#i’m seirous who said that
dipperscavern · 1 month
“Jacaerys cant be edged”
too bad doing it anyway <3
awh shucks :(( and he’s trying to follow your hand thats pulling away and whining by the third time you do it wait who said that
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the-last-f2p · 2 years
Yandere promt day 9
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Featuring:Dark era Dazai + Chuuya as a normal nice friend!
9. “I’m doing you a favor. You’re just too irrational to see that, right now.”
Tw: Swearing, Murder, Bewarwe of Yan Dazai!
Y/N is like a magician/very competive cus of their ability, also heads up you scare loads of people.
"Hey (nickname) have you heard about this dude who completly iradicated a gifted orginazition by himself? Sound cool right!" One of your friends told you this one really liked weird stuff like the thing they just told you about to a degree that it could've happened 5 seconds ago and they would already be on their way to tell you about it. It was weird..
"COOL!" But so were you. You had a few friends who were in the mafia as well you don't know exactly how you met but hey they were fun to hang out with.
1 day later
"Chuuya!" You crept up behind the short ginger .
"SHIT ITS A DEMON!" Your short-tempered friend screamed before you recived a kick to your stomach . good you fooled him.
"Ehe~ Y/N: 187 Chuuya : 0!" You told him trying to flex your beutiful ability 'Things Not Seen' which allowed you to turn invisible until you came into contact with an inanimite object usually being you're phone if you want to be visible.
"Next oppenent.... Osamu Dazai!" You said turning invisible leaving Chuuya to wallow in his loss while you go find Dazai! You're just so nice aren't you!
It had been a minute and there he is Osamu Dazai the Port Mafia's resident Suicdal Emo! You slowy crept up behind the bandaged boy before...
"Y/N I know you're there by the way." Dazai says then throwing a rock on your feet.
"You found me! That should be your 153rd win Dazai!" You say wrapping your arms around the Mafia executive.
"Ehe~ Yes I'm just great aren't I!"
1 week later
"Y/N did you hear that a bunch of highschoolers have been going missing even (random name) has gone missing! Didn't he confess to you?" Your friend told you again another weird thing that was releated to crime.
"Yeah its creepy right? So did Tsukasa... I'm getting kind of worried." You say completely honestly the crimes your friend told you these past few days have been getting closer and closer intertwined with you.
"I've been looking into it and I have a feeling the mafia has been ivolved as they are all killed Port Mafia style ya know?" Your friend was theorizing who the killer could be. At this point join the ADA (friend name). But after your friend said Mafia you started to think two things.
So for the first time in ages you excused yourself from your conversation with your friend saying that you might have uncovered some valuble info to confirm if the Port Mafia was involved and you would call them later.
1 hour later
"Chuuya." You called the fancy hat boy over to you this was probably the first time you didn't sneek up on him so he new it was seirous.
"Are you ok Y/N why aren't you trying to sacrifice me to the Prank Kami?!" Chuuya said panicing but completly seirous you would've probably laughed so hard even rembering that but Chuuya saying it that seirous you would've probably died but there is more pressing matters!
"Do you know anything about this chain of murders my friend says that they might involve the Port Mafia so I though to ask you and Dazai." You tell him half-praying that he wouldn't be like Oh thats me!
"Oh- I think... um- Dont tell Dazai bout this K?" You nodded Chuuya then looked around for the Bandage Squwandering Machine. Nowhere.
"I'm pretty sure Dazai is involved he told me if you askes say nothing but I couldn't I'm sorry if I got you in trouble or anything Y/N-" "No I'm sorry if I caused you any problems Chuuya... I'm gonna see Dazai now wish me luck! K?" You gave Chuuya a hug and then...
Abilty: 'Things Not Seen'
Blue rings surronded you before you turned invisble and then ran off looking for Dazai....
You took light footsteps as you thought you neared towards Dazai... You turned the corner. And what you saw...
It was Osamu Dazai standing over your friends bloody body who was cowering in the background traumatized they looked like they has only been beaten until they bled maybe someone could save them? Like you ! Maybe if you snuck up on Dazai he would lower his guard letting your friend escape! It was worth a shot .
You took even lighter footsteps till you were in arms reach till. He took out a gun... Nonnonononononononononno. Your friend couldn't die right? So you bolted to Dazai touching your phone and making yourself visible.
"No!" You shouted tears in your eyes as you mangaed to get hold of the gun that Dazai had after a minute of struggling. You ran over to your friend asking if they were ok almost forgetting about Dazai.
"Ehehe~ I think that your first win Y/N but you really think I didn't plan that far?" Dazai chuckled you looked at him scared tears threatining to fall out your eyes. " I thought you new me better how sad." Dazai then took another gun shooting your friend.
"(Friend name) no !" You looked at them and then their bullet wound.
"Y/N if I die run don't think back K?" Dazai then shot another bullet into your friend you were now crying pretty loudly.
