#i'll be doing that for a while since I just made it
nikki152006 · 2 days
since we were kids | Bakugou X Reader
oneshot; (goes from angst -> fluff)
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And there goes yet another day of Bakugou bullying Midoriya, your childhood friend. Of course Bakugou is your childhood friend too, but you sort of snapped it off with him when he started being the devil to Midoriya.
"You don't need to step in, (Name)-chan." Midoriya tells you, "I'll handle it. Kacchan's not that harsh... "
"What, do you need him to kill you for you to understant?" it hurts you to see Bakugou behave this way- the boy who once gloated to you about having a great quirk and being the strongest was now using it to hurt others.
"I need to buy a new notebook." Midoriya stops walking, "It won't take me long. Why don't you go ahead, I'll catch up later. I'll get a warm up run that way too."
You agree and Midoriya hurries off towards the closest stationary.
"Tch, how do I get into U.A. if I get caught doing this shit." an all too familiar voice sounds approaching towards the exit of an alleyway to the side.
Immediately, a frown settles on your face. 
It's been long since you've had a personal talk with Bakugou- you stopped communicating with him ever since he started being a bitch because it broke your heart to see him that way.
Remembering the old days only makes it worse because all that you've felt for him ever since the beginning doesn't seem to fade off- you're hurt by Bakugou's behaviour, yes, but you can't hate him.
But just for Izukkun's sake-
You've made your mind to confront him today.
After all, him telling Midoriya to jump off the roof was crossing the line.
Without another second of allowing worry or doubt to fill your brain, you hurry into the alleyway to come face to face with the ash-blond boy and his two lackeys following behind.
"Bakugou-san." you've been addressing him formally and crudely since a little while now.
"Whoa whoa," the lackeys behind Bakugou who were once your friends too now narrow their eyes in disgust, "looks like someone left her little frail bunny for a while."
"Tsubasa-san." your lips press, "What a pleasant way to initiate conversation after years. How mannered you were back when you were a kid, I wonder where that little boy went." your eyes roll over to Bakugou last second.
After all, your words are just as genuinely meant for him too.
"Let's talk, Bakugou-san."
He tilts his head, eyes dangerously focused into yours. Bakugou walks all the way up to you and towers you to intimidate you and although there's a part of you which somewhat fears what he's become, you know he wouldn't actually hurt you.
All these years of you stepping in when he bullies Midoriya and he's never once caused a scratch on you, though the same can't be said for Midoriya.
"What do you want, dumbass?" the sheer annoyance in his voice is enough of an indication for the other two boys to walk further away from the both of you and give Bakugou his space.
"I... need to talk to you." you avert your eyes to the side momentarily but then force yourself to look back in his eyes, "It's about Izukkun- " his eyes twitch, you jolt and immediately continue, "please, Bakugou-san."
"Fuck off." he almost turns on his heels to leave.
"Katsukkun... " you know he'll stop if you use the nickname you gave him years ago. For some wicked reason, it makes your eyes glassier- it's been years since you've let this out of your mouth.
Bakugou halts just as you think he would.
"Katsukkun, please. Stop the bullying, it's not his fault he's quirkless." there's a sad expression resting on your face now that you've retorted to using a sweet memory from the past to stop him, "He's human too, he can have dreams."
"You literally can't fucking forget your oh-so poor little bunny, huh?" Bakugou looks more annoyed than he's ever been at you, "Go bang your head against a wall or something, bitch."
Without another glance, he turns and walks off. And without a second delay, you turn to run home, eyes dripping down tears for someone you'd committed to never cry over again.
It hurts- that little boy who would smile like the Sun isn't there anymore and it hurts.
You walk into class all alone the next day- Midoriya has texted you asking you to go ahead because he will be late. Taking the opportunity, the girls call you over to join their morning gossip session.
"Hamiri-chan got her first kiss today." one of the girls excitedly tells you while Hamiri covers her face in embarrassment.
You're surprised she got it only now considering she happens to be the prettiest in the entire school. Compared to her, you look like that oddly half-painted crowd member from a nursery grade student's drawing.
Could it be... 
An odd thought enters your mind.
But Katukkun hasn't ever shown interest in her publicly. There's a chance it could be someone else... right?
But the thought doesn't leave your mind- the prettiest girl in school would obviously end up with the most popular and masculine boy, right?
Something churns in your gut and a weight rests on your chest.
"It was Kurotero-kun from the other class." Hamiri mumbles a moment later, "We've been hanging out at a park near our houses recently and well, it just happened."
A deep exhale of relief involuntarily escapes you.
"That's two girls in our class who have had their first kisses." one of the girls cheers, "Wait- that, considering you haven't yet had one, (L/n)-chan. We never asked you."
"Yeah." Hamiri turns to you, "Midoriya-kun looks like he'd explode if we asked you stuff like that."
You laugh but pause once your eyes fall into blood-red ones. It's only now that you notice that all the boys in class are sitting quietly and eavesdropping on the conversation, even Bakugou.
"(L/n)-chan's too bold and generous to lie." one of your friends butters you, "She's the greatest after all. So, (L/n)-chan," she traces her finger over your sleeve, "please tell me you've got a dramatic first kiss story to tell."
"Why," you snort, "did Hamiri-chan's story not fulfill your thirst for drama?"
"Nope." she shakes her head, "It was too sappy and too romantic." and Hamiri laughs at that, "You tell us something interesting, (L/n)-chan."
"Have you had a kiss yet?" Hamiri looks interested to know too. 
Apparently, the long silence before you reply with a "no, of course not" gives away the truth. Now you're really stressed about it.
"So someone literally wasted their time on you?" the class' female bully Hinaya steps forward, her voice sweet and sing-songed in front of the boys (Bakugou), "That's odd. Was it that or did you pay the guy to do it?"
"Hinaya-chan." your friend doesn't look happy with this.
"Oh," Hinaya's eyes widen, "you probably just kissed your hand thinking it's a boy, no? That's the only thing you can get after all." and some boys snicker.
Normally, you've always got something or the other to come back with but it just so happens that this is a particularly touchy subject- that shining boy you shared that kiss with is no longer there, he's been replaced by someone you don't recognize anymore.
"Y-Yeah... " your eyes get glassy, you try to play it off cool, "It was probably just a mistake.. "
"Oh my," Hinaya explains with her hands covering her mouth, voice turned into an annoying one she thinks is cute, "I'm so sorry, (L/n)-chan, but if you're accepting it to be a mistake, the guy would have probably wanted to die."
Your lips shut tight, eyebrows crinkled and an uncomfortable squeeze disturbing your chest.
"Aren't you going to reply, (L/n)-chan?" your friends don't understand why you haven't shut her up yet. It's too unusual of a behvaiour from you, "A-Are you crying?"
"N-No." but a tear is begging to roll down your eye. You turn back, hand raising to clean it off and just to save you at the right time, the door slams open and Midoriya slides inside yelling an "I'm late!"
He deflates in shame the moment he realizes the teacher isn't here yet and that he's made a fool of himself again.
You'd told Midoriya to head home without you because you needed some time alone and he was considerate enough to not question back. You're alone in the class now slowly packing your things to leave for home.
The sound of the classroom door opening makes you turn.
"Hey, (L/n)-chan." Hinaya walks in with her lips pulled inot a straight line. You hum in response.
"When did your first kiss happen?" she comes over and leans against your desk, "How old were you back then?"
You're not in the mood to have an argument or spoil your mood in any other way so you decide to give her what she wants and end this unwanted interaction quickly.
"We were like five?"
"Oh." there's an odd relief in her voice, "Well, just so you know, I'm gonna get a kiss by Katsuki-kun soon, I'll make sure of it. You can go on and enjoy your quirkless frail little bunny."
"Okay." you sling your bang over your shoulders.
She frowns, unhappy with your response, "You know, you should just jump off into a river or something. You're such an embarrassment."
"What will you accomplish by me doing that?" the headache she gives you is now splitting your head. You look away to at least not see that disgusting expression on her face.
"You tell me." she snaps, "Why the fuck was Katsuki-kun looking so smug when we were talking about your first kiss, huh?"
"What is he, your imaginary boyfriend?" you hate how she uses his first name, "And about that, Izukkun and Katsukkun," you put emphasis on the nickname, "both know who the first kiss was with."
"It was probably stupid." she eyes you head to toe, "Who'd like an ugly shithole like you anyways?"
"Neither would someone like a disgusting, smelly little bitch like you." Bakugou's voice from a little away from the both of you makes you jolt. You momentarily glance towards the door not having realized him coming in.
Bakugou has his hand in his pocket and his bag slung over his shoulder. His usual scowl rests on his face.
"What?" Hinaya's act is on again, "You're misjudging me, Katsuki-kun."
The next moment, Bakugou's hand in an inch away from his face, "You say my name one more time and I'll explode that empty head of yours."
You hate bullies and bullying but boy, you're loving this at the moment.
"But Katsu-" she realizes he's not joking around once there's sparks forming at his hands, "Bakugou-kun... I'm more closer to you than she is, right? And all she does the whole day is slut around that stupid Midoriya."
You sigh, "Calling me things like slut doesn't make you better than me, Hinaya-chan. You're the trash you are and I'm not. You know that too."
She frowns deep, "You're so full of yourself, (L/n)-chan, you're always using your smartass in front of Bakugou-kun. He wouldn't be impressed by that at all. You didn't even ask him if he was okay after the sludge incident yesterday."
Bakugou's expressions twitch uncomfortably at the mention of this incident you're unaware of.
"Sludge incident?" you look between the both of them.
"Hah." she folds her hands at her chest, "Search it up. I didn't need to go to some browser to know."
"You're gonna glorify stalking me now, eh?" a nerve in Bakugou's forehead twitches, "Sly little bitch, I'm gonna fucking end you someday."
While Hinaya protests and whines against Bakugou's hostility towards her, you're busy getting horrified on reading the article about the sludge incident.
"Katsukkun- " you begin, eyes widened in nothing but worry, "why didn't you tell me? Why didn't Izukkun tell me either- what the fuck?"
Bakugou doesn't reply, he only grabs your arm and drags you out of the classroom leaving Hinaya behind standing in shock to whatever he's said to her before you started to talk.
He continues to drag you all the way out of school into a small, secluded cafe thereby not allowing a word to leave your lips until the both of you are seated under warm yellow lights in a dark aesthetic interior of a surprisingly serene cafe.
"Don't bother me about it." he says, waving his hand in the air in front of you, "I've had enough fucking talks- that old hag wouldn't even shut up."
"Are you okay?"
"The fuck?" he looks annoyed, "You think something would happen to me because of some shitty villain?"
"No, I mean... it was still a villains attack, right? There's always some sort of minor PTSD or something of the sort." you know it's just that he's not willing to talk about it. The bags under his eyes give enough of how healthy his sleep has been the previous night.
"Stop fucking doubting me."
"I don't." you find yourself shifting closer to him, "I'm just worried... sorry if that's annoying you."
It's been some time since your words have been as soft to him. Honestly, you miss moments like these a lot- moments when it was just the two of you sitting in front of each other back when you were little and kept on talking.
This was the setting when he had once pulled your face closer to his and kissed you when you'd only been five. 
The response he had to this cheeky act was that his parents "did it all the time" and that they say one does it with the person they "love".
Sweetest and cutest confession ever.
It's just too sad that the little boy who said that all to you has turned into the gruff, rude bully sitting in front of you.
Bakugou orders a specific ice cream combination the both of you would eat when you were younger. He doesn't once lift his gaze to look at you after that.
Now, you're left to wonder whether he actually remembered or whether his taste hasn't changed in some nine years.
"About what I had to talk about," he starts suddenly, "about all that happened in class today.. " he is cut off by you mid sentence.
"I know, I know." you heart droops, "I won't ever let anyone ever know that you've had an unfortunate kiss with me. It's alright, you're secret is secured with me, Katsukkun."
He blinks, "What's so fucking unfortunate about it?"
"What's so fucking unfortunate about it? When I become the number one hero, there's going to be lines of girls wishing to get kisses. Why do you think it's unfortunate, then?"
Your lips open, then close. You stare at him for a moment, "I mean, it's unfortunate for you, right? You were too young to think properly at that time and ended up doing something intimate with someone you didn't actually like."
When Bakugou turns to you, his eyes reflect a certain determination- it's as if what he is thinking at the moment is something he has pondered upon for years and years already.
There isn't even a frown on his pretty face, he only looks concentrated. 
When he opens his mouth, words you'd never expect him to say fall out, "Why? Why did you choose him over me?"
"Who?" but you already know who he is talking about. You swallow, "I chose Izukkun over you?"
He doesn't reply but the look in his eyes gives you all the answers you need.
"I didn't choose him over you," tears form in your eyes, "he's been like a brother to me ever since we were little. It's you, Katsukkun, you're the one who chose to behave like a fucking bitch with him and expect everything to be normal with me after that."
Bakugou looks surprised at that although you feel there couldn't be anything more obvious that this. 
"So you don't like him?"
"He's my friend, of course I do."
"Like, the like like him, dumbass." Bakugou frowns.
"No." you rubs your eyes to wipe off the tears, "I don't like him romantically if that's what you're asking."
"Hah." he doesn't look convinced, "All you do is fuck around with him all day and I'm supposed to feel he isn't anything."
"He's like a brother." you're not liking the way there is a percentage of disbelief in his eyes, "And besides, this all shouldn't really be mattering to you."
"Why not?"
You blink, "Why would it?"
Bakugou's head turns away, his eyebrows raising in what seems to you to be frustration. He pauses for a little, eyes flickering around as though looking for the right words to say, then turns back to you.
"Why wouldn't it?"
Wow, genius. You take all the time of the world just to reply with that?
