#i’ve fulfilled the prophecy my parents created when i was twelve
xoadoratio · 2 years
i’m always like “people need to stop assuming what i’m listening to based on how i dress” and then listen to 40 minutes of operatic vampire music followed by some angry guy screaming “FUCK” and “KILL” repeatedly
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Digimon Adventure Hogwarts AU
@whatplanetdididial asked about my Hogwarts headcanons! I developed some ideas in my one-shot, Hogsmeade Tomorrow, but I'm such a huge nerd that I have a lot more ideas!
Many of the headcanons below come from conversations I've had with my sister, but some ideas I thought of myself just for this post. I'll write about more than the Hogwarts Houses, because I'm more interested in adapting the characters' backstories to the Harry Potter universe.
Taichi Yagami - Gryffindor - Pure blood
Unlike Harry Potter, who comes from an abusive muggle household, Taichi the protagonist comes from a happy home and is one of the best-adjusted characters. Therefore, I think that the Yagamis ought to be more like the Weasleys than the Potters. They're a kindhearted magical family and they provide a solid rock for the more troubled characters to lean on. Taichi himself has a magnetic personality and easily befriends both muggles and magical folk. But his best friends from childhood are Sora, of the Noble House of Takenouchi, and Koushiro, a muggle-born. Taichi has a teasing personality and sometimes says insensitive things about muggles, but he never means harm, and he learns from his mistakes. And even if he complains about schoolwork, Taichi loves exploring the castle and is eager to learn more about both the magical and non-magical worlds.
Taichi, bearer of the crest of courage, is a perfect fit for Gryffindor. He’s one of the two easiest characters to sort. He plays for the Gryffindor Quidditch team, and maybe becomes team captain. He could be a chaser or the seeker.
Although the Yagamis are a loving family, they carry a heavy burden. Taichi’s younger sister Hikari is a Seer. When the siblings were little, she recited a prophecy to her brother that foretold the death of the Dark Lord Vamdemon: twelve children working together as a team would find the power to defeat him. As the years pass, the siblings learn who their teammates are meant to be. While Hogwarts’ Headmaster Gennai believes that these children must obey the will of Fate and fulfill the prophecy, Taichi believes and insists that they still have free will. Because of his clear-eyed attitude and faith in his friends, Taichi makes an excellent leader for the team.
Sora Takenouchi – Gryffindor – Half-blood
Sora’s mother Toshiko comes from a noble pure-blood family. The Takenouchis own the largest magical garden in the United Kingdom. However, Toshiko married a Squib, Haruhiko, who had been cut off from his own magical family. Their marriage was a widely-publicized scandal in the wizarding world, meaning that Sora was famous before coming to Hogwarts. People she meets tend to fall in one of two categories: they over-romanticize her parents’ love story, or they insult her parents as blood traitors. The reality is harsher for Sora; her parents are married but they live apart for their jobs. While her mother presides over the Takenouchi estate, her father is a mythology professor at Oxford. It takes Sora years to understand their love for each other.
Sora does not show an aptitude for magic until she is eleven years old, and she worries about being a disappointment to her mother, a powerful sorceress. It is easy for young Sora to imagine that her mother resents her and her father for ruining her social status. Sora rebels by playing Quidditch, which Toshiko thinks is a dangerous sport. She becomes best friends with her neighbor, Taichi, but she keeps her early struggles with magic a secret from him, out of fear that he wouldn’t understand.
I think Sora would be an excellent Gryffindor! She is extremely brave and protective of her friends from the very beginning of Adventure. Sora joins the Gryffindor Quidditch team alongside Taichi, and would make an excellent chaser, seeker, or even Team Captain. She definitely becomes prefect and Head Girl. Sora loves helping the younger students, regardless of their House.
Sora and Taichi befriend Yamato, another half-blood Gryffindor, in their first year. She finds that she has a lot in common with him. During an adventure, Sora and Yamato run into Dementors and discover that they are both particularly vulnerable to the monsters. But they help each other to cast Patronuses and escape.
Yamato Ishida – Gryffindor – Half-blood
Yamato and Takeru’s mother is a witch, and their father is a muggle. (This was my sister’s idea, and it is the best idea in this post.) After their parents’ divorce, Yamato went to live with his father, while Takeru went to live with his mother. So Yamato and Takeru have very different childhoods! Hiroaki Ishida, a television reporter for the BBC in London, has a difficult time raising his wizard eldest son. Yamato grows up knowing a lot more about the muggle world than the wizarding world, and he remains fiercely defensive of muggles when he finally leaves for Hogwarts. However, he grows to love Hogwarts, because of the friends he makes, and because Takeru eventually joins him there.
