#i’m so sorry for fastforwarding the cooking part
requiem626k · 3 years
A Thousand Locks
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Kunikida x GN!Reader
you both want to make up after a conflict.
warnings: a few lines of suicidal thoughts (nothing explicit though) + usage of the f-word (once) (if you think i should add something, please let me know.)
genre: angst to fluff
word count: 2.6k
a/n: i’m thinking about this man literally so much everyday.
yes that’s the author’s note, thank you.
as a proper note, i’m somehow unable to write romance. i’ll get there. eventually. this one is much more something like colleague!kunikida x colleague!reader with only sprinkles of romantic thoughts.
anyways, i hope you enjoy reading <3
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The sound of the jangling keys echoed through the corridor. Kunikida sighed as he inserted the key with deeper curves in the lower lock and the smaller key in the upper one. He felt physically and mentally so much safer with two locks to the point where he probably wouldn’t say no to a third one.
He looked at his gray watch. 06.27 PM. Great, he had arrived three minutes earlier than he had anticipated. It was a chilly Friday evening, the sky was full of gray clouds which were probably heavy with raindrops. He was becoming more and more grateful to his past self who had patiently refused Yosano’s countless pleadings about accompanying her to shopping.
He slowly turned the second key and gently pushed the door just to enter and close it with a hurry. He locked it tightly with two keys and made sure it didn’t open no matter how much strength he applied.
“I’m home.”
He lived alone, yet it always gave him some kind of comfort to inform the place he lived in of his presence. His eyes scanned the neatly tidied living room and nicely organised shelves as he untied his red ribbon, took off his beige vest and undid a few buttons of his shirt. He placed the ribbon and the vest on the chair next to the door as he always did, and sighed deeply once again.
No matter how hard he tried, he just couldn’t shift his thoughts from you and what happened hours before.
A few months ago, Fukuzawa had assigned you to be his partner. Since Dazai had Atsushi to take care of, Kunikida had been working alone for some time but your recruitment changed that. He had decided not to have his hopes high, but after having been partners with that chaotic walking bandage machine, your organised thinking and serious work ethic quickly gained his respect and he, for the first time in his working experience, looked forward to having a case assigned to him and his partner.
You two were doing such a good job together that even Dazai wouldn’t be able to hide his surprised expression when you’d come back two hours before the estimated resolution time of the case. Even though Kunikida knew the work would take less time with you two on it, he still couldn’t bring himself to narrow down the schedule and slot new work in that “earned” time because he would immensely enjoy the way you would spend that time walking around the city and if you’re in a good mood, having dinner somewhere casual.
The members of the Agency had quickly noticed your serene influence on him. He was seemingly much less angry, first of all. And even though he still stressed a lot over the littlest things, your presence would allow him to take a step back and approach the origins of his anxiety more calmly and rationally. He had even admitted that vocally during one of those stressful moments in the Agency…
“I don’t know how I’d handle this stress if you weren’t here, Y/N.”
…to which you had responded with the biggest smile he had ever seen on your face.
“I wasn’t always here, you know. You would’ve handled it just fine, as you always do.”
With that response, he had finally noticed how vulnerable were the words that had just left his mouth. You still remembered as if it was yesterday how he had started rambling incoherent words and furiously kept looking for the pen that peacefully resided inside his breast pocket.
And now, he finally knew you were wrong. He truly didn’t know how to handle the stress, the pain without you. Especially when it derived from something about you. He rubbed his temples while letting out a deep groan and tried to retrace what had happened. If he couldn’t distract himself from it, then he would be willing to try the opposite. He replayed the last moments of work in his mind.
It was only one hour before the time they would usually call it a day. You were cheerfully chattering with Dazai, the only person that was there apart from you and Kunikida, and were telling him about a book you had read about a man who was so cruel to himself about not feeling human that he couldn’t even be aware of the fact that he was, in reality, the most human one. Dazai chuckled at your passionate narrative, saying:
“Mmm, I don’t remember ever writing an autobiography, it’s quite intriguing~”, in a joking manner.
When you noticed that Kunikida was watching you from afar, you pushed Dazai’s desk with your legs and rolled your chair directly towards Kunikida’s place.
