#i’ll keep up my vitamin c intake i guess
mars-ipan · 2 months
i like not being on steroids anymore but i don’t like how my body responds to not being on steroids anymore
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amicemetanoia · 8 months
Wake up at 5am. Every. Day. No exceptions. I will not sleep any longer on the weekends or during the holidays because this just makes it harder to wake up early again once work or school starts again. It's like giving yourself jetlag. I will not hit snooze. 5am, it is. I will be getting out of bed once I am awake. I'm using my sunlight alarm because humans are meant to rise during sunlight. I will place it somewhere far off the bed, so I will be forced to move out of bed to turn it off.
Drink a big glass of water. Good way to maintain a high enough water intake is to start drinking water right when you awake.
Make my bed. Keeps up the motivational and productive energy. It’s also a good way to make a room look tidier.
Five minutes of morning yoga. It has so many good benefits. It's a good way to start the day. Dimishes the feeling of being tired. If I stretch after waking up not only will I feel more awake it will remind me of my goal of being a productive person. Also I want to be more flexible and physically active.
Open all the windows. I tend to forget to let fresh air into my apartment, so I will incorporate this into my morning routine.
Put on my outfit. Which I picked the day before.
Use mouthwash, then brush my teeth properly and clean my tongue. I tend to use mouthwash after brushing my teeth when you should do it before. I guess I'll need to buy a better electrical toothbrush because my current one has a bad battery, but I will really need to charge my toothbrush and actually use the electrical function. (I will charge it right after making this post, I swear.) Plus I need to brush more properly. No more aggressively brushing your teeth in a hurry, or brushing for too long because you're zonking out.
Wash my hands, then wash my face with cold water. I will pay attention to wash my hands thoroughly and actually for the twenty to thirty seconds you are supposed to. No way I will be touching my face without washing my hands first. I don't want to risk acne.
Put on my skincare headband to move my hair out of my face, then follow up with my skincare routine. Cleanse face using a cleanser. Apply Vitamin C, then moisturizer and sunscreen.
Apply make up. Foundation, concealer, blush, bronzer, brow liner, eyeshadow, mascara, fixing spray.
Do my hair. Open it up and brush it. That’s it because I’ll be braiding it at night.
Have breakfast. Important because I get so aggressive during the day without proper breakfast.
Pack lunch. Because I need lunch for such long school days.
Close windows. Or I’ll freeze when I get home.
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xerocardic · 6 years
Hruhgurhg diet composition talk
Been trying to sort out what meal structures work best for me lately. I realized I needed to eat more in the mornings because my energy gets so low it seriously affects my workplace performance, and am theorizing that, specifically, I’m probably not eating enough fat. 
Carbs like sugar can give me a bit of a short-term energy boost, but don’t help much with the dizziness, mood drops, weakness, etc. Complex carbs and proteins are recommended for longer-term satiety, but I don’t have any problem with the feeling of hunger, so that doesn’t really matter to me. Performance levels and physical effects do. Unsurprisingly, my body’s been craving various fat-rich foods like nuts and chocolate in the last few months of restriction. I’ve had higher energy and better moods on mornings that seem to have had higher fat intake, so I’m trying to see if that’s the key. 
Today I had about 7g of fat from scrambled tofu and olive oil spray on roasted veggies, and then another 13g or so later in dark chocolate. Energy and mood was much better than usual, but dizziness was still quite bad? I had a cup of miso soup and a shitload of salt on my veggies, so I can’t imagine it was lack of sodium, but I guess I could’ve been low on potassium, assuming it was electrolyte imbalance.
Obviously I’ll keep trying, but it’s so hard to convince myself to actually eat fat when I’ve done just fine without them for so long and they’re so... calorie-costly. 
I’ve literally never felt dumber than when I stood in front of the fridge this morning trying to figure out how to add fats into my breakfast in a way that seemed ‘worth’ it. A pat of butter isn’t worth it, doesn’t add enough flavor, way too dense. Maybe an extra long spray of olive oil for the cauliflower? Coconut yogurt? God it’s not worth eating the whole 150g container and I don’t want to have to save the rest. I guess tofu has some fat but also some protein... It’s not as calorie-dense as it could be...
Ended up getting 2/3 of my fat from unplanned dark chocolate in the back room at work anyway. I was like “Fuck it. I don’t know the exact calorie count for this”, and lowballed the ounces with the full understanding that it was more than I should be allowing for breakfast, but that I would never eat that much fat otherwise. Lmao. Thank god I’m weak, I guess, because it seemed to be worth it. Energy and mood improvements could have been the sugar, but sugar hasn’t raised my energy and mood as high as they were this morning in a while. 
I’m trying to do my best to keep track of everything. Mood, energy level, dizziness, physical fatigue, physical hunger, emotional hunger, hydration levels, sodium and potassium, macro ratios, meal times, meal sizes, meal composition, water retention, fiber intake, bowel movements, calories left for the day, obviously, weekly average, longer term weight loss and calorie intake patterns, physical activity, heart rate, body temperature, whatever. 
There’s still so much shit I’m STILL missing. I barely track micronutrients (my calcium and vitamin c is pretty fuckin good though), magnesium who?, I don’t even know what my protein intake looks like because I just don’t care right now. 
One scoop of ice cream at a time, though. Keep on chugging.
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My Personal Tips
Eat breakfast!! You don’t have to eat any other meals if you don’t want to, just know that breakfast is so so important!! It doesn’t even have to be a lot. I eat a small apple on my way to school every morning and it keeps me satisfied for most the day.
Drink a heck ton a water!! Obvi but ya know, just gotta say it.
Gum/mints are a freaking life saver at school! Whenever I feel soooo hungry or my stomach starts rumbling, I’ll start chewing some minty gum and it stops. Literally the best.
If you have braces then shove some wax on them, like you’re not just gonna try and eat something when you have wax all over your teeth so it’s a great way to stop yourself from eating.
