#i’ve wanted a bowie tattoo for years but couldn’t decide on one so i kept pushing that one back and got other ones until now
ultraviolencced · 2 years
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newest tattoo ✨
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ravenbrenna09 · 4 years
Jij Verliest Teaser - Press Start
As mentioned previously, here is my teaser for Jij Verliest, my story about Twitch Streamer Robbe. I’m pretty bad about giving opening comments for stuff like this, but all of the information regarding Jij Verliest will be linked below if you want to check out the information there. 
While I originally had the idea for this ages ago, I was unsure if I was going to actually write it because the rest of the story will be in Robbe’s POV. But, when I decided that I wanted to do a teaser, I felt like this was the only way that I could genuinely do it without giving you pieces that I’ve already written. Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy this teaser and I can’t wait to show you this incredible journey that we’re going to go on. 
Dinsdag 17:45
There was a little bar down the street from the apartment complex that the group of them always seemed to find their way to at the end of the week. There wasn’t anything fancy about it, no pounding music or neon lights, and only a handful of signatures drinks that changed with each month and a menu full of delicious food. There were a handful of televisions on the walls and older pictures that had to have been taken eighty years ago. There was a jukebox that was shoved in the corner that would play every song imaginable, recycling through each genre with a high frequency. The bar was family-run and operated, passed down from father-to-son and then father-to-daughter, and had managed to retain the homely vibe that had been since it had originally opened years ago. 
Eagerly stepping out of the harsh summer sun, Sander Driesen pushed back the strands of his hair that had stuck to his forehead. Even as the sudden burst of air-conditioning cooled his entire body, the stickiness of the sweat from his walk still pinned his black shirt to his skin. Thankfully, he had chosen to wear his sneakers instead of his Doc Martens, or else he would’ve been dying. 
Behind the bar, the afternoon bartender, and the owner, Lilly, barely glanced up from her job counting down the drawer to glance over at him with one raised eyebrow at his attire. Yeah, he thought, a black t-shirt and black denim jeans and a leather jacket firmly in his grasp (which he only wore at work because his boss liked to keep the tattoo parlor on the verge of an ice age) was probably not the best idea for making the trek to the bar. But, Sander had forgotten his metro card in the apartment this morning… so he was forced to walk the entire way or wait for Senne and likely get put to work in the meantime.
The extra money would’ve been nice and Sander loved what he did. But, he had spent the majority of the afternoon working on a rather large dragonfly piece on a girl’s shoulder. And, it was a detailed and intricate design that had been designed by her mother and she wanted it to come out perfect. Sander understood the need (he had a quote on his rib that his mother used to say) and so, he knew that the task required his full attention, or else he feared that he would ruin the sentimental tattoo. 
But, Sander had managed to complete it with only a few minutes over his shift. When the girl had seen it with the help of well-placed mirrors. At the sight of it, the girl had started tearing up and tackled Sander on the spot, thanking him unintelligibly into his shoulder. But, the amount of effort that it took to complete the tattoo with the meticulous focus that it required like one of Sander’s favorite pieces. And, he was in desperate need of a glass of ice-cold beer and relaxing night out with his friends.
Even if he had to walk in the summer heat to get there. 
Smiling weakly at Lilly, he raised his hand and extended his pinky upward. As she counted the rest of the money, Lilly nodded her head in his direction as he headed to the back of the bar to one of the bar tables that stood there. His table of choice stood near the jukebox and it was the one that they tried to get whenever they could manage it. Nearly collapsing in one of it’s four unmatched chairs, Sander let out a sigh, hanging the leather jacket in his hand on the back of it. His skin was flushed and burning beneath his clothes and outside of them. 
“You’re here early.”
As she walked up to the table, Lilly placed a coaster against the table before setting the glass of beer on top of it. Sander grinned over at her appreciatively before taking a sip of the cool drink… and then took a large one as a comforting chill flashed through his body. Lilly tilted her head to the side, her dusty brown ponytail bobbing as she did so. The woman was tall and slender, barely looking a day over thirty despite nearing her fiftieth birthday. Every time that Sander came into the bar, Lilly would always treat him like her son and Sander always welcomed the easy affection.  
Sander shrugged his shoulders. “I walked really fast to get out of the sun.”
