#i’ve legit just been listening to rolling girl on loop all day
dexalyys · 1 year
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okietrish · 5 years
Second Sun: pt. 1~ Greta Van Fleet
Hey guys! This is my first time writing anything like this. I’m a massive fan of Greta and have been pissed to find that there is no fan fiction anywhere!!!! So I took matters into my own hands. Feed back would be wonderful. I’ll take requests, all that Jazz, whatever y’all want I’m willing to give it a shot. Alright. Y’all enjoy this first part.
Your mind isn’t a place that comes without chaos. It’s cloudy at times and riddled with worrisome thoughts and essentric dreams that spiral you into realizing that you’re not conventional in the least. This isn’t a new realization by any means, its obvious to you that your brain doesn’t function habitually. When you were younger you didn’t find yourself speaking your mind all that much due to anxiety, but you craved being heard, being noticed, being a person... that’s where writing came into play. It started off with poems, ridiculous journals that are so ‘edgy’ from when you were 12. It actually was “just a faze,” thank god, which made your mother happy...
Gradually through time and experience and aggressively going through far too many notebooks, your writing got far better, more natural for you, which lead to the true love of your life, music.
Music is constantly playing through your head, evident right now as you’re standing in line at Spill’n The Beans, hands down the best coffee shop due to the name alone. The people surrounding you look on curiously, unbeknownst to you, as you perform a detailed toe tapping/air drumming combo to the beat of You Shook Me by Zeppelin. The coffee shop wasn’t crowded this morning. Quiet, secluded, enough space around you to allow all of the thoughts and ideas to flow easily without the stress of other people to suffocate your mind. When you approach the front of the line you take your head phones out and get greeted by the warm, nostalgic smile of your best friend.
“Y/N, I’ve never been so happy to see your sexy self”
“My god Syd I saw you at home 40 minutes ago, miss me already?” You laughed at her look of betrayal knowing you’re in for a dramatic performance.
“Y/N Y/L/N I barely see you anymore and we live together. It’s all music now a days!” Her arms are on her hips now, mothering you like always. She complains of it, but you know deep down she loves to look after you.
You looked behind you making sure no one was in line waiting as she continued in a voice that was suppose to mock your own.
“‘Sorry love I have to practice bass.’ ’sorry Syd I have this tune stuck in my head and I need to go write’ ‘sorry Syd I’m just too fucking rock and roll to hang out with you and binge watch Harry Styles compilations anymore!’”
You looked at her for a moment, a smirk rising to your lips as your snorted a bit at your chaotic friend.
“Are you done?” You asked laughing.
“Yes, but I do miss you.” She said as she began making the same ice coffee combo you get every morning on your way to work, black cold brew with one pump of vanilla. A bitter sweet combo to kickstart your mind.
“I miss you too.” You spoke over the coffee machine. You did feel bad about not spending as much time with her as you wanted to.
“I get off tonight at 6, wanna have a movie night?” You offered.
Syd poked her head above the machine, her eyes crinkled, evident that she was grinning ear to ear.
“Nah I’m good.” She said smugly and ducked back down. If you rolled your eyes any harder they would be stuck.
“Got fuck your self, pick up snacks on your way home, I’ll grab McDonald’s. Lets have a date.” She handed you your coffee with a smile.
“Sounds like a plan. See you later sis.” She flipped you off as you walked out. It was a routine, a sign of love and endeaarance put into place god only knows how long ago.
Your drive to work was nothing abnormal. Songs shuffled and inspiration flew through your veins. Today you felt good. Hopefully it stayed like that, you thought.
You pulled up to Jackknife Records at 8:20am, 10 minutes early for your shift, per usual. Grabbing all of your belongings out of your car you made your way inside, immediately being greeted by your boss and owner of the store Rob.
“Morning Y/N!” His lanky arm waved happily towards you.
“Rob, my man, any cool drop offs last night?” You say making your way behind the counter to set down your stuff.
“There’s an old beat up Beatles White Album back there. She looks like she was used and loved, it’s still in great condition. It’s on my desk waiting for you.”
You always had this routine with Rob. If anyone dropped off some cool vinyls, or any odd ball things he thought you would enjoy he saved them for you in his office. You never asked him to, he just noticed you always bought records from the store so he quickly developed an idea for your taste. Which wasn’t really anything specific, if it had a good vibe you loved it. Good music is good music no genre or decade could put a box around it.
“You’re the best!”
You began your usual routine as Rob opened up the store. Stacking records, scanning and placing tags, the mundane things that brought the record store to life.
It was a slow day, seeing as it was Saturday morning and everyone was likely hungover from the night before. Days like this are your favorite, though you do enjoy busy days where you get to help people figure out their taste and what they want, or need, in their life musically, but days like this meant that you could listen to music and write.
Rob knew you got your work done through and through, so he was never bothered by you writing on the job or playing music for everyone to hear, occasionally even bringing your bass to work and playing in the corner. He knew you were a good worker and if anyone came in you’d take care of them. This place was like your home, had been for 2 years now since Rob offered you a job. He is an old family friend, went to high school with your dad way back in the day. So when you moved out to LA for school you dad made a phone call to Rob and he took you under his wing.
You helped out a few customers here and there, tidied up some more, but mostly all you did was listen to different music and sing along.
It was around noon now, so you began stocking some cd’s while Rob was behind the counter. Occasionally Rob would throw in a request here and there and take the store’s music into his own hands, which is why Whose Loving You by The Jackson 5 began playing over the speakers.
“Rob what the hell?” You laughed at him. You knew he put this on knowing it’s your go-to karaoke song. He does it at least once a week.
“Oh hush, no one is in here. Sing your heart out kiddo.” He joking dismissed you with his hand. You laughed at his ‘dad’ antics.