"I think its your time to run? Hey look at me Y/N... Imagine this Person gets shot multiple times by Mafiosa Osamu Dazai found dead at 13:30 by Y/N L/N. That would be cool..." Your friend said their lasts words before getting shot another time. And another. 5. 6. 7 . 8 .9 . 10.
"DAZAI STOP THEY'RE DEAD!" You pushed Dazai into a wall.
"Yay ! Osamu wins !" Dazai smiles
"Y-You monster!"
"Calm down Y/N"
“I’m doing you a favor. You’re just too irrational to see that, right now.”
He then knocked you out...
"Next oppenent Nakahara Chuuya!"
A/N: Sorry I'm behind schedule but I've been quite busy these days! Next one should be 10. “You’re lucky I’m so nice. Anyone else would’ve done something horrible, by now.”or Unkown?
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floofiestboy · 5 years
Haruhara Question Corners #21-30
Translations of past question corners:
- Question Corners #1-10
- Question Corners #11-20
Haruhara used to answer questions on his channel - these are translations of the questions and answers.
Question Corner #21
Q. From Sashiki-san:
This is less of a question and more something I’m wondering, but it might be nice if you could answer on someplace like Twitter. You mentioned that you’d like to post an Alba vs. Creasion doujinshi in September or October, but is that going well? I am not in any way pushing for you to go faster, I’m just asking because I’m somewhat curious.
I’m chugging my way through the storyboards, but there’s more things to draw than I expected, so it’s tough keeping to my schedule. I’m considering posting just the storyboards to my channel ahead of time.
[T/N: This question corner was posted on October 30th, 2017. The inked and completed Alba vs. Creasion was posted in Fall 2019…  that schedule drift.]
Q. From Nanako-san:
Kanpachi-kun’s codename is “That Plastic Thing Inside Pillows”, but is Kanpachi his real name? Or is it a fake name he picked to infiltrate Alba’s research center?
It’s a fake name. He likes eating kanpachi fish.
Sometimes he eats it as sashimi, other times he dips the skin in Ponzu sauce and eats it like that.
[T/N: Kanpachi sashimi with ponzu sauce.]
Question Corner #22
Q. From Foreman-san:
How many tanktops does Elf have?
He currently has five.
Green, green, green, blue, green.
Q. From I’m Tired-san:
Where do you get the motivation to draw so many storyboards?
Back when I was sending out manuscripts to magazines and I didn’t really have deadlines, I was super slow, so nowadays I motivate myself by thinking “I have a deadline” and “there are readers who want to read my work if I draw it.” When I was sending out manuscripts to magazines, I motivated myself by thinking “This manga will definitely be published” and that gave me the power to draw… I think…?
Question Corner #23
Q. From I Like Rice-san:
In Elf and Sion, an episode of Senyuu Season 4, Elf said he could definitely win, but would Elf really had won if he fought against Creasion right then?
Since at the time, Sion hadn’t really ventured out from Originia just yet, if they ganged up on him together they might’ve been able to win, I think?
Q. From Pocket-san:
Is SQ Ros’ bat just a normal bat?
It is.
Why does he use a bat? I think it was because it seemed more peaceful and there was a character in Kyuukoku Choujin R that used a bat that I liked the impression of.
Question Corner #24
Q. From Nanako-san:
Does Cecily-san know about Hero Creasion and Rchimedes the First?
She knows now, but at the start of Season 3, she only vaguely knew about it because Lake likes heroes (mainly Alba.)
She had no idea they were her family.
Question Corner #25
Q. From Foreman-san:
What are your favourite buttons in your new set?
This one.
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I wanted to make it into a button, but I couldn’t find the original drawing, so I redrew it- that’s how badly I wanted to make it into a button.
Q. From Pocket-san:
Why was Alba wearing a cape when he went to save Elf?
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Because it’s cool.
Question Corner #26
Q. From Kobura Jyutarou-san:
Currently, the voice actor for Rchimdes the First in the anime is Ogino Seirou-san, but the voice actor for Crea in the Drama CD is Yonaga Tsubasa-san - they’re different. What would happen if we got a second season of the anime?
If we got a second season of the anime, the cast would be all decided by the audio director, so there would be nothing I could do.
Since Crea is drawn with brown hair on the drama CD, I imagined him as more a child.
I remember showing Yonaga-san Crea as a child and saying, “I don’t have any pictures to go with the audio this time around, so if you play him as too old, it won’t match with the mental image the readers have of him, so go for this guy as your main image, but he’s too much of a child, so do mix in a bit of maturity too.”
Question Corner #27
Q. From Maani-san:
Alba-san tends to always wear shorts aside from his prisoner gear. How old is he going to get before he finally stops wearing them? (Or how old do you think he’ll get before he stops?)
I feel like I’d put even a fifty year-old Alba in shorts… though well, Great Mage Alba probably wears long pants.
In the summertime, I wear capris and think, “How old can I get before it’s no longer acceptable for me to wear these when I go out?”
