#i'll figure it out with time ofc but this is a little tormenting
razberrybones · 1 month
not agere but i think being called bubba would heal me
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byanyan · 6 months
I've talked a fair amount about how byan has been bullied and hurt by teachers in the past (& how they'd hit their limit and seek drastic revenge, in some cases), but I've never really talked much about how byan has also bullied and outright tormented teachers for themself... like yeah, it's definitely because they don't trust teachers or authority figures in general due to their past experiences, but that doesn't mean that their 9th grade math teacher deserved to feel afraid for his own safety or that their 10th grade biology teacher should have been so stressed that she retired early. byan has been done dirty by a lot of people in their life but they've also been a genuine menace to others who gave them no real reason to be, and they have taken enjoyment in it in a lot of cases.
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im rewatching Moon Knight while I embroider, so I figured why not post about it!! I still haven't unlocked the gif ability everyone on here seems to have, so I'm just gonna have to describe everything without proof. this is gonna be an in depth, long, and rambly post, so you can read the rest after the cut if you'd like!!
episode 1: the goldfish problem
so a lot of this episode is establishing Steven and the situation that he's in. it's kinda sad cuz on the surface level, he has a nice life. he's got a job, a big flat, he calls his mom pretty often. but when you look deeper it gets sadder. the main thing that sticks out is how lonely Steven is
JB doesn't know his name, the only person he can talk to is a statue person that doesn't respond back, his boss is mean. he's so lonely in fact that he accepts a date with a person he doesn't really know to a STEAK HOUSE.
(I have my own theory about how that was Jake who was trying to be nice and get a date for Steven?? maybe?? bc it's highly unlikely that marc, who has a wife, would do that. and even if you tried to argue that marc did it for Steven, why would he then go and make him miss it?? plus, I'm certain he knows that Steven is a vegan. which also makes you wonder why Jake didn't notice that detail, but I digress)
(side note number two, Steven is good with kids and I'll die on that hill. the scene where he's explaining things about mummification to that little girl?? answering her questions patiently and excitedly?? yeah, he's a hit with them, I promise you. and not just when he's talking about his Special Interest. also the foreshadowing of that girl asking him if it sucked to get rejected from the field of reeds?? I'm sickkkk)
and ofc, there's the main issue of steven falling asleep in his bed and waking up in the middle of nowhere without a clue as to how he got there. I'd like to take a second to commend Stevens intelligence here!! anke restraints, sand around the bed, tape on the door?? I would never even think of these things.
either way, none of it works and he wakes up in the middle of goddamn nowhere, injured and hurting at that!! (even if khonshu fixed it, he still sounded like he was in pain for a while there). people are shooting at him, he's so so desperately trying to give this strange man (who he just witnessed kill a woman mind you) the beetle but he can't, and all the while a strange voice is berating him every two seconds. again kudos to Steven bc I could never. I would have been crying the moment I heard the gunshots.
(Jake theory again. I'm so certain that a lot, if not all of the car stuff was Jake. I love marc, but I refuse to believe he could manage those car skills, while shooting at ppl, while on the a narrow road of a fucking mountain. nahhhh that was all my boy Jake)
(also note that when Steven first woke up in the grass after Marc?? jumped and fell fourish stories?? khonshu called him a worm. and then further specified and called him "the idiot." I firmly believe that khonshu calls Steven AND Jake worms/parasites, it's just that Stevens the idiot and Jakes the competent one ig)
and waking up after all of that like nothing happened must have been so frustrating. I know Marc was just trying to protect him, but instead Stevens just being gaslighted and facing psychological warfare. so everywhere he goes he's faced with signs that he might be crazy or he might not be. ex: gus suddenly having one fin, the time being wrong, Marc appearing in the mirror and talking to him completely unhelpfully, khonshu FUCKING TORMENTING HIM FOR NO REASON, but also the burner phone he found, harrow being real, and the dog creature I can't remember the name of!!
so much of this episode was Steven being scared and unhappy and overwhelmed and it makes me sad!! he's so precious and sweet, he doesn't deserve to be going thru any of that.
