#i’ll watch tjing
fernnshxj · 22 days
fern when he has the worst fucking ideas ever: ah yes i draw and post
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anyways some silly aus cuz i have the worst artblock rn
sorry for my absence 💪💪 i’ve been so unmotivated to post/draw hope these will satiate my lil break
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eebie · 8 months
What did you think of Perfect Blue?
insane movie Extremely disturbing and visceral But absolutely stunning
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klausysworld · 1 year
hello you can do a second part for yandere wolf klaus, where one night within his routine of visiting y/n he goes to see her at her house, but she is not there so he waits for her calmly until he notices that a man leaves her at home afterwards going on a date, which angers klaus and after she walks in, he starts chasing the man like a wolf to finally kill him.
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Please stay inside Wolf
Pt 1 Pt3
Klaus had been patiently waiting for hours. He had been sat outisde her door for so long he was beginning to worry. It was dark out, she was always back befire dark. He managed to scramble his wag through the bathroom window which was slightly open, effectively knocking every item off the sides as he made his way around the house.
He went to her room and lookrd around for ang sign thaf she'd gone on a trip but all her tjings were still there, food was still in the fridge and her laptop was on charge in the living room. His ears went back at the thought of something happening to her.
He decided to go back outside and wait a little longer, she'd return soon.
Just as his eyes drooped as his head rolled to rest against the cold floof of her pathway, he heard her laugh. His head Instantly lifted up and he quickly approached the sound. He froze in his step when he saw she wasn't alone. No she was with a man.
He growled lowly attracting the attention of both humans. Y/n stumbled a little in her step as she came closed to him with a smile on her face whike the man she was with looked beyond terrified
“Y/n don’t move“ he whispered grabbed her arm. Klaus bared his teeth at the action, his eyes burning into the hand that gripped his precious heart.
“no it's okay, c’mere Wolf, don't worry he's sweet and gentle“ she slurred as she dragged herself away from his hold and crouched down to Klaus. Her hands brushed his face making him put his teeth away and nuzzle her hands
“He a pet or something?” The guy asked making Klaus growl once again and her to giggle and shush him
“I’m not sure, he’s just my Wolf” she said with a smile.
‘My Wolf’ Niklaus couldn’t stop the little rumble he gave in response, his head moving to bury in her neck making her laugh again
“You certain he’s safe?” God this guys needed to leave.
“Thousand percentage, he wouldn’t hurt a fly” she muttered kissing Klaus on the cheek before standing back up properly
“Well, i had a really nice time, i would invite you inside but i think it’s safe to say i am a tinsy bit on the drunk side” she said with a laugh and the man nodded with a smile
“Of course, I’ll be seeing you again soon?” He asked, eyes a little too hopeful for Klaus’ liking
“Mhm, I’ll call you” she told him. And then she did something Klaus will never get over. She kissed him. Her lips touched his. Klaus felt as though he could rip the man to shreds right there. How fucking dare he. He watched in utter horror as the mans hand held the back of her head. Finally after a full minute of torture, y/n made her way inside calling for Niklaus on her way.
Klaus followed her with hard eyes and a broken heart. He helped her get into bed, letting her use him to push herself up. He didn’t touch her when she changed infront of him, her tipsy state not caring at all. He dragged the covers over her with his teeth and managed to smack the light switch with his paw.
The second she was asleep he set out.
Put rage fuelling his body as he ran through the forest. His steps echoes as he bounded toward the scent of the imbecile that thought he stood a chance with Klaus’ love.
His paws took her all the way to him outside the guys home. The wolf didn’t waste a second before launching at him, throwing the man to the ground making him yell our in pain. Klaus hovered over his, teeth snapping in his face making him scream out in fear
“What the fuck!” He started yelling while trying to smash Klaus’ head in with a rock. Blood ran down the side of his face but he didn’t care. Without a second thought Klaus’ teeth had ripped through the mans neck. His head torn clean off. Klaus continued to tear each limb from his body, growling in anger and frustration. Shortly after he heard a gasp from a women. She shared similar features to the man, his mother he assumed.