[T/N: In Japan, shorts are often considered children’s clothes.]
Question Corner #28
Q. From Ktsuki-san:
Why does Alba-san’s family live in the woods all alone?
They’ve just been living in his father’s house. When Alba was a baby, his grandma lived with them as well.
Question Corner #29
Q. From Pocket-san:
Did the Queen know about what the King was doing?
The Queen was just chilling. She didn’t really think too deeply about it. She generally just plays board games with her friends in her room.
Q. From An Fujikazu-san:
In Season 1, Elf says, “You must’ve graduated from a good university,” but what kind of university did Elf and Alf go to?
They went to a good magic-focused university. The same university. They went to different elementary, middle, and high schools though. But they went to the same preschool.
Question Corner #30
Q. From Zipper-san:
What was the trigger that made Great Mage Alba study magic?
He just graduated from a university with a regular science degree, found a job, and that job happened to be focused on researching magic.
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interstellarflowers · 6 years
Westside: Evan Hansen x Reader (Part II of Pretending)
Part 1
Really quick author’s note, sorry!! Okay so this is the second part of Pretending!! Please go read that one first if you haven’t already read it thank you!! Also this second part is inspired by the song Westside by This Wild Life, which my wonderful wonderful long distance best friend Alex showed to me. Personally this song hit me super hard and I thought it would be perfection for this second and final part of this series, yee!!  Also to increase enjoyment whilst reading this, I suggest you listen to the song!! As always thank you so much for the support and for reading my fanfiction!! 
 westside: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1fFPyK1iwus
TW:mentions of abusive relationship, depression, suicide
If any of you find yourself to relate to the abusive aspects in this fic with someone in your life, or are in an abusive relationship I urge you to contact the abuse hotline: 1-800-621-HOPE Word Count: 3049
Your head fits right into my shoulder
My hands feel cold but yours feel colder
And you're burning up inside
I see the pain behind your eyes
A few months had gone by. A few months of avoiding Connor at all costs, and withdrawing yourself from your former friend group. The seperation was painful, but you wouldn’t allow yourself to be drawn in again by Connor. You knew that if you went back, you would never come back. You wouldn’t allow yourself to return to that mess that you had dared to call a relationship. You held on for so long, and the release was painful but very necessary.
You had cut all ties, except for Evan. Evan had been here the whole time, aiding in cleaning up and piecing yourself back together.
“Whatcha thinking about?” Your train of thought is broken as you look up to respond to Evan,
“Nothing.” you respond and then turn back to the movie. Evan shoots you a toothy smile, and then turns back to the screen as well.
“Mr.Stark...I don’t wanna go..” whispers out spiderman from the television’s speakers. You turn to your right to look at Evan, who has tears brimming in his eyes,
“No,” Evan says his voice cracking, “He didn’t want to go!!” You giggle a bit, and throw a pillow at Evan,
“Stop crying!” you yell at Evan still giggling, “If you cry I’ll cry!”
“I’m sorry (y/n),” starts Evan in a very serious tone even though he was very hard to take seriously as more tears slowly dripped down his face, “But Peter Parker was just a kid, and he deserved better.”
“You’re right,” you nod in agreement, “But, I don’t feel like crying tonight Ev!!”
“Fine, fine.” says Evan as he shuts off Infinity War, “What time is it?”
“It’s 4:00am,” you respond clicking off your phone, “I’m not tired though.”
“I’m not either,” Evan plops back down next to you on the couch and gets that serious look on his face again, “(Y/n), I want to talk to you about something seirous.”
“Yes, Evan, I know,” you laugh a little, “Peter Parker was a kid, and he did deserve better, I’m not disagreeing I’m just-”
“No, like for real, I have a serious question,” Evan messes with his hair a bit before making eye contact with you again, “I um…”
“Evan, I’m right here,” you say gingerly placing your hand on top of his, “You’ve helped me through so much, you can tell me anything.”
“Thanks (y/n), you’ve helped me through a lot too, with the anxiety stuff, but I uh,” Evan runs his hand through his hair again, a nervous habit of his, “I kind of like you and I think that maybe we could try-”
“Ev,” you cut him off, “You know I love you. But you also know I’m just not ready for that again.”
“I know,” Evan continues, “I’m sorry. I promise though, I would never hurt you, I’m just me. Y’know?”
“Yes Evan I know. You wouldn’t hurt me but,” you pause to regather yourself this isn’t exactly your favorite topic of conversation, “There’s still Connor. And I just…” You reach up to touch your cheek again, and remember exactly what it was like. Reliving it in your head, rewinding that moment and then replaying it like you do in the quiet of your bedroom when you’re alone and can’t sleep.
“Hey (y/n),” Evan says softly while taking your hand away from your cheek and into his, “It’s fine. I’m really sorry, I didn’t mean to make you nervous, it was stupid. I’m sorry.” You nod and give Evan a hug, and you both sit there for a while. Both of your minds racing with a million and one thoughts.