You choose to keep your thoughts to yourself, however, "Why should it?"
"Why shouldn't it?"
"Why would it?" your tone rises the slightest bit. You don't like this game of questions at all, you don't understand what he's trying to get at.
"I don't know, you tell me." he snaps, "You tell me why it would bother me."
"There's no reason for you to." you frown, "You chose to be the guy who bullies his childhood friends, Katsukkun. There's no reason for you to be bothered if I protect my friend from a bully."
Bakugou inhales and exhales deeply, his eyes rolling over to the side and back leaning into the chair. A few moments of silence pass before he turns back to you.
"Do you really not know or are you just acting?"
He shifts and straightens to lean forward, "Okay, listen. I'll say this once... " Bakugou inhales deep, "It... wasn't a mistake."
You blink.
"The kiss." he clears his throat, "I... really liked you back then. We were young and whatever but... it was genuine, okay?"
"How genuine can five year olds kissing be?" the words leave your mouth way too quick, "I mean, we should have been doing something like that at such a young age in the first place."
"We were pretty young." Bakugou's lips tighten, "But that doesn't fucking mean it couldn't have been true."
"Are you sure you liked me back then?" it's bittersweet to know he once had feelings for you.
Bakugou is quiet for a moment. When he opens his mouth again, his eyes are dead focused into yours, "I still do. I have.. e-ever since we were kids."
A spark runs down your body, jaw dropping and eyes widening at him.
"Y-You what?"
He inhales loudly and turns away, "I still like you... I don't like it when you're around that damned Deku the whole day. You're not supposed to be with that loser."
"You like me?" your voice is barely a whisper, "What.. no- wait.. what the- wow. What the fuck, wow."
"You like that?" his eyebrows raise at the floods of red filling into your cheeks, "Are you– what the fuck are you crying for?"
You haven't realized the tears in your eyes until now, "Wh-What... no. I'm not crying.. I'm.." a small cough escapes your lips, "uhm.. so..."
"Mhm?" Bakugou is waiting for the response although he doesn't make it too obvious.
"I... really miss you everyday, Katsukkun." you end up saying, "I miss what you used to be, I can't take the idea of you becoming a bully or a mean person. It hurts."
"It hurts so fucking much because I... " you swallow and wipe your tears, "I really like you too. But... I-I can't.."
"Because of him?" his teeth grit, "That Deku–"
"Because you kept on saying you'd be a hero but all you are is a thug, Katsukkun." you snap. A tear rolls down your cheek, "Because it's you whose wrong not him. I can't love a guy who bullies. Feelings for you make me guilty."
Bakugou blinks, "Love?"
"Well what do you expect?" you hysterically laugh it out amidst the tears then swallow, "Other than this one thing, you're great."
"You love me?"
"I do." you nod, hands wiping down your tears, "I really fucking do."
An uncomfortable silence falls between the two of you while you clean your face and try to calm down. It's too odd for you to be crying this way while accepting your feelings for him especially when the both of you are sitting in a restaurant.
"If... " Bakugou is staring at the ground, "If I ignore him... " he turns to you, " w-would you give me a chance?"
You blink, "A-A chance?"
"To be with you?" he straightens, "To be together?"
Something blooms in your chest, "I... " there's nothing you could ever have wanted more, "Yeah. I'd... love that."
"Great." Bakugou falls back into the chair.
You pause, "But that does mean now bullying him or anyone when I'm around. And I don't want any drama."
"Hah." his eyebrows raise, "You're the one who'd be causing the drama, okay? I don't care about stupid drama."
A small tug makes your lips stretch to a smile, "If you be bitch, I'll dump you Katsukkun."
"Well I'll dump you before that." he snaps.
"Oh, so you want to dump me?" you dramatically clutch your heart and pick your thinks up, "I should be leaving then, no?"
"Oi." he grabs your hand and pulls you down, "Stop it. And there you are proving what I'm saying, dramatic, stupid little girl."
"Says the guy who is serious about the girl he kissed when was five." you giggle.
Bakugou frowns, his ears now visibly getting redder, "Says the girl who's in love with me."
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binniesbooks · 2 days
Ok if u insist.. i'll request gyu since he's the only one i havent requested. So was thinking of something like switch!gyu x switch!reader
Scenario is like, reader is used to beomgyu being a subby brat in bed and shes very dom smthn like that and then one night, gyu snapped bc she was teasing him so much he got annoyed and released his inner dom-ness . Eventually gyu became a mean dom and reader is a subby bitch now😋
Idk if this made sense but this was stuck in my mind for a long time 🙂‍↔️ i hope it made sense... prob not the best but i just needed to let my thoughts out:D
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BG 001 .F23 2024
wc 2.4k
pairings boyfriend!Beomgyu x bratgirlfriend!reader
warnings switch Beomgyu, switch reader, spit kink, overstimulation, self relieving, choking, marking, scratching, oral sex (m. receiving), unprotected sex (+ anything else I've missed)
faye's note I'm at uni editing this, anxious about people who are talking just beside me. Risky job fr. Lmao. Nevertheless, i love sub Gyu! 🙂‍↕️ For fuck's sake.
"Y/n--" Beomgyu's shaky breath made your stomach flutter.
"Please... G-give me a sec-- ohh fuck!" He threw his head back on the wall, his hands trying to push you away as you took him deeper into your mouth.
His toes curled as he bit his lower lip, draping his arm over his eyes, cum finally spurting inside your pretty mouth.
"Princess... N-no more..." he whimpered.
His whole body shuddered at the sight of you and your cum-stained lips.
"You tasted so sweet, Gyu," you giggled, crawling towards him. He then pulled you closer by your waist, letting you lay down above him. Just when he was about to relax and close his eyes, you started grinding above him. His grip on yours tightened as he started sobbing on your neck.
"H-hurts... Hurts..." he whined, which you only answered with a giggle. "You can do it, pup. You're my desperate little puppy, aren't you?" you cooed.
Fat tears rolled down his cheeks as he let you sit above him with your arms seeking support from his thighs, the skin blooming with purple marks. You scooted back for a bit, his dick fully erect just in front of your clothed cunt, despite the fact that he’d already came three times. He's overstimulated at this point, yet his body still seemed to like it.
You then rose to your knees to tease your cunt against his tip, and Beomgyu tried to buck his hips up. The tiny piece of cloth served as a barrier, and it made him whine and whimper even more.
You stopped and stared at him for a little while, smiling as you realized he was covered with your markings. His neck was littered with hickeys, especially on the parts that are hard to cover. His shoulders were covered with your teeth marks, and his chest was marked with your scratches. His hips and thighs glistening with his cum mixed with your spit and hickeys all over. Your gaze flitted to his face, only to see him crying, nose red, and his lips swollen and on the verge of bleeding.
"If you see yourself from my perspective, you'll see how desperate and filthy you are, Gyu," you degraded.
A mocking scoff bursts out from your mouth when his cock twitched. His eyes widened at your degrading words.
You shook your head, and a wide grin was etched on your face. "Puppy, d'you wanna cum again?" you teased, swiping a finger on his leaking cock.
"W-wanna cum again, princess, please, please, please," he pleaded, almost drooling. "W-wanna see your p-pretty fingers 'round my cock, please," he added.
You wrapped your hands around his throbbing cock, and the sounds he made were purely pornographic. He continuously squirmed as you dragged your fingers slowly. Oh, how beautiful Beomgyu was when you got him wrapped around your fingers. You love how pliant he is at times like this, how he fully submits himself to you even when he was bound to break.
"Hyung!" A shout outside caused the both of you to turn your heads towards the door.
"Beomgyu hyung! Noona! Are you home?"
The voice was followed by some clicking of keys being placed down on the platter and some crunching of plastic bags.
"P-princess, n-no... I-i'm close..."
"Choi Beomgyu," you scoffed. "Are you for real?"
He bit his lower lip, embarrassed at how he was practically begging you to at least let him finish. His breath was growing uneven as seconds passed by, the way he bucked his hips up shows how desperate he was.
"Noona? Hyung? Are you in there?" A knock on your door made you get off Beomgyu immediately, giving his cock a slight slap in the process. Beomgyu whimpered, his head tipping off over the pillow. Cockblocked.
"Kai, what is it? Sorry, I was doing something." You opened the door to welcome the younger male. He roamed his eyes around the room, scattered files and a running computer were on the desk. Beomgyu was lying on the bed on his side, the blanket covering his body up to his neck, totally tucked in bed.
Kai scratched his head. "Too bad, I wanted to invite Beomgyu hyung to play," he pouted.
"Oh yea, he was sleeping, he said he's not feeling well," you answered as you pushed your glasses, making him believe that you are really "busy."
"Is that so?" He sighed. "I'll be in the living room, noona . If you need help, just call me." You nodded at the young male before closing the door, finally turning to Beomgyu, whom you saw squirming while you were talking to Kai.
When you stopped beside the bed, you saw how he tried to control his body spasming.
"Fucking desperate puppy," you whispered.
You pulled the blanket off of him, finally recognizing a wet patch on the bed sheet, and Beomgyu's twitching body under the blanket.
"Dirty puppy."
"I-i'm not..." he muttered.
"You just came." You retorted, swiping your finger on the sticky wet patch on the bed. "See? Such a dirty puppy, touching himself even when Kai is around," you scoffed.
He draped his arms above his eyes, his chest harshly rising up and down. You grabbed his face and forced him to look at you. "Won't take care of you again, puppy. Such a bad pup, tsk tsk."
You went out to the living room and left Beomgyu inside as he grunted in frustration. You then decided to play with Kai instead.
"Gyu! Kai! I'm home!" you announced, after coming back from work the next day, carefully placing your shoes on the shoe rack.
"Noona!" Kai shouted from the living room; however, his gaze was fixated on the TV as he frantically clicked on the game console.
You went straight to the kitchen to get yourself a cup of water, and Beomgyu was there, cooking something.
"Hi love, how's your day?" you asked before opening the fridge.
"Hmm? It's good, how 'bout yours?"
You went closer to him to give him a hug. Beomgyu placed a gentle kiss on your forehead. It was all sweet and cute, not until your naughty little mind decided to play games and tease Beomgyu. Your hands creep lower from his waist to his crotch, trying to palm him through his sweats. Taking a glance at Kai, who seemed too immersed in what was going on in the game, you rubbed him harder.
"Princess, your hand."
You were quite shocked that he wasn't that responsive like before. With just one touch, you usually had him crumbling below you already. However, this time, his words were firm as he stirred what was boiling in the pot.
"Hm? What did you say, puppy?" you giggled, trying to dominate him again.
"I said, your hand. " Beomgyu finally turned his body to you, throwing a glance at Kai before looking down at you. You're lying if you would say you weren't intimidated by his gaze. It was different, totally different from how he used to look at you with big puppy eyes whenever you had your hands against his body.
You thought he wasn't just in the mood, so you decided to stop teasing him. However, he called Kai's attention.
"What is it, hyung?"
"Do you want the food to be spi--" His words were cut off when he felt your hand on his thigh, his head snapping towards you.
"To be?" Kai questioned.
"To be spicy," Beomgyu finished. Your grip on his thigh tightened, confident that Kai wouldn't see anything anyway because your lower half was hidden behind the kitchen island.
"Bedroom. Now," he firmly commanded.
"Kai, if you get hungry, you can eat first. We just need to call her parents. We'll be in the room. And... It might take a while."
Kai nodded, although he was confused. Confused why Beomgyu's face was dark and how you were biting your lower lip without saying a single word as you entered the bedroom.
When Beomgyu entered the room, you were silently sitting on the edge of the bed. You hate to admit it, but something in Beomgyu just felt off. He closed the door behind the two of you before going straight in front of you.
"What was that?" he asked, putting both of his hands inside his pockets.
"D-did I do something w-wrong?" Your voice cracked a little.
Beomgyu placed his hands on the bed as he leaned down, causing you to scoot back.
"Princess, I'm so fucking done being controlled by you. Let me control you this time. Let's see how much you can endure," Beomgyu scoffs, a grin growing on his face before he pushed you down on the bed, straddling you.
Beomgyu shook his head as he wrapped his fingers around your neck, slightly squeezing it. "Open your mouth," he demanded.
He sighed happily, and the grin in his mouth grew wider. Beomgyu licked his lower lip before letting a glob of his spit trickle down your throat. "Swallow."
You felt your cunt throb as you swallowed his spit. You don't know why, but it did turn you on, whatever Beomgyu was doing.
"Gyu," you whispered, trying to avoid his gaze.
"Hm?" he answered shortly. His hands made their way to your breast, gently massaging them as his thumb circled your nipples.
"Look at you, you're drooling," he remarked, smirking.
You placed both your hands over your face, trying to hide away from him. Although your cunt says otherwise as you rubbed your thighs together. "No, no, no princess, show me your face."
"D-don't wanna..."
Your breath hitched and your back arched when he pinched your nipples, "You still don't?" he taunted.
"That's not my name, call me daddy ." But it seemed like he wasn't too particular in calling him daddy as he still let's you call his name.
Your cheeks and the tip of your ear turned red after hearing that word. Then you realized, Beomgyu was really done being submissive, and he is actually dominating you right now.
His hand reached back, unzipping your trousers, slipping his hand inside.
"Who did you call dirty again?"
"N-no one," you defended.
"Really? Look at this." Beomgyu withdrew his hand, showing you his finger, almost covered with your sticky arousal. "I haven't even dipped my fingers inside yet, but you're already this wet? Why? Because I spit in your mouth? You dirty girl," he mocked.
Beomgyu shook his head and clicked his tongue, "Look at your nipples poking through your bra and shirt, just because I’m degrading you."
"Gyu, please," you whimpered.
