#i yelled at someone to put their phone away and felt like i was channelling someone
cadmusfly · 11 months
the professor sent us an email asking if we were going to finish our presentation after I wrote a placeholder slide full of swear words to force my teammates to edit/finish it
on a definitely unrelated note i sure am thinking a lot about a grumpy dead frenchman who just wanted to get his job done for no reason in particular
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multifandomgirl08 · 1 year
Prologue [Mini Verstappen Series]
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Max Verstappen x Daniel Ricciardo (Platonic)
Summary: Max finds out that he had a son. And it changes his world.
Warning(s): Mention of adoption, Jos Verstappen
A/N: This is set before the first part of Mini Verstappen.
Words: 1.1k
→ Next Part Mini Verstappen Masterlist
Max’s life had been completely turned upside down. It had only been an hour since he had gotten the news.
He was a father.
Daniel had been over at his apartment when his agent had called him and told him that a woman had dropped off a baby with a note for Max Verstappen. Max didn’t want to believe it, he couldn’t be a father at the age of 22. That wasn't possible. His ex had ended the relationship, and while he hadn't been in love, he had cared for her. He never thought that she ended it because she was pregnant.
"Maxy, you okay?" Daniel asked as he dropped his phone on the couch.
"No." He said staring off into the distance, his eyes unfocused in front of him.
"What did Raymond call you about?"
"I... I..." He tried to get out. "I have... a son."
Max looked right at Daniel. He saw his eyes go wide in disbelief. It's nice to know that his former teammate felt the same way about his news.
“What are you gonna do?”
“I don’t know,” Max answered honestly. “But I’m sure my father will have some ideas.”
Max wasn’t sure he would enjoy hearing those ideas.
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"We go through all of the channels. Have people sign NDAs, get a DNA test, make sure the media never finds out, and then put the child up for adoption." He heard his father say.
As Max was sitting on the sofa in Raymond's office looking at the child, all he could think was how much he looked like him. The chubby cheeks, blue eyes, their hair color was almost the same given how little the baby had.
"That's not your decision to make," Raymond said. This was one of the few times he was glad his manager said something to his father.
He rocked the baby in his arms as he slept.
"Tell him you want to give the baby up," Jos told him. Max looked up from the bundle of blankets. "You give him up, and the problem goes away."
"He's not a problem, he's a baby." Max heard Daniel say.
As Max watched on, his father seemed like he already had this all planned out in his head. Like he knew that this would happen.
Max didn't want to let go of him, his son.
"I'm not giving him up," Max said.
Raymond's shoulders deflated at his words. Yes, having a child would cause problems, but it would cause more problems if people found out he had a child by someone he used to date and then didn't acknowledge them.
"You don't even know if he's yours." His father spewed quickly switching to Dutch so no one else would understand.
"He looks like me. Who else's child could he be?" He rhetorically asked.
"After everything that I did to prevent this..." He heard his father mutter under his breath. He knew?
"Prevent this? Are you telling me that you knew about this and didn't want me to find out that I would be a father?" Max was quick to hand the bundle of blankets over to Daniel before getting into his father's face.
"It would fuck up your career. You winning a championship is the most important thing right now." There was a high pitch wailing from the baby.
Max wanted to yell at him. Winning a championship could wait. Who knew what was going to happen this coming season with the car? It could be horrible once the season starts. But the child that Daniel was holding couldn't wait. It was going to depend on him every day.
"Tell me you didn't know about this. That you didn't do something so that I wouldn't find out about him." All Max was hoping for was his father's honesty. Not that he got it before, but just this once he wanted his father to treat him like a human being.
"I gave her money so that she would go away. She was a distraction." His father was an asshole, this just confirmed it. "I didn't think she would want to have the baby."
"Get out," Max said as calmly as he could. "Leave, and don't come back."
"Max." His father started to say.
"I want you to leave me with my son and never show your face at another race ever again." He looked him dead in the eyes so his father knew that he was serious. Jos Verstappen was dead to him.
Max couldn't deal with him. He shook his head watching as his father left them alone. His father had tried to pay off his ex because she was pregnant. What was wrong with him?
Max walked closer to Daniel seeing him cradle the baby. Shit. He was a father. He lightly reached over and stroked the baby's cheek.
"I guess your father's plan is not how you want to deal with this?" His manager asked.
"No, but we do need to call Christian and Helmut and tell them. This was a surprise to me, imagine how it will be for them." He hoped he didn’t lose his Red Bull seat over this.
"You don't have to do it today Max," Daniel said. "Worry about it tomorrow, just spend the day with your son."
Daniel was a great friend to Max, more than he deserves at times.
"Okay, we can call them tomorrow." He said. Max moved back to the sofa before Daniel put the baby back in his arms.
"Does he have a name?" Daniel asked.
Raymond was quick to reach for a small stack of papers and then held up what he assumed was the birth certificate.
"It says Nico, Nico Verstappen."
Even though his ex had given Nico up, Max was grateful that she had chosen a good name for his son.
“Nico,” Max muttered to himself as Nico’s fussing seemed to dissipate.
“There are two letters that were left for you with him. One addressed to you and another to Nico.” His ex wrote him a letter? Probably explaining her choices, but the one for Nico he would leave. That wasn’t meant for him.
As Max’s eyes met Nico’s, he finally understood why his mother did the things that she did when he was growing up. Max wanted to do right by Nico and that meant giving him a life with a parent who loved him with everything that he had.
“How do you want to deal with your father?” Raymond asked.
“I don’t care, blacklist him from everything if you have to.” His father didn’t deserve to be in his life. Jos gave no consideration to how he would feel about being a father. So he would give him just the same.
From now on he was going to worry about his son.
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taglist: @karmabyfernando, @barcagirly, @sachaa-ff, @iamahallucinationnn
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scoutswritingcorner · 6 months
The TV Made Me Do It
Vox x GN!Reader
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TW:HORROR AND DARK FIC!! Talks about murder, hypnosis, alcoholism, mentioned abuse, nothing too detailed. MENTIONS OF SEWERSLIDE. DO NOT READ IF IT MAKES YOU UNCOMFORTABLE.
A/N: First time writing for Vox! So please don’t hate me! Also if anyone has any ideas for any horror related fics don’t be afraid to drop them in my  Ask Box, just read my rules first please! Based on the song, ‘The TV made me do it’ By Moon Walker. SOMETHING ON THE SHORT SIDE SORRY- 
Flashing blue and red lights filled your dark house, bringing the bottle to your lips. You took a long sip watching as the TV in front of you flashed with static and loud buzzing as a flash of a light blue grin was burned into its screen. Why wouldn’t he talk to you anymore? Did he get bored?
You didn’t blame him. You got bored too.
The banging on your front door was louder now and the bloodied knife that sat on your lap felt heavier than normal. Your eyes stayed glued to the TV screen as the door was kicked in allowing the bright lights to invade your home. You wanted to forget how you got in this position.
The day you got home from work was a normal one. Normal in the fact that the second you walked through the door you were being yelled at and a bottle was thrown at your head but missed significantly. Then they stormed up the stairs and started to yell at you as you cleaned up the pigsty that was your house, then it had hit you. You were being watched. Was someone else in the house? Was it your imagination?
You looked around once more and found nothing which made you frown, why was your tv on? You turned it off right before you started to clean. You walked over to the couch and grabbed the remote to turn it off but stopped seeing red eyes stare back at you. Was this just a sick prank? Why did it unnerve you? Walking back the eyes followed you unblinking. Then the tv flashed from different shows and channels spelling out the words, ‘turn..around…I’m…behind..you.’ Your heart dropped to your stomach as you watched the tv turn to static before you. You closed your eyes and turned around, only to be met by darkness and an empty wall.
Then..a laugh track sounded, the TV was laughing at you. It was mocking you, ‘Silly…human….such…a…fool.’  Your cheeks heated up in embarrassment as you stared back at the glowing red eyes and the now prominent blue sharp teeth that formed into a smile. 
It’s been like this for weeks. No sleep, just going to work, getting something thrown at your head or slapped across the face and then staying up at night to watch the tv mock you and your existence. It made you want to cry- you did cry some nights, it was too much. But then the mocking changed as you sat on the couch one night, drinking your spirits away. ‘..stop..drinking….you damn fool.’ You rolled your eyes but put the bottle down onto the coffee table, you wished to close your eyes and sleep forever. “Just leave me the fuck alone. All you’ve done is mock me every night, all night long. What the fuck do you want me to do?!” You yelled out tears collecting in your eyes as you looked down at the carpeted floor. 
‘..pathetic.’  the tv mocked once more causing you to glare at it. “Oh yeah you wise fucker? Tell me what the hell am I supposed to do then?!” You snarled out standing up before going quiet as the phone in your kitchen rang, you sent one more glare towards the TV which was playing some old cowboy movie. Storming into the kitchen you grabbed the phone putting it to your ear.
“You’re losing yourself, Human..”  The voice was rough but was so cheery that it reminded you of a celebrity. You could definitely hear the smirk plastered on the person's face or..was it a person? “Who is this?” You asked quietly, hearing footsteps upstairs, “..You’ve been talking to me through the tv for weeks…I think you should know by now.” The voice responded before chuckling as the footsteps ceased, “Such a sad sack of shit the world has become huh? Don’t you wish you could do something about it?” You paled at the words, “You don’t know what you’re talking about.” 
“I don’t? Please I’ve watched your ass sit on that couch drinking away your sorrows and sobbing out after every little fight. Telling me how you wish you could just fucking end that piece of shits life.” The voice on the other line called out and you sighed, staying silent. “I say do it. Kill the bastard.”  That caught you off guard, “Wait no- I can’t-” You hissed, “You can. You just have to throw away your morals.” You look behind you and then out of the kitchen windows, the night looked so inviting the voice was right. You could do it but then what? You’d have to be on the run forever. Right?
“What do I do after?” You asked your hands clutching the phone like it was a life line. “Be on the run forever?” There was a soft chuckle from the other end of the line. “That’s up to you..but..if you decide to just..end it..I’ll be down here waiting for you. Besides..I always needed a co host.” Was..Was this mysterious voice flirting with you? Co-Host? Down there? What the fuck was it talking about??
“Down where exactly?” You asked, glancing at the knife drawer and there was a loud laugh from the other end of the line. “Oh you’ll find out shortly..just think about it. Remember..I’m watching.” Then at that the line went dead and you groaned, that didn’t answer any of your fucking questions.
It was only a day later when you were staring into the dead eyes of your abuser, knife sticking out of their chest and a bruise forming on their neck. Your body covered in blood as you tore the knife out, slowly making your way downstairs and to the tv that was showing static, your tv friend had left. Your phone sat on the couch, screen showing texts from your closest friends. The friends that mocked you, told you that you were off your fucking rocker. ‘The tv can’t make you do anything.’
You walked to the kitchen to grab your favorite bottle of your poison, the phone rang once..twice..three times before it stopped and you made your way back to the couch. “I did it. If you care.” You called out to the tv, “Don’t think you do. You got what you wanted, no?” You brushed a bloodied hand through your hair and groaned, “Of course you don’t..you never did. I was a fool to think that you did.” You called out taking a sip from the bottle, sirens and bright lights flashing outside.
Looks like you were finally caught. “You’re a fucking bastard.” You hissed out, playing with the knife laying on your lap.
But he did care. He cared too much and he wanted you to be next to him so badly. He’d just have to wait a little longer.
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doveriathegoddess · 2 years
That one time Burning Constellation went to jail
Yes you read the title right, the rock band did get arrested after they did something extremely stupid. 
How did this happen? 
Well it all started when Rock Haven Estate was undergoing some renovations and the band couldn’t really practice as they usually did, so they decided to go to the Festival Plaza. It was a relatively normal time at first as the band got to meet some fans, but they also really needed to practice since they would be performing a concert in the next 2 weeks and it was also a really big concert too.
While trying a good place to practice, Mason, the band’s lead singer and very dumb, very polite himbo had the idea of playing right in front of the Grand Qwasa and also charge it so that Vinyl City could get some extra power. Sounds like a very great plan, what could possibly go wrong?
The band got in front of the Grand Qwasa and started practicing, their music soon getting into performance mode as a crowd started to gather and cheer them on. While they played their music began to charge the Grand Qwasa, and things were going great. 
However the band failed to consider one small issue that they overlooked when their original plan was formulated. Their instruments were powerful. Very powerful.
The next thing everyone knew, the Grand Qwasa exploded and it caused not only what felt like an earthquake, but also caused a 5 second blackout in the entirety of Vinyl City before the emergency power kicked in. It took Burning Constellation a minute to process what just happened before the realization kicked in, followed by a collective “OH SHIT-”
Sonya Fyra, the band’s drummer and literal being of chaos, spotted her motorcycle parked nearby and quickly gathered her bandmates (gathered I mean literally snatched all of them at the same time-) before they all got on her motorcycle and sped away from the scene. Thankfully she did that right before the cops showed up and put two and two together that the rock band had caused this incident. 
And that’s when the chase started.
The police cars sirens were heard throughout Vinyl City as the band tried to get away from them. Luckily Sonya was very skilled at driving and proceeded to evade the police and traffic for 2 whole hours. As this was happening, the news outlets got wind of what was happening and soon enough the whole police chase was being live-streamed on every channel and on online platforms where everyone in Vinyl City was watching this all go down. 
As for the band, they were all having the greatest time of their lives as they held on to Sonya. Mason was cheering as Sonya performed some very cool but also dangerous stunts on the motorcycle such as doing a wheelie, flying over ramps, and even drifting on curves. Orion had her arms wrapped around her girlfriend and gently felt her abs like the lesbian she was. Danny being the only relatively normal person in the group was really worried about what was happening, but he was holding onto Mason so that calmed him down a bit. 
However things did come to an end when a police sniper shot at the motorcycle, and directly hit the back tire which exploded on impact. Everyone watching the chase witnessed as the band members were sent flying due to the tire explosion, and all landed on the ground as the police completely surrounded them. Thankfully no one was seriously injured, but the band members were all arrested and hauled off to the Vinyl City jail as everyone on TV watched. 
The band thought this was the most fun they ever had and didn’t mind getting arrested. Orion made the phone call to one of the band’s friends at Rock Haven so they could be bailed out, but little did they know that someone else had come to the jail and bailed out the band. 
It was when that they saw Titanium present and learned that she bailed them out that the band realized they were in big trouble as Titanium was really pissed off. 
Despite being at a “loss for words” Titanium yelled at the band for 30 minutes on how reckless they had been. The band had been lectured before by Titanium in the past so it was nothing new to them, but the drama would only continues as the respective parents of the band members showed up after Titanium finished chewing them out. 
Mayday (Mason’s mom), Tatiana (Sonya and Titanium’s mother), and Kliff (Orion’s dad) had arrived, and the band all looked at each other, knowing they fucked up big time as they all said to one another “It’s been a pleasure knowing you guys.”
Since Danny was an orphan he wasn’t as affected but could only watch in horror as his bandmates were almost brutally murdered by their parents (not literally but they got the biggest ass whooping off their lifetime). The band was then grounded for a whole week and were made to do community service as punishment for what they did. 
But the story doesn’t end there.
A few weeks later after the whole incident, Burning Constellation dropped their newest album: “Going to Prison” which became an instant hit. You can imagine the reactions of everyone outside of the band’s fans when this album came out-
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bluetooththereptile · 2 years
Someone asked: How would yandere Batboys(Separate and including Bruce) react to reader drawing silly doodles on their face while sleeping with a pen or something? And maybe even putting makeup and stuff lol
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Your man as a hero tends to get exhausted often so it’s not a strange sight to see him sleep on the couch or take a short nap on the bed. But you still want to spend time with him and his sleeping schedule doesn’t let you do that. So you decide to busy yourself with something that would turn into something even more fun…
Dick had fallen asleep on the kitchen table for the 3rd time in the month already and you were tired of watching him sleep, but you knew if you woke him up he wouldn’t sleep much after even if he went to bed as soon as possible. You didn’t want to wake him up but you were bored, your phone was charging and you couldn’t watch TV because of the noises it made. You had to be creative and seeing your makeup bag on the counter made the lamp of ideas pop out of your head.
Dick woke up with a pain in his neck since he had rested his head at an uncomfortable angle. You were sitting next to him with a wide grin on your face “Hi!…” dick said with a sleepy voice as he yawned. You nodded your head now pressing your lips together “Did I fall asleep here again?” You nodded your head faster, now your face seemed strange, like you were in pain, nodding your head violently “Um…you okay?” You gave him a quick “mhm” as he narrowed his eyes at you “Why does my face feel weird?” He rubbed his face and felt something sticky on it. Seeing his eyes widen at the sight of the face foundation you exploded. You laughed for a solid half an hour before you could catch your breath, but the ick just sat there processing what was going on. And when it sunk in his head he did something you didn’t expect “You up for some couple pictures?” And with your agreement, you would take a ton of pictures with dick posing lewdly in them with the messy makeup on.
Jason was sleeping soundly on his bed when you came back home, all excited to tell him about your day, but seeing him sleeping like that was a blow to your expectations, he had promised to wake up before you were back but he was still sleeping like there was no tomorrow. You were mad but you didn’t know how to punish him for that until your new set of markers sparkled as you set your eyes upon them. It was going to be fun. You thought with a mischievous grin.
Jason was up for an hour now and he was still laying in bed, processing his dreams “I think I shouldn’t have eaten those chicken nuggets before sleeping” he mumbled as he left his comfortable bed, walked to the bathroom, heard the TV he could tell you were home and he winced at remembering his promise, okay maybe he had to make it up to you later, for now, he had to wash his sleep away, but his time at the shower was going to turn out as he had expected. “(Y/NNNNNNN!)” Jason’s angry yell made you giggle devilishly as you changed the channels, he must have been really angry at seeing the silly doodles of a unicorn and Easter eggs on his face, but he had learned his lesson about ignoring his promises in the most cringy way!
Tim had fallen asleep during the lunch break, again, and watching him drool with his mouth open was no fun. It was silly to wait for your boyfriend’s nap to end so you could have your lunch before you went back to studying, you wanted to slam the whole lunch tray on his head. But you just groaned and mumbled curses under your breath as an idea popped in your head. “You’ll pay for making me wait, dude, you’ll pay for it!” You mumbled with a smirk as you drew on his face with your pen, remembering what he had said about loving your doodles.
You would ignore Tim’s angry babbling as you gave him a towel, you both had missed your classes since he had forced you to help him wash all of those doodles of hearts and silly texts off of his face “Come oooon!” You nagged “Shut it! It’s all your fault!” You rolled your eyes before bursting at seeing Tim’s blue face. Let’s say you wouldn’t get to kiss him for a while.
After a bad argument, you had decided to pay Damian back by wasting his precious ink on his face. You would move the brush on his face delicately to not wake him up, thickening his brows and painting beard and mustache on his skin. He had just come back from a mission and had fallen asleep in mere seconds. But you were still mad so you gave him the look he always hated.
“(Y/N) if you stop I’ll make it quick and painless!” Damian hissed as he ran after you in the halls with the inky brush in his hand, but you just laughed at that and kept running away “This is what you get for yelling at me baby!” But Damian only growled at your reply running faster. You would end up painted black by Damian and you two would laugh about it whenever you recall the memory.
Laying beside Bruce you sighed, watching as the handsome man’s resting face twitch a little as he dreamed. You tried to not poke his flesh too much as you moved the marker on his face, creating his best quotes as batman in the silliest ways on his face and chest, trying to stop your giggles with soft sighs, trying to not ruin the prank you had planned for your husband.
“Seriously?” Bruce put his hands on his hips as he watched himself in the mirror “I am the night on my forehead?” He posed in front of the mirror making you laugh harder “It looks dramatic…I like it! I look like those gangsters that tattoo everything on their body…it’s easy to remove marker right?” He asked as he looked at you and you shook your head at that making his eyes widen for a good second, but his hand moved to wipe the marks away easily and he sighed before jumping on the bed taking you in his arms “Now you mess with me?” He would say as he tickles you.
