#i'd be perfectly content keeping it just for my own enjoyment but who knows! someone else might enjoy it just as much as i do so why not
snfbabydrop · 1 year
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i'm rereading my wip one last time :')
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shadowxamyweek · 1 year
Hello! ( ´ ∀ ` )ノ
It's come to my attention that a lot of people, particularly new Tumblr users, don't know how to block tags or blogs.
I'd like to fix that! ⊂( ̄▽ ̄)⊃
Effectively, this is to help you curate your experience on this website (and others, but this tutorial is specifically for Tumblr.) The steps as showcased should be about the same for both mobile and desktop, so you should be okay💖🖤 In the event that it is requested of me to make a desktop-specific set of instructions, however, I will. __φ(。。)
Blocking a Tag --==Σ(((つ;`д')つ
Tags are the search terms people attach to works they post so that they can be found by others. Tags can also be used by you when you reblog a post if you would like to find things you like again!
If, however, there is a specific type of content you do not wish to see, be it hate or gore or even a ship you don't like, you can block the tag for it so that you don't see it as often/at all!
First, you want to go to General Settings, which is a little cog in the upper right.
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Then, go to Account Settings. It will be the first option under the label, 'Account'.
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After that, you will click on, 'Content you see.' It's a little bit down the page.
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When you open that page, you will be greeted with a section labled 'Filtered Tags!' Just click the little blue '+New' across from 'Filtered Tags' in order to block tagged content!
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Keep in mind, you are able to undo blocked tags at any time by following these steps to get to the same spot and then just deleting the tag in question from the blocked list. This is especially helpful for people who wish to avoid spoilers for things they would like to eventually engage with!
Blocking a Blogヽ(>д<;)ノ=3=3
Sometimes, there are just people we don't get along with. Maybe there's a blog who's focus isn't really your thing. Whatever the reason may be, it is okay to block.
(That absolutely includes me and this blog! You can block me and/or this blog if there comes a time where you want to. That is perfectly alright🖤💖)
First, locate the blog you wish to block. There are two ways to block someone once you do this, and both work on mobile and desktop.
(My friend @lambpaca, a very talented artist and animator who you should absolutely go check out, is my assistant for the following demonstration.)
One way to go about blocking someone is by going to their home page. Then, locate the icon of a person on their blog in the upper right (exactly where your personal settings cog on your own account is.)
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You will then see this little menu with the 'Block' option. Click that, and they are now blocked!
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What if you don't want to go to their blog, though? That's okay! There is another option!
Find a post they have made or reblogged. You will still see their icon, as well as a series of dots across from their icon and username.
Click that series of dots, and you'll get a similar menu with a block option at the bottom!
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What if you change your mind? Maybe you hit block by mistake, or you are curious and would like to see their posts again. No problem! If you later wish to undo this, it is not hard!
Go back to your own page and locate your settings cog in the upper right.
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Scroll down a ways. It is towards the bottom of the menu.
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From here, locate the blog you have previously blocked and click the blue 'Unblock' across from their name and icon!
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And there you go! That is how to block blogs and tags on tumblr!
Try to remember- you are an autonomous being. You have, especially in this context, a lot of control over what you wish to see and what you can avoid seeing.
In this way, you can have an enjoyable experience here on tumblr and reduce the chances of conflict or drama!
Anyway, hope this helps!
I hope you have a lovely day!
☆⌒(≧▽​° )
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the0ldmann · 1 year
Headcannon time! (I'm sorry, I never know if it's one word or two-)
(Reminder that ''Something's Wrong with Sunny Day Jack" is an adult only fandom- minors and ageless blogs will be blocked on sight!)
I was just thinking about the 4 seasons earlier- some coworkers were talking about their favourites and why they were their favourites. So naturally, when I was on my own again, I had to wonder if *any* of our boys had favourites. Because nothing gets me through a rough workday better than thinking about these guys- *ahem*
Yes that's right though- *any* of them. I know I've typically only written stuff for the most beloved of clowns, but this seemed easy enough an exercise I thought I'd give it a go for all of them. So without further ado, here we go!
Winter. He wanted to say summer, he really did. But with all the painful memories of school being out, having to deal with his "home life" (that let's remember was bad enough he ran away), and then struggling in the summer heat while undoubtedly homeless for a bit after having run away... It seems he was in the southern continental United States in the 80s during this point in his life. Winter wouldn't have been too ungodly cold at the time, so that might have been fairly okay to deal with. But summer? Summer heat would have still been unbearable even then. Not to mention if he had to dumpster dive for food, it would all rot quicker, and excessive sweating from the heat would have made him stink... Winter time meant school, and therefore getting away from 'home.' It also meant an ever so slightly more comfortable temperature-wise time while stuck on the streets (though I'm sure it still sucked, the heat of summer makes things 10x worse and so winter at least would bring mild relief in that regard). Once he gets the acting gig, starts turning his life around, and starts making friends, then there's also the holidays to contend with. Sure, the stress on family is painful I imagine. But if he had some genuinely good friends like some of his cast mates (other than Jean) seem to be? I inagine they might have invited him over for a friend get-together. Or they'd visit him where he's staying and bring a casserole and maybe a rotisserie chicken. They'd look out for him. And you can't tell me that wouldn't make the holiday season just a little more enjoyable for him. (Oh gods now I'm thinking about an impromptu friends-giving with all the cast members at like, a hotel Joeseph is staying at, I can't, who's cutting onions-)
Autumn. Hear me out- he strikes me as pretentious af. A chunk of the content I see for him seems to have the fandom agree. Definitely full of himself with that ego he seems to carry around. So I'm going to go out on a limb and say that spring, summer, and winter try to, in his mind, hinder his perfect appearance/environment and so he hates them. You can't tell me he likes being uncomfortable, literally everything we know about him screams "if I'm not comfy 100% of the time I'm going to make it everyone's problem." Winter is too cold for him. Dressing trailer? No no no, he wants a room in the studio itself- a trailer would be far too cold. He'd shiver nonstop, ruin the makeup, and he just doesn't seem like the type to enjoy wearing fifty layers to keep warm. Summer is too hot. He's sweating everything off. While he may seem like someone to take pride in the way he looks, I imagine he only likes to do that in his own time, preferable at a pool, and not because he's sweat through the third costume since noon and has had to strip down yet again. Not to mention heat does tend to make people more aggressive... Spring? Too wet. He absolutely likes to keep himself looking perfectly styled, and the drowned rat look rain gives is not desireable to him. Spring is well known for its rain after all. So all that leaves is autumn! Temperate weather, not a whole lot of rain, gentle breezes, and some great fashions are fall perfect. He was wearing a turtleneck sweater in the one picture, wasn't he? Turtlenecks- perfect for fall weather and perfect for looking sharply dressed but also somewhat casual at the same time. That's it. He cares way too much about his appearance.
Autumn. He's absolutely an autumn fan. How could he not be? The weather is getting cooler so it's perfect for sweaters and cuddles. Spooky month (October) is in autumn and we all know he's a big horror fan. It's also the start of the holiday season, and for someone so willing to go out of his way to help and even just spend time with those he cares about? Regardless of what other autumn holidays besides Halloween he may or may not celebrate, you can't tell me he wouldn't take advantage to spend more time with those he cares about.
All of them. No no, I literally mean it. Sure it may seem like a cop-out, but do you really think he could actually pick a favourite? One he likes more than the others? You would think summer would be his favourite- the clearest skies for the sunniest days are in summer and lords know Sunny Day is in the man's name... But I genuinely think he's such a positive and brighter-side-of-things kinda guy that he would say he loves them all.
Summer? Perfect for camping, going to the beach, enjoying ice cream for two but sharing one spoon...
Spring? The start of new life! Flowers are in bloom, animals are making babies (and whether or not he could make babies with you, he certainly wouldn't mind an excuse for the exercise), and the spring rains really do carry a freshness to them that rain during the rest of the year just does not have.
Autumn? Starting to get cooler, so it's perfect for bundling you up, especially in his jacket. Get cozy on the hillside as you stargaze at night...
Winter? (Assuming there will be snow.) Better like curling up under a blanket with him by the fireplace! Only after a long day of building a snowman with him, or after having enjoyed a lovely carriage ride through the park. Plus with numerous holidays coming up (pick your flavor), why wouldn't he want to spend as much time as possible with those he cares about? If its a holiday with any sort of gift giving or special foods/baked goods, surely you wouldn't go without gifting him a plate of his favourite chocolate chip cookies, would you?
Spring. No, I wasn't influenced by the bunny costume. ... Okay I absolutely was. But I can still justify this! He seems like, if Jean is his dad like I've seen some people theorize, then I imagine he'd take after dislike of being uncomfortable and so that would rule out summer and winter. He also only has one childhood friend, so school had to be relatively rough to deal with. He had someone to hang with over the summer at least, but autumn is the start of school season. Therefore, autumn is the start of dealing with school bullies again. Spring would herald a soon-to-be end to the school season, with decent temps, and considering the fact he's a weeb- cherry blossom season. Again, spring is also the season of new beginnings. While we don't know when Ian and MC move in the game, spring almost seems like the perfect time for it to happen. Right after graduating, get away from toxic family as quickly as possible, and all the symbolism with them starting a new chapter... It just fits. And if Jean is his dad, spring could be viewed the opposite of his, while also being quite similar in a way- similar temps being the most obvious similarity.
Summer. He is an influencer after all. What better season for doing all the fun things and showing them off, but the good ol' summer season? Water parks, camping trips, outlet malls, visits to the dog park, beach visits, museum trips, vacationing to other places in general... Also, it's so hot out, it's the perfect excuse to go to your fav local froyo place and try asking out the cutie behind the counter!
(I do not codone this behaviour of Nick's btw, please don't ask out people while they're at work, it's uncomfy af-)
Bonus Barry:
(Yeah I'm adding Barry for the all of probably three people that simp for him here.)
Summer. It's probably his favourite but not for the most obvious of reasons. Of course his business of frozen treats will be booming during the hottest season of the year- raking in the dough and boosting his ego for being "such a good manager to keep the ship running so smooth during such a busy time!" But if Sauce wasn't totally joking around when they said Barry had "never forgotten about you" in that ominous looking text... Well, what better season than summer to make your favourite worker sweat and squirm under your gaze? What better time than summer to leave them panting and breathless with your incessant phone calls demanding attention unpaid overtime that leaves them too exhausted to utter a word in protest? Plus, bodies rot and decay faster in the heat...