"Please what? Please this?" He then proceeded to dip his finger inside you.
"F-fuck need m-more please," you pleaded, eyes welling up tears.
Your back arched once again as he added another finger, curling them inside your gummy walls.
"G-gyu, n-not enough... Need you to f-fuck me," you cried, clutching on his sweats. "Need this i-inside me," you added, placing your hand on his hard on.
"Needy girl," he commented, slipping his cock out of his sweats and pumping it in front of you.
"You want my cock? Yes?" he cooed, nodding along with you.
"Y-yes daddy, please," you begged.
Beomgyu's face darkened, probably liking the way you called him daddy with your whiny voice. He pulled your body up and slipped you out of your trousers.
"We won't play games right now, princess," he whispered, swiping a finger on your slit, making you shudder.
"Let's make this quick and not let Kai be suspicious," he said as he teased his tip against your glistening cunt.
"B-beomgyu, please, please, please, please," you chanted, bucking your hips up to meet his tip. However, he wasn't the one to give in yet, as he only continued to tease you with his tip, a string of your arousal connecting your cunt and his swelling cock.
"If you beg better, maybe I'd give this to you---"
"Gyu please, I'll be good, daddy, please. I'll let you fuck me wherever and whenever you want. Please need you, I need you right now, I need your big fat cock," you blabbered, tears rolling down your cheeks as you gripped tightly on the sheets.
"You're so fucking hot right now, begging for my cock, begging me to fuck you dumb," he muttered.
"I need your cum so bad, daddy, please. Fuck me and cum inside me, make me your dirty little slut, please." Beomgyu wasn't even sure if you were aware of the things you were saying, but he gave in anyway, slowly pushing his length inside you.
"Fuck, still tight as fuck," he whispered, pinning your hands above your head.
"Gyu, please, mpphh!" Whimpers and whines were the only things that came out of your mouth as he slowly dragged his cock inside.
"Needy. You're so needy," he grunted, obviously struggling to move as you clenched tightly around him. Your low little loud noises bounced inside the four walls of the bedroom. Beomgyu let out breathy moans and shaky breaths, you clenching tightly around him along with your whimpering and whining mainly the cause of it.
Until there was a knock on the door.
"Uhm, hyung?" Beomgyu quickly covered your mouth but was still thrusting inside you, making you feel overwhelmed. The thought of being caught made your pussy flutter, causing you to clench tighter. "I just... Wanna let you guys know that... I-i'll be heading out. I'll be back l-later," Kai said, informing the two of you.
"S-so close," you breathed, body intensely shaking from being exhausted all day and receiving something tiring and unexpected.
"Wait for m-me princess, need to cum with y-you," he moaned, feeling his nearing high.
"Inside, please." You forcefully pulled your wrist from his hand above your head as you pulled Beomgyu closer, hugging him tight.
"G-gyu, shit, shit please!"
Both the knots on your stomach snapped simultaneously, allowing your cum to mix together and making both of your bodies shudder out of pure pleasure.
Beomgyu slowly pulled out, letting your mixed cum dribble out of your spent pussy. Beomgyu pulled you in for a hug as you whimper on his neck and your body twitched under his touch.
The curtain on the window danced as the wind blew. A few more minutes, the wind blew harder, and your door suddenly swung open. Shit! It wasn't locked at all!
And it occurred, maybe Kai left because of what he had heard.
@binniesbooks 2024
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ckret2 · 3 hours
Ok but why DO the teens of Gravity Falls start worshipping Bill after everything he did to them? Isn't there a better counterculture figure they can use that didn't traumatize them for life?
You'd think. Pre-TBOB I sure wouldn't have made them worship him—but if canon says they worship him to be edgy, who am I to argue.
So since it IS canon, I justify it two ways:
One: who says they were traumatized? I'm not saying "Weirdmageddon wasn't traumatic"; I'm saying "maybe they didn't feel traumatized by it." Not everyone comes away from should-be-traumatic situations with trauma, ESPECIALLY if they have a large support group that understands what they went through... like, say, literally everyone else in town.
And a WHOLE LOT of Gravity Falls—maybe even most of the town—had VERY little exposure to Bill or Weirdmageddon. Based on Wendy's account, she and her friends didn't know anything was wrong until the eye-bats swooped in to petrify them. Anyone captured "probably" wasn't conscious (based on how Lazy Susan seems disoriented and unaware of her surroundings, I assume they were mostly unconscious, partially dreaming). All the teens (along with the other townspeople) were freed from the throne while Bill and his minions were outside, escaped (except for Wendy & Robbie) before Bill got back, and then everything went back to normal and nothing was broken and nobody was hurt.
For Wendy, it was the most stressful, dangerous, terrifying week of her life.
For all of Wendy's friends (and probably most other teens in town), it was just a pretty bizarre 15 minutes.
Since the eye-bats were picking off stray townspeople days into Weirdmageddon, I'm sure not all of the teenagers in town were captured so quickly and painlessly... but like, the teens that got the highest doses of trauma from the incident probably aren't the specific teens worshiping Bill to be edgy.
Two: it's a way of reclaiming power over the situation. Do you know one way to stop fearing the monster you imagine under your bed? By imagining really hard that the monster you can feel so, so close in the dark is actually friendly and there to protect you.
The triangle guy's dead and not coming back right? Then there's no consequences if we clown around in his name. You want to be a big fancy god? Okay, now you're the God of Making My Teacher Give Me An A+ On The Final. You're the God of Please Don't Let Me Get Fired From My Part Time Job For Showing Up Late. You're the God of Putting Me In The Same Classes As My Friends This School Year. I'll sacrifice a chicken nugget to you and you'll do me a favor.
If you're a chaos god then I'm calling on you when we spray graffiti, secretly throw a house party, sneak into the movie theater, sell weed in the restroom. If you're a chaos god then keep away the cops and parents when we're breaking the rules. (It's lucky coincidence that Bill would probably love to be the god of illegal parties and drug dealing.)
If you wanna be a god, then you're hired, buddy—and on this planet, that means if we bow to your image and chant your name and sacrificially burn a one dollar Bill over a candle for you, then you have to do what we ask, and you can't scare us anymore. And if worshiping you DOES scare the authority figures we're yearning to buck against, that's just a bonus.
Pantheons all over the world worship gods of volcanoes, sea storms, war, and death. When humans see a force too terrible to defeat or escape, we give it a face, a name, and a temple, and start feeding it with offerings and prayers in hopes we can domesticate it the same way we domesticated wolves with meat and back scratches.
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meo-eiru · 2 days
meruuuuu! Can I perhaps know how you learnt Japanese? I don’t really know if you learnt because you lived there or anything, so I don’t really want to assume, but if you did learn by taking classes or something can you please point the way for me 🙏🙏
I’ve wanted to learn a second language for a while but I have no idea where to start!
Ok so back when I was in 7th grade, a young weeb who was learning the big world of anime for the first time, I was really into Naruto. And I had another friend who was into Naruto who was way ahead of me. So since I really wanted to catch up to her I'd watch like 11 episodes of Naruto a day with subs. By the time I was done (watched other shows too) I realized my ear had gotten used to Japanese and I could understand the gist of sentences just by hearing them.
I didn't want it to just stop there tho so in 11th grade I started actually studying. You see Japanese has 3 alphabets; hiragana, katakana, kanji. Hiragana and katakana are easier since they are more like learning your a,b,c's. I focused there first and used duolingo to memorize them. Now I won't recommend duolingo for actually learning japanese but it's good for memorizing the alphabet if you are consistent. I'd also solve a lot of hiragana and katakana tests online to test myself.
Once I made sure I got the hang of it I started kanji. For kanji I use wanikani, it's an amazing site when it comes to learning kanji and vocabulary I'd 100% recommend it. I was lucky to not need to study grammar since Japanese sentence structure is already the same as my mother tongue Turkish.
Last winter I managed to pass JLPT N3 and this winter I'll try out N2.
Long story short definitely immerse yourself. Find a type of media of the language you want to learn and consume it lots. This could be tv shows, youtube videos, podcasts, music, games. Just hearing the language constantly will help you a lot. And be consistent with it, turn it into a daily activity, a hobby. If you do it for a week then stop you won't learn anything. Find ways to make it fun for you
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jaeyunwon · 11 hours
TRY AND RUN. chapter 1
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pairing: yandere! sunghoon x fem!reader
synopsis: everyone saw you and your husband, sunghoon, as the perfect couple. But there's just something very wrong about him and you're not gonna stop till you find out.
you suffer from paraplegia (paralyzed from the hips till down), you find out that your husband is more than what he says he is.
w.c: 3.8k+
warnings: DEAD DOVE DO NOT EAT, smut, (mdni), fluff, mention of killing someone, drinking, stalking?, hoon and reader are very much in love and it shows.
a/n: honestly this has been in my drafts for too long but I've been busy with clg I'm sorry for the wait. btw for the story to make sense, since she's paralyzed it'll only be her legs not her hips and yk.. and it's just a fictional story so of course not everything is real especially in how I'm writing the readers condition (pls don't come at me-)
try and run masterlist
smut warning under cut!!
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warnings: smut, (mdni), mention of sex, nipple sucking, mention of masturbating in the shower, pussy slapping, dirty talk, edging, fingering, marking, possessive sunghoon, my first time writing smut!!! 18+ mdni
The light of the morning sun seeped through the kitchen windows, as the sound of eggs sizzling in the pan can be heard throughout the kitchen walls, once you turned off the stove and put the eggs and bacon in plates you were about to turn around with your wheelchair but was abruptly stopped when you felt a hand on your shoulder.
your head quickly turns around since you heard no noise of anyone being awake other than you. But your worries faded as soon as you saw the face of your husband, sunghoon, standing before you.
giving him a small smile sigh "you almost scared me to death.” he giggled at your reply giving you a kiss on your check “I'm sorry darling, didn't mean to.”
He helped you set up the breakfast on the table and you both sat down to eat, “so, what do you want to do today?” He started which made you look up from your plate, swallowing before replying “don't you have work today?”
“I can take some time off just for you.” he smirked as he took a bite of his breakfast, “really? Then maybe we can go to the beach! The weather seems lovely today.” He smiled at your enthusiasm.
“Anything for my pretty girl.” it's not that sunghoon doesn't take you out, in fact he tries to take you out every week but he's been very busy lately that you both have spent the whole week at home whenever he comes back from work.
You both went back to eating in silence, it wasn't awkward. It could never be awkward when you're with sunghoon.
When you were both done you were about to take the plates and put them in the sink but sunghoon beat you to that “I'll do the dishes, you should've woke me up to help you with breakfast too.”
“You looked so peaceful while sleeping I couldn't bring myself to wake you up.” You chuckled remembering how you were admiring how he looked while sleeping. “you're too nice, why can't you just leave these things for me, I hate making you do anything when I'm available.”
Sunghoon said while moving towards you, holding your chin up to make you look at him, as your eyes met his you almost felt like you were at a loss of words, his beauty was unbelievable.
And you can't believe it's all yours to admire, you sometimes wonder how you and sunghoon even ended up together. He could do so much better than someone who can't even walk on their legs, and with his looks you're sure he can get any woman out there.
Even though your husband made sure to always tell you how much your legs were beautiful it still was your biggest insecurity. Was he even content with the life he's living right now, stuck with someone who's a liability—
Before you could go on with the negative thoughts, you felt sunghoon's lips right on yours pulling you back into reality, you threw your arms around his neck pulling him closer to you as you lost yourself in his soft lips.
And before it can escalate into anything sunghoon pulled away slowly from you, the kiss wasn't long, it was short but sweet enough to make your heart feel like it stopped.
“What were you thinking about, pretty.” He said while his hand slid up to rub your cheeks “nothing..” you mumbled as you smiled softly at him
He started kissing your neck as his soft yet strong hands made their way to palm your breasts “nothing, really?” looking up at you as his hands palmed your breasts through your shirt “hoon..” you whispered as the touch surprised you, feeling the blood rush in your body.
His hands slowly went under your shirt, trying to remove your bra as he cupped your breasts in his big palms, you arched your back a bit whining at the sudden coldness of his hands on your nipples.
He pulled back and removed your shirt quickly while his lips immediately made their way to your breasts, as he licked and sucked on your nipples, trying to give both your bossoms the same attention while his hands kept going down until they reached your thighs.
He left your nipple with a pop coming from his mouth after feeling satisfied and started sucking on your neck again, trying to leave his marks as much as he could. sunghoon has always been the clingy and touchy type, a minute doesn't go by where he doesn't at least have one of his hands on you.
You quickly held his hands as you tried squirming away “stay still.”
“hoon, not now. it's too early” you whined, removing his hands away from you “it's never too early to want to eat you out.” You felt him smirk against your neck as you hit him jokingly on his head “oh god, don't say stuff like that so early in the morning.” You sighed as you heared him chuckle.
“Well someone needs to help me with this problem.” He brought your hands near his already hard boner, you rolled your eyes at him before replying in a non amused tone “the shower exists.”
“Come on, you're not gonna let me jerk off when you're right here, are you?” the option of strangling him right now didn't feel like such a bad idea right now “sunghoon! I said don't say stuff like that in the morning.”
You heard him laugh before he helped you with your shirt and then he made his way to the counter, turning on the kettle to make you chamomile tea as he started washing the dishes.
Once he was done with the dishes, you drank your tea and took all the medicines you needed for the day, sunghoon took you back to the room to get ready.
Once you got to the room, he stole a kiss before you felt his arms behind your back and knees, as he carried you to the bathroom.
You took a shower while he did whatever it was while waiting for you to finish, this has always been your morning routine. You got out of the shower while he got you some undergarments “what would you like to wear today?” he said while searching in your closet.