You continued stocking cd’s when your voice came in perfectly, the first run was second nature at this point.
“When I had you” you were being dramatic now, hand movements, extra ear plugging motions pretending like you were Christina Aguilera to be funny. Rob was laughing to himself as he walked into the back room. You continued, not even realizing he left.
“I treated you bad
And wrong, my dear
And girl since
Since you went away”
You were back to stocking CD’s when the hook came around, singing effortlessly, but eloquently.
“Don't you know I
Sit around
With my head hangin' down
And I wonder
Who's lovin' you”
You sang through the song, not even thinking about the notes at this point. This song was constantly on loop in your brain since your dad showed it too you some 15 years ago. You were within yourself in those moments. Oblivious to all around you other than your voice, the song, and the robotic motions of CD’s organization. The bell ringing on the front door didn’t register to you as you went about singing. It wasn’t until the song ended and another one came on that you didn’t recognize that you looked up and noticed four guys, around your age, looking at you curiously. They were still standing by the front door, seemingly frozen in their place as they looked on completely infatuated with the sight in front of them. You. The tall one with long brown hair down to his collar bones with a jean shirt on began clapping for you, thoroughly impressed. You became flustered immediately going into apologetic mode, per usual.
“Oh my god I’m so sorry! I didn’t even hear you come in.” You paused looking at them expectantly for you don’t know what, but they just continued looking at you, smiling.
You began again,
“Sorry umm... feel free to look around. Sorry for singing so loud... let me know if you have any questions.”
You walked back to behind the counter to switch the music again. You hooked up your phone and just pressed shuffle, trying to find something catchy, but mostly something to smooth out your nerves at the moment.
You felt a presence in front of you, looking up you discovered it was the guy who clapped before, his friends scattered about the store.
“Hey! Your voice is sick. Sorry we interrupted your personal concert.” His fingers were tapping on the counter as he looked at you. It seemed more like a habit to him, not necessarily a motion of impatience or anything like that. He was kind, immediately you picked up on that, his smile was endearing.
“Oh thanks! And don’t worry about it, I was just bored.” You smiled back. This seemed to guide him into the conversation.
“Cool store by the way. You seem to have a pretty legit collection. My brother’s, my friend and I were just walking past and just had to come in. The music guided us, ya know?”
You laughed a bit at his relaxed nature, seemingly mirroring your own. You haven’t met many people like that.
“I feel that, music can guide you anywhere. Most of the time it’s where you need to go most.” You said as matter of fact.
He put his hand up for a high five, which you granted, “Hell yeah. I’m Sam by the way.”
He stuck his hand out towards you again, this time for you to shake.
“Nice to meet you Sam, I’m Y/N.” You chuckled as you shook his hand. He turned towards the other guys and released your hand.
“Hey, losers, come here really quick.”
He turned back to you and smiled before turned to the guys again. He stepped to the side so they could see you.
“This right here is Y/N she is dope, so far, and has a sick voice and clearly good music taste because look at that Bo Diddley shirt. I need that shit. I mean... Come on! We’re best friends now.” He smiled at you with a cheesy look.
They boys and you laughed at Sam’s antics, it was obvious that they were beyond use to the ridiculousness of Sam’s personality by now.
You quickly said, “Hey!” to all of them and they introduced themselves to you.
The tall one, about Sam’s height, walked up to you first. He was wearing a t-shirt with a very delicate floral design on it partnered with black shorts that hit just above his knee. His Birkenstock’s were well worn it, but in decent shape. He looked relaxed and childish in a way, a trusting face. Someone you could tell everything to, very trusting.
“Hey Y/N, I’m Danny. Nice to meet you! Love the shirt.” His smile was contagious. A kind soul. You smiled, your mouth opening to reply before someone spoke up.
“Your outfit in total is just suburb. The shirt, the high waisted shorts, the Birkenstock’s. Fantastic. I’m Josh by the way.” You were overwhelmed but not frightened in the least by his quick words. He seemed friendly as well, he spoke with his hands, twisting them, retailing every syllable with a flick of a finger. Very unique. That uniqueness ran through to his outfit. Short red shorts, a black flowing shirt decorated with layered necklaces with different details on each.
You smiled in your reply, “you’re very kind, also where the hell did you get your shoes, I love them.” They were small, black Toms looking shoes.
Josh smiles at you sweetly, even more in tuned with the conversation, which you didn’t think was possible, “Well you see, they are 100% recycled material. You can wash them and they have a lifetime warranty. I can give you the website, love them!” All the boys seemed to laugh at Josh’s enthusiasm.
The unnamed one speaking up, “Oh please don’t get him started on those damn shoes!” He laughed while stroking his bottom lip with his right thumb and pointer finger. “I’m Jake by the way. Lovely to meet you.”
Jake was intriguing to you. He carried himself differently than the other boys, as far as you could tell. Still kind and light hearted, more monotoned. He work black skinny jeans, brown boots and a grey t-shirt topped with a brown floppy hat.
You smiled at all of the boys.
“You guys seems cool. What brings you down here?” You move so you’re sitting on the counter, having a feeling you will be talking for a while.
Josh spoke up first, “We’re recording some songs at the moment, trying to get to an album, but we got stuck. So we decided to get some inspiration out here.”
The way he spoke was captivating, confident in a way that captured everyone’s attention. You were fascinated.
“LA is inspirational if you allow it to be. Are you guys all in a band?”
They all nodded their heads yes.
“Alright who does what? Wait can I guess?!” You we’re excited.
“Hell yeah go for it.” Sam said. They all stood in a line, it looked as if they were in a police line up, you giggled but stared at them intently.
