#i'll defend every woman in this game until i die they all get way more hate than any of them deserve
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spacedlexi · 1 year ago
ok i wanna get your opinion on a sort of fan indifferent character, so what do you think about kate garcia?
personally i felt like she was an alright character, but like gabe, she has such stupid moments that are so unnecessary 😭 that whole family is a clusterfuck and then she just makes it worse in the most intense moment. i get u hate ur husband (understandably) and u and javi were stuck together for years, but thats still his brother 💀
kate also gets too much hate. i like her enough. yeah she can be a little annoying but nothing Too bad. the worst thing she does is start the fight in the garage. there are more annoying characters. shes more of a plot device than anything like she exists to create conflict
and i dont care about the david thing. like i'll romance her i dont care. ive done both. my only actual issue with it is that she doesnt break things off with david first. she doesnt even take the ring off until after he dies 💀 but david gets mad anyway even if you dont romance her so why not SHDKJSDK like might as well give him something to get mad at. and her and javi are cute enough. i dont think they Intended to have feelings for each other it just kinda happened naturally and then suddenly david was back in their lives. its messy on purpose. just have fun with it
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thehetrophobe · 6 months ago
Go ahead and wave your pride flags while the enemies close in on us.
Go ahead and sing all about positivity while the enemies make more anti-gay bills.
Go ahead and think "not all straight people" while they call you slurs when you're away.
Go ahead and try on more clothes while the enemies work fruitfully to ensure your death.
This post is directly for the queers that defend straight people.
It only takes ONE mistake, one slip-up and the Defaults will show you who they truly are. Talk back at them, stand up to them, act out of line. When they want to hurt you, it's your queerness they'll attack.
Not your fat ass or massive forehead or stupidity or whatever it is that makes you human. It's that gay side in you the Defaults will come after.
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Take a look at what's happening in Ghana.
Defaults are using the cover of family to attack you. Does this mean gay kids aren't part of the family? Does this mean gay parents can't have a family? No, they're simply trying to tell you that DEFAULTS ARE THE ONLY ONES CAPABLE OF HAVING A FAMILY.
A Default grows up surrounded by his kind. Because of this, his mind is small, narrowed, typical. He expects everything to continue to remain the way he sees it.
Man marries woman, woman gets pregnant, she gives birth, happy family.
So what happens the second he sees anything different from this pattern?
I think you know the answer.
There's a switch in Defaults that flip over when they see something that doesn't imitate them. It comes with them right from birth and it stays. Some of them, a few, have succeeded in depressing it, but it never truly goes away. Many of us queers have been at their mercy.
You don't know how fucking strange homophobia is.
These Defaults are telling you to your face that YOU SHOULD NOT EXIST. They are destroying movies and books and games that hold any queer elements. They are throwing people like you off roofs. They are disowning kids that show the slightest hint of being gay. They are fucking killing us.
Yet all we are doing is organizing pride parades. Laughing. Holding hands and singing Kumbaya. When will we realize that the Defaults will not rest untill every last one of us is gone? When is the time to take up arms?
Shall we wait untill they are at our doorstep before we recognise love will not solve anything? Shall we wait untill our bridges are filled with gay teens waiting to jump off? Shall we wait untill the streets are chocked with the bodies of disowned gay kids? Shall we wait untill even our own gay members start to kill other gay people?
If you want to dye your hair in peace, or wear those feminine/masculine clothes or skip on the sidewalk without fear of harassment, or hold hands and kiss in public, or go on dates without being afraid that some Default might stab you, PREPARE FOR WAR.
Look at history! Every single story, every single poem, every single thing is dedicated solely to them. They wiped out every queer story, they plucked out the gay characters. They hate you, they keep on saying this to your face, but you insist on giving them a hug.
Sooner or later, you will have to wake up. And when you do, I'll be here.
"Live free or die". ✊
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fallenrepublick · 4 years ago
Chiss triangle because you already know the game
We know the drill: you're with Thrawn, he's with you, Thrass wishes he was with you, you care for Thrass, and Thrawn isn't thrilled by whatever Thrass has got going on for you.
On some level, Thrass understands what he feels isn't ideal. Not that he's ashamed of loving you, no, just the opposite - He's afraid of loving you so much that it will forever impact his life negatively, knowing he might never get to be with you and feeling his heart break every time you and Thrawn accomplish another milestone together. It's not like he can take himself out of the picture since he's family, and essentially in charge of making sure Thrawn stays in line as far as work is concerned, nor would he want to. Any time with you is better than none at all. Still, he knows it would be best to at least try to move on from these feelings. He knows he'd die for you, but if he's ever going to be there for anyone, he needs to keep himself in check.