“I can tell,” Lilly spoke, materializing a wet rag out of nowhere. She pressed the damp towel against his forehead. The rag was cool to the touch like it had just been submerged in a bucket of ice-cold water. A slight moan slipped past Sander’s lips as he curled like a cat in the direction of the cool rag. The woman let out a laugh, practically half a snort. “Here, you can have it. I have more rags behind the bar.”
Sander eagerly swiped it from her hands, wiping the sweat off his arm covered in tattoos before moving to the other which was completely bare. “Thanks, Lil.”
The front door let out a ring signaling that there was a new person had entered the bar on the sunny Tuesday afternoon. “I’ll be right there!” she called as she briefly took the towel back. She folded it in her hands before placing it against the back of Sander’s neck. Sander let out a groan of thanks, placing his head against the cool wood of the desk, relishing the cold chill of the table in comparison to his flushed forehead. “That should help you cool off a little bit faster. Let me know if it needs to be sprayed with cold water again.” 
“Thank you.”
Lilly chuckled, moving away from him and patting his shoulder. 
Despite the low hum of the televisions, each of which likely had a different station on, Sander could hear the woman talking to someone about what they wanted and the patron’s quiet voice. With each passing second that he spent in the bar, Sander could feel the flush on his body, the by-product from the heat and his walk, and further amplified by his darker aesthetic, return slowly back to the temperature around him. Lilly always kept the bar cool, going lower whenever she expected there to be more people to be in the enclosed space at night, and Sander had never been more thankful for her planning than he was now. 
Without warning, the jukebox kicked on. Because it was almost an arm’s length away, he could pinpoint the metallic hum above the commotion of the bar, the brief pause of energy kicking through the machine, waking it up, and roaring it to life. The hum continued on, the interface of the machine trying to figure out what song to play, and then, finally, the opening chords began to play. The music, the notes, the lyrics washed over him like a tidal wave, crashing over him and wrapping him in a blanket of security, even as his body continued to return down to a normal temperature.
David Bowie. 
Rebel, Rebel.
On instinct, his body reacted to the song. He sat up from the table and tilted his head back, letting the chorus wash over him. Rebel, Rebel was one of his favorite songs and David Bowie was his all-time favorite artist so he really couldn’t help himself. His foot tapped against the metal bar of the stool, he drummed his fingers against the edge of the table, and hummed the lyrics under his breath. If it had just been him and Lilly, he might’ve stood on the stools and belted out the lyrics, but she would give him a nasty look if he tried it with customers around. 
Humming out the chorus, Sander opened his eyes. His body had almost completely returned to normal temperature now. The wet rag that Lilly had given him was only succeeding in getting the collar of his shirt soaking wet. Removing the towel, he reached out to grab his beer, the condensation on the chill glass making his fingertips slip a little, as he carefully tried to catch a drink. 
But, as he’s putting the slick glass of beer back down against the coaster, as the main chorus of Rebel, Rebel ripped through his body like an electric shock, he caught sight of the man at the bar and Sander was certain that the breath was ripped out of his lungs.
The man was leaning against the counter, a half-drunk glass of beer in front of him. His brown hair was short but curled naturally at the tips and he had wide brown eyes that were focused on Lilly, listening to her talk with apt attention. His smile tugged up the corners of his lips, a pair of dimples popping up. Even with such a marginal distance between them, Sander could pinpoint the freckles on his cheeks, his artistic eye naturally finding a pattern to them. Lilly said something that ripped a lovely giggle out of him, shaking his head as he took a drink of his beer. 
Fuck, Sander thought, swallowing. He’s beautiful. 
In fact, Sander was certain that he had never seen a man, or anyone, look as beautiful as he did right now. He was sure that no one else in his life could ever possibly compare. If he had his camera, the one that Senne and Amber had gotten him for his birthday in April, he would’ve taken a picture, or two, or twenty, enough to memorize him, to look back on his beauty, to this moment. But, Sander already knew that none of them could ever possibly compare to the real thing, to the man standing there, leaning against the counter, looking like a beautiful angel that had just descended onto the earth. 
Sander felt something stir in his stomach as the man glanced at his watch before taking the final drink of his beer. Lilly said something, probably offering him a drink, but the man shook his head, pulling his wallet out of his pocket to pay. He was going to leave, walk out the door to the bar, and Sander would likely never see him again. Sander needed to meet him, to open his mouth to introduce himself, maybe get out a line or two to make an impression that would allow them to see each other again. He didn’t care that Lilly was there, that she would likely tease him about it the moment that he was gone, but it didn’t matter because he could take the teasing.
