#i'd say sorry bad stuff happened to the sad looking messed up kid but it looks like y'all are having fun
chabbit · 2 years
it looks like shit’s really going down in the owl house fandom, huh?
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My reactions as I watch 16.9 (I know I'm gonna hate this but here we go)
Also: I realized right before the start of this episode that I get to cross "Penelope calls Luke a nickname" off my Garvez bingo card because of "my liege," so you know what? A win is a win.
One minute in and I'm already on the verge of tears because of Krystall. But at least I'm also crossing "flashback to the missing time between seasons" off my bingo card!
Emily you have no right to look that gorgeous in this sad of a scene
Scratch that I'm not on the verge of tears, I'm actually crying. "I couldn't watch them put the coffin in the ground" GODDAMMIT
Have we... ever seen Rossi cry before? Like, I know he was sad when Carolyn died, but did he cry? Because how hard he's crying right now is tearing my heart to absolute shreds.
"His name is agent David Rossi" Elias: FUCK that's not good
How tf is he gonna spin that Rossi is dangerous????
Tara you look stunning and I adore you
Oh god another flashback... am I ready for this?
May 2022... and an Al-Anon meeting? Who????
Oh my god, this is how Tara and Rebecca met? And they have almost identical backstories, that's really heartbreaking.
"I have to work on myself first." Did you do that, Rebecca? How well did it work for you?
Tara and Rebecca's first-ever interaction was kind of adorable ngl
Tara, babes, did YOU of all people automatically assume her ex was a man? You, a pansexual? Who has canonically dated men and women in the past?
Rebecca standing up for the BAU??? I love to see it
Bless you, Emily, for giving Tara and Rebecca the time to talk alone
Rebecca's moving to Sacramento and I'm crying again because I just want Tara to be happy. (Tara please go cry to Luke so I can get some Platonic TarVez moments and then go make out with Emily, please I beg)
I'm actually really liking this episode so far, I'm sure that won't last though.
Sicarius saying "I've read every single one of your books" is probably going to mess with Rossi for a bit, especially since we know because of the original series that Gideon warned him something like this could happen, that Rossi was essentially writing manuals on how to get away with it.
The way he mentioned acid, which is the stuff in the last kill kit. I wonder if Sicarius is intentionally giving things away or if he doesn't know how much they know
Okay the fact that Sicarius is sometimes pulling inspiration directly from Rossi's books is going to haunt him
"Every time you write one of these books you have to be careful how much detail you include, because if you're not careful... you're giving a wannabe killer rules for killing." DID I NOT JUST SAY
"I'd almost feel sorry for that poor son of a bitch. Almost." Unpopular opinion: I love David Rossi
Sicarius mentioning Rossi's wives is gonna fuck with him
I wanna know what it is that Elias gave Rossi to "prove" he's not Sicarius
Every time Luke and Penelope are together in a frame, even if it's just for 2 seconds, I hold on to it because I need Garvez crumbs in my life
Penelope why did you LOOK OVER AT LUKE when JJ mentioned Tyler Green??????
The fact that Will brought in Tyler Green has me imagining that phone call from JJ, and even though JJ doesn't know everything, it's kinda funny with the context. Kinda.
I am really dreading this scene though.
Ngl that "Alvez and I" both broke my heart (bc she's not calling him "Luke") and made it soar (bc I'm taking CRUMBS)
Well, FUCK. Either Tyler Green can't identify him... or Sicarius has something on him to prevent him from identifying him. Maybe the rest of his family, like Alison's kid... or maybe Garcia? (I really want Green to be a bad dude)
The looks Luke just gave between Garcia and Green... I'm sure he's figuring it out.
Wow, Luke actually getting more than a line at once? I didn't realize the CME writers knew how to do that past the first two episodes (/s)
This little showdown between Luke and Green... I'm kind of here for it
Nooooooooooooooo Garcia do not talk to him alone, I don't want to see this!
Okay, Luke totally knows. The hatred/anger/jealousy is RADIATING off him when he looks at Green. Even when he looked at Garcia as he left. God, I hate this. If the last flashback does actually end up being the Garvez date... I'm gonna cry
"Luke is blunt, but he's not off-target" YES!!! DEFEND YOUR MAN!!!
My heart is POUNDING right now, I'm so worried
Okay, I will admit, Elias is spinning a really convincing story
oh god oh god oh god
wait. wait wait. what if Garcia sent that message to Green, who then either made it into a phishing link and sent it to Rossi or he forwarded it to Elias who did that.
Wait a goddamn minute... a Tyler flashback?
Tyler Green, what in the actual goddamn hell are you doing?
Oh god, with everything that Elias told his wife, when she sees Rossi in the grocery store aisle, she's gonna freak out
Going back for the alcohol 😂 valid
Rossi I know what you're trying to do, but laying out Sydney's entire life for her is NOT going to make her trust you, it's just going to make her wary of you
Oh god are we about to have Luke confront Garcia about seeing Tyler Green? My heart isn't ready. (wait fuck I just remembered that in one of the Garvez ads of social media the caption was "our hearts aren't ready." IS THIS WHAT THEY MEANT???) My heart is POUNDING
Oh god if Luke didn't know before then he definitely knows now. I'm actually shaking.
"We need to talk, you and me." Hanging on to Garvez crumbs even though I know I will be sobbing in the next five minutes
"Come on, him?" jealous Luke canon and my heart is breaking
"He is marvelous in bed" DID YOU REALLY JUST SAY THAT TO LUKE??? TO LUKE???
Luke trying desperately not to imagine her in bed
"And I need a friend and you're the only one" YEAH AND HE'S ALSO KIND OF YOUR EX, BABES
"Sounds like I'm the last one." OUCH. OUCH. OUCH.
"I just gotta say one thing, all right?" oh god it's gonna be something about them and I'm not okay
"You sure know how to pick 'em." Okay, not what I expected
That scene was ATROCIOUS. But at the same time... weirdly cathartic? I mean it has effectively ruined any hopes I have of Garvez happening, if there were any remaining at all, but at least now I have closure? Sort of?
"Well maybe I am devolving. My career is over, what the hell have I got to lose?" ROSSI WHAT?????? HUH????
Okay, as much as this episode is killing me a bit, I do actually really like it. Like... it's probably the best writing they can do with the shit storylines they've been set up with
Rossi, HOW could you have thought that this was a good idea?
Ooh, and Elias flashback! This is gonna be interesting.
We still have yet to see the third team member flashback, and I'm almost certain it is in fact going to be the Garvez date and I am not ready, but at least I'll have correctly guessed who the three were.
I have to do a separate block of text now, i've written so many notes😂
Look, I know people aren't the biggest fans of Rossi and were kind of upset that we were getting a Rossi-centric episode, but I do not mind. Yes, I'd like a focus on other characters (Luke and Tara) but I still like Rossi.
Okay, so is Tyler Green evil, or is he just hunting down Sicarius to kill him himself? Because if he is evil... I kinda wanna see what happens to Garcia. Who she turns to. Because right now Luke is the only one who really knows everything, and he understandably does not seem like he's in a very comforting mood
Garcia's about to play the message for the entire team and then they're all going to know but it might reveal if Green is actually bad or not. This is giving me flashbacks though to when Scratch cloned Garcia's phone to lure Morgan out.
Lol watch Emily have to suspend Garcia and then the old character who comes back is KEVIN 😂😂😂
(Please give me a Platonic TarVez scene of Tara comforting Luke PLEASE i beg)
Are we about to get our Missing Character Cameo or is it just going to be Will?
"I have to take a leak" "Too bad" did I laugh out loud at this
Elias roasting Rossi about being old is SENDING ME 😂😂😂
Tyler Green what are you doinggggg
Okay so Will and JJ in the field together, I kind of love, but the fact then that since they're obviously sitting beside each other because they're literally married means that GARVEZ Garcia and Luke are sitting beside each other... the tension in that jet must be palpable
Okay so no, I was right, Green is just trying to get to Voit first.
"He looked me right in my face and he lied to me." Garcia, absolutely no one feels bad for you right now.
"Which is what I get for falling for someone with an avoidant attachment style" GIRL YOU'VE KNOWN HIM FOR LIKE 2 WEEKS AND YOU'RE ALREADY SAYING YOU'VE FALLEN FOR HIM???
At least if Garvez is over then Greencia seems to be pretty over too
Luke comforting her anyway... god he really is still in love with her, huh? I mean, this is now how I thought I'd get to cross "she's crying and he comforts her" off my bingo card, but I'll take it
Okay I keep bouncing back and forth on if Green is a bad guy or not
Well Greencia's DEFINITELY over now
Although this does allow me to cross off "flashback to the Garvez date" off my CME bingo card and "details about their date" off my Garvez bingo card, both things I thought would never happen
Why is it so awkward 😭
Luke is so dressed up I love him
ohh fuck I knew it was Covid that messed them up. Hey, Luke word of advice, don't talk about weird viruses on a first date
"It's not like the world's gonna shut down." well that aged poorly
I hate this I actually hate this why is this so weird
Luke ordering two more glasses of wine for himself I don't whether to laugh or cry. Probably both.
"It felt so good when you asked me out but I'm finding this to be very clunky" @snailsandpuppy-dogtails HOW IN GOD'S FUCKING NAME DID YOU PREDICT THIS ALMOST ENTIRELY IN YOUR TARVEZ BEER FIC
"Can I share my truth with you?" "When have you ever not" I'M SORRY THAT'S ADORABLE
"I find it very hard to have a conversation with you when I am not dunking on you" that is a LIE. That is a LIE. I have RECEIPTS.
"With us, there absolutely is something there but not that." LIES. LIES. ALL OF IT.
This is making me so upset because there is not an actual world where they would not work out, this is absolute bullshit
"I know that your person is out there" YEAH AND IT'S YOU STFU
"I know that my person is out there" YEAH AND IT'S HIM STFU
"Where?" He desperately wants this to work out and my heart is breaking
Why would they show us that scene out of nowhere? Like, Luke and Garcia weren't present before it started and now we're back in the field, it doesn't make a lot of sense.
I know my Garvez hopes should be crushed... but I can't help but think/hope that maybe this is setting up for them to try again
The audacity this episode has to be the most and least Garvez-y
Luke still looking out for Garcia and Green now... and him calling Green "Lieutenant..." the world does not deserve this man
Noooooooooooooo I thought Greencia was over but she's talking about having a future with him 😭😭😭
And now they know Rossi's been kidnapped
Overall thoughts? Not bad. I mean I hate how awkward the Garvez date was, and I don't like Greencia, but overall... this wasn't really that bad of an episode.
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repo-net · 3 years
Have you thought about writing a DRS event that you wish Nagisa got in the game, with whichever character you'd like? I'd love to see your take on that if you're ever feeling up to it.
As a matter of fact, I do have a super minor idea that I thought would be cute to do, ahaha.
So I present to you; people with horns on their hair aka Ibuki and Nagisa bonding over... uh, whatever the hell I put down there, I'm bad at summarizing plots.
There sat a blue-haired child in the middle of a lobby, sat on a high stool chair while he worked on the counter in front of him, an open dictionary resting on the wood the counter was made of while the boy was cutting patterns of heart-shaped origami out of red paper, focused on his job with a glass of orange juice by his side.
In the stool right in front of him though was a curious girl, staring at his head intently with equally focused eyes, occasionally stopping to take a sip of the drink she had in her hands, before going back to the almost hypnotized staring contest she had with the child's head.
"... Tch."
"Could you not?"
"Huuuh? Could I not what?"
"Could you not stare at me while I'm trying to work? It's distracting me. What are you even looking at me for?"
"Oh, sorry, sorry! I was just super duper amazed by those things."
"What? 'Those things...?' Where? Is there some kind of stain on me?"
"Woah, relax! Ibuki was just talking about your hair! Specifically, those nice ol' horns of yours! They're super amazing! How the heck did you get them to stand like that?"
"... What? You've been staring at my hair for over half an hour? N-Nevermind that, there's nothing fascinating about them anyways, it's just a hereditary feature, no more, no less."
"What?! No way, you were born with that hair?! That's incredible, I have to tie mine like this, so it doesn't compare to you at all! I lost the hair genetic contest to a kid, noooo!"
"Hair genet- do you even know what you're talking about right now?"
"Nope, not a clue! Ibuki's just been stealing words off of that dictionary you've been reading."
"... Right."
"Anyways, back to the topic! Seriously though, how do those things even stand like that? It like, defies physics and stuff! Like you're some kind of fictional character!"
