#i‘m still new to this manga
lokidottir1308 · 1 year
Akaza x reader
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warnings: gore, mentions of death, ⚠️spoilers for s2, s3e1 / manga spoilers⚠️, some angst, fluff
One hundred and twelve years. That’s how long Akaza had you waiting for him. He disappeared one night and never came back to you. Though, you knew he was alive and well.
If anything else were the case, Master Muzan would have called an Upper Moon meeting. So, to say you were unpleasantly surprised to see him again, was an understatement.
You stood waiting in the shadows with your brother. Together, the two of you held the places of Upper Moons Two, while Akaza was Upper Moon Three.
He‘d never been intimidated by the fact that you were stronger than him, for he thought that you truly deserved the rank. Your brother, on the other hand, not so much.
On another platform, an ugly pot moved around. Akaza furrowed his brows as he looked at it. "Well, well, if it isn’t you, Akaza-sama! So lovely to see you in such good health!" a voice spoke from inside.
Hands and a head appeared from the opening, revealing Gyokko‘s figure. In the place where, normally, two eyes should be, a pair of mouths was placed. An eyeball was located on his forehead, along with where his mouth should be.
"What has it been, ninety years? The thought that you might have perished made my heart sing-" the pot demon spoke before clearing his throat. "- I mean, it made my heart fill with anguish!"
Akaza glared at Gyokko before turning towards the demon sitting on a set of stairs. There was a big bump on his forehead and horns growing from his temples.
"Terrifying! Terrifying! In the time we‘ve been apart, you‘ve even forgotten how to count, Gyokko. It’s been one hundred and thirteen years since we were last summoned. An indivisible number, unlucky und uneven, an odd number! Terrifying! Terrifying!" Hantengu spoke up from the stairs.
"Biwa woman! Is Muzan-sama not here?" Akaza asked towards Nakime, Muzan‘s assistant, if you‘d like to call it that. He was already fed up with the two other demons.
"He has not yet arrived." Nakime announced, playing a single note. "Then, where‘s Upper One? Don’t tell me he’s been killed." Akaza spoke, still looking at the female demon.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Hold up a second, will you, Akaza-dono? Aren’t you even a little bit worried about me? You don’t know how dreadfully worried I was, since you are all cherished comrades of mine! And I‘d be heartbroken if I lost any of my comrades. My sister was especially worried about you." Douma said, walking down a set of stairs before placing his hand on Akaza‘s shoulder.
You glared at your brother‘s statement. You stepped out of the shadows as well, keeping a good distance between you and the demon you once called your lover.
His eyes landed on you, his gaze softening upon seeing your face. You glared at him in return, not wanting to stand too close to him. In contrast to your brother, you were a lot more likable in Akaza‘s opinion.
"Douma-dono! Y/N-sama!"
"Long time no see, Gyokko! Is that a brand-new pot? It’s a beauty! You know the pot you gave me? I‘m displaying a woman‘s head in it! In my room." Douma said, tightening his grip on Akaza‘s shoulder as he spoke.
"That wasn’t its intended use. But I do find it intriguing!" the pot demon answered. "Listen! You should come over to my place sometime." your brother offered.
"Get off. Get your hand off me! You‘re not the Upper Moon Two demon that’s allowed to touch my shoulder!" Akaza spoke up, angrily, referring to the fact that you were also Upper Moon Two.
Without giving Douma time to react, he punched the blonde‘s lower face. Blood splattered all over the place before Douma regenerated again.
"Whoa! That was some punch. A bit stronger than before, wouldn’t you say, Akaza-dono?" Douma grinned, making an irk mark appear on Akaza‘s forehead.
"I summoned Upper One here first. Even now, he‘s listening to us." Nakime spoke up again, letting the topic drop. You were glad that Kokushibo wasn’t the one that got killed, since you always got along with him.
You‘d never once doubted his strength, threatened him or made him dislike you in any other way. He found you the most tolerable one of the Upper Moons.
"I‘ve been here the entire time. Muzan-sama has arrived." Kokushibo spoke up. Sitting at a table near you was Muzan, doing one of his many experiments.
You got down to your knees beside Akaza, placing your forehead on the tatami floor. "Gyutaro is no longer with us. Meaning the Upper Ranks are now incomplete."
You weren’t surprised by the fact that Gyutaro was the one who got killed. His sister had always been a hindrance to his strength. Even if you liked Daki, you had to admit that fact.
Ever since Muzan had killed off the Lower Moons a few months prior, he‘d relied on the Upper Moons even more. Daki had always been a thorn in his side.
"Is that true, my lord? You have my sincerest apologies since I was the one who brought Gyutaro in. How can I atone for this embarrassment? Shall I gouge out my eyeballs? Or should I-" Douma began before he was interrupted by Muzan.
"I have no need for your wretched eyeballs. I knew that Gyutaro would be defeated. As expected, Daki proved to be his weakness. Had Gyutaro fought alone from the start, he would have won if the battle hadn’t gone on after he‘d poisoned them. Oh well. It doesn’t matter anymore. How useless. Can’t you see you’re falling in order of who has the most of their humanity remaining? But neither does that matter anymore. I expect nothing of you all."
"There you go again with the melancholic words. Has there ever been a time when Y/N and I didn’t meet your expectations?" Douma asked, looking up at Muzan.
"Y/N has never disappointed me. However, you still haven’t annihilated the Ubuyashiki family. What about the blue Spider Lily? Why can’t you find it after so many hundreds of years? I‘m starting to question why you all even exist." Muzan spoke, angrily. The glassware on his table started to explode as he got angrier by the second.
"Oh, please forgive us! I beg of you!" Hantengu whimpered. "I don’t know what to tell you. Ubuyashiki is a master at concealing himself." Kokushibo spoke.
"Search and detection isn’t my strong suit, either. I‘m at my wits‘ end." Douma said. "Muzan-sama! Not me! I‘ve acquired some information that will bring you a step closer to your goals! A mere moment ago-" Gyokko spoke before his head was cut off by Muzan.
"The one thing I dislike is change. Change in circumstances. Physical changes. Emotional changes. In most cases, change of any kind means degradation. It’s decay. I prefer the unchanging. A perfect unchanging stage that lasts forever. For the first time in one hundred and thirteen years, an Upper Rank has been killed, and my frustration has reached a boiling point! Don’t ever give me unconfirmed information. And wipe that smirk off of your face! I’d advise you all to apply yourselves with more urgency from now on. I‘ve been far too lenient considering your failures, all because of your status as Upper Ranks. Gyokko, once you‘ve confirmed that information, head over there with Hantengu." He disappeared after finishing his speech.
"Understood, my lord!"
"Gyokko-dono! What kind of information do you have? I’d like to tag along." Douma said, kneeling down so he could take Gyokko‘s head in his hands.
Hearing this, Akaza walked up to Douma. "Can’t you let me in on it? Please, I‘m begging-" he was cut off when Akaza punched the upper half of Douma‘s face off.
"Did Muzan-sama give you any orders? Get lost." Akaza said before his hand was cut off, Komushibo suddenly appearing beside him and in front of you.
"Akaza. You always go too far." he spoke, looking at Akaza from the corner of his eyes. "It’s all right, Kokushibo-dono. I don’t mind in the least."
"It’s not for your benefit that I speak. Disrupting the hierarchy, which, in turn, undermines subordination. That’s what dismays me." Kokushibo stated.
"Oh, is that right? I see."
"Akaza, if you’re disgruntled, you should battle for a replacement." Upper Moon One suggested.
