#i’ve been watching since ep 1 aired i love them sm
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mimimar · 1 year ago
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itsuki & fuyu
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megacarapa · 4 years ago
5, 12, 27! ♡
5. 5 tv shows that cheer you up
in no particular order
1. dr stone of course fshdhda a few weeks ago i like opened an episode of it bc i wanted to rewatch one scene that was at the beginning... but then i just kept watching it bc i just never got bored at any point n before i knew it i had rewatched the whole ep GDHDJDJ i also constantly go back n reread various bits from the manga, which should be obvious from how much i post abt it hshdjd
2. the next step!! my sisters and i are rewatching it AGAIN rn and it's just... when i was a teen i used to find it kinda infuriating how all the characters are so stupid n theres so much petty drama but in the last few years i've realized this is actually the funniest show ever sggdhdha like theres so many fucking characters and all of them have so much shit going on (except tiffany😩 god bless her soul) and the acting is so funny and the parts where they show the characters privately commenting on whatevers going on and the lil cutaways between the scenes are fucking hilarious sometimes and also the dances are legit so good, no matter how many times we rewatch it i always have a blast with it gdhdjd this is literally a 10/10 for me now like its actually become a comfort show, i wish there was a bigger fandom for it xD
3. pokemon sun and mood ^-^ back when it first aired i wasn't really sure what to expect bc everything abt it was so different for what the pokemon anime was like up til that point but it grew on me so quickly and i realized making a pokemon anime in a slice of life setting is actually so genius fdhdh i'm so glad they went in that direction, i haven't rewatched it since it ended but i keep going back to watch all the ops and eds and they never fail to make me smile :') along with that, animated pokemon has just been so good recently like in general?? there's the new season which has been so good so far as well (tho i'm like idk 10 episodes behind rn😭), there was pokemon twilight wings, then the gotcha music video (I LOVE THAT MV SO MUCH IT MADE ME CRY) and now there's the new poketoon shorts n i actually haven't watched them yet but i keep seeing gifs of them n they make me so happy😭 the pokemon games keep getting lamer n lamer but in return the anime just gets better and better
4. mob psycho 100 :3 sadly i also haven't rewatched this one in a while but i still love it sm and it meant so much to me back when it aired and bc of it i joined my first discord server and it was the first time i managed to make friends online and was just overall such a nice experience n i still look back on it fondly, this show has done so much to me so just thinking abt it or seeing it on my dash always makes me so happy
5. not a show but a few days ago we rewatched mamma mia again and it made me remember just what a fucking masterpiece it is GDHDJDJ this is one of those movies where literally every scene is fun to watch lmao it NEVER STOPS, me n everyone else in the family know all the songs by heart n always sing along, and it never fails to make me laugh how at the beginning you think the movie is gonna be about sophie but its actually more about her mom who has WAY more going on in her life GDBDHDK also i love the like.. setting/aesthetic of it, idk how to describe it its just so... MEDITERRANIAN gdhshdj idk it's just always such a good time to watch, also now i can't stop listening to abba again
12. if you could make a candle that smelt like anything, what would you pick?
RAIN. i love the smell of rain sm, specifically the smell right before it rains, idk how to explain a smell but u know what i mean, IT'S GOOD STUFF
27. your favourite flavour and brand of tea
i dontt know anything about tea fdhdha so far i haven't really found any tea flavours that i... like more of less than any others hdhdja for me all tea is just tea. idk maybe i just haven't found the right tea yet ú_ù tea fandom give me advice
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ogamagirl · 4 years ago
1, 8, 10, 18, and 29!
1. first anime you ever watched --Pokemon! TuT
8. anime character you are most like --aah lol I feel like I’ve answered this before (actually I know I have; I’ve reblogged these questions before but I couldn’t find any new ones orz;;;) so I’ll give my standard answer: I rlly don’t know if there’s any ONE anime character I’m most like because I find it really hard to describe myself AND I’ve never seen any character and instantly gone “wow this feels like me” SO I’ve consistently at least felt connected to Kiki from Kiki’s Delivery Service ever since I first saw the movie as a little girl, and I also sympathized with Inaba from Kokoro Connect pretty hard when I first saw that. I’ve also been told that I’m like Nano from Nichijou! So I guess...a mix of those three?