So, he decides to date around in his own circles, a little embarrassed by the fact that at one time he'd have any of these women on his arm just for appearance's sake, to compliment his own career. It would be hard to transition back to the same mindset he had before he fell in love with you, but for both your sakes, he was willing to try. He meets a fellow politician who seems nice enough - she's poised, elegant, intelligent, and knows what she wants. In the eyes of the Ascendancy, they'd be an ideal couple. That's good enough for him, he guesses.
Things go relatively well during the first month of their Chiss-typical courtship, and a family dinner is arranged with you and Thrawn. He knows he doesn't love her yet, and maybe he never would, but maybe this step was necessary to finally start breaking free. He doesn't mention much about you to her out of fear that she'd pick up on his feelings for you, so he doesn't say much other than you're his brother's significant other and what your profession is. In doing so, he neglects to mention that you're human.
The first thing she does upon seeing you is laugh into her palm and whisper to Thrass, "Is this some kind of joke?" to which he replies, "What are you talking about?" and she quickly realizes it isn't. How how the mighty Mitth have fallen, to allow their members to bring home trash from lesser space. It was unthinkable. She doesn't care to hide the mild distain on her face during the introductions, which doesn't go unnoticed by any of you, however, her snide remarks throughout the entire night indicated that didn't matter to her.
Thrass's brows knit tighter and tighter with every passing minute, seeing that although you're defending yourself quite well and minding your manners, her sharp words are subtly affecting you. Everything boils over for him when she shifts all her attention on Thrawn and asks him how you two met. He calmly tells the story, all but unaware of her politically-attuned reasons for asking, and she hums in response. "I see. If I may ask, is that even allowed?" She glares at you as though you were roadkill in a dress, not hiding her disgust in the slightest, "Does she have all her shots? Do you keep her indoors?"
Thrass bangs his fist on the table and immediately rises up from his seat, shooting a death glare her way when he asks her for a word in private. As they leave, you let out a sigh and lower your head.
"I'm going to excuse myself to the balcony," you whisper to Thrawn.
"Would you like me to join you?" he asks with a knowing care in his voice, and you agree to abscond with him. He wraps you lightly in his arms once you're both situated on a bench, ready to listen to your heart's concerns.
"I can't believe Thrass would fall for someone like that," you begin, "I really thought he was more..."
"Selective?" Thrawn guessed, and you nodded. He holds you a little closer, "Perhaps. My guess is that he wasn't aware of her prejudices. If my intuition is correct, she was mainly a distraction for him."
"A distraction?"
He raises a subtle eyebrow at you and smiles, charmed by your naivety. "In any case, I doubt we'll be seeing her again."
Before you can inquire further, Thrass steps out onto the balcony disheveled and alone. He looks to you and Thrawn, who gets up and whispers once he's at Thrass's ear, "You can apologize to me by covering dinner. You'll have to suffer more than that for her."
Thrass shoves his paycard into Thrawn's already-open palm and responds with a solemn look as if to say "I know" before Thrawn exits back through the corridor. Your eyes meet, and he moves to stand at your side, the epitome of guilt.
"I don't-, I'm so-, I can't believe-," he sighs, finally getting a grip on himself, "I apologize for everything you endured tonight. I never would have brought her had I known she'd be such a-"
"It's okay, Thrass," you interrupt calmly, "Really. I'm used to it."
The implications of your words melted his countenance into something pitiful, the realization that this wasn't a new occurrence for you breaking his heart. It didn't really occur to him that you likely were faced with disapproving looks and snarky comments nearly every day you interacted with the Chiss, since he himself had never seen you as anything less than perfect. He sat down at your side, taking your hand cautiously in his.
"You didn't deserve that. ____, I want you to know that I've never in my life thought of you as..." he let his thought get lost, making himself aware of what was appropriate to say, "I think you're wonderful. Please don't let what you heard tonight give you a bad impression of me, because I-"
You brought the back of his hand to your lips and gave it a quick kiss, charmed at how dumbfounded he suddenly became. "I know, Thrass. Thank you for being, well, you. I really appreciate it."
His eyes lit up, a feeling of relief washing over him. "You forgive me?"
"Of course," you answered, pulling him into a hug. He tentatively rested a hand on your back, thinking of a way to break the silence once it had dragged on a little too long, before he'd become a little too comfortable and say something he couldn't take back, but you beat him to the punch as you pulled away.