"... Don't call me that, please. But seriously, I told you already they're a hereditary feature. I don't have any concrete explanation for them either, they just... do that. No deeper meaning to it. Honestly, I find them way too childish for my tastes... it attracts way too much unwanted attention."
"Gwah, an indirect attack at Ibuki! That's mean!"
The rockstar dramatically collapsed onto the floor, clutching her heart like she'd been shot as the child could only sigh and roll his eyes, before going back to the work with his origami, until the girl pulled herself back up and resumed looking at his cowlicks like nothing happened.
"Hmm. So you don't like your hair then?"
"I wouldn't say I dislike it, since it's part of my identity, but like I said, it draws too much attention from people."
"Then Ibuki'll cut your hair for you! That should solve the problem!"
"Wh- hey! Give me my scissors back, you loudmouthed mess! I didn't say I wanted then cut, you misinterpreted what I said!"
"Ibuki misinterpreted nothing! Now just rest your head and let me do all the work!"
"I'm telling you, just give that back! I'm doing something for someone and I can't make progress without those scissors! These things will just grow back anyways in a week even if you cut them, there's no point!"
"Eh? Seriously? That's weird, what are they, like plants or something? Whatever, you can have it back."
"Sad... Ibuki wanted to steal them off of you so she could grow horns of her own. Natural ones! Not the tied-up stuff that are on me right now."
"Don't just throw scissors like that, that's a safety hazard! Thank goodness I caught it... ugh, you really remind me of someone else on this island..."
"Eh? Ibuki reminds you of someone else on this island? Is it whoever you're sending these totally not suspicious lovey dovey hearts to?"
"Wh- no! They are not love hearts, I'll have you know...! They're decorations. That's it. And they aren't for who you remind me of, it's for someone else entirely... someone who is... our princess."
"Nevermind. Ahahahaha!"
"Ugh... I can't stand this a second more. I'm leaving."
"Woah, woah woah, woah woah woah! Don't leave yet, Ibuki's not done with you yet!"
"What else could you possibly want from me?! You've been nothing but an annoyance this whole time...! Darn adult...!"
"A-And that's why Ibuki wants to apologize! It's very clear that she's really been getting on your nerves, and I don't want any kid to be mad at me! Please please accept my apology! Look, I'll even give you this milkshake! It's super sweet and delicious and bursting with flavor!"
"I-I don't eat or drink sweet stuff. It's unhealthy and childish. My tastes are far more refined than that."
"Aw, really? So you won't accept Ibuki's apology gift, then? Fine... guess I'll just give this back to Teruteru then."
"Hang on a sec- Teruteru? You mean that short chef with the fake accent?"
"Eh? You know the guy?"
"Er, a little... I suppose if it's made by him, then... perhaps I'll take it and give it to someone else."
"Gasp! So do you accept Ibuki's apology after all?"
"If only so I can dri- I mean, I can give it to one of my friends, then sure, I guess."
"It's a deal then! I get one... er, what's your name again?"
"Nagisa. Nagisa Shingetsu."
"I get one Naggy-sa to accept my apology, and he gets one drink of a super tasty milkshake sent by the heavens!"
"I am not naggy, don't mess with my name like that! And I told you, I don't drink sweet stuff like this."
"Heehee, sure you don't."
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starlightxsvt · 4 years
Tumblr media
Pairing: Seungcheol x female reader
Genre: mafia/gang au, exes to lovers, action, slight smut
Warnings: cursing, fighting and stuff
A/N: Happy Seungcheol Day everyone! This is for our birthday boy~ I tried to keep it short but it got outta hand so whoops, strap in for the ride. Also, I'll really appreciate it if you took a minute to let me know what you thought about this cuz this took me a looot of time to write and my eyes and hands hurt really bad. Anyway enjoy!
Never in a hundred years did you expect to meet Seungcheol in the club your cousin had invited you all to. She had just returned from abroad and her wedding was taking place the next week hence it was a long awaited get together. Of course she had arranged it in one of the finest clubs in the city, the one you always wanted to visit but your regular plain desk job couldn't really afford.
You first took notice of Seungcheol when you were on your way back from the restroom, him sitting in the back, more secluded area of the club with a glass of whiskey in his hand. His eyes met yours and they went wide like saucers, a look of displease crossing his face, a rather exaggerated expression - you thought. Sure, you two were exes and went through a salty breakup but his expression was rude and brought back unwanted, sad memories. You contemplated on talking to him but he saved you from that. Standing up in a flash, he walked over to you and hissed, "What are you doing here?" His tone made your blood boil and your initial thoughts of being polite to him went down the drain, "Gee, Mr. Choi, I know I'm not someone your worthy but this is a public place and you don't own it!" You snapped at him. His eyes turned dark as he clenched his teeth and spoke, "For fucks sake, what the fuck are you doing here?" His eyes raked over your body covered in a snug deep wine colored dress.
"I'm here for shopping. Why the fuck would I be here Seungcheol?" You spat, clearly annoyed by his behaviour. Seungcheol let out a frustrated sigh, hands combing through his hair as he muttered curses under his breath.
"Listen, you shouldn't be here, Y/n", he spoke trying to calm down and held your arms. "Woah there, Choi, get your hands off me. Who are you to tell me where I should or should not be?"
Seungcheol looked like he could punch someone as he clenched his jaw tight and gave you a look that made your knees weak, "I'm not fucking around, Y/n, you should not be here."
"What the hell Seungcheol? What is your problem? I'm here to attend my cousin's party. And for the record, we're not together anymore so stop interfering in my life."
Seungcheol opened his mouth to speak, only to be interrupted by one of the suited men behind him who murmured something in his ear that only seemed to infuriate him. He turned towards you, "You- fuck, you should not be here. A deal is gonna go down here."
It took you a couple seconds to put two and two together and a sudden wave of agitation passed through you. You whispered, "You're kidding, right?"
Seungcheol was no ordinary man. He was tenacious and confident- too confident for someone who regularly killed people and ran his underworld business. You figured it out during the time you two were together and you didn't try to dig further for your own good.
"You have no idea what-" Seungcheol was interrupted when one of your cousins appeared out of the blue, "Hey Y/n! Where have you-" her voice trailed off when she saw you with Seungcheol and a smirk appeared on her face, "Oops, sorry, I'll leave you two to it." And as quickly as her came, she left, leaving a panicked you and an outraged Seungcheol. "Can you please explain what's going on?" You whispered to Seungcheol in hope of some enlightenment.
"They got Chan, okay? These mother fucking group of traffickers got Chan and asked for a ransom. They're now here for the money."
Oh no. Your heart sank at the mention of Chan's kidnapping, Seungcheol's younger brother. He was always a pleasure to spend time with when Seungcheol left for business for a long time. "That's bad," is all you could mumble as your mushed brain tried to decipher the situation. "Are you gonna give them the money?" Seungcheol scoffed, "Of course not. Those fuckers are long due for jail. Once I get Chan we're gonna blow out their brains."
You gulped. " It's too late to leave for us right?"
"Yes," Seungcheol replied, his lips forming a thin line. He looked past you, probably towards the entry of the bar and quickly shoved you away, "Go to your friends and stay put. When the firing starts hide behind the counter. Only try leave if there's no firing. Otherwise stay put, you hear me?" You nodded your head robotically, mind racing a mile a minute as you walked back to your cousins, trying to appear calm. Every nerve on your body was alert and goosebumps rose on your skin as you watched a man in a flashy white suit walk up to Seungcheol and his guards, followed by a disheveled looking Chan. You felt bad for him, seeing his normally lit face etched with exhaustion. You ignored the comments your cousins made about you and Seungcheol, waiting for things to start. You carefully looked over to the entrance of the bar and sure enough two tall men stood over there. You really had no way out.
And as expected, all of a sudden, loud gunfires echoed through the room followed by people screaming as you and your cousins quickly took shelter behind the bar counter.
"Oh my god what the fuck is happening?"
"Y/n what the hell is your ex doing?"
"You never told us he's a gangster or shit."
You ignored your cousins rather untimely interrogations thinking of a way out. The bar was a mess, broken glass pieces everywhere, the people who came to enjoy all crouched down covering their heads. You heard continuous gunfires, people groaning and bodies slumping on the floor which only made your cousins voice their panic more.
"Shit we're gonna die."
"My wedding is next week, fuck."
Your eyes peered over to the entrance which was now not occupied by any threating looking men as they were busy fighting. You all could've gotten out if it weren't for the continuous firings.
You and your cousins held your breath for a few moments until a particularly loud firing was heard followed by the sound of breaking glass. You spied from behind the counter to see Seungcheol dropping down on the floor with a groan and Chan's scream of his brother's name.
Shit. Seungcheol was shot.
Chan seemed furious, no more exhaustion on his face as he lunged for the man in the flashy white suit and hitting him square in the jaw.
"Guys, now's the chance, get out of here. Go, go."
"What the fuck Y/n? Don't tell me you're gonna stay here."
"We're not leaving you to die in the middle of a crossfire."
"No, guys, I'll be fine. Seungcheol's shot."
"What? I thought you guys weren't a thing anymore-"
"Please, get your asses outta here if you don't wanna die."
Despite their will you pushed your cousins towards the exit with a promise of calling them as soon as you could, while they called you names to point out your less than smart decision and of course your never leaving feelings for Seungcheol. As soon as they were out the door, you rushed over to Seungcheol who sat against the wall, jaw clenched as he held onto his shoulder.
"Y/n what the fuck? Get out of here- why the fuck- ugh, dammit."
"You're shot Seungcheol, maybe stop talking" You applied pressure to his bloody shoulder while Chan who sat atop of the man in the flashy white suit and twisted both his hands back and gave you an incredulous look, "Y/n? Wha- uhm, I thought- you two broke up...?"
"Uh...it's a.... coincidence, I guess. I think we need to get your brother to a doctor, you know" You murmured.
"Yea right," Chan agreed and handed his hostage over to Seungcheol's guard not before punching him in the lower stomach. "I'd kill you but that'd be a mercy. You deserve to suffer, you son of a bitch."
He helped Seungcheol to stand up with you as you both gently took him out of the club and into his limousine, all the while Seungcheol saying that he was alright.
The car ride to his place was quick but silent, except Chan who sat beside the driver once spoke to let you know that it was good to see you. Seungcheol rested his head on your shoulder as he let out uneven breathes and you applied pressure to his wound.
"I guess you... really... can't escape...fate, huh?" He whispered and you frowned at him. "What do you mean?" You asked him but he only replied with a chuckle, his body getting heavier against yours. Your heart ached for the man. You were never over him, you knew that deep down. Hell, your cat even knew that.
Seeing Seungcheol's large mansion again brought back sad memories but you couldn't really focus on them. His servants rushed Seungcheol into the small infirmary of the house where a doctor was waiting.
You stayed outside, anxiously tapping your foot against the marbled floor while quickly typing a message to your cousin letting her know you were okay before putting your phone on mute.
The family doctor appeared with good news, saying his wound wasn't that bad and only a few stitches had it covered. While Seungcheol was transferred to his bedroom, Chan called you to the large dining hall to offer you a glass of water.
"Are you gonna stay the night? Should I set up a room for you?"
"Uh, um, no maybe I'll stay by Seungcheol's side," you replied, avoiding eye contact.
"Sure," was all he said as a smirk took over his lips. We're you really that obvious?
It was past 12 when you decided to peek into Seungcheol's room, after you stole a pair of night suit from his closet which was uncomfortably large for you. You sat by his bed, taking in the way he looked while sleeping. His injured shoulder was casted in a sling and his hand rested over his naked chest. Small scratches were painted over his chiseled face and you lightly stroked them. You relished the bittersweet memories you had with him in this room, from all the romantic nights to the fights. Before you knew, you were asleep.
You woke up to Seungcheol's hand softly stroking your cheek. Your eyes met his and warmth spread on your cheeks. You looked at the clock. It was almost four.
"How do you feel?" You croaked, sitting up from the stool by his bed.
"I'm good." Seungcheol was a strong man. You knew his body had gone through a lot and judging by how he looked, you took his word for it.
"You stayed," he whispered. His face was illuminated by the moonlight coming from the open balcony doors, the face of an angel. You only nodded, transfixed by his beauty, hoping he couldn't see your embarrassed face. "What did you mean by that? The thing you said in the car," you spoke and Seungcheol carefully sat up. He sighed and leaned against the headboard before meeting your eyes. He looked...pained. "I'm sorry."
"I never broke up with you because you weren't enough. You were more than anything I ever wanted. I broke up with you because...I was...scared." He swallowed. "Things were not really going according to my plan back then and...this mother fucking gang was threating to harm you. I... couldn't let that happen, Y/n, so...I broke up with you."