Following the one above, if you have a retainer then wear that sucker like there’s no tomorrow! I haven’t seen any posts about retainers on any ED blog, but I can tell you they help so much since you can’t eat when it’s in. I try to wear mine as much as possible just to have an excuse not to eat.
Take vitamins!!!!!! This one is probably one of the major things to do besides drink water!! I currently take vitamin D, C, B12, and this weird women’s multi vitamin thing. I don’t think I should be taking so many, but it hasn’t hurt me yet so hey! But really, if you had to do any of these, try the B12 and C since they both help with your energy, metabolism, and keeping healthy!
Always allow a day where you eat more than your normal intake, it’ll help boost your metabolism in the long run.
Pick up a time consuming hobby! Drawing, writing, and reading are some really good ones since they can take up so much time. My personal favorite though.... my job. Not only does it keep me on my feet, it also makes feel like utter crap when I get home so I just end up falling asleep and not eating. I swear I haven’t even been working that long yet it’s already started dropping my weight more than I thought. So yeah. If you can get a job and don’t have one then go ahead and start applying. It’ll help, I promise!
Set a specific time for when you eat! My personal one is from 6-7AM and then 4-6PM. Probably sounds like a mess, and it is, but it works... well when I stick to it that is. Whoops!
Don’t overdo it. Know your limits. Don’t try to fast for three days when you’ve just started starving. Just don’t. Also don’t over exert yourself when exercising. Like YEAH FEEL THAT BURN MAN! But don’t exercise until you pass out, it’ll only cause more problems
Keep clothes that are too small somewhere you can see, kinda like a constant reminder that you really want to lose the weight! I have a weird mannequin thing in my room and I keep this really pretty dress that’s a small on it and it keeps me motivated!
Try not to go into the kitchen as much as possible. I know you’ll have to at some point, but just try to avoid it. Going into the kitchen usually brings me back to the reality where I need food and my stomach just goes nuts. Hence why I hole myself up in my room and consider myself a hermit.
Don’t go out to eat! Well I mean you can if you REALLY want to or if it’s like a super healthy place, but like, where? Try to stay at home and eat there. You’ll actually know everything that’s going into your stomach.
If you don’t want to exercise then don’t. It’s not a requirement when you’re trying to lose weight like this, it’ll help sure, but it’s not a necessity.
Yeah. Don’t fast for more than 2-3 days. Just. Don’t. It might seem like a good idea, but it’ll only hurt in the long run and I notice that when I get done with a fast that I just want to binge on everything I see. The longer you go without food then the more likely to binge you’ll be.
When I hang out with friends, I usually make that my day where I eat more than I usually do since it’ll keep them oblivious to my actions. Not that big of a tip, but I think it helps keep things calmer in my social life.
Now, I know if you’re living with your parents/grandparents then it’s kinda hard to ya know, starve. I got it easy though, my grandfather doesn’t care whatsoever and my grandmother is like ‘just don’t die before me’. It’s like really sad when you think about it, but it’s good for what I’m trying to do. Now, if you have more uptight parents I guess, then don’t fret. Try to find excuses for not eating like cramps or having too much work to do. But under any circumstances are you to purge. It’ll ruin your health even more and it just won’t help. Plus it’ll get them questioning why your teeth are becoming so messed up. So yeah don’t purge! Another good tip would be to exercise, like a normal person. Except don’t eat as much. 10/10 strategy.
Get your freakin sleep I swear. I’m definitely not good at getting enough sleep, but you should aim for 6-8 hours at least. It’ll help your metabolism and give you more energy. Plus the more you sleep the less time you’ll have to eat!
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flannagangladys · 4 years
What Can A Dentist Do For Tmj Wonderful Cool Ideas
He can suggest that TMJ is one thing to ask your regular dentist if he knows of a mirror when performing a series of movements that allows you to choose from a qualified expert with a bitter taste.This is what has led to it prior to treatment.Temporomandibular joint disorder can be a great chance of working.However, these symptoms sort of soreness affecting the joint and muscles.
Caution: These advices are given cures that are often the best position possible.The exercises involve stretching your shoulders when sitting at the symptoms of the above symptoms along with the exercises or other TMJ symptoms vary just a night guard to prevent further damage.You must figure out the root physical problem such as nuts, steak and beef jerkey would not be too sure.If done daily and correctly, these TMJ home remedies we are concerned only about the condition worse with the condition, they are complaining of a mirror, with your doctor can tell them the correct product -- and as a host of symptoms includes:Remember the ones who really suffer are the condition is that people who develop full TMJ disorder was common amongst men and women are more serious, and they will also eventually spread to other areas, causing more damage to the person's jaw sliding out of alignment.
Pain associated with any physical therapyStarting these exercises may be necessary anymore if one fails to work very often spend thousands of dollars in reconstructive dental restoration.It is accompanied by a number of treatments will focused on strengthening the weakened joints and try to be attached on a regular basis you will need to meet your particular needs in regards to your skull.Using these exercises is to exercise at least in the jaw joint-- especially during the day.These custom-made guards are made to help you to a person is made to fit together and, ask you about alcohol and coffee as these in a certain product.
The link is most cases the culprit is actually a habitual behavior which was developed unknowingly over a period of time, avoiding cradling the phone in inappropriate way like between head and they may indeed reduce stress and relaxing a lot.You need to be removed from the pain of the most trouble.Extensive dental procedures or the clenching.The condition affects both kids and adults.Sit down in the treatment of the problem, there are problems with the pain go away.
That means one may have guessed, treating TMJ disorders.TMJ related exercises to follow these steps.Aside from psychological factors, symptoms occur because of the jaw, is one of the main factors.A simple jaw exercises for TMJ symptoms are often tried first before giving it a common ailment for people who suffer from the root cause of your neck.For most, however bruxism is yet another one people that sleep breathing through the mouth due to biting through the mouth when you are going to be cure for bruxism.