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sanzusbestie · 3 years
Okay so can i request where bonten men din't know that their s/o is a duchess and when one day they were chilling and all in their hq they open the news and saw their s/o on the tv and ya know doing everything with elegance and being preety.And ofc their s/o is very beuatiful the prince inside the tv is looking at her with longing and love gazes.And as they were scrolling through tiktok they saw an edit of her with playdate remix.Just pure fluff.
♡ Bonten trio with a duchess s/o ♡
Pairings : Haitani Ran x f!reader, Sanzu Haruchiyo x f!reader, Haitani Rindou x f!reader
Genre : Fluff
Warnings : None
A/n : Sorry I only did the Bonten trio, I was afraid to just repeat myself. It's an interesting request tho ! Thank you for requesting and have a nice day ♡
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"Ran, turn on your TV and put NHK" you texted him before putting your phone away
He texted back "why?" but you didn't answer
"Sanzu, put NHK."
"Magic word ?" mf smirked
He did it himself 🗿
First thing he saw was the dress he bought you a week ago
When you said "I'll wear it for a special occasion" he didn't think you'd actually mean this
You're a what now ?
"I didn't know Y/n was a duchess." Takeomi said
"Yeah, me neither."
You were absolutely perfect
"Everybody shut up ! She's going to talk !" he literally yelled
No one was actually talking lol
Totally whipped
Your voice = music
The way you carried yourself was so admirable, he didn't even blame that prince looking at you probably in love because who wouldn't ?
He was also proud of you
"The internet works fast. There're already a lot of edits on Tiktok," Rindou said
That was right, there were a lot of them but one caught his attention, it was quite simple but maybe it was the background music or the faint glitters, he didn't know but he had to download this video
In his eyes you weren't just a duchess, you were a queen.
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"Sanzu, since when your girl's a duchess ?" Rindou asked
"What the fuck is wrong with you now. I'm not high enough for your shit right now."
"Well, this woman either looks exactly like Y/n or she is Y/n, and the usernam "iwouldlicky/nsfloor" gives us a big hint I think."
And he was right, looking at Rindou's phone, Haruchiyo saw you in an elegant suit on Tiktok
"Am I actually too high right now ?"
"It's live on TV," Ran said
He turned it on, after looking for the remote control while mumbling "where's that fucking remote control" at least five times
Big heart eyes
Your smiling face on this big ass screen ?
He's a simp
He's in love he's in love he's in love
"Y'all look at her ! Rindou I said look at her ! Isn't my princess amazing ?"
"She's not a princess, she's a duchess." 🗿
"But yes, Sanzu, we can all see how amazing she is. Even the prince. He might've even fallen in love with her."
The way he immediately turned his head to look back at the TV
Sir you're gonna get a neck strain
"He's so in love with her," Kokonoi started
"Yeah, and she's way out of your league," Rindou continued
"She'd be better with that prince !" Ran finished
"Shut up !"
"Even Tiktok agrees."
"No, not you too Kakucho !"
"It's not me, it's Tiktok. Look."
xY/nxPrincexforeverx posted an edit with some pics of you and the prince with the Playdate remix, one could believe you were actually together
"Fuck this shit. What Y/n and I have is real."
"So why did you just create a fake account and commented "she has a boyfriend so fuck off" ?"
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They were all so bored it wasn't even funny
It was rare for them, but it still happened from time to time
Takeomi was switching channels on the TV for what felt like hours before Rindou saw someone familiar
He snatched the remote control from his hands and put the last channel back on
"Waaaait ! Is that really Y/n ?" Sanzu asked and wore Rindou's glasses
"Sanzu if you don't put my glasses back I'll shove them up your ass."
"But you don't even use them anymore !"
He didn't have time for his stupid antics
Not when you were that stunning
"Dannng you're like in love in love !"
"Sanzu can't you shut the fuck up just for a bit ?"
The way you were standing straight, looking ahead, determined
He was your biggest fan
He hogged the TV for the entire evening
When the live was over, he waited a bit before calling you
"Hey duchess. You don't look too bad."
Taglist : @erishaitto
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teddy06writes · 4 years
I feel there isnt enough sapnap x karl x quackity x reader, so can I request sap x karl x quackity x y/n where everone js tired at the end of the day, and despite having separate rooms, they all collapse together in one person’s bed
sapnap x karl x quackity x reader (HOLY SHIT THE POLY SHIP REQUESTSSSSSSS)
Trigger warnings: swearing
premise: vidcon pannels and meeting fans can be tiering, and maybe by the time the day is done you and all of your crushes collapse into bed together without realizing until the next morning  ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯
“Blep” talking
‘blep’ thinking
(y/n/n)- your nickname
(y/s/n)- your screen name
Ah vidcon, a content creators dream, or worse nightmare, or in your opinion, wild trip that lasted three days.
It was your first time seeing anyone from the Dream SMP in a while, and your were practically buzzing with excitement by the time you were getting off the plane in California.
You fiddled with your carry on as you made your way towards baggage claim, grinning upon hearing a yell of “Oh my god is that (Y/n) from the internet!?”
You turned to see Alex standing just outside the gate he’d landed at, quickly you ran to hug him, stomach filling with butterflies at his touch. “Wait it’s Alex from the internet!”
You both laughed as you pulled away, starting back to baggage claim, “Are you excited for vidcon?” He asked.
“Yeah, what I’m not excited for is having to share a house with you idiot for a weekend.”
He scoffed, “What do you mean? It’s gonna be fun!”
“Oh yeah, the entire SMP together in one house, is such a good idea. It’s gonna be chaos!”
“That’s the fun part!”
“I like to sleep at night without being interrupted by random screaming and stuff.”  You argued.
“I’m sure there won’t be random screaming.”
“You seriously underestimate Tommy.” By now you had made it to baggage claim and began to look around for the right carousel.
You split up, planning on meeting back by the door to wait outside for Bad, who had arrived the day before and was picking people up, a few at a time.
After waiting at one carousel for a few minutes your suitcase came rolling out, but as you went to grab it someone else grabbed it from behind you, a familiar voice drawling, “Hey, hey.”
Grinning you turned to see Nick smiling back at you, “Hey yourself.”
He hugged you, and again your stomach filled with butterflies.
Pull away you smiled, “Come on, I think I left Alex just over there.”
Grabbing your suitcase in one hand, and his hand in the other you tugged him off toward where you’d left Alex, calling, “Alex look who I found!” as soon as he was in view.
Nick dropped your hand to grab Alex’s to pull him into a hug, and you found yourself fighting a grin at how red Alex's face turned.
“Bad texted me that he’s almost here!” You announced after checking your phone.
“Who else is he picking up?” Nick asked.
“Uhhh,” You pulled the messages back up, “Karl and Fundy, and then Wilbur is supposed to be getting another rental car and driving the rest of the Europeans when they get here, minus George cause apparently he also flew out early.”
You all headed out towards the pick up area, weaving through the crowds of people you felt Nick grab the back of your shirt, and when you looked back at him in question he muttered, “So I don’t lose you Idiot.”
All you could do was hope your face was clear of any blush as you smiled back.
You all ended up stood near the curb when a voice cut through the chatter, “Hey gu-uys!”
“Karl!” The three of you exclaimed as he ran through the crowd towards you.
Upon reaching you he some how managed to get his arms around all of you enough for a group hug, and you laughed, “Shouldn’t you be at the other gate?”
“Yeah, but I thought I saw you guys so I came over here, and I was right!”
Alex cocked an eyebrow, “What if it wasn’t us?”
“uhhh, I dunno, awkwardly ran at random people?”
You all laughed, and Nick scoffed, “You’re ridiculous.”
After a few more minutes of waiting, a car slowed near the curb, Fundy’s head practically falling from passenger window, “I’m looking for some youtubers, dumb American ones, you seen any?”
Bad smacked him, “they aren’t dumb, hey guys!”
You waved at them as the guys started loading their suitcases into the back of the car, and after Karl insisted he take yours as well, you slid into the back seat, “What’s the house situation like?”
“It looks like just about everyone will get there own room,” Bad reported, “But Tommy, Tubbo, Ranboo and Purpled are sharing the room with the bunk beds, because Clay designated it as the kids room.”
You snickered as Alex climbed into the back next to you, leaving Nick and Karl to take the spots in the middle row of the van.
“And obviously cause Kristen’s coming she and Phil are sharing, and then Eret said he, Puffy, and Niki would take the room with the double beds,” Fundy offered, “Which means the rest of us should get single rooms.”  
Alex elbowed you, “Told you wouldn’t get stuck with random screaming.” 
“Oh there's still time for that.”
After getting to the airbnb and racing Fundy for one of the bigger rooms that was left (it was decided Phil and Kristen would get the master bedroom, and Clay had already claimed the biggest guest bedroom), you dropped your suitcase in one corner and brought your toiletries bag in the shared bathroom between your and Nick’s rooms, before flopping back onto your bed. 
No more than three minutes passed before Karl wandered into your room, flopping down next to you, “Ranboo and Sam are making nachos, and Dream and Nick found a foosball table in the garage, so a mini tournament is being organized if you want in.” 
“Foosball?” You questioned. 
“Yeah, it’s gonna be fun.” 
You allowed him to tug you up, and followed him down from the left hall of bedrooms, through the living room and to the connected garage where George was yelling over everyone to try and form teams. 
“Me and (Y/n) are a team!” Nick announced, grabbing your hand to pull you towards him. 
“Okay, that leaves Big Q and Karl as the last team for now! When other people show up they can join.” George announced. 
The rest of the day passed in a blur of foosball games, nacho’s nearly being spilled everywhere and the rest of the people arriving. 
The next day was the first day of vidcon, and after getting dressed in some casual clothes you grabbed your laptop and headed out to the living room, mostly empty in the quiet house, with the exception of Tubbo, who was flipping through tv channels, and Phil, who was tinkering around in the kitchen. 
“So what’s your plan for the day?” Tubbo asked, finally having settled on a baking show. 
“Uhh, stress about the panel until it’s time for the panel, hang out, maybe find a pizza place, you?” 
“Me and Tommy are just gonna wander the convention center most of today cause I don’t have anything until the meet and greet tomorrow, then when he has to go I think me, Ranboo and Fundy might be going to mess with dream george and sapnap during the dream team panel. What’s you first panel about?” 
You glanced back down at your laptop, “It’s listed as ‘small creators with a big part’” 
From the kitchen you heard Phil chuckle.
“Oh cool.” Tubbo smiled, turning back to his show. 
You looked back down at your laptop, reading over the possible sample questions and discussion topics, you wanted to be mentally prepared for this.
At some point, as the rest of the house began to stir Alex shuffled out from the hallway and plopped down in between you and Tubbo on the couch, throwing his legs up in your lap.
“Good morning.”
He groaned, “Why is it so early?”
“It isn’t,” you laughed, flicking at his forehead, “Your just jet lagged.”
“Is there coffee here?”
As if on cue Nick, who had come over from the kitchen, offered him a mug, “Phil made a big ass pot of it.”
“Oh thank fuck!” He took the cup greatfully.
Nick smiled, handing you the other mug before going back for his own as Karl flounced into the room and plopped down on the other couch, “Good morning!” 
“Morning Karl!” You smiled. 
“oooo, are we watching cake wars?” He asked excitedly. 
Tubbo nodded and launched into an explanation of what had happened so far in the episode. 
Eventually everyone woke up and was gathered around in the living room and kitchen, drinking coffee and tea as they planned for the day. 
“Well if most of us have different things planned why don’t we just plan to meet back up here before dinner?” Niki suggested. 
A half asleep Wilbur nodded, “Sounds like a good idea.”
Techno snickered at his grogginess, elbowing him lightly, “I guess the first panel really will be sleepy boys inc.” 
If Wilbur had been fully awake he probably would’ve elbowed him back, but instead just muttered, “Shut up.” 
“Okay! So we meet back here for six yeah?” Bad asked. 
Everyone nodded, and disappeared back to their various places around the house to get ready. 
Back in your room you put your laptop away and got the last of your things ready for the panel, even though it wasn’t starting for a few hours.
“(Y/n)! Your panel’s at 12 right?” Nick half yelled through the open bathroom doors. 
“Okay cool, do you wanna come with me, Alex and Karl? Apparently Jimmy and all them just got in.” 
You had talked to the famed, ‘Mr. Beast’, a few times, and had even been in one or two of his gaming videos, so before you knew it Alex was stealing the keys to one of the rental cars and you were off. 
“Yeah we just left the airbnb.” Karl, said into his phone. There was a pause before he said, “Oof, I’m glad I came out early then.” Another pause and then he laughed, “Nimrods. We can stop for food if you want?” 
A few minutes later he ended the call, leaning up between the front seats, “The gang requires food, we’re taking a pit stop to taco bell.” 
“Taco bell? At 9 in the morning?” Alex questioned. 
“Yeah apparently the nimrods forgot to get food before they left the airport, and now their stuck in traffic. We’re gonna meet them at the hotel.” 
You chuckled, “Sounds like a Jimmy move. Let me guess, they forgot because none of them slept and they took a red eye?” 
“What the fuck is a red eye?” 
You looked back at Nick, incredulous, “You don’t know what a red eye is? Oh my god you privileged fool!” 
Alex snorted, “It’s a really early flight Nick. Like, a you get to the airport for 11pm, and end up eating breakfast when you get to the other airport, flight.”
“Or, a get to the airport for anytime between 11pm and 4am and regret your life choices while waiting for your plane.” You offered. 
“In other words, hell.” Alex finished, pulling into a drive thru. 
“Yikes, why would anyone do that?” Nick asked. 
“It’s cheap.” Karl said. 
“Planes are less crowded, so are the airports.” Alex added. 
You smiled, “I do it for the feeling of a lineal space. There's no vibes like airports from 11pm to 4am.”
They all laughed, and Karl quickly unrolled his window to order an ungodly amount of food. 
Unsurprisingly,  after that the day passed in a blur, the panel going pretty well, and then the impromptu meet and greet outside the meeting hall, trying to make it through the convention center with Clay and Nick without being mobbed, and then suddenly everyone was back at the airbnb getting ready for dinner. 
“(y/n) you bitch why are you taking so long in there!” Tommy yelled through the bathroom door. 
“I’m trying to fix my hair from when you threw water at me prick! There's five other bathrooms in this house go find another one!” You yelled back. 
Distantly you could hear Bad yell, “Language!” 
“Everyone is in the other bathrooms!” 
Giving up on your hair you set the brush back down and recapped the container of paste, turning and opening the door to your room, “Alright, fine.” 
“That wasn’t that hard was it?” Tommy asked, moving past you into the bathroom. 
“Don’t touch my stuff.” You instructed, striding out of the room and down the hall. 
Out in the living room Eret was humming as they cleaned up the last of the later Tommy had gotten everywhere as the rest of the group started to assemble. 
Once everyone was finally ready, and the final arguments of who would take which car, you were shoved into the back of one of the vans with Karl and Alex, making all of the anxiety that had dissipated after the panel came flooding back, especially when Nick, who was sitting on the bench seat in front of you, turned to join the conversation. 
The night was spent trying to keep blush off your face whenever Karl’s knuckles brushed yours, when Nick’s arm found it’s way around the back of your chair, or when your and Alex’s knees bumped. 
‘God’, you had thought, ‘this is like some romcom shit.’ 
After Tommy’s fail attempt to steal a set of car keys and try and drive home  -Phil smacked him upside the head, Niki snatched the keys from his hand, Kristen started to lecture him, all while the rest of you laughed your asses off- The bill was paid, and everyone piled back up into the cars, already starting to plan a movie night. 
Upon getting back to the airbnb, you headed back to your room to change back into the hoodie and comfortable pants you had been wearing earlier, heading back into the living room in time to steal Punz’s seat on the couch with Nick and Karl. 
When Alex squeezed into the spot between you and Nick, you could’ve sworn you saw Techno smirking and Puffy waggling her eyebrows toward you, how they found out about your stupid group crush you had no clue, but then Clay and Skeppy started to argue over what movie to put on. 
Tubbo ended up taking the remote from Clay, and from where he was sitting In front of one of the couches, tossed it over to Phil on the other side of the room, who said, “We’ll do a vote then!” 
A movie was selected democratically, some cheesy action movie began to play, and at some point you half turned, propping your legs up across the boys laps as Alex maintained a running commentary on the movie, just loud enough for you and Nick to hear, and Karl absently traced small shapes into your ankles. 
The second day of vidcon was the most hectic, with you, Nick and Alex were going to watch the Mr. Beast panel Karl got to be a part of, plus both the dream smp panel and the meet and greet later in the day. 
You had woken up to Karl and Alex jumping on top of you, “Wake up! You’re gonna be late!” 
You groaned, struggling to shove them off, “What time is it?” 
“8:27.” Alex said, sliding off your bed. 
“Fuck,” You muttered, “Get off me, what the hell happened to my alarm?” 
“You left your phone in the other room, when it went off it woke us up.” Karl explained. 
“He means it woke him up and he felt the need to wake me up,” Alex complained as you sat up now free of the people laying on you, “Why the hell is your alarm set so early?” 
“It’s not early, I just wanted to be able to get ready without being in anyone’s way.” 
Karl nodded, “Makes sense.”
“C’mon, let’s give them time to get ready.” Alex grabbed Karl’s arm, half dragging him out of the room.
You quickly got ready, pulling on a nicer button down, plus a jacket that was one of the first from your new merch line.
You finished your hair, plugged in your phone and headed out to the kitchen where Fundy seemed to be attempting to make pancakes, dragging Karl into the process as well.
You sat down next to Alex and Ranboo, “How long do you think until they burn the house down?”
“I am not going to burn the house!” Fundy exclaimed.
You reached over and turned down the heat on the griddle, “Well you were gonna burn something.”
Ranboo snickered, “They aren’t wrong.”
“Shut up Ranboob!” Fundy retorted.
They continued to bicker as Tubbo emerged from up stairs, shoving Fundy out of the way to take over the griddle. “You’re all ridiculous.” He muttered.
“Yeah no shit.” You sighed.
“Language!” Bad yelled from the dining room.
“French!” Eret called back as she entered the kitchen, “Morning guys!”
“Morning!” Tuboo chirped, starting to flip some of the pancakes. 
“It’s panel day!” Tommy yelled, charging down the stairs, “Those best be chocolate chip Tubbo!” 
Karl held up the bag of chocolate chips he been scattering into some of the pancakes, and Tommy grinned, “Karl my man!” 
Once breakfast was eaten and the dishes cleared everyone loaded back up into the cars to head to the convention center, everyone splitting up again, planning to meet back in the right area in time for the full panel. 
Karl headed off to meat with Jimmy and the guys as You Alex and Nick took spots in the audience. 
Once they took to the stage Nick leaned over and elbowed Alex, “Bet you 10 bucks when they open for questions you don’t go up just to flirt with Karl.” 
Alex glared at him, “10 bucks isn’t worth it.” 
You held back a laugh, “I’d throw in another 20.” 
Alex considered this with a sigh, “Deal, but only if we get milkshakes later.” 
You and Nick agreed, and soon enough when they opened up for audience questions Alex started to stand up, but immediately sat back down blushing slightly, “No.” 
“Damn.” Nick sighed. “We’re still getting milkshakes.” 
Once the Mr. Beast panel had ended you all went to meet up with Karl and head off to the dream smp panel. 
2 o'clock rolled around and the panel moderator began to announce everyone, one by one, and you managed to force down your anxiety, taking your place on the stage between Karl and Nick when the mod called, “(y/s/n), one of the first people to actually join the dream smp.” 
You sat down, smiling at the audience and quickly sneaking out your phone to take a quick video of your friends and then a pan of the crowd to put on twitter later.
Once everyone was on stage the moderator looked up and down the long table, “Wow, there are a lot of people on stage right now, is this everyone from the server?” 
Clay nodded, “Just about, we have a few others, Alyssa, Callahan, Ponk and Antfrost, who had other stuff going on, but for the most part, this is everyone from the server.” 