Once he found the dress he was looking for he turned back just to find you in your bra and panties already “how about this dress, it would look perfect on you.” It was a summer dress, it was blue in color and had tiny flowers scattered at the end. The dress reaches till your knees which seems perfect with the warm weather outside.
Sunghoon always had a good fashion sense and you never judged his taste in clothes. As he helped you put on the dress, he left you alone to go get ready as you started brushing your hair and putting on a bit of makeup.
Once you both were done he helped you get down the stairs through the stair climber, and you both made your way to the front door, ready to go to the car while sunghoon went back to get his car keys from the bedroom. You and sunghoon lived a bit far away from the city, there isn't a neighborhood around you other than the elderly couple and their dog which they live right on the other side of your house.
They're sweet when they want to be but they're also very rude, especially their German shepherd dog which you're very scared of as you once saw him chase a cat and in the end rip it in half.
you tried not getting near him but, The Kangs, your neighbors, seem to let him lose in the morning and maybe he likes hanging around your house because every morning he is there, almost like he's waiting for you to come out just to see the terrified look on your face.
You've tried talking to the kangs about it but it's only useless when you see him the next morning right outside, and that's exactly the same exact thing you're looking at right now. The German shepherd is right outside your door, staring at you with his blood shot eyes like he's trying to tell you to run before he rips you to pieces.
as you started going backwards using your wheelchair,you felt like screaming but you knew this would only make things worse. You kept going back until you felt your wheelchair bump into something, or more like someone. You looked behind you just to see your husband standing there, glaring at the dog.
He didn't waste a second before he took one of the many umbrellas next to the door, and started threatening the dog, as you saw the dog run away you finally let out the breath you didn't know you were holding. You felt sunghoon's hand engulf yours as he got down on his knees “are you okay, love? You're shaking.” You looked at your hands just to see your hands shaking a bit.
“Yeah I'm fine, you know how it goes with that dog around.” You said as you smiled at sunghoon to make him less worried, “you know I can always threaten the neighbors into getting rid of their dog, if they can't tame him then they might as well just get rid of him. He's been getting on my nerves lately.”
“thank you.. but no it's just a dog, I need to get over my fear of him anyways.”
“I'll make sure to talk to them again about keeping the dog away from our house.”
“Thank you hoon. Really, I appreciate it.”
He smiled at your reply as he began to make his way to the car, he helped you get in and then made his way to the driver seat, and you both set off to the beach.
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You felt the sun caress your skin, it wasn't too hot but also not too cold, the weather was perfect for a walk especially with the sight of the beach around.
At the end of your walk sunghoon suddenly stops walking as you saw him roll the hem of his pants and take his socks off, once he looked at you, you tilted your head to the side looking confused but he only smiled at you before he lifted you up bridal style and started walking towards the water.
“hey! What are you doing!” he giggled at your confusion before he felt the water engulf his feet, he dipped you down, your hand reaching for the water, feeling the temperature of it. It was warm and calming against your hand.
You felt the wind breeze at both your figures as you smiled, watching the sun set, you felt relaxed.
“Wanna go back home now?” he asked, as you nodded. He started walking back while giving you small kisses on your face, moments like these made you feel like everything was okay, that there was nothing wrong. He made you feel special, like everyone in the world doesn't exist and it's only him and you.
“I'm so lucky to have you.” He would always make sure you know that you're the blessing in his life, not like it's the other way around. And you wished, hoped, and prayed that in every life, sunghoon would be there, with you.
But you should've known earlier, that all of this… was too good to be true.
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sunghoon came out of the car while making his way into the private club, the lights of the club reflecting into him as he made his way to the VIP section, he kept walking until he stopped In front of a table with two guys occupying it.
“Did you finish what I asked you to do?”
“Yup and we left the body as it is, just like you asked.” Jay, sunghoon's workmate, said as he saw sunghoon smile a bit before taking a seat “He was very annoying though, I hate it when they scream and beg a lot.” Heeseung, sunghoon's other workmate, added with a roll in his eyes.
“He should've kept his eyes in check then, checking out my wife when I was right next to her and thinking he would get away with it.” He laughed before he continued “it won't be long before his body is found by the police, you didn't leave anything behind, right?” He relaxed into his seat as he took a sip from the drink that was ordered before he showed up.
“Don't worry, we've taken care of everything.” Heeseung said while taking the shot in front of him and chugging it down feeling it go down his throat finally letting loose.
Sunghoon didn't like lying to you, but there were some things that were better kept as a secret than you having to know, for example, his whole life. You didn't need to know that he worked under an organization, you only knew that he has a normal job, working for a normal company, as a normal office worker.
You didn't need to know that the food you're eating, the clothes you're wearing, the house bills, everything that's getting paid for is from money gotten from killing people as a job.
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You just finished making dinner, washing the dishes you used as you waited for sunghoon to get back from work.
wiping your wet hands on the towel you suddenly felt someone's hands on your shoulders as you yelped and turned your head around just to see it was your husband.
You let out a sigh, feeling like you almost got a heart attack. Sunghoon was always slow footed when he got home, you smiled at him before you saw a bouquet of roses in front of you.
Your smile grows even more “thank you, you didn't have to.”
He was about to respond before you quickly pulled him closer to your lips, giving him a kiss to show your gratitude, and he reciprocated your eager kiss. But you pull back before it can turn into anything more, remembering that sunghoon must be hungry.
You both ate your dinner while sunghoon was telling you what he did through the day and you told him about your little activities while you were home alone before you decided to cook dinner.
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You were too engrossed looking at the computer to notice your husband coming in with a mug of chamomile tea, he makes it for you every morning and every night “for you.” He said as he set the cup down on the desk, “thank you, hoonie.” He smiled before replying “what are you working on?”
“Nothing, just the usual editing you know.” you took a sip, humming at the taste and giving sunghoon a thumbs up.
Even though your legs weren't functioning, which meant the line of jobs you can choose from is sufficient, you decided to do a job that didn't need you to get out of your home. You usually edit people's writing, it isn't much but it's still something and you were very happy with it.
“Don't you think it's time to go to bed?” He said a chuckle following “I will! After I finish this.” Sunghoon frowned a bit trying to make you change your mind and get to bed earlier.
“How about finishing it tomorrow and spending the rest of the night with me… in bed..” you rolled your eyes knowing exactly what he's trying to say, you couldn't reply as you felt him pulling your body closer to his and smashing his lips into yours, his tongue clashing against yours, hands exploring your body as yours stayed on his chest, gripping his shirt tightly trying to keep up with the kiss.
His large hands stopped at your ass palming it through your clothes before he suddenly held you up, not breaking the heated kiss and making his way to the bed, he placed you down gently on the soft mattress before pulling away slowly from you.
his forehead right against yours as he stared into your eyes, “kiss me again, please.” You breathed, growing impatient already, and sunghoon didn't hesitate before pulling you closer to him again, feeling the soft muscle against his as you both needily kiss each other.
Your hands travel through his hair trying to pull him closer than he already is, as sunghoon's hands stay on your ass squeezing the soft blush, he quickly took off the nightgown you're wearing, while his lips trail down to your chin, leaving love bites on your neck and chest as you whimpered.
“hoon, don't leave too many marks. I can't cover all of them.” he chuckled “I don't regret leaving them on your body this morning, everyone needs to know that you're mine.”
You felt the possessiveness radiating off his whole body, “you're so possessive” you rolled your eyes “I'm just stating the truth, you're mine.”
“Am I really?”
He raised a brow, are you testing him right now? His big hands quickly removed the lace panties you had on, just for him, throwing it somewhere as his hand palmed your soaked pussy, letting out a small gasp at the sudden feeling.
“Don't test me, you know you're mine. No matter how many times you disagree, I'll be here to remind you who you belong to.”
you felt a shiver run through your body, his fingers stroking your outer lips, spreading your wetness around, and without a warning two of his fingers entered you, diving in too deep, stretching you out.
You arch your back, as you cry out for him, your thighs trembling, and your hands holding on tightly to the mattress. The sound of your soaked juices can be heard in the quiet room, feeling the tight knot in your stomach starting to form, ready to break any second, before you felt nothing.
You whined, his fingers leaving your tight hole as they traveled to his mouth for a taste “fuck you taste amazing, I'm so lucky to be the only one who gets to taste you, to see you like this, and to get to fuck you. No other man will ever be able to satisfy you like I do, right darling?”
Squirming, his words almost making your orgasm come back, he gets impatient when he gets no response from you, giving a small slap to your cunt as you cry out at the impact.
“I need words princess.” he breathed out almost cumming in his pants at the fucked out look you have on your face, panting as your chest is heaving up and down.
He gives another slap to your cunt, you try to squirm away from him, blinking away the tears pricking at the corner of your eyes, which failed by the way, “yes! oh fuck only you hoon, I need only you please!”
Sunghoon groaned before his hands started working on his sweatpants, removing his pants and boxer all in one go, he quickly aligns himself to your hole, teasing your folds hearing you whine before he slowly entered the tip in.
His mouth making its way to your nipples to ease the pain, sunghoon was big, very big, no matter how many times he stretched you out it'll always feel like the first time.
He tugs at your bosoms, while fully entering your tight hole, he starts to thrust in at a slow pace as you arch your back, feeling the pain of the stretch but at the same time pleasure is making you lose your mind.
Once the pain subsided you couldn't hold back “hoonie please, faster!” and faster he went, tucking your legs up till they almost reach your shoulders.
This position probably hurts but you didn't really feel anything in your legs other than the pleasure coursing through your body.
He left your nipples with a pop as his thrusts slowed down a bit “you like it when I fuck you like this, pretty? Tell me how much you like it.” his hand went down to play with your clit.
Nothing comes out of you other than a whine, feeling frustrated that your orgasm has been delayed again. You felt his thrusts completely stop, holding your chin to face him as he groaned.
“I need words baby, or you won't get to cum tonight.” You can feel the tears going down your face, too annoyed and stimulated to be able to talk. You managed to get a word or two out, feeling like you will break any second now if you do speak.
“Yes, please! I- I need more, please.” He grinned hearing how your voice is shaking almost like he's trying to make fun of you. “What my pretty doll wants, she'll get.” He said as he thrusted his cock fully in, holding tightly to the bed covers that your knuckles are turning white from the tight grip, screaming at his big cock being inside you.
The feeling of his tip touching your cervix is making you crazy, his fast thrusts are making you lose your mind, the feeling of your orgasm coming back “I'm gonna— fuck cum, I'm gonna cum oh fuck”.
His pace went faster and the need to cum with you at the same time as he groaned “yeah baby, cum for me. Make a mess in my cock and milk me dry.” He said in between heavy breaths, and once he gave you the green light, the knot in your stomach finally snapped.
He kept going helping you throughout your orgasm as he filled you up, groaning while holding you tight. You both sat in silence. The only sound in the room was the sound of the heavy breaths and sighs you both let out, still in the heat of the moment.
When sunghoon recovered, he looked straight into your eyes before muttering “I love you.” he rolled off to his side of the bed bringing you closer to his body.
You smiled at his words, the sunghoon you saw a min ago is not the same sunghoon you're seeing now. And it always surprises you with how much he can change when he's in bed.
“I love you too hoonie, always and forever.”
You didn't hear a response as you felt sunghoon's chest go up and down and soft sound of his snores, he's sound asleep, you closed the small lamp beside your bed, ready to go to sleep.
Once you closed your eyes, trying to get to the land of dreams, you felt a white light blind your eyes, like some kind of camera flash, you opened your eyes confused on what that was, but also too tired to investigate where it came from.
You found nothing in the dark, and were about to close your eyes again before you saw the white light coming from the window. your neighbors house? But the light seemed very close to the window to be from the neighbors house. And Before you could press on the matter any longer you felt yourself succumb to the tiredness.
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taglist (if your name is in red then I'm sorry I couldn't tag you.) : @eastleighsblog @laylasbunbunny @lovingvoidgoatee @roslayy @hveanlyanqelic @starfallia @hoonlov @tasnim10 @hyuckies18 @yangjungwonnie @whateverhoon @lakoya @yunhoswrldddd @haechonly @anonant @nshmrarki @woniefull @hoonics @thedreamofalifetime @alienqbrain @chokichips @senascoop @peaceout97 @wonenonly @chubbypeach2111 @babygirllllthings @wonniehunny
jaeyunwon 2024 © all rights reserved
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gah-who-are-you · 1 day
The Strongest?... (Fem!Reader x blind!Gojo) (SFW)
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So this is where he loses his eyesight and six eyes technique after the shibuya arc and is left with multiple scars around his body. Showing a interpretation when he really lets himself be vulnerable and helpless. I had this idea for a good while now. I couldn't stop thinking of different scenarios in where Gojo would act differently than how he usually does. Reader is called doll, which is the nickname Gojo gives you. -sorry if it's not to your liking- (Angst??? Comfort? Hehe idk how to label this...)
After Shibuya he was never really able to adjust. You had gone to his side then when he was stumbling around, unable to see what he was doing. After the intense fight he didn't know where he was going. He was so lost. Blood rushing from his eyes, his body covered in wounds. Debris dusting his clothes and entering his cuts. He called for you, desperately.
After being able to prove himself he didn't care if people looked down on him. He didn't care of the way they'd treat him, the way they'd talk, the way they would look at him. Right now what he wanted most was to be able to feel you. Wanted to be able to know you're there.
He was so tired, so done with everything. His voice cracking. He kept walking despite the pain coursing through his body. Sukuna was gone and he was exhausted, and all he wanted to do was cling to you.
You rushed to his side. Your hands reached out to hold Gojo in your arms. "Satoru!" You called out as you saw him in a distance. He flinched slightly from the contact. He collapsed, his body exhausted from the exertion. His hands desperately moving to touch your face, your hair, your hands. "Doll? Doll is that you?" He asked desperately as he clung to you, the upper half of his body leaning onto you.