You stare at him, incredulous. "You...you have some serious issues, Choi Seungcheol." You whispered. Seungcheol chuckled softly, " You- you mean the world to me. I was so scared something would happen to you if you stayed with me. I know I made an awful decision and I said awful things to you-"
"No shit, Seungcheol, your words weren't exactly the most helpful for my already insecure self." You spat.
"I know, and I'm so, so sorry." He sighed, his head dropping down, "What happened yesterday only proved that I really can't escape fate."
"So you are saying we are fated to be together?"
"Aren't we? I mean, look at us."
You laughed softly before saying, "I'm still mad at you, you know." Seungcheol smiled at you as he took your hand and planted a soft kiss, "You can take out all your anger on me if that means you're gonna give me another chance."
"I'll...have to think about it," was your reply even though you knew your answer. "That's great. That's more than I deserve." Seungcheol mumbled. "Can I hold you?" He softly asked. You scooted closer to him, careful to avoid his injured shoulder as he passed his other hand around your waist. His faces inches away from you, he spoke, "You are the most beautiful thing that happened to me, Y/n and I'm sorry I let you down like that. I promise you, if you give me another chance I'll make it all up to you. I'll make you the happiest woman alive. Come back to me, baby."
You gulped feeling emotional as you replied, "Okay but you need to get well first you know." Seungcheol's eyes bored into yours, his chocolate orbs getting more intense by the seconds before he pressed his lips to yours. The kiss was soft and short before he pulled back to assess your reaction. When you didn't resist, he pulled you in for a messy, hot kiss that left tingles all over your body. Before you knew it, you were in his lap, tugging at his hair as he nipped across your neck and shoulders. There was no way this wasn't gonna end up with you underneath him if you didn't stop him. "Seungcheol...stop it. You're hurt."
"I could have half of my body ripped open and still not resist you baby, you are divine."
"Uhm, that's concerning but okay. Why don't we get some sleep now?" You pulled back from him and a pout took over his face.
"You are seriously not thinking about having sex right now, are you?"
"Why not? It has been so long and I miss you."
"I get it horny boy but no. How about we cuddle now and when you are fully healed you can keep me in your bed all day."
A devilish smirk took over his face that made you squirm, "Is that a promise sweetheart?"
You nodded shyly before gently lying on his uninjured arm and wrapping a hand around his torso. Damn, it felt good.
Seungcheol kissed the top of your head as you snuggled closer. He whispered, "Promise me you'll stay."
"I will," you smiled.
"Unless my cousins find my location and drag me out of here tomorrow."
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skellebonez · 4 years
So apparently in JTTW, Baije kept trying to get the monk to say the thing that would activate the torture headband? According to a post I just saw anyway. So I'd like to prompt something where Monkie Kid era Monkey King and Pigsy are arguing, and Monkey King brings that up, because it's kind of /messed up/. Preferably with prompts 25 or 47 because those seem vaguely fluffy and I don't want it to end /sad/ plz?
There are multiple times in the book (though it happened more often early on) where Zhu Bajie took full advantage of how much Tripitaka trusted him and made Wukong’s day miserable because of it, he isn’t the middle brother for nothing! The two have a better relationship as the book goes on, but as an eldest sibling I can tell you... even if you're on good terms later, sometimes you still remember the ways they used to mess with you... also I went overboard. Very overboard. This is really long.
"You have until the count of three to remove your arms from my person, or so help me…!"/ “Tell me what you want me to do."
Things had been going so well... at least as well as could be expected given they had only really seen each other twice after 500 years of Sun Wukong vanishing.
Their first meeting, their initial reunion, wasn't so much a meeting and more "hey I'm here to help MK fight because things are actually really bad and I totally don't already know who two of you are" and then lots of saving the world without the time to talk to or call out his once elder brother before he ran off. Their second meeting was not long after, Wukong coming to check up on MK at the shop and "oh yeah uh I kinda know your boss Bud". Which. Nice job revealing his secret Wukong.
That was a very interesting conversation, explaining to MK that he was indeed The Zhu Bajie from the stories and yes Tang knew and no only Tang knew and no he did not want to talk about why this was kept secret. Then it devolved into MK insisting the two of them needed to hang out together and then questions about Sandy and then how it was so cool that his dad was friends with his mentor. The at first befuddled and then completely shocked expression on Wukong's face as he finally put two and two together made agreeing to MK's insistence so much easier.
Easier than being pogo'd to Flower Fruit Mountain and then being stuck there as MK ran off to do "hero stuff" with Mei, anyway. At first it was awkward, being shown around the mountain by a man who he had spent years of his life with and was clearly trying to not look uncomfortable at the time lost between them.
Then the monkeys attacked. Well. Less attacked, more jumped on Pigsy in sheer excitement. It only took a few seconds for Wukong to cackle and pull them off him with the care of a roughhouseing father. Some of them were just little ones barely new to the world (he didn't miss how much more careful Wukong was with them), but Pigsy recognized a few of the elder ones from the time he had come here to bring Wukong back after the... WBS and Wood Wolf... event.
He also didn't expect any of them to actually remember him or to see Wukong acting so positively parental in comparison to how he acted the last time he was here. It was strange, he knew the Monkey King could be caring and that he had changed on their journey and must have become different over their time apart, but this was a side he had never truely thought he would see from him ever before. And he couldn't help but chuckle a bit at that.
It was like a tension line was finally let slack. They didn't simply slide back into banter, but they were much more relaxed. Wukong pointed out where he had been training MK, showed him to where his house stood (Pigsy wondered if he ever tried to rebuild the palace that had burnt down long before he visited all those years ago, but did not dare to bring that up either). The house was much more modern than he had expected, even having full internet access and TV and a kitchen.
He would never tell anyone about the passionate 1 hour conversation they had about cooking when he realized Wukong picked it up as a hobby. No one will ever know their debate/rant on how to properly prepare dough for steaming and how so many people do it wrong.
At some point they ate a lunch Wukong had prepared, much better than Pigsy expected, and that's probably when it went downhill.
He'd made an offhanded joke about people who use too much seasoning. Wukong joked back, asking if his underseasoned cooking was up to Pigsy's standards. Pigsy had shoved the monkey on old reflex, not hard and not nearly enough to move him, saying if he wanted him to compliment his cooking he could have just asked like a good big brother.
That had started a friendly wrestling match, not unlike ones they had had before and that drew a crowed of monkeys excited to watch. That wrestling match turned more violent before Pigsy had realized it and somehow, some way, they started actually fighting. He yelled about how Wukong had no right to just make MK his sucessor. Wukong yelled about how he chose MK because he was the most qualified and capable person he found. Pigsy shot back that he barely knew him before training him and if he had even bothered to try knowing him he would have known he was Pigsy's kid and he was a shitty mentor. Wukong screamed at that, scaring off most of their audience with the volume, picking Pigsy up off the ground entirely with his arms pinned down.
"You take that back right now, Bajie!" Wukong hissed out in a dangerous tone, one Pigsy didn't give a single damn about heeding in his anger.
"You have until the count of three to remove your arms from my person, or so help me...!" Pigsy fought against Wukong's hold, scrambling for any kind of purchase he could get with his feet dangling off the ground.
"Or what, Bajie? What!? Are you going to find another fillet and tell MK the sutra for it this time!? Are you going to make him not trust me like you did Tripitaka!? ARE YOU!?"
The words made Pigsy stop, but it was Wukong's tone that made him try to turn back to look at him. He'd sounded angry before but now he sounded... genuinely upset. Not angry upset. Sad upset. "I wouldn't do that."
"You did before." Damn it. He really was sad upset...
"Yeah... Yeah, I did." Pigsy admitted with only slight hesitation as he looked at the ground beneath him. "I'm sorry. About how I acted back then. I made everything harder than needed. I made Master hurt you and you didn't deserve it. More often than I'd like to admit..." There was a beat of silence before he decided to take a chace with a question that would probably upset Wukong more. But he had to ask. "How... how painful was it?"
The two of them didn't move for a while, Pigsy just hanging limply until Wukong slowly leaned down and set his feet back on ground. His grip losened slighly, but he didn't let Pigsy go as he rested his forehead against the back of Pigsy's head with a sigh. "Very. Very painful. It... the way it... Bajie, I don't want to-"
"You don't have to," Pigsy interrupted, raising one of his arms now that he could move to grab and squeeze his wrist. "If 'very' is all you want to say, I get it. I'm sorry."
"You already said that."
"And I'll say it again because I mean it." Pigsy pulled away, Wukong’s grip weakened enough for him to without even the smallest fight, and turned around to face him.
He reached up, Wukong giving him an odd confused look as he placed his hands over and around his forehead. Realization dawned quickly and he tensed as Pigsy felt the almost imperceptible scars hidden under his well groomed fur. For the band to have been impactful enough to leave marks at all, let alone after all this time... some didn't feel like cuts or stretches, more like burns almost.
"I'm sorry too," Wukong said suddenly. "For being an ass. I wasn't exactly the greatest travel companion myself at times. And for... for disappearing."
"I already forgave ya for the stuff on the journey long ago," Pigsy said as he pulled his hands back and crossed his arms. "Couldn't sit right with myself if I held a grudge for what you did after the shit I pulled. But I appreciate the apology for up and vanishing. And uh, I'm sorry for calling you a shitty mentor."
"You better be!" Wukong chuckled, standing up straight with an awkward crooked smile. "But, you know, I could stand to be a better teacher. You weren't wrong when I said I don’t know enough about MK."
"I could tell you a few things," Pigsy offered. "Nothing personal, just like how we met and what his job is like. To make up for the. Everything."
"Hmn..." Wukong made a point to rub his chin in thought, clearly about to do something Pigsy wondered if they would both regret. "On one condition."
"Tell me what you want me to do," Pigsy sighed out, fully resigned for whatever the Monkey King was going to ask.
"Cook me dinner."
... that... was not what he expected at all. "That's it?"
"That's it!"
That wasn't near enough to make up for anything in Pigsy's mind... but if that’s what Wukong wanted he supposed that was a start.
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avungerthatgotaway · 4 years
Till we ain't strangers anymore (Part 2)
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Heey pplz! Here is part 2! How do you like this so far? If you didn't read previous stuff, you can find prologue and part 1 there.
Summary: after "the blip" avengers are on the different sides of world. But 2 of them stay together. Y/N Y/L/N and Clint Barton's families are gone, but they found each other. They have nothing except of the little family of 2.
Warnings: mentions of murder and gunshot
Pairing: Clint x teen!reader (not romantical, more like father daughter)
Genre: angst/fluff
"Just do it!" I heard Clint shouting. I couldn't. I got shot.
Clint and I are in Japan now. Ronins. We are currently on a mission. I was too aftaid the guy will harm Clint, so I took matter in my own hands. I shouted at him, hoping to draw his attention. Which happened. Oops. A guy aimed his gun at me, and I could've shot him. But I don't want to murder people. I mean, it was different story with avengers. I never killed people, I only beat them up to unconciousness. Or if they are robots I didn't have problems with destroying those. I'd kill Thanos, for crying out loud! But this is different. I got shot in stomach, and I fell down, loosing a lot of blood. I felt weak and sad because I let Clint down again. Guy escaped. My vision was blurry, but I saw him. And I saw Clint coming closer to me.
"N/N, kiddo cmon. Stay awake for me, please"
We came home (another wooden shack, it wasn't different than the last one, we wanted to save as much money as possible this time) and Clint immidiately went for supplies to treat my wound. I lifted up my shirt a little, just so he could remove a bullet and patch up a wound. As an agent, he knew how to do this stuff. It hurt, but I didn't say a word. I felt as I was just barely awake.
After he did it, he carried me to my couch, and combed my hair with his fingers gently "Get some rest now kiddo. But we will talk about this later."
My emotions were a mess, but I was so weak at that moment, I imidiately fell asleep.
I was woken up the next morning by heavy footsteps rumaging through the kitchen. I slowly open my eyes and see Clint trying to be quiet, but failing miserably. This brings a smile to my face, something I haven't done in a while. But smile immidiately disappears when I remember yesterday's events. And Clint said we will "talk about it". Marvellous. I still felt pain from my wound, and I groan in annoyance. Of course, it alarms da-CLINT!! that I woke up.
He comes slowly to my couch, and gently strokes my cheek.
"Morning sweetie, do you feel any better?" he asked, eyes full of concern. But I knew he was still angry. Not because I didn't kill that man, but because I risked my life, knowing I won't kill anyone, not even from self-defence.
