#i’ve done this before like 5 times discord please
rypnami · 14 days
discord needs a confirmation button for sending friend requests cos it’s so easy to mis click and i am so embarrassed rn
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ground rules:
1) Funny- the request needs to be humorous, memes usually the most popular but dnd in jokes and other shitpostery is welcome. i abide by the MBMBAM NO BUMMERS rule - there are plenty of sad/deep/beautiful calligraphers out there who’d be happy to work with yall, but this isn’t that sort of channel
2) Length - aim for no more than 75 characters a request, my cue cards are only so big so I can only fit so much on each one and still not look like garbage. There is a little leeway but if you send me smth with like 120 characters it aint getting written
3) Amount of Requests - I am trying to be fair but i am one person running almost the ENTIRE thing, logistics, tech, etc, I have twitch mods and a roommate for retrieving things and that's it. In order to be fair, please restrict yourselves to 3 requests per person to let everyone have a shot, if you send in more i will ctrl-f your username and pick my favourites
4) Content - I will not do anything I consider under the umbrella of general assholery - this includes racial slurs, edgelord bullshit, exclusionist jackassery etc. Please be kind to each other. Please let me know if I’ve taken a request that is some incredibly obscure piece of assholery, someone once tried to slip a really obscure antisemetic piece of slang by me once
5) Repeats - I keyword tag EVERY SINGLE piece i’ve ever done on this blog, if you think I might have written smth already but aren’t sure, the /search/[keyword] is your friend, check if i’ve done your request before
the askbox is theshitpostcalligrapher.tumblr.com/ask , not a dm or submission to the blog. I’ll close submissions too so people don’t get the boxes confused. DM me for any actual clarifications, kind words, etc so they don’t get swallowed up by the behemoth of my askbox for months, and if you want to give me live encouragement the twitch link is right there, and is the ideal way to inquire more about any of the day's rules.
If you want to jump the ENTIRE queue and get your card done immediately, there are ways to donate on the twitch stream to get your request done with an ink of your choice. You can still submit 3 free requests in addition to what you pay for.
I’ll be streaming the entire time the askbox is open on twitch @ theshitpostcalligrapher, trying to get as many of these done today as possible live. Once 10PM EST hits, the askbox will close but if you get your request into the askbox by then, it will be done eventually as I always have 4 cards up per day.
Here’s the link to my twitch, we’ll start a little after 3 o’clock.
Here is a direct donation link to my streamlabs, it works like a ko-fi but I’ve got it set to give me alerts on my twitch so I can see and thank you straightaway for supporting my takeout order
I've planned on a few donation goals this time! They help pay for all the hours I put in and the material costs. Every time we hit a goal, I'll refresh it to 0 and math out whatever overlap to add to the new goal
$20 > Time For Tea! I make a sparkly, food safe glittery tea that looks like ink to enjoy with yall on stream
$30 > Jackbox Break! My Discord VC and potentially chat plays a few games
$40 > Takeout O'clock: It is time to order a food, Mia! Polls will probably be involved for food options
$200 (I am fairly sure we won't get this one) > I bought all the requisite items to bleach my hair to prep for a dye. Let's do this shit LIVE ON AIR BAYBEE
Also of Note: I will be moving house sometime in the next week and a half, which means I will be RECYCLING ALL OF THE CARDS I'VE WRITTEN IN THE PAST TWO AND A HALF YEARS (save for the ones folks pay for on stream, those are earmarked to be mailed out anyways) so if you've gotten something written by me from september 2021 to january 2024 or so, please remember that there is an an etsy shop where you can snag any card from the blog for a few dollars. dm the shop if you'd like to buy a bundle of randoms, I WILL give you a sale about it
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anim-ttrpgs · 4 months
Patreon Poll and Kickstarter Funds Update
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Alright, we’ve had a weekend to rest and now it’s time to get back to work. We already have almost ten new snoops done and ready to be put in the rulebook, "FORIVA: The Angel Game" is almost completely reworked and ready for patreon re-release, and we might have new merchandise coming soon.
As soon as "FORIVA: The Angel Game" is done, we still start back work on editing the finished sections of the rulebook.
I have started brainstorming work on the Living Doll playable supernatural characters type, as well as the Talking Dog and several other stretch goals.
I’ll do anything to put off finishing these examples of play..
We are still waiting on more than 60 backers to finish their backer surveys, so we aren’t sending out emails regarding the custom rewards yet, we want to try to be able to do that all at once if possible. Even if all the backer surveys had been completed, we would still wait on a lot of the emails, because we would want to confirm our funds first before we tell our team artists to get to work on custom rewards. Kickstarter won’t actually give us the money until at least 2 weeks after the end of the campaign. We plan to pay them up front, so we gotta have the money before they start seriously working on the project.
Speaking of that, there are three backers from whom Kickstarter has been unable to collect payment. At the time of writing this, this accounts for about $371 of our funding. On Friday, May 17th, if these payments have not been resolved, Kickstarter will cancel them.
That means we won’t get the money and those backers won’t get their rewards. It’s probably just a matter of the bank marking their payment as suspicious, but it needs to be resolved before May 17th. If you’re a backer and you’re reading this, please check your Kickstarter account and your email to find out, and please try to get this resolved before Friday.
Next, I’ve got to talk about our patreon. Despite the major success of the Kickstarter, patreon is an essential part of making A.N.I.M. a long-term viable career.
You can find our patreon here. Subscribing for $3 or more will give you access to our patreon discord server where you can meet the team and offer direct feedback, as well as have a vote in what our next project will be. Subsribing for $5 or more will also give you access to regular, playable updates on all of our in-progress projects.
We will of course be posting updates on our progress in finishing Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy and adding the stretch goals on Kickstarter, but if you want to actually play these updates as they come out, you can do so by supporting our patreon for as little as $5. We know some of you will jump at this opportunity to get improved beta versions of Eureka early, and some of you will just wait until final release, but for those of you who would like to get the playable updates, we have a question.
Would you rather us officially update the patreon beta copies twice a month, or once a month? There are definite pros and cons to each one and that’s one of the reasons we’re asking the fans.
Twice a Month
More frequent updates
Updates will be smaller and less significant in how much each one will improve the game materials.
Updates that come too frequently could annoy the people who are actually trying to use the beta copies for their campaigns, as they may feel like have their campaign rules changing too frequently to memorize.
Once a Month
Updates will be much bigger and more significant
Gives more time for people who are playing with the beta copies to have several sessions in between rulebook updates.
Updates less frequently
The A.N.I.M. TTRPG Book Club
If you would like to meet the A.N.I.M. team and even have a chance to play Eureka with us, you can join the A.N.I.M. TTRPG Book Club discord server. It’s also just a great place to talk and discuss TTRPGs, so there is no schedule obligation, but the main purpose of it is to nominate, vote on, then read, discuss, and play different indie TTRPGs. We put playgroups together based on scheduling compatibility, so it’s all extremely flexible. This is a free discord server, separate from our patreon exclusive one. https://discord.gg/7jdP8FBPes
Free Beta Copies
If you don't want to wait, but don't want to sign up to our patreon either, then you can get an older beta copy for free on our website or itch.io page.
Other Stuff
We also have a ko-fi and merchandise if you just wanna give us more money for any reason.
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strollonso in mother carva 👀👀👀
hello friend! please enjoy 1.6k of horny, in love, idiots. I wrote this in a fever dream, thanks for the inspo to the discord chat
Before they leave the paddock at Silverstone, at their home race, after both he and Fernando have both gotten points for the first time in awhile, Lance hears his name. He turns to see Anna, one of their senior hospitality directors. Only she’s the one in charge of the Mother. And has been since his dad had started incubating a new one when he’d decided on the rebuild.
Lance slows down, waits for her to catch up. “Anna,” he greets her. “Everything good?” 
Anna just shrugs, lips pressed together in a way that tells Lance the answer is a mostly no. “We’ve figured out why the car is shit. We’re going to need you and Fernando in the factory these next two weeks before Hungary so there’s time for the babies to start forming during Break.”