"Satoru, oh Satoru what has he done to you." You say shakily as your hands shakily hover over his face, tears starting to stream from your eyes. "I can't see, I can't see you." Satoru said desperately as his hands shakily traced your face. "We'll get Shoko here Satoru, just wait please." You say as you help him up. Gojo clung to you. His arms wrapping around your waist. "Don't leave me... Don't leave me." He said shakily. Your eyes widened, your heart raced, and your chest hurt.
Gojo would never let himself been seen like this not even by you. There had been certain times where he had opened up to you. But not like this, not ever. Not so hurt and desperate.
He's finally crumbled. He's finally given in to what he's been hiding for so long. You thought to yourself. Your arms wrapped around his, shaking, trembling figure. "I won't let you go. I won't go. I'll be here Satoru." You said as he buried his face in your neck.
His warm blood cascading down your neck. His eyes becoming a waterfall for the dark red liquid.
Everything was different since then. Gojo being tipped off the pedestal he used to be on. The advantage that he had for long now stripped from him. His vision was gone but most importantly to others. His six eyes techniques. He was immediately seen with disdain in the sorcery world. He wasn't the strongest anymore, wasn't the one that reigned upon. People talked, they whispered, they laughed, and showed their disapproval of his loss of technique.
Every time you'd go to a meeting you'd hear them whisper, hear them say some of the most insulting things to your husband. Insulting the one who had made possible their measly existence for now. What a bunch of Idiots. You thought to yourself. Ungrateful bastards, dipshits, assholes, but most importantly.
How pitiful. You thought to yourself. Those who cowered when Gojo was sealed. Those who hid themselves and bothered not to show. You jaw clenched, your fists balled at your sides. They shouldn't have lived. You thought to yourself as you left the meeting, seeing them pass by you. Stealing glances to you. How infuriating. You thought to yourself as your eyes caught onto a sweets stall.
You'd arrive home later that day. As you opened the door you heard the loud sound of a shatter. "Damnit!" You heard Satoru say, a hint of frustration and irritation present in his voice. You quickly rushed to the source of the voice and found Gojo standing there, his hand resting on the wall for support as he use his other hand to feel the table from where the vase had fallen. A small piece of glass gleaming with blood in his shin. Meanwhile the rest is on the floor. "Satoru stay still." You said hurriedly as you tried to pick up the glass quickly. "Doll? You're home." He said nervously as he tried to bend over and pick up the glass as well. His hands roaming the floor, trying to feel the glass shards. "I'm sorry doll here let me help." He said quickly. Your hands quickly came to hold onto his wrists and pulled him away. "No no, I can do this just stand still." You said hurriedly as you finished picking up the pieces of glass. You quickly walked to the kitchen throwing the glass away.
Yet in a rush you hit your side on the corner of the desk. Causing you to bend over in pain. A groan leaving your lips. A small "fuuuck" leaving you. You winced in pain and stood there holding onto your side. "Doll??" You heard Gojo call out. "I'm going honey just wait there for a bit." You squeaked out as you tried to compose yourself. You rubbed your side as you walked to the cabinet and pulled out the first aid kit.
You then rushed back to Gojo's side. You placed your hand on his arm. He flinched in response. "Hey hey, it's me don't worry." You say softly as you rested your hand on his face. Gojo eased under your touch and leaned in. "Here let me help you get to the couch. I have to take the glass shard out of your shin." You say softly as you laced his arm in yours. Gojo turned to you and slowly nodded his head. Your eyes softened in response. He must feel really guilty. You thought to yourself. "C'mon I'll lead the way." You say gently as you walked at a slow pace, helping him walk to the living room.
"Okay you can sit down now, slowly though okay?" You say as you held onto his hands. Helping him support himself as he sits down.
"Why didn't you have your infinity on?" You ask nervously as you rolled up the cuff of his pants carefully. Gojo stayed quiet his hands intertwined but nonetheless one of his fingers nervously tapped on his other hand. "I was trying to memorize the house's feeling. Like the wall and furniture" He said quietly as his hands disconnect from one another and come to rest on his thighs. His fingers creating a beat on his thighs. You take out the disinfectant and apply some on his leg, causing the man to flinch slightly. "I'm sorry." You say softly as you finish cleaning up the small wound and place a bandage on it.
You then sigh and sit down next to him. "We could've done this once I got home. So this wouldn't have happened." You say as you place you hand on his. Gojo lowered his head in response and nodded his head slowly.
"I'm a burden aren't I?" he muttered. His hand clenching his pants. His fists balled. Your head quickly turned to face. Your eyes widened and your breathe was caught in your throat. "N-no no you're no burden." You say quickly and cup his face with your hands. "Oh Satoru if only you could come to understand how much I love you. If you ever come to hear me say you're a burden, know that's not me." You say as your face inched forward to his.
Gojo felt your warm breathe and inched forward in response, his lips meeting yours. He wrapped his arms around you tightly. His hand splayed on your back. He kissed you hesitantly, almost as if scared you might leave him. As he begins to pull away you place your hand on the back of his head. Pushing him forward. "Satoru I love you. I love you so much don't pull away." You mumble between kisses. Your hands tangling themselves with his white hair.
Gojo gave in, his arm tightening around you. He started to shift his position. Your kisses heating up. His figure moving to get on top of you. As he did he placed his hand on the sofa to support himself, to help him move on top of you. But his hand slipped and he fell right on top of you. His face smacking against yours. You yelp in pain and come to rub your nose and forehead.
Meanwhile Gojo winced as well, his hand coming to rest on his face. "Ah, I'm sorry!" He quickly said as his hands come to try and feel your face, trying to rub away the pain. But he placed his hand by accident instead on top of your eye. "Satoru!" You exclaim softly and try to get up. Gojo then flinches and tries to shift away from you, panicking slightly. His hand coming to rest on the cushions of the sofa, he leaned back instinctively but fell back. His body toppling off the sofa. "Shit!-" He exclaimed before his body smacked onto the floor.
"Satoru!" You exclaimed in panic as you kneel to his side. "Are you okay? Did you hurt yourself?" You ask quickly as your hands come to rest on his face and patting him down to see if he feels any pain.
A small groan leaving his lip. He sits up. His hands resting on the rug. He then stands up slowly. "Satoru?" You ask softly as you also stand up. Gojo turns to where the sound of your voice is heard, and then faces away from you. He then places his hand on the furniture as he moves away from you. Making sure not to bump into anything. "Satoru wait let me help you." You say as you reach out to hold his arm.
Gojo instead yanks his arm back. He doesn't turn back to face you, his back greets you instead. You stand there stunned, as he walks away. His form disappearing down the hall of your house.
You couldn't deny that ever since he lost his sight and technique you've noticed a change in Gojo.
He's more quiet, more isolated, and seems so lost. The first day back home he tried walking around the house. But would end up stumbling around instead.
The house he had gotten so used to seeing as home felt so foreign to him. It left him uncomfortable. When night came around he sat on the edge of the bed. He just sat there, didn't say anything.
But you wouldn't give up. Soon the day passed and it was night time. Gojo spent his entire day in your bedroom. You decided to give him space. When night came around you walked into the room. You walked up to him slowly. Your footsteps light. Lost in his thoughts he didn't hear you walk in. "Satoru?" You called out to him your hand coming to rest on his back.
He flinched, jumped from the touch, and ended up stumbling forward. Landing on his face. "Satoru!" You called out worriedly and got up quickly to his side. Satoru didn't move for a bit, just laid there, when he did he sat up and curled himself up in a ball. Small muffled cries could be heard, tears streamed from his black blindfold.
You rushed to his side and hugged him. Hugged him tightly. Your hand combing through his hair as you kissed his forehead. "Satoru, Satoru honey is everything okay?" You asked gently as your hand combed through his hair, soothing him.
Gojo didn't say anything. Instead he cried harder. His heart hurt, his eyes hurt from the cut across his face. His body hurt from the multiple cuts and wounds littering it.
His hands come to grip the back of your shirt. Holding onto you tightly, not letting you go. "I'm scared." He admitted. His figure trembling. "I'm so scared of not being able to remember how you look. I'm scared of not being able to see the way our house looks. Scared of not being able to see how we'll look when we grow older." His voice cracking, cracking, trembling. "I'm scared of you leaving me." He said softly, barely audible.
How could you think I'll leave you. You thought to yourself. "Why would I ever leave you Satoru. Have you forgotten our vows? In the sick and in the health. In the poverty and in the wealth." You said as he rested his head on your shoulder. "I will forever be thankful of having you as my husband." You say softly as you help him up. "Let's sleep, alright? In our bed. Together." You say as you intertwined your hands with his. "Like it's meant to be." You say and smile at him, raising his hands to touch your face.
Satoru's hands traced your face. His fingers tracing lightly your smile. Feeling the way your lips curved up. The warmth of your face resting on his. "I love you." Satoru said. "I love you so much." He said shakily as he leaned on you, his head resting on shoulder, his upper body rests against you. "You don't have to be the strongest for me Satoru, not the toughest, not the almighty, not the one that stands above others. I just need you." You whisper to him gently. Satoru sniffled in response. "Thank you." He muttered softly.
You then picked up Satoru. His legs wrapping around your waist, his arms wrapped around your neck as his face is buried in your neck. "Oof- you're heavy." You say with a small grin. Satoru sniffed slightly, but a small smile slowly formed on his face. "Just shows how healthy I am." He responded with a small hint of comfort. You chuckled lightly and rested him on the bed. "Alright you sleepy head lets tuck you in." You say as you move the pillows and blankets to his comfort.
"I'm not a baby." He mutters as he reaches out to attempt to hold onto your wrist. "Sure clinged to me like one." A grin covering your face. You inch your hand forward to make contact with his. His hand wrapping around yours. A small flush covering his face at your comment. You're then pulled forward. Landing on the side of the bed next to him.
You squealed slightly in surprise. But a small laugh escaped you. You then scooted closer to him, your back against his chest. He reached out and wrapped his arms around you. Spooning you. "Though I wouldn't mind having one." He said with a smirk on his face. Your eyes widened and you grabbed a pillow, hitting him with it softly.
"I thought you were too sad to talk." You said and narrow your eyes at him. Gojo smiled softly at you. "You fixed that for me already, for now." He said softly as his hold on you tightens. His face nuzzling into your neck as his legs wrap around yours.
"And I'd do it again, as many times as it takes." You say as you turn your head to face him kissing him softly.
Gojo kissed you back, soft slow kisses being shared. Your bodies pressed with one another. It wasn't lust but rather love being shown in each kiss. Your lips meeting one another in a beautiful dance.
You two laid there, until your eyes closed, until your bodies went limp from sleep. The sound of your shared breathing being heard.
-----Time Skip a few years later-------------------------------------------
The sound of a babies laughter can be heard. Filling the halls of your house. Along with the sound of Gojo laughing. Birds chirping can be heard from outside the house. You walk into the room, the sight warming your heart.
There sat Gojo on the floor. Your daughter sitting between his legs, trying to push away his fingers as he tickles her. A grin covering his face.
"Satoru." You say with a soft hum. Gojo perks up at the sound of your voice, his head moving to face you. "Doll!" He exclaimed with a smile as he swooped up your daughter in his arms. Standing up to face you. Earning a small giggle from the little girl.
"How's our little flower?" You ask with a warm smile as you walk up to Gojo. One of your arms wrapping around his waist while you use to other to poke your daughters nose. Your daughter holding onto your finger and fidgeting with it. Her eyes widening in curiosity.
You chuckle softly in response and turn to Gojo. "Quite the curious one we have here." You say with a hum. As you wiggle your finger in her hold. Her small hand gripping onto you tightly. "And quite strong, too." You say as you try to pull your finger away. Your baby holding onto your finger tighter.
Gojo grins in response. "Just like her dad." He says proudly and puffs up his chest. You roll your eyes and swat his chest playfully. "Yeah Yeah." You say and sigh, wiggling your finger out of your daughters grasp.
"I'll be taking her now. Gotta feed her." You say with a hum as you take your daughter from Gojo's arms, earning a small whine from the little girl.
"Wait-" Gojo said as he raised his hands carefully. Resting them on your babies face. His hands gently tracing her features before moving up to touch yours. "Okay you can go now." He said softly, a grin beginning to form on his face.
You smiled at him fondly, meanwhile your daughter giggled after he touched her face. You then shifted your daughter to rest in one of your arms, meanwhile your other hand came to rest on his face. Caressing his cheek.
"I love you." You say gently as you pressed your forehead against his.
Gojo smiled at you, as he presses his forehead against you. "I love you more." He muttered softly.
You're then interrupted by a small outburst of your daughter. Babbling lightly with a big smile. "I think she said she loves you too." You say and grin at him.
A smile spread on Gojo face. A warm, heartfelt laugh leaving him. His hands coming to rest on you and your babies face.
"I love you both." He says gently his voice crackling slightly. Small tears pricking from his eyes "My little girl." He says as he leans in kissing his daughters forehead. "And the love of my life." He says as he leans in. Giving you a soft kiss to your lips.
He'd come to terms with things now. He wasn't the strongest, he isn't considered the best. The higher ups may look down on him. He may joke to you that he should've killed them before. Earning a laugh from you. He may not be able to see you or your daughter. But as long as he can hear the two of you. As long as he can feel your daughters small face, her little hands and feet. As long as he can feel your gentle touch and face. As long as he can kiss you and make love to you.
He's forever grateful, to be standing here with you. To have seen you give birth to his daughter. To be able to feel the first cry from his daughter. Forever grateful to have you blessing him with your eternal love and support.
