#i’ve just been thinking abt this ever since i went camping
sheltoner · 27 days
hello everyone i have a question
what kind of campfire (or walking) songs do you have?
i know this isn’t tennis related but i’m really curious abt this and it might get more traction over here
also if you answer pls put the country that you’re from (and if it’s a big country adding the region if you can) ty
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gh0stsp1d3r · 8 months
Can you do a luke fic? Maybe some angst 🤭
I lobe angst sm! This is the song I listened to for inspo,,
𝒲𝒽𝓎 𝓃ℴ𝓉 𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓈 ℴ𝓃ℯ
Warnings- Yes I used the TikTok trend what abt it, reader gets stabbed, betrayed, mention of blood and scars
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“Luke?” Your voice was quiet, he knew that voice though. He knew your voice. He snapped his head, suddenly dropping his sword. He swallowed the lump in his throat as he stared into your eyes.
Percy laid on the soil beneath him, your lip quivering as you stared at the scene in front of you.
“Luke… what are you doing?” You said, stepping closer to him. You were quiet still, your heart beat practically out of your chest.
“Y/n, you have to listen to me-“ he started. Percy stood up.
“Y/n, don’t listen to him.” Percy interrupted. You were torn.
Luke ignored Percy, stepping over to you now. He grabbed your face as you looked at him, face full of confusion.
“Kronos… has a plan for us, for you. And I want a future for us-“
“Kronos? Luke, what are you talking about?” You said, tears threatening to fall. “Why are you talking like that?”
“He can give us a better life than the Gods, I need you to understand, we can be free. Free from the Gods, free from Camp, from the rules. We have to leave soon-“ He spoke quietly, as if you were going to break if he spoke any louder.
“Are you sick? Is something wrong? Did I do something?” You asked, tears now falling down your face as you looked at the man you thought you had known.
“No, you didn’t do anything. Think about it, when was the last time you even spoke to your parents? Your mother?”
“That doesn’t matter, Luke.”
He grew more agitated at your words.
“I love you, why can’t you make this easier?” He asked.
“I loved you. Luke, you’re not the man I fell in love with. Whoever… this is, is not my Luke.” You gestured to him, his heart broke as a lone tear fell down his face now. The words he knew were true but didn’t wanna hear.
But with his sadness, comes more anger. You were taken aback when he pulled out his sword, Percy tried to run up and stop him but he was too slow.
He stabbed you, in the side. Not fatally or deep, just enough to injure and bleed.
You cried out, and once the anger was gone, he felt worse than he ever had.
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” He said to you, looking back at Percy and then running into the portal, away.
“Are you okay?” Percy asked, quickly coming over to you.
You groaned, lifting up your shirt to reveal your cut to Percy. He flinched upon seeing it.
“C’mon, let’s go to the medic.” He said, helping you stand up and walk.
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You took a walk through the forest, it was a lot quieter now. It was dark out, and you were supposed to be in bed. But Dionysus is too drunk to notice anything and Chiron isn’t looking.
Your mind went to Luke. It had been for the last couple months. Every time you saw converse, an oak tree, curly hair, or even brown eyes. You pretended for a moment it was him, and for those moments you were happy.
You didn’t hear someone coming up behind you until you heard a branch snap. You turned around, furrowing an eyebrow as you tried to see what or who it was.
A familiar figure came into your view. You could see that curly hair and know it was him from miles away.
You stood straight, breath catching in your throat as he came closer. You looked down at his hands, no sword.
You pulled out your sword, and he held up his hands.
“Please. I just wanna talk. That’s all I want.”
You narrowed your eyes at him, and you looked at his pleading eyes. The eyes you knew you couldn’t resist.
You put it away for now, and you both stared at each other for a moment.
“I’m sorry. I…” the words were lost in his throat when he saw your gaze. It wasn’t loving like it used to be, it was more hateful.
“You stabbed me.”
“I know. And I’ve felt like shit, ever since I haven’t seen you.”
You could tell, his hair was disheveled, the bags of his eyes heavier and darker, he looked malnourished.
“You stabbed me.” You repeated.
“How bad is it?”
You lifted up your shirt to the scar it had left. He swallowed the lump in his throat, and he stared into your eyes again.
You swore to yourself if you ever managed to run into him again, you wouldn’t cry. But, you couldn’t help it.
The man you had loved for years, the man who had always been there for you, the one who helped you through everything.
“I still love you.” You managed to blurt out the confession. You sat down on a tree’s roots, putting your face in your hands as you choked out a sob.
He sat next to you, rubbing your back as you cried.
“I love you too. I’m sorry. For everything.” He said quietly.
You eventually curled up next to him, he just threw his arm around you like he used to.
“Can we still.. be friends?” He asked hopefully.
“I don’t think we can, Luke.”
“So.. this is it.. for us?”
You nodded, “I guess it is.” Your lip quivered as you said the words. He took a deep breath and stayed quiet before speaking again.
“In another universe, I imagine we would own a beach house or something. We would be off on our own.” He said, “then eventually we’d get married. Have kids or something.”
“Why not this one?”
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chitsangenthusiast · 3 years
Kath my beloved, I hope you have a good day! ♥️♥️ Tell me an assortment of Sokka, Zuko, and/or Zukka headcanons that make you lose it 😳
!!!! oh i would be HAPPY to!!! put under the cut bc i kinda got excited and went off lol
sokka in general <3 after the war, there was a period where sokka and toph sometimes, sometimes, traveled around the earth kingdom and swindled conniving market tricksters out of their money. katara does NOT know, zuko does NOT know it occasionally happens in the fire nation too, and aang DOES know and secretly hates he can’t tag along bc he’s far too recognizable now lol
sokka doesn’t like cooking, but unfortunately he’s great at creating delicious dishes so he’s often forced to go to be the one who cooks during camping trips. the only people who don’t get his complaining as he cooks for them, however, is gran-gran and bato
i’ve talked abt this before, but sokka keeping his hair shaved after the war to honor his lost childhood as well as acknowledge his warrior status in his own way is smth that can be so personal <3
also i....very quietly.......hc sokka as nb he/him....and sometimes also as a grey ace/demi/sex-positive ace bisexual....bc sometimes it's nice to imagine some form of representation for myself, even in the tiniest of aspects lol
zuko and family <3 for a long time after the war, ‘uncle’ was the title that meant the most to zuko. it’s smth that everyone quickly realized, so when the gaang started having kids they were adamant to make sure zuko knew he was their children’s uncle
(yes it took him off guard. yes he cried in private every single time, especially when the kids got old enough to actually start calling him ‘uncle zuko,’ even during formal events)
it’s not until he has izumi does he finally understand the weight behind the word ‘dad.’ babe was her first word, and zuko has been on cloud nine ever since
(the whole ‘uncle being the most important’ is basically why iroh never had to adopt zuko or anything - there was no need, and after chit sang wanders back into their lives and starts joking abt how he’s zuko’s father, both of them find it incredibly hilarious lol)
zukka letters <3 after the war, zuko and sokka used to send each other COPIOUS letters. zuko’s are normal. sokka’s are always sent as packets lol (he has a habit of writing down any and all passing thoughts on scrap paper that never get transferred into one single letter, so usually he ends up just compiling them by the day they were written and bundling them together)
also in their letters: they once joked about making doomsday clocks to track their daily feelings, and so now every letter starts with a tiny lil drawing of how close they are to midnight on the day they wrote it
(before they got together zuko’s midnight was ‘letting druk burn down the palace.’ after they got together, it changed to ‘moving to the swt without any warning and living with sokka,’ which sokka finds kinda adorable but also isn’t ready to be wrongly suspected of kidnapping yet)
zukka husbands and kids <3 along with being known as the fire lord who’s trying to foster in peace and love, he’s also known as the golden fire lord - and it’s entirely bc of sokka and ty lee bc they pick out all of his gold accessories and puppy-dog-eye him until he gives in to wear everything lol
after he and sokka get married, his nickname among the public changes to the ivory fire lord (which isn’t technically right. it’s whalebone that he’s wearing in place of most of the gold, but a lot of people don’t know the difference)
zukka have two kids uwu izumi was born first ofc! for their second daughter tho, it took them awhile to settle on a good name for her. at one point sokka suggests ‘verza’ bc it sounds nice and has a z in it, but as soon as he finds out it means cabbage he backtracks hard on it
zuko finds this mf hilarious - but, unfortunately to sokka, he also thinks it’s adorable and so their second daughter’s name is verza lol
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cire-louise · 4 years
This is gon be my first post for 2021. I don’t even know how to start this so let me just tell you a glimpse of what I’ve been doing lately.
Oh before that, can we first appreciate my love for the Tumblr app? I’m here since 2011, omg. I know, I know.
I don’t regularly post here ever since I had my Twitter account y’know, daily rants, daily tweets. But man, I don’t have the guts to delete this app.
Anyway, how are you? I hope y’all are doing good! If you’re going through something, we all are. So close your eyes, pause, and breathe. Everything’s gon be okay soon.
Me? I’m taking my time to reflect on what has been happening lately. Trying to understand my different emotions and abrupt actions.
I’m not far different from you or anyone else. We’re all the same persons trying to survive life. I am as confused as you when it comes to understanding why things happen. And, I do question the universe too if my parallel self doing good?
If I’m to compare how emotionally and mentally stable I am today, it’s way better than the past few years. I’ve learned to managed my depression. Gone are the days I battled with my suicidal thoughts because I thought it was an option. It never was and will never be. Gone are the days I’ll cry myself to sleep and feel worthless. I’ve learned to love myself more than ever.
I still get nightmares sometimes tho. But maybe that’s when I think too much of something I’m no control of. Or, when I get too angry or sad over a situation I’m not supposed to overthink.
Physically, not so fit. I’m low of blood, and underweight. My weight has been a problem since day 1 thus I managed to control my blood pressure before. Bad habits will kill me.
January passed by real quick, I don’t remember much detail aside from being promoted to the escalations team. The only promotion I didn’t appreciate at first. Welp, Supervisor role isn’t a bad thing after all.
February was fun. I celebrated my anniversary together with my boo on valentine’s day. I got quarantined for 14 days after so I had enough time to watch Lord Of The Rings and The Hobbit.
This month is full of adventures. Went to Lake Bensis and finally broke my hiatus in Wordpress. Yes, I started blogging my travels again. Last weekend, we camped in Mt. Kan-irag and I’m gon write a blog abt it too.
My life sounds perfect bc I only talked abt the positive things which I should only focus at. But it’s just a coverup for the ugly things my life has.
I’ve been dealing with disrespectful relatives, too. Trying to balance my anger and relationship with them to avoid gaslighting our cold wars. It’s pretty obvious that they stopped liking my boyfriend. We can’t please everyone but it’s crazy how their treatment changed suddenly.
I am so pressured with PWC. I never liked the idea of joining bc (1) I have a very limited knowledge about the real photography (2) I just started taking photos using a digital camera (3) I only said yes bc I was asked twice.