“What happened?” Lance frowns. He remembers going in with Fernando right after Abu Dubi. He’d done all his usual routine, just with more kissing and more touching and actually enjoying the getting fucked. It had been nice.
Anna laughs a little. “Lance, you know how we affectionately call you a cat sometimes because you’re petty if you don’t get enough of Fernando’s attention.”
“Yeah,” Lance says slowly.
“The Mother gave you a bad car because you didn’t give her enough attention.”
Lance stares. What?
“Fernando won’t like that,” Lance says quietly. He loves his boyfriend but he also knows how possessive he is.
“I’ve already talked to him. And he wants podiums so he just has to deal with it. Cause this is how he gets them.”
Lance wrinkles his nose. He thinks back to the want he’d felt when they’d stood together in 2022, the admiration, the desire. The longing.
He nods. “You want us at the factory when?”
“By Tuesday afternoon.”
Lance is going to do something stupid. Reckless. It’s probably too soon for it. But he’s on his phone to the jeweler from his hometown as he walks to the car. By the time he meets Fernando in their apartment, his bank account is short a cool $2 million. 
The next couple days are weird. Fernando keeps going to touch him and moves away. Lance swallows down casual “love yous” before they spill from his mouth. They don’t have sex.
They do drive together to the factory together and Lance pauses the music when they’re about 5 miles out.
“I don’t think manufacturing longing is going to get us a better car.”
Fernando sighs. “No other Mother has been this,” he says.
“Jealous?” Lance asks. Fernando nods. 
Lance scratches the back of his neck. He hates acknowledging it but in this moment it’s actually important. He forges forwards, not meeting Fernando’s eyes. “Babe, she’s kinda, well, me.”
Fernando pulls the car over to the side of the road at that. “Explain,” he requests.
Lance chews on his lip, thinking. “I was with her when she first incubated. I was the first driver to touch her. I was the first driver to come inside her.”
Fernando stares at him. “You were there for the incubating?” 
Lance nods. 
Fernando swallows hard. “Okay, okay. Cool, cool, cool.”
“No doubt,” Lance adds, cackling, Fernando looks at him blankly. “It’s from Brooklyn Nine Nine, have you really,” Fernando shakes his head, “okay, we’re watching that on the flight to Hungary.”
“Sure,” Fernando agrees. His whole demeanor has shifted. The tension and stress replaced by smugness. It happened in a blink. Lance doesn’t understand it but Fernando drives to the factory, one hand on the steering wheel, the other possessively on Lance’s thigh.
When he gets there, pulling into the parking lot, he tugs Lance into a kiss with enough tongue it leaves him breathless and drops the car keys in his lap. 
“Mysterious bastard,” Lance comments to the empty car, even as the fondness threatens to overwhelm him. He takes a deep breath and eyes himself in the mirror. The team’s seen him look worse. Whatever. 
Besides, the entire afternoon is blocked off for the Mother. He’ll look even more of a mess when he leaves to go home. Getting out of the car, he makes his way towards the area that houses the Mother, the babies, the cooldown room for the drivers. Anna is leaning against the wall, arms crossed.
“Can I go in?” Lance asks. He likes to say hello to the Mother, to sit cross-legged like a child and tell her what he’s been up to before the business starts. 
Anna shakes her head. “Your boyfriend is with her now. Said he needed to be alone.”
“Sure, that makes sense,” Lance says. It’s another 20 minutes until Fernando walks out, whistling. He presses a kiss to Lance’s cheek and squeezes his waist. 
Lance looks at him, raises an eyebrow. “Do I want to know?” 
Fernando shrugs. “I’ll tell you later,” he says, striding off in the direction of the higher ups offices. 
“He’s planning something,” Lance says. Anna just shrugs.
“It’ll be to everyone’s benefit. That’s how he’s been since he fell for you,” she points out. Lance grins, ducking his head. He feels warm, a little spoiled, a lot loved.
He brings that feeling with him as he says hello to the Mother, strokes her gently with his ring finger. She pulses, welcoming, the walls dotted with sweat. “How was Nando? He was good to you, yeah?” 
There’s no answer, not that Lance had expected one. The Mother doesn’t exactly communicate. “I bought a ring,” he admits, looking down. “Not even Dad knows. Hopefully that makes up for last year. Which, I’m sorry about by the way. We didn’t know.”
He grins. “I’m going to be an uncle.” 
It’s easy after that, sitting there, one hand on the wall, telling the Mother about his life. He stands up after a bit, goes and opens the door and finds Fernando waiting.
“Ready?” He asks. Fernando nods, eyes dark, teeth gleaming. He looks hungrier than Lance has seen him in weeks, pushing Lance until he’s caught between them. The Mother at his back, Fernando’s hand cupping his face. 
Fernando pauses, stares into Lance’s eyes, and then kisses him, fiercely, devotedly. Lance melts beneath it, cock jumping to hardness in the confines of his jeans fast enough it hurts. Fernando only kisses him harder, licks into his mouth as he gets their clothes off. Once he’s naked and Lance is down to his boxers, the kiss breaks. Fernando doesn’t go far, reaches down and tears open a packet of lube. 
Lance wants to sink to his knees, wants to get Fernando off with his mouth but the look in Fernando’s eyes stops him. He clearly has a plan. One Lance will enjoy as he’s spun around, his back getting goosebumps from Fernando’s chest hair. 
His boxers are stripped, fingers sticky with lube stroking his ass. “Gonna treat you nice,” Fernando says. Lance spreads his legs wider, pleading. 
“You always do. Always give me what I want,” Lance says, his voice low. He feels the Mother reacting, as though she hadn’t understood last time. As though she understands now. It feels like they’re being cocooned, kept safe. He feels the sweat from Fernando’s body sink into his own. Feels his cock twitch, precome leaking at the tip as Fernando slides into him. 
Lance groans at the feeling of Fernando’s hands on him, familiar and welcome. It feels like coming home. Especially as Fernando speaks to him in Spanish, ‘carino, quiero, amor’ repeated over and over. It doesn’t take long. Fernando’s teeth on his neck, his fingers wrapped around Lance’s cock. 
“Please,” he whines, pleasure spiraling through him as Fernando finds his prostate. He’s probably leaving nail marks on the walls of the Mother. He wants to apologize but doesn’t when he realizes that the Mother is letting it happen, flesh becoming malleable as Lance shakes apart. 
“Love you,” Fernando pants out, his voice rough, his body steady. Lance comes at that, his want exploding out of him. Fernando pulls out so the tip is resting against his ass and Lance starts babbling, needing it. 
It feels consuming, like nothing else has ever felt this good. Like nothing ever will. 
“Nano, please, come for me. I want you to,” Lance pleads. He arches his back, twists his neck so they’re kissing, pours everything he feels for Fernando into it. It’s biting. 
Lance understands why there’s a rule about coveting in the 10 commandments when he’s with Fernando, when he’s naked and vulnerable and all his. 
“Mine,” Lance breathes out, closing the gap again, swallowing Fernando’s tongue, stealing his air. 
“Yours,” Fernando echoes, a vow, his orgasm dripping down Lance’s thighs. Lance turns, wraps his arms around his boyfriend and buries his face in his neck. Fernando’s hands are gentle, stroking his back, his shoulders.
“Shit, that was,” Lance murmurs. 
Fernando nods, pressing a kiss to Lance’s forehead. “The car’s gotta be good.” 
Lance laughs. “How many do you think we can make?”
“We got nearly two weeks and the team has basically demanded we’re in here every afternoon,” Fernando smirks. He eyes Lance, gaze catching on where their seed has intermingled on Lance’s thighs. “Would she be mad if we bring props?”
Lance raises an eyebrow, twines their fingers together. “Why?”
Fernando shrugs, eyes glinting in a way that makes Lance shudder. “Car might be faster if I make you wait.”
Fuck. Lance nods, eager. He kisses Fernando again. The cocoon that formed around slowly backs away and Lance can see the door again. 
“Should we?” he gestures. Fernando nods. He pauses, eyes wide as he looks at where Lance had dug his fingers into the Mother. Lance follows his gaze and sees. Oh. Lines dragging down the wall of the carva, like scars.
