#i’ve been a fan since 2014 okay i have opinions
winterrain-11 · 13 days
some gravity falls hcs :3
- The twins love divorced dad rock. they didn’t really even listen to it growing up but they will listen to it unironically (dipper cries to second chance by shinedown)
- soos names his kids after mabel, dipper, and stan of course, but he tried to name his fourth stanley jr before melody explained that juniors don’t work like that. his next suggestion was waddles which was also turned down
- along with this, soos was DEVASTATED when he found out that dipper wasn’t his legal name. he refused to let dipper tell him what his legal name was for years until melody said that they couldn’t put dipper as a first name
- mabel’s cat and waddles are mortal enemies it’s giving dipper and robbie wanting to k!ll each other when wendy isn’t looking. dipper knows but will NEVER tell mabel
- soos and melody basically took pacifica in after her parents sold the manor and subsequently got more abu$!ve. she takes over for wendy as cashier at the mystery shack after wendy leaves for college
- as soon as mabel gets her braces off, dipper has to get his own. he gets clear bracket bands and mabel (who originally didn’t want to make fun of him for braces bc she knows how much they suck) bullies him relentlessly for looking like a dork.
- mabel eventually publishes children’s books with her scrapbook-style drawings and they’re a hit.
- when dipper first came out as trans, he wanted to be called tyrone. mabel supported him wholeheartedly and was so excited to have a bother, but had to sit him down and BEG his white ass not to use tyrone.
- Mabel had a lot ocs that she writes fanfiction about when she’s bored. she has a hella wattpad following and everyone loves the absurdity of her plotlines
- stan and ford very quickly realize they know NOTHING about actually maintaining and sailing a boat. it was a hell of a learning curve and they almost capsized multiple times
- ford loves the big bang theory and also minion memes. he periodically discovers new memes from 2010 and tries to incorporate them into his convos. he once walked in a room and said “here come dat boi” and mabel gagged
- stan still has significant memory gaps from time to time along with relapses in forgetting. when the twins finally got used to it, dipper started telling stan fake shit that he did over the summer to seem cooler, but mabel would just privately tell stan much lamer, embarassing fake stories about dipper to counteract it
- ford was devestated to find out that doctor who ended a few years after he got sucked into the portal but ten times more excited when he learned about modern who. he loves 10 so much (he kind of looks like young fiddleford. only mabel has made this connection)
- wendy takes a liking to pacifica after she becomes close with soos and melody. she eventually gets her own place on the outskirts of gravity falls and they regularly hang out and watch movies, wendy gives her advice about independence and moving away from the toxicity of her family
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aliasrocket · 1 year
i came from ao3 to say ty for the rocket content you have been providing LOL .. i esp love the last one and the the "bad" ending of it XD its SOO in character of him to be non committal/wishy washy/however you could say emotionally not ready. i will def be rereading x10 as i hve your other ones . i liked the acknowledgement that they had their own issues to work out, i dont think hed be the best person to be in a relationship with with unresolved issues (his refusal to acknowledge stuff/move on from past events and the abrasive attitude that comes with him, also his solo comic arc is about all his manyy ex girlfriends wanting to kill him lol) hes def a glacial slow burn of a person if you ever get an inkling of a chance and probably not a good person at a surface level. sorry for the weird rambling but as a starving rocket fan of many years you are providing 5 star wagyu (*μ_μ) the character exploration pet names and angst of them all -ω- i really look forward to more of your writing !
This is the fic being discussed in this ask btw! :
Okay hey sorry it took me a while to get back to this aaahhh this hit me but
thank you so much for your support! It may be a silly hobby of mine but it’s what keeps me going, and making others happy with my work makes me happy too!
I’m glad you liked the ending! Including you, half of the people who’s commented their opinion of the ending have said/implied that it’s good to have left it that way, and the other half felt strongly about needing a sequel with a supposed happy ending? And now I’m kinda torn gahh! Sadly, I do agree with you about Rocket being more on the non-committal side, which is exactly why last (friday) night ended the way it did!
Also, seeing this made me visit his comics haha! Which issue is it, the 2014 one or 2016 one?
Sorry it’s just really flattering to see that you, a rocket stan for 5 years, liked my fic when I’ve only gotten to like him after seeing vol. 3 (because of his backstory, omg) that’s just so insane to think about. I can’t believe you think of my fics as 5 star wagyu!! Thank you!! XD <33
Will definitely be working on the many other prompts I thought of for Rocket/Reader fics and solo Rocket fics, and since angst is my strong suit, there won’t be a drought on that for a loooong time. In fact I think it only gets worse from here, so buckle up!
Thank you so much for your kind words about my work and for sharing your opinions!! This was fun to write :DD
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bi-wizard-queen · 11 months
My personal experience with Lily Orchard (as a viewer, I have never actually spoken to her)
I was a fan of Lily Orchard from 2014 until 2020 (an on-off fan I guess, like I watched her casually but I have, y’know, other things going on).
I was 17 when I started watching her (I was really into MLP: FiM at the time and she was one of many Brony Analysts I watched) but I will admit she was engaging in a way the others weren’t for me so I kept watching her. I even followed her on Tumblr
I remember back in 2016/17 I stopped watching/following her for a while because I was upset with her very blasé opinion on Palestine and her general liberal politics (I’m a socialist btw) but I came back (most people I like to watch don’t have political views as left wing as mine, that’s something I just accept) but stayed off her Tumblr.
That changed when the ToonKritic stuff happened in 2018 (TL:DR a Brony Analyst was exposed as a sex predator) and I was drawn to Lily’s very angry and cathartic video on it and so I followed her on Tumblr again for more of her takes.
Since I followed HER I took her side in any of her fallouts even if I was initially surprised by them. I also adopted some of her views (not on everything but I was massively on the “Queer should never be used by LGBT+ people” and “Rebecca Sugar is a Nazi sympathiser” views back in 2018/19) despite still being more left wing than her.
I never agreed with her disdain for Bernie Sanders for example even when I was a big fan - ironically I now don’t really like Sanders but that’s due to him not being left wing ENOUGH
I remember when Lizzy broke up with her I was MASSIVELY on Lily’s side. She is very good at framing things in a way that makes her the most sympathetic. I believed EVERYTHING she said about Lizzy and I even retroactively made Lizzy seem worse in my head.
I really need to emphasise that I thought Lizzy was this flaky, transphobic, racist and abusive bitch who relies on daddy’s credit card. I even took Lily’s opinion that Lizzy making her OC Elethyn asexual was her actually being homophobic.
I’ll be honest at this point I sort of stopped watching her as often, that was mainly because 2019 was my final year of uni so I was sorting out moving and getting a job. I also stopped using Tumblr as often for the same reason.
But when lockdown started in March 2020 I was bored and started getting back into a bunch of YouTubers I hadn’t really watched in a while. It was mostly a pleasant experience tbh and even with Lily I enjoyed her Disney recaps that she did in 2019 (though her incest jokes made me uncomfortable)
And then I watched her 2020 update video which was basically her “I hate my fans” video. Like she spent 15 minutes talking about how much she hates her fans and I remember thinking “oh wow this is awful, I’ll go check her Tumblr to see if she’s okay”
There I found some posts about someone called “Opal”. After looking this up, I found the post about Opal’s fanart and Lily’s absolutely horrific reaction to it. This is where my eyes were opened — I’d had these little doubts over the years that I’d pushed aside but this was crystal clear. She had yelled at a minor who had done nothing wrong and refused to back down.
It made me realise, “oh wow she’s always been like this”.
It made me want to look more into her, I think the blog thassabadtake existed at that point so I looked through there and others came later. I also went on Twitter to find info on Opal and then Patch and Lizzy who I realised weren’t the cartoonish villains Lily made them out to but her victims.
(I didn’t bother with Josh since he always rubbed me the wrong way and even without Lily I would dislike him for being a conservative)
But I was always just lurking. I’ve sent some anonymous messages to some of the blogs but I never posted anything on my Tumblr. Because I didn’t want to “corrupt” it (and also people I know IRL follow me and I don’t really want them seeing anything about her).
I again sort of forgot about her for another year or so until I got curious a few months ago and found that things had gotten a LOT worse and that her sister (who I remember her shit talking in vague terms for YEARS).
But since I had a policy of not reblogging anything about her on my blog I was still just lurking so I decided to finally make a side blog just to get my thoughts out a bit
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Unpopular opinion atm I think.
I have loved Taylor forever. I found out about 1975 through her back in 2014 and i have loved them both.
However… “I think I’ve seen this film before and I didn’t like the ending…”
I was so… annoyed at how that played out and then she wrote getaway car and that made me even more annoyed because I love him as an actor. But I figured… she’s young. Rebounds happen. It’s unfortunate he got used and tossed away when it was clear he loved her… only to be left for a total doorknob who ended up making her feel like she was nothing…
But now…
I am HOPING this isn’t true and they’re together or they’re just trying to play the media and fans for some privacy because the last month has been absolute hell…
But if it’s not and they broke up… seeing him perform 102 and how he practically ran off stage afterwards… I don’t know how to like her as a person at this point. One guy when she’s in her 20s… okay. But in her 30s? It’s cruel. Matty did not deserve it. Not at all. Fans or not… I don’t believe he ended this. I believe if they did break up.. it was her choice and she chose her fans and career over him.
Which is… not okay.
I have definitely lost respect for the fans of Taylor and I am more than happy to never be apart of that group again.
But this…
Poor Matty.
I get what you’re saying and I was confused by the Tom thing too cuz I’ve loved him since Deep Blue Sea (so glad that he’s found his person and is happy now). But we don’t really know what happened here. Maybe Matty wasn’t a rebound. Maybe HE ended it? Maybe she really thought there was something between them but changed her mind? Maybe the pressure of their careers and the online stuff ruined things before they even started. So, I think we should maybe give her the benefit of the doubt.
Plus, if he WAS a rebound to her then she’s a human being. People do these things sometimes. Especially since she had just ended things with Joe after 6 years which sounds pretty rough. She’s earned the right to just do things and not have to worry about the optics and stuff. So I wouldn’t judge her for it.
Those swiftie haters may wanna ruin Matty’s life forever, but as far as I’m concerned, the 1975 fans shouldn’t hold anything against Taylor.
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sohoharlem · 3 years
For a while now, since I’ve started this blog, I have been asked about my opinion on Sebastian Stan and Alejandra Onieva and whether I think they are real/fake/pr/pr real/pr fake etc. For the majority of it, I’ve kept my opinion mostly out of it to give people a platform to discuss their opinions on it comfortably, like I do for most of the relationships talked about here. Of course, naturally, I do have a view and opinion on the whole thing. I’ve refrained from sharing it for a multitude of reasons, one of them mostly also being that Sebastian’s fandom is at a sensitive and dramatic state right now. But I did also want to make my readers aware of how I felt about the whole thing and how I feel about the relationship. Agreeing or disagreeing with the below, I encourage his fans to still feel welcome to discuss their views as things continue to unfold in that relationship. This is mostly for you all to see where I view that relationship. I felt it was time to share it.
Before I start.
This is all opinion. Obviously, I do not know any of these people personally. These are just my thoughts and speculations. This is a theory. Opinion. My conclusion here is to be taken as such. Heavy topics are discussed below including mentions of drugs, his appearance, mental struggles, and suicidal thoughts. Things I typical do not discuss here. Please do NOT continue if you are uncomfortable with these topics and choose not to read them as part of the speculations. Do not continue if you take this information as anything more than an opinion. 
Okay, so let’s start from the beginning. 
I believe that there’s this heavy misconstruction out there between fans who think some fans are hard on Sebastian and others who think some fans baby him. The problem with this, is that the midline between both sides got meddled with and it became a blur of where-does-one-end-and where does one begin. I genuinely feel it’s blurred so much, that if someone says one small thing about how he should be responsible for something he did wrong, those fans are looked at as a hater or bully, and if someone says he needs help, he is considered being babied and not held accountable. There is no middle ground. That is an issue.
So, I first want to touch base on what I think about him in that regard. This will be focused on his mental health, so none of the other problems surrounding him and his drama will play a part in this explanation regarding his relationship with Alejandra. I’m keeping this specific, since I think his mental health plays a key part. 
There’s a misconception out there that Sebastian doesn’t care at all (key word being at all) about what his fans think of him. There’s also a misconception that he hasn’t changed, but that he’s been the same person all along, but that his true colors are coming out now or that it’s fans that are making it seem that he’s different. In my opinion, both are wrong, and here’s why I think that.
I’ve been a fan of his since 2014, and something that I can certainly tell you about Sebastian Stan is that he does care about what his fans think of him. I’ve actually have never seen an actor care so much about his fans opinion’s of him as he does. He cares so much, that I think it’s what played a key part in the last two years or so. Him caring, and his fans caring about him as much, is what I think plays a key part into him making a 180 from how he’s behaved.
I’ll explain.
Sebastian has never been one to shy away from sharing that he sees therapists, that he suffers from anxiety, and heavy lows in his life. This isn’t fan speculation or anyone digging into where they shouldn’t. He has publicly willingly shared this with fans in the past. The books that he’s read and certain self help instagrams that he’s followed has even been proof of that. What contributed to his suffering, we don’t know and it’s obviously none of our business, sometimes these mental struggles just happen, too. But they are real, and they are hard to deal with, and we know for a fact that he has dealt with them and probably still do. Things, people, and environments affect him, people who suffer from these things. 