“Nobodies ever going to hurt you again (y/n),” Evan whispers into your hair, “I’m here for you no matter what.”
“I know Evan,” you pauses and grip him a little tighter, “Thank you.”
“Don’t thank me nerd,” Evan breaks the embrace and shoots up from the couch, “That’s what best friends are for! Now what flavor ice cream do you want?”
I know my hands can't help from shaking
I can't stand thinking of him taking
The safety in your head
The comfort of your bed
That’s how your good nights went, the ones spent with Evan that is, any other night was kind of a nightmare. The same thing over and over, a replay of your relationship with Connor, followed by a quite harsh and literal slap back into reality. You would wake up, sweaty, breathing hard and clutching your face. Of course it physically pained you when Connor raised his fist to you those couple of months back, but what hurt an unimaginable amount was what came with the raising of his fist. Such a simpe movement, with such extreme consequences. Such an action shouldn’t be real, but unfortunately it was. You wanted to forget, to move on, to allow yourself to be happy, maybe even allow yourself to be with Evan, but every night you closed your eyes all you could see was Connor’s cold eyes, and his fist sailing towards your face, and there you were again laying in bed with shaking hands and darting your eyes across the room in fear that he was right there in the shadows and ready for a confrontation.
We were too young to drink, too drunk to drive
Too young to feel these things inside
The westside's always pulling your burden straight into my current
She said it's too hard to comprehend
You were sitting in your room at 6:30pm on a Friday night when your phone vibrated, signaling a text message, most likely from Evan.
Hey dork! Long time no talk! There’s a party tonight, and I’m forcing Evan to come with, and you’re no exception! See ya in fifteen!
It was not from Evan. Jared fucking Kleinman. What a douchebag. You scrambled out of your desk chair nearly knocking over your pencil holder. Fuck. You don’t want to go, you don’t like parties, and parties don’t like you. You look down at what you’re wearing, yeah, you’re pretty sure that you can’t wear Hello Kitty pajama pants to a party. Fuck.
You’re just making it out of the door as a red car pulls up to your house and gives a good ten second long honk of the horn as you open the car door and get inside,
“Jesus fuck Jared,” you glare at him through his rearview mirror, “You saw that I was coming out of my house, why would you honk like that?” Jared smirks at you and just shrugs. What. An. Ass. You turn to Evan and whisper to him, not bothering to look behind you into the other three seats in the back of Jared’s Honda,
“I don’t want to go,” you say into Evan’s left ear, “I hate parties with a burning passion.” Evan nods in agreement and then whispers back to you,
“I don’t want to go either, but he sat outside of my house for twenty minutes honking his horn until I agreed to go.” You give Evan a look of sympathy and then hear a cough from behind you. Your stomach drops, and your feet turn to ice as you shift in your seat a bit, only to be met face to face with: Connor fucking Murphy. Shit. You turn around and almost give yourself whiplash in the process, gripping Evan’s hand tight you grab your phone out of your pocket and begin texting him,
You didn’t tell me Connor was here!
I was going to but I didn’t want to scare you at that moment
You groan under your breath, and your hands start shaking again. It’s like one of your nightmares but nearly 1000x worse, because you know you can’t wake up. You’re not stuck in a dream. He’s here. He’s right there. He’s right behind you, and there’s nothing you can do about it. Of fucking course.
I just wanna feel safe again
The westside's always pulling, but you could never be a burden
It's alright, it's alright
“Make a right turn on Blossom Street in two miles, and your destination should be ahead on the left.” The ancient G.P.S. in Jared’s car announces. The ride to what was allegdly “the biggest party of the year,” (according to Jared at least), was about fifteen minutes long. However, it felt like an eternity. The whole time all you could focus on was Connor’s eyes staring at the back of your head. Fuck Jared, man, fuck Connor, fuck this party.
“We here!” Jared yells a little to loudly, “Get out of my car fuckers!”
“Shut the fuck up Jared,” Connor deadpans as he motions over to some girls, “They can smell your stupidity.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Jared rolls his eyes, “Whatever, at least I don’t look like a school shooter.”
“What the fuck did you just say to me Kleinman?” Connor steps dangerously close to Jared, “Wanna repeat yourself?”
“I said-” Jared starts before Alana comes in between them,
“Calm yourselves,” Alana pushes them apart and then looks at both of them, “Can we just focus on having a good time, please?” Connor rolls his eyes and mutters, “fine,” under his breath, and Jared goes on his way in the opposite direction, unbothered, and bee-lining to a group of poor unsuspecting freshmen.
“You alright?” Evan asks looking down at you and smiling softly, “I know that was probably alarming for you, and we can go home if you want, watch a movie-”
“It’s okay Evan,” you cut him off before he can ramble on more, you know he feels bad and he’ll go on forever because of it, “Really it’s okay. I think I saw Zoe here, so maybe we should stay.”
“(Y/n),” Evan frowns, “You know I don’t...like Zoe like that anymore.”