"So, what did you say to her?"
He stroked the back of his neck nervously. "Uh, nothing that bears repeating."
"Oof, that bad?"
He chuckled, remembering the heated argument from only minutes before. That beautiful human is the love of my life, and I'll sooner destroy you before you even look at her ever again. That, coupled with plenty of insults and expletives. "Yeah. Needless to say, we broke up."
Your expression was thoughtful for a moment. "I'd say I'm sorry, but... I'm not." You smiled, relieved when he returned it with glee. "Are you okay?"
"I'm fine," he replied, "it's you I was more worried about."
He squeezed your hand, which hadn't left his the entire time, and you gave a reassuring squeeze back. A certain tension started to fill the air, and before you could acknowledge it, the sound of Thrawn clearing his throat from behind the both of you shook you out of it.
"I believe you have an early appointment tomorrow, Thrass."
He shuffled back onto his feet, backing away until he had both of you in view. "You're right. I suppose I should get going. Please enjoy the rest of your evening."
With that, he reverently gave a slight bow and strode out the way that Thrawn had stealthily came. You lover came and took the recently vacant seat next to you, setting an ornamentally-wrapped box between you both.
"What's that?" you asked.
"Dessert," Thrawn replied smugly, "courtesy of my brother."
You chuckled, leaning back into your rightful place in his arm. "You forgot to return his paycard."
"Did I?" He wondered aloud with no small amount of feinged surprise, holding it out in front of him. "Shame. I don't suppose there are any productions you've been wanting to see? Perhaps any jewelry you've been admiring?"
You gave him a good-natured slap on his wrist as you smiled. "I'm fine with dessert."
"As you wish, my love."
He was going to surprise you with something, anyway. Something expensive. It was the least Thrass could do, after all.
Think about it a second, do you really think that woman’s going to let Thrass get away with something like that? Chiss pride is a dangerous thing, and when crossed, can be fickle and vile to its victims.
And here, Thrass has crossed what he is soon made to regret. The woman goes to Thrawn, who’s obviously less than pleased to interact with her, but lets her speak regardless.
She tells him what Thrass said, everything so accurate to his personality, so reflective of how Thrawn knows him. Though her bitter demeanor gives him pause, he knows when someone is lying, and this... wasn’t it. The more the words circle around his head, the more he hates the knowledge that Thrass still can’t get over it.
It’s not his fault entirely. More often than not, it’s difficult to deny such strong feelings. And really, Thrawn has to at least give Thrass credit for trying. But that doesn’t change the fact that this ordeal may have only made it worse.
But Thrawn doesn’t tell you what his brother said, more for his own sake than Thrass’s, and only wants him to hurry up and seek out another distraction before he makes him. As long as he stays in a constant state of concern for himself, he won’t have the energy to pursue you. Thrawn’s certain of it.
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theirondragonrants · 6 years ago
8 Thoughts on GOT 8x02
BOY. Another week, another Game of Thrones. Here we go bitches.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, my girl is an ace and she's gonna defy all expectations with a smirk on her face. I'll never get over Sansa luring Daenerys into a false sense of security and would be friendship, only to hit her with the North issue. AMAZING. We love a smart babe.
Also,,, that Sansa and Theon reunion??? Bitch I cried. Nevermind that Daenerys finally showed some interest in where the Fuck™ an epic Pirate Queen Yara was, Theon barely acknowledged her.
He's here to fight for his fucking home, if Sansa will have him. AND YOU BET YOUR ASS SHE WILL.
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Sansa's been a rock, but sometimes even the strongest people have to crack.
2. Daenerys Targaryen, oh Daenerys.
I don't love Daenerys, I haven't loved and rooted for her in a very long time, but I understand why she went from "I love you Jon, let's have babies" to "I'm going to burn you alive if you don't bend the knee" in 0.2secs flat. She's grown so used to the people loving her by virtue of her granting them freedom, that when people question her rule and her decisions on their own grounds, she doesn't know what way is up. Sansa letting Jaime stay, Jorah defending Tyrion, Theon wanting to fight for Sansa and not her, she doesn't know it yet but Missandei and Grey Worm planning to leave once it's all over, all of these things are blows to her own view of her legitimacy.
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And here comes the only man whose word she trusts, whom she's likely given up everything for, and tells her that this thing she's worked so hard for isn't even hers. She raised an army and built a following because Viserys dying gave her the right to the throne, and Jon snatched it away without meaning to. She rightfully questions the source of the information, because it's a whole kingdom at stake. And she probably doesn't care that Jon doesn't even want the throne, by virtue of having a claim he's a threat and she has to be weary—that's the Game of Thrones.
