#i’ll probably work on tags and a doc tomorrow
flatstarcarcosa · 2 years
not going in the fic tag bc i just need to dump this here for when i need it later and if i put in a libreoffice doc i’ll lose it and NO i can’t have scenes this far out on the same doc don’t ask this is just another reason i’ll probably never finish my actual novel
“I was wondering,” says Isaac, “could you...just call me Felix? I know it was a code name, but it’s just... 28 percent in variation doesn’t seem like a lot on paper, but when you’re living it, it feels like the ocean.”
“What?” asks Reese.
He’s silent for a moment.
“I don’t feel enough like Isaac,” he says. “I know he’s me, or I’m him, or we’re...we, or whatever, but it feels wrong being called that.”
It’s Reese’s turn for silence.
“Do you know where it comes from?” they ask, softly. “The name.”
“It was the biker, right?” he asks. “The last group, before Sam found us.”
The answer is correct. It’s the doubt in his voice that drills through their chest. He’s right about one thing: 28 percent does feel like an ocean when you’re the one living it.
Even if it’s not your missing percentage.
“The biker,” he says, suddenly, scrambling to his feet and adding, “that reminds me, hold on.”
He disappears through the open sliding door, and Reese watches him dig through one of his duffel bags by the sofa.
They moved out of the old apartment nine months ago. After it was all over, after the foursome became a trio once again, and for all the worst reasons, they found themself unable to stay. When it got to the point that every day they woke up to the wrong number of people living under that roof, and had to sit and ponder their .45 for half an hour before getting out of bed, they left.
They didn’t even tell Sam they were going to do it, a small betrayal after all this time, to be sure. They took the bare essentials, left anything that reminded them of Isaac, and moved into a crappy one-bedroom across town. The testing unit on the door works and it came with a balcony, and that was all they could bring themself to give a damn about.
The other Isaac-- well, Felix-- returns, plopping back down next to them. He glances at them, then down at the small case in his hands, and holds it out to them.
“I think you should have this,” he says.
Reese furrows their brows, and sticks their cigarette into their mouth to free up a hand. They take the case, flipping it open with a click, and freeze.
“I- he, had it on him, in the end,” says Felix. “Doctor Grey said it was the only thing that survived the decon and gave it back to me. I... I know it’s mine, but it’s not. Not really.”
It’s the switchblade.
The switchblade Isaac got the same day he picked up what would become his code name, and now, his new name. The switchblade a biker named Felix once tried to kill the both of them with. The last person that tried to kill them during the Rising.
The man banked that a teenager wouldn’t be able to cope with murdering a still-living man in cold blood, and lost.
Isaac always joked, bitterly, the knife was a good luck token. Reese always knew he kept it as a reminder, in case the time ever came he needed to remember that the things you do don’t always have to be for anything more than making it until tomorrow.
And what good did it do you, then? they think.
The knife blurs as tears fill their eyes, and the sound of their pulse throbbing in their ears drowns out the choked sob that escapes from their throat. Felix’s hand comes to rest between their shoulder blades, and a lifetime of muscle memory pushes them into his chest before the knee-jerk reaction against the clone has a chance to rear.
He’s dead.
He’s dead, and gone, and he’s never coming back, and as he rests his chin on the top of their head and holds them in his arms a part of them wishes that it really were that simple.
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lightsaver · 3 years
i have absolutely fuck all for this blog right now but i love 1 (one) Bimbo
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memetaped · 3 years
most popular girls in school taken from the tv show.
i said where, not when, you idiot.
what, did you suddenly adopt the vocabulary of bob the builder?
i’m sorry, doc, but i don’t live in a goddamn mentos commercial.
do you guys ever talk about anything other than, like, revenge?
we should probably go eat an entire meal and reorganize.
i’m coping. i’m celebrating. i’m copebrating. i’m celebroting.
oh my g.
we’re kind of in the middle of something right now, so if you could, you know, not.
god, i want to fucking murder you.
oh, you are a calm breeze in my fuckstorm of a life that i’m living.
are you gonna try to nickname yourself again?
note to self: corn dogs and mountain dew do not mix.
you look like a tampon that was dipped in skittles and vomit.
psst. psst. psst.
i want to poop here. whenever i want for as long as i want.
welcome to the new reality.
stop trying to force your full house references on us.
but the “me” i want to be likes to curse.
i don’t really think that this is the kind of thing that anybody should be laughing at.
you were supposed to be watching the door.
someone threw a rock at me today.
why do you say “how do you say” before words you clearly know how to say?
om, nom, nom, nom. i’m hungry for lunch.
TMI but thanks.
whoa, i think i’m going to pass out.
well, well, well, sounds like there’s discord on cheer mountain.
i’m recording it on the DVR so that i can fast forward through commercials.
i didn’t believe that for a goddamn second.
you have the worst timing ever. we’re kind of dealing with a situation here.
jesus christ, is that a fucking gremlin?
i’m not saying anything. i’m just saying.
the answer to a question i never asked.
now where the hell is my nonfat skinny caramel hazelnut jamocha cappuccino?
the ghost of christmas past wouldn’t sell me anything.
it means whatever the fuck you want it to mean.
by a nap, do you mean ambien and a box of wine?
you cursed me out in the bathroom earlier today.
i think i know how to mix ex-lax into a fucking drink, okay?
well, i don’t want to be rude, but that story was very long and much more involved than i originally thought it would be, and i’ve had to poop through most of it.
just give me one second. annnd it’s on twitter.
i’m sorry, but why the fuck is everybody yelling over here?
no, write-in, like with a pen.
don’t erase my DVR.
so much technical jargon, jesus louisus!
that’s a nightmare. a nightmare i call my life.
and it can’t be me because i’m halfway through shark week.
what the fuck is wrong with you?! throwing hacky-sacks all around willy-nilly like this was the goddamned x-games.
don’t worry. i’ve got this.
oh, jesus christ, you’re a fucking trainwreck.
my ears will never be clean.
i’m trying to keep my stress levels down. i’ll explain later, but just know that i agree with pretty much everything you said.
i guess the only part of your plan that didn’t work was the whole goddamn thing!
don’t ever fucking cut me off again, do you understand me?
but if you put too much, then it won’t mix with the liquid and it’ll just sit on top like semen on root beer.
and that’s why i always say, “trust a decepticon and you’ll get burned”.
you think you can maintain consciousness for the next five minutes?
“not the best idea”? it’s a fucking ridiculous piece of shit of an idea!
i know you got your own issues, but we’ve literally spent the last three weeks talking exclusively about that.
hit the bricks, bitch.
we’ll make you an admin on our facebook page, include you on the google docs and start cc’ing you on all emails.
oh my god, i feel like it’s staring right at me. it’s like the eye of sauron.
never mind. posted, tagged, your life is ruined.
i wanted to play angry birds, not read wuthering fucking heights.
oh my, somebody’s gonna be walking very funny tomorrow morning.
is chiffon a material or a person? or both?
i’m in the matrix.
oh, well that sounds like a perfectly rational decision.
son of a – son of a gun, son of a freaking gun.
i’m glad this is gonna be a fair fight. like rocky and apollo creed.
i think you meant to say fudging poop-show.
do you think anyone will notice i’m bald?
you’re right. because a fly is an innocent creature that never knowingly did anything to anybody. you, however, i would maim.
how about i come back there and kick your ass?
if i didn’t have splash mountain coming out of my ass, i swear i’d rip your fucking head off.
you look up “bitch” in the dictionary and you’re gonna see my fucking face!
i just threw up in my mouth. please stop talking to me, and walk away.
you want me to say no, right?
because i’ve seen every single robocop, and i know how to take you out.
the only true happiness comes in death.
but in exchange for that, you have to watch a whole episode of glee with me.
it was barely a joke. it was just an insult with no laugh line.
i’m here to tell you two things. you’re famous and you’re welcome.
wait, why did you just answer a question that you just asked?
i ate the last bag of gushers while you were taking your afternoon bath, you dirt ball.
ew, it has a bloodstain on it.
that just made me think of something to put on my vision board! i’ll be right back.
this is pizza street, not a toddler’s kitchen.
i’m sorry, but someone like you wouldn’t really understand what i’m going through right now.
what the fuck is the wi-fi password?
i had to leave. i had to reinvent myself.
you have my full and complete attention.
wait, so is hipster a technical term for people who get dressed in the dark?
less talk, talk. more make, make.
what the fuck do i have to be stressed about? 
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massivedrickhead · 3 years
Bechloe Week 2021 - Day 6
July 31st: Neighbors AU or Famous AU
Read on AO3
So, yeah, should have posted this yesterday but I didn’t have time to finish writing it and then I got drunk. I’m not super happy with it, it didn’t come out like I planned, but I hope you like it anyway. Hopefully I can get day 7 written and posted tomorrow.
Fame for Beca had always been a double edged sword.
It allowed her music to spread across the globe. She got to meet fans and hear about how she had inspired or helped them, just by existing. She got to work with and meet her peers and idols, and perform in places she never dreamed of.
She got to provide for her family. She got to give her kids the childhood she never had, and she got to give her wife the life she deserved.
But she also had to deal with paparazzi following them around everywhere they went.
She had to deal with articles written about her every other day, and intense fans that crossed boundaries, and ones that would trash her online.
Beca was finding that she had more bad days than good days, and it was beginning to weigh her down.
She had to remind herself daily, that there were billions of people who were suffering in the world, and that she was incredibly privileged to live the life she led.
But Chloe could see the toll it was taking on her wife, and it was killing her.
After she was almost in that car accident, Beca had taken a couple of weeks off work. She spent her time taking care of Chloe, playing with Blake, and obsessively re-writing and re-working the songs on her upcoming album.
And it was an insane success.
Everyone who had slated her single ate their words, and Beca found herself skyrocketing to fame for the second time.
Their money worries disappeared almost overnight, but other problems replaced them quickly.
Beca had always been a relatively private and introverted person. It was one of the reasons she had always wanted to be a producer rather than an artist.
So while her fame rose, her anxiety did too.
She tried to keep it to herself, but Chloe has always been able to read Beca like a book.
She always knew when Beca’s anxiety was bad, but she also always knew how to calm Beca down.
So they were dealing with it. They had a system. Beca would work until she couldn’t, and then Chloe would pick her back up.
“People are dying,” Beca would mutter to herself, her eyes squeezed shut, her hands on the back of her head. “Children are dying. They’re going without food, water, and medicine, and they’re dying. My problems are nothing.”
When things were at the worst, she would repeat this to herself over and over as wave after way of anxiety crippled her. Chloe would find her and hold her, and whisper reassurances until Beca calmed down.
It wasn’t an ideal situation, but it was working.
At least Chloe thought it was.
But then Beca reached her breaking point.
It had been a rough week to begin with - she had had to read an article on a prominent gossip site about how she was apparently cheating on Chloe with another musician - so she was already on edge.
Chloe had assured Beca she knew it was all bullshit, but Beca still hated that Chloe had to deal with that stuff. And she hated even more that Blake was old enough to read and understand it.
It was Riley’s third birthday, and she was walking with her girls to get ice cream from the kids’ favourite place.
Riley was up on Beca’s shoulders, Chloe was walking at her side, pushing Riley’s empty stroller, and Blake was walking between them.
“What ice cream are you gonna get, peanut?” Beca asked.
“I don’t want any,” Blake said, frowning, kicking her shoes against the ground.
Beca shot a look of confusion at Chloe. She had been excited when they were in the car, and had seemed perfectly happy a few minutes ago when Beca had taken her hand to cross the street.
“Why not?” Chloe asked.
“I just don’t. I wanna go home,” she said. She stopped walking, so Beca and Chloe did too.
“Hey, what is it?” Chloe asked, crouching down in front of her. She pushed Blake’s dark brown hair out of her face, and lifted her sunglasses so she could see her eyes. “Are you not feeling well?”
“People keep taking pictures of us,” she said in a quiet voice. “And I don’t like it.”
Chloe glanced up at Beca in time to see her face fall.
“None of us like it very much,” Chloe said. “But your Mom is famous. And that means people wanna see pictures of her when she’s out and about.”
“Well I hate it!” Blake snapped. She looked past Chloe and let out a groan of annoyance. “They’re doing it again!”
Chloe turned and saw a man sitting at a table outside a coffee shop pointing his phone at them. He shoved it into his pocket and turned away when he realised he’d been caught.
Beca sighed, and took Riley down from her shoulders. Riley fussed and started crying when Beca put her back in her stroller.
“Sorry baby girl,” Beca said. “I’ll be right back.”
“Beca,” Chloe said in a warning voice.
“I’m just gonna talk to him,” Beca said.
She left Chloe with their daughters and approached the man.
She saw recognition dawn in other peoples’ faces as she got close.
“Hey,” she said, keeping her tone friendly. “Can you do me a favour and delete those pictures you took?”
“I didn’t-”
“Come on, man, even my nine-year-old clocked you. She doesn’t like having her picture taken, and I don’t like photographs of my kids being on some stranger’s phone,” Beca said. “I’ll happily take a selfie with you, if you want, but I’d really like it if you deleted those photos.”
“Yeah, I kinda don’t want a selfie,” he said. “TMZ won’t pay me anything for a selfie.”
Beca clenched her jaw and forced a smile. “Delete those pictures, dude.”
“No,” he said. “It’s a free country.”
Beca could feel the eyes of every other table watching them. She knew they had all fallen silent to eavesdrop.
“Delete the pictures of my fucking kids, do you hear me?” Beca said, trying to keep her voice down.
She was sick of this. Sick of the entitlement that these people had. Like they had a right to her life, and she was sick of the impact it was having on her family.
“Are you gonna make me?”
She saw he was pointing his phone at her again.
She swallowed down the anger that was building. “I’m asking nicely, dude. Delete those pictures.”
“I was taking them of you and Chloe,” he said. “You can hardly see the kids.”
“Is there a problem here?”
She looked at the man who had just arrived and figured he must work for the coffee shop, based on his brown apron with the shop logo, and the name tag that read ‘Dylan’.
“Beca fucking Mitchell here won’t leave me alone,” the guy said.
“This pervert took pictures of my kids!” Beca snapped back.
“What did you just call me?” He stood up from his chair quickly, the raised voice and abrupt noise of the chair scraping attracted more attention.
“How many other pictures of little girls are we gonna find on your phone? Let’s take a look,” she made a move to grab the phone off the table, but he tried to stop her, and caused it to slide off and onto the floor.
Without thinking, Beca drove the heel of her Doc Marten boot into it, hearing a satisfying crunch as the screen broke.
Yes, his pictures were probably already on the Cloud, but she didn’t care right now. He wasn’t going to be able to ruin anyone else’s day today.
“Yes!” One of the patrons of the coffee shop cheered. “Work bitch!”
“That was a $1,500 phone you… talentless whore!” He shoved her, hard, and Beca fell backwards into another table.
With a look of panic in his eyes he ran off, as Chloe rushed towards her with the girls.
“Mommy!” Blake cried, letting go of Chloe’s hand and running over to Beca who was now sitting on the ground, her hand gingerly touching the back of her head. “Mommy, he pushed you!”
She climbed onto her Mom’s lap and wrapped her arms around her.
“I know,” Beca said, hugging her daughter tightly. “But I’m okay.”
A bigger crowd had started to form around them now, and more people had their phones out. Beca could feel the panic building in her chest.
People were touching her, Beca didn’t know if they were trying to help her up or not, but she needed them to stop.
“Can I get through, please?” Beca heard Chloe shout. “Excuse me, I need to check on my wife.”
Dylan managed to clear a space for Chloe to get through with the stroller.
Riley was starting to get upset, and Chloe could see the panic rising in Beca’s eyes.
“Are you okay?” Chloe asked, her voice as quiet as she could make it so Beca would still be able to hear, but that it might not carry to the crowd.
“I can’t be here,” Beca said, her voice shaking. “I don’t want them to see.”
“Okay,” Chloe said. She stood up and quietly asked Dylan if there was somewhere they could sit in private, and he nodded. “Blake, honey, can you help your Mom stand up?”
Blake climbed off Beca’s lap, and held out her small hand for Beca to take. Beca took it, and stood up as Blake pulled.
Dylan led them through the shop and to a small room with a couple of sofas that must have been meant for staff.
“I’ll make sure no one bothers you,” he said.
“Thank you,” Chloe said. “We really appreciate this.”
He left the room and closed the door behind him.
Beca dropped onto one of the sofas and let her head fall into her shaking hands.
She forced herself to take deep breaths as Chloe sat beside her, rubbing a comforting hand up and down her back.