They look old already, worn in. As though they were supposed to be there. 
“Uh,” Lance mutters, a bit dumbfounded. Fernando just grins at him.
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loreweaver-universe · 8 months
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Well! That was a cute set of shorts. I liked that. Very little substances, but fun little peeks into the lives of Anne and the Plantars. My favorite was the video game one--I thought the spritework was very cute, the chiptune rendition of the main theme was great, and I'd definitely play a Scott Pilgrim-esque Amphibia beatemup. After that, my second-favorite was the off-roading short. It was a cool look at the environments of the island they're on, and in particular I'd like to see them do a more in-depth spelunking of that cave.
That's it for Amphibia for today. Next, we'll be starting episode 5 of Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts! I can't promise that will be today, but I'm going to try to get back in the daily-liveblog-at-noon habit. If it's not today, I will hopefully see you then tomorrow!
Before I go, I’d like to plug both my blog’s Patreon and my Twitch/Youtube Patreon. Patreon is my only source of income, and while I make enough to cover rent and bills (I make about $800 a month) I don’t make a ton of money from it and haven’t been able to save anything up for emergencies (medical or otherwise) in the last decade or so.  Every dollar helps, so if you’re willing, please consider pledging a dollar or two.
Thank you all for tuning in, and thank you to my 37 blog patrons, who make it so I can do this for a living!  I’ll see you next time!
I recently completed my first playthrough of Slay the Princess!  You can see the full playlist of those streams by clicking here!
I recently completed my first playthrough of The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky!  You can see the full playlist of those streams by clicking here!
I have an ongoing first playthrough of Final Fantasy XIV that I’ve been streaming on Twitch! If you’d like to tune in when I’m live, I stream it every Saturday at 1 PM EST, and I upload my stream VODs to my Youtube channel!  If you’d like to see that playlist, click here!
If you’d like to help me pay my rent, buy me some food, or help with my bills and medicine, please use my direct donation link!  If you’d like to support me per liveblog completed every month, please pledge to my Patreon!  If you’d like to support my streams or pick a game for me to stream, you can pledge to my stream Patreon too!
You should also go pledge to Gio’s Patreon, or his Sponsus–our Discord server maintenance tech and creator of Rubybot deserves far more than I can afford to pledge to him by myself.
If you’d like more of me and my content:
My Episode Lists master page, where you can find every show and liveblog I’ve done!
My Discord server, where you can come hang out with me and other fans, check out member liveblogs, and join community gaming guilds!
My Twitch channel, where I stream variety games almost every day!
My Youtube channel, where you can check out past streams!
My ask blog, where you can send me questions and comments!
My Twitter, where I make announcements about liveblogs and streams!
My merch store, where you can get shirts, mugs, stickers, and more!
It’s your kindness and support that lets me do this stuff, and I wouldn’t be where I am without all of you to do it for.  Thank you all so much for your support, and for tuning in every episode!
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bihansthot · 5 months
Little update incoming but please mind the tags, I talk about some things not everyone might be comfy with!So far I’m pretty pleased with how things are going on Wegovy but there definitely are cases of “am I full or am I gonna puke” ngl I have vomited a few times on it. I’ve been losing a little over a pound a week and have been on the .25 dose for two months and just started the .5 dose today. Side effects have been very minimal but there’s definitely some stomach issues here and there. My only real complaint is I very rarely feel full, I’m never hungry and never have an appetite but I hardly ever feel well and truly full. There’s a lot more work involved with it than just skinny celebs lead you to believe, you actually have to put in the work of counting calories and exercising. Which I used to be very judicious about to the point of borderline anorexia so I’m a little scared I might get back to that point again. I’ve done a lot of mental health work between then and now though so I like to hope it will be ok. I need to be better about getting protein though, I’ve been very lax about it all week and that’s not good. I’m not overly concerned about losing muscle mass as I have a good bit of muscle but I don’t want to end up with skeletor face. So yeah there’s an update of sorts, I’m still in limbo after Ani ended things so I’m not sure what I’ll do. My partner is currently out of town so it’s just me and Denny for the next four days which is frustrating. Denny is a wonderful little lovebug but sometimes he likes to try and play when you take him out and he’s very strong and can get away from me so I worry. He thankfully just stays close by and runs little circles around me but it still stresses me out, he’s stressed too without my partner here. He won’t eat yet but hopefully he will soon, he usually gets like this when they’re away so no real cause for concern or alarm. If anyone wants to occasionally check in on us my inbox and discord (same name) are open. :) Ohhh update on my Dad, he’s going to get gel injected into his knees and it’ll hopefully buy him another year before he needs a replacement but he’s being really stubborn about it and quite honestly it’s pissing me off. He’s in constant pain, has limited mobility and has been told for years he needs a knee replacement and keeps putting it off. Why I’m frustrated is I would have killed for the luxury of declining/delaying any of the operations I’ve had, I’ve never had a choice and in the exceptionally rare case (my tubal ligation) I did, I still bit the bullet and did what I needed to do. My Dad has never had an operation in his life and while I understand being scared and apprehensive it’s something he needs done so he needs to suck it up and do it. Then again we’re talking about a man who nearly faints when getting his blood drawn, how I’m so damn resilient I’ll never know. I just worry about him, he’s in his late 70s now and things will just keep going downhill and I want him to stay as healthy and mobile for as long as he can. Ok I’m off to take Denny out, wish me luck.
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"About the Blogger" Meme
@ambeauty thanks for tagging me, love 💕
Star Sign(s): All I know is that it's Pisces. What does that mean really? No clue, never checked.
Favorite holidays: Halloween, even though it's not that wildly celebrated where I’m from, barely at all. But I love watching the craze about it online and participate in online celebrations. Other than that, Christmas, because of food and family.
Last meal: one of my favorite traditional Polish dishes - bigos
Current Favorite Musician: Does Rachel Zegler count? Because I am obsessed with The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes Soundtrack
Last Music Listened To: Marjorie by Taylor Swift and some other Evermore tracks for Evermore’s and Taylor's birthday (Dec 11th and 13th)
Last Movie Watched: in theaters - Renaissance: a film by Beyonce! Blew my mind! And at home it was my beloved Prospect - a watch party + live reaction (screaming about Cee and Ezra) with my friends the Bees on Discord. As Ezra would say, “This is so exciting!”
Last TV Show Watched: I am making my way through a Supernatural rewatch, finished 7x05 last night. I’m excited to finally be on S7 because S7 introduces my favorite female character ever, Charlie Bradbury!
Last Book/Fic Finished: Book - The Rule of Wolves by Leigh Bardugo (right before S&B was c*nceled, not fuckin fair), and Fic - “The Stag” by AFireInTheAttic about Katniss and Haymitch going hunting because I am in my Hunger Games Renaissance era and PapaHaymitch feels are roaming free
Last Book/Fic abandoned: I bought the entire The Witcher series just to struggle through the first book 🫣 the story is good but the way it's written, my god. Why do our Polish writers have to make everything so difficult? All the fat jokes and sexist jokes and misogyny, you can tell these books were written by an old grumpy douchebag. As for fics, I had to drop out of some Katniss and Haymitch fics because they had shippy undertones and weren't tagged right (please people tag your fics appropriately when it comes to relationships, I am begging on my knees)
Currently reading: Book - Percy Jackson and The Chalice of The Gods by Rick Riordan, Fic - “After All We've Been Through” by TheFelineQueen96 aka my darling @ellies-little-gun, an incredible Joel and Ellie story
Last Thing Researched for Art/Writing/Hyperfixation: spinal taps and bone marrow biopsy for my Titanstober fic I am flesh, bones... I am skin, soul… I needed to learn about this to figure out the balance between medical accuracy and using these procedures in unethical ways/as forms of torture, as I’ve seen done on some TV shows in the past, like The 100. I even rewatched those scenes for inspiration
Favorite Online Fandom Memory: as my bestie mentioned before me, definitely the day we all lost it over Brenton's birthday post dedicated to Anna. I had my phone in my hand when that notification appeared and I nearly dropped it, that's how bad I was shaking.