“How’s my dear blonde today~?” you asked innocently while poking his sleeve. He hadn’t seen you that playful before, you were acting just like a little kitten who was in need of playing cute, mischievous games.
“What’s happening, Y/N?” he asked with a firm tone, which didn’t give away even slightly the butterflies that started fluttering inside him. “Did you mess something up again? You’re spending way too much time with that bandaged rascal.”
“What?!” you pouted, “how could you think me, Kunikida Doppo’s most dearest colleague, could ever mess something up?” you shouted dramatically, putting the back of your hand on your forehead with an immensely exaggerated shock- which proved his point right, you were spending too much time with Dazai.
He rolled his eyes with frustration that was followed by a sigh, and stood up. You looked up at him and were shocked -this time, genuinely- when he patted your head a few times.
“Come on. Everyone knows that Kunikida Doppo’s most dearest colleague would be the one who’d fit a list of 36 ideals.”
The mood of the room froze up immediately. Dazai’s eyebrows arched with astonishment. This man could predict 3 years ahead, yet Kunikida saying something like that out loud was something totally unforeseen even for him.
As your brain processed what he had just said, your eyes opened wide, not having expected such an insult. Not an insult maybe, but only God -if they truly exist- could know how much you cared about him and his opinions. Your day could lighten up with his one word of appreciation, which didn’t happen often. You had been giving it all, doing more than your best everyday to be able to live up to his expectations, dealing with extreme burnouts at home, at night… all for nothing. All for Kunikida to compare you with the ideal colleague in his mind and feel disappointed.
As you broke the eye contact and your face fell, one hurt syllable fell from your lips.
It was at that moment that Kunikida knew he was going to regret having told something like that. To tell the truth, he wasn’t expecting you to take it that seriously. He had thought you’d brush it off with a few playful words like you always used to do with a humble attitude.
When he noticed that he had gone too far with his thorny words, it was too late.
You slowly rose to your feet in front of him and your hoarse voice was heard.
“If it isn’t already there, add a 37th one. ‘They have to give a fuck about my ideals.’ Another item that you can cross out in your evaluation about me.”
You shoved him furiously out of your way, grabbed your briefcase and stormed out.
Kunikida was still trying to find his mental and physical balance which had gone off-kilter with your sudden push. There was something in the middle of his chest, a bitter ache, and it didn’t let him think straight.
“Man,” Dazai mumbled nonchalantly, “hurt people hurt people. I guess that’s how it is.”
He was aware that you had stabbed Kunikida deep in his Achilles’ heel, out of your own hurt. You were known for your strong belief in his principles and ideals, which made you two a strong and unbending duo and gave Kunikida a warm sentiment of comfort, of being understood.
That’s why he wanted to believe that you, of all people, didn’t mean what you had said.
Dazai watched him as he slowly fell into a trance, feeling even number than ever, turning off his laptop and packing up his stuff with robotic movements.
“Try staying alive, you wouldn’t want to miss the rest of the drama.”
As he replayed his last words to Dazai in his mind, standing in the middle of his living room, Kunikida was feeling things that he couldn’t even name. The domain of feelings was such a foreign one for him, even the ones that came during a normal day. He would try getting rid of anything, anything that could possibly get in the way between him and his watertight lifestyle. Feelings were unpredictable, one of the very few things he couldn’t make a schedule for. They were destructive, destabilizing, bothersome, pointless.
Unwillingly aggrieving someone was already a hard thing to withstand. But when the guilt of hurting a loved one and the suffering of being hurt as a comeback merged, it became unbearable.
It was never his intention to be that inconsiderate. But he had been. Once again, his direct nature was betraying him at the worst possible moment. Of course he hadn’t done it voluntarily, who would? Who would want to lose, just like that, the spark of their previously hopeless, obscure life? He was at a point where he was no longer disagreeing with the brunet. Maybe there was really no point in going on, if all there was to life was a vicious cycle of finding, cherishing and losing.
Finding, cherishing and losing.
He could never. He could never, ever give up. There was no such option in the dictionary of this man.
