#i’m not kidding people would borderline make fun of me for calling myself a feminist
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pjharvey · 7 days ago
why do so many ppl my age want to reinvent gender roles so bad. this is what happens when you weren’t an annoying 13 year old feminist in the early 2010s who had people explaining to u that you should be an egalitarian instead bc feminists are man haters i guess.
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aikainkauna · 7 years ago
Sorry I haven’t been giffing/posting/reglobbing much lately, guys. It’s that behemoth of a fic swallowing up all my sitting-upright time (and a big chunk of my reclining time). Four chapters or so to go and I’m still spending about 7-11 hours every day combing the remaining text for typos (yes, some of us actually do care about our fics and don’t think it’s some dirty “trashy,” “guilty pleasure” of less value), so it’s a full-time job with overtime. So if I’m slow to respond to anything, it’s that. I’m sure that soon enough, the post-fic existential emptiness will be upon us and you’ll be seeing more gifs and tag yelling.
Although it’s just been so quiet among the nice people here and so loud among the idiots that I might just take several steps back from Tumblr in general, just for my mental health. There seems little point in making gifs nobody reblogs and saying anything when it’s drowned out by the types who give liberals a bad name (honestly, some of the shit people say on here would already have made me a Nazi were I a bloke, because apparently nothing is ever enough and I’ll always be Doing it Wrong anyway; you’re not making tolerance seem worthwhile, if you nevertheless beat the tolerant person up for wearing the wrong types of socks).
I’m still looking for that fandom old people’s home, so if you find it, that place where people are old enough to have some fucking perspective, do let me know.
This whole place is eerily reminiscent of an abusive relationship where you’re constantly having to tiptoe because you never know when the next explosion is going to come and where from, what sort of utterly random thing someone is going to call abusive now and beat you up for, even if you’ve been working hard not to upset them, have made deliberate choices to accommodate them because you know their wounds. It’s like Borderline Personality Disorder, but in the form of a website. (And yes, I know first-hand what BPD is like. Had the spouse, had the flatmate, had the fuckbuddies, had the friends.) And the worst thing about BPD is that it’s catching: being around a human minefield makes everyone jumpy, and then *their* jumpiness becomes tyrannical towards others (when the hurt person is just self-defending, they feel) and then the cycle continues. Everybody is paranoid and beating everybody up in the name of great justice, and undermining everyone else’s psyches to the point where they become human minefields themselves. And they don’t know how to stop that cycle, if they’re in denial about having a problem, because of course, if you hurt and lash out, you’re just defending yourself. (Being told you’re a shitty person for freaking out at a trigger is worse than being triggered. Good luck trying to crawl out of that into any semblance of health, if you feel you’re just an explosive piece of crap forever.)
And while I know I can help a bit by stepping outside of that and offering fic and pics and lols where people can forget about it all, I’m still in two minds about offering it in a direction where the recipient is never going to be happy anyway, and where the effort is (or seems) wasted as long as the receiving end isn’t doing any conscious healing/rebuilding itself to better appreciate healthier things. It does nothing. Why am I buying medicine for someone who abuses me for it and throws the bottle in my face? I’ve been there, trying to please people who were locked up in their traumas and paranoias, throwing all my love and effort and work at them to no avail because I thought I could help; I’m not keen on doing it again. Because now I’m old enough to know I’m wasting my time, as brutal and as “selfish” that sounds (how about calling it “self-preservation?” “Sanity?” “Kindness to oneself?” I know women are beaten out of daring to have that, for daring to even think their lives aren’t meant to be lived for other people, but fucking watch me go).
Just like partners and friends aren’t the same as professional help, fandom isn’t the ultimate cure for depression/trauma unless there’s an inner change in the ill person to better utilise it. I was that ill person and I had to go through a lot of therapy and growth to not become a 24/7 abusive bitch myself (I still have shitty hypersensitivities, but those are in-built–they’re bad enough). I changed the way I see fannish activities (I now really do see them as medicine), and only then could I enjoy them to the fullest and only then could I start writing really good fic, because it comes from a firm ground of faith in the inherent value of fic. It’s a really complicated thing to explain, the interrelationships of fandom, queer people and mental health (there should be a book on fandom/queerdom and mentalness–we are wonky in the head, sometimes fucking awfully so, and it’s *not* all due to persecution but genes).