“Mommy?” Riley asked.
“Yeah?” Chloe replied.
“Can we get ice cream yet?”
Beca burst into tears without warning, which created the domino effect of Riley crying and then Blake crying.
“Okay,” Chloe said, surveying her tearful family. “Who needs a hug the most?”
“Mom does,” Blake said, sniffing and wiping her eyes.
“Can you give it to her while I take care of Riley?”
“Uh huh,” Blake said. She climbed onto Beca’s lap again, and Beca pulled her daughter into her arms. “It’s okay, Mom, the bad man is gone.”
“I know,” Beca said, trying to stop crying. “I’m just sad that he ruined Riley’s birthday.”
“We can still get ice cream,” Blake said. “I won’t be angry about people taking our picture anymore.”
“No, baby, you should be angry about that,” Beca said. “They don’t have your permission, so they shouldn’t be doing it.”
Her eyes met Chloe’s who was soothing a still sobbing Riley. Something was going to have to change.
They left the coffee shop once everyone had calmed down, and Beca gave them a big tip for the trouble they’d gone through.
They made it back to the car without any more trouble, and Beca ordered some ice cream on DoorDash to get delivered.
They hung out in their garden for the rest of the day, playing in the pool, and eating junk food.
Chloe kept noticing the smile that would slip from Beca’s face whenever she thought no one was looking.
Once the kids were bathed and put to bed, Chloe poured them both a generous glass of wine, and joined Beca on their comfy sofa in the living room.
“I don’t want you confronting people like that again, Bec,” Chloe said, trying to massage the tension out of Beca’s shoulders.
“I know,” Beca said, closing her eyes.
“I mean it,” Chloe said. “He could have hurt you.”
“I know,” Beca said again. “I promise, I won’t do that again.”
“Good,” Chloe said. She placed a kiss on the back of Beca’s head.
They were quiet for a while as Chloe continued slowly massaging Beca’s shoulders.
“Come on,” she said, planting a brief kiss on her neck. “Let's go to bed.”
They climbed the stairs, briefly checked on the kids, and then changed for bed.
“What are you thinking?” Chloe asked, watching Beca as stared up at the ceiling. She could see tears building in her eyes again, and she brushed one away with a sweep of her thumb.
“I don’t wanna do it anymore, Chloe,” Beca said, her voice breaking. “We can’t take our kids for ice cream. Blake is getting too anxious to leave the house, and Riley is gonna start picking up on that soon. You can’t even work anymore. I don’t… I don’t wanna be famous anymore, I don’t want to live in this stupid town, I don’t want any of it.”
“I know,” Chloe said, softly.
“I’m serious.” Her voice was wobbling dangerously now. “I can’t… It’s crushing me.” She brought up a hand to cover her face as she started crying. “I can’t do it anymore.”
“Hey, shh, it’s okay. It’s okay, we can figure this out,” Chloe said, gathering Beca into her arms. “We’ll be okay.”
“It’s gonna kill me.”
“I know, baby, I know. But I won’t let it,” Chloe said. “Tomorrow we’re gonna call Theo, and we’re gonna figure it out.”
“Thank you,” Beca said, feeling calm relief begin to wash over her. Things were going to change. Things were going to get better. “I love you.”
“I love you too. No matter what your job is or where we live. I’m always gonna love you.”
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eternally-writing · 3 years
chain reaction 02 | jjk
Tumblr media
genre: fluff and angst 
rating: PG 
pairing: Jungkook x reader
theme: college!au , enemies to lovers, series 
word count: 4.6k
warnings: light swearing
synopsis: A semester with your mortal enemy, Jeon Jungkook, as your lab partner was bound to be an experience to remember. 
banner by me!
read part 1 here! 
 If you want to be tagged in future parts, send me an ask! 
When you had imagined what Jeon Jungkook’s apartment would look like, you had definitely thought it would look something like an evil lair (except messy, because Jungkook definitely struck you as the messy type). 
However, upon stepping into his surprisingly well-finished apartment, you found the exact opposite case. Before this, you had planned to make a ton of jokes based on whatever you would find in Jungkook’s apartment. And the truth was, you still could. 
Jeon Jungkook was an absolute neat freak. You watched the way he subtly shuddered as a fleck of dirt from your shoes travelled off of his doormat and you took note of how his kitchen counter was so clean you could probably eat directly off of it (which was especially rare from someone in college). If he had a roommate, there was no trace of him right now, as the apartment pretty much looked like a showhome.
“I didn’t know you were such a clean freak, Jeon,” you said with a smirk.
For the first time, you saw Jeon Jungkook look the slightest bit timid. 
“I like to keep things tidy, I guess,” he said while rubbing the back of his neck with his right hand. 
He gestured for you to enter his quaint but somehow spacious living room as he sped to the kitchen to grab you a glass of water (he may not like you, but he’d be damned by his mother if she found out he let a guest into his place without giving them a beverage).
You had a very clear game plan when it came to entering Jeon Jungkook’s apartment: Enter. Talk about the project (and nothing else). Grab the chemistry notes from the class you missed on Monday. Leave. 
It definitely seemed like an easy peasy 4 step plan  -  except that all seemed to flow out the window once you saw the photo Jungkook kept on his coffee table. From what you could decipher, it looked like a high school aged Jungkook in a music studio, right in front of the mic, with some of his friends around him. You had never seen Jungkook smile as big as he was in that picture, and it even managed to pull at your heartstrings.
Before you could open your mouth to ask about it, Jungkook had already come over to you and slammed the picture to be face down on the table, leaving smiley high school Jungkook out of sight. 
“An invitation into my apartment isn’t an invitation into my private life, Y/N. Don’t get it twisted.” he said coldly, dropping the glass of water hashly onto a coaster by the picture frame. 
To be fair, you kind of deserved that (and looking into Jungkook’s personal life definitely wasn’t part of your 4 step plan to seeing him today), but he didn’t have to be that mean.  As a peace offering you moved as far away from the photo frame as you could.
“Let’s just get this over with, Jeon. I have a pilates class in an hour on the other side of campus.”
Now Jungkook couldn't pass up that opportunity to make a joke. 
“Pilates, mmm.”  He let out an overexaggerated moan to make his point. 
“ Think you can slip my number to the hot girls there Y/N,” said Jungkook with a smirk. 
“In your dreams Jeon. You’re lucky if any girls will still want your number if you fail organic chemistry, which is what you’re going to do if we don’t work on this project.”
“I think you’re forgetting Y/N.” he said as he bent down, bringing his lips to your ear - “if I go down I’m taking you with me sunshine”. 
Ignoring how his close proximity to you was making your heart race (it was probably due to anger, right??), you jumped away from him and pulled out your macbook.
“Our group contract is due tomorrow so let’s just finish that up and then I’ll be out of your hair okay?” you said with an air of desperation and potentially sexual frustration.
For the most part, you and Jungkook worked in silence besides the occasional sound of you typing or clearing your throat. Looking at the live google doc in front of you and the progress you both were making, you were starting to think that working with Jungkook might not be the worst thing in the world. 
Topic - Green Chemistry 
1. Answer all communication from your partner (emails, messages) within 24 hours
2. Complete all portions of assignments at least 1 day before it is due. 
3. Any changes to your availability should be communicated to your partner. 
4. Y/N will handle the background literature and introduction of the presentation. 
5. Jungkook will look for future applications of Green Chemistry and direct applications of course material in the field of Green Chemistry. 
6. Don’t fall in love with your partner. 
As soon as you saw Jungkook type the last point on the document, you glared at him beside you on the couch. 
“Seriously Jeon? I forgot you have the mindset of a 13 year old boy,” you muttered as he looked at you cockily. 
You took a deep breath as your internal monologue started to run: 
Okay, Y/N. you’re not here to let Jeon Jungkook mess with you. 3 strikes and you’re out of here - there’s no reason to need to keep up with his bullshit (especially since at least the first part of your project was over).
Jungkook had then had to add more rules to your group contract. 
7. Y/N will give out Jungkook’s number to any hot girl at her pilates class. 
You groaned and hastily deleted off the document. 
That was strike 1 for Jungkook. 3 strikes and he’s out. 
Jungkook was still relentless in his attacks. 
“Seriously though Y/N, do you really not think I’m attractive at all? You really don’t want a piece of this?,” he said as he wiggled his eyebrows and gestured to his body all too suggestively. 
“Cut it out Jeon, I’m not dealing with your shit today,” you hissed, your eyes shooting metaphorical lasers into Jungkook. 
Strike 2: He’s getting close. 
“C’mon Y/N, what’s the chance that you’ll ever be able to bag someone as hot as me. I mean, look at me and look at you!”
Strike 3: you were DONE  with Jeon Jungkook today.
Not even stopping to put on your shoes fully, you took one last glance back at him before you walked out the door. 
“Fuck you, Jeon Jungkook.”
The glass of water he got you sat untouched on his coffee table, drops of water spilling onto the photo frame beside it due to his apartment shaking from you slamming his door.
Mirroring the new droplets on his coffee table, you found tears starting to drop across your face as well. 
Even though you loved your chemistry lecture, you’re not sure why chemistry labs had such a bad vibe to you. The most obvious explanation for this would be having Jeon Jungkook as a lab partner (especially after your last meeting, the situation speaks for itself). But what could be is probably at least part of the reason is because of what happened in your first year 8AM chem lab. After getting through a grueling 3 hour titration (that you messed up and got no results for in the end), you walked back to your dorm to find your (now ex) boyfriend Jimin in bed with your roommate, Soomi. 
Needless to stay you left that day with one less friend, no boyfriend (and you had also gotten 16/30 on that lab… yikes), so chemistry labs did leave a little bit of a bad taste in your mouth. 
It had been months since that incident, but even after getting a new lease and cutting any ties you remotely had to Jimin, you still carried the insecurity that Jimin instilled in you by cheating on you with someone who you thought of as a sister. 
You had yet to run into Jimin against post-breakup, and had managed to successfully avoid him, until now.
You knew that voice all too well. Turning around, you were met with the sight of your ex, Jimin. As if that wasn’t bad enough, as you looked him over you noticed your old roommate, Soomi, hanging off of his arm. You had no clue that they were still together (you had lost all contact with anyone remotely related to Jimin), and somehow seeing them together hurt you even more. 
Jimin looked even prettier than you had last remembered him; his prince-like hair shone in the afternoon sun, his charming smile seemed even brighter. Knowing Jimin was still with Soomi made you feel that he didn’t even feel a pang of regret for cheating on you, like he didn’t need to take some time by himself to reflect (like you definitely did) or stop to grieve your relationship. From your point of view, it seemed like you never even mattered to Jimin. 
You suddenly felt self conscious of everything under the judgmental gazes of Jimin and Soomi. Those baby hairs that you didn’t bother to pin down with a bobby pin this morning now felt like they were sticking straight out of your head and the pimple that was poking through your concealer on your forehead suddenly felt like a volcano. In your mind, compared to Soomi, you looked like a hot mess.
Your brain was on autopilot for all the small-talk you made with the two of them, and you didn’t snap out of your trance until you heard these words from Jimin. 
“I only wish the best for you Y/N”
You internally scoffed at this statement. Who the fuck was Park Jimin to say that he “wishes the best for you”. You took months to get over him and the hurtful words he said to you. Every mean comment and snarky comparisons he made to you felt like it was tattooed onto your skin and stuck with you forever. But now he was standing in front of you like nothing was wrong?
In a different world, you probably would’ve slapped Jimin across the face. But instead you rose above like your mom taught you to. 
“You as well Jimin.” you said courtly with a nod, trying to stop the tears that were pricking at your eyes from escaping your tear ducts. 
After receiving a small nod from Jimin as a response, you turned around as if you had somewhere to be (in reality, you didn’t have class for another 2 hours).
Getting as far away from Jimin was all you could think about at the moment, and you moved as far as your legs could take you in whatever direction you thought would take you out of your college’s quad, even as the tears falling from your eyes blurred your vision.
You didn’t know how to feel. You had imagined what seeing Jimin for the first time after the break up would look like; maybe he would grovel at his knees and beg to have you back (it’s not that you wanted to date him again or that you had feelings for him, but it would feel nice to feel wanted), maybe you would just throw a drink in his face and walk away like a bad bitch, maybe you could’ve flashed a new boyfriend in front of his face. 
All of a sudden your phone started to ring.  Your first fear (and somewhat hope) was that it would be Jimin calling you, but little did you know that it was something so much worse.
Incoming Call: Jeon Boy 
“as if this day couldn’t get any worse,” you thought to yourself as you pressed decline. You had yet to talk to Jungkook since that day at his apartment (you didn’t even call to congratulate him on his 
Incoming Call: Jeon Boy 
You groaned and hit the decline but at the speed of lightning again.
Incoming Call: Jeon Boy
Seriously, could this guy not take a hint? You were tempted to turn your phone off all together, but settled for hitting the decline button again.
Incoming Call: Jeon Boy
You realized that for whatever reason, Jungkook was not giving up, so you either had to answer him or listen to your ringtone of “Love Killa” by Monday X play every 10 seconds. Praying that your voice wouldn’t betray you, you took a deep (albeit shaky) breath and tried your best to wipe your tears before clicking “answer”.
“Look Jeon, I’m - uh - sorry but I really can’t do this right now okay? I’ll call you later.” you choked out, your voice obviously wavering as you tried to be as professional as possible. 
Before you could press the “end call button” you heard Jungkook’s concerned voice through the speakers.
“Y/N, wait, you don’t sound too good. Are you okay?”
Ah yes, “are you okay” - probably the most loaded question a person could ever ask. 
You probably could’ve kept it together if he had asked any other question, but his “are you ok” truly pulled at your heartstrings.
You felt your chest tightening but you tried your best to help the feeling subside. You had yet to show weakness about how Jimin had affected you to anyone, and you sure as hell weren’t going to start with Jeon Jungkook. Clutching at your chest and taking a few deep breaths in an effort to calm your racing heart, you continued on. 
“Is that genuine concern I’m hearing from you Jeon? Be careful, you’re losing your bad boy persona,” you said as you tried to make a joke to distract him. 
“Y/N, no. I’m serious. are. you. okay.”
You couldn’t handle it anymore. Sobs broke free from your chest and you heaved into the phone, your whimpers and whines striking Jungkook on the other side of the phone. 
“I, I can’t- I just-“
The words barely broke through your sobs. Your chest was tightening and you could barely hear Jungkook through the ringing in your ears. 
“Y/N where are you, I’m coming’” said Jungkook. You could hear the jingling of his car keys and the rustling of him putting on shoes. 
As if mother nature felt your pain, the rain started pouring down on you at the same time.
You barely got out any more words to Jungkook,  but he didn’t hang up on you. He just kept whispering comforting phrases, trying to calm you down from afar as you could hear his car engine roaring in the background (in another world, you definitely would’ve yelled at him for using his phone while driving). You barely even registered that Jungkook was there at all. Every memory of you and Jimin seemed to reopen like a fresh wound, and you couldn’t feel anything except the pain. All you could do was sit on a random curb by the edge of campus, your wails probably reaching the sorority houses nearby. 
You felt broken. The sound of the thunder overhead mixed with your cries as the rain pelted you, soaking your thin sweatshirt. You don’t know how much time passed there. In your head, it felt like time was frozen, while for Jungkook it felt like he was wasting hours zooming through campus (he truly was zooming - a month later he found out that he had accumulated 3 speeding tickets trying to find you, but he would never tell you that).
“Oh, sunshine,” he murmured, voice laced with pity and concern as he pulled over his car on the curb in front of you. 
You and Jungkook hadn’t even said a word to each other since the feud at his apartment, and you had absolutely zero clue how he even managed to figure out where you were through your jumbled phone call. But all you knew is that right now you needed him. You needed someone to give you a bit of comfort, and Jungkook was somehow here to do that for you. Despite everything between you twom you couldn’t hide the feeling of relief that ran through your body as you looked up and saw Jungkook in front of you.
Coming to your side, Jungkook crouched beside you. 
“Jungkook”, you wept as he pulled you into his chest. It was probably one of the first times you had actually addressed him by his first name, which came as a surprise to him. 
Holding you closer, Jungkook couldn’t help but feel protective over you. He couldn’t help but hurt with you as he saw your fragile figure shaking in his arms. 
“You’re gonna be okay now Y/N, okay? I’m here. I’m here for you. I’m not going anywhere.”  
And in that moment, on a dirty curbside off campus, you weren’t Jeon boy and little miss sunshine,  mortal enemies and chemistry lab partners. Instead, you were just Jeon Jungkook and Y/N., and nothing else seemed to matter at the moment.
