#i’ve never written stuff before aaa
70zcowboy · 1 year
fuck it, i’m enthralled by the oldass yeehaw detective man
Charles Siringo (Butch Cassidy and the Wild Bunch & Butch Cassidy vs Sundance) imagines
• he doesn’t really like the nickname Charlie, he’d much rather be called Charles or Detective Siringo, the only person he actually enjoys hearing call him Charlie is you
• he’ll whittle u little trinkets and stuff, he’s definitely whittled u a figurine of ur favorite animal
• he loves to play chess. if you don’t know how to play, he’d be happy to teach you. he’s very good at it and won’t let you win on purpose, so if/when you do he’ll be proud of u!
• he also loves to tell u about his experiences and adventures while tracking down whatever outlaws he’s encountered. you’ve convinced him to write them down and work on publishing a book about them too
• because of the nature of his job, he’s on the move a lot and working constantly, as a result the best time in a day for you is at night before bed, because it’s the time when he finally can relax and you can both be together. so much for his claim about not sleeping.
• if you want to work with him on the job, it’ll take a lot of coaxing as he never wants to see you put in danger. But to be fair, he’ll admit that he’s not had a lot of luck with his previous fellow lawmen and he knows he can trust you completely, so he’ll eventually agree to put you on the job
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viperwhispered · 30 days
hi hi ner!! 👻💕🎨 for the ask game !!
Aaa Ian here you are again coming in with the questions that I really have to think about (it’s fine don’t worry but oof these aren’t easy ones for me to answer).
👻 What is your wildest headcanon?
I mean all my opinions are factually correct so… Jk, jk. Kind of a tricky question, tho 🤔
I know I’ve said this before but I kinda never know when character / canon interpretation or interpolation crosses over into headcanon territory. Plus I generally do try to be pretty canon-compliant and base my interpretations on that.
Basically, for all those folks making headcanon lists and stuff, my brain just does not work that way and not sure I'd ever be able to produce one of my own.
Honestly, I’m totally drawing a blank here, sorry 😔 I guess if I’ll ever throw something wild into a fic, you’ll find out?
Only thoughts I can even kinda grasp rn are nsfw and uhhh some of those are definitely more personal wish fulfillment than actual headcanons.
💕 What is your favorite fic that you’ve written?
Aaa how can I even choose.
I mean also a big chunk of it is smut and a lot of it isn’t widely available (and I probably can’t remember the existence of half of it off the top of my head), so…
I suppose in some sense Of Cows and Curses and Consequences (Hatsuharu x reader, Fruits Basket) is my magnum opus, at least as far as longfic and plotting is concerned. Yes, it is very unfinished and I haven’t touched it in ages, but I worked so properly on that one, outlining my chapters and the story (like, I’ve got notes like 10 chapters ahead of what’s been published), which makes it stand out. Plus it was one of the first if not the first fic I ever wrote (if we don’t count the beginnings of a young teenager self-insert for Earth’s Children that never made it past couple hand-written pages). So yeah, a bit of a “go big or go home” start to my fic writing journey. 😅
Also whatever was the first fic I wrote with a friend’s tastes specifically in mind. Always love it when I can get someone right in the feels (definitely a big reason for why I write in the first place, but that’s a story for another time before I get even more off-track).
Honestly there’s so many pieces I could consider notable for being a first in something or otherwise meaningful but I really can’t pick just one.
🎨 If someone were to make fanart of your work, what fic or scene would you hope to see?
Oh boy so many Jamil scenes coming to mind. Fixation would have so many tasty bits (some of them even sfw, oop), some whump for the Kali & Shiva analogy thoughts (it could be so cool even if it also would hurt me so bad 😭), Jamil’s first realization moment (or any flustered bit, really) from How Not to Be Swept Under… All of them would be lovely ngl.
Though honestly, if anyone ever were to make anything (draw, write, whatever) inspired by my works, I would probably just combust and live off the high for a week (or a few).
I’m afraid my answers for these ones are kinda rambly and not super definitive but alas, it is what it is. Can’t pick just one for many of these. Still, ty for the questions Ian! I hope my answers weren't too disappointing.
(ask game here for anyone else curious)
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foxlin-fantasia · 11 months
🎭 What is Hanaka's role in the Tragic Play?
i was tagged by @miqomonkly ; ty! this was fun :3
i tag: @lark-mage, @followmyv0ice, @ahlis-xiv, & YOU ( if you wanna!! )
quiz result : the desperate narrator.
this story is a cycle, and you're spinning around it like a hamster in a ball being tormented by a cat. you know how this story ends. after all, you've told it a thousand times. but you try to change it every time. you love the people in this story more than anything. so watching them fall victim to the narrative breaks you in a way you can't begin to describe. but all you can do is tell the story ─ their story ─ with tears in your eyes. you're prone to anxiety and feelings of helplessness. you have so much love in your heart, and for once you wish it would change something. it didn't. it doesn't. it won't. but you refuse to stop telling the story. and you refuse to stop loving the people in it. in this way, no one is stronger than you. you just wish being strong hurt less.
( ngl, the thoughts i had from this made me feel like: )
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( keep reading more for my nonsense lol )
🌸 aaa, this reads heavily as the lingering traits / feelings of her Azem and how her WoL journey has effected her. pls enjoy! ( i have just recently rly gotten comfortable working on Hanaka's Azem! i felt like i had to know a bit more about the world & Hana herself before giving it a real effort lol )
🌸 The ‘desperate narrator’ vibe is very accurate; i can see it in a particular scene I’ve been working on for writing stuffs! 
🌸 Hanaka and her Azem are linked, sharing memories between one another in my lore; they both experience various memories from the lives of one another when they sleep. It happens sporadically, and like most dreams, details become hazy once awake.
🌸 Despite experiencing the more pleasant or mundane parts Azem’s life sporadically in her dreams, Hanaka has a reoccurring nightmare that started in her youth: the night of fiery skies, where she would watch a familiar city burn down from a distance. Hanaka would fight everything to move from her stationary spot, to run, to help, to hide, but she could never change the dream… After all that happens in EW, she learns it was just a memory. ( glimpse of the final days from Azem’s perspective )
🌸 Experiencing her own tragedies on her journey has made Hanaka more emotional and she cries easily, an honest trait she has had since childhood. Now, it’s more like a nervous habit to cry. Her anxiety went off the charts during ShB and didn’t really stop until post-EW.
🌸 As the chosen of Hydaelyn, it only makes sense that her champion tie herself up in knots over the fate of the star. She has endless respect and love for her allies, and high hopes for all of the people of Etheirys, even after experiencing the trials of her journey and witnessing the mess that is humanity. Hanaka does wither at times. When beaten down and at her lowest, even she can fracture and break, yet she will always return to her role as hero with the knowing her loved ones are waiting for her and their adventures are still being written. 
🌸 Like the quiz result says: “so watching them fall victim to the narrative breaks you in a way you can't begin to describe… but you refuse to stop telling the story. and you refuse to stop loving the people in it.”
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🌸 ( who hurt you *gently touches photo of Hanaka* )
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eldritch-elrics · 1 year
control (2019) review
alright! i now have 45 hours in control and have beat the main game, both big dlc quests, and the vast majority of the other sidequests (except shüm fuck shüm). so let me share my updated thoughts!
short answer: it’s really good 👍
longer answer:
control is a weird one. while it is technically true that i've never played another game like it (i have never played a third person shooter before!), it also takes much of its inspiration from stories, art, tropes, and aesthetics with which i am extremely familiar. of course, that isn’t a bad thing in and of itself. but it did kind of add to my lukewarm feelings about it in the first couple hours. there is very little in control (at least in its beginning) that legitimately surprised me, which somewhat contrasts the ~deep, dark, mysterious, twists around every corner~ vibe it’s trying to cultivate. but i absolutely warmed up to it.
while i’m talking about the beginning and my hesitation surrounding this game, i should probably bring up my only major grievance with control: the way jesse is written. i’ve joked many times that cutting 80% of jesse’s inner monologue would make control a far better game. the thing about jesse is that she is very invested in her own role as Mysterious Protagonist With Dark Past. i cannot emphasize enough that the worst way to make a character feel Mysterious (in a non-comedic work, at least) is to have them think to themself about how mysterious they are and how they have to avoid telling people about their backstory and etc etc. the opening ten minutes of the game actively made me want to know less about jesse. i did not care about her backstory until maybe halfway through.
she also keeps a running internal commentary throughout the game that i think is written to make her feel “relatable” ( “ugh, i have to go do more tasks?” “i kind of hate that guy” sorta stuff) but instead feels tell-not-show-y as hell and also just plain obnoxious. writers have GOT to understand that in a visual medium, giving a character an inner monologue and/or running commentary is going to make them look like a dork. hades understands this. psychonauts understands this. hell, death note understands this best of all. i do not believe jesse is a dork. i think she’s supposed to be cool as hell. and she is! i just wish she were a little less Aggressively Normal. (though, to be completely fair, it is cool to have an AAA video game with a female protag who’s extremely normal.)
well, with that out of the way, let’s talk about some of the other stuff in this game.
on the topic of characters, i surprised myself with how much i liked a lot of the characters here. the animations are a little uncanny but the voice acting is just top-notch. honestly i cannot pick a favorite (human) character; they’re all really fun, and i came to really look forward to talking with them. (oh except trench. did not like watching his hotline things. he has the same problem as jesse: the narrative thinks he is too Cool.) i think emily pope, casper darling, and langston all really nail the “cool but also dorky” vibe in a way that jesse, alas, does not. speaking of dr. darling, i loved the decision to keep his involvement in the plot to the backstory, and have him only “speak” to jesse through prerecorded messages. (live-action messages too! how cool!) unraveling his entire deal was one of my favorite parts of the story.
goes without saying that ahti, the quirky janitor, is GREAT. what an excellent character. “finnish tango” is my favorite section of the main plot (along with ashtray maze directly after it, of course).
well, that is a perfect segue into talking about the main plot. i think it’s fine. idk. no strong feelings. the hiss are a fun antagonist. dylan’s interesting. there are some parts of the ending i don’t entirely understand but that’s all cool. yeah idk! i can’t say i was really playing the game to see what happened next in the main storyline. but i also don’t really have any complaints about it, other than wondering if i would have been more invested if jesse’s backstory had revealed itself more quietly & naturally.
meanwhile, the way control uses environmental storytelling is top fucking notch. oh my god. i LOVED collecting documents. hooooooly shit guys this is such a good game if you want hundreds of irrelevant documents. there is lore about EVERYTHING. some of it is important to the main story. the vast majority is not. you gotta sift through it and piece stuff together. there’s a lot of stuff that’s just there to make the world a little richer. and the overwhelming bureaucracy of the bureau really makes me believe that they would have vast amounts of documents describing all of it.
in general, the stuff about the FBC and the oldest house is where the story really shines. it’s equal parts fucked up government agency & group of people who is actually doing important work. (well, maybe with an emphasis on the former. though i kind of wish there was more direct political commentary in the game...) i loved the unethical science, and all the disagreements about scientific method (hi underhill), and just the vast amount of history everywhere.
it helps that the number one appeal of control is its environments. obviously the game is gorgeous. i love its sinister brutalism, its use of color and light, the surrealist parts, just everything. it’s one of those games that well-balances realism with having a striking artstyle. but, of course, one of the biggest delights in control is how tactile the environment is as well. the part where i started liking the game was when i got the launch ability and could interact with just about anything. and then i started REALLY liking the game when i got to the maintenance sector and saw just how serious the worldbuilding was. not only are practical concerns like “how does the FBC process energy” taken into account, those questions also form the basis for hugely complex rooms with an insane attention to detail. goddamn.
ok well with the launch ability i suppose i should talk about the gameplay too. it’s very fun! since i was playing on controller, i wasn’t a massive fan of the shooter parts, but as soon as i got an ability that locked onto targets it was like yes. this will be my primary weapon for the rest of the game. and it was. (also the gun pierce. i love you pierce.) the movement is also great. and the other abilities. seize! is really fun! and it is so awesome to fight in environments where you have to take the environment into account even more than usual, since you’re launching stuff all over the place!