“Alright... Danny, you’re the drummer.”
“Fuck you’re good!” Danny said laughing and stepping out of line walking over to you giving you a high five.
“It’s the arms my man, dead give away.” You smiled at him and continued. “Sam... singer? No. No. No. guitar?” You questioned. Crossing your arms, looking far to serious for this situation.
“Ha! No! I’m bass and keys baby!” He then played air piano aggressively and walked over to stand with Danny.
You laughed and continued.
“Josh, you’re obviously the singer.” You said with false confidence.
“Woah!” Josh was shocked. “What’s so obvious about it!?”
“My friend, you annunciate your words eloquently, so it was a good guess.” You said smiling at the curly haired man.
“Touché Y/N. Touché.” He walked towards the other boys while staring you down jokingly.
You hopped off the counter walking towards Jake. Jokingly inspecting him you walked around him pretending to judge him harshly.
“Hmmmm... Jake Jake Jake.” You stopped standing in front of him, looking up into his eyes. You were taken aback a bit by his steady glare, a smirk appeared on his face.
“You, darling, are a guitar player.”
He smiled at you, “oh yeah?”
You walked away jokingly confident, “yes of course, your hands are calloused to all hell.”
Sam jumped towards you throwing his arm around you, “Damn Y/N 3/4 ain’t bad at all!”
They all laughed along. You realized you knew what they all played, but no idea what band they were in.
“Wait, what’s the name of the band. Maybe I have heard of you!” You looked at Sam expectingly.
“Greta Van Fleet.” He said nodding his head down firmly, seemingly proud.
“What kind of music do y’all play?”
“Give me your phone I’ll show you!”
You grabbed your phone, unlocking it and handing it to Sam. He immediately opened Spotify. While Sam was looking them up Josh looked like he got an idea.
“Y/N you should come by tonight! We’re having a bonfire, it’ll be fun!”
You go to reply but the sound of a guitar blaring through the speakers interrupts your train of thought. You’re instantly taken aback by the music. Immediately feeling your body bounce with the beat, you begin to press your fingers on your right hand to your thumb. An anxiety coping mechanism that centers your focus onto one thing. It’s a habit of yours.
The boys look at you curiously again, but you don’t notice.
Jake smiled and explained, “This is Black Smoke Rising.”
You agknowledge him with a smile and a head nod. Far too into the music to reply. This always happens to you, your ear for music goes beyond the lyrics and main instruments. You’re a song writer through and through, you connect with songs in a euphoric way, and uncontrollable reaction.
The song comes to an end. The boys look at you, waiting for your response. You stared at all of them, taking your time looking at each and every one of them for a moment.
“Guys, that was absolutely sick. That’s just... Sam give me my phone.”
He immediately handed it over to you.
You quickly save their music to your library and follow the band.
“We have a new fan!” Josh says with a smile as wide as his face. He continues, “so will you come tonight? Please?” He batts his eyes at you pleading.
You hesitate, “I would love to, but I have plans with my best friend Syd tonight. I can’t bail.”
All the boys looked at you, evidently bummed by your answer. Jake is the one who spoke up.
“See if she wants to come! If not, that’s fine. Here, put your number in my phone. I’ll text you the details.” He handed you his phone. As you typed in your number you said hopefully,
“Perfect! I’ll see what I can do!” You smile at all of them, Jake opened his mouth to say something when the front door bell rang followed by a group of teenagers coming in the store. You looked over seeing that the group was looking a little lost.
“Well boys, it was lovely to meet you, but I do have to get some work done. I get off at 6 tonight, so I’ll let you know if I can make it!”
The guys looked at you with big smiles filled with excitement.
“Wonderful!” Sam said clapping his hands together. “Just let us know!” He smiles and have me a side hug before walking towards to door. Josh said goodbye to me next with a hug and an excited clap of his hands, leaving with a wink causing you to laugh. Danny walked over to you and gave you a sweet side hug, “Hope you can make it tonight Y/N!” He waved to you while he walked away.
You smiled and waved as he walked out the door, chasing after the other boys who were out of the store by now. Your eyes fell to Jake who looked at you with an amused face.
“What?” You looked at him and giggled.
“You’re just...” He shook his head and smiled at the ground before continuing, “I hope you come tonight Y/N.” He took a step towards you and stopped, shuffling his feet, debating something, before walking towards the door. He stopped and looked back at you, “I’ll text you, alright?” You nodded your head towards him and waved goodbye before he walked out the door.
You went back to work, helping the other customers in the store before finishing your cd stocking. Rob came back out from his office and sent you on your much needed lunch break.
You made your way to the back room with your lunch box in hand, a nervous smile spreading on your lips while you pulled out your phone quickly typing in Syd’s contact to shoot her a text.
Y/N: Soooooo... How do you feel about going to a bonfire tonight instead a movie night🤗
Syd: Y/N. I don’t like people. You know this.
Y/N: Yes, but I will still buy you McDonalds, and there will be cute boys👏🏻
Syd: I mean... you had me with the nuggets, but boys help. You owe me. 🖕🏻
Y/N: 🖕🏻❤️
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scoundrels-in-love · 6 years
For the OC ask game: 3, 10, 11, 18, 21, 36, 42 and 45. You can answer about any OC, but you know I love my boy Awan.
This only took me like a week or more. I’m so sorry. I am going to answer this for your boy Awan + Another OC in shorter way, if I have someone that this question applies to vividly.
Under cut cause long af.
