#i'll buy you flowers and you can bake me sweet treats
neo-alpaca · 11 months
well. i think u should be my wife for halloween
Only for Halloween? Smh, women have no loyalty these days 🙄
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Hey, I was wondering if you could do a match-up for Harry Potter! Specifically the Marauders Era.
Female, She/They, Pansexual
Plus size!, but more thighs (and boobs) than anything, dirty blonde hair, blue eyes, i have glasses,
My personality is loving, patient, (surprisingly) smart and good at classes, but that's probably bc I'm determined and work hard- I can be really sassy though, nurturing, I have to stick to a semi strict schedule, forgiving, and I guess caring, also im an ambivert!! (I just kinda looked up personality traits and went with what I thought fit me. Bear with me.)
Likes: Reading, writing, SWEATERS, school, candles, blankets, sour candy, chocolate, sunflowers, sunsets, the moon
Dislikes: When my schedule gets completely destroyed, sudden and really big change, people who chew with their mouth open, feeling really embarrassed and like everyone is judging me, olives,
Extra fun facts: I have chronic headaches, bad knee problems in my right knee 😍, if I have an assignment I will always do way too much for it
Hope that's okay and you're okay with doing this, and I hope i did it right!!! Sorry for any spelling mistakes :)
Annos, please never apologize for spelling errors, lol. I don't know if you've read my posts, but I can not spell either. I am incredibly reliant on Grammarly, and my partner makes fun of me for it regularly.
Also, does anyone else pretend/feel like that lady from Mulan when they do these matchups? No, just me. Aight, I'll be in the corner now.
~~~~~MATCH UP~~~~~
Annon, I must match you with the sweetest boy of the tricksters.
Remus Lupin
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This man would bake you and buy you the best chocolates. He will curb your sweet tooth like no tomorrow.
He respects a girl who is not afraid to be herself, and if anyone tries to put you down and make you get in your head, he's not scared to be a big bad wolf ( see what I did there )
He loves it when you can put up with his three headaches. Wait, he means friends.
He would want to study with you all the time, so much so that James, Sirius, and Peter complain about missing their friend.
Remus strikes me as the guy who will get you flowers just because, so expect to be showered with your favorites. However, he always forgets that he should buy you flowers on a holiday.
Though he is afraid of the full moon, watching the skies with you any other time has become an enjoyable pastime, especially to see you light up.
When he has to hide away for the full moon, he makes you a goodie basket to 'remember' him by till he comes back.
If you are ever feeling unwell or hurt, he will carry you up to his dorm and make you comfy in his bed. He will get you all the fixings to cure your ailments. I'm talking hot water bottles, heavy blankets, blackout curtains, water, pain medicine, and, of course, cuddles.
You sat in the library waiting for Remus to arrive for your study date. As you finished your potion essay for him to look over, an exhausted, panting Sirius appeared before you. You looked up at him, amused, "Y/N, I am telling you we need him for Quidditch. Please, please, tell him to skip Hogsmeade this weekend." As Sirius was begging, he got down on his knees.
Around the corner soon came James looking almost as exhausted as the other boy in front of you. You chuckle into your hand, knowing that the Librarian will soon grow tired of the Maurder's antics. "Boys, you know he is his own person, right? What makes you think I have any say." You looked at the boys innocently. With a scoff, Sirius stood, wrapping his arm around James' shoulder. "Y/N, the man is so in love with you that he talks to you in his dreams. Of course, he will listen to you."
Before you could open your mouth again, James and Sirius were on the floor, this time due to a perfectly timed nudge to the back of their knees. Remus looked up at you and smiled softly, "Hi, my sweet. I brought you some treats." Placing down your candy, which he knew you favored, he sat across from you, ready to study.
James popped up from the floor, "Look, Y/N, he's even wearing a matching jumper with you! We have asked to match as a group of friends for ages. You can't tell me this man isn't whipped." You laughed at the remark, watching Remus nudge the back of James' knee again, causing him to collapse.
(You are looking up at the stars with the whole friend group. Your head is placed in Remus' lap. Peter is asleep lounging on the grass. Sirius, James, and Lily are all leaning back, looking at the stars.)
Y/N: Do you think that when the first people watched the stars, they thought they were crazy when they started moving each night.
Sirius: Wait, do the stars move each night?
James: I thought it was the moon that moved.