(edit: i have just now remembered one more thing i really didn’t like about the game: the obnoxious quest ui that just stays on the screen! i am a seasoned player of video games; i can tell what i need to do next without having a big message on screen at all times. and if i can’t, that’s what the missions menu in the pause screen is for! i turned off that ui very early on and completely forgot about it.)
i think the sign of a great game to me is one that makes you want to do the sidequests. boy i wanted to do the sidequests. i wanted to discover shit! i wanted to do all the fetchquests! i didn’t care at all about the rewards! the whole mold thing was an especially fun & challenging part, and i really liked confronting silly altered items. it’s also an interesting choice to lock many of the major boss fights behind sidequests. i won’t say much about it for spoiler reasons, but hands down my favorite character in the ENTIRE game is former. i love former with my whole heart. oh my god. best beastie in the world. (or, uh, not in the world. idk.)
one thing i will say about the gameplay, though, is that inventory management was a bit tedious. i could not get rid of mods fast enough (and i got so much money from that LOL) and there were so many of them that getting one didn’t feel particularly special. though yes, i did try to pick up every collectible and chest i saw.
finally, about the dlc!
investigations sector felt a little bit like a hamfisted crossover, but other than the alan wake stuff i was pretty into the execution. i really, really enjoyed the stealth sections, and just the general horror throughout.
the foundation is EXCELLENT. i liked the story of the foundation far more than the story of the main game. aesthetically sublime. great lore/backstory that keeps you intrigued but never gives too much away. FORMER IS THERE. contains “found footage,” one of the best short sidequests. there is a secret astral bathroom. it’s great.
overall, control is pretty good. as a story about a fucked up house it very much fits into my realm of interests, and i generally think it’s fun, interesting, and well-polished. i don’t play many AAA games, but wow, you can absolutely see how the big budget helped this one. would recommend.
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arknights-imagines · 2 years
ok so can i ask a relationship hc with blitz or maybe ash? also the doctor is gn! thank u for answering this one <3 (灬º‿º灬)♡
Shhshs hiya Mahribee 🥺💕! It's super great to see you again, I hope you're well~
Anywho I hope you can forgive me for taking so long to get to your request svshsg ty for your patience 😭!! It was in my queue for v long but I was stumped on what to write for it for quite some time aaa...
But finally here it is now avshs 🥳💞!! I know lots of people were looking forward to these so I really do hope everyone enjoys 👉👈!!
Taglist for All Writing!:
Being in a relationship with Blitz and Ash
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Headcanon format; From the perspective of the reader for the most part, written in second person!
Contains: Blitz, Ash, gender-neutral Doctor as the reader, acquaintances to established relationship progression, a few mentioned side characters, mentions of canon events, lots of soft lovey-doveyness and fluff sgshgs 🥺!!
Word count: 3.5k in total!
・ Admittedly, after being informed of the ‘Watchtower 33’ Incident, meeting this Team Rainbow intimidated you like a battle with the odds against you would've.
・ Aliens - that was the image the written and verbal reports created of them, if there was anything much said at all.
・ Much of what was gathered from them by Rhodes Island was quoted under ‘the team member with the shield’; or, as he was also called, ‘Blitz’.
・ “He uses a gun, but he clearly is clueless about Originium Arts”, “Doctor, do healing potions exist? The one from Team Rainbow who carries the shield asked me about that once and- uhm, well, I didn't know how to reply”, “Blitz, is that his name? Yes, he told me he came from Southern Sargon…but I’m afraid I’ve never heard of a single soul who’s from there”.
・ This uncertainty of yours dissipated however, once you finally personally met Team Rainbow - and you witnessed the unexpected bright smile belonging to Operator Blitz.
・ With eagerness in his gait, the man approached you; you flinched just a little, worried for the worst, only to blink at him as he sent you a wink and a playful salute. “Tactician of Rhodes Island, Codename Blitz! These guys with me are Team Rainbow. It’s about time all of us had the pleasure of meeting you, …?” Unsure of how to address you, Blitz trailed off, motioning to you expectantly.
・ A moment passed - as it did, the anxiety in your chest became a gentle warmth -, then you smiled and outstretched your hand and told him your name, adding that he could simply refer to you as “the Doctor”. The lopsided grin on the man's face grew wider, something in his eyes glinting brightly as he looked at you, “Well then! I hope this is the beginning of a very beautiful relationship, Doctor.”
・ And that it was; that it most definitely was.
・ After your initial meeting, Blitz apparently went searching for you very often - you knew this how? Your Operators would tell you with worry in their voices that he would ask everyone and anyone about your whereabouts.
・ Eventually, he finally found you by happenstance and - before you had even the chance to ask ‘what is it, Blitz?’ - he suddenly presented to you an obvious collar-like item bearing luminescent turquoise highlights, “Doctor! I’ve got a question, what is this thing?”
・ Your brow lifted very slowly, however his expression spoke honest curiosity to you and so you couldn't help but let yourself soften. Smiling slightly, you explained, “That’s an Infection Monitor.” In the way he furrowed his brows, you could tell that answer didn't exactly satisfy him - and so, you added, “If you come walk with me to my meeting, I can tell you more.”
・ The man lit up in a manner you hadn't seen before, causing your grin to widen; he nodded and stood so he could walk abreast with you, “Awesome, we should do this more often, don't you think?”
・ Blitz coming to bring you Terran objects or items exclusive to Rhodes Island, and asking if you had a second to spare to enlighten him on their purpose became an occurrence you grew used to - and might you say, began to eagerly await -, even if he often appeared to be a hassle on you to onlookers.
・ “Doctor, check this shotgun out! This can definitely make a good ‘kapow’!!” “Blitz, where did you get that..?! That’s a prototype for an improved version of Executor’s weapon, we need to go return it to him right now…!”, “Doctor, I think this energy drink here might’ve gone bad, should I toss it, you think?” “Oh no, Blitz, that's not an energy drink- that’s one of Thorns’ paralyzing elixirs! We need to go to the infirmary, don't drink any more of that and follow me please…!”, “Is this some kind of computer- whoa, wow! It’s making a hologram!” “That’s a hologram-projection map device. It can show you any place on Terra, for example, where Rhodes Island first met Team Rainbow was around here….”
・ One afternoon, Blitz came to find you as you expected him to - however when you turned to look to him, your eyebrows furrowed upon noticing nothing was being held in his hands.
・ He greeted you as always and took his place to walk by your side; the man lessened the gap between you until your arms were touching, before speaking up about his curiosity for the day, “So, Doctor. Here, in your world, do people take each other on dates?”
・ Your heartbeat grew faster as you replied softly, “Yes, you can still take anyone on a date. We do those here.”
・ From the corner of your eye, you saw Blitz grin and redness come to his cheeks, “Good, great. Want to go on one with me, then?”
・ Stifling a small chuckle, you brought your warm gaze to meet his own expectant one, then your answer came fast and sure, “Yes, I’d really like that, Blitz.”
・ And at that, his grin shined the brightest you had ever witnessed; you couldn’t help but beam just the same as you watched him celebrate to himself with a fist pump to the air and a gale of elated laughter.
・ Perhaps on the surface it seemed that being in a relationship with Blitz meant dealing with his constant playfulness, however that wasn't completely the case.
・ Truthfully, towards you, Blitz was abundantly intimate.
・ While such was against many expectations and caused surprise-filled faces from others at Rhodes Island, as for you, you weren't incredulous; it very quickly had become common knowledge to you that the man was never out of surprises, even long before you two had became a couple.
・ And once you were his partner, you realized truly how much that title - his significant other, his lover - meant to him. While his responsibility as an Operator was important, his responsibility as your boyfriend was most important.
・ The man was so very affectionate, albeit in his own manner.
・ More often than your name or ‘Doctor’, he’d address you by a nickname he choose himself with pride and insisted suited you perfectly:
・ “Liebling! Found you, finally.”, “Instead of standing around, liebling, how about we walk together? Just a suggestion.”, “Time to get the bad guys? Just give me the order, liebling.”
・ The name would come through his lips in uplifted tone regardless of whether you two were alone in one of your rooms or in a briefing room surrounded by other Operators.
・ By extension, he constantly reminds you to call him by his real name instead of his codename - no matter the environment.
・ “I’ll take attendance now before we begin the Operation, please listen for your name. Codename Blitz-” “Right here, but why the need for code names with me? I am your boyfriend, after all, and I think ‘Elias’ rolls off the tongue really nicely.” “Okay, okay, Elias. Elias is present, then. Now, codename Exusiai…”
・ He doesn't say so out loud, but he’s sure he’ll never tire of hearing ‘Elias’ from you.
・ Blitz conveys almost all of his love towards you through physical touch - holding you close and having your form against his own, warm and secure, he likes that the very most.
・ Each greeting or goodbye from Blitz would be accompanied by a kiss or affectionate rub at the top of your head - in fact, the man refused to allow you to join up with or part from him without it.
・ He’d feign offence half-heartedly and gasp, “Hey! Come on, aren’t you forgetting something? ” Every time, you’d smile and roll your eyes a little, before coming closer so he could give you his little piece of affection.
・ When you two are alone, the man can't restrain himself from pulling you to sit in his lap; he's almost certain nothing will make his heart more full than the warmth that surrounds his body him as you relax against his chest and he coils his arms around your waist.
・ Unfortunately, this also means that - even if you had something to attend to - he isn't in any rush to release you from his lap. Being accustomed to combat, he was in no way feeble and his strength wasn't something you could easily win against.
・ “Elias. I have to go, Kal’tist needs me to be at a meeting with her soon-” “Liebling, ease up. And stop squirming, maybe.” “Elias…I’m serious…” “You know, if you keep moving around, I’ll only end up keeping you here longer.”
・ If he happens to be nearby you, rarely are you without Blitz’s arm around your shoulder; those at Rhodes Island have gotten used to having work-related discussions with you while Blitz listens from his spot at your side, and Team Rainbow always make sure to yell ‘get a room, you guys!’ whenever they spot their teammate with an arm wrapped around you.