All that mattered was that he introduced himself before he walked out the door.
Gripping onto his glass, Sander took the towel off his neck and took another sip of his beer. Then, he shifted in his seat, moving to get up, to walk over to the bar, trying to find something memorable to say. But, the front door opened, the bell sounded throughout the bar, and Sander turned to see a man walking into the bar with a duffle bag over his shoulder. The beautiful man turned, taking a step to the door, and the new one met him halfway, grinning down at him, “Here’s where you went off to.” 
“Sorry,” the beautiful man managed before the new one ducked down to press a kiss against his lips. It was a quick and fleeting kiss, but Sander felt something stab into his chest and that the seconds dragged on. Trying his best to not seem disappointed, he shifted back into his seat and simply took another drink to stop himself from going over there. However, he couldn’t turn his head away, his eyes trained on the smaller of the two. “I know that you and Leon have an important trial coming up. I didn’t want to get you in trouble if I heard critical details about your strategy.” 
“It’s okay,” the man spoke, grinning down at him. Then, he nodded towards the door, reaching out to take the beautiful boy’s hand. “Come on. We’ve got to get home to your mom’s place for your party or else Jens might wring my neck in for stealing you away from all your friends celebrating.” 
“I certainly wouldn’t mind it,” the smaller one remarked. His boyfriend grinned down at him. “He knows how much I don’t like surprise parties.” But, still, he turned towards Lilly, smiling over at her. “Thanks for the beer and the talk. I hope everything goes well with your daughter’s schooling. I’m sure she’ll do great.”
The bartender smiled over at them, already cleaning the glass of beer that he had used. “Anything for the road for you two?”
“No, we’re good. Thank you though. We aren’t going far,” his boyfriend spoke. Wrapping an arm around the beautiful man’s shoulder, he tugged him in the direction of the door, pushing it open with his duffle bag. Lilly sent them a “good day”, but it was muffled as Sander found his eyes trained on the beautiful man with his bright grin that was pointed at his boyfriend. The man easily fell into his embrace, wrapping an arm around him, and let himself be dragged out of the bar. 
The door of the bar slammed shut, triggering the bell again, and Rebel, Rebel abruptly ended to his right, shifting to a sad song that made Sander want to shovel quarters in the machine until he found a song that would summon the man back again. “Are you feeling any better?” Lilly questioned, taking the empty glass from his fingertips and replacing it with a full glass. 
The answer was no, but his body temperature had returned to normal.
In fact, with the guy out of the bar and out of sight, dragged away by his boyfriend, and Sander didn’t even get the chance to put a name to a face that was that beautiful, he felt strangely cold. Despite the summer heat outside and the warm burst of hot air that had flooded when the door had opened, his body shivered almost violently and his stomach churned. The two of them had looked happy and in love… besides, maybe it was for the best that Sander didn’t get his name. 
“Yes, I am,” Sander spoke, realizing that he hadn’t responded to Lilly’s question. “My body temperature has now completely returned to normal.” Lilly chuckled. Sander wanted to put the beautiful guy and his boyfriend out of his mind, move on because he knew that he would never see them again. But, somehow, his mouth was opening and he was asking, “Who was that guy?” 
“I don’t know,” Lilly remarked, reaching out to grab the towel from the table. Sander hid his disappointment by taking a drink of his new beer. “He had just come in to have a drink while waiting for his boyfriend to get off work. Apparently, he works at a law firm near here.” She paused, raising an eyebrow. “Why?” 
“Just curious,” Sander remarked, grinning over at her. “Generally, the only people who come in here are regulars.” 
Lilly rolled her eyes and shoved his shoulder before moving back to the bar again. As she moved to continue counting the drawer, Sander glanced at the clock that was nestled between two pictures. It was past 18:00 now which meant that Lilly’s relief would be here any minute. And, his mind reminded him, his roommates would be here any minute now. 