Lily: Sometimes it amazes me how you two breathe on your own.
Remus: (rubbing his temples, feeling the headache coming on) I'm glad someone else said it.
I hope you enjoy!!
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distortedataraxia · 2 years
Hi ^^) it's my first time doing this, so I'm kinda nervous (ahhh how should I start?). Well, I'm here because i got interested in the BSD Matchup thing, so thank you in advancement >////<)
Uh- Im pretty shy and calm in real life, but in Internet I tend to be more teaser (maybe because I can't see the other person's face) even tho I can't really handle them in rl, and because of that ppl usually misunderstood my personality, also I have social anxiety, so it's pretty hard to people ACTUALLY understand and know the real me (honesty sometimes i wish ppl could just read my mind, that would be so much easier?). Sometimes i think like i just have a mask that I can't get off to the point of me forgetting the real me.
About those personality tests: I'm INTP-A, 5w6 and my love language is affirmative words and act of service
If I bake you something/draw you, for sure i treasure or relationship.
As for my hobbies: I like to read, sell, cosplay, draw, listen to true crimes podcast, watch animes, teach, learn languages (for now I can speak 5) study and bake (most time sweets). My dream is someday have a pretty (vegan) coffee.
For now I am a volunteer physic teacher to help 9 graders to pass in exams for good highschools, but I can't wait to get a real job in some quiet place (like a library).
I am a short (150cm T^T), a bit chubby, I'm a sagittarius and I like the caos in the "not so monotonous" way (I just hate get bored), and when I'm not envolved, obviously, just watching, I hate have too many eyes on me. I also hate when people try to force a friendship with me, like, if i hug you, I'm showing that I don't mind you getting too close (even tho it can surprise me sometimes), but that change completely when "you" hug me without intimacy, i will 100% dislike your hugs from now on.
Also I really like to hear people talk about their passion and dreams, maybe I can get a bit of inspiration haha.
Sometimes when I take my medicines I may be oblivious to my own felling, so in that kind of situation i just like so see people I like happy by making them a treat or just walking through the city with no place in mind, just to focus on their happiness to make me feel warm
Whaa- sorry if it was too long, I don't know how much I should say or keep to myself to get a good analysis, usually I don't share that much oh things aaah that's embarrassing... but yeah that's it I hope you are having a wonderful day/night
Note : Hi! Firstly I'd like to apologize for the time it tooks to actually write this and secondly I'd like to assure you that you weren't embarassing ^^ Have a good day/night i hope and take care of yourself ! I haven't written any forms concerning matchups to help people requesting, so anything that you wrote is okay, it's never too long or too short and i'll try my best pairing you with a character with what i have. I hope that you like the one i paired you with and that it aha isn't too much or a mess, matchups aren't really my expertise ahah ^^'
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I pair you with...
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Atsushi ! ★
You, shy and calm in real life, a teaser on the internet, have came across the path of A CAT- I mean, weretiger.
He would be kind, understanding and considerate towards you and would respect your boundaries. Whenever you have troubles with anything, you know that Atsushi will always be with you and that it'll be okay, he'll support, understand and try to help you out.
That boy Atsushi needs theses affirmative words, he've been through a lot and only feel the right to live if he save people's lives and it's good sometimes to remind him that he's good enough just as he is.
if i got this wrong please run me over with a car , dig a hole and bury my brain inside of it... ACTUALLY NO PLEASE DON'T TOUCH MY BIGASS BRAIN
Atsushi would try to surprise you with some little gifts sometimes, he won't overdo it. If you're like kyoka by example, he'd buy you crepes and ice creams. If you're as mysterious as Dazai, he'll try to go with flowers probably.
Atsushi would be really happy if one day you bake or draw something for him.
Atsushi spent a lot of time reading in his orphanage's library as a form of escapism, so you can sometimes chat about books you both read without much problems.
You also love to ask about Atsushi's days as he works in the armed detective agency, and his days are never the ssame, as he like to ask about your day too.
Atsushi would absolutely support you in your dreams of having a pretty vegan coffee, and he'll do what he can to help you make your dream possible.
Atsushi gets flustered easily, and it can be pretty caotic. But cute?
When you're out on a date with Atsushi, he makes sure that you feel comfortable and to not get all eyes on both of you.
You both would be a nice pair.