It's more than enough to make him wipe his tears of sadness and instead replace them with tears of happiness. He didn't have to be the strongest anymore. But rather a father and loving husband.
----Author's note-----------------------------------------------------------
I might've gone a little too far. Oh well.. hehe :) -I also write Nanami and Toji fics in case anyone is interested (any jjk character really), i also take requests^^
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sweetiesicheng · 2 days
seonghwa - café
word count : 953
"y/n, you gotta stay awake," you hear your friend say to you.
you just grumble as you take a second and rest your eyes. you have been studying at a café for hours for exams with a one of your friends.
"why do we have two exams on monday?" you mumble to him.
"beats me," he sighs. "oh damn, i gotta go," he says, realizing that he has to leave. you open your eyes and see him scrambling to pack up his things.
"did you forget about your club again?" you ask him.
"i'm never being an officer for a club ever again," he says and slings his stuffed backpack over his backpack. "i'll text if i go to the library tonight," he says to you.
"okay. see ya."
"bye!" he waves and jogs out of the café.
you look at the time and decide to buy another coffee. you grab your wallet and get up from the table. then, you head to the cashier and wait for one of the workers to come over to you.
"ah, iced coffee, extra sugar?"
one of the workers comes over to the cash register.
"oh, uh no. not this time. can i get a large vanilla latte?" you request, "iced."
"anything else? food?" he asks you. you quickly scan over the half empty case but decide against getting a treat for yourself. you shake your head to answer. "alright, just tap your card here," he instructs, pointing to the card machine. you tap your card and wait for it to process. "you're all set. i'll bring it over to you," he says with a smile.
"thanks," you reply with a smile.
you return to your table and decide to study for your other exam. you clean up a bit and neaten up the table while taking out the textbook for the class.
right before you're about to resume studying, the worker comes up to you with your latte.
"oh, thank you," you say to him.
"no problem," he replies. "kitchen closes an hour before we close by the way. in case you want something to eat later."
you smile at him, "thanks for letting me know."
"of course." he walks back to behind the counter.
you take a sip of the latte and smile at the taste. then, you start to study for your other exam.
a few hours go by, no more latte and all of the material studied. you sigh and tilt your head back for a second while closing your eyes.
need more coffee...
you open your eyes and sit up and grab your water bottle. while taking a sip of water, you debate if you want more caffeine in your system but ultimately decide against it since you need to sleep tonight.
just as you're about to continue studying, you see the worker from earlier come up to you with a juice box in his hand.
"want one?" he asks, "i bought a pack on my break."
"oh, thank you," you say to him and take the juice box. "you're really nice."
"ah, can't help it. you've been studying here all day," he replies to you while you poke the straw through the top of the juice box.
"you a student too?" you ask him.
he nods, "graduated last semester actually. i have a job lined up in a few months, so i'm just working here in the meantime," he explains to you. "i'm seonghwa."
"y/n," you reply. "it's nice to meet you."
"yea, you too," he says with a smile. then, he looks over his shoulder, "oh, i need to help them," he says and hurries to help out a customer.
guess i could take a break for a bit.
you wait for seonghwa to come back, but it seems like he gets caught up in working as you wait. you decide to scroll through your phone for a bit in order to distract yourself.
after some time, seonghwa appears at your table again, this time with a small sandwich that is cut into two pieces.
"kitchen made an extra," he says to you as he puts the plate on the table.
"oh, let me pay for it," you say and reach for your backpack to get your wallet.
"don't worry about it, really," seonghwa says to you. "besides, i'm taking half because i'm hungry," he adds and takes one half of the sandwich.
you laugh, "thanks." he hums in response while eating.
"still have a lot to study?" he asks.
"feels like it, but i actually went through a lot already," you answer him.
"i think you need a break," seonghwa says to you.
"i think you're correct, seonghwa," you reply.
all of a sudden, another worker comes up to the two of you. "seonghwa! save the flirting for after we close! you need to mop!" the guy says to seonghwa and hands a mop to him. the guys walks away while shaking his head and grumbling about cleaning.
"i wasn't even flirting with her," seonghwa argues back before eating another bite of the sandwich. "ignore him," he says to you.
you laugh, "alright," you reply. "maybe i should leave so you can focus."
he frowns, "leaving me already? so sad." he sighs.
"you working tomorrow?" you ask him.
"hm? tomorrow? yea," he answers and stands up.
"then you'll see me tomorrow," you say to him.
he nods with a smile, "okay, tomorrow."
"seonghwa! hurry up! i want to go home!"
seonghwa rolls his eyes and stands up. "i heard you the first time," he says to his coworker. he looks at you, "see ya."
"see ya," you say and start packing up while seonghwa starts cleaning.
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erosmutt · 19 hours
ok like i dont expect you to write this or anything its more just food for thought- which hayden characters, including hayden, would be a boobs guy, a butt guy, or thigh guy or something else lmaooo
ugh i luh yew for this. disclaimer, most of them are ass men <3
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☆ HAYDEN : ass
I'll be real... I don't know. All his exes are flat skinny girls... KIDDING! Hayden is an ass man! He's not one to objectify, but he can appreciate a nice ass when he sees one. He's the type to give your ass a swat in passing, just because. Or because he likes to see it jiggle. Either way, he likes to touch it. Fills his hand nicely.
☆ SAM : boobs
Sam... just objectifies girls. All the time. He's a horny teenage boy, and nothing gets him off quicker than a nice rack on a girl. His favorite pastime is watching the volleyball girls play, and all he can imagine is grabbing at their tits, or burying his face into them.
☆ SCOTT : boobs
Scott'll stare at your tits shamelessly. Especially since Horizon's activities call for so much hard labor, you're constantly moving and working up a sweat. You mostly wear camisoles and tanktops, so he has an amazing view of your cleavage. Plus you sweating usually equals a see through top, which is an amazing perk.
☆ ANAKIN : boobs
Anakin hates that he can't see your body well in your Jedi attire, but he can see your breasts a bit because of the fabric straining against them. He gets distracted during training watching your tits bounce while you swing your saber about.
☆ JAMES : ass
ass man. ASS. MAN. James' favorite position is doggystyle because he gets to watch your ass ripple and jiggle when his hips smack into it. he'll do double takes when he's walking down the street after seeing a girl with a fat ass. bonus points if you're chubby - fatter ass and a whole lotta whole lotta for him to grab onto!
☆ CLAY : thighs
Clay loves your thighs because they make such a comfortable resting spot. After a hectic day at the office, all he wanted was to bury his head in your plush thighs to relax. The way you'd play in his hair while he rested was also even better.
☆ BILLY : hips
No matter what, Billy always has his hands on your hips. he loves to stand behind you, loves to feel you up. whenever you try and step away, he grabs you by your hips and pulls you back into him. he likes the sense of power it gives him.
☆ LORENZO : boobs + waist
Your body was what initially drew Lorenzo in, but your resourcefulness was a plus, so he said. Totally not your cleavage and waist. He helped you get dressed one morning (he was squatting at your place hiding from Gerbino, go figure) and he refused to get his hands off your waist. Just constantly roaming from your tits to your waist, back and forth. He kept saying it was to adjust your undergarments which you knew was NOT true but... it felt good, so you didn't make a move to stop him.
☆ LUKE : ass
For the same reasons as James and Billy. He loves to worship your body, loves to touch on you, just to be near you. He loves you, but the thing that really made him fall in love was your ass in the jeans you wore on your first date together.
☆ KURT : ass
He just loves your ass. Just does. He loves eating it too. He'll absolutely fiend for you, antsy for you to come home so he can worship your ass. Spank it, grip it, fuck it... any and everything. If it can be done, he'll do it to your ass.
☆ DON : thighs
Don likes to rest. He's content with just sitting. Napping, reading a book, just nothing too strenuous. One day you came and sat on his thigh after washing the dishes, and the way your thighs squished and spread had him curious. Despite being married for a few years, you two had only been intimate a handful of times, which meant he hadn't paid your body much attention. So he began to invite you to sit on his lap, and one hand would idly caress your thighs while the other would jot down notes as he prepped for his next sermon.
☆ VADER : hips
He feels like he has control over you when he holds you by your hips. Plus his hands are so large, it's hard for you to get out of his grasp... generally.
☆ AJ : ass
AJ can appreciate any woman's body, but it's something about a girl's ass that always gets him. He's always at fancy gatherings courtesy of his job, so there are always women wearing fancy dresses - most that accentuate their figures. Also, strip clubs. Can't forget those. His favorite thing about the clubs is the dancers bending over right in his face. All he wants to do is give their asses a good, firm smack. He wished they had a bit more, though. Why do they always hire skinny, flat girls to be dancers?
☆ LEO : hips
You two went to dinner after getting engaged, and the dress you wore had him in a frenzy. It wasn't a skimpy dress or anything either, it just accentuated your natural curves. While he was guiding you around, his hand was on your hips at all times. He'd occasionally give a slight squeeze, not to tease you, just because he needed to have a feel of you constantly.
☆ STEPHEN : thighs + boobs
Stevie likes anything about a woman that's maternal. Or, what he considers maternal. Big breasts, thick thighs... those are all things he associates with a mature woman. So naturally, he wants a woman with those physical attributes!
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gguk-n · 1 day
Balancing Act (Daniel Riccardo x Jung Hoseok's manager!Reader)
No face claim. Pictures from Pinterest
Wishing Daniel all the best with his future endeavours 😭😭
Series Masterlist
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{Reader's POV}
When I had joined BigHit, I has started working as an assistant to BTS's manager. He was a kind and helpful man, who made transitioning to the job so easy. The boys were also very kind and understanding. It was a blast to work with them honestly. Later, as I gained more experience I was assigned to other groups. I did miss hanging out with the boys; I missed Hobi the most.
After I had stopped working with BTS, that was when I realised that I had a crush on Hoseok. I told myself it was due to the close proximity or the fact that he was just kind, but he was kind to everyone. And I decided to bury those feelings since K-Pop agencies didn't take dating lightly. Even though I barely saw Hobi at this point, my heart would always beat really hard and I would find myself looking for him in common spaces.
Whenever Hobi had individual schedules, I was brought back. The first time I had to work with him after I realised that I love him was nerve wrecking to say the least but Hobi's energy made me feel right at ease and I've never felt so relaxed before. I practically became his personal manager after Hobi started having individual schedules. He was a joy to be around and his energy and laughter was infectious. The tiny crush I had denied having had turned into a full blown infatuation. But, what was I supposed to do when Hobi would smile and sweetly greet me, even going as far to get me coffee. I couldn't not love him.
I was travelling with Hobi for his performances and the final promotion shooting before he was supposed to go for his mandatory military enlistment when I realised I had to tell him. The major reason being that I felt like maybe he liked me. It was the way his eyes would look at me or the way he would softly utter my name. I just felt it in my bones, he liked me. Oh, how wrong I was.
"Hope, congratulations on a successful promotion and preparing so much for ARMY" I said patting his back. "Thanks. I couldn't have done it without you" he laughed his infectious belly laugh. "No no, you are very talented. You could've managed with out me" I insisted. "Nope, my english is so bad, I would've never left my hotel room if not for you" he reasoned. I smiled at him, this was the right moment. "Don't mention it Hobi, just doing my job. I wanted to talk to you about something" I said, it made my tummy rumble and knot up. "Sure" he said turning his full attention on me. I breathed in deeply before saying, "I like you a lot, I've liked you for a while. Will you go out with me?" I asked looking at my feet. I heard Hobi sigh, this wasn't a good thing; "I'm sorry, Manager Y/L/N." he mumbled. The last name hurt. "I've never liked you that way and I'm sorry if I ever gave you the wrong impression. You are a good friend and colleague who I'm grateful to have but I don't feel that way" he apologised. I laughed dryly, "Yeah, it's okay." I sighed trying to hold back tears. "Let's still be friends. I don't want to lose a friend because of my stupid mistake" I croaked out. "You won't. I promise" he said trying to hug me. I walked back. "I have to give the company report on your schedule and stuff. Good luck with the military. I'll see you once you're back" I shouted out backing away. I had tears in my eyes as I turned the corner.
I may have cried myself to sleep for a few days after that but knowing Hoseok was leaving for the military and I wouldn't have to see him for a while made things easier. I knew I needed a change of scenery and pace so I took a few months off and went on a vacation.
I was in Spain when I met Daniel. He was charming, charismatic and easy to get along with. He would make me laugh and had great joy remembering how we met. "Excuse me" I asked tapping the tall man in front of me. He was wearing a hat and sun glasses. "Hi, Nice to meet you. Would you like a photograph or an autograph?" he asked turning around. I was so confused. "No, I just wanted directions. Can you help?" I asked. He tipped his sunglasses down his nose, scanned me up and down, "You are breath taking" he whispered. I felt a blush creep up my face. "Thank you" I mumbled pointing to a name on my phone, "Do you know where this is?" I asked. "Sadly, I don't but my friend does." he said calling his friend 'Carlos', he sounded Spanish when he spoke to me and gave me the directions. I thanked the two men and started walking in the directions when the taller man with an Australian accent ran up to me, "Hey! I'm Daniel and I don't know if this is crazy but you are so pretty and I just can't let you walk away so would you like to go on a date with me?" he asked. "Sorry, I'm trying to get over someone right now" I said apologetically. "Nothing better than a shoulder to lean on as you get over a stupid man" he winked. "Let's have a drink together. You can tell me all about your relationship woes and I will patiently wait for when you are ready to date me" he laughed. "I don't drink with strangers" I pointed out, walking away.