"I'm better." I lied. But my weak expression gave me away.
"Yea, right you are." Clint said sarcastically. He brought me sandwich and a cup of tea. I ate in silence and he just watched me, looking for any signs that I'm not feeling good. After I'm done, I see that it's time to talk. Oh no.
"Listen, Y/N. I already told you this, but you obviously didn't get me seriously. If you can't handle this stuff, you don't have to go to missions. I will go myself, or I'll work more. It's not a bother, I don't want you to feel uncomfortable, or to get killed because you don't want to kill anyone." "No, Clint-" "Let me finish!" he slightly raised his voice, which he didn't usually so I did shut up. "I don't like this job, but it pays the bills okay? But You don't have to do this, kid. You can stay here. And I'm so disappointed in you for what you did yesterday. You got shot. Thank God you didn't get killed. And just because of your stupid ignorance!" he was just getting louder and louder. I had tears in my eyes by this point. Back before blip, I never cried. But he just didn't understand me! He was ranting about how irresponsible I was, and I felt anger welling up in me. "But you don't understand me!" I yelled "If something happened to you yesterday I couldn't live with it! It would be because of me! Because we're doing this for MY academy! That's why I go with you! I have to help too! I have to PROTECT you! I COULDN'T BARE LOOSING YOU DAD!"
The moment words left my mouth, my eyes widened and I covered my mouth with hand. I looked at him like that, and he was shocked. Oh my, I pray he doesn't hate me now. I felt so embarrased. I mean these 3 long years were quite a bonding time for us, but "dad"!?! What the fawk, even Parker never said that to Tony, and he was far more emotional than I am.
Then he did the most unexpected thing. He started going towards me, and I started backing away, unsure why.
"What did you just say?" he asked, face unreadable.
"I-I am so sorry. I don't know what happened, please don't--" I didn't get to say the rest before I felt two strong arms enveloping me in a hug. His fingers stroked my hair gently and I closed my eyes. We were in silence, only noise coming from my quiet sobs. But his scent and him combing my hair slowly calmed me down. My sobs became hiccups, and then I totally stopped crying. I still didn't know if he is creeped out by me. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry" I just whispered a thousand times in the hug.
"Shhh kiddo, it's nothing to apologise for. It's not a bad thing. Do you really see me as a father figure?" he asked.
Well, I don't see the point of lying now.
"Yes" I said quietly looking to he ground. I was ashamed. I was 16 not 6 years old. I didn't need a parent figure. Or at least I didn't want anyone to know about it. I felt his fingers lifting up my chin, so I'd look at him.
"Hey, hey Muffin don't be ashamed. I'm actually really happy if you think so. I do think of you as my own kid for a long time now. But I didn't want you to be creeped out or anything, so I didn't say it." he addmited.
"What, really?" I was stunned. I knew he cared about me, but he tought of me as his kid?
"Yes. And if you want to call me dad, you can. It's okay with me, I'd be happy."
I was so happy to hear this. To know that I'm really wanted. I hugged my dad, which by the way sounds so good to say. "Thank you. Thank you for everything you do for me."
He kissed the top of my head, and I heard him say "No need to thank me baby. I'm so thankful to have you in my life. I love you kiddo."
"I love you too dad."
~it's hard to say you're sorry, when you can't tell wrong from right❄
@afictionaladventure16 @rae-is-typing @elles-writing
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toxicpineapple · 5 years
Please give me your amami essay, I'd like to know the TEA! I was also gonna ask for the mastermind essay, but honestly I REALLY wanna hear your thoughts on his characterization (and your thoughts on his shitty fanon characterization)
HOOO BOY OKAY. this is good, it gives me an excuse to procrastinate on reading that new amasai fic on the latest feed. (note that i REALLY WANT TO READ IT, i’m just anticipating commenting and tbh the spoons,,, i lack them. it’s okay though i’ll get over it.)
so!!! let’s start with general attitude, because i think that amami’s is really unique. he’s a subversive character. in general i feel like that was the biggest goal with his character design and personality combination-- he looks like a total playboy, kaede even comments as much moooore than once. but he’s the absolute opposite. i’ll rant about that in a bit. i’ve already gone off on a tangent and i said i was gonna talk about attitude.
amami is laid back, but not to the point of complacency. y’know what i mean? like, he’s relaxed, but he’s on his guard, too. his speaking style is pretty casual (typically he’ll greet people with a “hey,” whenever he’s slightly uncomfortable he’ll probably say “haha”... this isn’t necessarily a canon thing but i like it when people have him talking in sentence fragments. ex. “forgot to grab my jacket” or “wanted to get a snack” sort of thing) and that’s just,,, the type of person he is. he’s casual. it’s remarkable considering how wealthy amami is-- though bear in mind, he still IS wealthy, so there are bound to be things he doesn’t understand about people-- that he can be so normal and like, down to earth, in a way. when people mess around with him he’ll probably just laugh it off.
to cite a fic i read once that had REALLY phenomenal characterisation, imo, ouma ends up dumping a bucket of water on amami’s head (on accident; there are some semantics and i won’t get into it but again the fic is really good and funny and you should totally read it) and amami just squeezes out his shirt and makes a couple cracks before walking away. (sorry this isn’t meant to be a “dumping love on fics” post but GOD that fic is hysterical.) he’s an enabler too, at least i think so-- remember that anthology chapter where kaede, shuichi, and kaito are trying to catch ouma and kaito sets an “amami trap” to stop him? all ouma has to do is flutter his eyelashes and go “pleeeaaase let me go amam~niichan!” and then he just. he does. what a fucking doormat i can’t believe him.
he’s like that though. i feel like big brother stuff is kind of his weakness. (and not in a kinky way alright i will destroy you. he might make a joke about having a sister complex in one of his ftes but he DOESNT that joke was just tasteless COME ON RANTARO WHFKLDSJFK) which brings me to his whole older brother thing, because like,,, YEAH. guy grew up with twelve younger sisters!!! and he remarked in his ftes with shuichi that they’re mostly step sisters, which means he just.... has a nurturing personality. i mean amami is somewhat conservative (if you try to come on to him during salmon mode you will be brutally rebuffed; amami tells u to keep your horny thoughts to yourself, though you shouldn’t be ashamed of having them) so i imagine he’s not the biggest fan of his father’s tendencies-- not that i don’t NECESSARILY interpret his father’s behaviour as him sleeping around.... it’s possible he just likes children and deliberately marries women who already have kids so he can take them... i mean it’s exceedingly decent to keep considering ur step children to be your children after a divorce so i have a hard time reconciling this common image of rantaro’s dad as some kind of player figure with the impression i got of him in my head but that’s just my daddy issues coming into play again so ignore me-- and yet he still considers all his sisters to be his sisters.
not to mention he feels a great deal of like, responsibility, when it comes to taking care of them. i find it impossible to believe that all the losses were his fault. you could ARGUE that the one he tells you about with his younger sister was to be blamed on him? but i mean, amami is a child. he didn’t even know his sister was following him out. sure he blames himself for it but there’s no real good way to blame him just considering that,,, he’s a kid. and he was so young-- he was obviously so young-- when it happened. so like, not to be all Good and Bad on you, but i do feel that amami is fundamentally a good reason. and you SEE that too, in the killing game. i’m certain he was on the fence about trusting that note he woke up with. would you trust it? he had no memory whatsoever of writing it, all he had were the words “ultimate hunt” and a map of the school to guide his way. i imagine he wasn’t even sure if he should do what the note said. but then ryoma started talking about sacrificing himself for everyone else, and rantaro probably thought, “well... if i have a way to get us out of here, even if it doesn’t work, i can’t just let ryoma sacrifice himself without having tried.”
rantaro is self-reliant too, i think. in the talent development plan mukuro remarks that she noticed he was injured a good number of times, but never said anything about it because she felt like he was trying to keep it under wraps. (note: good idea for an amami and mukuro friendship fic. must write. someone remind me.) i think amami kind of feels isolated from his classmates? either because he has these perceived notions of like, independence and whatever, not burdening anybody else with his problems (honestly not to go chabashira on main but wtf men ask for help c’mon i promise if you find a person who’s worth being in ur life they won’t treat you like shit for feeling ur feelings) or just because he’s not around a lot. i think amami is the type of person to invalidate his own problems a lot, or at least downplay them to others. he blames himself for all his sisters going missing, took the responsibility to find them all. you know the blow that’s going to be to his education? traveling around the world looking for twelve different people? and he plans to keep doing that!!! forever!!! ugh ;-; poor babey. but anyway i feel like he doesn’t want to tell anybody about his problems because he feels like it’s his thing to deal with.
i also believe that rantaro is a bit prideful. i mean, anyone can be prideful under the correct circumstances, and in fact there is a great deal of pride that simply isn’t addressed by the fandom in analysing characters and that makes me really sad because pride is such a SEXY character flaw but i’ll leave that alone for now. he hates being told to give up on what he’s doing. i mean everyone in his life has been telling him to stop looking for his sisters. that’s got to suck, but also, DAMN look at what his reaction was. this utter refusal to open up to anybody. shuichi’s ftes with him are spent pretty much just trying to get amami to stop squirreling around and actually TALK to him. amami asks shuichi at one point if he has any siblings and when the response is negative, amami immediately assumes that shuichi wouldn’t understand, would tell him to quit. just like everyone else.
(i mean, even with kiyo and mukuro, whose circumstances mirror his almost painfully at least in willingness to sacrifice stuff for their siblings, he doesn’t tell them what he’s doing, just that he’s doing it for his sister-- singular-- and that he would do anything for her. kiyo and mukuro!! out of ANYBODY, they would understand. in tdp they DO talk about it-- kiyo encourages him to keep searching-- as his friend...... fuck amaguji is such a good ship even if the implications of kiyo saying he wants to meet rantaro’s sister after he finds her bc she must be suuuuch a good person if he’s doing all this for her are uhhh not great-- and mukuro immediately understands when he says it’s to do with his younger sister. like, full stop. she just goes “okay” and goes serious. all at once. damn rantaro, mukuro, and kiyo really do be a power trio huh. i need to write more fic about them i miss them.)
this is more into baseless conjecture so take this as you will, but i also think rantaro is kind of,,, easily distracted lmao. he mentions helping out a village with a disease-- been a while since i’ve seen his ftes, sorry for any inconsistencies-- among other shit and like... bro what are you DOING. you have sisters to find. and he can’t be getting injured all the time, getting wrapped up with gang violence and all that, looking for people who were lost traveling. i mean sure, you could say they went all over the world and got wrapped up in all sorts of mess, but more likely they stayed in roughly the same area, waiting for him to come back. and also? i have a hard time believing his sisters were lost in these remote forest places people always put them. COME ON, who the fuck goes to some village for a vacation? a RICH person no less. i’m on another tangent. sorry. but yeah, i love the people who write rantaro as an absolute airhead. i headcanon that he has no way of judging the passing of time and thus is the absolute worst in the bathroom bc he sits there for twenty minutes thinking about the universe and then walks out like “:) ok ready to go” like wtf are you even doing there stupid akljdf anyway.
i think rantaro is softhearted and thoughtful. in his ftes with kaede he demonstrates an ability to look past what people show at surface level-- you can ask him about miu, kiibo, or kiyo and he’ll give u Good Fucking Insight(tm)-- and analyse their intentions more closely. and i mean this is just from a couple day’s interaction. he’s down to earth for sure, understanding when people are intimidated but also caring and observant. (his “talk about a first impression” line is so fuckaindgf.... good for his characterisation. i love romantic amamatsu but he so clearly takes an older brother role in those ftes, he’s really such a sweetheart,,,, hnadhfkj ;w;) rantaro is just. he’s patient with people. and selfless and kind. idk it’s all the good stuff. warm smiles and indulgence. all the way. probably lets kokichi steal his lunch.