"Well, well! If I may, Kokushibo-dono, even if he were to challenge us, Akaza-dono could never defeat us. Even so, he would never fight Y/N. In my case, since I became a demon after Akaza-dono, yet was promoted before him, I‘d be angry, too, if I were in his shoes. Don’t be so hard on him. And besides, I didn’t dodge that blow on purpose. It’s just a little harmless horseplay. This is how you nurture friendship, you know." Douma spoke as you raised your brow at him.
"I would hardly consider this a friendship." you said, looking at your brother. Out of the corner of your eyes, you could see Akaza looking in your direction.
"Don’t be mean to me! Those of us on top shouldn’t give our subordinates a hard time. Don’t you think-" Douma continued before being interrupted by Kokushibo again.
"Akaza! Do you understand what it is I‘m trying to say?" he asked. "I understand. I‘m going to kill you, if it’s the last thing I do." the pinkette said, frowning at his superior.
"Is that right? Then do your best. You couldn’t even stay with the woman you loved, yet, you’re out here acting high and mighty." Kokushibo spoke before disappearing.
"Goodbye, Kokushibo-dono, goodbye! It kind of feels like I got shut out of the conversation. But that’s just me overthinking it, right, Akaza-dono?" Douma asked.
Akaza looked in your direction again, seemingly wanting to say something to you. "Nakime-san, please bring me away." you spoke, making eye contact with your former lover.
Within a second, you were in a forrest, standing at a clearing that led to a lake you always liked to go to. You sighed a breath of relief. However, your relief didn’t last long.
"Go away, Akaza. I don’t want nor need your explanation." you spoke, not looking behind you. You started walking towards the lake, hoping he got the message.
However, you heard footsteps following you. "You left me behind, Akaza. You left me alone without looking back. Do you have any idea how heartbroken I was? Every day, I was scared that you would die. The only conformation I had that you were still alive was the fact that Muzan-sama didn’t summon an Upper Moon meeting. I loved you, and you left me like you didn’t even care about me. More than a century. That’s how long I haven’t heard a single word from you. And now, you expect me to jump back into your arms like nothing happened? Like it wasn’t your decision to leave? No. I am not going to discuss your excuse."
"It’s fine if you’re not going to talk to me about my explanation, but at least listen when I talk." you stayed silent at his statement, giving him the okay to speak.
"It wasn’t my decision to leave you behind. It was Muza-sama‘s." Akaza spoke, making you turn towards him. "And why would Muzan-sama want that?" you asked.
"Didn’t you listen to what he said earlier?"
"The one thing I dislike is change. Change in circumstances. Physical changes. Emotional changes. In most cases, change of any kind means degradation. It’s decay. I prefer the unchanging. A perfect unchanging stage that lasts forever."
"So he asked you to leave me behind because he didn’t want either of us to get distracted by our feelings." you realized, fully facing him now. He nodded at your statement.
He walked towards you, placing his hands on your cheeks. You leaned into his touch, used to the intimacy. You looked up into his eyes, softened by looking at your face.
"I missed you so much. I almost got killed the first few years after leaving you behind because I was still so distracted by the thought of you." he admitted.
You chuckled at his statement, remembering the time Douma had to save you because you froze mid-battle, thinking about Akaza.
"Why are you back here now?" you asked. If Muzan was against your relationship, he surely wouldn’t be happy if you continued it against his will.
"Muzan-sama believes that both of our performances could improve if we continued our relationship. He implied that our duties were fulfilled better back before we broke up." Akaza explained.
"So you still want this relationship?" you asked.
"More than anything."
You smiled at him and stood on your tiptoes, leaning up so you could place a kiss on his lips. He put his arms around your waist, pulling you closer to him.
You smiled into the kiss. You couldn’t get enough of the taste of his lips, chasing them when he pulled away. "So, are you willing to be my lover again?" he asked.
You replied by placing your lips on his again.
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larkistin · 8 months
I kinda really wanna come back here more often. Just need to revamp my experience and settings, since I haven‘t really been on here since like 2018. 😅 I‘ve only dumped the odd art piece here and there, never even checked the timeline. Gotta follow some new people. Especially since I‘ve heavily gotten back into anime and manga again this past year. It feels like coming home tbh. I‘m still heavily into SciFi, Marvel and stuff, but I really missed things like One Piece and Lupin in my life.
I‘ve been on a One Piece rewatch/watch for the last couple months to catch up on what I missed these past few years. Haven‘t had this much fun in ages and so many awesome convos with friends about it as well.
I used to only post my art on here, but I‘ve decided if I do come back here more often, I’ll reblog things here now as well. So if you‘ve been following me only for my art and suddenly you see other posts too, it‘s okay if you unfollow me. We shall see where this goes.
Anywayyyy, rambling over.
Whoever has been reading this, I hope you have a good day wherever you are. 👋🏻🩷
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rose-colored-sd · 4 months
I loooove your art so much!!! It‘s beautiful! I‘m a new slam dunk fan (only 70-ish chapters in or so) but I really liked Yohei before … and then your art made me love him even more!! I hope this isn‘t a weird question, I‘m genuinely just curious (and I hope to get sucked into the ship even more hah) but what do you like about Yohana the most? (from my point of view, still early in the manga, seeing how Yohei tries his best to keep Hanamichi out of trouble, trying to keep the thugs off his back and all, thats just … GAH!!!! So cute!!!! Yohei is peak husband material isn‘t he??) ((Also, if you don‘t mind, don you like Ryota/Hanamichi as well? I think they are so cute … sharing one brain cell basically (again, from my point of view, things may change maybe? idk, anyway)) Thank you for sharing your amazing artworks with the world!!! They make me sooooo happy, just, thank you so so much!! I‘m currently struggling a lot with everything irl and when I feel sad or overwhelmed I look at your art and it always makes me smile <3
Ryohana was my first ship and I made a few drawings for them before I was fully absorbed by Yohana LOL. Reading SD, it’s just so funny and cute how quick they get along when Hanamichi is usually reluctant to trust other people’s judgement, and Ryota is like an older brother to him. It’s even more endearing to me that Ryota has a little sister, so I imagine that he thinks of Hanamichi as a little brother too. I love seeing their dynamic whether it’s platonic or romantic!
I think it’s after I reread SD a few times is when I started liking Yohana, (also thanks to Chidentsurusai who was one of the few people that made Ryohana and Yohana before SD got its renaissance)
Like you said, Yohei has his back. He’s just so attentive without even trying. He notices the subtle changes in Hanamichi’s mood, or guess whatever Hanamichi’s thinking. I also like that he always makes fun of Hanamichi but when it’s a group of guys making fun of Hanamichi he will not stand by it (Let’s just say he doesn’t like it when he’s not the one causing Hanamichi’s frustrations 🤭)
It’s also interesting to me that Yohei seems to dgaf about following school dress codes, listening to class, respecting the teachers, etc, but he’s willing to abide by the rules when it benefits his best friend.