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wickedbarnes · 5 years
Guns and Roses (Pt. 2) | John Wick x Reader
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Part 1
SYPNOSIS: After the little visit from the new flower shop downtown, John slowly finds himself on edge and being haunted by a certain innocent girl.
THEME: Non-con. Dubcon. Obsession. Dark!John x Innocent/Naive!Reader. Abduction. Lots of smut. Don't read if any of these make you uncomfortable. 18+ readers ONLY.
TRIGGER WARNINGS: Slight mention of violence.
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John hadn't find the time to visit her yet. And days passed by, he had grown irritated by the fact without him noticing. He was easily angered but then again, he was like a ticking time bomb ever since his wife died. When Helen Wick was sent six feet underground, she took the man that John once was.
A whole different version of him was left behind. A version of him that shook his enemies to the core. Because if John Wick was already known to be brutal, the man who he is today was worse than that now. And somehow, that alarmed some people.
Some of them believed he was losing a few screws. But they weren't bold enough to be loud about the rumor. They didn't want to take any chances. Last time someone uttered the name of Helen Wick and used it to push John's buttons, they had their head cut off. The slow way. After that, no one was brave enough to do what the last guy did.
And somehow, his pal, Aurelio noticed how John was always so antsy and on edge as if one tap on his shoulder would cause him to have a killing spree.
"John, you need to take it easy." He sighed and poured the man a drink. The assassin grumbled and leaned back on his seat broodingly.
"I am taking it easy." He reasoned out but he knew Aurelio wasn't buying any of that shit.
"I'm not stupid, man. I notice how you seem so... I don't know, seem so... irritated. Like something's been bugging you. Do you wanna tell me about it?"
"There's nothing to tell." By the tone of John's voice, Aurelio raised his arms up in defeat.
"Okay, but you gotta push yourself, man." He sighed and took a sip of his drink, "You can't mope around forever. You need to do something. Go out, find someone new, figure a new hobby. Stop restricting yourself, John."
John gripped the glass tightly as his mood worsened by what Aurelio was saying but a voice inside his head told him that he was just doing what any friend would do during a hard time.
"I'm perfectly fine with how I'm doing. I got a job, I book bind, I keep myself busy. I'm good to go." John answered which made his friend sigh deeply.
"John, you're holding yourself back and it's so evident. Stop doing things that you feel is what you need to do. Do the things that you want to do. I know for a fact that you don't want to go back to being an assassin nor does book binding give you enough benefits now but you're doing them because you feel somehow obligated."
John stayed silent as Aurelio's words began to register inside his head.
"You still have some years left, man. Don't waste it. If you want to socialize, do it. Don't hold yourself back. Jesus, if you want to hook up with thousands of bitches, do it! No one's telling you no."
John took a huge swig of his drink.
"What I'm saying is, I know Helen wouldn't have wanted you to live this way. She would've wanted you to move on."
John sometimes hated how right Aurelio was. He sometimes hated it when he makes a point and that often happens. But his words did got himself thinking.
Would Helen be happy with the man John has turned out?
He already knew the answer to that but John can't bring himself to accept it. Without another word, he got up from his seat and decided to call it a day before he drove back into his empty shell of a home.
It wasn't even dark out yet. But John found himself being utterly exhausted. Maybe it was because of his recent mission the other day. Sighing, he craned his neck a bit and felt the kink that had been bothering him for a few days. The bruises on his body didn't help either. He somehow remembered how Helen would tend to his wounds everytime before he retired. How she'd treat every cut and every bad bruise that was etched on his skin.
But now he needed to make do and do all that himself.
Or maybe someone could still do it for him? Would that girl have the same touch as Helen had or would it be more comforting? Would it be- No. No.
John shook his head and tightened his grip around the steering wheel. This was one of his everyday struggle now. Ever since he visited that damn flower shop, John finds himself thinking about her every now and then. Even when he willed himself not to, that girl was sneaky enough to slip through his mind yet again.
The assassin would sometimes compare her to Helen. There was no doubt she was younger than him and even younger than Helen. If John wasn't mistaken, maybe he was twice her age. And he hates how he likes that fact.
He never found himself being attracted to women who were much younger than him. But after seeing her, John finds himself debating whether he'd make an exception for that.