To your surprise (and the surprise of anyone else who knows you), you and Jungkook had not been stepping on each other’s toes as much. What had started out as extreme, extreme dislike had turned into a mild dislike (maybe even a very slight enjoyment of his presence, although you weren't about to admit that anytime soon). And of course, you both refuse to acknowledge the “Jimin incident” that had occurred a week ago and you both refuse to believe that it may have had something to do with you and Jungkook not hating each other. Your emails stopped being signed off with “do your part Jeon, or else” and instead now usually started with “Hey Jeon!” and “Thanks, Y/N”
That brought you here, in your apartment on a Friday night, eating old pizza in an old sweatshirt, no bra, and some comfy shorts that had definitely been through the wash one too many times. Researching for your chemistry project, you chuckled at how much of a londer you would look to an outsider. Sending off the articles you found on Green Chemistry to Jungkook, you closed out the email with some casual pleasantries and then turned to continue rewatching episodes of your favourite kdrama. You definitely weren’t expecting a response from Jungkook until Monday. You were sure that someone like him was at a frat party (was he even in a frat? You had no idea). Either way, Jungkook probably was lounging around in some party house with like 6 girls on his arms, while you were doing quite the opposite. 
Surprisingly, Jungkook was actually doing quite a similar thing to you. Instead of watching kdramas, he was watching Iron Man (for what was probably the 50th time), and was huddled under a makeship blanket fort like a child and scrolling through reddit. Don’t be mistaken though, Jeon Jungkook was definitely a partier, but he also knew when he needed to give his head (and liver) a break.
He saw his phone chime with a gmail notification. He took a brief scroll through the articles you had sent over to him (those were definitely work for another day since there was no way he could digest academic jargon without at least 3 cups of coffee in him), but he was pleasantly surprised with what you had come up with. 
At the same time, the Facebook tab he had open on his Macbook also lit up. 
It’s Y/N L/N’s birthday today! Leave a message on her wall to celebrate!
Jungkook’s jaw dropped. 
It was your birthday and you were sending him chemistry research papers?? Jungkook chuckled because he could already think of 1000 bad jokes to make fun of you, but he also felt some other feeling that he couldn’t quite place.  
Jungkook’s mother had always taught him that it was important to celebrate birthdays, and that is was bad luck that it was  He wasn’t sure if it was just a farce that his mother had come up with to make sure that he still attended those family-wide facetime birthday celebrations once he went to college, but either way, he still believed it to some extent. 
He had no clue why he was doing this, or how he even got here, but somehow Jungkook found himself in sweatpants and a hoodie in front of your apartment door at 10pm on a Friday night, cake in tow in one hand, his other hand out ready to knock on your door. 
On the other side of the door, you were equally astonished. It almost felt like you were seeing a hallucination, as if your email to Jungkook had somehow summoned him to your door. You couldn’t help but rub your eyes in disbelief, just to make sure he was actually there. 
Bashful Jungkook seemed to make an appearance again as he tapped his feet in anxiety. And before he could stop himself, words were already tumbling from his mouth”
“Happy birthday?” he said as a question , posing it as if he didn’t know whether facebook was just playing a prank on him (which he honestly didn’t know). “Can I come in?”
You didn’t even really know how to process this situation, but all you could mutter was a “uh, thank you?” in a similar inquirable tone and gesture for him to step into your apartment. If Jeon Jungkook showed up at your door at 10pm on a Friday night, he probably deserved to be heard out.
“You can make yourself comfortable on the couch. Sorry, I wasn’t expecting company otherwise I would have cleaned up a bit.”  You were sure that Jungkook’s neat freak brain was probably frying itself into overdrive based on the empty now-empty pizza box sitting on your coffee table and stray utensils and crumbs on your kitchen counter. You felt a little embarrassed that he had to see this.
Mirroring Jungkook’s hospitality last time you were at his place, you brought him a glass of water and hoped that this evening would go a LOT better than the last time you and Jungkook were alone together in an apartment. 
Jungkook’s cake was still held in his hands. It was a little cake from the 24/7 cafe on campus; he could only find one that said “happy” with little sunflowers and smiles, so hopefully the “birthday” part of it was implied. 
“I, um, I brought cake - for you. I mean your birthday.”
You sat down across from him. 
“Oh you didn’t have to Jungkook, uh that’s really nice but you didn’t have to do that,” you said as you leaned further away from the cake, as if it was an item that scared you. “I’m not big on birthdays anyways, just usually me chilling in my apartment!” 
However, Jungkook was not planning on taking no as an answer. He tried his best to plead with you, but was still getting nowhere. 
“you… you have to do it for my mom!” he said as he thrust the cake even closer to your face. 
You tilted your head in confusion at his statement. 
“I mean uh-, my mom says that it’s bad luck if you don’t blow out candles on cake on your birthday and that if you don’t do it then you won’t live to your next birthday. And um- i know we’re not friends Y/N but I’d rather see you alive next year”.
 Jungkook tried to look as nonchalant and cool as possible, and when he realized his statement was a little too thoughtful he followed it up with a “i mean you could do whatever you want i don’t care it doesn’t matter to me”. 
You were beginning to like this side of Jungkook, the one that was more thoughtful than he was a selfish, inconsiderate dude.
Taking the cake softly from his hands, you muttered a soft “thank you”. At this point Jungkook didn’t know whether you took it from his hands to throw it on the ground or actually use it for its intended purpose. As you leaned over to grab the lighter by your candles on your coffee table, Jungkook let out a breath of relief. 
Throwing open the cake box, you lit the candle in the cake and stared patiently in front of it. 
“Well Jungkook, I believe if I am going to be blowing out candles there should be singing too, no?” You joked with a silly smile on your face. 
Knowing he had no way out of this (and to be honest, he secretly wanted to anyways), he began to sing. 
You had never heard a more beautiful rendition of happy birthday in your life. Jungkook turned the most mundane song, one that you didn’t have many happy memories with, into a tune that made your heart start to swell with joy. You wished the song was longer, because as he stopped to sing you wanted nothing more than for him to keep going. 
“Make a wish, Y/N” , he whispered. 
You didn’t know what to wish for. There were a lot of things that needed to be fixed in the world, and lots of things that you needed too (like a new toothbrush, or the experience of true love). It seemed fitting that since you were only blowing out these candles because of Jungkook, you should at least dedicate the wish to him. So all you wished for was for you and Jungkook to get along just like you were in this moment. 
You looked up at Jungkook from the cake, and from there all you could say was a sincere “thank you”.
The moment was all too sincere, and you and Jungkook could feel the atmosphere shift to one that was all too intimate and friendly for your relationship. As moving away from a hot flame, you both picked up your phones and mumbled excuses to move away from the situation. 
Jungkook was the first to break the ice again. 
“I don’t know how good this cake is going to be, the expiry date was at least a week and a half ago”
“Well Jeon Jungkook, if you brought an expired cake into my apartment, it feels like a right of passage that you have to try this cake with me.”
You couldn’t stop yourself from picking up a piece of cake on a fork and shoving it into his mouth. Immediately, his face scrounged up in disgust, and you could pretty much see him gag. 
“That cream is… very creamy to stay the least,” he said as he thickly swallowed it down, grimacing the whole time. 
His expression made you chuckle. There was something about the way his naturally fluffy hair seemed to move as he swayed like a piece of seaweed on your couch (a mannerism that you had picked up on quite quickly), that made you feel warm inside.
“Considering me sacrificing myself to this cake as a birthday present to you, Y/N” 
The laugh that bubbled out of your chest almost made that gross cake worth it to Jungkook. And some words of sincerity slipped out before you could hold them in. 
“Best birthday present ever, Jungkook, thank you.
Taglist: @apollukee , @mrcleanheichou , @monvieesdaebak 
If you want to be tagged, please send me an ask! 
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- Emily
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tillthelandslide · 4 years
A Distracting Kiss
Request from the kind @pixie1484 : “Hey there.I would love if you could write a medical fanfic where Henry is sick and needs to take injections but is really scared and is a big baby when it comes to needles..Thanks a bunch💕”. I really hope you enjoy you, thank you for being so patient with me, sorry it took a while. 
Authors Note: Hope you enjoy this fluffy piece, we wanted to include Henry’s lovely bottom haha - L 
Tag list : @harrysthiccthighss @thereisa8ella @magdelen69 @henrythickcavill @hc-geralt-23 @kissthatlifeaway @darkbooksarwin @august-w-princess @speakerforthedead0 @pixie1484 @constip8merm8 @tigerbroadwaybaby @agniavateira @summersong69 @aestheticallywinchester @stephartrave @al-wiisa @henrycavillfanpage @intenselikes @anat2507 @ellixthea @aguspalazzo @1ookatthestars00 @wintersoldierslut @michelehansel @cavill-sass @thecavillstache @xelizabethvalentinex
(if you would like to be added to my tag list, feel free to message me, if you are new to my blog then I post Henry Cavill fanfics and make Henry Cavill fake Instagram posts, my requests are open so feel free to request anything  and I will try my best to make your vision come to life)   
Today was the day Henry would be getting his injections. He had texted you and begged you to come along with him, he was beyond nervous and it made you giggle. You couldn't understand how your best friend, the strongest, biggest, bravest person you knew, a man who performs dangerous stunts and fight sequences, was so afraid of a few injections. You kind of loved that he was nervous, not in a horrible way but it meant you could be there for him in a way no one else could. You and Henry hadn't known each other that long, you met him in the set of the Witcher where you worked and had hit it off immediately. Your friendship was very flirty and to those who didn't know you, well they would've guessed you were a couple. You remember attending the wrap party for the witcher and Henry had been attached to you, constantly holding your hand, or placing his hand on your waist, even pulling you to sit on his lap when he had had a few drinks. You didn't mind the dynamic of your relationship, but there was this unspoken tension between you, one in which drew you together, you were in love with him but never knew he felt the same.
You arrived at Henry's house and let yourself in with a spare key he had given you. You closed the door behind you as Kal ran up to you, you knelt down and pet him on the head, your fingers massaging behind his ears.
"Where's your daddy, big guy?" you said, making Kal pant happily at you.
"Henry?" you called out, placing your keys down on a table near Henry's door. You heard him grunt from the living room so walked there, Kal following closely behind you. You were met with Henry pacing back and forth, his index finger and thumb pulling at his bottom lip. You walked up to him and wrapped your small hand around his, making him stop pulling his lip.
"Hi." you said, moving his hand which was now in yours away from him.
"Hey" he grunted. He got like this when he was nervous, moody and brooding.
"Hen. Calm down it's going to be fine" you said, walking to sit on his sofa, you had some time before you needed to drive him to his appointment. Kal jumped up on the sofa, sprawling himself out across your lap, pouting up at his dad nervously.
"Henry Cavill, please sit down. Cmon your making Kal nervous" you said sternly, making him look down at Kal and pout.
"I'm sorry buddy" he said, stroking his head.
"Come here" you said, moving your legs further apart and gesturing for him to sit on the floor in between your legs. He did as he was told, his back facing you. Your hands rested against his shoulder, gently massaging them to try relieve some of the stress. You could feel Henry's shoulders drop as soon as you started massaging them, you could sense that he had calmed down just a little bit.
"Now listen to me okay? You're going to be fine, I'll be there the whole time, you can hold my hand if you want.
"Hmm. It's going to hurt isn't it?" he said, looking at you over his shoulder, he groaned when you loosened a particularly hard knot in his shoulder.
"It feels like barely a scratch" you said trying to reassure him. You could tell it hadn't worked because his lip was being chewed by his teeth.
"Henry you're going to bruise yourself" you said referring to his incessant chewing.
"Hmm" he said not listening to you, you leant forward over his shoulder, and did the first thing that came to your mind, which in this case was to place a kiss against his cheek, very close to his mouth. He stopped chewing his lip instantly, making you smile triumphantly. You stood up, offering him your hand which he took and you helped pull him up, his hands came to rest on your hips almost instinctively, yours resting on his shoulders.
"You'll be fine" you repeated, making him nod, although it was half-hearted. He pulled you against him, wrapping himself around you in a hug. You loved this vulnerable side of Henry and loved that he rarely showed it to many people, naming you feel special. One of your hands moved to the back of his, playing with the hairs there to try soothe him.
"We gotta go" you said, making the both of you pull away. You grabbed his hand, leading him to the door, you picked up your keys. You left Henry by the door, sorting out Kal as he was too preoccupied to do so. You looked down at Kal and spoke to him.
"We'll be back soon okay? Be good, you've got water and food and the back door is open slightly so you can do your business. We won't be long" you said, stroking his head, he soon huffed and walked away making you chuckle, he really didn't care that you were leaving. You looked back at Henry who was staring at his feet, his bottom lip back in between his teeth. Your small hand resting against his face, pulling him from his thoughts as you looked up at him, sympathy written across your face.
"Ready?" you said, your hand dropping to grasp his. He nodded and you opened the door, closing it and leading Henry to your car. You drove to the appointment, telling Henry to take a seat whilst you spoke to the receptionist. You were called in shortly after and Henry was told to sit down on the examination table.
"He's really nervous huh?" the doctor said to you, making you nod. This was Henry's doctor so he knew him well but he had never seen him this nervous before and he commented on it to you.
"It's just going to feel like a little scratch" the nurse said, making Henry nod, she began to prepare the injections and you stood next to Henry, him immediately grasping your hand.
"Why is the needle so long?" he said, you could feel him beginning to shake.
"It's okay, it's okay. Y’know I wouldn't let you do anything that would seriously hurt you, right?" you said, making him nod as the nurse came back over, she began to find his vein on his arm and he looked at you, you had never seen him look so worried.
"I'm going to administer the injection now okay? You'll feel a short scratch and that's it" the nurse said, Henry didn't reply so she didn't start yet. Henry was just looking at you and he was shaking so much, an idea came to mind so you nodded at the nurse. The needle was placed against his arm and as she was about to inject it, your fingers grasped his chin and you pushed your lips gently against his. He moved his lips against yours, completely forgetting about the injection.
"There's the first one done." the nurse said, placing some cotton wool on his arm and smirking at you. Henry looked between you and the nurse, dumbfounded, he didn't feel a thing, probably too distracted by your lips against his.
The whole time the doctor was preparing another injection, Henry's manager who had organised this had also informed them that he needed an anti-sickness injection as he was going to be doing a lot of travelling.
"So we've also been informed you need an anti-sickness injection, now this injection requires me and the nurse here. It has to be administered through the glutes, it will hurt a tiny bit more than the one in your arm and you will feel a numbness for a few hours after" the doctor said calmly, you could tell Henry was still a bit nervous but you think the kiss that happened was distracting him enough so he didn't get too worked up.
"Due us both needed to help, you can't be by his side unfortunately, you can take a seat here" the said kindly to you making you smile.
"That's fine" you smiled back, going to move away from Henry, who didn't let you and squeezed your hand harder.
"I'm just going to be sitting right here" you said, the chair was placed a tiny bit further away from him but he'd still be able to see you. He nodded and let you go. The doctor instructed him to lie down on the bed and pull his trousers down which he did and he then began inserting the injection. Henry's face pinched up slightly and you could tell he was uncomfortable, he wasn't in pain however which was good.
You tried to make him more comfortable by making a joke "Nice bum" you joked, making him chuckle (and the doctor and nurse too).
"There we go, all done" the doctor said, finishing up the injection.
"Now as I said, your glutes will feel a little bit numb for a while and may feel achy tomorrow but that feeling should go away in a day or 2. Same goes for your arm. If you have any problems like bruising or bleeding, come and see me" he said as Henry got ready, sitting up from the table.
"Thanks doc" Henry said, back to his usual self, shaking his hand.
"Thank you." you said, shaking his hand too.
"Might need your help to calm a few other patients." he said, making you laugh.
You drove Henry home, opening the door for him and smirking at him as you both walked inside.
"What?" he said, laughing to himself at how ridiculous he was behaving.
"Nothing" you shrugged, still laughing to yourself. You walked to the kitchen pulling out two glasses and filling them with water, walking back to his living room and sitting next to him on the sofa, passing him a glass.
He raised his eyebrows at you as he took a sip.
"Never known you to be such a big baby" you teased, nudging his shoulder.
"Hey that's mean" he said, pouting.
"I'm only joking. I like vulnerable Henry" you said smiling at him.
"Don't get used to it" he said, smiling and taking a sip from his water, leaning forward to place his drink down. He groaned as he did so.
"Man, my butt really aches" he said, making you check out his butt.
"Did you just check out my butt?" he said, making you giggle.