Ask me OC asks 1 or 2? (But specify which one, if you do? :D)
3. What is/was your character’s relationship with their father like?Awan has no complaints, really. His parents were busy and out of house, even village, for most of the time, providing for him and his siblings, but when they were home, they’d always listen to him and find time for him, the best they could. Even if they couldn’t quite believe his incredulous stories of things he has seen or experienced on his small adventures. But no adult really did. His father taught him a lot about fishing, the ocean, general survival and encouraged him to pursue what he wanted, sensibly. Even after Awan left with the lions, he’d return from time to time, always to be greeted warmly and sent off with loving, encouraging worry. His father is long gone now and Awan holds nostalgic warmth for him and his childhood, for the most part.
Leila adored and idolized her parents, really. With all her child’s heart. Losing them really did a number on her, psychologically. Over time, she grew to temporarily resent them, father in particular, and in some ways she still has not made up with him in her mind. She might, she might not. Even if she does, she realizes he was far from flawless and eternally wise (or kind) as she pictured in her early years.
10. Does your character feel more comfortable with more clothing, or with less clothing?Awan used to love to run around part undressed, playing on the ocean shore. Even when he would have to dress more warmly due to weather or little expeditions into the woods or the mountains, he’d love to stay barefoot. That is one thing that hasn’t changed - he really loves walking barefooted in nature, to dig his toes in the sand and feel little waves lap at his feet. But overall, he is definitely more on the ‘let’s bundle up’ type now. Good part because being around the lions is constant drain on his energy and he is more prone to feeling cold.
I8a feels fine either way. She does not feel cold or hot easily, regulating her body temperature and the fabrics of her clothes work similarly as well. She is more about how things look and feel. Patterns, design, fabrics. She could go all out in huge dress or skintight bodysuit with cleavage for days. Or bikini. The concept of more skin/showing off curves = sexy does not register with her, because ‘sexiness’ does not mean anything to her, other than a criteria that humans use. This has sent the wrong signals and gotten the wrong attention and later on, she knows how to ‘control’ her appearance to suit missions, but it’s just a purposely learned behavior.
11. In what situation was your character the most afraid they’ve ever been?
This is a good question for Awan. I’ve actually not considered this. I feel like his biggest fear moment is yet to come, but in the past? Possibly ending up in a small rockslide when he was 7 or 8 in the mountains. He got really lucky then, getting only broken ankle and whole lot of bruises and scratches, but the fear was great, so was impact of his parents’ worries and he has become a lot more observant/cautious about his surroundings since then. Even known ones, because you never know what small change has transpired to change everything.
For Ryan, I think it was the moment he realized he’s probably going to legit lose his arm and eventually life. He was stuck in apathy and depression loop for a long time, he’s still not out of it (in some ways it has even worsened), but the pain was getting way too much and survival instincts kicked in... Except there wasn’t much of anywhere to turn to help. So he went to some place that turned him into a test bunny in ways that weren’t comforting or fear-soothing in itself. He was rightfully afraid for his life, also at their hands. And in some ways, that fear and hate hasn’t gone away and he’s always internally snarling and baring teeth at them like a dog backed in corner. Looking for a way out that would hopefully also give him a way to tear a chunk out of their shins.
18. Is your character more likely to admire wisdom, or ambition in others?
Awan would definitely pick wisdom. Ambition without wisdom can be borderline greed - because if you don’t pick what you want wisely, it can be quite dangerous. And so can be the ways you go for it. Ambition is good, but it can’t be the sole thing driving you, it can’t ride on itself alone.
Awkward moment when all characters I’ve spoken more about would more or less agree with this viewpoint. I mean, both Leila and Elinor would strongly be like, sometimes you gotta just drive forward and Elinor might appreciate wisely guided ambition but she is definitely impulsive as heck. So, yes, this was sort of meta question for me, lol.
21. If something tragic or negative happens to your character, do they believe they may have caused or deserved it, or are they quick to blame others? 
Awan definitely feels like he has caused it in some way. With great power comes great responsibility and feeling like you could’ve prevented it. You had to foresee. In fact, he may end up feeling guilty for things that weren’t even connected to him at times, especially in the initial period of living with the lions. Time has dulled this, he can outweigh what was in his control, what was his responsibility, and what was not. But the mindset is there.
Elinor is a mix of two. Honestly, deep down she’s definitely ‘I’m guilty for everything’ type, but it’s not in her nature to reveal that to many people, if any at all. Not to the very bitter dredges, anyway. So, she can and will blame other people, often rightfully, call them out on their bullshit and what they did wrong. She can be petty and bitter and downright cruel and then deal with original guilt + guilt that stems from issues she caused with this reaction via drink (tho this is more of her pirate!self method) or putting herself in harm’s way, starting bar fight’s etc. Being generally reckless, bordering physically abusive to her own body.
36. How does your character behave around people they dislike?
Awan... is reserved with his emotions. For the most part. But just as you will know that he is warming up to you, you will probably feel the cold shoulder, the stare that goes deep into you, trying to sort you out, the absence of laughter sparkle or smile. Serious Awan to the max, not inclined to do any favors to you/help you specifically. Not going to get a card reading from him, for sure.
And, well, if Awan doesn’t like you, you will probably have one very grumpy black lion showing his dislike in every way, from petty things like tripping you to downright slowly tearing down you as a person and all that you love. Though, unless you’re truly a villain (and even then), Awan will try to rein that in.
If Elinor doesn’t like you, you’ll know. She’s snarky, argumentative and at times, down right rude to people as is, and if you have earned her dislike from her, she will not be afraid to fight you, physically even. Especially if you’re forced to interact. Otherwise, she might resort to just ignoring you and rebuking you with some snark. Now, there’s the fact that some people that she does treasure get pretty similar treatment, since they do irritate her as well... But they can tell the difference. Or so they say and she just rolls her eyes.