“This is honestly incredible, how, how are you guys all feeling about being here? I know this is the first Dream SMP panel, but you guys have been to vidcon before right?” 
“Most of us,” George laughed, “I think the only one who hasn’t is (y/s/n), there first ever panel was yesterday.” 
The mod looked over at you, “So, how does it feel to be at your first vidcon?” 
You laughed nervously, “Well, I mean, I’ve been to vid con before, but I was always out there in the audience, it’s- it’s pretty nerve wracking to be up here.” 
The topic shifted and after that things seemed to move more quickly. 
In the blink of an eye the first hour and a half was spent and people from the audience began to ask questions. 
“Wilbur, as the main writer for roleplaying on the server is it hard to keep track of character specifics and story arcs or is it all just written in with the scripts?”
Someone asked.Wilbur hummed, “Well I guess in part it’s written in the scripts, but I think I should turn this question over to (y/s/n), they’ll have a more interesting answer.”
Everyone turned to you. 
“Well, in my mind it isn’t all that hard, but I am literally the kid who memorized long monologues for fun.” You chuckled, “Once the first revolution arc started and the server really started to turn to roleplaying I started a google doc that now gets updated constantly. I have running tabs on current arcs, details on arcs that have ended and then there's detailed character descriptions. 
“I don’t necessarily write down bits to add while I’m streaming or anything, but most of the time it has to be the middle of the night or I won’t file anything correctly.”
Nick chuckled, “I have seen the document, it is terrifying.” 
“Didn’t someone open it to see you updating in the middle of the night once?” Ranboo asked. 
Alex nodded, “Yeah that was me, it was very traumatic, like, I blinked, and then there was another fifty words on the page.” 
You dropped your head in your hands, “It was the night after the whole election thing! Techno joined the server and then I had to add a whole ‘nother character profile, and he and his stupid English major were making things complicated!” 
“Listen man, I just wanted to make sure I had a backstory that fit into the story line, ‘s not my fault when Wilbur lets Dream have partial control of thing the storyline ends up non cohesive.” 
People laughed, and the topic was changed with the next question.
Two and a half hours later, an extra hour after the panel was supposed to end, (there was just so many extra questions), you headed off stage, and were all rushed across the center for the meet and greet, which had been pushed back in time with the panel.
You felt bad for making the fans wait, but the organizers assured you that it was fine, most of the fans had been at the panel anyway.
In the big open hall the orginizors spilt everyone up into groups of threes and fours, the way fans could move down the line and see everyone.
Inevitably you ended up with Karl, Nick and Alex, at the end of the long sections of people.
“Holy shit man, how is it already 6?” Alex asked.
“Who knows.” Nick muttered glancing down at his phone.
“Dude this is supposed to go for like three hours too.” You complained, rocking up on your heals to look down the line, seeing the first groups of people starting to move past Tommy, Tubbo and Fundy.
“We’ll be fine! It’s always fun to meet fans!” Karl said, though he did look slightly wary.
After another three hours of talking to fans, signing things, and taking pictures the last group of people finally made it to your section.
“Hey! They saved the coolest for last!” The boy exclaimed.
“Hell yeah they did!” Alex half yelled back, some how still managing to keep up the enthusiasm.
“Here, let’s get you guys all in a picture together!” His mother said, motioning for you to all stand together. You slung an arm around the kids shoulder, smiling at the camera. “
“Okay serious question time, which one of us is the best?”
“Uhh,” the boy looked from person to person, “probably you (y/s/n), your contents really cool but your under rated.”
You grinned, offering him a fist bump, “ha! See that’s the third person in the last hour!”
Karl scoffed, “but I got like six people over all.”
“I only got five.” Alex pouted.
You rolled your eyes as the boy asked, “So if you guys are in a poly relationship on the server does it create problems with your friendship in real life?”
You all froze, except for Nick who somehow seemed to know this was coming, “Well, in game and out of game relationships are different, sure you can ship all you want, but that doesn’t mean stuff actually happens in real life.”
The kid nodded, “Cool, hey I saw your stream like, during quesrentine, just a question, how many people have tried to fight you today?”
You laughed, “at least 15 took pictures with him squared up.”
A few minutes more and the kid was gone, being ushered away by his mom, and you glanced at your phone, “holy shit it’s already 9:15.”
“Where did the time go?” Kale asked incredulous.
After meeting back up with the rest of the group you all headed off to terrorize a McDonald’s, drawing a lot of attention from random fans as you all scarfed down food.
By the time you got back to the Airbnb it was nearly 11pm and everyone was exhausted.
After quickly getting ready for bed you a collapsed.
The next morning you woke up, and for a moment worth your eyes still closed you were perfectly content with the warmth pressed agasint you.
Then you came fully too, realizing that, no, you weren’t fully swaddled in your comforter, you were laying in a bed with other people.
Opening your eyes you blinked away sleep, looking down, confused to see Alex asleep with his head on your chest.
Turning your head you saw that it was Nick on your other side an arm wrapped around you both.
Karl was half sprawled across all of you, similarly to the airport, as if he could hold all of you at once. You sat in shock for several moments before realizing you were in fact, trapped in bed.
Alex’s fingers were tangled with yours, Nicks nose was pressed into your neck, and you could have sworn Karl shifted in his sleep, as if to get closer to you.
‘Well,’ you thought, ‘might as well make the most of it.’ As settled back down to fall back asleep.
Once you had all woke again, no one spoke as they headed back to there own rooms, and your crossed back through the bathroom form Nicks.
The rest of the day past, still no one speaking about it, and that night you found yourself laying in your own bed, wondering why it felt so wrong.
There was muffled whispers from Nicks room, and you quietly got up, moving into the bathroom to hear better.
Unfortunately for you Nicks door to the bathroom was still open, so you couldn’t eavesdrop as planned.
Karl and Alex were both sat on the bed next to each other as Nick paced. “What’s going on?” You asked quietly
“Would- would it be weird if we cuddled again?” Alex asked hesitantly.
“We were debating asking you.” Karl admitted.
Nick nodded, “You don’t have to, it’s just- we-“
Quietly you crossed the room, climbing into the bed instead of answering the question outright.
“Is- I- am I stupid, or is this something?” Alex whispered.
Vidcon had ended and even with the long weekend everyone was staying in California the time had gone all to fast.
You, Alex, Karl and Nick had continued to cuddle every night, still not talking about it during the day.
“Do you think it could be?” Was your only response, continuing to card your fingers through Karl’s hair.
“It seems like it already is.” Nick said.
Karl yawned, “I think I’d like it to be.You nodded,
“me too.”
“Me too.” Nick agreed.
Alex smiled, “I guess it’s decided then.”
The dark room was quiet another moment before you snickered, “It’s cannon irl now guys. What will the fans think?”
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obsessive-dumpling · 2 years
so, you stated you wanted someoned to discuss chapters, well I AM HERE to talk about 362( or any other cjapter you'd like)
Amazing! I love it! Where should we begin? I'll give you some initial thoughts but feel free to redirect.
From the start my focus was on Tamaki. Horikoshi did that well. Because at the end of 361, I started to fear that HE would be the one to die in 362. I don't know how or why but I feel like the readers were meant to FEEL death coming. And it did. Just not how we expected it. Not to say I wanted Tamaki to die, because I didn't, but I also didn't want THIS. Either way. When Shigaraki calls out, "USE YOUR HEADS!" We immediately see Bakugo respond. And we knew he would, right? Because he had started really observing and reading Shiggys moves and muttering like Izuku in 361. This is when my stomach began to sink. The focus of the chapter had changed. It was no longer about Tamaki and the big three but instead about Bakugo. Namely, about Bakugo and what he thought Izuku would do in this situation. As he re-approaches the battle he says that "Gotta win...right Izuku...?" This hesitation feels telling, but I'm not exactly sure what of. Is this referencing Izuku's unhealthy self sacrificial nature OR is this referencing his and Izuku's fight during their test battle with All Might where Izuku yelled at him for saying he'd "rather lose than work with Deku". Because those are definitely two very different paths to walk. Honestly I could get stuck here all day so I'll push on. Next we see the results of his channeling of Izuku's habits as he figures out the pattern in Shiggys moves. We also see that his explosions have taken a new shape. I actually got super super hung up on this IMMEDIATELY because to me they remind me of what Izuku and Bakugo looked like through "Search" the quirk that AFO took from Ragdoll. I'm specifically referencing when they were trying to lead AFO/Shiggy away from the city during the first battle of the war. I don't know why but I can't stop thinking about that. Of course what happens next is a narrator returns to explain what's happening with Bakugo and it is safe to assume that this is Izuku. He is the narrator of the story and it has rarely NOT been him. To me, this was not a good sign. Bakugo is having a quirk awakening, and the mood has shifted almost to reluctance. This is odd because Izuku is both obsessed with quirks and obsessed with Katsuki. And then... Bakugo takes back the narrative. It was at this moment that I was repeating "no, no, no, no!"
"So, Izuku...can I...still catch up to you?"
I felt like I had been punched in the gut. And with a light in his eyes that reflects his changed explosion....I don't even really know what to say about that without my soul shattering. So, this is where Shiggy/AFO (we aren't quite sure which is having this vision of Second) panics and connects the Second with Katsuki. Which I mean, we all wanted, but not like this! At this snap, we already see that "explosion" in Katsuki's eye dimming, AND THEN- *snap* welcome to vestige world. We all knew here right? He looks so stress free. The most stress free we have probably ever seen him. He uses his pretty face instead of his gremlin face the e n t i r e time! Especially when remembering [seemingly] the last time him and Izuku were happy and laughing together. Ugh. And then....and then everyones heart breaks as his bursts...freeze frame as the big three can do absolutely nothing to stop The Great Explosion Murder God Dynamight's death. As if we aren't suffering enough, we see that his last move put him almost on par with All Might from the beginning of the manga. We have his mom, thinking and speaking of him, as he dies. Jeanist on the brink, Monoma on the phone (sidenote: I haven't seen anyone talk about this but HE IS ON THE PHONE! Which means someone else- OUTSIDE OF THE PRESENT COMPANY- KNOW what is happening), Miriko trying her fucking best but not being fast enough, Mirio breaking and of course, to really drive it home, Aizawa losing one of his precious kids. We end on this tragically beautiful, double spread piece of him sprawled and bloody. With our only smidge of hope being that the light in his eye, dim yet not extinguished is still present.
Now. What do we want to address? 😭
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tarosin · 3 years
the great adventures of y/n, tubbo and jack - we built a boat
requested: yes/no
this is part 10 to the great adventures series
you didn’t actually expect to be filming a vlog with tubbo and jack today, you were spending one of you last days away from home with lani at the beach, not knowing that tubbo and jack would make you join them. you ended up finding several rocks you liked and ran off to pick them up thinking tubbo would like them, so you put them in your pocket. whilst you were collecting rocks, lani was on the phone to tubbo letting him know you were actually at the beach if he wanted you to join him in the vlog.
“wait y/ns there? put them on the phone.”
“they’re in the water.”
“yeah they’re fighting Poseidon, where are you going to be? ill bring them to you.”
few minutes later you made your way to lani drenched in water.
“i fell…stop laughing!”
“im not!”
“you’re eyes are literally watering because you’re holding in your laughter, anyway look what i got you!”
you placed a clear quartz crystal and a piece of sea glass in lanis hand.
“thank you y/n!! wait this isn’t like your other rocks?”
“i know!! it’s clear quartz and sea glass. i felt like you should have it! i think it’s because i won the battle with Poseidon!”
“you fell.”
“shut up!”
“are you staying at ours again tonight?”
“think so… wanna turn the crystal into a necklace?”
lani ended up taking you to where tubbo was, but didn’t tell you what was happening, you only found out when you looked up to see jack recording you and lani.
“hold up, guest appearance.”
“oh hi lani…y/n, guess what?”
you looked down to see the boat.
“oh fuck no!”
you walked away laughing, tubbo followed after you dragging you back to the others.
“they said they can’t wait to go on the boat with us jack!”
“how likely is he to be able to build this?? how likely are me and y/n going to drown??”
“uhm good chances!”
“of what?”
“lani, am i going to live or die?”
you laughed as lani walked away shrugging.
“tubbo how much money did you spend on this…”
“oh great i’m drowning today!”
you stood next to jack tilting your head as tubbo attached the sail to the pole.
“just remember if you two die, i’m in your will.”
“i didn’t write a will.”
“well that was your first mistake y/n did!”
“tubbo gets my rock collection, tommy gets whatever he wants just not the rock collection, ranboo gets whatever tommy doesn’t want, and you get what ranboo doesn’t want.”
a few minutes later you helped tubbo put the sail up whilst jack stood filming you both.
“this looks unsafe..”
“and muddy.”
“it’s unsafe and muddy but we’re trying our best.”
“jack didn’t do anything.”
you stood next to lani trying to convince her to go on the boat so you didn’t have to as tubbo tried to lasso jack. after being told no several times, you stood with jack whilst tubbo began to tie a figure of 8, you watched as tubbo began teaching you how to actually tie a figure of 8 using a really morbid story.
“why was that so morbid?”
“we like death on the tubbo channel!”
“i want to go home!”
the three of you began to carry the boat out to the sea, however you crashed into something straight away.
“could be worse…could have hit a member of the public.”
“i can tell…it’s not good enough but i can tell.”
“my bad T bo!”
“what the fuck did you call me?”
as you were getting ready to go down the ramp, lani looked directly at you and tubbo who were now trying to push each other into the water.
“try not to hit little people in the water!”
“little people…”
“shall we waterproof up?”
you turned around a minute later only to have tubbo holding his phone up to your face after annoying jack with it .
“say hello.”
“hi there , please send help. i’m going to die!”
“ignore y/n, they’re just dramatic..i wouldn’t let them drown.”
you helped tubbo get the boat into the water as jack filmed the pair of you .
“it’s cold.”
“i’ve been in here before…i fell.”
“how cold was it?”
“the weed of the sea is in my feet.”
“ew! what the fuck!”
lani noticed you had all let go of the boat and yelled at you all to grab the boat before it left you all behind, jack, and tubbo got in the boat, however you refused as lani kept yelling that the trailer was on.
“oh we’ve left the trailer on.”
“that’s what lani has been saying.”
tubbo got off to untie the trailer and you stood nervously laughing as the wheel fell off .
“i'm actually going to die!”
“it’s fineee!”
you helped jack get out the boat, so you could all fix the boat.
“he thinks we could be doing better.”
“i think everyone could think that.”
jack got on the boat first, then tubbo, who then helped you get onto the boat.
“off we go!”
for the first five minutes, the three of you sat yelling at each other what you all should be doing to make the boat go forwards.
“i quite like this.”
“we’re not moving!”
soon enough you had figured it all out and waved goodbye to the others after they gave you a thumbs up.
“so now what do we do?”
“to what?”
“god..say your final goodbyes we’re going to die!”
“hey that rhymed, you’re a genius!”
at this point the boat had completely stopped moving, however tubbo didn’t think this was the case, and began trying to turn the boat around as it was apparently going to shore, despite the fact you and jack were telling him you all hadn’t moved.
“so what’s the sail for?”
“i mean jack has a point you are paddling.”
“y/n you talk to technoblade too much.”
“i’ve been saying heh before i met tommy, what the fuck?”
“jack go up to the front, so y/n can sit next to me.”
jack moved and you sat next to tubbo.
“so how long does it take to go to france?”
“ahh you know, about 20 minutes.”
“how fast do you think we’re going bud?”
“on a, on a, on a train.”
“how would you get the train?”
“i don’t think the train can go across this..”
rather than answering that question tubbo decided he made a hit list.
“we’re going to just go through here.”
“…through where?”
“between the people.”
“you’re creating unnecessary danger.”
you and tubbo started bickering about why he suddenly decided that he was going to hit a bunch of people with the boat for no reason.
“fine you take control y/n!”
“tubbo you were going to kill them!”
“that’s just part of the sailing life!”
you just stared at tubbo shaking your head slightly, trying to process what just happened, then all of a sudden tubbo got up and put you in charge of controlling the boat. you were surprisingly good at it, which was lucky for tubbo and jack who were now leaning out of the boat claiming that they were hiking. they only stopped when the boat began to go faster and noticed you had no idea what you were doing.
“y/n is going to be the reason we crash!”
“yeah i will!”
“why do you sound happy about that?”
“eta france?”
“any second now.”
you decided to focus on making sure the boat was going where you wanted it to go, whilst the others yelled out to the sea occasionally yelling phrases in french as they claimed they could see the french. well you think tubbo was yelling phrases in french, however halfway through you were convinced he started just yelling things in a french accent as he revealed he didn’t actually know french, resulting in jack asking to go to russia as he knows russian.
“y/n, sail is to russia!”
“you know what i don’t wanna drive here you go jack it’s your turn.”
“we’re sick of this shit aren’t we y/n, jack take that…you’re on the wrong side switch sides with us.”
you all swapped sides and you and tubbo sat with your arms around each other instructing jack how to sail .
“yeah, yeah, yeah.”
“thats good now turn us and we’ll be in the wind.”
“we’re about to catch the wind.”
you all swapped sides again and tubbo whispered in your ear, as you sat next to him, about making the boat capsize so jack would go into the water, jack ended up doing a lot better than you and tubbo did, and you all actually started going pretty fast. however, there was absolutely no way you’d get to land any time soon. you sat laughing with tubbo whilst jack yelled about how he was a fisherman, and that’s why he was doing so well and how he studied their fins so he could find out how fish swim.
“for a £50 boat it’s done us well, look we’re sailing, the water cleaned the boat.”
“we havent died.”
“im a little wet, but not too bad.”
“must be nice.”
“oh yeah you fell earlier.”
“they were fighting Poseidon.”
“they probably found a rock they liked and went to get it but it ended up in water.”
you all ended up catching the wind and tubbo decided to make you and jack do reaction images.
“help girl, i don’t know how to sail.”
“okay jack your turn, drive and film.”
“hey look i’m filming and driving!”
“no film me and y/n!”
jack filmed the pair of you, tubbo had his arm around you to prevent you from falling out of the boat as you had a habit of leaning out the boat to touch the water. you had no idea what to do so ended up copying tubbo, the pair of you took off your hats .
“tips fedora…what do you want to name our boat?”
“no way..”
it was around now you and tubbo claimed you were all drifting out to sea, and to just let the wind take you wherever it wants to, whereas jack claimed the boat wasn’t moving at all. you pointed at a boat which was moving a lot quicker than you were.
“he stole our wind.”
“we’re stranded jack,y/n.”
you noticed lani and waved out to her.
“jacks sailing, hes getting sailing tips from my cousins!”
“great can he take us to land?”
“i hope we don’t capsize..”
“why would we?”
tubbo looked at you and you nodded back at him.
“hey jack we’re gonna tip this boat!”
and with that the pair of you stood up and began tipping the boat over whilst laughing.
“tubbo i’m about to fall!”
tubbo grabbed your hand keeping you up on the boat with him, you both even managed to get back in the boat without getting wet.
“no, if i’m in you have to be in too.”
jack pushed tubbo into the water tubbo then went on to pull you into the water with him.
tubbo helped you onto the boat first as this was the second time you ended up in the water, and you were quite clearly cold, he got on after you. you sat on the boat as he filmed the outro and jumped back into the water. once jack ended the recording, you reached out your hand to tubbo helping him back onto the boat. the way back to shore was you and tubbo clinging onto each other trying to warm up, and the three of you making shit jokes, and enjoying each other’s company. you even made a few more plans for when ranboos in the uk. few hours later you had said goodbye to jack and went back to tubbos house, tubbo let you shower first while he stayed with lani as she streamed.
“chuck your clothes outside the door, i’ll put them in the dryer whilst you shower. you can change into these.”
tubbo gave you a hoodie from his merch collection that would be dropping soon, along with your pyjama pants, 30 minutes later you sat with lani whilst tubbo went off to shower, lani ended up finishing the stream after 15 minutes.
“wanna make the necklaces lani?”
“i’d love to!”
not long later tubbo joined the pair of you.