"It's a nice butt" you shrugged, not caring that you were being so open.
"Thank you and thanks for everything you did today. Nice trick by the way" he said and you presumed he was talking about the kiss.
"Anytime" you said, jokingly winking at him.
"Might have to take you up on the offer" he said, leaning in slightly.
"More than welcome to" you said, leaning in slightly too. Henry pushed forward a tiny bit more, pressing his lips against you lightly. His bottom lips felt slightly chapped, probably from how much he had been chewing it, but you didn't mind, his lips felt good against yours. It was just a sweet kiss but it was nice. Henry pulled away, pulling you into a hug, your head resting against his chest.
"You should know you're special to me yn. Not many people get to see me the way you saw me today" he said seriously.
"You mean to tell me that you don't act like a big baby to everyone" you said, making him laugh sarcastically.
"I'm serious though." he said, looking down at you.
"I know" you said, smiling sweetly up at him "I appreciate you being like that with me" you said, leaning up to place another sweet kiss against his lips.
All you knew in that moment was, you and Henry hadn't defined what you are, but you knew you were something to him, after all many people get to so the vulnerable Henry, or his nice butt for a matter of fact.
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Trouble, Trouble (Part 1) | Javier Peña x reader
Summary: You’re Steve’s little sister and show up to Columbia for a visit. You catch a certain DEA agent’s eye.
A/N: soooo I thought I would try my hand at writing for Javier Peña. My Spanish is not very good. I’ve only had Spanish in high school and know the basics. I wish I could become fluent in Spanish but not quite sure where to start. Anyways, so there may not be many Spanish in the dialogue and if there is, it will probably be from google translate. 
I wrote this and thought I would post it as a part one to see what everyone thought. I also wouldn’t mind if people had some requests for Javier to practice. So, leave a comment and tell me what you guys think! Let me know if you want to be added to the tag list. 
Tag list is at the end. Let me know if you want to be added xx
Requests: {OPEN} CLOSED
** Rules for Requesting **
** Who I Write For **
********************************************************************************************NOT MY GIF, CREDIT TO OWNER which is (@coredrive) *I’m not taking credit for a gif i found when I searched under the tumblr gifs. 
Tumblr media
You stepped out of the airport and was instantly hit with that Columbian heat. You’d traveled from your home in Miami to come visit your brother and his new adoptive baby. He’d warned you about the dangers of Columbia, but you hadn’t listened and went against his wishes. You wanted to see your new niece and spend some time with him and Connie. They were the only family you had left, and you missed them. 
Slipping on your sunglasses you grabbed a taxi and gave him the address of Steve’s place. You tried to relax in the back and gather your surroundings, but everything was new to you, you’d have to have Steve teach you all the streets and places to be. When the taxi arrived at Steve’s, you paid and headed up the stairs and pressed the button to be beeped in.
 “Connie, it’s me.” 
There was silence for a moment, “Oh my gosh, y/n!” Then a buzzer went off and you entered the building and headed upstairs. 
Connie opened the door with a wide grin on her face, “What the hell are you doing here!” She crashed into you with a hug. 
You laughed, “I’m here to see my new niece of course!” 
“Oh, Steve is going to be pissed.” 
She giggles and shows you inside, “He told me that he spoke to you the other day and that you “were forbidden to fly down here.” She says the last part in a deep voice, mimicking Steve’s. 
You laugh and set your luggage down, “Well, when have I ever listened to a word my brother says?” You gave a squeal of excitement when you saw Olivia, “Oh Connie, she’s beautiful...” 
You coo’d at the little girl in Connie’s arms and she happily handed her over, “It was a horrible story, but I’m grateful we were able to give her a home.” 
“Steve told me.. It’s horrible but she’s in such a loving home now.” You ran a finger over her cheek and she reached for your finger.
“Steve should be home any minute now.” 
Connie plops down on the couch and you stay standing, swaying with the baby in your arms. “How’s he handling everything down here? I’m sure it’s rough.” 
She sighs and gives a nod, “I worry about him, but he seems to be taking it better than expected. Escobar will be the death of him. It’s like they get so close, but Pablo is two steps ahead and already out the door. I know it’s frustrating.” 
“Oh, I’m sure.” You kiss Olivia’s head, “Well, I’m-“ You were interrupted by the door opening. 
Steve was talking to someone as he walked in and wasn’t paying too much attention until he got closer to the living room.
 “Aren’t you going to acknowledge your little sister?” You smirked. 
Steve’s head shot up toward you and his eyes went wide, “y/n? What the hell are you doing here!” 
Javier peeked around Steve to catch a look at you and his eyes widened at the sight. You were beautiful, “Little sister?” Steve never mention having a little sister.
“I had to come see my niece.” You kissed Olivia’s head and took notice of the man behind Steve, “Who’s your friend, Steve?” 
Steve glanced at Javier and hit him in the arm when he saw the googly eyes he was giving you, “She’s off limits.” He snaps before coming to you and giving you a hug. 
“I’m a grown woman thank you very much.” You eyed the man again, “Y/n Murphy.” You held your hand to him. 
Javier took your hand in his and pressed a soft kiss to the back of your hand, “hermosa.” He whispers against your skin and then straightens, not letting go of your hand, “Javier Peña, it´s a pleasure.” 
“Alright, enough.” Steve mutters and Javier finally drops your hand, “Like I said, she’s my little sister, Peña. She’s not one of your slutty informants.” 
“So protective.” You roll your eyes and hand Olivia to him and take a seat next to Connie. 
“Now what the hell are you doing here? Thought I told you NOT to come here?” Steve says taking a seat. 
Javier followed and took another seat nearby. 
You shrug, “Wanted to see you guys. You know you’re the only family I have and I miss you guys.” 
Steve sighs, “You’re just someone else I have to worry about.” He mutters, “Columbia isn’t the place for you to be.” 
“I can handle my own, Steve. I was taught by the best, remember?” You tease. He’d trained you in self defense before he’d left for Columbia, knowing you’d be on your own.
 “I mean I can keep an eye on her if you’re so worried about her.” Javier offers innocently.
 Steve gives him a look and Javier holds his hands up in defense, “I’m just offering.” He stands, “I’ll let you guys catch up.” 
“See you tomorrow Peña.” Steve bids goodbye. 
“Bye Javier! It was nice to meet you.” You call out after him. 
He gives you a nod and a quick wink before closing the door behind him. 
“She needs her diaper changed.” Steve scrunches his nose and stands about to hand her to Connie.
 “Oh no, it’s your turn.” Connie laughs. 
Steve rolls his eyes and walks to the nursery. 
You wait until he’s out of earshot before turning to Connie, “Okay, what is up with the hottie?” 
“Javier?” Connie laughs.
 You nod, “I mean.. holy he’s a beautiful man.” 
She shakes her head, “Steve would never allow it.” She stands, “You want a drink?” 
You nod and follow her, “He wouldn’t have to know.” You groan, “Connie he was so hot.”
 “And he’s a playboy. He’s not a guy you want to get caught up with.” Connie warns, “He’s also not a relationship type.”
 “I could have a little fling.” You take the glass of wine from her and take a sip.
 “Your brother would kill Javier for touching you. I thought he was going to kill him earlier for the little flirty stunt he pulled.”
 Your mind wandered to Javier. You could have a fling to get your mind off what happened in Miami. It was the reason you were here now.
 “You’re only staying for a little bit, so why start something?”
“Yeah..” you mutter, taking another sip of your wine. You didn’t want to tell her the truth. You had no plans to go back to Miami. Not after what happened. It was probably a mistake to even come out to Columbia, but you didn’t know where else to go. You were in trouble and needed help. How were you going to tell your brother you’d made enemies with a member of a drug cartel?  
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fighterkimburgess · 4 years
One person stopping a kiss to ask “Do you want to do this?”, only to have the other person answer with a deeper, more passionate kiss. With Hank Voight 😍
Prompt 19 from this list of kissing prompts. This went a (lot) longer than I planned. Oops. Like I thought this would be a drabble, it is Not.
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Tagging: @gins-potter
“Doc, we’ve a GSW two minutes out. It’s Halstead’s sister in law, you need to take point.” Maggie directed you to the ambulance bay so you ran, waiting for the CFD ambulance to arrive. It was less than a minute later they pulled up, a blonde paramedic you vaguely remembered opening the back doors and jumping out.
“Hailey Upton, 33. GSW to the right shoulder, through and through. Bleeding slowed in the field, gave two milligrams of morphine along with a litre of saline. Alert and coherent. Pulse 101, BP 95 over 72, resps 16. We’ve Intelligence following behind us, so I’ll hold them off while you do your exam.” You smiled at the paramedic in thanks, taking the gurney and wheeling the detective into Baghdad. It probably wasn’t needed, but you never took risks with cops.
One Ortho consult later and Detective Upton was a lucky woman. The bullet had skimmed her shoulder blade but hadn’t broken anything, and you were able to introduce yourself and break the news to the waiting cops. Will was out there with them, beside who you assumed was his brother. As soon as you gave the go ahead they raced into the ER to see her for themselves.
“We’ll be letting her out in a few hours, we just want to make sure the bleeding’s fully stopped before we do. You can all head home, I know I will,” you said, looking at the assembled crowd who were much more hopeful than when they’d arrived.
“Thanks, Doc,” the oldest of the team said in a gravelly voice, shaking your hand. “We’ll all be at Molly’s later, and first drink is on us for helping Upton out.”
You smiled at the invitation. “I’ve heard a lot about Molly’s, I might just stop by. I’ll see you all there if I do.” You broke the contact, missing the warmth of his hand as you did, going back to the rest of your patients.
The shift didn’t last long, and you passed your waiting patients to Choi, who nodded at the overfull charts compared to your usual swift handoffs.
“Busy day?”
You laughed hollowly. “Isn’t it always? Will’s sister in law was shot, so we all pitched in so he could be with his brother. She’s fine, but just meant we were short handed.”
His face creased in concern. “You should have called me in. I’m head of the department, I could have worked extra hours--” You cut him off.
“Ethan, I haven’t seen you have a full 36 hours away from this place since I started. Everything’s fine, patients were seen to. The main problem is there’s no beds in Cardiology or Respiratory. I’ve three confirmed MI’s waiting to go up, as well as a probable small cell carcinoma. Oncology won’t take them until Respiratory confirm it, so they’re stuck here until someone will come downstairs.” The older doctor nodded.
“Go home. You’re off tomorrow, right?”
“Yeah, but call me in if you need someone. Halstead should be back to normal, but with how often that family gets shot at it’s like they’ve a bullet magnet strapped to them.” Choi coughed out a laugh at your words, nodding and agreeing.
“We’ll be fine. Go enjoy your time off.”
You went into the lounge and grabbed your bag, then going to the locker room to change. The cop’s offer of a beer sounded really good after the day you’d had, and from what everyone said Molly’s was casual enough for jeans and boots. Putting some mascara and lip gloss on, you got into your car and put in the address to Google maps. It ended up being three blocks from your house, a pleasant surprise.
You walked in and the warmth and comfort spread over you like a blanket. It was clear it wasn’t some hipster bar, and the grey haired man serving was wearing flannel because he wanted to.
“Hey, I’m Herrmann. What can I get you?” He asked, turning to you as you arrived.
“Do you have a red ale on tap?”
“Sure. What brings you here?”
You made your introductions, and learned he was a firefighter, that it was a first responders bar first and foremost. He opened your tab, smiling and chatting, showing off photos of his family while it was quiet. Before too long it got busier, and then there was a roar of “Doc!” as the cops you’d met earlier arrived.
“I thought I said I was buying your first beer?” The cop from earlier asked, pointing at your half empty glass.
“Just turns out you weren’t quick enough. You got my name at the hospital, what’s yours?” You asked, taking a gulp of the ruby liquid.
“Sergeant Hank Voight, Intelligence,” he replied, holding out a small business card that you slid into your pocket.
You moved from your bar stool to a table, chatting to the new people you’d met. They told you stories about the Halsteads, making sure you had ample blackmail material on Will the next time he tried getting you to do anything. After your third beer you stood, waving goodbye.
“It was so nice to meet you all, I’ll see you next time we’re all here?” You asked, and got waves in response. Hank stood when you did.
“I’ll walk you out.” You could feel the heat from his arm near the small of your back as you paid your tab and left, but he didn’t actually touch you. You turned to walk to your house when he stopped you. “Where are you going?”
“I live three blocks away, and I’ve had too much to drink to drive. I’ll leave the car here and come back tomorrow for it,” you replied, looking up at the concern in his eyes. 
“I’ll walk you home. I’m not going back in, they need time without their sergeant after today.” The two of you walked in companionable silence, Hank telling you about his seven year old grandson. You hadn’t thought he was old enough to have any grandchildren, but the obvious love for him was clear.
“He sounds great. Does your son have any other kids?” You asked, the atmosphere changing as you spoke and you realised you’d stepped in it.
“Justin died a few years back. It was just me and him, so now it’s just me. Olive FaceTimes me with Danny once a week, but they’re better out of Chicago. I use some leave to visit every year.”
“I’m so sorry, Hank,” you said, hating that he was alone. You’d arrived at your house all too soon. “This is me.” You spread your arms at the small house you called your own.
“Have a good night, Doc,” he said, squeezing your arm before turning to walk back. Before he took two steps he turned on his heel, crushing his lips to yours. You returned the kiss eagerly, not even realising it’s what you’d wanted to happen. Before he deepened it, he separated his lips from yours, looking into your eyes.
“Do you want to do this?” He asked, pupils wide and voice even deeper than before. You didn’t have words for how much you wanted it, so you just kissed him back, more passionately than before, before the two of you intertwined managed to get into the house and into your bed.
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snarkwrites · 4 years
honesty | shane walsh ; the walking dead
I’ve always written Evie with Shane and I’ve always said that I wish I could find a beginning for the two that wasn’t so loaded or angst filled. I was in my feelings earlier about the dark path Shane’s life took after Rick came back. And I think that as this was taking place, I just kind of wondered.. What if I just started their whole story out here? So the idea took hold and I wrote this out? Anyway.. If I were to start their own sort of story ( which I’m not ruling out, it all depends on what you guys wanna see or not), I honestly believe I’ve finally found that solid starting point.
Also, fluff. Because now and then fluff is nice. There is a hot little touchy feely kissing session in here too, I got you fam.
Grimes!Sibling OFC, Evie x Shane Walsh.
An overload of fluff. Hurt comfort. Complete and total au version of Rick’s return to the world -and the group after awakening from his coma. Lori’s not cast in the best light when Evie’s doing her heavy internal reflecting. Pining.. Years of pining all built up until it just can’t be tolerated anymore and the words have to come out. 
Other Stuff:
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                                           H O N E S T Y,
I couldn’t sleep. My tent was leaking and the drip drip drip of the rain as it poured down from above were driving me to the brink of insanity. And maybe somewhere deep down, I was worried about Shane.
How he was going to handle things now that Rick was alive and a part of the group. He’d been through so much stress. He’d been the leader, stepping up and taking charge. Keeping the group that assembled at the quarry in the beginning together. Keeping us alive. 
And true to form, my brother showed up and it almost seemed as if Shane were forced to the side by literally everyone who depended on him before. Right off the bat, he seemed to just step right into a leadership position. 
But that wasn’t what bothered me most. What bothered me most was the pained look on his face when he watched Lori and Rick having their little heart warming reunion. Something had changed in Shane in that exact moment. His eyes had gone dull. It looked like he’d lost any shred of hope and any fight he had left.
And every part of me wanted to choke Lori for that. Because for as long as I’ve stood back watching things play out between my brother, his wife and a man that we were basically raised to think of as a brother, one thing has been a constant.
Lori’s always quick to use Shane when she needs him. She’s even quicker to let him go and turn her back on him when she’s gotten what she wants or needs.. Or she stands a chance to lose my brother.
I took a few deep breaths and shoved all of that out of my mind. Well, I tried to.
The leak in my tent wasn’t getting any smaller. And the more the rain came down, the louder the dripping got until finally, it succeeded in driving me from my  tent.
I found Shane sitting on the tailgate of his Bronco, the Mossberg beside him. He was sitting there, staring at his hands. Even from across our campground I could see the tension in his muscular frame.
And then something else clicked for me.
All this time I’ve kept one thing buried and hidden. Too afraid to voice it. I’ve always wanted Shane Walsh all to myself. I’ve always felt something beyond friendship for the man. And the feelings only seemed to grow with each year that passed in our lives.
Life’s too short to keep wondering.