But my gist is that there’s no point in endlessly remaining in a draining relationship with someone who doesn’t want to heal–Tumblr’s anxiety-mongering culture of self-hate, ahoy! One has to pick one’s “battles” and channel one’s energy somewhere where it’s actually going to bear fruit. Not on a site that says the phrase “I don’t discriminate by colour” is racist, or that a feminist, mixed-race royal princess “isn’t enough” or that a given sexual minority gets to rule it over everyone else. Not on a site full of kids who are too young/American to have known *real* homophobia and racism, and who don’t realise that for most people, in the real world, even not being racist or homophobic is a *choice.*
Which is why I miss that supportive community of other brainy, feminist and reasonable fans who actually had conversations so. Fucking. Much. Where are they? (DW is where the militant vegan lesbian sociopath SJWs went, and if you’re not keen on eternal frowny moral meta, ehhh.)
Where’s the actual fun? Where are the other fans who are old enough to have been through therapy and who have experienced real relationships and have known actual real “minority” people IRL, and who consequently have an open mind about things? Who can see that things really aren’t as black and white as they thought they were when they were in their teens? Where are the fans who know something about psychology and psychiatry? The ones who know how gendered socialisation works and just how deep it goes, and who aren’t fans of Tumblr essentialism and its blindness to gender-based toxins? The fans who actually understand and respect the intelligence of other fans, instead of kneejerk assumptions of ignorance and moral corruption? The fans who legit don’t think a Gen X writer who forgot to use–or simply didn’t know about the existence of–a new politically correct term, is as evil as Hitler (because ignorance=/=active, intentional oppression, Jesus!)? The fans who respect the labor that goes into fanfic and fanart and always leave comments or otherwise support fan creators, instead of thinking of writers as vending machines for something “dirty” they feel ashamed for reading?
Because I’m that kind of “old” fan and I’ll be there for you if you’re there for me.
I just need to know where the fuck you are!
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the-e4b · 7 years ago
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Continuing on from this post because DM has managed to totally miss the point of our replies and make up something entirely different.
1. We are not pretending our fandom isn’t filled with Men Rights Activist, Alt-righters and corporate yes men. Because, guess what? That’s not the focus of our blog. The focus of our blog is bronies (like yourself) who make an ass out of themselves or try to look smart but in the end look like nothing less than the end of a donkey’s ass. None of us CARE about politics in the slightest, we only care about a show about pastel talking horses to escape our shitty lives.
2. We will immediately give dear Peet every ounce of respect once he starts to own up to it. What he does now is make fun of transgenders, feminists, bronies, weeboos, professional writers and everything that goes against atleast one of his policies. No one respects him but his faithful herd of cockroaches.
3. There’s a difference between pointing out flaws in a character and obsessing and hating over every trait they have and show in an episode. But, I shouldn’t try to explain that to someone who obsesses over a character getting wings and character growth…
4. Bit too late on that “blackmailing us over to Peet”. Every one of us is already blocked by Jerry and already knows our dirty laundry and absolutely doesn’t care about it. And he will certainly not care about what a pathetic little shit like you has to say.
5. This point I’m not even gonna argue with. If you really want to go as far as to call a CHILDREN’S show sexist then you’re way past the point of no return. You’re taking a show for little kids WAY too serious, even by our standards. And BTW, Rotten Tomatoes’ opinion doesn’t mean shit if the movie made it’s money back with even more to add to this day. As we speak MLP:the movie has broken 50 million dollars in the box office with still a lot of theaters to hit and the DVD and Blu-ray still to come out. One small thing doesn’t seem like a lot, but soon one small thing leads to more and soon one small thing can be the biggest thing of all.
YOU, Disneymaster, are one of those vocal minorities who think that the show is full of “right wing/centralist corporate bs”. How about you just sit back and enjoy a good series like Ducktales or watch reruns of the good ol days of MLP. That’s still 52 episode where you can just shut your yap and enjoy blandness and the glory days of Queen and Empress Faust.
- Space Mare
PS. Still can’t believe you haven’t found out who I am yet.