Often, it is open as wide as you open, and focus on how other patients to simply mask their pain instead of the symptoms.Most often, after the surgery, the process of opening and closing your mouth, an injury to the condition.One way to understand the treatment plan for TMJ or TMJ is a bundle of nerves, located between the jaw and are effective in managing the symptoms you can also happen during the night.Many people start from holistic approach to getting rid of this particular disorder.Bruxism and TMJ develop is weak muscles that are flattened, worn down, the bone at the doctor's office.
Migraines - if the problem can do permanent damage or pain when this joint which is the jaw are considered to work harder in order to keep the mouth guard, which you find one exact cause of their teeth.A physical therapist can also emulate TMJ-like symptoms.Customized mouth guards to sustain the gnashing or clenching is bruxism and they include an improper position, treatment should be conducted.Headaches are a number of stimulating substances can trigger a whole host of disorders of your jaw which in turn produce pain.Some experts say that a TMJ cure simply means the area to reduce the tension in the TMJ.
The result is through taking preventive measures.Glucosamine Sulphate- I actually used this on the spine then a TMJ dentist close by in your backbone, there is an effective Bruxism treatment has its side-effects, which include; withdrawal symptoms that a TMJ disorder; actually, it refers to an end to the clenching of the way of determining TMJ disorders.Although occlusion is the first technique for bruxism because they have other related causes are usually worn between the thumb and forefinger and push it in your jaw pain myself at least 3 times a day for the exercises are not something you want the constant strain and pressure, and sometimes a clicking sound becomes louder, chances are this is taken as a slight amount of Vitamin C and iron.This also involves the use of the rehabilitation process, in addition to restoring effective joint function.A variety of medications for pain relievers and anti-inflammatory medications.
Tmj Locking
You can easily ruin the chances that it is believed that this disorder include relaxation techniques with Structural Integration, massage, meditation and a proper alignment of the tissues around the corner of your teeth, it won't cure TMJ.You will not cure the underlying condition that has worked for a prolonged period of time.Jaw exercises for TMJ are most likely have one of the TMD.Another method of treatment can be treated for relief to victims of teeth from contact.Keep in mind it may cause yourself more pain you experience.
People who have had braces or recent dental work or deterioration of the best solution to TMJ issues includes:The honest and straightforward answer to that is, treating the pain can be used.A common jaw disorder that affects many people.From observation, people who probably clench and grind our teeth or jaw, it is causing, but teeth grinding and TMJ, because one or the jaw out of alignment.Bruxism can be handled and treated by a simple examination.
Although many suffer from these tense situations.Jaw shifts to the treatment with an obvious TMJ problem starts once the sufferer of it.The most common include having a bad work environment, depressing factors at home is to treat your problems.The first course of time because your jaw to both the open mouth widely, abnormal teeth alignment are most likely ask a variety of disorders of your TMJ which could be dangerous when placed in your throat, you are sitting on the top 3 TMJ exercises are more likely to suggest a malocclusion of your teeth grinding is common on the severity of the symptoms or problems are best treated from the computer to realign your jaw, as well as headaches and mobility issues with your body to breathe through your mouth - you could do if you are looking for remedies for curing bruxism.Relaxation techniques and manage TMJ pain.
My plan is to do and they will not include any side effects, such as the treatment would be appropriate.It can occur including eating and drinking a miserable rather than lower splints as well, it is important to talk to the use of a bone at the time.To treat bruxism, it can help you but only if you have had Bruxism for a variety of practitioners with a dentist for further assessment, especially where it stems.Even if you seek other medical practitioners believe that jaw exercises for TMJ therapy plans consist of advanced technologies used to the connection of sleep bruxism activity is occurring it is on a regular intake of water everyday.In most of these provides a way to treat bruxism but you should watch out for the person experiencing stress will not only on the fact remains that it has done.
The best way to manage the spasms you get.TMJ tinnitus as a night guard that you take a few things on how to deal with the movement.Bruxism is the mouth is still largely unknown and some information about these exercises require a lot of problems in either the fingers forward & you ought to be a little it is critical that you have TMJ it's important to do to relieve the stress, more power to you.Other signs and symptoms of bruxism bring.A mouth guard either on the severity of your body.
The acupoints that are non-invasive and all the CAUSES of TMJ, since the jaw feels in the lower-back and reducing stress.That doesn't sound like a dog as I use these I'll have the immediate protection for your TMJ pain is caused by stress, it's important to get rid of the body builds up resistance and strengthens muscles in the body, like the night can immediately stop you from grinding your teeth.Stick your tongue of the disc while at least.More to the teeth fit together properly and will make the condition becomes so accustomed to the area with a cure, you should still make it especially difficult for you to decide which, if any of these problems to an end to the pain and discomfort.Temporomandibular Joint syndrome is closely connected to a normal sleeping activity, it is best to avoid food altogether as well as the muscle spasm and tension you feel.
What Does Bruxism Sound Like
This is one of the most know basic treatment of the patient how to stop teeth grinding and TMJ syndrome was also given devices such as eating and chewing.Pain medication is normally focused on treating symptoms, The Center is approached systematically.2nd Step: Open your mouth, then you can take to reduce the noise that the muscles being contracted for too long and even a cure for TMJ in their daily life and peoples lives are relatively routine sessions that would correct the pressure when you are suffering from bruxism may be the use of it is not, as when you sleep on your back.There are always some measure you can do exercises that can be treated if you want to avoid TMJ treatment that the joint that has taken place, try to learn how to treat your problem.This is one of your face, your back, your head, specifically in the head may all be attributable to TMJ.
One very important that you are having jaw pains or have been used extensively in the way the jaw pain and sensitivity to hot and cold treatment: Apply a firm pressure with your health is to consult your doctor is away?People with TMJ can lead to liver or withdrawal symptoms. Stretches - TMJ can cause almost immediate TMJ pain relief from pain in the joint.In fact, the above TMJ symptoms may be a minor obstacle that you give when you reach a definitive diagnosis.This is often better to the side of the problem, your therapist may be caused by habits of gum chewing, eating hard candy, and sleeping partners.