Life’s entirely too short to keep sitting back. Watching things play out the way they always seem to between the three of them. I could be bitten and turned tomorrow and the thought that I’d die without ever even hinting that I loved him and cared for him deeply was unsettling to me.
Before I could chicken out, I crawled out of my tent. Jogging over to the Bronco just as the rain really picked up.
I cleared my throat and Shane looked up.
What had been so easy in theory became so much more complex than I anticipated. I went to open my mouth, to say anything, but the words wouldn’t come. Shane nodded to the space next to him on the tailgate and I hoisted myself up, swinging my legs as I settled in. 
“Yer soakin wet.” Shane mused. I could feel him staring at me. Damned if I could grow the necessary strength to meet his gaze though. God knows I tried at least a thousand times as I sat there, struggling with how to go about doing what I’d wandered over to do.
“Kind of what happens when your tent’s got a fucking hole in the roof.” I muttered, my eyes drifting down to bare and mud caked feet.
“ Didn’t get Rick t’ patch it?” just the flat tone he took had me frowning a little to myself. Hugging myself as the breeze picked up and I went from cooled down like I’d been bitching about wanting to be hours ago to me actually feeling a little cold.
“Nope.” I answered. 
We reached for the bottle of Jim Beam sitting between the two of us at the same time. My hand rested against the top of his hand and I took a few shaky breaths. My heart felt like it might just beat out of my chest at any second.
He let go of the bottle and I took a generous sip from it, holding it out to him. He glanced at me and took the bottle, taking a few long pulls before sitting it back down between us again. Then he cleared his throat.
“Y’ can’t sleep in a wet tent, hon. Fastest way t’ get sick. Especially with the wind blowin like it is.”
“Kind of why I’m here.” I admitted quietly, swinging my feet back and forth. Staring down at them intently because I did not dare glance over at him.
“Figured you’d go t’ Rick and Lori’s tent.” Shane muttered, a note of surprise creeping into his tone as he spoke.
“They need their time and space. Besides, if I have to spend one more second in closed quarters with that woman, I might actually snap and choke her to death.” I rambled, my words falling away at the end because I realized just how harsh my tone sounded.
Shane chuckled quietly. “Always wondered why y’ didn’t like her.”
“She played the two men I love most against each other and tried to make them hate each other. If it would’ve worked at any point, I would’ve probably killed her. She’s lucky I haven’t killed her since I came back, come to think of it.” I shrugged.
Beside me, Shane shifted around a little. Cleared his throat. His mouth opened and closed like he wanted to say something, but he didn’t say anything.
“ It never would’ve changed nothin between you n’ me, Evie. If she had come between me n’ Rick, I mean...”
I took a deep breath.
“ It would if I don’t mean love in the sense you think I do.” I quickly reached for the bottle of Jim Beam, anxious for anything to occupy my mouth before I made an unholy mess of this whole spur of the moment idea of mine.
Shane’s hand shot out, circling my wrist. Lowering the bottle I held in my hand back down to the tailgate. As soon as the bottle was out of my hand, his fingers curled under my chin, guiding my eyes up to meet his. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“I love you. Not as a friend or a brother. “ ,, you could’ve been so much more graceful in your phrasing. Did you really have to just dump it all out like that?” my mind taunted and my stomach proceeded to twist itself into thousands of tiny little knots as I waited for something. Any kind of reaction one way or another from him.
When that reaction came, I was shocked, to say the least. He reached out, plucking me off the tailgate. Settling me in his lap.
“How then?” he questioned, his eyes searching mine. His tone firm and yet still… Unsure. Almost as if he were afraid to pin any hopes on anything.
“ I left town to try and escape it back then because it was driving me crazy. Standing by and watching you three and your rollercoaster. I… I tried a thousand times to tell you how I really felt.” I admitted quietly, toying with the front of his shirt to distract myself. He tilted my face again, making me keep eye contact. As a feeble afterthought I sighed and shook my head, added in a hushed whisper, “You don’t have to.. I’ll be okay if you don’t feel the same way. I just wanted to tell you.. In case something happens down the road.”
I was going to try and just gracefully extract myself from his lap and the situation so I could keep the thin shred of dignity I had left at this point, but his hands settled in place on my hips, holding me in his lap.
He chuckled quietly. Looking at me as if he wanted to say something, his mouth opened, only to close again as he shook his head. “So instead of just sayin somethin.. Y’ left.”
I cringed. It sounded every bit as ridiculous now as it did to me when I decided to do it. “ I was afraid, okay? I know she’s always been it for you. I just couldn’t stand back and watch everything play out anymore, I…” I trailed off because there was this look in his eyes as they fixed on me.
“Y’ didn’t have a clue, hm?”
My brow raised.
“ Why else would I pick fights with th’ idiots you tried datin all the time?”
My breath caught in my throat and I raised my hand, dragging it through my hair. Really trying to puzzle out things. 
“ Woman… I got y’ a locket. I wasn’t just spendin all my time over at your house because we were all friends. Most of it was because I could be around y’. I gave up back then because I figured you weren’t interested. Kind of the only reason why I ever let Lori get t’ me in the first place. Because I thought y’ deserved better than me.”
I reached down into the front of my shirt, pulling the locket he’d given me years ago out, showing him that not only did I still have the locket, I still wore it. It’s never actually left my neck since the night he gave it to me, silly as that sounds.
“I’ve been through four chains now. Held up court once because it fell off my neck before I was due in but I wasn’t going in the court room until I found it.” I admitted, managing a sheepish smile as I met his gaze, holding it. Scooting closer to him for warmth. He raised his hands, rubbing over my arms. My legs settled around his waist and I sighed quietly.
Taking a few long and shaky breaths to get myself centered. To process my surprise at his own admissions thus far.
Because I hadn’t been expecting things to take the turn they had, at all. I thought that if anything, I’d pour it all out and he’d awkwardly but politely point out that he didn’t feel anything at all for me. He’d try to let me down gently or something.
“Remember when I asked for that help senior year? The big English paper?” Shane muttered after a few seconds of us just wordlessly staring at each other, lost in thought. Trying to process everything. Clumsily touching each other, our bodies migrating closer together. He raised a hand, smoothing my hair back out of my eyes as I nodded yes to his question.
“ I didn’t need help. I just wanted to be around y’ without Rick popping in and out. Had myself all convinced that I was hot shit. That I could go for it n’ kiss ya. Every damn time I tried, always managed to talk myself out of it. Except that last time. When we leaned in at the same time and wound up bumpin noses and Rick wandered in? If he hadn’t, I was going for it again.”
I swallowed hard because that was one of many nights I replayed over and over again in my own mind.. Each time a different ending that seemed to pave the way for some fairytale ending.
,, if the world weren’t falling to pieces…” my mind was at it again, trying to stop me from going further, trying to make any excuse to back out now. But this time, I shoved down the thought. This time I wasn’t backing out. The world might be falling to pieces but that didn’t mean I couldn’t at least try to squeeze some shred of joy out of it before it all came to a grinding halt.
We were talking now. Being more open than we’d ever really been with each other.
He’d even managed a weak smile here and there. Which was more than I’d seen out of him in hours by this point.
I felt the weight of the world lifting just because I knew that if everything came to an abrupt end tomorrow, I’d finally gotten it all out. He knew that at least one person loved him. Wanted him. Needed him.
Somehow, I got the feeling that right now, he needed to know that almost as badly as I needed to finally get it off my chest.
His hands were starting to wander. Our mouths kept migrating closer and closer and it seemed as if the storm and everything else in the world around us was just sort of falling away. It was so quiet that I could hear my heart beating loud against my chest. My mouth brushed the corner of his mouth and then he snapped.
What started out as a clumsy little halfway kiss turned into his hands tangling in my hair and gripping my hip, pulling me completely against him as the hand tangled in my hair pulled it free from a messy braid and dragged through it, tugging at it. His teeth locked onto my bottom lip, tugging until it started swelling. My tongue dragged over the outline of his mouth slowly, savoring the moment for all it was. My fingers dug into his shoulder and carded through his hair as my legs squeezed his sides and I basically clung to him when our tongues tangled and our mouths crashed against each other, the soft smack of deep and hot, frenzied kisses echoing in the still all around us. Shattering the bubble that seemed to have formed to keep everything else at bay.
By the time I was rubbing against him clumsily, we were breaking apart to breathe and his forehead rested against mine. The hand on my hip raised, settling on my cheek as he rolled his thumb over and caressed it.
I yawned, cuddling myself against him. Looking over my shoulder to where my leaky tent sat unused across the campsite. Shane chuckled and turned my gaze back to him, closing the distance between our mouths all over again, muttering quietly into the kiss, “We should probably get some sleep. We’ll figure somethin out tomorrow. Y’ can borrow one of my shirts to get dry, darlin.”
I nodded, swallowing hard as the shock started to wear off at last, replaced by honest to God sheer bliss...
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peaceoutofthepieces · 4 years
chapter 22.5
The Stars Look Very Different
Social Media AU
chapter 22
tag list: @yellowballoon @cleocc @skaming-myself @boldlydeepestcupcake @pduwd @notallthereyall @gingerhead007 @groeneweiden @nyttvera @painfully-oblivious @zoenneforever @curiouskopf @engelkeijsers @xiaomailab @honeyandsinn @lauren-bk @saraben00 @tailsbeth @boysrunaway @howlingsaturn @menamesniall
again this isn’t proofread so, sorry for any mistakes!
Sander was apprehensive as he answered Robbe’s call, and when, after some incoherent mumbles and background music, it wasn’t Robbe’s voice on the other line, he realised he was right to worry.
“Sander?” Lucas asked.
“I don’t have time to question this. Robbe’s asking for you. He’s drunk and we need to take him home and he won’t budge. Listen, can you just come here? You know I wouldn’t ask if I didn’t think it was necessary.”
Sander was already pulling on a hoodie to go with his sweats. “Yeah, I’m coming, but is he okay?”
“Yeah, he’s just,” Lucas paused, and Sander could hear his muffled voice along with what sounded like Jens, and then Robbe—saying his name. Calling it towards the phone. There was more fumbling, and then Lucas was back. “Fuck, he’s just an annoying drunk. Why’d I never know he was this clingy?”
“Send me the address, I’ll be there soon.”
He only took a few seconds to wait for Lucas’s affirmative response before hanging up. He was sure if he let the conversation go beyond the apparent urgent need to get him there, Lucas would have moved on to a much more unwanted subject.
Plus, he was in a hurry.
It took time to slip out of his room and shut the door quietly behind him, and then longer to creep over the creaks in the hallway. The keys jingled too loud when he picked them up and he froze, waiting a moment in the silence, before continuing on and collecting his shoes and jacket from the hallway. He stepped outside before putting any of them on, and he had to quickly stuff his arms into the sleeves and pull the jacket tight around his chest against the bite of the night air. He stuffed his feet into his shoes—sneakers instead of his Docs—and checked his phone to find Lucas had sent him their location, this time on his own mobile.
Nerves quickened his step as the realisation set in that Robbe had been looking for him, to the extent he’d asked Lucas and then tried to call. To the extent that he’d forgotten no one was supposed to know that he even knew Sander.
He wasn’t ready for the earful he was sure to get from Lucas, but he needed to get to Robbe.
Thankfully, the club wasn’t far from his own house. Well within walking distance and through main streets, bright enough under the standing lights that Sander didn’t worry so much about what might be hiding around corners. He was glad, because he wasn’t paying quite as much attention as he probably should have. His mind was already a few streets ahead, waiting for him with Robbe.
He realised about a block away that he didn’t even know how to get inside, and then he caught sight of a raven-haired head already outside and almost sighed in relief. Jens. Beyond him was Lucas, and then…
Robbe noticed Sander before Sander could even see him, and he’d already barreled into his arms by the time Lucas and Jens saw him.
Sander wrapped his arms around Robbe automatically, heart clenching at how uncharacteristic it was. Robbe was clingy, but Sander had never seen him be openly emotional. It seemed that’s how he was, now, as he clung tightly to Sander’s shoulders and breathed out a relieved sigh against his neck.
“Hey,” Sander started softly. “Hey, Robbe, you okay?”
Robbe took a while to respond, and even then it was simply, “You came.”
“Of course.”
Sander looked up to find Lucas and Jens hadn’t moved, but they were watching them. Jens seemed surprised, but not disapproving. Lucas...it was impossible to decipher how Lucas was feeling. His face was carefully blank, and he did nothing in response to Sander’s gaze other than nod at Robbe pointedly and mouth ‘home’.
“Hey,” Sander prodded Robbe’s side, making him jerk. “Will you let me take you home?”
“You’re coming?”
“Yeah, I’m taking you. Me and Jens and Lucas are all going to be with you. Okay?”
Robbe made a soft whine of protest. “Just take me back with you.”
“I can’t, Robbe. My parents are there, and they don’t even know I’m here.”
That only worked to perk Robbe up, and he tilted his head back to grin up at Sander. “So you snuck out. You can sneak us back in.”
“Don’t you want to sleep in your own bed though? Then you won’t have to worry about slipping out tomorrow either.”
Robbe still didn’t look convinced.
Sander pouted at him while simultaneously softening his gaze, and then he added a small, “Please?”
It didn’t even take a second for Sander to know he got him. Robbe’s stern expression melted and he was tilting forward on his toes to smile drunkenly at him. Sander could smell the alcohol on his breath. It left him torn between wanting to cringe away and wanting to kiss him into further oblivion.
“Okay,” Robbe said simply, swaying forward and pressing a chaste kiss to Sander’s lips. It wouldn’t have been chaste, however, if Sander hadn’t carefully pushed him away, disguising the move by tucking Robbe under his arm immediately after. Robbe, thankfully, made no protest, cuddling closely into Sander’s side and leaving Sander to deal with their friends.
Sander drew him forward and carefully avoided looking at Lucas, choosing to watch Jens instead. He still didn’t seem angry, or anything like that, but there was something more calculating about his gaze as he ran his eyes over his friend before settling them on Sander. “I’m not going to question it,” Jens said simply. “Because we don’t have time right now. But I have a lot of questions.”
It was worrying that Robbe didn’t react in the slightest to what should have been the most familiar voice of the three. He just tucked his arm around Sander’s waist and nuzzled his face into his shoulder and let himself be guided along.
Sander chanced asking, “What happened?”
“Nothing,” Lucas muttered. “Are you sure you can manage him the whole way?”
“I can walk,” Robbe grumbled, and Sander was glad that he was right. He was leaning on Sander, of course, but he wasn’t giving him all of his weight. Sander mostly offered him some extra balance.
“Why is he so drunk, though?” Sander tried again.
“It’s Robbe,” Jens shrugged. “He knows his limits. He hasn’t thrown up or fallen flat on his face or passed out.”
“And as long as you can say that, he meets your standard of acceptable, right?” Lucas said. There was an undertone of scorn in his voice that Sander had heard before, his certain level of sarcasm, though he’d never imagined it would be directed at Jens.
Jens shook his head and passed an arm around his shoulders. “That’s not what I meant. I’m just saying, he could be worse. But I agree he usually...still has some level of control.”
Robbe lifted his head to mumble, “Can you stop fucking talking about me like I’m not here? Jesus, this is why I didn’t want to go home with you in the first place.”
“Hey,” Sander soothed. “Sorry. Are you gonna tell me what’s going on, then?”
Robbe dropped his head back down on his shoulder. “No.”
Jens snorted, unsurprised, and Sander bit back a sigh. He could see Lucas stealing glances at him from the corner of his eye as they walked. Sander didn’t look at him, but kept Robbe close to his side, leaning down occasionally to kiss the top of his head or whisper a short reassurance. Robbe seemed to melt back into himself with every step, easing up under Sander’s touch as Lucas seemed to be with Jens. Despite the irritation he’d appeared to harbour at the beginning of the night, he was smiling now as Jens grinned down at him, mumbling something, bumping their heads together until Lucas was huffing a small laugh.
Then he would steal another glance at Sander over Robbe’s head, and his smile would slip.
Lucas let them into the apartment after a slightly more difficult trudge up the stairs, and Sander escaped easily with the excuse of taking Robbe to his room.
Robbe had tensed up as they returned, but his shoulders drooped the instant the door shut behind them. Sander helped him slip out of his coat, and then averted his eyes as Robbe carelessly stripped out of his jeans and crawled into his bed.
Sander watched him, half-expecting him to shut his eyes instantly and go to sleep. But he stared at Sander instead, eyes half-lidded, and then held out a hand. Sander couldn’t help but smile as he moved to sit next to him, one leg tucked up and the other over the edge of the bed, foot just brushing the floor. Robbe continued watching him, pupils dilated and worried, and Sander passed a hand through his hair in comfort.