To me, he’s always seemed like the kind of guys that wants to fit in where he can (but being choosy) and he does have a strong personality when it comes to partying with his friends and holding them close and having a good time with him. He likes to have a positive energy around friendships. This is something that is simply a part of his personality and it can be traced back to photos from 2008. He’s always been an introverted party boy and he’s always kept the same people close to him for years. Do I think he’s grown man who makes how own decisions and knows exactly what he wants to do with the people he’s around and that he’s doing whatever he’s doing at his own will because it’s him and he wants to do it? Yes. Yes I do. But. But, I do think that he also chooses the people specifically that he wants to keep around him and that they do affect him. Saying that the people who you hang around with don’t affect you and who you become is a lie. With this in mind, he’s always seemed like the kind of guy that gets easily influenced by those he spends time with and he absorbs things like a sponge. He picks up from those he spends time with. This, mixed in with his somewhat mentally troubled personality/mental struggles, mixed in with him caring about his fans and what they think of him.
With that view of mine about his mental state explained, I would like to jump into the beginning of what I think of Seb and Ale. 
Repetitive again, but I must make this clear. This is just my opinion. Obviously I do not know any of these people personally. I am not to be held at gun point for any of the stuff I say here, these are just my thoughts and speculations. To be taken as such. Heavy topics are discussed below including mentions of drugs, his appearance, mental struggles, and suicidal thoughts.
I think something happened circa early 2018 in his life. I remember around the time, fans started to notice it just before he filmed Destroyer with Nicole Kidman. There was something off about the way he carried himself in interviews, online, and his appearance. Some couldn’t tell right away, or denied it, but most people noticed it and people called attention to it. This was before Ellie, or that we were aware of. 
He had already been over with Margo and he did have flings in between, but it’s possible he could’ve been single at this time. Shortly after fans started to notice he seemed quieter and off (early 2018), he got into shape and into his look for Destroyer. This might be a moo point, but it could also play a key role so I figured I will mention it. Some fans had a bad reaction to his makeover and they were being vocally public about it calling him not too nice things. At the time, Seb was still very much interactive on Instagram. It’s extremely possible he read those negative reactions. I met him in the early summer of that year, hair already grown out. When we met, he was very quiet, seemed a little distant and was whispering a lot, looked very yellow, but was kind and sweet. But something seemed off. I said it when I was there and I’ve been saying it since then: he seemed off. 
After that, was the thing with Net. This was the first time I saw the fandom reach a level of interrogation with him since his knee gate post, but more. He thanks fans for calling it to his attention and he says he has her fired. Not too long after, was the whole thing with Ellie. They were spotted, fans had not too different of a reaction that they had when he was first spotted with Ale. They were very vocal about their distaste towards her. 
Next, came out the scandal with her saying the N word, and that’s when everything on his side began to unravel. He cut back from Instagram and fan interactions on social media, he was obviously not happy with his fans, it was obvious that what happened in the dynamic between his breakup with Elle (the whole Brazil mess) and his fans very much affected him. It was obvious he cared about what fans thought and that whatever caused the split between him and Ellie was messy. 
For months, he was taking cons and RMDH opportunities to preach about cyber bullying, something he believed fans did to her. 
But it was post Ellie that things started to look bad. Fans noticed him showing up to premieres drunk, there are YouTube videos of him slurring his words, he picked up Monday and Endings Beginnings and fans still had a feeling something was not totally right. It wasn’t that they thought he was angry or upset with fans, but something more emotional from him. Like an emotional reaction to him caring too much (for a celebrity who had to have a certain distance) with what people thought about him and the people around his life. There was still lingering aftermath from the fandom’s reaction to Ellie and It was obvious that their break up did affect him, but it went much deeper than that.
2018-Summer 2019, something was very off and he looked depressed and he looked and acted like he was not well in health. When TFATWS started filming, there was almost a weird glimpse into pre 2018 Seb again. He seemed to have been making a come around again. He was being active again on instagram, he was almost glowing, and he looked and acted great. He looked happy. 
Come March 2020, TFATWs stops filming and the pandemic hits.
I think that whatever he had been almost recovering from, hit him full force while he was stuck in quarantine. I don’t care what anyone tries to misconstruct it from, it was obvious he was taking it seriously in the beginning. He told beach goes to fuck off, he was cleaning and wearing gloves everywhere, he was taking it seriously. He asked Don what is worst, being alone or being with someone during quarantine, on his zoom. 
It was clear that Sebastian was alone and he was not dealing with it well. He posted stories representing how sick of it he was. I think whatever happened to him during quarantine  (mentally) pushed i’m off the edge. I think it affected him badly and possibly worst than most care to realize. I remember being so worried about him at one point during quarantine when he went quiet for about a month or two (can’t remember exactly) that I told my friend I was worried that he could’ve possible killed himself. 
That’s how bad I felt he was doing and how badly I thought it had escalated.
He was signed with CAA in May (I believe, correct me if I’m wrong). If this is a coincidence, I don’t know. PR Fake believers tend to think they were set up as an arrangement, which is possible and something I do believe could’ve happened as well initially. 
What do I think could’ve happened?
His new reps could’ve asked him to find someone he’d be willing to participate in publicity for to help him once TFATWS and his films were released. I think he seeked someone out on his own, maybe he knew Ale from before because of mutuals or maybe I think he could’ve been speaking to Esmeralda about this and she introduced him to Ale and said “oh she friends with John yada yada” and so forth. I think it’s very possible it started unauthentic and inorganic, with the sole purpose of publicity, hence the planned videos. Pap walks, and photographs, some of which still continue at times. I do think the yacht photo was also a PR set up. 
But I think Sebastian, at the back of his mind, was also very aware that he was not doing well in quarantine and he was not doing well alone, and he chased this opportunity to leave his home, leave his reality, and try to enjoy something different that would also take away whatever he was suffering from. Distract him from, something he thought would help him. This is why I also think it transitioned from strictly PR Fake into Real and sometimes used for PR. 
He was not doing well mentally, and he needed help.
The reaction to Ale and what happened with that…we all know. So I won’t get into what we already know. I’ll get into the aftermath of what happened, why he’s reacted the way he has, why I think he latched onto her, and why I think it’s still lasting, and etc etc.
Back on my point I made earlier about how obvious it is that what fans say and think about him actually affects him. 
I think he knows deep down how badly the whole pandemic traveling thing was, it’s obvious to him what fans think of Ale and what they say about him in regard to remaining to stay with her, and it’s obvious he reads it all. But remember what I said about everything earlier, keep it all in mind.
My thought on this part mostly comes from how similar we saw him react towards fans after his break up with Ellie. He has a habit of projecting. What do I mean by this? I think, what fans say and continue to say, it either all makes him want to do it even more to prove fans wrong or sometimes it gets to him so much he snaps and breaks and does what he did on the vanity interview that one time about the piece of paper. He knows what’s being said about him (this is specifically about him, not Ale) and what everyone thinks about him/what he’s been involved with and accused of and he lashes out. It’s how he reacts to it. I think part of him thinks this is him just trying to stay strong and trying to come out on top. 
The relationship. 
Aside from me thinking he’s depending on her for emotional stability, there’s also this unnatural side from her. Ale? Aside from her obvious racism, world traveling during a global high pandemic where people were dying left and right, and the need for attention, I don’t fully trust her, and I find his constant change in mood and personality when they are together vs apart odd. I do think they take recreational drugs when they are together and I think she knows she’s a distraction to keep him on his high. She is just as in control of this relationship as he is, but I think her intentions are much dirtier. 
He has control. 
It’s clear he’s the one that doesn’t allow photos of their relationship online except for those videos. Sebastian has always been that way. People who have been here for a while can tell you that. But I think the reason she is able to slip in those so called “baits” is because I think she holds a certain control as well. I think there is a possibility she may at times, with her radiating positive energy towards him and whatever else we don’t know, coercing him into cooperating with her and she gives him this leeway and control - I let you tell me not to post photos of us, thereby I can do this. THIS tied in with the use for PR aspects still applying - pap walks, articles, publicity stunts, info being fed to gossip blogs and Deux.
I think that in their relationship, he is living a life that distracts him from reality and keeps him on a high and it’s why he’s latched on. I don’t think it has anything to do with her being hot and young, I think it might be the back burner, but I don’t think it has to do with his ego, primarily. I think it goes deeper than that, in a bad and unhealthy reason. 
I think he depends on her and her lifestyle to keep him emotionally distracted and happy, especially during and post pandemic. I think he’s depending on her emotionally and physically - by this I mean presence, not sexually. Ale was something he thought (and probably still thinks) was what he needed to get out of that bad place, like how he said in his caption for his video for her about light. I think he’s trying to pull out from his rut but in this way. I don’t think he is still doing okay and I don’t think the relationship is healthy. I almost see him seeing her as a security blanket for his sanity for him. It’s why I don’t see it ending well and why underneath it all I worry about what will happen to him when it ends.
I think their relationship is extremely toxic, but in an emotional way for him. I do think she’s expecting clout, fame, and attention out of this. There might be genuine interest from her and there could be underlying reasons between the both of them that make them attracted to each other (but again, I do not mean just sex here, not sex), but I do think her pushing force is fame and attention the same way his is emotional stability. (Remember, keep in mind that I think this started off inorganically and with the purpose of just PR. This might mean more to her to then him.)
It is a relationship based and built on unnatural and non concrete foundation. And I think they are both in it for two very different reasons. 
Do I think it will end and how/when/why?
With all this in mind, I do still believe he simultaneously is very aware he is suffering and depending on her and the lifestyle, and it’s also the delay why he won’t let her go. Granted, I don’t think she will either until she gets what she wants, whatever that may be. 
Sebastian is living his “ I’m living life and enjoying it and I don’t care what fuckery you have to say about it” moment.  
I do think it will end, not soon, but I think  it will. This could go into an engagement and god knows what else, but I do think it will come to an end one day. Mostly because of the serious factors I mentioned above. Does me thinking they might get engaged mean I think they’re deeply in love and that’s why I wouldn’t be surprised if they got engaged? Not necessarily. I just think Sebastian has been that impetuous and impulsive, and maybe even that afraid to be alone again. 
I think that when it ends, it will be more bad on his end than hers - emotionally. I do not think it will end well for him. The whole dynamic is just off. If it’s him living on his high horse (living hIs BeSt LiFe) or if it’s both of them, I don’t know, but the vibe I get is toxic.
I do think if they split it’ll hit harder than margo did, because of his emotional codependence on Ale. Again, he’s depending on her too much for emotional stability. I still cling to the opinion that quarantine fucked him up and he’s still enjoying the aftermath of his choices. Even if it were to get past engagement and into marriage, it would not last.  Not even because it's a Hollywood marriage but because I just don't see it working out in the end. AGAIN, It is a relationship based and built on unnatural and non concrete foundation. None genuine expectations in outcomes for both.
Now about him.
All of this, and when I mean all of it I mean all of it, mentioned in the beginning until now: That mixed with fame, drugs, overworking…I hope I’m wrong about my gut feelings of where it might lead him and what’s really going on behind the scenes… but yeah. This is something that’s been brewing for him and I think most older fans saw it coming. I don’t trust her, I don’t baby him and I hold him accountable but I think he needs help, I think his behavior is odd. Definitely depression mixed with drugs and some kind of mental thing between them. He’s dependent on her in an unnatural way.
I’m fucking worried as shit about HIM. It’s her influence, most of it I think. I think the worst thing his fandom has done is make it look bad to be worried about another human being, to say he’s changed, or to make a point that it is possible for another person to have influence over him. I do think this view about being concerned and worried about another person being something awful needs to stop now. Fans need to stop being angry, and instead be worried. I do think If you’re going to care at all about the relationship or him, instead of obsessing over baits or instagram posts, turn your anger into concern. This isn’t normal for him to do such an 180. He did do an 180.
I know the go to reaction is anger for most people, especially the traveling, but this 180 also does not make sense, and to me it’s a red damn flag. I understand the anger and the want to put blame somewhere, but just based on what i’ve experienced or seen him talk about in the past and how he’s behaved, part of me does give him the benefit of the doubt. I will go with my gut reaction. I hold him responsible one hundred percent for the shitty things he’s done, including continue to date her (a racist and cultural appropriator) and traveling, but I also don’t want to be a cold hearted bitch and ignore something that I feel is very wrong and could be deadly. 
God forbid one day we wake up and find out he OD-ed in a hotel room.
I don’t think they will last forever, and when it one day ends, I don’t think it will end well. 
- SH
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VANITY FAIR: Elizabeth Olsen and Jason Sudeikis met for the first time just before filming their 2017 indie Kodachrome, but they already had at least one thing in common: a “big old crush” on Ed Harris, as Olsen describes it. “He did not disappoint at all,” adds Sudeikis. “He stuck up for us. He cared about us. He cared about the movie.”
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Now, the two have much more in common, as first-time Emmy nominees. Olsen is nominated for lead actress for her work as Wanda Maximoff in WandaVision, a Disney+ limited series that explores grief and loss, through a superhero story wrapped in a parody of TV sitcoms. Sudeikis earned four Emmy nominations for Apple TV+’s darling Ted Lasso, which he cocreated, cowrote, and stars in as Ted, a cheery American football coach who attempts to coach an English Premier League soccer team.
In early August, Olsen and Sudeikis reunited over Zoom to chat with Vanity Fair about transitioning these characters to TV, their views on the new streaming empires, and what they think of the lawsuit Scarlett Johansson recently brought against Disney regarding the strategy to stream Black Widow simultaneously with its theatrical release.
Vanity Fair: It’s been quite a few years since you shot Kodachrome. What do you remember about where you were on your trajectories at that time?
Elizabeth Olsen: Of life? It was when I was at a down trajectory.
Jason Sudeikis: Personally or professionally? I feel like from the outside, it only seems like you operate in one direction [motions upward].
Olsen: From a personal standpoint. So, I was excited to get to do a small movie, an intimate job that had some levity. And that was really nice. And I have a big old crush on Ed Harris and I still do.
Sudeikis: Yeah. To know that the director was like, “hey, we’re thinking about Jason Sudeikis for this role” and then Ed Harris stayed on, It was like, “all right, pleasant surprise. Pleasant surprise.”