Now, it gets real. The themes were rolled out. Deadline is coming. And I don’t feel any support at all from the ppl who encouraged me to join. I somehow think it’s my fault bc I said yes, but I want to backout. Don’t get me wrong. I’m willing to learn but from who? Who’s willing to teach me? No one.
I’m supposed to be working right now but I’m sure my mind is gonna be flying somewhere and I won’t be able to concentrate so I didn’t login.
Oh, I think I wrote enough already for a three months worth update. My TA is open for y’all.
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hobgayblin · 4 years
Ship: Demacia’s Downfall (Rayden/Sylas)
Words: 1587
Summary: It’s time for cuddling and a touching emotional moment because I said so
I kept thinking abt this shit when I was waking up today and I Did Not Get My Homework Done bc I was too busy writing this gsghfdskf
A light breeze blew through the forest, only strong enough to gently rustle the leaves on the freshly blooming spring trees. Things had been quiet at the camp as of late, the only commotion being small spats the lightning mage himself caused. No new mages have come seeking to join the cause, and no guards or royals have crossed the nearby paths after so many carriages have gone missing. It was rare to have such a serene day, and all of the rebel mages seemed to be enjoying the break, however brief it may turn out to be. Some folks were taking the time to train their magic and spar, some were taking the time to relax. Sylas and Rayden were, much to everyone’s surprise, part of the latter group this time. Normally at least one of them would be up supervising those that wanted to train, but there were enough higher skilled mages around to take the role from them.
On the outskirts of the camp, the pair sat languidly in the shade of a drooping willow tree. Sylas had an old, beaten up book in one hand, while the other rubbed circles around the back of the small man that was falling asleep in his lap. Moments of rest were a rarity, but Rayden actually resting and being affectionate? That was more akin to a miracle. Rayden’s head rested on Sylas’ chest, nodding back and forth a bit as he went in and out of sleep every few seconds. The book in Sylas’ hand was being a bit neglected, as his eyes kept wandering down to look at the sleepy man that was cuddling into his tit. He’d been fruitlessly trying to read the same page for almost fifteen minutes at this point. With a deep sigh, the book was closed and set off to the side in favor of savoring the rare moment of closeness. 
The movement caused Rayden to stir and lift his head up for just a second before letting it fall back down to its previous place. Small noises of tired protest came from his throat as Sylas used his now free hand to reposition Rayden’s body a bit so he was sitting across his lap instead of on one leg. Once he was in a more comfortable spot the hand that was on his back came up to stroke through his fluffy hair, and occasionally the fuzzy shaved sides. The protest noises shifted to contented humming as Sylas’ hand played with Rayden’s hair. One of Rayden’s hands came up as well to rest on Sylas’ abs, his thumb gently tracing the scar that went across them. Another light breeze passed over them, and Rayden’s face pressed further against Sylas’ chest as he cuddled himself closer to the larger man. It wasn’t cold out, it was actually fairly warm aside from the occasional breeze, but Rayden was enjoying the warmth of the other man. A smile started to creep across the lightning mage’s face, but a sudden noise snapped him back to attention.
A barely stifled sniffle broke the dreamy silence of the afternoon.
It was quiet, wouldn’t have even been detectable if it wasn’t for the only sound around them being the rustling of leaves and swaying of trees. Rayden’s eyes snapped open and his head tilted up to look at the source of the noise. To his surprise there was such a gentle smile on Sylas’ face, even with tears starting to slowly drip down his face. An uncharacteristically worried expression painted Rayden’s face, and his hands quickly came up to hold either side of Sylas’ face. The gentleness of his touch and the genuine look of concern made the tears fall more quickly now, but the smile on his face just widened even more.
“W-Whats wrong? Are you okay?” Rayden’s voice was so soft it almost didn’t sound like him. He adjusted himself in Sylas’ lap so he could bring his own face closer to the crying man’s.
“I… I’m fine, I’m fine, don’t worry.” The tears kept flowing, but Sylas gave a shaky laugh. “I just… realized how happy I am.”
“Happy?” Rayden’s worry was immediately replaced with confusion. His head tilted to the side and his brow furrowed at the words. “Why are you cryin’ then?”
Sylas gave another laugh through his tears, this one a bit less shaky. His hands came up and wrapped around Rayden, bringing him in as close as he physically could. Rayden tried to bring his hands away so he could embrace him as well, but as his hands moved Sylas’ head followed them, clearly not wanting them to leave their spot. Rayden let out a small sigh and used one of his thumbs to stroke Sylas’ cheek.
“It all just hit me… with how peaceful everything was… how close you were-- how warm…” With his voice starting to grow a bit shaky, Sylas stopped for a moment to close his eyes and breathe.
Rayden took the moment to slide one of his hands up to wipe away some of Sylas’ tears gently. Sylas took another breath and smiled again, tilting his head into the hand that was still on his cheek.
“This is the first time since I got out… Perhaps even the first time since before that… That I’ve felt so genuinely happy… I was locked away and reviled for so long, that I… I…” Another pause as he took a deep breath and sighed. “I never even considered I  would-- or even could be truly happy.”
Silence filled the air for a few moments as Rayden opened his mouth to try to say something, but nothing came out. He was never good at comforting people, or at handling emotions; as much as he desperately wanted to say something sweet, something affirming, he just couldn’t form the right words to do it. Instead, he did the only other thing he could think to do in the moment. Both hands once again cupped Sylas’ face as Rayden dragged him in for a kiss. 
A small sob escaped from Sylas as their lips met, and Rayden soon felt the tears roll down over his fingers. The kiss was gentle and drawn out, but Sylas’ grip on Rayden tightened to keep him closer. Once Rayden finally pulled back from the kiss Sylas very quickly took a deep breath and closed the gap between them again. This time it was a bit more forceful, as Sylas coupled the squeezing hug with pressing his lips against Rayden’s. Fingers stretched back to run through Sylas’ hair, and settle on the back of his head, while the other hand gripped the cheek it was on a bit tighter. Rayden allowed himself to relax and melt against Sylas, and even let out a sweet contented noise against his lips. There was no way to measure how long the kiss lasted, but it only ended when Rayden was completely out of breath. The hand that was on the back of Sylas’ head gripped at his hair and gently tugged it back; Sylas took the hint and pulled away, though a bit reluctantly, and rested his forehead against Rayden’s. Looking into his eyes, it seems the tears have stopped at the moment. A gentle smile returned to Sylas’ face as they sat there for a bit. It was infectious, and Rayden could feel a similar smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. One hand ran along Sylas’ jaw, gently scratching at his beard, while the other hand dropped to rest on his shoulder. They sat in silence for a bit longer before Sylas cleared his throat and spoke up again.
“I apologize for getting so emotional on you…” As he spoke, Sylas tilted his head up just a bit so Rayden could scratch under his chin. “I didn’t mean to interrupt your nap.”
“Shut up, idiot.” Now that Sylas was no longer crying, Rayden didn’t feel bad about being his usual rude little self. “Your feelings are more important than a nap.”
Sylas just let out a short exhale-laugh at Rayden’s bluntness shining through again. The larger man slumped over slightly to rest his head on Rayden’s shoulder and bury his face into his neck. Rayden moved his hand from Sylas’ beard back to his hair to  gently comb his fingers through it. A contented sigh came from the man, and he was now the one melting against the other man. While his hand continued to play with Sylas’ long black hair, Rayden tilted his head to rub his cheek against Sylas’ head. 
“I… I hope I can help make you happy,” Rayden started, his voice returning to the much softer tone from earlier. “You deserve it… after all you’ve been through, and everything you’re trying to do to help people…”
“Oh, darling, you make me happier than you could ever imagine.” With the sweet affirmation, Sylas turned his head a bit to plant a kiss on Rayden’s collar bone. 
Rayden let out a content sigh of his own, and cuddled into Sylas a bit more. It was hard to articulate, but he was glad to hear that from the mage. It was hard to tell sometimes, with how much trouble he was constantly causing, but Rayden always tried his best to make people happy, especially Sylas. It seemed it was working, luckily. It also seemed like their roles had been reversed from earlier, since Sylas was now gently nodding off to sleep while cuddling up against him.
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ryanugenthopkins · 4 years
50 questions game!
i was tagged by @cartrshart (tysm ash!!)
what is the color of your hairbrush? it’s a boar bristle brush so brown
name a food you never eat? i really dislike olives so i never touch those
are you typically too warm or too cold? often too warm bc i really enjoy the cold and anything over like 25 degrees (celsius) is too hot for me
what were you doing 45 minutes ago? walking back from work!
what’s your favourite candy bar? kit kat 
have you ever been to a professional sports game? i have! i’ve been to a few AFL games (mainly when i was younger) and a couple of cricket games with my family. i’ve also been to aihl and awihl games but those aren’t technically professional (rip)
what is the last thing you said out loud? “can i write my essay in your room” to my friend (as you can tell i am. not writing the essay)
what is your favourite ice cream? probably hazelnut or salted caramel!
what was the last thing you had to drink? a cup of tea (although this reminded me i should drink some water so thank you!)
do you like your wallet? i don’t really have one actually.. i have this stick on card holder on the back of my phone case which i always use instead
what is the last thing you ate? a pork banh mi for lunch!
did you buy any new clothes last weekend? not on the weekend but last thursday i went op shopping and bought a cute cardigan and top
what’s the last sporting event you watched? game five of tampa v dallas (only a bit of it tho)
what is your favourite flavour of popcorn? usually the most buttery i can find (often triple butter flavour explosion lol)
who is the last person you sent a text message to? my best friend! she did her med school interview today so it was a congrats text 
ever go camping? i have! i went camping more as a kid and on school camps but i really want to go again with my college friends soon
do you take vitamins? no i actually never have (if anyone has advice on if their worth it lmk)
do you regularly attend a place of worship? nope!
do you have a tan? i mean i have a very faded (fake) tan right now but otherwise im pale af
do you prefer Chinese or pizza? chinese food for sure
do you drink your soda through a straw? to copy ash’s answer- if its from restaurants then yes but if its straight outta the can then no
what colour socks do you usually wear? i have a couple of funky pairs to mix it up but usually just white/grey/black solid colours
do you ever drive above the speed limit? despite having my learners for almost five years i still don’t know how to drive so no
what terrifies you? people secretly thinking i’m super annoying and clingy
look to your left, what do you see? my friend’s super cute watermelon rug
what chore do you hate most? one of the best think about college is less household chores but in general probably cleaning the bathroom
what do you think of when you hear an Australian accent? peachprc accent (actually im aussie so. not much.) (also ash your answer to this is so funny i don’t think i’ve said crikey unironically in my entire life)
what’s your favourite soda? i don’t have soft drink a lot but probably sprite 
do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive thru? drive thru for sure
what’s your favourite number? 8
mysterious deleted question
favourite cut of beef? i don’t really have an opinion on this but probably tenderloin?