“I know, I know. I’m sorry.”
“It’s fine. So, now do you wanna ditch?” You look away from him for a second and take in the scene in front of you: making out, grinding, shitty dancing, loud music, far too much axe, hormones, alcohols, weed, and...is that cocaine?
“Yeah, we should probably go.”
“Thank goodness.” Yeah, this was not your scene. Just as you and Evan begin walking back to his house, someone stops you in your tracks.
“(Y/n), wait,” you look up to see Connor fucking Murphy, and decide to push past and keep walking only to be stopped again, “Please.” You muster up all of the courage in your body, and manage to look Connor in the eye, “What.” Evan shoots you a look and you motion for him to go on without you,
“Connor,” Evan looks at you again, then turns back to Connor, “Lay off.” You could tell that Evan was uncomfortable and felt nervous, but he cared about you and was mustering ever ounce of courage that he had. For you.
“Keep walking Hansen,” Connor shoots at Evan, “I wasn’t talking to you.” Evan goes to say something again, but you cut him off,
“It’s okay Evan,” you swallow your fear, “I’ll catch up with you.” Evan stares at you in disbelief,
“Are you sure (Y/n)?” Evan looks at Connor nervously, “I can stay if you want.”
“It’s okay Evan.” You watch in regret as Evan reluctantly begins to walk away. Fuck. Connor runs his hands through his hair nervously, and looks at you with a softened gaze. Regret in his eyes.
“(Y/n),” you force yourself to meet his face again, “I’m...I know it’s been a while.”
“Yeah, Connor,” you swallow hard, “Four months.”
“Yeah I know. I’m so sorry.”
“I know you are Connor.”
“So, you forgive me?” You sigh and dig your nails into your palms.
Yeah we've gotten a bit older
We've learned to keep our composure
But we can't forget the nights
“No, I don’t forgive you.” You say this with no remorse for Connor. Any that you felt in saying that was wiped away as you reached up and touched your face again.
“...I’m sorry, I really...I don’t know what I was thinking, I was-”
“Connor, I have to go now.”
“No, (Y/n), please. Please. Just listen to me. Five minutes?” You stop and think, you look at Connor. He has dark circles, darker than usual at least, his eyes wild and dull at the same time. He still looked beautiful...But this time, he was tragically beautiful.
“Fine.” A look of relief brushed past his face, before turning serious again.
“I was going through a rough time...It’s not an excuse, I know. It was a rough time, and I chose to not tell you about it, and...and I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have kept anything from you like that. It was just difficult to say anything...It seemed like there was never a right time, it was stuff with Zoe, and my parents, and the meds, and doctors...So many doctors...And I didn’t tell you about any of that stuff. I’m sorry (Y/n), I’m so sorry. I started drinking, and smoking more and I just...I’m better now though, and I...I just want to be good enough for you now, even though I know I’m not, and I never will be. I’m just so sorry.”
You look at Connor again. Really look at him, you study his face, every sharp angle, every soft surface, shadows, highlights. Ridiculousy long eyelashes. Thick brows, bent in confusion and regret. Eyes stained and damaged from years of smoking and crying.
The blue skies or flashing lights
Your voice keeps ringing like a siren
I hear it louder still in silence
Yeah you're tough just like your love
And you've never given up...
Connor opens his mouth as you continue to study it,
“(Y/n),” Connor lets a few tears slip past his mess of wild lashes, “I love you.” You take a final look at Connor and walk away.
You knock on the door lightly, and Evan quickly opens it,
“Thank God!” Evan excalims, “I was so worried! What did Connor-” You cut Evan off by crashing your lips into his. When you both pull away for air you look at Evan, unafraid you softly say,
“I’m ready,” you tear up and kiss Evan again, “And I love you.” Evan smiles wider than you’ve ever seen him smile before.
I just wanna feel safe again
The westside's always pulling, but you could never be a burden
It's alright, it's alright
“I love you too, (Y/n),” he pulls you into a tight embrace, “I love you so so much.” Inside of Evan’s arms you realized that you’ve never felt safer anywhere else, this was where you belonged.
Monday rolled around, and you found yourself to be fine for once. No worries, no dread. Just peaceful, and finally okay. You walked into the doors at school and all you could feel were eyes on you. Suddenly you didn’t feel so at peace anymore, people were whispering, and all had looks of dread on their faces, what the fuck was going on? Some girl, whom you believed to be Veronica from literature, who you never really spoke to began to approach you,
“I’m really sorry.” You look at her in confusion as she looks down again, and begins to walk away. What’s going on? You open your mouth ready to spill about a million questions as Evan cautiously approaches you, before you can say anything Evan speaks,
“(Y/n), I’m so sorry,” Evan pulls you close to his chest in a tight hug, “I’m so so sorry...Connor...He’s gone…”  
You hit me like a headrush, and hurt like a paper cut
You wished you could say that was the day that everything changed, and it did in a way, you guess, but not really. Connor was gone, but it was like he was gone already.