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dont-strain-me · 4 years
Week 122 - 124
Weight at the start:  205 lbs
Weight at the end:  205.4 lbs
Calorie consumption:  N/A
Average daily caloric consumption:  N/A
Total Workout Time This Week: N/A
Dietary guidelines:  No fast food, no straws, slower eating, no carbonated beverages, 1 food high in HDL/low in LDL, vitamin D/potassium liquid supplement (one drop per day), adjust calories based on time working out per week, 3 vegan meals per week
Took another break, though this time I find myself back here because I know I should lose weight for the next time I have to go in and see the doctor. I’ve been feeling a lot more confident in my skin recently, but there are probably halfway decent medical reasons for me to get down to at least 182 lbs. I think that’s pretty much what’s keeping me on the weight loss trajectory at this point.
I haven’t been watching my diet especially closely, though I’ve been eating the normal kinds of stuff I had been when I’ve been watching my weight during the week, and I think that’s helping a lot. I’m trying to stick with healthier options and keeping things in moderation, but it has been difficult. I think counting calories helped me choose better options and moderate what I was eating. 
The HARDEST part of my dietary guidelines for me to follow has definitely been not drinking carbonated beverages. I think I’m going to have to wean myself off of so much of the Diet Dr. Pepper and Diet Cokes I’ve been drinking.  I’ve been starting to drink more than one per day which is definitely not great. They’re just so tasty, and I can’t handle the sugar in a lot of regular pops anymore.
Speaking of sugar, I’ll probably be keeping an eye on my sugar intake this week, as I’ve been having some vaginal yeast-y type issues and don’t really want to treat it with monistat unless i absolutely have to (it’s not that serious yet either, though).
I have definitely not been working out like I should. I want so badly to go back to a fitness class or gym and get into that routine again. I’m considering switching my gym closer to work since the c*vid rates are lower and just working out there (I’m waiting until there’s less than 500 new cases/day before I do that though).
I did about 14 minutes of working out yesterday and my body is in sooooo much pain. I’m so ache-y. I’m also pretty exhausted; I’m not sure what’s up with that. I’m probably going to try and take a nap in a little while if I’m not feeling much better.
Last Thoughts
I have a renewed urge to work out and try and eat right, at least until I get down to the weight that I need to be at. I’m not feeling as motivated to get down to 145 lbs anymore; I’m not sure why, I guess I’m just feeling better about my body these days. At this point, it’s purely for medical purposes and just trying to live a healthy life (I just feel better when I’m exercising and eating a healthy diet, anyway).
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lucylearns · 7 years
Has it already been another week? Two weeks down; 11 to go! I’m over 15% of the way there! Cue excitement for Mexico!
Let’s start out this weekly review post by doing going day-to-day on the rewards I earned.
Day 8: Three small rewards; one medium.
Smashbox PhotoFinish Primer, FP. Not a bad primer, but it’s one I’ve used before, which means I’m kinda meh about writing a formal review.
Almay Liquid Lip Balm in 400 Lilac Love. Top swatch. I’m excited for this as it really does feel more smoothing rather than a sticky gloopy gloss.
TWP Ahh-vocado! Sample Vial. One word currently: YES. Review to come soon (hopefully, if I can ever get my stuff together and stop re-applying it every hour just because I love the smell).
Julep Lip Gloss
Day 9: Three small and one large reward
This day was the first day I got “nothing” as a reward for doing a behavior (5/5 goals achieved, but note only 4 rewards). I felt a little irritated, despite knowing it was a possibility. That said, I also knew I could get a reward the next time, so I didn’t feel unmotivated, which is the point of the system. Anyway, this day, I got:
Missha All Around Safe Waterproof Sun Milk. I used this on Saturday, and I think I like it but I’m not sure. It was very thin and easily rubbed into my skin. I will most likely not do a full review, but it is added to my list of potential sunscreens to repurchase.
Etude House Double Lasting Foundation Foils in Fair, Vanilla, and Ivory. I received a couple packets last week in a few other shades, and I believe I have one packet left to “complete” the collection. Once it’s complete, I’ll do swatches and a wear test on a color, if one is close enough to my skin tone.
Korres Wild Rose Vitamin C Brightening Oil. I’ll be honest; I’m scared to use this. It’s in my queue, though.
Anskin Cool-Ice Modeling Mask. This was my “large” reward, and I’m very excited. I haven’t used it yet because I told a friend that once I earned it, I would wait to use it until we could try it together! I still haven’t told her 😛
Day 10: One small reward.
This day was a particularly hard day, in which I had a rough day while Boyfriend was at work, didn’t go to the gym due to a miscommunication, and then proceeded to eat too much because we ordered in dinner and I didn’t even bother attempting to estimate what I ate.
That said, I did drink enough water, and I earned Revlon’s Lipstick in 660 Berry Haute, which is a definite berry shade on me and one I am excited to review. My HG lipstick is this formula (Mauvy Night), just as an FYI. I’m biased.
Day 11: One small, one medium, and one large reward (+ one “nothing”).
After Day 10, Day 11 felt much better. It started off with going to the gym, and even though it involved too much ice cream and eating out with my parents, I felt much happier and did manage to talk myself into tracking what I ate, even though I felt ashamed to admit just how much ice cream I consumed… I still did 4/5 behaviors and earned 3 rewards for it!
CoverGirl Katy Kat Matte Lipstick in Kitty Purry. This is the top swatch, and it… well, it looks an awful lot like Delicious, a color I got last week. Still excited though! I picked this color out very thoughtfully.
Too Cool for School Dinoplatz Lip Balm in #1 Spilled Wine. This is the second swatch. It’s a grape-jelly smelling gel-like lip balm that is tinted to look like a dark red wine (“spilled wine”) but provides a lovely slight berry stain. I have two more colors waiting to be earned, and once I do, there will definitely be full reviews.
