#i’m still struggling on a roguefort face hc…
pireofvamps · 5 months
‘quick’ doodle
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eoncafe · 3 years
Can I request a roguefort X shy but hopelessly fallen for the theif,but didn't have the courage to talk to him reader?
you’re in luck, anon, i happen to be in this exact situation right now.
that damned thief.
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pairing(s): roguefort x shy reader (romantic)
type: oneshot. i’m trying something new. sorry if this isn’t what you were hoping for!!
warnings: none
reader type: gender neutral (they/them)
currently listening: dialga’s theme. i’m shiny hunting it :/
notes: am i the only one that headcanons roguefort as nblw? it’s a comfort hc of mine but it seems unpopular . also the disguise is lifted from the outfit rogue wears in the comics, its a very cute one at that…
You sigh as you stare out your window listlessly, your head stuffed dreamily full of clouds. It had been a very long day, as far as you were concerned. The charming Phantom Bleu had struck again, and they had chosen your hometown to do so.
Was it wrong to hope that you would be next?
Try as you might, you could never shake these feelings. You knew it was probably wrong. They were a notorious thief! A lawbreaker! You shouldn’t feel that way, you should scorn them! But you couldn’t bring yourself to. They were simply too charming. Too slippery to be caught, they proudly flaunted themselves to anyone who was watching them, even in the very act of pulling off a heist.
You fell for it, hook line and sinker. Maybe it was their plan, but you didn’t care. Only problem was, you were too shy to speak up. Even when the thief made their appearance, you just couldn’t say anything. Their charm made the words die in your throat and your knees weak. It was too much.
As the sun began to dip below the horizon, you decided to take a walk. It was be a fairly quiet and peaceful night, with a slight nip in the air. You shoved your hands in your pockets, still pondering your feelings towards the mysterious thief. You barely even notice as you ran right into someone who happened to be enjoying the evening as well.
“My, my, are you alright?” A gloved hand grabbed your arm and pulled you to your feet before you could hit the ground.
You gave a shaky gasp. “Y-Yeah. Thanks.”
“Mm, you should be more careful, mon ami! That could have been quite a nasty spill.~”
All you could do was nod. The passerby’s voice sounded awfully familiar in a way you couldn’t place a finger on, and the darkness left their face too shadowed for you to make out clear details.
“Now, what are you doing out so late? It can be dangerous for a cookie to be alone at night, you know.”
“I’ll be— I’ll be fine,” You replied, arms crossed. “I was just going to clear my head.”
“I see. There is nothing wrong with that, my dear.” The stranger said coolly. “But perhaps you would enjoy some company?” they offered you their arm, and after a moment of hesitation, you accepted, linking your own arm with it.
The two of you began to walk through the night together, making conversation. As time began to wear on, you struggled to place the familiarity of the person you had been walking with. Where exactly had you heard their voice before…?
You passed underneath a street light, and only then did it hit you where exactly you’d seen and heard them before.
Poorly disguised, yes, but the mysterious Phantom Bleu was standing next to you, clear as day. You would have passed out then and there but you were suddenly all too focused on the feeling of their arm around yours.
“Is something wrong, mon ami?” Bleu’s voice dragged you back to reality as you tried to stammer out a response. “What’s the matter? Cat got your tongue?”
“Mm, uh, no, I’m fine!” you said a bit too forcefully, causing them to raise a brow as a small smile grew on their face. “I was just!! Thinking about something!!”
Their expression darkened ever so slightly, the smile they wore growing more sly now. “I see. You’ve figured me out, haven’t you?”
Your mouth was too dry to answer verbally so all you could do was nod and look down at your hands. This couldn’t last long as you felt Phantom Bleu gently tilt your head up by your chin, staring into your eyes.
“I figured,” they purred in a low tone. “It wouldn’t be long before I was found out. Of course, I expected such a thing to be quicker. This disguise isn’t exactly…the best one I’ve come up with.” Indeed, they were wearing a pair of glasses and a blue sweater vest with a hat to match. Anyone who looked twice would notice their long white hair and their sparkling blue eyes.
“You’re a very clever one, I must say.” They continued. “Only a few moments spent with me and you could see right through me!”
“It wasn’t that hard to figure out.” you blurted before you could stop yourself. You let out a squeak and covered your mouth with a hand, but Bleu merely let out a laugh, leaning in and pressing a playful kiss to your cheek before pulling away.
In the instant after, they shed their disguise, leaping on top of the second story windowsill of a nearby building, a letter fluttering down in their wake. You hastily leaned forward to catch it before it could hit the ground. “Farewell, mon ami! Perhaps we will meet again, sooner than you think! I would be a fool not to pay you a visit!”
With a final wave and a blown kiss, Phantom Blue was off, and all you could do was stand and stare after them, only hoping the day you saw them next would come soon.
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