Your current projects, WandaVision and Ted Lasso, may seem very different but do have one thing in common: they both feature characters that originated elsewhere. Wanda is obviously from the Marvel films and Jason you played Ted Lasso in commercials. Why did you feel these characters would work on a TV series?
Olsen: I got really comfortable in the Marvel movies, taking up my piece of the story and my piece of, how does my little arc work in this much larger arc with 30 other characters? And so the idea of all the focus being on me and Paul [Bettany] totally freaked me out. And that it was on television felt weird because these characters are superheroes and maybe they should be seen on big screens and not televisions. But the entire DNA of the show was meant for television. It was written for television. The arc has to be told through television. And from an actor’s point of view, it was something I’d never done. I’ve never done sitcom acting, let alone go through the decades with it.
And I’ve never had more fun on a job before. We got to go to work and just feel like an idiot all the time. And all of us, we’d be like hamming, hamming, hamming, and use each other as these barometers of “are we doing this too much? Is this now just a parody? Is this a joke? At what point are we supposed to dial it back?” And at one point I did, I think, a quadruple take, and that was the first time the director asked me to pull it back and just do a double take. So it was pretty incredible to get to expand on the character and this world, but do it from a totally different perspective. I’m so grateful for that job.
Sudeikis: Have you hosted SNL yet?
Olsen: God no!
Sudeikis: No? Well, I’m not going to agent you and be like, “if they ask, would you ever want to?” But, look, I know you’re funny. It was really fun to watch you do multi-cam sitcom acting. And then the genre thing, it made me be like, “oh, she would crush on SNL”. You’re always going to internalize stuff because you’re, in my opinion, very, very talented and very, very smart. So then even when you externalize things, like a quadruple take, it would be joyful to watch even in the attempt. Watching the show, it didn’t seem at all like an aberration or like you were putting it on. It felt well conceived and well thought out. And it almost made me wonder if the creator was aware of that or was it all just an act of faith on their part.
Olsen: It was a total act of faith. What they did is they took comedy actors who are really funny and gave them the more dramatic stuff. Because they thought that would balance out when we failed. And we’re like, “You guys are very smart for doing this.”
Sudeikis: Now, are you putting that on them or was that articulated to you day one?
Olsen: We talked about it. We were so open about it. We’re like, “this is very clever that you guys put some of the funniest actors in MCU in these dramatic parts.” But SNL, I watch it every Saturday when it’s live. I’m obsessed with SNL and that’s why I would never! It’s like the ocean. I respect the ocean so much and that’s why I don’t need to go in it.
Sudeikis: I don’t know. I think we’ll see. This is going to be like Charles Foster Kane’s declaration of principles. “I would never host SNL.” And then, “And your host, Elizabeth Olsen.”
Olsen: So tell me about Lasso: small to big.
Sudeikis: Me and my buddies, Joe [Kelly] and Brendan [Hunt], did those commercials in 2013, 2014, and we then sat down to talk about it in 2015. And it was kind of like, “okay, is it another set of commercials? Is it a movie?” I knew what the character was and we all grew up with great sports films, by Ron Shelton and Rudy and Hoosiers and things like that. But then also liked Nora Ephron, you know? We wanted to make something that had a little bit of romance. And romance may not be sexual, it’s also a platonic version of romance. And the story just sort of spooled out of us in a way that garnered a pilot episode and then a well-beat-out outline for a season. Because we were kind of modeling it after the British Office where it’d be like six episodes, six episodes, and then maybe an hour and a half special, like a movie type thing. Not wanting to take up too much space and not knowing how long it would go. And so it only could be a TV show, was the way it felt.
And so then it went away for a while because that was in 2015. And then lo and behold, it comes back around when I met Bill Lawrence for this other project. That one didn’t work out, but he was like, “Do you have anything?” I said, “Well, we have this.” And I remember having a whole bunch of stuff in this office, more work than I think he realized. He’s like, “Oh yeah, this is definitely, this is a whole thing. Okay. Wow. You guys have really thought this through.”
Olsen: Did you have a [writers] room or did you already write most of it?
Sudeikis: No, we definitely had a room. It was like I knew the chords, I knew the structure of things. We had a great room of 11 people for the first season. With hiring people, we just had good fortune. I didn’t know it was interesting at the time, but asking people during the interview process who their mentors were, who were the people that encouraged them, who made you think you could do this for a living—you can learn a lot about a person by listening to them talk about their mentors, their heroes.
Olsen: With the jokes, I feel like they’re so quick, but they’re so specific to people who watch sports and who knows sports. Well, not all of them, but a lot of the jokes are. Do you have a list of ones that you want to get in there or are these coming up in the room? Because it gets me as a big sports person.
Sudeikis: It really depends on it. There’s some ideas that I’d had for years and years that are just from old notebooks that I used to carry around when I worked on SNL before you would type things into a phone. And storylines and themes and characters that have just been ruminating in my head based on other ideas for either movies or sketches that didn’t make it. And then a big part of the room is that we have this collective consciousness that isn’t all sports.
And then with specific soccer jokes, we do try to include jokes that we call “two percenters” that only football fans would like. Just as our little tip of the cap because we wouldn’t be here without that group of people digging our shit back in the commercial days.
Your shows were on Disney+ and Apple TV+. Did you have any concerns about them being on streaming services, which were relatively new at the time, and finding an audience?
Sudeikis: It’d probably be more so if it was like Goodyear TV+, if it was some brand that didn’t already rule the world of entertainment and technology.
Olsen: I did a version of that with Facebook. And I didn’t like that experience. I loved my show [Sorry for Your Loss] and I loved everyone that I worked with. But the Facebook relationship was frustrating because of the lack of television experience and how the platform is organized. When we went to season two, we had a meeting that our show called for Facebook to have with us, so that we can give them our notes about their platform and why we think it’s really hard to find our show on their platform and how it’s congested. So I was anxious going into Disney+. But I knew it was Disney. And I think I was more anxious with the Marvel characters being on television than I was about the Disney+ element.
Sudeikis: Golly, I didn’t even consider that. And you’re absolutely right, because Facebook would be closer to Apple. Truth is we didn’t have a choice. We pitched it to a bunch of different places. They were the only ones that would open the door and say, “yeah, come in out of the rain, you can hang out in here. You can do your little show in here.” And so, the trepidation was alleviated by the fact that there was nowhere else open to us.
Olsen: Facebook and Apple I feel like aren’t that similar.
Sudeikis: No, but they hadn’t created content before.
Olsen: Well, Facebook now is [scaling back] scripted content.
Speaking of streaming, both of you have starred in big theatrical movies. Are either of you worried about the theatrical experience, in the way that COVID has changed how movies are being released at this point? We saw how that’s playing out with Scarlett Johansson’s recent lawsuit.
Olsen: I’m worried about a bunch of things. Not worried on Scarlett’s behalf. But I’m worried about small movies getting the opportunity to be seen in theaters. That was already a thing pre-COVID. I like going to the movies and I don’t necessarily want to see only an Oscar contender or a blockbuster. I would like to see art films and art house theaters. And so I do worry about that, and people having to keep these theaters alive. And I don’t know how financially that works for these theaters. I do hope that there’s some sort of solution that the larger companies are coming together to keep, at least in L.A. this is going to happen. But I do think it’s going to be how it kind of used to be when studios owned theaters. And I have a feeling that we might go back to that being the only way to keep them alive with such expensive real estate. But when it comes to actors and their earnings, I mean, that’s just, that’s just all contracts. So it’s either in the contract or it’s not. What about you? Are you worried about Scarlett?
Sudeikis: Of course. How could I not? She’s married to my comedy brother [SNL’s Colin Jost].
Olsen: I think she’s so tough and literally when I read that I was like, “good for you Scarlett.”
Sudeikis: Well, I mean, it is appropriately bad-ass and on brand. I think it’s also married to yes, the COVID of it all and success of the streaming sites. But also just technology. I mean this thing [points at his TV] is as good as any movie theater, and all that stuff is getting cheaper and cheaper. If you’re a family of five and you’re going out there and it’s a whole thing. And yet the communal experience, towards Lizzie’s point is, is one that you can’t replicate in home. You can’t replicate through social media. I think both of our shows have succeeded greatly on their own merit, but it’s certainly written further through people’s love of them socially. Which would have happened back in the day around a water cooler. And while that’s nice, it’s still not the same as sitting next to everybody and getting scared at the same time or cheering at the same time and laughing at the same time.
I do think though, if we just use anecdotally, Kodachrome as an example, more people probably have seen it because it got on Netflix than they would have in the theater. And the more that happens, the better. So it’s like there is that reach that as long as those streaming sites are still paying to make those little movies, they have the opportunity to be seen. And so it is this balance. I just hope that with that still comes creative autonomy, and we don’t lose sight of that.
What about the experience of making these shows will you take on to your next project and the one after that?
Olsen: Well, I definitely had a shake-up to use my full body as an actor. I had to create a character and voices. And just all the technical stuff that I have loved doing my whole life was just shook up a bit. And so I’m now really excited to do more of that and to feel a bit freer in building characters. And so that has really informed the next thing I’m working on now and preparing for. It’s just kind of put me back in my actory body in a really good way.
And hosting SNL.
Olsen: Of course, now I’ll host SNL because stage fright has nothing to do with that. I can do a monologue in front of people and make them laugh.
Sudeikis: Not a prerequisite. Having worked there for 10 years, not a prerequisite. Well, the tacky answer is it’d be tough not being the boss again. And I’m fucking flabbergasted that people have picked up so much what we set down for them. You know what I mean? From colleagues on the writing and acting side to just regular folks back home, people I’ve never even met. It’s thrilling. I have to try to make sense of that for myself. And I think a lot of it has to do with it being something so personal. And so that might be the thing to lean into.
Olsen: It’s interesting you say that because immediately three days after wrapping, I had to go into a film where we’re not in WandaVision land, obviously. I mean, they kind of are a muscle, these Marvel movies. Instead of going back to that routine of it, I tried to do what you’re saying. I was like, “okay, so what can I play with that I haven’t gotten to that’ll at least satisfy something inside me that I want to play with right now?”
Sudeikis: I don’t know when I’ll get to do that again, when I’ll do that next. Because yeah, it’s Lasso—
Olsen: Lasso forever.
Sudeikis: At least for a little bit longer.
Olsen: Is it what you said, three seasons and then a special?
Sudeikis: I mean, the special would have been the third season with the initial thing. Now you sound like you’re my agent or manager.
Olsen: Oh good, that’s what I came here for. That’s what I wanted to do.
Sudeikis: Who sent you? I know the end of this story. I mean, the fact that we have a third season could fucking blow it all and ruin what would people like so much of the first season. We might be in the middle of doing it now in the second season. I don’t know. We’re just doing it the same way we did it last time. So we’ll see. But yeah, that’s a big old, long winded question mark.
Olsen: Or an ellipsis.
Press: Streaming, With Only a Little Trepidation was originally published on Elizabeth Olsen Source • Your source for everything Elizabeth Olsen
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bonesandthebees · 3 years
random late night thoughts but I kinda was curious to hear some takes on the mcyt fandom in general
so obviously the general consensus with mcyt fandom controversy, more specifically regarding dream stans, is that some of them are extremely toxic and it poisons the image of the entire fanbase. and I definitely agree with the idea that there is a lot of toxicity here, especially on twitter
however, while I try to stay out of the discourse, from what I do see... it's not toxicity to a level we've never seen before in fan behavior?? Like, I see so much discourse online about how this needs to be addressed and that it's horrible and stan culture is very unhealthy, which, like, I don't disagree with. But like I said, it doesn't seem like a level of obsession we haven't encountered before. I mean, doxxing and death threats? yeah okay we saw that all the time in the v*ltron fandom. Very weird levels of real person shipping?? Look at the phandom circa 2014-2015. Extremely unhealthy obsessions with real people?? the one direction fandom once literally hacked a cctv to get more footage of the band
like. I understand the criticism of the fanbase and I have my own opinions on how things should be handled and how stuff could improve, but this post isn't about that. I'm just confused why there are so many outside people now actively involved in the criticism of mcyt stan culture when this isn't that much worse than other fandoms I've witnessed
is it because in the past these dark parts of fandom culture were mostly seen on tumblr, which wasn't actively used by many people not involved in fandom culture, compared to most of this current discourse occurring on twitter which is an app almost anyone with a smart phone has?? so more people are witnessing it for the first time?? or has there been some really extreme stuff I just haven't heard about since I actively try to stay away from that stuff??
i'm like, genuinely curious here so if anyone has thoughts feel free to add on (I'd really love to hear some takes from fellow tumblr veterans like myself since we've all seen a lot of shit over the years)
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charmedseoull · 3 years
The Aftermath of Fanfiction Authors with Reba Interview
Before You Read the Interview
I contacted Reba after she posted a Reddit thread titled “When a fic becomes too popular and the author deletes their account and/or work. Explained.” on a throwaway account. We discussed details of the interview during December over email, then started the interview in January. This interview is not associated with a project and is its own independent work. Reba has chosen to remain anonymous.
She provides insight on potential reasons to why fanfiction authors abandon their work from the perspective of a fanfiction reader. She also answered general fandom questions and questions about herself so readers could understand her background.
Charmedseoul is a BTS-focused anonymous historian who documents fandom history using Fanlore. If you would like to be interviewed to help document perspectives in fandom, please contact her on Twitter @charmedseoul or on Tumblr @charmedseoull.
Parts of this interview have been edited with links to Fanlore and Wikipedia pages for understanding. Any information in [brackets] serves for further clarity for readers and elaboration of information.
Now presenting the interview with Reba, long-time fanfiction reader and participant in fandom:
When did you first join fandom culture?
I joined fandom culture in 2014. I feel like fandoms really peaked during this time. [Presence of SuperWhoLock and other Tumblr specific fandoms.]
What fandoms are you in? How have your experiences in them been?