I also love that said best friend is dense. Hanamichi is a big sap that writes love letters to confess his feeings, his dream is to hold hands while walking home with the person he likes. There’s just so many possibilities when your protag is a dumb little yearner 😙 (fact his love for basketball also outgrew his feelings is also interesting to me, who knows what else he realizes 🫢⁉️)
I’m glad my delusional drawings are giving you some joy, Anon 🫶🏼 Yohana gives me joy too when it’s rough irl, my pookies fr
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astranne · 2 years
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VISIT OF A HERO !blue lock
kunigami rensuke x gn! reader
notes // i watched the bllk anime and i‘m still having war flashbacks of the manga, which i read probably a year ago?? i don’t know and i don’t care because this was a good decision. going back to my multifandom blog origins LMAO so don’t be surprised if y‘all be getting blue lock content hehe and ofc kunigami has the honor <33 also, this was not proofread, it's literally a bainrot/word vomit so yeah- also, first work in the new year yay!!
wc // 652
tags // @stellumi , @keqism , @venexus for you my darlings <3
You knew Kunigami was in this… project that was announced days ago. Whole Japan was in turmoil, and there were whispers. About those who had already left- those who had already lost. There was nothing but tears and ashes of them left, their future career destroyed for just one striker. 
Oh how you hoped and prayed that this one striker was him, your hero, soon everyone’s hero. He deserved it, so long he had worked hard, training hard while sweat was running down his face, muscle aches paining him- he deserves it. He deserves being in Blue Lock, in this insane project, after all it meant he was one of the chosen ones, one of those many, many soccer players who were just better. 
You knew Kunigami deserved this, but you still worried. After all, you didn’t know what exactly happened there, if he got enough breaks, enough time to rest. You worried, you worried he would lose himself but the moment your mind started spiraling, you chided yourself, believing in Kunigami, believing in his strength as human and as a striker. 
It was unknown to you, when he would return, and if he ever would. If he would come out at the top, he would travel to train more, he wouldn’t come back to you. You knew this, you knew this the moment Kunigami became your boyfriend. He was a nice guy, of course, but he was also an egoist. How could he not be, as a striker? How often he had to cancel your dates, because the training was timed longer, because he wanted to run more, to shoot more goals, to be better. And everytime it hurt, deep in your chest, a stinging pain but you were also filled with pride. Kunigami has always given his best and he was yours. Yours alone to hug, to kiss, to love- he was yours and you were his. And even if it hurt, being left behind while he went to train, while he went to this insane project, you were so proud of him, you were so proud it hurt. It hurts to love him and maybe this was exactly why you did. 
You knew Kunigami was selfish, after all he wanted to be the best and have you by his side, regardless how he neglected you for his training. You could never be angry at him, not for this reason, not when he was so nice, so loving, so- not when he was yours, even if he gave his heart to soccer long ago. 
You knew Kunigami was an egoist, even if it was hidden, hidden behind his handsome face and a nice character. And so you were surprised, when you opened the door, with him greeting you with a blinding smile on his face. Before you could even ask him what he was doing here, he had your face in his calloused hands, taking you in, with love clear in his eyes. 
“I striked some goals in matches against other teams. They give points you know, gift points. Food, a phone or a day off. And I needed to see you.” Need. He needed to visit you, he wanted to hold you again, to kiss you, to keep you close, even for just one day. He was selfish, egoistic, greedy, always has been. He wanted you and he wanted to be Japan’s striker, he wanted to be the best striker, he wanted to win, always, since he was young. But he will only do so with you by his side. 
You knew Kunigami was a hero, because strikers have always been hero in his eyes. And so he left you, after one of the best days in your life, left to train, to be selfish, to be egoistic again. He left to be a hero, for you and for the whole world. 
And you would wait for him, always. 
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lunavagans · 11 months
Making this, I was confronted with my mortality and its limitations yet again. I can only draw muscles to an extend, and that‘s okay. Also this had me wondering how strong a pinky can be, so. In other news, the sheikah mask still unsettles me
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Real talk though, this was supposed to be Impa‘s version for my post-manga fix-it AU for four swords who unwillingly adopts Shadow because his magic kinda fits into the whole sheikah stealth concept. But as I‘m falling out of the fandom, I figured might as well get it out there before I forget about it since I‘m definitely not gonna finish it.
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ellanainthetardis · 2 years
Hii, happy new year! I‘m wondering for years haha so I finally have to ask: Where does your Tumblr name come from? I mean Ellana San. Is it like a code name or something or is there a real meaning behind the words? :D
Oh not at all! When I started writing fanfic I was deep in a French book series (which is still one of my fav) there are no traductions unfortunately but in it there’s this character whose name is Ellana and who belongs to a guild that could be aparented to thieves/assassins but who are so much more than that. They’re a little like ninjas but also poets and they have a whole philosophy behind their actions. They’re awesome. And Ellana was my favorite character so it became my pen name but the name itself was already taken and I didn’t have internet yet myself so my best friend who set up my profile and was deep herself into mangas and animés added the -San after that. (It was quite commun back then to have that kind of San or Chan, it was trendy). And I never changed my pen name so it’s still there today. And I still love Ellana Caldin to death if anyone is wondering. She has this ship with a grumpy warrior prince… she saved him from an elastic tiger once. And he rode a dragon for her. It was glorious.
You know i already wanted to reread and now I may have to 😂
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prof-snoozysnore · 2 years
HOLY SHIT I followed you on my old blog back in like. high school??? I've been looking for the old layton blogs from 2017-18 and a lot of them have either been zapped or changed urls (I remember a mutual named looshas or something???? looooosha???? idk) and I'm so happy to have found you again!!! We never spoke because I was shy, but I definitely remember you!!!! How's the layton fandom been the last, oh, 4/5 years???
Oh hi :) thank you for this nice message, and thanks for remembering me!! Well I‘ve been hanging around in this fandom for the past 6 years maybe, I just can‘t leave because I‘m hoping for new layton content since there hasn‘t been any new content except LMJ and maybe the LBMR manga. I love the PL games still so I‘m just chillin here lol. And yea I remember someone named loosha here?! Idk it‘s been a long time. Tbh I am not so active anymore but I‘m still here and checking the pl tags :) thanks again, don‘t be shy to dm me anytime ^^
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Favourite Color: Uh… this is going to be a list. I’d like to say black but I’m not actually that edgy. I like pastel green and light greens, lime green, orange, pastel yellow, aquamarine and turquoise, purple and lilac.
Last Song: “New Rules (Male Nightcore)”
Currently Reading: two fanfics…? Three, technically? As well as the manga “Moriarty the Patriot (Yuukoku no Moriarty)” and
Last Movie: more of a series type of guy but I think I need to list Men in Black 3
Sweet/ Spicy/ Savory: yes. I prefer savory and spicy over sweet, though. Although sweetness very much depends on the kind. Cookies? Yes! Chocolate or Gummybears? Not more than a handful.
Currently Working On: I started to hand embroider a motive onto a iron-on jeans patch. A few days before that I started to embroider a piece of cotton fabric. And I’m currently tangled up in 8 open fanfics for DCMK, 4 of which I started uploading already and ought to continue before I get worried comments about my health/ whereabouts again (although that was very sweet and I still feel bad for my interest shifting from that relevant fandom onto DCMK)
I‘m not going to tag anyone in this but feel free to
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kaitoustarlight · 2 years
Hello hello! We have almost reached half of Christmas! I have also started your gift and am glad to announce that it will be done in time 🎉 can‘t say that for sure about my other gifts. Oops.
I adore the 23rd movie as well - It just full of so many good moments, gotta just love it. I also found the latest movie pretty entertaining! It‘s crazy how they are able to come up with new things, even after 25 movies, isn‘t it? I‘m still waiting for a movie in space. Is there any kind of story you‘d still like to see happen in Conan?