last song you listened to? groceries by mallrat
last book you read? not this reminding me i haven’t read in way too long i think it was the murderbot diaries series by martha wells (would recommend)
favourite day of the week? probably friday (hey ash why is yours wednesday)
can you say the alphabet backwards? nope :( i could do it for a hot second at ten years old because we had to learn it on our year five camp but promptly forgot it (which im a bit sad abt bc sounds like a cool party trick)
how do you like your coffee? if i’m getting it from a cafe then a latte but if im making it myself then black with a bit of milk
favourite pair of shoes? my favourite ones i own are my black docs that reflect iridescent rainbow whenever the light hits them and they’re super cool but i haven’t broken them in yet so can’t wear them :(
time you normally get up? if i have work then 8am but otherwise it’s anyones bet (usually before 11 but really who knows)
what do you prefer, sunrise or sunsets? sunsets (mainly bc they’re the only ones i see unless i stay up all night)
how many blankets on your bed? two!
describe your kitchen plates? the ones i have at college are like blue and white patterned? idk how to describe them
describe your kitchen at the moment? again at college so a bit difficult!!
do you have a favourite alcoholic drink? i’m a big red wine fan so probably that (only if it’s nice though otherwise i’ll usually drink ciders)
do you play cards? does go fish count?
what colour is your car? refer to #23 (pls no judgement for me being 21 and not having my licence shksdkjs)
can you change a tire? nope!
your favourite state? i’m just going to take this as australia since i don’t know USA states very well and say victoria because it’s where i’m from and i love it (mainly for how cool melbourne is tho)
favourite job you’ve had? probably my current job! i do fundraising for some really great causes and i love it
tagging: @jordaneberle @lajnias @korpisolid @ijustlovehockey and anyone else who wants to do it!! (but also feel free to not because this is defs a long one)
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lajnias · 4 years
50 questions game!
i was tagged by @quinnhughs (thanks rachel!!)
what is the color of your hairbrush? i have a tangle teezer which is hot and pastel pink
name a food you never eat? i too Hate olives so i stay away from them 
are you typically too warm or too cold? i get hot pretty easily (sweaty gang where u at) but also i think i have bad circulation or smth bc my hands and feet are Always cold
what were you doing 45 minutes ago? i was on a zoom call with a couple of people from class bc we are giving a presentation in this afternoon’s seminar
what’s your favourite candy bar? ooooh i Love a twix, it’s so good
have you ever been to a professional sports game? yes! i’ve been to three shl games (did get to see latts live and in person in february, his team lost but it was still okay) and then a couple of pro-handball games. do national teams count as pro? bc i’ve seen a few games with the national handball teams too
what is the last thing you said out loud? i was singing control by kevin garrett so “ooooooh, you have control”
what is your favourite ice cream? the lemon cream one i had when me and my sister went to the fancy gelato place across town....... for more easily accessible ones i like vanilla and pistachio
what was the last thing you had to drink? i had my morning cup of afternoon tea with some milk in it
do you like your wallet? i have one of those wallet cases for my phone which is quite ugly but very functional, so that’s fine. i do own a wallet which is cute but i literally Never use it so idk
what is the last thing you ate? i haven’t had breakfast yet but i did have a cinnamon bun filled with apple compote and almond cream last night which was so delicious
did you buy any new clothes last weekend? no, but i am considering getting a motte girl summer sweatshirt and am also on the lookout for some knit sweaters and or cardigans
what’s the last sporting event you watched? watched the last 10 minutes, ot and the shootout of the linköping-växjö game in the shl on saturday (did see petey’s brother, he did not score) and before that i half-watched h65 höör-sävehof in the she
what is your favourite flavour of popcorn? i don’t think i’ve had like flavored popcorn??? is butter considered a flavor??? bc if so then i guess butter
who is the last person you sent a text message to? my best friend
ever go camping? no but i have slept in a tent
do you take vitamins? no not really, i have a multivitamin in the cupboard and i took those pretty regularly last year but i just sorta Stopped
do you regularly attend a place of worship? nope!
do you have a tan? idk if you can call it a tan but you can still tell that i got a sunburn on my chest this summer, but i’m still very pale
do you prefer Chinese or pizza? don’t think i’ve ever actually had chinese food??????? so pizza by default?
do you drink your soda through a straw? nope not anymore! but i used to, if it was from a fast food place or a restaurant 
what colour socks do you usually wear? mostly black or white but i have a few fun pairs 
do you ever drive above the speed limit? i don’t drive!! i was gonna learn how to and practiced with my dad twice but that was like four years ago........
what terrifies you? being abandoned i guess
look to your left, what do you see? i can see out the window so our garden, which is looking nice and green still even though the weather is underwhelming. i can see the apples on one of the trees!
what chore do you hate most? probably doing dishes bc we don’t have  a dishwasher
what do you think of when you hear an Australian accent? that one customs agent on border security australia who once used the word “plausible” when talking to someone who clearly did not speak english very well. i still get mad about it lmao
what’s your favourite soda? sprite zero or orange fanta i think
do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive thru? my family usually goes in bc there have been many mistakes made in the drive thru. 
what’s your favourite number? i am not sure but maybe 8 or 24
(mysterious question that ash deleted and is now lost forever but i found it on sray’s version of this!) who's the last person you talked to? irl it was my sister, online it was jd!
favourite cut of beef? oh i this i Do Not Know. i don’t know a lot abt meat so i usually just ask my dad what it is and then forget it straight away
last song you listened to? break my heart by dua lipa
last book you read? just kids by patti smith, i’m only like 40 pages in. the last one i finished was the history of the bees by maja lunde
favourite day of the week? oooh now i think it’s thursdays bc i started playing handball again and that’s when we practice
can you say the alphabet backwards? i tried it and i think i did it??? it was very slow tho and i messed up a few times. so technically i can but i would never be like hey guess what i can do
how do you like your coffee? i don’t
favourite pair of shoes? i currently like my blue vans that i got in like the eighth grade
time you normally get up? i try to set an alarm for like 9-9:30ish 
what do you prefer, sunrise or sunsets? i am only awake for sunsets usually but sunrises are very pretty
how many blankets on your bed? my duvet, and then two blankies. this might upgrade to three when it gets colder 
describe your kitchen plates? they are like a beigy color and they’re round
describe your kitchen at the moment? it’s kinda messy bc we haven’t done the dishes
do you have a favourite alcoholic drink? not really, but i prefer ciders to a lot of things
do you play cards? not really. i usually only did when we were away at tournaments and stuff
what colour is your car? i personally don’t have one, but the one my family has (really my dad, since he’s the only one with a license) is white 
can you change a tire? sure can’t!!
your favourite state? idk we don’t have them and i don’t know that i’ve been somewhere that does, so i’m gonna say the state of dreaming
favourite job you’ve had? i’ve not had very many jobs but i did love the job i had in a library two summers ago, it was the best
tagging: @tysonjost @rantanenmikko @doubleminor @jordaneberle and anyone else who wants to do it!! (but also feel free to not because this is defs a long one)
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yuhaosturtle · 4 years
50 questions tag!
I got tagged by @gunsatthaphan thank you 🌼💕
this is very long and nobody cares asdfghjkl but it's fun so I'm still doing this ✌
what color is your hairbrush?: black and turquoise
name a food you never eat: peppers
are you typically too warm or too cold?: too hot in summer, too cold any other time of the year
what were you doing 45 minutes ago?: watching tv
what’s your favorite candy bar?: kinder riegel? does that count?
have you ever been to a professional sports game?: I've been to a soccer game once and quite a few ice hockey games!
what’s the last thing you said out loud?: tschüss aka bye
what’s your favorite ice cream?: vanilla and cookies, also that one soft serve place I go to since my childhood
what was the last thing you had to drink?: coffee, the loml
do you like your wallet?: I do! It's from a show I don't even watch lol but it's cute!
what’s the last thing you ate?: croissant and pineapple
did you buy any new clothes last weekend?: I think I haven't bought any since last year tbh
what’s the last sporting event you watched?: ice hockey, like a week before quarantine
what is your favorite flavor of popcorn?: sweet AND salty. mixed together. you never know what the next piece of popcorn's gonna taste like. heaven.
who’s the last person you sent a text to?: my bestie and it was abt acnh
ever go camping?: I went a few times when I was young but it's not for me
do you take vitamins?: nope
do you go to church every sunday?: no I'm not religious
do you have a tan?: I don't get tanned. I get red
do you prefer chinese or pizza?: ...oh how to choose one... pizza? pizza.
do you drink soda through a straw?: sometimes
what color socks do you usually wear?: I love wearing colourful printed socks but I also have plain colours
do you ever drive above the speed limit?: I can't drive so no
what terrifies you?: heights. also spiders and ants.
look to your left, what do you see?: sofa pillows, the manga I'm reading rn, earphones
what chore do you hate the most?: cleaning
what do you think of when you hear an australian accent?: chris hemsworth
what’s your favorite soda?: coke
do you go in fast food places or just hit the drive thru?: again I can't drive so yeah
what’s your favorite number?: 3 bc there is a German saying "all good things come in threes"
who’s the last person you talked to?: my mum probably
favorite cut of beef?: honestly I've never thought abt this before
last song you listened to?: Hard Candy by Lady Gaga and Blackpink
last book you read?: probably sth for class I don't know which one
can you say the alphabet backwards?: nö
favorite day of the week?: idk tbh... weekends?
how do you like your coffee?: I'm not picky. hot, cold, room-temperature, black, with milk, super sweet or bitter - all of it! depends on my mood
favorite pair of shoes?: my white vans
time you normally get up?: If I don't have to be anywhere like 10am
sunrise or sunsets?: oh that's hard. sunrise I think
how many blankets on your bed?: one.
describe your kitchen plates?: ...white?
describe your kitchen at the moment?: it's a pretty tidy kitchen atm
do you have a favorite alcoholic drink?: impossible to choose, there's a lot I like
do you play cards?: I LOVE Uno. I like card games in general
what color is your car?: transparents bc I don't have one
can you change a tire?: nope
your favorite state/province/county/etc.?: in my country? ngl I'm a fan of my city (which is also a state) but I also like the ones further north
favorite job you’ve had?: none so far
how did you get your biggest scar?: I have no idea... it's just always been there
tagging! @purnotas @bl-archer @lcveislove @m34ns @chanagun @yihwas @kxrn7knxck @ashontheoffbeat @watttine @romanceismycallingcard 🖤🌌
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extrablush · 4 years
50 questions tag!
ty @greatbigstorm for tagging me 💕💕
i’m tagging @minhosgf @taesjpg @eatupbud @buckh​ @flowerkth​ @soiledtaste​  @softshinee​ + anyone else who wants to share! 
