#i’m gonna be SWIMMING in fanfics for the next month istg
Just saw Return of the King for the first time, and goddamn did i make a fantastic decision to wait to watch it in a theater 10/10. Anyway, I got unreasonably attatched to Merry and couldn’t stop thinking about this little scene on the drive home. Picture a meeting of hobbit leaders preparing for another Fell Winter situation or something. Enjoy<3
“And who are you to order us around?” Asked a hobbit in the crowd.
Merry stared at him for a moment.
“I’m Meriadoc Brandybuck,” he began, voice harder than most had ever heard from the usually fun-loving, mischievous hobbit, “And in a few years I am in line to be the Master of Buckland. But more than that…“
Then he drew his sword.
Immediately the hobbits nearest to him took several large steps backward, chittering nervously. They had all seen it on him, over the years, but after a while had thought nothing of it. That certainly wasn’t the case anymore.
“I was one of the Fellowship of the Ring, traveling South with Frodo Baggins on the quest to destroy the One Ring of Sauron. On that journey, I was gifted this blade by the Elven Lady Galadriel of Lorien, and have kept it by my side ever since.
“I rode into the Battle of Minas Tirith with the Shield-Lady Eowyn of Rohan and was one of the first to follow King Aragorn of Arnor into the Battle at the Black gate. With this blade I have slain more orcs than there are Tooks.”
Merry sheathed the blade.
“Now, are we going to get on with this or sit around flapping our gums until the Wargs come calling?”
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