(okay but for real I hate Barry, I've had mamagers like Barry, I hope he gets some comeuppance be it either death or getting demoted or just having to do our job in our stead- and btw watching a manager like that get forced by their supervisor to come help you in a rush and have to ask you what to do and take direction from you? Good gods it happened to me once but it was worth the world to me heeheeheeheehee-)
(Holy shit this was long af- way longer than I intended, whoops! Hope ya'll enjoyed though! Also hope the formatting is okay as soon as I hit post cause I did this all on mobile-)
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tsumusamu · 4 years
nice receive [miya atsumu x fem!reader]
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genre: fluff and (once again, a sad attempt at) humor
word count: 3.8k
summary: eight months into your relationship, atsumu takes you to meet his family. things don't go as planned, but of course, everything ends up alright in the end anyway. alternatively, miya atsumu adores you and his family thinks it's easy to see why.
warnings: uhhh implied sexual content at the end but it is like barely there ok
commission for @ muppetz (it wont let me tag for some reason ugh) thank you so much for commissioning me!
a/n: this ended up being way longer than the word count requested but that’s no one’s fault but my own because i dont know when to shut the FUCK up anyways i hope this one shot is enjoyable lol
content under the cut!
You literally never thought that you would ever end up in this situation.
"C'mon babe, why the long face? Ya nervous or somethin'?"
"No." You purse your lips, huffily averting your gaze from your boyfriend's smirking face.
"Ya don't needa be like that." Atsumu drapes an arm across your shoulder, pecking your forehead as a sort of reassurance. "No one could ever hate this cute face, after all." He accentuates his words by squishing your cheeks, drawing out a yelp of protest from you.
"If you keep talking like this, you're gonna jinx it, you know." Your words come out softer and more hesitant than intended, and you startled even yourself at how utterly anxious you sound.
"Yer gonna be fine. Trust me, I wouldn’t take just any random girl to meet my folks, and they’re well aware of that." Atsumu ruffles your hair.
"I just... I hope they're not..." You pause for a moment, trying to find the right word. "...Disappointed?" You grimace when your boyfriend suddenly throws his head back in such voracious laughter, that you swear you saw a few hysterical tears.
"Are ya jokin'?" he all but wheezes. "Yer the libero for the national volleyball team, for God's sake. If anythin', I'd be the disappointment here."
"'Tsumu — " you start, but he interrupts you by pulling you in for a comforting hug.
"Don't worry yer pretty head anymore, got it?" he murmurs into your ear. "Yer wonderful, and I couldn't be luckier to have ya. My parents are gonna love ya. Honest."
A small smile tugs at your lips as you reach around his back to hug him back. "I hope so."
A year ago, if someone had told you that you would end up having Miya Atsumu introduce you to his family as his girlfriend, you would've laughed until your ass fell off and your stomach ached like no tomorrow.
You had been absolutely overjoyed when you were chosen for the women's national volleyball team, and you were so eager to start playing with your new teammates that you had decided to attend the national team's training camp without hesitation despite your recent knee injury at the time. However, you completely overlooked the fact that you would be working with the men's team as well, which would've been completely fine... if not for Miya Atsumu.
When you first met Atsumu, he was the cocky, annoying little shit of a setter for the Japanese men's national volleyball team, someone who you were stuck training with for the next two weeks.
You still remember the first words he ever spoke to you.
"The hell are ya doin' there, lil libero? If yer not gonna be able to save the easiest ones, then ya might as well sub out."
You also remember the first thought you had about him.
And the first words you spoke to him.
"Can't you look at this — " You had gestured angrily to the knee brace supporting you. "And take a fucking hint, or what?"
He had sent some unapologetic, biting words right back at you and that marked the beginning of the time you have had the utmost pleasure of knowing Miya Atsumu. The two of you had bickered rather relentlessly (not too unlike literal children, despite the both of you being well into your twenties) throughout the rest of the camp, and by the end, for some unknown reason through some unknown method, he ended up with your number.
He started texting you constantly, and as much as you tried to convince your foolish self that he was just a nuisance, you found yourself responding to his messages like an idiot anyway. Throughout the next few months, you learned that Atsumu was far more than just his overly confident demeanor; he's genuinely kind-hearted, down-to-earth, and actually kinda hilarious. And eventually — neither of you quite knew how — the two of you were staring across a table at each other in a fancy restaurant as if daring the other to blink and lose an unspoken game, on a first date that neither of you thought would go as well as it did.
A little over eight months into your happy and committed relationship, Atsumu suggested that the two of you go to his hometown in Hyogo for a weekend to visit his family. You had immediately agreed with his idea, excited to meet his parents and twin brother in person, but now that he's leading you out of your shared hotel room to go do just that, your stomach's knotting uncomfortably.
Atsumu's been nothing but supportive and comforting ever since you started showing that you're nervous to meet his family. He was always happy to provide a never-ending flow of cheesy words and warm hugs, but you're genuinely afraid of embarrassing yourself. You want to impress his family and not have them see you as undeserving of their son, who you truly care for from the bottom of your heart. Atsumu is your first long-term boyfriend, and you would jump off your roof if you managed to mess anything up during the visit to his folks.
The taxi ride to Atsumu's childhood home doesn't do much to soothe your nerves either, with you fiddling with your fingers the entire way through while Atsumu makes small talk with the driver. As the cab pulls up to the address that your boyfriend had provided earlier, you instinctively clench your fists so hard that you think you might bleed.
A look of alarm crosses Atsumu's face as he notices that you're still just as anxious as you were when you left the hotel earlier. He thought that the ride to his parents' house would give you some time to cool down, but that had clearly not been the case. His eyebrows furrow in concern as he reaches over to grab one of your hands in his, giving you a comforting squeeze.
"Just breathe, darlin'." He runs his thumb over the shallow nail marks embedded in your skin. "If it means anything to ya, my mom's a huge fan of yers. For real. I didn't tell ya this before, but she's especially excited to meet ya. Keeps yappin' to me askin' how I pulled ya." You flush.
"R-Really?" you stammer, wide-eyed.
"Really. Who wouldn't be a fan yers?" Atsumu grins, pecking your nose. "See, ya got nothin' to be worried about. Just chill out and be yerself, 'kay?" You nod, some of the tension releasing from your shoulders as Atsumu leads you out of the cab, hand still clutching yours.
You're feeling a little better now, though your thoughts are still running through your head at the pace of a mile a minute as you watch Atsumu pay the taxi driver and thank him for the ride. Atsumu's mother is my fan? Your ears start to heat up. I hope I can somehow live up to her expectations of me…
“Ma! We’re here!” Atsumu shouts at the top of lungs approximately one second after simultaneously ringing the doorbell and obnoxiously pounding on the door.
“Comin’, comin’, ya brat!” A feminine, yet strong voice hollers in return. You freeze on the spot, your mind going blank once again. It’s happening. It’s finally happening.
The door aggressively swings open, revealing a middle-aged woman wearing a pink apron and carrying a wooden spatula in her hand. Her dark hair is pulled into a bun away from her face and her eyes, the same chocolate brown as Atsumu’s, are gleaming with annoyance. She briefly glares at Atsumu for his rowdy entrance before her gaze catches onto you, and her entire face lights up with excitement.
“(L/N) (Y/N)! It’s so nice to finally meet you!”
“M-Mrs. Miya,” you stammer out, trying your best to smile but you’re sure it looked more like a wince. “It’s good to m-meet you t-too.”
"Aw, hey now. What happened to my feisty girl? It's not like ya to be so lame.” Atsumu lays his forearm on your head, effectively using you as an armrest. You jerk away, scowling.
“Shut the hell up, asshat,” you snap without thinking. About half a second later, regret slams into your body like a truck. Oh, shit. I just called my boyfriend an asshat in front of his mother. You were about to run off into the streets in utter embarrassment if not for Mrs. Miya letting out a hearty laugh way too similar to her son’s and linking arms with you.
“No need to look so scared, dear. I don’t bite. And it’s good to see that yer willin’ to put this brat in his place.”
“Ma!” Atsumu whines, pouting petulantly.
“Yer really losin’ out with him though, y’know,” Mrs. Miya whispers to you as she leads you into the house by your arm. “I’ve got another son; Atsumu’s twin. Osamu’s quite well-behaved. If yer just likin’ the looks, he would be the better option.” You can tell she’s joking by the merry twinkle in her eyes, but instead of humoring her you end up shaking your head with a quiet chuckle.
“I think Atsumu’s perfectly good for me.” The two of you pause to watch Atsumu practically sprint into the kitchen, and a few moments later there’s an agitated yell as proof that he was on his way to annoy his brother. You smile. “He makes me really happy, Mrs. Miya. You raised him well.”
“Aren’t ya just the sweetest thing?” Mrs. Miya coos at you, pinching your left cheek. “And so pretty too. I swear ya could probably clobber my brat at volleyball as well. You and yer teammate… ah, Miss Amanai? The two of you always caught my eye while I watched yer matches. Make sure ya let her know.”
You blush a little and thank her, making a mental note to tell Kanoka that. She’d probably find it extremely amusing, especially since she was the one who had given Atsumu your number in the first place (which, as you had found out months later, was because he had practically groveled at her feet multiple times. Dumbass.)
“Come meet my husband, (Y/N).” Mrs. Miya leads you into the living room, where an older, balding man with rimmed glasses is quietly flipping through a book. He gives a start upon hearing your entrance, clearing his throat and sitting up straight.
“Ah, hello!” Mr. Miya greets you. “I’ve heard a lot about you! From both Atsumu and the missus.”
“Nice to meet you, Mr. Miya.” You nod once in a respectful manner.
“It’s about time that he settled down with a nice girl. Make sure ya keep him in line though, got it, missy?”
“Of course I w — “ you start, but Mrs. Miya is already dragging you towards the kitchen. You smile apologetically at Mr. Miya, and he just laughs and waves.
“Osamu’s makin’ dinner right now. He is such a hardworkin’ and dedicated boy. Both of them are, really,” she rambles. “But Osamu sure can cook a mean meal. He and his twin always used to fight over who’s the better cook. But I betcha Atsumu hasn’t touched the stove since he left for university years ago.”
You debate telling her that Atsumu had made quite a decent meal for the two of you just last week to celebrate your eight-month anniversary (which you hadn’t even known he remembered), but before you can formulate the right words in your head you’re suddenly shoved in the path of an unfamiliar man. Well, not really unfamiliar. He has the same face as the boyfriend who you see every day, after all.
Miya Osamu is (as expected) the literal carbon copy of Atsumu; same strong eyebrows, same hooded eyes, same angular jawline. The only thing that easily sets them apart is his black, ruffled mess of hair in stark contrast with your boyfriend’s bleached blonde.