I will be honest and say fandom culture isn’t for me- so I can’t say I’m active in any fandoms (I’m just a silent consumer) but growing up I was a fan of music artists mostly; Justin Bieber, Ariana Grande… I loved the IT 2017 movie adaptation for a long time (I still do), and early 2020 is when I got into BLACKPINK, then BTS. My experience with all of these has been good, and maybe that’s because I don’t see any of the drama and arguments online- but I don’t regret any of my past interests because they all made me happy at one point in time.
What do you like about fandoms?
 What I like about fandoms is how happy it can make an individual; getting excited for a new music video, smiling at behind the scenes photos… it can bring someone a little joy if they are having a bad day.
What do you dislike about fandoms?
I don’t like stan culture at all; fandom drama, arguing on twitter with strangers to defend an artist who doesn’t even know you… it all seems toxic. While I'm sure healthy stanning does exist, I don't think it's easy to achieve at all.
How long have you been an ARMY? What are your opinions about the fandom? How has your experience in the fandom been? 
I became an ARMY in early 2020 when Map of the Soul: 7 was released, so only a year. I really do like the fandom; ARMY is the only fandom I’ve seen where there are so many fans worldwide of all different ages, and that just shows how BTS and their music really is for everyone. There is so much BTS content that there’s never a dull day, so my experience in the fandom has been enjoyable!
Did you ever leave ARMY and take a break then come back?
 I’ve never left ARMY, that being said, I’m a newbie and haven’t been here for long.
When did you first start reading fanfiction? 
I have been exposed to fanfiction since 2014, but I wasn’t in any fandom back then and started reading fanfiction in 2017.
What do you think the purpose behind fanfiction is?
 We mostly read for entertainment but there is definitely a purpose to fanfiction, as for all art. Fanfiction is a great thing for both reader and writers, it can be an outlet for many people, a way to experience things that you don't have a chance to experience in your own life. It also can be a good base ground for people who want to start writing, or for someone who finds reading huge paperback novels difficult. Fanfiction is so easily accessible, you can pull up a story to read or share your work at the press of a button.
As you’ve read fanfiction over the years, do you feel like anything about fanfiction has changed?
Yes! Fanfiction is taken a lot more seriously now, people who write fanfiction treat it like an actual novel with plotting and editing- the quality of fanfiction in general is a lot better. Fandom ships have also changed; when I was a teenager Harry Styles fanfictions were crazy popular, now the fanfics that seem to be more popular are BTS! So that just shows when music evolves, pretty much everything else does too.
As a reader, how do you view authors?
I'm always amazed by fanfic authors because they practically write whole novels for free. Writing can be such a personal thing, and it does take talent; there is a story the author wants to convey, and when a story is told in a beautiful way, it leaves a lasting impact on the reader. I’m sure that must be a euphoric feeling for the author- it means they told their story, and they did it well.
Do you think many other readers share the same view as you?
No, not at all. There are readers out there who don’t really think about the time and effort authors put into their stories. I’ve seen readers expect so much, and criticise something so little. It’s sad- people should be able to write whatever they want, writing is supposed to encourage creativity. Authors shouldn’t have to fear backlash for doing just that. Being creative. 
Why do you think so many authors delete/orphan their work after it gains popularity?
When a story gains popularity- it attracts good and bad attention alike. Unfortunately the negative affects us a lot more, it’s just human nature. While authors do put their work out there, I don’t think they are ever prepared for their stories to become so popular. I am sure it is overwhelming and that’s why authors feel the need to distance themselves from it all and delete/orphan their work.
What stories prompted you to start thinking about why authors delete/orphan their works? 
I read a story called mixtape (IT movie) and I was around long enough to see chapters be uploaded each week. I also saw the struggles the author went through when their fanfic began to rise in popularity, which eventually led to the story being completely deleted from the internet. So I thought this could have been a one-off since I hadn’t read many fanfictions. I then moved onto BTS fanfiction and decided to read the most talked about ones first, only to see a lot of them were by orphaned accounts (so not just a one-off occurrence!). House of Cards by sugamins was the one that got me thinking, I thought “why would somebody not want to be associated with this amazing writing?!” That’s when I began to do some research and stumbled across your interview with the author!
How do you think backlash for a work harms an authors mental health? 
An immense amount of feedback, positive or negative, can take a toll on one person. A lot of authors can be reserved people and they write because they are passionate, as an outlet or just a hobby. So when their work does receive backlash it can be very upsetting- it could make them doubt their reasons and capabilities and affect an author so much they might stop writing all together.
How do you think some authors manage their mental health and not delete a work? 
This is a hard question because everyone deals with backlash differently. I know some authors who are not bothered by backlash and they choose to ignore it and move on with their day, and then there are other authors who are more anxious and have to put a lot of measures in place to protect their mental health; from your interview with sugamins they explain how they didn’t want to destroy their work, just distance themselves from it, so that’s always an option.
Taking time away from social media and getting enough rest, it is important to not neglect your well-being. Finding a way to cope when you feel low; animals tend to ground me and improve my mental health- they are loving and don’t judge you for who you are. Maybe you cope by talking with friends, or listening to your favourite song. It doesn’t matter what it is, as long as it helps. 
At what point with mental health do you think authors start to consider deletion/orphaning?
I think an author starts to consider deleting/orphaning their work when it completely consumes them. It is not healthy to be fixated on something that is no longer bringing you happiness, you need to let it go. If you are an author reading this, just know you are not your feedback, it doesn’t define your existence, okay? Fanfiction should add to your life, not take away from it. 
Why do you think some readers invade an authors privacy?
Sometimes, people care more about the author than the work they have created. So when a fanfic has deeply touched a reader and helped them through so much, they want to reach out in any way and tell them so- this can be invasive if the reader is not careful about their approach.
How do you think authors manage this privacy invasion?
Stopping it before it happens; not using your real name, having a separate account for writing, don’t link social media accounts in your works etc. If privacy has already been compromised and a reader is making the author uncomfortable, then disabling comments on their works, making a new social media or changing their accounts to private would be smart. Just knowing how to keep safe online.
At what point with privacy invasion do you think authors start to consider deletion/orphaning?
When you are at risk of being doxed. I think when readers are going as far as finding authors’ personal accounts and messaging their friends- anything along those lines is scary and the reader is going from a supporter to an intrusive stranger real fast.
Why do you think anonymity is important for fanfiction writing?
When your full name is attached to everything you do, people have a very easy way to get back to you. This is why authors keep an anonymous profile, and it is important readers respect that.  Most authors don’t want their family, friends, employer etc to see that sort of stuff. It is completely okay to remain professional and keep fanfiction writing separate from personal life.
Do you think fanfiction writing should stay free? Do you think authors should be paid for their work? 
I do think fanfiction writing should stay free on the sites they originate from (AO3 for example). However, if the author wants to take their work elsewhere to earn money then I don’t see an issue in that. I am glad you mention copyright law with fanfiction in particular because the author of mixtape (the fanfiction I mentioned earlier) tried to self publish their work while keeping canon names, the author tried to justify it as a parody work and everyone was so concerned that they reported the book until it got removed. I have seen stories on Wattpad become published books to purchase, however, the names had been changed to original characters- I think this seems like a much more logical move to avoid any legal repercussions.
As a reader, how has an author’s work connected with you personally? 
I have had works connect with me on a personal level, one in particular is Somebody To Love by LOVERVMINS (orphaned). My standards are impossibly high after reading that fanfic and I don’t think I will ever come across something so beautiful again. Somebody To Love is a taekook fic that was uploaded to AO3 in 2019, the author ended up deleting all their works but thankfully left this particular story up. I was immediately captured by the incredible writing and unique plot; the story of two lovers who were never meant for each other, but destiny found its way anyway… I apologise in advance for how long this summary (with spoilers) is, but I think my thoughts are proof of how this story has connected with me so much!
(Spoilers for Somebody to Love by LOVERVMINS. Please feel free to scroll to the next bolded question to avoid spoilers.)
In this story, Taehyung is a successful lawyer while Jungkook is just a student, despite the difference in status and wealth, they are intrigued by one another from the very start. After meeting Taehyung, Jungkook is left feeling confused about himself, the internalised homophobia is strong to begin with but as the chapters progress Jungkook goes from someone who is afraid of society and what people may think, to strong and outspoken. Taehyung plays a fundamental part in this, because if Jungkook were to never meet Taehyung, he wouldn’t have realised who he really was, he wouldn’t have been brave enough to discover his sexuality and fall in love in a time where it was so unaccepting. Taehyung is bold and confident on the surface, giving little regard for anybody other than himself, but his concern for others soon changes after he meets Jungkook, he becomes a better man. He could have had his heart desires- but Taehyung was no longer selfish from those few months he spent with Jungkook, so he stayed with his wife to be a good father.
Taehyung makes Jungkook promise him he will find somebody to love (hence the title), and he does, Jungkook finds somebody to love and he is happy- Taehyung finds this out when they unexpectedly meet a few years later, this is the final time Jungkook and Taehyung see each other… but knowing Jungkook is happy, leaves Taehyung happy.
There are different kinds of love, some last forever, and some just for a chapter of your life. It is clear Jungkook was Taehyung’s forever. And I don’t think Jungkook’s love for Taehyung ever went away, he just found another kind of love like he had promised. Jungkook had to live his life; he couldn’t wait for Taehyung, to leave his marriage in the unforeseeable future, or watch him raise his kids from afar, this shows that even if society were accepting, their circumstances were too far gone- if only they met sooner, or in another life. It makes you imagine a world where they could have been together, it makes you think beyond the story even when it’s ended.
It has been a month or two since I read LOVERVMINS work, and I still feel a pang in my chest every time I think of Taehyung’s letter for Jungkook in the epilogue.
Why do you think others think they have the right to know an authors personal information?
I think in this day and age, everything about a person is on show, so people just expect that sort of information from you. Authors appreciate feedback- but they don't know the reader, their family or what they do for fun. Vice versa. You only see a small glimpse into the authors life, and the stuff you see is what they feel comfortable enough to show. That should be enough.
Do you consider writing an art form?
  I do consider writing an art form. Writing is like painting an image in the readers mind. I think it is better than visual art because when you are reading a story, not everyone is going to envision the exact same thing, it is up to the imagination. I think that is what makes it so beautiful- we all collectively love a story, yet, we somehow interpret it differently.
Why do you think Archive of Our Own is the ideal platform for fanfiction writing?
I think Archive of Our Own is ideal for fanfiction writing because they give you many options with your work so you are comfortable- it is easy to remove comments, delete an account, or orphan works while keeping your account etc. It is important authors get control of what happens to their work if they want to leave and go in a different direction.
Do you think other fanfiction writing platforms like Fanfiction.net and Wattpad are ideal or lacking?
I think Wattpad is ideal for younger audiences; it’s more visual with book covers and the layout in general is more appealing, I also feel like the stories on there are targeted for pre-teens. When I first got into fanfiction, I did start on Wattpad because it was easier to navigate. I look back now though and do think it is lacking in terms of quality, a lot of the stories are written for shock value and don’t really make much sense because of that. It is hard to find a story on Wattpad that ticks all the boxes (but not impossible). Wattpad also had a breach with data last summer and everyone’s emails got pwned so that made a lot of people move to AO3. I have never used Fanfiction.net so unfortunately I can’t speak for that one. Overall, AO3 has much more content, you can find a story with ease once you know how to use the site.
How has fanfiction writing affected the people in your personal life?
How did you find out that your sister is writing fanfiction?
My sister wrote a Harry Styles fanfic in 2014 which gathered around half a million reads on Wattpad, she got comments from people telling her how much her fanfic has impacted their lives pretty much every day. My sister and I are close and we share the same friends, I noticed when we would have sleepovers she was always on her phone and never paid attention to the movies we were watching. I think all the numbers did affect her for a moment and it wasn’t until my sister started her exams that she realised she had to put her concentration into those to pass, that’s how she came to the decision to delete the story. I asked her recently if she regrets deleting it and she told me she doesn’t at all, she now looks back and doesn’t think her writing was good back then. So I think that shows authors do know what they’re doing and what is best for them in the long run. 
My sister had a one direction fan account on Instagram that had 100k+ followers (insane!), she was always open with her interests and I found out she started writing fanfiction through that account.
What personal reasons do you think authors have for deleting/orphaning works?
The list is endless; maybe the author wrote the story in a bad time in their life and they want to delete it because it reminds them of that time, they could have left the fandom, or they simply do not like their story anymore- they grew up and know they can do so much better. It is okay for an author to grow apart from their work, it shows they are growing as a person too.
Why do you think authors get backlash from writing dark themes?
I think authors receive backlash from writing dark themes because it can be triggering for some and can bring up unpleasant memories.
What do you think are the responsibilities of an author when writing dark themes?
 A safe bet would be to tag anything relating to abuse (physical, emotional, etc), mental illness (eating disorders, self harm, suicide, etc), graphic violence and rape/sexual assault. That’s what comes to mind. And if a trigger occurs only in a certain chapter, then having an additional warning in the chapter notes would be helpful.  
What do you think are the responsibilities of a reader when reading dark themes?
If dark subjects are included in the tags, don’t read the story if it could trigger you. It is as simple as that. People decide to read the fanfic then get mad at the author for triggering them. I am not trying to insult anybody who has triggers, maybe they read a story and their specific trigger was never mentioned in the additional tags… this is what the ‘chose not to archive warnings’ box is for, with this option, it is handled in AO3’s FAQ that major tags are not necessary. In shirt, this means there may be triggering content in the fic that is not disclosed by the author. Plus, there is usually a pop up banner before you click on a story which reads ‘this work could have adult content. if you proceed you have agreed that you are willing to see such content’. There are so many warnings, you can’t miss them. It is a case of reading at your own risk, you can’t blame the author if you do not like the result.