He made up his mind. He was going to pay you a visit. He knew where you lived. Would it be too weird? He was a gentleman, he wouldn’t want to make you feel uncomfortable, especially not after a conflict like this. But he didn’t want to spend all the weekend suffering. He could guess that you were suffering too, maybe more than him.
Even though he had an immense desire to rush out of the house, he knew he couldn’t come knocking on your door empty-handed. He looked around him, thinking of what he could prepare for you, and the ingredients on his kitchen counter caught his eye.
He facepalmed so hard that his smack hurt his forehead.
“Ugh, of course!”
Ever since he learnt your favourite pastry during a conversation in the Café Uzumaki, he couldn’t stop thinking about preparing it and surprising you in the Agency. That’s why he had bought all the ingredients days ago but never found the opportunity to actually do it. Cooking was a passion of his, even though he wouldn’t call himself a chef, it could still be said that he had a knack for it.
He looked at his gray watch again. 06.44 PM. It would take him exactly 56 minutes to get everything done including the packaging, and it was perfect because it would allow him to present himself at your door at a not-so-creepy hour. He had already started getting nervous, but took a deep breath, rolled up his black sleeves and started unpacking the ingredients.
At exactly 07.40 PM, he was ready with his delicious bag which gave off an incredibly alluring scent. He couldn’t help but grin smugly, even he was sometimes frightened by his good comprehension and control of time.
But now, he had an even bigger exam to pass, the final challenge.
He was so scared of the reaction he would receive. What if you didn’t want to listen to him? What if you didn’t want to work with him anymore? What if… he wouldn’t be able to see your lovely face, hear your sweet voice, feel your tender touch anymore?
Why was he that scared of these scenarios when it was true that you didn’t even fit his ideals for a colleague?
It had started raining crazily, he hadn’t even noticed it while dealing with the kitchen.
He walked towards his vest, tenderly took out the emerald green notebook and opened page 34.
What to look for in an ideal colleague.
He took out his pen, took the cap off with his teeth and started writing as neatly as ever.
He let out a nervous groan after being done with it. He tore a few blank pages as a precaution and put it in his pocket before laying the notebook down on the counter. He rebuttoned his black shirt, tidied himself up a little bit and gently held the bag in which the delicious sweets were waiting to be eaten. He adjusted his glasses and reached for the door handle after having unlocked the door with both keys. He opened it without having checked the peephole.
He gasped at the sight of you.
He could’ve sworn that he was hallucinating. But the raindrops rolling down your hair, face and clothes, the frightened look in your eyes, the small box you held between your hands and the hesitation you seemed to be having looked so real.
“Y… Y/N?”
You had indeed hesitated a lot under the rain, trying to decide if you were really going to put the box in front of his door or not, but you most certainly hadn’t expected him to come out. When you heard the keys being inserted and turned, you had panicked and froze, not knowing what to do. You gulped nervously before making eye contact, forcing yourself not to avert your eyes before he did.
“I… I was just… I was just, uh, passing by-”
“Well, your box doesn’t say so.” As you noticed that he was looking at the word Apology on it, you felt your cheeks burn with embarrassment.
“What’s in yours anyways?!” you blurted out while furiously pointing at it, despite having already noticed its beautiful smell.
“Something that I hope you’ll very much like.” he said quietly, swiftly adjusting his glasses, and the tips of his ears turned pink.
You both stood there for a moment, until he noticed that you were soaking wet.
“Would you… please consider not staying under the rain? I won’t be covering your hospital expenses.”
He couldn’t be sure if the current situation allowed him to use his dry humour, but was reassured when you sassily rolled your eyes and let out a small cackle.
“Sure, let me find somewhere much warmer.” you said, and threw yourself in his arms in a flash.
“Wait- WAIT!” he shouted while backing off, barely being able to put the pastries on the table but not to escape your moist grip. As the coldness of the rainwater made him shiver, he held you between his arms with a relieved sigh.
Your muffled voice created warm vibrations on his chest.
“I lied, you know. About that.”
His lips curved into a sweet smile.
“I know.”
“I was a dumbass.”
“I know.”