Yamato is a Gryffindor and I can’t see him any other way! He is one of the bravest and proudest characters, and his character arc is all about how he acts chivalrous towards his younger brother. Yamato often acts before thinking, such as when he dove into the sea-serpent-infested lake to save Takeru in episode 3. (Yamato absolutely dives into the Black Lake to save some tiny first-year at some point.) His strength doesn’t come from being rational or logical; his strength is that he has an enormous heart and he acts instinctively to protect people. Like a Gryffindor! And like Sora, I think he becomes Gryffindor prefect and Head Boy.
Another reason to make Yamato a Gryffindor is that he and Ron Weasley have similar roles. (If Ron were in the Adventure universe, he would surely have the crest of Friendship.) Both Yamato and Ron are close friends to the protagonist; both betray the protagonist and leave the group (in the seventh book / in the Dark Masters’ arc); and both return to the protagonist and redeem themselves. Their betrayal is more interesting if they start out on the same team as the protagonist, in Gryffindor.
Additionally, Yamato forms a rock band, the Teenage Werewolves of London, which becomes popular with both muggles and magical folk.
Koushiro Izumi – Ravenclaw – Muggle-born
There are so many ways you could adapt Koushiro’s backstory to the Harry Potter universe, since he has biological parents and adoptive parents. Ultimately, what works best for me is that both sets of parents are muggles. I want the Hermione-esque muggle-born drama for our smartest wizard, so his biological parents should be muggles. But I also want Koushiro to be raised in a muggle family so that he feels even more curious about the wizarding world! Koushiro’s muggle adoptive parents worry that they’re not good enough parents for a wizard son, and Koushiro’s worries about fitting in with his parents are exacerbated.
When the Izumis realize that their adoptive son has magic powers, they move to the countryside to protect him from prying eyes. Luckily, Koushiro ends up befriending his magical neighbors, Taichi and Sora. (Though Koushiro never likes flying on broomsticks with them.)
Koushiro, bearer of the crest of Knowledge, is a perfect fit for Ravenclaw. He and Taichi are the two easiest characters to sort. The only reason it is difficult to put him in Ravenclaw is because it means he would be separated from his Gryffindor friends. But while Koushiro is certainly brave, he isn’t as outspoken as Hermione, and I don’t think he views himself as a brave person. He views himself foremost as an intelligent person.
Koushiro still finds time to hang out with his friends, since he doesn’t worry too much about grades. When he isn’t going on misadventures with Taichi, the two boys can often be found playing Wizard’s Chess in the Great Hall. Since many wizards hate muggle-borns, Koushiro appreciates his friendships a lot.
Mimi Tachikawa – Hufflepuff – Pure-blood
Like the Yagamis, Mimi’s family is mostly pure-blood, because I think that’s a good way to translate her innocence to the Harry Potter universe. She is a little spoiled and ignorant of the challenges that muggle-borns and squibs face. It’s also a good way to contrast her with Koushiro and Sora, whom she becomes friends with. (Mimi has, of course, heard of the Takenouchi family, and she thinks they are super romantic!) In spite of her ignorance, Mimi is naturally kind and loving towards muggles.
Mimi is a Hufflepuff because I want to emphasize her kind heart and idealistic nature. While Mimi learns to be brave over the course of Adventure, her kindness is what inspires an army of digimon to follow her. Mimi is the proudest Hufflepuff you’ll ever meet; she loves living in the non-judgmental House where students prioritize being nice to each other. I don’t think that Mimi views herself as a brave person (in comparison to Sora), or even an intelligent person (like Koushiro), but Mimi does try hard to be warm and welcoming. And she is proud of that.
Mimi has a natural affinity for both Herbology and Care of Magical Creatures. She struggles with other classes, especially Defense Against the Dark Arts, which requires fighting. Mimi is popular and well-liked among the student body, but one of her best friends is fellow Hufflepuff and awkward nerd Jou Kido.
Jou Kido – Hufflepuff – Pure-blood
I like the idea of the Kidos being a respected magical family with long history of producing Healers. From an early age, Jou decides that he wants to be a Healer, like his father. Jou’s parents and older brothers were all sorted into witty Ravenclaw. But the Hat immediately sends Jou to Hufflepuff before he can object.