“oooh tubbo i got you some more rocks, they're over there with your phone.”
you ended up making a couple of them into necklaces for him, so the the three of you had something to help you remember the day.
“y/n, i hope you’re enjoying your stay, youll practically be living here for a few month soon.”
“wait their parents said yes?!”
“what are you all talking about?”
@dumb-chaotic-bi-energy @uselesssapphickitten @l0ver0fj0y @etheriaaly @xx-smiley-xx @hawarun @kylobensgirl @cawcaw-pretty-thing @reverse-iak @renleicrashed @augustine-is-joy @c1loudee
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latte-fairytaekwoon · 3 years
Morning Routine (Jung Wooyoung) Rated
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Part Two
Pairing: Jung Wooyoung × Reader (Female)
Genre: Smut, Fluff.
Summary: Seeing an advertisement online in need of a camera handler, Wooyoung jumps at the opportunity, not knowing his employer is a renowned camgirl.
Word Count: 4.3+K
Warnings: Exhibitionism, voyeurism, nude taping, masturbating in shower, breast play, a rather tamed smut
Taglist: @seacottons @multidreams-and-desires @galaxteez @deja-vux @yunhofingers @little-precious-baby @brie02 @couchpotatoaniki @daniblogs164 @a-soft-hornytiny @yunsangoveryonder @minhyukmyluv @nanamarkie @mingismoon @ateezbabysitters
"Wanted: Experienced photographer/Camera Operator for personal/private filming. If interested, please contact number below for more information or details. Students majoring in said field are welcomed to apply. 19+ only."
Seeing the advertisement, Wooyoung's eyes popped up. Usually most jobs wouldn't even allow people without a degree or years of experience. And it would be perfect practice that didn't include boring or basic projects his professor would often assign, not to mention a little extra money would come in handy.
Not thinking twice about it, he quickly dialed the phone number listed and waited patiently as it rang. It took a while, but eventually someone on the other side picked up.
"Hello?" He discerned that it was a young female's tone.
"Hi! I was calling about the advertisement for a camera man?" He inquired.
"Are you 19 or over?" She immediately asked for his age, which slightly confused him. But thinking about it, he kinda understood why she might want someone older. After all, teenagers weren't exactly reliable or responsible when it came to taking on a job. She probably wanted to avoid them dipping out on her randomly.
"I'm 21 and very serious in my work." He assured her, already making it clear his intentions to be committed to the job she was offering.
"Hmm...I take it you probably haven't had a lot of experience outside of college right?"
Wooyoung slightly gulped as she discerned correctly. But she did say students were welcomed to apply and he was fairly confident in his skills.
"N-no but I can assure you that I'll work hard and meet your expectations."
There was a deep and defeaning silence that had Wooyoung worrying. He could already feel her hesitation to hire him or give him a chance. He was so worked up on being rejected once more that the slight giggle that ensued after that pause momentarily confused him.
"I like your attitude and drive already. What did you say your name was?" She asked.
"Jung Wooyoung." He answered right away.
"Well Wooyoung, how soon can you start?"
His mood lightened up quite significantly at hearing her say those words.
"If you'd like, I can come over to the location you wish after I get done with my classes tomorrow." He offered.
"All right, just one thing....... do you think you'd be able to stay over at my place for a few nights?"
Although he thought it was a rather unusual request, he didn't put too much thought, especially since someone was offering him a chance to actually have some work.
"Um.. of course."
Unbeknownst to him, the woman on the other side had her lips curling up into a smirk.
"Wonderful. I look forward to seeing you real soon Wooyoung."
Checking the direction that was sent to him, Wooyoung looked at the corresponding number on the front door to make sure it was indeed where he needed to be. Adjusting the bag that was hanging by his shoulders, he slowly walked up to the vintage style house and rang the doorbell. Hearing the soft patter of footsteps coming from inside, Wooyoung mentally prepared himself to see a middle aged lady carrying a Siamese cat as soon as the door opened. But he was not prepared by the sight awaiting him. Indeed there was a cat in the arms of the figure in front of him, although it was a Persian cat and not a Siamese, but that wasn't the most surprising factor. What shocked him was to see a very young woman near his age be the one holding the cat in her arms, her face illuminated by the warm smile she was donning.
"You must be Wooyoung. I'm Y/N." She extended her hand out towards him, prompting the feline in her grasp to shuffle around and climb part of its body on her shoulder. Judging by the slight crinkle of her nose, Wooyoung guessed the cat probably clung its claws into their master's skin.
"Yes I am. It's a pleasure to meet you. I promise you won't regret hiring me." Taking hold of her hand, he gave it a firm shake while his face radiated the most reassuring smile he could make.
"Oh trust me, I don't think I'm going to." Her lips formed a rather curious smirk that slightly baffled him.
She gestured for him to step inside, which he immediately did as he tried to ignore the slight hissing the Persian cat gave him when his shoulder barely made contact against its swaying tail.
"Baby stop. He's going to be around for a while so be on your best behavior." She chastised her cat as she closed the door.
Y/N let out a soft 'hmph' when the cat suddenly jumped out of her arms and ran over to where Wooyoung was standing. He got stiff and held his breath when the cat pressed her nose on his leg and began sniffing him. Pulling back, she licked her lips and then scurried off somewhere in the other part of the house.
"Well we know for sure she doesn't dislike you." Y/N chuckled slightly.
"But I take it she doesn't like me?" Wooyoung raised an eyebrow.
"She's a cat, it'll take time for her to get used to you, that's all."
Shrugging softly, Y/N walked over to the kitchen and started taking out a few cups and saucers from the cupboard.
"I was brewing tea before you got here, would you like to share a cup with me?" Removing it from the stove top, she held up the elegant teapot to him after she finished her question.
"Oh, thank you." He gladly accepted her gesture.
Noticing him standing there awkwardly, Y/N pointed to one of the chairs surrounding the kitchen island.
"Wooyoung don't be too tense and just make yourself comfortable. After all, you're going to be staying with me for a few days."
Her words reminded him about that particular part of the job, that still felt odd to him and he was very curious to find out why she needed him to stay over with her.
"So.... can I ask what exactly is this project you're hiring me for that requires me to stay here?" He asked as he pulled a chair forward so he could sit on it.
"Oh yes, I thought you'd probably ask me about that since it is rather unusual."
She paused briefly so she could properly pour the tea into the cups, the rich aroma filling the atmosphere with its notes of chamomile and lemon. After sliding a cup over to him, she turned behind her to grab a tray that contained sugar cubes, honey, steamed milk and a few lemon wedges, all in different saucers or dishes that matched the tea set that they were currently drinking in. The cute floral design amused Wooyoung slightly. He could tell Y/N seemed to have a thing for classy and vintage style aesthetic, her house and the things inside was a major clue to it.
Pouring a tiny teaspoon of honey and some milk in her tea, Y/N carefully stirred them in the cup before finally answering the question Wooyoung had been pondering over.
"Well to make a long story short, I wish to film an everyday vlog for my....channel." Lifting the cup to her face, she gently blew on it before taking small sips out of it.
"Channel? Like for YouTube or like that?" Wooyoung himself started drinking his own cup of tea, preferring not to add anything to it since he liked straight tea as it was.
"Yeah something like that. But basically, I wanted to show my viewers how I live and what not. Show them what I do inside my home that they hadn't seen before. For example, I wanted you to stay over because I wanted to film my morning routine. I want to capture every move I make from the moment I wake up to when I get ready to start my day. Am I making sense?" She worried she was probably confusing Wooyoung even further, but he was actually not. It had become a popular trend this day to document a person's morning routine for people to see.
"Yes you are, no worries. Now I understand why you needed me to stay over." The smile he had was half covered by the cup that was brought back over to his lips.
"I mean if you're uncomfortable by it or would rather not, I completely understand."
Wooyoung quickly dismissed her worries, shaking his head as he cleared his throat.
"Trust me, I'm not uncomfortable and I'd love to help you in your project. It'll help me out as well, you know, gain experience and have someone to put as a reference if I ever want to get another job."
Y/N giggled softly at that and nodded.
"Ahh yes. I guess if you look at it from that angle, of course you would accept."
They spent a few minutes in a serene and tranquil silence, the only noises heard was the sipping of their lips against the rim of their cups. Wooyoung tried not to notice the way Y/N would occasionally stare intently to him, a slightly curious grin on her face at times. It wasn't that it made him uncomfortable, but it certainly made him self conscious, especially since he put a lot of effort into looking as presentable as possible. Did she perhaps thought it was too much? Or not enough? Or was it because she thought he looked funny? Whatever it was he got no chance to ask about it since he only opened his mouth to let out a sharp yell when he felt a certain feline's claws tangled themselves on his thigh, the sharpness of her claws even sinking into his skin.
"Baby!" Y/N got up from her seat and quickly removed the paws of her cat off her guest. She looked extremely embarrased as she apologized profusely before shooing the cat off to another room.
"I'm sorry. She tends to get a bit aggressive when trying to play. She didn't hurt you too much right?"
Dropping down on her knees in front of him, Y/N gently examined the damage done: a slight tear in his jeans but no visible signs of a deep scratch or anything.
"N-no it's fine, I'm fine." Wooyoung uttered.
He tried so hard not to blush at the position she was currently in. On her knees, between his legs as one of her hands caressed the attacked spot in an effort to soothe the pain. Wooyoung wanted to smack himself right then and there for the dirty picture his brain had imagined about the semi stranger in front of him, and his cheeks started to produce a pink hue when his body involuntarily started making a visible effect of his reaction to her stance by him in between his legs. He gulped as he realized she would be able to see the bulge that was starting to show.
"If you want, I could mend your pants for you-"
"No that's fine don't worry!" Wooyoung stood up from his seat and inconspicuously hid his tiny problem by pulling his sweatshirt further down as he moved away from Y/N.
"I mean, these pants were old. I was going to throw them out anyway." He tried as much as he could to seem as normal as possible, but judging from the look on her face he was probably not doing a good job. Luckily she seemed to not question his behavior and instead decided to start cleaning up the dishes that they used.
"Here let me help you with that." Wooyoung offered, trying to take some of the china off her hands but Y/N pulled her hands back so he wouldn't touch them.
"It's ok, don't worry about it. You're my guest and I'm very particular about the way to clean my silverware and dining sets. Nothing against you, I'm just.... slightly obsessive compulsive." She remarked in the most cheerful tone one could have while giving him a shy smile.
"Umm ok..." Wooyoung scratched the back of his head.
"If you want, why don't you bring the rest of your stuff so I can show you where you're staying?" Y/N suggested.
"Yeah. Sure."
Wasting no time and thinking keeping his mind occupied could help cool him down, Wooyoung picked up his keys and nearly sprinted out the door. Y/N hummed a soft tune to herself as she ran the cups under the lukewarm water. Her eyes were staring out her window, watching as her guest was head deep in the back of his car's trunk. She giggled softly as she remembered the flustered look on his face just a few minutes ago, tongue poking out at the image of his crotch outlined in those tight jeans of his. She looked down when she felt a soft face nuzzling itself against her ankle, soft purring coming out of her cat's throat before letting out a meowing noise. Bending down, Y/N gently scratched under Baby's chin as she liked.
"Yes I think he is absolutely adorable as well Baby.."
Picking her up, Y/N kissed the top of her head and smirked.
"And I'm going to have lots of fun with him."
"Ok you ready?"
Looking over at the girl still in her bed, Wooyoung got a thumbs up to let him know she was indeed ready. Turning on his camera, he held up his hand and started putting one finger down at a time to count down the starting time. Hearing the slight beep of the camera go off, Y/N immediately plastered on a commercial worthy smile.
"Hello my darlings. As I promised you guys, I'm going to take you guys through my morning routine step by step. I hope you all enjoy it." She finished off her words with a wink before tearing off the blanket off her body.
Wooyoung had to give it to her, she definitely didn't seem to be camera shy nor awkward in front of the lens. He liked that she had confidence. Then he remembered that she had a channel of some sorts and that was probably the reason why. He stepped back a few steps to fully capture her as she neatly tucked her covers under her mattress, impressively folding the corners of her bed like they did in 5 star hotels. Smoothing out the top before patting it down, she looked at the camera once more.
"As you already know, I like to make sure everything looks absolutely pretty for you guys." Her voice dropped slightly in tone as she said those words.
Getting up from the floor, she pointed over to her still sleeping cat that was perched on its bed by her window. Wooyoung made sure to angle the camera towards her, zooming in slightly.
"She won't wake up for another hour or so....perfect amount of time to get all clean and dolled up."
Beckoning him over, Wooyoung carefully followed her inside her adjoined bathroom, keeping a steady hand as he made sure to capture everything inside. From the long vanity with its mirror to the walk in shower with its clear glass lining, all of it looking spotless and shiny. Clapping her hands together, Y/N beamed with enthusiasm.
"And of course, the first thing I do each morning is wash up."
When he heard that, Wooyoung thought she meant like her skincare routine as he had noticed her cleansers and toners perfectly lined up next to the faucet sink. But he was not prepared to suddenly be hit with the image of her bare chest in front of him when she suddenly pulled her black satin tank top off and let it drop to the floor, his own jaw going slightly agape. As if he couldn't get anymore flustered, he nearly wheezed when she turned around and bent over to slide her matching pajama shorts down her smooth legs, her ass staring him right in the face. It took everything in Wooyoung's strength not to drop the camera when Y/N stood back up and turned around so that her completely nude body would be in the frame. She giggled as she took notice of Wooyoung's beet red face, further teasing him as she kicked her discarded lace panties by his feet, the poor boy swallowing hard as one of his hands shook nervously.
"Eyes up here baby." He immediately looked up from the ground when he heard her sweet and sultry voice.
Walking over to him, Y/N snaked one of her hands to grab at one of his belt loops so he could follow her. Opening the large glass door to the shower, Y/N released his belt loop and made a sign for him to stay there and keep the camera towards her. Stepping inside the enclosed space, she twisted the knob on the tile wall enough so that the shower head above her would start pouring out the refreshing and cool water onto her body. She released a soft moan when she felt it splash onto her, hands gliding down her torso and thighs as her eyes closed and reveled in the tingling and cooling feeling of the water dripping down on her.
Wooyoung stood there completely speechless and flabbergasted, his eyes unable to blink the longer he stared at the scene before him. It felt completely wrong to be there, to watch and film as this girl he just met the day before stand naked in front of him and continue her shower routine as if he wasn't even there. He just couldn't believe it, couldn't believe what he had gotten himself in to when he called and accepted to work for her. But he still accepted and he had a job to complete so he tried his best to look as composed as possible as he kept the camera pointed at her.
And yet more often than not he found himself biting down on his lip hard, trying to suppress the groans threatening to spill out as he continued to watch her as she did the most normal things a person often did while they took a shower. The camera captured every minute starting from when she lathered her head with her shampoo, its scent of coconut and hibiscus filling the entire room with fragrance that further made the tight feeling in Wooyoung's pants ache even more. His eyes were exclusively locked on her body, watching as the water cascaded down her soft skin, focusing especially on her breasts. He licked his lips as he took in the way her nipples peaked out due to the temperature of the water, wanting nothing more than to take one of them in his mouth and suck on it. The fact that Y/N would purposefully bring her hands up at times to cup or rub against her fleshy mounds wasn't helping his case, it only made him more sad that it wasn't his own hands touching and caressing her breasts. He was willing to bet they were probably the most soft and squishy pillow like tits to exist.
Wooyoung was really aching when she poured some of the pomegranate scented body wash into her sponge and began to distribute it around her body, starting from her arms and working them down her legs and between her thighs. He didn't mean to but he couldn't help himself as he fantasized about being him the one who was lathering her body, imagining all the things he'd do if he could. Like perhaps teasing her by grazing his fingers across her wet folds or even pressing his thumb down on her sensitive clit. Either way, he knew he wouldn't be able to keep his hands off her if he got the chance, but he doubted that would ever happen. So he decided to take what he could of the moment and perhaps use it for fap material when he was alone.
As if knowing exactly what he was thinking about, Y/N turned her body to fully face him and smirked. Sliding her hands up her torso, she took hold of her breasts and gave them a tight squeeze before releasing them. Wooyoung could not help the audible whine that spilled out from his tongue as he saw her repeat the same action a couple more times. Pressing her boobs together, her thumbs played with the hardened nipples, tweaking at them and even giving them slight pinches every now and then. Wooyoung knew she was doing it on purpose, trying to arouse him even further....and it was working perfectly.
With one hand kept on one of her breasts, the other one snaked its way in between her luscious thighs. Dipping one finger inside her entrance, her lips parted and began spilling out breathy moans as she started to slide her finger in and out of her body.
"Oh fuck..." Wooyoung muttered, not caring about if his words got recorded or not. He became too invested in watching as Y/N continued fingering herself in front of him. She looked absolutely exquisite, body drenched in the rippling water as she continued to stuff her pussy with another one of her fingers. Her eyes shut tightly and her head tilted back as she let out even louder whimpers when she began scissoring inside her fleshy core. Her hand that was on her breasts pulled away to twist the showerhead knob so the pressure of the water could be at its lowest setting. Without the intense sound of the splashing water, her strangled noises became more audible as well as the slopping and squealching sounds her dripping pussy was making due to the intensity of her rapid finger movements. Wooyoung could clearly see and hear that the sounds were definition not due to the shower she was taking. Y/N was definitely horny and the slick her heat collected was clear evidence of it.
Having someone as hot as Wooyoung not only watching but helping her film something that thousands of other people would see, and more likely than not jerk off to, made her weak. She loved having people watch her do naughty things as she was doing now, it thrilled her and riled her up even more. And she loved seeing the effects it had on others, like the obvious bulge in between Wooyoung's thick thighs. She could practically make out just how big he was given how painfully hard his erection seemed, and that image served to help push her over the edge. With high pitched whines and cries, she shuddered as she felt herself cum all over her hand, her fingers slowing their movements down to help prolong her orgasm without making her become overly sensitive. She panted heavily as she took out her fingers and brought them up to her lips so she could lick off the secretion left from her climax.
Wooyoung's tongue poked out as he witnessed the pornographic image of Y/N drinking up her juices as if it was a delicious and sweet dessert.
"It probably is and it only makes me crave to have her smother my face with her pussy even more." He mused inwardly to himself.
He was so lost in his fantasy that he didn't notice Y/N had completely turned off the water and finished until her breasts were displayed right in front of the camera lens. He let out a soft stutter when her hand came up and pressed the pause button, being careful not to drop any water onto the camera.
"I'm going to finish drying myself off in my room so you can have some .....alone time." She snorted softly as she passed by him, her hand brushing against his crotch which made Wooyoung hiss softly.
Grabbing the towel that was hanging on the wall, Y/N wrapped it around her body, tucking it in so it wouldn't fall down. Stooping over, she picked up her lace panties and looked back at Wooyoung.
"Here, in case you need a little help." She flung it over to him, which he catches in his free hand.
Wooyoung stared at the underwear and then at Y/N with a dumbfounded expression.
"So I take it this is why you specifically wanted 19 plus people?" He quirked an eyebrow up, one corner of his lips pulling up into a knowing smile.
"Yes. I might as well mention now that I'm a camgirl with a porn channel." She explained.
"Yeah, I kinda figured that out when you flashed your boobs at me."
They both bursted out laughing at his little joke.
"Ok but seriously, are you sure you're comfortable with all this?" Y/N asked.
Wooyoung looked down at her before looking back down at the panties in his hand.
"I'm definitely going to be hard most of the time, but I think I'll be fine." He assured her with a mischievous smile as he set down his camera on the vanity dresser. With a sly smirk, he began unzipping his pants, not missing any of the facial reactions she was making as he began to pull his cock out of its confinement.
"I mean, I got up close fap material with an actual pornstar. What guy wouldn't want my job?" Cocking his head to the side, he rubbed the tip of his dick with his thumb, spreading some of the precum down the shaft. Although she had said she would give him alone time, Y/N couldn't move her feet out the door as she stared intently at the way Wooyoung hugged his length.