“…Hey. You were supposed to object to that.”
Kunikida was trying so hard to repress his urge to chuckle.
“I was a dumbass too, Y/N. I was so blind.” he muttered as he slightly tightened his grip around you. “I know that my apologies won’t change anything no matter how sincere they are, but… I still added a number 37. As you wished.”
You lifted your head with a questioning gaze and saw the blonde’s head turn to the notebook on the counter. The lastly written page was still open. You left his embrace and paced towards it to read.
Addition, as desired by my most dearest partner.
Ideal #37 - They make me forget about checking for the first 36. If fulfilled, previous ones are no longer needed.
After having read the words that meant the world to you, you turned your head towards Kunikida to meet his soft glance.
He had used the word “partner” for you. Not a mere “colleague”, but “partner”.
You gently placed the small Apology box that was still in your hands next to the notebook. There was an emerald green keychain in it. You wanted him to remember you whenever he took out his keys, everyday, every morning, every night. You wanted crazily to be there, in his mind, whenever he unlocked his door.
“Shall we prepare some tea to eat the pastries?”
There wasn’t a happier person in the world than you at that moment, as you couldn’t mutter a word and were only able to nod with tears in your eyes.
He watched you take off your coat and run your fingers through your hair as an attempt to dry it. He shivered once again when your warmth on his chest slowly faded away and he found himself with a damp, chilly black shirt. He headed for his bedroom to change, and for the first time, Kunikida heard his feelings’ voice more clearly than ever.
His door had two locks. His heart, at least a thousand.
But you held the key to every single one of them.
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stateofknowledge · 4 years
I wrote this.
It’s “interestingly” formatted, it may not actually be good, but it’s mine. I wrote it with the intent to make it read like a comic book without actual dialogue, that’s the why for the formatting.
Also, there’s some not PG-13 stuff, so read at your own risk.
Two confident guys in their late 20s chat in the facility while suiting up for their biggest adventure yet. A soft voice from the speaker on the wall tells them to hurry up and get into the lab.
Everything is nice and calm. People are at a time of peace, adventuring whenever they feel like it, each day has a romantic beauty to it. – Peace.
The men arrive in the laboratory, where the main attraction stands - a machine to conquer time itself.
The people handling it
The two trained men step in, and it takes them 200 years into the future. The ride is thrilling, their adrenaline levels in the skies, nothing can stop them.
And they arrive into the future. A future that is not as nice and calm. It's a world after destruction, slowly rebuilding itself. On first sight, nothing is alive. But they don’t know that. They hope for the best. But it’s dark around them. - ?
The next moment, the strange, amorphous, black and purple blob engulfing the time machine starts shifting above them.
In a moment of silent tension, it grows a spike and stabs it through one of the traveler’s head. - ?!!
The head rots away in an instant, leaving a lifeless skull with gray skin. – What?!!
The other guy manages to jump out of the machine, as the blob opens up on a part after moving body mass into the spike, letting minimal light in from outside.
But there's no hope, the door is locked, and no key or swipe card to be found.
Then he glances back to see the spike has broken off of the main body, as the blob had no energy to maintain it.
The blob slides down from the glass and metal junk that is now the time machine, and shrinks to the size of a puddle on the ground, but the spike remains stuck. - Huh?
He goes back, and after a moment of loud silence, yanks the spike out of his friend's head.
Jamming his new weapon into the lock of the door, he leaves to search the room and after about 3 hours, the lock melts away, and the door slowly slides ajar. Under this time, he tries to contact the guys back in the past, but unfortunately, to no use.
He notices the light coming from the door while rummaging through the lab for anything. – Hm? Oh.
He then stuffs a lab coat full of small tools and a coffee brewer.
Before leaving, he stops at the door, looks back at the puddle, and thinks for a moment. - Wait.
He turns back, grabs a small plasma cutter, and tries it on the small blob.
The blob reacts aggressively to the heat, and after a couple seconds of being vengefully cut, it stops, leaving him to his thoughts.
The time traveler eventually makes his way out of the facility, avoiding same looking blobs in the process.
The site around the building is empty, aside from whatever garbage was left there. – Where now?