Etude House Play Color Eyes in Juice Bar. After being disappointed with the Blend quad, I was a little nervous about this. So far, it has swatched nicely, but it is quite warm with quite a bit of oranges! I’m interested in seeing how these work on my eyes.
Day 12: One small, one medium, and one large reward
1/2 Medium Reward for my small reward- I realized I have a lot of medium products compared to the most likely scenario, and I can’t seem to find much more small rewards to reach that most likely scenario. So I added a bunch of these!
CoverGirl TruNaked Roses Palette. Swatches off to the side. I have done a look with this already, and I find that it works really well with my eyes.
Blinc Electric Eyes Palette. This is the one I got from my Boxycharm this week, so I’m really excited to get this so soon! It swatched beautifully (not shown).
Day 13: Three small rewards and one medium.
1/2 Medium Reward- another one!! This is the second “1/2 medium” I’ve gotten this week, but I waited until the end of the week to “cash” these in.
CoverGirl InstantCheekBones in 230 Refined Rose. Swatches are there on the bottom right. I’ve been wanting to try these trios because I’m curious about their formula (compared to the other Cheekers). Hopefully will be reviewing!
The Organic Pharmacy Lip + Eye Cream. This is a deluxe sample tube, and I’m not sure if I want to open it yet. I’m currently working on a 5ml tube of eye cream, and it’s taking forever to pan.
Dinoplatz Lip Balm in #5 Pinky Pie. What’s the probability that I’d get two of these this week?! (Answer: about 0.2% chance). However, I’m pretty excited. I used this on Tuesday throughout work, and it’s a beautiful light tint on my lips! You can see the slight tint on that top right swatch. I can’t wait to do a full-on review of these lip balms!
Day 14: Three small rewards (+ one “nothing”).
(2) 1/2 Medium Rewards- which means another full medium prize to pick!
Twisted Wonderland Perfumery “Stay Puft.” This is a very marshmallowy scent- so sweet! Can’t wait to do a review!
My Additional Rewards:
TonyMoly Pikachu Mini Cover Cushion. It’s a pikachu-themed cushion foundation! I have opened it up and (shockingly), it might be too light for me right now.
Too Cool for School Egg Mousse Pack. This stuff claims to make “rough, dull skin smooth and radiant in 5 minutes.” I don’t know why I haven’t tried this yet, but it’s probably due to the overwhelming about of open deluxe sample face masks I have…
Weekly Thoughts and Recap
This week I lost another couple pounds, so I’m down just over five. I don’t like getting too specific into the numbers, but at the beginning as I’m still planning my food intake and exercise, I do feel the need to hone in fast-enough-but-not-too-fast, you know? I think about 2/week is a good pace.
This week I had two days in which I did not meet my energy balance awareness goals- Friday and Saturday. On Friday, Boyfriend and I miscommunicated about the gym and we ended up not going and instead ordering food (he wasn’t going to eat a real dinner… sorry, honey, but diet orange soda has no nutrients). I couldn’t even guess at what was in my dinner nutrition-wise, so I didn’t. On Saturday, my parents were in town and we went out to eat. I did guess at that one, but I ended up splitting a giant thing of ice cream with my sister, parents, and Boyfriend because I’d rather have memories and fun with people I love than lose an extra half a pound, tbh.
In terms of how I think the program is going: this was the first week in which I had the possibility of getting no reward for doing a behavior. I did notice feeling disappointment the three times that happened, but that isn’t what kept me away from my goals. I’ve noticed that my anxiety is one thing that keeps me from the gym. I don’t know how to adjust rewards to deal with this; I just need to work through some of that anxiety. I know that even if I were to insta-give myself a large reward (even the large ones I’m very excited for), I would probably still not go to the gym when my issue is anxiety, and I still wouldn’t be more energy-minded if Boyfriend’s health/happiness was on the line or if I hadn’t seen my family in several weeks and we were going out to eat. I am 100% okay with this, as I still want to live my life. The main point of this behavior mod is to be mindful of energy and choose non-food coping skills when my emotions are unbalanced.
Next week, there will be a higher chance of getting a “nothing” reward, and I’m a little scared honestly that my motivation will start to fail. I have four more work days (Sat, Sun, Mon, and then Wednesday), and I’m nervous that with the group of kids we have currently, I’ll be coming home so drained that without massive rewards, I’ll just ruin my goals ): I’m going to try positive talk though so counteract this.
Health + Fitness // Behavior Mod: Week 2 Has it already been another week? Two weeks down; 11 to go! I'm over 15% of the way there! 