If he were in human form he would have had a sickening grin as he stalked towards her. She trembled in terror as she attempted to run bit Klaus was in no mood for games, swiftly clawing her to shreds, almost exited for the story to be on the news in the morning.
Klaus quickly head home, washing the blood from him body before turning back to his wolf form and going back to his sweet y/n.
He curled up with her to his chest, her hands clung to his fur as she buried her face in his chest. His tail wagged through the night and morning knowing he had eliminated his problems, she was his.
And when she heard of the attack on the news she didn’t once suspect him
“Oh my god” she breathed, he hand moving to cover her mouth
“Wolf- you mustn’t go outside at night, if something could do that…I can’t have them hurt you” she whispered holding his face
“Oh I’m so glad you stayed all night, can you imagine if the monster had got you” thats when he heard her sniffle, she was crying. He gently nuzzled her neck and hair, his body moving beneath hers so she could lay on him as his body circled hers to replicate a hug
“Please stay inside” she muttered clinging to him. He purred for her to calm as he stayed in her embrace all day and night.
She loved him, whether it was because she saw him as a pet or not. It didn’t matter to him that she didn’t know who or what he was, all he saw was love and that was all that registered in his mind. They were to be together.
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elenamatisstuff · 6 years
Related to the bathroom thing i reblogged
Have i ever told the story of how the women's bathroom (which was like a usual restroom, one toilette no stall one sink tjing) was occupied for 10 minutes straight, so i just gave Annabell my jacket and said "you can wait here if you want, i'll get into the other one." so i went into the men's restroom and pissed there. When i was done washing hands i got out and a man was waiting there and watched me buffled and looked at the sign on the door and then at me. I smiled at him, went to Anna, took my jacket and left, while Anna decided to not wait any longer, get into the men's restroom too and let the baffled man behind. Like... It was last summer. 2018 and people still gender restrooms that are single restrooms. What bullshit. Not stall restrooms. I mean... Same counts for stall restrooms, i saw one that was gender neutral and said "it's the only one we've got, use this or piss your pants." and it was a stall restroom so like... It's possible. To.. You know... Use toilettes no matter what's written on the door. I don't think that's really important. Since i've cut my hair i get stares at the women's and men's restrooms so like... What do y'all want, i might look like a boy, but at least i don't look like a burned potato that wears way too much fake tan with the palest lips and the puffiest hair ever. Get over yourselves dude. Use whatever you want, if you're trans and you don't feel comfortable with using the restroom that's the gender you don't identify as, than that's okay,. But to all the Cis people (like me or at least i think i'm cis) : stop shaming transgender people and get over yourselves. Not hard, not forbidden, just empty yourself and take that shit.
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[Guys l, I apologize for my lack of activity but work and college are killing me 😭 So, unfortunately I'll have to annoubce my official "semi-hiatus"
I have less free time this semester than the previous, and even during my free time, I can’t seem to bring myself to write anything new.
So I'll give myself a little break. I know I was already kinda inactive on this blog anyway (I am more often online on my other blog @crossed--fates )
I’m not sure how long this break will last, but I really want to have some time to work on my other projects. I'll be still watching you guys from my other account and I may post something if I feel like it (I still have some things I want to answer here so I'll do it when I have some time) but if I post something, it won't be as frequent as I used to (I know this account has been inactive for some time but still...)
I really hate to do this to you guys, but my life is really busy right now and I don't jave enough time to dedicate muself to the tjings I love so I'll have to take a break from some things to focus on new ones. I'm really sorry!