・ However, his insistence to be right next to you, as a loving dog would be to their owner, was not only because he adored the contact - his protectiveness over you was the primary reason behind the arm he constantly had around you.
・ Blitz was never laid-back when it came to your safety, and he always reminded you of this anytime he noticed anxiety take hold of you - when you tensed, and uncertainty weighed on your facial features.
・ “Liebling, hey, look at me.” The man would tilt your chin to his direction, “You’re good, I’m here after all. You should already know, as your boyfriend, I have a responsibility to look after you and I take that very seriously.”
・ Even in situations absent of any hope, he was light - shining you with warmth and security. You’re never be without Blitz; and you so deeply hoped it would always remain that way.
・ Whenever you were worried, mind uncomfortably full with thoughts of him eventually leaving should he ever be presented with the opportunity to return to his “Earth”, you confessed so to him.
・ Confusion would paint the man’s face, then he would chuckle and pull you in by the waist, “You’re adorable, but there’s nothing to be nervous about, because I don’t need to go back to my world.” Your brow would lift a little as you mumbled, “But why?”
・ His smile - the one with brightness you could argue rivalled that of his shield - grew on his lips and shined as he spoke his next words, “Because this one has you,” He leaned down to rest his forehead to your own, “and I don't need anything else.”
・ Following your formal debrief of the ‘Watchtower 33’ Incident, you had asked to make arrangements so you could meet Team Rainbow; the Operator acting as the liaison between you and them audibly winced at your proposition.
・ “Well- it’s just, their leader.” Unsure, the Operator teetered on what they were saying, “Ms. Ash is…maybe unfriendly is the best way to say it? Harsh is probably more accurate.” They rubbed the back of their neck as they lowered their voice, “That Drudge gentleman I mentioned to you, she almost beat him to death for justice over that young doctor they met. It wasn’t wrong of her, in my opinion, but I just worry since we don't know what she or any of Team Rainbow are capable of just yet.”
・ You lifted a brow; you understood what they were trying to explain, however it wouldn’t have been your first experience with Operators who were challenging or who's actions were disagreeable.
・ Therefore, you shook your head - your thoughts hadn’t changed, you wanted to meet Ash and Team Rainbow personally and as soon as possible. Now with their order, the Operator left, albeit with some still-remaining hesitance.
・ They returned to find you just a few hours later - with four unfamiliar individuals armed in tactical gear following behind them. “Doctor, meet Team Rainbow. This is…” For a moment, the Operator trailed off with hesitancy, before motioning to the woman with red hair, “...Ms. Ash, their leader.”
・ With an audible huff, Ash stepped in front of the Operator brusquely, “Are you the Doctor? Codename Ash, Operator with Team Rainbow.” The expression on her face was austere, it seemed as if she was bracing herself for an unpleasant response from you.
・ Instead, however, you answered with a smile, “Hello Ash, it’s nice to finally meet you and your team. I appreciate your hard work in collaboration with our Operators from Rhodes Island, thank you.” You then outstretched your hand slowly and with hesitance, “Sorry, is handshaking also a custom on your….’Earth’?”
・ Ash didn't answer you for a moment. Gentle surprise came on her countenance - the softening of her eyes, her lips falling agape, and her eyebrows lifting -, however it was gone too fast for you to notice it, “Hah, yeah. We do shake hands over where I’m from.” She shook your hand, then held onto you for a few moments longer than would be considered typical for a handshake, “...Good to meet you. I’m looking forward to spending some more time with you, Doc.”
・ Ash and Team Rainbow tarried at Rhodes Island after that. To recuperate and devise a plan as to where they would go or what they would do next, you figured.
・ However onlookers observing from outside took notice of an oddity - Ash spent more hours with you than her team.
・ The woman would tap your shoulder and ask if you had a moment to talk with her regarding a variety of things. Every time, she remained with you for longer than the last; clarifications on orders you’d given or inquiries about mission plans developed into questions about Terra that would unfold into hour-long discussions between just you and herself.
・ The Ash you heard of from other Operators wasn't at all the Ash who spoke with you.
・ Ash’s teammate Tachanka happened to be one of said onlookers; his closer relationship to the woman meant he understood what he was observing from her at a depth none of the Rhodes Island Operators could've.
・ “...Cohen has taken a serious liking to you, comrade. You see it, don’t you?”
・ Disregarding the abruptness of Tachanka approaching you and suddenly saying what he did, perhaps the statement itself wasn't something that should’ve caused you to fluster. However, the lift in his tone was nearly teasing, obviously suggesting more than what he said.
・ “I should tell you, she isn't too fond of creating close bonds. She never has been.” His hand came to pat your shoulder with an amused huff, “You’re special. She really likes you, I can see it on her face when she comes to talk with you.” And then, already taking his leave, Tachanka left you with one last thing, “You know, I personally think one of you should do something already.”
・ But the next time you saw Ash, you acted on Tachanka’s advice.
・ “Ash?” “Hey Doc-” Your hand came to take her own; your sudden, uncoordinated movement caused the position to be a little uncomfortable, but her mouth shut as soon as you touched her and her eyes were wide when they met yours. Finally, you asked her, “...would you like to go out and get something to eat?”
・ Ash was silent. Then, in one swift move she readjusted the position of both your interlocked hands to tug you gently in the direction leading towards an exit, “...Well? Let’s go.” You blinked; a smile and soft blush painted your face soon after. “Yes, let’s go, Ash.”
・ You caught a glimpse of a small growing on her lips before she turned around and began leading you down the hall with purpose, “Stay with me, now.”
・ Quick after you and her had become a couple, you discovered that the woman was unexpectedly capable of being affectionate.
・ It was unfathomable almost, how Ash who was reputed as being harsh and unapproachable was thoughtful and tender in regards to you. Operators insisted that Team Rainbow Operator Ash must be a whole different person from the Doctor’s girlfriend.
・ However, truly her heart desires nothing more than for you to be safe and away from harm; this displays through her subtle protectiveness over you.
・ Before you depart for Operations, Ash never forgets to tell you “be careful out there” or “don’t do anything stupid” as she levels you with a very particular expression on her visage - her facial features would be nearly stone, though behind her eyes would be sincere concern over your safety.
・ You would receive earfuls from Team Rainbow about how Ash became anxious or refused to take some ease whenever you were away on a mission; “Cohen just couldn’t sit still while you were gone, Doctor! You never left her mind, I think”, “Next time you plan to leave for a while, could you reconsider? Cohen isn’t the same when you’re away for so long”, “If you’re going to be gone for lots of time, bring Cohen with you. Trust me, it will be better that way”. They would only cease their teasing chatters the second their leader would come into earshot.
・ Even in circumstances where you aren’t in any direct danger, if Ash begins to feel unsure about your surroundings or the people around you, her hands find you right away - one takes yours or both grab your waist - and she’ll explain quietly, “Just making sure you’re okay and that I’m right here in case anything happens.”
・ “Don’t worry, I’m just fine Eliza.”, you would always assure her; “I know, I know. I’m just…being extra careful.”, she would always huff in reply, while pulling you a little closer.
・ Ash didn’t call herself someone who enjoyed physical affection nor physical touch, and yet she did adore one certain and sole thing - when you played with her hair.
・ Initially, she stared at you as if you had three heads when you expressed a desire to touch her hair.
・ “You really want to touch my hair that bad? I don’t get it.” “It just looks so soft and it's such a nice colour of red! How could I not want to?” “...What, is this a special thing couples do on Terra to show love or something?”
・ Now, however, she absolutely can never tire of your hands in her hair; of you combing your fingers through, twirling the strands around fingertips, and slowly braiding only to undo it then start all over again.
・ As you occupy yourself with her hair she’s helpless to resist, her eyes flutter shut while warmth fills her chest. You snicker at her reaction - similar to an ice cube melting under heat - everytime, “Haha, this isn’t so bad, right?” And though she rolls her eyes in reply, she doesn’t deny anything, “Shut it, you. But…this is really nice…”
・ What Ash may lack in eloquence or a warm touch, she makes up for in thoughtfulness and her ability to imbue you with her love through acts of service.
・ If you happen to be deluged in paperwork, buried in piles of Operator applications or Operation reports, Ash takes notice right away; she’ll remove the papers from your hands despite any stubbornness you manage and place her palm on your cheek as she speaks, “Alright, times up. That’s enough sitting at this desk for you. Go get some rest, now. I’ll take care of this for you.”
・ The woman regularly gifts you items as well, however perhaps they wouldn't be considered gifts to anyone else.
・ A coffee in the morning, a new stapler to replace your broken one, a packaged meal if she noticed you hadn’t eaten lunch.
・ And often, when she passes by the window displays of shops she’ll pause and think, ‘Would they like this?’, ‘Maybe they’d find a use out of this’, ‘I should get that for them’.
・ To say Ash thinks of you often is an understatement; truly, there isn't a moment when she doesn’t have you in her thoughts.
・ She adores the effusive grin and sparkle in your eyes whenever she brings you a small gift, though she wouldn't admit so outloud.
・ When you’re with her, Ash is able to encapsulate warmth she didn't know she had even the slightest capacity for. She never restrains herself once there is no one watching; her love for you floods her and spills out on the floor.
・ Her hands would slowly slide upward from your waist, settling to cup your face, “Before I came to this world and met you, I never really expected myself to accept that I’d feel this way about anyone.” For a small while she quietly studied your facial features, then her fingertip traced the outline of your lips. You would have to speak first, “And now, Eliza?”
・ “Hah, and now?” In reply the woman pressed a kiss to the corner of your lips and smiled softly, pulling away to whisper in a warm voice meant only for you, “I want us to always be together.”
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askagamedev · 3 years
Lightning Mailbag: Bag of Devouring
I’ve built up a number of questions with short answers, so I’ll answer them in a group today.
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Your ask/answer about false advertising was actually pretty interesting because it made me think about other types of "content" promises. The big example I think (and STILL get angry) about is something like BioWare's promises to have LGBTQ romances in SWTOR at launch and never delivering (it took until the Makeb expansion before we had those, IIRC). Where does something like that fit?
You can look to Star Citizen’s refund process as the best example for this taken to the maximum extent. If enough people complain, they get refunds and a process is put into place.
What you would reply to the "I'll pay $10k for someone to add MP to BotW" tweet?
If you can find somebody to claim the prize, you're very fortunate indeed. $10,000 would pay for about one month of labor (including things like taxes, health care, benefits, etc.) from a single mid-level game dev here in the states, so getting a working and relatively bug-free multiplayer mode for $10,000 seems like a fantastic bargain by my estimates. If you wanted to add it to a AAA game like Breath of the Wild in an official capacity, the bill would easily be multiple millions of dollars to design, build, test, and validate it.
What does "we have mutually agreed to part ways" mean when it comes to a high profile departure from a game studio? Is it standard HR terminology or corporatespeak for example?
It doesn't really mean anything. "We have mutually agreed to part ways" means that one or both the employer and employee don't wish to continue working together. There's no indicator who wants who to go, nor is there any indication of wrongdoing.