p.s. my answers are gonna be under the cut bc whew it’s long 🥴
what color is your hairbrush?: hot pink
name a food you never eat: omg i’m such a picky eater... def i never eat brussel sprouts 🤢
are you typically too warm or too cold?: too hot lmaoo i literally was tossing and turning all last night bc i was so hot 
what were you doing 45 minutes ago?: finishing up a HW assignment for my psych class
what’s your favorite candy bar?: kit kat 👅
have you ever been to a professional sports game?: yes actually lmaoo i’ve been to tons of baseball games i even went to the all star game one year and i’ve been to some basketball games
what’s the last thing you said out loud?: uhhh i think thank you??? LMAOO my mom just made me breakfast i hope i said thank you 🥴
what’s your favorite ice cream?: omg salted caramel chip from mcconnell’s slaps 
what was the last thing you had to drink?: water
do you like your wallet?: yeah it’s cute it’s a small black card wallet with a gold zipper 😌just my aesthetic 
what’s the last thing you ate?: some soft boiled eggs w/ crackers and some bacon LMAOO
did you buy any new clothes last weekend?: i don’t think so,,,, unless i blacked out while online shopping loll
what’s the last sporting event you watched?: like in person??? bc the last one was the superbowl on tv lmaoo (i only watched for jlo don’t get it twisted lmaoo) but in person.... i think i saw the celtics play last year in the td garden
what is you favorite flavor of popcorn?: don’t @ me but i don’t eat popcorn unless i’m at the movie theater
who’s the last person you sent a text to?: my dad loll i sent him a screenshot of a post from onlyindade on insta 💀 that accounts so funny they post local memes of my county in miami 
ever go camping?: ..... next question
do you take vitamins?: i’m supposed to take vitamin d but i always forget asjdhashjd
do you go to church every sunday?: i literally haven’t been to church since i graduated from catholic school 💀💀
do you have a tan?: no....a bitch is so pale rn it’s been raining and my apartments pool has been closed bc of quarantine 
do you prefer chinese or pizza?: omg chinese i’ve been craving dim sum so badly
do you drink soda through a straw?: YES you can’t tell me it doesn’t make the flavor immaculate
what color socks do you usually wear?: either gray or white loll i’m a basic bitch
do you ever drive above the speed limit?: uhh who doesn’t 🥴
what terrifies you?: death LMAOOOOO
look to your left, what do you see?: my desk
what chore do you hate the most?: i fucking hate folding clothes omg i’ll put shit in and out of the washer/dryer all day but pls don’t make me fold 😔
what do you think of when you hear an australian accent?: i’m always just like what...is that real 💀
what’s your favorite soda?: does ginger ale count loll 
do you go in fast food places or just hit the drive thru?: almost always drive thru
what’s your favorite number?: 17
who’s the last person you talked to?: my mami 🥺
favorite cut of beef?: uhhhhh.... i mean at a restaurant i’ll order a ny strip or filet mignon 
last song you listened to?: imagine by ariana grande 
last book you read?: does my abnormal psych textbook count LMAOO
can you say the alphabet backwards?: uhh i’ve never even tried 
favorite day of the week?: thursday there’s something abt it that just.... chefs kiss 
how do you like your coffee?: either just an espresso shot or an iced latte
favorite pair of shoes?: my air force ones or my black booties
time you normally get up?: it’s been between 8-9 am these days 
sunrise or sunsets?: sunsets 😌😌
how many blankets on your bed?: two i don’t really have a comforter at my parents house so i wrap myself up lmaoo
describe your kitchen plates?: they’re just white lmaoo super plain
describe your kitchen at the moment?: uhhh like set-up or if it’s messy 😂😂😂 bc it’s def messy rn but we live in an apt rn so we have a small kitchen but we do have a bar island thingy which is cool idk how to describe it LMAOO
do you have a favorite alcoholic drink?: straight tequila shots are my go-to 👅but lime white claws hit too i guess 
do you play cards?: i hate every single card game 
what color is your car?: i don’t have my own anymore since i started college :// but it was white super cute our family car rn is black tho
can you change a tire?: LMAOOO
your favorite state/province/county/etc.?: definitely love cali i can’t believe i ever left :// i’ll probably apply to law school up there 
favorite job you’ve had?: none i’ve hated them all lmaoo 
how did you get your biggest scar?: i have a scar in between my eyes from running into a plank of wood with a nail sticking out of it when i was little LMAOO 
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tslasvegas · 4 years
Episode 13: “What a depressing trip to Las Vegas” - Jaiden
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I just have one thing to say.
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HAPPY THANKSGIVING! It worked! I didn't expect Joey to vote with us. I feel bad about that, but hey, we couldn't see him being sincere. If he told us who the others were voting for, then maybe we would have changed votes. Jaiden was open to it already. Kailyn is probably the one who voted with John for Liv. Maybe she thought he would play and idol or maybe jury management. Anyway, she should have told us. 
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Joey got voted out. Which was not supposed to happen this round. Pat and Jeff are just so naive and easily to manipulate. I’m sure they could be convinced to self vote without any real effort. I don’t even want to bother working with them moving forward because of it. But I might have to. I can’t let grudges get in the way of getting to the end game. Honestly at this point I’d be happy going to F3 with Liv and Kailyn. Xavier is too nice. Jaiden is too... out there? Love him, but I don’t want to sit next to him at the end. And Pat and Jeff i just don’t think they deserve to make it that far
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I still can’t believe tribal tonight was real. It’s been like six hours and I’m still in shock that Joey finally went home. Like... what??? I’ve been dealing with that dude for three weeks and I’ve held his little secret in until it finally came of use to me, and... now I’m in the final seven. The game has NOT been won yet and while I feel like cheering and celebrating, I need to maintain my focus and center myself as the game is nowhere close to being over yet. We’ve still got at least four tribals to go, but after tonight I might be able to say that I’m exactly halfway through the merge (assuming it’s a final three... dear god please be a final three). Top eight was a really hard mountain to climb and once I lost immunity I felt a little out of touch with what was gonna happen next. I really felt like my time was going to come, and I’m so thankful that it wasn’t. Tbh Kailyn might’ve gone home today had Jeff not told me about a Palazzo chat still being alive and well. I don’t know how I’m gonna turn this bad situation around again but I need to convince Keegan and Livingston to work with me, Kailyn, and Xavier. It is critical now that Jeff or Pat go home because one of them is going to win. Before Joey left, he told me that there is a rumor that Jeff or Pat have an idol nullifier. While a nullifier won’t affect me right now, it’s not something that I want to see in the game going forward period and I want to use that little piece of information to my benefit and finally get rid of Pat. I’ve been saying for SO LONG that we need to get rid of Pat and now the time is ticking down. He has to go as soon as possible, fuck whatever Jeff says. Tbh I want to fly into the final six with no votes cast against me, still. I wonder if I can get Jeff and Pat to target like Keegan or Livingston and I really just need Xavier or Kaitlyn to bring up Pat’s name first before Jeff.. I doubt they have the smarts to recognize the danger that they pose, but we will see... Keegan is DEFINITELY pissed off at me now too. I made the mistake of telling him that I was “a little annoyed” about how tribal went, which was such a dumb thing to say bc tribal went exactly how I wanted it to. I’m playing off the fact that Kailyn must’ve known abt Joey voting for Livingston because her name was on the chopping block too so that’s why it went 4-2-2 rather than 5-2-1 like it was supposed to. I don’t want anybody to know that I was playing for Joey’s advantage which I’m sure people think I have right now lmfao... Anyways really I need to just make Keegan NOT hate me because he’s still part of my plan long term (I think)... he’s really smart tho and I’m not counting him out to win the whole thing but he hasn’t really done much of anything whereas people like Jeff and Pat and Xavier have kinda done a lot... If Keegan isn’t prepared to be fully loyal to me til the end then there’s nothing I can say to him except adios. All I really need right now is an immunity run til the end. I hope that the next challenge is something that doesn’t require a lot of skill because I am INCREDIBLY anxious just thinking about a competition, live. I need final seven immunity because then I’m guaranteed top five... the furthest I’ve ever been in Tumblr Survivor by a mile. I’ll break so many of my own personal records with that one single immunity win. In fact, if I make it to final five, that will be the best I’ve literally ever done in a Skype survivor org. I haven’t done that good since April and it’s just really affirming to me that this was the right decision for me to come back to Tumblr. Aside from winning challenges and making more moves, I also have gotta start fixing my bad relationships. Like I mentioned earlier, Keegan seems REALLY pissed off at me for how things went down with him being left out of the vote again. I can only apologize so many times before I am simply unforgivable. Maybe say sorry less and work to do better??? Idfk. But if Jeff or Pat can just say Keegan’s name, I’ll do what I can to prove to him that I’m loyal to HIM and not them. I hope that the Palazzos are falling to pieces now and realize that the only way to the end is to stick by us and nobody else. Jeff was also pretty mad at me for pushing his buttons a lot today. But honestly he was feeding me utter bullshit. I don’t buy that he was my savior and guardian Angel today, protecting me from having my name come up. I should honestly tell Livingston that Jeff sold him out to me not too long after Livingston said my name in their little chat. That would be hilarious. Kailyn and I are pretty close, but it could be better. I think I tend to revert all game-conversations with Xavier, so I don’t consider Kailyn my main ally unfortunately. If I want to go to the final three with her and Xavier, I need to really work on building that GAME relationship up because as a person I think we vibe well but it’s gonna come down to a couple factors and if she *has* to be sacrificed for me to get further, I can’t do anything but let it happen unfortunately.. As I just said, Xavier is kind of my main strategic ally right now which is super weird to say. He has definitely stepped it up A LOT in the strategic department and I have a lot of respect for him just as a person and I want to try and pick his brain a little bit more. The only thing with Xavier is that he seems to be playing really “safe” right now - I think had the opportunity presented itself to vote for Jeff with Joey, Xavier wouldn’t have gone for it and would’ve wanted to stick strong with voting Livingston instead. Which I totally get, but this game right now kinda requires we make bolder decisions than just what kinda didn’t work last time, you know? Okay now for Pat - god our relationship is just so weird. I have virtually not ties to Pat except the one alliance with Jeff and I feel like Jeff wants to control Pat rather than let Pat be his own player. It’s weird. I wonder if Pat would be down to vote out Jeff but fuck it’s gonna be hard to pull that off. I don’t want to hold off on Pat BECAUSE if I can’t get him out next, I will need him at final six and hopefully final five to serve as a sacrificial lamb or something. I’m wondering now if maybe Livingston needs to go because people are gonna always view Pat as a huge threat to win, even though he might not necessarily do so if he gets there. Livingston... yeah I really don’t like Livingston lmfao. I think it’s because of his super close connection to Rachael but it might also be because he is like, cool and nerdy and a bit of a try hard “around camp” so to speak. What REALLY gets on my nerves about Livingston is that he possesses zero of the charisma to convince me that he sucks at this game but enough social finesse to make me think that he’s actually gonna win if he gets to the end. He’s like, that cool dork everybody was friends with in high school. Even though parts of his game have been lackluster as fuck, he’s still a massive threat to win and I might just need to kick him off to the jury as soon as possible. :) And finally... me! I’m gonna try hard to be unbiased and self-aware but it’s so difficult to do that bc I genuinely don’t know how ppl are perceiving me this time.. I THINK it’s mostly positive but tonight was definitely one of my most negative episodes bc of how stressful I was being before tribal. Just ask Jeff. I think I’m definitely succeeding in getting votes to go my way and I have had a LOT of things go right for me since the merge. From Stephanie leaving right when I needed her to, to the double removal, to the super idol coming out and getting rid of Joey... It’s been so good so far. BUT I’m not being subtle about it. Subtlety is not a strength of mine that’s for sure.. I think I succeeded in being “subtle” about the Steph thing bc I was not making it overly obvious I wanted her out but otherwise I’ve been very clearly controlling other decisions and how certain votes went. Leaving two people I don’t trust in the game (Pat/Jeff) is tough but at least I worked with them on something, right? Joey was telling me so much that he was gonna lose to me and I think he was right. Now Jeff is saying that he’s probably going to lose if we’re in the end, but he doesn’t want to vote me out. Do I trust that? Not really... But fuck, I don’t even know anymore!!! I think if the game was over right now, I’m going to be grilled to DEATH for being fake as hell to Joey. I think that’s gonna come back to bite me so I need to start talking POSITIVELY about Joey to EVERYBODY. Read him for game, not for personal reasons. And maybe I’ll even talk his game up going forward just so that the person who goes into jury at least relays that I made a “good move” voting for Joey to leave (even tho I didn’t vote for Joey hehe). I wonder if people think I’m just playing tjem as pawns and not as real people.. bc these are definitely real people we are playing with here and I recognize that, but honestly in my mind nobody here wants this as badly as me. If that makes me the villain, I’m fine being the villain. But I’m not a human being that will ever play this game with a passion to play humanely. I want to win so badly. I’m going crazy in my own head, the wheels turning in hyperspeed. I’ve never been hungrier for something like I am for this win... I can hold out another year in this environment if I have to. I can and I will 🤠