Jou is the ideal Hufflepuff: loyal, hardworking, trustworthy, kind. While he cares about school and grades more than any other character, he wasn’t created to have the crest of Knowledge. He was created to be the moral compass. Koushiro values learning for the sake of learning; Jou views school as a means to an end: to become a doctor, to help people.
It is easy for Jou to feel disappointed in himself. He studies harder than his older brothers, but he struggles to cast simple spells. He internalizes that Hufflepuff is the “loser” House, while the genuinely talented students go to other Houses. He overhears his classmates snicker that he’s practically a Squib.
Fortunately, Jou makes good friends at Hogwarts, especially Yamato, Sora, and Mimi. Mimi teaches Jou to be prouder of Hufflepuff and to relax once in a while. Jou’s older Ravenclaw brothers also watch over him. Jou’s diligence eventually pays off as he becomes Prefect and Head Boy.
Takeru Takaishi – Gryffindor – Half-blood
The tricky thing about Takeru is that he has a different role and personality in each season of Digimon. What’s constant is that he has to contrast with Yamato and Daisuke. (He’s extroverted while Yamato is introverted, and he’s experienced while Daisuke is inexperienced.) I think the popular fandom perception of Takeru nowadays is that he is clever and likes to troll people, and that he’s a ladies’ man. This is the route that Tri is taking with him. Based on that, I’d sort him into Slytherin. But the Takeru that my sister and I have developed in fanfiction is pretty different from Tri’s Takeru. I’m more influenced by the first two seasons, so I’d sort him into Gryffindor. While he relies on his older brother, Takeru is very brave for his age, and he is eager to become independent. Takeru also displays a flair for chivalry in 02 since he acts protective of Hikari, and that’s something I would have liked to see developed more. So, Gryffindor!
Another reason I’d sort him into Gryffindor is because I want Hogwarts to represent a happy place where Yamato and Takeru are united and can spend more time together (like the Digital World is). The easiest way to do that is to put them in the same House. I think that Takeru would choose Gryffindor for that reason alone.
Takeru is a half-blood who grew up with his witch mother, while Yamato grew up with their muggle father. Natsuko Takaishi went to Beauxbatons in France before moving to England, and she now works as a journalist for the Daily Prophet. Takeru takes after his mother and also loves writing. He fits in magical society better than his awkward brother. He joins the Gryffindor Quidditch team with Taichi and Sora, which gives Yamato opportunities to feel jealous of how close Takeru is to them.
Hikari Yagami – Gryffindor – Pure-blood
Hikari is also a tricky character to sort because the narrative doesn’t allow her to grow much. I think it’s easy to sort her into Hufflepuff because she’s “nice,” and that’s her main personality trait in the show. But my ideal character arc for Hikari would be that she learns to stand up for herself, which is a great arc for a Gryffindor! I’d like to show that Hikari is brave in her own way and that she grows to be independent. I also think it’d be fun to sort her into Gryffindor to show that she and her brother have more in common than they think, and they grow to be closer friends over the years. I think that bravery is something that Hikari values and emulates in her brother.
Hikari is a Seer who delivered a prophecy to Taichi when they were young. Because of her talents, the Dark Lord Vamdemon targets her, and Taichi is very protective of her. Hikari knows that her talents make her odd, even among wizards, and she tries to keep them secret.
Hikari brings the Yagami cat Miko with her to Hogwarts. Her human best friends are fellow Gryffindor Takeru, Hufflepuff Daisuke, and Ravenclaw Miyako. She loves Divination, but over time, as she gains confidence, she also learns to love Defense Against the Dark Arts.
Daisuke Motomiya – Hufflepuff – Muggle-born
I love the idea of Hufflepuff Daisuke! I think it’s important to contrast him with fellow protagonist Taichi. Taichi’s arc is about learning what true courage is, so he fits Gryffindor perfectly. I think that Daisuke always looks more reckless and immature than Taichi, but Daisuke’s true strength comes from his faith in humanity. He sees the goodness in everyone’s hearts. He forgives people’s mistakes easily. He believes in his friends, even when they don’t believe in themselves. Since Daisuke truly values kindness and giving people second chances, I think he’s a perfect fit for Hufflepuff.