However if you guys want to talk, just send me a message in @crossed--fates or in my Discord (Just ask me and I'll give you the ID)
Like I said I may login here from time to time and try to write something new with Sissel, just don't expect it to be frequent. ]
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shineeoffical · 8 years
are you going to make a fan account of the concert?? :)
omg i didnt think anyone would care aksksknjf but okay i’ll do one here!!! honestly this was my second time seeing shinee and i really cant believe their level of mastery theyre so good at what they do i’m so blessed to have been able to see my ult group twice and i’m really going to try my best to see them again if i ever have another chance; but ANYWAY i’m putting this into a read more and i’m gonna separate this into members: 
minho: SHINEE’S OWN HYPEMAN HE IS SO ENERGETIC AND HE DOES EVERYTHING TO GET THE CROWDGOING I LOVE HIM he really made sure to wave to EVERYONE; top tier, back rows, people on the side, people in the front EVERYONE. AND i noticed this the first time i saw shinee too: he makes it his priority to leave the stage last and to say goodbye to everyone and he even blew a kiss 🤕 and his singing voice is honestly so beautiful? i really heard an angel i still cant believe this… and really.. he goes OFF when he dances he does everything to a higher degree (HONESTLY? HOW DID HIS PANTS NOT TEAR APART HE WAS PRACTICALLY DOING THE SPLITS EVERY SECOND?) he’s so jumpy and runs around and at one point he was dancing with the back up dancers because shinee had no choreo for that song and the back up dancers were laughing with him? truly an angel. ALSO omg? no one ever mentions this but my baby is so confident in speaking english? he has a few set phrases but he seemed so excited to speak in english and when we cheered after he talked he was beaming 🤧 it was so precious? AND LMAO I’M SORRY THIS IS SO BIASED BECAUSE HE’S MY ULT…. HIS RAPPING…. THANK G O D HE REALLY TRULY SAVED MY LIFE HE PUTS ON THIS PERSONA? WHEN HE RAPS AND GETS REALLY INTO IT AND HIS VOICE IS SO LOW N ITS REALLY TRULY INCREDIBLE…. and related… he does this thing when he’s really into a song and like…. makes this glare face i really…. he’s so dynamic and incredible what a legend jjong: HES SO SWEET? HE WAS TALKING THE MOST AND HE MADE SURE HE WAS TALKING IN SHORT ENOUGH SENTENCES SO THE TRANSLATOR COULD GET EVERYTHING? jjong really also made a point to say that he saw beautiful faces in the crowd AND handsome faces? an icon. anyway jjong is really so powerful his voice is incredible and he really makes it his priority to produce the best vocals that he can i really cant begin to explain how beautiful his voice is in person. also may i add the man has some Upper Body Strength LIKE WHEN HE CHANGED INTO THAT SILK SHIRT? WAW. ALSO omg when the technical difficulties happened during prism he really said “WE NEED YOUR VOICE!” in english to the crowd it was so cute 🤕jinki: I ALREADY SAID THIS IN THE TAGS OF THAT VIDEO BUT JINKI IS REALLY THE CUTEST TJING TO WATCH DANCE HE ALWAYS MAKES CUTE FACIAL EXPRESSIONS AND HES BEAMING A SMILE EVERY TIME HE REALLY WAS HAVING SO MUCH FUN I COULD FEEL HIS ENERGY I LOVED IT SO MUCH. ESPECIALLY during everybody? its one of the hardest dances for shinee but like during the propeller part he was making a scrunchy face it was truly adorable. ALSO when jjong and jinki had their solo stage? they KILLED IT it was so beautiful and soulful and jinki looked so sullen n it was really a piece of art. ALSO ksjddjnd jinki… he really goes off during ready or not and i swear to god it SCARED ME he was spinning so violently and when him and minho had to go up the stairs on the platform he was walking so carefully he must have been dizzy BUT then when he did the spinning moves on the top of the platform? he had to hold onto the wall at the end and minho came over to him to check on him but man he scared me but he was also just really hype apparently.. whatta man  key: KEY!!! HE IS THE KING HONESTLY AND TRULY!!!! key being the fluent™ english speaker became the mc for the show he was so funny skejke he talked about how him minho and jinki went to niagara falls and then exposed jjong and taem for sleeping in ajdksjd it was cute. key also mentioned how he was into watching shinee reaction videos online and he