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Darn third world slow internet connection! Anyway, it made others look like challenge threats more than me, so hopefully that gets me through more rounds if they think other people can win more :) 
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That was a very stressful and very tense immunity challenge. Jeff was the clear front runner for the first five rounds, being the first person to advance in all of them. He’s a quick typer which made me very worried I wouldn’t be able to pull off a win. However, the last round was “Name That Song” and with the help of Siri, I snagged the immunity necklace! Final 6 here I come! This round presents me with an interesting dilemma. Since I have immunity I can be a little more ballsy. So I could throw Jeff or Pat under the bus, try to sway Jaiden, Kailyn and Xavier to vote one of them out. Or I can stick with the OG Palazzo group that is saying (for the fifth time I might add) that they want to stick together. That hasn’t worked out at all yet this merge and we’ve voted 4 people out. Pat and Jeff seem pretty interested in targeting Xavier for being a social threat which I don’t disagree with. But Jaiden is a very strong player. This is one of those rounds where I’m insanely grateful to have immunity because there’s also a bunch of advantages out there. I know Livingston has a regular idol now. But there’s vote steals and extra votes and idol nullifiers out there somewhere and that’s so nerve-wracking. Also, Jaiden mentioned to me that this is the last round for a lot of those advantages and I just don’t think I buy that. Final 7 is a weird place for that. Regardless, I’m fully expecting this to be a wild and crazy tribal tomorrow. Can’t wait to see what happens because I get to sit there looking pretty with my new bling. Xoxo Gossip Girl
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I am terrified of tribal today and I have a bunch of different ideas in my head but I just want to survive. Kind of where I am at is I feel like I am getting 7th no matter what because I have never tasted top 6 in an ORG. I could play an idol here at 7, waste it, and then just get fucked at 6. One thing I thought about was "finding" the idol part of the way through tomorrow and then letting OG Palazzo know to build trust. The only issue with this is that the idol nullifier is in play. It could still be on the board. It was on the board when I got my auction advantage. But if it isn't, and Pat and Jeff turn on me, I could be fucked idol or no idol if the nullifier is played. I suppose that Pat and Jeff have both never voted me as far as I can tell, unless I have miscalculated one of the vote counts for the past 2 tribals. Maybe it'd be safer to hold onto the idol quietly and just hope I don't leave with it in my pocket. This is so stressful because if I leave with it in my pocket, I look like an idiot that had the luck to get two advantages but couldn't traverse the game much past that. 
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Okay so, Jeff is my closest ally at this point. Voting out Joey was our move and I am very happy we did. I don’t express the anger that I’m feeling and I think that helps keep my relationships good with people. I think I’m good with Livingston and Keegan and also Jaiden and Kailyn. I was Xavier out this round but I feel like something is going to happen. No one knows I have an idol which is amazing and I hope I don’t have to use it til final 5 and I have immunity and can play it on someone else for the fun of it. I can’t believe I made final 7 and am actually kicking up playing the game by voting correctly on Joey. I think so far I have 2 of the 4 votes at final tribal council, Andrew and Steph. I think I have a road there, I just hope I make the right decision because I’m still in I a weird phase of the game and anything can happen. 
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This tribal feels very weird. Jaiden is insisting he hasn’t heard anything at all about the vote. Which I find very strange considering he’s basically been running things most of this merge. Why would suddenly no one tell him anything? Especially Kailyn and Xavier. Seems like those three are fairly open with each other. I could not be more happy to have immunity this round. No matter what happens, I am safe and have not a thing to worry about. I really really hope that Pat and Jeff are being honest and actually voting for Xavier like they say they are. If they’re flipping and voting for Livingston.... I don’t even want to imagine that. But I’m getting some sketchy vibes. Fingers crossed it’s just me being paranoid, though any time I say that something unexpected happens.
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Ok I'm calling it, I'm going home tonight ! Literally nobody is telling me anything and it's really quite pathetic to see Keegan, who says we're super cool and good friends and will be friends once this is all over, win immunity and then not make a single attempt to pick me up and flip me to his side. Unless he's so confident that the Palazzo four will stick loyal to the very end... which they probably will, but Jeff is gonna beat all of them in the end and I think they see me as a big threat or something LOL I guess it's good gameplay for them but I hate it either way. I don't really have a lot to say bc now I just feel dumb. I wish I had an idol, but of course, I do not. Anyways, I'm going to have to stick with the fact that people are voting for Xavier tonight and hope my name doesn't come up at all. I'm going to lie and tell Xavier that I'm certain its me or Kailyn tonight and hope he holds an idol if he has it... or plays it on me heh. We'll see though... What a depressing trip to Las Vegas if it ends like this. 
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The last Confessional :( 
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currently t posing as hard as ever thanks to also being stuck in [i can't believe i have to create what i want to create] mode... comradeship... ✨🔮🍺⚡
ugh smh at all of us attempting to create anything......comrades in this mess for sure B/ when will we learn
✨ Favourite aesthetic?
i can enjoy some like Muted Atmospheric type palettes......like, dim lighting / atmospheric distancing, maybe some monochrome-leaning stuff, Desaturated Colors which is wild as i never use this aesthetic myself lmao and am being unusually “restrained” if i choose Non-100% Saturated Colors.......i like some nighttime / dusk type Visuals although then within that i like both like, more ~realistically~ muted/dark stuff And Also like stylistically brightened / more saturated blues than you’d Really see at night, plus maybe some Warm Lighting from some source, don’t have to lean full thomas kinkade with it or whatever but it’s good. and Sunset type lighting where there’s both like, some colorful Lighting but also more desaturated shadows.......i don’t go so much for earth / jewel tones really like, either Lighter & Brighter or Darker & More Muted is my like Palette sensibilities apparently
🔮 Any advice you would have given 10 y/o you?
i have to like count out like what year of school are people in at whatever age....that’d be circa 4th/5th grade i guess?? not much going on. 4th grade was that one [several scenes from julius caesar] where it was like oh this is pretty clear You’re A Theatre Gay (which i only put together v recently for how obvious it was lol) and also of Course You’re Trans lmao like, may as well explain not only what Being Trans is (i don’t like, particularly remember when i became aware of That Being A Thing was?? like i know i knew by 14 but...) and go ahead and explain being Nonbinary coz it Was a good few years before i like, heard of that as a concept.....speaking of the Circa-’10s Dialogue i could’ve explained “you aren’t obligated to like, lgbtq-dom to Come Out to your family” b/c my Attempt at that only inconvenienced me and it’s just not a good/true sentiment for anyone lol........took a minute to like, get Perspective on things where i had this assumption that i’d Age Out of what turned out to be more inherent issues like [you are autistic, and also queer, and ppl don’t always just Make Friend Groups by high school age lol] and [family dynamics are not all Like This and it seems like the ‘rents approach is Wild b/c it is and it’s not Really going to fundamentally change so just don’t worry about the Continual Strife lol not on you actually] like, there’s a real On The One Hand But On The Other matter where my getting to go away to college gave that chance for some crucial Distance / Perspective on things about myself and my existence, but also forever in “i kind of hate school despite whatever parts are alright-to-good” club and did i need to rack up the tuition-etc Costs, would i have been able to get the Perspective in high school? probably in part but i also would’ve probably hated the [academic] part more and also would’ve been around most of the same ppl since kindergarten and yet i was sitting at the Odds N Ends lunch table probably just reading, so even though i was also not magically Socially Thriving in college, it was better from that angle too.......maybe could’ve told myself to do Backstage Theatre Stuff, since there was that issue of “i like to Perform but didn’t quite enjoy Family Members seeing it lmao”......compromise about your theatre gayness? who knows. generally tell myself to not worry about being Not Unruly as much, see: [the conflict is inevitable and too fundamental] lmao from many angles......who tf knows what primers on [Political Awareness] i could give a 10 yr old, that’s sure developing more in those years............idk like there’s Much 2 Consider but at the same time even Theoretically i’m not pressed to mess with the timeline lmao. like really just Maybe the small tip like “people are trans and specifically being nonbinary is A Thing and you are not obligated to Come Out To Parents” like, lord knows you get enough of their [i suspect and resent my progeny is not gender &/or sexualitying Correctly] without even bothering to confirm it for them
🍺 Favourite drink?
damb.......i like a Coffee alright for like, non-practical reasons i.e. all caffeine is likely to do is make me even sweatier than usual........tea can be pretty good, i like fruit / mint flavors (separately...).......sweet tea / lemonade combo (or just sweet tea ft. like a lemon wedge) pretty much fucks, or just regular lemonade on its own lol.......orange juice is okay, teresa was talking abt orange juice And apple cider last night like yeah apple cider’s okay, i went from liking apple juice to finding it intolerable and now i think i Can power through it w/o enthusiasm but apple cider is always great. grape soda is good and so is orange soda, sprite, ginger ale......and also Grape Juice is rly good......s/o to Water, idk that anyone’s enthused or anything on average but thank you for the hydration........idk i’m just out here like Sipppp........just wanna avoid anything Overall bitter really (tea / coffee always gotta be sweetened.....if i’m having Alcohol it’s gotta be like some cocktail and even then i've like multiple times tried and failed to just power through a pina colada. various unsweetened Teas have also just been like, i’d rather have the plain water. oh yeah and sparkling water, tf is going on there, Gross......avoided it wholly for years but last i checked cherry juice Specifically is intolerable 2 me) but idk i guess yeah if you take the Average of everything the answer is just like. water.........this just epitomizes my Asks Answers lmfao there’s no real answer but i take forever writing down whatever thought crosses my mind in the course of figuring it out and go tl;dr n/a or [the most boring answer possible]
⚡ Ever had a Greek Mythology phase?