Sam did call it though: Jon gave up a crown for her, would she do the same? I'm going to say no.
This girl, ridiculed for things she couldn't control decided to say fuck your rules and learnt how to fight, better than most men too. She's upheld the vows of knighthood and protected the people she's promised to serve, and done it so well that Lady Sansa I-trust-no-one Stark herself trusts her enough to vouch for the Kingslayer.
And Jaime Lannister freaking knighting her, in the face of tradition and anything anyone has to say, he gave her the only thing he could give her on what they think might be their last night. And she's so fucking happy? If you didn't at least tear up, you're a monster and that's the tea.
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Granted and I'm not the world's biggest shipper (of anything in GOT because I've learned to be weary of this fucking show). But SHIT son, this has been fucking years in the making and I'm here for it.
Also "I'm not the Red Woman, take your own bloody pants off" ARYA STARK SAID FEMINISM.
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5. Missandei and Grey Worm.
I don't have a lot to say about their scenes, few as they were, but I like that it takes them two being in Westeros for us to realize that have Black People not been invented in Westeros outside of Dorne?
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That aside, I love Grey Worm being the one to tell Missandei that they don't belong here. When the war is won and someone sits on the Throne, their place is not in Westeros because Westeros is full of pig headed traditionalists. Im also here for Grey Worm thinking beyond the war, about taking Missandei to Naath, just ugh my son.
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In the face of death and all of this, he finds the time to flirt with Brienne, tell the story of his name, AND SAY FEMINISM. Also, his friendship with Jon? We love Tormund and my man deserves the world.
7. We have to admire the Little Bear Lyanna Mormont every time she shows up. I don't love her idea of fighting anyways, because she might be a liability to the men trying to protect her, but dammit she's asking people to fight and die and she's gonna fight and die too. I love her.
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8. And now our watch begins
These boys have made it through hell and back. And here they are, fighting for Winterfell, shielding the realms of men. We love these three (and Grenn and Pip who deserved better but died like freaking heroes).
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I'm gonna end up making a Sansa appreciation post before the week is out, you watch.
Episode Score: 9.6/10
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pamiedrawnic-acid · 7 years ago
Re:Zero Review
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Ola! It's been a while since I made a review and I think this is the 4th time that I'll be reviewing an anime. Oh well, me reviewing something means this show is really amazing cause I got a lot of beautiful things to say about it. Yes, I only want to review things I've found beautiful because it's really not in my nature to rant about something since it's really tiring and I hate negative thoughts! 😆
Well, let's get down to the business, first things first, what's with Re:zero?
Re:zero or starting life in another world is what exactly the title tells us about. It's a story of a typical shut in guy who suddenly got into another world, with this story a game-like world, set in a medieval era, where magics were not a very unusual thing and where humans and humanoids live together. Fortunately, our protagonist, Subaru, was very fond of playing games so he had already an idea on how to start or how to literally "play the game." Such a generic story isn't it? It's supposed to be but it's actually not.
Normally, in such stories, the protagonist is supposed to have an unknown ability that will only be released when the situation calls for it. Most of the time it would later on revealed that the protagonist in an important part of the world, either a part of the royal blood, a saviour, a god etc. Also in some stories, there would even have a character who would appear in front of the protagonist and explain whatever is happening. Likewise with how Subaru expected it, I was also expecting for the same thing. However, what happened was really unexpected.
[SPOILERS ALERT] He died but then he was reset to his last save point; literally like a game. The difference was, he would not know where or when was his save point unless he would die and be reset. Also, this ability of him do not allow him to have any choice. Once he died, he would automatically go back and complete his mission, which he still needed to figure out. The only rule is that, he would die over and over unless he could solve the mystery or found the "happy ending." Thus, "quitting" was not an option.
At first I thought that it was such a very convenient ability. At least you'll have another chance, not just once but as many as you want until you find the happy ending. But as I moved to each episodes and as the story goes deeper I've realized that NO it's not very convenient.
Subaru can reset from death thus, if there was something not good happening with his life, with his friends or even with the kingdom, which would result to their deaths, then he was the only one who could change it. Imagine the pressure and the burden that he was carrying?!