THAT BEING SAID: i think rantaro also has a very serious streak. he doesn’t show it a lot but there are moments. he’s self-sacrificing-- i mean, obviously. he was the ultimate survivor, after all. some people hc that he got there by killing, or maybe everyone else in his game died but one person, but bro that doesn’t make any sense???? no. what happened was there were probably like three people left, and monokuma was like “one has to be sacrificed” and rantaro thought, welp. it’ll be me then. and i wouldn’t say the choice would be immediate because rantaro DOES has self preservation instincts-- he’s only human-- but i don’t think he’d have let anybody else make that decision. i think ultimately he would try to protect other people.
he can be scarily confrontational too. i do believe he’d usually only do it in the defense of others-- like, his base instinct is to protect. i read a fic once (oumami, unfortunately) where ouma was committing crimes and went to hide behind rantaro and rantaro instinctively moved to protect him, and that’s.... that’s good characterisation. point one to the oumami stans, point zero to me. motherfucker. (love u oumami stans, it’s just not my thing.) i really like it in fics when he’s stern, lecturing people for hurting other people, but i also think rantaro is too understanding to be truly unforgiving. like if two people got into an argument and one came out of it more hurt than the other, i don’t believe that amami would be unsympathetic to the less hurt one. i think he’s mature enough to take a look at the situation and go, well, okay.
i think he’d be TERRIFYING when angry. he’s patient, y’know? so it takes a lot to get him to that point. he’s really, ah, accommodating of people. puts up with a lot of bs kind of thing. but i imagine the best way to get him to snap is by hurting someone he cares about. and at that point: ur fucked. i’ve never written it before because i’m terrified of what i’d do with that kind of power but.... imagine the shuichi whump. holy god.
i’m NOT here to talk about shuichi whump (though i’m down to do that any time of day believe me) so i’m gonna like. shhhhiiiiiiffft.
i project on characters a lot so at this point it’s difficult to distinguish if some of my characterisation things are like, actually characterisation things? or just me venting, so like, take nothing i say as canon, but also,,, akdsjf we love a man who bottles up his emotions.
because rantaro just doesn’t have the TIME to be crying all over the place. he was probably a total wreck when he lost his first sister. and his second. and maybe even his third. but then he started to gather his composure, more and more. because if there’s anything that rantaro has in excess, it’s composure. the more losses he suffers the more of a shield he builds up. and the self hatred and the guilt and the blame and the responsibility are piling up and up and up, but god he hates it when other people see him sad, because he needs to be the strong one, he can’t just pile that up on other people. that’s not their weight to carry, and besides, he’s the older brother, he should be able to deal with his own problems. he’d just be burdening the people he cares about by letting them see his demons.
and then he doesn’t have any coping mechanisms because he never lets himself feel enough to cope, and when people get close enough to actually CARE about him, when people notice he’s upset or struggling and offer him help, he doesn’t know how to deal with it-- and god he hates lashing out at people but it’s so much easier to deal with the consequences of being mean than the consequences of breaking down. only conflict is scary when he’s one of the causes so he needs time to recover, and well, what better way to do that than to get on a plane or a boat and go look for his sisters? after all he’s wasting time whenever he’s just sitting around, they’re still out there and he needs to find them, so might as well just keep pushing himself to the limits, because it’s his fault they’re lost anyway...
something mukuro said to rantaro in the talent development plan stuck in my brain. like, initially it’s just a funny and cute interaction (rantaro even blushes and a blushing rantaro is a GOOD FUCKING RANTARO) but when i thought about it more i was like.... huh. hm. angst ideas. mukuro makes a joke about rantaro going over to her stand at the festival to flirt with her-- i think that’s the context, i know it’s play-boy related-- and rantaro assures her (as he always does) that he’s not that kind of guy, and mukuro agrees, saying she was just pulling his leg and that he seems like the kind of person who gets dumped because he doesn’t show his emotions enough. rantaro laughs, blushes, and says “haha, not touching that one,” and akdjfnnnnnn god mukuro you’re so blunt i love you fkdjf but wow. i usually have rantaro as not having dated anyone, just because i feel like he kind of hyperfocuses on finding his sisters? and given that he’s like sixteen (seventeen at the MOST) there’s not much of a timeline for when his sisters got lost. in my fic search i had to cram all the losses into a four-year period and damn that was rough. anyway i just don’t think he’d really prioritise romance. but that reaction implies that that’s EXACTLY his experience with romance, which makes a bit of sense because mukuro is ridiculously sharp, and also it’s,, it’s just sad idk poor rantaro. getting dumped because he’s like the emotional equivalent of a doorknob when it comes to his own feelings.
i do think rantaro is a bit cowardly. not in the sense that he’d shy away from danger-- i think he’d RUSH INTO IT HEAD FIRST because he’s a man or whatever, i know he respects women but he does seem to hold some of those very stereotypically masculine ideals of constantly protecting those around him, which is like.... ok toxic masculinity mcgee can u and kaito stop throwing hands every time u see each other ty-- but more in the sense that he avoids,,, confrontation. emotional confrontation just ain’t his thing. and i think he’d rather run away from it or otherwise find some way of ignoring it than try to address his problems.
he would, with that in mind, probably try to associate with people who don’t push the matter. kiyo and mukuro, for example. they both have a fair amount of baggage themselves so they’d probably be respectful. ryoma is lowkey enough that he just, he wouldn’t bring that shit up, that’s uncool. i also think rantaro would get along REALLY WELL with kaito, and i actually don’t think kaito would pull his sidekick stuff with him? just because in a way they’re kind of kindred spirits, and i think kaito would see an ally in rantaro before seeing someone to try to nurture, so they’d probably have some kind of a truce like, if you don’t force me to be vulnerable, i won’t force you. one of the reasons why i love amamota so much is because it involves the two of them growing to care about each other beyond that sort of unhealthy camaraderie and breaking down each other’s barriers and i just..... hhnnfhhdkfj they could be so good for each other but nobody wants to talk about thatjslfkj
you weren’t asking for my amamota mess lmao sorry anon i get sidetracked SO easily. but yeah, amami gravitates towards people who wouldn’t try to get him to be more honest with himself. and i honestly think the v3 cast would be pretty good about that overall, except for shuichi who is a detective and has a habit of sticking his nose in places it shouldn’t be, but i see no reason to write that out because amami’s ftes already display that beautifully. (well, that’s a lie, i’m absolutely plotting out a slowburn in my head already that involves shuichi stripping down his walls one by one, but forget about all of that rn we don’t need to talk about why amasaimota is my ot3.) also he is softer on childish people like ouma and himiko. ain’t nobody wants to TALK TO ME about how brilliant it would be if rantaro and hiyoko were friends because hiyoko has such problems in that department and he would take one look at her and go hm. i’m adopting her. and he’s so fucking patient and nice and she’d lose the will to make fun of him and i have to do ALL THE GODDAMN WORK AROUND HERE but it’s fine. at least i get to write it.
i’ve described the fundamentals of his characterisation pretty well by now i think. i have some throwaway headcanons, like uhh,,
he’s claustrophobic
plays the guitar and the ukulele
he prefers warm weather and perishes in the cold
high pain tolerance
he’s a Good Cook
doesn’t like sex jokes (they make him uncomfortable)
asexual (i do like a good demisexual hc at all times of day tho)
master of piggyback rides
does his own piercings
impulsive as hell
gets lost easily but can always find his way back
has a lot of scars from travels
hands are rough and calloused (again from travels)
morning person
smells like evergreen (you know i had to, you know i did)
Radiates Heat Like A Fucking Toaster Oven
good hugs
hates tying his shoelaces
likes being the big spoon :)
has a tongue piercing
i said “some throwaway headcanons” but i ended up listing way more than i mean to. i’ll make a separate list of my rantaro headcanons someday and talk about them all in detail but for now, uh, there’s that.
god where to fucking begin. actually i know exactly where to begin. it’s my least favourite one just because, like i said at the very beginning, rantaro is a subversive character. i mean i think he’s kind of a low hanging fruit when it comes to that. there are plenty of other subversive characters in the dr series but rantaro is like that. you expect a flirt and u get,,, a sweetheart. but then some people (usually the ones who ship him with female characters exclusively though i will see it on occasion in an amasai or oumami fic) decide to throw that out the window and make him a total playboy!! and listen, i have no problem with people who are a little flirty. we’re kids!! flirt ur heart out!!! and hey, that’s not what this is about but y’know what? so long as everything is safe, sane, and consensual, then yeah!! exercise your sexual freedom and sleep with whoever you want to!!! i don’t think there’s anything wrong with messing around a little, dating who u wanna and experimenting with ur tastes and preferences. if rantaro WAS a playboy, then there would be nothing wrong with that. i would love him just the same because he’s such a fundamentally GOOD character.
except that.... he’s.......... NOT. you slaughter one of the biggest aspects of his character by throwing away what matters to him and making him some hunky-deep-voice-dreamboat dude meant to sweep kaede/tsumugi/whomsteverthefuck off her feet. rantaro is one of those characters where he’s so blatantly not that kind of person, and it’s like. it’s an affront, almost, to portray him that way? and i do believe you should have the freedom to write what you want, since we’re in that age (aside from romanticised pedophilia and incest; that shit ain’t cute, i say this often but pro-ship DNI) where u should be able to take some liberties, but it’s just. hnnn. it’s so frustrating. rantaro does not know how to smolder! if he DID smolder, he wouldn’t even realise he was doing it. he doesn’t have people lying at his feet, okay? he’s too flaky for that. i wouldn’t say he’s unreliable but he definitely ain’t at school as much as he should be.
another one that i hate: st-stalker? what the fuck? that is not sexy that is creepy and weird?
another another one that i hate: yandere? what the FUCK??? that is not sexy that is glorified ABUSE???? the yandere trope is AWFUL bc you’re taking a controlling relationship and turning it into a fetish. NO. if he limits ur contact with other people, if he follows u everywhere, if he threatens ur loved ones, if he tries to control you, ladies and gents and nonbinaries, he’s not a yandere, he’s an abuser and you need a fucking restraining order. actually, people of ANY gender or sex can perpetuate this behaviour and IT IS NOT CUTE. I DO NOT GIVE A FUCK WHAT BOUNDARIES U SET IN PLACE, IF YOUR FREEDOM IS BEING RESTRICTED THAT IS ABUSE.
hate it when people make rantaro violent. hate it when people make rantaro a murderer. hate it when people make rantaro controlling. hate it when people make rantaro overtly sexual. some kind of sultry deep voice dominant kind of figure. dude, what the fuck? i don’t,, want to make any public comments about sex positions because i think that’s kind of Strange to just talk about on a post, but i do think that the way people portray him for their smuts is,,, idk it’s weird. i’m not gonna kinkshame u but like. :eyes:
i will however accept rantaro as a thrillseeker, or a highstrung rich boy, or a total space cadet, or a himbo, or a cryptid. these are all very good interpretations of the Mans. just, like. be wary of making him two dimensional. a good character is multifaceted. if you can take a trait that clashes with all of these and SELL ME ON IT, i will buy it. if u give me good justifications, or even just good writing?? then i will accept it.
the long and the short of it is, anon, he’s my favourite so i think about him a lot. i love writing rantaro. he’s just, he’s a Guy. y’know? He’s A Good Dude, If You’ll Give Him A Shot. :) we don’t get to see very much of him but i think that there’s plenty of material if you overanalyse everything, which, as you probably all know by now,,,, i absolutely do.
thank you for the ask, this was a delight to spend an hour talking about.