“What’s wrong, Robbe?” Sander asked gently.
Robbe licked his lips, looking up at him through fluttering lashes. He let out a whispered, “Are you mad?”
“No? I was worried when you stopped messaging me. I’m still worried. But I’m not mad.”
“But they weren’t supposed to know.”
Sander gave his hair a light tug. “No. But we were going to tell them tomorrow anyway. It’s okay. But Robbe, what happened? Why did you stop replying to me?”
Robbe dragged himself closer by curling an arm around Sander’s waist. He pressed his face to Sander’s hip before offering an answer. “You weren’t going to come. So I went to ask Lucas to ask you.”
Sander closed his eyes and dragged a hand down his face, sighing in relief. That wasn’t ideal—none of this was—but it was better than what he’d expected. Robbe was known for his less-than-safe ‘party tricks’. Sander was glad he’d just spent the missing half an hour arguing with Lucas and giving them away.
He was glad that, instead of turning to his usual thrills, Robbe had gone looking for him.
“I’m sorry. I should have known when you were asking so much that something was wrong.”
“Nothing’s wrong,” Robbe mumbled.
Sander twirled his hair around his fingers and scratched lightly at his scalp and didn’t sigh. “Okay.”
“Can you stay? Please, Sander.”
Sander gazed down at him for a moment. His skin was flushed from the alcohol, cheeks a rosy red, but he was still pressing close and stealing into Sander’s warmth. His breaths came heavier than usual, but still easy, still even, and his lashes fluttered with each one, spread delicately even as he squeezed his eyes shut. Sander slipped away from him and heard his sharp inhale before ducking down to pull off his shoes. Then he lay down next to Robbe and pulled him towards his chest, where the older boy settled with a shaky sigh.
“I’ll have to go home before my parents notice I’m gone. But I can stay until you go to sleep.”
Robbe curled his fingers tightly into the fabric of his hoodie and nodded. Sander moved a hand back into his hair, letting it drift absentmindedly through the curls as Robbe’s warmth seeped through him. Even with the thick duvet separating them, Sander could feel the length of the boy pressed up against him, knees pressing into his thigh and then toes poking his ankles as Robbe stretched himself out and cuddled closer.
Sander had known Robbe was fairly free with his affection when it came to touch, that he could be clingy, but this seemed different. Robbe was holding onto him tightly, but he was quiet. Reserved. He appeared at once more vulnerable and more inaccessible than Sander had seen him before.
“I’d always come if you called, Robbe.” Sander released the words into the dark as he trailed his fingers down Robbe’s neck. “I’d follow you anywhere.”
Robbe swallowed and snuggled closer and didn’t respond. Sander didn’t mind. He was content to hold him to his heart and reassure himself that he was safe. He’d been scared, genuinely worried, when Robbe had gone radio silent on him. He’d been seconds away from calling Lucas himself, to order him to find the boy and make sure he was safe.
“You’re like my star,” Robbe mumbled, after Sander had thought he’d already fallen asleep, startling him into more silence. “Do you know that? You’re the brightest person I’ve ever met.”
Sander stared at the ceiling and searched for a response. It wasn’t true. It couldn’t be. There was nothing but darkness surrounding Sander. Swallowing him, consuming him from the inside out. Sander had been worried nothing could break through it, until Robbe had touched him. Robbe was the bright one. Not him.
“You’re an actual good star,” Robbe continued.
At that, Sander finally looked down at him. “Like you?”
Robbe made a sound of protest. “No. You know like, when you go camping, and the sky is really dark but really clear and all the stars are extra bright. You’re one of those stars. You’re not polluted.”
Oh, Robbe.
If only he knew.
“You’re not polluted, Robbe,” Sander argued. “Well, you might not be the cleanest right now, what with the alcohol and sweat and weed…”
Robbe huffed, and it was close enough to a laugh for Sander to relax, to exhale in relief. “You’re too good for me, Sander. Everything’s too good for me. I don’t want to pollute you.”
Sander shifted around, ignoring Robbe’s protest as he had to move from his chest. He lay on his side and cupped Robbe’s cheek, forcing him to face him, waiting patiently for him to meet his eye. “Robbe. Nothing is too good for you. You’re the best thing in my life. I swear.”
Robbe’s gaze immediately dropped, and his cheeks flushed further. He leaned closer, until his forehead pressed to the bridge of Sander’s nose, and then he slowly dragged his face up once more. Sander breathed out as their noses brushed together and Robbe leaned in to kiss him softly, hand moving to his cheek. Sander allowed it, this time, under the privacy of the dark, but pulled away as Robbe parted his lips and attempted to get closer.
“You’re still super drunk,” Sander reminded him. But it was nothing more than a whisper, not enough to pop the intimate bubble they’d created.
“I know exactly what I’m doing,” Robbe protested, and Sander huffed, but allowed himself to be kissed again, close-lipped and slow. Robbe was the one to move away this time, just enough to tuck his face into Sander’s neck and press a kiss to the skin there. “I don’t want to wake up without you.”
Sander kissed his forehead and hugged him closer. “Someday you won’t have to. Soon. I promise.”
Robbe nodded, and didn’t argue, and Sander lay and held him until his breath evened out and he was sound asleep.
Even then, he waited a few moments, making sure Robbe wouldn’t wake up the instant he moved. He extracted himself carefully, slipping his arm out from under him and sitting up to stuff his feet back into his shoes. He turned back to watch him for another minute, but he hadn’t twitched. His chest rose and fell in an easy rhythm, and his expression was one of peace. It only made Sander’s chest ache more. There was nothing he wanted more than to stay.
He found a small pad of sticky notes on Robbe’s desk and scribbled a note on the top one.
I wish I could stay, too. You look beautiful when you sleep.
He peeled the note off and stuck it to the top of Robbe’s locker.
He’d forgotten all about Lucas until he found him waiting in the kitchen.
He looked up at Sander as he stepped through the door, and stared at him for a moment.
“You’re sleeping with him.”
It wasn’t a question. Lucas said it almost as if he was rhyming off a fact.
“No,” Sander denied immediately. “We’ve never even done anything more than kiss. We’re dating.”
“Robbe doesn’t date, Sander.”
“Okay, well is it so hard to believe I might be different?”
Lucas tilted his head disbelieving. Disapprovingly.
“I thought you liked Robbe,” Sander said. “You know him even better than some of the others, don’t you? You know he’s not a bad person.”
Lucas softened. “Of course I know that. I love Robbe. But that doesn’t mean he’s a good person for you.”
Sander closed his eyes, curling his hands into fists at his sides. He knew this would be Lucas’s stance, and he’d told himself over and over that he wouldn’t jump to defense in the face of it. It would only work to make Lucas more sure he was right. The best way for Sander to go about it was to slip through the gaps in Lucas’s defensive armour and appeal to the heart underneath.
“Even you said the other day,” he said lowly. “You said I’ve seemed better, lately. I’ve been with Robbe. That’s what’s making me better. That’s what’s making me happy. And I knew that you would feel this way. I’ve had the doubts myself, okay? That’s why I didn’t want to tell you right away. Until I was sure.”
It seemed to work, slightly. A wider gap appeared in the armour. “And that’s now?”
“Well, it was going to be tomorrow when we were supposed to meet up. Or….later today I guess. I wasn’t going to keep it from you much longer.”
“How long have you even known him?”
Sander thought, mind shifting back. “He first messaged me about three weeks ago?”
“You’ve only known him three weeks? And you’re dating?”
“I know, okay? I know what you’re thinking. But why is it any different to you and Jens and all the ‘love at first sight’ you preached about? We’ve known of each other for longer. We just only started getting to know each other a few weeks ago.”
Lucas considered him, then sighed. “I trust you. I do. And I even trust Robbe. But it worries me. Sander, does he even know? About any of it?”
Sander looked down.
“That’s what I thought,” Lucas sighed again. “You know you’re going to have to tell him. If it’s really going to be a serious thing, he has to know, Sander. It won’t be like finding out he doesn’t know your favourite colour a few months down the line.”
“You think I like feeling like I’m lying to him? I hate this, Lucas. I’ve hated all of it for months. Robbe is the only thing that’s made me feel normal in months. Please, Luc, just try to understand it from my perspective.”
Lucas stood up and came towards him, setting two soothing hands on his shoulders. “I do understand. Okay? I get it. I didn’t mean to push.”
Sander ducked his head, then nodded, and Lucas pulled him into a tight hug.
“I told you I’m always here and I meant it. I’m proud of you, Sander. And I am happy for you. I’m really happy you’re happy.”
Sander wound his arms around his waist and clung to him for a moment. “Thank you.”
Lucas gave him another squeeze before letting him go and then letting out a sigh, retrieving his glass of water from the table and nodding towards the door. “Okay. Are you okay to get home? I can give you some money for a taxi.”
Sander shook his head. “I can’t take that.”
Lucas rolled his eyes, mumbling a soft ‘wait’ before moving towards the counter and pulling a cookie jar towards the edge. He opened it and retrieved a twenty-euro note before returning to press it into Sander’s hand.
“It won’t be that much,” Sander protested.
“Just in case,” Lucas waved him away. “It’s late, and I want to believe I’m not failing you completely.”
Sander rolled his eyes, but he lurched forward to squeeze him into a hug again, and Lucas responded easily, and Sander finally felt at ease.
chapter 23
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youbloodymadgenius · 4 years
Brother (a Modern!Ivar fic with an unexpected Ragnarsson as special guest)
A/N: This is my entry to @maggiescarborough​ celebration. Happy early Anniversary, love 💝
I’m quite proud of this one! So, please, I know it’s not a reader insert, but give it a try, give it a chance 🙏🏽
Prompt in bold, as usual.
@inforapound​ - I know how much i owe you. Thank you 💞
Let me know if you want to be tagged 😊
Summary: One of Ivar's brothers was in a car accident. How will Ivar react?
Warning: description of physical injuries; mention of a car crash; medical and surgical inaccuracies.
Words: 2331
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As soon as he spots Doctor Mikelsson, Ivar gets up, wincing at the throbbing pain in his legs as he steps closer to the renowned surgeon. 
 "Doc," he says, giving him a slight nod, "How is he?"
 The surgeon sighs tiredly and slowly rubs his palms down his scrubs-clad thighs. "I'd say he has been very lucky. As far as I know, it could have been much worse. Car versus truck is never a winning combo, at least for the car's driver. His car has been completely destroyed, from what I hear. It must have been a terrible wreck. "
"That’s an understatement." Ivar grumbles under his breath, shivering as he struggles to get the images of the crash out of his mind. The pictures he saw were so vivid, he could still hear the screams and ambulance sirens that had undoubtedly filled the accident scene. Closing his eyes for a brief instant, he shakes his head, forcing himself to focus on the here and now. 
 "That's not what I was asking, Doc. How is he?" He insists, emphasizing the last three words as he shifts his weight from one foot to the other, leaning heaviliy on his crutch, physical and mental discomfort obvious on his face.
 "Well, he's not so bad, all things considered. As I said, it could have been much worse. He's stable and his condition isn't life-threatening. It's serious, though."
 Ivar rolls his eyes, getting impatient. "Straight to the point, Doc, please! And no need to sugarcoat it." His commanding voice is sharp and stern, his tight-lipped expression giving away what little patience he has. 
 "Okay, Ivar." Doctor Mikelsson gives him a weary smile, a hand up in surrender. "About his upper body first. Aside from several bruises, he had a sprained wrist and a cracked rib. The last one will be painful for awhile but it won't be an issue in the long run. His lower body, on the other hand…" The surgeon frowns, visibly gathering his thoughts. "He suffered a double tibia-fibula fracture of his right leg and his pelvis has been multi-fractured; therefore I had to stabilize it with plates and screws. To allow his pelvis to recover, your brother will be bed- and then wheelchair-bound for at least six weeks, maybe more. Not that it matters, anyway, given the condition of his left leg."
 Hearing those words, Ivar shudders. "How…" His voice comes out strangled and he clears his throat. "How is it? You… You could save it, right? That's why I… had him transferred here."
 Putting a soothing hand on Ivar's forearm, the doctor nods. "Yes, I saved it. It was quite a challenge, I must admit. His leg has been severely shattered during the crash, literally crushed by one of the truck's tires. From the top of his thigh to the tips of his toes, not a single bone was intact. I do understand why my colleague from the public hospital wanted to amputate it, you know?"
 "But you saved it?" Ivar asks once again, his free hand running nervously through his disheveled hair.
 "I did." The doctors answers soberly before explaining. "I reduced the largest fractures, using rods and plates there as well. I couldn't avoid putting an external fixator though, his leg was too damaged. He'll still need several more surgeries, but he gets to keep his leg."
 "Thanks, Doc." Ivar adorns a slight smile which doesn't completely reach his eyes. "And what about recovery? He will fully recover, right?" A frown creasing his forehead, Ivar bites his inner cheek, worried and concerned. 
 Grimacing, the surgeon lets out a deep breath. "Ivar, I'm not sure you understand the extent of the damage. It's not just about a couple of broken bones. We're talking about devastating injuries that could have – that should have – resulted in amputation. If you ask me if your brother will walk again, I can't be sure yet, but I'm quite confident he will. Will he need walking aids, like cane, crutch and or leg brace? It's too soon to say. But to be perfectly honest with you, it's quite likely." Seeing Ivar wince, the surgeon gives him an apologetic look. "Sorry Ivar. Be sure I did my best."
 "Don't be sorry, I know you did. It's just a lot to take in. Does he… Does my brother know?"
 Scrunching his face, the surgeon hesitates, unsure. "More or less. I talked to him in the recovery room but he was a bit dazed from the drugs and the nurse had to increase the morphine because he was in pain. He was completely out of it after that. He'll probably sleep through the night so I'll talk to him first thing in the morning." Taking a step back, Doctor Mikelsson stares at Ivar from head to foot, noticing how the blue-eyed man favors his left leg, his right foot barely touching the floor. "You should head home and get some rest, Ivar. I'm pretty sure you've been wearing these braces for far too long." Giving him a light pat on the shoulder, he shrugs. "I'll do the same anyway. Guess I'll see you tomorrow. Good night, Ivar." 
 Opening the door as quietly as possible, Ivar watches his sleeping brother. He's awfully pale, his frail frame so small on the hospital bed, his right leg in a cast, his left propped up on a huge pillow. Ivar frowns at the sight of the fixator, which makes him think of a barbaric tool more than a medical device. He suddenly feels grateful that he never needed one. 
 Trying to not make any noise, he crosses the room without using his crutch, struggling and wincing with every step. He's successful but fails to stifle a hiss as he sits down on the chair next to his brother's bed. He looks at him, worried, and sees his eyes flutter open. 
 "Ivar?" His brother's voice is hoarse and the stunned look on his face unmistakable. "Why did you come here? To make fun of me?" There's no fight or fire in his eyes, only exhaustion and sadness. 
 Ivar shrugs, a light smile playing on his lips. "Can't say the thought didn't cross my mind." He lowers his head one second, snorting, and when he raises it again, it's with a serious look on his face. "Guess I wanted to know how you are doing." His voice is barely a whisper and he doesn't look his brother in the eye. 
 "What did you say?" Ivar's brother's tone is suspiscious, dripping with disbelief. "Since when are you concerned about that??" He tries to sit up but groans in pain, collapsing back onto the bed. 
 Worry wrinkling his forehead, Ivar instantly gets up, putting a hand on his brother's shoulder. "Hold still, will you? And seriously, tell me, how are you feeling? How is your pain? I mean, on a scale from zero to ten, zero meaning no pain at all and ten an unbearable pain. Tell me, how bad is it?"
 Ivar's brother rubs his cheek with two fingers, squinting his eyes, before letting out a long and audible sigh. "Four I think, maybe five."
 Ivar – who lives on a daily basis with a six or seven rated pain – has to remind himself that his pain treshold is much higher than that of ordinary people. "Okay," he begins softly, "four or five might still be tolerable but don't let it get higher. Look," he points at a small medical bulb with his index finger, "that's a morphine pump, just squeeze it once and let the magic work. Trust me, it's terribly efficient. It will make you a bit dizzy but it'll be worth it." As to illustrate his point, Ivar squeezes the pump and he can see the relief washing over his brother's face almost instantly as the pain goes numb.
 "I spoke with the doctor who did the surgery this morning. Did you?" Ivar's brother asks, a frown on his face and biting his lower lip.