Mrs. Miya pulls Atsumu away from the two of you, demanding that he help her with some mundane task, leaving you and Osamu by yourselves in the kitchen.
An easy smile graces his lips as he sticks out his hand. “Hey, I’m Osamu. Honored to finally meet the famous (L/N) (Y/N).” You smile back, gripping his hand firmly and shaking.
“And I’m honored to meet the famous ‘Samu.” At your words, Osamu bursts out laughing.
“Man, I don’t really let a lot of people call me that, y’know? But if yer gonna be part of the family, you could be an exception.”
“F-Family?” You pause, your sudden confidence dissipating as fast as it had come.
“Naw, no pressure. Just sayin’.” Osamu casually continues with his task of shaping onigiri. “I can tell he really likes ya.” You raise your eyebrows in curiosity without entirely meaning to. “I mean, we’re twins, it’s like a sixth sense. And also he never shuts up about ya when we text or call.”
“I hope you’re hearing all good things?” you quip jokingly.
“Oh, for sure. If I didn’t know who you were I’d think that he’s talkin’ about the reincarnation of a goddess with the way he talks.”
“Seriously?” You snort, and Osamu just laughs.
“So I’d like to ask ya the favor of continuin’ to take care of him. Guy’s just a huge ass baby. I can obviously see that yer good for him, though. He wouldn’t have stayed for so long if he wasn’t serious.”
The two of you briefly glance at Atsumu helping his mother set the table. They’re currently debating over whether Atsumu should go back to his natural hair color and “Stop makin’ yer hair look like fuckin’ straw!”
“He is a huge ass baby,” you start seriously, causing Osamu to smirk. “But he’s an honest and good person, so I’m not too bothered. I’ll take care of him, promise.”
“Thanks.” Osamu sighs, glancing rather fondly in his brother’s direction. “He’s an asshole, but at least he’s a redeemable asshole. I’m glad he’s finally got someone around to take care of him. Makes us all feel a little more relieved since he’s away from home.”
You suddenly feel warm inside.
Atsumu had been right; you truly didn’t have anything to be afraid of. The Miyas have been nothing but kind and welcoming so far, and they even seem to already have a positive opinion of you.
“Can ya help me carry these to the table?” Osamu holds out a plate of freshly-made onigiri.
“Ah, sure!” you accept hurriedly, taking the plate from him with careful hands. You take slow, calculated steps towards the dining room; the last thing you want is to accidentally drop any of the food.
Atsumu and his parents are already waiting in the dining room, and they all look up at you expectantly as you approach them with the onigiri plate in hand.
“Why, thank you, dear!” Mrs. Miya chirps. “Helpin’ Osamu out! How sweet of ya — “
She’s cut off as disaster strikes.
You trip on your last step to the table, causing a single onigiri to tumble off the plate and towards the floor. Your mouth drops open wide as you practically slam the plate down on the table and in practical slow-motion, watch the onigiri plummet down, down, down —
Then you dive.
You dive towards the floor, in the same manner as you do when you’re digging for a volleyball.
And you catch the rice ball in one hand, laying flat on your stomach. You have a moment of mental celebration; yes, you caught the onigiri! Then you realize that you look like a fucking idiot as you lay face down with one hand extended and clutching a rice ball like it’s your lifeline.
There’s a few seconds of agonizing silence.
You want the earth to swallow you whole.
There’s no way that you could ever show your face in front of Atsumu’s family or even Atsumu himself now; God you’ve never been more embarrassed in your life, and over an onigiri too —
“Nice receive!” Atsumu suddenly bellows, clapping his hands boisterously. “(L/N) does it again!”
His brother, who’s standing a few feet behind you with a platter of chicken skewers, pumps his free fist into the air and joins in with a “Hell yeah!”
Mr. Miya starts laughing the same loud Miya laugh that you’ve heard way too many times today, and his sons soon follow suit. Shame is still flooding your body, but now you’re realizing just how ridiculous the whole situation is and you resist the urge to smile at your own stupidity. As soon as Mrs. Miya recovers from her initial surprise, she comes to help you up, and you can tell that she’s doing her best not to laugh as well.
“Are ya okay, dear?” she briefly inspects you for any sign of injury.
“All good here, Mrs. Miya.” You smile, genuinely and comfortably, as Atsumu comes behind you to wrap his arms around you and peck your cheek, still chuckling with a small note of pride. “All good.”
“See?” Atsumu’s smug as hell as the two of you enter the hotel elevator on your way up to your room. Osamu had dropped you off so there would be no need for another cab. “I told ya that they’d fuckin’ love ya.”
“Why’re you rubbing in something like this?” You scoff, dodging when he tries to pull you into a crushing hug.
“Because I was right.” He smirks. You roll your eyes to heaven.
“Well, you can’t blame me for being nervous! I still can’t believe that none of them got upset at me for diving for a rice ball at the dinner table.” You groan, hiding your face in your hands.
“Nah, why the hell would they? It was cool. Yer cool, Miss National Team Libero.” He laughs, reaching for you again and this time you let him bring you close to him. “Besides, like I said before, who could ever resist yer pretty lil face?”
“You’re a hopeless asshole.” You sigh, and Atsumu of course just chuckles, his laughter vibrating against your ear as you press yourself into his chest.
“I’m yer hopeless asshole.” He pecks the top of your head. “C’mon, babe. It’s our floor.”
You hadn’t realized how tired you are until the two of you enter your hotel room and you see the large, inviting bed. You practically jump onto it, burying your face into a pillow. “Goodnight…” you mumble sleepily.
“Ya gotta go shower and brush yer teeth first, idiot.” A pillow smacks you in the side of the head, and you leap up with a cry of surprise. “Damn, don’t be so loud, sweetheart. It’s late, y’know. Don’t wanna get a noise complaint like last night.” You turn bright red at the reminder.
“Shut u-up,” you retort. “I told you that we shouldn’t have tried to do it on the balcony.”
“It was fun, though, y’know! An experience. And ya sounded like you were enjoyin’ it, anyway.” He chucks another pillow at you, and you yelp as it nails you in the face. “Now get yer cute ass over here, we’re gonna shower.”
“You can’t make me.” You stubbornly lay back down and close your eyes, and you had peace for all but ten seconds before Atsumu’s plucking you off the bed and settling you into his arms bridal-style. Your eyes shoot open in shock and you flail desperately. “Put me down!”
“No can do. I’m not sleepin’ next to yer stinky self tonight, darlin’.” Atsumu laughs as you scowl.
“The floor’s always open for you,” you snap.
“Aw, yer no fun.” He steals a kiss from you in the blink of an eye; the only evidence of there being contact at all is a tingling feeling on your lips. You feel your heart melt just a little more.
“Fine. After we shower, we go straight to bed. Got it?”
“ And brush our teeth. Yer mornin’ breath is bad enough.” He lets out quite an unpleasant squawk when you smack him lightly in the shoulder. “Alright, sorry, sorry.”
“Is this just your excuse to see me naked?” you tease him as he sets you down on the bathroom counter before immediately removing his shirt to reveal his muscled torso. He grins wolfishly at you and shrugs.
“And if it is?” Atsumu’s eyes are zeroed in on the small hickey he had left right below your collarbone last night, which is now visible thanks to the way your shirt had rumpled after he had practically manhandled you into the bathroom.
“Well, I won’t complain.” You follow his gaze down to your neck, before glancing back up to meet his eyes and raise an eyebrow at him. “If you’re going to make it worth my time.”
About an hour later, the two of you are lying in bed together, effectively tuckered out and finally ready to sleep. Atsumu’s strong arms are wrapped tightly around you like a protective cocoon as you snuggle your face against his chest. The slow, steady rhythm of his heartbeat rocks you towards dreamland, and all the worries from the past day are slipping away.
“Hey, ‘Tsumu,” you mumble against his chest. He grunts tiredly.
“Yeah, sweetheart?”
There’s a small silence.
“...Thanks,” you finally say after a beat.
“Huh? For what?” he quips.
“For being patient with me today, even though I was so nervous. And for taking me to meet your family.” You crane your head to look up at him, contentment adorning your features. “I had a good time. I hope they don’t hate the idea of me coming around again sometime.”
Atsumu smiles that familiar smile, the smile filled with affection that others rarely get to see. His eyes are almost half-mooned with joy, his lips are curved up in genuine adoration, and his cheeks are flushed with color. You saw this smile for the first time when he set an incredibly low ball at training camp, earning the awe of everyone in the room, including yourself. Never did you think that you would ever have this expression of pure love aimed at you, nor did you think it would fill you with so much happiness every time you had the blessing of seeing it. He says nothing for a while, suddenly resorting to trailing kisses all over your face. You let him, closing your eyes peacefully as he showers you with his love, ending with one final peck to your nose.
“I'm sure they'd like to have you around again.”
And if Atsumu continues playing his cards right, he thinks there might be a possibility that in the next five or so years, you could truly become part of the family with a glittering ring on your finger.
Only time will tell if that possibility will ever come to fruition, but as you tilt your head up to give him one last kiss on the lips and whisper those three words to him, he knows for sure that he wants to continue building towards that future with you.
“I love you too.” He lets his eyes fall shut as well, before resting his chin atop your head and savoring the warmth of your body against his.
Only time will tell.
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general taglist (italics for people i could not tag):  @aomineavenue @intheawks​ @deltahemm​ @bap-kingdom @shegoeshexing @brinnnx @crescentsteel​ @ dokidokisama @smellssharpies​ @dearhajime​ @plutoxxxworld​ @kritiiiii​ @ muppetz @ iscreamtea @rizzyrisso​ @makeitrainonsomehoes​ @maraudusk​ @kybabi​ @tsumue​ @thischickwritessometimes​ @angrylittleriri​
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heliads · 2 years
Haha being sick means I have nothing but time so I can spew out my thoughts about things that have bothered me so I'm all in for spilling the tea 😂
i'm not saying fic writers have to jump through hoops trying to perfectly fit every facet of a character's personality into their fics
That's one way how some people seem to misinterpret people who ask for in character Kaz pieces, they start defending themselves and being like "yoU CAN'T ASK ME TO BE LEIGH BARDUGO" and I'm like??? No??? But it can't be so fricking hard to keep Kaz's fingers off Y/N 😅 And if you can't create cuteness and a romantic relationship into the fic without Kaz being glued to the reader, people will less likely read it if they appreciate in character stuff more than OOC stuff. If you simply don't know how to do that realistically, you should practice, ask for advice from writers who know how to do it etc if you actually want attention here and want more people to actually read your stuff and not just scroll past.