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Tommy & Meena
Tommy: [Late enough that the clean up is done and she could've potentially heard about some of the drama but not late enough that if there's a mcwalsh party whereby Ali gets knocked up that he wouldn't already be drunk at that feels like a starting point] Tommy: Cá mbeidh tú ag fliúchadh na seamróige? 🍀🧡💚 Meena: I was about to go down to the restaurant, just hang out there Meena: Caleb and Drew were going to some party but I was not invited so 🤷 Meena: What are you all up to? Tommy: 🍻🥃 Tommy: but the vibe's more drinking ourselves to death, doubt you want an invite either, like Meena: I think that's most people's vibe but they sound happier/more in denial about it...? Tommy: Yeah, it's casually cultural Meena: Yeah? Tommy: You're not feeling patriotic today? Meena: I don't really vibe it any day Meena: but that's not important Tommy: that's a no for the Irish dancing then, alright Meena: We can try Meena: I look even taller when I'm not allowed to move my upper body though Tommy: 😂 Meena: no leprechauns here Tommy: any 🌈💰? Meena: no more than normal 💔 Tommy: I'll be right there then 🌈✨ Meena: That's your superpower Meena: I don't know how 🍀🧡💚 Gus has gone, you'll probably feel more at 🏡 where you are Tommy: It ain't feeling very 🏡 but 💌 received Tommy: I'll stay put, feet & upper body Meena: Why not? Tommy: long story Tommy: you'll hear the short one at 🏫 probably Meena: You don't feel like telling it, understood Meena: is there anything I can do? Tommy: I don't know how to, more like Tommy: you'd redraft it before you were done with the 1st for being too Tommy: unreadable Meena: Nonsense poetry is my specialty Tommy: Yeah? Tommy: maybe you should've been there to roll out the welcome wagon for my new sister Meena: New sister? Meena: Oh, do you mean your mum's baby Meena: not baby now, from before Tommy: she definitely ain't a baby now Meena: So, she came and it went bad Meena: I'm so sorry, Tommy Meena: how bad are we talking? Tommy: bad as it gets Meena: Is your mum alright, I mean Meena: stupid question, but Tommy: It's a fair question & I wish the answer was yeah Tommy: or there was fuck all I could do Meena: That's terrible Tommy: I've gotta go back to school, how can I? Meena: For them Meena: sometimes all you can do is give everyone a small sense of normality Meena: even when you don't want to, or think you can't go on yourself Tommy: Ali can't hold down the fort all on her own, alright, she probably can, but she shouldn't have to Meena: She won't be Meena: she has Carly, and me and Ro and, loads of people, really Meena: I promise we'll all do what we can Tommy: Don't start me on Ro, she wasn't even there Meena: Where was she? Tommy: Fuck knows Tommy: I thought she might be with you Tommy: or your brother Meena: She wasn't with me Meena: maybe Drew but I doubt it, he's been out and about everywhere all day, obviously Tommy: she'll be at home then Meena: Oh, that's a bit Meena: I understand under normal circumstances the pub on St Paddy's is not her ideal place to be but as it was Meena: anyway, that's all to say, you don't need to worry about Ali, she has a good support system to support your parents and take care of Rocky Meena: do you have people YOU can talk to and lean on at school? Tommy: yeah, Carly's ace with him & Ali to have lasted this long, like Tommy: I ain't telling anyone at school about this, loads of 'em already think I'm trash Tommy: or come from it Tommy: they've got a point now Meena: No, they don't Meena: your family are some of the best people I know Meena: you're not anything to be ashamed of Tommy: Everyone around here knows that Joe would be your brother's best customer except he don't carry the right stuff & now loads of 'em also know she's as bad, nah, worse Tommy: & that together they're Tommy: I can't even fucking go there Meena: People shouldn't judge him by that, never mind you as his family Tommy: They do though Tommy: keeping my mouth shut about it at school is my best option Meena: as long as you can express yourself and have an outlet through your work, I can't say I blame you Meena: you don't have to tell everyone everything Tommy: or anything Tommy: 🩰 will do Meena: I shouldn't say anything against words, given who I am and what I want to be but Meena: a comfortable silence can be preferable to words you're unsure of, words that hurt, or that you don't want to speak into existence Tommy: Yeah, I'd take an uncomfortable silence over that too Tommy: everyone's hurting & unsure enough Meena: if it's good enough for Maya Meena: 🤐 Tommy: I didn't mean with you Meena: You can always talk to me Meena: no matter the quality or quantity of your words Meena: you know that Tommy: okay Meena: but no rush on it Meena: obviously Meena: and I won't fill the silence with total nonsense, like Tommy: but those poems are your speciality Tommy: self proclaimed, like, but still Meena: Rude to doubt me Meena: 🥬🐢🐌👑 Tommy: Gimme one then Tommy: best shot Meena Though some at my aversion smile, I cannot love the crocodile. Its conduct does not seem to me Consistent with sincerity. Meena: 🐊💔 Tommy: He is basically a 🐍 with feet Tommy: You 🖋 that? Meena: Sadly not Meena: I'll try to write something as appropriate scathing for your brother Tommy: Or as 💔 for me, yeah? Meena: Of course Meena: what could be better to cheer you up? 😏 Tommy: as a feel good goes it's obviously unrivalled even by 🍻🎵💃🕺 Tommy: that's the level of your talent Meena: You're either that drunk or you wish you were...code red either way Meena: you could come to the restaurant though, if you actually wanted Tommy: Get ahead at waiting tables for when the West End fucks me off & over Tommy: good thinking Meena: Please Meena: your name is already in lights, I can see it Meena: 🤩 Tommy: as you said please, I'll come Meena: manners maketh the man do what you want? Meena: interesting Tommy: works on this one Tommy: how much of a man I am is up for debate, usually Meena: People are idiots Meena: and too invested in stuff that doesn't affect them whatsoever Tommy: like you said, practically a local celeb at this point Meena: still, what's going on in your tights is just not their business Tommy: that's such a you way to put that Meena: I'll choose to take that as a compliment on me having a consistent voice Meena: though the alternatives are �� Tommy: take as I miss you Meena: Are you back for long? Tommy: Nah, they ain't that patriotic either Tommy: I shouldn't even be here, wouldn't have been if she wasn't coming Meena: That's shittier Tommy: maybe JC is trying to keep me humble before I get too 🤩 Meena: It's Patrick that needs to make a second coming to banish your brother 🐍🐍 Tommy: he's already done that himself Meena: Oh, that was the purpose of today then? Meena: I get it Tommy: if he had one Tommy: might have just been out of his 🧠 on whatever 💊💉🥄🚬 Tommy: or worse so 😍 over her that's all that he gives a shit about besides the above Meena: Wait Meena: he's what? Tommy: you'll hear about it soon as you get back to class, they were doing it for everyone to see Tommy: her purpose given what it did to my ma Meena: Jesus Meena: that's Meena: you're right, no words Tommy: at least he one upped Fraze, I guess Meena: does make that situation seem totally run of the mill in comparison Meena: I have heard it happens Meena: when people who are related but estranged meet Meena: it's like a thing™ Meena: not that that helps you personally, obviously Tommy: Really?! Meena: [sends articles like nerd] Tommy: fucking hell Meena: It's crazy Meena: like you know there should be some strong emotional response but you kinda get it fucked up or something Meena: I don't know, science isn't my forte Tommy: nor mine, but if anyone would get those kind of wires crossed, it would have to be him Tommy: Jesus Meena: at least he didn't have a wife and kids to leave or something like some of these people Meena: it's really sad Tommy: you didn't see her though, she's like Tommy: terrifying Meena: I don't think they have to be a hottie but it probably helps in some cases Tommy: 😂 Meena: how so though? like what was she like Tommy: Alright so if they were putting a modern twist on Frankenstein's monster for the stage she could play that, but she'd need serious anger management first Tommy: electroshock wouldn't be far off, funnily enough Meena: Okay, that does sound scary Meena: even if looks can be deceiving, is the moral my own life has hit home hard, sounds like the insides matched so Tommy: It was like if you took every teenage horror story my ma has told us, scraped off the sugarcoating and then mixed that with the worst shit Fraze has ever done when he's on one, you still wouldn't come close to the mark Meena: I know the sort you mean Meena: no matter how well Drew and Caleb think they do with protecting me, I've had plenty of people approach me asking for them, messing with me Tommy: this once I'm gutted you know what I mean then Tommy: 'cause fuck that Meena: mostly it's the former and it's stupid little kids who want some weed or pills, that's just annoying but yeah Tommy: you know boxing's footwork is dead easy, I could teach you what my dad taught me Tommy: any time you want Meena: thanks Meena: at least my height would finally work in my favour, right? Meena: better reach Tommy: bigger 🎯 too remember Tommy: you have to keep your guard up to protect that face Meena: sounds like you're saying I'm 🌚 Tommy: 😮 Tommy: that's awkward Meena: *frantically googles how to shrink head* Tommy: nah, it's awkward 'cause you grew into your head ages ago & I didn't throw you a 🥳 or anything Tommy: must of happened all of a sudden or without me realising Meena: grew into it?! Meena: so I was a bobblehead before, thanks so much 😂 Tommy: only slightly Meena: I'm only slightly 💔 then Tommy: don't be, it was endearing Tommy: you were a cute kid Meena: okay 👵 Meena: no need to patronize me Meena: my head is only literally big, not metaphorically Tommy: come on, a 🍭 is a great look Meena: Better than a pea-head Tommy: or a 🍐 head like I've got Meena: it's distinguished Meena: be gutted you don't want to be a character actor Tommy: nice save, you can teach me ⚽ when we're done with 🥊 Meena: Sounds good to me Tommy: 👍 Tommy: [show up boy cos the restaurant can't be that far from the pub surely] Meena: [have a nerdy but more chill time, Gus loves everyone he's a good egg, I say you should go to this party for the drama of it all sod it] Tommy: [agreed x 2 the restaurant would have such a nice vibe when Drew and Caleb aren't there which they obviously aren't rn and then yeah we can get more messy with it] Meena: [okay so the plan, we having a lovely time (given the circumstances tonight lol) then her boyf shows up] Tommy: [I just picture her bf being so underwhelming like no offense but he'd have to be someone that Tommy didn't clock on socials so when he realises he's like oh and then dials his campness up to 1000000 being that gay BFF stereotype which she would pick up on immediately cos that's not how he is with her except when he's hiding behind it cos things are uncomfortable between them. I just imagine him raiding Ali & Carly's makeup and wardrobe and making the gayest cocktails he can and getting Meena involved and stealing her attention] Meena: [he wouldn't be and he's also lowkey an arsehole as per her type so he wouldn't be all ❤ on her socials anyway, but all this can be a thing 'cos not seeing the gay boy as a threat and probably wants to get drunk so] Tommy: [don't beat him up Tommy you don't want her to think you're doing it for Drew and Caleb like reasons] Meena: [at least we know you two are distracted] Tommy: [thanks for also getting Carly and Ali involved in your gay antics because we all need whatever fun we can get] Meena: [until you gotta go pregnant Ali] Tommy: [lord, I hope Tommy has left by then] Meena: [lordt] Tommy: [casual 3way with your missus and the less attractive drug dealer in town] Meena: [thank god your genetics are solid underneath that mess boy] Tommy: [and we know Rio looks like Ali anyways] Meena: [you do alright out of it kids] Tommy: [it could be so much worse] Meena: [blame your dad for your insecurities grace] Tommy: [and your evil nan] Meena: [junie is just #unique like no one looking like you boy, the closest is fraze as your uncle] Tommy: [unless he looks like Caleb's dad because we don't know him] Meena: [who can say baby] Tommy: [anyway take a moment to appreciate all the Tommy and Meena dancing everyone, giving you that for free] Meena: [love that] Tommy: [soz shit bf he is a threat because their chemistry especially when they are dancing is ridiculous goodbye] Meena: [deffo gonna get mardy at that and go off to have an argument] Tommy: [are you happy now Thomas? Thought not] Meena: [awkwarddd] Tommy: [get drunker boy that'll totally make it better and not worse] Meena: [cry in the bathroom that's a mood] Tommy: [ruin your make up, oh babe] Meena: [everyone else is so wrecked you'll fit in] Tommy: [by not doing drugs you're one of the least messy] Meena: [exactly dr phil] Meena: [the next day] Meena: Have a safe flight back Tommy: Cheers, I'll probably just 💤 Meena: Can't blame you Tommy: did you get any? Meena: Yeah, I'm fine Meena: had to get up early to clean the restaurant though so not as much as I'd ideally want Tommy: had another 🌱🍏🍈🥬🌿🍐🥝🥒🌼 juice, yeah? Tommy: that's pretty patriotic, you know Tommy: better late than never, like Tommy: throw 🍊🍑🥕 in there too & you're sorted Meena: Yeah, I bet EVERYONE in this fair nation is starting a juice cleanse this AM, not having a fry-up, nah Tommy: 😏 Tommy: green eggs & ham would keep you in theme Meena: 🤢 Tommy: fair 🍳🥞🧇🥓🥐🥯🍞 then Tommy: take your pick Meena: are you gonna post it to me? Tommy: be messy if you're having 🍳 or 🥞 but saves me having to use any words Meena: Probably best to stick to non-perishables Meena: best option for us both, like Tommy: Yeah Meena: How was it, this morning Meena: before you left Tommy: how you'd expect Meena: Yeah Tommy: Bea has to leave too so Fraze's dramatics will take centre stage for a sec but Meena: Distraction is probably the best technique for right now Tommy: worked last night Meena: I bet the parties you have in London are even better Tommy: only 'cause we 🩰 ain't supposed to be partying Meena: and what's more fun than prohibition, sure Tommy: forbidden 🍏🍎🍐🍊🍋🍌🍉🍇🍓🍈🍒🍑🥭🍍🥥🥝 juice is my fave, can't lie Meena: 🙄😏 Meena: enjoy Tommy: you're not supposed to give me your blessing, sucks the fun right out Tommy: forbidden, remember Meena: I'm not a teacher Tommy: yeah you are, whenever Anne needs you Meena: Okay, smartypants Meena: there's nothing I could teach YOU Tommy: not with THAT attitude Meena: 🤨 maybe next time Meena: bring your own 🩰 Tommy: & 🥊 Meena: a look Tommy: the 🩳 are too Meena: what do you wear on your top half though Meena: leotard? Tommy: lads don't usually wear anything to show off 💪 Meena: Who are you showing off to? Tommy: The other lad of course, name a sport that ain't homoerotic Meena: not when you come back here Tommy: when I come back here most of all Meena: no boys in my classes Tommy: Anne's been a letdown from the very beginning, what can I say? Tommy: you're on your own, Meeps Meena: I'll survive Tommy: I know
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phantomofsilence · 6 years
Title : Stuck Between A Rock And A Hard Place
Word Count : Honestly who the hell knows?