Have a lovely remaining week and treat yourself to something nice! ❤️
your secret santa 🤶
It's really lovely to receive your asks, but I'm a tad busy, so sorry for the late reply ;v;. After hundreds of cases in manga and anime, it's like a miracle they haven't run out of ideas yet, haha. Space is a nice theme, maybe one day we'll see a movie crazy enough to happen in it, who knows :v. If there's anything I wanna see, it'd be KID and Shinichi officially meeting each other - either KID or Kaito meeting Shinichi; I'd love to see what happens then. Thank you, hope you have a great week as well!
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nanamisflowerfield · 3 years
Hello! I think my request was one of the ones that were deleted or eaten by tumblr, but I’m not completely sure. So, can I request an A3 scenario for azami who’s s/o lives in the dorm and helps with the theater stuff? One day, they wear his clothes (hoodies, shirts, etc.) around and he thinks it’s cute. And a bonus where the Mankai members can recognize his clothes.
I‘m so sorry (again), that Tumblr ate your request 。゚(゚´ω`゚)゚。 but thank you so much for requesting it again! I‘m also so sorry for letting you wait for so long! I hipe that you like it and have a great day!
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You cleaned a few rooms here and there, working like on every other day in the dorms to help them wherever and whenever you can. A sigh left your mouth as you continued, not wanting to take a break until you had finished the last one for Izumi, because she had been busy with some work for the next play. “It’s so exhausting…” But a chuckle left you nonetheless, knowing that you nearly had finished your work now and you could finally take a break. You could finally take a warm shower and wear comfortable clothes!
Oh, how much you have hoped to do this after your hard work to finally relax, with comfortable clothes, while watching TV until you heard a small gasp. Chewing on a snack, that Omi gave you before you sat yourself down to relax, you stared at your boyfriend. “Mh? What’s wrong?” You tried to ask him, while your mouth was still full with that sweet snack. Azami on the other hand was staring at you, as a blush colored his cheeks and his eyes widen at the sight in front of him. How couldn’t he be surprised, if he sees his beloved s/o sitting there with his favorite hoodie on?
“I-Isn’t that mine…?” He stuttered the question out, sitting down next to you, while his gaze never left yours. “Oh yeah, sorry. I couldn’t find anything to wear so I snatched it away. Sorry about it, Azami. If you want, I can give it back to you.” Your smile alone made his cheeks redder than he could ever got. You just looked so cute with his clothes on. It was a sight that he had never dreamed of, but surely will do it from now on. You were mesmerizing with it like an angel send from heaven. “Azami…? Are you alright?” You forgot your show, now trying to talk to your boyfriend, who was thinking about who knows what. “Azamiiii…?” Shrugging with your shoulders, your eyes moved towards the TV again, now ignoring the red-faced blackhead, who slowly raised up from the seat next to yours, to calm himself down in his own room. He uttered no words out, until he was in his room.
“Hey, (y/n).” You were greeted by the green-haired costume designer of the Mankai Company, as you send him a small wave, while finishing your food. “Have you seen Azami? Dumb Dog, Small brocon, Muku and I wanted to go shopping and maybe he wants to go with us.” Yuki asked you, while Taichi stared at you. It looked like as if his head would start to smoke, the more he stared at you.
“(y/n)…” You heard now your name being called, as you pointed towards Azami’s room to answer Yuki’s question. “Isn’t that Azami-kun’s hoodie?” The pink-haired boy asked you, flustered.
“Huh! Yeah, you are right, Mucchan! It is! Man, I wish I could have a sweet s/o, who would share my clothes! That would be so great.” Taichi cried like a kicked puppy, as the green-haired designer sighed at him, before he walked towards Azami’s room and got him out of there.
“L-Let’s go.” – “Are you blushing?” You heard your friend laugh at your dear beloved boyfriend, who grabbed his arm and tried to pull them all out, so they could go shopping. “Have fun, guys.” You mumbled, focusing your eyes on the new movie that had aired now. “Whoa… That reminds me of that sweet manga that I read yesterday! The protagonist wore the clothes of their boyfriend and he kissed them and even proposed to them immediately.” Muku told his friends, while they all walked out of the dorm, with a screaming Azami, who tried to shush them all.
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officersnickers · 2 years
002 - Norrayemma & OliZack
003 - Don, Gilda, and/or Matilda
@fullscoreshenanigans, this took some time, but here I am! Hope you like my lil essay 😊
002 | Send me a ship and I will tell you:
When I started shipping them: I don‘t know the exact date nor year, since I guess my preference for the OT3 ship developt over time. My first fanart of them being romantic partners was made in 2019, so I guess that‘s the year my heart was finally struck by them.
My thoughts: As much as I dig NorEmma, RayEmma or NorRay, only NorRayEmma feels truly perfect and in-canon for me, to say so. Over the course of the manga, it was shown so many times how these three truly belong to each other and which effects it had on two of them when one was missing – not to forget to mention the one who would be alone and with their best friend. So, I don't really want to see them seperated, and imagine them in other relationships is fine, but not my ultimate choice. If it‘s not🤍🧡🖤, I‘m not going, period.
What makes me happy about them: Their interactions. Their discussions. The huge amount of intelligence that is radiating from them whenever they are together. The fondness of their eyes when they see the other two happy and well. Their determination to do everything for their best friends sake, even if it means to give up themselves to guarantee there‘s a future for those they love. The possible tension between them. The concept of them being parts of the whole, only truly perfect when the other two parts are with them. The idea of an one year old child meeting two other babies and instantly deciding to stick with them, forever, from crib to coffin and maybe even beyond. Just, everything.
Should I continue or was that enough for now?
What makes me sad about them: The hardenships they had to face throughout their young lives and how it probably affected them even in their adulthood. For example, Norman‘s declining health due to the experiments in Lambda, that surely never truly go away, even with good medication. Ray‘s mental state is completly in ruins and I fear not all amount of therapy in the human world will ever make him feel not guilty for the things he decided to do for Emma and Norman‘s sake. Not to forget best girl Emma, who can‘t even remember the childhood she spent with her best friends due to the new promise. After all, new memories are wonderful and I‘m glad she found her way back to them. But still, there will always linger a bit of sadness in her, feelings of loss and regret, that will also affect Norman and Ray.
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: Ray being constantly annoyed with Emma and Norman; listen, he‘s sarcastic and sometimes looses his temper, but overall, Ray always takes time to explain things that annoy him, without too much scolding. In some stories, I get the feeling he doesn‘t even like Emma and Norman, the way he acts, or he drank too much edgy juice™ this morning. Also Norman being all bashful around Emma. He‘s certainly not a casanova, but I like to imagine he cooled down over his crush for her and is just as happy as Emma herself to experience new feelings alongside her. That being said, I don‘t really see Emma being either too shy around either of them or drifting into turbo mode when she‘s in the mood. I like her as a complex, more differentiated character and not a child in a teenager's or adult body. She‘s not dumb and she‘s not over the top 24/7.
Things I look for in fanfic: The Trio having a frickin‘ good time, chilling and talking and doing silly stuff together, but also basic stuff like cooking or going on with their lives in the human world. I prefer fanfictions in which they are already young adults, maybe even with jobs, but school or university is fine, too. If the story is spiced up with some drama, whichever kind, I‘m happier than you could imagine.