And you're still in my head but just not in my heart
The funeral felt unreal. His death felt unreal. Connor raising a blade to his wrist in a bathtub sounded real, but it all felt unreal. Connor was a constant thought for a while, then a lingering figure, and soon a shadow of a person who you may have known at one point. Because that’s what Connor was, he was a person who you did know at one point, or at least a version of him. That Connor was gone now. Forever.
I mean it when I hope that you're ok
However, you hoped that wherever his forever may be. That it was someplace beautiful.
I hope you've made peace in your own way
You and Evan grew up, and graduated high school together, and then college. You stayed together, built a family together, Made your own beautiful place. At the end of your lives, Evan and you did it how you did most things throughout your lives, together, and your last fleeting thought was of a boy you might have known once, and hopes of seeing him again in some place beautiful.
It’s alright,
It’s alright.
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Get to know blogger
Okay, I’ve being tagged by @taeturnup (love your blog, by the way), and it’s my first time doing something like this, so please be nice to me. And forgive me if I make any mistakes ‘cause english it’s not my first language :)
Rules: Answer the questions in a new post and tag 20 blogs you would like to get to know better!
Nickname: People close to me call me Val, a short for Valquiria, something I’m so used to that answering for Valquiria it’s a little bit strange sometimes LOL.
Star Sign: Virgo
Time right now: 15:11
Last thing googled: a manga called Seirou Opera
Favorite music/artists: I have lots of favorites, and I’m very eclethic too, my tastes go from Shakira, to 21 pilots and Kpop music, so...I don’t really have a favorite LOL.
Song stuck in your head: Hold me tight (BTS)
Last movie watched: a documentary called Audrie and Daisy.
Last tv show you ever watched: a tv series called Skam (I recommend it, btw)
What are you wearing right now: a dress with purple patterns
When did you create your blog: I created in the end of 2014, but only start using it one year ago.
What type of things do you post: lots of Kpop group things (such as SHINee, BTS, Seventeen and CLC), I love game of thrones and historical culture, especially some of the strong-witted, gentle and lovable women who lived in those times of patriachal valuable, so you’ll find some of these here too. Lastly, if you didn’t realize before, I’m a feminist and so I post lots of social issues discuss, because yeah, it’s equality we’ve talking about and the power of being who we are without judgements :)))
Do you have other blogs: No no
Do you get asks regularly: Nope
Why did you choose your URL: Have you ever heard Shift from SHINee?? If you don’t then pleease listen, it’s freaking awesome. Oh, and I’m Kim Kibum (Key) biased, he’s basically my Ultimate and some of the his fandom call themselves little(lil) freaks (me included) ;)
Gender: F
Hogwarts House: Well, I’ve made 2 tests and the first one told me I was a Raveclaw, but the second said Slytheryn, so if I have to choose I’ll certainly go with Slytheryn (don’t really know why)
Favorite Color: It changes from time to time, but right now it’s dark blue.
Average hours of sleep: In a good day it’s 7 to 8 hours, a bad day only let me sleep for 3-4 hours. :(
Lucky number: 4
How many blankets do you sleep with: None, ‘cause I live in Brazil and we are in summer -OH GOD IT’S FREAKING HOT - period, so no, no blankets for me, thanks.
Dream Job: a writer or a librarian.
Following: 37
I’m tagging @cypherjagi  @dukerollo  @im-like-taetae  @fyhenryelizabeth  @granduchessa  @keybumforme  @philomaela  @sabakunocasali  @starlessmermaid  @wandering-scavenger 
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nighatnaeem · 7 years
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As Said...& Written..on the Image.... I Own It...(Naeem). For All those Plz...Unlike the Page / or Unfriend Yourself From My Profile... Coz May Be You Don't Feel Comforatble in Coming Days. So Please Don't Regret, I Try to Inform Everyone at Earlier Stage & I Do as Now Too... Its My Personal Business.... Thanks All of You Who Like My Page & Stayed as Friend on My Profile Too. If You Not Understand..plz Don't TOUNT.. Everyone is Free to Comments..But You 1st Must Understand The Reality.... Almost I Tried My Best Level to Explane & Wrote in Easy Way... but Still Some of You Don't Understand...Coz Seeing Only the Images without Reading the Context... Sure You will Not be able to Understand... I Talked What Happen in last 7 Years...In My Life with this Woman.... May Be I'm Wrong Too..I'm Bad Too..I Hurt Someone Too...... but I Love Her (Nighat) as any Word can Explain or Wrtten in the Love Relationship History. To Whom, I Respect I Loved..I did What Ever in My Power to Keep Her Happy & Mine.....but... Things Changes Rapidly Behind Me..... I'm Blindly Trusted on Nighat....that She is My Love.... 💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔 Today I Think the Word ❤(LOVE)❤ itself is Ashamed..from Her.....