10. favorite anime animal sidekick --(kinda going with the musings above here lol but) JIJI!!!!!!!!!! Jiji my love, I love Jiji sm ToT <333333333
18.10 worst anime you have watched --HOOHOO So I did definitely answer this years ago but I have seen many more anime in the interim so...let’s see if I can come up with some NEW worst anime! |D IN NO PARTICULAR ORDER (and realizing that this is largely based on my own personal taste): -The Day I Became a God - Maeda’s really fallen off his game imo...it was just kind of bland up until the endgame and then it became actively offensive :/ -Lostorage incited/conflated WIXOSS - I really liked the first two seasons of WIXOSS (Selector infected/spread); I realize they’re not the most quality but they scratched an emotional itch for me and I really enjoyed them! But Lostorage was a huge disappointment; I didn’t even finish conflated and I don’t plan to, even with the reintroduction of selector character to the narrative...it just was bland and not well done. -Mahoutsukai no Yome - let me preface this by saying I LOVE MAHOUTSUKAI NO YOME; I started reading the manga in Japan and it’s extremely well written and interesting and I��d like to eventually finish it, BUT I put the anime adaptation here because imo it makes a pretty good case for an adaptation that’s TOO close to the manga not working. Animation is a different medium and if all you do is animate the panels as they were it’s not going to work; the animation was pretty and consistent, but the way everything was put together just...didn’t work. Reading the manga felt better and I never managed to finish the anime because of that. Even if you’ve read the source material, a good anime adaptation should make you excited to revisit the story again, and I just honestly never felt that here; I was bored. So...adapting a manga “word for word” does not a good anime make! -22/7 - SO much wasted potential. The hook in the first ep was really interesting! ...and then each new episode was just a flashback for each girl so by the time you got to the climax where they had to split the group up I didn’t FEEL anything because they weren’t developed in the present...it didn’t feel like they were friends so why should I care about them splitting up? I didn’t even finish it. -Magical Girl Spec Ops Asuka - look; I like edgy shit as much as the next person, and I do love me some edgy magical girls from time to time, but Madoka this ain’t - DEEPLY unpleasant scenes of torture for no reason other than to be shocking, and while I can appreciate them trying to do something deeper with exploring their main character’s trauma it was just clumsy and unpleasant to watch. (...looks like those are all the new entries! so for the last 5 let’s dunk on some old favorites) -School Days - I should not have to explain why School Days is bad lmfao. I’m kind of glad I watched it just because of its place in history but it was not a fun experience -Narutaru - another for the “I like edgy shit but this is just unpleasant” category. -Yumekui Merry - this is more of a disappointment because I thought the style and character designs were really cool but the show itself was boring and underutilized them. Wasted potential. -Daybreak Illusion - ALSO a disappointment - I was REALLY into it while it was airing but the finale shit the bed imo. I do still really like the character designs tho. -Psycho-Pass 2 - Psycho-Pass 1 was fantastic. I haven’t bothered watching anything beyond that because of how disappointed I was in Psycho-Pass 2.
29. anime that deserves another season ---...mmk listen. For reasons that I have detailed multiple times across multiple posts I am not entirely sure I want another season of SE in full because of issues I have with the manga. But I do want more SE animation u feel me listen, BONES: I will win the lottery and then I will commission u to make more SE animation that adheres to my internal world and includes me because I am canon mmk mmk
UH OH YOU WANTED A REAL ANSWER OK (that is my real answer fools)
Ouran is fun there should be another season of Ouran
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swordbending · 5 years ago
rules: pick 5 shows, then answer the following questions. don’t cheat. tag 10 (or however many) people.
i was tagged by @zutaralesbian!! thank u sm! ily 💕
1. atla/lok (duh)
2. the mentalist
3. that 70′s show
4. santa clarita diet
5.  genndy tartakovsky’s primal 
putting this under a cut bc it’s kinda long
what’s your favorite character from 1?