Daisuke is a muggle-born with muggle parents and a muggle sister and he never knew anything about the wizarding world until he got his letter. Then he becomes extremely excited to be the Best Wizard Ever. However, upon arriving at Hogwarts, he slowly realizes that people look down on muggle-borns. He also struggles with schoolwork and worries about fitting in. He wishes that he could be in Gryffindor with Taichi, Hikari, and Takeru. He thinks that Taichi and Hikari are the coolest kids in school.
But Daisuke has a cheerful spirit and can’t help but love Hogwarts and his friends. Even though everyone underestimates him, he is the one who inspires Slytherin Ken to redeem himself. Daisuke also learns to love Hufflepuff, and he eventually becomes Team Captain of the Hufflepuff Quidditch team.
(Daisuke was also shocked to learn that Yamato Ishida, lead singer of the Teenage Werewolves of London, is a wizard. His sister Jun loves his band and wants Daisuke to introduce her to him.)
Miyako Inoue – Ravenclaw – Half-blood
I like the idea of Miyako being a half-blood to contrast with Muggle-born Daisuke and Pure-blood Ken. This way, she also gets to keep her love of muggle technology. Her family runs a store in Diagon Alley in London, where she can keep in close contact with both magical and muggle family members. She loves both muggle and magic cultures, and hates that the wizarding world has to stay a secret.
Miyako is outspoken enough for Gryffindor and merciful enough for Hufflepuff, but I love to sort her in Ravenclaw to emphasize her curiosity and intelligence. (I also think that Miyako acts eccentric like Luna Lovegood!) This also makes it easy for her and Koushiro to make friends and start an underground computer club in the technology-averse Hogwarts. Miyako excels in all subjects and eventually becomes a troublemaker prefect. (She likes to sneak into the other three Houses and she thinks that the House system is stupid. She also abuses her powers to award lots of points to Mimi. And of course, Miyako protests any teacher who looks unqualified.)
Miyako is especially protective of her young neighbor Iori, who joins her in Ravenclaw. She is the second person to forgive Ken for bullying muggle-borns, after careful consideration.
Iori Hida – Ravenclaw – Half-blood
The tricky part of sorting Iori is that I think he’d make an excellent Gryffindor, and I admit that I’m partially motivated by wanting to make the Houses “balanced.” (I already have so many Gryffindors!) I think that Iori certainly values bravery. He stood up to BlackWarGreymon and Oikawa, all by himself! However, I think that he values curiosity and intelligence as well. He’s a serious student and he prefers a cautious approach. He’s wise beyond his years. And if he’s in Ravenclaw, it’s easy for him to first find a mentor in Koushiro, before later meeting Hufflepuff Jou—which is the order he befriends them in the show.
I also think that Iori would choose Ravenclaw because he views his neighbor Miyako as an older sister, and he would like to be in the same House as her!
Iori’s father, Hiroki, was an Auror who died in the line of duty. Because of this, Iori hates Dark wizards and Dark magic more than any other character. Iori’s mother is a muggle-born witch. They moved in together with Iori’s grandpa on his father’s side. The Inoues recognized that the Hidas were struggling, and so they offered neighborly support throughout the years. Miyako, their youngest, became the closest to the Hida boy.
Iori is the last person to forgive Ken for flirting with Dark magic and bullying vulnerable children.
Ken Ichijouji – Slytherin – Pure-blood
Ken is the only character that I sort into Slytherin. I like it that way! He’s an outsider from the rest of the group. He’s the only character who starts on the “dark” side. In this case, translating that to the Harry Potter universe means that the Ichijoujis become an intolerant Noble Pure-blood family. Ken has particularly hated muggles since his older brother was killed in a muggle car crash.
I also view Ken as the character who is most motivated by ambition, and he is the only character I would describe as “cunning.” Ken has little regard for Hogwarts school rules, even if he appears to be the perfect student. He is an unregistered Animagus who can turn into a caterpillar (later a butterfly, after character development). He is also the youngest Quidditch player in a century, and he enjoys beating that foolish Mudblood Daisuke in Quidditch matches.
Ken finds a magical diary that inspires him to attack muggle-born students, which the Potions Master Yukio Oikawa slipped to him. Fortunately, Daisuke and the others are able to save Ken from the diary’s dark magic, and all of the afflicted muggle-born students return to normal. After Ken realizes how vile his actions were, he begins a long journey to redemption.
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