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You mentioned in a post on Smash Bros how licenses have to be renewed every number of years and how an expired license would cause the game to be pulled (which looks like it happened to Jump Force). So how can Fortnite have characters like Naruto brought in and not be concerned?
Letting players keep whatever they've acquired during the license is usually written into the contract. This is why players can keep playing games like Marvel vs Capcom even after the license expires. The loss of the license prohibits any further sales of the product that the licensed content is available in. This is why the games (or specific DLCs) get pulled from stores after the license expires. It won't stop players from playing the game if they already bought it, but it prevents new players from buying the content. With Fortnite, it is a similar situation - those players who have the Naruto skins will be able to continue using them but new players will be unable to obtain them once the license expires. 
Would you say that a vocal minority may have no effect in the Activision Blizzard lawsuits? People keep saying stuff in disapproval, but then play their games.
Honestly, there isn't much that outsiders can do about the situation other than voice their disapproval. The issues with ATVI are internal and are almost entirely between the workers, the upper management, the ATVI shareholders, and the government regulatory agencies.
Do you sometime feel ashamed for having a paycheck on game that was released broken & with false promises?
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I don’t feel bad about collecting a paycheck for work I have done, even if the game gets cancelled and never sees the light of day. I know that I did the best I could with the time and resources I had. I have no qualms taking money for the work I did to pay my bills and take care of my family.
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fromgwentopeter · 3 years
After All This Time... [I]
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Words: +1k Warnings: NWH MAJOR SPOILERS ✒︎ Andrew!Peter Parker x MJ!reader ✒︎ this is my first fanfic ever written on this app, so please be gentle aaa (but I have experience, like, I’ve been on Wattpad forever). ✒︎ oh, yes, the edit is made by me ;) ✒︎ I’m not sure if this’ll be a series or a one shot, I’m just navigating on new waters here.
Summary: after NWH, Peter finds himself wondering what other things life has to offer, or is it just the same as always? Maybe he can open his heart once again?
Chapter I. Traces of what was and will be.
Old wounds never seem to heal solely... One to know would question the enhanced individual whose constant broken ribs healed completely over night, but this one... this one scar was so profound and hurtful, it never closed...
Poison filled his consciousness when he remembered no one --indeed, no one-- knew of his double life. The whole anonymity of the circumstances made him feel alone; not at solace, but simply and utterly devastated by the silence of not having something --someone-- to cling to when the urge to cry was mad and urgent. When the dim light of the city that never sleeps shrouded him with grief, made his stomach churn over what could’ve been, and let his mind wander into a pit of darkness to which no one should go past midnight and after midday.
But, there's always the memory... The human’s most deadly drug, which has been death’s ally for centuries, if not, before the first walk on the planet; the first step. 
Time goes by, nonetheless. Proving once again that it is not forgiving, and that lost moments are stuck forever in the past and left as a changing-point in life.
His arms ache and burn as he swings at an ungodly hour; as the first rays of sunshine start picking through the horizon full of skyscrapers and the usual traffic consumes the empty streets.
Peter doesn’t need a clock to know what hour it is. Sleep was something alien to get, and thus, he constantly kept on swinging and swinging and swinging until suddenly the sky was bright again.
Aunt May had scolded him on several occasions --judging by the bags under his eyes and the lack of nutrients he seemed to not get into his body-- and it ached, sometimes, to see her there... as healthy as ever, as eager to work; as eager to carry on with a life he thought should be better, yet... admiration splayed all over when she was around. It surprised him how she could keep up after the many obstacles that had showed up on her path. 
So he mimicked her. Now more than ever. Tried to be someone he once was.
The view above the Empire State Building never ceased to get boring. This one was one of his favorite parts of ever day life as Spider-Man. The view... sweet sweet view, that mesmerized him even on the worst days. He loved how the orange unfolded like a natural dance, and how little by little it got this feverish tone that was different every single morning. 
And just like the fire-like view, his arms burned just the same. It felt like having to use a couple of crutches for the last decade, but as per usual, in the next hours of doing Peter Parker stuff, his arms healed and he was more than ready for another round of punches and swinging around his city.
There was nothing that could take this moment awa--
Oh, but there was...
Like a maniac with own life, Peter’s phone started ringing frantically. There was no need to guess who was on the other end of the line.
Removing his mask firstly and taking out his phone from the bottom of his boot, Peter’s ear was close to burst, and he felt... saliva? maybe, coming from the other side?
Kind ol’ Jameson... how nice it was to hear his voice after everything that had happened just a day ago. Hence, the ungodly hour and the never-sleep program.
“SPIDER-MAN GOES MISSING. HEAD TITLE OF MY NEXT ISSUE, SEEMS LIKE MY HOPES ARE FINALLY SET TO H-- he’s been sighted again!? a moment ago-- jeez, Betty, sit down...”
The old man clears his throat.
Peter sighed.
“Jameson!” He greeted in his monotonous excited tone, truly wondering how the man managed to always catch him in the worst of times. “They’ll be there, they’ll be there... I’ll drop them and leave before you can even see my face!”
“What!? I don’t hear you!”
Well, clearly. The connection was never so good on top of a building as Peter once had believed. Too many interferences...
“I’ll get them there! Just wait until the store opens so I can print them...!” 
But the phone had been hung up on the other line already.
“That gentle man,” Peter mocked, just before putting on his mask and dropping thirty floors before detaching a web and swinging away. Those pictures weren’t gonna take themselves.
When sleep did come, Peter only ever dreamt one thing.
Her... all pale and afraid, but still beautiful. Always beautiful even on her last moments; beautiful and dead --the last image of her he has engraved inside his never-forgiving memory.
He lost Gwen, and there was not a passing day in which shivers and ache didn’t run down his whole body, making him reminisce a nightmare of which he can't escape from.
There is a piece of him that was lost, but then...
MJ was falling. The look in her eyes when her Peter was unable to catch her; his own urge to scream out, "NO!”.
The air suddenly felt short as he fell towards her. Knowing that his webs were useless and that he had to get there, quick.
Peter embraced her; falling alongside her --not daring to let her go-- until his web balanced the two of them and they fell to the ground.
She seemed out of her element; shocked at realizing that if it wasn't for him, she would’ve been no more...
“Are you okay?” Came as a whisper, asking as of duty but wondering if he was talking to himself.
“Yeah,” She answered, feeling the weight of his tears fall onto her sweater. MJ frowned, “Are you?”
Peter nodded with a small smile. He was okay.
‘The Avengers’, or ‘Stark’, were just some of the things he typed down on his computer some weeks after his re-encounter with old friends from work, and some new ones.
“You’ve got someone?”
“Me? no, no, no...”
Older Peter hummed with amusement laced with his tone.
“I’m too busy... you know, not doing Peter Parker stuff...” Peter laughed grimly. “You?”
“Oh, it’s... complicated,”
They chuckled, knowing all too well the feeling of being themselves and each other.
Peter sipped from his coffee, scrolling down his emails seeing plenty of noiseless yet loud messages from Jameson and his desperation for pictures and more pictures, yet, his focus was shaken by the television on the corner of the room.
“The sudden disappearance of Spider-Man brought, if not enough, more crime and chaos to the citizens of New York. What could happen if this prolonged itself like seven years ago... or is him being here the reason of all this trouble to unleash?”
Peter scoffed through his mug, but the beating of someone’s heart was suddenly much louder than that. 
As a car ran rampage outside of the establishment, everyone gasped and turned to the window. What becomes of you when you watch and do nothing?
Peter stood up on instinct, the time went on slower, nonetheless, it all stoped as it started, with a nervous laugh escaping the mouth of who could’ve been ran over. 
His eyes scanned around. From the watchers to the receiver. 
Her shaky hand clutched at her chest while the other one tried to stifle the chuckles of anguish. The bell of the door went off as the owner of the cafe approached her, probably asking if she was okay... Peter sat down, catching on to some words, like...
“I think I’ll look both ways from now on,” or “I was too busy focusing on not being mugged...”
All the while, she wouldn’t stop grinning and panting...
Then they finally entered the shop, she immediately announcing, “I’m alive, everyone!” 
Some chuckled while other’s seemed shaken, but it all eventually fell to the normal rhythm of before. 
“You’ll find her, you know...” 
Older Peter said as he clutched his abdomen, still being able to appreciate the sunrise.
“Find who?” Peter asked innocently; the feeling of hope flourishing through his stomach, knowing what the other Peter meant. 
“You will find your MJ.”
The clock was ticking, urging Peter to leave the coffee shop and head to deliver his pictures. He stood up and hung his camera around his neck and striped his bag tight.
“Hope the service was of your liking,”
He turned, seeing her again; not scared, rather careless. Peter smiled and searched for some money.
“Yeah, yeah... good you’re okay, by the way, after--”
She chuckled, and interrupted him with a wave of her hand.
“It happens a lot. Guess I still got a few kicks to go, huh,” She said while picking up Peter’s mug.
He hended her the money, awkwardly, and read the name on her tag.
“Thank you, uhm, Glory...”
“Oh!” she exclaimed, looking down to her tag funnily, “that’s my partner’s name. I’m MJ.”
That night, Peter was able to found a bare closure; a glimpse to what the future held, and there was no one falling in his dreams neither. Everything was good.
© 2021 fromgwentopeter
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Irondad Fanfic Rec List: Part 1
Tony helps Peter calm down from a panic attack by @jen27ny
Summary: Exactly what it says on the tin
Relationships/Tropes: Irondad, Peter has Anxiety, Peter has a Panic Attack
Review: This story was really nice! I have anxiety as well and while my panic attacks are usually caused by something, it's nice to see a story where it just happened for no reason, as I know I lot of people have that problem too. Very well written!
Steve, Tony, and Peter are kidnapped by @jen27ny
Summary: Tony, Peter, Steve and maybe other Avengers are captured. Bad people try torturing the Super Soldiers with sensory stuff and they assumed Peter Parker isn't a threat so he can't react to the pain and give it away that he's a Super
Relationships/Tropes: Irondad, Tony & Steve, Peter & Steve, Kidnapping, Torture, BAMF Peter Parker
Review: This was a great story! I loved how Tony's emotions and panic were described, and how brave Peter was throughout the story even though he was hurting so badly.
Peter Revs his Engine by punkybunny
Summary: "It was silly and embarrassing and just plain weird. That night, as Peter lay staring at his phone, he tried to force down the rumble rising in his chest as his hoodie's residual warmth spread through his limbs and his eyelids grew heavy. He wouldn't tell anyone. He wouldn't purr. Peter Parker didn't purr. He was a human, not some sort of freak."
Aka Peter purrs and tries to keep it a secret because he's embarrassed. Surprise: that doesn't last long.