I find it hard to believe that this poor soul is still trying to start more issues with us because we still exist and continue to oppose the most toxic people in the community. It doesn’t matter which way they lean politically, scum is scum. Al Franken and Roy Moore sit on each side of the political spectrum, both of them are dirty abusers, deserving to rot in a prison cell for the harm they caused others
I do not know why DM insists on white knighting on behalf of someone who actually despises that part of the fanbase that threw a giant tantrum many moons ago over Twilight Sparkle’s wings. It’s like how Ephrom continues to track down Peet’s enemies, despite senpai not giving a rat’s ass about him.
Also, It’s funny how DisneyMaster feels like he can act like an asshole again despite apologizing for his actions towards the fanbase. After that, we closed the book on the Anticorns as most of them were willing to acknowledge their faults and move on. DisneyMaster tried the moral high ground approach with us and even tried to use blackmail to try and get us to remove his Encyclopedia Dramatica page (which we had no hand in despite what his paranoia would tell him) and our previous screencaps.
He also tried to shine the spotlight on the things that we have done, as Space Mare said… Peet doesn’t care and no one else cares about what you have to say. Everyone had a phase where they were reckless and pious in their beliefs. You wanted to be a hero, you fought for something you believed was noble but you were shortsighted by the part of the fanbase that wanted to wait and see where the show was going before jumping to conclusions. At some points, we wanted to make a difference, we all wanted to interact with others, beg for free art and contribute to many collaborative stories… however because of the ambiguity of text, everyone’s true feelings are masked. I don’t remember everyone I annoyed but I moved on and worked to improve. The Book of Five Rings says that the path of self improvement is a neverending cycle.
I say this because humans are social creatures and making a good first impression is the first step to building a strong bond. The point is to grow from the mistakes and move on. We’ve moved on from you, DM… why can’t you do the same?
To finally relieve some inner anger I’ve been feeling because Disneymaster is an obnoxious parasite that doesn’t know when to fade into a pit of nothing or won’t fucking back off and leave us alone..I’m gonna speak myself with this Linkara:
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You are the most annoying, self entitled, obnoxious and downright most self important scumfuck that I have EVER fucking come across when it comes to any fandom.
You constantly seek to complain about certain things the MLP fandom as if that’s ALL the fandom consists off. As Saturn states, E4B is not on THAT type of garbage because we aren’t INTERESTED in it, we discuss and criticize the people who make the fandom look poor or make complete ass out of themselves and come off a arrogant and think they know more in regards to a show about multicolored horses.YOU’RE the one constantly seeking the negative traits and screech the almighty heavens how “TEH BRONIEZ FANDOM IZ BAD CAUSE THIS AND THAT”.
And then we come to my favorite one:
We’ve stated this and stated THIS AGAIN:
The reasons we REFUSE to call Jerry “Lily” ISN’T because we have something against transgenders, hell we have transgender friends. One of the bands I’m a fan of has a transgender leader (And just so you can get it through your fucking obnoxious skull, the person in question is Laura Jane Grace of Against Me, who came out as a transgender in 2012 and even wrote an album about her struggles with gender dysphoria). The reasons we don’t call Jerry by their preferred name is because not only does Jerry show no respect to not only ex friends who dared disagree with him on certain things, no respect to his family, no respect to his own colleagues of the fandom, no respect to other fandoms,or even his fans…
He has no respect TRANSGENDERS, he even infamously snarked and attacked a transgendered individual who called out his garbage.
How do we (myself especially) respect someone who does THAT?!
Or what, does that not fit your stupid political leanings or for your SJW tendancies?
Have you looked in the mirror Mr. I-Hate-MLP-Because-Twilight-Got-Wings-And-Said-Meghan-McCarthy-Should-Be-Beaten?
Jerry knows about the blog’s existence and has both shown little to no interest and even when he did, he gave the usual bitch rant he always gives towards people who call out his shit:
Obligatory insults that involve “transphobic” and “Nazi”.
Also, “MLP Sexist”. Oh sure, Gen 4 is totally sexist. A generation created by a feminist with the idea of making the show towards a general audience is “sexist”.
Do you ever fucking hear yourself, or do you love the sound of your voice that you jerk to it?
But then again, this is the same asshole who took his niece’s plushie away and has no regret over it and has even show depression over a fucking children’s show involving multicolored horses, all while screeching pity about how “nobody likes him” despite the fact he himself is his own downfall by constantly bitching at fans of the show and even comparing them to Donald Trump supporters.
Clearly we’re the bad guys compared to the guy whining about colored horse butts for about four years.