After that, I met him in Austria again. It was as if the stars were aligning and that's when I finally agreed to have coffee with him. He was a great listener and would give good advice. As I spoke to him and got to know him, we did end up on a date, a few weeks after Austria. I was continuing my trip in Europe and he had work in Europe, it seemed. It was only after a few dates, did he tell me that he was a Formula One Driver. I almost didn't believe him until I Googled him. I may have spent way too much of my time watching Daniel Riccardo funny videos and his interviews and his race highlights.
We decided to keep our relationship on the down low for a while since I did have to go back to work after my vacation. The vacation was the best thing I did for myself. Daniel would visit me if he was at a race near by which was many months later since he was in Singapore and Japan but I cherished every moment I got to spend with him. After his season was over, he was in Seoul to spend some of his holidays with me. I loved waking up to Daniel in bed or to a nice cooked meal when I got back from work. He would joke about being my stay at home wife and we would laugh as we enjoyed the meal. We would explore the streets of South Korea and even going on small weekend getaways so I could show Daniel around.
He did return to Australia to spend time with his family but we would constantly be texting each other or on call. After almost a year of dating, Daniel asked me to come to a race of his, specifically Spain since that was the country where we first met. I cleared up my calendar and I was off.
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Liked by y/n.y/l/n and 1,298,032 others
danielriccardo Happy 1 year baby!!🥰🥰I've never been happier than I've been with you!! I love you!!❤️❤️
y/n.y/l/n aww!! You make me the happiest. Love you too babe❤️❤️ landonorris both of you are like the otters that hug each other while floating away.🫢Congratulations btw❤️ maxverstappen1 congratulations to the cute couple❤️Hope you won't forget me Daniel🥲 user7 OMG!! They are literally the same version of each other🥹🥹 user8 I need a boyfriend like Daniel😭😭 user9 The photography skills😘😘 user10 It's so cute!! Congratulations on your 1 year anniversary❤️❤️
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Liked by danielriccardo, uramyhope and 356,930 others
y/n.y/l/n Happy 1 year to the man who never fails to make my heart flutter!!😭😭Thank you for being the best boyfriend ever!!😘😘Love you more than I can explain🥰🥰
danielriccardo you're gonna make me cry.😭Love you most!!❤️❤️ y/bff/user both of you are so cute, I'm feeling very single😭😭 user11 I've known her since she started in BigHit, can't believe I might watch her get married😭 user12 both of them are happy viruses😌😌 user13 cutest couple on and off the grid🥹🥹 user14 Hybe should sign Daniel, he can be their model😏😏 user15 they are making me believe in love🥺🥺
After the Spanish race, I wasn't able to join him any other races due to work until that fateful call; "hi babe" I chirped. "hey" he greeted, his voice heavy. "What happened?" I asked. "Nothing" he hummed. "Don't lie to me" I reprimanded. "Nothing gets past you, does it?" he chuckled. "Nope" I grinned. "Now spill Danny" I prompted. "It's just.... they might be booting me by the next race" he sulked. "What? Are they crazy? How could they do that? Is this allowed? Can I file a complaint?" I rambled. He laughed. "No, and it's okay. It was gonna happen, I had a feeling" he said. "Now I feel bad, I should've taken time off to see my wonderful boyfriend race" I sulked. "It's okay, you can come to Singapore" he pointed out. "yes!! We'll celebrate!! It's your last race in F1 and we're going to go out with a bang" I said already making plans in my head. Daniel smiled at me, "I can't wait"
I flew to Singapore on Thursday; I will always regret not going to more of his races. We had a blast, there was a rumour going around that Daniel was leaving but there was no official announcement so he couldn't say anything. I spent the better half of the weekend consoling Daniel and trying to make the best of the situation. After the race and the interviews, we walked out of the paddock hand in hand, "I'm so proud of you. Being in a sport for 12-13 years and giving it your all. Being smart, talented and wonderful, being one of the best drivers and helping others learn from you all with a smile is hard, in any field let alone something like formula one. Being a friend when you are all competitors is a talent. I love you so much for doing so well" I said, stopping to cup his cheeks and kissing him. "I love you Y/N" he said in tears. "I love you more" I smiled. "No more crying, you are the best driver" I stated. "To you" he corrected. "And that's all that matters Riccardo" I pointed out. "yes it does" he hummed and started walking out hand in hand. "I'm gonna mooch off you now" he laughed. "I will gladly let you mooch off me" I smiled. "Love you Dan" I said taking his hand to my lips and pressing a kiss. "And I love you" he kissed my hand.
We were both saps but we were each others sap. I couldn't have hoped to meet someone better than him and some one who loves me more than him.
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What if our parents were once friends but we didn't know.
What if the first time I met you you were so cold.
What if I had your mom killed just for standing up.
And you looked at me with eyes that said sorry will never be enough.
What if I had managed to do what I had planned,
Be like my mother in taking a stand,
Would you have also taken my head into your hands?
What if I hadn't stopped you, and my mother made me kill you too.
I don't think I could bear it now knowing what I do.
What if instead I took us back in time.
Gave the lives we know a serious rewind.
Just so that one day you could be mine.
And I could love you without the guilt,
That your mother's blood would have built.
Except in another place another time,
I'm still the one who let her die.
And I can't understand how you can look at me with eyes so wide.
Saying you'll forgive me because of how much I've tried.
She still died.
She died.
She was suppose to die.
And it was my fault.
It doesn't even sound like my name when you say it that way.
It sounds like love.
(but love ain't it)
Or so I've been told since I could sit.
What if I went back and undid what we've done.
Because a game against time can never be won.
And even though I've learned it way too late.
What if this time I leave you behind,
So that you can once again look at me with eyes of hate.
I don't want to forget you, Red.
I'm sorry, Chloe.
Worst part is,
While I know it's selfish,
I'll still want you to forgive me some day.
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autistichalsin · 3 days
So I just got back home a while ago, which is 5,000 feet higher in elevation than my hometown. YOU WILL BE ADJUSTING TO ALTITUDE, basically. So I've been tired and out of breath.
So tonight my mom was pestering me to get to the doctor- which is fine in and of itself. She cares, etc. I told her look, my bestie had the same thing when she was adjusting here. If I feel worse or it doesn't get better soon, I'll do it.
My mom got pissed and snapped that I was doing damage to my body. Keep in mind, she was ALSO convinced a few years ago that I was going to eventually go blind from my chronic dry eye disease if I didn't get in to an ophthalmologist immediately. She was convinced I'd go blind. From dry eyes.
I said mom, it's fine, and she whined that I never go to to the doctor. I said I did when I needed it not too long ago, and she moved the goalposts, saying YEAH it's like there was something wrong then just like now! I replied, mom, it's almost like I know when something is seriously wrong and when something isn't, and this is a "under the weather" issue not a "I'm really sick" issue.
And then I made the mistake of saying I know my body a little better than she does...
SHE LAUGHED AT ME. In my face. "HAAHAHA! Are you serious right now? You didn't really just say that, did you?" Like it was the most absurd thing anyone had ever said to her. Like I'd told her the moon was made of jello.
I was pissed. So then I just said "mom, I'm ending this conversation because I don't like being condescended to. I love you and have a good night" and then I hung up on her for the first time since she got sober.
I've never hung up on her without her actively yelling at me, but I did then, because that was fucking out of line. It was insulting, it was rude, it was condescending.
Then she had the nerve to text the family groupchat whining that we "treat her like a punching bag" and it had to stop. And not to call back unless we could "treat her with respect."
So I decided I'm not calling her. She can call me if it's really important, and then she can fucking apologize and admit she violated about a dozen different boundaries, like a fucking adult.
I didn't deserve to be talked to like that by her and she needs to start treating me like a thirty year old. If HER mom, my grandma, had insinuated she knew my mom's body better than she did, she would be SEETHING.
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starguardianniom · 2 days
Billy and Lighter
I love their dynamic so much.
Freaking Lighter of all people sees Billy as his worthy rival.
Ngl but I legit think it's because Billy is the only one he can fight without being afraid of passing out.
Given Lighter faints at the sight of blood and that Billy is an android, if Billy gets hurt he will probably leak oil, but no blood, which is perfect for Lighter.
I honestly, half-seriously thinks that's the sole reason Lighter considers Billy is rival, because he won't risk embarassing himself if he manages to hurt Billy while fighting as Billy has no blood for him to faint to.
But he also does respect him given he thinks highly of him and actually likes him like a brother too.
They playfully tease one another but you can also clearly see that Lighter has a high opinion of Billy and is also happy for him to have found happiness somewhere else too, and that's so wholesome, my heart.
I was pratically screaming of joy in my head the entire time yesterday when I speedrun the chapter (I had the day off lucky me so I used it to clear out chapter 4 entirely yeah!).
I took so many pictures, will upload them this weekend, now I need to go do that certification exam to get my people to level 50, given I need to level up pretty much everyone I have right now (Billy, Anby, Nicole, Corin, Soukaku, Ben, Anton, Seth, Jane and Lucy are the characters I currently have the game refuses me Piper and just sended me a lil army of Corins, Anby and Soukaku, now I have Anby and Soukaku to M4 and Corin to M3, though it gave me Billy M2 and Seth M2 thank god) I'll be at it for a while.
But honestly I expected Lighter to be a bit more mean toward Billy and feeling superior to him but it seems like I was worried for nothing, Lighter loves Billy and Billy loves him back, though I'm pretty sure Billy also thinks that he wasn't able to escape Lighter entirely given he now has Anby around. XD Lighter keeps forgetting things and Anby keeps forgetting the line between fiction and reality, I imagine Billy must be used to Anby because he had to spend half his time reminding Lighter of stuff all the time. XD
I swear Billy had it better than Lighter back then, given he was the Champion that means he was the strongest of the Sons of Calydon, which means he's stronger than Big Daddy, and Big Daddy is most likely the one who raised and taught Caesar how to fight, so if she didn't get the title of Champion back then, then Billy was most likely strong enough to beat her too and Big Daddy. But then he left. But he also got to meet Lighter before that, but Lighter is weaker than Caesar but still has the title for some reason, so it's a bit murky there as to why they needed 2 champions.
I think Billy wanted to leave or something happened that made him leave and then Big Daddy brought in Lighter to pick up his title but Billy sticked around long enough to make sure Lighter was up for the job given they have a good brotherly friendly rivalry relationship together so once Billy thought Lighter was ready he gave him his title and left. And then Caesar got to be the new boss of the Sons of Calydon when Big Daddy retired, and was strong enough that she was able to beat Lighter apparently.
But the title of Champion is basically being the number 2 of the gang, so if the leader isn't around it's most likely the champion calling the shots and making sure everything is alright and settling disputes and what nots, but since Lighter is pretty scatterbrained, most of the duties went to Lucy while Lighter is just now extra muscles, since Lucy is pretty much the one making sure everything is alright and being the brains of the Sons, but she clearly doesn't have the strenght to be the Champion because Lighter is the one with that title.
So I imagine Billy used to handle negotiations and relations and other stuff with Big Daddy before he left and probably used to be deadly efficient, in some parts of the story he is a lot more aware and shrewd than he presents himself most of the time, such as asking us about the H.D.D and asking why we'd bother to be proxies when we could have done so much more and get a much more lucrative job, or when he was ready to sell us out to PubSec to save the Cunning Hares and himself pointing out that the Cunning Hares could get their record cleaned if they reported a proxy, which was a very smart way of thinking given their situation back then. He is also knowledgeable about the Outer Ring, so he is way much smarter than he acts too.
I do feel like Billy is seen as a superior predecessor to Lighter and while Lighter doesn't resent Billy at all for it he also feels the need to prove himself to him in some way to live up to his "brother's" legacy.
Lucy probably didn't have much to do until Billy left and Big Daddy retired. Then she basically became the second half of the Champion title in the Sons of Calydon, being the brain to Lighter's brawn, but Billy before them had the title on his own to the point that he is still feared today by other people in the Outer Ring.
It does beg the question of what was Billy like back then, probably less happy and more brutal and having the mindset of a weapon maybe, but he was still cared for a lot.
I also like to think that Big Daddy called him Billy Kid because he honestly saw Billy as "his" kid when he bought him from a group of drifters, now I really want the whole story, if they release Big Daddy and Lighter, give them more content with Billy, I need more, Hoyo!
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noblehouseofgay · 2 days
Nowhere to go
Jegulus and Black Brothers microfic
Reg survives the cave
Longer than usual, I got carried away
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
He was bleeding out, he was sure of it. His blurry vision alone told him that he only had so long left.
He almost couldn't decide if he'd rather come here or just bleed out. But he did have some self preservation left, so here he stood at the Potter's door.
As far as they knew, he was an evil death eater. He knew there was a chance he'd be turned away or even killed on the spot. After years of turning down their invitations, what right did he even have to be here?
Unfortunately he couldn't change his mind. He all but collapsed against the door. This was it wasn't it? The Potters would find a corpse on their doorstep and not even know why. Well, at least he'd get to traumatize his brother one last time.
He felt the door open against his leg and he heard someone yell. He had no idea who it was or what was being said. He was blacking out fast. Ha, blacking out. Black. Oh I'm dying. His deluded thoughts ceased as he left consciousness.
Regulus shot up, breathing quickly. Where the hell was he? He remembered the cave. He remembered ordering kreacher to leave. He remembered.....oh merlin, he remembered being dragged down. Pulled beneath the water. He remembered being apparated. He didn't know how but he'd ended up on a street corner. And he remembered choosing to find the Potters. Oh fuck. He was at the Potters.
He looked around, quickly finding his brother asleep on the chair nearby. Sirius. Without thinking, Regulus began to reach out to him. He gently touched his brother's hand. He was real. He was here.
Sirius stirred and Regulus pulled his hand away. They made eye contact for the first time in years. "Reggie..." Regulus bit his lip. What was he supposed to say right now? How do you even explain this situation?