was saying that he feels like he’s seen some of the people he watched online in the crowd and then minho was like WHERE and they started pointing in the crowd (jokingly) AND he also talked about instagram live and how its fun but difficult to do it at a time thats good for everyone but he was mixing up his words and ended up saying “its difficult to turn on when i want to” and the crowd giggled because it sounded so suggestive and minho laughed too it was really funny skdjkd ALSO he seemed to be really surprised at how hard the crowd went to lucifer he made sure to mention it and was like “wow you guys really like lucifer huh” (KIM KIBUM WE LOVED EVERY MOMENT THANK U) and lastly i really have to mention his stage presence is amazing he is so talented when he raps he shuts it down i love it and also? that dance move in prism? you all know what i’m talking about. its lit. taem: BOOOOOOOY TAEM IS SO SOFT SPOKEN N QUIET BUT HIS ENTIRE DEMEANOUR CHANGED IMMEDIATELY WHEN HE PERFORMED SAYONARA HITORI? like at the beginning when they were introducing themselves he was so tiny n quiet and introduced himself but when he got on stage and did sayonara hitori? FULL 360. HE IS SO POWERFUL AND HIS DANCING WAS INCREDIBLE DESPITE THE FACT THAT HE SEEMED REALLY TIRED? LIKE HE REALLY DID ALL THAT AND THEN SOME IT WAS AMAZING? okay also? taemin again. quiet. and at the end of the ments at one part key asked taemin to introduce the next song and he spoke so quiet and jjong literally took taemins head and pushed it into the mike so he would talk louder skskdn taem was laughing i really.. those two. and again. BOy his VOICE. despite the mics not working properly? HE WAS INCREDIBLE? i also feel like there may have been something wrong with his in ears because he took them out and it looked like he ended up turning off the battery pack too at the end but he still performed so incredibly i really cant believe it
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princess-squirrel · 7 years
The cost of avoidance
The thoughts/feelings I’d most like to get rid of are: fighting against pain, low self esteem, impatience, need to control everything, rigidity.
Every single tjing I’ve tried in order to avoid/get ride of these unpleasant thoughts/feelings: meditation (very recently), fighting against these feelings (i.e. I shouldn’t be having this), not accepting them, numbing myself by watching series (numbing or distracting?), blaming myself for what’s happening (guilt = self-hate), writing (only during bad moments though), crying (letting the pressure go), seeing my therapist once a week instead of once every two weeks, walking, sleeping.
For each of them: did it get rid of my painful thoughts and feelings in the long term? NOPE for most of them - writing, meditating will take more time to impact me, because I am really full of toxic vicious circles. What did it cost me in terms of time, energy, money, health, relationships and vitality? Well obvs I’m not as sparkly as I used to be (especially when in pain), I have to admit (with a great deal of shame) that I have been spending a good amount of money in physiotherapy, psychotherapy, acupuncture in the hope to making things change. But then I realise I am mainly deferring the self-care task to professionals. When something is wrong I am like: “well I’ll talk about it to X in a few days” or “ugh good job I see X to share my worry”. I really need to feel accompanied in this and idk to which extent it’s good for me. Did it bring me closer to a rich, full, meaningful life? NOPE, I feel that because I am a bit bedridden I can’t do anything for myself, since all the things I like concern moving my body (dancing, walking, visiting places, being active). I completely ignored the fact that I can still write, learn things online (skill sharing and watching documentaries). This whole situation sort of made me stop caring about what matters to me and my values. I have been completely obsessed by pain.
So YEAH: I’ve invested a lot of time, effort and energy trying to avoid or getting rid of difficult thoughts/feelings! Many of my strategies didn’t get rid of them in the long term. Many of these strategies have had significant costs in terms of wasted money (is it though?), time, energy, and negative effects upon vitality.
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