But there's hope, he knows the way into the outskirts of the city, he can make it before sunset.
He arrives into the outskirts. There's not a lot to look at. No life, no humanity, only what it left behind.
And something that moves and shifts like nothing he’s seen before. – Whats that?
That something looks to be made out of the spikes the blob grew Seems like it walks on all fours, but does so strangely.
The things detects the young adventurer, and turns towards him with ill intent.
It charges. Fast. – FUCK!
It leaves the asphalt of the road slightly melting with each long step it takes.
The traveler notices his gloves falling apart from touching the spike, and it starts to burn his hands. – Oh no!
He has to let go. But then he has no way to defend. – What now?
The beast is getting closer. Fast.
No time to think, run!
But there’s one quick thought, born from instinct: "Impale it."
The lone explorer leaps forward, dropping his collection of items, grabbing the spike with both hands, which are now in immense paint and are steaming acidic gas and blood. The beast leaps too, being confident in its ability to hunt.
The two meet mid-air, and the monster is pierced through the head and into its torso. Its slain. But at what cost? A couple of thorns from whatever this was made their way into his shoulder.
Standing next to the corpse of the horror that is the spiked beast, the loner looks at his hands, one hand burnt to the flesh, the other barely usable, and his shoulder in great pain.
The monster melts into a puddle, and starts shifting slowly. The horror movie protagonist runs back to the pile of tools stuffed in the lab coat, and grabs the same plasma cutter as before.
The traveler's going through the different aisles of a local drugstore, looking for bandages, painkillers, whatever can help. He stuffs the coat even more, which is now full of mechanic's tools, syringes and rags.
He puts some more bottles of pills in the plastic bags behind the counter, and goes on his way.
Exiting, he notices that plants started to grow onto the buildings, Mother Nature is taking over. – Maybe this is Her doing?
The time traveler sits at a table of a completely barricaded house, with his arm broken, his only incident the past year.
He's eating some canned food that's most likely expired. But his stomach can take it, it must, there's not much else.
There was a couple of encounters with similar life-forms, with similar outcomes as the first.
The time-traveler turned survival movie protagonist is now writing a diary, so as to not go totally mad. He writes down jokes that come to mind every once in a while alongside lists of things need to gather, and draws little 2 page cartoons for himself, mostly knock-offs of real cartoon characters.
Eventually he runs out of paper and empty notebooks. - What now?
The library! It's 3 streets from here, not too far.
On the way to getting books and paper, nothing really happens, but he is on the lookout. Any weird noise makes him more and more paranoid, even if he knows it's just the wind.
The library's main entrance is locked, and who knows where the key is. He goes around, looking for a window to break, and he finds one already in pieces. - Another burglar?
In the library, there isn't anything surprising other than the sheer number of books. There's a printer at the checkout desk, full of paper, and some pens scattered on the ground. – Exactly what I need.
The other burglar must've looked for something else. Maybe shelter for some time.
He picks the stuff up, puts them in one of his backpacks, and starts looking for some new books.
He goes upstairs, only to find something out of place: blood stains everywhere. – The burglar?
The dried spots of blood on the ground lead to a reading room, but looking back, it's weird how he didn't see it under the window coming in.
In front of the door, he can smell something that's unfamiliar, but at the back of his mind, knows what it is. It's the smell of death.
He opens the large, dark brown door, touching dry blood on the handle. The horrible smell is now unbearably strong.
And there it is. The burglar. But he's not alone. He has someone he must've been close to. That little someone is in rotten pieces, and the burglar's torso is pierced through by a familiar looking spike. And in his hand, there's something shining. A pistol, with 'that one bullet' now in the burglar's head. - I’m so sorry!
After gasping, putting his hand in front of his face, trying to be discreet, quickly turns back, exits the room and closes the door behind him.
With the smell now mostly gone, the adventurer clears his mind, or at least he thinks he does.
He goes around in the library, snatches some books off of the shelves, and fills his other backpack.
He finds a key to the entrance, broken into two pieces. – Useless. – Takes it anyway, it might be fixable.