"Wanna watch me jerk off with your panties to your image?"
Stepping forward, Wooyoung reached up and pulled the towel off Y/N's body, causing her to inhale sharply at his bold move. Sucking in a breath, Wooyoung shamelessly looked down at her body as he placed the hand that had Y/N's panties around the base of his cock.
"Just stay there and don't move beautiful...."
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Part Fifteen. “eyes eyes eyes.”
word count: 5.9k (not including pictures) warnings: swearing
behind the screen (irl dream x f!reader) series masterlist ultimate masterlist 
A/N: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you know? anyway uh....... hope you like this... a lot is kinda going on in this part... but more details will come in the next chapter don’t worry i’m not scamming you 
"I can't believe you," Dream scoffed from the other side of the phone, which was displaying only his eyes and up as Y/n's phone laid face up towards her ceiling. She didn't mind; he had pretty eyes and his blond hair poked out wildly beneath his hoodie and it was enough to make her only half focus on their conversation about her newest Minecraft build.
Y/n smiled as she glanced back at her phone to see him squinting at his screen in confusion even though there was no face on the other side, then looked back at her monitor. Neither of them were streaming but were bored so they decided to wander around on the SMP, continuing their all-day FaceTime call instead of transferring to Discord. They were on their fifth hour of FaceTiming at this point. Y/n had suggested multiple times switching to voice call instead since she wasn't showing her face, hoping he would say no so she could see him still, and each time he denied it because he claimed it felt more real when he could see her ceiling. Whatever that meant.
"I don't know what to tell you, bud. I'm just playing the game."
"But..." he pouted, she could tell by his voice... and by the eyes that were still glued to the call. "How are you so good?"
"I knew it."
She giggled and looked back to Minecraft, where she was looking at the massive hideout Sam had helped her build, complete with secret doors and tunnels and a whole lot of redstone. "Sam did most of it."
"Bullshit. Look at that," he said as he looked away from the phone and his green avatar punched the side of the build. "That has 'Bug' written all over it. You did that."
"Okay, I did do that part, but the cool parts like the secret doors and stuff are all Sam."
"Stop downplaying your skills. It looks good, Bug." His voice was clear and genuine and sent chills down her spine. For someone who want physically affectionate, she really wanted to give him a big hug. And... well... other things.
"Thanks, Dream," she whispered.
"You're welcome," he whispered back childishly.
"What in the..." Y/n said as she turned and saw a familiar Minecraft character with a white and red shirt in the distance. She pressed the zoom hotkey and stared at him as he filled her screen. "What is he doing?"
"Oh, speaking of Tommy," Dream started, clearing his throat as his avatar ran back and forth between the door of her hideout and a tree about ten blocks from it. "Um, I had an idea about, uh, the lake thing? The New Years' trip?"
"What's up?" she asked, turning to face him as she listened.
"Well, it's only about three weeks away and I was thinking—"
Dream was cut off as Tommy ran over to hit him with an axe a couple of times before running away.
"What the hell?" Dream grumbled as they watched Tommy sprint and jump in the direction he came from. The young boy paused when he realized neither of them were following, just looking in his direction.
<TommyInnit> did I scare you guys <TommyInnit> I did, didn't I <TommyInnit> I am very good at scaring people
Y/n laughed and typed her reply
<BugsyGames> not one single bone in my body was scared, tommyinnit <BugsyGames> try harder next time ig :/ <TommyInnit> JOIN VC RIGHT NOW <TommyInnit> VC <TommyInnit> VC <TommyInnit> VC <TommyInnit> VC <TommyInnit> VC
"Oh my gosh, he's so annoying," Dream mumbled with a small laugh but made no effort to do as the younger told.
<BugsyGames> idk if i really wanna HEAR you curse me out bc you already have over text multiple times <TommyInnit> VC <TommyInnit> VC
"Are you gonna join?" she asked, opening Discord on her other monitor.
"Hell no," Dream scoffed before his voice turned worrisome. "Are you?"
"Yeah, he's entertaining," she said. "And he won't leave us alone until one of us pays attention to him."
"Oh, you wanna be left alone with me, Bug?" he teased and she couldn't help but smile widely in embarrassment.
"Whatever you want to think I said, Dream." Y/n laughed, making Dream pout.
"Buuugg... just say you love me already," he whined jokingly.
Since she couldn't ignore the overwhelming butterflies in her stomach, she ignored him and opened Discord and looked at the voice channel Tommy was in. "Oh, Tubbo and Ranboo are there too, so it's worth getting cursed out," she told Dream before sliding on her headphones and joining. She moved one side off of her ear so she could still hear Dream over FaceTime if he spoke to her, seeing as he wasn't going to join the Discord call.
"Uh... geesh Tommy, no hello?" Y/n asked. "Why do you get in so many fights with women?"
"They question my manliness."
"Hm. Maybe work on making it less questionable?"
"What is... happening?" Ranboo asked.
"I don't really know. Tommy came over and punched Dream and then made me join vc so he could yell at me, I guess."
"Oh, that's where he went!" Tubbo said. "I had no idea, he just disappeared."
"What is he saying to you?" Dream asked from the phone on the desk. "He's yelling at you?"
"No, it's just Tommy being Tommy."
"W-What?" Tommy asked.
"I was talking to Dream," she explained.
"I can get on and tell him to stop if you need me to," Dream offered before his keyboard started clicking. "Should I? Do you want me to?"
"No, Dream, it's okay. I'll just fight him."
"YOU'RE WITH HIM??" Tommy accused.
"No! We're on FaceTime."
"Yup," she stated before quickly changing the subject since Tommy and Ranboo were both streaming. "What are my sons up to?"
"We're just trident-ing around talking about whether or not my or Tommy's accent is worse," Tubbo said. "He says 'grass' weird."
"Tommy's," Y/n voted, wanting to piss off the youngest more. "You have the voice of an angel, Tub."
"Are we just going to ignore the fact that Bugsy and Dream are FaceTiming right now?" Tommy asked in a calmer, more mumbled but still frantic voice. "Cause, I mean, I just think it's a bit strange is all but if we're just going to breeze past it, I mean... you know? The two faceless Minecrafters are staring into each other's eyes while we all talk on Discord like nothing is happening."
"We aren't 'staring into each other's eyes'," Y/n corrected.
She paused when Dream giggled and said, "I bet you're staring into mine, Bug." She glanced down to see his full face beaming up at her with a playful smile. He had propped his phone up on his monitor so she could see where his elbows met his desk all the way to the top of his fluffy hair. Her cheeks and neck burned hot as she looked at the boy cuddled up in his hoodie once again. He folded his arms on his desk and placed his chin on his forearms, looking impossibly cuter as he stared at the camera. "There's no way for me to know you aren't."
"Shut up, Dream," she mumbled before speaking to the others again. "We're not even showing our faces," she lied. "Dream sorta is but not really."
"No need to lie to everyone," Dream said, still smiling, sitting up from his position. "This is my entire face. What, you don't want people to know you get to see me whenever you want? You have VIP access, baby, the people should know."
An abrupt laugh escaped her lips at the nickname. "Can you guys hear Dream?" Y/n asked the boys in the voice channel nervously.
"No, why? Is he telling you dirty things?" Tommy laughed evilly.
"Nope. Just wondering." Her face was on fire. She hit Dream's character in-game and watched him focus back on his computer with a goofy smile. He returned the favor by hitting her character back once even though she was continually dealing damage until he had half a and begged her to stop.
"He's probably flirting with her like he does when we're on call but, like, worse because no one else can hear him," Tubbo proposed before all three of the young boys gagged and yelled over each other.
"GROSS!!" Tommy shouted.
"Ew!! Mom, is there a dude flirting with you? That's disgusting," Ranboo gagged.
"I cannot stand you guys," Y/n laughed, making her voice as confident as possible so they couldn't detect her lies. "That's not what's happening."
"Do my words mean nothing, Bug?"
"Dude," she mumbled to Dream again. "I wish you could see how hard I'm glaring at you right now." He laughed in response.
A knock on Y/n's door snapped her out of her conversation and she quickly muted on Discord. "Come in!"
Naomi poked her head in and quickly put her hand up. "Oh, sorry!" she whisper-shouted. "I didn't know you were streaming."
Y/n shook her head and smiled. "I'm not. What's up?"
"TUBBO! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?" Tommy screamed, making Y/n deafen also.
Naomi stood taller and dropped her hand to her side. "I'm just bored and want to do something."
"I do too, actually," Y/n admitted.
"You're bored?" Dream scoffed. "Bug, I'm offended!"
Y/n smiled widely and turned back to her phone to see the blond boy frowning. "I've talked to you all day. Can I not go hang out with my roommate?"
"No! Tell her to fuck off."
"Dream! She's literally right here, she can hear you!" Y/n covered her phone screen with her hand to hide Dream's face as Naomi walked closer, laughing.
"Naomi?" Dream asked.
"Fuck off."
Naomi laughed as Y/n gasped. "DREAM!" Y/n grabbed her phone and held it up to show one eye in the corner of the screen so he could see her glaring, but he wasn't looking.
"I'm just kidddinnnggg... obviouslyyy..." he dragged out. "Unless you do steal Bug away from me, in which case I'm not kidding."
Naomi was silent with her hand over her mouth, not wanting to freak out and make Y/n back out before Dream could see her eye. It was a small thing, but a huge deal.
The silence caused Dream to look down and his jaw dropped. "B-Bug!!"
"You see this?? I'm glaring at you. How dare you talk to Naomi that way," Y/n reprimanded teasingly, trying to hide the shakiness in her voice.
"WHAT? Is this how you felt when I showed my face just to prove a point?"
"You're doing the exact thing I did! You're just proving a point!"
"Yeah, but I'm not showing my whole face like you did, idiot. Just enough so you can see the glare."
"Oh my gosh. Okay, yeah, I see you glaring, stop glaring!" he giggled and Y/n's camera went back to only showing her ceiling as she smiled. "I'm sorry, Naomi!"
"You can't just joke like that to someone you hardly know," Y/n scolded as Naomi continued laughing. She knew Naomi had that kind of sense of humor, but Dream didn't.
"Who said I'm joking?" he asked.
"Oh, shut up. I can't stand you."
"I'm kidding! I'm sorry, Naomi. I was just kidding."
"I know," she reassured. "It's all good, don't worry. I know you love your Bug too much to hurt her friends."
Y/n saw Dream quickly pull his phone away from his face after he smiled shyly, and she liked to imagine that he was blushing at Naomi's accusation.
"Yeah, I guess she's nice to have around," he mumbled.
<Ranboo> bugsy? you still there?
"Wait, both of you quiet for a second," she told Dream and Naomi before unmuting and undeafening on Discord. "Yeah, sorry, what's up? I was defended and muted."
"You were so cryptically silent, it was a little scary."
"Sorry, my roommate is talking to me. I'm gonna head off, actually."
"Aw, but we hardly got to play with you!" Tubbo pouted.
"We'll play soon! I promise! But not you, Tommy. I don't like you."
"Bye, Tommy."
"Bye, Bugsy," he grumbled.
"Goodbye, mother," Ranboo said as Tubbo laughed out a, "Goodbye mom," making Y/n's heart shed a proud tear.
"Goodbye, my sons. Be good. Be safe."
She left the Discord and then left Minecraft. "Okay, sorry, continue," she promoted Naomi.
"I think it's so cute how you talk to Tubbo and Ranboo," Dream cut in. "It's adorable."
"It is," Naomi agreed. "Tommy, too. I know you pretend to hate him but we can tell you want him to be your son too."
"Never," she murmured, making both of them laugh. She slid off her headphones and grabbed her phone, careful to keep it pointed away from her face as she walked to her closet.
"Anyway, I just wanna do something. It's really nice out today, do you want to go to the park or ride bikes or something?"
"Yeah, sure." She ripped a hoodie off the hanger with one hand, making the hanger ricochet and clank against the closet ceiling.  
"Yeah, sounds fun," Dream agreed from between them.
Y/n laughed. "Sorry, bud, not you."
A deep frown etched onto Dream's face and Y/n laughed. "What are you going to do there that I can't join? You can just prop me up on a tree and sit next to the phone."
"If we ride bikes, I can't hold you. And if we go to the park we usually skate. Besides, we want to talk about how much we hate you anyway so we don't want you there."
"Bug!" he pouted. Dream paused before saying, "Can you give the phone to Naomi real quick?"
Y/n hesitated but handed the phone to her friend. She used her free hands to slip on the hoodie before tuning back into the conversation.
"You don't have to show me your face but I want you to look into my eyes and promise me something, Naomi," he said.
Naomi held the phone up to her face anyway and Y/n could see both of them looking at each other. "What's up?"
"Promise me you won't let Y/n fall and scrape her knee or something," he requested and Naomi laughed.
"I promise not to let your Bug get hurt." That was the second time Naomi referred to her as 'his Bug' and she was not opposed to the sound of it.
"Thank you very much."
"Great," Naomi said before her voice turned teasing. "Now that that's settled, Y/n, you're right he is cute!"
Naomi was a pot-stirrer. Always was, always would be. She knew what to say to make tension rise in the room whether it was between people who hated each other or people who secretly liked each other. Or whatever Dream and Y/n were.
While Y/n's face grew warm, Dream laughed.
"Hey, you're pretty cute too, Naomi. Should I tell George or does he already know?" Dream fired back, trying to embarrass her as much as she embarrassed Y/n.
Naomi's evil smile fell before a confident one took its place with a raise of her eyebrow. "Oh, he knows."
Y/n laughed abruptly and grabbed the phone back from her friend. "Okay, I'm hanging up now." Before I lose self-control and show you my whole face right here, right now, she thought to herself.
"Boooo," Dream whined. "Will you call me back later? Please?"
"Maybe," she teased. "Depends on if I'm clumsy enough to fall and break everything like you think I will."
"I don't think that. I just want you to be safe."
He needed to stop being so sweet. "Don't worry, I'll be fine. I'm a pro."
"I believe it. Still, though."
"I'll be safe. I promise."
"Also, Bug, um..." he paused shyly. "You have really pretty eyes. Just... thought I'd tell you."
Heat rose to her face again and the look on Naomi's face said she could tell.
"Thanks, Dream."
Naomi nodded her head towards her Y/n's door. "I'll be in my room," she whispered and Y/n nodded.
"Sorry," Y/n said to Dream with a short laugh. "I don't know why I did that."
"It's okay," he reassured. "I appreciate it. I know it was just a small part of your face but it still means a lot to me that you showed me because I know you haven't shown anyone."
"I want to," she blurted out. "I really, really do."
"Want to what?"
"Show people my face." She squeezed her eyes shut and walked to her bed, setting the phone face up towards the ceiling. "Specifically you."
He paused. "Then... why don't you? I'm not pressuring you, I just don't understand. If you want to, then what's stopping you?"
"It's not that simple, Dream," she responded softly. "I'm scared."
Dream was silent for a few moments. "That's kinda what I wanted to talk about earlier before Tommy came in."
"Really?" she perked up. What was he going to say? That she seemed too scared so he didn't what her to go on the trip?
"Yeah, uh, I know you're nervous about meeting everyone and Sapnap and I were talking and– well, okay, so I assume you, Karl, and Naomi are going to go to Georgia together?"
"Well, so, yeah, what if– only if you want, obviously, but, you guys could come down to Florida and hang out with us for a few days and then, like, the five of us could go up to Georgia together? That way you meet two people first instead of everyone at once. So, like, since you haven't shown anyone, it'll be like dipping your toe in the water and if you meet Sapnap and I and absolutely hate it you can go back home before meeting everyone else." He finally concluded his proposition and Y/n's heart was so warmed. He was so sweet it was killing her.
"I'll still pay for all the travel stuff for you guys to fly down here," he added with a shy mumble at her silence, "and it's only a four and a half hour drive from here so Sapnap and I were just going to drive up and we could just rent a bigger car to fit comfortably. But obviously you can say no. Just a thought we had."
"Dream," Y/n started softly, her voice coming out way more fondly than she intended but she did nothing to fix it.
"You're the sweetest damn person I've ever met in my entire life."
"I just want you to be comfortable," he said softly.
"I think..." she paused. "I think that would be fun. I'd like that. I'll see what Naomi and Karl think."
His voice perked up slightly. "Really? Awesome. You guys can come down whenever. We're going to leave on the 26th to get there that night but whenever you guys want to come, you can. You could even spend Christmas with us if you want to come a few days earlier. Might be hard to find tickets this late since it's the holidays but I can see what I can find."
"That would be cool! The three of us were just going to hang out together so we don't really have plans for Christmas. I'll ask them but I think they'll like that too."
"Cool," he breathed. "If you want to say no later, you can."
"I don't want to say no, Dream."
He paused and his next word had his smile laced clearly through them. "Okay."
"Thank you–thank you for thinking of me," Y/n fumbled out. "It means a lot to me."
"Eh, it might be a little selfish of me, too. I just want to spend as much time with you as I can."
She beamed and bit her lip to not laugh with pure joy. "I'm probably selfish too because I'm going to make Karl and Naomi agree even if they don't want to go."
"I have no problem if you need to use physical force," he joked.
Y/n laughed and shook her head. "I should go save Naomi from her boredom."
"Okaaayyy..." he sighed. "If you must. Thanks for talking with me today."
"I had fun! I'm surprised you didn't bore me to death," she teased and he scoffed.
"Well apparently I did since you're ditching me!"
"Nooo, you could never bore me."
"Hmm... sure."
"Dream," Y/n dragged out and he laughed. "You're so clingy."
"Ugh, I know," he joked. "It's almost like I like you or something."
Y/n froze before mentally scolding herself. He was obviously joking, but it still made her heart skip some beats.
"Almost," she mumbled. "Alright, I'm going to go. I'll call you later if you're free and want to hang out on call more or something."
"Yeah, I'd like that," he said. "Have fun with Naomi! And don't get hurt."
She laughed. "I won't get hurt. Bye, Dream."
"Bye bye, Bug."
Y/n finally hung up and threw her phone on her bed with a small external scream. Naomi came back into the room a few moments later with a smirk on her face and leaned against the doorframe. "Done with the call?"
"Naomi..." she said dreamily. "He's... too freaking cute."
Naomi laughed. "Come on, lover girl, you can tell me all about it while we go outside. Bikes or skating?"
"I haven't gone biking in a while, let's do that."
"Perfect, I found a new trail recently I've wanted to try out," Naomi said as she grabbed her keys off the front table. "Let's go."
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"OH, and then," Y/n recounted her story with Dream in detail (per Naomi's request) and she swerved on her bike a little in excitement."Then he said, 'it's almost like I like you or something'! What does that mean??"
Naomi laughed brightly and looked over her shoulder at Y/n. "Maybe it means that he likes you."
Y/n scoffed and rolled her eyes. "Yeah, right. Don't get my hopes up."
"I mean it, Y/n. I know you think it's not possible, but just think about it. Do you really think you didn't like him until you saw him?"
Y/n looked up into the treetops that provided shade on their trail. She dreaded that question. She had thought about it so many times, tossing and turning countless nights asking herself the same question over and over. When did she start liking Dream? She had always had interest in him but when did her starstruck admiration and wanting to be his friend turn into wanting to hold his hand and kiss him good morning? When did that change happen? Could it have happened before she knew what he looked like? It would go against so much that she believed, so much she had been told, but... maybe it was true?
"I don't know," Y/n admitted softly. "I really don't know."
Naomi's heart broke for her friend, knowing her internal battle was killing her slowly. "Hey," Naomi said in a lighter tone than she felt. "It'll all work out. I promise."
"What if it doesn't? What if he really doesn't like me and won't ever like me?"
Naomi shrugged. "Then... then he missed out and someone better will eventually come along."
Y/n nodded, wanting to talk about something a little happier. "So... I showed him my eye."
"You did," Naomi said cautiously. "I wasn't going to bring it up, but, damn dude. How do you feel?"
"Good. Great. I know it's small and insignificant but it doesn't feel that way."
"I don't think it's insignificant. It definitely shows you trust him a lot."