Subaru did not have any choice but to go over and over into an ugly situation not until he could find the solution
Have you tried solving a math problem that needed you to go over from the scratch because you know somehere in between you made a mistake but can't find it so you have to do it again? Or a science experiment that ended in a bad result so you need to go back to procedure 1? A project, a drawing, or anything~ anything that you were doing but did not go well so you have no other choice but to do it again, over and over, not to mention that your only option was to finish it. Frustrating isn't it? Imagine how frustrated, irritated, desperate and tired Subaru was? Not to mention all the time he needed to go back just to witness the death/s of the people around him.
Lastly, [SPOILERS ALERT] Subaru's ability was actually a cursed from some witch, which he couldn't tell to anyone because everytime he tried to, the witch would squeezed his heart to the point that he could almost die. Out of desperation, he actually tried to tell it to someone but that someone died. Imagine how difficult it was for Subaru to face everything alone? No one could understand him not because he didn't want them to but because he COULDN'T. (cursed that witch I definitely wanted to tear her apart! 👹)
I've read a lot of comments from somewhere on how people disliked Subaru because he was a helpless, hopeless, useless boy. Because he did not have any special power or because he was weak. Well, after all he had been through, is he still useless?
Yes, he showed us the time when he almost quit even resorting into running away because he had failed so many times and thought that there was no other choice but to leave. He showed us his frustrations, desperations, helplesness and weaknesses, that he actually admitted and you hated. Well, on the other side of the note, I commend the writer for doing a great job because I believed that, that really what he wanted you to feel. Congratulations! You've been his victim! 🙊 Going back, Subaru really became a hateful character those times but if you are going to watch the anime and try to put your feet into Subaru's you will understand me or perhaps him.
He was disheartened for who knows how many times. He was fighting all by himself. Despite of having his friends and allies who supported him with his actions and especially to those who gave him courage and moral supports, no one really knows what he was going through. He was all ALONE. But still at the end of the day he would always proved to us how strong he was; mentally and emotionally, and that, stories only ends once you've reached the happy ending so life's goes on until you became happy! Quitting was never an option!
The only downside I've seen with him is that [MAJOR SPOILER] when he did not choose Rem despite of all the things she had done for him and even asked her to help her save Emilia, the woman he trully love. He was such a cruel man, a fact that actually Rem accepted and even told him outloud which he actually agreed with. However, despite of that, I still believed that he only showed how faithful he was to the woman he love. For me he was a man of word who knows how to fulfill his promises.
I'm sorry for defending Subaru so much but I really like how his character was made in this story. Everything, including his downsides, just fell rightly into the plot and that was something you wouldn't find mostly in the animes now a days. Another thing is that, I really liked how he could accept his own flaws but would still do something to compensate with it and not to be a burden to all the powerful people around him. He was the weakest but he was also the embodiment of willpower and unending hope which made him the strongest!
Story wise, as I've said, it was a very typical but was also different at the same time. It actually gave me the feeling that it was something that I've seen before but actually I haven't. I think it's because of how the story was narrated by using the main character. The writer was actually succesful in making me experience what the main character is going through, as if I am Subaru himself. Both of us learned things about the realm at the same time. Both of us believed that some things will happen, like on a typical story, but then will hit us the least that we have expected, as if both Subaru and I were played by fate. For example is what I have said from above, when Subaru first arrived on the kingdom and he thought that since he was summoned in a different world he would definitely have a super power, which made me believed also, but he actually never had. He also remained as an outsider, someone who do not hold so much of a power, a weak human with no special fighting ability except for his naturally strong body and an incredible amount of willpower. He was not revealed as a saviour but he made himself as the saviour of the kingdom. In the end, his journey to the other world actually made him a better man; wiser and stronger mentally and emotionally.
Overall, this story was very unique on its own way. Every seconds of each 25 episodes was worth watching as you wouldn't want to missed any sudden heart attack moments and important information that will be necessary for the future. It was actually a dark story that gets a little bit of depressing but would lighten up in the end. It's a complete pack of action, drama, suspense, mystery, romance and comedy with a bonus of life lessons and words of encouragement. YOU DON'T QUIT, YOU ONLY CHANGE YOUR PLAN and STORIES ALWAYS ENDS WITH HAPPY ENDING; It's not yet the end if it's not happy.
I can actually give this series a 10/10 score if not because of the hanging questions they left after the last episode. I hope this would be answered on the next season (if there will be!). I've heard that there will be an OVA but I don't think it will be enough to tackle everything and give the story a solid conclusion. This is the kind of anime that worth having more season! Anyway whether they'll decide to give it a season 2 or not I will still recognize this anime as one of the best I've watch for being unique and unpredictable as well as for having a well constructed story and characters.
Rating: 9/10 - highly recommended
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