The door opened, the bell rung, and Sander looked, hoping it was the beautiful man once again. But, it was Noor, dressed in a long-sleeve, blue velvet dress that went to her mid-thigh. As the door slammed close, she grinned over at Lilly before moving to Sander. She threw her arms around his neck in a hug before pushing herself up on the seat beside him. “Hey, how was your day? I came in to get a late lunch with you, but Emilie said that you were really busy with a customer. Did you get her piece done?”
“Yeah,” Sander replied. “I finally managed to get it done. Where’s Senne? Wasn’t he picking you up today?”
“Yeah, he’s still a little behind me,” Noor remarked, smiling over at him. “He ran into someone that he knew on our walk here and stopped to talk to them because it had been a while. But, it’s too hot outside and I wanted to get inside.” Noor gestured in the direction of Sander’s black outfit. “Something that I’m sure that you know a lot about.” 
“While this is my normal aesthetic, you know that I would be wearing shorts if my boss didn’t require us to wear jeans,” Sander remarked. Noor smirked over at him, shaking her head. “When are you coming in to get that tattoo that you wanted to honor your grandma? You know that I will do it if you come in.”
“Well, you aren’t working on weekends lately and I do have my own job, you know?” Noor remarked, raising an eyebrow. Sander nodded his head. She had a point. His boss had stopped scheduling him on weekends as of late. “And, you’re the only one in that tattoo shop that I would trust to do something this important to me.” Noor squinted her eyes, looking at him with a curious expression “Are you okay?”
“I don’t know,” Noor spoke. “You seem a bit off.”
The image of the beautiful man, the one whose name that he didn’t get the chance to know, flashed in his mind and his stomach gave a painful squeeze. But, Sander nodded his head to ease Noor’s worry, smiling over at his best friend and saying, “Yeah, I’m fine. You don’t have to worry about me.”
“I’m always going to worry about you.”
“Yeah, Sander,” Senne spoke, appearing to his left. The brunet had two glasses of beer balancing in one hand and Noor’s favorite drink in the other. The girl took her drink with a thankful smile and Senne practically thrust one of the beer glasses in Sander’s. Now that he wasn’t doing a balancing act, he wrapped an arm around his neck and placed a kiss against Sander’s cheek. “How was work?”
“Good. You?” Sander questioned as Senne moved to sit in one of the remaining chairs. As Senne launched into a tale about what happened at work, Sander tried his best to listen. However, his mind kept conjuring images of the beautiful man against the bar. What if Sander had talked to him before he left? What if his boyfriend never showed? What if he was there to see him? Internally shaking the thought from his head, there was no use in trying to imagine another time where things were a little bit different.
It was highly likely that Sander would never see him again.
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avaliveradio · 5 years
10.21 New Music Monday Release Radar with Jacqueline Jax
Musicians create music to express their creativity and skill. Listening to new music is an experience and an opportunity to connect with that creative spark. Explore some exciting new music from creators all over the world recently discovered by our host Jacqueline Jax as she searches the far corners of the globe for talented songwriters and music creators who are telling their truth to bring the listener a unique experience.
SUBSCRIBE to our broadcast here: www.wavve.link/avaliveradio
Listen to the Show: https://anchor.fm/ava-live-radio/episodes/10-21-New-Music-Monday-Release-Radar-Mixed-genre-playlist-with-Jacqueline-Jax-e7t8ub
Artist: Miranda Easten
New Release: Stars And Dreams
Genre: Pop
Located in:  Christchurch City, New Zealand
This song reminds me of warm Summer nights spent star-gazing with good company. The music I am creating at the moment is therapeutic and honest. I'm not afraid to write about how I am feeling or what's catching my soul on fire. My new album is a mixture of biographical lyrics as well as observations I've made about current events or people and stories I've heard of.
I create music because... creating something from nothing makes me happy. I love how I can start the day with a blank piece of paper and by mid-afternoon I have created something tangible and shareable. After the music is created I will put it out there and move onto the next creation right away. I would be quite lost without a pen, paper, and guitar!
Next... I am currently recording my debut album (and several music videos) with some amazingly talented musicians and good friends. I feel very blessed to do what I love every day.
LINKS:  https://open.spotify.com/artist/6tPllDnDr6rB7CS5diguqw https://www.facebook.com/mirandaeasten https://twitter.com/MirandaEasten https://www.instagram.com/mirandaeasten
Artist: CEEM
New Release: Remedy
Genre: Electro Pop
Sounds like: Black Coffee
Located in: Seattle, Washington
This release is important as it's the final single before the release of the full-length Cruel World on Oct 18th. The main theme of Cruel World is a moody and brooding blend of pop and electronica, and as an artist, the project was inspired by so many losses from 2016.