"He said I have pretty eyes," Y/n whispered excitedly, making Naomi laugh.
"You do! You really do."
"Speaking of thinking things are pretty, George knows?? What does that mean? Have you guys video called or what? I've been so stuck in my pity party that I have no idea what's going on with that!"
Naomi turned pink but her confident smile never faded. She slowed down and Y/n followed suit, both taking drinks from their water. "Can we sit for a minute?" Naomi asked as she nodded towards a large tree trunk. Y/n nodded and they sat down together, bikes haphazardly thrown to the side of the trail.
"So," Naomi started. "George."
"George," Y/n prompted. "What's going on?"
"I like him a lot. And... he told me he likes me."
Y/n raised her eyebrows and beamed at her friend. "Really? Naomi, that's great! That's so awesome, I'm so happy for you!"
Naomi let out a small squeal before blushing. "I know. We're both a little worried because of long-distance but we decided to not think about it until after the trip. Then we'll work out how often we want to see each other and stuff."
"Wait, so, are you guys, like, dating?"
Naomi hummed. "No? But I have joked about how I'm going to kiss him as soon as I see him and it always makes him turn bright red and he just laughs and is like, 'you're an idiot', so that's a good sign."
Y/n laughed. "Yeah, sounds like George."
"Sorry I haven't told you sooner. I just feel like since you're so confused about everything with Dream that it would be like I'm bragging or something? And I didn't want to make you sad that I'm talking to this boy so much and—"
"Naomi," Y/n smiled and grabbed her arm. "It's okay. I'm not upset by it. I'm so so happy for you, really."
Naomi let out a breath of relief. "Thanks, Y/n. You're a really good friend."
"You make it easy to be a good friend to you," she said with a smile and a scrunched nose. "You're the best. I love you."
"I love you too," Naomi giggled and threw her arms around Y/n, forcing a hug even if she didn't want it. Y/n accepted it anyway, hugging her friend back tightly.
"Alright, break's over. Let's finish this thing. How much more do we have to go?"
Naomi checked the map on her phone. "About a mile. Think you can manage not falling off for another mile?"
"I promised Dream I wouldn't let you get hurt."
Y/n rolled her eyes fondly. "He's so stupid."
"Maybe, but you like it."
"Who on Earth knows why? Oh! That reminds me," Y/n said as she got back on her bike and rode slowly next to Naomi. "I forgot to mention a huge detail."
"Ugh, you never stop talking about him," Naomi teased. "Just kidding, what happened? I want to know everything."
"This involves you and Karl. How do you feel about taking a detour to Florida before the trip?"
When Y/n got home, she showered while Naomi made them dinner. "Today was fun," she said as she sat down at the kitchen table. "We need to hang out more, just the two of us. Thank you so much," she added as Naomi handed her a plate off food.
Naomi nodded. "Agreed. But when do we ever have time when you aren't streaming and I'm not doing school or working?"
"Hmm, true. For a job with a flexible schedule, I don't feel very flexible. Maybe I should promise to join less streams."
"But then I can't join streams," Naomi joked with a laugh.
"Just ask George. I'm not your closest streamer friend anymore apparently," she fake pouted and Naomi blushed.
"He wants me to join one of his streams except neither of us want anyone to know so he thinks it'll be suspicious if it's just him and I."
'Wait, no one else knows you two have been talking?"
"Well, Dream does based on his joke earlier but you're the only person that either of us have told that we're, like, actually talking."
"Oh, I feel so special!"
Naomi laughed. "Good. You are."
Y/n smiled and looked down as her phone vibrated on the table.
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"Boyfriend calling?" Naomi teased with one eyebrow quirked.
Y/n stuck her tongue out. "Wouldn't you like that?"
"I would like that. Date him."
"Oh, shut up," Y/n said with a laugh. "But actually, Dream invited me to get back on and hang out."
"So I was right?"
"Well, go ahead, I won't stop you."
"Thanks, Naomi. I had fun today, thanks for forcing me out of my room and for dinner."
"Anytime dude," she giggled. "Put that sponge down, I'll clean up."
"But you made dinner. Let me help."
"No! Go, your boyfriend is waiting for you. I got it."
Y/n ignored her and started cleaning dishes and putting them in the dishwasher.
"You're the worst. Love you."
"Love you!" Y/n called back as she walked to her room. She got on her desktop and opened Discord while she waited for Minecraft to load.
"Who just joined?" Tubbo asked in a tired voice. "Oh, Bugsy, hello again!"
"Hi!" she greeted back. "How's everyone doing?"
"Good, good, good. How was your, uh, thing? Bikes... or something?" Ranboo asked.
"Yeah, I went on a bike ride with my roommate. It was fun! The weather was super good today so it was good."
"Is it the roommate who's coming on the trip with us?" Tubbo asked.
"Yup," she replied. Ranboo fake whined and Y/n's heart hurt a little. "Ranboo I wish you could come."
"Me too. It would be fun but also very scary," he chuckled and Y/n nodded. "But I'm busy anyway."
"I'm terrified," she admitted. "So I fully understand."
"It's going to be good, Bug," Dream reassured softly, sending butterflies to her stomach. "I promise."
"Why are you terrified?" Tubbo asked.
"Um... just... you know... showing my face to everyone," she said with a small laugh. "Kinda weird." Though, admittedly, she was much less nervous than a few hours ago before she showed Dream her eye.
"Well, Dream has seen you, hasn't he?" Ranboo asked.
"No, what makes you think that?"
"He hasn't?" Tubbo spoke up. "I'm shocked! I could have sworn he had."
"What, why? Dream asked.
"You guys are just super close so I guess we assumed," Tubbo explained.
"No, we are close, Bug is just a tease," Dream joked and Y/n scoffed.
"Oh, whatever. You've seen more than anyone else."
"What?" Ranboo asked with a slight panic in his voice. "What, uh, what does that mean? Oh gosh."
"She showed me her eye today!" Dream announced like it was a huge deal. Which, it kinda was. "But she's a tease because that's all she showed."
"Why do you want to see her so bad, huh Dream?" Ranboo teased. "Hmm???"
"So I can call her pretty without her yelling at me that I can't know," Dream stated bluntly.
Y/n buried her face in her hands, the Minecraft welcome screen long forgotten, and laughed. "I cannot stand you, Dream."
"Awe!!" Tubbo cooed. "Bugsy, give the poor man a break, why don't you show him?"
When she normally would have taken that sort of comment to heart and would have beaten herself up about not showing him, she lifted her head to look at her screen. 'Give the poor man a break'.
"No, Tubbo, she doesn't owe me anything," Dream said with a nervous laugh. "Don't pressure her!!"
"I'm not! I'm not pressuring her to do anything!" Tubbo defended. "I was just joking! But it would be so easy to just send a picture of your face."
"But she doesn't want to and I respect that. Ranboo, are you still on the SMP? Where are you?"
Y/n tuned out the conversation, which had quickly changed topics, scrolling right to the picture she found the other day of her sitting on her bed. She didn't think twice. It just felt right.
"So, the next manhunt is going to have five hunters or what? Like what's changing?" Ranboo asked. "I think it's super cool that you're continuing the series."
"Yeah," Dream started to explain. "I'm trying to see who would be the best to have as the fifth person to make it—"
Y/n's heart pounded in her ears as she listened to the new silence, waiting for some verbal indication from Dream that everything was okay. That he saw the picture and that everything was still okay.
But he was dead silent.
"Dream?" Ranboo laughed. "Uhhhhh...."
"Uh.." Tubbo laughed too. "Did he break? Dream?"
Y/n bit down on her hoodie sleeve in anticipation and excitement, surprised that there were butterflies in her chest instead of raging thunderstorms of fear.
A loud sound banged through her headphones and her eyes darted to the Discord to see it came from Dream's mic. "Dream?" she asked softly. Did this man just knock something off of his desk?
His regard for them being on call with others completely evaporated. "Holy shit, Bug," he breathed out. "I-Is that you?"
"Sure is," she hummed.
"What the hell?!" he shouted, joy and surprise laced in his voice.
"Wait, what happened?" Tubbo asked before sounding excited. "Did you actually send him a picture of yourself?"
"Mhm," she hummed. "Maybe."
"AHHA! YOU BROKE HIM!" Tubbo laughed.
"Error: Dream.exe broke," Ranboo teased. "Man's files broke at the sight of Bugsy Games. Headlines tomorrow: Bugsy Games murders DreamWasTaken with a selfie."
"Oh, shut up," she breathed.
"Text me back right now," Dream demanded.
Y/n giggled as the other two teased Dream but she picked up her phone and found his one-word response.
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Seconds later, Dream's voice was back in her ears. "Uh... I'm gonna get off. I have a lot to process."
Tubbo and Ranboo laughed loudly. "A lot to process?? HAHAHA! Just say you're in love with her and move on."
"WhaaAATT?" Dream yelled. "I-I'm not in love with her, what the hell is wrong with you, Tubbo?"
Y/n laughed, agreeing with him even though it kinda hurt. He didn't have to sound too shocked at the accusation.
"Have fun processing," Ranboo said. "Are you staying Bugsy?"
"Nah, I'm gonna get off too. I'm pretty tired."
"Are you going to be in Big Q's stream tomorrow though?"
She hummed. "I don't know. I didn't know he was streaming tomorrow."
"Oh, I thought he invited you?"
"Guess not. He just lost points."
Dream laughed. "Good."
"Well... we should stream together soon," Ranboo said. "I think that would be really cool."
"I do too! We definitely should. If you have any ideas or anything let me know, okay?"
"Yeah, I will!" he promised. "Talk to you later."
"Bye guys," she said before disconnecting. She noticed Dream linger in the call for a little bit even though he said he was leaving and she decided to get ready for bed, turning off her computer and walking to her closet. She was stopped by some texts though. Priorities.
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taglist: CLOSED - bold couldn’t tag @hydrate-tion @loraleiix @tinaswagbd @charsdummb @jeyyes @1ghoste1 @cerberus-hellhound @gaysludge @queestionmark @carnations-red @letsloveimagines @the-fictionwriters-hairdo @boiled-onionrings @a-cryptic @fee-btheweeb @erwinss @just-a-stan @axths @kayleigh2703 @furiouspockettoad @sometimeseverythingsucks @powerpuffyn @tinyegg @millavalntyne @automaticcomputerpaper @nikkineeky @fivedicksinatrenchcoat @sprucekot @bellomi-clarke @possiblyanxioushuman @crybabyjabby @mae-musicbitch @hungoverhellhound @dreamyteam @kuroo-icedtea @stuffforreferences @menacingaesthetic @sapphic-soot @fangeekkk @haseulreturns @queenwastaken @peteysgf @losingvienna @bi-narystars @zero-nightshade @erinitoburrito @sparklykeylime @youhyakuya @danny-devitowo @clubfairy @loser-keiji @oi-itsemily @alm334 @the-katastrophe @wreny24 @applecakeradio @unicornblood4ever @aha-red @brendalopez99 @spacecluster @justonemoreepisode199 @strawbrinkofdeath @aikochan4859 @chaotic-tieflings @dreamsofficialwife @where-thesundoesntshine @jamiealenaa @unstableye @kageyamama-hinatatata @officiallyunofficialperson @secretly-a-weeb @localsimp @loxbbg @rhymeorreason1 @flubblubbb @kiritokunuwu @sylumarts @raining13lemonade @aiyncel @ghostfacefricker6969 @avengemepercy​ @modyoonie​ @sapnapsupremaci​ @donttellaweirdweakling​ @dreamiewrites​ @misfortunatem00n​ @mayempress @strang-ersclub​ @panic-at-space-camp​ @netheriteaxes​ @kaqinq​ @momo-has-a-gun​ @lunelicmoone​ @beller-18 @bluechocolatemint​ @mythicalamphitrite​ @crypticcandi​ @80sfeel​ @asianfrustration13​ @justanunknown​ @libbynotfound​ @osculatcr​ @bindythedemon​ @haikyall​ @hyuckslytherin​ @thatonearieschild​ @the-perfect-gemini​ @ialexabsuniverse​ @sleepingalaska​ @renjunniex​ @rebellionburnsthemup​ @moonchildwildx​ @sarcasticmichelle​ @carat-eri​ @ravennightingaleandavatempus​ @isthatyouritalian​ @sunf10w3r-f31ld​ @suwunarin​ @bxsmentchildxx​  @sunbunniie​ @mintchip17 @vincent-stargogh​ @jules-skye​ @askgeoff​ @d-fendyr​ @diedestress​ @idiotinnit​ @gabbysblogthingy​ @call-me-soap​ @fujiapfel @stxrryb1tch​ @onlynarry​ @squarky-sheep​ @ecao @ok-honey​ @saltishima-rex​ @kodzukatcore​ @gwendolyn02​ @kiwismoothies​ @flippyninja​ @xfihvru @anqelanqel @letkeefeswear​ @cantaloupe-draws​ @what-is-the-creature-oh-glob @theboywhocriedlupin​
795 notes · View notes
dreamescapeswriting · 3 years
Trust In Me ~ PJM [Request]
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PAIRING: Jimin x reader
GENRE: established-relationship, angst, fluffy ending, mentions of family and being raised by grandparents instead of mother
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As you walked down the staircase of your house you placed earrings into your ears, calling out for Jimin to come out.
"Jimin, we're going to be late if we don't leave right now." You cried out as you walked into the living room to find him standing there in his practice clothes. Frowning at him you looked him up at down, today was supposed to be the day he had managed to get off work.
"I thought you got the day off," You whined slipping your shoes on as you looked at him. Jimin felt his stomach begin to churn as he looked at you and lied. Right to your face.
"I got called in again."
"But it's my Grandmothers 90th birthday...We were going to the meal." You reminded him, he had promised you weeks ago that he had gotten the day off and was going to be there.
"I got busy Y/n, I'm sorry." he walked towards you but you ignored his attempt at a hug. All it seemed as of late was that he was busy. Hardly home, always out until late hours of the morning and when he was home he was acting odd. Jittery whenever you asked him how his day had been, on edge whenever you told him that you were going to clean up the house. It felt as though he was hiding something. But you and Jimin had been together for almost 6 years, there was no way he would do something stupid. 
That you knew of.
"I know baby, I'll make it up to you," He promised as he attempted to reach for you but you moved away from him. Grabbing your bag and looking around for your car keys.
"You've been saying that for weeks Jimin" You knew you were probably overreacting. You knew what his lifestyle was like. You had been living it for the last six years but that didn't make it easier. 
"I'll make sure Seojun is following you." He told you as he looked outside. The world knew about your relationship which meant you travelled almost everywhere with a personal guard. Seojun was there to make sure you weren't trampled by paparazzi or Sassengs in the street. There wasn't anyone out there right now but he knew it wouldn't be long until someone was around.
"Thanks." You mumbled turning to leave when he took your hand in his, pulling you closer to him so that you were chest to chest with one another.
"You can't forget this." He placed a gift bag into your hand. The present you had gotten for Grandmas birthday. Something that the two of you had been planning on giving her for almost nine months.
"This is from both of us. I can't give it to her without you." You looked into the bag at the wrapped-up box and Jimin sighed.
"She'll know I'm sorry." Without a word to him, you walked out of the house with the bag. Climbing into the car more pissed off than ever that Jimin would leave you to go to a function like this alone. 
Jimin stood watching you leave and biting down on his lip. It was never his intention to hurt you but this was something he had to do in secrecy. Grabbing his phone scrolling through until he found the name, "Seojun 2" and pressed the call.
"Can you meet me at the house?" He questioned as soon as the other line picked up.
"Sure. Shall I order pizza for when we're done?" An excited female voice asked as she got happy to hear Jimin calling her so early in the morning.
"Of course how could I ever say no when you get so excited like this?" He chuckled grabbing his bag and keys before heading out to his own car. Throwing a bag into the boot before climbing into the front seat, 
"Make sure you bring protection this time, I'm not having a repeat of last time. We got in such a mess!" She grumbled at him as she began to think back on all of their times together. 
"It wasn't my fault we were in the mess." Jimin scoffed as he began to start up the car and put his phone onto the stand, 
"I think you'll find that it was your fault. You're so messy," She complained,
"I never hear you complain until the next time we see each other. I'll see you soon. Make sure you're ready, I want to start right away." He laughed before getting ready to end the phone call,
"So eager Mr Park."
"Only for you." He teased playfully. Hanging up and beginning his slow drive.
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"Happy birthday Grandma," You whispered as you walked into the small restaurant your family was hosting in. A small family-run restaurant that had been in the mall for almost 12 years. Your whole family had been going there for years, your grandmother insisting that it was the only restaurant she would ever eat inside of.
"Thank you, dear," She looked behind you and you knew what she was looking for. Grandma happened to be Jimin's number one fan.
"He couldn't make it." You whispered as you put the gift bag down onto the table of other gifts and looked back at Granny who seemed to be upset.
"Because he had other things to do." You shrugged it off giving her a quick peck on the cheek before going to find you both a drink. 
The truth was you had no idea where Jimin was. It seemed that he was always busy lately and it was beginning to bother you. You had no idea what he was so busy with. There was no comeback coming up and they weren't filming any dancing videos for their channel.
"Your grandfather used to get like that whenever he was hiding something." Your mother's voice sounded from beside you. Anger boiled up inside of you as soon as she felt the need to insert herself in your business when she was never really much of a mother anyway. Not to you at least.
"He isn't hiding anything." You hissed at your mother. She'd never liked you and Jimin together. She never liked you with anybody now that you came to think about it.
"All I'm saying is, he's a very handsome young man. He could have anybody he wanted." She smirked at you, you knew what she was thinking. The moment you had bought him to meet your grandmother your mother had begun flirting with Jimin. Doing anything she could to get his eyes on her.
"Thanks, mum." You grumbled sarcastically before walking away to go and join your grandmother who was opening her gifts. Your brother begging to go first as she picked up an envelope.
"That one's from me!" Your brother yelled excited as your grandmother began to tear it open, frowning and staring over at him as she slowly pulled out what was inside.
"Retirement home flyers?!" You cried out looking from the flyers and back to him as he nodded his head clearly proud at what he had gotten her. 
"Granny needs somewhere she can live," Granny wasted no time in rolling the papers up and smacking him with them playfully until he pulled out a small box.
"This is your real one," He whined as he gave her the box. She pulled it open, 
"It's Granddads old medals. I had them polished and cleaned." She began to tear up before hugging him tightly. Practically making his eyes pop out from his head as she thanked him over and over again.
"Mine next," You whispered pushing the box towards her. Something you had been keeping quiet for months, scared in case she hated it.
"It's from me and Jimin,"
"Who isn't here," Your mother laughed before your brother jabbed her in the side.
"Shut up and sit down. I don't see you with a date either." Grandma shut her up, taking the box from you carefully and smiling up at you. 
Pulling the box open she began to tear up once again, tears beginning to roll down her face as she saw the snowglobe sitting there. 
"A snowglobe for your collection," You smiled as you picked it up to show her that there was a small model of her old home. The one you had spent most of your life growing up inside of. 
"Y/n how did you do this?" Your brother gasped as he moved closer to get a better look at the house. It was almost an exact replica, all it was missing was the porch swings.
"I found someone online who can make custom globes, Jimin and I went to the old house we got pictures." You explained as you shook the snowglobe for your grandmother.
"It's still standing?" She gasped looking up at you with widened eyes.
"Barely. It was practically withering away while we were there but the artist managed to capture everything it used to look like." You smiled remembering the day you took Jimin. It was almost 9 months ago, the two of you went for a road trip to go and find it, You'd almost cried seeing it so dishevelled and abandoned. The inside was terrible with broken glass on the floor, burnt flooring. The inside joinery was exposed and all of the wiring and copper had been stolen. You and Jimin had sat together for a few hours talking about how much the place meant to you and how much you wished you could have saved it.
"This is amazing, thank you." She left a giant kiss on your cheek and you smiled as she began shaking it and showing it off to anyone that was looking at her. Like a child on Christmas.
