endlich-allein · 5 months
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Rehearsal, Airport Letňany, Prague, 09-05-2024 @ matej_photo_com
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quentinfiletmignon · 2 months
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compacflt · 10 months
well… That’s all she wrote, folks.
i won’t be deleting this blog or anything—still have a few things to post down the line (updated playlist, political masterpoast, sending out final print versions, etc.). But i think, after nearly 400,000 words all told, my time of content production for this fandom has come to an end.
this week, in addition to finishing all the writing for my top gun AU, i also received a research grant for my senior thesis and found out where in the world i will be studying abroad next semester. This seems like the perfect time for me to shift gears.
I’m signing off on my version of ice & mav and it was my privilege to see them off to happiness :)
Writing for this fandom has been such an incredibly gratifying experience & I will cherish the year-odd I spent with these characters for the rest of my life. And to everyone who interacted with me in any way—read my writing, commented, helped me out with research, kudos’d, sent in an ask or a DM, et cetera—i hope you know how much it has meant to me & how much it always will. i love you, i love you, i love you. And i wish the best of luck to you all in the future ❤️ and thank you again for everything.
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bunny-banana · 5 months
I think it's also really crucial we keep the pressure up AFTER this week in order to ban Israel from Eurovision. This edition is what it is now, you cant do much about it anymore.
But theres still work to do for next year, for the subsequent years.
In an ideal world, I'd hope the world, and especially the ICJ and any other international institution would wake up and acknowledge the war crimes Israel has been comitting, and make them face consequences in a way that cannot be ignored nor denied and we wouldn't have to have this conversation at all anyway.
But while this is still in process, it's up to us to keep talking about it. And KAN has broken enough rules to warrant disqualification anyway.
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shadow0-1 · 1 year
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New beginnings - Happy endings
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cigarette-room · 5 months
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Liberators - bravest, most beautiful. Their smiles are shining like the sun. Happy birthday to the defeat of European fascism and may we see it lose again, and again, and again ❤️
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shrekyaoi · 17 days
Yuri and Anatolys shitty apartment has no air conditioning so when it's hot out they just put out a ton of fans. Macatrov can be found laying belly up right in front of the fans for maximum cooling affect. This is how he spends summer
hate to tell you this but most places in europe (and russia) do not have air conditioning in the first place so this is just what most people do regardless. anyway what they do is empty a minifridge and prop the door open for macatrov to sprawl out in. he also likes to bat the light
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pp-goldenmeyer · 27 days
My new friend Mafalda
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Plaque translation: Character created the 29th September 1964 by argentinian drawer and writer Joaquin Salvador Lavado Tenón "Quino", Award Prince of Asturias of communication and humanities 2014
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e77y · 5 months
I’M DONE. Well I’ve been done for like 30 mins now but I’ve been rehearsing my recital piece
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endlich-allein · 3 months
The Walk, Deutsche Bank Park, Frankfurt am Main, 12-07-2024 @ cemreberkalp
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letterful · 2 years
in the henry james episode of backlisted (one of the two (2) literary podcasts i respect), one of the guests got sidetracked & started talking about jean rhys instead (always a plus in my book!). which is how i found out that her penultimate short story is actually a ghost story called i used to live here once—so apt and haunting a title that it was used by the author of her recently published biography. which i am now trying to hunt down. in addition to a well-edited collection of her short stories. sighs!
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ladywaterfall · 1 year
I'm going to Japan for 4 whole weeks in october 🤩🤩🤩
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paverics · 10 months
i don’t know why but i love it when your parcel has a little round the world journey to get to you. it’s horribly inefficient and probably terrible for the environment, but look at you my sweet little notebook, you came all the way from the us of a then traversed across europe to get here 🫡
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athousandsuns2010 · 11 months
i will say going from a town of about 30,000 people to a metro area with almost 40 million really messed with my brain. in a good way tho im definitely better for it
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wtfuckevenknows · 1 year
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I am sooooo looking forward to puzzling together where all these small pieces go 😩😩😩
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thechildisgone · 2 years
that was so cute and funnier than i thought it would be
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