One monster found in the last year, but there wasn’t a fight. The apocalypse series protagonist has learned how to avoid them.
He has also learned cooking plants found in the wild. The nearby forest is confirmed to be empty of monsters.
He’s making some fried mushroom with snake meat, there’s nothing else.
The ex-time traveler turned 50 years old. Maybe. Maybe 49, or 52. Who knows. – who knows?
He’s starting to get a little weaker than he was, his legs are in pain every now and then.
In the last 20 years, he has fought off more of those monsters than he could count. There was an around 5 year period when 1-2 monsters showed up in town every month, sometimes more. But for the last 2 months, no monsters, and no fights. Maybe he fought off all of them? – i wish
He doesn’t completely feel his left arm and lower torso from all the damage from the acidic beasts. It’s starting to really take a toll on him. – fuck this.
But he has to go out again, to get food.
And as good as his luck has been, he encounters another one of them. Not equipped with anything, save for an empty backpack and a knife. He has become sloppy, and this is the punishment.
There’s nothing else he can do. No weapon, no hiding spot nearby. – oh fuck.
He’s running as fast as a fit 50 year old can run, but that’s not enough. He doesn’t have what it takes to outrun the monster.
But he can think. Think fast like he did when he killed the first one. – come on, think!
But what? There’s no weapon in hand. – hand…
If it comes down to this, then so be it.
Punches will not do anything, but break his wrists and burn his knuckles while not hurting the monster. Can’t grapple either.
An old man fighting an otherworldly creature above his weight class is not an everyday sight, and not one the average old man would win.
In the span of 4 seconds, the tiger-sized beast gets closer and closer, almost reaching him At the last second he turns back, kicks it in the face, and both fall to the ground. 
In a rush of adrenaline, the survivor jumps up, leaps next to the monster, picks it up, and smashes in on the ground as hard as he can. His hands now hurting more than ever before.
It turns into a puddle, just like the rest of them. But there’s no plasma cutter.
leave it!
no! bury it
no     fucking   leave   it
His thoughts now start getting blurred. Panicking about what to do, he slowly backs away.
He has to go back home to treat his wounds, but then he has no time before dark to get food. – fuck
Whatever he does, the feeling of not doing the right thing, the fear of making another big mistake, like going anywhere without a weapon, is consuming him. He’s becoming more and more paranoid, as seconds go by.
In the last two decades, he’s gone completely insane. His diary now full of random markings and lines of ink, that are incomprehensible, if they even have a meaning. Some pages burnt, some scattered around the house. -…
His left arm went totally numb, no control over it. His legs are giving up, and his back hurts. - enough
All activities are instinctual. Getting food, cooking it, nothing else really matters, not even if he dies. At least then he won’t have to do anything.
He hasn’t shaved in a long time. When he looks in the mirror all he sees is gray hair around two lost eyes. Then he remembers his first day in the future. Great depression overwhelms him every time. Then he forgets all of it as soon as he leaves the mirror.
He’s living in his little world he created. Nothing else exists outside, nothing he’s aware of at a given time exists.
In the last two decades he’s been slowly moving his stuff back to the facility. He often confuses his old room in the city with the lab he decorated.
At night he lies on the mattress and scratches the floor, as he thinks of nothing, and everything.
On one night, as he’s about to fall asleep, he suddenly hears voices. Human voices. – insane…
Then he hears faint ruffling and the sound of steps getting closer and closer. – insane…
Something touches his shoulder, and he quickly turns around, his heart rate jumping unhealthily high. - ?!!!!!
He sees the same suit he wore when arriving in the future almost 50 years ago. – crazy…
The helmet opens up, and a familiar face looks back at him. It’s one of the guys he trained with. He can’t believe it. There’s no way. Impossible.
The two newcomers seem to be older than how the survivor remembered. It’s strange. - ?
Over the next two weeks, they fix the time machine on this side of time, and finally get back where the new two came from.
When they get into the still untouched by monsters lab, the old survivor gets overwhelmed with fond memories. Then he remembers his lost friend. Everything’s quiet now.