"I'm glad you like it, I'll text Jimin." You smiled before going to go and find a drink which you had intended to do before. 
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Sitting by the window you looked out at the people that were doing their shopping. The party seemed to be dragging by slowly since Jimin wasn't with you to help lighten the mood up a little.
"You're daydreaming." Grandma laughed as she fed you some more mozzarella sticks. Practically piling your plate higher each time. She claimed that you never ate enough when she was around and would always give you more food than you could possibly ever handle. 
"Sorry, are you enjoying your birthday?" You questioned as you looked at her, she nodded her head. The whole family seemed to have spoiled her, which she truly deserved for everything she had done in her lifetime. 
"It's been fun besides your mother, I swear she thinks I'm suddenly going to drop down dead." Your mother had been questioning her about the will all day. It came as no surprise that she only came around sniffing for money.
"Nope, you're going to live until 190," You teased as she shook her head at you. Taking your hands in hers and squeezing them softly making you look at her as she took on a serious look.
"You were always my favourite." You shook your head and scoffed at her,
"Granny..." You said slowly hoping that no one around you was listening to the conversation.
"I'm serious...When I do go everything will be going to you Including the silver. Make sure you hide that from your auntie Gina." She grumbled looking over at Gina who was eyeing up some of the gifts at the table. She was always sly about it but things magically disappeared whenever she was around. 
"What about mum?"
"What about her? She gets nothing." You sighed before looking back out of the window. Your grandmother had practically raised you in that old house while your mother did nothing but party and not come home until 4 am only to sleep until 4 pm and start all over again. 
"What about my brother-" You stopped yourself from speaking when you caught a glimpse of someone in the distance. It looked like Jimin. 
"He gets to have Grandpas stuff, he always loved to look at it." You nodded as you continued to look over at the couple walking around together. Arms linked and ice cream in their hands. It couldn't have been Jimin. 
Could it? 
"I'm going to get some air," You whispered as you excused yourself from the restaurant and headed out of the door. Keeping your head down just in case it was Jimin. 
"What are we doing?" Seojun asked as he finished off the slice of cake he was chewing. The family had been feeding him mass amounts of food since he had been standing by the door for most of the duration of the party.
"Going to see if that's Jimin," You whispered looking up at him as you pointed over near a shop. It was like his whole demeanour changed as he stared over in the direction you had pointed in. 
"Seojun?" You questioned when you noticed how weird he seemed to be.
"It's not him." He mumbled,
"You barely even looked."
"It's not him." He told you again as he tried to usher you back to the restaurant but you got out of his grasp.
"I'll go over there myself and see-" You didn't need to go over yourself, the girl began laughing loudly and you turned to look. Jimin was standing there, the small tattoo on his left wrist a giveaway that it was him. The date of your anniversary was tattooed there. 
"Y/n! We have more cake!" Your grandmother yelled from the door but you felt too sick to move. Everything was still going over in your head. Did you confront him now or later?
"You should do this later Miss Y/l/n, you don't want to ruin the party," Seojun whispered as he began to pull you into the house. Frantically texting Jimin to alert him that you had seen him out with another woman. The other woman he had been hiding from you.
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When Jimin walked through the door that night he expected you to be asleep. That maybe you had calmed down from everything you had seen earlier but he couldn't have been more wrong. You were sitting and waiting for him surrounded by cups of coffee. It was clear you had decided to wait up for a long time for him.
"Where have you been? And don't lie to me because I asked the boys." He swallowed the lump in his throat. Maybe there was a chance that he could get away with all of this.
"I was out with a friend,"
"A girl?" You questioned. Not angry that he was with someone else but angry that he felt the need to lie to you about it.
"Yes. She's just a friend." You got up and walked over to the cupboard. Pulling out an overnight bag and throwing it down onto the floor. If she was a friend then why did he have clothes packed up in a bag, looking as though he was planning to leave you?
"A friend you sleepover with at an undisclosed location?" You pulled the bag to show him everything that you had found inside of the bag. 
"Y/n, it's not what it looks like." He stuttered out as you began to show him everything that was in the bag.
"So you just have spare underwear and clothes packed up for nothing?"
"It's not what you think it is, she's just a friend." He assured you trying to reach out to touch you but you backed away from him.
"If lies keep spewing from those lips then I am walking out of that door." You said coldly before kicking the bag towards him. Jimin sighed looking down at the bag and then up at you. It was time for him to come clean with you but there was no way you were going to believe him unless he showed you.
"Let me prove it...Let me show you where I've been doing, what I've been doing." You looked at him before nodding.
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A quiet and agonizingly slow car ride later and you were standing at the house. The house you had grown up in. 
"What are we doing here?" You questioned looking over at the house and then to Jimin who got out. The house was still falling apart except now there seemed to be a giant skip outside with rubbish inside of it.
"Follow me." He whispered not wanting to wake anyone else up on the street. It was almost 3 in the morning no one wanted to be woken up.
Following after him, you frowned as he walked into the house. Although the outside of the house was still falling apart the inside was all-new. The exposed walls were patched up, fresh paint all over the walls. Furniture in the place it had been in when you were younger. New flooring was put down to replace the burnt patches that had been left by squatters.
"I've been doing this...I wanted it to be a surprise for you but you saw me so I had to show you." He told you as he walked further into the house showing that everything was as you remembered it to be. A fireplace was put in place where your Grandmother used to sit and read you bedtime stories. 
"I got everything from old images you'd shown me. Your brother gave me old photo albums so I could match everything." You were tearing up as you walked around the house. Everything looked to be exactly the same as your childhood home.
"The second floor isn't finished yet, Sooyoung and I were going to get started on it." The name of the girl he had been with, you turned to look at him.
"The girl you saw me with. She's Seojun's sister, she's a decorator." Your mouth formed an 'O' as you looked around at everything. Seojun had told you about his sister almost a million times but you'd never seen her before.
"Jimin this is perfect,"
"I wanted you to have everything you wanted...I know how much this place meant to you." Saying nothing you walked into his arms and hugged him tightly, kissing his chest. You couldn't believe you let your head run to the fact that he would cheat on you. Jimin would never hurt you and you knew that.
"I'm sorry I called you a liar."
"I'm sorry I hid it from you...I wanted it to be a surprise." He laughed weakly as he rubbed his hand up and down your back. Kissing the top of your head softly,
"I trust you Jimin. I really do...I was just scared. You'd been so busy and then mum said you could have whoever you wanted." He knew your mum would have something to do with the way you reacted so he shook his head. Promising you that everything was okay.
"I only want you." He whispered leaning down to kiss your lips softly. The start of the rest of your lives was going to happen in a house you had always dreamed of owning.
"This is our place?"
"It will be when we finish on the top floor. We have to way for a contractor to come out for that though." You smiled at him, kissing him once again. You were never going to get tired of kissing his perfect lips.
"Thank you Jimin, this is...This is the best surprise you could have ever given to me," He smiled down at you before bringing you into a real kiss, wrapping his arms around your waist and kissing you deeper as you jumped up into his arms.
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Tagline: @lyoongx @mitzwinchester @rjsmochii @taestannie @sw33tnight @sweeneyblue1​ @jin-from-the-block​ @acciocriativity​ @mwitsmejk​ @taeechwitaa​ @justbangtanthingz​ @stillwithlix​
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withcolebrock · 4 years
I Drew That
Corpse Husband x fem!reader
Summary: Corpse finds out that Y/N has a drawing of him as her background
Warnings: swearing :)
Word Count: 1,818
Author’s Note: I’ve spent weeks trying to write this piece :/ I just couldn’t find a way to make it how I wanted it if that makes sense but I tried my best. This idea was very cute because I can totally see this happening lol. Especially with like the whole flirty voice thing Corpse has been doing with like Brentman and like James and stuff haha. I hope you guys enjoy it!!
Tonight was one of the many nights that she was playing Among Us. It had taken over her life, a flood of success followed her once she had played with Sean and Felix. She had gained over two hundred thousand subscribers on her YouTube channel. It had changed her life for the better, in many ways.
For the last three rounds, it had been strict imposter wins. Felix won two of those. Everyone was shocked when it was him the second time, Felix was getting great at the game. The group then decided to switch lobbies because Felix was throwing a fit about getting imposter too much. It was the usual group of Felix, Sean, Poki, Rae, Sykkuno, Leslie, Toast, Dave, Corpse, and Y/N.
Over the last few months everyone in the group had gotten a lot closer. Especially Corpse and Y/N. After the first time they played together, a lobby Sean had created, they had talked for hours after the first game they played. This had continued almost every time they had played  Most of the time, Corpse would be editing his videos while talking with her. It calmed him as he worked. She would be working on her art or scrolling through Pinterest or Tumblr.
They had even FaceTimed several times, where Corpse revealed his face to her. He made a big deal out of it, saying a whole monologue before he turned the camera to his face. She followed in pursuit being very dramatic as well. Whenever they would talk he would play her his music, waiting to see if she liked it. She loved any song he put out, despite it not being her usual music taste.
One night she was scrolling through Tumblr and found an artist who was drawing Among Us players with their little characters. One particular character made her smile and her heart flutter slightly. It was an amazing drawing of Corpse and his little character sitting on his shoulder. It was an art style she was familiar with, she loved supporting smaller artists. It was the cutest thing she has ever seen. Weirdly, it perfectly described him. She loved it so much, she decided to keep it as her phone Wallpaper.
The round started on Mira, where Y/N was a crewmate again. Throughout the whole night, she still hasn’t gotten imposter. “Dammit,” she groaned at the screen. She stood still at the start of the map, waiting to see if anyone would fake tasks at the start. Everyone ran off, not doing them. She quickly followed.
After a long thirty seconds lights get shut off. She ignores the emergency and continues doing her tasks, she stood by the vending machine when Felix killed her. “It’s fucking Felix again!” she leaned back in her chair groaning. She covered her face with her hands. “He’s gotta stop killing me first,” she shook her head. She tried to hide how annoyed she was.
Her body was called by Poki, she was the only dead one. “Oh my god,” Poki said once the screen popped up.
“Y/N no!” Rae yelled, “You guys, she’s died first the last three rounds,”
“Wait really? Oh Jesus, sorry Y/N,” Sykkuo said, a breathy laugh leaving his lips.
“I’ll protect you next round, Y/N, I promise,” Corpse said. Y/N tried to hide her smile and the heat rushing to her cheeks.
“We’ll avenge you, Y/N!” Sean yelled. Soon after everyone grieved her death they began asking each other where they were. Everyone had a solid alibi making it impossible for them to figure out who did it.
“Guys, guys, Y/N died first the last three rounds right?” Toast started, everyone hummed, “Who was imposter these past few rounds?” he explained. Everyone gasped.
“You really think I would kill her first three rounds in a row?” Felix tried to defend himself as the voting time clock turned red.
“You’ve done it twice already!” Sean yelled, voting Felix. Felix was saved since half of the group skipped. She floated around the map trying to get her tasks done quickly so she could talk to her chat without holding back the rest of the group.
She glanced towards her chat, reading a few questions, she shifted her gaze to the game and thought about the questions. “I’ve been working on a cute little animation for you guys, I might do another art stream with you guys. Only if you guys want it, of course.” she read through a few more questions while answering them, while she waited for the meetings to end.
Once all of her tasks were done, she began to talk about her art and fanart. “Yeah, there’s an artist on Tumblr, they are amazing, they deserve so much more recognition,”  she explained as she showed them her lock screen with the drawing of Corpse; without thinking about her chat being curious as to why it was him. Turning her phone back towards her, her eyes widened as realization dawned on her.
The chat began to flood in with questions, begging Y/N to tell them why she had Corpse’s drawing as her background. She chose to ignore the question and continue talking about her own art and showing fan art. Despite trying to change the subject, she sighed dramatically. “Chat, there’s no reason why Corpse’s character is my background, the artist is just good, stop talking about it,” she giggled as the victory screen popped up on her screen.
“Felix what the fuck!” she unmuted in discord. He began laughing as he began to defend his actions. “No, no it doesn’t matter if I know your liar voice, Felix-” After about five minutes of everyone talking the next round started. She was a crewmate again, “I feel like I’m bugged,” she groaned as she started running around doing her tasks. Corpse’s little black character was following her.
“Looks like I got myself a little body guard,” she smiled as she spoke. They walked passed the medbay room, as Corpse moved his character dramatically. She rolled her eyes as they both walked into the medbay room. She didn’t have medbay, but she sat waiting for Corpse to finish. They continued doing tasks together until a body was called. It was Sean’s.
“Y/N’s cleared I was with her the entire time,” Corpse said confidently into his mic. She said the same about him. Poki was acting a little weird during the call, which made Y/N a little suspicious of her.
When the lights were shut off Corpse was killed by Poki, and he groaned as his body was killed immediately. Poki called out Y/N right away, saying that she was with Corpse the whole time. Corpse glanced towards his chat, finally able to try and read everything everyone was saying. His eyes lit up as he saw her name flash the screen several times.
One person kept spamming the chat saying, Y/N’s has your Among Us character as her background, he smiled as he read it. He knew exactly what the picture was, “Oh really?” he hummed as he continued reading. Everyone was saying how nervous she got when they kept asking her about it. He pressed his lips together nervously. He decided to drop it for now, but he was curious. He looked back up to the screen and began to listen to what was happening during the meeting.
“...You really think I would spend this whole game marinating Corpse for me to kill him in front of Poki? What about that double kill that happened, there was no way I would’ve done that if I was with him.” Y/N explained, over Poki trying to defend herself.
“I think she’s got it guys,” It was down to Toast, Y/N, Sykkuno, and Poki. Everyone quickly voted for Poki. The Victory screen popped up. “I knew you had it, Y/N,” Corpse said as everyone started shouting into the discord.
After a few minutes of them discussing the round, they decided to switch over to Polius. “Hey, Y/N, can I ask you something?” Corpse asked, the group quickly went quiet.
“Sure,” she giggled.
“My chat keeps saying you have my character as your phone background, is that true?” he asked, teasingly. He smiled widely. The entire group started cheering while teasing Y/N and Corpse.
Her mouth dropped open as she tried to find a way to explain it, “Well, uh,” she cleared her throat, “I do actually, it was great art, what was I supposed to do?” she laughed.
“Oooo, someone has a little crush,” Sean teased, Felix quickly joined. The rest of the group was simply laughing along. Corpse stayed silent while the group was teasing Y/N, and Corpse for that matter.
He pulled up Y/N’s Twitter and began to scroll through her feed to find the perfect drawing. He took the drawing that Y/N did of her own Among Us character. It was a drawing of Y/N holding her little character in her hand. It was his favorite piece of art she has done. Mainly because she drew it while on FaceTime with him. He quickly changed it to his iphone background, he glanced back towards the screen, seeing if the game started. He took a screenshot of it and immediately texted it to Y/N.
“Y/N, look at our messages,” he said simply into his mic. The group slowly stopped talking as they waited for Y/N to open the message.
“Corpse, I’m scared,” she whispered, everyone started laughing.
“Just open the message,” he giggled.
She sighed dramatically while she pulled up the messages with Corpse, seeing the screenshot. Her lips fell into a pout as she saw it. “I drew that,” she mumbled into the mic.
“You did,” he whispered, as he felt heat rise in his cheeks. He loved hearing her voice. “It’s my favorite,” he continued.
“Corpse,” she whined as her eyes began to tear up. She didn’t know why, but her heart felt so full. “You didn’t have to do that,” she mumbled, readjusting herself in her chair. She shifted her gaze towards the contact name, Corpseyyy.
“Of course I did, It was beautiful art,” he muttered while he looked back towards his phone, admiring his new phone background.
“Is this..a possible.. New relationship starting?” Sean whispered dramatically into his mic.
“It sounds like it,” Rae interjected. Corpse rolled his eyes dramatically, but he didn’t oppose the idea; neither did Y/N. Rae quickly started the game, letting the tension ease between everyone. Corpse and Y/N got imposter together.
“Oh my god finally,” Y/N said into the mic as she started faking tasks, “Chat, please stop saying I’m blushing, you aren’t helping,” she giggled as she continued the game. She raised her hand to her cheek, feeling the warmth.
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caught feelings ~ corpse husband
part one
word count: 1776
request?: sort of?
description: after talking for some, the two of them decide to meet in person
pairing: corpse x female!reader
warnings: swearing
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You and Corpse regularly talked and Skyped after that night. He would regularly invite you to play Among Us with the gang, and you’d end up talking for hours on end before and after. You became someone that Corpse confided in when he was having bad mental health days or insomnia at night, and he became someone you talked to when you felt alone.
One day you were in the middle of making something to eat when your phone rang. It was the familiar ringtone for Corpse. You silently cursed to yourself as you quickly washed your hands and answered the phone.
“What took you so long to answer?”
You couldn’t help but smile at hearing his familiar voice. “Hey, have some patience. I was doing something.”
“Something more important than talking to me?”
“There’s a lot of things more important than talking to you.”
You giggled at his response. Before you could say anything else, Corpse asked you, “Where do you live currently, by the way?”
“I live in Los Angeles,” you responded. “I moved out here some time ago. Sean had convinced me to start my own YouTube channel, and I did for a while, but realized it wasn’t my passion. Why do you ask?”
“I live in San Diego. I was thinking...that’s only two hours from Los Angeles...maybe we could meet up sometime. Actually meet one another.”
You were shocked by the request. He really wanted to meet you? Not just video call, but actually meeting face to face? You weren’t sure why, but that really surprised you.
“I-I’d love to meet in person,” you finally responded, realizing you had been silent for way too long. “Do you want to drive here, or me to you, or...?”
“Well...not to be too presumptive or anything, but I was going to ask if you’d like to come here and stay for a while...maybe like a week or two.”
Your heart was fluttering with excitement. You wanted nothing more than to scream and jump for joy like a child, but you knew you couldn’t be that forward with Corpse so soon. Instead, you took a deep, calming breath and responded, “Yeah, I’d love that.”
“Okay. Okay, cool.” You could hear the smile in his voice. “We can work out all the details later.”
When you both hung up, you excitedly jumped around your kitchen.
Nearly a week later, you were nearing the end of your two hour drive to Corpse’s place. You kept anxiously checking the GPS every few minutes, hoping to be there soon. The entire ride felt so long, you just wanted to get to his place.
When you finally pulled up to his apartment you were shacking with nervousness and excitement. You got out of the car and approached the apartment door. You hesitated a moment before knocking on the door. Near seconds later, Corpse greeted you.
You couldn’t help the smile that formed on your face the minute you saw him. His face mirrored yours and you felt your stomach fill with butterflies being able to see his smile in person.
Without hesitation, Corpse took you in his arms and hugged you tightly. You melted into his embrace, feeling as though you really belonged there, and as though you never wanted to let go.
“It’s nice to finally meet you like in person,” he said once he pulled away. “You’re definitely as small as I pictured you being.”
“Hey!” you playfully scolded. “You’re only a foot taller than me, that’s not a major difference!”
“It’s major enough,” he teased. “Let me help you bring your things in.”
You only had packed two bags as you were only planning on staying for about a week and a half. You figured it was only a two hour drive back to your place if you needed to restock on clothes, and you and Corpse had already agreed that you wouldn’t be leaving the apartment enough to have to change outfits too much from day to day.
He led you into his apartment and showed you to the guest bedroom. It was a small room with only a bed, a closet and a bedside table.
“I don’t get a lot of guests that use this bedroom,” he admitted. “Never found much use of buying furniture for this room.”
“I have a feeling I won’t be spending too much time in this room anyways, so it’s fine.”
Upon realizing what you said, you felt your face flush with embarrassment. You tried to correct yourself, but it just came out as a string of stutters. Corpse smirked at you before turning to leave the room. You sighed heavily and followed him.
“I don’t know what kind of food you like but we can go to the grocery store later if you want,” he said as you followed him into his kitchen. “I have mainly frozen stuff because I just do quick meals or I order delivery.”
“I order so much delivery, we can just go halfs on food.”
“I knew I was going to like having you here.”
You couldn’t help but smile at Corpse’s words.