As Saturn stated, while critical reception for the movie was just mixed, it was a financial success, getting a total of $51 million at the box office and even then, it did good for it’s opening week with $21.9 million in the US and Canada. That’s ESPECIALLY impressive considering BLADE RUNNER 2049 (and by an extent, the romnatic survival film The Mountain Between Us) came out ON THE SAME DAY. Not to mention the 2017 adaptation of IT was still in theaters.
At the end of the day DM, You’re nothing but an obnoxious, annoying, and downright tumorous parasite that doesn’t know when to fuck off and leave us alone, let alone the fandom.
You really wanna know why people give you shit?
Heck, one of your fucking DA Tags was “Disneymaster is always right”. You cry fucking pity every time because you hate how people snark at you, but then you do stupid shit like accuse a show created by FEMINIST, let alone a toy line targeted to a certain demographic of “being sexist”.
I would say take responsibility for your shitty actions, but the one time you did, you backed out f it because “WAAAAAAAH E4B ARE SAYING SHIT I DON’T LIIIKE”. Like you STILL keep doing because you can’t let shit fucking go.
Do everyone a fucking favor: Do something with your sad fucking life.
But chances are, you’ll disregard everything we’ve said because nobody else is right but you.
You fucking are sad and borderline unstable.
- deafpony.
I love how right there you admit you don’t care about what the SU fandom did, because they agree with your opinions.
Those extremest you think are all over the MLP community? They are often called out and are despised but the fandom at large. Like you.
 Unlike SU, which has no problems harassing artists and staff members over petty shit because you sad losers think you’re heroes living in a crappy Young Adult novel.
Who the fuck cares about what the same site that bashed A Cure for Wellness, one of the most unique horror movies of 2017? The movie still made a mint anyway. Bet you’re one of those types who freaked out because Ghostbusters 2016 flopped.
Because you’re the worst type of fan, Dumpy. You don’t care about the story, or characters, or animation, you care about how “progressive” it is. I bet that’s why you like that blander than white bread Season 1 of MLP, because Faust’s name was on it. Nothing more.
Go do something productive with your sad life. Or screech about a blog that hasn’t said a word about you again. That’s a victory for Social Justice!
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gaybaconprincess · 8 years ago
I found an old Doc with a Marching Band AU so take it
Jericho / Joseph Wilson (Flute)
‘That one gay friend who has a better fashion sense than me’
Don’t pronounce his last name as ‘willis’ like the principal or he will f you up
And by that he means he’ll get his scary brass boyfriend to f you up
Probably the sassiest person in Band
He is an angry human espresso and if you look at Kyd Wykkyd for too long he’ll break your leg
Very protective of his batnerd
Kole is also a flute n they are very good buds
Vows to one day burn the school’s band uniforms so they have to buy new ones
Calls everyone ‘fam’
If it’s possible to be that one controversial archetype he will be it
He is also the school’s biggest male feminist
Bumblebee is the biggest female feminist
Also he likes penciling in weed symbols (despite the fact he has never touched a drug in his life) all over the school campus
Mainly only joined Band because the Wilson bunch were sitting at a family dinner once and somebody (he doesn’t even remember anymore like maybe ROse?? Maybe Father????) said that the only instrument he could play was his twangy guitar and ofc he took that as a cHALLENGE
Raven / Raven Roth (Clarinet)
Very dark humour
Only real friend is Jericho bc they like to complain about Grayson together
Also Jericho is the only person who laughs at her jokes
Has more power over people than she lets on
Dating the head cheerleader helps too (angel)
Pretty chill
Not v good at physical fighting but just her all around dry personality will intimidate you
The woodwind section is filled with very violent human gnomes it seems
she has a tumblr indeed but trust me yOU DONT WANT IT
its filled with actual witch spells and v v gory things 
Joined Band for the extra credit, stayed for the time away from home
Her home consists of her usually absent mother and emotionally abusive father (my way of inserting Trigon in here somewhere) and Joey is really the only person that knows and she can just vent to
They’ve had well over a few crying sessions
 SeeMore / Seymour Johnson (Saxophone)
Joined band bc he’s a broke idiot in need of a scholarship
Joined saxophone because mEMES
Plays ‘we are number one’ every f-ing time Kyd so much as looks at him
bf(f)’s with the Herald
Totally thirsty for some brass trumpet boy but totally not the Herald oh no
(it’s so the Herald)
Has hit himself in the face with his sax thirteen too many times
Wears the nerdiest glasses possible but no one can say shit bc he’s the best marcher they’ve got really
Chillest of the chill you will ever meet
Cries @ disney movies
Probably watches conspiracy theory videos in his free time
Is slowly attempting to bring tumblr humor into the real world
also afraid of chickens. look its a really long story k.