💔😢💔 💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔 I also know...that World not End Here... there Millions of Cases in Relationship Cheating.... Mone Same but in different Manner.... Its So Much Give Me A Pained & Hurt Me Badly..... Allah Created Every Human which born on this Earth with Honor & Dignity.... but today Mine.. I Loose Everything because of Her One Lie or Else. SHE MAKE IT SO EASY FOR HERSELF, THAT SHE STEP UP ON OTHER'S LIFE & DESTROY THEIR HONOR & DIGNITY UNDER HER FEET.. She Didnot Left Any Moral Ethics of Forgivenss Behind for Me..... LIE IS STILL A LIE.. EVEN A MILLIONS CAN AGREE... TRUTH STAND ALONE EVEN NO ONE STAND BESIDE HIM...... THAT'S WHAT MY AL-MIGHTY ALLAH & HIS PROPHET SAID... I Also believe Talking is most important Method to Resolve Any Issues.. I Tired it All....but Useless.... I Given Very Much Time to Her & Her Concrned too.... but People who don't Feel & Respect Honor, Dignity, Feelings & Emotions for Others....than in Last they Lose Everythings. 💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔 Any Realtionship without a True (Intention نیت)..is become a Nightmare....in rest of the Life..One Wrong Move or Lie will Runied the Whole of Your Life. 💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔 Keeping Mouth Shut on a Seirous Issue & Don't talk about it... Can Coz More Dangerous & Have Destructive Catastrophe at the End. 💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔 Its Someone Very Personal, Heart Broken & Serious Matter..... N💑N💔😢💔
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roaringsora · 7 years
Peko and the Ultimate Performance!
[Flashback] [BGM: Po Town - Pokemon Sun/Moon OST] About five hours ago, a trainer named Aoi Tategami was participating in a Island Challenge with the Ghost-type Champion, Acerola. Though unlike Aoi's last challenge attempts where all she had was a Meowstic, this time around she only bought Alice the Mimikyu. Its a risky choice for her, but the trainer and her first Pokemon were still in uneven levels. Aceola was in charge on watching Estelle, to which she had fun pampering the Constraint Pokemon. However, when the challenge was done, the Abandoned Mart was raided with Team Skull Grunts who hid across the Poke-Mart and without making a noice or scaring themselves! (About a half of them are already traumatized by the Ghost Pokemon...) "Pesky trainer! You come with us this time, along with your precious Pokemon!" says one of the grunts. "N-NO WAY!!" said Aoi, but it was far to late when the over-leveled Grunts actually defeated Aoi and Alice, which the two were already exhausted from the Challenge! Acerola and Estelle took notice on the screams, but when they entered, the Grunts already took the trainer and her Pokemon! Acerola know where they are heading too... "Estelle! I think these silly heads got your trainer and friend at Po Town! Its a pretty dangerous turn overrun by Team Skull! But I wonder why they took a trainer this time..." Acerola returns back to the Aether House and made a phone call to her uncle and Kahuna, Nanu to "keep eyeballs" on Aoi and Alice. Acerola and Estelle bond up for now to set on a rescue mission to save them... [Present time] Its Day 2 after Team Skull made a daring move to kidnap a child as ransom, and so far there is no sign of a ghost trainer nor a (talking) cat Pokemon. But... Their morning ended up waking all Grunts abruptly! "BOOM!!!" It came a loud explosion kind of noise. Most of the grunts went outside to see what's going on, and all they can see from their tired eyes was smoke. The female grunt coughs. "H-Hey! T-Those are Adrenaline Orbs! Hundreds of them!" she shouts a noise, after the female grunt saw a piece of blue scrap from the bombs that were known to sold at PokeMarts! From the smoke of Adrenaline Orbs, a single female figure enters the town, with nothing but her Aether Foundation uniform. "Hello there! I thought I make a visit, you beautiful scums!" ^^ The last two words already made the entire Grunt population angered by her words! "W-WHAT DID YOU SAY?!" "YOU had a whole LOT of nerve to bomb our territory and use the money that we could have stolen from you for something MORE USEFUL than 100 Adrenaline Orbs!" And of course the rest of the complains were spoken in Team Skull Grunt quotes. The Aether Foundation employee, female in appearance and shape shook her head and shrugs in "disapproval". "Ahh... You idiots.... I'm surprised you goons have not FULLY disband Team Skull yet. Some reason "evil" really irritates me. And as evil scums you all for steeling and harming Pokemon, I'm afraid I can't let you all go until you get just deserts..." Half of the Team Skull members look at each other with confused looks. "W-What are you talking about?!" "We are PROUD of Team Skull! If only our boss wouldn't leave the efforts we have put through, then we wouldn't... A-Anyway there is no point little princess! Why won't you go home with your Aether Foundation parents and never come back!!" The female shook her head again in disapproval. "I don't think it will not gonna happen! I need a couple of punching bags like you guys to finally calm down and feel satisfied. Bring your Pokemon out if you must. The long lost Performer Peko is bringing back the center stage!" said Peko, ending her speech with a idol pose! [BGM: Party You Up - Kors K ((You don't