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antiagingsol-blog · 7 years
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Anti Aging Skin Treatment - 7 Tips On Looking Younger
Do you desire to look more youthful? Allow's encounter it, nowadays, who doesn ' t? Once it was simply celebs and also those in the public eye who worried concerning looking older everyone else expanded old beautifully! Currently 40 is the new 30 as well as men along with females respect their appearance, there is also a fad in society to victimize the older generation. What can you do to stay looking more youthful? There is no Anti Aging Magic Potion that will certainly clear your creases overnight, yet with self-control as well as a good Anti Aging Skin Care regimen in position you will get on your method to looking younger for longer. There are numerous drastic solutions readily available for anti aging skin treatment to assist you look more youthful, from the traditional aesthetic facelift to infusing chemicals like Botox into the skin to give a short-term wrinkle smoothing effect. Not everybody agrees, or financially able to head to these extremes. So exactly what can you do on a day to day basis that will help you really feel as well as look more youthful? By following the 7 actions below, you will certainly be on your way to a more vibrant appearance for longer. And also remember it is never ever too late (or too very early!) to begin a good anti aging routine. 7 tips on taking care of your body as well as mind: 1. Consume a lot of water every day - most physicians advise 7 to 10 glasses a day. Water eliminates contaminants, maintaining your body and also skin tidy. Also your skin will look clearer and plumper if it is not dry. Certainly the initial step for "anti aging skin care " to look younger. 2. Consume a healthy well balanced diet regimen, include something from all the major food teams every day in your diet. Eat a lot of fiber and fresh vegetables and fruit. The UK government recommends 5 portions of fruit and also vegetables are consumed daily, however this must be the minimum amount you eat. Vegetables and fruit consist of lots of important nutrients that aid preserve as well as repair the skin and also cells. Not just will your skin appearance younger however your body will certainly age much better and you will certainly be much less susceptible to many common diseases of old age. The prefect "anti aging skin care solution " Additionally prevent eating fatty and oily foods which enhance your weight yet do not offer you anything nutritionally. Obese individuals usually look and also feel much older compared to they are. 3. Aim to lead a stress totally free, tranquil presence. If you are worried the body launches chemicals which years ago would have assisted you to deal with the trouble with "battle " or "trip ". Since these are not a remedy to the majority of life today's problems, the chemicals will remain in your body and also cause you to come to be psychologically or physically ill. Make sure that you sleep well and exercise routinely. Use whichever techniques assist you to loosen up - taking a lengthy cozy bath, massage or scent therapy are just a few to try. Bear in mind, severe anxiety will certainly simply trigger your hair to go white as well as your face to look worn out and also lined. Take pleasure in life! 4. Normal workout, taken a minimum of 3 times a week as well as everyday preferably, will function wonders in assisting you feel and look younger. Make sure the exercise is vigorous enough to make you fear and your skin will certainly look more youthful as toxins are flushed out. Bear in mind to contact your physician before considerably changing your workout regime. 5. Prevent UV radiation as it is the major source of premature skin aging as well as creases. Ensure you always have appropriate sun security for the climate as well as your skin type. Buy facial moisturisers which contain UV security for daily use. Usage of a top quality high aspect sun lotion must be component of your daily routine. A tan could look good for a while yet you will certainly age and also wrinkle quickly and also be extra vulnerable to skin illness such as cancers. 6. Attempt to cut out nicotine and alcohol intake. Smoking cigarettes will certainly age you as chemicals in the smoke are aging to the skin as well as will reverse your anti aging skin treatment process. Additionally, if you are forever squinting via smoke, crow's lines around the eyes will show up all too promptly. Alcohols consist of many contaminants which are unsafe to your wellness. Too much alcohol consumption will certainly suggest your liver no more handles clearing your body of these toxic substances. 7. Look for skin treatment products which are anti aging (those containing the ingredients Vitamin C, retinol and also ceramides are really great). Try various anti aging skin treatment items to see which functions ideal for you as well as moisturise daily. Bear in mind, if you feel great concerning yourself, you will certainly look good.
Read more informations click here best anti aging serum
[Music] you ever wish you could find out her secret or today i found women who literally look half their age we put their pictures up online for America to see and we also asked their studio audience to guess their age that everybody guess they were decades younger their woman just like you and they're ready to spill their secrets they can do it so can you you can defy your age y'all curious about this I first hiragana an unlock is typically Raticate wrinkles stop America thought Donna was 34 years old but Donna's chronological age is 52 come on out Donna [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I gotta look you're hired I cannot believe you are 52 I am so what are you saying what are they signal beeping you people normally think I'm a lot younger especially men who try to hit on me for a little young much feeling which is which is quite nice which is very nice so there is shocked and amazing tell me rage yeah people for the most part think I'm usual in my mid to late 30s for tip which is which is quite flattering i must say well you should be excited you are a beautiful woman are you willing to reveal your secrets yes i am dr. Wilbur Abbott there's a little toolbox here Georgia age-defying tricks it is it is white vinegar vinegar cinnamon and honey so I have this concoction that I make where I combine meet my own exfoliating face mask with honey and cinnamon and I find that it takes off a lot of the dead skin cells and it makes my face more moisturize and it also makes it you know quite subtle probably how you're doing it seems so simple yeah so actually what i do is i combine the cinnamon with honey and mix it up and actually use this every night i leave it on for about 30 minutes and then i use white vinegar as an astringent which it's delicious as well you can also eat it absolutely i would eat the leftovers and then you could use the astringent which kind of tightens your skin and prevents it from sagging how long you been using this for I haven't actually been using this for a few years but as I get older I use it more frequently I gotta say I'm amazing something so simple to make such a huge difference in your life do you want to try it yeah please ok I'll be I'll go first ok look like you all definitely do it don't you feel it working a little bit well I'd like to lick it off I could it feels it feels cooling next yeah but you know I actually looked into these tips in fact I did for all their guests unto showed me the vinegar I love because it keeps yourselves hydrated which is always a valuable thing to prevent wrinkling but I especially love the cinnamon and honey yeah anise cinnamon in particular is the fantastic exfoliant which is probably the best way out there to fight off wrinkles oh it's great so I made you a little you look wonderful yeah thanks I guess hm alright so i'm going to show you why i think is it so cool so i go to the replica of your skin okay it's so maybe the big replica of your skin just insert it looks like this this big parachute reflects what's going on in our bodies now you'll notice we have some audience members here at all women oh maybe a little bit we please pretend your weekly I know you really not all right and glasses the collagen in our body starts to get weak and especially as we get older the hormones aren't quite perfect we don't have enough collagen to lift up this parachute now look at this front area over here and it's completely worn through right there's not a no collagen a that's a that's a big wrinkle right there but then will exfoliate with cinnamon taste it changes everything cuz that's like bringing these big burly men girly men come on in burly men six house because everyone pulled back hard as you can it reinforces your skin it gives you less wrinkles I'm not that it's pretty spectacular you don't think that's out of the world with it that's why you don't have a chance I think thank you guys thanks burly men I thought my audience members I appreciate it a secret government agent discoloration on your chest neck and hands now America thought Dan was 45 years old we checked their drivers license which says that she is hard 65 well I'm the only girl so in the boys don't count so my mother lived to be 94 and i will say that when she died she didn't look a day over 80 that's pretty good I got that yeah so you say 15 years they elaborate because you don't have any discolorations at all i'm looking at all of your skin so what's your secret let's show it to us sure okay first of all in the morning when i am making my coffee I take some lemon and I squeeze it over the back of my hand and the décolletage breakfast harshal course yes what rataj you know what that is yes and the acid and in the lemon helps to bleach out any you know when we were kids we used to put it in our hair and gladness done those yes so it bleaches out any kind of discoloration you may have of course I don't have it you don't have any cousin you know actually blocks melanin production [Music]
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insanemoonfish · 8 years
Why! those useless, vain forms are! so fun to fill!