42. Has your character ever had a parental figure who was not related to them? 
I would say the lions, but it is more a sibling dynamic with Awan, especially with Achan. Meira can be sort of kind but overbearing mother, but she also listens to him deeply, so, again perhaps more of older sister that wants to mother him, but understand he’s an adult with important insight. Other important familial figures also fall into the vein of sibling, instead of parents.
Leila did have someone, but she was abusive and cruel (while having best intentions for Leila) and died at the girl’s hands. It was the natural order of things, though, just the ‘madame’ did not expect the day to come so soon. Leila bears many physical and mental scars that still ache, given by this person. And lives in mild fear that if she was ever in position of being parental figure to anyone, she would hand this side of her experience down more than the fading memory of her biological parent’s love. (Mostly groundless fear, but that is what I know.)
45. What does your character believe will happen to them after they die? Does this belief scare them? 
Awan knows with certainty that you do not cease to exist when your physical body dies, that there is spirit and soul and the concept of heaven and hell the Outside World has is very tilted and not true. He knows some come back and cycle through lives, but also that not all do or wish to. He is at peace with what will happen to him after he dies. He is, however, not at peace with thought of the chaos his death will bring to the world, or idea of leaving something or someone hurt/unaccomplished.
In fact, most characters I’ve spoken of, again, fall in this same vein. No matter if they believe in something after they die or not, they’re okay with the concept of it and their bigger fear is failing to do something in their lives. Such as Elek. I8a knows she will join a higher consciousness, essentially. Ryan doesn’t think there’s anything and that’s essentially sort of relief just as much shitty feeling as this entire existence is. Genie believes death is just transformation, an inevitable part of nature. A change. And so on.
Now, Elinor.... Is an outlier, because she is someone from religious background, but was also forced to act out against the very basis of it, from early childhood and has grown to feel both like sinner and beast that somehow god has permitted to be. This has steeped her in resentment, for god, for herself. Over the years, she’s learned of great many other religions and basically goes like ‘Oh, so there’s all these conflicting concepts? Well then who can fucking knows which one is true and I guess I will find out after. Don’t plan on dying soon anyway.’ But, deep down, a certain unease remains, for sure. She does feel like she will be judged, for who she is and what she has done, just as she is in this life, just tells herself she won’t give a damn, just as she does not now. (She does, though, but shhh.)
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Title: Model Behavior Ch.3
Author: @blaineandsamevanderson
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Ship: Danny/Isaac
Summary: Isaac gets a job as an Abercrombie greeter (before the ban) and Danny's his trainer. Can go fluffy or smutty. Prompted by @iwannabeastarshipcaptain
Notes: Post Season 3, but Allison didn’t die, Isaac didn’t leave Beacon Hills and Danny didn’t disappear. Because I can AU all I want in fics!
“You look uncomfortable."
"Gee, I wonder if that might have anything to do with the fact that someone just rubbed grease all over me," Isaac drawled, arms held slightly away from his sides as though he didn't want to touch himself...which, honestly, he didn't.
"You both look wonderful," the photographer encouraged.  "You're glistening."
Danny gave Isaac a grin and rolled his eyes. When Jean-René (no last name, thank you very much) offered them a chance to take part in Abercrombie and Fitch's new ad campaign they'd been surprised, but word around the break room was that it was legit.  Apparently, the company was catching flack about using professional models and claiming they worked in Abercrombie stores. To combat that, they decided to feature some actual employees in their new campaign.
Danny and Isaac had been introduced to the other eight model/employees when they arrived in LA that morning. They were to be two additional location shoots, but for today it was called to be set work.
The morning had gone pretty well, each of them posing in various outfits, sometimes alone, sometimes with each other and, a few times, with one of the other models.
After a short break, they'd come back to find the set altered, looking more like a club than a sterile stage. The guys were all stripped down to their jeans, while the girls wore tiny tops with skirts or shorts. All the visible skin was slick with oils and, while it wasn't particularly sexy in the moment, Danny was sure it would look nice on film.
Isaac seemed uncertain, but he didn't protest as Danny rested a hand on his lower back.  They stood there for a moment as the photographer explained his 'vision' for the shoot.
Unsurprisingly, they were supposed to pretend they were at a club, dancing, drinking and having a blast. They were paired off and Danny found himself pressed against Isaac, dancing to nonexistent music.
"Hey," Isaac said, a pretty pink blush on his cheeks, his fingers skittering down Danny's ribs to hook into his belt loops.
Danny smiled at him, palm sliding up the broad plain of Isaac's back.  "I'll admit, I thought about dancing with you, but never in the situation."
Isaac huffed out a laugh as the photographer screeched, "I want heat, not humor."
Together, they schooled their expressions into intense, serious gazes with lots of eye contact. At one point, when Danny sink is handed Isaac's curls, tipping the taller boy's head to the side and leaning in his though going for a kiss, he felt the photographer was going to have a happy stroke.
The next day, they were doing underwear shots. It was an odd thing to do when not used to modeling. After years of lacrosse, they are both used to changing and showering with the team, but being stripped to their boxer briefs (panties and bras in the case ladies) on a brightly lit stage was very different.
First they had to stand around the line, looking bored, occasionally leaning on each other. That was awkward, but the bedroom set, well, that was a challenge in and of itself.
"Lounge together. Like it's a lazy morning or you've just woken up," the photographer encouraged and this time it was Isaac who moved first, flopping onto the bed and hugging a pillow, turning his face to look at Danny.  The boxer briefs he wore rode low and Danny's eyes were drawn to the dip at the small of his back, the sweet spot where curved up and out to meet his ass....
He had to shake himself as he joined Isaac.
Before the photographer was ready to begin, Isaac murmured, "This wouldn't be so bad if all of them weren't here."  