My wishlist: Wheter it be Emma, Norman or Ray, they all should get a good therapist. Like, a really good one. They deserve it. Norman‘s health becoming better after countless treatments, and not to forget, Ray finding joy again in reading and learning (I bet he would love most fantasy books in the human world, and since the activity would not be affliciated with his survival, I bet he could „waste“ countless hours on this). For Emma, I wished her memories could come back, but I fear they are gone for good :(
And my personaly headcanon – them starting a big family on their own, giving back all the love that they experienced throughout their lives, and see a new generation of „cattle‘s children“ living free and without the horrors of their anchestors.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: If the Trio‘s not possible, I would also accept either NorEmma, NorRay or RayEmma, hehe. These ships are almost as good. For Norman, I can‘t really think of another partner, sorry. If they both are older, I could totally see Emma with Oliver (as long as he even like girls), and for Ray, I‘ve got another favourite ship I just like as much as the common NER ones: Ray and Ayshe. Shirai and Demizu probably doesn‘t know what they did to me with that one side comic them discussing their parental figures. They also share the same „my face is too cool to show it fully“-act going on and the thought of Ray and Ayshe making Norman nervous, whenever he interacts with the two of them, is pure comedy gold to me.
My happily ever after for them: They live married in a big house near the countryside, have awesome jobs they love to go to and of course a bunch of children of their own or even adopted, to make their new life just as loud and chaotic and wonderful as life in Grace Field House was for them. Well, at least before everything went downhill real quick.
When I started shipping them: Only around a year ago, to be honest. I saw several really adorable pictures with them and yeah, where captivated by childhood friends to lovers. Also their colour combination is just superb.
My thoughts: Why wasn't there more of them in the manga? What impact had the several journeys with Emma and co. on Oliver and Zack‘s relationship? They were always together since they were ten; suddenly, they were apart for months, not knowing what was going on with the other and if they would be safe or see each other again. That‘s the stuff that keeps me awake at night.
What makes me happy about them: They stayed alive throughout Goldy Pond and everything that followed after. It would have been so easy for them to die, for every reason, but no, we shippers were lucky and managed to see them going to the human world. And as I said before, their colour pallets are just wonderful – one pale and white haired in red, the other one darker pigmented in blue. Name a more iconic duo ❤️💙.
What makes me sad about them: Not really seeing much of their friendship in the manga. Did they even talk to each other once? Oliver and Zack defintly deserved more attention and content, even as side characters.
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: I… I have never read any OliverxZack fanfictions to this day, I guess. I could be wrong, though, but it‘s a rare sight. That‘s my complain – there‘s not enough of them.
Things I look for in fanfic: Their past in Goldy Pond, like them being children in a child-unfriendly environment and growing up to the persons they are today. Stuff about the two in the human world and their future would be cute as sugar, too.
My wishlist: To see and read and hear more about them . Asap!
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: You know what? Whe talked about my OT3 before, why not doubling the joy? How about Oliver, Zack and Paula ending as more as just friends? As mentioned before, Oliver and Emma could surely form a great team (again), and Zack with someone else… maybe some other GP residents? I have never thought about it, to be honest, but ifI should change my mind sooner or later, I will add it!
My happily ever after for them: They live together in the human world in a nice appartment; Oliver‘s a social worker for kids on the streets and Zack became a paramedic. Maybe they got some pets, maybe adopted kids, possibly ones Oliver knew due to his work. They managed to get over the loss of their father figure and friends and become old and grey and live happily ever after.
003 | Give me a character & I will tell you:
How I feel about this character: Oh, sweet summer child (literally, since he was born in July). Don got such a big heart and a lot of passion; in contrast to Norman and Ray, who are mostly cool and calm characters, he‘s a nice change. I just love it when male characters can show their feelings more open, even if it‘s anger or grief. Don‘s development from „guy who is a bit confused but got the right spirit“ to someone who activly became part of the riskiest operations, baffled me as much as delighted me. Not to mention his glow up. Thank you, Demizu!
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: Hmm, none, really! My headcanon is that he got a hard time in the human world wooing the ladies who have no interest in him (stupid, stupid decision, but it can‘t be helped). Maybe he finds his significant other one day, maybe he learns he‘s happy the way he is. Dunno.
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: Gilda and Don! Add Ayshe to the mix and I would read a whole series about their adventures. I also like to imagine Violet teaching him a lot of stuff to survive in the demon world on their journeys to Cuvitidala or the Seven Walls, including veeery creative swear words.
My unpopular opinion about this character: He‘s not as dumb as fandom sometimes depicts him. After all, he already knows where southeast is. No, seriously, Don has to be incredible smart, way smarter than he is usually depicted. He survived in Grace Field, of all farms, easily up until his tenth year of live and even beyond. As much as I like goofball-Don, we should never shove his intelligence aside and underestimate the boy.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: Him punching Norman again. I mean, he deserved it as much as Ray did, possibly in the days after queen Legravalima was killed and they had to rush back to Grace Field. After all Norman was a huge dick to Don and Gilda, lied straight into their faces (again), used poor Hayato and the other Lambda guys as his own personal weapons and made Ayshe suffer (which Don befriended immiatly, as it seemed). Enough for a clap, I think. Additionally, I‘d love to see him grieving more about Conny‘s death. Sure, we had the bonus comics in which it was finally revealed how much he regretted not being to save his little sister, but… How did her death affected Don afterwards? Did he had a trauma through this sudden turn of certainity he had all his life? That‘s the stuff I truly wanted to see.
Favorite friendship for this character: Gilda and Ayshe, but I basically love to see him interactin with everyone. Don radiates a warm, friendly aura, that surely everyone is drawn too.
My crossover ship: I gonna be real with you: I have no crossover ships, that‘s why I won‘t fill this for the following characters. I never really could draw a line between The Promised Neverland and any other series, yet alone including any ships. Sorry!
How I feel about this character: She is beauty she is grace, she will blow up the shelter if you don‘t bring back at least one of her siblings back an alive from Goldy Pond. Gilda‘s a powerhouse and way too good for all the stuff she had to went through. I wish I could love her as much as she would deserve it, but TPN got so many characters that gave me brain rot, she kinda falls behind.
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: Emma and Gilda as romantic shipping is nice, but I prefer their sisterly friendship. Besides that, I can‘t really think of another ship for her (Don‘s her bro and nothing more).
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: As stated before, her and Don‘s friendship. These two didn‘t shared any similarities at first glance, besides being the only ten year olds in the orphanage, but always sticked together. Their interactions during the whole story were adorable and a nice change from the Full Score Trio ones, since the two were sometimes left in the dark about certain topics and had to find out ugly truths on their own. That surely did strengthen their bond.
My unpopular opinion about this character: She did forgive Norman too easily after he lied about finding Mujika and Sonju „to protect them“. I‘ve got the feeling deep down, Gilda won‘t forgive someone as fast as maybe Don, and making snippy side comments to Norman about his wrong doings would have been hilarious. She managed to frighten Emma and Yuugo after them being reckless again, she could surely could have done this with Norman too.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: Overall, just depicting more of Gilda, like showing her settling in in the human world or wearing a bunch of adorable outfits (the bonus chapter with Gilda, Anna and Emma was not enough!!).
Favorite friendship for this character: Don, because of all we‘ve seen throughout the manga, and Ayshe, for all the possibilities they could have.
How I feel about this character: A Mother‘s Determination was really a wild ride. In around 40 pages I went from „uggh get her away from me“ to „I strongly want to protect her (as well as the other sisters)“. Matilda‘s backstory and character development was touching and I enjoyed learning more about the life in Grace Field. She left a greater impact on me than a side character probably should, but here we are, loving Matilda hours 24/7, again.
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: Again, I can‘t say any. I know I‘m a terrible person for never providing any shipping ideas here, but at this point, I can‘t really see her with anybody.