For some time, I offered help with people's shorter pieces (under 1k), looking them over and saying if I found anything to fix. A lot of times, when a OOC Kaz piece was presented to me and I pointed out that (for example) that passionate, heated kiss against the wall comes way too soon with Kaz's character, maybe it could be replaced with a partial handhold or something, some people defended themselves with "BUT I WANT THEM TO KISS!!!" and I replied ok, that's cool, it's your fic. Once a writer came back after a discussion like that accusing ME for still not getting enough attention for their piece even through they had me proofread it and "approve it" and said I was no use and they wasted their time on me, the situation ended in me having to block them. (This happened in like October? November?, I made a post about not being a public beta anymore shortly after and deleted all my posts where I advertised my will to look through short pieces and giving constructive feedback if someone wants to improve as people rarely bother to give other feedback than "part 2?" if that either)
I've gotten thank you's more than once because I write Kaz as he is, or at least try to write him as he is. People feeling the need to say thank you about it tells me that they haven't found many other writers who write in character Kaz either which is… kinda concerning in terms of enjoyable Kaz x reader content.
Also!! I've talked about this once in my blog last year, but imo people writing Kaz as this cuddle monster who healed only because of the Power of Love creates a harmful illusion of the reader having "fixed" him. If Kaz was real and I encountered him and immediately started to train him into being able to touch me, it might end up with his condition becoming worse because I'd pressure him into it too quickly and too soon. A lot of such relationships lead to breaking up because the partner isn't patient enough/is just unable to work through their s/o's traumas which prevents them from doing normal relationship stuff. It's incredibly exhausting in the end, and most of us might think we could do it but if we really got a such person in front of us we start crushing on and dating them, it would most likely turn out to be a lot harder than we thought, it's incredibly emotionally draining.
I once had a friend who had intense traumas because her mother was a monster and all that stuff and those delusions she had of her own husband… yeah, if my boyfriend constantly accused of me of something like that, I wouldn't have been able to take it for very long. Like she weekly accused of him of cheating, talking shit behind her back to her friends and they all having a "conspiracy" against her to ruin her live, stealing money from her, planning to leave her, insulted him having hypersensitive hearing and he couldn't stand her playing a flute etc. Those accusations eventually also mirrored onto me after she quit her medicines which, on a bad day, made me snap at her -> she wrote shit about me into multiple forums with my name -> her other friends attacked me on social media, through my irl friends and even here in my blog -> I confronted her about it -> she cut ties with me and poured all the fault on me and still continues with her parade after 2½ years from that, lastly she sent me an anon message accusing me of trolling myself which she has done multiple times since 2019. But if my boyfriend, someone who I'd deeply love, would be like that, I'd probably break into a million little pieces. Well, I don't think Kaz would be that messed up in a relationship, but it's just that traumas may do a lot of stuff, they may turn a person toxic even, like it did with H/that ex-friend.
+ People seem to forget that Kaz definitely isn't a good man. He's feared, and he aims to be feared, the most feared man in Ketterdam. Being a teary-eyed puppy whenever Y/N bats her eyelashes at him just doesn't fit the picture. And yeah, of course people can write about a character like that who's named Kaz Brekker who lives in Ketterdam and runs a gang, but it isn't the Grishaverse Kaz. It's just someone who took slight inspiration from Kaz but has mostly been built again, and most people don't want to read about a Kaz who isn't our Kaz.
hope you're feeling better, jenni! also i'm so sorry to hear about that stuff with your friend, you definitely don't deserve any of that.
but yeah, i feel like it's pretty difficult to find in character kaz fics. i mean, every fic author has a slightly different take on any given character, but still. if you want a grishaverse morally gray mob character who's affectionate, jesper is right there!!
aa it's just so frustrating to get reqs for very ooc stuff. i agree, most of the time i don't take them either, it just gets annoying after a while lol
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sometimesiwrite · 3 years
The Way It Is
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Prompt: Fake Dating
Pairing: Lambert & Essi Other Characters: Julian (Jaskier), Eskel/Geralt
Rating: Teen Content Warnings: No Archive Warnings; platonic/queerplatonic dynamics; pressure to engage sexually; coarse language; alcohol/intoxication; modern AU.
Summary: When Essi and Lambert are setup on a blind date, they don’t expect to get along as well as they do. However, when they decide to keep their relationship platonic and non-romantic, they realize they might face some uncomfortable pressure. For the sake of simplicity, they decide to tell people they’re dating, but is it sustainable? 
Essi fidgeted with the bent corner of her cafe menu, looking around at the various styles of local artworks hanging on the walls. She was early by about ten minutes, but that didn’t stop her from checking the pearlescent dial of her watch every thirty seconds. Finally, the bell above the door tinkled and a man walked in. Essi could tell from the way he was looking around that he was there to meet someone—her. The only other people sitting alone in the cafe were working on laptops and tablets; no one else waiting for a date. And this man was most certainly looking for one. 
He was handsome in a ruffled sort of way, though he’d clearly put in a bit of effort. His black casual dress shirt and slim light-wash jeans fit his lean frame impeccably, and a subtle quantity of mousse was clearly doing its best to tame his short, scruffy brown hair. Even his bristly beard appeared to have been trimmed recently. Though there was nothing particularly remarkable about his clothing, there was something striking about the way he carried himself, a devil-may-care sort of presence that Essi appreciated. For a blind date, she thought, it certainly could be worse. Allegedly, they knew each other, at least based on his abruptly out-of-the-blue text, and the closer she looked, the more her memory of him crystalized. 
A loud ping! emitted from Essi’s phone and the man looked up from his own cellular device, clearly having just texted. 
“Uh, Essi? Essi Daven, right?” He took a step towards her and leaned in, pointing to his phone screen. 
“Yes,” Essi stood to shake his hand, “hi.”
“Nice to see you again. Lambert.”
They sat down awkwardly, both struggling to find the will for smalltalk. 
“So…” Lambert had become keenly interested in a black-and-white digital photograph behind Essi’s shoulder.
“Listen,” Essi could feel the words start to tumble out of her mouth, and it was too late to do anything about it. Lambert raised an eyebrow,  “I don’t really know how to say this, so I’m just going to be honest and probably regret it later: I don’t really do this. Dating. I find it strange and uncomfortable and if I’m perfectly honest I think I’d rather die.” She didn’t cringe apologetically, which would have been the expected behaviour to accompany an outpouring of disinterest. Instead she stared at him, wide-eyed, lips slightly pursed as a muscle in her neck twitched, waiting for his response.
Lambert laughed. Genuinely laughed—a joyful release of tension and dread, “Oh, thank Fuck!” Essi blinked in pleasant surprise and watched as Lambert began to relax.
“Excuse me?” Her startlingly blue eyes widened in amusement. 
“No, no, I just mean—I would absolutely and one-hundred percent, without a doubt, rather die in a hole than date,” Lambert slotted the edge of the menu under his fingernails and let his eyes wander a little more freely around the cafe. 
“So then… why?” 
Hm. Direct, frank, amusing lack of filter… the memories were starting to come back from what limited, heavily inebriated, time they’d spent together.
There was something about the straightforwardness of this endearingly odd woman that made Lambert feel infinitely more comfortable. Usually, any kind of interaction with the potential of building mutual interest made him feel like he was playing a game he didn’t know the rules to. The signals, the code words that never meant what they said: having sex on the first date means you’re a slut; not having sex on the third date means you’re a prude; grabbing coffee means this; having dinner means that; if they your arm but don’t invite you up, it means that they’re actually a KGB operative and need to give you the launch codes for a super secret missile...
Fuck that, we have words for a reason. Say what you mean and don’t waste my time. For that reason alone, Essi was already scoring quite well in Lambert’s books. 
He shrugged, “You somehow remembered me from the KM Christmas party almost six months ago, and still asked for my number. I figure that at least deserves a coffee and a conversation.”
Essi was bewildered, “I didn’t ask for your number, you texted me.”
Lambert shook his head, “Impossible. No offense, but I absolutely guarantee you I did not.” He produced their short text exchange and scrolled to the top of their conversation: 
Hi, is this Lambert? From the KM Christmas party? 
You might not remember me, we got talking about 
the political situation in Kashmir after about…
Too many drinks. Eeep! 
Anyway, I’d love to get a coffee sometime, if 
you’re interested. 
Sorry, this is Essi Daven. 
You called me Goldilocks at one point and 
seemed amused XD 
Hope you’re well! 
Essi snatched Lambert’s phone, shocked and slightly outraged as she reached for her own device, opening her thread with Lambert. The text at the top was not from her, but from the man across from her: 
Yeah, hi, this is 
As it happens, I remember you and our 
conversation quite well. Not many folks 
happily get into drunken political discussions
You know what, I wouldn’t mind grabbing a 
Let me know if you’re free in the next couple 
Lambert gestured emphatically at Essi’s phone screen, “In what world is this an acceptable way to ask someone out?! I wouldn’t have said yes to that!”
“I don’t know,” Essi fired back, “It was straightforward! I found it charming, okay? Is that a crime?”
“No, but I have some serious concerns about your taste in men.”
“Like you’re in such a fine position to judge after the hollow, paltry invitation you accepted—which I absolutely did not write, by the way. I want to make that perfectly clear.”
“Alright, alright, cool your jets, we’ve got bigger fish to fry.” Lambert narrowed his eyes as he passed Essi’s phone back to her, “You didn't fire the first shot, so who texted me from your phone and cleared the history?”
Essi nibbled the inside of her cheek, “I can think of a few.”
“Okay, next question,” Lambert pocketed his phone, “who added you to my contacts before you texted. Because we did not exchange numbers six months ago, but your name was already there when I received it.”
Essi shrugged, “Who has access to your phone?”
“I dunno. Really just Eskel and Geralt and neither of them would—”
“Why him?”
Essi’s bright blue eyes turned steely and murderous, “Julian… They’re working together.”
“Wait, wait, wait. Are you telling me that Geralt the-last-thing-I-need Rivia and Julian Alfred these-aren't-my-pants Pankratz think we're so helplessly undateable that they decided to secretly set us up?” 
“Eskel doesn’t know me that well; he wouldn’t try to set you up with someone he hadn’t vetted. Who did you talk to first when you got that text from me?”
Lambert’s eyes widened, “Holy shit, they’re working together.”
Essi nodded, a flood of embarrassment warming her cheeks. “Sorry to waste your time. You’re very nice but, um, I should just…” she got up to leave.