Do you think authors are facing too much pressure from readers about what themes they write?
I do think authors face unnecessary pressure with the themes they write; they are put on such a pedestal that when they write something that isn’t what the audience want, they receive a lot of negative criticism. Authors, no matter what themes you are writing, there is no need to worry if you are writing for yourself and putting out the content you set out to create.
Why do you think authors write dark themes?
 Dark themes are simply an exploration of difficult emotions along with unpleasant events or consequences. Authors write dark themes because it serves a narrative purpose. And authors don’t have to be ‘dark’ people or experience all of these unsettling things to write such content. 
Why do you think readers read dark themes?
Dark themes are not for everyone, I personally don’t think there are enough dark works out there. I read dark themes because it interests me more, I want to know how the characters are going to cope with the consequences, or heal from the trauma. Other readers might prefer dark themes for the graphic content, this is fine too. Fictional violence is not real- we all know this, so there is no reason to be terrified. 
Why do you think so many authors want to have their work get popular?
 People may disagree, but I think it has a lot to do with validation. Subconsciously, authors want people to like their work- a rise in popularity means readers are seeing the authors work, and hopefully taking enjoyment from it. This isn’t a bad thing as long as you realise validation does not equal self-worth. There are people out there who write and do not gain much attention, but that doesn’t stop them from posting their work anyway.
Do you think a work’s popularity is important?
I personally don’t. I read a range of fanfictions- some are super popular, others are not. It is the content I am more interested in, not how many hits/views it has.  
Should we judge authors for deleting/orphaning their work?
Not at all! I am sure authors have thought long and hard before coming to their decision.
How should we view situations where authors delete/orphan their work? 
For a reader, it can be upsetting when authors delete/orphan their work, especially if there is no possibility of reading that story again. However, we need to show compassion and view the situation from the authors perspective; gaining popularity on a fanfic isn't as pleasant as it might seem, it is much more complicated than that. A lot of feedback, both good and bad, can be overwhelming. Mental health is important, and if that means distancing yourself from something so popular, then it must be done. Privacy can be compromised, people in your real life might find out you write these stories and not be accepting, or readers become invasive which is a scary situation to be in. And a mixture of personal reasons, people are allowed to grow and change and want to distance themselves from things they are no longer proud of. 
What do you think authors should be aware of in case their work does get popular?
This is a good question… I think authors need to be aware that with good feedback, also comes bad feedback. You cannot please every single person on this earth, but that is not your job- so do not take it personally. 
Do you have any last messages to readers of this interview?
 I want to thank you in particular, Charm. This interview is probably the coolest thing I’ll ever get to do for the BTS fandom and I’m so grateful that our paths crossed so we could create this interview together. You are such a kind soul and it has been a pleasure from start to finish. 
For the authors reading this interview; I am just a reader, but I do understand how it can be hard for you to continue on when you are going through so many struggles readers don’t get to see. Just know you are appreciated, and you are supported no matter what you decide to do with your works in the future. Having popular works shouldn’t feel like a burden, there are blessings hidden in there- you have made readers feel a rollercoaster of emotions with your talent, you are able to engage with readers around the world, and you have created a beautiful story from nothing… you did that! 
For the silent readers like myself: let the authors of your favourite work know how much you loved it (in a respectful way) before it is too late! I so wish I had the chance to tell the author of Somebody To Love how their story broke my heart then healed it again. Treasure the fanfictions you love because they very well could be gone tomorrow!
Thank you for reading this interview. Further below are reminders and information about this interview and Charmedseoul’s Fanlore projects.
Reba has chosen to remain anonymous. No social media or information about her will be released publicly.
This interview was conducted through email from January 31, 2021 to February 1, 2021 with Reba’s consent and protections under Fanlore’s Identity Protection policies and the posting website’s privacy policies. Unauthorized reposting of this interview is forbidden. 
Due to the casual nature of this interview, repost of this interview is strictly prohibited. Linking and sharing is appreciated. Translation and unauthorized repost of this interview is forbidden.
Thank you for reading. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask and I will do my best to answer them.
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tswiftisgay · 4 years
hello! so there a lot of haylor shippers that are going around saying that exile, cardigan, the 1, illicit affairs, and a bunch of other songs on folklore are about harry styles. they're also saying that songs on fine line are about taylor. what do you think?
hello! 🤗
1) There is not one ounce of me that believes that Taylor and Harry really dated. To be clear, I do believe Harry has dated women he has been out and about with. I even think Taylor has probably dated some of the men she has been publicly paired with! So this isn’t based on a broad assumption of sexuality. This is based entirely in the facts and circumstances of that fateful time. They overplayed the whole thing with pap shots literally every single day for nearly two months. Harry never looked happy to be around her, and he never confirmed they were dating properly! Plus, the timing with the release of the Taylor and 1D albums was just too perfect. They helped each other solidify audiences across the oceans and dispel (what I obviously believe to be incredibly true) gay rumors. My haylor timeline spells a lot of that out.
2) I do not believe either of them wrote songs about each other for their most recent albums. Even if they did date, they dated so damn long ago and for such a short time! Their schedules have been incredibly incompatible in the time since then so any wild haylor conspiracies just don’t make sense logistically. (One of my friends actually mapped their schedules out so I really mean that.)) Plus they have been tied to a lot of other people with a lot better evidence. 
The last nail in the coffin is that Taylor really hurt Harry’s reputation for a while with her accusations of being a womanizer, unfaithful, etc. and Harry upset her reputation when he started making his incredibly unsubtle gay comments. I do *not* see why they would have willingly done this to each other if they were secretly together.
In case you forgot, Taylor changed her entire promotional approach to 1989 which had been shaped around Harry with pointed jokes about the inspiration for Style and a huge Rolling Stone article with “insider” and “spokesperson” *cough* TREE *cough* information about their relationship. On October 30 2014, Harry and Liam were asked to describe their perfect person to date. Liam jokingly said “female,” to which Harry said, “not that important.”  He also said “don’t knock it till you try it” about having sex with a man and made a variety of other gay/dick comments. To this day I can’t understand why people still think that man is straight! Regardless, Taylor stopped pushing the Harry narrative so hard and began using more generic descriptions about her inspiration for Style after that--even as soon as the next day in an interview with Ryan Seacrest! Check out this fun little analysis from @all-my-possessions here for more.** Read the prior Rolling Stones cover article here for comparison. 
3) Taylor and Harry have previously written about each other, but not in the lovesick way the media would have you think. The song Perfect by 1D--written by Harry and Louis--has references to Taylor. Out of the Woods is about bearding with Harry in my opinion, which I elaborate on here. I’ve also answered an ask in the past where I shared my opinion that Taylor may take inspiration from Harry’s life since they share a lot of the same burdens, having grown up in the industry and closeted. 
4) This is more controversial, but I think that Harry Styles may be William Bowery. This would account for some of the connections or coincidences found on folklore in a way that is much more believable to me. I believe Taylor and Harry have mended bridges a bit over the years and connected over their shared stories of navigating secret relationships while under the magnifying glass of fame. Writing together and speaking at some length may have been part of the inspiration for the songs. In the same way that a movie with similar themes to a story in your own life can be extremely evocative, Harry’s stories may have been a big source of inspiration.
When asked about Taylor, Harry has repeatedly said she is a great songwriter which is a good response because it’s true and because it sidesteps any drama. To my knowledge, no one has ever been bold enough to ask Taylor the same question. If they did, she might say the same thing. Keeping his name out of the credits makes sense because their long media history would have brought the wrong kind of attention to the artistic masterpiece of folklore. I expand on this a bit more here.
5) I need to acknowledge-- and ask that you also acknowledge--that there are only small coincidences linking Harry to Taylor’s album at all. Even the imagery of the cardigan music video being linked to the Falling music video is a bit tenuous. Music as a lifeline or way of communicating is a common image, as is water as a way of depicting overwhelming emotions. Yes, “thin line” in Exile mirrors Harry’s “fine line,” but those are incredibly common phrases. Our intuition as fans can be amazingly accurate or embarrassingly off. So let’s keep that in mind with any theories. For our sanity’s sake!
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**Read more about the changing narratives of the songs on 1989 as told by Taylor herself in this lengthy but amazing analysis also from @all-my-possessions​ 😍 here.
Your message has been sitting in my inbox for a bit. I’m sorry I didn’t reply sooner. The world is on fire and so is my will to live. JK I’m okay. Not great. But okay. Hope you are okay, too <3 
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Okay, I thought the twitter thing was going to blow over, but apparently not. Basically, for those of you (like me) who are confused as to why there is a feud, here’s a quick summary:
After Unsung StarKid was released on YouTube (not by Team StarKid themselves), a lot of people took offence with the content, because of there being pedophilia and racist stereotypes. I would recommend watching it yourself to form an opinion or remaining neutral if you don’t want to do that.
A lot of StarKid stans, especially those on Twitter, then started completely blaming Jeff Blim for this, though he was not the only one involved and Unsung StarKid was performed in 2014.
Jeff Blim then started to be ‘cancelled’, with people on Twitter (mostly) bringing up the first episode of Rim Tim Timmy’s Fun Time Hour and a joke about Bulimia. Again, I would recommend checking it out yourself, and forming your own opinion.
Around this time (I think) Robert Manion shared some ‘genderswapped’ pictures of various StarKid members on Twitter, and others on Twitter had issues with this. I’m not on Twitter myself, and I think it’s since been deleted, so I cannot say for sure what happened.
People on Twitter started to issue content warnings for Robert Manion and Jeff Blim, and drag them down in other ways I think. Again, I don’t have Twitter, so if anyone could give me exact details my thanks would be immense.
People on Tumblr started to talk about what was happening on Twitter, mostly joking about how it seemed as though StarKid Stans on Twitter didn’t even like StarKid.
A couple of days ago, Robert Manion posted a picture on Instagram of himself in his underwear, which was about body positivity and (I’m actually quite sure about this) people on Twitter complained about it being in my words, too revealing and sexual.
People on Tumblr then started pointing out that pretty much everyone who follows Robert Manion, and therefore will have seen the photo, will be a StarKid fan and therefore probably will have seen Brian Holden as Lupin, which he only wore underwear for.
That’s basically all folks, though I think Mariah Rose Faith may have been nearly cancelled at one point as well. I’ve tried to be as neutral as possible, though please remember that all information is biased and there are Tumblr blogs who are firmly on the Twitter side (and probably vice versa)
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gotmymindsetonyou · 4 years
The Best and Worst Things About Each MCU Movie
These are all just my stinky opinions. You are allowed to disagree, you are allowed to agree. Most of these are jokes anyway. I’m honestly just happy you’re reading this. Minor Spoilers Ahead!
Iron Man (2008) -
Best: This movie almost perfectly sets the tone for the entire universe that has at that point yet to have been created. Looking back, you can imagine the feeling of “Where are they going to go from here?” and I think that’s one of the most important things that this movie needed to accomplish.
Worst: What the fuck is Jeff Bridges doing? What’s his endgame here? I get he’s trying to take over Stark Industries but how’s he gonna do that from inside that giant metal suit he uses to kill people inside their cars?
Incredible Hulk (2008) -
Best: Tim Roth is in it and I think that is pretty cool.
Worst: I haven’t actually seen it, but the cgi looks god awful, what the hell.
Iron Man 2 (2010) - 
Best: Sam Rockwell is so goddamn annoying in this movie and I think that’s amazing, he’s such a little stinker.
Worst: I remember basically nothing else about this movie except some guy talking about birds, idk.
Thor (2011) -
Best: It introduces Loki, probably one of the most beloved villains in the entire franchise. 
Worst: This movie is so goddamn boring and it’s my least favorite and I hate it. Don’t @ me.
Captain America: The First Avenger (2011) -
Best: The first good chunk of this movie is actually a really compelling character study on Steve Rogers and what makes him a good man. Seeing him basically being paraded as this propaganda figure and watching him struggle with this is one of the most compelling things about him as a person. Really wish they kept this up for the entire movie.
Worst: The red skull is really boring guys. He’s red, that’s it. Give me something else to work with man.
Marvel’s The Avengers (2012) -
Best: This movie proved that you can have a superhero team up with this many people and have it fucking work. It doesn’t matter if you hate or love this movie, you cannot deny the effects it has on the genre.
Worst: It’s shot like a bad CW show. It looks so ugly.
Iron Man 3 (2013)
Best: This one is actually my favorite of the bunch. Exploring the question of what makes Iron Man, the suit or the person, is shown really well here. I thoroughly dig it.
Worst: That scene where Harley flip flops about whether or not he really knows Tony makes me so irrationally angry.
Thor: The Dark World (2013)
Best: It’s slightly better than Thor, and I actually can feel myself start to have a good time whenever Loki’s on screen.
Worst: Once again, this movie is insanely forgettable. Christopher fucking Eccleston is in this movie and I could not tell you a single thing about this character.
Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014) - 
Best: This movie has one of the best hand-to-hand fight scenes in the entire MCU. You know the one I’m talking about. It gives me chills, I love it.
Worst: Having the government stand-in that Steve questions in the beginning of the movie actually be a front for N*zis that he can just beat up, and not an actual metaphor for the issues with the government today? You ain’t slick.
Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 1 (2014) -
Best: This is the mcu movie basically anyone can enjoy. Anybody can watch this movie and find something to love about it. The characters, the messages about family and learning to be okay with feeling love, the jokes, hell, even the space setting. THE MUSIC. It’s the full package baby.
Worst: Chris Pratt has an unfortunate cameo in this one.
Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015) -
Best: I have a couple of things. A) The party scene where we get to watch the Avengers talk and be friends with each other and act like people. B) I love James Spader no matter what he is doing.
Worst: Why is everyone quipping? Why is the robot quipping? Why would they massacre my boy like that?
Ant-man (2015) -
Best: I want Paul Rudd to marry me, best dad in the mcu.