Relationships/Tropes: Irondad, Peter Purrs, Peter Acts Like A Spider, Touch-Starved Peter Parker
Review: Oh. My. GOD. This was honestly one of the cutest fics I've ever read. This is the first time I've read a fic where Peter purrs like the Wolf Spider does, even though I've known this trope existed in fanfic. This story was just so precious and nice, I loved every single word. DEFINITELY writing a fic inspired by it tbh, this is just too cute
Give Him The Life, That I Couldn’t Give You by @superherotiger
Summary: “Please don’t take him from me,” Tony whispered, voice breaking like fragile glass. “Please Jarvis, don’t take him… I’d do anything- anything… please…”
And I would do anything for you, Master Tony…
Inhaling sharply, Jarvis hardened his resolve from the overwhelming panic moments ago and said evenly “I cannot disobey your father’s orders, Master Tony. It would be wise to pack young Peter’s necessities now.”
An agonized cry became muffled into his back, and it took all of Jarvis’s will power not to break down right then and there. But he had to be strong. For Tony, and for Peter
Seventeen year old Tony Stark is faced with the horrifying reality that his father is going to take his new-born son Peter away from him by morning, but there has always been someone in his corner, and Jarvis is determined to keep father and son together.
Relationships/Tropes: Irondad, Tony & Edwin Jarvis, Bio Dad Tony, Baby Peter, Howard Stark’s A+ Parenting, Teenage Pregnancy, Edwin Jarvis Acting As Tony Stark’s Parental Figure
Review:  This story was so so sweet and amazing. I LOVE Jarvis so much in this fic and I loved that Tony named his son after him, Peter Edwin Stark. That just melted my heart man
“I’m not a little kid” by @jen27ny
Summary: Tony can underestimate Peter sometimes
Relationships/Tropes: Irondad, Overprotective Tony, BAMF Peter Parker
Review: This story was really good! I always love a good Overprotective Tony fic, and this one portrayed his father-like worry really well!
A Sunflower’s Bloom by @littlemissagrafina (Pt. 3 of Remember the sun, little flower)
Summary: Kneeling down, Tony lifted Peter to his feet by his shoulders instead of pulling him up by his arm. As soon as the teenager was standing, Tony was fussing over him, grabbing a clean rag (now conveniently wet from the sprinklers) from a nearby table and wiping the wet cloth over Peter's face to clean the ash off and make sure none of it had somehow made its way into his eyes behind the safety goggles. 
Tony was damn grateful that he had become so much more careful when it came to lab safety after he had started working with Peter so often.
Used to Tony's automatic fussing, Peter took a moment to assess himself for any pain or irritation, knowing Tony would ask him as soon as he calmed slightly.
A moment later the man did just that.
"Were you hurt? I heard your cry when you landed. What's wrong with your arm? Did you inhale any of the smoke?"
After a small accident in the lab, Tony finds out about Peter's tattoos and they have a heart to heart.(The third and final part of my sunflower series. I would suggest reading the previous parts before this one so that the plotline makes sense)
Relationships/Tropes: Irondad, Tattoos, Lab Days
Review: This was the perfect end to a wonderful little series!! I loved it so much and I'm so happy to have been able to read it!
Of Life and Lemons by @jen27ny
Summary: Sometimes Tony is joking, and sometimes he’s just pretending to 
Relationships/Tropes: Irondad, Outsider POV, Protective Peter Parker, Lab Days
Review: Awwww this was so sweet!! I love how both Steve and Peter can tell when Tony is and isn't joking, and I love that Peter's decided whenever Tony makes a "joke" that's just him trying hide his feelings, he has to hug him for 1 minute. It's so cute
Home Can Be A Person by punkybunny
Summary: Peter has been homeless for the past three months after running away from CPS. When he spends a particularly cold night alone sleeping on a rooftop, Tony takes him in. Peter realizes that maybe he can find a home again.
Relationships/Tropes: Irondad, Homeless Peter Parker, Skip Westcott (mentioned)
Review: This story was so nice can wonderful to read. I personally love the homeless peter trope, and Tony taking him in, and this was absolutely what I look for when reading that trope!! Just the prefect amount of hurt to balance the comfort, and so many HUGS!! I loved it :D
Burning Compass by @jen27ny
Summary: A platonic soulmate AU for Peter & Tony
Relationships/Tropes: Irondad, Intern Peter Parker, Platonic Soulmate AU
Review: aaa this was so cute! I really loved how the soul marks worked, I've never seen a story with compass soul marks! Very sweet story :D
If you look at any these stories, be sure to show the author your appreciation with a comment/kudos/reblog where applicable!
Click here for more fanfic rec lists!
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milf-harrington · 3 years
for the ask meme- what are you thinking about rn? and also do you have more fic recs 👀 i want to read taob eventually but it feels like such an undertaking lol i might wait until its done
what are you thinking about right now?
im trying to figure out how to explain the design for my oc's apartment in the story im writing. cause it's, like, an industrial loft with brick walls and those really pretty big windows and there's a second floor that's balcony-styled where his bedroom is and right underneath is the kitchen. and it's tricky trying to figure out how to fit that into the paragraph i've written without just sounding like im listing stuff. not to mention all the stuff that makes it his apartment, like the massive bookshelves and the plants and the decorations and stuff.
writing is hard.
fic recs
oh man, i always have so many but the second someone asks my brain just turns into a ghost town lmao.
i had to go through my ao3 recs for this one lmao, most are probably gonna be sterek bc they're really good and that's what i've been reading lately ajkdfj sorry
Like a Paperback Novel, the Kind the Drugstore Sells - i love the way it's written, and the way the split pov brings in a bit of accidental comedy (they view eachother v differently) and also the relationship between siblings is very realistic and it was easy to imagine me and my sister being in the same scenarios.
sterek, 22K words, 1 chapter, actor!stiles + writer!derek
Five Times Derek Walked in on Stiles in the Shower and the One Time He was Invited - despite the title, this is a very soft no porn story. it's really funny and well written, and i love that the walking-in-on-stiles-showering is always out of a place of concern and never just to be creepy. i also really loved the way that not every time was funny, there's a pretty gentle and sad one mixed in which is,, not nice but nice yknow?? also there's so much casual pining, derek literally zones out bc he's thinking about how pretty stiles is
sterek, 25K words, 1 chapter
do you know how to do take-aways? - god this one is so fucking cute, it absolutely melted me and i couldn't stop smiling and laughing the whole time i was reading. it's basically a little girl calling the sheriff's station bc she needs help with her homework and the adults in her life always told her to call 911 when she needed help and stiles just does it bc he's a sweetheart and then they become friends and it's just very sweet and fluffy
sterek, 2K words, 1 chapter, human AU w deputy!stiles
The Real You - this one was actually on the list to put on as my favourite fanfic, before i remembered taob. i love the way it's written, along with the relationships between all the characters and the endless amusement i get from peter + boyd being disappointed in how stiles treats his car. also jackson and stiles being brothers is not something i thought i'd love as much as i did. dereks a bit of an ass at first but he comes around.
sterek, 34K words, 1 chapter, mechanic au but they're still werewolves
Better Fortunes - the note on the bookmark for this fic says "this changed me as a person" so do what you want with that. i don't really know how to describe the plot without giving a lot of the juicy stuff away so just know: stiles is really cool at magic, lydia is the goddess she always is, derek said "is anyone else going to keep this half-dead man i just found on the side of the road in the rain?" and then didn't wait for an answer ft. magic overload that's really sexy and sad
sterek, 39K words, 1 chapter
please don't leave me with a love that burns - i drew art for this fic actually!! it's a really nice mix of fluff and angst, and i really gelled with sokka bc i too clean and seek the comfort of my sister when im stressed or anxious. it's really well written, and there's some very soft and tender scenes towards the end that made my heart hurt in the best way and just aaa it's v good!
zukka, 8K words, 1 chapter, modern au w firefighter!zuko
Spark Rocks - the bookmark note for this is just: "*muffled screaming* zuko and toph being adopted siblings is something that can be so personal" and i feel like that says everything that needs to be said.
toph & zuko, 7K words, 1 chapter
Boiling Point - i love summer fics so much and this is definitely one of my favourites, it's basically just zuko + toph + sokka chilling in a blow up kiddie pool ft. soup jokes, zuko running in thongs (flip flops to non-australians) and sokka pretending he's not in love with zuko
zuko & toph & sokka, 3K words, 1 chapter
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your eyes look like coming home
The five times Patton asks Janus to marry him. 
Moceit, childhood best friends to lovers💙💛
Content Warnings: alcohol, light angst
Aaa this is my first fic in a million years or something. It’s kind of short and maybe not my best work, but I’m honestly just happy to have written something lol - hope you enjoy!
AO3 Link
The first time Patton asks Janus to marry him, it’s a dare.
“Hi! Do you wanna be married?”
Janus stares blankly at the nervous-looking kid in front of him, fiddling with the sleeves of his grubby school cardigan as he stared back at Janus, through large, almost owlish glasses.
He’s confused for a second, then he looks over the kid’s shoulder, and sees the familiarly smug faces in the background, smirking and whispering like they’ve just seen something very funny.
He looks back at the kid – he’s new, just joined last week. Named Patrick or something. He didn’t seem like he’d be involved with the mean kids, with his big, nervous brown eyes and fidgety behaviour. His soft, round face holds a nervous grin as he looks earnestly back at Janus, who’s now glaring exclusively back at the ones watching them
“Why?” he finds himself saying, instead of no.
The boy – Peter? – flushes a little, looking at his feet.
“Um – well -I it’s er, it’s the game.” He gives the explanation like he’s asking a question, prodding the playground floor with his scuffed trainers. “We’re playing, they said – er, I need to find someone to say yes and marry me – but it’s just pretend though – and um, so…”
Ah, so they were both being made fun of.
“They don’t want to play with me.”
The boy’s face falls instantly. “Why not?” he asks, tilting his head to one side. Janus glances at the group, still smirking superiorly at him and – Paul?
“Because.” He snaps, not entirely unkindly, “Go find someone else to ask, or they won’t want to play with you either.”
The boy looks crestfallen for a second, but a look of determination overtakes his face, small mouth forming into a thin, angry line.
“Then I don’t want to play with them.” He declares with a toss of his curly head, sitting himself down next to Janus on the playground floor.
The flock immediately stops smirking, muttering furiously to one another.
“That’s not a good idea…”
“Don’t care.” The boy thrusts a small, chubby hand out at him. “I’m Patton.”
 The second time, it’s a joke, but also a promise.
They’re sitting on opposite ends of Patton’s cramped twin bed, doing everything but the homework they wanted to meet up to solve, and Janus is pretending he’s not all too aware of their feet just barely touching each other.
“Hey, do you remember that time I asked if you would marry me?” Patton giggles, a sudden mischievous look taking over his face, dimples popping in and out as he looks back at Janus.
“Oh, you mean the first thing you ever said to me?” Janus replies airily, swelling with pride as Patton laughs even harder, scrunching his nose up in delight.
“You know, you never gave me an answer.”
Janus’s heart skips a beat. No it doesn’t, shut up .
His laugh is carefully nonchalant as he replies, “What do you mean?”
“Well, you never said! Would you marry me or not?” Patton laughs, “You’ve kinda left me hanging for years, if you think about it.”
He’s joking. This is a bit, Janus knows that. it doesn’t stop his traitorous heart from beating just that much faster as he smirks back.