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: The „friendsip“ with Sienna, Jessica and Scarlet as well as her relationship with Isabella. I don‘t know if you can call this friendship, depending on their social status in the headquarters, but I like to imagine they grew fond of each other over time.
My unpopular opinion about this character: That‘s probably not unpopular at all, but I headcanon that she‘s Norman‘s biological mother. Due to her ID and the resulting age, I had a hard time bringing Matilda‘s age in correlation with Norman‘s, but for me, I imagined she had the child when she was barely eightteen years old, so it adds up. For me, at least.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: Oh, what would I give to witness more of her shenangians under Grandma Sarah and Isabella! The two years until the escapees came back were surely a very interesting time.
Favorite friendship for this character: Probably no real friendship, but I bet she went regulary to Isabella and wanted to hear stories about her child, their development and what kind of person they are. Matilda was the first one crying over her child being alive (and well?), and I‘ve got the feeling she still cared way more about them as she would probably admit.
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narwalbby · 4 years
assassination classroom babies dealing with quarantine headcanons ✨
Lizzie You’re literally my favorite person on this Platform, Thank you so much for all your support, I don’t deserve this 🤧💕
AssClass Quarantine Headcanons:
Class E:
This is the worst that could possibly happen to Nagisa. Poor boy has to stay with his damn Psycho Mom and she won’t let him go out ever. Korosensei secretly Checks on him every two days tho, just to make sure she doesn’t do anything too bad
Kirara secretly misses her Classmates (mostly the Terasaka Squad), but she uses her free time to learn new spells and to explore her hobbies a little deeper
since Itona only owns that Garage of his dad Terasaka has offered him to stay at his house
The Terasaka Squad does Videochats per Zoom every now and then, but it‘s so chaotic Kirara sometimes just leaves shhshs
Karma uses his time to either study, play Videogames or think of new ways to kill Korosensei
He never sleeps. Karma doesn’t know sleep
Now that his parents also have to stay home, he finally talks about them and how he feels neglected by them. It was a heartwarming Conversation and everything‘s a little better now
The Girls have an own Groupchat and have weekly Zoom Meetings, where they talk about how they’ve been doing and stuff
Sumire opened up a YouTube channel, where she shows people how she cooks all kinds of food! She‘s semi popular! (All thanks to Mimura and his Filming Skills)
Sugaya tries out new stuff with art. He made a sculpture, he drew with oil paint, tried out many cartoon styles and also pointed with Acrylic paint
His mom thinks about selling some of his pictures but he refuses (Never steal my mans art 😤)
Kayano feels very lonely without her Classmates and her Sister. She eats tons of Ice Cream and eventually gets over Nagisa!
She also watches a lot of Netflix in that Time, she stays up till 4AM Binge watching her favorite Series all over again
Takebayashi and Fuwa accidentally called each other but ended up talking for over two hours about Anime and Manga
They eventually bonded over this and now recommend each other the newest Manga and Animes (I love these two sm shshsh✨)
Okuda gets much more confident
She stopped braiding her hair and eventually even dyed it in a different color
When Karma and her had a Videochat with Nagisa both of them almost choked to death
Yoshida is so bored that he just rides on their private ground with his motorcycle, but after some time he just looses the fun in it
Muramatsu is tired of cooking Ramen and tries out some of Sumire‘s recipes! He‘s not a perfect cook, but he improves day to day! (Underrated Characters are superior, change my mind🍜💞)
Megu and Isogai Check on the others daily, like the responsible Class Preps they are! They make sure no one is sick and everyone is comfortable at home
Well, you see, Okajima would just watch Porn. I wish I could go deeper, but everytime I think about him it’s just... Porn.
Oh, but he misses his Classmates a lot. He looks at some photographs he made, and probably cries about it later
Maehara is bored to death since he can’t date any girls, but he and Isogai chat almost every day and he plays some video games with the others
Sugino practices a little Baseball in his Garden and accidentally breaks his Neighbours Window
Yup. They ain’t happy about it!
Hinano excercises a lot, just like Kimura does
Kimura has some days where he takes a walk or just runs a little while listening to music, it really relaxes him a lot and helps him to deal with the whole situation
Chiba and Hayami also Videochat very often, just like everyone else
Chiba once pinned his hair back, because he was doing some of Korosensei‘s Tasks, and Hayami just stared at him and almost started to cry
(I mean can you blame her, his eyes are beautiful 🥺)
Hinano reads a lot about bugs and Animals, and she also watches a lot of documentaries!
She also saved a little squirrel that almost starved to death in her garden, and she named him Squirrel-sensei, in honor of Korosensei
Rio doesn’t known what to do, so she just Chops her hair off
But it’s fine, short hair really suits her, and she loves it either way, she was just bored
For Kanzaki... she would probably sit in her room and play videogames with the boys
She once rage quitted and yelled
Maehara was so traumatized that he didn’t play games for 3 solid days
Big 5:
Gakushu hates being Quarantined with his father, but well, what can he do?
He does a lot of unnecessary extra work, but other than that he just thinks
About Class E, about his father, about his friends and about himself
He secretly loves watching Theories and Myths, so that’s probably what he does on weekends
Ren has no idea what to do, so he just calls his friends and they talk about basically everything
He also tried out nail polish, but it just wasn’t for him, so he immediately rubbed it off
Okay this one is canon and you can’t change my mind: Natsuhiko remembers every. Single. Word. From the Shrek Series.
He was done with all of his school work and he ended up watching it all over again until he memorized everything
Teppei doesn’t do much except homework, but he mumbled to himself a lot
It was a habit before the pandemic, but it has gotten worse
He also watches Documentaries and ends up watching some about the dumbest topics, for example Otters or something
Seo is depressed, because he and his family can’t travel to LA anymore (rich kid problems 🙄)
Like I already said, Korosensei checks up on each one of his student, and he gives them a lot of extra work to do
Only because he cares about them and their education of course
He‘ll try to find a way to still somehow teach them, but he hasn’t found one yet
Korosensei also could travel the world, but he doesn’t do it because he says it’s a bad example for his students
None of them really care tho
Irina basically begs Karasuma to let her be quarantined with him, but he just refuses like the stern type of guy he is
Karasuma does a lot of paperwork and avoids texts or calls from Irina
Irina gets mad at Karasuma a lot and shoves chocolate up her mouth and cries over him
Other than that, she orders many new clothes and tries out different styles and aesthetics
Her favorite so far is Cottagecore
Gakuho isn’t to fond of him and his son being quarantined together
They only eat breakfast, lunch and dinner together, and that’s it. Nothing else happening here
He tries his best to care for his school of course, but he somehow also wishes to make things right with Gakushu
He knows that it’s probably too late, so he just doesn’t say anything and remains going school work and correcting exams
Ahhhh I Hope this is Fine, it’s very Long but I‘m sure you don’t mind 👀
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lnarizakis · 4 years
thanks for the food! | m. osamu
masterlist | cards against humanity x haikyuu!!
pairing: miya osamu x gen!reader
foreword: this took so long for me to get out omg but i hope you enjoy!! 💕
look out for: manga spoilers
“sorry for staring, mister. it’s just that i ain’t ever seen ___ before.” + “soup that is too hot.”
“You know, you should really eat something other than cold take out and cup ramen.”
(Y/N)’s roommate Chiba Sumiko sighed, resting a hand on her forehead. She watched (Y/N) sitting at their small kitchen table, currently chowing down on a half-empty box of take out from last night’s dinner. Disappointment washed over her as they let crumbs fall from the corners of their mouth.