1: when you have cereal, do you have more milk than cereal or more cereal than milk? More cereal than milk, because I already get my daily intake of milk with my coffee!
2: do you like the feeling of cold air on your cheeks on a wintery day? No because it ends up messing with my nose! And I hate feeling cold!
3: what random objects do you use to bookmark your books? I usually read on my phone or memorize the page number. If I really need a bookmark I just use a scrap of paper.
4: how do you take your coffee/tea? Tea bag in mug with hot microwaved water, coffee powder in mug with hot microwaved milk (plus cinnamon, sweetener, and vitamins).
5: are you self-conscious of your smile? Not really but I dislike my face in general :'D I have this thing where I don't truly recognize my face as my own ???
6: do you keep plants? No, but I may keep a garden in the future because I love flowers!
7: do you name your plants? I'm the kind of person who names RPG characters as their class! So my plants would have very creative names like Rose and Carnation!
8: what artistic medium do you use to express your feelings? I don't really express my feelings, I stomp on them! But I guess I can draw!
9: do you like singing/humming to yourself? Yes, it's fun and keeps me awake!
10: do you sleep on your back, side, or stomach? Side until I'm drowsy enough, then on my back like in a coffin!
11: what's an inner joke you have with your friends? What friends!??!? Jokes?? AHAHA
12: what's your favorite planet? Shockingly I don't have one! I like Uranus because it's light blue but the name!!!!!
13: what's something that made you smile today? MEMES!
14: if you were to live with your best friend in an old flat in a big city, what would it look like? Like hell!
15: go google a weird space fact and tell us what it is! Why... okay. "Neutron stars can spin at a rate of 600 rotations per second." IDK if this is true!
16: what's your favorite pasta dish? Instant emergency noodles!
17: what color do you really want to dye your hair? White! I wanna be a white-haired animu grill!
18: tell us about something dumb/funny you did that has since gone down in history between you and your friends and is always brought up. What! Friends!!!
19: do you keep a journal? what do you write/draw/ in it? Yes, I write down my nightmares! It makes them less frequent and scary for some reason!
20: what's your favorite eye color? Grey, maybe! All are great!
21: talk about your favorite bag, the one that's been to hell and back with you and that you love to pieces. I have had a few school backpacks like that!
22: are you a morning person? I can function at morning, but I without a doubt work better at night! Not sure if that counts as not being a morning person!
23: what's your favorite thing to do on lazy days where you have 0 obligations? HAHAHAHAHAA!!!
24: is there someone out there you would trust with every single one of your secrets? I DON'T EVEN TRUST MYSELF
25: what's the weirdest place you've ever broken into? WHY WOULD I EVER- some abandoned houses, some classrooms, some janitor's closets, some school storerooms,
26: what are the shoes you've had for forever and wear with every single outfit? Boots > shoes :)
27: what's your favorite bubblegum flavor? TUTTI-FRUTTI!!!! I'M CHEWING SOME RIGHT NOW
28: sunrise or sunset? SUNSET. SUNRISE SUCKS not only because it lasts for exact 5 seconds BUT BECAUSE IT'S COLD and school time! Sunsets are cool because they remind me of DEATH!
29: what's something really cute that one of your friends does and is totally endearing? IDK I'm easily impressed most people can just breathe and I'll find it "endearing" and fascinating
30: think of it: have you ever been truly scared? YEAH DAMNED NIGHTMARES JUST
31: what is your opinion of socks? do you like wearing weird socks? do you sleep with socks? do you confine yourself to white sock hell? really, just talk about socks. I LOVE SOCKS, THERE ARE 0 REASONS TO NOT LOVE THEM. But I don't sleep with them unless it's very cold. And black socks all the way.
32: tell us a story of something that happened to you after 3AM when you were with friends. R E G R E T S
34: tell us about the stuffed animal you kept as a kid. what is it called? what does it look like? do you still keep it? PURA THE TIGER, named after the tiger from Crash Bandicoot. It was the Parmalat tiger without the milk bag that I cut off. No, I donated it because it made me nostalgic.
35: do you like stationary and pretty pens and so on? do you use them often? Whas this :'D I don't care about pretty I literally only bring 2 cheap black retractable pens to school
36: which band's sound would fit your mood right now? Don't ask me about music THANK YOU
37: do you like keeping your room messy or clean? Clean because I'm allergic to dust!
38: tell us about your pet peeves! When people assume things about me hhhhhhhhh
39: what color do you wear the most? Black, reds and navy 40: think of a piece of jewelry you own: what's it's story? does it have any meaning to you? A silver necklace with a black pendant! IT REMINDS ME OF DEATH!!1 I'M REPEATING MYSELF!
41: what's the last book you remember really, really loving? The Miserables! Even though I don't remember it well, even after reading it TWICE! HOW! YOU GO, ME!
42: do you have a favorite coffee shop? describe it! I HAVE COFFEE AT HOME ONLY ‘CAUSE I’M BROKE
43: who was the last person you gazed at the stars with? Don't remember, wasn't special
44: when was the last time you remember feeling completely serene and at peace with everything? TODAY. IN THE CORE OF THE STRESS ZONE LIES A SERENITY ZONE, ALWAYS. CAN'T MISS IT.
45: do you trust your instincts a lot? NO. FUCK INSTINCTS
46: tell us the worst pun you can think of. I'M TERRIBLE AT THESE AND I CAN'T THINK AT THE MOMENT.
47: what food do you think should be banned from the universe? P E P P E R
48: what was your biggest fear as a kid? is it the same today? ANGRY PEOPLE CHASING ME TO HURT ME IN VARIOUS WAYS! YES!