“Sure, why not?”
“Oh, yeah?”
“Certainly, in like fifty years when we’re both old and lonely and we’re the only ones who can stand each other.”
He doesn’t believe it, obviously. He knows that he and Patton will always be together, but he doesn’t believe for a second that Patton won’t find someone, with his unbearable kind heart and his wide, honest eyes, and whoever it was would be damn lucky.
Patton laughs in delight at his response. “Ha! Sounds like a plan! Ooh – hold on!”
And then he’s jumping off the bed, going to rummage in his desk drawers.
“What the hell are you doing?”
“Celebrating our engagement properly! Be patient!”
And then he’s kneeling next to the bed, smiling cheekily up at Janus, a length of pale blue ribbon in his hand.
“What is that?”
“Shut up, I don’t have a ring.”
“You’re ridiculous.”
So, Patton ties the ribbon in a neat bow on Janus’ ring finger and kisses it quick before leaning back to gaze at him in satisfaction.
“There. Now you’re stuck with me no matter what.”
Janus doesn’t tell him that was going to happen regardless.
 Neither of them likes to talk about the third time.
Janus shoves his way past the teeming crowd of drunk dancers, craning his neck to spot a crop of dark curls or a pastel jumper. Goddamnit .
He wasn’t supposed to leave Patton’s side, he had suggested coming out here tonight as a way of cheering Patton up, and it had been working, until he had walked in, complete with brand new attractive arm candy, and…
He finally finds him out in the empty garden, clutching a beer can that looks to be mostly empty, staring blankly at the sky. He’s not actively crying, but as Janus walks over, he can make out the tear tracks on his face even in the dark.
So he’s definitely seen them.
“Hey, Janus.” His voice is subdued, and there’s a slight slur to the words.
“I’m so sorry, Pat,” He starts, “If I’d known he’d be here...”
“It’s ‘kay Jan, ‘m fine,” Patton reassures in a way that is not reassuring at all. His smile doesn’t reach his eyes and it’s painfully brittle, like it might shatter into a thousand pieces any minute. Recently, Janus has seen that smile a few too many times for his liking.
“Patton, no.” he replies firmly, but gently, “You’re drunk and heartbroken, and I’m at least partially responsible for that. I’m going to take you home.”
But drunk Patton is somehow even more stubborn than sober Patton can be at times, and he shakes his head resolutely.
“Janus, no.” he pouts, “ ‘m not that drunk, an’ ‘m not…not sad, an’ I don’t wanna go home.” He nods clumsily, having made his point, and then proceeds to stare blankly at the sky again.
Janus sighs.
“Well, then I’m drunk. And sad. And I need someone to take me home.”
Ever more attentive to other’s needs than his own, that gets Patton’s attention, the beautiful idiot that he is. Slowly, he nods and clambers to his feet, gripping Janus’ hand.
Neither of them drives, and Patton’s place is closer, so Janus walks them there, Patton clinging firmly to his side every step of the way. Janus can’t tell if it’s for balance or comfort.
When he gets them both inside the flat, Patton’s first words are, “Don’t leave.”
He gazes up at Janus with red-rimmed eyes, “I don’t like bein’ here alone.”
Janus’s heart aches at that, and he nods. He’d always found it hard to say know to Patton, especially when he’s like this, and especially when he asks for so little as it is.
Similarly, he can’t bring himself to refuse Patton’s beseeching gaze when he tucks him in and moves to sleep on the couch. So, a few moments later finds them in bed together, Janus staring at the ceiling and wondering how Patton can’t hear his heartbeat. They’ve shared a bed before, of course. But not in a long time. Certainly not since Patton started seeing him .
“I saw them, you know.”
He does know. “Really?”
“Mm. D’you think he loves him?”
Janus sighs, “I don’t know, Patton.”
“D’you think he loved me?” Patton’s voice is so soft, so resigned, so plaintive that Janus damn near breaks.
“You know I can’t answer that, Patton.”
“Sometimes I think he didn’t.” Patton admits matter-of-factly, “I tried so, so, hard, but he just didn’t. Ever. I wonder if anyone ever really will.”
There’s a scrap of faded blue ribbon tied on the end of Janus’ keyring that answers that question, but Janus doesn’t bring it up. He doesn’t have to.
“You know I know you’re not really drunk. Or sad.” Patton turns to look at him, his eyes gentle and frank.
“You’re jus’ lookin’ out for me. Like you always do. D’you remember that time I said we should get married when we’re all old an’ stuff?”
He doesn’t trust himself to speak. “Hmm.”
Patton smiles wanly. “I wish we could jus’ do that now. We’d jus’ have each other an’ it wouldn’ matter if no one loves me ‘cause I’ve got you.”
Their faces are inches apart and Janus has never wanted anything more than he wants to kiss Patton right now, to kiss his tears away and tell him he’d never be alone, because Janus wouldn’t let him – but he can’t. For a variety of reasons.
“Go to sleep, Patton.”
 The fourth time, it comes out of nowhere.
It’s two – three? Some godforsaken hour of the morning and Janus has work tomorrow.
And for some reason, his delightful boyfriend has decided that it is a perfect time to be awake and shuffling around to sit up in bed, and turn his bedside lamp on.
“Janus?” he whispers his name like he thinks it might break in his mouth, and God, Janus loves him, but he needs him to shut up and go to sleep right the hell now. He doesn’t move or open his eyes, lying with his face half buried in his pillow despite feeling Patton’s gaze on his back.
“Janus, sweetie?” he whispers again, “Are you awake?”
“… No. ”
“I’m sleeping. Can’t hear you. Zzzzz…”
Patton huffs out  a soft laugh. “I think we should get married.”
Janus stiffens. What? They’d barely been dating two months, they hadn’t even talked about marriage – at least, since they’d been dating. He had no idea it was on Patton’s mind, how long had he…
And more importantly, why was he bringing it up now?
Apparently taking his stunned silence to be outright rejection, Patton tries to backtrack quickly.
“I know, I know, it’s not been very long and I totally understand if you don’t want to because it’s too soon.” Janus feels a gentle hand rest itself on the blanket right above his shoulder, “I wasn’t really thinking of it either, but I couldn’t sleep just now and I couldn’t stop thinking, you know, about us, and you remember when we were kids, and all that stuff we always joked about, and how even though we’ve not been dating that long we’ve been together basically forever.”
He trails off, giggling self-consciously.
“And then you did something really cute in your sleep, you like, cuddled up to me and it hit me now I don’t think I ever want this to end.”
Janus finally sits up and faces the love of his life, who is looking back at him with a gaze that can only be described as besotted.
“I really love you, Janus. I want to be married to you.”
With a small, knowing smile, Janus leans forward and cups Patton’s face in his hands.
“Patton. Angel. Darling. Light of my life. I love you too.”
“…And that is why I categorically refuse to let you propose to me while you’re wearing your Winnie the Pooh pyjamas. Please let me sleep now, and I promise I will say yes no matter how you ask me next.” And with that, Janus places a kiss on the end of his boyfriend’s nose, turns around, and falls asleep.
 The fifth time is more or less perfect.
Well, he says more or less. Patton is perfect, in a neatly pressed pastel button-down, his curls bouncing in the gentle spring breeze despite all his valiant efforts to tame it.
Janus has made an effort to look his best as well, having had a feeling something special was coming. He hadn’t mentioned it of course, but with the way Patton had been jumping up and down in his seat as he drove them here, the way he had insisted on planning every aspect of this date himself – well.
Suffice to say his future husband had never been the best at keeping secrets.
The location Patton’s picked had certainly been perfect, atop a lush green hill with the kind of majestic cherry blossom tree you only see in romantic movies, pink blossoms practically dripping off its branches as they swayed in the wind, and beautiful rolling hills all around.
What isn’t perfect is when the two of them finally get comfortable on the hilltop, and Janus leaning against the wide tree trunk while Patton gets to unpacking the picnic he’s put together so meticulously, and it starts raining, almost instantaneously.
“I checked the forecast like three times, it was supposed to be clear skies!” Patton whines back in the car once they’ve finished packing up their things and run to safety, watching the light drips of rain get slowly heavier.
“I’m sorry dearest, I suppose the universe just doesn’t want this date to be.” Janus chuckles wryly, as he hands Patton’s dried glasses back to him.
“Eff the universe,” Patton grumbles, glaring adorably at the raindrop speckled windshield.
So, they play old love songs on the car music player and drink champagne and tuck into entirely too cute bite-sized picnic foods and talk and laugh and playfully flirt and point out constellations formed by the raindrops on the glass, and eventually, Patton stops pouting.
The conversation has slowly wound down and they’re quietly enjoying each other's company when he turns to Janus, taking a deep breath.
“God knows I’ve never been able to keep anything from you.”
“Why, whatever could you be talking about, my dearest?”
“…So, this probably isn’t a surprise to you in the least.”
Patton reaches into the picnic basket and pulls out a small box. It’s a pale yellow, tied in in blue ribbon.
“You’re my best friend, Janus,” his hands are steady, but his voice is already wavering, “You’ve always been here, my whole life, whether I need someone to help, or to talk to, or even just to cry at. I’ve loved you in so many different ways.”
Janus feels tears pricking at his eyes and blinks them away quickly; he refuses to miss a second of this, he wants the image of Patton’s earnest, loving face to be clear as day in his mind when he looks back on this whenever.
“..And I don’t ever want us to stop loving each other, so, hopefully for the last time ever, will you marry me?”
He laughs breathlessly and takes the box, delicately undoing the ribbon. It’s a cupcake.
A tiny, perfect cupcake with frilly blue icing, a golden ring in the shape of the tiniest coiled snake in the world, embedded in the icing.
“Do you like it?” Patton asks hopefully.
Janus surges forward to kiss his fiancé for the very first time.
Taglist: @ent-is-undecisive @disney-princess-patton
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linafication · 3 years
Do any of your characters have hobbies?. If so what are they?