“Wh-hey, hold up. I mean, if you wanna go, go, that's fine, but there's something you might want to know first.”
Essi tossed her yellow bangs out of her eyes, “Oh? What's that?”
“This,” Lambert produced an Amex credit card from his breast pocket, “is Geralt's.” The cheeky glint in his eyes was a very convincing argument.
“Fine then. Coffee and a conversation.” 
The coffee was hot and decent, and the conversation meandered through the usual topics of music, movies, and television, but also dipped into deeper waters as they grew more comfortable with each other’s company. Of course, it didn’t hurt that neither of them had any stakes in the outcome of this “date”. It made it easier to be frank and open, which in turn led to them quickly enjoying their time together. So much so that coffee turned into lunch, which turned into a long walk in the pleasant weather, which finally landed them outside Essi’s apartment, just around dinner time. 
“I have to say, this was actually a pleasant encounter,” she said, turning to face him with a characteristic toss of her bangs. 
“Yeah, who’d’ve thought two people forced together by meddling friends would actually find it enjoyable?” 
“In light of that,” Essi squared her shoulders and found Lambert’s hazel-brown eyes, “I think it’s fair to say I want to see you again.”
He cringed regretfully and scratched the back of his head, “Ahh, yeah, so… I don’t know if that’s really--”
“Oh, relax,” Essi smirked with a casual touch to Lambert’s forearm. “I don't mean like that. I just mean--you're interesting and fun and, well I don't have many close friends and I feel like we connected well today.”
“I'll make it even simpler: I absolutely, one-hundred percent, am not interested in dating you.”
“Easy there, you know I love it when people get all straightforward with me.” 
“I mean it, I just want to be friends,” she toyed back, trying her best to look sultry. It kind of worked.
Lambert bit his lower lip in mock arousal, “Mmm, oh yeah...”
She swayed her shoulders forward and back, doing her best to emulate the seductive actresses and models of the 1950s, “I want to Netflix and chill with a documentary about Soviet propaganda.”
Her last comment prompted a playfully stern look from her companion, “Careful now, you’re wading into actual turn-on territory.” 
“You're such a weirdo,” Essi chuckled, giving him an endeared shove. “Seriously, though, would you like to do this again? Friends?” 
He nodded sincerely, “Yeah, I think I'd really like that. Just one problem, though.”
“If we claim not to be interested in each other but keep hanging out we’ll never hear the end of it?” 
Essi hummed thoughtfully and nibbled the inside of her bottom lip, “Well… we could always… pretend?” 
“Sounds like you two are hitting it off. I’m glad. I know Essi’s been feeling a little isolated between work and being new to the city.” Geralt closed the fridge with his foot and headed towards the sofa, popcorn in one hand, three beers in the other. “I’ll take my card back, by the way.” 
Lambert reluctantly handed the Amex back in exchange for a beer and perched on the arm of the sofa. “She’s really something. We’re, uh—yeah, hitting it off is a good word.”
And hitting it off, they were. The last ten days since their first “date” had been more enjoyable than all the dates he’d had in the last year combined. Essi was a fantastic companion: sharp, witty, kind, took no bullshit… They had done absolutely nothing but hang out, and no one had pried them for many details about the nature of their relationship. As far as their friend group was concerned, they were simply dating in the way that most adults dated. This also meant more time to themselves without unwanted interruptions (namely Julian barging in with his spare key to gossip about whatever fires were currently alight on twitter). The first night Lambert had been over, it took Julian all of five minutes to “grab something from the fridge” before parting with a knowing wink. 
To her credit and imagination, Essi had expertly fielded her cousin’s initial barrage of questions when she first announced their “involvement.” It wasn’t that she didn’t like her cousin, Essi adored Julian, but she was also the first to admit that the man had no boundaries. What he lacked in that arena, he certainly made up for with opinions, which he was always more than happy to bestow on his younger cousin—usually dating advice, almost always unsolicited. Lambert had a much easier time convincing his side that he and Essi were taking it easy to see where things went. Between Eskel being a consummate gentleman and Geralt having his own Delicate Sensibilities, neither of them had demanded any details. 
“As long as you’re both happy and everything’s healthy, that’s all that matters,” Geralt’s partner reiterated, reaching into the bowl on Geralt’s lap. 
“Jesus, Eskel, you sound like my Nonna.”
“That's no way to talk to your father,” Geralt smirked into his hand of popcorn
“You're no better,” Lambert took a swig from his beer, lips popping as he lowered the bottle. “I swear, you've turned into a couple of mother hens since you two got together. Quit fussing and watch the game.” 
Geralt put his arm around Eskel’s shoulders, “We have gotten a little soft haven’t we?”
Eskel huffed out a laugh, “Probably. Hey, Lambert, don't fuck it up or I'll kick your ass into next week.” 
“Thank you. See? Was that so hard?” 
“Eh,” Eskel shrugged, helping himself to another handful of popcorn, “I stand by my original statement. Geralt agrees.” 
“It's true,” he said between mouthfuls. “Essi’s a good woman. Smart, talented, kind, attractive.” 
Eskel cleared his throat.
“Eskel, she is, it's just a statement of fact it doesn't mean that she doesn’t have other…”
“I know it doesn't but I still think you could bear to be a little more…”
“Funny thing,” Lambert interrupted, “I still can’t figure out how this smart, talented, kind, attractive woman’s number programmed itself into my phone. Because I may have been drunk the night we first met, but I have never in my life forgotten a successful number grab. Fess up, fellas. Who was it?”
Eskel’s eyes widened, “Geralt, you didn’t.”  
“I… may have… helped Julian gain access to Lambert’s phone.”
“Unbelievable. The betrayal,” Lambert shook his head, eyes still on the game. “If only there was some way to square things up…”
“You charged everything to my company card, didn’t you?”
“First two dates and a fresh pair of pants. Thanks, bud.” Geralt accepted a pat on the back as Eskel began gently but sternly berating him.
Lambert shook his head, smirking as he took another swig of beer, leaving the two lovebirds to bicker amongst themselves. His hip pocket buzzed and he checked his phone: Essi. 
Next Wednesday? Pizza and a movie?  Still can't believe you haven't seen  Ocean’s Eleven. 
Yeah, okay, fine. Jeez :P 7:30 my place? I'll provide beverages. 
If by ‘beverages’ you mean watery beer…
Fuck off, I'll get the good stuff. Unless  you prefer Arbor Mist or some shit. 
*gasps* I am offended! (but also it's delicious)
*sigh* do you want me to get you some?
*turtles into hoodie* ...peach or cherry pls? 
Haha okay, fine, I'll get a bottle. Can't promise  I won't judge you forever, though ;) 
It's okay, I deserve it.  g2g, see you tomorrow! xox 
Lambert groaned contentedly, massaging his stomach as he sprawled back on his aging brown sofa, long legs resting habitually on the coffee table. The now-empty pizza box lay abandoned on the far edge, accompanied by four empty beer bottles, and a nearly-empty, unfavourably warm Peach Arbor Mist. The toilet flushed and Essi emerged. Her dark gold hair had long ago been pulled into a messy bun, but her indigo skinny jeans had been replaced by soft-looking grey leggings. 
Lambert shook his head in amusement as she settled back next to him on the couch, "I still can't believe you brought your own lounge pants"
"That's because I'm a genius," she quipped, crossing her legs and adjusting the height of her waistband. "Besides, when else will I have the opportunity to actually be comfortable during a date?" 
"You took your bra off, too, didn't you?" Lambert asked without missing a beat, eyes never leaving the screen. 
"Yup!" Essi confirmed, her sparkling blue eyes glinting with joy as she raised her glass to her lips.
The movie continued as the new friends settled into comfortable silence, their food-drowsy, alcohol-fuzzy states lulling them into a new level of comfortability around each other. Legs fell asleep, positions were adjusted, and shoulders leaned on as the two sought maximum comfort for minimum effort. Soon, an arm was around Essi's shoulder as she settled her cheek on a comfortable spot on Lambert's chest. 
"You good?" Lambert asked, only half-irritated at her seemingly endless search for the perfect angle. 
"I'm sorry, I thought I'd found a good spot, but..." A few more adjustments of her head and Lambert couldn't take it anymore. 
"Jesus, woman, here. Get up for a sec."
Essi sat up as Lambert rearranged himself into a sort of semi-recline with one foot on the floor so his other leg could make room for the tiny pain-in-the-ass that was taking up the rest of the couch space. At his invitation, she wriggled up to the crook of his arm and quickly settled in. Lambert hadn't really thought about what they were doing. Not when Essi had harmlessly leaned against his arm; not when their weight settled into each other; not when Lambert had put his arm around her; not even as he was rearranging to get to where they were now. It had all just... happened. Now, though, with Essi lying still, Lambert felt the weight and warmth of her body shifting gently against his, and it dawned on him that this had the potential to be, well, weird.
But the strange thing was, it didn't feel weird. He'd fucking cuddled before, but there was always a sense of holding back, a tension in his body, being on the lookout for signals from the other person to move onto the Next Step. But now, he actually felt comfortable. There wasn't anything that was supposed to happen after this. Nobody was asking anything of him, no one sending signals he could pick up on but never read properly, no sinking feelings of dread as the other person moved in for a kiss that always felt too soon. Essi was just there, breathing, content. And Lambert was relaxed.
The woman half-on top of him gave a twitch as the credits started to roll, and Lambert let out a private laugh, "Hey, Sleeping Beauty, show's over." 
Essi inhaled heavily through her nose and lifted herself up, "Hmmm?" 
"Movie's over." 
"Did I fall asleep? I'm sorry!" she sat and rubbed her eyes, taking a sip of water to rinse the stale taste from her mouth. 
"Eh, only a little." Lambert exited Netflix and tossed the remote back on to the table. "Thought you might wanna start heading home before it gets too late." 
Essi nodded in response as she grabbed the pizza box and brought it to the kitchen trash, leaving Lambert to bring the empties. 
"You going to finish this atrocity of a beverage?" Lambert waggled the near-empty wine bottle at Essi as he passed on his way to the sink. She merely scowled and shook her head, letting him pour it down the drain 'where it belonged anyway'.
Essi gathered her things and met Lambert by his front door, checking her pockets for her phone and keys one last time before putting her shoes on. 
"You okay to walk? Want me to come with?" 
It was only 10:30 on a weeknight, and she appreciated the gesture all the same, but it was fine to walk. "Thanks, though. And thank you for tonight. I really needed to get out of the house. I hope, um..." 