“But you know I’m broke—“ (Y/N), with food still lodged in their cheeks, started. As the words left their mouth, they knew what Sumiko—who had a part-time job—would counter.
“Let me treat you. No, I will treat you,” Sumiko decided, sitting down next to (Y/N). The scenario was similar to a father sitting his son down for “The Talk.” Though, in this case, it was Sumiko lecturing (Y/N) that as a college student they should take better care of their health. This included eating a proper meal; eating only take out and cup ramen was definitely not beneficial to her health. As someone studying health and nutrition, they should know better.
And so Sumiko and her boyfriend planned a date, with (Y/N) unfortunately tagging along as a third-wheel. They decided on Onigiri Miya, a tiny restaurant near their campus. It was a quaint little restaurant, and the owner had just recently released their new line of ramen soups. It had been very well-received by the general public, at least the ones who had come in to try it out. Based on those reviews and the fact that they had never eaten there before (Sumiko claimed they had to “expand their horizons,” whatever that meant), the three decided that that was the perfect place to have lunch tomorrow (specifically, at 3).
The next day, (Y/N) arrived at the restaurant a little bit later than the couple, not wanting to be the first person to arrive. As they entered the restaurant, the aroma of ramen broth, vegetables, and rice flowed into their nose; the overall atmosphere just felt warm. It was a homely environment, one that (Y/N) would want to visit time and time again. Small talk filled the air, and the one person behind the counter, currently brewing new broth for any incoming customers, casually talked with the patrons that sat around the table. (Y/N) could hear the faint sound of the television sitting in the corner of the restaurant, playing a rerun of a two-year-old volleyball game.
“Ah, welcome in,” the restaurant owner called out to the three, a faint smile on his face. He was, for lack of a better word, extremely hot. (Y/N) could feel a slight blush painting their cheeks, and that most likely wasn’t because of the warm air of the hot food that filled the room.
(Y/N) sat down at the counter along with Sumiko, who had suggested they do so, and her boyfriend. From behind the counter, the man rolled up his sleeves and crossed his arms, handing (Y/N) three plastic menus, which they were to pass along sideways.
Promptly, he said, “Just let me know when you guys are ready to order.” The man pushed a small bell towards them, wordlessly telling them to signal him when they were ready. He turned back to the broth on the stove, also tending to the noodles in a pot beside the broth. He sighed contently— this was the life. He could have never pictured himself playing volleyball beside his brother, who was currently on the television screen, silencing the jeering crowd.
(Y/N)’s eyes scrolled through the menu. What were they to order? There was an array of onigiri to choose from; after all, she was in an onigiri restaurant. However, their eyes drew themselves towards the listing of newly released ramen labels. Why not stick to something they were used to eating?
“(Y/N)-chan, what are you going to have? I’m gonna get the spicy salmon onigiri. The ‘lil picture they have for it on the menu makes it look so good,” Sumiko said. Her words caught the attention of the restaurant owner, stirring the broth absentmindedly, letting out a chuckle. Being the kind partner he was, Sumiko’s boyfriend was content with having her leftovers.
“I think I’ll have the tonkotsu ramen,” (Y/N) stated, still scanning through the menu, making sure there wasn’t something that caught their eye even more than the ramen did. Luckily, there wasn’t, however, so they folded the menu back up and placed it atop the other two menus that Sumiko and her boyfriend had finished using.
Sumiko lightly tapped the bell, and the man behind the counter promptly turned around to collect the menus and finalize what they were going to have.
“I’ll have the spicy salmon onigiri and,” Sumiko pointed to (Y/N), “they’ll have the tonkotsu ramen.” The man nodded.
“Ah, yes. Those are good choices. I know so because I‘m gonna cook ‘em,” the man flatly said, earning a laugh out of the three customers. He set the menus away and began to work on their orders.
“Your salmon onigiri,” he said, after some fifteen minutes later. Four onigiri stood proudly on the plate he was holding side-by-side, just waiting to be eaten. The rice was still steaming. He presented the plate to Sumiko and her boyfriend, with an astonished gasp at its delicious appearance. Onigiri Miya was renowned for their aesthetically pleasing food designs.
“Your tonkotsu ramen.” The man then presented the bowl of ramen towards (Y/N), pushing it towards them. The hot steam of it rose up into their face, warming it up. (Y/N) breathed in the aroma of the soup, taking in everything all at once; looking down at it, the soup itself was presented oh-so perfectly, from the cut hard-boiled egg to the seaweed stacked atop each other along the side of the bowl, slowly mixing in with the broth. (Y/N) was practically mesmerized— they hadn’t seen anything like it since... they don’t remember when.
After some time, the man asked with concern, “You good there? You’re starin’ off into the abyss of the bowl.”
“S-Sorry for staring, mister. It’s just that I ain’t ever seen soup that is too hot before,” (Y/N) stuttered. Well, of course they had seen soup that is hot before. They mentally face-palmed themself. To their surprise, however, he laughed. Resting his (notably muscular) arms on the counter some distance away from where (Y/N) had set their phone down to eat, he had his full attention on (Y/N), smiling at them.
“That’s not what I meant. Y’see, I’ve been a little... not eatin’ properly. Simply put,” (Y/N) corrected themself. Taking the chopsticks into their hand, they began eating, looking down in embarrassment.
“Nah, I get it. My brother’s like that. Or, well, he was, in high school,” the man said. “His name’s Atsumu,” he continued, as he pointed to the screen, which currently displayed Atsumu setting for his teammate. The two of them watched the screen until the play ended. Atsumu’s team won the rally, earning them their point. His twin brother in front of (Y/N) pumped his fist, quietly cheering for Atsumu, even though he knew the outcome of the match. It was a two-year-old game, after all.
“I’m Osamu.” Gray eyes glanced over in (Y/N)’s direction, who was taken aback by the sudden introduction.
“Ah, uh, I’m (L/N) (Y/N),” they said, with a half-full mouth of food. Setting down their chopsticks, they wiped their mouth with a napkin. The ramen was so good, so warm, and just so affectionately cooked that (Y/N) gave up all their cares to messily eat the food in front of them.
“I can see you’re enjoyin’ it, (L/N)-han. I’m glad it’s that good.” Osamu watched (Y/N) enjoy the bowl in front of them. Their hunger was akin to his brother’s hunger to improve in volleyball. He felt a pang of familiarity in his chest.
“I love it, Miya-han. What do ya think, Sumiko-chan? How’s it for you?” (Y/N) turned their head towards the girl, taking her time with every bite of her onigiri. Her boyfriend held his own in his hands, ravishing down on it. His cheeks were red due to the warmth of the food. Sumiko turned towards (Y/N), smiling. She gave a thumbs up, a sign of her satisfaction. (Y/N) returned their own small smile.
“Looks like we’re all happy, Miya-han. Thanks for the food.” (Y/N) continued to eat, and Osamu departed from the counter.
“That was really good!” Sumiko exclaimed, walking out of the tiny restaurant. “We should go there again someday!” The two others beside her agreed.
(Y/N) shoved their hands into the pockets of their jacket. It was quite cold—colder than usual, at least—for a January afternoon. Though, the pockets of their jacket seemed to be emptier than normal. But (Y/N) paid no attention to that.
“Anyways, (Y/N), don’t you think that store owner was cute? I sure think he was. But you’re cuter, Ichiro, don’t worry.” Sumiko turned towards her boyfriend, giving her a small smile in return. Aw. Their relationship was so cute. (Y/N) wished they had a relationship at least a fraction as affectionate as theirs.