Apparently it didn't matter, because Sirius moved quickly to hug Regulus. Soon enough they were sobbing into each other. The embrace felt like home, something Regulus hadn't felt since he was 13.
"What happened to you? Did our parents do that-" Sirius pulled back, looking horrified. "I swear, Reggie you- you looked dead!"
"I know how to kill him." Sirius froze. "I know how to kill the dark lord. I already have one piece, I- I don't know how many there are- but he can be killed, Sirius."
Sirius looked beyond lost. "Reggie, slow down." He sighed. "I'm going to grab James and his parents, then you're going to tell us everything."
So he did. Regulus filled them in on what he could, all while avoiding James' eyes as much as possible. Even now, those eyes held so much power over Regulus.
After he'd told the story, Effie and Monty left to discuss, leaving the three boys alone.
The silence was thick. "I'm glad you're ok." Of course James would say that, he had a heart too big for his body. Regulus nodded in response, his feelings too overwhelming to speak.
"You're staying here, by the way, I hope that's obvious. I'm not letting you get away from me again, Reggie. You're not going back to that house." Regulus sighed and looked at his brother. He assumed that would be the case. "Fine, but I'll need to get kreacher to bring me things from there. I've done a lot of research on the horcruxes, it's all in my journals. Plus I had him take the locket since-..." He almost didn't want to say it again. "Since I didn't think I'd make it out. The plan was he'd take the locket and my studies to you. But I think he brought me here as well, I'm not sure."
"Well at least that bloody elf has done one good thing." "Watch it. He's helped me a lot, Sirius. He's loyal to be more so than the house of Black." Sirius rolled his eyes. "Fine. But I still don't like him." He stood up. "I'll go get your guest room set up, it's next to mine."
Well now this was just awkward. He was left with James, you know, the boy he'd spent years in love with. The boy he'd danced around and teased for years. The boy he never got the chance to be with. The boy he never thought would even look at him.
The Marauders' final year had changed a lot though. Regulus and James became closer than ever. That is, until Regulus had to distance himself for everyone's sake. They'd never even kissed. Never did more than give each other looks in the halls, really.
Regulus spoke quietly, not looking at the boy. "I had nowhere else to go, I-" he took a breath, "I really wouldn't have put all this on you if I'd had a choice." James carefully moved to sit next to Regulus, his hand lightly resting on his. "I'm glad you did, Reg. We didn't- we had no idea if you were even still alive. Neither of us had ever seen you on the battlefield, there were no reports of you." James fingers held Regulus hand gently. "This was your plan from the start?" Regulus nodded. "I understand why you didn't tell us...but I wish you could've. I wish we could've helped you."
Regulus swallowed, staring into those warm hazel eyes. "I didn't want to risk your lives. I did it to keep you as safe as I could. If you hated me...then you wouldn't try to save me." Regulus laughed a little sadly. "Yet here we are now, it ended up being your problem in the end anyway." "Hey, don't do that. We want to help, Reg. You've done so much. We can end the war now! Because of you..." James brushed some black strands of hair out of Regulus' face. "You're so brave, you know that?" The taller boy stood up and left a kiss on Regulus' head, leaving the smaller boy blushing like crazy. He smiled at Regulus and nodded for him to follow. "I'll take you to your room, you should rest."
Regulus stood and followed, in somewhat of a daze from that interaction. They went upstairs and found Sirius setting up the room, adding a few little details. Sirius smiled at his brother, something Regulus never thought he'd do again.
The two other boys nodded to Regulus and headed out, Sirius giving him a gentle squeeze on the shoulder. "I'm right next door, Reggie. James is across from me, and the bathroom is at the end of the hall." James peaked back in from the hall. "And my parents are just down from me if you need them. Or us. Whatever you need, alright?" Regulus nodded with a small smile. "Get some rest, Reggie."
Regulus immediately laid down, feeling himself already being pulled into sleep. He was exhausted. Today had been forty hours long, he swore it. He'd almost died and reunited with his brother and James all in a few hours. There was a lot to deal with starting tomorrow, but for now he'd rest well, knowing his had those two back in his life.
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mangosaurus · 2 days
now that the trailer's been out for a few days let'sssss talk about how the rest of the camp fam might react to finding out ben knew brooklynn was alive (since kenji's reaction has already been made thoroughly apparent LOL):
SAMMY - denial denial denial. not over brooklynn, but the fact that ben would keep them in the dark like that. less so because she's a naturally empathetic and forgiving person but more so because it'd be hard to accept that ben couldn't trust them. especially after their whole thing in s1e05, sammy would have thought they'd be past this by now. still, i think her and ben might be able to get over that hill faster than him and kenji
YASMINA - hurt, confusion, but maybe ... understanding? i think after all the work she's put into healing her trauma, she'd try to see things from ben's perspective. not only have they always shared a sort of kinship with each other, but a big part of yasammy's strife in s1 had to do with yasmina pulling away from sammy, so she might be able to personally relate to ben doing the same thing to them (i.e. hiding the truth from his friends). i'd make reference to a plot point from s2e01 to further support this speculation buttttt i don't wanna spoil that for anyone who hasn't watched the recaps, so i'll just leave it at that for now!
DARIUS - this one is ... hard. darius has a tendency to shut down in situations where he feels guilty or betrayed: it happened in jwcc season 1 when ben fell from the monorail, it happened in jwcc s2 when brooklynn made that "cool dad" comment, it happened in jwcc s5 when kenji sided with his father, and it happened once more in jwct in the aftermath of brooklynn's "death" (which he admits to himself circa s1e02, "you're right, i did hide!"). so i can very much see darius responding with ... cold despondence. a kind of deafening disappointment. but, i don't know if darius's hurt over ben hiding the truth from them would totally override the relief and hope he might feel at finding out brooklynn is alive, in contrast to kenji's anger. if they get more details on brooklynn's whereabouts, the kinds of things she's been up to, i can also see him being more willing to look past that, partially out of an obligation to make things right (still feeling guilty about standing brooklynn up the night she was attacked) and partially out of sentiment (being in love with brooklynn). meanwhile, kenji wouldn't have these same hangups, at least not to the same degree as darius; while i believe kenji still loves brooklynn, maybe even looks back on certain aspects of their relationship fondly, i think he's well past being deeply, truthfully in love with her. basically, i don't think there would be as much multiplicity to his emotions in this situation in comparison to darius, which is what makes summing up darius's potential feelings that much more difficult for me
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partycatty · 19 hours
I have to do anon bc like I have gotten soooo addicted to your dark star johnny like.. they are so good i need 15 of those lil fuckers. You just write so good oml you ATE!!!!!
you want more? i give you more!
dark star!johnny cage > i found you
a continuation of i'll find you, johnny knew you couldn't have gotten too far... and he's not happy when he finds you.
warnings: yandere johnny, abusive relationship, lots of freaky and sick and twisted themes
notes: y'all can't stay away from jobby cag, can ya...? me neither.
[ masterlist ]
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• weeks had passed since you made your grand escape, and johnny would scrape through every possible source of evidence he could think of. security cameras, tracking devices, bank statements... all of it came up to nothing.
• you were driving him mad with the loss, needing someone to talk to, someone to nod and smile and sit pretty while obeying like a good pet. johnny needed that, he needed a toy to dress up and manage. being left alone with his thoughts was no good, and every paparazzi barrage would end in a public outburst, one that the masses accredited to desperation to find his poor missing partner.
• checking into hotels with fake names, you bounced across cities in hopes that you don't leave a large enough trail behind you. this all came crashing down when, as you walked down the street in your casual clothes, a long, outstretched arm pointed to you.
• "aren't you...?" the stranger is baffled, eyes wide and mouth agape as your features are taken in and properly familiarized with the same face plastered on every social media: johnny's missing beau!
• the question turns heads, draws attention and pulls out phones, recording and snapping your figure as you desperately pulled at the locked door of a convenience store. you had hoped that you wouldn't be recognized, but it seemed to be inevitable with how aggressive johnny was with his sob story. you were missing, poor, dazed and confused according to the world, not a victim looking for freedom.
• it's not long before johnny catches wind of your spotting, several states over in a place he'd never dare touch with his pompous fingers. he figured you better than that, better than conforming with... the common folk. granted, the common folk were his source of income, but to him they were no more than that. well... that, and an ego-booster.
• late at night, you toss and turn in your hotel room, the warmth of the comforter offering you no reassurance that something was horribly off. your suspicions were confirmed when a tapping at the window draws you of your pathetic attempt at sleep.
• "love~" your heart stops at the horrifically familiar voice, the drawl that makes your stomach flip and sleep become a distant concept.
• you fall silent, hoping maybe he'd give up, think he got the wrong room. "don't be stupid," he continues, tapping again. "everyone knows you're here, doll. come on out! we've all been very worried for you."
• it's then that you hear the shutter of cameras and a muffled commotion of people. paparazzi. he brought a damn parade with him, shaming you into emerging from the den of safety. shielding his intentions with a crowd that worships the sight of two of you together.
• after a few moments, the doorknob jiggles with an eagerness that startles you, making you wish for only a moment you can that you had purchased a self defense item before leaving. the door swings open, and johnny stands, one hand on his hip and the other dangling the key.
• "i went ahead and told the front desk about our little disagreement," he hums, lip twitching. "got a key no problem. i missed you bad, pretty thing."
• "get the fuck out," you hiss through your teeth, eyeing the paparazzi behind him starting to clutter around the doorway. "walk away."
• "no," his voice is beyond sure, his tone childlike, as if you had told him it was bedtime. "i don't want to. and frankly, i don't care what you want. you're unwell, aren't you? c'mere, i'll be good, you know i only bite if you ask real nice."
• you were pinned, the thought of making yourself out to be an insane freak sickening you. there was no way around it, johnny had you cornered to smile and wave, strained grins and clenched fists as he guides you into his car. the paparazzi flash and flicker in your eyes, blinding your path.
• 'johnny's love has been found!' the news reads, gossip articles and news anchors alike are catching up the population on the a-lister's drama, explaining the story from a side that's foggy with deception. you were saved, back in his strong arms, and trapped once again in his grasp. this time, he had no intention of letting you go.
• as soon as the door closes shut, johnny backs you against the wall, your head slamming.
• "you dumb, stupid girl," he growls into your face, breath hot and face scrunched. "wasting my damn time, you like doing that, don't'cha? what, you didn't miss me even a little bit, don't lie to me now."
• "not in the slightest," you try and be strong, but his large form overtakes yours and makes your knees weak. "you're... you're mean to me."
• "mean?" he laughs a gross cackle, looking away for a moment. "i'm only mean because you make me. you like it when i put you in your place, that's why you act like a brat."
• he grabs your face, slamming your head against the wall again, this time with more force. your jaw hurts as his grip squeezes the fat of your cheeks, squishing your face with his fingers. "you test me, you know that? i should've put up more cameras... yeah... maybe that's my plan. i'll call the guy tomorrow, get rid of those blind spots... bathroom included."
• he leans in for a kiss and you pull away, as far as you're able considering your constraints. his frown deepens.
• "i love you," he purrs, a wicked grin stretching his face. "i loved you enough to find you. you should be thanking me."
• "i'm sorry," you dryly reply, eyes darting between his.
• johnny's grip changes, moving from your face to your wrists, pinning them above your head in one swift motion. his smile pulling at his features and glittering deviously.
• "you're not sorry, you'd do it again if i give you the chance," he suggests, shaking his head. the tip of his nose brushes yours. "you're not leaving my sight, not anymore, sweetheart. love you too much for that."
• johnny leans into your neck, running his nose up the length of your skin. he breathes deep, peppering kisses in a path that leads to your stomach. he drops to his knees.
• "i missed you real bad, honest," he insists, his eyes big and watery. "i'm nothing without you, you know. you're my girl. i need you just as bad as you need me. i can't... i can't let you go. not again. i'm not me without you."
• his fingers dig into your hips, squeezing with a sick mix of affection and hunger.
• "i've got you," he breathes, slowly rising. "and you're staying."
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eulaliasims · 2 days
Round 1, Hill Farm 4/7
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Norweni: ...you want to leave an offering for that?
Eisu: It can't hurt anything to ask the spirits' favor. Tomorrow is the festival and the peak of spring--I thought doing it tonight might be a good time.
Elmet: I'm going to pretend I can't hear any of this.
Norweni: Never did Fial and Dinn much good, but do it if you want. Why are you telling me this?
Eisu: Would you come with me?
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Norweni: Oh, don't tell me you're still afraid of caves after Drossburh.
Eisu: Just because I can find my way out of a dark cave doesn't mean I want to.
Norweni: Alright, I'll go with you.
Elmet: Still pretending I can't hear this.
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It's been a while since Eisu has been up in the hills. The cave still gives him the heebie-jeebies.
Eisu: Where'd you go?
Norweni: Had to pee. Figured it was better to pee outside than in the gods' house.
Eisu: Well... now what?
Norweni: I can't make your offering for you, Eisu.
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Eisu: ...do you think the spirits are pleased?
Norweni: It's hard to say.
Eisu: Maybe I should've made a priestess my best friend instead.
Norweni: For this, definitely!
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Eisu: Uh--
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Norweni: I wonder how far up the ore veins come...
Eisu: Norweni? Did you see that?
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Norweni: What? What?
Eisu: A bright light around the shrine.
Norweni: Spirit light. I've seen it once before, but I'm not sure what it means... I don't know why any spirits wouldn't be pleased with you, though. But maybe it's time we head back toward home.
Eisu: I think you're right. That really startled me... thank you for coming with me, Wenna.
Norweni: Sure, sure. *pats* Okay, that's enough hugging for now.
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