The first thing he does is ask for a phone. This old man’s badly wounded hands are shaking as he’s handed a phone. - shit
He looks his family up on social media, only to find that he’s forgotten about. - ?!
He starts crying, tear drops fall on the profile picture of his now ex-wife on the phone’s screen, and since it’s sensitive, it opens the picture up. There they are, a happy family with some rando in his place, next to his daughter.
He quickly wipes the tear off the phone, but to no avail. One by one, tears drop down on the phone, covering the screen.
He’s been left behind. He went through all of that, only to become a blurry memory in the eyes of his family and friends. Only remembered by the people now standing around him.
He stops for a moment, thinks about what he could’ve done to avoid all of this. There’s no one to say sorry to him, and he has no one to say sorry to, but himself.
I’m sorry.
So, i’m not good at writing dialogue, so I didn’t. The stuff in bold after at the end of some lines is something I imagined to be like thought boxes in comic books.
I also couldn’t think of any names, so there are only nameless people.
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onlyjihoons · 8 years
boyfriend!jaemin pt2
@nananavivienne :  hi mgirl!! if you're taking requests, could you do a boyfriend! jaemin one? i fjkbiabh loved your hyuck one uM i felt personally attacked reading that????
thank you for requesting omg and also for liking my hyuck bf!au im rlly touched aHHHH❤💕💖
so i did a bf!jaemin the last time around and i said that i would do a part 2 so here it is! i do suggest reading the first one first so you can get the hang of what i’m babbling about here hehe
and it has been raining since last night, and the weather rn is super comfy i want to sleep ugh 
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hi friends 
we are back w a part 2 of bf!jaemin
shall we start
ok let’s go
you and jaemin have been together for like, let’s say, 100 days?
and on friday it was the day of your dance recital and 100 days anniversary
so jaemin wanted to surprise u w lots of things
bc you have been there when he was feeling stressed about debuting etc
but his wallet restricts him from doing so
he specially requested to become the emcee of your dance recital
no doubt all of his fangirls were so hyped bc they could see their oppa on stage
but this oppa is alr yours so they felt stumped but nonetheless excited
yo and get ready for lots of mushy and fluffy stuff so:
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bare with me friends
so on that day jaemin would introduce himself (duh)
and all his fangirls were screeching
rip jeno was seated beside them
“to celebrate the eve of seollal, we have our school’s dance majors performing this morning!please put your hands together to welcome them!”
and being a ballet major aka me
ya’ll did a ballet/classical version of Secret by WJSN
its rlly short and ngl you had to rush to backstage to change to the street dance outfit
so jaemin spotted you running to backstage to change and 
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“babe!!!!!!” -clingy jaemin
“why are you like this omg”
“happy 100th babe ;-)”
ngl it totally slipped your mind that it was your 100th day anniversary
“omg im so sorry i totally forgot,, happy 100th to you too oppa!”
and you planted a quick peck on his lips and ran off to go and change cause damn jaemin made you late
as soon as you ran off he was bLuShInG
but its ok bc it was one of the rare times you initiated skinship awh
and after the performance emcee jaemin wrapped up with a very special ending ment
“today is y/n and i’s 100th day anniversary, this might come as a shock to all of us but please give y/n lots of love as much as i do”
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pls don’t kill me
then everybody was cheering and stuff
including the teachers
mark lowkey cried
ok and after the whole fiasco you went backstage and everyone were cheering for you and jaemin
and you hid your face in jaemin’s chest blushing so so hard
yo and he made it worse by holding you closer and burying his head next to yours
save me
after school jaemin brought you to eat
bc eating churros on your 100th anniversary why not
and jaemin followed you home after that
you didn’t know why so you pressed him,
“did you do something wrong, oppa?”
“then why are you following me all the way back home?”
“because i want to let your parents know that we’re dating”
with that you turned the opposite way
“are you crazy?! my parents don’t want me to date till i’m older! what’s more they will force you to break up with me since it might create scandals with your idol life!”
jaemin’s kind looks dissipated and frowned,
“so you don’t want to be my girlfriend anymore? because of my idol status?”