She trailed off, not sure how to ask. She didn't have the same physical boundaries that most others seemed to have. She was affectionate—often overly so, and it had led to more than a few misunderstandings in the past. She didn't want Lambert to feel as though she had ulterior motives when the simple fact of the matter was that she hadn't really been thinking. Between the instant relief of not actually being on a date and Lambert's easy manner all evening, she'd forgotten that most friendships didn’t generally involve that much physical contact. Would Lambert be confused now? Thinking they were onto something more than friendship? Had he been wanting more? Had she pushed past a point of no return and doomed their friendship?
She inhaled, "Were you comfortable tonight?" 
For a split second, Lambert flailed, wondering whether he’d made her uncomfortable. Fuck, she'd seemed comfortable, if anything it felt like he’d been following her lead but maybe...
"I—yeah. That was, I enjoyed that. Were... were you not—?" 
Essi smiled and Lambert relaxed again, "No, I was. I wanted to ask in case, that's all. Boundaries and all that. I'll text you when I'm home." 
Lambert opened the door and waved her off toward the elevator, "'Kay. 'Night!" 
The door clicked shut. 
Okay, alright. Fine. Did they cuddle? Yes. Did he enjoy it? Fuck yes. He absolutely didn’t care what anyone might think about how he chose to enjoy his time with other people. However, this didn’t stop him from acknowledging that he was in uncharted friendship territory. More than anything, he was worried about how Essi really felt. Of course, she had no reason not to be honest with him. But the last thing he wanted to do was play fast and loose with someone’s emotions, especially not a friend, and definitely not one as close as Essi. Time would tell. As Lambert’s head hit the pillow, the memory of her warmth and weight settled over him again, and he slept soundly for the first time in months.
“Yes Poppet, but have you slept together yet? Honestly, you’ve been dating for almost three weeks now, what could you possibly be waiting for?” 
Oh, I don’t know, hell to freeze over? You to mind your own business? Whichever comes first… 
“I mean, you clearly adore one another, I’ve never seen you happier. What’s there to lose?’”
Essi scoffed. 
Julian placed his hands on her shoulders, “I know it’s been a while for you, but I think you can afford to let yourself go a little, have some fun, hm? Besides, it’s better to find out sooner rather than later if you’re sexually incompatible.”
She took a deep breath, “That’s a very good point, Julian, I’ll think about that.” The dating act was starting to wear a little thin, but it was worth not having to explain to anyone that they weren’t doing exactly what it looked like they were doing. 
Julian took time to give his cousin a scrutinizing look, “Well, by the look of things it won’t be long anyway. If you spend all of your time together as tangled up as you were the other night when I came over, it’ll happen sooner rather than later. Just trust your gut, and when in doubt, a little hint never goes awry.”
Needless to say, Essi more or less ignored her cousin’s advice.
As the weeks stretched on, it became evident that they were quickly becoming what most people would consider to be more than friends. The first time they pulled the covers back and climbed into bed, each on their half of the mattress, they were aware that yet another boundary of friendship had been pushed a little farther into the grey zone. But, they woke up the next morning feeling happy, content, and refreshed, and surely there was nothing wrong with two people sharing a comfortable bed. Essi had woken up with crust in her eyes and her nightgown bunched around her waist. Lambert had woken up with morning wood and his hair a mess. Neither of them cared. People wake up in the morning, big deal. 
Still, it didn’t stop the questioning that oscillated in the background of Lambert’s mind. Was he unknowingly leading Essi on by allowing her so much closeness without a clearly defined relationship? She’d made her own disinterest clear enough on their first “date”,  but feelings change over time. What she’d told him three weeks ago might not be true anymore… 
And then there was that soft warm tingle in the middle of his chest every time she lay her head in his lap, every time he ran his fingers through her hair. He knew he wasn't in love. Not that he was an expert, but what was all that "when you know, you know" bullshit if he couldn’t trust his own feelings? He loved her, sure, but more like a... not a sister, that would be weird. He didn't know what like. Whatever. Fuck it. Eskel had said it best three weeks ago: “As long as you're happy and everything’s healthy, that’s all that matters.” Yeah, sure. We’ll stick with that.
As far as Lambert and Essi were concerned, it was what it was, and whatever it was was working… wasn’t it?
"Fuckin' finally!" 
The door to Essi's apartment clicked closed as the tenant wilted against it, emitting an exhausted groan, "Two. Hours. It took me two hours to get home!" She toed off her penny loafers and abandoned her purse and jacket in a pile by the front door, ignoring the hook three inches to her left. She flopped heavily onto her living room carpet. 
"I see you found my spare key," she added, not at all surprised that Lambert had managed to let himself in. 
"Yeah, you should probably put that in a less obvious spot," he answered, crossing to the door to hang her things up. "So, I see it's a lying on the floor kind of evening. Can I interest you in a drink to start? Vodka pairs well with the general vibe of Done-With-This-Shit, or we also have tequila if you feel like shouting out the window after a couple shots. Alternatively, there's gin if you want to cry later." 
Essi smiled with her eyes closed, feeling her body slowly relaxing into the spongy throw rug underneath her, "You know me so well." 
"Vodka. Euch, I need to vacuum!," Essi peeled herself to a seated position as clinks and clatters began in the kitchen. She hopped in the shower to rinse the day off, and after a few minutes, there was a knock on the bathroom door. 
"Yeeees?" she called, playfully. 
"Drink delivery!" Lambert hollered back, "you want this now or later?" 
"Why are you so good to me?" 
There was a draught of cool air as Lambert opened the bathroom door, "Because you only marginally annoy me. Here," he passed his hand between the shower wall and the opaque fish-scale-patterned curtain. "What's on the docket for tonight?" 
Essi groaned, "I don't know, I'm sorry. I used all my brain cells trying not to murder people on the streetcar." 
"Okay," Lambert sat on the lidded toilet, "here's the thing. I kinda maybe figured that might be the case so I kinda maybe picked up a few things to make dinner." 
A shampoo-piled head poked out from behind the curtain, "You're kidding." 
"I love you." 
Lambert chuckled, "Yeah, you're alright. Come on, hurry up, this bathroom's a fuckin’ sauna, and I don’t want the croutons to get soggy." Essi burbled an answer about conditioner and almost done, and Lambert took that as his cue to leave.
Dinner was simple: pan fried Salmon with crispy skin (delicate and buttery on the inside); wax beans in butter (tender and not overcooked); grilled brussels sprouts (just beginning to brown on the edges); and a fresh caesar salad. Everything done to perfection. Full, content, and ready to take their relaxation to the next step they settled themselves on Essi’s blue-grey sectional to begin the arduous task of deciding what to watch. 
This was proving particularly difficult with the addition of Essi's caveat that whatever they chose not be "too plot-heavy" which so far had included Masterchef, an interior design show, and program about shepherding in the Orkneys. 
"Sweetheart, you gotta give me some slack here. I thought I was on track with the sheep!" 
"I know, I'm sorry!" Essi muffled into his shirt sleeve. "I do like animals..." She gasped loudly. "BLUE PLANET."
Lambert stopped the endless scrolling and pushed play as the soothing voice of David Attenborough filled the small living room.
"Hey! Why'd you pause it?" 
Lambert was standing up, "If we're going to do this, then we're doing it right. Hang on." 
Essi slumped on the sofa as the microwave kicked on. In a few minutes, there was popcorn in their laps and half a bottle of vodka on the table with an ice bucket and lemon wedges in a bowl. Lambert read off his phone screen.
"We will take a drink when: 
-David says 'Extraordinary' -David uses a clear understatement such as 'But then again, living in an active volcano is not without its risks' -An animal is being eaten -An animal is mating -There is sped up footage of a plant growing."
"Oh no," Essi lamented, chewing her popcorn ungracefully, "I'm going to get so drunk." 
"You got it, Goldilocks. Fill up."
And with that, they were off, taking it slow with their vodka twists, but nonetheless feeling the warm buzz start to tingle under their skin. The box of microwave popcorn was empty by halfway through, and the remains of Essi's exhaustion had almost dispersed entirely.
"Ooh! Understatement! Drink!!" 
By ten o’clock, pink-cheeked and feeling boisterous, they had finished with their favourite parts of Blue Planet, or at least the ones they had patience for, and had moved on to Planet Earth II.
“Holy fuck, that’s a lot of snakes—Go, you little fucker! Go!”
The drama on the screen had caused the two to separate from one another while Lambert invested himself in the success of the small lizard. Once the baby Galapagos Iguana had made it to safety, they were once again able to recline without Essi risking an elbow to the face.
She bundled against him, scooting farther between his legs where he leaned in the corner of the sectional. He gathered her hair and draped it over her left shoulder so it wouldn't get caught in his buttons—they'd learned that the hard way. It was still damp, cool to the touch, and smelled like verbena sea salt shampoo. He felt a pulse of affection ripple through him as her weight resettled. He loved that feeling. It had taken some time to get used to it. But now it was high on his list of favourite things. He was happy. And it was healthy. And that really was all that mattered. 
Eskel’s words turned themselves around again in his mind as he wrapped his arm around the front of Essi’s shoulders. He let himself indulge in the texture of her cotton knit nightshirt under his fingers. He relished in the peace of mind at being able to just be there with someone who meant something to him and made absolutely no demands. He let himself relax. 
Essi felt a kiss land on the top of her head with a playful, "Muwah!" 
She giggled quietly, "Thank you!" Then, upon further thought… Did he want to kiss her? Her mind did a double take as she tried to get on top of the ball.  
It wasn’t impossible. They were close after all, and she wasn’t opposed to the idea. She’d recently found herself in a balancing act of realizing she could, in theory, have a deeper kind of feeling for Lambert. Only if, for whatever reason, it turned out he felt the same way. These weren’t the helpless uncontrollable feelings of ride-or-die infatuation; they were malleable, translatable, general feelings of affection and fondness that belonged in any number of different relationships and dynamics. 
No sense risking it, she thought. They'd found a liminal space of comfort and safety that she'd never experienced with anyone else before, and if the options were between being a little confused and ruining everything, the choice was an easy one. Then again, if Lambert was developing feelings for her, she didn’t want to miss an opportunity. Shit. Her cheeks burned as she felt the question rise closer to her lips. 
"Lambert?" she sat up abruptly and turned to her friend who was still moulded into the corner of the couch, watching the mating rituals of exotic birds with bewildered skepticism. 
He jolted at Essi’s sudden movement, "Hello, yes." 
Her bright blue eyes were now slightly unfocused, "Do you—? Nevermind." She lay back against him, suddenly skittish..