Warning : Sad Bucky, sad Steve, you can see it from the request.
A/N :
Alright so i already posted this request but Tumblr somehow deleted it. So i had to do it all over again. Well thankfully not the story, i fortunately wrote it in the notes, i learned that lesson the hard way. Anyway along with a story the request itself was deleted. So i think this is how the request went, if it was your request message me if it was wrong. Also i had a really hard time with this request, i don't know why i just wasn't inspired, well probably more tired from college than inspired, but that's why it took so long. I wanted to do it right. Also for anyone else who send me a request i saw it, and i will right it as soon as my obligations allow me some free time. Also i did the P. O. V. thing so don't get confused. Okay, enough rambling, i hope you like it. And also i believe there was a compliment in the request for gif usage, thank you for that. 😘😘😘❤️
Request : Can you do a fic where you and the new agent are getting closer to the point where the team suspects that you are falling out of love with Bucky? (angst to fluff).
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Steve's P. O. V.
As soon as he saw her enter the kitchen Chris was out of his seat smothering her in a hug, but Natasha and Steve, hung back and watched with frowns on their faces.
They stayed quiet during their conversation occasionally sipping coffee.
Their stubbornness and Steve's persistence in making sure both him and the team stay out of this complicated and deeply personal situation, rendered them mute, as they stood there cold and stoic, as they sipped on their coffee.
Many would say the intimacy in the embrace, those gentle smiles, and completely unnecessary gazes they were curently being subjected to were highly inappropriate and Steve would have to agree with them.
The more he watched, the more sorry he felt for his friend. But no, Steve wasn't angry at her, he was hurt. How could such a sweet girl be so uncaring? No one deserves this kind of treatment, his friend the least. He's been through so much already, Steve thought you out of all people understood this.
He lost so much, did he have to lose you too?
You were the rock that kept thing moving, a force anyone could fall back on if needed to be. And you want to abandon it all, for this Chris, a man you barely know compared to his friend.
Steve knew he was letting his feelings cloud his judgement, and you haven't really done anything but spent time with a man you claimed was your friend, a man that was your partner. He knew he spent just as much, if not more time with Natasha and she was one of his most valued friends.
Also, Chris seemed like a nice guy, the kind of man if you were still single he'd advise you to go for.
But that's it, you weren't single. In fact you were in a committed relationship with the most important person in his life.
He was stuck between a rock and a hard place, and he didn't know what to do. Invade his best friend's privacy or let his best friend be hurt when he could at least cushion the blow.
One more look at the 'lovely couple' and he decided, privacy be damned, his friend deserves honesty at least and he was gonna make sure he got it for him.
"Steve.." a voice trailed off cautiously, he looked over the see Natasha leaning on the counter facing them, with her head turned towards him looking at him.
"I know, Nat." he knew he shouldn't have snapped, it wasn't her fault. She sighed.
"Steve it should be one of us, I know it sucks to hurt him like that, but it's even worse if he caught them, and we knew but didn't tell him."Like always the redhead was right, but he still tried to reason with her.
"But she hasn't done anything yet Natasha, we can't make things up when they didn't happen."
She rolled her eyes at his statement. "Yes, Steve, she hasn't done anything, yet Steve. The key word being yet. Come on, Steve! They've known each other for only two months, and they are joined at the hip. If you think Bucky didn't notice you are mistaken. Dude's been giving her the kicked puppy eyes for days now and she hasn't even noticed choosing to ogle at her new beau. This calls for revenge! "The redhead took a deep breath and said.
" He is your best friend Steve, if the rolls were reversed wouldn't you like him to say something? "
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Steve didn't respond, it wasn't necessary, they both knew the answer. Instead of pushing him, Natasha gently squeezed his shoulder and left him in the kitchen to think it over.
An hour later Steve was letting out his anger on a punching bag. The more he thought about it, the more conflicted he got.
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This wasn't his relationship but it was his friend. Thou you were his friend too, after Peggy's death you along with Natasha were there for him, hell you've spent the whole day making jokes just to make him forget.
You were like Bucky, the Bucky from before, not just before The Winter Soldier, but before the war. The guy that got him in a lot of trouble and the guy that stood by him and protected him when he took a bite too large to swallow.
The man that took him to many unsuccessful dates, his companion, his family, it's what drew him to you.
You were a sense reality in the world that no longer made sense, a familiar face in a strange place.
Although he wanted to protect his friend, he also felt oddly protective of you. He couldn't betray your trust, but he couldn't betray Bucky either.
Why did this has to be so hard? He thought and punched the punching bag so hard it ripped and fell few feet away.
"What did that punch bag ever do to you?" Said a man Steve was successfully avoiding since this morning.
"Oh, hey Buck. What's up?" he said trying to act nonchalant. "I could ask you the same thing. Why are you avoiding me? Did i do something?" Bucky demanded.
"I'm not avoiding you." Steve mildly shrugged. Glaring at him he got closer almost to his face. "What the hell is going on?"
Steve could hear the anger in his voice, but also hurt, trying to protect him he's the one that ended up hurting him.
"Nothing, Buck." Steve said. "Listen here, punk!
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"It's bad enough the love of my life could possible be cheating on me right now, now i can't even trust you!? What the hell man?"
Steve looked at his best friend, his eyes were puffy, tears threatening to spill, but he refused to let them fall, he had dark bags under his eyes, he hasn't been sleeping well, his hands shaking in anger, this was a man already hurt.
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"Look i wanted to tell you about her, but I didn't want to betray her either so I've been ignoring you both so i don't hurt anyone. I guess that ship sailed." He said, his friend deserved honestly at least he can get it from him.
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"You think she's cheating on me?" asked Bucky. "I don't know, man. I did not see her so anything, from all we know we're just making stuff up."
Steve frowned, even thou he shouldn't do it now, he was defending her. "You're a good friend, Steve. But i didn't ask what you saw, i want a yes or no answer." Bucky said.
"Why do i matter, why are you asking me? If you really wanted to know you'd ask her. But you're asking me because you know i will never give you that answer. So why are you asking me, Buck?" Steve demanded.
Bucky glared at him, before he grabbed his shoulder giving him a smile." You're a punk, kid."Bucky said, paused to inhale and exhale before continuing." It's because i don't really wanna know. I love her, Steve. If fact i love her so much that even thou, she 's literally ripping me in half, my brain is still finding a reason to forgive her. That she loves me and it's all a mistake. I'm pathetic."
Bucky lowered his head, squeezed his shoulder again, let go and turned to leave.
At the door Steve voice halted him in place.
" You're not pathetic. You love her. Knowing you my whole life, you were never soft on a dame like that. I'm sorry it had to be like this."
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Without turning around Bucky whispered. "Me too." And left.
Steve could see it bright as day this man was a mess. He had to do something, you might be his friend, and it wasn't his business , but he was about to confront you.
Steve knew you, you were not a coward.
He would get you to tell the truth, perhaps it wasn't too late. You need to be honest and you might even work it out with Bucky.
Taking his phone out of his pocket he texted you to meet him in his room.
Your P. O. V.
After the workout Chris suggested you go to the diner you always go after a successful mission.
"Come on it's been some time since we been there." Snorting at that statement you replied. "We literally went there two days ago."
Groaning Chris whined. "Exactly, too long, come on i know you can practically taste those fries and that strawberry and vanilla milkshake you like. Eh, it will be fun and if i may say so i make great company."
Although the offer was tempting, and you really could taste those fries and that delicious milkshake, you had to go home to your boyfriend.
You missed him so much, and judging by those sad eyes he's been giving you he missed you just as much, if not more.
The missions you were being sent on this past month left little to no time for your relationship, and now having to prepare for an undercover mission of great importance and you weren't allowed to speak about it with anyone according to Maria, you were forced to spend all your free time with Chris.
Well forced was a harsh word, Chris was a great man and an amazing partner, but he wasn't your boyfriend.
"Sorry gotta take a rain check." You mumbled apologetically. Chris smiled and pulled you in for a hug.
"Hey i get it, if i had a hunk like that waiting for me at home, i wouldn't even bother talking to you. Scram, kid." You arched an eyebrow on chuckling. "Is that so? "
"I'd fuck him."
As you were nearing your apartment your phone buzzed. Looking at the screen you saw you had a text from Steve. Opening it read' We need to talk, met me at my place'.
Steve was not the best texter but he never sounded this urgent and formal. If this was about the mission he would have asked meat at The Tower, this was personal.
Something was wrong.
All it took was three knocks to be met with Steve's hard gaze, he stood aside allowing you to come in.
"So we need to talk?Are you breaking up with me Steve?"A light-hearted joke that was meant to brighten the mood was met with a glare. Okay, not the right crowd.
"Listen, i know it's non of my business and you're my friend, but this needs to end. What the hell is going on with you and Chris? "
Steve asked firmly before placing his hands on his belt buckle. You knew that stance, you've seen it a million times, it was meant to frighted and send a message that he met business.
You never thought you's see it being used on you. But you weren't so easily scared.
"You're right, Steve it's non of your business ." You replied defensively. Who was he thinking he could question you?
"You're right, but i don't care. I'm the one who has to watch my friend heartbroken when you leave with Chris, so excuse me if I'm a little protective. Just don't. Own up to it." Steve said.
"Own up to what, Steve? Heartbroken? My Bucky? What the hell is going on?" You demanded. You have done nothing to Bucky. What the hell is he talking about?"You hurt him and..." Steve began but you cut him off. "Hurt him i haven' t even spoken to him!" You piped up.
Bucky's P. O. V.
Knowing he couldn't stay cupped up in his room with all those thoughts swearing in his head Bucky decided to take a walk, and by walk he meant a run, muttering angry at nothing and panting wildly.
He wasn't sure if he was panting because he was tired from the aggressive run or the work his mind put him through.
He decided the latter.
As if he was cursed to suffer today, he ran into the last person he wanted to see. Chris strolled up to him, a bright smile on his face, as if he wasn't the cause to his misery. Some nerve on this guy!
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"Hey, Buck right?" he said to Bucky holding his hand for him to shake. Bucky just looked down at it frown.
"Not a hand shaker? Alright, i get it. I'm getting used on it myself.Also some say it's unhygienic."
What pissed of Bucky even more was that Chris wasn't even fazed by Bucky unfriendly stance. This guy!
"Anyway i just wanted to meet the man my partner won't shut up about. I mean that woman's got you on a pedestal you'd think your shooting rainbow out of your ass."
Keep rubbing salt to an open wound, Bucky though. This dude was something else.
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"Look man, i don't really know her for that long, but she's kinda grown on me. She's one heck of a woman. She means a lot to me and... " Bucky cut him of. "I can imagine." He remarked through his teeth.
"No, you really can't, she has been there for me after the war, you know when you get back everyone keeps walking on egg shells around you, it's a strange place, even the bed feels wrong, too soft. But she made me feel human."
Suddenly the anger for the man was gone and all that was left was confusion. Chris was a marine? It would explain his posture.
" She's not afraid to hold me, i thank God or whatever is out there everyday for a friend like her. "
Bucky knew what he was talking about oh to well, she made him fell the same. She was comfort, she was peace, she was his home.
" Why are you telling me all of this? "Bucky asked.
" Because I'm not blind, i know a jealous man when i see one. She holds me because it helps me relax, not because she is in love with me. Don't even try to deny it. I know what it feels to love her, but you know what it feels like to be loved by her. If anyone has the right to be jealous, it's me. Don't screw this up, man. See ya. "
Before Bucky even had the chance to process what Chris had said, he turned and ran the other way.
Walking into your room you felt oddly nervous. You didn't even know it but you've made the man you love, a man in doubt.
He now questioned your love and you did not even notice. Sure you saw a bit of sadness but regarded it as him simply missing you.
Not a man heartbroken and riddled with insecurities. He probably hasn't even slept right and you didn't see it.
There was no reason for your fear, the room was empty, no Bucky in sight. Footsteps in the hallway made you turn around. Walking out of the room you followed the footsteps into the hallway, outside your apartment, down the stairs and only when you were outside did you catch the glimpse of the man of our.