He motioned around to indicate the crew and Danny returned his shy smile.  "We could do this again sometime. Alone?"
"I'd like that."
“Okay, so I feel torn. Like, I want congratulate you guys, but I also feel the need to report this to my dad as child exploitation."
"It's not porn, Stiles," Danny said patiently as Stiles waved a copy of the new Abercrombie and Fitch look book at him... The one featuring many pictures of Danny and Isaac wearing not much in the way of clothes.
“Pretty sure Isaac's naked in that field tallgrass," Stiles pointed out. Isaac shrugged because well, he was, but you couldn't really see anything because the grass was in the way.  "People will be jerking off to this. Total spank bank material."
"I could have happily gone my whole life without knowing about your spank bank," Isaac said with a grimace and Danny chuckled.
"Not what I meant!" Stiles squawked. wrinkling his nose.
Teasingly, Allison waved to spoon at him.  "See, I would've thought your interest would be otherwise occupied considering the aggressive flirting eyewitness down at the station last week."
"What?" Stiles yelped as the pack turned to regard them with curious eyes.  "I... Why were you at the station?"
"Renewing my CC permit," Allison said easily.  "So I was there to see you flailing at a certain handsome deputy in a way that I've come to learn is you attempting to woo someone."
"You think I can woo?"
"I think you try," Lydia said with a smile hidden in her glass.
Scott patted Stiles's shoulder. "You've gotten better at flirting," he assured his friend, then blinked.  "Wait, handsome? You like Parrish?"
Stiles did that odd jumpy twitch thing that indicated he was startled.  "What? Why do you say that?"
"I believe Allison mentioned a handsome deputy," Kira pointed out.  "And Deputy Parrish is really handsome. Almost pretty."
There were nods of agreement from all around.  "Hey, wait," Scott said, head cocked to one side.  "Not that it matters, but I me and Isaac the only straight-ish dudes in our social circle?"
"Defined straight-ish," Lydia demanded, with a raised brow.
"Well, I've only ever been into girls, but if I meet some dude in the future and something clicks... I wouldn't freak out and pretend that it wasn't a thing just cuz it's a guy," Scott replied with a shrug.
"Also I'm bi," Isaac added.  "So... Not straight-ish."
That caused heads to look around, but Isaac busied himself picking at his sandwich.
"Really? Oh my God, did you just come out?" Stiles asked, gleeful eyes wide.  "Does anyone else know? Of course not, everyone you talk to his right here...."
"Danny knew," Isaac muttered into his lunch.
"Oh, did he now?" Lydia asked, her brows raised, but she didn't push the issue, instead turning back to Stiles.  "You do realize Parrish is a deputy and you are jail bait."
"Only for a few more months!" Stiles protested, then slapped the table.  "Isaac! We should have a party. A co-coming out bash!"
"I'd rather spend an hour back in the freezer," Isaac drawled, making Stiles roll his eyes.
"Again the unhappy childhood deflection ruse," Stiles joked.  "Get over it."
"No, years of systematic tormented abuse are still a totally valid argument," Isaac countered before realizing that Danny and Kira were listening and looking befuddled.
"What's this about her freezer?"
Oh boy... This was not gonna be a fun conversation.....
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Five Asks Meme
Got tagged by the light of my life @welllpthisishappening​ to do this meme and I did it mainly because it helped distract me from a rather dull conservation with my father who I’m pretty sure didn’t even realize I wasn’t even paying attention. Anyway, thanks love.
At least three different notebooks with vary degrees of bullshit in them. Like I have no concept of organization when it comes to my notebooks so some of these probably hold lists on fan fiction and original work, notes on political theory, law school shit and other ridiculous bullshit.
Portable chargers, I have at least two of them because my phone battery is shit and I’m constantly on it so it doesn’t help at all. So yeah, a constant array of portable chargers. I’m pretty the security at work would have a fit if they saw how much wires I have in my bag. I don’t go through security because I have a wonderful thing called employee clearance. Thank you Jesus.
A shit ton of pens. I have at least one ball point pen because I love them, but I also have really shitty drugstore pens that barely work. I need to get rid of them,
A pocket blanket. One of those impossible picnic blankets that can fit in your pocket if you fold it correctly. I generally use it when I’m in St. Jame’s Park and need to just relax and get away from everything.
Oddly enough, I have a voucher for small tattoo for fifty quid or a piercing for £25. I think I picked it up on weekend when I was in Camden and I strongly debated it.
Multiple fan pillows from Telahmarie on Etsy. I have a Thor, Ninth Doctor and Nightwing one, but I’m about to get a Killian Jones, Darth Vader, Jaime Lannister and Gambit ones when I get back home because I sent them to my parents’ house since I really didn’t feel like paying a huge customs fee. Fuck you United Kingdom and your desire to bleed me of money.
Fairy lights. I’m one of those stereotypical white girl and I have fairy lights hanging above my bed. Plain white, in case you were asking.
I guarantee you that if I looked, I could find at least two portable chargers hiding within the pillows because I’m too lazy to actually plug my phone into the wall.
The most expensive super soft jersey sheets to ever grace the planet because I am super snob when it comes to my sheets, blankets and comforters. Everything needs to be soft. It drives Dan nuts.
Because I’m a fucking nerd, I have Funko Pops of Nine, Jack Harkness, Rose Tyler and the Tardis. My best friend just bought me a Killian one, so he will soon by joining them on my window sill. I also have Nine’s sonic screwer and a mini plastic Yankees cap.
Oh man, I want to travel to every single continent. Including Antartica even though I would hate myself because I fucking hate the cold with an intense passion. So far, I’ve only been to North America, Europe and Africa,
Finish law school. That’s more short term, but alas. I want to survive and have a stable to career and to do that I need to start and finish law school.