:0 aaa thanks for the ask!! I’m gonna split this up by story (‘story’ it’s so pretentious it hasn’t even written anything) just for Organization :] & you might not know all the ocs I talk about here because I still have yet to make things about them dkfkdjgk
(they all definitely have more hobbies than what I say here, I’m just only listing one for each for the same of hands hurt)
marionette quintet:
melody - she writes songs!!! it’s something she’d like to take more seriously but she isn’t exactly confident in her abilities to try going for that (yet)
daisy - as I’ve said before daisy is an actress, but that’s like her Passion not her hobby. a lot of her hobbies are tied into that though, one of them being making little sketches of possible costume designs!! art isn’t exactly her strong suit, but she does it for fun so that doesn’t matter!!
red - it loves movies. they want to watch every movie that’s ever been made
green - theft. also baking (specifically muffins <3)
yellow - it collects stickers to put on itself!!
gray - he collects funky shoes !!! (usually with some help from green)
blue - ey fuckign love collecting those shitty gossip magazines they sell at gas stations
sean - robotics is their life’s work, but they do music stuff on the side!!
francesca - she does photography!! she makes sure to always have her camera on her <3
fucked up summer camp™ story:
gadget - archery!!! it’s been on some school archery team or another since the fourth grade!! those skills definitely come in handy at camp carlile
chords - they play the guitar!!! it was kinda Her Thing to be The Camp Counselor With The Guitar
sock - he loves singing!! he was in his school’s choir!!
critter - it takes parkour classes!! explains a lot about how
bonbon - she plays dnd!!! she’s always the dungeon master & she absolutely adores creating a world & playing all the npcs
hhvcd (only the characters that r actually My ocs):
haricot - other than messing around with fcuked up plants, haricot used to be very into acting!! ey always really loved watching old hollywood movies just for that Wack Unrealistic Drama. they never were really able to do much with it, but that love for drama really came in handy for the whole supervillain thing
alder - alder draws a lot!! she’s more into drawing landscapes than characters but still loves doing both!!
trixie - doing impersonations!! it sometimes (frequently) uses that skill for Actual Identity Theft
niko - they do calligraphy!!! it’s very relaxing for them & they make a lot of little pretty written messages for their friends
lindi - she cooks. a lot. & she’s incredible at it. she loves learning new recipes & putting her own little twists on them :]
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leftsidebonfire · 3 years
Should I start writing more spicy content or just disappear forever aaa help
I've written Spicy stuff before but never posted if beyond RP with people but writing that CaeCasta really stirred something up in me 🥴🥴🥴🥴
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davidmann95 · 3 years
Thoughts (if any) on DC's April 2021 solicitations?
Let’s take ‘em in order! I should be able to muster up a comment on just about everything one way or another.
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Green Lantern #1: Oh this is gonna be bad. Heard only the worst about Thorne’s Future State: Green Lantern, and I assume Jo Mullein’s DCU debut will be wasted here to either function as some kind of ridiculous ‘popularity contest’ with Teen Lantern for who gets the bigger push, or as a way to put TL over with a few “good work kid, you got a future” comments. Also, and granted I don’t know how Morrison will end or this will begin, is the New Guardians angle being immediately dropped?
Robin #1: Dope suit, art, and premise, but it’s Williamson so I don’t care.
Batman: The Dark Knight #1: I’ll read this and I expect to like it, but between this being Kubert’s first big Batman project since Master Race, the ‘old but not quite retirement age yet’ angle, and the title, I’m concerned the shock ending here is that it’s actually a stealth DKR prequel.
The Next Batman: Second Son #1: So they really are committing here, though weird that this kinda makes Ridley’s Future State book basically a longform teaser for this. And I’ll get it as it comes out since it turns out this won’t be in that John Ridley’s Batman collection after all - sorry Dustin Nguyen, I love your stuff but I won’t buy an entire trade of material I otherwise already own just for one new story by you.
The Batman & Scooby Doo Mysteries #1: I got that whole great-looking Scooby Doo Team-Up run by Fisch for free on Comixology, I should read that sometime and see if this’ll be worth getting too as well, because it sounds like a hoot.
Challenge of the Super Sons #1: Glad people who want it are getting it, I do not care.
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Action Comics #1030: His powers waning definitely won’t help the standard pre-run fuming by a lot of Superman fandom, but it’s an interesting pairing with PKJ apparently doing mainly cosmic Superman adventures so I’m curious where he’ll go with it. That it’s particularly cited as being tied to Death Metal might validate my suspicion that the new ‘everyone remembers their entire mainstream publishing histories’ thing will play into Johnson’s description of Clark really feeling his age at the start of the run. And Janin on covers even before he gets in on the book proper! And that Midnighter description!
Superman #30: This sounds like where Johnson’s gonna start with that worldbuilding he touted, and I’m curious; definitely reads in this instance like him shoving Clark and Jon into some swords-and-sorcery-esque territory he’s familiar with.
American Vampire 1976 #7: Not reading, don’t care.
Batman #107: I assume ‘the events at Arkham Asylum’ are the ‘A-Day’ ominously brought up in Future State solicits. Tynion Batman, Jimenez as the regular artist now, whatever the Unsanity Collective is, all entirely my shit. More importantly than any of that though, GHOSTMAKER BACKUPS. And drawn by Ricardo Lopez Ortiz, artist on Steve Orlando’s excellent The Pull! Dope!
Batman: Black & White #5: Any other issue and ‘Jamal Campbell doing a life story of Nightwing’ would probably be the highlight, but in case you somehow hadn’t heard Gillen/McKelvie are making their DC debut on a Batman vs. Riddler story here, absolutely wild.
Batman: Urban Legends #2: Even more excited for this now that I’m onboard for the Grifter and Outsiders stuff given how much those features pleasantly surprised me in Future State.
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Batman/Superman #17: Injecting it isn’t enough anymore, I need to be on some kind of constant IV drip with this book. I was wondering whether it’d take the premise to further generational riffs or follow a history of mass-media Supermen and Batmen, but instead it’s veering off in a direction I never could have guessed and I couldn’t be more excited.
Batman/Catwoman #5: Wondering how this Harley involvement plays in - I don’t imagine it’s quite what it seems given how King’s written her before. And love that Joker by Mann on the cover, major Clown at Midnight vibes.
Catwoman #30: No reason to assume this run won’t continue to rule.
Crime Syndicate #2: Dammit, I don’t think this book is going to be good, but I’m kinda tempted.
Detective Comics #1035: Wouldn’t be psyched, but Dark Detective was another pleasant surprise so I’ll give this a chance.
The Dreaming: Waking Hours #9: Again, not reading.
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Far Sector #11: Sucks a little knowing we’ll never see that little ‘Young Animal’ label in the corner again after this wraps. At least it’s going out on its highest note.
The Flash #769: In a vacuum this would sound dope but I have less than no faith in this, and goddamn that’s a terrible cover.
Harley Quinn #2: I’m sure it’ll be fine, no interest.
The Joker #2: I wanna believe Tynion will be able to make this work, he keeps talking like he has more freedom on this than he has some other books, but everything about this reads like the price he has to pay for relative post-Joker War freedom on Batman.
Justice League #60: It’s Bendis/Marquez on Justice League, lots of people will complain but I’ll mostly dig it. More interested in Ram V briefly getting to write the main crew in the JLD backup.
Man-Bat #3: I’d ask why this exists - and as a matter of fact I still do - but checking out some of DC’s digital-first output recently I see Dave Wielgosz has something on the ball, so maybe he’ll be able to make this work? Perhaps I’ll check it out in trade someday if worth-of-mouth is on its side.
Nightwing #79: I maintain, this is gonna be huge. And clever move to make for how to justify Nightwing keeping up his standard way of business after Bruce loses most of his money.
Rorschach #7: A comic I will purchase and let’s continue leaving it at that.
Scooby-Doo, Where Are You? #109: DC’s highest-numbered comic (that hasn’t gone through an interim renumbering), astonishing. Not getting it myself, but respect.
Sensational Wonder Woman #2: Can’t say this sounds like my thing.
Suicide Squad #2: I’ve been swayed into checking out the Future State debut, but that’d have to really blow me away for me to follow into the main book.
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Superman: Red & Blue #2: Sadly if unsurprisingly DC’s clearly not stacking this with AAA attention-grabbing names in the same way as this latest version of Batman: Black & White, but there do seem to be some interesting names from outside the usual big two roster here. And the main and Bolland cover may disappoint but holy cow that David Choe variant.
The Swamp Thing #2: I have no doubt it’ll be incredible but time and again I learn I simply don’t have it in me to care about Swamp Thing regardless of the objective quality of the effort put into him.
Sweet Tooth: The Return #6: Another one I’m not interested in.
Titans Academy #2: Oh lord so this is where they stuck Billy Batson.
Truth & Justice #3: I continue to have no idea what if anything the unifying idea of this anthology is supposed to be.
Wonder Woman #771: Wonder Woman as troubleshooter for mythological mishaps isn’t a permanently sustainable or desirable status quo but I’m down for it for as long as it lasts if it’s any good (though that Immortal Wonder Woman preview...concerned me, in spite of Jen Bartel’s jaw-dropping art).
So that’s 19-23 out of 37 I’ll be getting - if DC’s standard for success with Infinite Frontier is the proportion of their line people will be checking out, I guess it’s winning with me.
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The following message was obtained from XXXXXXXXXX’s house while they were asleep. We are not yet sure why it was written.
It wasn’t my fault that I knew so much about the family that lived in the big house, not really.
Two parents, and a lot of kids is all I knew to begin with. (I had tried counting the children before. I never got very far.) They were always gathering more kids, it seemed. They were all...fascinating. Something about their family drew me in. I wanted to know more, about the mysterious girl in the suit, about the thing with horns I kept seeing in their attic window. “You know they’d take you in if you asked,” my brain whispered. “Hush.” I whispered back. I wasn’t a child. They’d never want to associate with someone like me, someone who had seen the horrors I had.
That’s what I told, myself, at least.
Maybe it was the loneliness. Maybe I just wanted something else to keep me awake at night than the guilt of my past. But I couldn’t stop watching them. They called themselves the Chaos Family. I wasn’t sure if that was their legal surname, or just a title they gave themselves. I couldn’t seem to find documentation that could confirm either anywhere. I couldn’t find any record of them at all, actually. For a while I was worried that I had hallucinated the whole story. A giant family, living in a mansion that was for some reason placed in a normal neighborhood. It was bizarre! A dream, something my head had made up to cope. But then I remembered that, well, you couldn’t find much of me either.
Bad things have to happen to you to erase yourself. Bad things have to happen for you to get erased.
What really got me was how none of them... seemed like people who would need to get erased? Sure, they constantly talked about “world domination” but they never seemed to actually try that hard when it came to actually doing it. And when they did, the changes were always for the better. Mostly there was arson and petty theft. As well as a couple of murders, but the people that were killed were all awful people, so who cares? Besides, they somehow managed to win all of their court cases! 
I don’t agree with burning down the whole world for the sake of a new one. However, the earth could use a controlled burn or two.
But the worst part of all of it, oh how damning it was, was that every last one of them was nice. The parent with blue hair (Ren, the kids called them) helped me pick up my groceries when I dropped them. The child with the scars steals my paint brushes when I’m outside and calls it hijacking. It’s hilarious. The one with the suit, who is their lawyer and also most definitely not human has a very nice smile. Cenn, the other parent, manages to keep all however many children in line, which is a feat in and of itself. The porcupine tried to prick me when I was out on walks. Me and the porcupine are not friends. Porcupines aside, nothing made sense. Why is the whole family wanted? What did the kids go through? How does Cenn have seemingly infinite funds? I needed to know more.
I continued searching. I found… concerning things. I put pieces together, went through lines and lines of coded messages, hunted down as much info on as many people as possible. I wrote their stories down. And the more I found out, the more I realized how dangerous it was to know. But this burning curiosity… I couldn’t seem to quench it. It was this curiosity that lead to me nearly dying. It was me knowing too much that got me noticed when I was 15. I swore that I would be careful. I swore never to get noticed by anyone again. But something in my treacherous head told me to keep going. Maybe it was because I saw myself in them. Maybe it was because I thought that they could bring leads on a different ongoing project. Whatever it was, I didn’t stop. I got noticed. It only got more troublesome from there.