Gathering enough courage you called out Bucky who at the sound of your voice turned and froze.
The tension was high, you could feel it in the air as you stared at one another.
Just as you opened your mouth to speak not even knowing what to say Bucky crossed the distance, grabbed you by the back of your neck and kissed you.
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It only took you a second to respond, the kiss was desperate, teeth clashing, tongues fighting for dominance, while hands roamed all over, pulling, squeezing.
Pulling away for air you kept your eyes closed. "Tell me you love me." Pleaded Bucky, making you feel even more guilty.
Opening your eyes your hands sneaked themselves around his neck pulling until your forehead touched his own.
"I'm not sure about a lot of things Bucky. But there is one thing i am sure about and that is that i love you, James Buchanan Barnes, i love you and i always will. I'm sorry i ever made you doubt my love. "
"No, i am the one that's sorry. I shouldn't have doubted you in the first place. I got so stuck in my own head. I'm sorry. I love you so much, doll."
"I love you. Let's just forget about it and agree that from now on we will talk about this things. No holding back. "
"You're right. From now, we talk. But please be patient with me. And do me a favor, will you."
"Don't quit on me. I know it can be hard to be with me sometimes, but I love you as much it is possible for this broken man to love. "
"You're not broken, just bent. And don't act like I'm a walk in the park, i know i can be frustrating. But this is a relationship, we work together, we compromise, we fight, we make love. We don't quit on each other, we fight for us."
"I love you."
"And i love you."
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bulgariansumo · 3 years
Galactimato Big Brother Week 3
<<Week 1 | < Week 2 | Week 4>
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Week 3 begins with yet another vacancy, this time evicted by America through Emil. Things didn't go too smoothly, however, as his plans may have been seen by another houseguest! How long will he be able to keep his secrets? Is he running out of time?
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Now that everyone has had a few weeks to get to know each other, they were asked one simple question: Who would they evict out of anyone in the house? Most were too nice to give an answer, but some did respond.
"Higgy." Tsuki tapped her cheek. "I don't like the way he works Nicky and Toni to death with those dance rehearsals."
"The older Konno is too," Lorenzo tried to find the word, "...rowdy for my liking."
"Higgy!" Maxy answered without hesitation. "Someone needs to knock him off his high horse! At least Mai is fun about it."
Higgy tilted his nose up. "Maxy is a nuisance."
"It's nice to have friends here." "Angelo started. I-I even made a new one! Somehow. But it's hard to s-s--to spend time together... It's selfish, but everyone I'd vote off is close to them in some way. Or America's Player. Th-They could be really bad for my friends' chances. I th-thh--I might I know who it is..."
Those cryptic words may spell trouble for Emil, but the next segment spells HoH. It's time for the Head of Household Competition!
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"I don't have many rules." Jun stated upon winning. "Just, like, keep the vibes chill, okay?"
Were the vibes chill? Before we head to the Nomination Ceremony, let's see what some of the houseguests have to say!
"It's nice! Higgy's practice is a little rough, but that's normal. The star rangers are nice. Emil and Roxie have poofy hair and hearts. We are friends~" Nicky pointed at the camera. "And you're here too."
"The viewers or...?" asked Kenji.
Nicky smiled.
"I think he's dehydrated."
"I swear Higgy has his band brainwashed." Tsuki shook her head. "Toni especially. Poor thing's practically on a leash!"
"Everyone thinks Higgy-senpai is mean. He is," Toni admitted, "but he protects me from Maxy! And listens to me! Sometimes."
"I don't like that kid trying to cling to Toni. Jun too." Mai sneered. "He's weird. I heard him begging for that freckle chart when Toni was tossing it out because 'I didn't get a chance to vote for you!'" She mimicked Angelo's pitiful face. "Gimme a break! I swear he woulda dug in the trash if Emil wasn't there."
"I've been hanging out a lot with Emil and Maxy lately and hadn't realized how much I ignored Angie." Leon glanced away. "But Emil's been getting him to tag along! He's so welcoming like that~! Also, I swore I saw a leg in the garbage can last night. Might be my imagination."
"I'm worried about Mai." mused Jun. "She says wild stuff and doesn't, like, have guidance. I've been trying to help out. Angelo hovers around, but I guess he's too shy to interrupt. I worry about him too. Y'know how it is, yeah?" They asked Kenji.
"Please don't acknowledge me."
"Lorie asked me about voting off Mia." Emil began. "I forgot her family was struggling financially, so that's what I told him. Feel kinda bad though." He paused. "But what I do remember is that Jun knows how to check fingerprints. I've been keeping an eye on Ange so he doesn't get his hands on the chart again." He winked. "I think he's worried about Leon, Roxie, and Toni, but I can't see America voting them out. I tried telling him that. Subtly. 'Siiiides, we took the trash out yesterday afternoon."
"It's been nice being with the others, even th--even though I know what Emil's doing. I-I don't have anything against him, and it's kinda s-silly but," Angelo pulled a crumpled, stained paper from his coat, "I trust myself over America. S-s--I'm sorry."
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It appears Emil has underestimated how far Angelo will go to protect his friends. But can he protect them from the veto ceremony? Let's find out!
"Thanks for a really chill week, you guys." Jun started. "I'd rather not nominate anyone, but two of you did kinda harsh the vibe. Higgy, Maxy, step into the nomination zone."
They did so, glaring at each other all the way.
"This wouldn't have happened if you didn't mess with my rehearsals." Higgy muttered.
"Well you shouldn'ta had 'em near my bird-calling spot!"
"What kind of birds make fart sounds??"
"Hey! Don't blame your butt problems on the birds!"
Higgy seethed. "I have ways to make you live in regret."
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"Hey, hey." Jun interrupted. "Let's let the eviction votes settle this, assuming neither of you get vetoed."
"Fine." conceded Higgy. "But if he somehow survives, mark my words, I will evict Maxy Konno with my own hands."
"Not if I get rid of you first." Maxy flashed his fangs.
"Oooooh, spicy!" Benji's gold tooth twinkled as he smiled. "Will the flames of rivalry be put out by eviction, or will they burn a little longer? Stick around for the veto competition to find out!"
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"I didn't even do anything to get Higgy nominated!" Emil recounted from the interview room at some unspecified point in the future. "I was too busy dealing with Angelo and forgot!" He laughed.
For the PoV Competition, it's time to get schooled ...Again?
"Is it a good idea to reuse a challenge in the same week?" asked Kenji.
"Reuse sounds so cheap, call it a 'redux!" Benji corrected. "Plus, I'd rather not build anymore sets until we have more hands on deck."
"I understand."
Jun, Maxy, and Higgy, along with Roxie, Nicky, and Tsuki, play Getting Schooled again for the Power of Veto. Maxy wins! Onto the Veto Ceremony!
"Should I use this now or wait until we explain ourselves or whatever?" Maxy waved his PoV around.
"Why waste our time? Just use it." Higgy ordered.
"Thought I was the host, but okay!" Benji raised his eyebrows. "Why don'tcha use your veto?"
"I veto myself! ...Again~" Maxy gave a dirt-eating grin to Higgy and Toni as he returned to the group.
Jun seemed at a loss. "Uhh. Shoot. I dunno who else to pick."
"Excuse me?" Angelo raised a hand.
"A volunteer~" announced Benji.
"No no no! I-I just wanted t-t-to know if you could check this for prints?"Angelo lifted the freckles chart.
"Did you get that from the dumpster??" Emil blurted out.
"I'd be interested in it." Jun answered Angelo's question. "But I don't, like, have everyone's prints on hand for comparison. And now's kind of a bad time."
"S-Sorry..." Angelo looked down.
"It's cool!" They reassured. "Tell you what, give me a name and I'll check that person's fingerprints after the eviction, 'k?"
"Right now?"
"In front of everyone?"
"I'd let you whisper, but... you seem to have a situation going on." Jun gestured to his trashy clothes.
"Th-That's okay." Angelo declined.
"You sure?"
"Well. You helped me with one thing at least." Jun told him.
"What's that?"
"Picking a replacement. Angelo, step into the zone."
"Wh-what?" His eyes widened in shock.
"No one knows who put up the chart but you and the culprit." Jun smirked. "Could be the same person. You have the perfect moment to name them and you won't?" They went on. "Sounds suspicious to me. Sounds like something America's Player would do to throw us off."
"What?? No, I'm not them!" he insisted.
"That's something America's Player would say!" accused Maxy.
"I-I'm not! I'm really not!"
"Leave him alone!" Toni defended.
"Didn't you throw it out?" Mai recalled. "He could've been tryin' to frame you."
"Angelo wouldn't do that," Toni turned to his friend, "would you...?"
"No." Angelo was on the verge of tears, wounded by the accusation. "Of course not!"
"We don't know if he did it." Jun reminded, looking a little mortified, just as Emil did. "But just to be on the safe side, he's the replacement."
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Angelo set out to reveal the truth but one hesitation landed him in hot water with his fellow contestants. Where will the votes fall, and who will America choose as its next target?
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While Higgy was no Mr. Popularity, Angelo proved to be too big of a threat to Emil for America to allow him a continued existence at the household. How did the houseguests handle this decision?
"The younger Summers has schemed once." reminisced Lorenzo."He could be doing so again."
"I'll make sure Toni's safe." Mai nodded, folding her arms.
Maxy threw his hands up"I don't care if the other kid's America's Player, Higgy's goin' down!"
"Do I really have to explain my vote?" Leon smiled nervously. "Angie's my little brother!"
"So Emil," Benji began, "what do you have to say to uhh, that?"
"What can I say?" Emil shook his head. "He had to go, but... that was brutal. He could've ratted me out at any moment, but he didn't. I feel like I need to say something to him."
"You'll get your chance."
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Angelo became yet another falling star from the Celestion-5's sky, following Aiden and Mia. How many more will follow him? At least four more, but only time will tell. As for now, it seems like Emil isn't the only one who has something to say to him.
"Hey." Jun leaned in the doorway as Angelo, clean and freshly dressed, packed his bags.
They sighed. "Shoulda picked my words more carefully. I got so wrapped up in my theory, I started a witch hunt. I didn't mean to, but I did, and for that I'm so sorry."
Angelo stopped packing "Thank you Jun. Th-That means a lot to me." He held up the chart. "Do you still want this?"
"Sure, it's the least I can do." Jun's smile melted into a frown as they took it in their hands. "It's soaked."
"S-Sorry, I know it's gross." He apologized. "It got stained in the garbage and my hands were s-sweaty, so that didn't help."
They gave a pitied smile. "It's not your fault. But I can't take prints from this. Not by normal means."
"You know what? It's better that way." Angelo almost said something, but stopped. "Yeah, you're probably right."
Benji stood in front of the house with Angelo. "Well. That was kind of a rough ceremony, huh? How're ya feelin'?"
"A little sad I have to leave." admitted Angelo. "But if th-th--if I helped the others s-survive, I'm happy. I just hope no one's too mad at me."
"Welp, these three aren't!" Benji extended an arm to the side. "You can come out now!"
Leon exited first and gave his brother a hug. "I'll miss you, buddy."
"I'll miss you a lot too..."
He gave another hug. "That one's for Roxie!"
"She's not here...?" Angelo seemed a little hurt.
"She would be if she could! But someone else wanted to show up even more."
Toni barreled around the corner and into Angelo for a hug, stunning him.
"T-Toni? But you--"
"I didn't vote against you because I thought you lied!" Toni blurted, holding Angelo's hands. "I did so Higgy wouldn't be mad at me. I really like you! I'm sorry!!"
"It's okay. I...I like you too!" Angelo happily teared up. "I hope I can see you again someday."
"Toni, it's time for rehearsal!" Higgy's voice called.
Toni looked at his shoes. "Sorry, but I have to go now."
He turned to walk away, turned back, and gave Angelo one last hug before running off.
Emil was the last to exit. "Hey, Ange."
"Yeah, he wanted to say goodbye!" Leon explained to his brother's shock.
"Plus I had something to tell you!" added Emil. "A secret!"
Emil stooped down to whisper to him.
Angelo smiled and giggled. "I have something for you too."
He whispered something in Emil's ear. The latter stood back up and nodded.
"Of course. I'll try! And one last thing!" Emil gave Angelo a hearty hug. "Stay strong out there, okay? We're rooting for ya!" He winked.
"And don't try to sneak back into the house!" Leon warned. "We'll miss you, but don't do any crimes!"
Angelo laughed. "I'll do my best!"
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