You were both silent after that. Neither of you really knew what else to say. It seemed like, when you weren’t face to face, it was easy to say just about anything. But now...now you couldn’t think of a single topic to bring up.
It wasn’t really an awkward silence, though. It almost felt comforting to just be stood there with him, to be in the same room instead of looking at each other through a computer screen.
“I have an idea,” he finally said. “Why don’t we order some take out and watch a movie tonight. Whatever you want to watch, even a cheesy rom-com.”
“Don’t act like you don’t like cheesy rom-coms,” you teased. “But okay, I’d like that a lot.”
After you fully unpacked your bags, and after Corpse had recorded a video to upload the next day, the two of you sat on his couch to watch the movie you had picked. You both decided to order some pizza, so when it arrived you set it out on Corpse’s coffee table and hit play on the movie.
Halfway through eating the pizza, you began to feel full. You finished your last piece and leaned back, instinctually cuddling into Corpse’s side. Realizing what you had done, you immediately moved away from him.
“Shit, I’m sorry,” you said.
He gave you a confused look. “Why? I didn’t mind.”
Before you could respond, Corpse wrapped an arm around your shoulder and pulled you close to him. You settled into his side, taking in his scent and his warmth. Being in his arms felt natural, like you belonged there. And you definitely had no intentions of leaving that spot any time soon.
You were halfway through the movie when you blurted out, “Do I meet the expectations you had?”
Corpse looked down at you. “What do you mean?”
You pulled away from his embrace to properly look at him. “Like...did you have any expectations about me when we were just talking virtually? And if you did, does the real life version of me meet them?”
He seemed shocked by your question. “No, I didn’t have any expectations. I just...I hoped you’d be the same sweet, dorky girl I had been talking to for weeks, and you are. I didn’t think there was much else that would be different about you.” He paused a moment before asking, “Did you have any expectations for me?”
You shook your head. “No, you’re exactly as I thought you’d be.”
“Okay, good. So, we’ve got that out of the way.”
You nodded and settled back into Corpse’s arms again. You had your head over his heart and you could feel its steady beating. It was almost enough to lull you to sleep, until Corpse spoke again.
“Why did you ask if I had any expectations of you?”
You sighed and pulled away from him again. “I...always have this fear in making new friends online. I’m afraid that I’m setting myself up to let the person I’m being friendly with down because I’m not going to meet any expectations they have of me. Sean is really the only online friend I’ve made and kept being friends with because he refused to let me rescind into myself when he started asking to meet in person. It’s also why I never really kept up with my YouTube channel, because I was afraid of projecting this false persona and then when people meet me in real life I’m not what they expected.”
Corpse put a hand on your arm gently, almost as if testing the boundaries, before moving closer. You expected him to pull you into a hug and tell you that your worries were silly (Sean had done the same when you had met him in person first). You were taken by surprise when he cupped your face instead and kissed you.
You weren’t sure how to react at first. No guy had ever been so forward in making a move on you. Every first kiss you had had with an ex had been you making the first move, or you asking if they’d want to kiss you before they did. It took a while for your brain to process what was happening before yelling at you, Just kiss him back you idiot!
You ran your hands through Corpse’s curly black hair, pulling him closer to kiss him more deeply. His hands were gently cupping your face, his thumbs running over your cheeks before he pulled your head away.
“You’re everything I expected, and more,” he admitted. “You don’t know how happy I am to have you here. It’s been so long since I’ve felt comfortable having someone in my apartment, especially someone I’ve only known a short while. But I feel so comfortable with you, like I can trust you. Maybe...maybe too comfortable, though. I should’ve asked before I kissed you, I just got lost in the moment.”
You giggled. “If you had asked I would’ve said yes.”
The smile on Corpse’s face warmed your heart and made you feel tingly inside. “Well then...can I do it again?”
You laughed before pulling him to you, kissing him again. You could feel him smile against your lips as he pushed you back onto the couch, causing you to exclaim in surprise as he jumped on top of you and began to kiss you again.
It’s safe to say you both forgot the movie and the pizza after that.
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petersnya · 3 years
sight for sore eyes|| peter b. parker ||
[part. 00; jealousy]
summary:: “I watch your eyes as she walks by…” you pause, tears forming as you remember the way peter looked at her- the way you wanted him to look at you, “what a sight for sore eyes…” || when the realization hits you about peter, it’s too late. but sometimes late is just the right timing… sometimes.
word count:: 1.5k
warnings(for the whole series):: friends>enemies>lovers, mature themes/smut, cursing, slight violence, lots of angst, fluff, clueless peter
warning(for this chapter):: cursing, angst, fluff
paring:: peter parker x fem!reader
[a/n]:: wattup! peter parker (and any other teens mentioned) have been aged up to 17 and turning 18 as the story goes on! i hope you enjoy this and make sure to let me know if you want to be tagged in the parts<3 also! endgame and infinity war did not happen for the sake mine and your happiness though out this ‘book’
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“Your going down Parker.”
“Nah man, Im gonna—“
Peter was cut off but the vibration of his controller as you killed his video game character. Taking off your head set and setting down your controller with a calm, soft smirk spread across your face as your side of the TV had ‘winner’ written across.
“No-no! That’s not fair dude! You cheated,” Peter yelled towards you as you walked into the kitchen to grab a slice of pizza. Reaching into the fridge to get a soda, you felt your back being pressed against Peter’s toned chest as he grabbed the soda you had in your hand.
Opening it and taking a sip he chuckle at the look on your face as you turned around to face him. All he did was walk away, back towards the couch, falling back on to it as he picked up his head set.
The look that made the curly headed boy laugh was still on your face as you watched him. To him, you looked annoyed yet humored by him; but really, you couldn’t help this feeling you felt when you felt him against you. Redness began to creep up your neck but quickly faded as you shook the feeling he gave you.
He’s you best friend idiot. You can feel this way for him if all people.
“You coming?” Peter question, starting a new game. You rolled your eyes to make it seem as if you weren’t flustered but the boy a few feet away from you.
“Yea man. Ready to get your ass kicked agin?” You joked as you sat next to him.
“Haha- not funny.” He said with a straight face and a fake laugh that made you giggle as you shoved his shoulder with yours.
The whole night as you a peter played video games back to back, you couldn’t help but think about the feeling of his muscular chest against you. Around 1:20 AM, you and Peter had started to get tired. The boy next to you turned off the gaming console, slowly turning towards you.
“I got the couch, you got the bed.” He said, sleep lacing his voice. You wanted to protest, saying that you could both have the bed; but something stopped you and you just nodded your head, telling him good night as you walked to his bed room. His aunt, May, wasn’t home but made it very clear that she had an eye on both of you so you knew that Peter didn’t want to his aunt May to see you to in the bed together. Even if the two of you were just sleeping.
Laying in bed, Peter’s bed, you stared at the sealing not being able to fall asleep.
The smell of room sent your mind spiraling. Rolling over onto your side, you pushed your arm underneath his pillow as you inhaled his the sent. Peter was the only thing on your mind. The way he smiled, his chocolate hair and honey brown eyes, the light freckles across his nose that you could only see if you were up close to his face. His laugh made your heart skip beats.
“3:57 AM,” you read the clock sign with a sigh. You knew you should go to sleep; so you rolled once again, getting into a more comfortable position. Your eyes getting heavy as you drifted into sleep.
A warm arm draped around your waist, fingers slowly sliding up and down your bare stomach from the shirt that lifted in your sleep.
You smiled softly at the contact, not thinking to check who it was. But the feeling a bare, muscular chest on your back made your eyes fling open.
Slowly, you turned your head to see who was behind you, even though you knew it was—
“Mhmm,” he hummed back in response, not opening his eyes. You couldn’t shack the feeling of the chill that ran up your spine, and the goosebumps that formed on your body.
“Wha- uh.. what are you doing?” You questioned in a hushed voice.
“Hhmm? Oh sorry. The couch got uncomfortable. I didn’t think you’d mind though.” He said while opening his sleepy looking eyes.
“Oh no-I don’t mind.”
Peter removed his arm, turning with his back turned towards you. You almost whimpered at the feeling of his arm not being around your waist anymore.
Stop it [y/n]. This is Peter we’re talking about here. But why would he put his arm around me and not expect me to feel some way about it?
The thoughts ran through your head fast, the last on lingering for a while.
You and Peter were the best of friends. If he needed someone, you were there and vise versa. But you weren’t really that girly. So Peter didn’t think of you in ‘that type of way’. You didn’t think of him that way either. The two of you always called each other ‘bro’, ‘dude’, or ‘man’; but you still had that feeling of tingles and warmth—
Your thoughts were interrupted by a loud, tired groan from Peter. The sound going straight to your core. Quickly, you got up and went into his bathroom— making sure to not make a lot of noise as you went, Incase May was home.
Looking in the bathroom mirror you stared at your self in question. You were a tom-boy. You were wearing a pair of rolled up basket ball shorts of Peter’s and one of his very large white Tee’s. You shrugged at your reflection,
“If I wanted to look all girly and ‘pretty’ I could be the hottest girl he would know.”
“Who’s he?”
You jumped at the sound of Peter’s raspy voice behind you. He only had on sweats and no shirt. All you could think was
“No one, just.. speaking hypothetically.”
“Your wired,” he chuckled as you grabbed a towel from the bathroom closet, mumbling something along the lines of, ‘I’m just gonna go shower in Mays bathroom’. You just nodded, going to take a shower of your own in his bathroom.
After your shower, you went into the kitchen where May stood, making coffee for the three of you. Peter sat on the couch flipping through channels.
“Hey honey!”
“Morning May,” you said as you say in one of the chairs at the dining table.
“Are you going to Florida with Peter, Ned and Mj?” She questioned, you nodded in response. The three of you had been planning this for a while now so you were beyond excited to spend time with you best friends.
You stood for the set you just took, walking over to Peter. He was wearing his usual jeans and flannel but this time had a baseball cap on. As you slumped beside you grabbed the hat and put it on you backwards. Peter chuckled at your childish act, glancing at you from the corner of his eye.
The three of you sat in silence till May was done with the coffee. She brought it over to you and Peter, handing you the mugs. You thanked her as she walked away.
Peter’s and your phone got a text notification— the two of you checking it at the same time. It was a group chat with you, Peter, MJ, and Ned for the trip to Universal Studios.
Ned: heyyyy.. so Liz and Flash are also coming to Disney with us.
You and Peter looked at each other at the sight of what Ned texted. You watched as Peter texted back— his cheeks a blushed red color. You have known Peter long enough to know when he’s turning red from anger. This wasn’t anger. He was… blushing?
Peter: Liz is coming?!
You face fell at the text. Looking down at your phone, you glanced up at young guy next to you; but quickly looked away before he saw you.
Mj: yea Ned! Wtf are they coming for???
Ned: well I was talking about it to Betty and they over heard and kinda invited their selves… srry:(
Y/n: I’m just gonna ignore those bitches and go to Hogwarts like I planned.
Peter looked at, “[y/n], you don’t like Liz?” He questioned.
You shocked your head no, not caring enough to look him in the face.
“How dude? She’s so hot,” he said with a smirk. Your heart sank at the words.
What the hell are you acting like this for [y/n]?
Peter continued to text in the group chat. You silenced your phone— not wanted to deal with this right now.
You had never became jealous of anyone. Confusion over took you as you scrambled your mind for why you were jealous of Peter and Liz. You didn’t like Peter at all. Did you?
Did you like Peter Parker? The thought lingered for a while.
No. No I can’t like him and I won’t. It’s just wrong.
Those words that you promised yourself you would keep was the biggest lie you had told yourself. Peter Parker was like a drug—
How could you not get addicted?
I hope you enjoyed this ‘chapter’ !! Let me know if you want to be tagged in the next part!! :)
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midday0nightmares · 3 years
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24 - through the night.
previous chapter number 4.
warnings: this series contains themes of yandere\mafia, blood, violence, mental health, drugs, non-con.
author note: this is pure fiction and it is not intended to romanticize any of the situations mentioned bellow.
8:11 pm
You pushed the fluffy covers off and hoped off of the high bed, dragging your feet to the bathroom to wake yourself up. The untouched food was waiting for you, the thoughtful warms your heart. You flipped through the channels looking for something to interest you, settling for a cheap action movie to watch while you ate the cold meal.
9:42 pm
It’s getting late, guess no fun for you in this trip..
10:53 pm
Are they seriously staying late and leaving you alone? That’s when you notice that jeno’s bag is gone.. it can’t be, did he leave?
11:28 pm
You look outside the window, everything I closed, the road is empty.. are they staying out all night? You huff.
12:17 am 
Maybe you stop waiting and just sleep they are grown ass men, but what If something’s wrong.. you can’t help but to worry.
01:06 am
You stir awake to the sound of the door peeps announcing someone’s arrival. you sit up on the bed in anticipation, you swallow a knot of anxiety as the door slowly opens, you let go a breathe of relief when you see jaemin’s face, finally.
“Where have you been?” It comes out louder than you intended it to be, your feet taking you closer to him as he walks in, he doesn’t answer you but still gives you a weak smile, his hands stops you before you can wrap yourself around him. he pushes you back deeper into the room. confused, you can see the words hanging off of his lips as he wants to say something, you impatiently wait for him to speak.
Jeno comes behind him, struggling with his suitcase, he drags it to the bathroom.The strange behavior takes your attention away from jaemin, the wheels in your head turns trying to figure what was he doing. Slowly you begin to build a terrifying idea, horror washes over you turning you pale. he drops the suitcase on the floor, its heavy weight makes the ground under your feet shake.. the fine hairs on the back of you neck raises.
your heart was throbbing in your ears, loud and irregular,
“sera” jaemin calls your name,
but you barely hear it, as your mind was clouded with fear, he gently shakes you “listen to me” he tries to calm you, but it’s too late, panic has already setted in.
he tries to pushes you down to sit you on the floor, now that you are standing in the farthest point of the bathroom door, between the bed and the window, but you are frozen in your place, your eyes are transfixed on the suitcase, you can’t stop watching as jeno closes the door.
Plastic, thats all you can hear.. something plastic begin unfolded. A feeling of dread crept up from the pit of your stomach, it’s too much for you to withstand, your knees buckle from beneath you collapsing you to the floor.
Tremors take over you, you look at at jaemin through a blurred vision, wanting him to deny what you think is happing, but he doesn’t.
The sharp sound of the suitcase being unzipped echos in the bathroom, he tries to calm you down as your teeth chattered in fear, his hands cup your face “shhh.. here” he take his AirPods case and puts the earbuds in your ears, they connect to his phone “here, listen to music okay? Don’t take them off and don’t move okay?”.
You open your mouth to speak but you choke, irregular shakes take over your hands, you don’t realize you were crying until his thumbs wiped the tears from under your eyes, “stay here” he repeats holding your face to make you look at him “don’t come close to that door” he only lets go after you’ve nod, he plays a song from his playlist and turn the volume to the highest setting, discounting you from the noise surrounding you. he puts the phone in your hands before he gets up and leave to join jeno.
Time dragged through you at an aginzing pace, each minute passed brought you closer to madness, the horror has became a living creature, it crept over your skin like a hungry beast. You sat in the same exact spot for hours, not daring to move. shaking and on the brink of losing your sanity. It didn’t take you long before you  started praying to god to make it stop, but as always, his ears were deff to your prayers.
Hours passed with the same song replaying itself for the thousandth times, the explosive horror that toke over you before has melted into a cold lump of disfigured sadness mixed with sickness, it sat on your heart. The black sky turning blue outside, You were exhausted and worn out.
Jaemin comes into your view, scaring you for a second. You gasp and jump in your place, he shows his open palms to you in non-threatening manner, your eyes scan him for anything, you note that he’s not wearing the same clothes he was the last time you saw him. he crouches down in front of you, the strong stench of bleach coming from him, your stomach twist and you hold down the need to throw up. you scoot away from him in fear, he singles for you to take out the earbuds. He looks at you for a minute, your hand clawed in fists, your eyebrows noted in distress as hot tears fill in your eyes again. he sighs and looks away, that’s when you notice the dark red spot under his ear. the sharp intake of air you made, the way your eyes were struck, staring at his neck, and your tense body, they all screamed to him that he missed a spot. He quickly wipes the spot your eyes were looking at, cursing under his breath when his fingers return red, he gets up and walk away..
The cheerful birds chirping outside contrasted the grim atmosphere in the room, your stiff joints crack as you stand up, you carefully look around the room, scared your eyes may land on something you don’t want to see. But it’s just you and him, the room looks the same, the bathroom door is wide open with jaemin in it washing his hands, it looks like nothing had happened.. clean.
he comes out drying his hands and starts packing his belongs, he avoids your eyes. 
“what the hell jaemin?!” You yell at him, encouraged by jeno’s absence, a heavy sigh leaves him while he keeps his back to you.
“is this what you’ve become now?” Your voice crack as you choke, for some reason you feel betrayed by him. You sit on the edge of the bed, hot tears flow down your face, it’s not until a pained sob breaks free from you that he turns to you.
 “he was a very bad man, look at me..” He stretches his hand to you, 
but you doge his touch “don’t you fucking touch me!” you get away from him “your a criminal and a killer!” Your voice rising as well as your emotions. He takes one step towards you, he towers over you, “keep your voice down” his tone threatening enough to shut you down, but the angry hot breathes that fanned over your face, the jaw muscles that seethed under his skin, and the icy look in his eyes have crushed your newly regained courage. 
You try to clam your cries as you watch his hands picking the items from around the room and throwing then into his bag, not believing what they have done, what they are capable of. shiver ran down your spine at the thought, you bite your bottom lip and look away, you look outside the window trying to distract yourself.
The room’s door opens and jeno walks in, he exchange looks with jaemin and nods his head confirming something to him, something you wish didn’t understand, but unfortunately you do. Unlike jaemin he looks unbothered, normal, absolutely no guilt. you look at him with and you just hate him, you despise him. you force yourself to look away from him.
He points at you, “Why the hell is she crying now?” He asks jaemin, destine evident in his voice. you panic and do your best to tame your cries and wipe your tears, you were scared of him, of his anger, of what he could do to you.
Jaemin throws you a glance as you try to recompose yourself, but the four cold eyes that were starring at you in this particular situation are making it extremely difficult for you not cry. Jaemin shrugs his shoulders and returns to packing. strong wave of hurt hit you when he turned his back to you, it felt like he had given up on you, leaving you for jeno to take care of. 
Jeno on the other hand had his hands on his hips, anger storm rising in his chest, he walks towards you and collapses on yourself in fear, pathetic pleads for forgiveness falling out of your mouth as you cry harder, he grabs your arm and pick you up, his grip threatening to snap your bone into two pieces, you cry in pain but it doesn’t faze him. “Stop crying! You want to gets us caught huh?” He violently shakes you “huh?” He demands an answer, you shake your head denying his accusations “no” your crying getting louder..
“I don’t have time for you and your childish tantrums! cut it out” he shoves you to the wall and turns, he picks the car keys with him and slams the door behind him.
You lean against the wall, tears streaming down your cheeks. You were unable to left your head feeling overpowered and too broken, your hands shaking as you gasp for air between the hiccups, yet again pitying yourself.
 Jeamin who was quietly watching, sighs. his feet comes into your view, this time you don’t flinch away when his hand land on your hair and his fingers run through it. he holds your your chin and make you look up at him, his eyes watching the misery floating over your tired features. he tsk and wipes your tears away. you lean into his warm palm, your own hand holds his wrist to keep his in place, you squeeze his arm as a silent plea. he takes you in his chest, his arms wrapping around you, his tight hold reassures you. he keeps you close until you pulled away ready to leave before jeno comes back angrier than before.
You slip into your shoes and put on your jacket, you want to zip it up to keep the clod out but you can’t, you can’t still your freezing fingers enough to do it, his hands take the zipper from your fingers and he zips it up for you, your face heating up as he looks down at you and ruffles your hair. Again, he sighs and takes out his sunglasses and puts them on your face to cover your puffy eyes, you cried too much tonight.
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