The daisy he tucked safely in the pocket of his coat was placed neatly and safely on his nightstand. Why? He has no idea. But at the same time, he does. The daisy was as delicate as she was. And John wanted to grasp that sense of delicateness and purity in his hands. He wanted to cherish it somehow. And so, every morning when he wakes up, he'd check to see if the daisy that fell from her hair was still there where he placed it.
He relaxed everytime he sees it.
"Get your shit together." He'd tell himself. But just as he did, he found himself driving by the familiar flower shop. And if John had the chance to kick himself right in the balls for parking on the side of the road, he would've.
He should've walked away. He should've drove back home but his feet had carried him inside the shop where he found himself entering, the bell ringing as he opened the door.
There weren't many customers inside but John had noticed there was quite a change the last time he had been here. There were more chairs and tables and John noticed how there were baked goodies being served to the customers.
His attention was taken when he found her walking out from the back of the room with flour smeared on her cheek. Today, she was wearing a pastel pink, puff-sleeved dress and her hair was let loose, letting it pool down her back in beachy waves. She looked absolutely adorable. Stunning, even.
And John found himself admiring the color pink on her.
"Oh, hey!" The girl greeted her with a bright smile on her face, "Haven't seen you around. Have you been taking good care of your cactus?"
John chuckled and stuffed his hand in the pockets of his jeans as he nodded.
"Yeah, I finally got the hang of it. It's looking pretty healthy, thankfully."
"That's great! If you want more, just tell me and I'll give you a discount." She'd say, whispering the last part to him as if she was afraid someone would hear and be offended that she offered John a discount.
"Oh, I'll keep that in mind for sure."
"So, what can I get you today? Finally managed to turn this into a little café. And thank God I don't have to do it all alone now." John turned his head to see a girl just about her age serving coffee to the couple on the other side of the room.
"This place looks great, really." John complimented her and began to look over at the pastries that were placed on the display counter.
He wasn't a big fan on sweets but John didn't want to be rude and come here just to chat with her although he wouldn't mind that one but. But a voice in his head convinced him to at least buy one of her baked goods and have a taste on something that she made herself.
"I'll just have a blueberry muffin and some coffee to go, sweetheart." John would say after some time, not meaning to call her another pet name. He internally punched himself in the face for that and somehow hoped she didn't catch onto it or at least find it weird.
But he was relieved, a bit ecstatic when he saw how her face blushed slightly to what he just called her. He had to bite the inside of his cheek to stop himself from grinning at the fact that he now knows he somehow has an effect on the girl.
She'd nod her prettt little head and wrote his order quickly on the notepad she had.
"How would you, uhm, like your coffee, sir?" She asked, looking up at him with those adorable fucking doe eyes and John had to clench his fist to stop himself from reaching over and caress her cheek while she looked up at him like this. As if she was ready to submit whatever he wanted her to submit.
"Black. No sugar, no creamer." John answered as the bashful girl in front of him nodded her head obediently and John smiled faintly at how she took in every word he had said.
"This'll be done in a minute or two. Find somewhere you can sit and I'll serve it to you." She smiled and John thanked her for her service and immediately gave her his pay. But as she began to prepare his order, John slipped in a generous amount of cash and put it inside the tip jar that she had before he walked over to a vacant seat near the counter where she worked.
He knew she could've easily just called her name so he could get the order himself since that's how cafés usually work but since she offered to serve his order herself, how could John possibly say no to an offer like that?
It only took a few minutes before she walked over to his table and placed his order down carefully in front of him. John's eyes were focused on her, as if he was taking in every bit of her features inside his mind, as if he was trying to memorize every crevice of her body, every freckle or mark that she had on her skin and by the looks of how her cheeks had blushed yet again, John knew that she knew he had been staring at her.
"Will that be all, sir?" She asked somewhat shyly and John chuckled at her bashfulness. She looked adorable. Too adorable. And not the kind where he wanted to pinch her cheeks. It was the kind where he wanted to push her up against the wall or caress her inner thigh just to see what kind of reaction she would get.
"That'll be all, sweetheart. But I suppose it wouldn't be too much of me if I ask for your name?" He asked politely, not wanting to come off as creepy or too intense. He wouldn't want to risk blowing up his chance in knowing the name of the fairy-like dame such as herself.
"O-Oh, uh..." She bit her lip down nervously before she answered, "Y/N, sir. Y/N Y/LN."