I was painting when I received the letter. A plain white envelope, addressed to my name. Inside was a paper demanding I go into questioning. They said I had “very useful information.” I knew what they were talking about right away. I had seen the name of this organization in my research. They claimed they were doing good, taking down “villains and liars who want to hurt the common man”. They were delusional. I didn’t want to talk to them. I wanted no part in their plans. However… I was more scared of what would happen if I didn’t go. The organization is powerful. So I went.
I don’t wish to say all of what was said. The man interrogating me was tall, his blue eyes unnaturally sharp. He managed to take my weapons from my bag without me knowing. He knew things that he shouldn’t. I know the tapes of what happened when I was 15 are still out there, but he knew things that weren’t on the tapes. “You blame yourself for their deaths,” he said. “Bet you’re afraid of kitchen knives now, huh?” he asked, looking me in the eye, his cold blue ones piercing through me. I don’t know how he found out about the knives, about that night. He threatened to kill me if I didn't help “take them down”. I knew he meant to kill them. I said I’d think about it. I got out of that room as quickly as possible.
It’s been a week since that day. I’ve made my decision. I won’t help them take the Chaos Family down. I’ll help the family burn the world if I have to. I am a strong believer in controlled burns, after all. I don’t know if I will die by not helping them. But I can’t bring myself to hurt that family. They don’t deserve what they’ll go through if they get caught. None of them deserve what they’ve already gone through. The Chaos Family will not be touched so long as I’m here. I will watch from the sidelines for now, but I will protect them. I’ve gotten this far. Maybe I am a liar,and a villain, and a danger to the world. Maybe I have gone insane.
I don’t know how you’re reading this if you are. But I no longer care if the world burns.
I’ve got nothing left to save from the ashes.
Not Yet In Custody
(Sooo, yeah! That's the story! It kind of got out of hand, but now I'm tempted to write more because now my brain is just bursting with ideas for this character as well as others...)
W O A H -
Your writing is AMAZING- OH MY GODS- I love this soso much!!! Aaa if you want to I'd love to read more of your stuff if you decide to write more. Aaaa I love this,,,
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Hey @impytricky I saw a post of yours (I'll try to link it here when I find it again) about how annoyed you were to see Gonta 'fans' talking about how Kokichi should've died in chap 4 ! I agree with that and I just wanted to say, first, I'm glad I never stumbled across something like this, second,,, aah
Now, I love Kokichi and Gonta as much as the next person, and not the 'pure cinnamon roll Gonta' but the boy who's intellect is severely underestimated, who constantly gets babied for absolutely no reason and feels extremely inferior to his peers as a result. I like Kokichi and Gonta's relationship, how you can often find them spending their free time together (which I don't remember seeing in a previous game? I'm not sure) and how Kokichi (despite popular belief for some reason?) Was the one to treat him best in how he understood how smart Gonta really was and trusted him- like how he took his word about seeing tiny bugs and didn't brush it off as 'Gonta idiot' like the rest of the class. Grumble grumble.
Aaa but I'm not gonna go on a tangent for this since I know ur blog and I think we're on the same line regarding those two!
I just wanted to share an idea I had like, right as I was watching Gonta's execution for the first time, an execution for Kokichi in chapter 4!
Like, Kaito voted for Kokichi in the trial. But imagine if maybe Maki had joined him- like how she always sides with Kaito in scrum debate after he learns her real talent (I think? I'm not sure about this info) or if Tsumugi had voted for him to spice things up. And if for some reason, Kokichi had kept no rational sense at the end of that trial and was just completely crushed under the weight of his emotions and decided to vote for himself since he couldn't bring himself to vote for Gonta, even if too many people voted for him and he became the blackened right at that moment he really wouldn't care anymore and at least their plan would have worked and he wouldn't've had to live with his sin.
Anyway, that makes 3 votes for Kokichi, and the player's vote! So yeah I think it's abundantly clear now that I'm going for an alternate route where you -the player- vote for Kokichi and both he and Gonta are blackened. I've seen takes on this scenario and so far haven't found the gem among the stones- especially now that I'm imagining those Gonta 'fans' posts wanting to kill Ko out of spite, yikes. I just wanted to share my thoughts with a fan who's got taste wink wonk ;]
So: Monokuma stays unclear about the two blackeneds tho and just drags Gonta gets taken to his execution, except that unlike the normal version this time there's a those lock things on the metal chains and Kokichi jumps in to try to lockpick those and free Gonta.
Haha I've already got the scenario somewhere written I'm feeling a lil lazy lemme just copy paste it.
So imagine: Gonta is taken to be punished. He's attached to the pole and Monokuma walks in and the execution song starts. But then Kokichi runs in in front of Gonta and alter ego and fumbles with the chains to try and free him, Gonta panics and urges him to go back and not die and he's not the murderer and Gonta can't die knowing he couldn't even protect his classmate one last time only because of those chains. Such despair! Kokichi doesn't listen and desperately tries to get rid of the chains and pick the many locks one by one. Monokuma starts shooting the bugs at them and Gonta is still struggling to try to get Kokichi to move out of the way and Kokichi is growing nauseous from the bug stings and his face gets blue then purple in Danganronpa fashion and Monophanie's stomach grows bigger and bigger and just then Kokichi finds a last lock hidden between the chains he lockpicks it with shaky hands- but Monophanie's stomach bursts open and the lock clicks and right as it falls in Kokichi's hands the giant bug bursts out of Monophanie. Gonta pushes the chains off his arms and legs, falls to the ground, limbs finally free, and jumps in front of Kokichi with his back to the bug to protect him, but right as he's about to push him out of the way of danger the giant bug strikes them both, its his claw digs in their abdomens and they both fall to the ground. After a beat the wooden pole creaks and falls on their on top of their bodies with a heavy thump. Monokuma looks with disgust at the bodies still twitching a little and the nasty bug on top and he throws a match on the pole and everything catches on fire. The fire crackles and the music fades out and the image cuts to alter ego Gonta at their feet looking sad before his screen glitches and goes black and a dark grey puff of smoke comes out of it.
(Dramatic much, I know, but I'm a sucker for despair and tragedy.)
After that you get a shocked text from Shuichi who doesn't understand why Kokichi did that and something like how till the very end he confused them all with his lies (nothing much too grand and emotional, your typical killing game shuichi after chap 4 talking here). After that you get a weird disturbing ending like that of dr1, with a last CG of all the students aged up smiling at a camera, Maki and Shuichi holding up Kaito's portrait since he died of his disease, and with that awful music to disturb you further at the weird image and to really rub it in that you fucked up by being spiteful and voting Kokichi, bad choice you silly player.
I just kinda think it's a cool response to those who could hate Kokichi and get petty and vote for him- only to have a bad ending as a result and a surprise regarding Kokichi's character. I also thought of it as more of a Kokichi's execution, kinda like how it would have Kokichi elements: lockpicking, his leadership quality and how he puts his people before himself and is pretty selfless, also willingly putting himself in front of Gonta so he doesn't get bug stings- which is cool with Kokichi disliking bugs. And just how by being a petty hater you give Kokichi a somewhat peaceful death where he doesn't live with his sins, but you the player get a bad end instead as a result. On Gonta's side, I just like the despair of him ultimately dying unable to protect his friend.
All in all, I just thought it'd be a cool take on chap 4, especially with how… tasteless Gonta's execution feels to me. I also kinda just like this as a Kokichi execution that exploits some of his aspects well enough without being overly dramatic- like the many popular fan excutions I've seen that have him on lie detector forced to tell the truth about his intentions and how he cares about his friends and yadda yadda simp stuff- like, you should be able to see a Dr character's execution and not be able to tell if this character is important or not based on that alone; executions don't discriminate between the popular and the lame, so I think this is a fitting enough execution for Kokichi that works for his character, isn't too lame but isn't too grandiose. This has it's flaws for sure, like how that ending doesn't fit the fictional world reveal of chap 6 and some minor details, but ah, eh, uhm, you know.
I'm a sucker for discussions I'd love to hear your thoughts on this! Since you too have a respectable good view of Gonta and I think I saw a post about you thinking of a Kokichi execution? Aaa you know whatever I'm getting awkward now—–-
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ndragoon · 3 years
Okay, I got quite a few more asks, but they were purged because oh my god were they bad. It wasn't even actual discussion. Just outright obviously incorrect assumptions and stuff where they are clearly trying to start some sort of discourse for the sake of it. Heck, one of them even ran a ~discourse blog~ and even talked about how they bask in all the hate they receive.
First, I've never played TLOU at all. I've seen something like the first half of the first one and not the second at all. I don't know what the writing is like or what happens in it, nor do I actually care. The first one was subpar and full of so much bad plot, it's obvious they just wanted to make a B rate movie but got stuck in a AAA game studio instead.
But when I see everyone talking about how it is looking real good for so long and they show all these clips and stuff and it's got so much promise and is so amazing. But then it's suddenly the worst thing ever despite being months before it is released...and it just so happened to change right after they confirmed she was actually a lesbian. People complained about that specifically before, during, and after release. It was in all the gaming news. I was reading all the comments on the articles and posts and what have you. So no. It wasn't because I'm trying to "support the American zeitgeist" (whatever tf that even means) or because I'm some fanboy who wants to "support a badly written game". I saw that all of the drama and hate was because the game had a female main character and because she was a lesbian. In fact, I saw comments for Horizon: Forbidden West WHO WERE STILL HATING ON TLOU2 FOR THOSE REASONS. So don't tell me that it's just because of bad writing, because the first game had bad writing and you all loved it anyway.
Also, you have to really make some stretches to say that I love concentration camps and genocide. You also really have to stretch to say that I am some Biden thumper who wants to deep throat his boot and support him on everything. I only voted for him because he was the presidential candidate who wasn't actively inciting an insurrection and civil war, nor was he the one all but outright calling for a nationwide Purge to occur to get rid of all the "undesirables".
I am fully aware that he isn't "great", I'm aware he isn't even "good". I only chose him because it was one of two, and he was better than the alternative. Yes, I'm also aware that he was the one who started ICE and made this all possible. Not once have I denied anything that he did.
Also, none of that "that post you reblogged from so-and-so was actually a TERF" unless you're actually going to send a link. The search on this site is abysmal to the point that searching my blog for those names shows up literally nothing. Yes, it has been a while, so they likely changed names three or four times by now. But that's also why it is important to give a link to the post. Not that blocking actually works on this site, because I still see posts from users I've blocked. I've had to unfollow entire swaths of blogs just to avoid some content I didn't want to see.
I specifically stopped following political blogs because it got so bad for my mental health. And even then, I started seeing more and more through other blogs I followed because obviously things didn't get better. That doesn't happen just because you voted for someone and you'd have to be really oblivious to the world if you think it actually works like that.
But this is my last reply to any asks. I removed all but the ones that have sentimental value, and I will not be revisiting my ask box.
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