ahhh this is so hard & i think i’ve answered this question differently every time it’s been asked lmao i think for atla, it’s sokka & for lok it’s a tie between korra & bolin
who’s your least favorite character in 2?
so i’m just now rewatching this lol so my memory of the later seasons is a bit rusty, but jj laroche is a bastard
what’s your favorite episode of 4? 
ohhh jeez these are all so hard lol i think i’m gonna go with season 2, ep 10 (”halibut!”) bc i love anne 
what’s your favorite season of 5?
easy, there’s only 1 haha
what’s your favorite couple of 3?
hyde/jackie (obviously)
what’s your favorite couple in 2?
the og, jane/lisbon 
what’s your favorite episode in 1?
i’ve genuinely never thought about this, so it’s gonna be really hard to pick, but i think i have to go with.... both parts of “the boiling rock” lmao 
what’s your favorite episode in 5?
ohhh man, i’m torn between “a cold death” and “terror under the blood moon,” but i think i have to go with “a cold death” bc it’s just so tragically beautiful 😭 
what’s your favorite season of 2?
another hard one simply bc there’s soo many seasons lmao & this is a cop out bc i’ve not watched the other seasons recently enough but season 1
how long have you been watching 1?
may not seem like it considering it’s the subject of this blog but only since oct of 2018 (aside from the snippets i caught as a child while it was airing) 
how did you get into 3?
uhhh probably just from watching it on tv in like middle school lol
favorite actor in 4?
goddess drew barrymore, obviously!
which do you prefer, 1, 2, or 5?
all of them are so different so it’s hard, but it’s def a tie-up between atla/lok & primmal
which show have you seem more of, 1 or 3?
hmmm i’ve rewatched both so many times it’s hard to keep track lmao
if you could be anyone from 4 who would you be?
if i could choose i’d be either sheila or abby, but probably sheila.... in reality, i’d end up being joel lol
would a crossover of 3 and 4 work? 
definitely not, but i’d love to see a writing team try to make a crossover between a show about a realtor couple turned half-undead vigilante team and show about a silent team up between a caveman and his dino wife work 
pair two characters in 1 who would make an unlikely but strangely okay couple?
honestly i’ve no idea, actually thinking about it, now i think i’d like katara and suki together (rip sokka)
overall, which show has the better storyline, 3 or 5?
as much as i love that 70′s show, it is just a sitcom & primal is.... breathtaking so i have to go with that
which has better theme music, 2 or 4?
neither of them have theme songs or anything (lmao) but my family has so many memes about the mentalist music so definitely the mentalist 
i’m tagging @kataara @justthenshefell @smellerbeee & @cardboardseagulls
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lovelylapins · 6 years ago
what shows do you like besides ml? ✨
you know that’s actually a really good question kdsdsj i think i’ve said before but i have HORRIBLE concentration and can never sit through shows (especially like real-life shows i much prefer animation since my mind is busy) BUT i can tell you these are shows i have been meaning to watch/catch up on:
steven universe: i think i stopped watching season 4?? like the beginning of it i need to catch up because i wanna see the movie when it comes out (i have been listening to the song they released tho issa bop)
she-ra: i haven’t seen it i need to i have been wanting to forever and i know since season 2 is coming out soon i gotta get on that if y’all see me suddenly writing fics for them mind ya business
b99: surprisingly, i’m caught up to half of season 6, but missed one ep when it aired and like... never caught up?? (i promise i’m not doing this on purpose). it’s a funny show. cute. i rlly liked jake and amy’s development i lived for it when they finally k*ssed
doom patrol: my friend is a huge dcu stan and hooked me on it but uhh i haven’t even gotten past episode 1 it’s SO long pls an hour-long ep? i can’t i have like two braincells but i NEED TO GO THROUGH WITH IT it’s so good from what she’s posted
gentleman jack: i need to see this sm i was going through a thread on twit and loved the cinematography and the tension in the scenes 
euphoria: i have been hyping and promoting this show like crazy BUT HAVEN’T!!! SEEN!! IT!! i’ve been waiting for the last ep so i can get my free hbo go trial and binge it all in one go (and the last ep is on sunday so uh... haha let’s get wrecked by hot lady zendaya)
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