"Y/N." John whispered to himself as if he was testing what her name would sound like rolling off of his tongue, "Nice to meet you, Y/N. I'm John. John Wick."
Y/N smiled faintly at his name and held the circular tray close to her chest.
"It's nice to meet you, John. Hope you enjoy your meal." She'd say and with that, she went back to the counter and began to serve the other customers that came in. Whether they wanted to try out her new pastries and coffee or needed assisting when it came to flowers.
John didn't waste his time nor his money and began to dig into his muffin and surprisingly, he found out how much he liked it. The muffin wasn't too sweet nor was it too bland. It was just right for his taste. He could never finish the muffin that Helen made back then. They always came out too sweet. Sometimes too dry. Even the coffee he ordered managed to taste better than the one he drinks at home.
The assassin seemed pleased that he managed to finish everything he had ordered. Not only that, it gave him more reason to stop by the shop more. Either he wanted to try Y/N's other baked goods or just for her, only he had to know.
Unfortunately, he had to live early. He had a mission to get to tomorrow and he couldn't risk going without getting any proper sleep. So he begrudgingly stood up from his seat and made his way to the door but not before turning back and sending Y/N a smile and a wink.
The tint of pink reappeared on her soft ample cheeks and John chuckled as she bit her lip and looked away, probably too embarrassed to even wave goodbye at him.
But either way, he was satisfied with how his day had ended.
That night, John went into a blissful sleep. He could swear he smelled the strong aroma of black coffee, could see the flowers loitering in a familiar looking shop, could taste the blueberry muffin he ate earlier.
He could also feel the gentle touch of a certain girl that did nothing but just drive him crazy these past few days. He could feel the fabric of a pastel pink dress brushing against his knee and the giggle that belonged to someone that had daisies in her hair.
This was the first time that he had dreamt of someone apart from Helen and her death. This was the first time he felt warmth radiating in his body. It was the first time he had dreamt of her.
And slowly but surely, he could feel Y/N leaning in, her soft cherry glossed lips brushing against the shell of his ear that only caused him to grip on his pillow tightly.
"John. Wake up, John." She'd whisper just as John heard the familiar beeping of his alarm clock. He fluttered his eyes open and immediately turned it off.
It was 5:30 AM. Sighing, he slowly sat up and turned to look at the daisy that sat perfectly on his nightstand.
And maybe, just maybe, in his groggy state, John picked up his wife's bracelet and placed it inside the drawer before closing it, leaving the little daisy and the cactus Y/N had gifted him on his nightstand.
He smiled at the view. It looked refreshing. But somehow, there was a feeling settling in his stomach that stirred the guilt in him a bit.
Because that was also the first time he had put away Helen's bracelet somewhere where he couldn't see.
But soon enough, the guilt died down as quickly as it came.
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TAGS: @a-really-bi-girl @fanficsrusz @fairylightsandchai @pinkzsugar @edgiestwinter @paanchu786 @meetmeinthematinee @baphometwolf666 @fortheloveoffanfic @thesadvampire
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zuffer-weird-girl · 5 years
Dear future husband
So... Thanks for the 900k!!!! Im worried as fuck if I get to 1,000 bjt whatever!
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He sighed in relief at seing that for once his office was organized exactly the way he preferred... after hours of inspecting for any dirt or dust.
So some hours of his day would be saved instead of himself cleaning the whole room... and if the situation was serious he would use his quirk.
People just like it to see him piss off.... they begged for it when they didn't followed his orders. So it wasn't technically his fault for overhauling one or two precepts a day for being, what he called, unworthy of workimg on the yakusa or dumb as bugs.
He closed his office and made his way through the hallways before his ears spotted a melody, rather irritating one if you would ask him, accompanied with a beautiful and angelic humming of his angel.
He scoffed slightly before following the sound, shoving his hands on his pants pockets.
'Didn't you just said that you wanted to clean the living room instead of him? Is not what it looks like apparently...'
He opened the door to see yourself while playing and dancing along with a broom, sliding on the floor, wearing one of the socks he bought for you....his eye twitched the slightest for seing that you were dirtying them before he paid attention with the annoying melody.
"I deserve a brake
And don't forget the flowers every anniversary
'Cause if you'll treat me right
I'll be the perfect wife
Buying groceries
Buy-buying what you need"
You made a slightly immitation like you were writing at something and Chisaki arched one of his eyebrows.