Worst: The moment Edgar Wright left this project.
Captain America: Civil War (2016) -
Best: Introduces two great characters, Spider-man and Black Panther. These two get a lot of love when it comes to designing their characters in this movie and it makes me very happy.
Worst: It made the fandom very unhappy and I don’t like picking sides. It feels like watching your many parents get divorced for two hours.
Doctor Strange (2016) -
Best: The magic looks really fucking cool in this movie. Also, the ending with Dormammu is up there for one of my favorite endings of an mcu movie. Having Doctor Strange actually outsmart the villain instead of actually fighting him is endlessly more satisfying.
Worst: Could not tell you a thing else about this movie other than I heard Tilda Swinton plays a character that’s probably not supposed to be white.
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 (2017) -
Best: Guys, I gotta come clean about something. I actually like this one better than Volume 1. I know, I know, a good majority of people do not feel this way, but I feel a lot more emotionally attached to the movie, and that’s mainly because of two characters: Yondu Udonta and Rocket Racoon. Rocket realizing that he’s an asshole but his found family still loves him gets me, man. I can’t help it. Helps that Ego is a great villain as well. Also the cinematography is some of the best in the mcu.
Worst:  No Howard the Duck.
Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017) -
Best: I think the best thing about this movie is just the solidness of it all. No one part stands out as the best because most everything about this movie is pretty damn good. Michael Keaton will knock your socks off, go watch it.
Worst: Donald Glover is in it to tease a Miles Morales reveal, BUT NOTHING HAS HAPPENED ABOUT IT SINCE.
Thor: Ragnarok (2017) -
Best: Taika Waititi knows how to do shit right, lemme tell ya. Taking away Thor’s hammer from the beginning was probably one of the smartest choices in the movie, and this is a movie of smart choices.
Worst: Jeff Goldblum isn’t in it more.
Black Panther (2018) -
Best: Erik Killmonger is easily the best villain in a Marvel movie, and you can quote me on that. An amazing performance from Michael B. Jordan. It’s also the first Marvel movie I saw in theatres (I know, I was very late to the game)
Worst: Everett K. Ross is CIA propaganda and the last fight scene on the train tracks looks like shit.
Avengers: Infinity War (2018) - 
Best: It’s really hard to sum up exactly what my thoughts are on this movie. I think one of the movie’s best qualities is the bigness of it. This movie feels huge, there’s a lot of different stuff to love here. If you like Wakanda, there’s a whole epic battle set in Wakanda. If you’re more a fan of the space stuff, we got a whole lotta space stuff. The best part of this movie is there’s probably gonna be something that everyone can enjoy packed in here.
Worst: I also think the bigness of this movie is also one of it’s larger weaknesses. Because there’s so much stuff in this movie, not all of it is fully fleshed out. Tony Stark gets a lot to do in this movie, but Steve Rogers sort of feels sidelined at parts. There’s a perfect balance that I don’t think was quite hit.
Ant-man and The Wasp (2018) -
Best: I still really love Paul Rudd in this movie, and I think his relationship with Cassie is still really cute. World’s Greatest Grandma indeed.
Worst: This movie really had its work cut out for itself, coming off the heels of Infinity War, so it sort of falls short in that respect. I don’t want to criticize it too harshly, it is what it is, nothing insanely memorable. 
Captain Marvel (2019) - 
Best: I still think this is a pretty good movie, despite what a lot of people think. I struggle a lot with believing that I have to prove myself to others, so having Carol finally realize that she doesn’t have anything to prove to anyone was really important to me, and probably a lot of other women.
Worst: There were parts where I wasn’t as engaged, like the scenes in the Kree empire. That made some of the movie feel off to me, it’s a bit unbalanced.
Avengers: Endgame (2019) - 
Best: This movie 100% achieves what it sets out to do, and that is to be a huge cinematic event. I don’t even really see this movie as a movie, it’s more like one huge experience. My viewing had one of the most energetic crowds I’ve ever seen a movie with.
Worst: I don’t really think this movie holds up to multiple re-watches. Granted, I saw it in theatres three times. I don’t think any subsequent viewings are ever going to pack that same punch that my first viewing had, and that makes it harder to come back to. Also Steve had a totally lame ending.
Spider-man: Far From Home (2019) - 
Best: After ending on such a downer note in the last movie, this felt like a weight being lifted off my chest. Jake Gyllenhaal gives an insanely energetic performance that I absolutely adore. (Also seeing it with my dad was fun, he would nudge me every time they switched locations to tell me he’d been there)(Also when I saw it with my sibling a kid ran out of the theatre during the Mysterio mind-fuck sequence, some just can’t handle that lifestyle)
Worst: Peter Parker and MJ remind me of how perpetually single I am.
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lillupon · 4 years
So, I've got a very long rant/opinion here and Idk really know how to say this without coming off kinda bad but I'm gonna say it anyways. I agree with the fact that the seventeen tag has been kinda dry lately on most fanfic places, but it's really only in the smut area. It's the sane way with other groups too I feel like. All of the nice little innocent tags are boomin to this day and thats completely fine. I think the smut tag is dry tho bc lately I feel like a few social issues (like sexualizing people and disrespecting them and their identity) have crossed over into kpop and have been ?blown out of proportion? Lately there's been a rampage of people who like to say that writing smut about someone is disgusting and is dehumanizing because people want to assume that it would make the idols uncomfortable which could equate to some morality issues on how you are reducing someone only to their body without their consent and a bunch of stuff like that. It kind of pisses me off bc this is fiction. About grown adults. Clamping down on horny people who simp over hot asian men isn't going to solve the issues we face in real life. I think a shit ton is wrong with the world we currently live in, and deciding to come after something that isn't even real bothers me. Like what does that actually accomplish. But yeah, I think thats a reason why smut has been dying down. I mean, on youtube almost every video about unpopular opinions, or things they dont like about kpop will include something about shipping idols in fanfics. And then everyone in the comment section will talk about how its all fine and dandy in moderation, but once people start writing smut it's crossing the idols personal boundaries. It's something I've been seeing a lot more often and I think people who are interested in writing smut are being turned away from it bc we've gotten to a point where people are being called disgusting for having fantasies.
Hi Anon, thank you for sending in this Ask. 
I want to preface this by saying: when I write or talk about Mingyu and Wonwoo fucking on my blog, it is a fantasy. I am not speculating about what the real Mingyu and Wonwoo might be like in bed. I am imagining the versions of Mingyu and Wonwoo that I have created in my head, that exist only in my stories. None of it is real. I understand that this can be a blurry boundary for some people. But for me, the separation between fantasy and reality is well-defined. Now, on to your Ask!
You’ve hit the nail on the head with this one. You’ve also touched on many of the issues I have been struggling with myself as of late. It’s difficult to argue about morals since everyone has a different set of values, as well as different comfort levels. Some people think real person fiction (RPF) is a gross invasion of privacy. Others are fine with it. And others don’t care one way or another. There is no single answer; I can only offer my answer. Which means, of course, people are welcome to disagree with it, or parts of it. 
In this essay (LOL But forreal: this is an essay), I will be sharing my experience in the k-pop fanfic community from 2014 to present, the etiquette I personally abide by as a reader and writer of RPF, as well as my stance on RPF in general.
I started reading and posting fanfics back in 2014/2015 on a website called AsianFanfics (AFF). Obviously, no one on that site had a problem with RPF, since AFF is a platform made specifically for sharing stories about Asian celebrities. For many years, I read and enjoyed RPF with zero guilt. I scribbled away by myself in my own corner of fandom and curated my own content. I didn’t interact much with other fans, readers, or writers. I didn’t have a Twitter, and I only used tumblr to reblog memes. As a result, I’ve been able to avoid a lot of anti-shipping discourse, as well as purity and cancel culture. I had no idea there were so many negative opinions about RPF. It wasn’t until I became active on the subreddit r/Fanfiction last year that I learned about all the discourse surrounding RPF. 
This newfound ‘awareness’ does make me feel guilty at times—but only because after mulling this over, I still don’t think this is something to feel guilty about.
Here’s what I remember, first and foremost, when I create and consume RPF: fanfics and my favourite ships are fictional, and fiction is fantasy. This is basic etiquette when it comes to RPF, and most people in the k-pop fandom understand this. Delusional fans exist, of course, but they are not representative of the entire k-pop community. 
Another point of etiquette is to keep fanfics within fandom spaces. I would never push my fics into celebrities’ faces, or go around claiming that my fanfics are accurate representations of a k-idol’s life or personality, in any way, shape, or form. I would also discourage directing ship-related questions to official accounts, or bringing them up during fansigns or other face-to-face interactions; I believe that in these instances, shipping does have the potential to strain real-life relationships.
So with basic etiquette out of the way, let me share my approach to RPF in general.
As much as we like to think we know our favourite celebrities, we really don’t. All we see is their public persona. And this public persona is intentionally controlled, managed, and curated by a team of people: directors, tabloids, editors, makeup artists, publicists, etc. How “real” are these celebrities? We are so distanced from them that they may as well be fictional.
I draw from the public persona that idols project, and I work them into my own writing. But at the end of the day, these personalities are my own interpretation. My interpretation is probably nothing like an idol’s actual personality. I just use the “public persona/character” that idols portray as inspiration for my own stories, which are set in wildly different universes.
More than anything, I think of k-pop idols as “actors” in my fic. You know how when you write an original novel, you scroll through Google images, looking for the perfect person to portray your original character? RPF is literally that, except you might build upon pre-existing dynamics and personalities.
When it comes to explicit fanfiction, two main concerns are prevalent: one of consent, and one of sexualisation.
If we argue against explicit RPF due to lack of consent, we should be willing to apply the same lens to all explicit works. How do we know that the creator of a movie, book, series, etc., is okay with us using their characters in our stories, explicit or not? We don’t. Perhaps some creators encourage fanfiction, but don’t want their lovingly crafted characters engaging in sexual acts or experiencing trauma. We just don’t know. I feel this line is even more blurred when we talk about characters from movies or TV series.
Let’s take Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes, as portrayed by Chris Evans and Sebastian Stan, from the Captain America movies as an example. I am willing to bet that when people consume and create explicit fanfiction about Steve and Bucky, they are imagining Chris Evans and Sebastian Stan in their heads. I doubt many people are imagining the 2D cartoon versions of Steve and Bucky, even though they’re technically the exact same characters. Why? Well, it could be because movies are more readily and easily consumed than comics, and so people are unfamiliar with comic book Steve and Bucky. But it might also be because fans find Chris Evans and Sebastian Stan attractive. Is this really any different from RPF, where fic authors make up everything about a celebrity’s life?  
When readers and writers of fanfic talk about how hot Steve Rogers or Bucky Barnes is, those comments are about Chris Evans and Sebastian Stan’s bodies. When reading explicit stories, fans are going to picture Chris and Sebastian’s bodies in their head, doing sexual things. Can we say, “Well, it’s not really you, Chris/Sebastian”, when in a way, it is?
The reality is, people are going to thirst over celebrities, regardless of whether or not explicit fanfiction exists. They’re going to post thirst tweets on Twitter. They’re going to talk to friends and strangers online about how hot [insert celebrity name here] is. They’re going to fantasize about dating and having sex with their favourite celebrity. Or, as it is in my case, they’re going to make up stories in their heads about their favourite idols dating and banging each other. People are going to do all of this without ‘getting consent’ from the celebrity. Cracking down upon and shaming writers of RPF isn’t going to change any of that.
To be honest, I’m not sure why people think it is disgusting to imagine sexual scenarios about real people. It is okay and normal to have these kinds of fantasies. I suppose the alternative is to fantasise about having sex with cartoon characters instead? It’s a very binary way of thinking to say that if you imagine/write real people in explicit scenarios, you are immediately sexualising, dehumanising, or objectifying them. There is more to dehumanisation than writing smut about our favourite celebrities. For one thing, you can love someone and appreciate all parts of them, and still want to fuck their brains out. And generally, fanfics come from a place of love—love that is not only sexual in nature.
Is it the sharing aspect inherent to fanfiction? The possibility that a celebrity might stumble upon explicit works about them? The chances are very low, I think, of the k-pop idols I enjoy writing about coming across my English fics. But I also believe in curating your own content, and that applies to celebrities too. Perhaps a celebrity should not go searching for fanfics about themselves. And of course, people should not show celebrities their fanfics, unless invited.
Another argument I hear against (explicit) RPF is, “How would you feel if someone wrote fanfiction about you?” First off, I don’t like this argument because there’s a difference between someone who decides to be a public figure versus someone who decides to remain a regular private citizen. Celebrities should and do know what they’re getting into when they choose their occupation. (This is not to say, “They are celebrities; sexualise them all you want because that’s what they signed up for.” Here, I am only acknowledging that people might have sexual fantasies about celebrities they are attracted to. Presumably, celebrities are cognizant of this.)  
If someone (whose existence I am not even aware of, mind you) decides they want to write explicit fanfiction of me in some tiny corner of the Internet, I wouldn’t care so long as: (1) they don’t shove it into my face, and (2) they don’t harass me and ask invasive questions about my personal life and relationships. It’s not hurting me or negatively affecting my life, so it wouldn’t even register as a blip on my radar. When fanfiction remains within its appropriate spaces, it is largely harmless. 
Now, if a k-pop idol were to ask their fans to stop writing fanfiction about them, would I? Yes, I would. However, I can’t imagine that happening. Judging by the number of ‘sexy’ concepts, fanservice moments, and variety shows such as ‘We Got Married’, I am certain that k-pop idols realise they are the stars of many fantasies—some of which are explicit in nature. Considering the prevalence of shipping in the k-pop industry, I would argue that shipping is subtly encouraged.
It’s sad that so many talented writers are shamed out of fandom, or feel that k-pop cannot be the medium through which they tell their stories, or explore their sexuality, or cope with trauma, or simply have fun. Professional works and Hollywood love their RPF—readers and writers of fanfics should be able to, as well. 