 The Herald / Malcolm Duncan (Trumpet)
Best friends w/ Jericho even tho Jericho regrets it
*Jericho walks into the Band Hall*
‘aND HIS NAME IS JOHN CENA’ *trumpet noises*
He and Seymour meme together
Is just obnoxious in general
Pulls candy and other food items out of nowhere at the worst times
Just wants people to hang out with after school. Hot Spot’s no fun and Jericho’s family is insane.
 BumbleBee / Karen Beecher (French Horn)
Is just way too tired for this
Mom friend
Doesn’t have time to deal with everyone’s shit
Joey can relate
‘malcolm duncan i dare you to blow that trumpet in my ear oNE MORE TIME’
Is everyone’s big sister but mainly Mal’s
Makeup game is always on point
Wants to kick Seymour and Mal in the throat everyday bc jUST KISS YOUR SEXUAL TENSION IS RUINING THE REHEARSAL
 Kyd Wykkyd / Elliot Knight (Trombone)
Toll pencil is dating smol espresso
Looks mean and scary but just wants hugs and colored pencils
‘Deal hugs not drugs’
Makes too many puns
Literally every other sentence has some hidden pun in it
Loves picking Joey up and carrying him around
Gives people really terrible nicknames
Biggest weab of them all
‘I sexually identify as Terezi Pyrope’
Don’t even say the word homestuck/undertale around him he’ll either start crying or laughing maniacally
Has memorized all of Light Yagami’s lines on Death Note
Quotes Steven Universe (mainly Pearl) on a daily basis
k like,,,,you think,,,you tHINK he’s the smart friend.
if you’ve ever seen any Roosterteeth video ever
He is Gavin Free.
The embodiment of ‘wot if...our legs...didn’t know they were lEGS???’
Joey just kinda shushes him and pretends to know what he’s talking about
Billy Numerous / William Strayer (Euphonium)
Mammoth’s ultimate wingman
‘God bless murica’
Mispronounces words on purpose to piss off Kyd and Raven
Hates his pointy marching shoes
Hides tennis balls in the saxophones to Seymour’s dismay
Got hit with a trombone once and then had to pay for it to be fixed
Totally not kyd’s
Likes to make fun of Joey’s height which is WHY he got hit with a trombone
Roots for BBQ places every time the Band stops to eat on a trip
‘Aight but...does Wykkyd is gay??’
Mammoth / Baran Flinders (Tuba)
Is the most intimidating person you will ever meet and he kNOWS IT he GLOATS IN THAT FACT
‘We were just asking why she wasn’t at rehearsal today’
Is also a vry broke idiot but somewhat enjoys band
The aMOUNT of times he has been stopped by football coaches and borderline bribed to be on the team
Is the one who shamelessly sprints the whole way to the cafeteria everyday
‘Foods before dudes, sorry’
He and Billy often have eating competitions
Jericho lives in fear every time he’s not tardy for class
Also looks mean but will cRUSH YOu....with a bear hug
When asked what 2 plus 2 was he responded with a very startled and nervous 22
Kid Flash / Wally West (Percussion)
He and Kyd Wykkyd have had a lil rivalry goin on since the fiRST TIME KYD STOLE HIS APPLE JUICE IN PRE-K
Y do you think he joined percussion… (it’s because percussion is usually seated behind trombones and Kyd hates drums and loud noises)
bUT on the plus side his ADHD is now a lot less terrifying
During practice he literally just plays Hall of Fame on repeat
‘No...no no….no no plEASE STOP TOUCHING MY HAIR’
(jokingly) chants the word ‘gay’ and slowly gets louder every time Kyd so much as sPEAKs
He and Kyd have sarcasm competitions
Also memes but less out loud and more…
Jinx / Jaya Salem (Pit)
Just wants a nap
All the time
Someone get her an energy drink
Puts up with Kyd + Mammoth + Billy + See-More’s shit not to mention her little brother most of the time
It’s Gizmo. The little brother is Gizmo.