Favorite Old Fandom You Wish Would Drag You Back In/Have A Resurgence: probably The Magicians for me. I wasn't active in that fandom, only a little towards the end of the show, but I loved it so much and it has two very strong platonic pairs that I was absolutely obsessed with, Quentin & Julia and Margo & Eliot, and I kind of wish I could write for them. Maybe after a rewatch though 👀
Favorite Thing You Enjoy That Never Had an Active or Big "Fandom" but You Wish It Did: Let me use this part for advertising and say PROSPECT!!! WE ARE SMALL BUT MIGHTY, ALL 5 OF US! Jk there's a bit more of us, but not by much and the movie is incredible. So go watch Prospect everyone!!! Come lose your mind with us over Cee and Ezra!!!
Tempting Project You're Trying to Rein In/Don't Have Time For: My brain is flooded at the moment with Katniss and Haymitch, I already cave in and wrote one fic even though I am officially on a break till January. I want to write more for them and definitely will, but I need to go back to my two ongoing Titans projects. Only my love for writing Titans is currently the size of a dying candle flame and I am trying to stoke that fire up (rereading my own fic to get back to the story) and failing (it's not working, I got nothing)
No pressure tags for the besties @undertheknightwing @legendsofentity @skoulsons @ellies-little-gun @sotvtaughtmehowtofeel @dilf-din
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wcamino-confessions · 2 years
Hi, this is MiseryXCPR from Amino. I am here to say I'm sorry and explain things; 
About commissions; I have horrible time management and memory, which results in me forgetting or just not having the time when I think i do. I am actively working on this and I'm trying to get better at it- examples being I have users pay after when the art is complete and lowering the amount of commissions I take so I don't overwhelm myself again. I ALWAYS refund people, especially when asked, and when people express concern I try to address it.  This does not excuse the wait list and wait time and I do apologise again for it. I take full responsibility and I will try hard to fix it.
If you had commissioned me on my former main account, I had been locked out of it and had been working with the leadership team of the amino to contact commissioners and give them their refunds. As for the person who made the ych post, yes, I refunded them their 5$ and had apologized for the inconvenience (though it was not shown in their blog).
If you had commissioned me, feel free to dm me on my amino account (or Discord if you prefer) and I'll be happy to work out a refund for you!
The Breaks; I didn't mean to set off red flags for my breaks. I'm a working guy who has a job and has been dealing with a lot of issues in real life, including a very serious one that I'm going through. I apologise for it and making people nervous with the breaks though. 
The Apology Post for the Adopts; I made the apology post because I realised my comment / observation (I wasn't directly stating an opinion though my feelings were involved a bit!) Was one sided, and because people spoke to me on the other sides view, I realised I shouldn't have been so one sided and made the said post as an apology for anyone I had offended with it. Most of the people who have spoke to me are people I respect or sometimes talk to, and hold no ill feelings towards them whatsoever. 
Tansy; They have yes commissioned me at around the start of August ~ July 29th. I showed them a wip and they paid which I was fine with. However, I wasn't able to get their commission finished. At around the start of October ~ I believe October 13th I offered a refund due to them a) waiting for a while since I did feel bad but also b) making it public, going around to my commissioners and asking personal information. I had agreed to do the commission because of them practically blackmailing me after spreading misinformation about the commission, but when something serious came up and I told them I couldn't do it and offered MANY forms of refund ways, how they can have the refund until I finish the art, how the refund can be done, etc they continued to harass me to the point that they were, yes, banned. I'm still going out of my way to make sure they got their money back despite the treatment.  I've been told about them before and I am only stating my side of the story. 
Conclusion; I'm sorry, again.  I wish I've done better with commission time management and how I've been handling commissions. I actively do refund and If you feel like I have scammed you or haven't finished the artwork, PLEASE dm me on my amino or Discord (feel free to  ask for it) and I will try to respond asap. If you have criticism or any advise, please let me know or any further concern. I own up to my mistakes and I hope to learn from them and grow as a person. Thank you for hearing me out, i don't know how Tumblr works as i just created an account to address this, but yea-- thank you again for reading. My deepest apologies, again, and I do hope to fix everything and work on my mistakes and help people. 
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twwpress · 2 years
Creator Spotlight #11: hufflepuffhermione
Welcome back to the TWW Author Spotlight! For every spotlight, we’ll ask each featured author the same ten questions (as well as questions you submitted on Twitter!). This week, we’re so please to be chatting with @joshlymoss on twitter / hufflepuffhermione on AO3!
1) What are your top 5 desert island fics by other authors?
love was made for me and you  by mikaylawrites is truly the peak of softness. Whenever I want to read something that will make me feel better, this is my go-to. https://archiveofourown.org/works/36462874/chapters/90921601
stuck with nowhere to go by perfect_little_fool is what we all deserved from 20 Hours in America. One of my favorite examples of a canon divergence that takes an episode and beautifully expands on its potential while exploring character. https://archiveofourown.org/works/24365860
we’ve been living on a fault line by sam_writes_fics is maybe cheating a bit because it was written for me, but I love it so much. The found family really shines in this fic, and it’s everything we deserved from the Gaza arc. https://archiveofourown.org/works/34035193/chapters/84657958
piece by piece, rubble to rubble by orphan_account (aeoleus before it was accidentally orphaned). This also might be cheating because it is technically a series, but it’s kind of an eventually slightly canon-divergent series-spanning collection that hits on a lot of concepts that are really interesting to me, and is so beautifully done. The last part (a post-series interview style fic) is something I’ve returned to so many times. https://archiveofourown.org/series/1644367
aftershock by greatestheights is THE Noel fic. This is one of the first fics I read in the fandom, and after all this time, still one of the best. Just such a beautiful exploration of Noel and the way it affects everyone in the administration. https://archiveofourown.org/works/4786607/chapters/10952567
2) Do you have a favorite character to write? Favorite ship(s) to write? Are there characters or ships you'd like to write more of? 
I don’t think it would shock anyone if I said that Josh was my favorite character to write, and Josh/Donna is of course my favorite ship. That said, I have a real fondness for writing found family and the interactions between the senior staff especially, and I wouldn’t be opposed to writing some Sam/Josh in the future.
3) Tell us about your writing process (setup/location? Night or day? Snacks/beverages? Computer/phone/notebook? Music or silence? Anything else you want to share is welcome!) 
I used to have a job where I could write at work, but now that I have an actual adult job (boo), my writing opportunities are significantly more limited. I mostly write either at my desk or in my armchair. I can’t focus unless it’s silent, although once in a while I may put on some white noise. I pretty much only use my laptop to write (although once in a while I may outline on the fly on my phone). One of the most useful tools for my writing process has been using a sprint bot on Discord, where you start a sprint for a set amount of time (usually about 20 minutes) and share your word count before and after. Once I get focused, I am usually a really fast writer, so that is a good tool for keeping me focused and accountable.
 4) What writing advice do you have for others who may be reading this? 
The great thing about writing is that there is no such thing as right or wrong. It is a completely open endeavor and there are no requirements. Sure, there is plenty of advice out there for how to make your writing better, but the words you put down on the page can be whatever you want them to be. Sometimes that can be frightening, but it is also freeing to know that, no matter what you do, it will never be wrong.
 5) From where do you usually draw your inspiration? (Other forms of media, music, tropes, etc?) 
I tend to be inspired by talking to or brainstorming with others. I’ve written entire fics based off of conversations in my twitter (and as a throwback, tumblr) DMs. I try not to juggle more than a few fics at a time, and I have a long list of ideas that I have not yet been able to do anything with yet, so honestly I don’t usually have to look very far for inspiration. (Please don’t ask me whether or not I will actually remember said ideas in the future)
 6) What is the fic you've written that you're most proud of and why? 
I’m going to cheat and share a couple because I’m proud of them for very different reasons. I’m the most proud of my long fics (Healthcare Reform and Immolatio) because they were both huge undertakings and I managed to finish both of them. I personally think Immolatio is the better fic from a writing standpoint, but I have so much affection for Healthcare Reform that I simply cannot make the choice between them. In a different vein, I think show me the places where the others gave you scars (my soulmate au) is my best fic overall, and while I’m proud of it in a different way than I am of my long fics, I couldn’t not mention it.