(also I'm never ever gonna get over the cinematography and thematics of the mirrors in the museum bathroom. first of all mirrors cool. second, the hints at his multiplicity thru the infinite images of the bathroom, but with Marc in only one of the reflections. I'm gonna be fucking sick)
so yeah!! those are most of my thoughts. I know that pictures and gifs are a huge part of making a post Not Boring and I'm gonna use them as soon as I learn how istg
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mono-blogs-art · 3 years
okay okay, so how about that send me a fandom blorbo thingy for bandori
(i figure somebody else will ask about revstar but rest assured i wanna know your revstar blorbos as well)
okay i finally got time to properly sit down and reply SORRY FOR THE WAIT (also ur the only person who asked so i'll just do both <3)
Bandori (Bang Dream! franchise)
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most): you know it's Lisa you all know this
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped): I want to say Yukina but probably only my very specific fanon interpretation of her (none gender left beef). So I'll go with Hagumi instead
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave): KASUMI KASUMI KASUMI also Ako (and by extension Meguchi but we're not doing seiyuu)
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week): Pareo... every time we have a Pareo cameo in Pasupare concerts I'm like look <3<3<3 THERE SHE IS
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave): Sayo is the most poor meow meow but in a non-pathetic way (formerly pathetic). CHU2 however is a meow meow AND pathetic and a loser and I love her
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason): Kaoru for sure
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell): Hina but because I want to see her beat up satan and get away with it
Revue Starlight
(This one will be a lot harder because they have less characters and many of them fit into multiple categories so I'll try to keep it simple)
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most): Gotta be Claudine I'm predictable I love one obnoxious Frenchwoman
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped): Mahiru but also Futaba for that baby butch
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave): KAREN ALL THE WAY.... WHAT IS IT WITH THE FANDOM HATING HER SM-- (I get dragged out the courtroom before I can escalate the situation)
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week): I'm allowing myself to include stage play characters so. Literally all the faves. Souda-sensei. Yakumo-sensei. Yacchan. Sakura. The funky first years from Growth. I will die for them. Also ofc can't forget Amemiya and Masai who thankfully got their justice in the movie
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave): I know everyone expects me to say Nana or Fumi or another super angsty character and you're right! But the number 1 poor little meow meow for me is Hikari sorry she cried in the movie and it made me cry too
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason): Yachiyo is the prime example of this but I'll say Kaoruko
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell): Nana and Maya, obviously
Send me a fandom and I’ll tell you my...
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noa-ciharu · 2 years
X for the fandom ask 💕💕
X reduced 10 years from my lifespan. I just, love it so much ❤
Blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most): Subaru is all time fave. I adore how complex he is and how much he changed during TB and X. I have to stop here otherwise I'll never shut up about him. Also the more he suffers the more beautiful he gets. That's apparently Clamp's axiom, because look at Fai and Kamui. Yue is the only one who got away with it angst free. Also got angel wings as a bonus, and a caring bf. Kamui also got wings but bat ones. About bf.... yea. Nowdays I sometimes think about Kamui and Fuuma, mostly because I'm trying to figure out what sort of tragedy was going on there. The more I think about theories the more catastrophical it gets. No way X ending would be Disney one, probably so brutal we collectively would never recover.
Scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped): there is no sin free character in X. Closest we can get is Yuzuriha, god forbid something actually happened to her. And Inuki ofc, i always wanted a real dog like husky but got stuck up with cat-alike toy poodle. I adore Arashi too. Kotori as well, how is her hair curly naturally like that? Rly cute girl such terrible fate but then again if she survived and saw what her brother turned antichrist did to her middle school crush she'd be climbing back up that cross herself. Karen is so shaped character tho, beautiful fire women with pure heart, god bless 👀🙏🔥 women in this series of disaster gays are a blessing
Scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave): okay X is not only sort of underground stuff but also 30 years old so I'd say all characters except Seishirou, Subaru and Kamui are underrated to some degree. Especially Sorata, Arashi and Fuuma since they're main cast too. Those two are actually my fav mlw clamp couple. I hope they'd get 'happy' ending but they already have the 'original sin' of X (losing sight of yourself due to love for other, sacrificing yourself somehow thus hurting loved one in process), so I doubt that would happen. Fuuma tho, he's such an intresting and complex 'antagonist' to explore and hot but I rarely see people talking about him. Also from the rest I rly like Karen, Yuzuriha and Nataku in that last chapter with Karen (that "I was never treated as human being" conection between them got to me okay? ;-;). Also I once included Yuuto as bypass character in fic so he kinda grew up on me since then, even if there's not much to his character.
Glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week): literally Seishirou but not solely because I adore him, but because he'd either do some weird stuff like chilling on top of churches while stalking people or cringe like disappearing as sakura petals to impress (Subaru was, Kamui wasn't in slightest. You know who is more objective there) or meme worthy like being kinkshamed by Fuuma. " There's nothing between me and Subaru-kun, we just made a foolish bet long time ago" - yea sure, wait till Fuuma plucks his eye out, what about then?
Poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave): Seishirou invented problematic faves and Fuuma joined in step. Kamui from beginning of series is poor little meow meow, he hisses at like.... everyone and then destroys a building, all in manga's first chap while there are bishonen sparkles in the background. If it weren't for Arashi he would have killed a guy back then. He was even like "where are you taking my prey?" at her. What are you, a vampire? Nevermind, wrong series. Then he softened but at cost of Clamp torturing him. Also the potential Sakurazukamori!Subaru has as fave that does atrocities because he's forced to but at same time totally isn't - it's unparalleled.
Horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason): I dont even have to choose a character, Clamp already tortures all of then for fun. Nobody is spared, they even made Keiichi suffer by killing his family and his one-sided crush on Kamui. Sorry Keiichi try rougher approach next time. So I'd say Subaru since he hasn't had a hour of happiness in a decade or Kamui cuz... well whole X, but there's a special brand of "hehehe so much for indifferent now huh?" in making Seishirou "I have no emotions, breaking a glass cup, your arm, what's the difference?" Sakurazuka catch feelings after so long and going from 😎 to 💀 ( and then ☠ quiet literally, what an icon)
Eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell): I'm sending Seishirou to superhell for everything he did but also for going around in public like this:
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If I ran into this on street, I wouldn't cross to the other side of street, I'd move to other side of country.