As you said Anon, “clamping down on horny people who simp over hot asian men isn't going to solve the issues we face in real life” (this is a lovely sentence, by the way). The kind of person who dehumanises another and reduces them to a sexual object will do so some other way, if not via fanfiction. I don’t think the issue of fetishisation can be fixed simply by telling people not to write explicit RPF. In my experience, people who read and write RPF are more respectful and thoughtful about these things than the general public. We’ve all seen the general public say highly sexual things about celebrities in the media and to their faces, or tag celebrities in their thirst tweets. Are these things less invasive than fanfiction? Personally, I don’t think so. And in my opinion, there are more pressing and damaging issues in stan culture than fanfic.
In conclusion, I don’t think there is anything wrong with creating and consuming RPF, both explicit and non-explicit so long as we:
Remember we are writing fiction
Keep RPF within its appropriate space, and
Do not harass celebrities about their personal lives and relationships
RPF is not for everyone. There may be people who enjoy RPF, but draw the line at explicit stories. This is fine. Everyone has their own personal preferences. What is not fine, however, is attacking people for creating things you don’t like. I’m not sure what kind of moral crusade people are on and what they hope to achieve by shaming writers of RPF, explicit or otherwise. Ultimately, fic authors are writing a fantasy. It’s not real; no one is being hurt. I think it’s important for people to curate their own content, and AO3 makes it very easy to filter out explicit works and unwanted tags. 
Maybe this is me trying to justify my own participation in explicit RPF—I don’t know. What I do know is that I love k-pop, and fandom is an important part of my media and entertainment experience. I adore the k-pop idols I write about, and I just want to imagine them being happy and getting lots of love and orgasms. Let a bitch be horny, goddamn… 
Some bonus fun facts!
At the time I am writing this, on AO3:
26.2% of Stray Kids fanfics are rated M or E
26.3% of Seventeen fanfics are rated M or E
29.0% of Merlin fanfics are rated M or E
34.9% of Captain America (Movies) fanfics are rated M or E
40.1% of BTS fanfics are rated M or E ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Coincidentally, I saw this post on Reddit this morning: Can we have a RPF positivity post?
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ragazza-paradiso · 3 years
my eurovision 2021 ranking (before rehearsals)
hey!! 🤍 i’ll try to keep this short & sweet (and bear in mind some of these are subject to change & depend on my mood) but this is my rough ranking of this year’s entries based solely on the studio cuts <3
39. 🇩🇪 jendrik - i don’t feel hate: i knew this would be my last place since i first heard it. he seems like a nice guy but this type of music is just. not for me? in fact i don’t think i’ve ever even managed to make it all the way through since my first listen :/
38. 🇱🇻 samanta tina - the moon is rising: i love love LOVE samanta & think she is an absolute gem but this song & me simply do not go together. that being said i appreciate both her voice & the message
37. 🇵🇱 rafał - the ride: while this is slightly catchy & seems to be an ear worm for me, i cannot take this song seriously. rafał looks ridiculous in those sunglasses in the music video. the lyrics are awful too
neither like nor dislike:
36. 🇦🇱 anxhela peristeri - karma: this is very strange because usually i am the no. 1 fan of ethnic influenced ballads at eurovision, but i just do not get this one. i can definitely see the appeal but it’s not for me
35. 🇲🇰 vasil - here i stand: i think his voice is great however the song doesn’t do much for me. i find it quite forgettable & think he was definitely capable of giving us something better which is a shame
34. 🇫🇮 blind channel - dark side: i enjoyed this quite a bit when it first came out but it’s quickly slid down my ratings. the lyrics are too edgy for me & it’s a throwback to a genre of music that i don’t really enjoy anyway. but i can appreciate that it sticks out & does something different
33. 🇨🇿 benny cristo - omaga: i was a massive fan of kemama last year & while i liked this upon first listen, i have to say its far too generic to really stick out after a while. plus some of the lyrics are a bit creepy lol. having said that i think seeing him perform it live could definitely change my opinion
32. 🇸🇪 tusse - voices: another year, another generic well produced pop song from sweden. should we be surprised anymore? it’s okay, i don’t hate it, but i’m struggling to find anything i like about it. plus the lyrics are the most “eurovision cliche lyrics” i’ve ever heard
31. 🇬🇧 james newman - embers: okay while this is ranked relatively low, i have to say this is better than anything we’ve sent since 2017. it’s a nice song, i enjoy it when it’s on, but i don’t have an urge to play it, if that makes sense?
30. 🇲🇹 destiny - je me casse: i know this is probably blasphemy but i just do not understand the hype around this song. destiny has a great voice but i don’t see how this song sticks out in anyway that it’s the favourite to win? it’s another one that i won’t skip but i won’t seek out to listen to
29. 🇦🇹 vincent bueno - amen: i do enjoy this, but i wish it just had a bit more oomph. the lyrics for the verses are good but the chorus is just lacking something. i do think this could be a dark horse to qualify though
28. 🇸🇮 ana soklič - amen: i just realised the two amens are right next to each other on my ranking lol. anyway, this is only so high because of her amazing voice. the song doesn’t really do anything for me, but you have to appreciate that level of talent
27. 🇺🇦 go_a - shum: this is one i know i’ll appreciate more live, but i just can’t get into the studio version. plus i really liked solovey last year so this one seems worse in comparison
26. 🇲🇩 natalia gordienko - sugar: this is good but i think all “dream team” songs are a little bit dated nowadays. however saying that i love the music video & moldova always improve live
25. 🇵🇹 the black mamba - love is on my side: this has been a big grower. it’s not a favourite, but i think it definitely has its niche, and i can appreciate that
24. 🇳🇱 jeangu macrooy - birth of a new age: grow was in my top 5 last year, so it was always gonna be hard for jeangu to deliver something as good. this has grown on me, but i’m still not 100% on board
23. 🇳🇴 tix - fallen angel: i didn’t like this at first because i was so heartbroken that keiino didn’t win the national selection, but i’ve gotten over it now lol. it’s cheesy but in a good way, i think this act doesn’t take itself too seriously either which makes it more enjoyable
22. 🇸🇲 senhit ft flo rida - adrenalina: it’s fun, catchy, even has a surprise verse from flo rida! probably san marino’s 3rd best entry ever (justice for complice & crisalide 💔)
21. 🇨🇾 elena tsagrinou - el diablo: it’s just a very good pop song. i’m not in love with it but it’s of a very good quality (well. apart from the lyrics). i’m sure the staging will improve it even more
20. 🇬🇷 stefania - super girl: greece is one of my biggest growers from last year, i think this is a MUCH better song than supergirl was. i’m really rooting for stefania
19. 🇪🇪 uku suviste - the lucky one: this has been such a big grower, it’s insane. i can recognise it’s not the best song but i just really like it for some reason.
18. 🇪🇸 blas cantó - voy a quedarme: i’m a sucker for native language ballads, and this is a pretty standard one, but it’s good to me. blas seems like a real sweetheart too, which helps :)
17. 🇨🇭 gjon’s tears - tout l’univers: this is another one of those songs that i really should love, and while i like it, i can’t really connect with it. gjon’s entry last year was my second favourite, and unfortunately this doesn’t scratch the same itch that did, it’s still a very good song & i completely understand why it’s one of the favourites to win
16. 🇧🇪 hooverphonic - the wrong place: i really don’t like hooverphonic as a band (actually it’s mostly alex callier that i dislike) but this is just a good song. i am still upset that luka didn’t get to go to eurovision though :/
15. 🇮🇪 lesley roy - maps: another massive grower! i much prefer this to her song last year. i really hope ireland can get their shit together & give this song the staging it deserves
14. 🇦🇿 efendi - mata hari: this is basically a carbon copy of cleopatra, and i guess i liked that so i like this. however i will say it has dropped in my ranking a bit. i’m ranking this solely on the song, efendi herself is a different matter & i’m not really educated enough on what’s happening in azerbaijan/armenia to comment but from what i’ve seen it’s not the best, let’s say
13. 🇱🇹 the roop - discoteque: i prefer on fire from last year, but this is definitely not a bad effort. i can’t see it as a contender for the win though. another one i will probably enjoy much more live
12. 🇷🇴 roxen - amnesia: i really like the message of this song. i just wish she would work on her english pronunciation, but that’s a minor complaint. but i really like roxen as an artist
11. 🇷🇸 hurricane - loco loco: i love girl groups, and this is no exception. vocally they’re really good, i love that it’s in serbian, & i also just really love sanja vučić lol
10. 🇭🇷 albina - tick tock: i wish this was fully in croatian, but i think it’s a great song regardless. i loved her performance at dora so hopefully they’ll do something similar/even better at esc
9. 🇧🇬 victoria - growing up is getting old: i preferred tears getting sober from last year but this is still really good. the lyrics are some of my favourite of this year, they really resonate with me. victoria is a really interesting artist & i’m really glad she got introduced to me through esc
8. 🇮🇱 eden alene - set me free: the revamp has made this move like 20 places up in my ranking lol. she is so talented & i just hope they have a good staging concept!
7. 🇮🇸 daði og gagnamagnið - 10 years: think about things was good but i think this is even better! i love the retro influences & the lyrics are so sweet
6. 🇬🇪 tornike kipiani - you: i might be one of the only people who adores this song. the lyrics paint such a clear picture of a simple, strong love. and i think it’s quiet but powerful at the right moments. i know i will be heartbroken when this doesn’t qualify :(
5. 🇫🇷 barbara pravi - voilà: i played this too much & ruined it for myself, but i love it again now. very authentically french but without overdoing it (cough 2017 staging cough), just a beautiful song
4. 🇮🇹 måneskin - zitti e buoni: i’m not a massive rock fan, but a song like this i just vibe with. it’s just so good. italy is always either my no. 1 or in my top 5 since they returned (apart from 2012 & 2014) and they’ve done it again. this is definitely a contender to win
3. 🇦🇺 montaigne - technicolour: this song is eclectic but i love it. i didn’t like don’t break me, but this is so much better, and so much more authentic to montaigne as an artist. i know it’s divisive, but i’m on the side that loves it
2. 🇩🇰 fyr og flamme - øve os på hinanden: this is just so fun. i love the 80s vibe, the performance at the national selection was simple but still very engaging. this is one i will play for many years after the contest
1. 🇷🇺 manizha - russian woman: where do i even start. native language, ethnic influenced sound, important message, charismatic performer. this song is amazing. and i’m so glad i’ve found manizha to listen to!
so that’s it!! if anyone wants to chat about their thoughts please message me!! 🤍
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hange-zone · 3 years
hey...i’ve sat with the ending for a bit and am still not entirely sure what to feel. i will say i’m bit sad that it’s over - i started this series with friends back in 2014, and was little and giddy and excited about it. i consumed a lot of jeanmarco fic (wisteria! LAD! render! strings! etc) and that one really good eremin (we were kings...which is probably half the reason why i’m writing it so feverishly now) + fanart (johannathemad! icarus theory! gimmes! many many more that i’m happy to share but don’t remember right now cos it’s 5am)
and then life went on and i forgot about it mostly because...life...and only got back into it a few months ago when the anime was back on netflix and i watched most of it in the span of a week. and i’m here, again.
i have to admit i don’t exactly read the manga and i stopped the anime for a bit because at the heart of it i’m also not sure how to feel about the time skip. i think that’s on me though - the basement was built up to be this black box and i think a large part of the fun was the not knowing, and the journey to the basement was used as a framing device. so once we found out that fell away and i don’t think any reveal would have been completely satisfactory. and i have issues with the timeskip but it’s probably me being picky (lol dm me if you’d like to know more, i am such a rambler)
though admittedly there are parts of the post timeskip i do enjoy - you can tell i’m obsessed with that one scene eren and armin stare at each other, i love the new designs, i especially love armin lol - and I appreciate parts of the perspective it’s trying to give too in the broadest sense (ie the anti-war themes...effect of propaganda... at least I THINK that’s what we were supposed to take away at the start of season 4 because I stopped watching the show then for a whole host of reasons)
was looking over (ok, glued to) reddit yesterday and it occured to me parts of the fandom (read: r/yeagerbomb) can be quite toxic (as with any large fandom I guess!) so I was hoping to avoid that but also like understand what’s going on...i think honestly i was a bit disappointed in the ending, at first i was actually upset but now i’m just...alright. mostly i think i’m sad it’s ended and that’s mixed up with how I feel in general. but I've thought about it and overall it’s an  ending in the broadest sense, I mean it largely served its purpose and I think importantly for endings, tied up main threads of the plot. and i respect the decisions the author has made, even as we’re all entitled to our opinion and you can disagree. I do wish some other choices made or it were done slightly differently. mostly I wish it had more time to develop some themes and I think generally some parts of the series were a bit convoluted. 
if you’d like my (uninformed) thoughts i am happy to share - they’re in more detail below! and i’d like to hear yours too:)
if it helps i didn’t buy the whole ‘chad eren’ thing at all - at heart he is still a nineteen year old boy and he’s probably still small and scared - something which i’ve explored! - and while i appreciate that eremika didn’t exactly come out of nowhere i’ve always read it as them wanting the domesticity with each other, wanting to live out full, normal lives, but not necessarily just about the exclusivity of a relationship, which is what some readings of the last chapter seemed to suggest (& hence i kinda get why people are so mad that that he comes off as an incel but idk, maybe it’s the translations? i personally am choosing to read it as the first part - that he wanted deep down to have the space to live out a long, natural life with the people he loves).