 7) What's the fic trope/concept/AU you'd read 1000 of? What's the fic trope/concept/AU you'd write 1000 of? (Shout out to @chaostwin for a similar question!)
Look–if there’s anything I’m a sucker for, it’s hurt/comfort. I will take any hurt/comfort fic I can get my hands on, and I can’t seem to stop writing it either. (Please don’t count how many sickfics I’ve written). I specifically love the post-Rosslyn recovery period. But really, any hurt/comfort is a plus for me.
 8) Is there anything you'd like to try writing-wise that you haven't yet? 
I definitely would like to try some more conceptual pieces; I love the idea of fic as an art form and something where you can push the boundaries of narrative. To me, that seems like a really fun challenge. I also have a Parks and Recreation crossover idea that I hope to someday write.
 9) What's your go-to Starbucks/coffee shop/other drink order? 
I don’t know that I have a go-to because I love trying new things and tend to order whatever sounds the most interesting/new to me, but if there is a lavender latte on the menu, 90% of the time, I’ll be ordering it.
 10) Do you have any current projects you'd like to promote or anything upcoming you'd like to tell us about?
I haven’t written much lately, but I am planning on participating in NaNoWriMo this November and will be working on what I’ve dubbed ‘Rosslyn Baby AU’ so… I’m sorry and make of that what you will. I’m very excited for it.
Submitted questions:
From @S4MWILSON: fave ep and season? fave character? character you relate to most? easiest character to write? fave rarepair? craziest au idea youve ever had? plot point you wish got more attention? fic snippet that never became anything? fave cast member? ideal tww s8?
My favorite season is season two, favorite episode is Noel. Josh is my favorite character, but I feel like I relate most to CJ or Charlie. Jed is actually one of the easiest to write for me, surprisingly; I love coming up with quips for him. I don’t tend to have strong opinions on ships other than Josh and Donna but I lowkey love CJ and Kate. While maybe not out of the bounds of canon possibility, fake marriage for the purposes of health insurance was a pretty wild AU idea, imo. I do think we as a society need to talk more about first half of season 5. I have a lot of fic snippets that never became anything, including Josh and Sam trying to build IKEA furniture and an emotional Josh and Toby bonding over baseball fic. I cannot possibly choose between Brad and Janel for my favorite cast member (although Allison, Richard, and Martin are all up there too). My ideal TWW season 8 would be about Josh and Donna being powerful chiefs of staff, which is pretty much canon.
 From @mlea7675: What’s one AU you haven’t tried yet but want to?
I generally do canon divergence more than I do AUs, and this is kind of on the edge between that, but someday I’d love to write a season 5 secret relationship AU, because I think the potential in season 5 is so underappreciated, even if the execution wasn’t there.
 From @sinistercherubs: you get to talk to (1) tww character irl for  5 minutes, who is the character and what would you say to them?
I don’t want to talk to a character, I want to talk to Aaron Sorkin and make him EXPLAIN many many things to me. But I’d probably talk to Donna and hype her up for how amazing she is. You know, if I could manage to not be awkward.
 From @sinistercherubs: if a genie came to gift you a completed dream fic of your choosing, what would it be?
This answer definitely might change, but right now? A long post-season fic about Josh and Donna in the Santos administration with a good mix of fluff and hurt/comfort. Either that, or an extensive post-Rosslyn fic because I can never get enough of those.
 From @donnamossburner: I’m forever impressed that you wrote such a wonderful multi chapter fic. When writing that did you have the chapters out lined or was it more of just going into the word doc and writing what came naturally ?
I will outline my fics but my outlines are never very detailed. Usually, I write a couple of bullet points for each chapter in my notes app. That way, I have a plot framework to use, but a lot of flexibility when I’m actually writing.
 From @chaostwin: You are so prolific! How do you make time to write such rich and detailed fic/get so many ideas? 
When I was in college, I had a campus job that was basically just sitting at a desk; I used a lot of that time at work to write fic. After graduating, though, I definitely don’t have that kind of time. I can still manage to write a lot because I tend to write a lot of words really fast (if I’m focused, I can usually average about 1500-2000 words an hour). My productivity has slowed down so at this point, I’m not worried about finding new ideas; I’m trying to work through the long list of ideas I already have.
Thanks again, Alli!! And thank you to everyone who asked questions! If you’d like to be featured in a future Creator Spotlight, you can DM us here or on Twitter, or email us at [email protected].
xx, What’s next?
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kingly-genderfluid · 2 years
Rules when Rping.
(This is more for my personal blog, so I have other blogs for my muses)
Rp blogs:
Demon Slayer: @ask-the-music-brothers
Jujutsu Kaisen: @ask-the-cursed-siblings (Under construction until further notice)
Bungo Stray Dogs: @ask-haruka-ryuuki (heads-up, if you don’t like spiders, the profile picture is a spider.)
I’ve just realised on my blog I’ve never specified rules that I really need to be expected when Roleplaying with me.
• When sending me an ask, please specify if you need me to play Canon x your OC, Canon x My OC, or Canon x Canon. During our RP, if you desire to add more characters, just slot them in when you mean to. Specify the fandom as well.
If I have done something to offend you, please inform me. I do not wish to hurt anyone during an RP, nor do I wish to make you feel uncomfortable.
•Please specify if you want the rp to be in DMs or Posted on Tumblr.
• Please specify if you want romantic or platonic relationships when playing with Canon, but I will not allow shipping my my OC unless I say I’m comfortable. If you want a certain ship to appear in our RP, please ask me first as I may not be comfortable.
• This is Important to me. I am human. I have a life, and I have different things going on in my life that I need to attend to, so please do not expect constant attention and communication. Other people live in different parts of the world, so my timetable might be different from yours. I might be sleeping while you are awake. Please don’t ask me to reply to your posts as I might be busy, I promise you, I will reply to them as soon as I am free. I’m a fairly sure that if you want to be respected, I should also be respected.
• HOWEVER. If after a 5 day period, I still do not respond, please let me know. It may have gotten lost my my activity or something went wrong. If I need a break from out RP for a long period of time, I will inform you before I do.
• Cursing, Swearing, Blood, Gore are allowed, but if you want to add a topic you think I may be uncomfortable with, ask me first.
•NSFW is done in DMs.
•if you want me to play with your OC, please give me their information through DMs or Through an ask. I’d like to know who I’m roleplaying with. If you need my oc’s information, feel free to ask.
• This is an 18+ account. If you want an NSFW request, you must be 18+ as well. I do not encourage the interaction of minors with 18+ posts.
• I will not respond to any hate, whatsoever. If you decide you don’t like me, block me instead.
Put headcannons in the tags :) I really would like to hear about your headcannons, :))))))))
• If you decide not to follow most of my rules, you will find yourself blocked. If you have simply forgotten, I will understand.
I do not have a discord, as I have some nasty experiences with it and do not wish to reenact that again.
Fandoms I will rp are in the tags.
If there is things such as gore, the tag to block is (stab and run) or if any sexual themes that make you uncomfortable, (cheetos are burning). If there is a certain rp you do not like, I have organisation tags at the ready for each rp. (Also if you don’t like spiders the tag to use is (eight spindly legs))
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privateerstudies · 2 years
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I posted 5,048 times in 2022
164 posts created (3%)
4,884 posts reblogged (97%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 807 of my posts in 2022
#omgcp - 107 posts
#leverage - 71 posts
#fav tag - 60 posts
#aftg - 54 posts
#ask answered - 39 posts
#ask - 38 posts
#iwwv - 31 posts
#nm - 24 posts
#quinn - 21 posts
#tmfu - 19 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#you live in a weird fold in the space-time continuum that somehow includes both victorian london and 2012 tumblr. you were probably best fr
My Top Posts in 2022:
Writing PSA of the day: breath and breathe are two different words, this isn't like blond and blonde.
8 notes - Posted April 15, 2022
I love the people I'm friends with, like. Genuinely I feel so lucky to know them.