“is it because of the hate? y/n! i have told you countless times that i will bear the consequences and no matter what we will be in this together!”
you had nothing to say and you let tears stream down your face
“i thought you would trust me, y/n. i guess not.”
with that he walked off into the distance
ngl you broke down immediately on the staircase of your home 
and you didn’t know how to react
jaemin was not having it nice either
he was holding in his emotions all the way back to his dorm
and when he came back mark sensed it immediately
“jaemin-ah! how was-”
mark tried knocking on jaemin’s door several times but to no avail
when jaemin heard mark’s footsteps go away he immediately burst into tears
for an hour or so
then the door opened
it was his roommate, jeno
“what happened?”
“is it regarding y/n?”
and jaemin burst into tears again
his best friend patted him on the back and comforted him many times
basically jaemin and you cried yourselves to sleep
the next day nct dream were excused from school for practice
as soon as jaemin stepped on his hoverboard he felt a sharp pain on his spine
and the usually good jaemin fell off his hoverboard a few times
mark was legit concerned so he alerted his manager 
and he went to the hospital
turns out jaemin had a herniated disc 
luckily sm let him rest and get treated in the hospital
tbh the news spread fast and soon everyone in class were gossiping 
you had no idea why as you tried to call jaemin countless times but he didn’t pick up
and your bff was like
“y/n! did you know what happened to jaemin sunbaenim?”
“uhh no, we kinda fought yesterday”
“he had a herniated disc and he’s in the hospital now”
you literally dropped your books and whipped your phone out of your uniform pocket
“nct dream’s jaemin will not be attending any activities due to his herniated disc”
you literally speed dialed chenle who wasn’t in school
“woah chill y/n, i’m at practice rn”
“where is jaemin oppa?!?!?”
“he’s at the dorm-”
i’m having the chinese feels rn 
“wow okay y/n i didn’t know you could speak chinese-”
“just tell me or i will skin you alive when i see you”
“okay okay chill he’s at dongdaemun hospital.”
“good ok i love you chenle have a nice day bye”
with that you literally rushed out of school to board a taxi to the hospital
and wow it was snowing and it created traffic
ngl you were super anxious 
and super sorry 
when you reached you bolted out of the taxi and into the hospital
“excuse me may i know which is na jaemin ward?”
“i’m sorry miss, i’m not able to disclose our patient’s personal information-”
“i’m his girlfriend, y/n. please tell me where he is. please.”
“ah y/n! please follow me”
and so you followed the nurse to the swanky part of the hospital
like the vip wards
“jaemin-ssi has been asking for you ever since he has been warded, but please be reminded he is not allowed to move okay?”
you thanked the nurse and entered the ward nervously
jaemin’s eyes flickered open from his slumber and he was shocked
jaemin was seated upright due to his spine
seeing jaemin in the helpless state made you cry
and you broke down immediately
“y/n! why are you crying?did i do something wrong?”
you just walk over to his bedside and burried your head in his hands and cried
“i’m so sorry if i made you doubt yourself oppa, i have been a really bad girlfriend”
jaemin just smiled and shook his head,
“its okay babe, stop crying. i’m fine now you see?”
as you continued crying jaemin dusted the snow off your puffy jacket and slowly help you take it off
when he saw your uniform underneath he gasped,
“babe!why aren’t you in school?”
“i literally rushed here when i heard the news, and i might have scared chenle a little...”
“you threatened him, did you?
“how did you know?”
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“wow ok”
“what did you do?”
“i said that i will skin him alive if he doesn’t tell me where you were...”
jaemin laughed so hard his sides hurt omg
fastforward 2 months later
you wee in the nct dorms to take care of jaemin after school
bc he’s a literal baby that can’t take care of himself
its actually bc he wanted to see you cook
“i miss you so much”
“i literally left your side a minute ago”
and you began to whip up some simple dishes
like ramen and sausage and egg
idk and curry too
once you were done you called jaemin over to eat or he would starve to death
“i won’t move unless you give me a kiss”
you complied bc injured jaemin is super whiny
when your lips were about to touch jaemin flipped you over to his side
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i shall end it here before i faint
i hope you like it my friends
thank you for reading✨♥
have a nice day/night!
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