 "I did." Ivar answers without saying anything more. An uneasy silence settles in, eventually broken by Ivar's brother‘s shaky voice. "So, you know there's a chance…" His words catch in his throat and he swallows loudly. "What if…" Overcome with anxiety, he's unable to say more.
 "Hey, stop that, brother!" Ivar almost scolds him."You will walk again. It may be hard, but you'll get there. For now, you should be thankful for being alive. You know what they say… Where there's life, there's hope. So please, stay positive and fucking look at me if you need to. I was able to walk, so I'm pretty sure you can too."
 Ivar's brother looks at him for a long time, a puzzled look on his face. "Karma is a bitch, isn't it?" He eventually says sheepishly, a sad smile crossing his lips. "You can say it, I won't get mad, you know? I probably deserve this, after all I did…" He sighs, lowering his gaze, but Ivar doesn't allow it, raising his brother's head with a finger on his chin. 
 "Listen carefully, brother. No one deserves to suffer. Neither you nor anyone else. Karma has nothing to do with what happened to you. You were just in the wrong place at the wrong time, nothing more. The truck driver was sleep-deprived and didn't see the red light. It sucks, I get it, but it was just bad luck that you were at this crossroad at the same time that he was."
 Ivar's brother just nods lightly, and then yawns, rubbing his eyes. "You should rest, brother. I'll be back soon." Ivar grabs his crutch but his brother wraps his hand around his wrist. 
 "Wait… You told me why you were here but there's one thing I don't understand. Why are you the one here? Where are our–" He stops as another yawn cuts him off.
 Ivar, however, understands his unfinished question. "Last time I heard from our dear brothers, they were going on a business trip to Cancun. Seeing as it is the beginning of Spring Break in the US, I'm pretty sure calling it a fuck trip would be more accurate. It also means that you're stuck with me for a couple of weeks. Sorry about that." Tilting his head, Ivar gives his brother a semi-amused look. "Anyway, now, you're going to rest,” Ivar strokes his brother's hair with unexpected gentleness, "and in the meantime I'm going to make arrangements for your future."
 "What… what does that mean?" Ivar's brother babbles, the drug-induced dizziness hitting him with full force.
 "It means that as soon as you'll be discharged, you'll be moving in with me." Ivar says casually, shrugging, as he heads towards the door.
 "Moving in with… you? But… why?" The questioning tone of his brother is obvious and Ivar turns back to look at him. "It was either this, or the rehab center. Trust me, you'll be better taken care of with me. My apartment is fully accessible, I've got a real PT room and Sven, my longtime PT, is the best in all of Scandinavia. You'll also probably need an OT, and it happens that I know the best OT too. Flora is her name, she helped me a lot a few years ago. So yeah, you will be in good hands, I promise. As good as Doctor Mikelsson's hands."
 Confused, Ivar's brother looks at him questioningly.  "Doctor Mikelsson is… your…" Obviously befuddled, his speech is now slurred and he can't find the right word.
 "My surgeon, yes,” Ivar completes the sentence. "Has been for the last twelve years. That's why I had you transferred here, in this clinic."
 Dumbfounded, Ivar's brother stares wide-eyed. "I don't… I didn't rela… realize I've been transf… transferred. And that… that was…"
 "At my request, yes." Ivar nods. "Because the Doc is more than a surgeon. He's a magician. He truly can work wonders. Me standing and walking is enough to prove it." Raising his head proudly, Ivar smiles at his brother reassuringly. 
 "Why… why did… you do… this for… me?" Ivar's brother sputters, exhaustion written all over his face. Yet, he fights it, his curiosity prevailing above all else. 
 Ivar shrugs once again, giving his brother an airy wave of his hand as to let him know that what he's doing is no big deal. "I know your pain, brother. I know the struggles you'll be facing. You have a long road ahead and I know how scary it might be. You won't be alone. I won't allow it. We'll get through this together, because no one should have to deal with such things alone." Ivar almost hiccups, his heart is suddenly in his throat as a wave of painful childhood memories floods his mind. He pushes them away, gritting his teeth, because now is not the time. Focusing once more on the blond in front of him, he speaks again, in a firm tone. "So, brother, you won't be. Never. I will be right next to you at every step, literally. We'll make our own version of 'the blind leading the blind', you know?" Ivar scratches the back of his neck, a half-smile on his lips, before taking a deep breath. "And you may be an asshole most of the time, but you're still my brother. That's why I do it. It's as simple as that. Sleep now, we'll talk later."
 Hand on the doorknob, Ivar hears a faint whimper. Looking backwards, he's surprised as he sees a single tear running down his brother's cheek. "Thank you, Ivar." His brother says with a trembling voice, clearly shaken up by Ivar's words.
 Ivar gives his brother a genuine smile, suddenly struck by the thougth that it's probably the first genuine smile he's given his brother in years. "You're welcome, Sig," he says sincerely as he has to blink back his own tears, an unfamiliar but warm feeling in his chest, "Sleep now, I'll be back soon. I promise."
@maggiescarborough​ @honestsycrets​ @lisinfleur​ @waiting4inspiration​ @saldelys​ @gearhead66​ @readsalot73​ @milkkygirls​ @xbellaxcarolinax​ @shannygoatgruff​ @zuxiezendler​ @a-mess-of-fandoms​ @hecohansen31​ @lonewolf471​ @ivarthebloodyking​ @fuckindiva​ @tgrrose​ @didiintheblog​
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2022: New Year, Same Blog
Yesterday, I said that I would update all of you on things that were coming in 2022 to my blog - some of them are current works that will be finished, others are brand new … and I’m sure there will be a few surprises. 
First: Like I said a couple days ago, I want to start using my Discord to talk with you because Tumblr is unreliable when it comes to messaging and sending asks. This is a way to keep in contact without having to share a phone number or other very personal information.
 You can find me at somethingtofightfor#7728. 
If you send me a request, please just let me know your username on here / what you want me to call you so I can add it to the notes and know who you are. 
Second: I’m going to start posting a weekly writing recap on Sunday nights. I won’t use a taglist or anything on it, but this way, if a story or an update somehow didn’t show up in the search results earlier in the week, there’s a second chance for things to be seen. 
Depending on how much I write and post, I may change this so it’s bi-weekly. We’ll see how it goes. I’m going to tag it “STFF recap” in case you want to follow the tag or whatever; IDK if anyone’s interested in that. 
…. And now onto the fun stuff, under the cut! 
Coming Soon (likely in this order!) 
Slopeside - the NYE story that I’ve been teasing. Mystery Pedro character + skiing + the last of the holiday magic. It is a smut. The character lends himself to it very easily, even when out of his element. 
Magnetic 21 - It’s done, it just needs edits and a title. Just under 12,000 words. 
Buried 9 - Cider’s POV is complete. I want to start writing Jack’s and see if it makes sense to include it in the same piece, or do another .5 as a separate chapter. 
Aphelion 5 - Planning on devoting a good chunk of time today and tomorrow to working on this. I hope to get a draft to @the-blind-assassin-12 to Alyssa by the end of the week (1/9)
Caught On 4 - I’m about 3200 words into this one, and it’s… something. (Spoiler alert: someone feels guilty and it isn’t you)
A Detour in Your New Life  - Part of the Just Too Good to Be Gone universe, this will be a recap of not only meeting Joel, but getting to know him - and telling him about your version of before. 
Planned/In Progress 
On Deck: (Jack Daniels baseball AU) - I’ll probably start posting this one around the beginning of the 2022 MLB regular season (if there is one because of the lockout). Look for it to start around the end of March. Should only be a couple parts to tell the main story - 3, maybe 4?
No One Sings Like You Anymore / Burdened Black Heart: (Joel Miller x Reader, JTGtBG universe) - I’ll get these done as I can, but they’re going to be longer one shots. BBH will likely not be a smutty one, No One Sings is DEFINITELY a smutty one. 
Untitled Javi P horror/soulmate AU series: I want to keep as much of this one hidden as I can. I know the basic plot, I know the outcome, I just need to write it - this one will be scary and violent (but also smutty, because … Javi). 
Starlight: (Ezra x Reader) I’m still not sure if I want these to be super long or super short, but this is going to flesh out the relationship. I intended this to be a short series with half of each part taking place before The Green and half after Ezra gets back … but we’ll see. 
Stuff I have in Google Docs and will get to if there’s interest 
More for Baby It’s Cold Outside Frankie and Reader
More for Just Be-Claus Marcus and Reader
The Thief/Reader from ‘Empty’ in other scenarios
A Marcus Moreno Thing that has about three paragraphs and zero plot 
NSFW Alphabets for Joel, Jack, and (lord help me) Frankie Morales
I want to finish in 2022: 
Caught On
Just a Place
Seasons to Cycles
If there’s anything that you’d like to see me write or work on, don’t EVER hesitate to let me know. My inbox is always open, and honestly, some of the stories that I’ve posted on here have come straight from conversations and offhand comments from friends and followers. 
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johannstutt413 · 3 years
What’s the queue looking like? I requested something a long while back (with Saria) and have been trying to find the queue but it doesn’t show up in any search. Tumblr bein tumblr, I guess.
I don't have a special queue tag or anything, so I get why it'd be hard to find. Here's where I'm at right now, just finished writing one so next one to start is Mayer/Maggie. If you don't see your request on the list, either I replied to your request and forgot to note it in my Google Doc (entirely possible), it slipped past me despite having just gone through my messages to continue this list, OR I might've written it already (might be in here). If it turns out I missed it, send it to me again and I'll slide it into the queue where it feels right (not at the bottom, probably breaking up a calligo cluster :P). Lemme know either way, I'm curious which request it was even if I did already write it.
(requested by mathmaticalknight) Thorns and Aak being science bros - finished, will get posted tomorrow
(requested by calligomiles) Mayer/Magallan spending a day with Ifrit
(requested by calligomiles) Saria/Tilly/Silence II: Maybe Reconciliation
(requested by calligomiles) Rosa/Nearl (tails?)
(requested by calligomiles) Grani/Zima
(requested by calligomiles) Grani/Istina
(requested by calligomiles) Grani/Leto
Doc x Mint
(requested by calligomiles) Grani/Absinthe
(requested by calligomiles) Horsebucket [Grani/All the Bears At Once]
(requested by calligomiles) Rosa/Swire Again (II or III depending on how you look at it)
(requested by greenone170b7, based on this) Rosmontis/Amiya
(requested by calligomiles) Rosa/Swire/Istina
(requested by stephenvares) Mom Pramanix
(requested by anonymous) An Operator romanced with the Doc wakes up...and the world forgot the Doc
(requested by lost-but-with-coffee) Doc/Whislash, AGGRESSIVE flirt in front of the other horsies
(requested by mathmaticalknight) TOURNAMENT ARC: NEARL VS {OPPONENT}, Blemishine comes to watch
(requested by calligomiles) Swire/Ptilopsis II
(requested by anonymous) Doc/Closure II
(requested by anonymous) Nearl/Shining wanting to let Nightingale in but unsure
(requested by mathmaticalknight) Blemishine/Nian
(requested by mathmaticalknight) Tails Club II: Fluffier than Ever
(requested by calligomiles) Gavial/Zima II, Tomimi’s Reaction
(requested by calligomiles) ShiraYuki/Scavenger II, The Date
(requested by anonymous) Doc/Whislash
(requested by mathmaticalknight) Some combination of: Blemishine x Eunectes, Blemishine x Chiave, Blemishine calls Whislash auntie one time too many, Shining and/or Nightingale doting on Blemishine, and lastly someone talking to Blemishine about the fact she is the only person at Rhodes Island willing to attack sleeping enemies, and that she considers it mercy. We’ll figure this out when we get there and probably slide one or two of the following ones between the spares.
(requested by calligomiles) Platinum/Nearl/Gravel
(requested by anonymous) Just after Maria Nearl, the Kazimierz Media’s hatchet job...and a little more besides
(requested by mathmaticalknight) Aosta/Bibeak
(requested by greenone170b7) Shining and Liz cheer on their wife while she kicks ass to save her sister
(requested by greenone170b7) Maria and Platinum start dating (and Margaret is suffering because of it)
(requested by greenone170b7) Zofia is lamenting her single status in the bar when she gets swept off her feet by a gorgeous fem!Doc
(requested by mathmaticalknight) Broca/Click
(requested by anonymous) Ifrit joins Reunion...and Saria and Silence have to stop her [GODDAMNIT SADFIC ANON]
(requested by mathmaticalknight) Blaze x Saria
(requested by mathmaticalknight) Surtr and her talking sword
(requested by anonymous) Mudrock/Fem!Doc
(requested by anonymous) Hung is a dudebrochadmyguy
(requested by calligomiles) Zima/Leto in this timeline
(requested by calligomiles) Rosa/Istina in this timeline
(requested by calligomiles) Jackie/Grani/Absinthe Poly-cop-ule
(requested by anonymous) Doctor/Gavial during Great Chief, Tomimi no likey
(requested by calligomiles) Jackie/Swire (OkaKoro!)
(requested by calligomiles) Mudrock/FrostNova
(requested by calligomiles; continuing from this) Mudrock/Gummy/BP
(requested by calligomiles) Mudrock/Rosa
(requested by mathmaticalknight) Nian/Whisperain [I see what you’re doing here]
(requested by calligomiles) Zima/Glaucus
(requested by calligomiles) Istina/Deepcolor
(requested by calligomiles) Rosa/BP
(requested by calligomiles) Leto/Specter
(requested by calligomiles) Gummy/Skadi...V? Likely with all of these Abyss/USGG couples coming together at a meeting or some’n
(requested by mathmaticalknight) Warfarin, Pramanix, Conviction, and Ansel learn to helidrop
(requested by anonymous) Specter/Doc
(requested by calligomiles) Rosa/Gavial 2
(requested by mathmaticalknight) ChenPipe 5ish (Ch’en working Command Center accidentally brings Bagpipe and Reed into contact)
(requested by anonymous) Jaye/Utage, Resting Terror Faces come together
(requested by calligomiles) Utage/Zima
(requested by calligomiles) Utage/Gummy II
(requested by calligomiles) Flint/Zima
(requested by calligomiles) Flint/Leto
(requested by emburbaguette) Doctor/Rangers
(requested by mathmaticalknight) Angelina/Utage II
(requested by calligomiles) Absinthe/Zima
(requested by mathmaticalknight) Doctor gets TP’d to G&K
(requested by calligomiles) Rosa and Talulah, bonding over shared rejection of nobility
(requested by mathmaticalknight) Saria/Nian 5, meet the family (Dusk)
(requested by calligomiles) Swire/Rosa III
(requested by calligomiles) BP/Andreana
(requested by anonymous) Blue Poison/Astesia
(requested by calligomiles) Saga/Archetto
(requested by calligomiles) Saga/Absinthe
(requested by calligomiles) Dusk/Deepcolor (“I’m not worried about collateral damage”)
(requested by calligomiles) Ifrit/Rosmontis/Eyjafjalla
(requested by mathmaticalknight) Ceobe walks Dusk’s paintings freely
(requested by calligomiles) Skadi/Gummy 6: Someone’s Gonna Die From Sugar Overload
(requested by mathmaticalknight) Dusk burns Nian’s movie collection, Shaw is the most upset
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skyguy-snips · 3 years
i've officially written 25 total chapters of my bad batch series!!! (my google doc is exactly 99 pages long). its so fun (but tedious) to write because i'm literally starting and stopping the episodes constantly to get the exact dialogue and it's allowing me to really analyze each scene. i just finished writing book (episode) 5 and i'll likely post the last two chapters of book 1 tomorrow to celebrate :)
its so hard though having watched the new episodes and thinking of ways to include Skylar in them but i've still only written through rampage (ep 5). hopefully i can catch up to the episodes as they release so that i'll have a week for each book and can update them real-time!! if i do catch up to the release dates, i'll probably wait a week and then release the chapters over the span of the following week just to give me time to write and edit (and so people can avoid spoilers since its basically rewrites of the episodes).
this was a long ramble to try and organize my thoughts but also update anyone thats reading the series. it's 2:30am and i have to be at work by 10 so i need to go to bed. thx for dealing w me lmao
(if you'd like to read the series, here's my masterlist! my tag list can also be found on the masterlist)
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Call out. (Matt Casey)
Summary: You and your husband Matt Casey were helping the charity run when a bomb goes off.
Words: 1414
Requested: Yes!
