#i’m not sure if this is what you were looking for rhokitten
teecupangel · 1 year
I was wondering if you might be interested in playing with the idea of Tears of the Kingdom or Outer Wilds style approach to the ancient aliens nonsense that Assassin’s Creed supposedly does. Because I think ancient human civilization finding broken but still usable Isu technology by literally just slapping it together with some string and wood sounds hilarious.
I keep coming back to this stupid idea, trying to world build a more sci-fi world for Assassin’s Creed to the set in rather than our world but with this one specific sci-fi nonsense but with the generic memories. Like, what if Ancient Greek people had found parts from Atlantis that they could stick on boats to make them hover. Not even really flying, just hovering. They could do a lot with that.
The problem is that you either need an idea of where you want to end up and work backwards or have an idea for something to build from and work forwards. I don’t really know where to start either way.
Anyway, just thought I’d infect you with the random idea I had. Because I am convinced these things are in fact a disease. Or Tribbles.
Love your stuff. Hope your move went well. Take care of yourself!
I do have this fic idea that’s more in line with how Horizon Zero Dawn integrated Old World and machine tech into the current world and the tribes. Like, Aloy’s weapons have strings and wood but they also have parts from the machines she took out with her spear that has a tip of the same metal as the machines so it’s more of a fusion between old tech and human ingenuity. Like, ice and electric bombs make use of the machines’ cooling system or electricity powering them…
Anyway, my idea for an AC fic set in that sort of world was that it was set after the Great Catastrophe.
But not the Catastrophe that wiped out most of the Isus, no.
The Solar Flare that took out most of humanity and destroyed or rendered the current technology dormant when Desmond Miles didn’t activate the device in the Grand Temple in 2012.
The idea was this would be set a few centuries or so after Desmond’s death (of old age) and he’s already being hailed as a god and the main character would be an ancestor of his having been reborn (with no memories of his past life) as part of one of the settlements further from the capital, Monteriggioni. (My obvious choice would be Altaïr because… well, it’s me)
Humanity is just starting to rebuild their life, using what they could salvage from the old world and just slapping them with wood and string to prop them up.
Then the main character would find some ruins underneath their settlement and he’d find some kind of device that lets him talk to a person, an artifact from the Old World that was still functioning for some reason.
But that person who’s talking to him?
He says his name is Desmond Miles and… he doesn’t know who he is or where he is.
Unorganized World Building Notes:
So my idea is more on the side of humans who do not know how to use Old World Tech and Isu artifacts due to unknown reasons so they just… wing it, creating a mix of old world tech, Isu stuff, and human ingenuity.
The people of this world call the technology humanity had before the Solar Flare as ‘Old World Artifacts’ while the technology of the Isus was called ‘False Gods Artifacts’.
The main religion of the new world is the worshipping of the god known as ‘Des Mondes’. The religion’s name is the ‘Creed’ and the clergymen/women of this religion are called the ‘Brotherhood’. While it’s not against any law, it is frowned upon to worship any of the False Gods but only the ‘cults’ worshipping a specific False God are prosecuted. Those who worship the False Goddess Juno, the False Goddess Who Set the World Ablaze. (It’s too long so they usually just say “Juno the Destroyer” or just the False Goddess of Destruction)
The Creed have two leaders, both of which are called ‘Mentors’, and they take new names when they are promoted. Mentor Hastings is the leader who travels around, doing the holy task called ‘Patrol’. Mentor Crane is the leader that remains in the main headquarters, doing the holy task called ‘Maintenace’.
There is a rumor that there is actually a secret third ‘Mentor’ that goes by the name ‘Mentor Miles’. The rumor says that Mentor Miles is in charge of traveling thru the danger zones were the world has become too dangerous for humans in search of any and all possible Old World Artifacts and False Gods Artifacts that could still be of use or could be repaired. It’s all rumors though because a lot of people say that Mentor Hastings already do a similar job.
Monteriggioni, the capital of this new world, is said to be the most advanced city in the entire world and there are rumors that it has a great library deep underground where the ‘forbidden texts’ were located. (Supposedly, these forbidden texts held information about the Old World and the False Gods). It is also the main headquarters of the Creed. Their main fort is located in a place called Auditore and it is said to sit upon the ruins of a temple of the False Gods.
The Creed isn’t necessarily corrupt but they adhere to the Creed as if it’s the absolute law and are quite zealous. The resistance against their oppressive nature is called the ‘Hidden Ones’.
Unorganized Character-Specific Notes:
(If Altaïr was the main ancestor) Altaïr would be living in one of the farthest human settlements known as Masyaf and he’d actually find ‘Desmond’ after his father’s death when he ran away out of grief and fell underground. He would learn how to use Old World Artifacts from Desmond who seemed to have access to a collection of forbidden knowledge which meant that Altaïr had to hide Desmond from everyone. The main plot would be Altaïr leaving his settlement to help Desmond remember who he is by checking the signals Desmond keeps getting.
(If Ezio was the main ancestor) Ezio would be living in the capital as a son of a high-ranking government official. The Creed would take his father away because he was in possession of an illegal Old World Artifact. While his brothers weren’t taken with their father, Federico tells Ezio to check their father’s childhood home which was in a human settlement a few months away from the capital while Federico stays with their family to appeal for their father's release. Ezio does go and he finds ‘Desmond’ underneath his father’s childhood home who serves the same function as he does in Altaïr’s version. Then he heard that his entire family had disappeared and Mentor Hastings was personally on his way to Ezio’s location and Ezio decided to book it. The plot of this one is that Ezio would be looking for his family while trying to find the reason why they’re being targeted with Desmond acting as his support and a bit of a deus ex machina in terms of techs Ezio has no idea how to use.
(If Ratonhnhaké:ton is the main ancestor) Ratonhnhaké:ton would be raised in a settlement by the name of Davenport and it’s less than a day away from the capital. His meeting with Desmond would happen because the ground of their home crumbled and he saw something like an underground cave below. When he went to check it out, it turned out to be some kind of place that looked both Old World but with so many things that Ratonhnhaké:ton remembered seeing in the capital. He meets ‘Desmond’ there and, when he returns, his mother is waiting for him with a pale devastated expression on her face. Apparently, according to the prophecy passed down to their line, one which is of their blood will find their way into the secret resting place of the true god and would have to go on a journey to find the god’s missing pieces, only then will ‘Des Mondes’ be whole. They will not be allowed back into the settlement until the god awakens so Ratonhnhaké:ton sets out on a journey with ‘Desmond’ to make him whole again.
(sidebar: I may have used names that seemed to be all over the world in this one but they’re not the Old World names but names given to them after the Solar Flare. For example: the Masyaf that Altaïr was born and raised in? That mountainous area’s Old World name was “Black Hills”)
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