Get back in high school shape. I used to be able to actually run and wear bathing suits, but I’ve become so fat. Ugh. I really need to work on that. I miss being somewhat thin.
Get back to living in Zone 1 or Zone 2 of London because Zone 3 sucks so bad and I really hate where I live right now. Poor Laura has listened to be bitch for the past week.
Actually publish the huge ass fantasy series that I started to write in college. Rhyanna and Caedon, my original characters, fucking deserve to have their stories finished and published for the amount of shit I put them through.
Going for walks around the Thames. It’s full of tourists during the day but quiet and soothing at night. I miss doing that. *sigh*
Facetiming Dan because he’s in Germany and I’m in the UK and I miss his face and he makes me smile and sometimes texting isn’t enough. And no matter what, he always takes my call even if I do call him at like 6 in the morning because I didn’t sleep the night before.
Medium hazelnut iced coffee with skim milk and caramel drizzle on the top. That’s my order whether it be Star Bucks, Costa, Dunkin Donuts or whatever.
The Yankees. I fucking love baseball so much that it sometimes hurts. God, I’m such a sports nerd. For real. Nothing makes me happier than watching the New York Yankees play.
When people leave me feedback for my work. Legit nothing makes me happier than reading shit in the tags. For real, your comments make my day.
Aaron Judge. I love him and he’s going to do great with the Yanks. I hope he stays with the Yanks his whole career as unlikely as that is. He’s just great. He’s 2-3 years older than me and I call him my son. I’m strange.
Halloumi pitas. I cannot get enough of it. It makes me sad that I no longer have a Real Greek restaurant near me. I love that shit. I know this really weird but it’s such a huge craving I’ve had lately.
Not sleeping. Granted I like almost never sleep on a regular basis but recently my schedule has been more fucked than normal. Like I’ve pulled more all nighters this year than I did in college.
American Gods. I’ve been watching it on a loop. It’s so fascinating and bizarre and every time I watch it again, I pick out new things that I’ve never noticed before.
Aesthetics. I’ve been making them like crazy. They’re kinda relaxing for me to make and of course I keep spamming people with them because I’m that kind of person.
Actually pack my suitcase for the States. Because I’m an asshole and I’ve packed yet.
Clean out my fridge because I’m gonna be gone awhile and I would rather not have rotting food when I come back.
Actually get some fucking writing done in regards to the two requests and two one-shot ideas I have rolling around in my head. And you know, actually start that Labyrinth fic that I’ve been meaning to work on for the last two months but haven’t.
Buy Laura spicy chai tea from the local shops so she can have epic tea when we finally meet *gasp*
Get more than two hours of sleep. Legit.
Tagging: @fictional-redheads, @alisuuuuuuu and @peglegsjones because why not. If you feel compelled to do, feel free to do it. It’s a lot of fucking words though.
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 “I didn’t mean to hit her Marcus, I really didn’t like it just happened. I was sooo upset and now I feel like complete shit. I hit my little sister.” Richè sobbed to me as we sat in my office at the shop. She had just burst in an emotional wreck and as her nigga I knew it was my duty to listen to her and help her through it. “I just know she hates me Marcus.” She sniffled.
  “Come here shorty.” I said to her gesturing for her to get up from where she sat from across from me. She wiped her eyes and stood up walking around my desk and standing in front of me so that she was in between my legs. I gently pulled her by her belt loops so that she was sitting on my lap and I wrapped my arms around her. “Now we both know she doesn’t hate you.”
  “I just feel so bad, you didn’t see how she looked at me.” she whimpered as she buried her face in my neck, her warm tears falling onto my skin. I rubbed her back in a circular motion in an attempt to soothe her.
  “Just give it time baby girl. You both were upset and you both said things you didn’t mean, you just need some space from each other right now. But trust me, Nyelle doesn’t hate you. She thinks you hate her.” I explained to Richè.
  “How do you know?” She asked looking up at me teary-eyed, I chuckled and gave her a knowing look.
  “You think you were the first one to call me all upset? Nyelle called me right before you showed up and she feels the same way you do.” I said to her using my thumbs to wipe away her tears. It was true, Nyelle called me up crying not sure what to do or say and I had tried my best to calm her down as well.
  “Thank you for looking after her Marcus, I really appreciate it. I never want her to feel alone.” Richè said sitting up in my lap before leaning down and gently pressing her lips against mine. I leaned my head up to meet her lips and kissed her back just as gently and passionately. Once we pulled away she giggled softly.
  “What?” I asked her raising my eyebrows curiously.
  “You have my lipstick on now.” She replied laughing once more before using her thumbs to wipe off her lipstick. “But now on a serious note what’s going on with the whole Keem thing?” She asked me. I paused unsure of whether or not I should reveal my thoughts and doubts to her. But then again if I couldn’t trust my shorty who could I trust.
  “Aigh well keep this between me and you-” She cut me off with a pop to the head.
  “Duh who else am I gonna tell?” She said rolling her eyes at me playfully.
  “You better chill with them hands, you see what they’ve gotten you into already.” I replied teasing her. She gasped and went to move off of my lap but I grabbed her wrists making it impossible for her to move. “I’m playing I’m playing, you gonna listen or not?” I asked her, she nodded her head glaring at me.
  “Okay so lowkey I’ve been keeping my eye on Caiden. I just haven’t let Keem or Quis now, but I have a strong suspicion that he was behind Keem’s jumping. I have him on a special mission where he’s supposed to be working with rival dealers in other territories, he’s supposed to gain their trust and then overthrow them so that I can move in. But what he doesn’t know is I already have someone over there working on the low and he has been for almost two years now. He’s been keeping an eye on Caiden for me and he’s been pointing out to me that Caiden isn’t really down for me. He’s down for himself, I’m trying to lay as low as possible so that I can gather all the facts and proof and then eliminate him.” I explained to Richè hoping that she was following everything I’ve said. I gave her such a brief synopsis of everything.
