just lost his mom and his father wasn’t really comforting him. I was debating on whether or not to hug him. I ended up deciding to hug him. I ran over to him and wrapped my arms around him. “I’m so sorry Carl. I’m so, so sorry.” I said. He just stood there for a minute before hugging me back. “I-I killed her- I- I killed my mom, y/n…” I started to stroke his hair. “You did what you had to Carl. It’s not your fault. You’re not a bad person .” He just kept crying. I felt awful. His father went into the section Lori had died in. “Shh it’ll be okay Carl…”
A few weeks later Daryl and Maggie had just recently gotten back from getting baby supplies. I was sitting in Carl's cell with him with his baby sister. "She's really cute. You pick a name out yet?" "Yeah I guess she is... And no not yet" "Oh shit dads back. You good if I leave for a little bit? My dad just got back and-“ Carl had cut me off “JUST STOP Y/N! I'M NOT A BABY, I'M FINE TO BE BY MYSELF!” “I-I’m sorry I didn’t mean to make it seem like I thought you were... Never mind. I'll talk to you later Carl." I said walking off. "He just needs time to cool off... This is a lot for him. After all were still just kids." I took a few minutes before I went to find my dad. Once I did find him I walked over to him and hugged him. "HI daddy! Welcome back. I have a question. Do you think Carl will ever be happy again?" "Eventually. Yer just gotta give the kid some time. Alright, Pumpkin?" My dad said, hugging me back and kissing my forehead. "Okay daddy. Thank you." "Course pumpkin. I'd do anythin for ya sweetie. I'm gonna go check on Rick. Justa make sure Carl's alright?" "Okay daddy. Cya later!" I said running off to check on my bestfriend. "Cya sweetheart."
A few months later "I hate her Carl! Ugh why did my dad have to bring her back here!" I said pacing back and forth in Carl's cell. "I dunno. What's so bad about her I think she's sorta nice." He said while laying on his bed "Carl! You're supposed to be on MY side! She's so annoying I hate her. I dunno why my dad even likes her she's not even that pretty." I stopped to look at him "You don't know for sure if he even likes her. She JUST got here. He's just being nice. I dunno what you want me to say Y/n." He looked over at me "Just listen I guess? You're my best friend. And he definitely does like her. I mean c'mon when is Daryl nice to anyone? Plus its not like you're happy with your dad either. After he let the governors people in." "But Y/n he found her. It's different. I wouldn't think to much about it. But anyways. You talk a lot. And you talk with your hands a lot" "Rude. And I do not!" "Its the truth n/n" "Whatever." "C'mon Y/nnnn don't be like that." "Ill do whatever I want." "You're cute when you're upset." "What?" "Nothing" "Carl I actually didn't hear you- whatever." I said sitting next to his bed "I'll tell you someday. Promise." He put his hat on my head and I smiled. "I'll hold you to that then, Grimes." "I know you will. Dixon." ----------------------------------- It had only been a few weeks since I had that conversation with Carl. We both thought things would get better. But boy, were we wrong. The governor had attacked again. Hershel died. Michonne almost died. I got separated from Carl. I thought the world was as shitty as it could get before but no. Without him everything seemed way worse. I was constantly worried if he was alive or not. I hope he was. I dunno what I'd do if I never saw him and his pretty blue eyes again. I'd probably die. This is all so weird. Before the apocalypse being friends with a boy would be weird. But now a boy's my best friend. And to make this whole shit show better when I got separated I also stuck with Valerie. I'm pretty sure my dad likes her. He acts like it. All I want is to just see my dad and Carl again. That's all I care about. They're all I care about. I will admit she can keep me alive. Sort've. But how long till she can't? ----------------------------------- Carl's POV No. No. I wish this was a all just a bad dream. But it wasn't. In the span of a few months I lost my mom, sister, and bestfriend. I used to think girls had cooties but now? Now I don't think their all that bad. I mean hell my bestfriends a girl. Probably the nicest and prettiest girl I've ever seen but that doesn't matter. What matters is making sure she didn't die. The only thing really stopping me from that is my dad. God I hate saying that but after we left the prison he was so beat up. He's trying but he's really starting to piss me off. He's acting as if he's stronger than me. He usually is but with the condition his in right now. He's practically useless. I get he's trying to protect me cause I'm his son and he just lost his daughter but still. I'm not a baby anymore and I don't need him treating me like one. He's doing an okay job taking care and protecting me now. But how long till he can't? ----------------------------------- Y/ns POV
Holy shit. It's him. It's actually him. I didn't think I'd ever see him again. I didn't know I could be this happy to see someone. HOLY SHIT. Dad was with them too?! I started crying. I was so happy. But dad didn't seem to notice me. He ran right to Valerie. Saying I was pissed and hurt was an understatement. But if he wanted to hug her first I would hug Carl first. I ran over to Carl and he ran to me and we hugged each other. "I thought I'd never see you again." "I didn't think I'd ever see you again ever either... Oh my god I love you so much Y/n. I lost Judith and I thought I lost you. I wouldn't be able to live with both of you gone. God I love you so much." I pulled away from him and looked at him. Still somewhat hugging. "Wait- Judith- she's? You love me?" "Yeah... I don't really wanna talk about it... And of course I do. You mean a lot to me." "I dunno what to say Carl... I love you too." "You do?" "Yeah... Yeah I do." "Good." He kissed my cheek and hugged me again. "I'd do anything for you, Y/n."