Warning/A/N: mentions of blood and injury. Y/F/P/N: your favorite pet name. Baby, sweetheart, cupcake, etc
@miranda0102 @talicat713 @intergalxtic @babyfannii @corebore123 @halsteadsway @bethii1 @littlemaatta @disneyismyworldforever @nhcwdw
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You and Casey were helping for the Chicago P.D and firefighters charity run for Chicago Medical. Jay Halstead one of the best detectives, he's also your brother comes up to you and Casey. "Casey, mind helping setting up a booth?"
Casey agreed and looked at you. "I'm gonna go into the hospital and get the registration forms,"
Casey nodded and gives you a quick kiss on your cheek. "Okay, I love you,"
You smiled at the l love you but you kiss him on the lips. "I love you too,"
You and Casey were just recently married about maybe two months ago after dating for two years and engaged for one. You could hear Jay make a comment and Casey told him told, shut up or he'll punch him. You laughed at the two of them. They weren't the best of friends when the first met but now they are like brothers cause well they technically are now. You get into the hospital and made it up to the second floor which was where the main lobby and the forms were at it. "I'm here to pick up the race registration forms?"
The receptionist looked through some papers but finally found them. "Here you go. Sorry about that. A lot of paperwork today,"
You smiled at her. You knew how busy a work day can get within a matter of seconds. "I know how that is,"
She smiled at you before you had starting walking back down to the stairs. You had an irrational fear of elevators. You knew how funny that sounded because you were a fire fighter. If you had to, you would take an elevator, but if you could choose, the stairs it would be.
You had just made it to the top step of the stairs when a loud boom went off.
Casey had woken up to a ringing in his ear and his vision fuzzy and to laying on the ground. He got up as fast as he could and looked around and saw a giant hole in the hospital. When the ringing had finally subsided, the screams and the crying started. Casey started shouting out orders to the other firefighters and getting uninjured civilians to help out. He didn't know how long had passed when he saw Truck 81 and Engine 51 pull up. He ran up to Boden, and Boden asked him what happened. "I don't know all the know is that there was a loud boom, and I was knocked out and when I came too, there was a giant hole in the hospital, people were screaming, car alarms were going off. Just pure chaos,"
At this time, Jay had ran up to Casey. "Matt, where's my sister? She's not answering her phone,"
That's when it hit him. He hadn't seen her. He had been so preoccupied with helping people that he didn't know where she was, but he looked towards the building. "She was in the hospital getting the forms when the bomb went off,"
Jay tried to run into the hospital but Casey stopped him. "Jay. NO. It's not safe,"
"That's MY sister in there, and YOUR wife could be hurt. Don't tell me not to go in there,"
"Jay, we don't even know if she's in the hospital. I'll find her. Stay put. You trusted me with to protect her for three years. Trust me now,"
Jay looks at the hospital and then back at Casey and nodded. "Alright text me as soon as you find her,"
"I will,"
Casey frantically looked around the parking lot and when he couldn't find her, he ran to the hole in the building. He started to climb the rubble but just merely missed a piece of ceiling falling. "CASEY!"
He turned and looked at Severide whose pointing above him and saw that the entire ceiling was about to fall. Casey moved out of the way just in time before the entire ceiling fall.
You had woken up to being under a slab of cement, you couldn't move, talk, scream nothing. "Y/N? CASEY?"
You heard Severide call out for you and you tried to say something back but you couldn't muster up anything, not even a tiny squeak. You looked around to see if you can make any sound with anything. You spotted a rod that you can pull down, and it'll make a sound. You reached up and did it once. "BABY! WHERE ARE YOU? CALL OUT?"
You reached up and pulled the rode down further and this time, it made a loud sound. "WE HEARD THAT! DO IT AGAIN,"
You couldn't reach up and do it again, after a few seconds you heard Casey call out to you. "COME ON, IF THAT'S MY WIFE DOING THAT. BABY, I KNOW YOU ARE PROBABLY TIRED BUT DO IT AGAIN, THAT'S ALL WE NEED ONE MORE GOOD SOUND AND WE WILL FIND YOU. PLEASE DO IT AGAIN,"
You had to reach up three times before you could pull the rod back down but you managed to do it and it was louder than the other ones. "IM COMING,"
You don't know how long it was when you saw a flashlight shinning the other way. You got an adrenaline spike when you saw that flashlight. So with all you have, you finally yelled. "MATTY! I'M HERE. HELP ME,"
The flashlight had quickly moved to where it had landed on you. "Hold on, we're coming,"
It had taken than less than three minutes to get to you. They saw that a slab of cement had you pinned down. "Is this pushing you on?"
You shook your head.
"Are you in pain?"
You shook your head again.
It wasn't pushing against you or were you in pain. The slab had you pinned, yes but it wasn't actually hurting you. The boys shinned the light on the slab. "You stuck in between two slabs. Your right leg is caught in between them. This might hurt I'm gonna try to free your leg,"
You nodded and grabbed onto Casey arm to brace yourself. Severide had gently but quickly got your leg free but once again it didn't hurt. "You're free, let's get you out of here,"
Casey had put you on his back and as soon as you were out of the rubble, he had slide you off his back and as soon as he did you instantly passed out, Casey almost not being able to catch you. That's when he noticed blood on your shirt. He quickly sits down with you in his lap and lifts up your shirt, you had a gash in your stomach that was bleeding badly. "DAWSON! I NEED HELP!"
Dawson comes running over and sees you unconscious in Casey's arms. "Oh shit,"
Dawson runs over to you and pushes down on your wound.
It had been a few hours since you had passed out from blood lost and you were in surgery. Casey was losing himself so was your brother. Casey had seen the nurse took you into the hospital come out into the waiting room. He stood up and walked over there. "How she is?"
"I can't tell you that sir,"
"What do you mean, you can't tell me? I'M HER HUSBAND! You either going to tell me how she is or take me to see her, or I will do it myself,"
"Mr. Casey,"
Casey turned around and saw the doctor that was doing your surgery. "Doc, how is she?"
"Your wife is out of surgery, but she is sleeping. She will make a full recovery. I will have a nurse come and get you when she wakes up,"
"I was wondering why I wasn't feeling any pain, I just thought it might been the adrenaline running through my body,"
Matt looked at you and gave the side of your head a kiss. "Probably that, too. The doctor said that they'll keep you overnight to observe you but if everything goes well, you'll be released later tomorrow,"
You nodded and laid your head on your husband's shoulder and wrapped your arms around his one. "You're gonna stay with me right,?"
Matt moved his head, so he could kiss the top of your head. "Yes, baby. I don't know what I would've done if I lost you,"
You didn't answer him. You just tightened your arms around his. After a few minutes of silence. "I love you,"
"I love you too, Y/F/P/N,"
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docstark · 3 years
Ignite (Avengers/Bucky Barnes Fanfiction) Chapter 2 - He Would Have Liked You
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<<Previous Chapter
So this chapter is jumping staying in Doctor Stark's story and will slowly move into the more of a Bucky fanfiction. It's kind of my running story.
Warnings: Language, violence, mentions of 18+ activities lol
I managed to get control of my power and I made gauntlets so that I wasn’t getting massive internal arm injuries from the vibrations (Agent Coulson said that I probably used the last bit of vibranium that SHIELD had but as Fury didn’t want me to have broken arms…)
Long story short, my brother is Iron Man, I have powers, Captain America was found, and now after some thawing, a freak out in New York where he was taken to wake up in, Steve Rogers himself is now my patient….kind of. (I’m not a practicing doctor)
“I feel like we’ve met,” he said after a long silence.
“In a way we have,” I said as I looked over his blood work, “You knew my father.” His forehead wrinkled as he was looking at me like he was trying to place me with all the people that he once knew. “Of course, if you were to see my brother you would really see the young Howard Stark in him.”
“Stark? You’re Stark’s daughter?”
“Is...Is he gone? Like everyone else?” He questioned looking at his feet.
“Both he and my mother died in ‘91,” I replied quietly, “Car crash, I was 15.”
“It’s okay...it was a long time ago.”
“That doesn’t make it any easier,” he said. I remembered hearing from Aunt Peggy how Steve had lost both of his parents as well and it wasn’t something that you want to have in common with someone, but at least he could understand what I went through. “Anyway, are you doing more tests today doc?”
“No, you’ve got as clean of a bill as a super soldier that has been frozen in the ice for nearly 70 years,” I replied, “Got some interesting data on myself as well…”
“On yourself?”
“Oh...it’s nothing,” I said, not meaning to have said that last part out loud. As a scientist it made me curious to see what my own altered gene sequence looked like to that of Captain America’s since both our serums came from the same doctor and the same time period. I honestly wasn’t expecting any huge similarities, but I was surprised that what had been altered in me had also been altered in him, but because of the way that the serum was meant to activate within my body it didn’t turn me into a super soldier, but a weapon.
“And Bucky used to call me a bad liar,” Steve said, crossing his arms and sitting back in his chair, “What’s going on doc?”
I sighed. He was going to find out sooner or later because of The Avengers Initiative that Fury was putting together, so I just told him everything.
“All for that fact that your brother was kidnapped?” he questioned, “You are a tough one and got heart doc…”
“Yeah, well my brother damn near killed me when he found out what I did,” I replied, “But I’m good with my choices. But this isn’t about me…I brought these from the old SSR storage…” I went to go grab the couple of boxes that I brought with me that morning but he beat me to them.
“Let me get those for you,” he said as he carried them over to the table.
“Thank you,” I said, “These boxes have some of your belongings that were stored away after you went missing.”
He opened the box and looked in, there were some old photos, a signed baseball, his father’s dog tags, his mother’s wedding ring. Small things that were squirrelled away from his Brooklyn apartment for if he were to be found again. “These were in storage this whole time?”
“Yeah, I’m going to guess that either my father or Agent Carter had this done,” I said as I reached into the box and pulled out a picture that caught my eye.
“It wouldn’t surprise me at all if Peggy had it done,” he said, looking at the compass that was sitting on the table by where he had been sitting.
“There are other things that belonged to you that aren't as personal that you can find in the Smithsonian,” I said, captivated by the man in the photo.
“He would have liked you,” Steve said looking over my shoulder.
“Bucky…he would have liked you,” he said pointing to the picture.
“This is a much better picture than the memorial one that they have in the museum,” I said as Steve and I sat down, “He has playful eyes…”
He snorted. “Oh you have no idea...he knew just how to make everyone feel happy even on the worst days, but when he was around others...oh and women could not get enough of him. Though thinking about it now he was actually quite picky.”
“Man, romance did die in the 40s,” I said lulling my head back as I put the picture back in the box.
He chuckled. “Guys today not what you wish they were?”
“I get more satisfaction from my hand then men nowadays…” There was a silence in the room and I looked at Steve whose ears were now a bright shade of red. “Sorry…”
“It’s fine…”
“You didn’t,” Natasha said as she blocked my punch.
“As you well know, don’t ask me questions you don’t want an honest answer to,” I replied as we continued to spar. As we did so I managed to grab her arm, twist it and use her own leg to give me a little extra leverage to jump and get my legs around her neck and flip her over.
“Good god, woman…” she said, landing with an oomph.
“I’ve been getting some tips from Agent May,” I said with a cheeky grin, “You are the one that told me not to always rely on my powers.”
She sat up and looked up at me. “Want to play it that way huh?”
“Oh shit…”
After getting my ass thoroughly handed to me (though Nat did say that I did quite well), we hit the showers and after returned to our previous conversation...thanks to her.
“So what did he say after you said what you did?” she questioned as we stood at one of the Triskelion’s coffee stands.
“Who say about what?” I asked at first not catching on to what she was talking about.
“Steve….what did he say?”
“Oh, nothing...his ears turned bright red and I apologised, I forgot that in the 1940s they weren’t exactly open about that kind of stuff.”
She let out a snort. “Oh if only the 1940s could see us now!” she said sliding down the zipper of her jacket with a wink.
“You’re horrible,” I said nudging her with my elbow.
“Anyway, what about that guy that you just broke up with?”
“Kevin?” I asked, wrinkling my nose, “For starters, he broke up with me.”
“Excuse me?”
I just shrugged. “He wasn’t worth the time anyway. He only cared about what I could do for his dick, and not what his dick could do for me. No satisfaction what-so-ever...always ended up sneaking off to the bathroom to get off.”
“I hate that...he’s losing out though,” she said as we grabbed our coffee and headed down the hall.
“I don’t need a guy who leaves me feeling unsatisfied or that tells me that I work too much, or that-”
“He does know that you have 3 Phds and are the co-owner of a billion dollar company...right?”
“Must’ve slipped his mind…” I said shrugging.
“Ladies,” we looked and saw Fury as he walked over to us, arms tucked behind his back.
“Doctor, I saw your final report...is Rogers ready when if we need him,” he questioned.
“I think he is, whether or not he thinks he is will come down to what he does when a challenge is put in front of him,” I replied.
“Very well, are you leaving tonight or tomorrow?” he questioned.
“Tonight sir, I believe that Nat is leaving tonight as well, I finished my work with Captain Rogers, got my training in, and now I need to get back to Stark Tower so that Tony and Pepper don’t completely steal my thunder with the sustainable energy for the tower.”
“Very well...a Quinjet will be available for you to take whenever you are ready,” he said with a nod of his head, “Agent Romanoff...good luck on your mission.”
“Thank you sir,” she said.
He left us standing there and I just looked at her. “Did I just get debriefed?”
“In a subtle way, yes.”
“Agent Doctor Stark or Doctor Agent Stark?”
“None of the above….”
That evening I did find myself back at Stark Tower, at the very top in Tony’s “Home Away From Home”.
“You know Y/N, technically...you could live here,” Tony said as me, him, and Pepper sat on the couch putting making sure we had all our plans put together for when Tony when to connect the Arc Reactor to Stark Tower.
“So generous, but I like my garden,” I replied, “And I like feeling like a normal human being first thing in the morning.”
“Your house is so small,” he said.
“I’m sorry my 3,000 square ft house bothers you so,” I said, “But it’s my ‘small’ house and has all the upgrades that I need. If I ever need a bigger house I’ll just buy the house next door and evict the neighbors and build over onto that plot of land.” I thought Pepper’s head was gonna snap off her neck with as fast as she turned it when I said this. “I’m kidding Pep...cool your jets.”
“The two of you have deep enough pockets, forgive me if I get concerned sometimes,” she said with a chuckled.
“Nah, I like my neighbors...guy across the street is kind of creepy but-“
“Big brother need to step in and take care of him for you?” Tony teased earning an eyeroll.
“When I moved in there, Nancy, the neighbor to the right of me said he’s been the head of the neighborhood watch for 20 years or something like that,” I replied knowing that though he was teasing me, part of him was also serious, “He apparently didn’t like all the people that came in and out of the neighborhood when I was having the house upgraded with Stark Tech, the lab put in the basement, and then the security around the perimeter...I disrupted the peace.”
“Look at you, turning suburbia on its head,” he said.
“Alright you two, enough...let’s get this finished,” Pepper laughed.
Two nights later project clean Sustainability was a go.
“How’s it look big bro?” I asked as Tony flew back to the Tower as it lit up the New York skyline.
“Like Christmas, only more...us,” he replied.
As he landed I turned to Pepper. “I will leave you two to celebrate, I have other work that needs to be felt with.”
“What? N/N, stay and have some champagne,” Pepper said.
“No, you two celebrate. Date night for you two...enjoy.” I headed to the elevator and to my office where I was greeted by my Artificially Intelligent Digital Assistant or AIDA for short.
“Good evening, Doctor Stark. I would like to congratulate you on making Stark tower the first fully clean and sustainable building in the United States,” she said as I sat at my desk, “Also I am being informed by JARVIS that Agent Coulson is trying to get a hold of both you and Mr. Stark, should I put him through?”
I sighed. “If I don’t, he’ll probably just hack his way-“
“Agent Coulson…”
"Doctor Stark, I'm sorry to interupt your evening but there is something urgent that we need dealt with," he said holding out a file to me. Opening the file I saw a picture of a familiar blue cube paperclipped to the top. "What do you know about the Tesseract?"
"Only what was in my father's files," I replied. By now there were five people that knew about the files that were given to my by Aunt Peggy. I knew I couldn't keep them a secret forever so I kept it down to:
Fury Coulson Nat Tony Pepper
Thanks to Pepper and her due dillagence, most of the files were now store electronically on an encrypted harddrive. Though there were somethings that were secret to only me.
"Good, in five minutes send what you have up to Mr. Stark," he replied, "The Tessaract was stolen by an Asgardian by the name of Loki. We will need your help on this....time for you to suit up."
As Coulson headed back to the elevator I went over to my computer and pulled up my files. 'Why my father ever fished that thing out of the ocean instead of throwing it back I will never understand....'
Chapter 3>>
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