  “Okay...I think I get it. But are you sure? Caiden seems like he really cares about you and making sure you’re good.” She replied with a shrug. “That’s just the vibe I’ve been getting.”
  “Nah he aint as loyal as he’s been making it seem. My nigga that’s been working undercover wouldn’t lie and I also been getting weird vibes from Caiden. Keem and Quis think that I’m sleeping on that nigga but really I’m wide awake. I’m just playing it smart.” I replied stroking my beard as I spoke. “Why you so quick to defend him ma?” I asked Richè curiously.
  “I guess I feel bad for him. He’s been nothing but cool to me but he receives so much shit from Keem and Quis. He only hangs out with yall so it’s like who does he have as a friend if two out of three hate his guts.” She explained with a slight shrug.
  “I be forgetting you have a good heart.” I replied with a chuckle. “Just be careful ma, I trust you 100% but I don’t trust him and I don’t want him to try anything and I don’t want you to get hurt in the process.” I said reaching up and stroking her cheek gently, she smiled and nodded her head before leaning down to place several kisses on my neck. “Hold up.” I grunted pushing her away gently.
  “Go lock the door.” I said licking over my lips and looking up at her, she grinned before getting up from my lap and doing as I said.
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 “Papi you okay?” I asked Quis as we walked around in Soho. It was a nice day out and we were going to do some baby shopping as well as regular shopping for ourselves, but he had been strangely quiet with me. Don’t get me wrong Quis was a quiet guy in general, but with me it was different.
  “No.” He replied shaking his head, I tucked my top lip in and nodded my head. I squeezed his hand gently in an attempt to urge him to speak.
  “Háblame (talk to me).”  I said speaking to him in Spanish. It was cute but Quis had told me he wanted to learn to speak Spanish so that he could one day communicate with my parents fluently and he had been studying on his own as well as taking lessons from me.
  “I’m thinking about quitting.” He replied keeping his voice so low that I could barely hear what he had said.
  “Quitting?” I asked unsure of what exactly it was he was referring to. Quitting what? The shop, the drug dealing?
  “Yeah leaving the shop and all the other shit alone. I’m thinking about quitting and getting a legitimate job instead.” He explained before looking over at me to see my reaction. I widened my eyes a bit surprised at what he was suggesting.
  “Really? What makes you want to do that babe?” I asked finally finding the words to respond to him. Quis never spoke about leaving Keem,Marcus, and the shop. They were his family and the shop was something they had all invested so much time and money into.
  “This whole shit with Caiden isn’t sitting right with me. I know that something isn’t right and I feel like he was behind the whole Keem shit, Marcus has his head up Caiden’s ass and is acting like he’s too blind to see what’s really going on. I can’t just let my future rest on a nigga that I know is going to fuck us over. If I get a legit job and then quit this other shit I at least have something to fall back on.” He responded. I nodded remaining quiet until I was sure he was finished speaking.
  “I think getting a legit job is really smart because you’re right. It’s too risky to place your entire future in the hands of somebody you don’t trust. I support whatever you decide to do baby. I’m glad you’re thinking for yourself though and thinking about us and the baby.” I said with a smile. Quis surprised me more and more everyday with his actions and words.
  When we first met I never would have thought that somebody so hard and rough could have such a soft interior and a gentle heart. Never could I imagine that we’d be in the position we were now in, about to be parents and deeply in love with each other.
  “I don’t want my son being born into a world where his father can only rely on the streets as a way of making money. I want to show him better, I want him to look at me and recognize that having a legit job and putting family first is what’s cool. Not that other shit. I honestly believe if someone had showed me that then I wouldn’t be where I am right now.” He said shaking his head.
  “There’s nothing wrong with where you are Quis. From the time I met you to now, I’ve seen you grow so much and it’s amazing to be able to watch you continue to grow. I’m proud of you papi.” I said pulling him to the side so that we were no longer walking, I then tip-toed and gave him a soft peck on his lips. “I’m proud of you and I love you.”
  “I love you too ma.” He replied pulling me close to him but careful enough not to smoosh my belly.
  “Whatever you decide to do just know I’m standing behind you, me and our little one.” I said placing my hand on my stomach, just as I did so I felt a powerful kick that was strong enough to make me squeal. “Babe touch my stomach! Toca mi estómago!” I said excitedly.
  He gave me a weird look as he smiled before shakily reaching out to touch my stomach. As I felt the warmth from his hand come into contact with my stomach through my shirt I felt butterflies in my stomach before feeling the baby move around in stomach before sending another powerful kick our way.
  “Holy shit!” Quis said pulling his hand away as he jumped before laughing and placing his hand back onto my stomach. “See that’s another reason why I want to quit. I want to be able to enjoy the little moments like these without having to look over my shoulder or worry about someone fucking me over.”
  “I understand baby and like I said I support you through whatever. But now I need you to support me.” I said twisting my lips to the side.
  “And how can I do that?” He asked raising his eyebrows at me curiously.
  “Get me something to eat pleaseee.” I sang before breaking out into a grin. “Can we please get some Chipotle?”
  He laughed in response and nodded his head yes. “Let’s go hungry.” He said before wrapping his arm around me and leading me towards the Chipotle at the end of the block. I knew that things wouldn’t always be perfect for us, especially if Quis quit working with Keem and Marcus. But moments like this where it was just the two of us along with our little one, I didn’t care.
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