i feel like i’m sort of forgetting some aspects to the “not really but kind of” answer like, most summers i’d Partake in some sort of daytime 2-3 week Activities camp lmao and i feel like one of them of yore mayyyybe had some kind of greek mythology theme to it b/c we had yknow like these smaller groups and i think we had to come up with Skits explaining greek myths b/c our like 4-5 person group did Arachne and i’m fairly sure that everyone else’s was along those lines lmao nothing Completely Different.......most of what i really remember was like, first of all it’s that “i cannot simply Think Of An Idea” problem lmao like tf do you mean Create A Skit......but it wasn’t just Me so we worked around it lol. and anyways the most Memorable thing was like, the day before we were gonna Present these skits we were like “uh how are we gonna have a Visible Spider’s Web” and one of the people were like “i have like a sheet with a spiderweb design on it” and we were like are you gonna forget to bring it though, and then she forgot to bring it, and when someone in our group like told An Adult like “uh what do we do if a sort of essential prop is Unavailable” we were unhelpfully brushed off with “you’ll just have to use your imaginations” and so we bitterly were like Oh Is THAT The Sentiment Then............and what we did is like, i don’t remember what [sort of chorus / narrator] greek god i happened to be playing but i was the one to hold up the “web” like wow amazing weaving here, as per the myth of arachne, and since we didn’t have anything and were told to just use our imaginations to rectify the issue, i held up the corners of Absolutely Nothing and announced it was sure an incredible woven spider’s web, i.e. the audience had to Imagine It.........a real memorable event of Inspired Pettiness from us like 9 yr olds or whatever the fuck. lmfao. of course nobody would’ve given a shit either way but we were somewhat pressed about it so it was fun to just like, get that Stress brushed off and in turn go “ah fuck it then” lmfao
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caatws · 4 years
tagged by @justanalto to answer some questions !! :)
1. What is the color of your hairbrush? it’s like a blueish/greenish color and has moana on it! i usually comb my hair so i bought that brush just bc it was moana themed a few years ago lol. i don’t use it often
2. Name a food you never eat. there are many.....#justchildhoodocdthings ermmmm i don’t eat a lot of snack foods like chips or goldfish
3. Are you typically too cold or too warm? too warm, esp these days bc the weather is hella warming up so i wake up feeling hot a lot
4. What were you doing 45 minutes ago? i was working on some post-grad work stuff and then crossed over into my roommates’ room to watch the facebook livestream graduation 2020 thing cuz miley was on singing the climb
5. What is your favorite candy bar? i love a good hershey’s special dark chocolate moment
6. Have you ever been to a professional sports event? yes, quite a lot actually! my mom is super into sports, so i grew up going to a handful of pro sports games - mlb, nba, and nhl. never nfl tho bc my mom said the price of tix wasn’t worth it LMAOOOO. also when the olympics are here in la in like 8 years i wouldn’t mind checking out some events here !!
7. What is the last thing you said out loud? i asked my roommate if she wanted me to close the door as i was leaving her room bc she was abt to hop on a zoom call
8. What is your favorite ice cream? chocolate.....esp if it’s dark chocolate which is Rare
9. What was the last thing you had to drink? starbucks peppermint hot chocolate bc i’m a basic bitch!!!!
10. Do you like your wallet? yeah, i only upgraded from my middle school wallet like back in 2018 to a normal adult looking one. it’s purple and has enough pockets for all my shit! still bulky tho
11. What was the last thing you ate? ....nothing LMFAOOOO lunch is usually my first meal of the day and i haven’t had it yet. but last night i had ramen for dinner
12. Did you buy any new clothes last weekend? last time i bought clothes was i ordered one of the black widow hoodies from hot topic like a month ago....other than that i have not gone clothes shopping since pre-quarantine
13. The last sporting event you watched? i don’t even know....i didn’t watch the super bowl, so it’d either be some time my roommate was watching hockey on our tv or whatever sports my mom was watching when i was still home for winter break in january
14. What is your favorite flavor of popcorn? KETTLE CORN!!!!
15. Who is last person you sent a text message to? i sent a pic of miley singing the climb on the fb livestream on my friend’s laptop to my fam being like “lol miley is our commencement performer!!!!” and my mom was just like cool
16. Ever go camping? yes unfortunately....never for more than a night at a time tho bc i literally Cannot
17. Do you take vitamins? no bc what is Health
18. Do you go to church every Sunday? used to back in the days of catholic school (pre college), but now no longer
19. Do you have a tan? nah bc we can’t go outside bro
20. Do you prefer Chinese food or pizza? chinese food 100% i personally think pizza is overrated
21. Do you drink soda with a straw? i don’t believe i ever do tbh
22. What color socks do you usually wear? i only own socks with colorful patterns/designs on them which is extra but very me i suppose
23. Do you ever drive above the speed limit? always! (a reasonable amount over tho, like within 5-10 mph over...this is average for californians, while many others speed hella)
24. What terrifies you? not a fan of heights nor uncertainty, and this pandemic has essentially destroyed my post grad hopes/plans and now i enter an uncertain future
25. Look to your left, what do you see? my bed, with a lot of stuff piled on top
26. What chore do you hate? all of them???? i guess doing the dishes mostly tho bc i hate the smell of wet dishes with food waste/residue on them and it just feels so gross i can’t
27. What do you think of when you hear an Australian accent? i think wow australia sounds like a wild country
28. What’s your favorite soda? orange soda 4ever
29. Do you go into a fast food place or just hit the drive-thru? drive-thru if i can !!! but i don’t mind going in if there’s ample parking available
30. Who’s the last person you talked to? my roommate, when i asked if she wanted me to close the door LMAO
31. Favorite cut of beef? all of them????? i’m not picky with meat dsflkbn
32. Last song you listened to? as i was driving back into my garage the radio station i was listening to started playing sugar we’re going down which threw me for a time loop
33. Last book you read? i’ve been reading fanfic mostly recently so ig whatever the last thing i read for my internship weeks ago was, it would be that
34. Favorite day of the week? even tho time doesn’t matter in quarantine, i’ll always be a friday stan
35. Can you say the alphabet backwards? i used to be decent at it but i’m out of practice now. i’ll try to just type it rly quickly and see: zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcba (ok so this took me like 5ish secs to type so that’s p good!)
36. How do you like your coffee? i don’t! i just drink peppermint hot chocolate :^)
37. Favorite pair of shoes? my doc martens, but they are now out of season for most of the rest of the year bc i live in southern california where it’s Hawt so i probs won’t wear them again til december
38. The time you normally go to sleep? sometime between 1 and 3 am
39. The time you normally get up? sometime between 9 and 11 am
40. What do you prefer, sunrise or sunsets? sunsets are dope!!!
41. How many blankets on your bed? three, including my sheet, comforter, and a small quilt
42. Describe your kitchen plates. some are just round and plain white, some are round and white with a red decorative border, one is a pokémon plate meant for children that i bought cheap at target
43. Do you have a favorite alcoholic beverage? piña colada!!! but if i’m trying to get drunk i need vodka or somethin
44. Do you play cards? not much tbh! my apartment has been on a mahjong streak as of late
45. What color is your car? silver!!
46. Can you change a tire? no i’m useless but also my parents believe i’ll get murdered if stuck on the side of the road (which is possible) so they’d prefer me to call aaa for help
47. Your favorite province? uhhhhhhh no provinces here in the u.s. but canada has provinces and i went to british columbia (to visit vancouver) once as a kid so???? if we talking states tho y’all know i will die for california
48. Favorite job you’ve ever had? honestly my job at my school’s mail center this past year was rly cool! my boss was so great and the other student workers were chill, so it was a nice environment and i enjoyed learning all these mail-related skills
49. How did you get your biggest scar? i have no scars ;))))
50. What did you do today that made someone else happy? i had my final appointment with my therapist from my school since i graduated, so i thanked him for working with me the past year and a half!
i tag: anyone who wants to do this, i’m lazyyyyy hehe so feel free to steal!!!! i wanna read y’all’s answers
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marchingfluterino · 7 years
band things from the hoco game & carnival yesterday
we played at the pep rally
the football players walked in like they were hot shit, like they hadn’t lost literally two thirds of the games they’d played that season and of the two they won one wasn’t by one (1) point and the other wasnt to fucking [redacted] township
i stayed after for the first time, and it was lit
piano mayhem in the tech lab. ben fucked around with the settings, mendelson fucked around with the beats and played the simpsons theme, i fucked around extensively with the settings and accidentally rebroke a piano that’s been having Problems since before band camp, and michael was the only one who just played nice songs nicely without like, changing the settings to dog bark bebop
matt continually called quinn quindolyn. im pretty sure quinn’s never talking to him again
at the carnival there was a petting zoo and while we were walking over we passed matthew and he told us that there was a “thicc horse”
also a goat tried to eat glenna’s hair
there was also a very smol very good pupper
i was the first to see the pup and was like “:OOO DOG!! PUP PUP PUP” and like, raced over and everyone just flocked to the lil puppy pen
us, in the line to get fries, crashing into each other: dRILL
i actually forgot to put my flute down before leaving the band room so just. for the entirety of the carnival i had my flute inside my sleeve
the reactions were THE GREATEST
i pull a flute out of my sleeve like, “can you hold this” and matt takes it without questioning me and ben (the sax section leader) just looks at me. like, no change in expression, mouth slightly open, his eyes squinted veeeeery slightly,
i did it in front of beka (trombone) and she just mouthed “what the fuck”
jason (trumpet) and abby (sousa) both saw and abby’s lowkey abt everything so she was like, “what??” and jason, who Knows What I Am Like, was like, “ari why do u have that”
mary (clarinet) just looked at me and was like, “why”
we also did it in front of daryl and pat and honeSTLY
i just take my flute out of my sleeve and hand it to michael and he just takes it nonchalantly and daryl sees and gives me a confused look and says, “where did that come from?!” and i take back my son flute and like, stick it down my sleeve and it was the best thing ever
pat just stood there like, “why?” with like, a tiny smile
i didn’t get to do it in front of hat trick, clarissa, or max, but im 100% sure mr hat trick would either laugh or get angry, clarissa would look at me very offended, and max, A TUBA PLAYER, would just stare at me, and then like, walk away with That Specific Air of Extreme Confusion
i came out as nb to (mello) hannah
justin (trombone) was the junior in the hoco court and we all cheered when he was introduced and when they said he was in the marching band and his face was like, fuckin tomato red
zach’s twin brother will was one of the seniors in the hoco court and zach videoed him looking extremely proud of his bro :’)
the skits were lit
the freshmen’s sucked in comparison to everyone else’s, but i think we woulda done fine if it was stand-alone
i mean xavier was in it and. he’s AMAZING at dancing
overall, the juniors’ was the best, but the sophomores’ had the best songs
songs used in the skits: we’re all in this together, take on me, dancing queen, stayin’ alive, bohemian rhapsody, jaws, etc
for the jaws part of one of the skits someone in a shark costume just tackled someone else
there was doc brown, marty mcfly, AND MICHAEL JACKSON in one of them and at one point there were two lines of people with the dolorean in the back and michael jackson in the front and doc brown and marty mcfly were just in the back in front of the dolorean like, “THATS MICHAEL JACKSON”
the dance our color guard does for seven nation army is dab to one side, dab to the other side, bring it around it’s LIT
a color guard, talking about us getting ready to do seven nation army: are you ready for THE MAGICAL DAB
the other band was single a but they were HUGE
they did a fucking. forrest gump themed show
they had 9 sousaphones and fucking benches
and their color guard had checked blue shirts and tan pants as their uniform
bc it was hoco we only did the parade tune and the closer at half time
zach made us dab during the band dance. again
but like, this time it was less of an Ambiguous Dab™
he does that literally every time it’s great
i went and sat with maya and matt and megan while the seniors went to go Interact With The Other Band’s Seniors and we just. dabbed and bottle flipped and just. Partook In General Memery until the seniors came back
clarissa fixed it tho so it was ok
we fucking WON
but like. the school we were playing lost to fucking [redacted] township
aka the same one we beat at their hoco, bc they have a TERRIBLE team
when we were getting into arcs before our end show daryl told me that me taking my flute out of my sleeve was “the best thing i’ve seen all season”
this is what i live for
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sambashua · 7 years
92 questions/random questions/8 things tag~
hello friends !!! i’ve done the first two tags before but it’s been quite a while so ?? let’s see if i can come up w new responses i guess?? also these all have similar-ish questions so i thought i’d combine them so i don’t clog up everyone’s dashes~
tagged by (ノ´ヮ`)ノ*: ・゚(ilya so dang much my favorite muffins)
92 questions: mariel! @jaehyunscult kelby! @yooncheoly and claudia! @s-lay-ing 
random questions: kolbo! @yooncheoly ommo! @strawberryboo​ and cloodoo! @s-lay-ing 
eight things: em! @seoulscapes mj! @jungnoir and kat! @atshinee
i’m going to tag @everyonesabiaswrecker @hoshi-ssi @king-hao @moonhyook @taeismyking @honestlay @yoonsunha @amessence @kylamassie1 @peachesandkili and also the beans who tagged me above!! you can do one of the ones you didn’t tag me in hehe(≧◡≦)
you guys can choose whichever tags you want!! or all of them ? idk it’s basically either long, easy or creative so whatever you feel like doing… or do none of them!! that works too! if you don’t want to be tagged just let me knowwww also you rlly don’t have to read this whole thing it is so damn long… but w/o further ado…
92 questions
the last…
1. drink: water
2. phone call: my grandma !