have to listen to it, its just happy hardcore music))] The Grunts were lost in anger, seeing a Aether Foundation dancing and frolic around, and as they start to gang up for a fight, their efforts of punching that "smug face" of the Aether staff were wasted as she begun kicking and punching back! "O-Owww!!!" "C-Cheater!!! How can she even fly?!" This battle had done "crazy" to the point that words are difficult to describe this "performance"... .... .... .... At the mansion, several Grunts were called over by the injured ones to come out and stop a "mad dancing Aether Grunt". "Bruno! Brutus! Get your butts down and stop this mad child! Forget the captive!!!" said the grunt. Several got the word and begin to leave. In Guzma's abandoned throne, the trainer Aoi and her gothic lolita friend Alice was in the room. It turns out, during the trial, Alice was in her human form defeating the Totem Pokemon because "she felt like it". This made the Grunts think that Alice is also a trainer, so they did not think that Aoi had a shape shifting lolita for a Pokemon, which was OF COURSE her Mimikyu. When the Grunts were gone, Alice morphs back into her Pokemon form and attempt to find the keys for the door. "We will make haste... Don't worry... Aoi." said the talking Mimikyu, to which the Disguise Pokemon did not take more than five minutes to find the room key buried in a chest full of Bugarium-Zs, which Aoi took one as a complementary price. The two escaped their prison with no problem and on their sneaky way to the outside. Just from walking around the roof, she can see that a Aether F. staff member was fighting alone with a bunch of Grunts, but something was different with her hair... "H-Hey... Her hair turned a silver color...?" said Aoi. Alice remains silent. The Mimikyu went first, which Aoi quickly caught attention and follows it to the open areas of the mansion and follow their way down to the first floor exit. Back at the field, the "Performance" end up going "mad wild" with Grunts now summoning various Pokemon! The performer sees a Salandit, observing its moves and then start to transform into that Pokemon! "W-WAIT?! S-SHE TRANSFORMED?!" "WHAT THE HELL!!!" "NOO NOT MY FORMANTIS!! ANYTHING BUT MY FORMANTIS!!!" The girl who is now a Pokemon begin to breath Flamethrower onto the grunts in a spiral fashion! Many of them begin to flee, thinking its a ghost haunting down the grunts for their bad deeds! Others had to flee due to a battle disadvantage! "M-MONSTER!!!" "IT'S THE REVENGE OF THE DITTO WE SLAUGHTER TWO MONTHS AGO!!!" Trainer Aoi and Alice the Mimikyu were just about out from the mansion when the rain SLIPS her boot and slams her face onto the floor! "OOF!!!!" When Aoi slips, A small Pokeball slips from her belt, which was a new ball, and some reason, the transformed Salandit did not pay attention and somehow the ball was tapped on top of her head! "Eh-" In the right time, Acerola, Nanu and Estelle the Meowstic came in time to see the abandoned Po Town, and a Pokeball attempting to wiggle out for freedom. But fatigue really tire out the mysterious creature, and it finally accepts its defeat. Alice and Estelle quickly went to check the Pokeball. The two wanted to speak, but the Captain and Kahuna are right at their faces, so they remain quiet and speak in Pokemon. Aoi was not injured, but her boots got the best of the rain and the mud end up being the result of the slip-up. "Aoi, are you alright?" Acerola asks. Nanu quickly piggy backs the girl. "I-I'm alright... B-But I think I twisted my ankle a bit..." said Aoi. Alice quickly picks up the Pokeball and Estelle with Aoi's belongings. The group hurries to the Pokemon Center to have all three Pokemon recover, and Aoi on the ER. No seirous injuries on the trainer. Same goes for the Pokemon. But... ... ... ... [No BGM, maybe except for you preferred calm music.] Ding! Not to long, and Aoi was restless. She was settled in to a wheelchair for the night until her foot recovers. Acerola is having fun pushing her all over the places like a child, but its no smiling matter when Nurse Joy walks out with some news. "Hello Aoi! Glad you are well! There is some... Interesting discoveries I encountered while recovering your Pokemon. Estelle and Alice are alright, but the new addition... Is a unique case, I might call it? But it refuses to speak so... I think you had the right to talk to this.... Person." "H-Huh? Uhh okay?" said Aoi. She looks puzzled, but Acerola seems to be having fun playing clueless child for a moment. "Oooh! Exciting! Can I see your Pokemon too?" said the ghost trainer. "Y-Yea..." Aoi replies. The two enters the ER and saw both Estelle and Alice standing in-between from what looks like a boy, fully up and sitting on the bed stretcher. He... Looks very unhappy about something. Top of that, WHO is that boy anyway...?! [Clifhanger. End long-ass drabble! Do not reply, unless you want to guess on who Peko really is...?]
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dipperscavern · 1 month
I wanna dig my fingernails into that mans shoulders and leave little marks for everyone to see
crescent moon indents that when he’s asked about them he just smiles wait who said that
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