Also let's send Kakyou and Hinoto to superhell for being cryptic, poetic and never straightforward enough to say things like "yooo Kamui if you do that and that, this and that would happen. Boy look in the attic for your common sense it's gotta be somewhere". Kamui would pack his trauma and bolt out of Tokyo first morning train and we wouldn't be here on 19 years hiatus. And 30 years worth of trauma.
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marshieee · 4 years
✨Haikyuu boys as your brother series✨
You had your second date and your brother figured it out. How will they react?
A/N: Chapter 2 of my "Reacting on your blind date". Warning many errors cuz i'm still learning. Check out the first part of this in my masterlist.
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You would come up to him while he's trying to cover up his face with a menu
"Tooru nii-san"
"Tooru nii-san"
You would ask him to leave so you can continue your date BUT BOI AS IF TOORU OIKAWA WOULD LET U DO THAT. He will in the most over dramatic voice with a British accent.
"My! y/n! I didn't expect to see you here what a surprise! i was planning to have my lunch but i didn't know that you and this..... Cheap looking man is also having a lunch here!"
Believe me he would say that max volume, he was attracting a lot of customer and since this bitch is used to attention cause duh he's oikawa he didn't even feel a pinch of embarrassment.
While on the other hand you and kagayema is so embarrassed you wanted to say you didn't know this man this man is crazy.
"I see that you're already done with your lunch date so let's go home y/n darling"
"Come on now"
"Wha--wait! What about kage--argh nii-san! Stop pulling me!"
You were dragged yes, HE.WILL.DRAG.YOU and he will strut his way out feeling victorious.
While you were dragged kageyama will be there not surprised ofc he's expecting oikawa would do that, so basically he's just waving at you with a side smile.
Feeling dejected because your flat ass brother just ruined your date you received a text from kageyama.
It looks like our date was cut off huh? If your ok with it i would like to continue our date, we don't have practice tomorrow so maybe i could go get you after school? There's gonna be a opening of a new sweet shop we could go check it out. What do you say?
Maybe this date wasn't a fail after all.
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He would probably come walking towards you two with a sinister aura surrounding him.
But oikawa being a bitch he would prolly carry you bridal style and starts running away.
"Let's runaway y/n-chan"
You're scared for oikawa's life cause you wouldn't know what will happen if he caught you two.
Punch him? Like maybe two times? Murder him
As soon as the both of them are tired iwaizumi will take this chance to snatch you away from oikawa's arms.
"Iwa-chan didn't i told you it's rude to sta--"
SLAP, yes you read it right iwaizumi just slapped oikawa in front of you. Your reaction would probably be like.
"Iwa-chan what was that for?"
"Try to do this again i'm gonna shove a volleyball in your throat"
"Yes sir iwaizumi sir!"
And after that there was no third date heck you didn't even had the chance to talk to oikawa cause iwaizumi would KILL.
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It is what it is.
He would not really drag you tho he'll just come up to you two and look at you guys. Judging .
"Ara~ i never thought you're into this hinata"
"Geh! Tsukishima y-you wanna fight huh?"
"And out of all people you decide to choose my little sister"
"Sister?..........EHHHH LITTLE SISTER?!"
Let's just say hinata doesn't know that you and tsukishima are practically siblings even tho it's so obvious when you introduced yourself. Tsukishima y/n
"You're really stupid aren't you?"
"What did you say?!"
You can't help but look at hinata cause he's adorable bickering with your tall very tall brother. But you gotta stop this rn.
"Alright ok haha nii-san let's go home"
This fucker.
"No no let me see how hinata FLIRT"
Oh this fucker he really enjoys to torment people. He won't move an inch even if you push or pull him, he's pole, a salty steady fucking pole.
He would loveeeeee to see how hinata flirt with you so he can tease him more. But that doesn't mean he would let you two continue your date.
Seeing hinata at practice and at school is already enough for him but having hinata as your boyfriend?! He would rather be short than that.
It took awhile but you two got home safe not sound cause tsukishima keep on rambling how funny hinata is or how stupid he is or how dumb you are and he'll never let that happen cause he doesn't want hinata as your boyfriend.
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He would march up to you two and would have a glaring contest with oikawa.
"Nee-san let's go"
"Ara tobio-chan as you can see we're not finished with our date YET"
"Well OIKAWA-SAN for your information i'm her little brother"
As much as you like to see tobio getting flustered and all and being super protective, you gotta stop these cause who knows what will happen.
But before you could stop them they started to bicker.
"I'm better than you in volleyball"
"Well i'm a better setter than you oikawa-san"
"Just being a setter but overall i'm better than you"
You really don't know what's going on it's like you're watching a kitten hissing at a cat as well a cat hissing back at the kitten.
You find it lowkey adorable.
It was hard but you manage to break the two and convinced tobio to go home already but before you do you patted oikawa's shoulder and said.
"Maybe next time, i'll text you when i'm free"
Boi that made oikawa happy and after that kageyama received a message from oikawa.
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