----------------------------------- I hoped you enjoyed! Sorry if it wasn't the best it's my first fanfic! Part two should be up soon!
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flatbstanley · 2 months
Thursday, 4:45 PM - Claire Newton's Home, Chestnut Ridge
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Justin: So, how do you make the horse do what you want her to do?
Claire: I can’t make her do anything. All I can do is ask her nicely. But she's a sweetie - I usually don't have any trouble. Want to try riding her?
Justin: …No, no, that’s okay.
Claire: Someday we should go to Daddy’s place. He and my sister have a whole herd of horses so we could ride together.
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Justin: Speaking of your dad, I know he’s a big player in real estate around here. Would he be able to help me find a bigger place at a good price? The court is being ridiculous—saying I can’t see my kids even for a weekend because my place is too small.
Claire: Daddy says the prices are going to keep going up because of all the people moving out here. I can only afford this house because he rents it to me at a big discount. How much more space do you need?
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Justin: Enough for every kid to have their own bed. I thought sleeping bags would be okay, but apparently they're delicate little snowflakes who can't rough it even a little bit.
Claire: Well…would a bunk room work?
Justin: A bunk room?
Claire: Let me show you.
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Claire: Lots of the houses around here have upstairs rooms like this. Daddy says they were built as vacation homes — it’s a way to have a lot of guests without needing too many extra bedrooms. There’s a bathroom attached and everything. This would be okay for the kids, wouldn’t it?
Justin: You are just the sweetest, Claire. Really, you are. But if my kids and I stayed here, even just for weekends, people might think we were…well, cohabitating. And I certainly don’t want to lead you into the near occasion of sin.
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Claire: But I’d just be doing you a favor. You could sleep on the murphy bed in my office if it bothers you.
Justin: Well…let me ask Father Crane about this. He’s a godly man — you’d like him. Perhaps he’ll say that my duties as a father outweigh any other issues.
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Claire: Okay! Well, if you do have your kids stay here, I'll spruce things up a little bit. It’ll be so cute! And it will be such good content for my channel — having a big family in a small space is a something a lot of Catholic moms might want advice on….
[A/N: The horse's name is Shiloh and she is an unproblematic queen.]
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then-be-a-warrior · 3 months
It's June 11th.
It's officially been a year since my dad passed away. So I'm gonna make this post about him.
He was the sweetest man on the planet. He always told me how proud he was of me and he always called me "sweetie pie".
Whenever he told me he loved me, he would put emphasis on the "love" part. Like before we would hang up the phone, he would say:
"And *insert my name*? I love you so so so much." I'm not even exaggerating. He would say it like that.
He passed away a week before Father's Day. Heart attack. We planned on seeing a movie and going out to eat like we usually do. I let him pick where we would go. But we never actually got to do it this time.
Sometimes I don't think he knew how much I loved him. I feel like I didn't show it as much as I should've.
But when he died, I had a dream about him that same night. I was walking in a carnival (idk lol) with my friend, and we looked over at a bench and I saw someone who looked like my dad. I said to my friend "I think that's my dad...they told me he died though...?" So I walked over and it was him! Just to make sure, I grabbed his shoulder and asked "daddy?" (That's what I always called him. For as long as I've been alive I've never been able to call him 'dad' lol.) He turned and smiled at me. I gave him the BIGGEST imaginary hug my mind could attempt. And I started crying. He hugged back and he said "I'm okay. I'm doing okay." And that's how we stayed until I woke up.
To this day, I've never had another dream about him. And believe me I've been trying.
I'm 23 years old. I'll always be upset that we can't see each other get older. But I know I'll see him again someday in the far future. And it'll be a real hug.
R.I.P. Daddy.
I really love you, too.
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