'Remedy' is a sequel to another song I wrote called 'Unbreakable' written in response to living through the 2016 terrorist attack in Nice France on Bastille day. Coming back from that trip feeling shattered and confused, the song helped put his life back together. 
As cathartic and healing as writing Unbreakable was, he still felt that need to face his ultimate fear and go back to the scene of the crime. I went back to Nice July 2019 for Bastille day, alone this time, and retraced the steps and the horror that took place. I wanted to go back and finish writing Cruel World, but for the first four days I was there, the words wouldn’t come, there was some sort of glitch in my brain. I would put pen to paper and write but nothing felt authentic or genuine until I made it through Bastille day.
LINKS:  Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/track/2QoZZRRxGzMGqvj1RYXgfP?si=wyY-B755TJCDJ25JRtYbGQ Twitter - @musicbyceem Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/musicbyceem Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/musicbyceem
Artist: A Permanent Shadow
New Release: Now
Genre: Indie, electronic, rock, synthpop, eighties
Sounds like: David Bowie, Moby, John Grant, Peter Gabriel, LCD Soundsystem
Located in: Barcelona, Spain
The music we are creating is... thoughtful, deep, dark yet optimistic, powerful, beautiful, catchy, hopeful, and uplifting. "Now" is a carpe diem song with which we've written a note to ourselves and other people to stop worrying about the future and thinking about the past. Life is happening NOW and we should take it by the horns and be happy.
Music is what I think about 83% of the time...
It's what I've always wanted to do and one of the very few things in life that give me total fulfillment. I adore the creative process. It is an absolute joy to write a song and then record it in the studio and observe how it is gaining shape. Apart from being a musician, I am also a fervent music fan. I never grow tired of discovering new bands and digging deeper into the catalogs of the real greats.
Right now we are...
We have just launched our first album "Songs of Loss" which the song "Now" can be found on. We are busy with promotion and also are preparing a one-off live show to be webcast soon.
LINKS:  https://www.reverbnation.com/apermanentshadow/song/31155111-now https://open.spotify.com/track/3ksn7QYDyqpFZ7rsounxsT https://www.twitter.com/apermanentshad1 https://www.facebook.com/apermanentshadow https://www.instagram.com/apermanentshadow
Artist: Sleuth
New Release: Empty Room
Genre: Genre: Electronica, sub-genre: techno/trance.
Sounds like: Nine Inch Nails, Tori Amos, Portishead
Located in:  Portland, Victoria, Australia
'Empty Room' has recently been described by one reviewer as an ‘experience.’ This song takes the listener inside my journey to a time when I was feeling extremely frustrated and angry. I’d tried to convince a potential colleague that I was a decent person after they had openly condemned me to others. They had stonewalled me for months because I was viewed as a competitor. Yet stupidly I’d kept trying, and kept getting shut down repeatedly in the face of their ‘solo show’. I couldn’t understand why they couldn’t see the same potentials that I could, or see that my intentions were good. The truth was of course that they just didn’t want to! 
This song came from the ultimate realization that I couldn’t do anything about their lack of belief in my character or vision, despite having given up so much of myself to prove ‘there’s somehow sunlight breaking through’. 
I am someone who resonates strongly with the story of the Phoenix rising from the ashes, never destroyed by the fire, so much so that I have a large Phoenix tattooed all over my back. 
This song is a declaration of finally understanding the game that was being played, as well as a cathartic expression of rage, war, and victory. Empty Room draws very vivid musical images for the listener.
The Album...
'Empty Room' was released as part of my debut album Umbra Anima - meaning Shadows and Light. The album is a celebration of both the lighter and darker elements of my journey - not everything that we experience is pretty or aesthetically pleasing to all, but that doesn’t mean that it shouldn’t teach us, or have value, or be recognized and celebrated. Those sentiments of the album are perhaps best expressed in my song Empty Room - a song about blazing defiantly in spite of others’ negativity and fear.