"Mm, nah, try again," he said, sluggishly. "What’s up, buttercup?" 
She swayed a little when she sat up, "Are you happy with what we are?"
Lambert blinked, caught slightly off-guard. The question was easy enough to answer, "Yeah! I mean I don’t know what the fuck we are, but I’m feeling pretty good about it. Shit, why? Are you not? I can be less… whatever. Or… more?" It wasn’t like he was repulsed by the idea of anything else happening between them—in theory it was a possibility. In practice, however...
Essi put an emphatic hand on Lambert’s knee, her glassy eyes going wide, "Do you want more?" 
"What? No! I dunno, I—maybe. I haven’t really thought about it. I mean…” Lambert searched Essi’s face for any clue that might help him know how to proceed, “I don’t not want anything else. Fuck, I don’t know! I’m used to doing things the other way around. You know the drill: uncomfortable date, smoosh faces together, have sex, hope feelings fall out. Lather-rinse-repeat. I dunno, do we have to… But what if we try something and...? I don’t wanna lose this." 
Essi leaned in close and whispered, “I have an idea.”
"Why do I feel like I'm going to regret this?" 
"We should kiss."
Lambert nearly swallowed an ice cube, "What?!"
"Just once. Quickly. Just... in case." 
"You want me, Lambert, to kiss you, Essi Daven, on the lips."
She nodded sincerely, "For science."
There was a brief pause during which Essi felt the beginnings of panic brewing in her stomach, but by the time she'd finished grappling with potential consequences, Lambert was filling their glasses. 
"Alright. Fine. My friend wants me to kiss her for science? Fuck it. I'll drink to that." 
They downed their drinks and squared up, knee to knee on the edge of the sofa as they each prepared for their best form—or as good as they could offer given the circumstances. They counted down, 3-2-1...
The kiss was quick, over as soon as it had begun, and both friends pulled away with questioning looks. Inconclusive. They tried again for a little longer, still returning with the same quizzical expressions. They went in for a third time, committing more thoroughly, and for a brief moment it seemed they might have found the semblance of a spark. But it didn’t build. It felt… fine? But no different than if they were lying together on the sofa. It was just another thing they were doing. They each tried to find the right word for what they were feeling, but were soon distracted by the oddness of it all.   
Essi started to giggle. Less than a second later, Lambert joined her, and they both pulled away, thoroughly satisfied that their experiment had yielded a strong No on the subject of More. There was a dull thud as Essi slid from the couch and onto the floor, still holding her drink in one hand and laughing hysterically. 
Lambert sighed and shook his head, "I think it’s time we got you to bed."
Headaches and dry mouths greeted the two friends the next morning when they blinked awake. Essi’s hair was a cotton-candy mess, having still been slightly damp when Lambert put her to bed. The brunet himself didn’t look much different from his usual scruffy state as he gathered Essi up in an armful of duvet and squeezed tight.
“Gods, Lambert, I still need to breathe,” Essi chuckled, pressing her back into his chest. 
“You’ll get over it,” he teased and self-indulgently nuzzled even closer. “You feeling alright? I mean, aside from the hangover. About last night?” 
“Oh no,” Essi groaned, “I’m so sorry, Lambert. I shouldn’t have said anything. It’s just—you kissed my head and then that got me wondering about whether you might want something else, and then I didn’t really know what was happening and—” 
“Hey, easy on the rambling, okay, I’m running on limited brain cells, here. Look,” Lambert sat up to find those big blue eyes, now shining brightly, “I have no idea what the fuck this is that we’ve got going on, but I like it fine just the way it is.”
“Yeah. And we can keep talking about that. Just, you know, maybe next time something’s on your mind, don’t wait ‘til we’re wasted at 2am?”
“Okay, deal. Can we go get bacon now?”
Lambert chuckled, “Yeah, alright, fine. Make me put pants on, I see how it is.”
Their conversation continued over strong coffee and eggs benedicts. Between their check-in that morning and everything that had happened the previous night, it was well-established that they were perfectly happy where they were. Rather, the main topic of conversation was their growing desire to level with their friends about the nature of their relationship. Eskel and Geralt, they both agreed, would be the easiest—Lambert could tell them that evening. Julian and Essi’s friends on the other hand would be a little more difficult. 
Telling Julian together would be best, Essi thought. He was bound to have questions, and if both she and Lambert were there to answer them definitively and explain that no, they didn’t have secret feelings for one another; and yes, they really were just friends and not at all interested in exploring the relationship further thank you very much. Exactly when this discussion with Julian would occur still wasn’t clear. Realistically, they could pick any time, but they decided to wait until Lambert could tell the Old Men. At least then they were assured some less invasive support. 
Their reaction was easy enough to predict: Eskel reassuringly repeated his standby “As long as you’re both happy with things…” and twirled a forkful of pasta; Geralt tilted his head thoughtfully and said, “That sounds very nice. I’m happy for you.” Lambert had expected mild disapproval, concern that they were deviating too far from the norm and into a complex dynamic that would be too messy to manage. Instead, Geralt simply said it ‘sounded very nice.’ Lambert smiled into the open refrigerator on his way to get a beer. 
The following weekend was Julian’s birthday, and, as per their annual tradition, the group all gathered on Friday evening at the birthday boy’s favourite restaurant—Vegelbud’s. The two decided to tell him the week after his birthday so as not to detract from his Big 3-0. Just one more week, and it would all be in the open. Easy breasy.
The afternoon of the dinner, Eskel and Geralt received a group text: Haven’t told Julian the details yet. Keep the beans to yourselves please (I’m looking at you, @Eskel). 
“Why me?” Eskel turned to Geralt over his paperwork, looking a little hurt. 
Geralt chuckled, “You have a slight tendency to overshare when you want to be supportive.”
“I do?” He turned on the bar stool to follow his partner on the way upstairs.
“It’s not a bad thing, but…” Geralt sighed, “Lambert has always needed to feel in control of situations like this. He doesn’t want one of us bringing this up before he’s ready to talk about it, especially in a public place, you know how he gets when he feels cornered. And Julian is Essi’s cousin…”
Eskel raised a hand, “You’re right, you’re right. All points taken. Are you showering?”
Geralt smirked as he headed for the stairs, “Come on then.” 
Four hours later and halfway through dinner, everything had gone swimmingly. The food had been expectedly delicious, the company and conversation excellent, and so far no one had felt the need to bring up Essi and Lambert’s relationship on any level. That is until Julian got a few drinks under his belt, and decided it was time to document the occasion. Geralt and Eskel were the first victims. 
“Aww just look at you two! So in love, so vivacious and full of adoration,” Julian held up his phone as Geralt touched the side of his head to Eskel’s. Beep-Chk! A perfect image of a happy couple was captured and posted to Instagram (#julianturns30 #dinneratvagelbuds #dinnerout #cutiesofinstagram #favoriteotp #gaycouplesofinstagram #livelaughlove…). There were a few more photos of the three of them together, the white chocolate raspberry cheesecake with the candle in it, a group shot taken by the waiter. It was all so close to being over, Essi could practically taste the refuge of the streetcar. 
"Come on, lovebirds, show us a smooch!" Oh no. Oh no, oh no, oh no. Essi’s stomach lurched and she felt her cheeks start to warm. Lambert’s hand landed gently on her knee under the table, his fingers pressing firmly into her leg as she desperately tried to think of something to say. 
"Oh, um..." 
Across the table, Geralt and Eskel shared a wordless communication: de-escalate, distract, redirect.
“You’ll want to eat that cheesecake before it gets warm” Geralt offered. “I hear it’s so light it’ll disintegrate in a heartbeat.” Eskel nodded in encouragement, taking a bite of his own. 
“I know, I know,” Julian shrugged, “Just a quick one. Say Cheese!”
"Not right now, Julian," Essi tilted her head, her eyes flashing a little. 
"Oh come on, Poppet! I know you don't like PDA, it's just one little picture--"
“Don’t call me Poppet.”
Eskel cleared his throat loudly, "Doesn't seem they're that keen on it. Maybe let's try for one another time." 
"It's past your one-month-a-versary, let everyone see how in love you are." 
"Julian," Geralt growled, "leave it." 
Julian covered his mouth in alarm, "I’m so sorry, have you not used that word yet? I didn’t mean anything by it, I just want the world to see how happy my beautiful cousin is!" 
“Really Julian, it’s not necessary we—” Essi’s fingernails were starting to dig into Lambert’s palm from the sheer effort of maintaining composure. She wasn’t sure whether she wanted to cry or disappear, and with neither of those being an option, it seemed the only possible escape was for them to kiss. They’d done it before. No big deal. It would feel off, but they’d just go back to her place and drink about it after. 
“Essi, what’s the matter with you, it’s just one little picture, and we all know you’re not camera-shy. On three, ready? One, two…”
"For fuck's sake we're not dating!" 
The table all silently turned their attention to Essi whose cheeks had been turning progressively redder. 
“What?” Her cousin laughed incredulously. 
“We’re not a couple, Julian. We’re friends. We have been from the beginning, but we didn’t want to tell you because we knew you wouldn’t fucking leave us alone until you could boast about having set us up.”
Lambert shared a brief look with Eskel before lowering his eyes to the tablecloth, his hand still firmly clutched in Essi’s. 
Julian gaped, “So, it was all… the cuddling, the laughing, that time I came over and you were asleep on the couch, that was all… a ruse?” 
“No, Julian, that was real. I told you, we’re friends.”
“That’s not friends! Since when have friends watched a movie half-on-top of each other?” 
“Two people can enjoy each other's company lying flat, Julian,” Eskel’s rich voice interjected across the table and the discussion ground to a halt. 
Geralt shrugged with his tea at his lips, “It is the twenty-first century after all.”
Julian’s cornflower blue eyes flitted back and forth between the two friends, utterly bewildered. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Well what with your complete and utter invasion of privacy for the sake of hooking us up, we didn’t necessarily trust you to believe us,” Essi answered curtly, her hand shaking slightly. 
“Poppet, you could have just told me—”
“Stop. Calling me that. And I did tell you, Julian!” she exploded. “I told you the first day I moved here. The first. Day. I said, ‘Julian, I think I want to take a break from dating until I’ve been settled for a year.’ And what did you do? Conspired with my well-meaning former mentor to hook me up with someone I had one good conversation with at a Christmas party. And do you know what? We are happy. But we’re happy in our own way. And maybe our boundaries with each other seem a little strange to you, but we’re not fooling ourselves. We don’t want to kiss each other, we don’t want to have sex, and we don’t want a relationship. And even though it’s absolutely none of your damn business, I’ll tell you anyway: we’ve talked about it. All of it. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I don’t think I want to be here anymore.” 