‘I just...want to just like...can I plug myself into a charger? Can I do that, is that a thing?’
Literally the only person out of her friend circle that passes most of her classes
‘Do you think if I concuss myself I can get out of practice for today?’
all of her jokes are also either self depricating or just insulting to others
Punk Rocket / Thomas Leonard (Drum Major)
‘Well y’know...i’m already in a Band so like...how hard could Drum Major be?’
Very hard. He made a mistake. He regrets everything.
School Principal: ‘are you aware that your hair is white?’
Rocket: ‘are you aware that your a fUCKING SQUARE???’
He got suspended after that
‘Okay look I know it looks really gay that I’m riding on a motorcycle with my really hot buddy but it’s not - fuck that is really gay, maybe I’m really gay.’
One big bundle of ‘oh no’ when you pop the question of ‘what’s your sexuality’
Gets wAY TOO INTO the really big moments when directing on field
Fell of the pedestal his first game
Over time actually starts taking Band very seriously and enjoying it
Slade Wilson
funds the Band’s everything
Addie cooks for the Band and helps with fundraisers
also I just really need an AU where Slade is just,,,,a good dad,,,,Joey deserves a good dad k
he was off in the army for a while so he comes back and apparently Joey is not four anymore?? and he has a boyfriend???? and turned out to somehow be shorter than his own mother?????????
Joey made ‘when will my father return from the war’ jokes the entire time to cope
Slade is still getting used to things and the crowd and screaming of football games makes him v uncomfortable but he goes to support Joey
who is off to the side trying to avoid looking at his father who is now waving his hands frantically
Rose comes too but mainly to make fun of the entire Band
Grant’s already in college so he don’t give a shit
Literally everyone in the Band lOVES Mr. Wilson and Adeline but Joey just wants them to leave him alone
still doesn’t know how he feels about Kyd 
Slade and Joey bond over Slade picking him up after practice and Joey iMMEDIATELY going into rant mode
surprisingly okay with Joey’s sexuality, he’s still getting used to it nonetheless
Mrs. and Mrs. Wykkyd
Kyd Wykkyd has two v lesbian moms and you can’t tell me otherwise like that’s my headcanon for him plus I love supportive gay parents that are better parents than the hets themselves
Kyd was adopted but they love their beautiful son v v much and he loves them
Kyd never really knew his biological parents and everyone acts like it’s a big deal but he he doesn’t?? care???? he knows who his parents are its Aarti Bindiya-Knight and Alison Knight duh
one of his moms is East Indian so he takes part in a lot of her culture just like his other mom does
he also gets vERY OFFENDED and filled with Righteous Anger when anyone discriminates or makes Indian jokes / lesbian jokes in class
Elliot is taller than both of his moms and usually has to bend down so they can hug him
Alison is American and very vERY kind hearted
Aarti has a very muscley stature and it taller than Alison. Her hair is cut short and curly and she looks like the person who will want to fight you and hug you at the same time.
Alison is v v short and has very light blonde hair that just kind wisps everywhere. V pale and really really likes sundresses.
Alison still tries to kiss Elliot on the cheek before he gets on the bus but Aarti holds her back so Elliot can run
she’s the cooking mom. she cooks. all the time. that’s how she shows her emotions.
‘Aar what if he forgot his backpack or his lunch do you think he’s doing okay what if someone is bullying him as we speak-’ ‘Ali. Ellie is fine. He is twice your height either way there is no way he is getting bullied.’
Alison got Elliot into drawing which he does a lot now
they are v v supportive of literally anything he does and most kids are actually kinda jealous. 
they still keep home videos from when Elliot was a baby despite his birthday wish being for them to burn all of the videos last year
Barry Allen
he’s the track coach at their school and everybody was ASTONISHED when he showed up to a football game
‘okay yeah I know where the track field is - can you all maybe chill I just wanna see my nephew hit his drums.’
He and Wally are the ‘Red headed Heathens’ of the school
a term coined by the principal himself
Barry is still trying to get Wally to join track (he is also still failing)
Blows his whistle like a fricking AIRHORN at games
Very big despite only working on his legs ever and also very affectionate so I hope you have a strong spine because he shows his appreciation via hugs
the only teacher with actual freckles
‘I would give you some cool pep talk Wally but to be honest I have no idea what’s going on just go out and have fun.’
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