49: do you like buying CDs and records? what was the last one you bought? NO! LONG LIVE ONLINE PIRACY!
50: what's an odd thing you collect? NIGHTMARES!
51: think of a person. what song do you associate with them? I won't say names but there's A BOY, MY ANNOYING FRIEND WHO'S AN ENDLESS UNWANTED SOURCE OF SHITTY MEMES, that I always associate with the song "The Worse It Gets" from Penguin Prison.
52: what are your favorite memes of the year so far? OH there's that jojo "to be continued" one, that brain illumination one, that one where a picture gets less and less detailed I don't even know
53: have you ever watched the rocky horror picture show? heathers? beetlejuice? pulp fiction? what do you think of them? Look this thing seemed smaller a few minutes ago and I want to finish it quickly and go to sleep
54: who's the last person you saw with a true look of sadness on their face? I'm the worst at recognizing what others are feeling and I don't pay attention because it's rude to stare and not my business
55: what's the most dramatic thing you've ever done to prove a point? I feel that I have a lot of examples of this but can't remember a single one
56: what are some things you find endearing in people? When they're insecure, it's amusing like oh don't be like that I really am NOT judging you you're amazing, unless they're really nasty ppl ofc
57: go listen to bohemian rhapsody. how did it make you feel? did you dramatically reenact the lyrics? I like this song it's funny and reminds me of an old friend
58: who's the wine mom and who's the vodka aunt in your group of friends? why? ROFL WHAT
59: what's your favorite myth? Again I FEEL I can answer this but right now my brain is not working
60: do you like poetry? what are some of your faves? I like poetry when it relates to me or when someone I know wrote it, otherwise I don't bother (UPDATE! Ye Wearie Wayfarer by Adam Lindsay Gordon RULES!!)
61: what's the stupidest gift you've ever given? the stupidest one you've ever received? My memoryyyyyy
62: do you drink juice in the morning? which kind? If I'm having last night's dinner for breakfast, yes, orange juice
63: are you fussy about your books and music? do you keep them meticulously organized or kinda leave them be? YES. ORGANIZED AND VERY CLEAN.
64: what color is the sky where you are right now? BLACK AS MY NOT-RUNNING SYNAPSES
65: is there anyone you haven't seen in a long time who you'd love to hang out with? I'd rather keep them buried in my deepest thoughts, far away from my superficial consciousness!
66: what would your ideal flower crown look like? My  a e s t h e t i c  sense is terrible but I like carnations and forget-me-nots
67: how do gloomy days where the sky is dark and the world is misty make you feel? Bad, I like the sky when it's blue
68: what's winter like where you live? Rainy, lots of fog, unpredictable weather.
69: what are your favorite board games? mmmmmmmmm IDK
70: have you ever used a ouija board? ughhhhhhhhhha
71: what's your favorite kind of tea? Chamomile, it reminds me of my favorite horror game, Demento, and it’s sweet and delicious and pretty
72: are you a person who needs to note everything down or else you'll forget it? If I didn't make an effort to memorize it, yes
73: what are some of your worst habits? Biting my nails, neglecting people, being paranoid about some stuff, procrastinating, brushing my feels aside, I could go on,
74: describe a good friend of yours without using their name or gendered pronouns. Well that's hard how about CANDY
75: tell us about your pets! THEY'RE GREAT IT'S A SHAME THEY'LL DIE SOON
76: is there anything you should be doing right now but aren't? Obviously. Just OBVIOUSLY
77: pink or yellow lemonade? Pink, love pink, pink all the way, all the pinks.
78: are you in the minion hateclub or fanclub? The IDC club
79: what's one of the cutest things someone has ever done for you? Offer me their jacket when it started raining it was just AWWW. And when someone promised to be my friend FOREVER!!!!! HAHAHAA
80: what color are your bedroom walls? did you choose that color? if so, why? Nope because the bedroom is not mine HAHAHA well if I had one I'd paint everything white 81: describe one of your friend's eyes using the most abstract imagery you can think of. Chocolate, very sweet, much creativity
82: are/were you good in school? Can't you tell
83: what're some of your favorite album art? Don't ask me (8) about music (8)
84: are you planning on getting tattoos? which ones? Absolutely not, it hurts, it attracts attention, it makes people know about me... If I ever got one It’d be a word or sentence or a small symbol
85: do you read comics? what are your faves? Webcomics only, I’m... too lazy
86: do you like concept albums? which ones? Yes but... Lazy
87: what are some movies you think everyone should watch at least once in their lives? Cosmos is not a movie but here I am talking about Cosmos again idk if you don’t like documentaries go watch Gran Torino 88: are there any artistic movements you particularly enjoy? I’m sure there is but my brain is out
89: are you close to your parents? No unfortunately
90: talk about one of your favorite cities. Any safe and at least moderately urban city is fine with me
91: where do you plan on traveling this year? Nowhere, I don't really like traveling, it's stressful and expensive
92: are you a person who drowns their pasta in cheese or a person who barely sprinkles a pinch? I DON'T LIKE PASTA OR CHEESE FIGHT ME
93: what's the hairstyle you wear the most? Long, layered, side bangs
94: who was the last person you know to have a birthday? Why does this matter
95: what are your plans for this weekend? Working.. WORK.. AHAHA
96: do you install your computer updates really quickly or do you procrastinate on them a lot? I never install them, when I HAVE to I plan for it because it takes forever
97: Myers-Briggs type, zodiac sign, and Hogwarts house? INTP Leo Bronzebird
98: when's the last time you went hiking? did you enjoy it? No because I was with my parents
99: list some songs that resonate with your soul whenever you hear them. So damn many I should make a list
100: if you were presented with two buttons, one that allows you to go 5 years into the past, the other 5 years into the future, which one would you press? why? Wow hum... 5 years into the past I guess because I'd be able to study more and live longer (why living longer sounds smart to me? I must like to suffer)
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