The chair legs scraped against the floor of the restaurant as Essi stood to leave, throwing her purse over her shoulder as she went. Lambert looked hesitantly around the table, “I should probably, you know…” He gestured after Essi with his thumb. Eskel gave Lambert the go ahead and he quickly stood to follow his friend out of the restaurant, leaving a very stunned Julian with the other two. He found her perched on the parking barrier in the small lot to the left of the front doors. He called to her and she looked up. Eyes shining, mascara running... 
“Ah shit, you know I’m no good with this kind of thing.” 
“I’m sorry, Lambert, I just—” she blew her nose, “—he just wouldn’t stop and I didn’t know what to do or say, and it all just came pouring out. I didn’t want it to. The whole time I was begging myself to stop, but I just couldn’t, it’s been bottled up for so long and-and—but it’s his birthday, and—oh, he must feel so awful! I didn’t want to make him feel bad, but—and with Eskel and Geralt there too! They must think I’m horrible! I’m so sorry, Lambert, I didn’t want it to be like this, I wanted to have him over and sit him down and be patient, and instead I’ve just made a complete mess of things. And on his birthday! It’s his birthday, oh God, this is the worst thing I could have done.” Essi choked back bitter tears as she tried desperately to stem the flow with her soggy tissue, “Are you upset with me, Lambert? If you are, I understand. Maybe we should take a break of some kind, you know. Not see each other for a while and—”
“Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold it right there. Look, I’m probably not going to say any of the right stuff here, but I am absolutely not upset with you. You got that? And for what it’s worth, I don’t think us taking a break from spending time together is going to do anything. Unless you’re looking to punish yourself by taking away a nice thing which, okay. But the fact that you’re willing to ditch me instead of Arbor Mist says something about our friendship I’m not too pleased with.” 
Essi turned her wide, pleading, bloodshot eyes to Lambert who cracked a smile, “Jesus, I’m kidding! You adorable fucking mess, c’mere.” He pulled his petite friend into a hug and rested his chin on the top of her head until she quieted down. Neither of them was quite sure how much time had gone by, but Essi found herself wishing it had been long enough for everyone to have gone home so she didn’t have to face whatever aftermath she’d left behind. 
Meanwhile, Eskel and Geralt had settled the bill and offered to give Julian a lift back to their place for a night cap, not wanting to leave the evening on such an unsettled note. Essi needed space, and whatever company she needed, Lambert was clearly capable of providing. It was for the best, they suggested, and dissuaded Julian from trying to call her. 
“Best to sleep on things,” Geralt said, tucking his card back into his wallet and giving the waiter a nod in gratitude. “We can meet for coffee this weekend and sort this out. For now, just let her cool down.” 
Eskel clapped Julian encouragingly on the shoulder as they made their way into the damp summer night air. As they turned into the parking lot, they came face-to-face with Essi and Lambert who had clearly just turned to come back inside. Both cousins looked like they had seen better days: Essi’s eyes were puffy and red, her cheeks blotchy and streaked with inky makeup stains; Julian was perhaps less dishevelled, but the dark circles under his eyes were more pronounced, his boyish features now dejectedly weighted down with remorse and hurt. 
“Juian, I’m so sorry, I didn’t—” 
Essi’s cousin raised his hand, “Don’t. Please don’t. Essi, I am so, so sorry. I never meant to push you like that, I didn't realize... you both have been so happy this last month and—"
"It's okay, really, we can talk about this all another time. I'm just so sorry I ruined your birthday. We wanted to sit down with you and talk properly but..." Essi's tears welled up again, and Julian smiled weakly. 
"But we both did what we always do?"
She sniffed, nodding emphatically with a tearful, "Yeah.” Julian pulled his cousin into a fond embrace while the other three clumped together to watch the reconciliation. 
“Oh! Here,” Essi reached into her purse and pulled out a small, neatly-wrapped box. “Happy birthday!” 
Julian opened his gift without a second thought, his face brightening instantly. The box contained a set of premium ultra-light guitar strings and a pair of concert tickets. The perfect gift. Overwhelmed with gratitude, and the atmosphere having been recovered, Julian suggested they all attend brunch together that Sunday morning, his treat by way of apology. Geralt offered to split the bill as a peace offering for his part in the initial setup, and the five made a date. 
A fresh start, a promise of spending time together with fewer secrets and, Julian conceded, a few more boundaries. 
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glimmerbugart · 5 years
Never Ever Did I Think I'd Have Something Like COVID-19 Happen in My Lifetime. Here's What We're Doing in Our Family.
Here we go! Buckle up everyone, because we’re in for quite a few weeks coming our way in order to try and knock this COVID-19 on it’s ass and out ouf existence. Never in my life did I ever think I’d see something like this happen. It’s really unbelievable, isn’t it? Seriously. Holy shit. It’s like something you might read about in a creepy science fiction book. Hard to believe this is what is actually happening.
Now that there is a ban on large gatherings, dining out and witnessing businesses shuttering for the foreseeable future, we’ve got to embrace being a homebody. If you know my family, you’ll instantly think this is what we do on a regular basis, so it doesn’t really have much impact on our daily lives. Sure, we go to work, school, run errands and have extra curricular activities just like everyone else. But all 5 of us really just are totally content being at home. Ever since I was a kid, as a matter of fact, I’ve always just liked staying home. Never felt the need to go someplace just to get out of the house. And that has spilled over to the rest of my family, since we haven’t left the house since last Thursday and not one of us is getting cabin fever. Isn’t that funny?
I think it all started back when I was a kid (I’m talking 35+ years ago) when stores and such weren’t open on Sundays. You had to find stuff to do at home. Be outside. Color. Draw. Watch Creature Double Feature. Play a board game (since electronics weren’t invented and neither were VCRs!) I never remember being bored. Ever. Actually, I can remember my mother telling me, even as an adult: “You’re never bored. That’s so good.” And I’m not. There’s always something to do at home. I attribute this trait to my father because if I ever, ever said I was bored, he would say, “I’ll find you stuff to do. I’ve got a nice little list here.” And he’d have a list of about 10 things that I had to do while he was at work. It was something like this:
Clean out all the inner windowsills in the house of bugs and debris with a sponge and bucket of soapy water. It’s all ready for you on the porch.
Paint the inside of the windowsills with the white paint that I’ve left in the basement with a dropcloth, stirrer and brush. Clean up everything when you’re done.
Pick up all sticks and branches that have fallen in the yard. Make a pile to use for starter wood.
Look up these 5 words in the dictionary. Write down their definition, use them in a sentence. I will quiz you when I get home.
Here are 5 Russian words you need to memorize.
And looking back, I love that he did that. Because it made me realize there was always stuff to do. And if I couldn’t come up with anything to do on my own, he would for me. Weed the driveway. Paint the porch. Mow the lawn. Hang up the laundry on the line. There was always something. And I think I have done the same for my kids because they too are never bored… and they are perfectly content just staying at home.
So now that schools are closed for the next (at least) 3 weeks, we’ve got some homeschooling to do. The teachers will be mailing packets home at some point as soon as they can. I imagine the mad scramble they must be dealing with since we’ve never experienced anything like this in the past. So in the meantime, I’ve got plenty planned to keep these kids going, starting at getting up at the regular time, getting dressed and having breakfast. I’ve got the dining room set up as a sort of school room for them, with computer, books, art supplies and workbooks that we will be using during this home time period. My oldest is in 6th grade so she’s pretty self sufficient since most of her lessons are on the iPad and she’s already been in communication with her teachers. Not much has changed for her, except the socialization, which I know she misses. The other two are in 4th and 2nd, so we’ve got flash cards, work books and that sort of thing ready to go. Since we do this sort of thing during summer break, it’s really not a big stretch for them to start doing this sort of learning.
Anyhow, that’s what we’ll be doing! I just hope that I can keep everyone fed and on track. I’m not making a big deal about this to the kids because I don’t want them panicked. Panic = bad. They’re more on the “this is a bit of an adventure, isn’t it?” sort of thinking. I think panic breeds panic and with the whole sickness and contagiousness of this COVID-19 happening outside, we need to make sure we teach our kids to keep calm, be resourceful, don’t hoard and lose our minds and just continue on a little bit of an altered path. It just makes everyone and everything more enjoyable.
I’ll share what we did over the weekend later. Not much… lots of art, swimming, creativity and that sort of thing but nothing earth shattering! I just wanted to make sure I shared what we’ve got going on with us in hopes that it not only inspires some of you, but makes the people who are starting to freak out a bit, freak out a little less. It’s gonna be fine. We’ll all be okay. We’ve just got to be smart, not infect each other, and keep a distance. Don’t worry, you’re not gonna die if you don’t get to the gym. The world won’t end because you can’t go to the mall. People have lived a long time without these luxuries and constant activities, and we will too.
My only couple of things that I’d like to suggest is this:
Go get some take out from the little restaurants and shops nearby. They’re struggling because this is their livelihood. They still need income. So go order some sandwiches and pick them up curbside. Tip generously if you are able. This will help the small businesses we love and need to make it through a tough economic time.
Check in on your elderlies. If you’ve got a nursing home nearby, have your kids draw some pictures or color in a coloring book and then mail a packet over to their director’s office. They can distribute to our older friends who are now not able to receive visitors and are in turn, very lonely and very scared.
Think of others beside yourself. In my past life, I had someone that would have said, “I feel fine. I’m healthy. I won’t get sick so I’m going to go about my life as usual.” Yeah, he was a selfish ass who cared about no one but himself. Care about others, like those who do have a weakened immune system, those who are older and are more susceptible. Just because you feel fine and you don’t think you’ll get sick, doesn’t mean others won’t.
Enjoy the down time. If you have to work from home and it’s frustrating and lonely, go for a walk outside, clear your head, get some fresh air. Download some audio books and start listening. Use your library website as a resource to borrow books online. Find a new hobby. Start knitting, drawing, model making, clay sculpting. Learn a new language. Take up bird watching. Play a board game with your kids.
Life will go on. We’ll get back to normal (even if it’s a new normal.) This too shall pass, just give it time and give yourself space (6 feet of space between you and anyone else, please.
And for God’s sake, stop hoarding groceries and supplies. The grocery stores will not close. Do not panic shop. Buy what you need and leave stuff for others. Don’t buy shit and then try and sell it on the internet to make a buck. That’s being a greedy asshole. And just work through your daily routine as best you can and try not to stress out too much. It’s not good for your immune system.
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