What the hell was his dumb yet adorable angel doing now?
"You got that nine to five
But, baby, so do I
So don't be thinking I'll be home and baking apple pies
I never learned to cook
But I can write a hook
Sing along with me
Sing-sing along with me-"
You holded the broom close to you while the other hand pointed at some wall while you sayed a very cheerful 'hey' and he himself couldn't help to roll his eyes at seing you didn't noticed his presence.
Too emerged on your song apparently.
"You gotta know how to treat me like a lady
Even when I'm acting crazy
Tell me everything's alright"
You placed the broom next to the wall and started to freely dancing in your own sweet way, no more objects to forbid you and the feeling that you had done it already the job made you feel more on the clouds than ever.
"Dear future husband
Here's a few things you'll need to know if you wanna be
My one and only all my life
Dear future husband
If you wanna get that special lovin'
Tell me I'm beautiful each and every night"
He scoffed quietly and closed the door behind him as he made himself comfortable laying on the wall with crossed arms, never taking his golden eyes off from you.
"After every fight
Just apologize
And maybe then I'll let you try and rock my body right
Even if I was wrong
You know I'm never wrong
Why disagree?
Why, why disagree?"
You gotta know how to treat me like a lady
Even when I'm acting crazy
Tell me everything's alright
Dear future husband
Here's a few things
You'll need to know if you wanna be
My one and only all my life
Dear future husband
Make time for me
Don't leave me lonely
And know we'll never see your family more than mine"
Why? Why would he ever leave the only good and pure thing on his life lonely he wondered.
He sighed again and made his way quietly to you, his black sock on the floor preventing any sounds to spot his presence before he allowed it.
Each time you took a step he took a step back just to admire you for a bit longer, truly smilling underneath his black mask.
The song was stupid, the rhythm was ridiculous... but yet he found himself adoring the way you were enjoying yourself.
'I'll be sleeping on the left side of the bed
Open doors for me and you might get some kisses
Don't have a dirty mind
Just be a classy guy
Buy me a ring
Buy-buy me a ring, baBE-" you yelped loudly at feeling a hand coming from behind you, slidding through your sides to your waist while the other grabbed your right hand and one gloved thumb carresed the ring on your finger.
"I did bought you a ring though." The nonchalantly voice of Kai was really the last thing you wanted tk hear in the middle of your stupid dancing.
"Kai you almost made my heart jump pit of my chest!" You whined while burrowing your face in your hands in embarrassment, feeling all of your face turning beef red while your body refused to move.
Chisaki let go of you to turn of that music, his ears thanked him, before takinga few steps to examine it the room before he returned those big hands of his to tilt your head up woth a hand on your cheek.
He smirked at seing the furious blush on your cheeks. Bastard.
So he had that affect on you still huh? That's surely interesting.
You looked into his eyes with a very confused 'huh?' Before he flipped your forehead.
"The song. Your voice is much more enjoyable to hear than... that thing." He sayed with a bit of disgust the last part.
You gagged before trying again to formulate words, your embarrassment of being caught still on affect.
"Come on." He touched foreheads together "Is not going to kill neither of us, besides..." he went to whisper very lowly in your ear "My fiance's voice is the most beautiful thing... like a angel's call, my own and precious angel."
You blushed even more at his words, his actions not really helping but you still lowered your head a bit as you tried again, only this time your voice in the air.
"Dear future husband
Here's a few things
You'll need to know if you wanna be
My one and only all my life
Dear future husband
If you wanna get that special loving
Tell me I'm beautiful each and every night"
He grabbed onto your arms, relieved that you had showered and bathed, and placed them to envelop around his neck as he monotonously stared you down, but hints of smile showing it to you as you gave him your own, embarrassment long forgotten at seing the serenity and calm golden eyes staring you down.
You decided to be a little adventurous and stood up on your tip toes to sweetly sing the last part.
"Future husband, better love me right~"
His eyes widen for a brief second before he narriwed them at you, one hand from your waist coming to lower his mask down.
"I wouldn't ask your hand in marriage if I wasn't sure about my decisions."
"I know!" You giggled "Is just a song!"
"A very stupid one if I do say so myself."
"Then... why did you demanded that-"
He shutted you up with the best strategy he had, the bold action both pleasing himself and you.
A kiss.
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