11 notes - Posted April 15, 2022
Not a fan of the discord out thing I want my friends back asap
13 notes - Posted January 26, 2022
A Map of The Check, Please Hometowns
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[ID: a blank map of the US with state borders drawn in. Scattered across it are little colored circles with pictures of Check, Please characters in them. starting from the west coast, we have Chowder (on a teal background) over San Jose, CA and Ford (on a mint green background) over San Diego, CA. Next, we have Whiskey (bright green background) over the state of Arizona. Then, we have Lardo (olive green) over Houston, Texas. Then we have Bitty (yellow) over approximately Madison, GA, but really his dot takes up most of the top half of Georgia. Moving to the north, we have Nursey (bright blue) over New York City, Kent Parson (red) over New Hartford, NY, and Holster (gold) over Buffalo. Beside Holster but off the US is Ransom (dusky lavender) over Toronto. Over Montreal is Jack (brown background). Over about half the state of Massachusetts is Shitty (in pink). Dex (light blue) is over Portland, approximately. /end ID]
Okay so some of this is headcanon, but mooooost of it is canon. I’ve included all the North American characters whose origin we canonically know (plus one we don’t skdjfh) except Johnson because he has no Comic Face. (I’m sure someone’s done this before but like. i had fun.)
Here’s where they’re all from (on this map):
Chowder- San Jose, CA (HC, technically, but he’s a Sharks fan and from California, so I figured it fit)
Ford- San Diego, CA (canon)
Whiskey- Arizona [unspecified where] (canon)
Lardo- Houston, TX (100% HC, it has a high population of Vietnamese immigrants and I just felt like it Vibed with her.)
Bitty- Madison, GA (canon)
Nursey- New York City, NY (canon)
Kent- New Hartford, NY (HC, but we know he’s from New York State so I picked a city with a kid’s hockey team that wasn’t in the NYC area)
Holster- Buffalo, NY (canon)
Ransom- Toronto, ON, Canada (canon)
Jack- Montreal, QC, Canada (canon)
Shitty- Brookline, MA (canon)
Dex- Pownal, ME (HC, it’s near Portland where his uncle’s lobster boat is, but it’s also a small town!)
17 notes - Posted February 21, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Musketeer March 2022
HAPPY FEBRUARY!!! It’s February, which means it’s... Musketeer March prompt time!! If you’ve got questions or such, just send an ask! A little reminder- I will be tracking #MusketeerMarch and #MusketeerMarch2022 to reblog things from!
Without further ado, here are the prompts!
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See the full post
111 notes - Posted February 1, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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richbat · 4 months
guidelines & rules
Hi! I’m Chem, 26, they/them and zhe/zir Guidelines; (Updated 31/5)
Personal blogs please don’t interact! I do not mind you reading the blog but liking and reblogging stuff clogs my notifications and I’ll struggle to find threads with rp partners. I can and will block if I have to, and reblogging threads is an instant block.
I would prefer if rp blogs don’t reblog prompts and ask memes from me.I won’t get mad if you do, I know I’ve done it by accident a few times myself and sometiems the op is deactivated, but if you can reblog from the op please do!
I generally only tag a small selection of content by default. #cw nsft #cw suggestive #cw sinday #cw space If you have anything else you’d like me to tag, please let me know!
I’m not exclusive, and I love multishipping. Multiverse is obvs okay. I don’t mind OCs but I need some time to warm up to them and learn about them.
Pre-established relationships are ok! I prefer DMs on tumblr before we move onto discord or anything else.
I don’t mind if people adopt certain headcanons or take inspiration from them for as long as the entire character isn’t copied.
Violence, bodyhorror, murder, and so on will be on the blog. Anything else that shows up in the series will as well.
Ideally your muse does not know Bruces secret identities unless he’s told your character, your character figures out in a realistic way, or they’re also a Bruce or his family.
Main verse; End of series, usually. May change based on the type of thread we're doing. Includes headcanons.
Bruce Wayne and Batman are the only muses on this blog, currently.
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richbcy · 4 months
guidelines & rules Hi! I’m Chem, 26, they/them (Updated 21/5)
Personal blogs please don’t interact! I do not mind you reading the blog but liking and reblogging stuff clogs my notifications and I’ll struggle to find threads with rp partners. I can and will block if I have to, and reblogging threads is an instant block.
I would prefer if rp blogs reblog prompts and ask memes from the op when possible. I won’t get mad if you do reblog from me, I know I’ve done it by accident a few times myself, and sometimes the op is deactivated, but if you can reblog from the op please do! It prevents my notifications from being clogged.
I generally only tag a small selection of content by default. #cw nsft #cw suggestive #cw sinday #cw space If you have anything else you’d like me to tag, please let me know!
I’m not exclusive, and I love multishipping. Multiverse is obvs okay. I don’t mind OCs but I need some time to warm up to them and learn about them.
Pre-established relationships are ok! I prefer DMs on tumblr before we move onto discord or anything else.
I don’t mind if people adopt certain headcanons or take inspiration from them for as long as the entire character isn’t copied.
Violence and so on will be on the blog. Anything else that shows up in the series will as well.
Ideally your muse does not know Bruces secret identitiy unless they are part of the batfam, canonically knows, or figures it out in a realistic way.
Main verse; Follows the series up to whichever the last episode I’ve watched happens to be. Still in the process of watching it all. Includes headcanons. May have elements from comics and other series as well.
Bruce Wayne and Batman are the only muses on this blog, currently.
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megamattzx · 1 year
Hello from a local sarcastic bastard!
Storyteller, Writer, jokester, sarcastic and sadistic bastard.
Writer and storyteller  
Multi character RP  
I can play multiple characters at once.  
Detailed and heavily story-driven  
Pretty chill and laid back  
I can do lewd if I'm comfortable enough (it can't be the only thing we do.)  
Multi franchise RP  
Feel free to ask DM if you want to talk or RP  
Lewd is those 18+ only  
Will not do lewd in groups.  
The writer is indeed male, as the profile name suggests  
We will discuss boundaries before we start RP.  
All RPs I do are fictional and don't define my real life.  
Rules when Role-playing with me.
1. Do not start role-playing with me right away and out of random. I like to plan stories.
2. All Rps I do are PURE FICTION and do not equal Real life. Distinguish the difference between fiction and reality before role-playing with me. To further add to rule two, there are some things I'm okay with in role-playing and fiction that I'm not okay with in real life. So if there are things that either of us is not okay with or agrees on, consider this factor.
3. Regarding morality, I do not see the world in black and white, merely shades of Gray. Do not belittle anyone that you may disagree with certain things. It pisses me off when people belittle people over differences of opinion or even over fiction. We're all only human. That being said, however, there are some things that I will not support either. I don't think there's any need to start a war over that shit unless it involves real people and not fictional characters. I only care if it's reality and not fiction—the only exception.
4. It is important for all parties involved to know the limitations of others when it comes to RP. What they're okay with and what they're not okay with. This is important so that there are no issues. Communication is important.
5. Although I encourage detail in role-playing, I do not require it. However, I would probably try to encourage it as much as possible by being detailed. Hence why I mainly RP on Discord. Also, possibly here as well.
6. I have done it before but I am not strictly an nsfw role-player. I try to keep those types of RP private, as all nsfwrp should be, in my opinion. I like to keep certain things about myself private. Not to mention I mainly want to do SFW RP. NSFW RP is only for those who are over the age of 18. Minors, do not ask for this. Also, as said earlier, I only do those RPs privately in DMs and with the other person's consent. I don't do NSFW group RPs and never will.
Responses might be late, so please be patient. I can be very busy at times.
More may be added over time and may vary. Violating these rules could lead to me not responding or blocking, depending on how severe it is.
Stories I'm doing outside of Roleplayer's guild: Dragon Ball: New Frontier,  
Castlevania: Devil's Land alongside a friend in her discord server, Panda Resort, some normal AO3 Stories (Work in Progress): Dragon Ball New Frontier Expanded Universe, Dragon Wars Galaxy AU, Dragon Ball Lost Legends AU. Also have upcoming projects as well.
