#i’m not even briize but it’s so obvious
st4rwon · 10 months
(translation under cut)
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Hello, this is SM Entertainment.
I would like to tell you about Seunghan, a member of Rise (RIIZE).
Seunghan sincerely apologizes and reflects on the disappointment and confusion caused to the team and members as well as to the fans due to his privacy-related issues that have recently been illegally leaked and circulated through SNS and online communities.
As a result, Seunghan felt a mental burden and responsibility, and after much deliberation, he expressed his intention to stop activities for the team.
We also decided that it would be unreasonable to continue the exchange in this situation, and we decided to suspend our activities indefinitely in respect of our opinion that we do not want to cause any further damage to the team and members.
Therefore, Rise will be active as 6 members except Seunghan from today (22nd).
It's a sudden situation, but it was decided through careful discussion with the artist himself.
We ask for your understanding, and we feel very responsible for the part that we neglected to manage the artist even before our debut.
Once again, I deeply apologize to the fans.
However, the videos and photos that are currently being leaked and circulated were well-produced during the private time as a trainee before their debut, and have been reproduced several times to cause misunderstandings through intentional secondary editing using video with a specific source.
In addition, unauthorized leaks and disseers of the videos and photos continue serious defamation against artists by spreading fabricated and distorted information that is different from the facts by mobilizing malicious methods that generate non-existent messenger conversations and unfounded false facts.
As soon as we are aware of the above facts, we will proceed with the monitoring
We have collected a significant amount of evidence to identify unauthorized leaks and disseminated, and we plan to file a complaint with the competent police station this afternoon.
In addition to the specific person, it is not only damaged by the artist's name due to unauthorized leakage and distribution.
Furthermore, we are further reviewing legal measures for various illegal acts such as cybercrime and blackmail.
For artists and teams,
And as well as suing for fans who love the team.
Through additional posts, we will respond strongly to all secondary acts of offender, such as creating, disseising, and expanding and reproducing reckless rumors related to artists, without any agreement or goodwill.
We will continue to do our best to protect our artists.
Thank you.
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sh0tanzz · 3 months
RIIZE ENERGY CHECK ~ based on tarot
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reminder this is based off of my interpretations of the energy and cards I receive and is not exact fact unless said so by the members themselves; energy is subject to change or manifest differently so my reading may differ from others
Note : The members are allowing me to do this reading (AoW, 6oW) they’re also willing to not be anonymous because they aren’t really sharing anything too crazy or private (The Sun)
He needs rest and to have a vacation in all honestly. He’s been very responsible and working very hard lately and it might be taking a toll on him to a degree. (8oP, 7oW, Strength Rx, 4oS) I don’t think the company is necessarily pushing him but he feels a need to push and is becoming a bit of a workaholic and is surprisingly optimistic since all of the hard work is leading to success (10oW, KNoS, AoP, 6oW). He should rest though, he might be unconvinced that he’ll get burnt out but it’s still possibly that he could (4oP), he must find balance (2oP)
In the past he went through a period of time where he had feelings of inadequacy and insecurity in regards to his place in the group and uncertainty about his future as an idol. (2oW, The Star Rx, 9oW, 2oS) However recently he feels way more secure and hopeful and even excited for what the future holds due to current success, he’s also hinting towards their 6 time showcase wins motivating him. (9oP, 6oW, The World) He also wants to be more open and to befriend and work with more people as well be more giving with his availability and positive side (3oP, 6oP)
There’s something he’s currently looking forward to and he’s finally making action towards it or acting on the project at hand after a time of having to sort and pick through options and ideas (3oW, KNoW, 7oC). Someone older or more experienced than him/he seeks guidance from is aiding him with what he’s currently looking forward to and setting action on (The Heirophant) however he still has autonomy and creative control over it (The Magician). Im not sure if what he’s looking forward to is music related, it seems that it’s aimed towards the members/briize. I keep hearing the phrase “그것은 비밀“ which means “it’s a secret” in a playful tone 😭 his energy is very goofy here as well.
I’m ngl Wonbin might have schedules or is preoccupied mentally because the cards for him essentially fell out in a heartbeat as if he was in a rush but he still got his point out regardless. Ngl, he’s tired/bored of the “cold” persona SM pushes him to do and everyday wants to scrap it completely more and more (The Sun Rx, The moon, 4oC, 9oC Rx) especially because he knows fans really do like the authentic him, his “truth” (AoS, PoC) . Also Wonbin genuinely appreciates the briize fandom and he is aware he might be seen as shallow but his appreciation is genuine.
My room suddenly felt quiet and the air/energy got very calm and still. He’s currently in a state of building things back up, basically cleaning up and rebuilding after the mess he endured a couple months back (The Tower, 6oS, 8oC, Temperance). There’s people in his circle aiding him fem and masc energies (QoC, KoC, KoS). He’s moving forward into a new era/chapter of his life that will help him evolve and find success/comfortability again (Death, The Empress)
He’s been hanging out and spending a lot of time with some friends from within the industry on his downtime (3oC, PoW, PoS) I’m pretty sure the Page of Wands and Page of Swords represent BND Jaehyun (Sag) and ZB1 Hanbin (Gemini). He may have been closer to them and see them as more of friends than coworkers. He might be a bit closer to Jaehyun tho. He’s satisfied with work and the financial gains he’s been getting from it (AoP)
He feels more comfortable with himself and has been more in touch with his masculine side and confidence. (Strength, The Chariot, AoW) . He currently misses his younger brother and family which is pretty obvious with the cards. (3oS, 6oC, 10oP) but he knows he can cope and will be able to see them again soon, there may be a holiday or event coming up where he can see them all (7oP, 4oW, 10oC) He also might be fighting for a bit more creative/musical control in the group, he may want to compose or have a bit more suggestion towards the groups upcoming music (5oW)
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