3. text message: “THEBOP OF THE SUMMER” (sic)
4. song you listened to: ‘love paint (every afternoon)’ by NU’EST started playing before i got out of the car last night… WAIT I JUST REMEMBERED I WATCHED MX’S NEWTON THIS MORNING OH MY GOD THE BOP OF THE SUMMER THAT’S WHAT THE TEXT WAS ABT BTW
5. time you cried: hmmmm not monsta x surprisingly ? but we have some rlly spicy food in LA and @everyonesabiaswrecker @taeismyking and i had to hide our eyes from the waiter lol
have you ever…
6. dated someone twice: nooo (as i said last time i’ve never dated so these are all no’s so you can skip around a bit i suppose)
7. been cheated on: nooo
8. kissed someone and regretted it: nooo
9. lost someone special: yea
10. been depressed: nope
11. gotten drunk and thrown up: drinking makes ya do bad stuff kids
list three favorite colors (12-15)…
grey, light blue nd light green !
in the last year have you…
15. made new friends: yeAH SO MANY! irl and online i’m so thankful for everyone i’ve met~~ since i started uni i was rlly nervous abt meeting people and although i have one (1) new friend irl (shoutout to my main main main kat @atshinee literally where would i be w/o you i probably woulda gotten stuck at camp bc of the hail storm) i’ve met countless lovely individuals online that i am forever grateful for;;; now i’m being all sappy someoNE STOP ME
16. fallen out of love: nooo
17. laughed until you cried: almost everyday~~
18. found out someone was talking about you: oh yea
19. met someone who changed you: YES
20. found out who your true friends are: yeah!
21. kissed someone on your facebook list: nooooooooooooooope
general stuff
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: idk like probably actually 80% but they’re not people i talk to now ? (kat still yells at me abt my answer last time)
24. do you want to change your name: i like my name a lot tbh (there’s so many endless nickname possibilities honestly)
25. what did you do for your last birthday: i got gelato w two of my closest frandssss and also listened to nct dream like the whole day it was the best
26. what time did you wake up: um m m i think 9? yesterday i went to bed at 3:30 and woke up at 7:30 so i slept in more today lol
27. what were you doing at midnight last night: trying to read a soonhoon fic from eep and messaging ivy:D
28. name something you cannot wait for: uM IDK EVERYTHING I WAS WAITING FOR ALREADY HAPPENED i guess just moving back to school and starting classes??? i’m so anxious ugh
29. when was the last time you saw your mom: 4 ? hours ago ?
30. what is one thing you wish you could change about your life: um idk i think i’m pretty blessed to be completely honest
31. what are you listening to right now: there’s construction going on in the distance idk what they’re doing but it is LOUD
32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: i’m so shook people haven’t talked to any toms i’ve met so many i don’t undeRSTAND
33. something that is getting on your nerves: ignorance *finger guns*
34. most visited website: tumblr (i haven’t been on youtube much lately cry)
35. elementary school: yeahhh
36. high school: yeahhh
37. college: yeahhh
38. hair color: blonde 
39. long or short hair: it’s so long rn i’m constantly choking on it
40. do you have a crush on someone: crushes are for noobs
41. what do you like about yourself: “everything, love yourself.” -kat
42. piercings: ears but i never wear them
43. blood type: idk my parents are both AB so my mom says we’re that too but mom that’s not how genetics work
44. nickname: i have so many but my most common one is mir~ i answer to anything tho
45. relationship status: engaged to jeon wonwoo
46. zodiac sign: cancer~
47. pronouns: she/her
48. favorite tv show: game of thrones or below deck (watch it it’s a reality show abt a yacht crew it’s so entertaining) 
49. tattoos: nope i’m too indecisive
50. righty or lefty: right
51. surgery: i had surgery junior year of high school
52. piercing: did they not already ask this oh jk this is first well i still only have ears
53. best friend: in the womb bitchhh (-8 months would be the official age)
54. sport: i think karate ? my dad is super sporty tho so sister and i tried every sport known to man
55. vacation: probably washington bc i have a lot of family there
56. pair of sneakers: literally who knows this tho
right now…
57. eating: nothing
58. drinking: now i’m drinking tea
59. i’m about to: eat a bagel maybe
60. listening to: good luck by aoa (yessss my girls)
61. waiting for: jordyn to get off work so i can see her new dorm:D
62. do you want kids: i always have
63. do you want to get married: i don’t really know marriage seems so outdated…
64: what career do you want: journalist (yay)
which is better…
65. hugs or kisses: hugs!
66. lips or eyes: eyes!
67. shorter or taller: i don’t have much preference but i’m tall and i like being tall
68. older or younger: i don’t really care bc some older people are really immature and some younger people are really mature so~
70. nice arms or nice stomach: i really really don’t care
71. sensitive or loud: these honestly aren’t even antonyms
72. hook up or relationship: relationship
73. troublemaker or hesitant: i’ve never been a troublemaker so ?
have you ever…
74. kissed a stranger: nooo
75. drank hard liquor: neh ?
76. lost glasses/lenses: i have above average vision boiiiii
77. turned someone down: i mean;;;; i think most people have at least indirectly
78. had sex on the first date: nooo
79. broken someone’s heart: i really doubt it lol
80. had your heart broken: jeon wonwoo breaks my heart daily
81. been arrested: nooo
82. cried when someone died: yeahh
83. fallen for a friend: no
do you believe in…
85. miracles: maybe ?
86. love at first sight: not even a little bit
87. santa claus:
88. kiss on the first date: i mean i don’t see why not
89. angels: maybe ?
90. current best friends name: sister n em n kat n cass n jords n val :3
91. eye color: grey ish
92. favorite movie: the proposal was my favorite movie for so long;;; i liked moonlight a lot too go see it
random questions
dude i fucking forgot abt this one i thought i was done fuck (why is this font so tiny)
relationship status: single for 19 years bishhhhhhhh favorite color: grey!! but i’ve been feelin orange lately hmmmm lipstick or chapstick: i like tinted lip balm:) but i even use vaseline sometimes try it okay it makes yo lips so soft last song you listened to: well i already said so i’ll do what’s stuck in my head rn: coffee by bts (it’s so good i get such calming vibes from it) last movie you watched: BABY DRIVER it was so ffffff good 100/10 would rec~ the car chases were so cool dude also ansel elgort is such a cutie top 3 characters: i’ll as april ludgate from parks n rec (are you happy jords), celaena from throne of glass, ndddd risa koizumi from lovcom:) top 3 ships: jejun ! soonwoo ! MARKHYUCK(ノ´ヮ`)ノ*: ・゚ books you are currently reading: rnnnn i’m STILL reading heir of fire (don’t worry cass i will finish it in time) top 5 musicals: mulan is endlessly iconic okay, hsm, phantom of the opera, the sound of music nd mama mia !
eight things
last movie watched: baby driver hoo hoo last song listened to: me gustas tu bitchhhhh last book read: Crown of Midnight still oops sorry cass i’m so damn slow these days  last thing eaten: fig newtons (buy newton by monsta x on itunes) if you could be anywhere right now, where would you be: wherever @atshinee​ is because i want to support her for her test but i know i would probably just distract her:(((((( a fictional character you would hang out with for the day: probably dorian from throne of glass bc he just seems like such a lovable dork i want to give him a big ole hug he needs it  what fictional world/universe would you want to spend a week in: i used to be obsessed w the series Gregor the Overlander as a kid and i’d really want to spend a day there that would be so awesome esp the one where they travel through the one rainforest jungle… but also Harry Potter bc i rlly want to go to hogwarts and just;;; look around? it’s so pretty and i want to see all the paintings and staircases and the people it’d be great last video game played: i’ve never rlly played video games… i used to play the sims does that count rip
well it’s finally frickin done i doubt anyone bared w me for this trainwreck…….. i’m so tired now will i even do more of these today jk i gotta i am so behind but no selfie tags i look trash
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sillyfleur · 7 years
clara and hanniel for 18 and 20 because i love them so much
one month later, i finally finished! i never forgot abt you im just bad at doing things in a timely manner. ty for the request, ily!
18. Things you said when you were scared
The thing about traveling across a demon-infested desert with a target on your back is that you run across a lot of, you know, demons. Many of them were corrupted versions of otherwise harmless animals, like the hound that almost killed Clara when she and Hanniel first met. They were low level, so the angel always made quick work of them.
This one was a bit different.
A scorpion three times Hanniel’s size sprung up from the earth not far from where they’d just broken down camp. It was a mottled black and brown, with heavy claws and a wicked-looking stinger. It swung at Hanniel, who met the attack with their sword, barely denting its skin. Hanniel brought their sword down, attempting to cut the appendage off but getting scooped up by the other claw. The scorpion began to tighten its grip and the angel cried out.