Role-playing 101, mainly for newcomers to RP. You should never gatekeep and restrict your number of RP writing partners. However, you should always establish boundaries. These boundaries are not just for your writing partners but also for yourself. Boundaries that they have as well as your own. It is important to ensure that neither you nor your writing partner crosses any lines. Hence, you need to discuss boundaries before you begin RP in the first place and remain in communication regarding that should boundaries change. I've made plenty of RP mistakes and lost good writing partners, but I've also learned a lot from those mistakes. There's a reason why boundaries are important. Being young and dumb will cause you to make a shit ton of mistakes that could cost you, good writing partners and friends.
I can be OCs, Canons, Alternate Canons, or somewhere between.
I like Dragon Ball, Castlevania (Two obvious ones), Star Wars, Godzilla, Megaman, DC, Marvel, Superhero content, Indiana Jones, Middle Earth, Legend of Zelda, and many others can't think of at the moment.
Currently looking for fellow writers for roleplays involving Dragon Ball Castlevania, Star Wars, Middle Earth, etc. I do AUs, Canon compliant, non-Canon compliant, various eras, genres, etc. Looking for Story-Driven Roleplayers willing to play both Official Characters (Canons) and Original Characters (OCs). Can do AUs, Crossover (Homebrew style), Canon Divergent, and Semi-Canon Compliant.
Currently looking for those interested in a non-canon compliant multiversal Dragon Ball story as well as a Dragon Ball au-story centered around lost Legends like El Dorado, also looking for those interested in a potential Star Wars RP either in the Old Republic era, during the Jedi Purge, post return of the Jedi, or during the Clone Wars. Looking for a Castlevania group for Castlevania stories set in 1891 with a Canon departure for the story's sake. Finally looking for a middle-earth story that's a mixture of The Lord of the rings and Shadow of Mordor / Shadow of War. More will be added later on. Also looking for those willing to do crossover elements in certain stories and even those that can be semi-canon accurate to Official characters.
Still, many projects are being worked on, but slowly getting there as we go. RP stories so far that I'm working on:
Castlevania Devil's Land: [discord.gg/4jVFH5mDVt][discord.gg_4jVFH5mDVt]
Dragon Ball New Frontier: [discord.gg/vbYhhxpphV][discord.gg_vbYhhxpphV]
Dragon Ball New Genesis: [roleplayerguild.com/topics/189977-mos…][roleplayerguild.com_topics_189977-mos]
Castlevania Rhapsody of the Moon: [roleplayerguild.com/topics/190024-cas…][roleplayerguild.com_topics_190024-cas]
Upcoming projects: a few Star Wars RPs, one set during the Old Republic, one set during the Clone Wars, one set during the early Empire, and one set after the events in Return of the Jedi. This will be in the guild.
Another Castlevania story is also in the works, set in the late 19th century with a few departures from the original lore. This will also be held in the role players guild.
Potentially more in the future.
0 notes
loreweaver-universe · 5 months
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And that's the episode.
And that's it for today. Up next will be finishing episode 5 of Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts! I will hopefully see you tomorrow for that!
Before I go, I’d like to plug both my blog’s Patreon and my Twitch/Youtube Patreon. Patreon is my only source of income, and while I make enough to cover rent and bills (I make about $700-800 a month) I don’t make a ton of money from it and haven’t been able to save anything up for emergencies (medical or otherwise) in the last decade or so.  Every dollar helps, so if you’re willing, please consider pledging a dollar or two. Also, there's a slot open on my stream Patreon where you can pick a game for me to play once a month, so grab that before it's gone!
Thank you all for tuning in, and thank you to my 38 blog patrons, who make it so I can do this for a living!  I’ll see you next time!
I recently completed my first playthrough of Final Fantasy VII Rebirth!  You can see the full playlist of those streams by clicking here!
I have an ongoing first playthrough of Final Fantasy XIV that I’ve been streaming on Twitch! If you’d like to tune in when I’m live, I stream it every Saturday at 1 PM EST, and I upload my stream VODs to my Youtube channel!  If you’d like to see that playlist, click here!
If you’d like to help me pay my rent, buy me some food, or help with my bills and medicine, please use my direct donation link!  If you’d like to support me per liveblog completed every month, please pledge to my Patreon!  If you’d like to support my streams or pick a game for me to stream, you can pledge to my stream Patreon too!
You should also go pledge to Gio’s Patreon, or his Sponsus–our Discord server maintenance tech and creator of Rubybot deserves far more than I can afford to pledge to him by myself.
If you’d like more of me and my content:
My Episode Lists master page, where you can find every show and liveblog I’ve done!
My Discord server, where you can come hang out with me and other fans, check out member liveblogs, and join community gaming guilds!
My Twitch channel, where I stream variety games almost every day!
My Youtube channel, where you can check out past streams!
My ask blog, where you can send me questions and comments!
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tarosin · 3 years
the great adventures of y/n tommy tubbo jack and ranboo - how y/n made friends with everyone
this is an extra to the great adventures series
requested: yes/no
warnings: cursing
you were actually friends with tommy when he was streaming to a few viewers, and you even watched as his channel grew. eventually he asked you to mod for him, as he knew he could trust you and because had experience being a twitch mod. he was also the reason you began streaming. as for how you met, you were in the same classes as him in highschool, and since you were the ‘quiet’ person in the class, they sat tommy next to you. honestly, you hated him when you first met him and the feeling was mutual. you didn’t want to sit next to the rather loud teenager and he had no one to talk to anymore as his friends were on the other side of the room.
“do you ever talk?”
“i said do you ever talk...do you always do that”
“do what”
“that fucking HeH.”
“are you mocking me simons?”
“noooo why would i do that...”
“it’s y/n.”
“right, yeah, yeah, i totally knew that.”
“great now please leave me alone i’m trying to work.”
“the fuck did you just say?”
it was that moment tommy decided he was going to make you just like him, and a few years later that’s exactly what he did. by year 11 you and tommy had grown extremely close. the last day of school arrived a lot earlier than expected, everyone was extremely stressed, no one knew what to expect or what was going to happen. you found yourself hanging around with tommy a lot more as you had no idea if you would both be going to the same college, in september you received a text message that made your night:
tommy: college sent out emails telling you if you were accepted go check
*2 minutes later*
tommy: well?
y/n: i got accepted
tommy: me too
y/n: call me right now
tommy: i’m about to stream..have you ever considered streaming?
y/n: absolutely not
tommy: make an account and stream after me i’ll raid you..make me mod you know how people can be
once college started up, you were slightly nervous the two of you would drift away from each other. however this was far from the case, although you both did different subjects and he was only in on wednesdays, the pair of you would hang out together a lot more. he would be in your streams and vice versa, you would either be in his tiktoks, or you would be the one filming them.
“y/n make a tiktok we can be mutuals.”
“please god no.”
you spent so much time at his house either talking about random things, playing whatever game you could find, or streaming. he dragged you to every meet up he went on, allowing you to meet people such as niki, phil, and, wilbur. you didn’t know this, but he would constantly bring you up in conversations with dream, which eventually lead to you joining the smp in october where you would later be able to meet the likes of jack, technoblade and jschlatt. the only person you didn’t seem to see on the server was his other friend tubbo.
you had become friends with scott after being his first twitch mod and when he noticed you started streaming, he was extremely supportive, always raiding your stream once he ended his. today you found yourself bickering with scott because he wouldn’t let you in mcc despite the fact you were ‘the best minecraft player.’
“y/n, i watched you die in minecraft 7 times last night within 5 minutes.”
“oh i’m sorry mr perfect, let me in mcc.”
“fine i’ll make my own.”
and that’s exactly what you did..well you tried your best.
you started your stream as soon as scott ended and had him call you on discord after explaining to your chat what you were about to do.
“scott final chance let me in mcc, i’ll settle for access to the practice server.”
“absolutely not!”
“fuck you, ill be in it one day!”
you left the call telling chat you didn’t need that negative energy in your life.
you really have scott to thank for you making friends with ranboo, scott made a tweet explaining what you were doing on stream which caught ranboos eye.
Smajor1995: after not making it into mcc again my good friend @y/n has decided to take it upon themselves to make their own on stream!! ill also be in the stream (if they answer my calls) *twitch link*
ranboo joined your stream and was instantly met with you yelling at scott (again) to let you in mcc.