LINKS:  https://open.spotify.com/album/0VlFahuWVPQp5GlCi6niSn?si=9bx2JpchQnm2vRdWyd4yBw Twitter: @sleuthmusic1 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sleuthmusician Insta: @sleuthmusic11 Bandcamp: www.sleuthartist.bandcamp.com
Artist: Nathan Lewis Thomas
New Release: The Melody
Genre: Pop: Singer-Songwriter / Alternative Pop
Sounds like:  Hozier / John Mayer / James Bay / Tom Misch
Located in:  Warrington, Cheshire, United Kingdom
This song is an exploration of the idea of music as a form of escapism. The Melody's stomping rhythm, rich vocal harmonies, and catchy hooks are sure to draw you in.
The music I am creating is the result of years spent honing my sound to find a style that truly represents what I'm about musically. I love compositions with a strong harmonic arrangement and I like to think that I have incorporated that into my first release.
I do this because I love it! I am very lucky to be able to work as a musician as my profession, but my work involves performing covers. As musicians will know, there is nothing like expressing yourself through your music and I am no different, which is why I have decided to release some of my material as an exciting side project to my work.
Right now I am recording my second single which will be out in December. I can't wait for people to hear my second offering.
LINKS:  Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/2sHLtIl30kabkXt22Qvo2D?si=qqysRWCcTDWtHbu2F_KT-g Twitter: www.twitter.com/musicbynlt Instagram: www.instagram.com/musicbynlt Facebook: www.facebook.com/musicbynlt
Artist: MoPoNeck
New Release: Enough Love
Genre: reggae, dancehall, afro,
Located in: Roseau , Common Wealth of Dominica, West Indies 767
This song was written based on the name of the beat. The beat was named 'Enough Love' so I tried to see where those two words appeared most in my life, and most of those times were in relationships, where my other half would ask me questions like, baby how much do you love me? Baby on a scale of 1-10 how much do you love me? But I would always answer her with, Baby please tell me how much love is enough? Cause there is no such thing as Enough Love or Too Much Love, when you are in a relationship with someone no amount of Love is too much or Enough. There is no such thing as Enough Love so I wrote this song based on this concept of Enough Love.
My direction is to showcase the music from my country to the world and keep on adding to my countries Arts and Culture by creating good songs and keeping the vibe positive. The music I am creating for fans right now is tailored more to things that they can relate to. Music that they can listen to and feel the lyrics and vibe to the melody and rhythm.
I do this because...
I was born into the first-ever music store on the island. My dad had a studio at home and a studio at this store, so while my mom was pregnant I was already listening to music while I developed as a baby in her stomach. I recorded my first song when I was 8, but I was recording myself on cassette way before then. I love making music for my friends, fans and to represent my country. What I love most about performing is making a connection with the crowd and watching them engage while I sing my lyrics. My inspiration comes naturally. I am inspired by all the things going on around me.
Right now we are...
 I'm currently working on a script for the Enough Love Official Music Video to be recorded sometime next month. To subscribe to my youtube channel so you can get notified as soon as it drops.
LINKS:  https://open.spotify.com/album/0ksuDkDwxbxqb6wUduFwVH www.twitter.com/moponeck https://www.facebook.com/MoPoNeck www.instagram.com/moponeck
Artist: Spontaneous Groovin' Combustion
New Release: Spy vs Spy
Genre: Contemporary Jazz
Sounds like:  Down To The Bone, Fourplay, Fattburger, Pieces Of A Dream
Located in:  New York, NY
"Spy vs Spy" is the second single by Spontaneous Groovin' Combustion, a Contemporary/Smooth Jazz ensemble, led by saxophonist/flutist Warren Keller, featuring original, groove-oriented music. “Spy vs Spy” pays homage to the great TV theme songs of yesteryear- think 'The Man from U.N.C.L.E.' "Spy vs Spy” is driven by an infectious sax and flute line that will have you boppin'! Though you might be looking over your shoulder to make sure you're not being followed!
We try to straddle the line between C-Jazz and Funk. "Spy vs Spy" compliments our debut single, "Kickin" It," also from 2019, in establishing the 'Spontaneous Groovin' Combustion Sound.' We want our tunes to be fun, yet provocative and slightly different than the rest- not just background music!
Right now, we're most excited about having locked-in the next single campaign, going for adds in February 2020. Early next year, we'll release that single #3 (TBD), hopefully, to even better results than the first two records achieved!