Jon grabbed Clara by the waist to keep her from running towards them.
“You can’t help them,” he said. “You’ll end up dead.”
Clara tried to pry him off but Lucas was stronger than her. “We have to do something, we can’t- I couldn’t stand it if they-”
A loud boom caught both their attentions. Through her tears, Clara saw Hanniel, splashed in black blood, lying in the sand. The angel’s hands were glowing, and the scorpion’s claw was gone, a mangled mess. The scorpion made a screeching noise, quickly crawling towards Clara and Jon, who simultaneously cursed.
Wailing, the demon reared back, readying its stinger. Clara shrieked. She and Jon dove in different directions as the tail came down.
But it never did.
Clara opened her eyes, and Hanniel had grabbed onto the stinger, their hands slowly losing that glow. The angel pulled, throwing the scorpion a good distance away, the end of its tail coming off in their hands.
“Holy shit,” Jon said, mouth agape. Hanniel ignored him, walking towards the scorpion, picking up their sword on the way.
The demon had landed on its back, rocking side to side, trying to flip over. It shrieked as the angel came near, rocking faster. Hanniel didn’t waste any time in the killing blow, stabbing the thing in the head. And the desert was quiet.
The angel sheathed the sword, walking back to the prophets, where Jon was losing his mind over how cool that was, and Clara’s hands were still shaking.
“Hanniel,” Jon started, “has anyone ever told you you’re a badass?”
They gave him a blank look, opening their mouth to say something and suddenly falling to their knees. The prophets ran towards them, Clara getting on her knees to grab Hanniel’s shoulders. The sticky black blood burned her hands, but Clara didn’t care. Hanniel’s eyes wouldn’t open.
“No,” she said. “Hanniel wake up, you can’t let a shitty scorpion kill you. Jon, help me, maybe- maybe it’s the blood. Do you have a towel?”
Jon threw down his bag and started rummaging through it, and Clara cradled Hanniel in her arms.
“Please, please don’t go. We can’t make it without you.” The prophet looked up, briefly thinking of praying before glancing at Jon. He’d found a piece of cloth and doused it with water, kneeling down to clean Hanniels skin and armor.
“How do you even give first aid to an angel?” He asked.
“I-I don’t know, you think I’ve ever tried? This is so shitty, I’ve never really had anyone to care about like this and now a giant ass scorpion might have killed them, I hate this. I hate this desert.”
“God,” Jon said, sitting back and running his hands over his head. “I know- wait. Someone you-”
Hanniel coughed, turning away from Clara before going into a coughing fit, black blood leaving their mouth. Where their hands touched the sand it turned into glass, the glow emanating from their palms again.
“Are you okay?” Clara asked, scared to touch them. Hanniel wiped their mouth, giving the prophet a strange look before nodding.
“Fine… I’m fine.” They said, voice thick. Hanniel started to cough.
Lucas fished out a canteen of water, and the angel took it graciously, flushing out their mouth before taking a drink. Jon went to put stuff back in his bag, saying “Clara help me out.”
She did, handing him crumpled clothes and other random bits.
“So are we… going to talk about that?” he started, and Clara shook her head.
“There’s nothing to talk about, I was just… scared.”
“Yeah, but that doesn’t make it any less true.”
Clara looked at the angel, whose eyes were closed again, breathing deeply. Their armor was still smudged with blood.
“Can we drop it? I’m not pouring out my angst to you.”
“Alright, but just know if there was an angel I liked, I’d tell you about it.”
“Oh shut up.”
20. Things you said that I wasn’t meant to hear
They found a small, abandoned chapel a bit before dawn. It was the only building they’d seen with some semblance of a roof, so they all decided it’d be the best place to rest during the day. Jon and Clara made a couple of cots in front of what was left of the pews, and Hanniel went to stand at the altar. They ran their fingers along the pulpit, wiping away the dust.
Jon gave an exaggerated yawn, curling up the floor. “I don’t know about y’all, but I’m so sleepy.”
Clara yawned too, and Hanniel set their sword on one of the pews.
“Sleep,” they said. “I’ll be here.”
“You’re just going to sit down and watch us for eight hours?” Clara asked. She knew Hanniel didn’t need to sleep and thought this part of what was essentially babysitting the two prophets must be painfully boring.
“It’s my job,” they said with finality, indicating the end of the conversation. Sometimes the prophet didn’t know why she tried.
Jon was already snoring softly by the time she settled down to sleep, the sloth. Early morning rays began to shine through the gaps in the ceiling. It took a little while, but eventually, Clara managed to fall into a fitful rest.
There really wasn’t a lot to do when you were a Guardian whose main job was to protect two people, even during their sleep. Hanniel had made it through a lot of idle hours, but this was their first time having anyone to watch over since the Second War. It was a lot more stressful than they remembered, thanks to the demons that were bent on killing them.
Still, they liked this part of the job best. They didn’t have to talk to either of the prophets. Jon usually had some story to tell or an observation to mull over, and Clara… Clara made Hanniel flustered. She didn’t talk nearly as much as Jon, but she saw everything, and when she looked at the angel they felt that maybe she could see right through them, to parts of the angel that Hanniel had forgotten were there.
Maybe they had too much time to brood after all.
The angel looked at her now, sleeping with a peacefulness that wouldn’t last. It never did, Clara always slept with nightmares. Hanniel knew because they could hear her heartbeat spike up and slow down again. Sometimes Clara wouldn’t go to sleep again for almost an hour. The angel had been wanting to say something to her about it, but what?
Hanniel didn’t know how to talk to people, least of all Clara. They always came off as cold, which wasn’t necessarily what they were going for. The angel wasn’t used to conversations where the other person didn’t want something, as pathetic as that sounded. Hanniel shook their head, dispelling that thought process. It helped no one if they let themselves dwell on that. Still…
“I wish we could have one conversation where I didn’t run you off.”
It felt nice to say it aloud if only to get it out of Hanniel’s head. Not that it would ever happen. Which was fine, because the angel still didn’t know which of them was truly needed in Eden. It was best not to get attached to a girl who might be dead soon.
“Who are you talking to?”
Hanniel froze, looking to see Clara awake, head propped up on her fist. Her short hair stuck up at odd ends, and she still looked half-asleep.
“I- no one, go back to sleep.”
The prophet blinked, stifling a yawn. “Not sure if I can, it’s too bright in here. But you said-”
“Nothing, I didn’t say… You weren’t supposed to hear that.”
“Why, because it makes you seem human?” Clara was getting up now, taking the blanket with her as she made to sit near the angel on the pew. “You don’t always have to be so guarded Hanniel. Jon and I don’t bite.”
The angel glanced at Jon, who was still asleep. He was a heavier sleeper than Clara. “It’s- I’ve never really-”
“Talked to people? We have that in common then.” Clara chuckled, absentmindedly patting her hair down. “I think it works like a Q&A, every question gets an answer. You can go first.”
She gave the angel a small, nervous smile, and Hanniel sighed. This wouldn’t be happening if they had decided to internalize this morning’s thoughts, but maybe this was a good thing? They thought for a moment, before starting off with a simple one.
“How’d you find yourself with that friend of yours, Adam?”
“Hm, that’s kind of a weird story,” Clara started.
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lichfucker · 7 years
you reblogged that yesterday but 48 & 49
48. Talk about how your day went
oh boy okay my day today was A Lot and I’ll include some of yesterday both bc this was yesterday’s meme and bc it’s relevant 
I only work 3 days a week and when I’m working I crash at my cousins’ apartment so I don’t have to commute in from jersey every day. there are only 2 other people in the office with me and our boss works out of another office way uptown so we rarely actually speak to her face-to-face
when I went in this week I fully prepared to be in the office tuesday, wednesday, and thursday, and my cousins’ sons had just come back from camp and wanted to see me so we made dinner reservations for last night, y’know, with the full intention that I’d stay over afterwards and then come home after work today
then yesterday afternoon like an hour before work ended my coworkers realized they were set to have a meeting w our boss uptown and, between travel time and our boss’ unceasing ability to talk, it would probably take like 5 hours (the meeting was at 11, I get there at 10, and we leave at 5) so they’d be out all day and there was no point in me even coming in to the office so I might as well just work from home. that’s cool with me, I’ll just catch a late bus after dinner I guess
but since both of them were gonna be tied up all day, I, the lowly intern, would have to run the entire website for the day. I’d have to publish the drafted articles (they didn’t teach me how), cross-post them to facebook and twitter, probably write up a curated piece or two, and do all the editing and database work I’d be doing anyway
so I woke up today prepared for Death
I woke up at 9:30-ish and a little after 10 I texted one of my coworkers and asked just a quick clarifying q abt how the day was gonna go and you know what she told me???????? the meeting was fucking canceled
that’s fine, less work for me to do, but now I’m alone in this house bc my dad is on a plane to texas and it’s just gonna be me sitting alone in the basement staring at an excel spreadsheet for 7 hours trying not to put my head through the window
the work I was doing, on any other day, would’ve taken me maybe 4 hours, tops. by the time 5 pm rolled around I’d barely even scratched the fucking surface. why?
my computer decided to be the slowest piece of shit I’ve ever seen it be. it has never worked that poorly ever. it would take 3 minutes to load a single page, 2 more for it to register that I’d scrolled or clicked something, excel crashed nearly every time I tried to input any information, at one point I opened up the task manager to see what the fuck was going on and EVEN THE TASK MANAGER STOPPED RESPONDING !! WHERE IS MY GOD NOW
on top of all of this my tattoo has been fucking burning I wanna scratch it so bad the itching is ruining my fucking life oh my god JUST HEAL ALREADY
at like 10 after 5 I put my work away I couldn’t fucking do it anymore I had to walk away before one of us broke
oh also boss called me at one point because she couldn’t remember when or how much she last paid me :^)
I listened to both episodes of til death do us blart twice while I was working and it did not help
mmm then I listened to the taz finale and now I’m here and it’s almost 9 pm I’m still in my pajamas and today I have eaten half of a slice of pizza and a bag of m&ms my body is sewage
49. Talk about your dreams/aspirations for the future
I wanna be a tv writer. I am going to be a tv writer. one day I’ll run the room on my own series and it’ll be good, yo, it’ll be really fucking good. it took me so fucking long to get to a place where I can say with full conviction that I am good at the thing I love, I am good at the thing I want to do with my life. I know that I am.
god I just wanna stay in new york like if you’re gonna work in tv in the us you’re either gonna be in la or new york and it’s like 70% la 30% ny and if a show based in la wants me then fuck me I’m gonna fuckin take it, but I want so fucking badly to stay in new york. I don’t have a west coast temperament, I hate the heat, I can’t drive, and I don’t want to fucking be 3 time zones away from everyone I care about. I don’t want to be 3 time zones away from a decent fucking bagel.
and y’know somewhere along the way I’ll meet a girl I guess and she’ll actually like me and we’ll make a life together, just the two of us and our hairless cats, quasar and ozymandias. but that part is negotiable. the rest of it??? I think I’d die without
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