“i will ban you from mcc!”
“you don’t have the nerve... so he left the call this is bullshit watch me land this water bucket clutch down this ravine so we can find axolotls and build an army.”
*you died*
you pulled your hood over your face before sinking down your chair taking a deep breath.
you calmly got back up and looked into your camera.
“i was so close, so very close.. HEY CHAT SCOTT SENT ME A LINK TO THE SERVER!”
a few minutes later you were able to get onto the server, only to be kicked less than a minute later. the reason you were banned being ‘i watched you fail the water bucket clutch down a ravine.’
you continued your build on your server and just spent the rest of the stream talking about anything that crossed your mind, that was until you decided to copy ace race. once finished, you looked into your camera and pulled your microphone closer to you.
“so this is race ace, so scott doesn’t sue me, and basically it’s going to be this course, but i’m going to change a random section practice it every day, not tell anyone it changed. of course i’m going to tell my team we have to win, oh fuck i forgot scott was watching my stream..it’s okay he didn’t hear me he’s too busy planning how he can rig the next mcc.”
ranboo found himself enjoying your content and even noticed you in his chat multiple times.
“just a minute chat i’m just sending an important dm to my mods.”
that’s when you noticed chat paused for a minute after you sent a message, it confused you for a minute before realising ranboo made you a vip on his channel and you decided to do the same for him on your channel, from there you added each other on discord. the pair of you made friends extremely quickly, you were constantly part of his streams as you would call him on discord not realising that he was streaming.
“hi y/n, by the way i’m streaming”
“i just wanted to ask if you knew how to break into a house?”
“i locked myself out by accident and my parents are asleep come help me.”
“you are in the uk.”
“okay? catch a flight.”
chat honestly loved you and your friendship with ranboo. the pair of you only met a few weeks ago and you were already acting as though you had known each other for years.
you and jack met for the first time on the smp, which would have been fine, however you met during lore and your characters weren’t exactly the best of friends. once lore had ended, everyone said their goodbyes and left the call. a few moments later you received a discord message from jack asking if you were available to call any time soon. since you were back in lockdown, you had plenty of free time. you arranged a time and date a few days later you called jack, where you had your first proper interaction out of character.
“hello jack!!”
“oh hi y/n i just thought it may be a good idea to get to know each other, well you know considering we’re both on the dream smp.”
“yeah, yeah, i understand what you mean.”
the pair of you ended up getting along with each other, it was slightly awkward for the first 5 minutes of the call, but that was expected since you hadn’t really met jack before and were anxious to call him. however, after that the conversation started to flow and you found out the pair of you had a lot in common making it easy to come up with things to talk about. it ended up feeling as though you were catching up with a friend you hadn’t spoken to for a while.
“has anyone told you your accent is really strong.”
“so is yours, y/n, what the fuck is that supposed to mean.”
“it means your accent is strong, duh.”
jack asked if you’d like to stay in call and join him on the smp whilst he streamed, and you gladly accepted the offer as you really didn’t want to do your college work, and you were enjoying your time with him. a few minutes into the stream jack had killed you several times.
rather than answering you he just sat laughing. he then went on to attempt to mute him microphone, he failed. however he didn’t realise this, so you sat listening to his plan on how he was going to kill you again. this time you were prepared, you sent a message to tommy telling him to log on along with your location. few minutes later tommy was by your side and helped you kill jack several times for revenge.
“you didn’t mute your mic, so i told tommy you were bullying me.”
“im gonna go...BYE JACK, BYE Y/N, ILL SEE YOU SOON!”
“i can’t believe you.”
“hey you’re the one who didn’t turn your mic off.”
“how did you know?”
“i had your stream on my other monitor.”
“ayeee you watch my streams?”
“...i’ve been a sub for 4 months.”
the two of you stayed chatting and playing for another hour. the pair of you were already so close and you had only met each other the other day. this was just the start of your friendship, soon enough you were in a laugh and the stream ends challenge on his stream, however due to lockdown rules this was done over discord leading to you accidentally leaving the call several times.
“and they’re gone again!”
*4 minutes later*
“stop leaving y/n!”
“oh i’m sorry, let me just go yell at my wifi to stop cutting out!”
a few seconds later you could be heard faintly in the background screaming at your wifi as it would continue to buffer. as soon as restrictions were over one of the first things you decided to do was go to jacks and stream a laugh you lose where there was a punishment if you were responsible for losing the last heart. however everything was apparently hilarious in person as you would constantly laugh, meaning you were responsible for losing the last heart.
“y/n give me your phone.”
“you lost let me tweet from your account”
soon enough your fans and friends with your notifications on received this twitter notification
“y/n: jack is so cool and funny he is also really tall i am not”
tubbo was actually the last person you met and made friends with, your community were convinced for some reason that you both didn’t like each other and that’s why the pair of you didn’t talk to each other. this was far from the case you were both waiting for the right time, tubbo was an extremely busy teenager and you didn’t want to interrupt him, and tubbo knew you were currently in a stressful position since you had recently joined the dream smp, also you were still meeting people so he didn’t want to stress you out. this doesn’t mean he didn’t want to be your friend, he actually asked tommy since he had been your friend for at least 4 years what would be the best way of getting to know you.
“mate they hated me when we first met, just talk to them or something. you could have met them the last time i went up to visit you, but they ended up not feeling too good and went back to the hotel room.”
“when are you next coming up?”
“how about next week, and i’ll bring y/n, i really don’t understand why you’re nervous tubbo, it’s y/n they wouldn’t hurt a fly..well hmm.”
“see you next week then!”
a week later tommy dragged you to the train station.
“uh tommy where are we going?”
“...on a train.”
“no way, really? oh my god!”
a few hours later you finally got off the train.
“ill go with my dad to check into the hotel room, do you want to come with us or?”
“i think i’ll go for a walk and stretch my legs.”
“right okay, meet you at the beach later”
you spent a few minutes walking around the beach picking up any rocks and shells that caught your eye, little did you know it would result in you meeting tubbo. once you finished putting your new collection in your pockets you noticed a small crowd of people walk up to someone asking for pictures assuming it was tommy you walked over to the boy, it wasn’t tommy it was in fact tubbo. at first you stayed silent not wanting to really cause attention to yourself. you only spoke up when some people started to make inappropriate comments towards him.
“oh sorry to be a pain guys me and tubbo have plans with tommy in a few minutes, we should go so we’re not late. bye guys.”
you smiled and waved as they walked away. you looked over to tubbo, you could tell he was still pretty anxious about what just happened and honestly if you was in his position, you would react the same way.
“we should probably move from here incase they come back and see you’re still here, are you okay?”
“im feeling better now it’s over..thank you”
“oh it’s no problem i’m, y/n btw.”
“wait you and tommy were still meant to be on the train.”
“the train was actually on time, tommy went to check into the hotel i wanted to stretch my legs, i also wanted to collect some rocks.”
“did you collect enough or did you want more?”
“im not going to say no if you wanna go collect some with me.”
the pair of you walked around keeping each other close incase the people from before returned. half an hour later, the pair of you sat on a bench close to the beach so you could show tubbo everything you decided to pick up, he ended up keeping a rock he liked to have as a memory. tubbo wrapped an arm around you as it was getting cold whilst you watched the sunset.
“tubbo i think tommy forgot about me.”
“you can spend the night at mine, i’ll send him a message to let him know.”
“are you sure?”
“of course!”
“this has to be the most unsafe thing either of us will ever do, we hardly know each other and now i’m staying at yours.”
tommy sent you a message explaining that he didn’t forget, there was a problem at the other hotel and they had to go find another one, but you’ll be fine to stay at tubbos for the night. the pair of you spent the entire night learning as much as you can about the other person. it had only been an evening but you already knew the pair of you would be great friends.
@dumb-chaotic-bi-energy @uselesssapphickitten @l0ver0fj0y @etheriaaly @xx-smiley-xx @hawarun @kylobensgirl @cawcaw-pretty-thing @reverse-iak @renleicrashed @c1loudee
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