LINKS:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fwMPuprOTvE https://open.spotify.com/album/1sFBTZq6aL0OC7OZeh1zCg https://twitter.com/Spontaneous_GC https://www.facebook.com/SpontaneousGroovinCombustion https://www.instagram.com/spontaneousgroovin
Artist: Suniil Bhatia (Artist)/ Sound Machine (Band)
New Release: Kahani Sunil (I'm stuck in here)
Genre: Indie Hip Hop with Poetry Rap and shades of Rock Music
Located in: : Mumbai
Kahani Suno means 'Hear a story' in in English. The song is about the artist and can be relatable to any individual as its about the trials, tribulations and struggles which an individual goes through in life. In a brief translation, the song says "Hear my story which is about aspirations, struggles, sadness, times of feeling lost in the journey of life, destiny and moving on with hopes of getting a new dawn"
This music is part of an ongoing album called 'Yeh Din' which means 'These Days' in English.
One can convey one's thoughts and emotions through words and music. Performing is the way to communicate ones songs and if people are able to relate to them, the work of an artist is done. Living a life of ones dreams is the only thing which pushes us to do what we do. Am still doing what I'm doing accordingly.
Right now I am working on more songs to complete the Album.
LINKS:  Reverbnation : https://www.reverbnation.com/sunilbhatia/song/31226644-kahani-suno-im-stuck-in-here Soundcloud : https://soundcloud.com/sunil-bhatia Spotify : https://open.spotify.com/album/2YN7ZCGcV9hame4JWJnwci  Twitter : https://twitter.com/sunilbhatia Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/YoursMusically Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/sonu.sunil.bhatia
Artist: Bucket Boys
New Release: Won't you be
Genre: Pop music, Adult contemporary, Roots, Fifties
Located in: Mönchengladbach, NW, Germany
If you’re a fan of the 50’s sound, check out the Bucket Boys. The latest songs of the BUCKET BOYS, published in autumn 2019, are the construction box to build all kinds of stories dealing with love and hate. We have songs between yesterday and tomorrow, nice and naughty, sick & sicker.
If you’re looking for an unrealistic illustration of LOVE'N'HATE, you’ll find all you need in this sound from Rock'n'Roll to Country, from Roots to Desert-Rock. The songs are inspired by a different kind of backyard-romance and desire, tequila-driven fantasies and even all imaginable varieties of love and hate.
I do this because...
I love concerts, The Bucket Boys are still on the road. To feel dust and sweat on their skin, burnin’ heat in one hell of a night. An endless landscape of desert’s sand and burnin’ darkness in their eyes. With Tequila-driven fantasies, a taste of backyard-romance and dirty desire, are they looking for their lucky chance.
This mixture of rock’n’roll and country, roots and desert-rock, it makes them happy and is the ultimate soundtrack of a never-ending road-movie.
The Bucket Boys are promoting their new album "Love'n'Hate" and play live on the "up to honey hill-tour".
LINKS:  http://www.reverbnation.com/bucketboys/song/31155604-wont-you-be http://open.spotify.com/track/63u8p69QInABgsf0TtngV3 http://twitter.com/bucketboystweet http://www.facebook.com/TheBucketBoys
Artist: Cabela and Schmitt
New Release: I Pray For You
Genre: Rock/Pop Ballad
Sounds like: The Beatles, Tom Petty, Imagine Dragons, Coldplay
Located in: Nebraska and Colorado
Cabela and Schmitt are an alternative to classic rock. Our influences come from decades of listening to great music. The song is about a couple who gave up too early. The sadness and turmoil of a love gone wrong tearing apart two hearts that give it all up before true love is achieved. And you pray that it will all work out.
This song is track eleven on our newly released album DANCING SHOES. The music comes from our souls. It's an absolute part of us.
Right now we are gearing up for the holiday season with some original Christmas songs. Also, we have been setting our goals and preparing for 2020. Lots of good marketing ideas are flowing.
LINKS:  https://open.spotify.com/track/2QTgOQ4WWWVIqCPvUMdLUV?si=4Ok9qCcDTTybMCyr7kjtcw Twitter: @CabelaSchmitt https://www.facebook.com/cabelaschmittmusic https://www.instagram.com/cabelaandschmitt www.cabelaandschmitt.com
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