“Yeah, he was pretty cute, I guess,” (Y/N) started, drawing out their words. Though, they didn’t really know how to put it all together; there was just something about him that made them long for his affection (they didn’t know it at the time, but it was definitely his cooking). They hummed, trying to piece together what they were trying to say.
(Y/N)’s roommate looked on in curiosity. “Is there somethin’ wrong? Can ya feel your heartstrings tugging? Is this the sign of true love?” Ever the romantic she was. She’d been rooting for (Y/N) to find their one-and-only since the beginning of their first year of graduate school. Ever the supportive friend she was, as well.
“Agh, I’m just— I just can’t believe how much I stuttered around him... and ate so messily in front of him, too, and—“ (Y/N) sighed. Sumiko clasped a hand on their shoulder.
“It’s alright, (Y/N); you hit it off greatly with him! Didn’t you see it? He definitely did. I mean— the longing look in his eyes while he was talking to you was phenomenal! Ichiro, why don’t you look at me the way—“ Sumiko’s scold was cut short by a familiar voice calling out from behind them. It was Osamu. He held (Y/N)’s phone in his hands, as he made his way towards them. Ah, so that was why their pocket felt slightly emptier than usual.
“(L/N)-san. You, uh... you forgot this,” Osamu said, looking down at the phone. (Y/N) held out their hand, as he gave them back their phone using both of his hands.
“Oh, thank you, Miya-han,” (Y/N) replied with a little more fluster than they had before.
As they put their phone back in their pocket, Osamu whispered something under his breath, just barely audible. (Y/N) asked him to repeat what he had just said.
“I hope you don’t mind,” he started, “but I added my number to your phone.” (Y/N) smiled, their cheeks reddening—totally because of the cold January weather (yep, totally).
“No, I don’t mind at all. Let’s talk more often, and maybe you can cook something else for me as well.”
cheese + general taglist (you can ask to be removed 🌝): @akaashichigo @drainedjaz @haikkeiji @annalyn-annalyn @mlkytobio @sosugasweet @cali-writes-sometimes @simping4ratsumu @shishinoya @ushiwakaa @from-left-to-write @akaashit-baeji @kxgeyamasmilk @agaassi @hanibuni @cupofkenma @kawanisshi @milkandc00kiez @thiccbokuto @shinsukestan @sufiawrites @wakaitoshi @skyguy-peach @fern-writes-ig @briswriting @airybby @kawaiikraykray @bubbleteaa @miyuswriting @raevaioli @ouikarwa @hakueishirei @pineapplekween @estherwritess @keiji-n @achoohq @bbytenma
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Still very concerned about the future or Common good of Tamers.
And above all the mindsets among Tamer & Digimon fans themselves in split corners now.
Digital Monster Fans within the Franchise-Community constantly arguing in fights within the Anime Series.
Too much conflicts & dilemma. It‘s sad & hurts.
Difficult, because I am extremly tolerant of almost all Digimon Media - V-Pets , Games - Manga etc - seasons in parallel view & alternative thinking. It‘s my last sanctuary in my mind since the last years repeating with anxeity on daily basis.
I research huge amounts of Digimon content = information at almost daily basis, conduct my free time-consuming many sites, forums, wiki-sources as well many background info and also many opinions. Overthinking too much but it’s my loved interest.
Tamers with its Worldbuilding charas & sci-fi is my alltime focus favorit but now its hard not to thinking negative in some ways. Or re-think.
Ist hurts now to keep in mind thinking from now on, this controversal dillema with all linked riots & politic fights has to be repeatedly re-re-read in toppics or comments.
The thematic and arguing will definitely remain present from now in partial form in the media & fandom going on like partial bushfires. It hurts too.
As for conspiracies, old & new ones, it‘s a wide scale thematic varitation and most of its bullshit insofar as it doesen‘t cause harm.
Or effect too many people minds but unfortunately it works and finds multiple ways throug media via spreading.
I‘m avoid it fundamentally.
But this is also part in the Internet. Negative data and opinions from humans like that existed since then before and to nowadays in huge varity of it, almost absurd fundamentally part of it. More precient then ever.
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Hey guys! :)
This is a blog that focuses all about Ereri/Riren fanfictions. I’m still kinda new in this fandom because I’ve just started watching SnK at the beginning of this year. After the first season I immediately fell in love with these two and started shipping them. Due to quarantine I’ve read A LOT of fanfics about them so I though I‘m gonna share them with you and also give a quick feedback. Obviously the feedback won‘t contain any spoilers. I hope you will enjoy this blog and can find some new fanfics that you‘ll like. Feel free to reblog these recommendations so other people can see it and we can support the authors of the stories.
Please don’t send me any kind of manga spoilers and also don’t write them in the comments. I’ve only watched the anime so far and want to avoid spoilers as much as possible. :)
Thank you for reading and I hope you’ll welcome me into this fandom.
Enjoy this blog!
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elfchensdcartblog · 4 years
Hello there 🥺 how are you I wish you have a good valentine.. well I was only wondering when are you going to start with the ask the Osakan..
Hey hey ^_^
Thank you, I’m fine - bit exhausted - but fine! I hope, you too! 😊
I’m sorry to keep you waiting on that but I work on so many different projects that I’m just too busy to get to ask the Osakan. 😭
ATM I startet drawing the first sketches for Heisuke Ep. 4 after I finished the Storyboard and I’ve the motivation to end my long term project „Wedding Bells“ until summer beside those running projects.
As a working mom of two wonderful but sometimes very exhausting kids you can guess that there’s not much free time to fit in everything. 😉
That’s not meant harsh, you’re very right to ask, dear anon, I‘m just bad at explaining myself and my feelings. So I’ll give you an open and detailed view into my life why @osakan-ask-blog takes a minor role in my drawing process atm. So you can understand me better I think.
Currently WIP Projects:
Chocolate Sticks
Happily Ever After
Wedding Bells
New Family Pic for Hattori Family
Osakan Ask Blog
Time for concentrated working on these projects per day: 3-4 hours.
And you can guess I don’t only use those few hours for drawing. I also watch Series, hang out with my hubby, read a book or manga, work on other illustrations beside DCMK, do some crafts, play video games, fix broken toys..... these days I even have to work until late because of lockdowns causing a closed down daycare. And beside that my kids are bad sleepers atm and get up around 10 pm crying for their mommy. So my time cuts down to 2 hours on those days. 😢
Some years ago I got myself into a kind of „drawing burnout“ and never recovered from it completely. (Even if it doesn’t seem like that I’m struggling a lot sometimes)
I just don’t want to stop drawing from one day to the other again and leave you all with no comment nor content like I did some years ago with my Facebook and deviantart community for years (I’m sorry Facebook and deviantart community lol). Since you’re my beloved DCMK-Community. 💕
I promise there will be new content for the Osakan Ask Blog but you need to be patient. 😄 I want to fit it in inbetween those other works. But lockdown (of daycare too) makes me really exhausted atm. So I use my free time a lot more for just chilling on the couch and watching anime cuddling under a big blanket. lol
Again, that’s not meant to be harsh! I’m really glad someone asked! Since it already gnawed at my conscience that I’m not able to work on it. And you helped me to point it out. Thank you for asking, dear anon! I feel really relieved now that I’ve written it down even if it’s so long and asdffjshsggaj
It’s just... my real life atm. 😊 and i hope everyone understands better, why some of my works need a bit more time.
You can still send in your questions though. They won’t get lost. 😘
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