but wrt to eremika my main thing is that i’m a bit iffy on the parallels to ymir because personally i’m not a bit fan of that entire ymir/fritz thread...1) i get the slave...to love but it also feels a bit like it romanticises their relationship? maybe i’m reading too much into it. but more importantly to me 2) i feel it complicates things a bit because we can’t then pin down if it’s eren or her making the executive decisions which then becomes a bit more thematically murky and doesn’t help with characterisation...I mean if he’s a plot device then he is a plot device, if he’s a character with agency then he’s a character, if he blurs the line between both it becomes a bit of an issue as there aren’t real stakes and character development then becomes a bit of a question mark since there’s also this tendency to reduce him to a symbol...and yeah, as we see the whole  headache-inducing nature of this is quite evident now... (and i want to feel for eren!)
also not a super fan of the eren sending dina. but i’m reminded of the discussions around mr robot and standing in the stream of time wrt white rose but eh, time travel plots are always a bit inscrutable and honestly always make things difficult. personally i rationalise it as more of he sent them away from Bert than to his mother. maybe he had the vague understanding of what it’d do but exactly why he did it was different, which idk, makes all the difference to me. 
but i do appreciate what the ending was trying to show, even if I personally don't think it was the best, i do appreciate eren’s vulnerability, his last talk with armin broke me, and appreciate that jean is okay, levi is okay, and he got to see everyone else again. i’m also kinda appreciative of the bird symbolism though i don’t think it’s any more than that...also it makes me think that poor eren, he’s burdened with Glorious Purpose & like it’s not gonna stop until he’s dead, right :/ also was under no illusions that it was gonna be a happy ending and everyone would be satisfied somehow or another so eh. I do wish that some things were done differently, I would have done some things differently, but also I acknowledge the constraints of the medium and I think some nuances didn't come across/writing could be tighter. maybe we’ll see when the anime comes out, if some of us stick around that long.
also my monkey brain is choosing to fixate on little, abstract things like oh, armin looks so cute with his hair slicked back...so kudos for that and maybe there’s some hamfisted thing about telling the story...giving it meaning...like horatio? maybe? lol goodnight sweet prince eren...i AM overthinking it probably. anyway if you think about it, it’s the death of the author (ie Barthes) and meaning is created not just when it’s encoded in the text, but when we read and experience it -- which gives us some leeway as to how we interpret the whole series, if you’d really like. so this is my outlook:”)
ok this has turned out longer than i expected and is undercut by actually a lot of salt ahh and i actually have a whole sort of treatise on it! but i think i am a bit emotionally exhausted because i always care too much so i think i'll take a break before I get back to prompts, sorry...
anyway what i mean to say is if you made it this far thank you & that i’m interested to hear what people think! so come send in the ask or reply to this - and feel free to disagree etc but let’s be peaceable about it:)
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book23worm · 4 years
A Time Warp
My dear Tumblr friends,
In truth, I’m not really sure how to go about writing this. There is so much I need and would like to say. So, please, bear with me as I muddle through this.
I discovered Tumblr in 2012, right around the time of the London Olympics. I discovered tagging and posts and fandoms and fan fiction. But most importantly, I discovered people. People who shared similiar interests and ideas to me. People who were creative and funny and interesting. Tumblr was a space where I could escape into my feels for everything and anything. A space that I didn’t have anywhere else in my life.
Fast forward to 2013 when I lost my job. I decided to pack and leave and go all the way to China. With that, came the end of Tumblr. When I returned to South Africa in 2014 after my year contract was up, I made a sweep of social media. Facebook stayed. Twitter ditched. Tumblr stayed. Instagram... Did not exist at that point. At least not for me.
Coming back to Tumblr felt like home. I reconnected with old friends and fandoms. I discovered new fandoms and with that, lovely new friends. Of course, hockey fandom meant my sleep patterns were disturbed but it was worth it.
Like all fandoms, hockey was not without its share of criticisms or dare I say, drama.
But that sense of community, of belonging drove me. It gave me strength. It gave me hope. For that, I will always be grateful to the tremendous humans in hockey fandom. You are the MVPs. You are the Special Ones. You are the Great Ones.
But I also cannot deny that once again, Tumblr gave me an escape from the real world. An escape that was not altogether healthy. Because, at the time, I didn’t confront the fact that I was so utterly miserable at work or the new city I chose to live in. I kept trying to convince myself it would work. I would fit. I would find a space. I never did.
2016 was a reckoning in that regard. I quit my job and moved back in with my parents. That was possibly the healthiest and unhealthiest thing I could have done. I don’t regret my choice to quit. But I do regret not having an inkling of what I was doing or where I was going next. I do regret not prioritising my mental health, particularly with regard to the complex relationship I have always had and have with my mother.
Tumblr became my go to space. Every day. Every game. Every moment. I was there. I witnessed and blogged. Reblogged. Argued. Made content. Had amazing conversations. The 2016 Olympics and the Pens winning the Stanley Cup in such a close timeframe was mindblowing.
Still, it didn’t take away from me feeling like my own world and the world at large were coming apart at the seams. It started with Donald Trump being elected in November 2016, a grave foreshadowing of what was becoming a trend across the world, the rise of populists. Not to mention how this tidal wave seemed to insert itself everywhere. Into all the cracks and spaces. Fandoms were not left unscathed. Tumblr was not left unscathed.
Amidst all of this, I chose to return to China. I wanted to find a space where I was at peace. Where I could feel like myself again. Where I didn’t have to rely on screen time to feel a sense of joy. Another move to China meant the end of social media.
Technology had advanced tremendously since my first stint in the Middle Kingdom. So I invested in a VPN, a portal to the world beyond the Great Firewall. I wish I could say this helped me feel connected, like I was still a part of things. It didn’t. For the life of me, I couldn’t really tell you why I felt like this.  
So, I logged out by choice this time. Out of Facebook. Tumblr. YouTube. All of it. Gone. I walked away, not sure if I had made the right choice or not.
Of course, it’s not true that I didn’t keep up with what was going on. Watching the Pens win the Cup again in 2017 was something magnificent. Watching how ecstatic my fellow Pens fans were was something extraordinary. Logging back in once or twice over that summer in 2017 and marvelling over the festivities gave me the greatest joy.
Then reality came smashing down around my ears. Pens fandom bitterly divided by the impending White House visit. People shouting at each other and over each other. People arguing with each other. People trashing each other. At the time, I didn’t say anything. I offered no opinion. I offered no comfort. That is something I regret to this day.  
And then, that photo came out. That person surrounded by our team. Our beloved Pens in the White House.
I cannot tell you how emotional I was over that photograph. A visceral anger. Disbelief. Sheer sadness. I could not fathom how a team that I had poured my soul into could do that. They had a choice. We all had a choice. Something died in me that day. Not my love for my team. But my respect.
It’s not for me to say whether sports and politics should be mixed. It’s not for me to say whether we should or should not support teams, based on what they do and do not speak on. It’s not for me to say that people should not keep supporting the teams they love and fandoms they enjoy being a part of. I actively encourage people to do things and contribute to things that positively impact their well-being.
But as time has gone on, at least for me anyway, it’s cemented my fervent belief that silence is deadly. Not speaking up if you have the platform to do so means human lives will be lost. It is a falsehood to think that one drop in the ocean doesn’t have some kind of impact somewhere. For me, the Penguins had that chance to speak. To say something. And they didn’t take it. Not one of them took it. There have been other things that have happened in hockey that I fundamentally cannot stomach, not least of all the impending law suit bought forward by Daniel Carcillo. 
Of course, me saying this doesn’t mean much, right? The world will not shift because of my feelings about this. The Penguins (a team I no longer recognise given that most of the players I adored have been traded) will continue to play as they should. People will continue to support them as they should. Fandom will continue to thrive as it should.
However, as painful as it is for me, hockey is no longer something I can be a part of. This hasn’t been a decision I’ve taken lightly. It does not make me a saint or ‘woke’ either by stepping away. It doesn’t make you a good or bad person supporting any particular sport. It just makes you a person. 
In saying this, some of you who are still reading, may have some questions.
To the extraordinarily wonderful people in hockey fandom... This is not good-bye to you. God, I really hope its not good-bye. I love each and every one of you. Each of you is a force for good in the world. Furthermore, I support your choice to engage with and support hockey and to uphold hockey fandom on Tumblr. I will continue to follow each of you because you are the greatest gift of my experience of hockey fandom.
As for my blog, I’m not sure which direction I’ll be going in. I’m certainly going to keep my URL as I’m far too attached to it. I have decided to leave my hockey content for those who still gain joy from it. To delete it would be as if my experience never existed. And that is not right. It happened, for better and for worse. If you wish to unfollow, there are no hard feelings.
Right now, the world is so fraught and uncertain. I wish I had the words to express something hopeful. When you can, choose kindness. Choose to actively uplift someone. Be brave. Now more than ever. Speak up. Speak out. Particularly if you can. Not everyone will agree with you. That’s okay. Go with respect in your heart. Find joy. Find that scrap of happiness and set the world alight with it. Finally, you are valid. Just as you are. You are enough. Just as you are.
Sending all my love,
Book23worm xoxo
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mookittens · 4 years
“Whatever happened to superwholock?”
is a question that I’ve seen bouncing around here for a while. It also happens to be one I can answer! I know that for some there has always been confusion over how an incredibly active and central fandom can disappear overnight and that heritageposts has been airing all the dirty laundry is making people curious again. I’m hoping to clear up any confusion and help put many of those heritageposts into some context, so let’s get started!
First and foremost hi! I’m mookittens dot tumblr dot com and I was a Superwholock. That’s right lads I was THERE during the height of it all 2013-2013. The reigning years. I saw it all go down as it happened. It was really two big things that made the kingdom collapse. The first of which was the quality of the shows.
Now as we all know, fandoms don’t start from nothing and they don’t end after peak popularity so I will be opening up the timeline we’re looking at to run from 2010 - 2015. First we’ll look at quality by show and then how they all fit together to form the Downfall.
Going in Superwholock order we start off with SPN. The odd man out. The one american production in a sea of union jacks. I always considered this to be the last one to join superwholock regardless of the name as it has basically nothing in common with the others besides just being on at the same time but this could just be personal bias as supernatural was the last of the three I personally watched.
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Now I just want to say now this isn’t even opinion, this is objective fact. The only possible bias is labeling season 6 as good instead of okay because I liked Balthazar. The timeline speaks for itself, and if like me you look at this and go “wait what even happened in season 8, 9, or 10?” I feel ya. I watched em all and had to look up the wikis so let me save you some time. season 5 Lucifer, season 6 last of the cool angels, season 7 leviathans season 8 closing gates of hell, season 9 ended with Dean becoming a demon. By season 10 supernatural was just a name whispered on the wind, but you might have heard about the fanfiction musical episode. 
Supernatural really faded away during season 9 after many of the most beloved characters were long dead, and though the hype of Dean turning into a demon seemed like it could lead to a revival, ultimately when it became clear there would be no follow through at the beginning of season 10 the fandom packed up and moved on to greener pastures.
Doctor Who
Out of all three, the one with the most staying power. Even today, there are a few posts here and there about 10 floating around. There are just as many posts about Steven Moffat too. This one was the first one of the group I watched and objectively I wanna say the best. The few good seasons it had are still good.
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Being British television, most seasons only ran within the one year, meaning less content in general compared to supernatural. Also, the sheer drop in quality happened much more quickly and dramatically than supernatural. Everyone loved 10, and by the end of 11’s first season everyone was hype for more. Unfortunately, Moffat started to rule the scene. Slowly encroaching to become head showrunner and giving us all Clara.  
OH BOY HERE WE GO. Sherlock. Wow. This will go beyond our scope but I feel it’s worth it since this is Sherlock in its entirety. I’m just gonna ignore the special cuz I don’t even remember it.
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PLEASE keep in mind these aren’t my opinions but what I remember the general fandom consensus being at the time. Sherlock was the perfect storm of having to wait YEARS for episodes to come out and then being hit by some of the worst TV I have ever seen. There was even the scene in the first episode of season 3 (which I swear was THE most anticipated episode of a television show I have ever SEEN on my like 8 or whatever years on this website) where Moffat (yep him again) and Gatiss make fun of the fandom. They have the most hated character on the show seem crazed and obsessed with making theories on how Sherlock could have lived with his fellow fanatics. Nothing like taking the fun fans of your show were having during the off season and showing them how stupid they were for even thinking about it! If you’re reading this and thinking “okay season 3 was bad but I remember season 1 and 2 being good!” then I highly recommend watching Sherlock is Garbage, and Here’s Why by hbomberguy on youtube. It made me rethink how I felt about the show entirely. 
When you put these timelines all together it looks like this:
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Makes it pretty clear why it seemed to disappear, huh? It is worth noting, however, that besides sherlock, 2012-2013, despite being the height of superwholock popularity, was when the shows were Bad. I theorize it’s because the fandom was still riding the high of the earlier seasons and its passion pushed it forward, but it can only push for so long.
The second big contributing factor to the Downfall of superwholock is that a huge chunk of the fandom were young. I was in high school at the time, and so were most of the rest of the fandom. That’s why a lot of the heritageposts posts are so cringey or school centric. It was just kids having fun. This isn’t to say there weren’t fandom moms and the like in the superwholock fandom, there were, but chances are if you were following them for superwholock content then they’re still making superwholock content now. What happened in 2014 - 2015 is that a lot of the high school kids graduated and went to college. Now all of a sudden they don’t have time to watch TV so they have to be choosy and with how bad the shows were they weren’t making the cut, or they didn’t have cable at all and wanted to pirate better shows. It was a perfect storm that ended superwholocks reign. Now even the shows themselves are ending. Supernatural is ending its 15th and final season this year, hopefully we’ll never get a 5th season of sherlock, and Doctor Who is actually good again but with the new doctor feels like it did when it was good back in 2010. Doctor Who may never be over, but the end of a whole chapter in our history is about to close.
TL;DR Due to a significant drop in quality and a lot of superwholock kids going to college and realizing there are better shows out there superwholock basically dissolved as an internet superpower over the course of 2014-2015. 
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